Newspaper Page Text
PAGE FOUR THE r.IONITOiy NOVEHDER 20, 1021 ::'. ; . COOOOOOOOOX00000000000000 See Our New Aluminum Yare Sauce Pan $1.00, Kettles $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, Perco later $1.50, Double Boilers $1.50, Tea Kettles $2.00, Dish Pans $2.00, 10 qt. Pails $2.00. These make splendid Christmas Gifts and speaking about Christmas, did you know that there are only three and one half weeks now to do your shopping. We have a Big Christmas Stock and our Prices are certainly reasonable , ' Perley's Novelty Store Main Street. - - . Barton, Vt. VWOOOOO0K)KH000KK0K0 Christmas Gift Suggestions New Line of Willbughby and Crystal Lake Views, framed or unframed. 10 Discount on Christmas Orders Serving Trays, Photo Frames, Calendars;Fancy Articles, Hand kerchiefs, Stationery, Heather Stockings, Gloves, Magazines (subscriptions taken), Home-made Candies, Whitman's Choco lates, Cards, Booklets, Seals, Ribbon, Holly Paper, Boxes and many other things too numerous to mention. Bring in your pictures for framing. New line of moulding just in. CENTER i' IB Gladys L. Masure Davis Block, - - Barton, Vt. WWW-W-W" .kkK-.M. .. kk . 0000XK000000KXXXKHXKH0K000 Next Monday At True & Blanchard Co.'s Stores This is Newport's Second Sales Day with over 35 business places co-operating , Bargain No. 1 House Broom at 98c and we will give you free a choice of High grade Paint fn m a lot of 200 cans. Every brbcrrt worth alone more money than we. are asking. ; , 'Bargain No. 2-..' .?.- r BOOKS In our Quality Basement Store, just what will make a Practical Xmas Gift. Algers, Camp Fire Girls and Boy Scouts. 1 ' '! ' caci, S for $106 ' Monday Only; Decfeitnber 1 5th True & Blanchard Co,, Newport, - - ; " Vermont BIG ARMY ' S A Now Going On . . , t At the Lang Bldck Formerly occupied by the Barton Tailoring Co., Main St., Barton, Vt. Reclaimed O. D. Wool Shirt . ....$1.79 : O. D. Wool Blankets '. , -.- . --.....$3.95 Barrack Bags . New,L: . ... r............ . .45 Reclaimed Wool Breeches .. . .. ............ $2;50 MOTHERS-ATTENTION! All Wool Serge Remnants at .... ........ T. 69c yd. Extra Heavy Weight Percales .. , ............. . 16c yd. Men's Sweaters, Sheepskin Coats, Leather Jerkins, New O. D. Shirts and other ittms at very lew prices, m w is your chance to stock up . . - Army and Navy Store, Barton, Vt. CLIFF and SIME say they can . take no more cars into True & Blanchard Go's Warm Fireproof for storage only. We must save the room for cars to be overhauled or painted, and will of them until Spring. Let CLIFF and SIME Do It at T-ue '& Blarxliard Go's Garage , DROWNDiGTON Mrs. Win. Lowry is gaining. Vern Miles of Bradford was a call er, here last week. : ' Mrs. E. E. Wright was quite Hi with tonsilitis last week. Mr. and Mrs. Adelard Cabana are' the parents of a baby boy. Mrs. Preston Sheltra and two chil dren are visiting in Iiowell'. 4 ' Mrs. Barbara Ellis spent the week end with friends in Orleans. Walter Young was home from his work in Holland over Sunday. - Mrs. L. N. Lund spent Thanksgiv ing with Mr. Lund at Orleans. Miss Laura Whitehill was home from Echo- Pond for Thanksgiving. Miss Jennie Chamberlin spent Thanksgiving at her home in North Trov - i " . - I Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wright spent . Sunday with their son. Ernest Wright. . - . V r " Miss Flossie Lapierre of Newport was a guest at John Lower's over the ; week-end. - ; Mr. and Mrs.- George Woodard vis ' ited at George King's at Orleans a lew days last weeK. Mrs. Betty Spencer and sister, Mrs. Mary Gray, of Charleston, are visit ing at John Young's. Miss Frappier of . Derry, N. li., is caring for her sister, Mrs. Adelard Cabana and little son. - Miss Elsie Skinner was unable -to go back to her school at Irasburg this week on account of a severe throat trouble. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Smith have re turned home after several weeks spent with their son, C. W. Smith, at Troy, 'N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown of Wells River spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cushman, is East Brownington. Edward Alexander and daughter, Miss Myrtie, of West Burke, and son, Maynard, of Irasburg were -guests of Mrs. Myra Skinner Thanksgiving. John Huard, who has been making his home with his sister, Mrs. Louis Larock, had a second shock last week and is in an almost helpless condition. j Mrs. James Carroll, who underwent ! an operation at Orleans hospital has returned to the home of her father, Louis Larock, and seems ipuch im proved in health.. Mr. and Mrs. R. A..Devefeaux and family of Glover ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dev-ereaux-: and !Mt. and Mrs. Andrew Twombly, making four generations present. Mr. and Mrs. John Labeau were called to Irasburg Wednesday of last week as his mother, Mrs.. Joseph La beau, was seriously injured in a car riage accident. Mrs. ; Labeau died later.- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Houston enter tained at their home on Thanksgiv ing day, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hous ton of Irasburg, Mrs. Claude Hous ton of Evansville and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Drown of this place. The-Ladies' Auxiliary will hold a sugar social at the M. W. A: hall Friday night. Old-fashioned games and a general ;.? good time is expected. Everyone cordially invited Ladies are asked to bring rolls'', oiv plain doughnuts. Mrs. DdHa Hilliard of Orleans spent Thanksgiving with Mrfand Mrs. Charles Hilliard; Mr. and Mrs. U. Wu.Spencer and family were en tertained at U. S. Gray's in East Brownington; Rev. and Mrs. Cook family at A. E. Tracy's; Mr. and Mrs. Arthurr Miles at Fred Foster's aha Mr. "and Mrs. George Hunt and ' son, Warwick, at Clarence M&xfield's, Mrs. Hunt's grandmother, Mrs. Church,, bein? present made four generations at. tins 'family gathering. i There will be a poverty social at the town hall Friday evening, Decem ber 9. A short literary program is being prepared. A fine will lie : im posed on the following ; articles ;of wearing apparel: Good suits 5 'cents, good presses 5 cents, watch and' chain 5 cents, hair ribbons 2 cents, all jew elry 1 cent, shoe strings 1 cent. ; A prize will be given to the person wearing the most lausrhablg and unique costume. Ladies please bring pie, plain, cake or plain doughnuts. Proceeds, will be for the, benefit of the church. All cardiallv invited. - EVANSYILLE, ' Mr. Editor: " 1- The people of Evansville would be pleased to have a little space in your paper to tell , about the community spirit of the people here. Our little' Methodist church needed to be repair ed and this spring a committee was appointed to raise the funds to do the work. In a very short , time the in terior of the church, also the vestry and kitchen were all re-decorated and one-half of the church Toof was shin gled. The committee had $65 dollars given them by the Ladies' society to help towards this work. This fall thei old furnace was all out of commis sion and the committee went to work' arain and raised the funds and had a. Stewart furnace installed which cost $3G0 an was all donated by the gen erosity of the people of Evansville and vicinity; the wood to keep the fire was also donated. .Now. the church is warm and clean and we are in hopes to see every pew filled and all the children of the community in Sun day school which we have and a live one too. The Ladies' society and the choir are also alive to the interest of the church. Isn't this community spirit worth talking about? . , "WESTMORE Fred Tatro was home from Orleans for Thanksgiving. Miss Ruby Calkins of Newport spent' several days at the home of her father, M. E. Calkins. Mr. and Mrs. ' Ira Lyon and two daughters, Mary and-Mabefl, of East Charleston spent Thanksgiving - with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. French. ORLEANS (Continued from opposite page.) A. D. Phillips has an unusually fine lot of deer heads to mount this sea sonabout 40 in number. . Kinney's pharmacy is displaying a very attractive gold leaf sign, recent ly paintedby G. W. Parker. Dr. K. S. Webster was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G, W. Groom cf St. Al ba r. 5 over Th?iksgiving. ' Leon Badger of Manchester was a guest of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Mae Richardson, last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Waterman of Barre spent Thanksgiving with their daughter, Mrs. Inez Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Murphy of Windsor spent Thanksgiving with hi sisTtr, Mrs. A. M. Kipp. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest St. John of Bradford were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrsl E. E. 'Mathews. Mrs. -Harold G. Findlay of West Burke was a Thanksgiving guest of her mother, Mrs. I. J Findlay. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Stannard were guests of Judge and Mrs. ' W. M. Wright at Barton Thanksgiving. Rev. and Mrs. I. P. Chase of Peacham were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Turnbull Thanksgiving.' ' . Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Turnbull and two children returned to their home' in Greenfield, 'Mass., Sunday. .. John Collins was home. from North Stratford to spend Thanksgiving and the week-end with his family. Mr. and Mrs. James McNamara of, St. Johnsbury 'pent- Thanksgiving with their son, Harold McNamara. Mrs. Laura Brooks of York Beach, came Friday to care for ' Mrs. F. H. Frasier. The latter is now much bet ter. ' Mrs. Ida Belle Bryant of Barnston, Que., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Converse for several days re cently. Frances Bennett is quite ill. Dr. Ricker of St. Johnsbury was here Monday in consultation with Dr. Cleasby. Mr. .and Mrs. F. L. Clifford and family spent , Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Ryan, at Barton. Mr. and .Mrs. O. D. Mathews en tertained a party of 16 young people at their home last week Tuesday evening. ... Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White and family spent Thanksgiving with his parents, 'Mr. and; Mrs. A. O. White, at Barton. The Congregational Ladies' Aid so ciety will serve an oyster supper in the vestry Friday, from 5:30 until all are served. Do not forget that the Aborn Oper atic Sextette presents Faust in the lecture course Saturday (evening, December 3rd. ' : Mrs. Etta Powers and son. Betnie, of Derby Line spent Thanksgiving week with her daughter, Mrs. Pres ton Sheperd. . .. . Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Smith of Glov er are visiting her sister, Mrs. H. M. Whipple, for., a "few days before go ing, to Florida. . ' : Mrs. Bertha Farrington and daugh ter, Martha, of Lyndon ville 1 1 were Thanksgiving guests . of Mr. ; and Mrs. F. J. Kinney. .- : Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dudley and Greetf iUdttntain Theatre Your Theatre. 'J'ttSM "A " Man frbirt No where" is a big thriller full of action from start to finish. ' You ; will re member this show we have advertis ed two different ; times. We have great reasoned believe we will have this show In? Albany December 1st, Irasburg December 3rd, Coventry 2nd. Don't fail 'to see it. It is one of the best we have ever run in town, besides it will bring to you one of the greatest lessops showing how easy it is for one" person to bring disgrace, poverty and ruin to others. Next ' week show, "Man- Who , Tri fled." All-star cast. GEM THEATRE i THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1 VIOLA DANA in V THE COSSAC WHIP ART ACORD in . THE WHITE HORSEMAN Orleans Friday FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 MABEL NORMAND in -. WHAT HAPPENED TO ROSA . A Goldwin Comedy Drama THE SHADOWS OF SUSPICION 2-reel Western Drama ; : SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 NORMA TALMADGE in YES OR NO . Snookies Twin Trouble Comedy No Show at Orleans Saturday TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 DOUGLAS McLEAN in CHICKENS Saturdav Evening Post Story YANCONA YILLIES MIRACLES OF THE JUNGLE Two Reels Orleans Wednesday child of Greensboro spent Thanks- giving witn ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wedge. - Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Converse and daughter Norma, of Derby Line were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. E; Converse. The same clairvoyant who has been at St. Johnsbury recently is to be at the Valley House to give readings for the next two weeks. 'Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Girard were in St. Johnsbury last Thursday and Friday owing to the death of, her fa ther, Joseph Beauregard. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hard v. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hardjr and Charles Hary spent Thanksgiving at Willard Warner's at North Troy. In behalf of the W. C. T. U., Mrs, Z. D. Goodnough has solicited 74 hats which have been sent the Morgan Memorial Home in Boston. 'Mr. and Mrs. Damon Warner of Highwater, and Dr. and Mrs. Victor Genge of St. Johnsbury spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Parker and her moth er, Mrs. Mary Clark, were Thanks giving guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Parker of Newport. Mrs. Laura Potter and daughter, Dotie, and son, Merritt, of Barton, and Mrs. Quentin Howe of Newport were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Potter over Thanksgiving. Mrs. Irene Nye will close her house this week, and after a few weeks' 1 " 1a. j i . a - -r i i visit witn irienas at ot. JonnsDury and Barton, , will spend the winter with her son, Dr. Harry 'Nye, at Leo minster, 'Mass. F. W. Jones and H. L. Porter of Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Jones of St. Johnsbury and Mr. and Mrs. James - Harned and son of Barton were guests of. Mr. and 'Mrs. F. F. Jones over Thanksgiving. Miss May Bassett is starting a business for herelf in the rooms lately occupied by C. B. Croft. She will carry a line of fancy goods, homemade candy and a small line of jqwelry. Her ad appears elsewhere. Mr. and Mvs. John Maths of Lit tleton N. H., were guests of her par ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Doe for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Mathes have recentty returned from an auto trip to Washington and Southern Pines. ; Harry Wellnian was un from Han- I over for Thanksgiving and with his ; mother, Mrs. H. B. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Stannard, Miss Minnie I Stannard and Wm. Thompson spent ! the day with Mr. and Mrs. Leigh B. WeHman at Newport. , C. H. Turner of New Haven, man ager of the New England circuit of the Community Chautauquas, was in Orleans Monday. The members of the Orleans Chautauqua Association are requested to meet him at the club rooms Monday evening, December 5th, for consultation. A Mr. Crawford of Charleston was brought . to Dr. Wright's office in an unconscious condition resulting from a fall from a sled recently. He seem ed to be dazed and partially par alyzed but after a little time was able to go by 4rain to the home of a daughter .at Newport.- Last week's' Monitor should have said that "M.1 M; Derrick has bought of the Fletcher ' Co. Inc., their photo post-card business." The word, ''photo", was omitted. ' This makes it a very different proposition. The writer ;is inclined to lay it on the printer. If he doesn't kick the inci dent idoSd,. -. --.f- - 4,-- 'Hostal rid,tesfc-:A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hills of Boynton, Que. Sunday. D. Ricker assisted by Drs. Temple ton and Cleasby, held a. clinic .TuestiavVbn tonsils and ade noids. '-The following persons were treated:-Emanuel, Gonyaw of Albany. Earl .W. Chase of Irasburg, Mrs. W. J. Gehdron of Derby and Herman A. Paquette of Irasburg. Mrs. ' H. H. Hardy was admitted for' treatment Tuesday.' ' Sunday afternoon-while a valua ble cat beHongihg to Mr. and' Mrs. H...L. Smith of. Willoughby avenue was doing aerial acrobatic stunts on an electric light pole, he accident ally completed a circuit between a ground line and another . 12,000 volt line. The fireworks did not appeal to pu?sy and he dropped to the ground, minus some hair and a little flesh. After a brief 'rest he walked home. Again the question arises, "How many lives has a cat?" An . interesting meeting of the Woman's Home Missionary society of the Methodist church was held at the home of Mrs. C. (2. Willey Tues day afternoon, November 29. t The meeting was opened by scripture read by the president, followed by pray er by Mrs. Pierce. The program consisted of a chapter from the study book. ."From Survey to Service," read by Mrs. Bartlett, and interest ing readings by other members. The hostess entertained the company with several selections on . tne victrola, and a pleasant social time followed the - program. Dainty refreshments were served. LIBERATION NOTICE Notice U hereby given that from and after this date 1 rlve my daughter. lady0'Oon el Bishop her time, and hall claim cone of her wages, or pay any bills of her or her guardian contracting after this date. MRS. XX. O. BISHOP Orafttbury, Vt., Nov. 1, mi. 47-49 00X00KXX0000000000000000000000 Stop! Look! Listen! You are cordially invited to call and see my new line of Jewelry, Pearl and Fancy Beads, Wm Rogers Silverware, Eversharp Pencils, Colonial Ivory, Manicure Rolls, Waterman Pens and Home Made Candy. At the same low prices within reach of all Miss M. B. BASSETT Willey Block,- . . oVlean, Vt. KHH00XK0KO0XOXXHO)O0X rA A AAAAAAAArAA AAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 0000XK0000XK000X0XK000 Fancy Western Steer Beef ' AT RIGHT PRICES Bacon by Strip 25c lb. Juicy Grape Fruit 3 for 25c Malaga Grapes, Oranges Heyers Select Oysters 75c qt. :: Orleans Coantys Leading Food Store I OCC:IDENT,, FLOUR Best for bread 1-8 bbl. $1.40. 1-4 bbl. $2.75 Superior Quality POTATOES Finest Native Grown 25c peck POP CORN Shelled or on Cob 4 lbs. 25c DATES t New Persian in Bulk 22c lb. SMOKED SHOULDERS Home Cured and Squires 15c. lb. Lean and Meaty Very Economical FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS C. E. JENKINS PUBLIC MARKET Orleans, m Vermont K0KX0X Our Annual Clean Up Sale ; BEGINS AT ONCE j .if therejs anything listed below, that you want buy it, the prices are richt. - X 5 00 cakes imow Borax Soap, 17 cakes $1.00, $5.50 box 500 cakes Swift's Pride Soap, 20 cakes $1.00, $4.75 box 400 cakes White Flyer Soap, 17 cakes $1.00, $5.50 box 1000 pkgs. Soap Powder, 5 pkgs 25c 50 lbs. Steel Cut Coffee iregular price 42c) clos ing price 29c lb 5 cases Sunkist Ketchup (large bottles), . .25c bottle 75 lbs! bulkT Cocoa, oing at:. '.v.-.-..-?!. 10c lb. 10 cases' Sunkist Loganberries . . V. :". 7. '. .$3.25 dox. 10 cases fancy Sliced Pineapple lage cans) $3.65 doz. 100 pkgs. Easy Ironing Starch 2 pkgs. 15c 150 jars Pure Fruit Jam (all flavors) reg. price - a- 45c,i.closing price. - .25c 3o-.quartr. jars. Cocoa,,. , . , . . . . y ..... . . .25c jar 200 cans Sardines in pure olive" oil, 2 cans ....... .'25c 2Q0 lbs. Mixed - Candy. (just arrived) . . ..... . 19c lb 15 5-lb. boxes Chocolates (just arrived) ... .$1.19 box 250 cans fancy Punipkin, . w . . . ; . ... '. .2 can 25c 45 cans fancy Pickled- Peaches (regular-price 45c, closing price i ....... . .29c can . 36 cans fancy Pickled .Pears (regular price 45c) closing price vXV'.V, 29c can 10 bags native Onions (good, keepers) 75c pk. 75 cans Sunkist Spinach . - 2 cans 29c 4000 boxes matches 10 boxes 45c 300 lbs. Japan Tea Siftings . . . . . . ... : '.2 lbs 39c 200 lbs. Mixed Teas (regular price 50c lb) clos- , ing price ..... . . . . . . ............. 2 lbs .75c DEAN'S CASH GROCERIES ; What have we here that you want? , Orleans Telephone 61 Vermont m. DO YOUR XMAS SHOPPING NOW Pick your gifts from one of the largest and best t elected stocks we ever had, a present for everyone in the family and we are now rerdy to serve you. Look our stock over. ' COLUMBIA GRAFONOL A The Ideal Family Gift. Pleasure for everyone in the family. A selected assortment of ' . j ' Records. . , PRESENTS FOR THE CHILDREN Toys of every discription 5c to $5.00, Dolls and Dolls Heads 10c to $6.00, Round Play Tables $1.50, Teddies 85c to $3.00, Toy Dishes 1 0c to $2.50, Toy Cook Stoves 55c to $1.50, Games every game you , can think of, Booksboys' and girls' series. Stuffed Animals, Carts," Kiddie Cars; Trycicles Iron Toys, Pianos, Animal Books, Paint Books, g School Supplies, etc. ' All priced right. g GIFTS FOR MOTHER ' g Maytag Cab. tastric 'Vathers, China Hand Painted Nippon, Purses 50c to $2 50, Rockers b'g grnu?ne leather $27.00 and $28.50. Baskets, Fancy Work, Reading L?mp, Crocker, g Aluminum Cbokirsg Utensils, Handketchiefs, Note Paper, Toilet Sets, Etc. ; !J m m 8 Matket Prices Paid for Hides and SkFni Us? 2fi m A Pocket Knife, Genuine Gillets Safety Razor or other make, Royal Easy Chair with reclining back end foot rest, a Stillf on Pipe Wrerch or any useful tool will tickle Dad pink. 5 ibjsil m m Cari-oli W. Brooks i .r Vf Your' for a Merry Christmas tS" $ 'Phone 2S-4 Orleans Vt. CrC000KX00KXXX)00