Newspaper Page Text
i M w I V liVUl. ' "v r- 1 - 1 : Vol. 51 No. 22 BARTON, VERMONT, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1922 Single Copies 5 Cents. r CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING dvrtlmeni, " inserted under this nend nt itr cei t pr word for first insertion and one rem p r word thereafter. CHsb riruet accompany the order. Ao ""' mnl will be. inserted for lesa than twtntyjive rent. FOR SALE FOR SALE Fine upright piano. Inquire at this office. 17tf Barton Academy Notes. B. A. WINS FROM NORTH TROY B. A. won a square 'game from North Troy Wednesday, May 24, by a score of 17-5. A cyclone struck town last Wednes day when North Troy went through to the ball grounds, about 100 strong. In fact the whole school of North Troy came to see the game. It was a realgame, one of the best this season. Hanson showed up well in the box, - i oxiuwcu up wen in tile uua, FOR SALE Laths. Charleston j holding throughout the game. The Lumber Co., East Charleston. 43tf . North Troy boys couldn't dp anything pause mat as 15. A. knocked two pitch ers out ot the box and hit the third all over the field. Mudgett showed he could do the part of left fielder equally as well as he can strike out men from the box. . Hanson was hit a few times but with the backing of a good infield B. A. held North. Troy skin tight. Dyer played a good game on short stop. North Troy started out in the first half of the first inning by getting three runs. Barton tied them in the second. North Troy got another run -in the fifth and one in the ninth. B. A. made a steady gain from the second on, ending the game 17-5. FOR SALE 28-gauge galvanized roofing, galvanized siding and steel ceiling. Bartcn Hardware Corpora tion 16tf FOR SALE Orleans bakery and lunch room. For further information call Orleans 124-4. . 20-23 FOR SALE Pure-bred Duroc Jer sey sow pigs. E. S. Kelley, Orleans .T?7yrSaY.E New milch Jersey cow, also, cheap for cash, a 3-burner eatiner stove. A. t nroirflwian T?nrton. ZZtl XV. ii aiwnu) - - The Fourth at Barton. . Cash prizes of $150 have been of fered for the three best decorated floats' or automobiles as follows: First prize, $75.00; second prize, $50.00; third prize, $25.00. Any car or truck owned in Orleans county may enter to compete for prizes. Enter your car as early as possible, sending your name to any of the fol lowing, who will have charge of the parade: B. F. Jackman, Barton; Dr. F. R. Hastings, Barton; C. E. Jen kins, Orleans; Hazen Converse, Or leans. An effort will be made to of have this the largest parade of dec- Mr. Domina; March, Pico, Miller; orated cars and floats ever seen in On the 'Gin 'Gin 'Ginny Shore, fox First Band Concert Saturday Night. The first band concert of the sea son will be given Saturday evening in the park. The boys have been working hard all winter to produce the very best band possible and it is hoped that the public will give them their usual hearty support and coop eration. , The following program will be ren dered: - Albanian March, Hall; overture, Spirit of Liberty, Miller; In a Rose Garden, waltz, Crosby; The Sunshine f Your Smile, Ray; cornet solo by t?nn SATrc Pure-bred Jersey bull m vrvrn? A fine animal. Harry Manley, Irasburg. 19tf cht? RATE Planks and boards, rough or plain. Dimension timber sawed to order. Ralph G. Whitcomb n-;n nwvnmincyfrTi Center. J.U111, !- v numft FOR SALE Garage and machin ery, located on Main state road, did $18,000 business last year. Good rea son for selling. Inquire this office. MISCELLANEOUS CAR FOR HIRE day and night. E. Sockol, Glover street. Tel. 30. 18tl D. ZABARSKY wants ' hides, car casses, raw fur and junk. Glover street, Tel. 58-11, E. FRANK COE Fertilizer. Pre war grade, pre-war prices. 10 pot ash. Ray P. Webster, Barton. 20tf WOOL Will pay 30 cents per lb. for good, clean wool delivered at my place in Barton. C. E. Hamblet. 21tf PUBLIC AUTO Day and night service at the Darling livery, South Main street. 'Phone 26-4. Jfaquette jP, Vollov 19tf We clean and pre men's and wom en's suit3 and coats. Also do dyeing, eteam cleaning. Mrs. FTed Bilodeau, Lang Block, Barton. 40tf BARGAIN in galvanized roofing. Carload pust received. If Interested, get our low prices. Strong H'dw'e. Co., Burlington, Vt, . 29tf NOTICE Monday all day I will take poultry at the Orleans express office. E. S. Kelley, Orleans, R. D. 2. 49tf STOP at Jackson's Store at Won derful Willoughby. We, will serve you dinners and lunches - at all hours. Have cottages, boats, and bathing suits to let. Store open until Oc tober 30th. 'Phone Barton, 9010-11, 63-6. ' lw BABY CHICKS 11c by hundred after June 15th, Barred Plymouth Rocks. Custom hatching 4c per chick after June 1st. G. T. Cook, Glover. ! 21tf FLOWERS NOW READY Cine rarias, Hyacinths, Primroses, cycla mens and many other varieties. Cut flowers and funeral work a specialty. J. R. Farrant, Newport. lOtf CONTRACTING plans and es timates made, building and jobbing. Also doors, windows, clapboards, met al ceiling, etc. for sale. F. N. Bilo deau, Barton. N. E. 'phone. 21-22 INSURANCE AND REAL ES TATE Best stock and mutual com- fjanies. Surety bonds all kinds of vil age real estate. Any one having vil lage real estate they wish to sell call on F. W. Baldwin, Barton. 39tf FARMERS' NOTICE Saturday, June 3, will buy stock, sugar and Wool. I have for sale two pure-bred Holstein bulls, 15 months old each, from cows giving 50-lbs. of milk a day. Dodge, Orleans. lw FOR SALE Second-hand furni ture; 1 hardwood dining table, 6 din ing chairs, 1 b,ei. spring and mat tress, bureau, bookcase, 1 Glenwood range with hot water front and tank. The above goods used by one family and are clean and right. Credit giv en if wanted. Dodge Orleans. lw TO RENT T O RENT Rooms, furnished heated, bath connections. Crystal Lake House, Barton. Tel. N. E. 8017, and Green Mountain 19-21. 18tf TO RENT Small apartments for light housekeeping, furnished and un furnished, with steam heat, hot and cold water, electric lights and bath connections. Apply Crystal Lake House, Barton. Tel., N. E. 8017, and Green Mountain 19-21. 18tf WANTED WANTED Live poultry. Elrick, Barton. 24tf WANTED AT ONCE Kitchen help at the Valley House, Orleans 8tf WANTED AT ONCE Girl or Woman. Normandy Cafe, Barton. WANTED Light trucking for aft ernoons only. J. S. Chesley, Barton, Green Mountain 'Phone 12-31. 21-23p WANTED Hides i nd raw fur. E. Sokol, Glover street. Barton. 'Phone 30. 44tf WANTED By young English cou ple with one child, permanent posi tion on rood farm. Man all-round work; willing to live in house and do the work if with bachelor or wid ower without children, otherwise sen- arate tenement. Apply W. H. Nye urieans, iv. r. u. i. rm - i ine sopnomores enjoyed a picnic supper at the pageant grounds after school on last Thursday nierht A little rain came down when they were coming home but they acted like ducks and didn't mind it a bit ine pre-iviemoriai exercises were given by the grades Friday after noon instead of Monday as was at first planned, thus giving the -juniors time to tnm the hall for their recep tion Monday night. The program consisted of dialogues given by the different grades, singing by. the school and presentation of flowers to the men of the Grand Army of 'the .Republic and to the representatives of the vetreans of the World war. There was a large attendance and much praise has been heardfor the exercises. The pupils of the school at Kim ball came ina truck to attend the pre-Memorial exercises Friday after noon.' 1 It seems to be the style. The jun iors had a picnic at the pageant grounds Friday afternoon after school. All report a good time al though the weather wasn't what it might have been. In the "ame with Newport last Saturday B. A. was defeated in a closely-contested game. 6 to 5. Fine playing was shown on both sides. Mudgett held Newport down from the box except for one or two wild throws. This game makes five de feats and four victories. The junior reception, given in hon or of the graduating class was held in Alumni hall (Monday evening. The hall was prettily decorated with ever greens and white streamers.. In the reception line were Mr. and Mrs. Ray P. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. C. J Batchelder, Mr. and Mrs. George Burnham, Mr. Stevens, Miss Kendrick. Miss Annis, Miss Carter, Rollo Wakeman, Lisle Bean, and Roy Valley. Dancing was enjoyed :by everyone with music ren dered by. McCauley's orchestra from Nemport. During the intermission ice cream and wafers were served. The pupils of Barton academy will go to Willoughby lake in automobiles to enjoy their annual picnic Friday. The Congregational church was filled to capacity - Sunday night to hear the baccalaureate sermon given by Rev. J. J. Hutchiheon. It was a very helpful address. The graduates were marshalled by Kollo Wakeman, president of the junior class. The church was prettily decorated through the efforts of the junior class. The motto, "Deeds not Dreams," was made with white flowers on a bank of evergreen. Wednesday night is Class night. Thursday night will be graduation night and Friday night comes the annual Alumni banquet. Orleans, countv and every car owner should give his assistance to make i a success. For athletics $100 in prizes has also been appropriated. The American Legion at Barton win nave cnarge oi the athletic sports and anyone in the county may enter any of the follow ing events: High jump, oroaa jump, runninc hierh lump, running broad iurnn. hop-step-jump, 3 standing iumrjs. 20-vard dash. 40-yard dash 50-yard dash, 75-yard dash, 100-yard dash, 220-yard dash, -mile run, mile run, obstacle race, wneeioarrow race, 45-yard hurdle, pole vault, po tato race, 8-lb. shot put, 12-lb shot put, sack race, ball throw, tug oi war. Entries to anv of the above must be given or mailed to Walter Buckley, Barton, Vt.. on or belore June tn. Of course there will be a ball game hptwppn two e-ood teams and two bands will furnish music throughout thp dav. There will be plenty of horse rac ing as plans are now perfected lor five races for the oay as ionows; Glover Driving Club race, best two in three -mile heats; Free-for-all; 2.17 Mixed; 2.25 Trot; 2.35 ace. Tho Tnro-PRt -disnlav of fireworks ever seen in Orleans county is sched uled for the evening. BARTON Waldo Mossman is ill with pneu monia. Mrs. Damon - has returned from Sherbrooke hospital. F. E. Flood of Mclndoes was in town Friday on business. Mrs." S. I. Parish of Randolph is visiting at H. T. Seaver's. The tennis court has been com pleted and is open to the, public. Miss Katherine Wilcox of New York is visiting at the May homfe. Wm. Tower, who has been ill for some time is able to be out again. George LaBar has beep a business visitor in town for' the past .week. Mrs. Agnes Morley is working for the Buckley Bros, for the summer. There will be a regular meeting of Crystal Lake Grange Friday even ing. F. D. Pierce has sold to C. S. Heath his boat house and motor boat. Mrs. Judah Blair is spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Cordelia Valley. ' Mr. and Mrs; Ray Underwood mo tored to Boston recently with A. L. Cowles. Mr. and Mrs. Ora White went to Beverly,, Mass., Monday to visit friends. Mrs. A. W. iMorrill of Pike, N. H., is at her former home for a short vacation. , Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Freer and son of Richford visited their son, V. L. Elrick, , Sunday. Ralph Hamblet and family of New port snent Sunday at the home of Crystal Lake grove. Mrs. Ernest Humphrey of Fairlee was a week-end visitor at the home of E. C. Elliott. Percy Cowles of New York is here for a few days with his mother, Mrs. A. R. Cowles. ' George Goddard has returned home from Orleans hospital much improv ed in health. G. Ira Lincoln and daughter. Hel en, are in Burlington and Underhill for a few days. George Humphrey was recently called to . Windsor as juryman in a federal court case. Mrs. Mary Goodro has to visit her children. Mrs. W. B. Simpson of Craf tsbury was a recent visitor of her sister, Mrs. W. E. Hanson. Vora Webster of Plymouth, N. H., spent the 'week-end with her moth er, Mrs. r. Li. weDster. Mrs. Edith Carter and son, George. were called to Springfield, Mass., last week on business. .T TP "Rafrhelder and a party of friends are at Long pond in West more on a fishing trip. Miss Helen Anair is at her home in Hardwick for a few days' vacation from the Reirden office. John Carrick, who was at the Mc- Farlane store until sold, goes to Springfield, Mass. soon, Miss Florence Blood motored from Boston to spend the week-end with her father, C. H. Blood. Louise and Jean Leroux, children of Emil Leroux, were operated on Friday, for throat trouble. J. G. Gorham and daughter, Lu cretia, have moved to Morrisyille to live with another daughter. A new veranda and other quite ex tensive repairs are being made on the Methodist parsonage. The . postofficQ advertises the fol lowing letters as unclaimed: Mrs. F. L. Porter arid L. L. Milligan. Floyd Marshall of Bradford, a re cent Barton school-boy, visited his many friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Martin attended the funeral of Mrs. Lucy Reynolds, her aunt, at Albany on Monday. Miss Gladys Huntington has fin ished her school at Irasburg and re turned home for the vacation period. Red Moco from the Newport Stock farm, has been sent to the Roaring Brook Park stables for the summer. Dr. Bullard, osteopathic physician, is at the Newport Hotel Annex Tues day afternon and evening, adv 21-24 E. J. Rutter, optometrist, will be ar n TT. Mnssman's Friday, the 9th. Call and have your eyes examined, ad Mrs. Laura McFarlane was called to Waterbury this week on account of the death of Mrs. Robert Knowles. Mr. and Mrs. Calderwood o'f Hard wick were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, N. D. Martin on Memorial day. ' Miss Etta Folsom of the junior high school in St Johnsbury spent the holiday vacation with her moier here. M. J. Keef e, advertising agent for candy machinery for the J. W. Murk land Co., has finished work for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Atwell of Dorchester, Mass., are calling on friends for a few days. Dr. Hight, chiropodist, will be at Hotel Barton Saturday, June 3d. All foot ailments corrected. Yours for better feet. " adv Are you interested in Wm. Brad dock, who was severely injured from a fall some time ago ? He is in much need of care. F. D. Thompson is in Guildhall for the week, by speoial appointment of the court to hear evidence as mas ter in a case. Some over $30 was cleared at the food sale .at Robinson's store Satur day for the building fund of the Barton Golf club. The body of Miss Colburne was taken from the tomb Sunday after noon and placed in a lot in Welcome O. Brown cemetery. Beatrice Parker of Montreal, Que., is at the home of C. A. Barrows for some time recuperating from illness caused by measles. Miss Edith Ruggles, who has been in France the past winter, is in town for the summer at her cottage trot: Gnevmcr Breezes. sereTinHp. Rosenkrans; solo for basses: march. I four delegates. Liackawana 15 and, Kosenkrans. Congregationalists in Brownington Next Week. The annual meeting of the Orleans County Conference of Congregational churches will be held in the Brown ington church Thursday, June 8, be ginning at 10 o'clock and continuing through the evening session. Rev. J. J. Hutchinson of Barton preaches the association sermon. Oth er speakers are thje new secretary of the state organization, Rev. W. F. Frazier, Rev. E. V. Young of North Troy, Miss Stella M. Jordon, Rev. L. A. Edwards of Newnort. National Secretary Charles M. Sheldon and Wallace H. Gilpin of Barton. Each Fifty Knights Attend Church in Body More than 50 Knight Templar of Malta Commandery of Newport with members of their families gathered at Barton Sunday afternoon for an Ascension day service held in the Congregational church at 3.30 o'clock. Lunch was served at Hotel Barton at 2 o'clock to .those Sir Knights and their families who journeyed from Newport. Orleans and other Darts of the county and the Knights and ladies marched to the church in a body, the Knights in their handsome uniforms. The mam body of the church had been reserved for them and they were escorted by Sir Knights Seaver and church in the county is entitled to Pearson of Barton. Farm Bureau Meeting Schedule. There will be a meeting of the Farm Bureau at I. O. O. F. hall. Bar ton, Thursday evening, June.l;and at Academy hall, North Craf tsbury on Friday evening. June 2, with E. M. I Gove from the Vermont Farm Bu- Methodist Church Notes Rev. M. A. Turner, pastor. Morning worship 10.30. Sunday school 11.45. Junior League 4 o'clock. Epworth League 6 o'clock. Evening service 7 o'clock. There will be no meeting on Thurs- The service was the ritualistic Ascension day program, Sir Knight R. W. Spearof Newport acting as commander in the absence of Com mander, J. E. Spindler. The church was filled to capacity with friends and the regular church' choir rendered music for the occasion. Rev. J. J. Hutchinson gave an address on "Life." He spoke of the coming of Christ to give more abundant , life to man than he had before his coming and reau federation as sneaker. TTe -nrill tell of the activities of the state and aav evening ot, this week. national Farm Bureau organizations. The Bpy Scouts will meet in the that life with him was a greater life. I A T i. r i 1 . f I L 1 -Mjr i . 1 1 j j , . xji. n.. o. xerussiseL irom ine state i ciiurcxi on ivionaav evenmer. a Detter ine and a tuner nte than department ot agriculture will be I Remember the ctraworrv without him. He snoke of the com present and talk on "The Eradication on Tuesday, June 6. pelling force of the Bible as a factor w-covine xuDercuiosis m Vermont." - meeting nf the w P m wnic snouio enter into our lives more Three moving; picture reels will be e fi, v?!?fe!"?& ,,Jre!:. ?' M completely to make us the whole m . -m v . . w iii i iim ill i r vi pd ivn urn m w - shown at the North Craf tsbury meet- 'A nr 11 t. man. iiix. riveryuiie is curaiany invited I i - A, " , r onowine tne service the main m . m - . - - b i' I I II' k ri I u ii? Trio r -n - 1 1 ni 'w v " w - and there is no admission charge. ZT body of Knights and their ladies re- w'"f ; "V1 turned to the hotel where automobiles society, and all others who are inter- he5" "iS?eX?mf nuu wAii uj vaixvsuo 1UUICS, AUC UaV ported very comfortable 4 J j. A.1 . j W. W. Reirden has .one to New this time. A report of the district IL expressed satis- v 1- jt j r. . , ;n t ixacnuu wim me. uian 01 tnus ODServ- uZ?lZ m?nF-- s cexvc- ing a day which should be held so court case, reported last week. Mrs. Marion Nelson and Mrs. Eliz r I sacred by members of the order of Military Training camp at Devens in Knighthood. Aiicnst snnlce hefnre the Tno-h RrhnAl abeth Gilmour have received a rnhle I from Glasgow, Scotland, of the death received with ereat ' anolaiise. His wlth Mrs- Addie Cook. of their sister, Mrs. Ellen Miller. talk was given the very closest atten- (Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Quimbv of Or- Miss Sally Cowles of New York.! tion and several of the boys evinced leans and her sisters, Mrs. Blodgett 1. ' 1 nc; Ti. 11. .1 i l A : 4- 4.4 J 4.1 I a-nr 1T -. 011 e T 1.4. nc witii iier lrieuu, mis raaaocK. is nere I ucaue lu auceiiu tue caiiiu. 1 uucu ui xxocii.toii. xviass.. m . . . " I " " i 1 J -m-. . ior tne summer and has moved to I -d -Dm -l- . , visiteu m town on Memorial day. her camp in Crystal Lake Grove. Lti f the a?taw f this Mrs. Grace Boright and daughter. C. H. Blood renorts that he naid lTT?tQi CfdW rAns c,;- j:0f: Barbara, of Derby, snent the cast over S1.000 for the B. & M. railroad hf week with her brother. R. C. Phillins. baturdav. to the track lahnrpra. -wlialii f nvrm t it m u -v ivir, Ijoriernt came to accomDanv her - ' - y I UCIU JJaitVUi UU11C J- ft JLJX, nic uux 1 r , - aiv myuis new steei rans in tnis sec- j pose of establishing a register 0f u" oatul LlOll. - ol mhloc! erv that colorfinn yyio-it ha I MTS. Melen l homnsnn of St Jnhne The many friends of Miss RermVo made from the reerister. Annlica- bury came Saturday to visit her sis- Hamblet will be e-lad to le am sin Coition naners mav be obtained at an Iter, Mrs. Amanda Cole, and niece. . . - " - .01- -- it r - - V - -- . v lur -r y-t -1 . ' . much improved fron her operation early date for Those wishing to be pirs. j. carpenter and remained ior appenaicitis m the Urieans hos- examined. juver luemunai aay. Pltal. , I t . , . . . . . I Mr. and M"rs. Enn-ene Pn era anA Mr ' w t r n r ! i--t-i r c t-i ij -v 1 u a a -h. 1 - j 1 1-. aiax . Mr. and -Mrs. James Maim iZ?- T cu, "u..' and Mrs. Harley Page of St. Johns- J! . ... " v-iuwc o ouauciiuciKCX ' Ui uail K, 4. O. j 4.1. . j lamny 01 ftOUtn A hanw cail rr nt XT r tt i j 1 uulv bukiil ounuay wim meir izrana- Sunday from Montreal, p" o""?: Si TH LThnother, Mrs. Lodema Page, and Scotland, their fntrQ h' ""'J """"j "i : f A.w.' 7," aunt. Mrs. R. N. Baldwin. ' vv4.v- Hume. 1111 liih 1 1 1- n.aviiMinn i ri ( 1 na rr.v riT ' kiy .-s 1 o. S. Cassandra. . r I Miss Marie. Messier, daughter of H. P. Hood and Sons have nounced they will not take milk from Amory of - Fort Ethan Allen and John Leyaggi of Orleans were united patrons using milking- machines rm- Thomas G. Porter of St. Johnsburv. .m marriage at the M. E. parsonage less thoroughly sterilized and clean Dinner was served to more than 100 Kev- A- J- Ward Wednesday. lington; Carl Williams and Major lr- aTnd Mr?- Pl0e Messier, and ,trom this time on. " guests on Sunday. , " v a reporter waiter, son 01 jfat. Heating, a Adams of Ganville and Comrade Lounge. A hymn was sung by the children and after the wreaths had been deposited by the widow of the late Comrade McGoff, a salute was fired. On returning to the hall the company sat down to an excellent 5jnner-provided by the ladies of the M. E. church. The closing exercises consisted of singing and recitations by a number of children with several excellent selections by the town band assisted by members of the Orleans band, under the leadershin of G. W. Russell. Rev. A. J. Ward acted as chairman and Rev. C. A. Adams gave a most forceful and stimulating ad dress dealing with the splendid ser vice rendered by those present, rep resenting the army as well as em phasizing the duty of all well dis posed citizens to obey and enforce the laws of the country. Altogether the Memorial day exercises for 1922 leave very pleasing memories an reflect credit on all those who assist ed m carrying them to a successful issue. METHODIST CHURCH N.OTES Rev. A. J. Ward, pastor. The Irasburg and Albany camps oT service in th 5? 11 ho a memorial Hl ' the M E' church on Sun day morning next at 10.30 a. m. The TGr W0nr7 k1 be Preached by Rev. A. J. Ward by request. All members ih!cirmumty'are cordially in- w tne service. At the close f the service the M W. A. will march IhU heo cemeery where they will co auct a memorial service. ALBANY - CiurIts Winet and family visited in Sherbrooke Saturday. V1S Mrs. Jennie Rogers from Littleton, N. H., is visitmc at J. B. Dows. Mrs. Mae Annis io home of Mr. Stevens in Glv';;n Wayne Sanders work m Boston over Memorial. Effie Miles is home fnr th0 cr vacation from her school at : Irasburg. iurs. uienn Miles visited at Foster Miles at Wells River n tw week. ya Kenneth Newton ann1 T.lntrA TTnv ett were home from Montpelier over emulation. J. B. Dow anH M A r,,4i 1 r. j t j --v ... vjuntii lave had Independent telephones installed i Limn- nomes -recently. ' Jennie Barber from Sheffield has oeen spendincr a few dava rith v,. sister, Bernice Barber. " Mrs. A lino TT?f -r m "iututu irom iroy is spending some time with her broth er, J. A. Brown, who is ill. Several from this place attended rrtffr.5duati?"J exercises at North Craftsbury Friday evening. mis. wooa and little son fmm Misses JLettie and Olive Metcalf 1 Aroy spent Decoration with her nar. leit Friday night tor tJoston, where I c"Li) uur. ana Mrs. J. A. Brown 4.1 ill '4. 4? J HIT? 4-V1- I - r . and writer for the American Hose former Bariori boy. who SScatfU?8 Swtucke5? rT ot 1 Jalh Cab- Breeder, was a recent visitor at the time employed at 'the B. & M. sta- ?r? JFJhji ?SJucJieb K h ul-Ilslted. eir. daughter, Elsie Wal- Roaring Brook stables for informa tion and inspection. H W trt m - ivirs. oarn iirooks has returned irom Kumtord. Me., where she has oeen lor some time visiting her son, T HTT1- 1 . . n - u"l jr. m. j. urooKs, the doctor bringing ner flome Dy auto. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whito of rr leans and Mrs. J. W. (McFarlane at tended the funeral of Mrs. R. J. Knowles, (Maggie McFarlane) Mem orial ounuay at Waterbury. Geo. D. Donald was called to Shar on, Pa., Sunday on account of the iniiess 01 wis orotner, William, who died from blood poisoning, which de veloped irom typhoid fever. The horses at Barn No. 1 at Roar ing tfrooK stables are being moved this week to the. Holder barn, where meie is mucn more room, several new stalls having been built. uvir. ana Mrs. C. A. Norris and iamny arrived home from Florida last week-in their car after having spent the winter there. Mr. Norris oacK m nis blacksmith shop. Anyone who will take ; a load of high school pupils to Willoughby lake Friday at 10 o'clock and get them back again in the afternoon are ask ed to get word to Principal Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Seaver and Mrs. Geo. C. Lang were in Lyndonville Thursday night to attend the operet ta. "The Flower Girl" given by 200 children under the direction of Mrs. Amory Seaver. The Farm Bureau will hold a meet ing in Odd Fellows hall Thursday, June 1st, 8 pm. There will be spe cialists frdm the Department of Agri culture with lantern slides. Every body invited. 21-22 The pupils of Mrs. Fred H. Pills bury will give a piano recital at the Gem theatre on Monday, June 5, at 3 o'clock in the afternbon and 8 o'clock in the evening. Everyone is cordially invited. Henry M. Culler and 'friend, Don Cobleigh, of Dartmouth college, are at the home of H. R. Cutler for a few days. Mr. Cobeligh is councilor at the Morgan, Morana Cook Boys' camps at Readfield, Me. The military whist party given ! last week Wednesday evening was 1 well attended and much enioved bv all time employed tion, died in Brooklyn, N. Y.f Satur day, May 21. He was a cousin of Mrs. C. C. W. Heath. Mr. Keatins:. to visit relatives and plans to be away for three weeks. Among those who have had their f I AjLC 1,11. i.Tll ivta Lllll . I T -w. . 1.11 , . . when a voung man went to New iNew ngiana teiepnones removea tne York and took up the study of law Pst week, owing to the change m at night school and after being ad- rates are A. Chatseyfj M. A. Wells, mitted to the bar was counsel for Ed: Lanou, C. Shpperd, O. J. Shep the Bell Telephone Co., for several erd L- A- Labounty. years. Mrs. Helen Prindle and children, ,x, j.. ,, , r . who have been visiting her parents. Word from Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Mr and Mrs T a Corley, the past Garey of Belmont, Mass., tells v of a tw0 weeks, returned to her home in series of misfortunes m their home -MorfhfiiJ Sotnrrr ttd-t AaB which ended May 25th with the death daughter remained with her grand- ui lucii xw-iiiuiiLii-uiu sun, jxuy, ox narents convulsions, having been sick but 20 " :i cj T Veowj hours and suffering 13 convulsions in . !7"al Sunday was observed in tht timo Mrs n,,r fo thQ the M. E. church Sunday morning Cambridge hospital May 5 for an op eration and upon arriving home in jured her hand, suffering from blood poison and nearly losing her arm. The sickness and death of the child followed almost immediately her re covery from the blood poisoning. IRASBURG Mrs. Sadie Willey remains quite ill. Murray Pike was a business visitor in Randolph last wek. Mrs. Addie Cook is building a barn. Ben Cutler is doing the work. - Mr. and Mrs. ' N. D. Collins spent Sunday with friends in Enosburg. Mrs. Martha Pace of St. Johnsburv visited friends in town last week. Horace Hall of Cambridge is vis iting his niece, Mrs. C. J. Powers. Clarence Fisher and Will Gregory have had their telephones removed. EYE . GLASSES and spectacles Dr. Lanphear, Orleans. adv tf Miss Blanche Metcalf has gone to Brownington where she has employ ment. Mrs. Curtis Healey - and children spent the past week with her brother m Holland. Abraham Messier of Morrisville was in town this week to attend his sister's wedding. . Mrs. Julia Clarkson oi Orleans vis ited her sisters and father, Chas. Dion, last week. Alden Willis of Newport Center is passing a few days with his brother m-law, George Kennison. bridge, at N. A. Cutler's Sunday. ft" & M- Bowles attend, ed the Knight Templar's Ascension day program at Barton Sunday aft ernoon, j fSTWebsller and Mrs- Kimball 2f?tJ,Nrt 8pt the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Copeland. Mrs. Clara Conant from Morris V ?L wli? has been visiting her brother, George Lawrence, has gone to Urieans to visit her sister, Mrs. -J. B. Rogers. The school in the Brown district 7trll ?T,fnt "contown Min- with a larce congregation present. t0wn Millionaire " ai Y7 w Rev. A. J. Ward delivered a strong i han pSil 5f?atrthe W- A- sermon and there was appropriate : Tii, BVCI""S dune za music by the choir. The church was v?11.8 creamery in this village uamuay morning. The fire il l advanced when discovered in Miss Marjorie Nelson attended the C. E. convention at Newpart Satur day and spent Memorial Sunday with Mrs. G. A. Folsom. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hubbard spent a few' days at the home of their daughter, Mrs. B. C. Shattuck of North Danville last week. Wm. Baurassa of Lewiston, Me., agent for the American Bobbin Co., was a business visitor at the J. W. Murkland Co. last week." Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grow and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Grow of Walden spend Memorial Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F .P. Smith. Mrs. Mary (Freeman) ine winning table was defended ' tt0i. maM "'V a i ' v; uer, seminary for Memorial day. and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Brown. v,a. . . Samuel Aiken, aged. 77 years, died ' Burlington hospital last week. Mrs. ma iiuie xnaay nigni, aviay zo, Templeton accompanied him. fnnr Haw Tfa Z., a fv, George Jones has finished work h?. Jefi LiJ,!6 lilte for O. W. Metcalf and gone to Hard- foi "trr:" x-rr"",- wick to live with his brother. "4 . wao tii iiuhu xroy, xvev. jsi. j. Turner officiating. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pike and Mr. ! i . nr in a ti.- i;xj 4.1 i 4. S?5!i TSLJZ ter's daughter in Stowe Sunday James" Hamilton attended the zone meeting of the M. W.-of A. held in Sunday night to break into the Har ned & Stevens store, by coming through the cellar and prying a door. H. B. Chamberlin and family left Monday for Boltonville and Wells River where they spent Memorial The JartTrs were eideniVy scared St Joh Iast Wednesday. away out leit much evidence by fin ger prints, etc. Mr. anr? TVTrc Tot-tit a-nA. Ttfre, r nelius Bucklev. Mrs. TCilcarlen Mro day Fred Bilodeau and Miss Jeannette Floyd Messier has gone to Morris Bilodeau attended Monday the f uner- e to sPend a f ew weeks with his al of 'Miss Ellen Gallagher, daugh- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Mes ter of Ed. Gallagher of Hardwick, sier- held at East Albany. " Mrs. Verria Priest, who has been There will be a strawberry supper visiting at her home here the past at the M. E. church Tuesday, June 6, two weeks, returned to Plymouth, N. from 6 o'clock until all are served! Friday. The price of the supper will be 35 Herbert Wheeler of Claremont, N. cents, children under 12 years 25 H., visited his mother, Mrs. Marie ents. Everyone is cordially invited. Wheeler, over Sunday and remained Come and have a good social time as for Memorial day. well as good things to eat. Charles A. Focrel of Krescreville. prettily decorated with flags and flowers and the soldiers of the Civil and World wars attended in a body. A representative of the A. M. Bell company of Boston was in town last Thursday and met a committee of the M. E. church respecting the placing of memorial windows in same. As a result contracts were signed for six side windows and west window in the body of the church, five of which are already, pledged. On Sunday morning a proposal was made from the pulpit to place a window in the vestibule in honor of Irasburg sol diers. Pledges are being asked from 50 subscribers at $3 each and already 35 pledsres have been secured. It is expected that the final window wil also be arranged for and that early in August Bishop Hughes may be able to attend and dedicate same. The village school closed the school year Friday evening with a musical and dramatic entertainment given by the graduating class before a large audience. The entertainment sur passed all expectations. The stage was beautifully decorated with flags and flowers and the class colors,. green and yellow. The young people showed splendid training and much credit is due. Miss Leavitt for this success. At the close of the enter tainment Sunt. Dugan of Newport Center presented the diplomas to the following graduates: Pauline Sears, Lela Labounty, Freda and Muriel Ward, Olga Burkewitz, Agnes Wells, Elizabeth Templeton. Pearl Wilder, Harry Jipner, Kenneth Harlow, Theo dore Whalen, Alton Kennison, Lyle Crawford, Viola Freehart. and Myr tie Metcalf. Those graduating from the Kidder school were Evelyn Cor ley, Lois Manley and Roy Metcalf An orchestra consisting of Misses Dorothy Dow, Helen - Harlow, Orin Carpenter, Dwight Dow and Frank Miles, played for the promenade. MEMORIAL DAY AT IRASBURG Favored by splendid weather this year Memorial day celebrations were more than usually successful. The attendance was much larger than us ual, a long string of motor trucks and autos conveying the company to the cemetery. Under the command of Comrade Lounge the procession moved off from the town hall soon after 10.30 a. m., halting at the bridge across Black river to drop flowers on the stream and for the es cort to fire a salute. Arriving at the cemetery the veterans with the World war representatives and a good turn-out of the M. W. of A., formed into a square around the grave of the late Comrade McGoff who had died during the year and who was the commandant of last year s exercises, iiere tne service 2?9?VQTSfi5r3wV? froe ito ,Mrs- Mary (Freeman) Gilmore, I Col Williams of Fort Ethan Allen, Pa., has been a business visitor in was conducted by Rev. A. J. Ward.lbers of thecommu -Afp bpringneld, Mass., for a few weeks who was operated on at the Elliott who is to "MYetJati'-J"a'A J 1 " that it was .impossible to save it. It is hoped that it will be rebuilt. The students"' who have been at tending Craf tsbury academy are home for the summer vacation. Morris Nelson, Dan Lawrence and Bernard Clifford were the graduates from this place. Mrs. Lucy Reynolds passed away Saturday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. II. Hackett. after several weeks' illness. The funeral was Monday at 1.30 at the home, Kev. Percy . Newton nfTlintin j burial in the village cemetery. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH NOTES Rev. Percy Newton, Pastor Sunday Services Afternoon 2.00 o'clock. Sunday school 3.00 o'clock. .Evening 7.00 o'clock. An invitation is given to all mem bers of the community to atterd these services. SOUTH ALBANY John A. Urie is putting a new high " drive into his barn. Miss Guila Rowell of North Crafts bury is home for the summer vaca tion. . Ben Locke is doing the spring's work on the farm belonging to the Locke estate. Merrill Page has returned from Burlington where he has been for medical treatment. Walter Urie injured his ankle one day last week and has not been able to work for a few days. Several from this wav were in North Craftsbury last week to attend the exercises of commencement week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Matthews and faipily of Hardwick and Alfred Dan iels of Albany visited at Guy Cour ser's Sunday. C. W. Urie is going to build a new two-story house this summer. Fred Newton of Albany is to have charce. Work has already begun and Peter Wells of Craftsbury is heluincr to move the old house. Mr. and Mrs. James Nairn, .who were former residents here ' before moving to Marlboro, Mass.. were vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. James Urie and ' other friends last week. They expect to sail for Scotland in a few days. SOUTH ALBANY CHURCH NOTES Rev. Percy Newton, Pastor Sunday services Jtforning 10.30 o'clock. Sunday school at 11.30 o'clock. An invitation is given to all mem- irnt tn ottM