OCR Interpretation

Orleans County monitor. [volume] (Barton, Vt.) 1872-1953, July 05, 1922, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022871/1922-07-05/ed-1/seq-5/

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Bungalow Cretonnes
We have just received into stock a number of new pat
terns of these Popular Cretonnes which are made on standard
cloth, the colors are fast, and the QUALITY gives satisfaction
Priced 25c, 35c, 40c, 60c, 65c, to $1.25
Iridescent Cut Beads, Blue Changeable, Green Changea
ble, Corral, Gold, Silver -J. .". 10c hank
Bugle Beads, Blue Iridescent, Green .Iridescent, Brown
Iridescent . ............. ................. ..12c hank
White, Black, Turquoise, Brown, Gray, Navy, y2 in-
5 " - 25c
, v- - 6 " . 25c
Black Patent Leather Belts 25c Black and White Stripe Belts
25c. Black Leather Belts 50c. White Kid Belts 50c. Vel-'
vet Finish Leather Belts in black, blue, green, white 50c.
The latest in Sport Neck Chains A Variety of colors 50c
Windsor Tie, in a variety of shadej -1 45c to 50c
Middy Tie, black, blue, cardinal, white.... .. $1.00
Emblems for the Middy Blouse, black, blue, white v... -20c
UMBRELLAS, Necessary at present
Ladies1 Umbrella. ..$1.45, $2.00, $2.25, $2.65, $4.00, $5.00
Meu's Umbrella;. L: .-.-...-$2.65, $2.85, $3.35, $3.95
Black and Brown Leather Traveling Bags, 18 in. $7.95 to $8.50
Fiber Suit Cases ............. $2.00, $3.00, $3.25, $4.25
Imitation Leather Suit Cases $2.25$2.75, $3.00
' . . Orleans, Vermont " '
Orleans County's Leading Food Store
:r; vi; rBall Ideal
Pints 88c dozen Quarts $ 1 .05 dozen
1-2 gallons $1.40 dozen ......
; : 15c, 2 for 25c : m
Luncheon Specialties of All Kinds
&2c lb
t- i; - - ' - - Better than you1 have known
: , PUBUC MARKET i; :.. .
Orleans. - , ? ; - . -t Vermont
Queen v4 nn Period Design
Pick your own suite from the following pieces Bow end
bed, full vanity dresser, semi-vanity dresser, plain dresser,
dressing table and chiffonette bench.
: f;y-. -,i v. -y , . - ..
Buff ett and China Cabinets Quartered Oak
Combination Writing Desk and Book Case, quartered oak
Round Center Tables, quartered oak $4.75 and $6.50
- l-qt. $2, 2-qt $2.75, 3t. $3.25", 4-qt wood tub $5.25 '
The Whipple-Gohverise Go.
Orleans, Vermont
O. W. Locke,
A. O. Austin,
Business Agent
Methodist Church Notes
Clarence D. Pierce, Pastor
The morning service will be devot
ed to the Masonic fraternity. AH
Masons and all members of the East
ern Star are requested to assemble in
their separate bodies for divine wor
ship. The pastor of the church will
preach the special sermon.
The Sunday- school will be in regu-
The "L. S." class of the Sunday
school enjoyed an outing at Massa
wippi lake Tuesday, June "27. Mr.
Twombly and Mr. .Hunter carried the
party in their automobiles. The pic
nic dinner was eaten at Murray's
Point. The class returned to Ayers'
Cliff for a boat ride and to Burroughs
falls for a picnic supper. The even
ing was spent at Newport where
they attended the pictures, returning
home at 11 p. m. The day was per
fect and all enjoyed the occasion.
Mrs.W. F. Scott is gaining nicely.
W. D. Twombly is having his house
painted. ' -'
Charles Duncan, Jr., is the guest of
Freddie Brown.
Fred Fauchs spent Sunday with his
people in Richford.
C D. Pierce is Mn Swanton on busi
ness for a few days.
Miss Mattie Gauvin was in Brat-
tleboro a few days recently.
EYE GLASSES and Spectacles.
Dr. Lanphear, Orleans: adv. tf
Frank S. Twombly of Boston is
visiting relatives in Orleans. .
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Rowe were in
Orleans a few days recently.
Miss Marion Bartlett is home from
Passaic, N. J., for the summer. -
Miss Evelyn Bishop of Felchville
is visiting her brother, Albert Bishop.
George Woodbury of Templeton,
Mass., is -visiting relatives in Orleans.
Mrs. L.;M. Willis Troy is visit
ing her -daughter, Mrsv George ' House.
. Mrs. Maude :M. Woods returned' to
her home; in Avon, Mass., Saturday.
D. A. Barrows and family r of John
son visited relatives in Orleans Sun
day, r'
Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Hunter motored
to Montpelier Sunday for a few days'
visit. .. '
Mrs. Bertha Hooker of Auburndale,
Mass., is visiting her people , in Or
leans. .,.
" Miss Eva-Bassett is visiting - her
sister, Mrs. E. B. Willey, at East Corinth.
Mrs. Sadie Maloney. spent' 9..., few
days at her old home in Barton last
week. -r-a bk?
Mrs.L. E. Bedell has been-spending
a "few days withk relativea, Lat
Beebe. ' . e -;,'ir
Henry Fuller of Enfield, N. H. has
been ; visiting- old friends, in Orleans
recently. .r.uv,. :; -v,,j
Miss; Clemmer Converse spenthel
Fourth n and 5th with friend c fit
Barnston.. - - ;, ; . HtVai
Mrsi Ine2. Bassettis back , from a
few weeks' vacation with her parejv
at uarre. - -ci'-v.; i;,.tr : o
'MrsiViola - Dean is jr visiting- 'he
granddaughter, Mrs. C. E. Perrymt
Coventry. j ' ? a- 'l
Mrs.: J.VA. Breakyrbf"Ayers!Cliff
spent last1 week with her- brothers -Ei
A. Demick. '
Walter Churchill ,and: family! of
Morrisville were guests at the Valley
House" Sunday: - y-v."s
- Miss . Hazel House has been 'visit
ing relatives in Piermont, N." H.;.the
last four weeks; : ; :i r.f !
Mr. , and Mrs. Le Hardy " visited
his people at Hinsdale, N. H., ; oyer
the week-end. . . " . ' ,' 7 I
-Mrs. Arthur Guild (Veda Badger)
Is the guest of her mother, 'Mrs, Jen-j
nie Hennessy. v
. Mrs. Edith Stoddard has moved her
furnishings into her new cottage: at
Willoughby lake.;
"Mr, and Mrs George' House spent
the week-end with their daughter in
Piermont, N. H. -. " ' ; -' ' .v,; . ''
' Mrs. Flossie Stoddard and two
daughters have gone -' to Gloucester
for two weeks. "7
Miss Florence Groom of St. Al
bans was -a week-end guest of Mrs.
M. M. Taplin. - ; ' . , ' .
Mrs'. G! F. Wheeler of Chicago has
been the guest of Mrs. George Por
ter for a few days. .
Mr. and Mrs. G. ,W. Groom of St.
School Meeting.
The annual school meeting of the
Orleans Graded "School district was
held in Opera Hall Friday eveninp.
June 30. F. C. Brown was re-elected
trustee to succeed himself. She onl
cers are all the same as - last year.
The report shows that the net liabil
ities are $845.36. The total tax vot
ed was $1.99. It was voted to. have
36 weeks of school in' the grades and
38 weeks hv the junior high school.
Albans spent; Sunday at Willoughby
lake, with friends. , .
1 Mrs. Nellie Kittridge has been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Derick
for a few days. .
Mrs. Emma . Perley of Lewiston,
Me., visited at Mrs. H. J. Stannard's
a few days recently.
Miss Ella Blaisdell;is entertaining
guests from North Carolina and
Pennsylvania this week. - , j
If tenements, are short in' Orleans
now what will the condition be when
business is normal again?
Band concert Thursday evening.
D. C. Andrus spent the Fourth with
'his family at South Troy;
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Converse and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Converse mo
tored to Barnston Sunday.
Clarence Swett of St. Johnsbury
spent the week-end in Orleans with
his mother and brother.
C. ,E. . Townsend was home from
Inwood to spend the week-end and
the Fourth with his family.
Charles Laberee carried Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Winget to Ascot, Que.,
Saturday for a few days', visit.
P. T. Hanscom of New York is vis
itiner Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Taplin and
his daughter, Virginia Hanscom. , j
Mr. and 'Mrs.' Morey Seadler and
son, Prouty, of Boston are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bowman.
Miss Florence Gillis and Miss Viva
Potter are attending the Education
Association convention in Boston.
Harry Dickens and C. E. Jenkins
and their families and Wilder '. E sty
spent Sunday at St. Johnsbury.
Miss Daisy LeBarron of Morris
ville called on Mrs. Jennie Kipp and
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kipp Sunday. - ;
. Harold O'Brien and Charles Pierce,
twp state automobile inspectors, were
in Orleans on business last week. 'k
Mrs. Martha Forrest and daughter,
Ruth, of Boston are 'now stopping
with her sister, Mrs. Edward Wells.
Paul French was home from TJ. V."
M. a few days recently. Lindoll
French is home from Philnps-Exeter.
. Miss Leontine.Boulanger of Barton
visited her brother, Joseph Boulanger,
and,, other, friends in Orleans Mon-i
day.' . V. 'r ' ' !. . " :
- Mrl and Mrs. Frank. Woods f6f
Townsend." Mass., have been visiting
his cousin, Guyi. Shepard,. for aVew
.-.t.' Tl. jLejws of Barton set'' a ff fine
monument jdn the Dr. E G, Stevens
lotrin Pheasant v View cemet'rai
W IAHZSn i: ' '' ';'' T ?brr it?. I
j MKrandt Mrs. Q. S. Hahn Fort-f
xess.-Moniroej Va are guestf :pf .h?r
brother and wife Mr. an4 Mscfj
l. -Mr. and Mrs. ,S. T. Prouty, -of Mori
cester. fMass are .visiting her , sisters;
t-Miai i Bowman TO ua i ranqnMrsf
Hennessy. -r;.-.v -n star: ..'R J nnnnl.
The'i DrJ B.- G. Stven34ot andhthQ
Ev I. Bfount lot in Pleasat View.-cem4
etery '-"have" been ; endowed " for i perpet-
if: i ' : ' in . :: t I :tt
Barrel of Red Salt Salmon, Just In, Small Cuts 20c, Large Cuts 18c pound
We Carry Both St. Johnsbury and Barton Bread
Strawberrys from Cozycroft Farm, Bradford, Vt. Texas Onions 10c lb.
Have You Bought Your Fruit Jars, We Have Them, Quarts at $1.15, Pints at $1.05 a doz.
xose-uaie s xovai Annc vncrncs z.? cis. a can. iiDDv's Yellow Ulinp- mches in rt ran "n-e-
r -j o . w. - m vwiti A-WOW
roncy oweec wnnKiea r-cas 19 cis. a can. iurr iney s iuccotasn 19 fts. a can. Snider's Pork and
Beans tall can for 12 cts. Five Brands of Tomatoes to choose from at 20 cts.'a can. Best , Rolled Oats
10 pounds for 45 cts. Sunmaid Seeded Raisehs 19 cts. a package. Export Borax, Luna, Lenox and N.
B. Naptha Borax Soap at $ cts. a cake. GolQen Rod Soap Powder 6 packages for 25 cts. Large package
15 cts.. 5-pound box Old Fashioned Chocolates for $1. 00. . .
Another Nice Lme of Chocolates to Arrive Soon
LEON E. SWETT, Proprietor Postoff ice Square
Orleans, Vt.
Jbury'andCMrs. Harry vEraerV; of Jfiari
a VTaited 1 Mrsi - C. D7 : KerfceriSay
airernoon. :. . v
Mr.' 'andVHrs.-.'X. - E. Wheeler ''and
in the: hipm, 'tof hU
Hart Schaffncr
V Clothes
two children
were euests
brother,. El win Wheeler ' a f er rdays
last.week.;;- .
.- Mrs.W.'.B. Bowman and daughter,
Dorothy, . spent last week with her
sister, Mrs'S. T. Prouty,. at .Sunapee
Lake, N. H
The Parker-Young mills and the
Eldridge ' factory were 1 shut down
from Saturday night t until ' Wednes- j
day morning. :' '- ' h--1
S Messrs. - Domina, Potter, Lieavitt
and" Sheperd assisted the Newport
band at their concert - last Wednes
day evening. ' JJ."I'
John Collins, Isadore Laroe 'andC.
R. McMullen were home from their
work at Bridge ton, Me., over Sunday
and the Fourth. .. A '
Clifton Webster .and son,, Richard,
have been guests;of, his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. - H. j S. Webster,- for the
last few days. ;:.. : , . , . I; v !
' Mr. T'and Mrs Alvin Bryant of
Greensboro "were at " the home of - her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Wleeler
7 7. 9
Special Discount of 33c on all
Ladies and Children's Hats
V at
Come in and see our New'Line of Ladies Waists. Priced
$2 98 and $2.25.
Bathing Suits priced at $2.25, $3.50; $4.25, $5.75. -j
Bathing Caps 3 cts. - - ..,'
A New Line of White Wash Skirts at Reasonable Prices.
White Strap Pumps and Oxfords.
Our stock of Ladies' and Children's Shoes at prices that will
make yob want to buy. - ' " -
. Come in and we will save you some money
1 -
Orleans, - , - - , Vermont
For Your Holiday
thing Suit
We have them in all wool, and -wool. and cotton mixed.
Two pieces; with wide web belt, a real "Life"Guard'' suit in blue 1
and white, "blue ancl buff and brown and buff color "combinations'', i
The very last word in up-to-date bathing suits, at-good, prices.
For men $1.75, $2.25 and $5.00
Boys' $1.00, $2.50 and $2.25 ;
Trunks and Tights 50c, 75c, $1.00
Golf Hose ; '
Just a rived -an Imported Golf Hose in summer weight i
worsted, fine knit, with a close fitting top and all the best colors: j
If vou have never worn a golf hose with knickers or army
trousers, it is time you did fOr it's the best rig ever , for hiking 1
and fishing: ' - ::-v-:- '
Several grades $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25
Boys' and Girls'; Golf Hose 50c ;
This Week Ohly-r-Your Last Chance to get Heavy
Blue Overalls, railroad style at $1.50
What do you
look for?
ana at-sn-m
When you buy shoes, what is uppermost in your mind, style or comfort?
You probably suppose that most people think qt style the looks of a shoe.
Nearly everybody wants good-looking shoes, that's true, but most people
are looking for comfortable shoes. r ' ""
Among women, the so-called fashion shoes are bought by only fifteen per
cent. Fighty-five women out of one hundred think of 'comfort first.
For good style and solid comfort combined, there is; no shoe better than
Walk-Over. The Walk-Over trade mark is your guarantee of good qualify.
There are two symbols yhichvcarry a great deal of meaning in regard to
.shoes. , . v
One of the two is the sign of a man stepping over a shoe. That trade mark
stands for excellence in men's shoes, for high standards of materials and work
manship and style, for a 47-year reputation for-quality. 4 - .
'The bther is ' very much like it. It is a woman stepping over a shoe. .
That trade-mark stands for excellence in 1 women's shoes, for high'standards "bt "
nif. - materials and workmanship andatyle, torja.-ear reputation for quality
.1 tlf V ,
Hi" I iV l v ;
Arid these
derstood in 102
two sign aren t jVs7t?f oTthefinglish language. Tney ra?e uri- x
countries.where Walk:Over shoes are sold. 1
Orleans, Vermont
The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
Gents' Furnishings Clothing
' 'Phone 33-3 v -
over the week-end.
Mrsi Genevieve Pope of Boston and
Kenneth Perley of Lewiston, Me.,
have been stopping at " the y Perley
farm for a few days. ' ' ; '
Mrs. . H. D. Stannird has . returned
from a three weeks stay at ' Rye
Beach. Harry ' Wellman, her nephew,
brought her by auto.
Roland. Bartlett recently graduated
from Cornell ; university and is home
with , his parents, Mr. and Mrs.'J. H.
Bartiett for a short time.
Miss Greta and Bernard McMullen
of Boston are at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. McMul
len, for., a few days' vacation.
.Mrs. Ida Foster of Barton is keep-J
ing house for her sister, Florence Gil
lis, while, the: latter is attending the
educational, convention . in Boston. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wella of Or
leans and son, Robert Wells, and fam
ily of Woodsville have beenjn camp
at "Willoughby lake the past week. .
Mrs. Harriet Moulton of Derby
Line was operated on at the . Orleans
hospital June 28th by Drs. Allen and
Cleasby. She appears to . be doing
well. ';; , '' ' '
, George King had a valuable " cow
killed by one of the early northbound
trains Saturday morning. It appears
that the cow was on the crossing
near the home of Sinon Corliss.
' A- little thoughtf ulness on the part
of people driving ', cows along - the
h?ss to those having lawns along the
j way. : '" ' ' :
, L,' M. Fletcher' of St. Johnsbury is
working for, F. L. Clifford plumbing.
It is understood that Mr. and Mrs.
Fletcher would" like to secure a tene
ment. ,V' '.' .
;Miss Palmyra La voie is having a
two weeks' vacation' from her work
at Fletcher's and is visiting friends
in Sherbrooke and other points in
Canada.- " ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Williams and
Dr. S.W. F. Hamilton and family of
Newport joined in a family picnic
celebration with .Mrs. M. L. Pearson
and Jerre Marston and family Tues
day. .-Mrs. ;W. R. Hall,- accompanied by
two daughters, Vera and Muriel, and
two sons, . Reginald and Jack, of
Sherbrooke, spent Saturday and Sun
day 'with; her daughter, Mrs. Louis
Eexsoi.4 ' x- . ; v '
Ai Wi Fletcher has a new Chevrolet
se9ah;.B. J.' Dunham a new Oakland
(Continued on opposite page.)
:. The Mid-Summer Semi-Annual
Clearance Sale
June 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th
All aepartments will offer odd lots at prices we are unable
to emphasize in this small space. ,
A visit during one of the five days will give you an oppor
tunity to secure real bargains because twice yearly we have a
fixed policy of just what the word "Clearance" means; and the
fact that present ruling price of cotton is 21 cents per pound, as
against 12 cents of one year ago, will be forgotten as "well as
present values upon all other lines.
......... .
Will you get June 26th to 30th fixed in your mind?
'. Plan to visit us!
'Phone 32-12
" Our Special is Bath .; Towels, extra heavy
weight 21x44 in. bleached clean white,
woven -.stripe hernmed both ends.
Price only 39c each
We will deliver one shipment to a customer post paid, cash
with order.. Your money back if thf goods are not satisfactory.
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