Newspaper Page Text
i VlON 1TO R COUNTY Vol. 51 No. 28 XK N.'"" . : ! ; BARTON, VERMONT, WEDNESDAY, JULY ,12 1922 Single Copies 5 Cents. A. K cLASSIFffiD ADVERTISING AdvTilsen:enis wlli oe inserted under this bead at ioo cents per word for first insertion and one cent per word thereafter. Cash must accompany the order. No advertise ment will be inserted for less than twenty-five en(. FOR SALE FOR SALE Standing hay. Lil lian Brooks, Barton 28-29p FOR SALE Laths. Charleston Lumber Co., East- Charleston. 43tf . f. FOR SALE Pair of work -horses, single or double. George Revoir, Irasburg. r 29-31 FOR SALE No. 1, tire. Never been used, lips, West Glover. 30x3 Fisk Gerald Phil lw FOR SALEJThree good horses, two thorough-bred Holsteiri bull calves. Harry Merrill, Barton. 28tf FOR SALE Cheap, Overland truck, 1500 lbs. capacity. In good . running condition. Crystal Lake v Garage. ' FOR SALE Planks and boards, rough or plain. Dimension timber sawed to order." Ralph G. Whitcomb Mill,, Brownington Center. 25 tf FOR SALE New, heavy flat-bottom row boat and dandy 1 .horse power motor boat. Cheap. H. C. Gay, Barton. tf FOR SALE Cabinet oven No. 115. Made by G. S. Blodgett Co., Burling ton, Vt. Used only one season. New Willoughby Hotel, Westmore. 26-29 FOR SALE Bay horse, 1300 lbs. Good worker anywhere. Will sell cheap. Louis Menard, Orleans. 27-28p FOR SALE Large size Protecto graph check writer. Guaranteed good as new. Cheap for cash. Barton Fruit store. ' 26tf FOR SALE Louden barn equip ment hay fork, carrier and "track, water bowls, stanchions, stalls, cu polas, etc. Call for prices and cat alogues. Barton Hardware Corpora tion. 25tf FOR SALE Eight-cylinder Olds mobile in good shape. Has not been run 8000 miles. Price reasonable or would exchange for winter cows. H. B. . Chamberlain, Irasburg, Vt. 28tf FOR SALE Blacksmith and wood working shop complete with stock, tools and machinery. Am retiring after running this shop profitably for 21 years. W. W. Talbert, East Hard wick, Vt. i26-28p MISCELLANEOUS J CAR FOR HIRE day and night. E. Sockol, Glover street. Tel. 30. 18tf D. ZABARSKY wants hides, car casses, raw fur and -junk. Glover street, Tel. 58-11, Barton. 49tf WOOL Will pay 30 cents per lb. for good, clean wool delivered at my place in Barton.' C. E. Hamblet. 21tf NOTICE Good umbrella and Yale key left at my store recently. Owner may have same by payingcost of ad vertising. M. Freehart, Barton, lwp NOTICE Beginning Monday, July 17th, and- on each Monday follow ing, I will be at the express office at Orleans to buy fresh eggs. For large clearf fresh eggs I can pay a good price. E. C. Brennan. tf HAVE taken two courses at the Michigan state auto school for bat tery repair and acetylene welding. Try me. Will go anywhere. Vernon Nault, Barton. 25-28p We clean and pre ' men's and wom en's suits and coats. Also do dyeing, .steam cleaning. Mrs. Fred Bilodeau, Lang Block, Barton. 40tf BARGAIN in galvanized roofing. Carload pust received. If interested, get our low prices. Strong H'dw. Co., Burlington, Vt. 29tf NOTICE Monday all day I will take poultry at the Orleans express office. E. S. Kelley, Orleans, R. D. 2. . . ' 49tf FLOWERS NOW READY Cine rarias, Hyacinths, Primroses, cycla mens and many other varieties.". Cut flowers and funeral work a specialty. - J. R. Farrant, Newport. lOtf INSURANCE AND REAL ES TATE Best stock and mutual com panies. Surety bond3 all kinds of vil lage real estate. Any one having vil lage real estate they wish to sell call on F. W. Baldwin. Barton. . 39tf SPECIAL BARGAIN Foralim ited time, 8xll high-grade Bond Typewriter Paper, $1.50 for 500 sheets at the Monitor office ,or mailed to any U. S. address for $1.60, cash with order. , tf . WANTED , WANTED Live poultry. Elrick, Barton. 24tf WANTED AT ONCE Kitchen help at the Valley House, Orleans. 8tf WANTED Men's suits . to clean, repair and press, at 19 School street, Orleans. Mrs. C. OA Parlin. 27-28 WANTED Hides na raw fur. E. Sokol, GloVer street. Barton. 'Phone SO. 44tf WANTED Paper hanging, , paint ing and carpenter work. Verne Crawford, Irasburg - v 24tf WANTED A tenement v suitable for the family of the principal of the Orleans schools for the ensuing school year. For particulars apply to the school trustees. 25-28 WANTED Competent housekeep er in family of four. John Clifford, Barton. . tf wanx-eaj strictly iresh eggs, mostly brown, good size. Will pay higher than market quotations. For information write to Perley L. Chap- pen, )Z ueimont St.,- Maiden, Mass. -26T28 MUNICIPALV T "Monday wa.s a quiet aay for Judge W.JVI. Wright in Municipal court on ly one case being ..." heard. Charles Cote of Fitchburgj - Mass., who was arrested by"Byron Herrick at Derby Line Wednesday pleaded not guilty to the charge of operating an auto mobile, while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, and he was plac ed under $500 bail for a jury trial set for Friday, June-14 at 9 o'clock a. m. Cote is being represented by Hubert Pierce. -Emile Champagne of Massachu setts who has been visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cham pagne of Coventry Saturday was fined $25 and costs for fishing with out a Vermont license.' The com plaint was made by County Game warden Charles Atkins of Orleans. BARTON The streets in ,the village have been oiled. -1 : Edwin Wilkey of St. Johnsbury has been visiting in town. ' Harold Carter is home for the. sum mer, from Waterburv. Mrs. C. D. Folsom of Boston is vis iting at Harry Merrill's. H. C. Homister has taken rooms at Moulton's on Main strtet. Miss Lila Hawkins of St. Johnsbury is visiting at F. G. Burdick's. Mrs. Addison Smith has been sick the past weekwith tonsilitis. Mrs. Helen Hall of Hingham, Mass., is visiting Mrs. Chas. Morse. v - There will be a regular meeting of M. W. of A. Friday evening, July 14, Mr. Hill of Boston, agent of H. P. Hood & Sons, is in town on business. H. R. Conner of the Pierce Drug Store is having a two weeks', vaca tion. Walter Quilliams was the guest of his sister, Mrs. D. J. Huntington, last week. Miss Dotie Potter is assisting at the Barton Electric Light office for a time. Miss Louise Fairbanks is visiting at A. J. Giffin's in Sheffield for a few days. Sedgwick Sheria of Lyndonville is visiting at Vern Elrjck's for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buswell and family are at Shadow Jake for several weeks - v Rev. and Mrs. M. A. Turner, and children are at Shadow lake this week. - . --. (- Miss Mary Bradley of New Haven, Conn., is spending her vacation in town. . - " Mr. and Mrs.'H: D. Phillips started Tuesday on an automobile trip of sev eral days. - WnLDemarais recently purchased the D. Bessette meat market on South Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Alger called on friends in Troy and Lowell the first of the week. j- - C. A. Nute served about 500 meals at the dining hall on the fair grounds on the Fourth;. Mr. and Mrs. Irving E. Bickford spent Sunday at the home ofE. F. Wells in Albany. Walter Buckley and Ralph King are motoring to New York for a few days' s vacation. Mrs. Bernice Fish of Glendale, Cal , is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Colliston. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cassidy Thursday, July 6, at the Orleans hospital. Mrs. F. E. Parker of Washington, D. C, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wallace H. Gilpin. . Paul Colliston of Springfield, Mass., is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Colliston. - Will Dow, station agent at Mcln does, visited his sister, Mrs. Gerald Plunket, over Sunday. Mrs. Cordelia and grandson, Ar thur Rochelle, of Hard wick are visit ing friends in town. .. " Miss Marjorie King is with' her sister, Mrs. Julia Byington, at Char lotte for a few days. - Mrs. Alex Freehart has gone to Southbridge, Mass.,' to .' visit her sis ters for a short time. Mrs. Clayton Warner and two chil dren returned Monday night to their home in Arlington, Va. A. L. Cowles and his -mother, Mrs. S. B. Cowles, visited friends in Plymouth,-N. H. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hutchins visit ed their daughter, Mrs. .. Knighton, at Bath, N. H., last week. Mrs. J. J. Hutchinson and daugh ters are with her mother at Fitch Bay, Que., for a few days. Louis Archer and family have re turned from Montreal, where they have been visiting relatives. Ernest Freeman of Springfield, Mass., has been in town several days visiting friends and relatives. - TO RENT TO RENT Furnished rooms. Mrs. W. R. Powney. v 28-50p TO RENT Rooms, furnished heated, bath connections. Crystal Lake House, Barton. Tel. N. E. 8017, and Green Mountain 19-21. 18tf TO RENT Boats. D. J. . Valley, Crystal Lake House, Barton, Tel., N. E. 8017, and -Green Mountain, .19-21. - . . ----- 25tf LOST LOST A gold watch, 15-jewel Waltham, on the fair grounds. July 4. Finder return to Lyman Brooks, Shef field. 28-29p LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN Bay mare, weighing about 1000 4 lbs. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this mare please" notify W, P. Des marais, Barton. Both 'pnones. lw LOST Between"". Evansville and Amos LaFont's, Albany, pouch con taining money. Finder notify C. C. McDowell, Orleans, Vt. 27-28p rXOST-Last Sunday l;he 25th tire and rim, Oakland make. Notify G. G. Kittredge, Island Pond, Vt., and re- cieve reward. R. L. C. to Meet in Irasburg. The Rural Carriers will meet at the Congregational vestry at Iras burg Tuesday, July 18. There is room for all and we hope to see every carrier out and bring, the family. ' There will be a short business ses sion after which ice cream will be served. s A. A. Webster . President Orleans County R. L. C. A. Congregational Church Notea Rev. J. J. Hutchinson, Pastor 10.30 Worship. 11.45 Bible school. . 6.00 Christian Endeavor meetings. - 7.00 Song service and short ser mon. ' ; Methodist Church Notes RevT M. A. Turner, pastor. No services will be held at V the church for the next four weeks. Weather permitting the members of the Junior League will participate in an afternoon of fishing Saturday. Meet at the postoffice at 2 p. m. with box lunches. The committee in charge is Kate BurnhanS, Miriam Turner and Dorcas Nute. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Phillips were in Marshfield Wednesday visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Maxwell. Percy W. Cowles returned Monday night to his home in New York but will return soon for some time. . Rev. L. Marceau is at the St. Johns bury v hospital for treatment.' Fr. Marceau is 'past 80 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Buchanan pf South Ryegate are visiting their un cle, G. I. Lirfcoln, at Hotel Barton. - Mrs. Mary Waterman, widow of the late Robert ' Waterman, died last night at her home on Cemetery ave nue. - Mr. and Mrs. F. Bilodeau and son, Harry, of Sherbrooke, Que., recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bilodeau here. :. - ' There will be a dance at Glover Institute Hall Friday evening, July 14. Music by Barton Novelty or chestra. Mrs. Mabel (Edmunds) Douglas and daughter, Agnes, of Blackduck, hit: ' TVf,. ATo f A ' ? A. Barrows. George Gorham is in. charge of the Roaring Brook stables for the sum - mer while Mr. Utton is absent with race horses. . Miss Catherine Wilcox has return - ed to New York and will take a spe - cial course at Columbia university this supamer. - V Mrs. Alex ; Freehart and four sis - t.prs. who are her sruests. are spend- ing a few -days with friends at Iras burg this. week. Mrs. C. A.x Currier -and daughter, Josephine, of Philadelphia, Pa., v are at .Mrs. Susan Currier for their an-, nuaT vacation. . who have been visiting friends in and Mrs. H. C. Calef and party of this vicinity, have returned to Tifton.vhVe of Providence, R. I., Mr. and Mrs. Ga., their home. CrP. MoaFKs Burlington. Mr. Moat Miss Laura Blair, who has been at b state chemist. Also Dr. and Mrs. the Barton Bakery, for some time, Jv. A. Reynolds and party -of five has finished work there and will be from Boston, who have been visiting at home for the present. I friends in several towns mfhis coun- A letter from a former resident, lr? oli. iu- uri - xvoscoe y,. omi u ."ia.kins was in command of a section of speaumg Liie summa i sams," Dixille Notch, N. H. C B. Webster of Springfield, Mass., and Elmer E. Webster of Quebec, P. Q., are at the home of their broth er; -C. S. Websteryfor a few days. When the weather is such that the Barton Cornet band cannot play Saturday evenings, , they will give a concert the following Monday even ing Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Buck of;i,a woov.o f sw iVn uiaremont, xs. i.,-recently visitea at Alvin Tripp's. Misses Doris and Dora . Tripp returned home with them by Huto. I - - . . . Mr. " Donahue of the Sanborn Map Co., New York, has been in town for."Vua"y. x i" lo aiM!nu ine weuumg viii. May i the past few days, recharting roads, ioi a Iriena buildings and hydrants for insurance.1 , Mr. and Mrs. Earl Simpson of Lyn companies. ' " j dctnville spent the week-end with Mr. Mrs. George Centebar, who has " and Mrs- F- E- Simpson. . ..... " been with the B. F. & H. L. Jackman Mr. and Mrs. Chas Kelton have Co. for some time has finished work turned from Burlington where there and will work in the new Lar-j they have been since last fall." abee & Centebar store. j - There will be a dance at Institute ' Mr. and Mrs. F. D, Thompson, Mr. - Hall Friday evening, July 14. Music and Mrs. : N.R. Underwood andMissJ by the Barton Novelty orchestra., Arleen Brownlee have returned from Alvah 'Rich lias sold his farm to Long pond in Westmore, where they parties from Fall - River, Mass., and have been spending several days. j is living with his mother John McCaffrey of St. Johnsbury,! Henry Cook, who went to Mary Joe McCaffrey and two sons of Thet- Fletcher hospital at Burlington for ford, Mines, Que., Mrs. -Joe Neagle(an operation last week, is improving and Katherine Kulliher of Lyndon-: in health. ville visited at Peter Cota's hist week. Mrs f. E. Simpson entertained a -The sun and wind of the past few house party last week: Miss Florence days has encouraged farmers to get ' Drew and Mrs. Bertha Morrill and into their hayfields. Today, Wednes- j son, Kenneth, of St. Johnsbuoy. day, is the warmest day of the sea- Mr. and Mrs. Leslie were joyfullv lnl St 'erm,ter registering surprised by Mrs. Clark's' family 86 to 92 m the shade. -who motored up from Corinth to vis- Rev. J. J. Hutchinson, " Who was it them recentlv. Her brother and called to his home in Belwood, Ont., ; because oi the illness of his mother : i n l j a.1. - tt.-i.l inson will return before -Sunday to conduct services. .' - Leigh. Comstock was awakened last night by, an unusual sound and upon' investigation found Dr Hastings' i u c n- 4-' arouse help promptly and the fire was nnt nut without doincr but littl 1 uuuae i.v uc vu ui c. uc v txo auic w damage. The Woman's Literarv Cluh ta. ports that the library fund has been scho1 session Sunday. increased $100, the gift of Mrs. Lois ! WEST GLOVER mSnrtf MmL!? Kft3 !?' -Mr. Thomas is spending a few days memory of Miss Cora Rowell, who tA w Ticehursts was a club member. This makes the w. licenurst s. building fund total $9639.73. . Vernon Ticehurst from St. Johns Mrs. H. T. LaBar of Delaware Wa-jbury was in town Sunday. ; ter Gap, Pa., mother of George La- Mrs. Alice La Clair and daughter Bar, who has been at Hotel Barton, 'are visiting at Will Magon's. J went to Colebrook, N. H., last week,? -Mrs. Guy Garvin and son, Charles, where H.-T. LaBar recently purchas- are visiting at Lyman Barber's, ed a hotel. While coming down stairs 1 Miss Ruth Bean is spending a few recently she trapped and broke axr days with Mrs. Geofge Nutting aiFred Magoon of Brockton, Mass.j' NV Pelland and family motored to and Frank Magoori of St, Johnsbury Montreal Friday and returned Sat have been visiting their father, Dr. . urafy n W. M. Magoon in Crystal Lake " Miss Grace Rollins of Barton spent Grove. Mrs.- C R. Emerson and Sunday with her friend, Miss Ber daughter. Ruth, of East Oranee. New nice King. - ' i Jersey, daughter and granddauErhter j of Dr. Magoon, are expected here., this OCCUPY NEW HOME Larabee & CentebafMove to Main Street Block Just Finished. The firm of Larabee & Centebar, organized in March, has moved to their new home "just finished by Con tractor F. N. Bilodeau on what - is known as the "Woodman" lot on Main street. Members of the firm need little in troduction to the people of Barton and vicinity, A. A. Larabee having been in the plumbing and heating business in one capacity or another in Barton for nearly 30 years. Mr. Larabee learned his trade in. Crafts bury and worked a year iri Greens boro before coming to Barton where he entered the employ of H. T. Sea ver and remained 13 years. Fifteen years ago he went into business for himself in the Elliott block on Main street where he remained 14 years, moving his business to his house on Glover street some more than a year ago when the Elliott block -was sold to A. R. Robinson. , . - G. C. Centebar has been in Barton more than three years, having come to the employ of Frank Paddleford from service overseas and remained with I. A: McRitchie when he boughi the Paddleford - business until this spring when" he and Mr. Larabee formed a partnership. Mr. Cente bar learned nis trade in Rochester, N. Y., and previous to- the World war was employed by True & Blanchard Co. of Newport and by Mr. Kier of Craf tsbury. The ,new building of the firm is a wood structure, two stories high with basement, : 32x42 feet. The street floor is built for a store, the entire space being - one large room, well lighted, sheathed with wood on the walls and steel overhead. This makes a splendid , store space. The front is of glass containing a central en trance and two plate glass windows, 11x6 feet. An entrance . and stairway to the tenement on the sec ond floor is on the south side of 'the front. The store contains a stock of heating and plumbing goods and will be enlarged to contain a full line of hardware, etc. rne- basement is arranged tor a plumbing and heating shop, is ex- iremeiy ngni- anu convemenu a cuai pocket extends across the entire front. j unaer ine cement approacn to me : i i t . 1 a . ii ' . .... -u-i, . '. u 4. m uunumg wmui duuui, xv ;feet from the sidewalkr A hot. water heating plant will be installed. The second story is a splendid ten- : ment containing six rooms, a bath : and toilet room arid porch at the ;back. These rooms are nicely finish- ; ed, light convenient and v pleasant, ;Mr. and Mrs. Centebar will occupy this tenement. , x . j The building ocupies one of the ; finest business , sites in. townilnd is a distinct addition to Main street. - Recent guests at Hotel Barton Woodstock, Mrs. W. H. Penn of East; Elmhurst, L. I., Miss Ella Blaisdell : and party of three of Orleans, C. L. i Stnwo - Mr i ZZJnT of Norwich university. CoL Thomp tha ll. S. nrmv that wont infn Mot. jico in 1916.. - GLOVER Miss Mary Stone is visiting rela tives in Albany. S. E. King is building a garage at the rear of his store. Wesley. Drew is building an addi- i tion onto his barber shop. ! n ji itr y-n . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Christie spent VAAf V VrA VliU V WW A IkV Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mason are vis iting their daughter, Mrs. Albert Merriam. - ' - - Miss Carol Kimball has gone to . -at v .ii J it. " jj: his wife from, Michigan- were wrth-f the party. GLOVER COMMUNITY CHURCH Mcrnir.y worship"! 1 a. m. Sunday school 12 m. Praise service 7.30 p. m. Children's day will be observed o j . it 1 . eunaay at ine wnnmumiy cnureu. : Clifton Drew, who attended the summer school at Saxton's River. gave" a fine report at the Sunday Rev. W. A. Warner of Peacham is spending a two weeks vacation m - Miss Evelyn Bates went last Fri day to Newport Center to spend some time with her grandparents. - Mr. and Mrs. George Davio and daughter from St. Johnsbury spent the week-end at. M. A. Davio's.- v Miss Hester Webster has been spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. E. A. Slack, of Newport. - Mrs. Adams and two children, who have been visiting at Guy Bates', re turned to their home at Montreal Fri day. - Mrs. Alice Goodrich from Green field, Mass., niece of Nelson Rash, spent a few days at A. A. Webster's last week. Mrs.-Mark Bean has gone to Sher brooke, P. Q., where she is to assist in the home of her daughter for a few weeks. Mrs. Lottie Barber and son, Dean, and Mrs. Lucy Byrant from Somer ville, Mass., are camping in E. C. Elliott's cottage at Parker pond. - NELSON RASH Nelson Rash, well known to the West Glover and South Albany peo ple, passed away last Monday, July 3rd, at the home of A. A. Webster, after an" illness of valvular heart trouble.' He was taken worse on Thursday and passed away after much suffering on Monday evening. , Prayer -was held at the home Wed nesday. Funeral services were con ducted by Rev. Newton of Albany, at the South Albany church and burial was in the village cemetery. Mr. Rash was born in Canada May 29, 1868, and was thjespn of Mr. and Mrs. George Rash. In childhood he had an illness which left him lame. The early part of his life was spent inrasburg. He went to South Al bany" 30 years ago, where he made his home until the fire of 1913 when he came to West Glover to live at A. A. Webster's. Two years ago he bought a farm in East Albany and has lived there the past year until his health failed.' Mr. Rash was a carpenter and drove .stage between Barton arid West Glover. He will Jbe missed by his many friends. - CARD Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Web star wish to thank the many kind f riends and neighbors who assisted during the sickness and death Of vroi0rtT, pnci nnH for the manv flow- JUI1 " ers. GREENSBORO BEND R. J. Shurtleff of Hardwick was in the place on business Saturday. - Henry Stone move'd Friday to his place which he recently purchased. Mr. and,Mrs. G. R. Davis and chil dren were in St, Johnsbury Friday. Mr nd Mrs. Lu u Levitt were in St. Johnsbury on business, the past week,.- Mrs. Helen Esdon; and family at tended the Esdon reunion at Ryegate Saturday. Mrs. W. A. Allen and son, klmer, spent several days last week with f "ends m Stanstead. Natalie Buck returned from 'Joe's nntifl Fridav where she has been spending a few days with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leavitt are the parents of twins, a boy and a girl, born at the home of Mrs. Frank Dow on Monday, July 3. Joe Demars has stored his house hold goods and he and Mrs. Demars will board at Mrs. Demars' parents for a time, until they can find a ten ement. Sherwood Allen, little son of R. C. Allen, got his eye quite badly injur ed Tuesday evening while trying to light a firecracker It -exploded hit ting the little fellow in the eye. It is hoped that the sight may be saved. GREENSBORO Several from town -went to Barton to celebrate the Fourth. Mrs. Martha Dow is " visiting her nephew, Mr. Bolton, in Cabot. Mr. Wd Mrs. Cyrus Metcalf spent the week-end with relatives in ras burg. Mrs. Addie Simmons of Stowe is the guest of her sisters, " Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Kaiser. Mrs. Harris and son, Donald, of New York are) stopping at the Cas pian Lake House. Rev. Gordon of Franconia, N. H., preached at. the Congregational church. Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs.S. H. Martin of St. Johnsbury were visitors in town Thursday and- Friday. Our summer residents are Return ing; to town and several new cottages are being, built this season. " The outing of the Grangers plan ned for the Fourth Was- postponed until some later date not yet deter mined. . . The play Thursday evening given by the Nellie Gill players was well patronized and a good clean enter tainment was enjoyed. ; ,x Mr. and Mrs. Fenton Judkms with their son and Mrs. Judkins' mother and lady friend from Barnet visited Miss Emma Lindsay the 'ourth. Mr.' and Mrs. Roy Leavitt are re joicing over the arrival of twins, a boy and a girl, born at Mrs. Dow's maternity hospital, Monday, July 3. Dorothea and Donald Roy. Mrs. Nora Lindsay "has returned from the home of her sister in Mel vin Village, N. H., where she has spent the past few months, and vis ited at Charles Goodrich's a few days and will spend the-sumer at Clarence Peel's. . " ' " - - 1. ; EAST CRAFTSBURY' Miss Mabel Young is attending the summer school in Burlington. Mrs. Anna Miller of Greensboro is sewing at Jtfrs. Alice Simpson's. The choir will meetf for rehearsal at the home of Mrs. Oney E. Rowell on Friday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walbridge, Elsie and Everett, of. Cabot spent Sunday at O. H. Anderson's. There was a fine attendance at the missionary meeting at the parsonage Thursday, over 60 being served to dinner. "' Dr. M. H. Griswold - and family spent the Fourth in Burlington, Miss Ruth Rogers, Mrs. Griswold's sister, returning with them. Miss Jean Simpson gave lantern evening. These are given quite fre quently and are very interesting and instructive. The "John Woodruff Simpson Me morial library has completed one year of service to the community. During the year 2731 books have been read by the patrons. This li brary now contains 1525 volumes, 165 of these having been entered this summer, also several new games for the game table, which are much en joyed by the children. i CRAFTSBURY Mrs. Ruth Allen of Burlington is visiting friends in town. . Mrs. Bishop entertained""the W. F. M. S. at her home Friday af terrtbon. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Smith motored to Danville to call upon friends re cently. - Mr. and Mrs. Foster Rand-from Whitman, Mass., were week-end vis itors in town. Roland Moodie and family moved to their new home in this village Saturday afternoon. - Alice Davidson went Sunday to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Grow, in Johnson. Mrs.' Eva Marckres went to Greens boro Saturday night, where she ex pects to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. E. ' N. Bemis from Brockton, Mass., former residents, called on friends in town Sunday." Mrs. C. H. Harriman of Hartford, Conn., came Friday afternoon to spend a few weeks with friends in town. , E. J. Rutter, optometrist, will be at Mrs. Brewster's Wednesday, the 19th. "Call and have your eyes ex amined. , adv Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grow oi Johnson were over Sunday guest3 of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Davidson. '; Mrs. Lydia Robbins and daughter, Evelyn, visited Mrs. Robbins' daugh ter, Mrs. Cuthbertson, Monday in St. Johnsbury. Mrs. Alice Spaulding and children, Gerald and Dorothy, from Boston are visiting Mrs. Spaulding's moiher, Mrs. P. W. Kaber. , Doris Wells gave a very interest ing report of the Epworth institute held' in Montpelier in the Sunday school session. Mrs. Patche and children from Burlington accompanied by Miss Holmes were guests of Mrs. Dilling ham last week. - Mr. and Mrs. George Howard of New York .City left Saturday for theii home, after spending a week with friends in this town." - Mrs. Jemiic Davidson went to .Wf terb gund to vIMt her husljand) T ,TrV ,.QW ;11 She was accompanied by . her son. Alden Twiss. ' .Among the pleasant events of last week was the marriage of Lee Flet cher of Albany and Miss Mildred Sil ver of this town. The ceremony 'was performed in Hardwick, by the Rev. Ej W. Craig, a former pastor. The wedding supper was i served at the bride's home. - The 'young couple were well remembered with presents. Rice and confetti were furnished in bountiful supplies as the happy cou ple left to spend their honeymoon in Danville. " NORTn CRAFTSBURY 'Will Norris from Florida is visit ing cousins in town. ; . Randall Perley of New York is a guest at Auld Lang Syne. Miss Blanche Cole is home from Northampton for a vacation. H. Dunn has been. in. Johnsbury the past week attending courts Mr. and Mrs. A. Watts and chil dren have returned to Dixville, P. Q. The "night of the movies has been changed until Tuesday night of each. Master Georgie Allen of Greens boro is visiting his uncle, W, E. Wheeler. Mrs. Larabee from West Glover visited at E. Larabee's the last of the week. Miss Glendora Adams from Man chester, N. H., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. S. Johnson. Quite a good number went to Bar ton from here to attend the Fourth of July celebration. Mrs. Farrar, who has been visit ing Jier son, Bliss, has gone to Iras burg to visit friends. A blanket shower was given Miss Seaver at C. . H. Root's Thursday, about 50" being present. y, , Mrs. Williams received the sad news Sunday of the death of her niece, Nellie Smith, of Barnet. It has been decided -to hold a Chau tauqua on the common July 21, 22, 24. Very promising talent is expected. Programs are out at various places. THE DEMERITT REUNION The descendants of the late Mar cus Demeritt held a reunion July 4th at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. Charles Cochran of yNorth Craf tsbury. Mr. Demeritt has . one sonj Morris, of CraftsburyN.and four daughters, Mrs. Fannie Reed, of Hardwick; Mrs. Lil lian Cochran, of Craf tsbury; Mrs. Edna Loomis, also of Craftsbury, and Mrs. Gertrude Whitemore of Mor risville. They were all present and all the grandchildren except two, Mrs. Mabel Chamberlin of Elmore and Howard Whitemore of Stowe, be sides many . of the great-grandchildren were ' there. Fifty-seven, sat down to a bountiful dinner which was spread on tables under a tent oh the lawn. This is the first reunion they have held since 1898, when Mr. and Mrs. Demeritt were both living and the gathering was at their home., A committe of three, Mrs. Lillian Cochran, Nelson -Reed and Merton Cochran was appointed to makepre parations for the reunion next year. Those from out of town to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Orlie Cochran and family, Mr. and Mrs. , Willis Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hughes; of Hardwick; Mr. and Mrs. Almon Whit more .and family of Morrisville, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reed and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Red and family of Wolcott; Mrs.. Bertha f Hart and fam ily of Elmore, Mrs. Orinda Thurber of Williamstpwn, Harry Demeritt, Mr. and Mrs.v Merton Cochran and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cochran and family, Mr. and Mrs. bamuel Conley of Groveton, N. H., and " Mr. BROWNINGTON Lawrence Kelley spent the week of the Fourth with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Kelley. Miss Ethel Newton is at home from Long Valley, N. J., for her summer "vacation. Several from here attended the dance in Dr. Wells' new barn at his farm in Westmore. Mrs. Alberta Newton and children are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Day and other relatives. Mrs. Alberta Newton and children are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Day, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Regan and children from Springfield, Mass., called on friends one -day last week. Rev. A. J. Ward of Irasburg preached here Sunday in the absence of Rev. C. D. Pierce, who is ill with blood poison. The Ladies' Aid society will have an ice cream and cake supper at the hall Saturday night, July 15th. Ev erybody come. Mr. and-Mrs. Harold Waterman and child spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kalhstrom of Wil loughby lake. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Dutton enter tained MrsrEdna Dutton, Mrs. Mabel Adams, Louise Adams and Mrs. Ar thur Austin and children last week. "Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burrows and daughter, Lillian, in company with Eleanor Marenaj a niece, and Miss Lillian Barrows and Guy Seaborne, all of Boston, on their way to visit his mother, Mrs. Evelyn Burrows, and family, had a very narrow escape from a v serious accident. -The car went down a seven-foot embankment near St. Johnsbury and turned com pletely over pinning the occupants beneath the car. When extricated Mr.- Burrows received several- cuts, Mrs. Burrows received a bad bruise on, the head, Miss Burrows a fracturi ed wrist and. Mr. Seaborne was quite badly injured. The two children were uninjured. They were attended by Drs. Kendrick an Wells. GOLDEN WEDDING The evening of the Fourth of July was a joyous occasion to the friends of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wiggins, who had come together at the hall to help them celebrate their 50th wed ding anniversary with 'their children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters. The hall upstairs and downstairs was prettily decorated with gold, white and green. Two tables were set for refreshments. " Mrs. J. E ..Young extended the con gratulations of the company to Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins ' and by request read a poem which had been written by Mrs. Clara Joslyn Gross m the 50th wedding analy cioaiy of -Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murray, uncle and aunt of Mrs. Wiggins; readings, Mr. Young and Mrs. E. S. Kelley; song, Pauline Wiggins; song, Mrs. Eva Cleveland; song, Marjorie Young; reading and recitation by Mrs. Mar jorie Martel ; song, Mrs. Kate Wig gins and George Wiggins; piano and -violin solo, Mr. and Mrs. Martel; vio lin solo by Wm. P. Smith, aged 85, encored twice; humorous sketches by Scott Tinkham; recitation and stories Fred Adams; several community songs. They were presented with $110 in gold, $50 of it given by the children, sofa' pillow made by Mrs. Church. Delicious refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. The wedding cake, made by Mrs. L. T. Grow, was a decided success. Out of town guests were Frank Adams and son of Manchester, N. H.; Fred Adams; Dayton, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiggins and son of Hartford, Conn., Mr. and Mrs. Louis Martel, , Maiden, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. George Wiggins and daughter, Pauline, from Forest Hill, Mass., and Samuel Cloud of Lowell. BROWNINGTON CENTER Joseph Bourrette is entertaining his brothers and sisters from Quebec. There will be a social dance at the town hall Thursday evening, July 13. Miss Mildred Bundy of Lowell is visiting her sister, Mrs, Mamie Deew ker. . - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stone of Gardner, Mass., are visiting his broth er, -P. G. Stone. Mrs. Elmer White of East Brown ington is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Whitcomb. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Smith attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. George Wiggins at Brownington July 4. News has been received of the mar riage of Miss Dorothy Seymour ''to Mahlon Robbins of Craftsbury. Con gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Emery and S. H.Clough went to Troy Sunday tak ing Mrs. Lafayette Willis, who has been visiting them, to her, home there. Mr. ancl Mrs. J. H: Currier enter tained as guests on 'Sunday their nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Currier, of North Troy, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bishop of Orlearis and, Miss Evelyn Currier of Newport. ALBANY - Alfred Whitehead, organist at the Episcopal cathedral at Montreal, will be the pianist at the M. E. church Sunday, July 16. . ' A child was born to Mr. and Mrs Louis Mason July 9th, but lived onW a few hours. The funeral was held Tuesday morning. At the M. E. parsonage July 5 Mayland J. Robbins and Adorothy May Seymour were united in mar riage by Rev. Percy Newton. The social event of last week was a feception given Mrand Mrs. Har old Chaffee? at their home Friday evening. Over 100 of their friends and neighbors were present. The evening was passed in playing games and dancing. Refreshments of cake, sandwiches and coffee were served -Rev. Percy Newton in behalf of the company presented them with a sura of money, a token of good will. The party broke up at midnight washing i the" young couple -a long and happy life. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES Rev Percy Newton, Pastor. : Morning service at 10.30. Snyyjav yhool nt 11.30.