Newspaper Page Text
THE' MONITOR, NOVEMBER 22, 1922 V 1 PAGE FIVE I of rA LAST WEEK We Jame to you with the suggestion that you allow , us to help you plan your THANKSGIVING DINNER. This week we come to you with the goods. 5 Eating Apples 50c, 60c and 75c peck . Unions 45c peck, Sweet Potatoes 8 lbs. ior.Z5c . 176 Count Florida Oranges 50c-doz (Jape Cod Cranberries lbc quart 34- 3f- Ifanln Cinnin JO OK rrnllAn 5. ta apic ujrxup pj.jis gaiiuu ( . , 4c . Bulk Macaroni 12c lb. Imported Cluster Raisins 50c 5r- n i t r f il T 1 0 1"U iviaiaga urape zoc id. bananas xoc iu J Seeded Raisins 20c package " aT . Whole Head Rice 10c lb . J v Large Prunes 20c lb J Pearl Tapioca 15c package A , - . , - Minute Tapioca 15c package , - I , J Washed Figs 15c package, J Pealed Peaches 20c package : Shelled Popping (Jorn be lb af i J Comb. Honey 40c lb , , Strained Honey 4c lb.-jar 5 " New Dates 15c lb - af Peanut-Butter 19c lb New 'Apricots' 30c lb Full Cream Cheese 32c lb Roquefort Cheese 75c Heinz Apple Butter 15c jar . . V .' Premier Salad Dressing 15c and 45c jar .. ' Olive Butter" 15c jar Horseradish Relish 20c jar Olive Oil 45c Boiled Cider 60c qt Olives 25c Stuffed Olives 25c Monadnock Yellow Cling Peaches 40c can -r 1 Campbell's Soups 12c can V .. ; Sliced Pineapple 35c, 45ccan Del Monte Plums 35c can Pealed Apricots 42c can Bartlett Pears 45c can Succotash 25c can' " - Red Beans 12c can Sweet Corn 18c Red Raspberries 40c can , - Cut Golden Wax Beans 25c can , ' ' Early June Peas 18c, can , ' - v Telephone Peas 22c can Blueberries 30c can Lima Beans 20c can at--af af at- at- Piimnk n 22c. can Asnaraerus Tins ouc can J Golden Bantam Corn 25c can " J Tomatoes 15c, 20c and 25c can Almond Nuts 35c lb , ; - ar - - xt..i o r? il at-- .recan inuis ooc iu , Brazil Nuts lc- lb at- ,' $ Ox Hart Molasses Kisses 20c lb at Social-Whirl Kisses 35c lb at- - r tt 4- -dii TrZcnna on 1U at-at- Peanut brittle 2oc ID . Shll Peanuts 15c lb Walnuts 35c lb Manle Kisses 45c 4b Peanut Brittle 25c lb Salted Peanuts 30c Homemade Style Chocolates 25e lb , , -k Ch6colate Croquettes 35c lb . Dartmouth Chocolates 50c lb , Ribbon Candy 25c lb t Pon Corn Brittle 35c lb Royal Marshmallows 5c lb - Orancrfi Pekoe Tea. bulk. 50c lb -K - -K -K -K ? 'I at-al-at-at- at-at-at-at-at-at-at-al-at-at-at-at-at-,a(-at- . at-at-at-at-at- . t-at-af-a(-at-at- ' at- at-at-at-at-at-at- at-at-at-a-at-at-at- ' at-at-al-al-at-af-at- at-at-at- at-at-at-at-at- at- Jannn ftrpen Tea. hulk. 50u lb r'Viaca Snnhnrn "Spnl RratiH":Tfla 45c can - Chase & Sanborn small leat Sittings 25c lb . ! . ' ' "at- 1 - The flavor lingers. "The aroma lingers. The pleasure lingers YOU will linger over' your f lavory cup of CHASE6 SANBORN'S Seal Brand" Coffee. V HUNTER & POTTER ORLEANS, VT. al- at-at- 3t- at-at-at-at- CUT GLASS We have a very nitfe assortment of Cut Glass in ourv Base- W .ment Store at bargain prices. Hoover Suctibn Sweepers I x Ask to have The Hoover demonstrated in your horre. It Sweeps as It Beats as It Cleans. ' . Second-Hand Stoves and Furniture We have a iig stock1- of Second-Hand Cookstoves and Heaters. Chairs, Rockers, Dithers, Beds, Springs, Etc. We have one Second-Hand Plate Mirror, 18x40 Price $12. The Whipple-Con verse Co. Orleans, Vermont v '- ORLEANS O. W. Loci, ' A, QT Austin, BprUr Business Agent GRADED SCHOOL NOTES The first term of school came to a close Friday with the following: pu pils having perfect attendance: First grader . Robert Austin, Ray mond Choquette, Paul Currier, Guy Drake, Clarence Ewensi Stefan Mal sheek, :Dwight Roberts, Emmett Tim mons, Doiis Blair, Edith LaBounty, Rachel LaBounty. ' Second grade: Albion Allen, Ever ett Clifford, Oscar . Currier, Wilbur Drake, Raymond Grant, Harold Hoad ley, Clarence " Norton, Esther Allen, Muriel Cota, Pearl Friend, Dale La Flam, Ruth Searles, Bernice Willey. Third grade: Pale Leonard Frances Stevens, Muria wells, Howard Baird, Hayden Bean, Irving Clifford, Ernest Gauvin, Harold Green, Maurice Ket tle, Clifton Paye, Raymond St. Peter, Milton Willey. .Fourth grade: '"Clare Eldridge, Preston Fox, Garth Smith, Keith Lea vitt, Elaine Allen, Alice Cota, Fran ces Chaffee, Gertrude Currier, Alic Dwinell, Gertrude' Norris, ,-D o r i s. TwomblyJ Hildegarde' Sylvester, Doris White, Katherine Wilson. Fifth grade: Earl Barney, .Raymond !!ota, Dwight Dwinell, Rodolph ; Rain ville, Preston Smith, Sherman Swett, Leon Whiting, Helen Dudley, Annie Kettle, Juliette Rainville. Sixth grade: Dorothy Bowman,' Alice Chaffee, Dorothy Currier Rita Hardy, Madeline Phillips, 'Marion Stoddard, Kathleen Tripp, John Al den, Gordon Clarkson, Roy Glodgett, Lloyd Macie,. Owen Macie, jDavid Swett, PhiUip Malsheek. " Mrs. Levi Lothrop was a visitor in the first grade on Friday. 1 The sixth grade had a spelling con test on Friday. Eletta Yates spelled the school down. A parent-teachers meeting was held on Wednesday evening.' with a large attendance. The evening's program consisted of a regular school session for an hour and a half and a moving picture on Cuba. Miss Beede dem onstrated a third grade music lesson. Miss Robinson, the community nurse, gave "a short talk x concerning the school children's health records. Miss Hunt gave a few facts regarding the need 'of a wore organized parent teacher association in the community and the advantages and usefulness of it. Such an organization affiliated with the state association would be a great help to both parents and teach ers. It is expected that soon a meet ing will be held for the purpose of organizing 'such an association and it is hoped that each and every interest ed, person in, the community will respond. . - - Congregational Church Notes - R. A. Hamilton,. Pastor The subject for the Sunday morn ing sermon: "Religious Reading." This will include description of the Vermont plan to put the best of present day boos into the hands of the. people of the churches, as well as a discussion of present plans for our religious magazines; The subject of the illustrated lecture on Sunday evening, "Village Life in India." This wilhbe a. union service at the Congre gational church. "" , ' Orleans High School Notes. . HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL CdMEDY The Orleans junior high school prer sented the musical " comedy in two acts, entitled "The; Pennant,"vat Op era Hall Tuesday evening, November 21st, . to a v full house. : The. first act represented a' campus preceeding a football game, .and the second showed the football prqm with a5 stage setting of Japanese lanterns. A cast of 53 students gave a program of 22 songs and dances in a manner which reflected great credit upon the participants and their tutors, and elicited well deserved applause. The singing of "The Pennant' "We'll All Be Happy' "Twinkle, Twinkle," and the closing number, "The. Good Old College Town," showed good training and were heartily encored. The solo parts were well taken and worthy of especial mention, but to call names would necessitate 'd repetition of the entire cast because all did so' well. - V Cast-of Characters Jack Lawson, a senior who has been working his way through college and Captain of the football team, Harold Gallup, '23; Lord Woodby Rich, an heiress-hunting Englishman, ; Roscoe Nute, '23; Levi Lender, a Jewish ped dler, Dwight -Stafford, ex-22; Verdant Green, a freshman from "up country," Carl Colby, '24; , Jeremiah Bond, a stock broker, Percy Bullard, '23Ben nie Owen, the football coach, Ralph Chamberlin, '25; Tom Mason, a friend of Jack, Howard Allen, '25; Bill Hard ing, a chum of Jackf Benny Doyle, '23; 'Doris Bond, adopted daughter of Jer emiah Bond, Doris Dickens, ;24; Mrs. Jeremiah Bond, a society climber, Ruth Wheeler, '24; Mrs. Reno Grass, a widow and college chaperon, Eve lyn Adams, '24; Miss Eleanor Swett, a friend of Doris, Eleanor Bean, '25; Miss Evelyn Young, a chum of Doris, Evelyn Kinney, '23; chorus of 40 foot ball players and college girls. The New Harmony orchestra fur nished music before and between the acts. 1 Their meritorious work is , too well known to need any comment. They also furnished music for the dance, which followed. . This entertainment is a fine tribute to the faithful work of the music teacher, Miss Helen, Beede, and her faithful assistants and may . rank as one of the very best of a long list of meritorious productions of the Or leans junior high school. Methodist Church Notes. Clarence D. Pierce, Pastor Morning worship will feature the Thanksgiving festival with ' special music and other appropriate exercises. The union evening service will be held at the Congregational church. Last Sunday evening the Queen Esther Circle received in the offering $13.62, which will be used for the support of the Italian Mission at Bar re. Thes Gleaners Sunday School class realized at their sale of f ancywork and homemade fudge in connection with the chicken-pie supper, the sum of $16.60, which will be used to swell their fund for the purchase of chairs for their classroom. Monday evening, November 27, Rev. Herbert T. Cdontz of, Newport will give an illustrated nature lecture at the church auditorium. " All school pupils 15 cents, adults; 25 cents. Heavy Winter rouasers -We have the largest assortment of Warrensburg, All-Wool Trousers that we have ever had and , that's going some, for we've always had a big bunch of them. ! , Warrensburg Trousers are not just cut trousers but tailored trousers-and when you buy a Warrensburg Guaranteed Trouser you get comfort, warmth and satisfaction. ' The Warrensburg Guarantee, as it is found in every pair of their trousers, either dress' or work, reads: , GUARANTEE We guarantee oui trousers to be-, strictly all wooj, and not to rip, and will replace any pair" not found, exactly as guaranteed. Signed, ' WARRENSBURG WOOLEN GO. i Al Goods 6-8 qt Preserving Kettles, each . . Pound Roasters, large . v." . . 8-cup Panel Percolators 2-qt. Double Boilers . .,. . No. 7 Teakettles,plain cast .": . No. 7 Teakettles, panel cast . . . 10-qt. Preserving Kettles ....... O Large Oval Roasters : . . .87c . . . .87c .87c . . . .87c . $1.75 . 1.85 . .,'1.25 . . 2.50. All are 'guaranteed pure Aluminum,, made in first class shape and at the lowest price we ever quoted the same quality have a look.1 , Beede Block HOYT & .riOYT Orleans, Vt. Heavy Mackinaw Shirts ancKCoats in dark colored plaids and greys. 'Heavy Mackinaw?, pjaids and dark greys. - ( Heavy, All-Wool Trousers with Rtraight-lacecT bottcms in grey and dark plaids. Just the style for lumbermen's rigs. Not made with the large cut sides as an army trouser. - - Have a largeassortment of Boys' Knee Trousers ranging "in price from $i.oo to$ Very good colors and weight ' ; -'y r ' , ' - . . .RalpW Ht :; Harris . The House of Kuppenheimet Good Clothes ORLEANS, VERMONT sBoaBBBBassaosBsaaaB&iaokiBBaBiia&lBaBBBBaBaaBBaBaBaaBBBSi Just Received Another Large Shipment of Canned Salmon Libby's Best Red 30c a can. Lib by 'a Medium Red 20c a can. Pink Salmon 15c a can. California Soft Shelled Walnuts 38c a lb. Mixed Nuts for Thanksgiving 29c a lb. Cranberries, bright and sound at 18c a lb. Malaga Grapes 25c a lb. - Peanut Brittle 25c a lb. Raisins, seeded, 20c a package Seedless, N 22c a package. ' . ' ' jt ..- A good size Orangp at 50c a dozen. Dates 18c a lb. Sweet Potatoes 8 -lbs. 25c. j Apples -Baldwins and Greenings, 60c a peclr 4- pound pail Squires' Pure Shortening 75c. 5- lb. pail Squires' Pure Lard $1.00. vCrane Comb Honey 40c acomb. , A real cheese at 34c a lb. Peanut Butter7 none better, only 17c a lb. Thanksgiving Is machine YAPP and you shoufd be thankfulrihat we can supply . you with Cooking Spices, Fine Leaf Sage, Can dies, etc. Thanksgiving "Napkins, Place Cards 'and Post Cards. - Your dinner will be more complete with a btick of TurnbulVs Ice Cream Leave your order writh us-as early as possible and . we will deliver the cream when you wish. Kinney's Pharmacy Orl cans, - "'Vermont tf K S a B a a is n n Q n El y Si a 1 y 1 i m B B n ta m a B B a a Our Best Coffee is a Real Coffee Ask Those That Have Tried It, and the price is only 38 cents a pound.. Have us grind you a pound and we will have Your Coffee Trade. TlhiUF-TO-OATE GROCERY LEON E. SWETT, Proprietor Postoff ice Square Orleans, Vt. CLOTHCRArTA 4"" Clothes Great Big l Warm -Overcoats . ' , ' , Overcoats that will stop the cold winds. Overcoats that you will be proucl to wear. .Overcoats that won't einpty your pocketbook Big, roomy, plaid back coats in grays, seal, brown cinnamon brown and mixedcombinations that are sure to please you. s We have a fine selec tion of these a't 25 to 35 This , Week We' A re Offering As A Special shoes price. 25 plair of .Ladies' Walk-Over Shoes in black kid and brown, .", ' ;wlth the military heels at $4.98. These are regular $8 and $9 and won't lasrlong at these prices. 1 Every pair a Walk-Oyer and a chance to own a high-price shoe at a cheap Y G S. STEVENS , OrIeans,v Vermont x 1 The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes V ORLEANS Miss Germaine Lavoie is employed at Fletcher's.- . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepard have moved to Northfield. Miss Hazel Vance was. at home at North Danville over Sunday. Miss Elsie Huntington recently vis ited her sister in Newport town. V F Hunter is attending U. S. Dis trict court at Newport as a juror. Mrs. George. Fletcher was a recent visitor among friends at Newport. The W. C. T. N U. will meet with Mrs. R. G. Quimby Thursday after noon. v W. TT Powers is reported to have v."-ight a farm in Sheffield and moved there. ; , " Miss Ethel Friend of Kimball spent week-end with Mrs. Edward Wells. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hawse re cently visited her father, James Rice, at Jay. - E. E. Doe returned Thursday morn injr from a ten days' business trip to Florida. Edson Thompson of Frellighsburg, Que., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Converse. Carroll Aldich of Drby Line snent he week-end with his sister, Miss Ruth Aldrich. - Mrs. M. A. .Harding of Albanv is .'he gnst of her uncle and aunt, Mrs. T. J. Hughes. " " Mrs F. R. Fairbanks of East Burke --ited her bher'.'F. A. Grow,t few J"V3 last weeK.' , , P. G.: Smith of Bangor, Me., was itv guet of -his brother-in-law, Hale on," Monday. , i Tha Christmas ttore open Decem ber 2, in Durko's block. See their ?d rta page eight., ' ' - ad Th 3 plastering in the new high 3chool ' building: is completed . and, te iparons have 'gone. Wm. Deruslia of St. . Jdhnsbury was the guest of his "ister, Mrs. Harold McNamara, Sunday. , Mrs. Irene Nye coes to Newport JThursdav for a Hsitwith Mr. and Mrs. D. 'N. Dwinell. . ""rr. pid "Mrs Wm. Mayo o' Newr r.ort visrted their daughter', Mrs. C. -Leavitt, last week. ' ' Fred King was so unfortunate as to lose a part of a thumir on a saw at one of the millls recently. (Continued on opposite page,) 0X0XCKCK At Austin's Drug Store , SOAPS f Laundry Soap is all right for The Laundry but- . ) TOILET SOAPS - hould be High Grade, Pure and, Neutral. ? We carry Soaps that are harmless to a healthy sl in. At this season of the'year a pure soap is particularly essential. If your skin is sensitive or inclined to skin diseases, there is no better soap to use than . " ' Rexall Medicated Skin Soap at 25c Special at Austin's -7-Th is Coupon and 60c are ' good for inree 25c cakes Rexall Skin Soa for three days orjjy, Nov. 23, 24,. 25. 5c extfa if sent hy post. ORLEANS VERMONT 0000000000000000000000000000000X000000000KK000000 V V. She custom corseted look. I f ; CORSETS - Stay Young P.N. Practical Front Corsets add to the slim arid ' natural effect by the patented inncf clastic vcs: which holds the frontvsteels .right at the center of thebody.Noridingup andnccfF-ccntcr steels to irritate the bust. Easy-laced overpatcnt ed flat hooks. Various fabcics and styles to select from jn our corset departmerit. $5 to $12. F. H. & M. B. Frasier Orleans, Vf V II JIIHiJMPUV JL BBBBUBBBBsaoaiBaBBnoaancaDaWasBEBflDBBiJBBcsBBnnBzfsaBsca