NOT THE O l O It V O F C ,K S A II ; II V T T II K W K I. F A It I' O V K O fll K. BY IB. Jtf. STACY. I 1 1 11 1 In- token Tiir IS37. tiii: .Momnirs jewel. by it. y. giiulu. Jcivpl iiiixi iiociiiih iliy tnullirr to dfrk, Cliiuin mi fisi in tin-1 li.iin uf mv imk, l.ocKinu iln Hi ilc u line fini in m hold Clu-ei hmiI r.lii-n ihp iui-Ipis iifaiiM Sirongri limn dip.-p me dip link iImi rnnfinn ilii fund lio-.nn ihis iip.imiil' nl mini; ! Gift fiiini nit Miikri.s.i mu .mil sodi-iir, Aliimsl I liulil llipp iih iipinliliiij; iind IV. ir. Whcntp I iliis bI kIiip-k no Imlv hi il new, Kp'i in I rl.i.i iIipp. or m iIipc in view 1 is llif n-in-- slips iipi niiinl, limit in-- ii if ii leiiti-s iIipp hi hind ! .Sufi i llip IimiiiI.isp, Inn fining is i lip k nut 0 ! ttlipn llip nimlipi Iici- li.ihp Ii.h f.i-ul, (Vii'iiii! fiiiin jn in mi F.ip.rd n mist, i-Ik ill. I lier i'ju lie unit rlu-ed fur I tic dun. Spiill ini' uiili I i u 1 1 1 ft run -.bote, Oterilus iipw iittiip.l fiiitiil.iiii of linn, 11 til lllilll III) lllMII lid il 'll'llCi'MI flPP, 'Spuklhi', mil iliiii! ml. I lp.ipui- in itier, I'.iiniin:- iIip minium tr In ifs nil tin) t-pi'in Itiiuliipr id. in ih. inn inn tnip ii ilipiini I fli.ill I c.ili tine t M -.lint, 1 mt Mill 1 There c.innui n.iinc iIipp, thou l.e.utiiriit une ! niilli.ull, rt'K', fit ptiri-tr- in -truth, Hull I'll til I kpi-p llli'p lln-pottf-d lllilll IMIlll 7 1 tint rh.ill I s.itr iln'p lii'in i iiiii liy 1 1 huh. Dm pil it'll lit mm tint . niii.ii ni-lii'il Ii) lime! 1 Wlii'ip. I'i inn tin i Ii iff .iin! dip inltlier ttli'i itt.iy Otpr lilt-- p.iili, shall I linli tlti'P may 1 -.u is die s.-u ip;;, hni itiliHi ilip -ptn, (It ! tliun'll lie intpt d -uiii-Iii fur by litem ! I 111111 ili-tnlp i In p in iin K tt Iin h pine, Tnlll In-ll lit Ills til l-dl'IIP--, llllllt- u i I III! MIIP, ti.niip in In Ihmmiii, no t.iiin dim, Nuilon:- phi in hi phi. I- lie-.- limn Him. -" mil llntt tin- -J n uii-llt III- fold Ol. I III' j.'UPU ill II I lil-L'l) !'! IimIiN. Ilpnli- llllli him In- lilt Inilp "HP !'H, i'p.i.'lni uf unit is iin- kiiijliini iiI'liiMten.' IIECOLLI'.C HONS OK I.UVDY'S LANE. UV A UUITI-ll liKKICKIl. Tlio nm bad nut yi-t descended behind tlC rrelltlO nn 1 11 1 1 m t nf Luiulv's I'n rtn I In cnlllr Iind nut vet relumed In tlii'ir i vetting pasture, inir the wild bi'o in iislnvo in the li-rhietng scntl.rd i n 1 1 tree ; lull lln- groin pasture was nccopn d liy n'liii-d w-n f rnirj-. nnd lltr (.iini liiini it' l In' i't-i-ci erratum w a- dm" in d m I be -if ill tunes nt' 1 1:" life, nml tin; hinder ruiilis uf the battle drum Tbev woro ibo valiant iruups nf my mvn Hive'rei-nt. arrayed in lint enchanting senr-i-l ntidVhUo. null I he dear white and blue Cril!- "I Si li'-iir-,' lllllllli'd priilllltv in ncli t-illicii bninn-t- ; utnl lln-ri! hit.) guy bainicrt- liutno alnfi. wnh t tn; ciiibl.i-zniii'tl itnmcs uf ninny a -triiig Imlil in ie.-cn:d Snnin. wlion- lln'ir nllnni MippnrlLTH bad liariHy enrned i lu-ir crnvviis .iriuumK wln-n ihi-v I'-nl lln'" P'u'nl n;iiin'.-' In ailiirn tin livtii" nnjo uf InMury. 'I'lif nniM' (if tin lonl"N:uinr.i was lsl nmul-t ibc inci-ssnnl ralllin' urinusk'-uy. nml lb" frrqu-nl l linn. ili;rs of n balli'f.V t c'liHinii "Inch cruwti'il llif tr-ti !- i-iniii'-'ii'1.' al'i'ady iiIiuiii.mI: and tic mIvpiv c:liinin r firay in lli" di'iisn sulpliiiriins vapnr winch the nwuki'iiiiiL' rvrnin; hii'izn rull (! mi .v.i.d ibrnin-li ibo wi.-slurn woods. A' yi'i no Itviti" tn mv hail ii!in'.ircd anil tin fury if l he a'-i-nilai'l-- " ni"il m In.' wr.-nk.-d .n (V ii mi Kin) ili'ri'iiri'li univi! nl ,iiiks' ttlm-li lay ui.iiluviird I'mm ltn cntri r ill,; t'.i'tn -. but ih"i'' i-ni'd ir :.nt n (;,.,, oki V I wo i-iiintiiit'l C'lliiuni- nl'tiriui'd u.'ii "" r.i vftl III ili'l- !" iinilnrius, with limiiv n l'iii V nl lipi d and slar-.p.-niol, , b in- hit lluil'Tiii" in I lie b ''iZ" : unit ii. n with Klnndni" lln- iniiid-riu- ntid sure f-iiv vol. leys nl' jjrnpi' ntid um-lipi ry pnun d in n niongil Ihoni by Ih'i Irit'sh irnin llu! new eolnerp", and lln'V u-n Auiltii.-.hi- bnldly iiishi'd fin v 1 1 1 I in Hi" vitv r-puiri'iil' llii-ir pu-itiiiii. Ij iii'.'. diiiih'lul ntul hlimily was 1 lie t-lrurlp ! Tin t-nn Mini- ril and fipty thrniinh iin siimki' ut' Hi" hniHo ;ni; and ttlii'iitlie l.t-i Ihuti riiyn nt'lln nvi iiin-; twilight ini'lluwi'd lli'spb'iiilur nl'ihi' juld en wp.-t, flill the h.ittli' il, and vanou were the ftirci'i-.-p.s and huprs nl' llto cnn triiding cniiiliainniD. Vicinry in-vor hnv pti-il mure ilmibt hilly nver a well liinnlti fiplil; bnlh arntics claimed Iter, bill in liiir icm, clic bt-li iinpil lii neither ; it iniyhi with tnnrh propriety bo tunned what it was a drawn battle. Jl wai tmw lln lone hour nf inidni-lii. and I Ii c ocelli! Iind n-ain chnn-pils the pale mnnn luin her nlv ry cresCi nt ovor the fB6IPrn wildcine?. while nnnii lier jrentlp face wm veiled behiitd I he fl'-ecy chiiuls, winch were waited by Ihe fieshened nihl breeze across the Mini vnull of hi.'iivou, os if It were Inn painful a (-:-hl for Iter In be hold the canmpi! that beblrewi-ii tin; In ale. firtld-i nf liimdy'ti !,nnc. The loud hpllow. i nir uf cnn in ni and tin: sharper rn 1 1 1 i ti jr nf muk;lry were heard tin mure; LmidyV I'urin vviri no' hinder the scene nf hurried movement?, rapid advatice, ilesperale ch-ir its and quick rel reals, fur Ihe C"lilendiii- i i... 'ii... rmieil Wl'in niinui.ii: itr u-j r- i ii. I in afl'ii"liled lieril-i hntl never returned In their wonted paslure; b it In it 1 1 nlaile and upland wi'ie pleniifnlty tenaiiied tvith lite wounded, thu ilyina anil Ihe ib ad. There was a profiicinn of bmki;ii and iiselers arm-. nlmir; t he pkulN nf ill'' fniift, mill in the direcliun nf ihe eiiinniit nf the open plain, wiieio n field piece bad been plnnied in l which nll remained mi ihe ground. Sinn of their, were. Imwever, iluabled ; mm- ...n...l nml nx il were, ponil in" in In direct ion "I" Ibimn who had ib-orled lln'iii; while l hers reniaineil i-lintied. and rcadv to pour forth iletriiciioit iipun wlnnv.-i miclit oppuEe ibcm; but the laiely cuntniid. . H ' . It ns 11 : -..a wern iroiie. It seemeu ns h..ih iiarties. enually weary "B. i"-"-" r,l, n..fl.i. had imultnneu'iiPlv relreaicd. tlio Chinpewa ti th? Ameri .mc-i tlm nitinncwa tivcr. nnd the Brittth to their encampment on Queens town Heioltts. Tim nifflit wind ninanrd monrlully thmuh iu torn lolnico uf the I'oretl. anil iniiinleil with its mnrniurin-;-were heard Iheoroans and supp'ieiiMons ol the wniuidi. and ilyin-; ; lb roar of tin intliiy enlaiact was heard morn distinctly r.s if in moekery of llin-n tvhn.e parched lips wnnld .soon be livid in death, bill whit could yet bear its loud rutnhlliijrs. and glad ly would have trtvi-n nil Unit in thw world they ever piiscsed fur inn piiijrlo diau-rht of Us pure hut iinpilytniT waters. Hnpny werclhey who heard it not : their puffer' ings were over i but many then! vwrctha' must welter in their gnro until after the inornin-r fun should have liti--ett the tall pin' trees wnh Kplendnr and b-ntily. The morning came, and ihe sun rose in unclouded glory, as if to exhibit mure I'i lly the destruction which Iind been wrought during lite pn-ceeiling night. LmnlyV fnrtn wa nno semi.: ol'ilesolniinn and dealh! The ripening crnp.s which had gl.idih'ned the hcurt, (fur lltey pritmi-'-'d a rich har vest.) were entirely fwent nivay. The fences were all t brown down ntn1 levelled with the ground, and the Inrm buildings were perforated with p thousand bullets. The farm house was again occupied, nut with the alTighteil family, for limy bad not yet ventured in return, but with the ad vanciil guard ol ihe Uriti-h n'tny. come imt to slanghicr but to t-avv ; they hail m. turned to alniiniler relief to the wounded, nml to dig graves for lln fallen brave. - On no purl uf the li'ht uf battle did ili-n'li appear lu be ineasitred nut mi prndtg.illv port mil nf tin1 woods nn ulnub the Iirili.-h were al the fi'.-l nit-el iih'erved to play; liir it was in the grove that lb" Ainerienus ndini-ced In the ntlai-U. and al'ler repealed charges, v.ilomu-ly mad-: mi th: British hues, even In, mid past the eiinni'ii's month, as repeatedly fell back on litis f.iied ground, charged tu turn by ur own troops into the dark hosotii ot'tlte In-, e-l. Here, at lln! head nfllu! piirsnnii parly. fell, iiiintally wnond.'il. lln: ynilog. mid n 1 1 1 1 1 Mnnrson lire I', but hiilliaut was his pjilt In glory; the h'ooiii of yioitb bad but rarely ripened lulu uriobniid, when tins i.l' Ins uiniiv bill I eiith'd wnh In imiri ul career. N ar hiio I ly si relehei! in ih-ailt lite n 'iii'iniuilniit of a llfnve brlg-ide nf Ainerienus, uIih like a : r 1 1 -1 y m I Iter, had been the la-t lo lelreni h'-fnre the nilvan. cing foe. They sleep in the Fame grave winch was dug fur thorn at t he font nl' a tall aeacia tree, which, though wounded anil rent by many n camion hull on I bat fatal night, will Mirviie for vet uunuuiben d years, ri in! annually give fonh iVngcaui and I'lttelul bln.ssiitns as n trihuin tu ineiiiorv ihe virtues nfthosu who tlumbcr in peace beneath its sdeiit sliad.-. AIMIOIIIS.MS. There is a nice distinct tun between pnl- Hies and piiliry. Publics is t he art nf being wi-u lor others; policy id Ihe art ul Uv'iiig wise fur ourselves. There i nu policy like politcncsj. A good inniiuer is the best thing in the world either tu g"t one a (jn-jil ttauie or supply I It" want of it. What a fool a great ni-n is, if he doe nut study to beafi'.ihle! Mis rnndftientinn will outweigh all the inrdinnl virtues. () manner, manner ! theie In no hyp icnte mi fiipfi"S-l'iil as you. Kiilhiiig can finn-liltite gund-breeding. Ihnl has nut giiml witure for its niiinilat Ion. We tiro altviiy- cmisidered clever by ilm-e who uiuigiue wi' iliink as they d i. Tu b", vuit inn-i differ with people to be profound, j mi iiiii-i iigne Willi them. The liti'est reeling nf nil is the delight in ciinleiuiilniing I lie littleness uf ntiiei iteuple. Nothing is more ciinleitipt tlile than ciiiiletnpi. The cia.l men selilutn have the loftiest gcniui, The mil v preventive m rebellion res tiainl.' When we are not held in bv piwer. we chain ag.iin-t rui-c. Hits is as nit" in iiriv.He as tu pnlilic all.nrs. The linpiiett nations are ine, in who-e ppuple yen itiiies the -jreali'st cfjwitiimiti, the lia-l seti-ible reverses (mill "men to i Ii j "el in it . Freemen tire n'riuiin ; they have nbji'cis al their bean ivurthy tu en-gros- aiietitiitii. Il IS reserved In tlners lit indulge in gmaus al une liniment, and laughter al mini her. A waste uf tin: public wealth is the most la-ling nf public iilll'ctiuns. The treas ury that is iliatued by exi ravagauco (says Tiiciiii-) mil -t ho filled by crime." At Court and among the great, one be cntnes a snrt of nnt bar. and learns tn cat nh une's prey by title's -iiie. Tiii; greal are seldom mil utile. I have ub-eived. that, in general, men are less mutinied bv their himihe. in proportion at ihey lire the mure lamented by the cum. iiiii ni t y. Vengeance is accomplished by spfrtliing Irulhs. nut falsehoods. Never lell id ol Hie pang uf fulsehn-td Hi the t-hiiidored: nothing is so agonizing tu tin: line skin ul vanity, as lite npplicaiinu of n rnu'i eiii. Wisdom nml ri fleet inn camu Imui sutler ing. ilisapiumittneiil, nml care. We never hi'i'iu tu thintc. till we a.e a little afraid tu hope. Content is n hermii -but so also is nnaibv. Yuiilh loves the snliltrt cuieb, which II surrounds with dreams Aim or expo nonce, which is Ihe mind's nge Inves Ihe same cnuch for Ihe rest it nll'irds. The joy produced by a uuntieiiiary pus liensinn nf labor, is uaiiirally gn at in pm. piirlluli tn Hie tuil. Ilenci It Is, ihnl Ihe inirliiiif no free whlto innii is so wild ns I lint ul' I he negro slave, when a brief holt day releases bun fiiim Ins ta-k. Alas', thai vivy mirth is tlm l mngest evidence of the wetgltl ul ins tirevtoiis ennuis, n.i m our elves, we find I ho bnptilest moment wo en jny is, I lint imniedtaiely Micceeiling I ho cph .nl mi) nf deep sorrow lit Ihe lllllld, ur u violent torture to the body. Our passions, disappointed in love, yesrn tnwanls nmbitlnn, and tlio object ol auitii lion, u-ii'A-etbatof love, never being ehally FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 183C. mutual, ambition s the mure durabt. in-liin nf tin two. Souuer or Inter, nil nur pninns are Fat ed: and we al lat grow t-ali-fied wiHi Ihe loss nf rnilnrt. if we can partnke nt'enjuj menl. Ej-fictiencc llllimalc'y leaib a-i In content. It is n notable distinction in the feelings. lint alt but the snlitary one nf gri'J heigh tens to a nerve like quickness nl'lhe senses: hut gtlol blunts them tu a must dull acute nos. Thcrn nrc few things that breathe, Ihnl I do nut despise. Human nature seems to uie n must pitiful bundle of rags and scraps which the gnils threw nut uf heaven as the ilusi nnd nibbish there. We often, after a while, go into society as mi iiberrer. wnhoul n stogie wish In be ennii: the nbterveil. When one has outliv ed the ambition tie sneiele I kimw not a -.'renter a 111 ction than nwtivcr nttinl'utn:--nnd tli,i .Snec'a'or did wh u I shuolil Iin V" il.'iie in n t-iiiii In r c ise, hen he lell his Indgings. h.' hu wa asked eveiy ino'iilog how be slept.' When men are ple't'Ctl with each n'her. conversation soon gets beyond the ordtuarv surlacsnl tnllc. and an exchange ul deep cr opiniiins is ste'edily etlecleil. Il is verv n Id, but very true, that people wo most dctphc have tin.' mist injlitcnte uver our nclinii-. A matt never runts bun. self bv giving dinners to his father, in turning his hnu-i! into a palace in order in feast his biisi'in friend, on the contrary, it u the piinr devil oi' -j fiienil who fares inn worst, and starves no the f.nnily jutit.--whlli! mini! host beggars h'niselfln h.iuqiii that ilisngreenhle tiling Mr. II , who I--uch an iiusnfFerabli! a--."--and mini! bus tills sends her lin-b-i nil In prison viewing with -lhal odiuii-i Mrs. II. who was ulway lier aver-ion. There is a great difference, bet ween living in the cmtnlr;. with nn incume '( 20,000 a var. anil living in the met f nno lis. on win' 20 0")0 a year can jmrck ne. a very great ililt.jrence mucous wcr's Diivereuv.l Uul SMALL FARMS. There is a great mistake suinngsl farmnrs. and thai is this, lle'v cuvet tn i much l.-iud Almost all our farms, nro pmhubly Irum lour lo ten tunes too large. A fanner it"V cr feels that he has got enough, lie adds field lo field, does nm half subdue or mi. lure what It" has got. ami still wants mure. One of ihe in i-t pruiliicUVe nnd prulitnhln farms I ever saw cnnl-iiueil bill fuiirleen ne'i x. i was very much subdued, tuiprjv. ed and manured: mid the nwiii-r wn- called a very tlirtlty. ifiml a rich mm. while his neighbor who i-kuns uver Ihree hundred ncres. and wnrks full as hard grows pour Itv proper management I am -uinfi-d every acre of land winch is fit In raise eurn up-ot can he made tn yield one hundred bu-hels to the acre. Is it not boiler lo put the In bur and care upon it. nnd raiseune hundred btl-bels, than m spread the same nver tour aces, ami thus drivo away Ihree nr four uf your sous In the wesi? As things now are, what M the prooes-? will lell von. A innii owns on.! ut nur large fnnn.. s it paid lor. lie raises up a large faintly. Tin! girls are in irri-d off. and he gives encii nne her purinm. He himself dies, and bis larni falls lo bis five sous, O i" nf Ins live suns laktstho farm, and agrees in pay ihe ilber suns the shares. Thev in nll'lu ihe west and return im in ire. lie unilerlalie. by ecotioiny nnd indii-irv In keep It and send a four'h nf lis value lo lit" we-l. 1 1 v and bv. In' find-It 1 eanui'i do ii n- I'.i-t a he agreed lit, e g i"- tu the L fe In-ur mice Cuupiiny. nr somewhere else m nlgi iji'. Ins farm, and p'.ut- anew In pay fur it. AH Ins life be lulls, pays luleie-t. ll.iuk tin.' I.trui"!- has a very hard row lu hoe. nml it i- not I til near theclose of his life that he gels free from debt. When he dies the aine process has to he gone uver again. and every geneiatiun that goe.. we send four lil'ihsnftbe value uf our lands ahei 1 llieiii. Now Ibis is pour policy; and I won ler lit it our firm- n"o tu anv tolerable eon. di'loii; tnr titeir wnrlh many It - nver ha- ll"el rent aivnv In tie' we-l. I'. Itl.-tlMll nf i Ins nur InrilMir- tvnilhl divide up I heir I'i run. nnd make each urre yield all it can. nur towns wnnld not have the appearance of age, ami decay, which many uf I hem have. I'raisea great larni. sivs the iminurial pout of Ilmne, 'bill cullivnti! n small nne ' I have noticed ihat men as they grow old, seem to want more hind; ami seldom do vuii find a man who feels he has cunugh, I kituw they talk ufibe fertility ol'lho west, nml ihe beiiulilul laud tu bo fuiiud there, H he dues not die uinl.'i it, will lu a few cars beeniiie thrifiy. And why? The pruce is ea-ily ile-cribed- 11 goes in'u ihe wil derness, purcha-es tlie land, lives in Ins log eahin, sleeps un th Il mr, nr uior.i likely iijioii 1 be ground ? enisupuia -lull pinned up into the logs, nnd it would he wonderiul indeed if he did imt gam prupetiy. And m would h lure. L"l a young man take tin.' pimre-l f.ini: v. ni can name, and labor on it as hard, and hveiu-l as He dii.unl tlm west I'm filieeti years, mid he will be ncli here Ii is urn su much the land (bat ill" dilTereuce. ns Ihe iiiautiernl living, between lln: west and Ihe east. I wasMrork while ruling in ihe stage in listening to Ihe c ut versatinn between two fnrtners, the inn' i'niiii Illinois, lltr. older Irnui thu slain uf Maine. Tlie western man was describing H. e fertility "I the -ml enntrasiing H wit u New 1'iigiaiid. -Why. Imw much eurn ean vol rai-ie in Iheacn.-' t-avsuur fnruipr fmui Maine. 'I can raise nil ul seventy bu-hels wttli all cano.' "And huw mnehdo you gu1 il busliel ?' Null! Iienee a bushel ill UIV door.' -Well says Ihe Maine tanner. I cull r ii i-o three hundred bushe's uf pulatoes, mi my land, and get twenty cents a bushel al my door,' 'Ay, ymi have lu dig lliein '--T ue, and dnn'i you have tn pick mid h"M ynnr corn, ami alter nil gel hut twelve and a half cents per bushel, ami nnly seventy biisln Is un on acre.' I repeat it, with the same economy and the eaine industry, a young farmer here can gel rich as cary as at Hie wes', Wlipilnr they will prnclice eciiiiniiiv is iimre llinn I cnn -nv. Hut lei the liisliiun unei! prevail of hiving smaller liinin nml having 1 Im iii better ciltnvaled. ami you will be surruue.iled bv ymir uwti sons, in-lead uf largo l.iiidliuhlers, nm n d ialing pnptilatiun, who lure lliem-elves in euliivatn it, and who have tin laud. Miine Farmer. Er.Krs ant kxthact.---"He who wnnld nnd 'ruiuie lliiise inns iinnn winch the fabric uf our future hope is reared, -ei-k.s tn b'-at down that column winch sunpnrts the feebleness nf humanity. Let him but think n mniueut. ntid Ins heart will arrest the cruelty nf his purpose. Would he pluck i's ittlli! Irea-uri; Innii the bo-uiii i.f pnverly ? Wuiihl In: wrest i In1 ciu'ches Iruui lite hind nl'age. ami re move from tin- eye uf n 111 clinii the nnly sol acu nf Us wn ' Tlie ttny we irmiil is rug ged al best ; we t read il, Imwever. lighted bv iIip prospect of the better eniiniry in which we iiiitil; it will lead. T.-ll us' nut it will end ui the gulfnf eiernal dissolution or break nil' in smiio wild which lancy may till up as she pleases, lull rea-un is unable to ih-lineate. Quench in. I that li-atn which, muiilsl the night nf this evil world, has cheered th" d '-p iinleitcv of ill-requiied Wiulli. ami ill I'liimi.'il th - d irk'uess oI'miI', luring virtu". "- .Ui'.i-cir;c LUriISI,.VTirit!2 OF VKItMOST. Wkiivgsiuv. Nov. 2. Sbv VTB Praver bv Ihe O'ripl.iui. Reiait ti! mm mitten 't' M' Henry the bill luciirp.uiiiiiig the Middle Falls Minim 'iicluring C" nnlered In he eitgiossi tl bv .Mr llubhell. Ihe bill rnlaltng In furc'lilo entry ami driatner, ihnt the snitte uugh' tint to pass, hud iipnii the lable: by Mr. IMielps. bills providing field pn-ce- fur emu pinies nf nrl llery in Itnek inghain anil Sniw, rec un Hilled, nu in it ton of Mr 1'ier ii'itnt in coin nn unllitarv nlTiirs, within. Iniet'ions to report a general bill ituuii the -ithj ei. mils r( luting in enrveyor fleueral ciiuuty surveyor- &e. read a 3 1 lime mid passed; fr mil ill" hniise. reviving a tax un lands in W"ndhurv. read a fld lune nml ni-sed; tu pay S 15. Iiouih. $,n 40 eettl relerred to C'unmiiiei! nn chums; engrns. seil bill frniti the iuii.'. ineorporal lug village nf i.Vuiiil-lnck, read a 3 I tune mid nas. ed; relating In Ihe eloclinn uf (luvernnr iSfC. Inken un. ami prop sals iit'nio.-iiilineiil-adiilited, and lie hill laid upon Ihe table. Mr Hell culled ti:i the bill relating tn the (mud List. Mr Van Sicklen stnted its provi-tons, utater'tHlly the same as tin: ex istior law. with the luldntun nf pulling I! ink. Steaubal and Turnpike stuck, in oertniii cui ingpiieies. tu the Is t as inxible. Mr l'lerpoint r-iiea'ed his proiosn nf n i II ' ' 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 . to sooplilV the sy-tetll, when Messrs IJell iind Van S cklen spnk" in p. posi'ion iii the ainendiiieni Me-rs I'lero nni and Itantiy. in favnr. The bill was laid np'ui ihe table, Ilepnrl if tnmmittre The Judiciary C'lmtniilno. Ihe hill I'niiii tin: h'Uise. giving tn lite Judges nl lliu Sni'eni" Cmrl. Ihe fee. now pm1 inln the S'n'" Trea-iirv. lint exceeding jJ.'OO. in ii 1 1 1 1 1 Inn in I li"l r pre. en! salary. M r Sln'tib-n a-ked ao extil i ua'I'Ui nt III" neces-ily nf tin; bill; tin ehairin io oi' ibo v uf t he bill: the cb -I i r in in n!'l he c un. an-wered the uiq'ii'v nn! rem irk- bv Messr. Unwound Ilebird in .ippii-ition. IJrtggs nnd Converse in favor the hill was I. i'i up. in the lab'e. Ilou-K Petitions nf itiliabitnttis nf Mnliliolniry was referred tn Ciiniuiillee un bcell-es. Ili'p irlt -Dv I he Ll'l'l Tax co'iiutillee agaiu-l tax nu t'liarle-tnn, and p"iui r- i ad leave tu witnilraw; bills tiiMtig hind in Victory uml revising lax nil Cila-leit bury. ordered In a llnril rending. Uv select milium I ee ng lin-l nnuexuig Hurl burls l-lind to lienrgia, and the bill wa-pr)-lp itied In 'J I Motid.IV !' Oi.-I. Ilex'. liv lieu. -. ii II ' ill 1 1 ! ii . n 1 1 1 -1 lull ill addllloll In act Inciirpnaiing Unit I lebir.i' village- rc jeeted nu seenuil reading; bdls leluivi! t" disi r dim nut m laws &lv.. and altering iiaine if Fr.iuci- Fleil'ennl, urilered tn a I bud rending; agam-i p -i it nm ut" Win. Ilndge and others, and it was laid upon ill" tnbl" nu imiliiiu ol Mr S'liiith nf Si. A; ng.un-' bill tu eneiiiiiage dest ruetiuii of crows, ami it was rejected nu secunil reading ; hill lor survey uf line between llur limjt'iu nml Wiiulhaui cniinlics, laid un (lie table. liv Jiulieiary coiumiltee. a bill to ndiliiiun lo probate act. ordered In a ilunl reading; in favor ol'a petition of Jab"Z P lloblen. ami he lull was ordered lu a ilur.l reading: lull fiving sa'anos uf See ofS nl ot gi0U. S. e ul S mil" i-iioO. ii-i-tnnl .See. ..f i" ifi''O.) Cletk'.ftbe II "is". .il). a si-i-nii Cl.'ikofih" b.uis" gIDII. lint's S t -i"it C(i00 lOugnissiiig Cork gl.U. mill piv "i S malnrs s"iui" as th H rtl uninliers nl'lhe lloii-e-lnd upon Ihe 'able; against hill nliltve In scnnols disinis-eil: ngain-i peicnm nl Caleb Weaver, ami the lluuse cnnourreil: ngain-l a general si.ilutary reg elation relative I- iii iuiifaclu'ing curpnra tin, is lly cnmniilipo "f Claims, n-.-anisi -..u.' ..... Ao.ns 'I homiisnn jIi-IIOj. and ..j .h 'on. .ed l!v coiniiiiiieo nu null , tas Ui-mi c j f Inry A I ' " I ,i ii oi i i ih, I n Ii I ; piece al " . (I . l ,,.,.,, ni Ldeii .. ... ni.lll .1 I 111' II ' - '" I . ,, ,. lll.llllSS.'lt. ,,i, r consnleram Ilvcouiiinm ' iMnurari. . . - ! . . M-,,.rlieslerC .linn and Woollen Mull- ulacu.l.g C..-lHul."j''m le''''''1''' e.srs Si ''' "I II. btteri.ion. Jildsotl. Sn'iuli "f C and WliUelaw. were npiioinl ed cnnullee mi c.iiiiin'uucai ion frnui Penn. -vlvaina, reta'ive in pnnuc lanus. Me-ssrs (Juoil il-', Cuuver-e. Carp-nter nf F. I'llswurlb. and Sn veiis nf P. were iipiiuillleu C'l'U'unii.'u no u'lumi'iiucai iuii- IruUl srVelOl ounui. rp in- ruuj-;-,t in inverv. Jletnlulmnt liy M' llrewster. hal by man Fi'Cb uf Tm lfur I. uml Win Nash of New Haven, be appointed cuuuninou In iMomine occounls nf Stale Prison, -Sic. in Sept next -adopted; by Mr Rice uf S. in - slrticiiiig enm'tee nn inanufaciiircs to in cnrpurale in nil hills, repitrleil by them, prnvisiun.s making stockholder individual'' liable fur nil ih bi beyiitul the nin nuit nl th" capital stuck uf the reiiipaniea. &.c disciis-ed by .Metsrs 'itch. lleo nf S Siinih ulSi. A. Sawyi" "f II. nml Tracy, and ih-siuis-ed. liy Mr Kiiiihauk-, ili.-i.-lar. lug ihe. surplus the property uf lite poupln --1 lint II hlimild he dispu-ed of accorduig in the wishes of ihe many nnd nut nf the few therefnre referring I he subject lu Ihr people to ho ncleil upmi nt the tiiwn meet lugs in March, and tu-truciiiig the cum niiitei: In report provtsiotis nccunliugly; siipimrleil by M. -sr. Fairbanks mid Sir. g ea nt opi by Kuril. N Ihain uf I!. Smith uf Hi A. Ituckinn-lor and nlhors. ami ih-iiii-s.-d nyr's T4 ;s 2j; the nay were Me.-rs Adams nl (7. I. Applotun (euiiet. Cnulido... Dewey uf (J. Duncan. I'jilon. Fiiirbiiil;--, Foute, Hale. Il.isitngs. II 'iliiiis lluntiiig. Kellogg, Mav of W. Mimar. Mor-enl t, Na-h. Pour. Itichunu.d I D. Snrgennt, Sawyer ol II. Shennaii, Sinnh nf 15, nut! Wlunu-y. lly Mr Fitch. In compensate coiuuiiliee Inr examining neeiiuiilH nl (ho suiierinlondanl nf iheSlate ll"ii-i! ndiipted. lly Mr Fmrbinks in si ruci nig .ludiciary cnininlll ei; In inquire sut ft tin.' expi ilietu-v "I altering jurors lee- n juried. I'y Mr Il.iich. tnr III" piiitliitg uf i In- lull inciirporni lug l!rni i leli irn' Tvtu graphic Co. di-uu-soil. I!v Mr. Rich itioi'd uf t. reiiesling (luv tn iippuiu' 'Pluirsd.iy. I-t Dec. next, day uf Thanks givnig--adnpied. Mr.S'i-.vyer nfll. int rntliiceil a hill incur iioraiuigii (Jinutiiinr Schoiil at Hydopaik. refcred lu Jutliciary coiuuiiliee. 2 o'clock p. m Senatk Rfpnrh if ciimmitteet The hill Iruin the Iiiiu-c niitu Xing part nf lligli giiie to S.vaiiiuu, read a third lime nnd pns-eil; Ihe bill relating In i-niile.led plrc tiuiis wnh prup.i-als nf aineiiiliiicnls which were iigrei-d m. nml III" bill alter remark, by Me-srs lluhltell, Waisoit, Sh"hleu a gains', uml Messrs llee.e. Purler nu' llngirs tu 1'ivur laid upn:i lite itihl" : the -elect Cnintniltee tu tvhntii ttns refem il llir uieiitorials in. iiiteiuperanee. repurled, no eeinti'itiii d liy a hill -laid up. in the table, ntul !00 c pies in ilered. From ihe linn-e a resolnt inn appoint ing a cuniiniiiee to settle with I be supermini daul nl the State I'risiin. Mr Plm'ps ti. iiiiienil by unking the repnrl leturnahle in lie (inveitiur, m nmeiiileil and the resuhi. linn laid upon the lahte. Aii'luiri'ing Hie iimhlnr In settle the c'tiiins nl'lli" rnitiitut tee In e-iuune nrcuuuis nf superiuteiidenl nfs'ate house cnueuried in. A ppiunl ing a day ul'lh-nik-givuig concurred m. Iloo-B Mr Fonte cilleil up the bill in cnrpu'ntiug the II It linik. llu i 1 1 , -1 Iiiii li"ing 1 1 1 1 an nmeiiihueiit by Air Filch. Miliji'Ct tug the charier In Ihe cnn. trul nf Innire legi-lat ures suipnrl ed bv M. s-rs C Iv Field. Filch. N Ilium nf I! Ituckiiia-ter nml Peck, npnn-ed by Me-srs Fume. Sawyer nl II. and Tracy, and tie gaiived ayes HO, lines I2, the bill wii ri'inl n third Utile. 122 in 7ii, when Mr C IC Field innvod In lay it upon lln: table negatived will. uul. u count, and Ihe bil passed, 121 tu 70. Tiiun--D v. Nov. 3. Sbnatb llenirls nf Cmnmillies liill (nun 'be Ii ui-e laving lux "ii laud- in New ark, wnh n 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n I . irilueing lav In A eents per acre, inn' siih-i inn ing l-aiic Dm n'siin Inr Mr Spencer, a- eolleclur, nuieiiil u Is agreed In and the bill read a third i mi" nod passed, K'niliitinm Mr Pierpoint cilleil up the rn-. 1 1 1 1 ii i ii Irnui lln buu.e. iippuini ing n eoiiiiuiitee In si 1 1 i wnh the siiperuiieiui mil uf .vale Prt-uii, In ri purl lu the (J.n. eruur. Mr S'eolo innVeil an nuieiuliiieiu . riquiiing I lie siiperiiilemlanl huii-ell' tn iiKil," a tleiiitled report minu illy In the (iov iiud di-e.ii-e with a column ire fur that purpose : amendment cniicurred in. and on milium nl Mr Phelps, ihe resolution n aui' iiileil laid upon the laid?. Hills providing fur att electoral ballot ing bv 'he members id lb" bnil-e nml "'I' ll.', at i In- court li"ii-o in M uilpelier. Nov ". HUG reiul t lee and i- l'erreil In .linli ei.ny ciiiiuiiutee: bv .Mr W' mcorpu-r.-iln the li.iuk uf P.uilliiey, read mid reter. n il In thu coui'inllee nn b inks; nulhuri-iug Tii'iipiko companies to transfer stuck ul inivns nu certain terms, refcred lu emu untieo mi mads ami pmi.ils ; iiiciirpnrnliug Iti. Iliiml Hail Road II ink, ailli'liilmelits b) die Iiuu-e concurred i" by the senate ; re lating m feu- nf Ihe ,lu Igesnf the supreme mutt vi'led up bv Mr .Miller, ndvuenleil ht Messrs l.-l, li.luuioutil. (eiuv'er-r met Pieriiuiiil.uiiiiu-eil Ii V Mus-r. .Mernl. Steele. Ilanney and Sheldon, when Mr lloLniro ui. .veil tu it 1 1 m-m I by era-ing till alter Ihe enar.luig eluii-e, mid nibiiuti"g a ni'cIiuii 'n u,ere,i-og tbe snlnrv nl'lhe Judges dollars per milium, nilvnraleil by Mr Shol don. npn I by Mr. I'mggs, ttiien llu h'ank wa- filled with .'00, nn iiinti in ol Mr Piertiuinl. Mr Phelps railed Inr the yeas and nays, when Mr Rinney again iihlresseil ihe senate, in upp i-.ii.iii in mis nig Ihe snlaries billowed bv Mr lluble'll, .iini liv rurlrr ami linggs m Invnr. .. n , . . , . ' nle n few muinen's. ami irnve his rea.ioi. I In favor nf llu: iiineinbiieni. n inuiio.ed In- ' ' " 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 llgalnsl lln; lull, M r Merrill staled hlsirn-.ii Inr vn'iug in f nur uf llu: am -ml II I" 1 1 1 Would be, that II fivi d the nininiut uf cumpeiipiitiiui tu bo added imt that he was npposeii m raising tlm salarte. In a Jo-t mid i qiiitahlu iiiuuilnl. Mr While up posed the ii 1 1 1.-ml 1 1 1 - i) i , nnd -poke in iiiv.u nf the bill as u came limn I be huuse. Mr Wuteiiiiiiu said he ti as upposcd In rai-iug 1 1 io sa'aut's tu any wav, but should v ne for the mil Iilli'lil that It llllghl again re ceive thu aciinn ul'thii li.ut-e ; niuenilui' ui n j.lcleil veas II. nays 17; ami nn Ihe n'leslion sb ill Hie bill pass ? thu was and nays being de.uaud.-d by Mr Sliehlnti Wi re yeas 14, nays I-t, when llut President gsve I ibo casting vulu in favnr nf the lull to n 3d 1 leading. Mr Watcrinun moved thatihri VOL. X--. 4.00. lull he hud upon the table, fup.'or'ed by Mr Shihleli. Laid upon the lalne. fluCSK Mr Smith ul Si A ea'b'il up the bi l recliartering the h'ltik nf St Albans -uppurti d by Messrs Smith nl Si A, FeutC, Vilas. Il ile nnil Sawyer nf II. uip..sid by Mctsr J K Field. Filch. Ilainillnn and Den, ami urilered tu a third teadirj, oyea IUG, 91. 2 o'clock. P. M. St-.N v; Hills incnrpurali.ig the Clar. iiileii luaiinf.ieiuring C.'.with amendiiients, which were ailopled. and Ihe hill pissed lo be engrossed- f,,r the relief nf A Hon Smith, r. luting to victualling houses lu Vergeiiuos, both repurled by Mr llaminnnd, read a 3d Hunt and pn-seil in prevent circus riding; mill theatrical exlii'nlioiis reported by Mr 15 It ought ll"t tupi-s. un liinli.ut f Mr lluwe, laid upon ibo (able rehninff I" the nppouiiini'ii! of uleciors ul Pre-ii!enl with ntni'lidnient including lliu ha!!ni-t I Uieeunve departiiii.'iil, rep uiers and uf. lie' s ul h .in hniise-; euiipiirreil to, and the lull urilered In tie engrnssed lor : 3 ) reading relating In Ihe eleC'im nf Senaln's in Liinoile (."..inly, reported by .Mr Uriggs, and mi tnu'i ui nf Mr Vuiiiig. laid upon the tnhle--bv Mr Phelps, too up.irat Ing the (real Falls Co, f,.r manufacturing articles of iron mid brii-s, referred lo committee on in i ii ii I'ncl ore -relal ing In cumin. "l -cliooU, reii nted by Mr Wat-mi. and laid upon the Uihle tn pieveiit tori'itili! out ry anil c I u t u i tl - tor. eaileil up by .Mr llenry. nn.l nil mnil'Ul ul Mr s nm I 'd I the c uirl cnn- 1st ot hot nne in. lice uf Ihe peaee, laid un mi the table rela'ltnr tn tie' el. c'1'..i ot (rovernor itc 1 ailed Up by Mr Merrill, r. ad a 3d lline, and t-is.ed repealing ail act In pro-oive fi.b in Willnugiiliv ike, nr- I red tub' engrns... 1 for a 3d rending re lating tu appoint no'lil nf el. elurs nt Pr.'si- den!. enlleil un bv Mr, rule sil-pell- led. and tlie hill re.i I a ti I lull" and in--oil telatiug in nnto-ami bills uf eNclinnge, railed up by Mr I leiuy. a iienili d liy giving 3 days grace un alt d anil except Inr poeifte iirlirhx, iirilered In he engro-scd lor a 3 I reiiiluig relaung In ilivnree. enlleil up bv Mr II-. we. i .led. reinl a 3 I line ah. I pi... il another til'l uf a similar 111 In, illlletill t ly tins' tinned. Iloo-i; Ti.e -. verat bill- tn iniorporalo lunk-iit Iiriiiidon, li 'ioiii.ginii. Pmil'iiey, IJ arl; River bmk and W.i-lun ;'o l c-i.on'y Ii ink, were cmirlileicil nnd luid up ui the n hle. Ilepnrh 15. ! taxing L' well rec nnnii'. ten ItiMs in .-eine lui" between f, more mid W.iic.'sii.r, In iueorporiile Arluigtnn 111111111001 i uig cointianv. relnting In inter" est. ntul f.r p iiniititig the uiein'.iers uf hot h houses, nliicers. .te. lo v .to for electors of Prcsideiil u n In ul going In the ordinary li'iiee ofeleun ut nrdered 3d rending. lit I- for tteighnig ol hay. &e. nnd m pri -v mil I be sprt ad ,.f tii'ei.-' s -s . ilt-. n-e- an, ng h "op--ill-nits. i d. i'eiiiion fur tax nn Wen lurk and th" bill relative In grand hit la d ut Hie tall'.'. MrSinlTird had leave nf nb-ence nfter e..nurrow, hi.i! Mr Pierce (a uhiiu) after Tne-day next. Tlie coiiimiiiee tn examine nccntuts nf -nperinleiiiletii nl State llmi-e made report r. ferri d tn cumuiiin.0 un -iipcnnteiidenl' report. The rnininillro nn Agric'ilttirc reported i.'iiui.t inn -iw nu ngrienl urn. Tlie guyernur miniiiuiee I, bv message, ihe resigiini inn nf Judge ri nwell nl Litnoi'o e.iiuity nml ul R.i.. (it t Rtl itul Fietclur. 'I'lie pelttiun uf citt,'.eis nf Oi well tv as n erred in e in in in -e'11-es : of Amos Sueur & others lo com. uf Ways nt.d Means Mi C irpenier of SV ra'l d on Hi ron'f. nm tor i dj - ii r i in i' 1 1 1 -loo die-- l-'rul-u . .Nu' I I ngr..,. Il upon mid Hi" I 'in lu" t ' Mr ll-.i et ol (1. iniiniliiei d a bill rob -ing t S ale Prison. ie"' In Gi-litflil i i in m i ii : co. I-'lUDAV. NtiV. -t. Sfaait. I.ills ine.irp o.i' mg the Itut- land Hail R.w.d I! ink. ilclivmed tn the (iuv. tor Mgniiture : th" (bent Falls uuinufactnriag Co renorled by eoin. vvitbuiit niiietiilineut. uriler. d tn b ' engrns. .ed nr a 3d n n. hug ; tn pay llarv. y Uell be siiiu inenti iiieil, read a third tun 'and I. as. cd; reining In miles and lulls uf ex oh. ing", n-n I a 3 I tune, mi l; alter ing Hie term nf Supreme Cmirl in Cnil eiiilen C'i. nrdered in be oiigri.sse.l for a Iind reading: inciirporn' log Franklin Cn. A-vlnui fur the p mr, read a thud tunc and pas. oil. Ilrsolutinn ty Mr Phelps, requiring the i gent in settle I he eniicern- nl'lhe Voiutnnt S ale I! ink. tu furut-h i he L"gi-lat lire with ui inventory uf ihe property ni' sa d bank; nn-scd. lldls pissed : iucurpnia'ing U.e..t F.iI'b M'iiig Co and Wind. or and ply. moiiih A-eu'iiev Irmi Co. nhering term of Sun Curl in ('.iitieiul-n C . Tun remainder uf i he veiling was sncnt in rum iini f Hi,; whole un tne bill telc- HV" to grand list. Ilou-K Mes-is. Fnote, Perk. Cnlby, F'luhinks nml Siintli ol Civeinlish Welt) ltl Ullll'd I'll i.linlli'i' nil Ihe lull liieulliur Finnklm Co. I, ml, lours. Ilrpnrts S' Veial leports made and the -iihj.-i-l. di-pu.ed ul as : Ordered ! a third rratHnz id's incur pointing in" hui! and Nnrwieh Ritlmad C.i 8' AUl.lns S'eambetil t;.i .Mlllill.1, ll'irk UV.-' uiailili mid snip stune, tiiul iiuMs in iiuilacliiring (niu'nui''s--(iraii.mar ell ol al Richmond, & Inr rcltel uf Mwu of Stvnniuii. f.nidnn lit' tnb'e. Hill In recharter batilt nf M i 1 1 1 , i . 1 1 r i 1 1 ' i -ii ul" siioilrt pi rs. in 'u hi: sl.'l i-tl'lu I'lilllluiore pel r loll ul Mil tni. Iiisuiauce Co, with leave lu brunr u, a bill. Th" Ceu'l cntiinitllre repnrteil aguinft resulutiiiu- lelative in town putipers and curta il town couriers. The Governor, bv HV'sfngn, nnniiupccd Ihe rrsigiiiiiimi ut' Judgo lloiium nf II n ningluii Cnnnty. Mes-ib May uf W, and Sears obtained Ituvn of bbjciice.