The discusion was continued Messrs Foolc, Tracy, nml Dewey of II. in favor, ond by Messrs-Cuttis. C. K. Field, tticc nl Somerset. Pilch, Buckinailer. Pierce, Doe. Smilh of.Bensnn ami Bancroft against the amendment, nml it was rejected. MrPecIt offered nincndmcnlf). providing that the "first instalment" only bo district ted nccordinj; to the census of 1030, and that tlio second and third instalments be distributed according to the census to bn taken in March 1037, if any he taken and ifnonc bu taken, that the second and third instalments be distributed according to the nonulation in 1030. supported by Messrs Conant, Peck and Vilas, opposed by Messrs Buckmaster ami Fitch, end tlio lirst ro ji'ded 110 to 75, and the second without n count. The bill was then read a eccond time and ordered to a third reading unan .imnuslv. Mr Brewster introduced a resolution for -adjournment of both houses on tho lGlh iust laid on the table. 2 o'clock, P- M. Senate Reporlt of Committees By Mr Henry, from committee on manufac tures incorporating the Arlington Cotton ond Woolen manufacturing company read twice and ordered to be engrossed; Mr Bell from the Belcct committee bills to prevent intemperance that the Baine ought not to pass; laid on the table. Joint Resolution By Mr White that our Senators in Congress be directed, and our Representatives be requested to uso their influence in promoting the passage of a law, suspending the duties on foreign bread Bluffs of every description, during the un. examplcd high price of the same in the U. S.; laid on the table. Billtliy Mr Miller, incorporating the Burlington Female Seminary ; read a third time and referred to tho committee on ed ucation. Reports of committee By Mr Bell from the committee on education, the bill estab lishing a County Gammar School at Rich mond, without amendment; read a third time and passed by Mr Hammond, from tho committee on finance tho bill for the relief of the town of Swanton, with n state mcnt of facts in the case, bill read a third timo on motion of Mr Converse, laid upon the table, afterwards called up by Mr II. and passed. Bill passed: incorporating Vcrgcnncs Hydraulic co Otter Creek manufacturing company. House Reports made and disposed of: Dismissed: Bill to pay Joseph Bowman ; petition of Thomas Mansfield, and others ; incorporating Rutland licht infantry ; peti tion of Winooski turnpike co. To the next union: Petition rclativoto nunneries. Laid on the table: Resolutions relative to slavery in tho ilisirict of Columbia. Recommitted: Incorporating Marshficld manufacturing company. Bills passed. Relative to appoinment of superintendent of state house ; admission of attornoys; relief of John Goss; taxing lands in Troy; in favor of Georgo T. Hodges; incorporating t ho village of Wood, ttock: Waittfield and Morctown manufac turing company. Tho bill relative to the salary of Judges of Supremo Court, returned from thf Sun atrJtf"" consider:? vid laid upon23Tia. ble.' 05 to 47. Mr Ballard of Tinmouth had leave of ab. enco after Friday. Thursday-, Nov. 10. Senate Reports of committees. By Mr Henry, from tho committee on manulac tnrct; the bills incorporating Waits River Manufacturing Co. tho Flour Brook Man ufacturing Co. Folcliville Satinette Manu facturing uo. severally read a third time .and passed. Mr Merrill introduced a bill enmpensa ting County clerks and sheriffs for return ing votes ; referred to commilteo on Judi ciary. Bills--Mr Waterman called tin thn hill in favor of Rufus Campbell, referred to se lect committee Messrs Merrill, Keycs, and Van Sicklcn, incorporating the Middle bury Savings Bank, read a third timo and passed. House Tho Scnato came in and the joint committee mado tho following ap pointments : CALEDONIA C0UN1V, Benjamin Conner, ) Marcus O Fisher. ( smttn Justices. John Currier, ShcrifH Pliny Bliss. High Bailiff. Geo. C. Cahoon, State's attorney. Samuel B. Mattocks, Judge of Probate, district of Caledonia. Samuel Bias, Goo. W. Drew, Salma Da vis Jail Commissioners. Calvin Morrill, inspector of hope. CHITTENDEN COUNTV. John N. Pomeroy, Slate's Attorney. Charles Russell. Judge of Probate. Nathaniel Niles. High Bailiff. Orin Edson, Brigadier General, 1st Brig, ado, 4th Division. 2 o" cr.ocK, i. m. ScNATEEngrossed bills, road a third timo and passed regulating Freemen's meetings ; in amendment of an act incor. poraling tho Bellows Fulls manufacturing Co.; incorporating the Wells River manu facturing Co; the Montpclicr north branch manufacturing Co; tho Springfield manu facturing Co. Mr Howe called up tlio bill to prevent circus riding, die, and moved an amend ment; laid upon tho table. JUlitia bill. Tho Ssr.ato resumed the consideration of this bill, Mr Young in the chair ; the question bting upon an amend ment proposing to erase the provision ro quiring a tax oi ono dollar Irom certain exempts, was debated by Messrs. Hcbnrd. Morrilli Barns, and Phelps, and decided in the negative, yeas 7, 13. Mr Picrpoint then moved to amend tho bill by erasing the seventh section, f essentially cfTectin" the present exempts from military duty.) Debated and negatived, yeas tl, nays 13. Tho Dili section was amended by filling the blank with one dollar, (as compensation per day for expenso of officers in attend ance upon regimental drills. The drill ofii. ccr, djfislon inspector, three dollars per day. OF IIouTe. Tho bill relative to tho surplus revenue was read a third time, and the question being upon its final passage ; sup. ported by Mr Buckmaster and opposed by Mr Coolidge, ayes 169, noes 18. Mr Fitch introduced a bill to prevent gambling, referred to tho gen. comimittee I M t. - n . .1 'II -.L1.I.! iir. v lias caiiru up inc uui eBinuisunm grammar school nt Johnson; discussed by Messrs Sawyer and Vilas. Mr Fairbanks moved to reconsider the into dismissing tho petition of tho Win. ooski Turnpike Co. agreed to, and the pe tition recommitted. FniDAV, Nov 1 1. Senate A memorial was presented by Mr Wateon of J. Baker and others on tho subject of intemperance; roforrcd to Belcct com. on tiial subject. Reports of committeesby Mr Hammond, thu bill providing for completing and fur nishing the State House, read n third timo and passed ; by Mr Henry tho bill incorpo rating the Wailsfiold and' Morelown man ufacturing Co. read a third timo and pas sed ; bv Mr Briggs, tho bill to compensate county clerks and sheim for returning votes 10 cents per mile each way for travel, g-5 per day for counting. On motion of Mr Hebard the pay per day was reduced to J3 and so amended the bill was ordered to be engrossed. Banks Tho bill extending charter of the bank of St. Albans being under consid eration, Mr Watscn offered an addiliona section by way of amendment, placing banks in this state nioro immediately under the direction and control or tho legisla ture. Upon this proposition, an interesting dc bato ensued, Mr Picrpoint in tho chair, Messrs Watson, Sinilie and Merrill in fa vor, and Messrs Howe, Sheldon and Por tcr against the proposed amendment, when Mr Phelps demanded the yeas and nays and the motion was lost, ayes C, nays '22 Mr Waterman moved to amend the bill by requiring the bank to istue no bills of a less denomination than fivo dollars, after the year 1840. Opposed by Messrs Briggs and llowo, supported by Mr Waterman, and on motion lost, yeas 5, nays 22, when the bill was read a third timo and passed, yeas 15, nay3 12. Surplus revenue the bill for receiving surplus revenue to be deposited in the scv era! towns according to population, read twice and referred to committee on finance. House The house resumed the consid eration ot me bill establishing grammar school at Johnson. The bill was ordered to a third reading Mr Whitney introduced a resolution for filling vacancy in Windham county officers adopted. Mr Marcyof II. had leavo of absence after Monday. Mr Peck moved to reconsider tho vote dismissing tho bill for a bank at Brandon; laid on tho table. 2 o clock, P. M. Senate Reports of committees bv Mr Henry, the bill incorporating the Ottoque- ctiec manuiacturing uo. read a third time and passed ; by Mr Merrill bill relating to corporations, with amendments, considered as in corn, of the wholo and laid upon tlio table. Engrossed oi'fYs incorporating Brattle- borough manufacturing Co. read a 3d lime and paBed ; ascertaining principles on which the Grand List shall be mode, read a third time and passed, yeas 13, nays 12 Mr Ranney called up the bill regulating the sale or wines and distilled spirituous lin'inrs. and on motion ol Mr Picrpoint, recninmittou 10 select com. Mr Bell called up the bill to prevent cir cus riding, which, after amendment, declar ing circus riding, theatrical exhibitions ventriloquism, public nuisances, and provi ding for their prevention. Mr Bell ad dressed the senate upon tho demoralizing influence of such exhibitions, presented bv strolling player?, bankrupt in intellect and character; read and ordered to a 3d read ing. "lie bill, to compensato county clerks and sheriff-), read a 3d time and passed. House Bills making appropriation for tho support of government appropriating .:uuu to ino asylum lor the insane to mo vent gambling; severally ordered to a third rending. The com. on correspondence from Penn sylvania, relative to public lands, and dis tribution ol tho proceeds thereof, mado report accompanied by two resolution, tho first instructing our delegation in Congress iu cusimii a uisinuunon 01 me luturo pro. ceeds of the public lands among the stales and approving tho distribution bill of I83fl tho second instructing our i e erratinn to support necessary and proper oppropria nuns inr puouc ueience. Mr Needham ol B moved to lay the first resolution on I no table; negatived. Mr Needham of IJ opposed and Mr Filch sup purit-u ma resolution auopled, with ono dissenting voice; and the second was adop. icu unanimously. i uu tuui. on uio report ot mo mnu in specters ond bank commissioners mado ro port, which was read. J hn gen. com. reported the bill fixing certain salaries with a substitute, nnvmr? tho secretary of state g300, secretary of the senate 200, assistant sec. 100. secreta ry of civil and military affairs 200, clerk of uio iiouso 5J75, assistant 100, engrossing vibik iau, uurarian 74. nj r J racy oppos eu, Messrs Hale. Needham. Sinnr ml Fitch supported the substitute, and it was not received. Tho original bill was then considered, amended and ordered to a third rcauing. Mr l'atridgo of Norwich had leave of obsenco after Monday. Satuhdat, Nov. 12. Senate Reports of Committees by Mr Sheldon, the bill incorporating Burlington -mm- .Jtuiiiiury wuiiqui amei)umcnt,rcau a 3d time and passed; tho bill incorporating the Norwich and Hartford rail road for warding co. without amendment, read a 3d time and passed. Engrossed bills to prevent circus riding, Sic, incorporating the Ottoquechco manu. factur'ng co., severally read a 3d timo and passed. Bill introduced by Mr Hammond, pro viding for the oppointment of a surveyor of uiu biuic riousc, anu uesignaling tho duties of his office, read twico and rcferrod to commillco on finance. Resolution in relation to a topographic al survey of tho state, reported by Mr Wat son, of tho committee, passed. Bills to prevent forcible entry and de tainer mado tlio order of tho day, was fur thor debated by Mr Young, and on motion of Mr Briggs, committed to tho com. on the judiciary; relating to highways ; to dis penso with surveyors, the duties to be per formed by selectmen amended, and order ed to bo engrossed for a 3d reading; pro viding ror a more equal distribution of pub. lie money for the use of bcIiooIs, ordered to bo engrossed for a 3d reading; relating to contested elections providing for adinis sion of evidence, and for certain cases of refusal to testify for whom the witness vo ted; Mr Hebard in tho chair, Mr Water man moved to erase the latter provision of tho bill, motion supported by Messrs Wa terman and Sheldon, opposed by Messrs Picrpoint and Porter, when Mr Picrpoint requested the mover to vary his motion, the mover declined, and on his motion the bill, with tho amendment, was laid upon tho ta. blc. The Resolution, from tho house, to ad journ without day on Thursday next, was considered by the senate, when Mr Shel don moved that it be laid upon the table Motion to lav. rciectcd, yeas 12, nays 15. when Mr Sheldon moved to amcnu uio rci. olution bv extending the day of adjourn. ment to Friday next; nogatived, and the resolution passed. House On motion ot Mr l' oolo, Thura. day morning next was fixed for too ad journment of both Houses, and tho tcsolu tion was adopted. uennrts. file, disposed ol: Ordered to a third radin2V--Bill relative to duties of constables, &c. in Lamcile Co. altering namcsofcertain persons incor porating Burlington female seminary Ot ter Creek and Wells River thanufetUring companies vergennes uydraunc compa ny. Referred to next setsion. Petitions of Winooski and Passumsic turnpike compan. ics, with accompanying bill. Bills passed. Relativo to notes and bills of exchange altering term of supreme court in Chittenden Co. incorporating great falls company, Caatlcton, Salisbury, Marshhcld, Sunderland mining companies relating to duties of certain State officers to prevent gambling in addition tn act to incorporate Vt. mutual fire Ins. Co. taxing lands in Brunswick raising mileage of members of legislature to 10 cents, 10G to 81 establishing permanent salaries or certain officers, ayes 139 noes 43 incorpo rating Lamoilo grammar school assessing tax for support of government riaking appropriations for support of government. The senate came in, and the joint com. appointed Asa Dutton, High Bailiff ror Windham Co. Tho amendment of tho Scnato tn bills in. corporating North Springfield and Mnntpe Her North Branch manufacturing cos. and incorporating literary and scientific associ ations were concurred in. The bill from the Scnato incorporating tho Brattleboro manufacturing Co. was laid upon tho table; relating to fce9 of county clerks and sheriffs lor returning votes, referred to com. on Ways and Means; to prevent circus riding Sic. to general committee. 2 o'clock P. M. Senate Passed : taxing lands in Jny relative to forcible entry and detainer, hav ing been amended on motion nf Mr Porter Slavery in the District of CrJumbia; Mr Grancly called up tho rrsolutiun upon the subject, when Mr SmjicjL'novcd an amenll went, by ndding tl.c ' wortN : if-TCa". Vo done in a constitutional and legal manner, and without increasing tho burthens of tho slavrs in tho adjoining States," accepted. Mr Hammond moved to amend tho resnlu. tion, by inserting in tho appropriate place the word "slavctrado" accepted by Mr Grandy. Mr Young then moved to erase the words "in a constitutional and legal manner." prnprosed by Mr Smilio and ac cepted by Mr Grandy. Opposed by Messrs Sheldon, Sinilie and Waterman, and sup ported by Mr Young, who assumed as an undeniable fact the constitutional right of uongrcss to entire control over tho District of Columbia. This, and other propositions of amendment brought out many ofthe sen ators in a most interesting and animated debate, which we have sketched, and may publish as our limits will permit. Tho res olution was finally laid on tho table for further action, yeas 17, noes C. House Bills referred: relativo to grand list, to General com. incorporating Otto quccchu manufac. co. to com. on manufac tures. Resolution: bv MrChs K Field, empow. cring tho Gov. to exchange tho journals ol ino legislature with other states adopted J ho Gov. by message, announced the resignation of John MSowlcs, 1st ass'ljus tico of Grand Isle co. lixlls passed: nlithorising treasurer to borrow not exceeding 410,000 annronria ting 2000 for the AsvTum lor the Insane. Mr Fairbanks called up tho repotton rail roaus, anu, alter remarks by Meesrs 1'uir banks and Smith of M. on motion of Mr Hastings the commilteo were instructed to report a bill making an appropriation for survey. Senate Evening Session Bill from the house: incorporating Sunderhirif"rind niin ing and manufacturing Co; relating to the Vt Mutual Fire Ins Co; mor- effectually to prevent gambling; making an appropriation ... ... ,,,u . i. iiojiuui iur insane; au Ihurising tho Treasurer to borrow cccdingj$40,000; severally read twice and rei. to appropriate committees. Reports Mr Hammond, from tho com. on finance, to whom was ref. the bill from the house; for a division nf th0 surplus revenue, made a written rrnn.i .... i..i subject, which was read, and tho bill and report, laid upon tho tuble, and mudo tho order for Monday afternoon Mr Pierpnint moved that 500 copies bo ordered to be printed. Messrs Hebard, Merrill and Smilie, opposed. MesBrs Picrpoint and Youn". supported tho motion; carriod yens 14, nays c .. mkv; Nov. 14. r!IE7M' Converse callcdtho alien ion of tho Senalo to th0 Message ,om the house, proposing a committee of conference of a bill, the Senate rofusiug to concur. Mr. P.erpo.nt offered a resolution, that according to tho rules or tho Senate, no disagreement existed between tho two reV, rc.1l",FinK a conference, and res- H.v.,.uiijf mi. g o, compliance with the invitation of tho message supported in do oaie, oy Messrs 1'ierpoint, Brings and Howe, opposed by Messrs Converse. Young and Sheldon, and passed, yeas 16, nays 10 B7j relatng to tho Mutual Fjro Insur anco Co. road a 3d time and passed; au thorising a division of public lands in Lowoll, rcf. to com. on tho Judiciary; in. corporating th? Guildhall Bridge Co. call. cd up by Mr Hebard, and laid upon the tabic. Bills passed providing compensation for county clorks and sheriffs; relating to mil cage; assessing a tax of cents on the dol lar for tho support of government; making appropriations for do; authorising tho Treasurer to borrow not exceeding jjto, 000; in favor of Fcrrand F. Merrill; making appropriation to tho Vt. Asylum Tor the Insane; incorporating the Sunderland Lead mino Co.; tlio Marshficld manufacturing Co; relating to highways; in relation to common schools to public buildings; rela ting to transfer of Turnpike stock. House Reports, &c, disposed of: Ordered It a third reading Incorpora ting Brattleboro manufacturing Co. Dismissed Bill relative to elections. Laid on the table Bill relative to town meetings. Bills passed Relative to certain fees of Co. clorks and sheriffs incornoratinir Ottoqucechcc manufacturing Co. relative to land taxes dividing Orleans grammar school lands, a motion of Mr. Twilight to dismiss having been negatived 141 to 29 in favor of Lyndon grammar school 78 to 53- incorporating Vcrgcnncs Hydraulic Co., Burlington Female seminary. Wells river manulac. Co., Otter Creek manufac. Co. altering names of certain persons. The bill appropriating 3000 for surrey of Eastern rail-road route. -2000 for the Western, and 1000 for the Central, was supported by Mc.-Bre Fairbanks, Sargcant, Needham of B. nnd Tracy, nnd opposed by Messrs Fitch Sawyer of II., Smith of M., Dee, and Buckmaster the House re fused to refer it to the next session 105 to CG ordered to a 2d rcaJing 95 to C3, and to a third reading without a division. 2 o'clock, 1'. M. Senate rosclulion from the house: re lating to an exchange of Legislative jour nals of this state with tho several states; amended and passed. Surplus revenue the report of tho com mittee, mado on Saturday evening, the bill in relation to tee distribution of tho surplus revenue, was taken up, annate acting in com. of the whole. Mr Converse in the chair; thn question being upon the propo sition of tho committee to receive the runncy and leave tho distribution foi the action a future legislature; supported bv Messrs Pierpnint, Porter, Van 6'icklrn and Young, opposed by Messrs Ranney, Briggs Howe and Sheldon. Mr Rannv demanded the yeas and nays, when the Senate, with out taking the question, adjourned, to meet at half past 6 this evening. Hnu'E Thn Governor, by message, an nounced that II II Reynolds declined ac cepting tho office of sheriff of Grand Isle Ununly. J lie bill relative to probate courts in Lainoile Co. was ordered to a 3d reading. Tho House proceeded to consider the bill abolishing imprisonment for debt. Mr Gondale said the bill was not what it pretended to be its title should havo been " sn act for the protection of rocrues. mind ing tho fnco of the poor, and encouraging tewyswii.' .The. nwV'on vas supported by Messrs uoodale, Kicc ol somerset, Pierce, Tracy, and opposed by Messrs Necdhnm of B., Sargeant and Smith of M.-ayc-s 88, noes 117. so the bill was dismissed. r . . t tr i , f. moiion, veoncsnay anernoon was fixed to supply vacancies in Grand Isle county. I ho Governor, by message, announced the resignation or uen. Stephen P Flainr 1st lirigade, 1st division, and on motion of Mr Whitney, Wednesday afternoon next was appointed to fill tho vacancy. The bill to incorporate n bonk at Poult ney was considered and ordered to a third reading. An interesting Trial. An cxamina tion took place at Lowell last week, before the Police Justices of a young man charged with stealing a promissory note made by him to a young girl, to whom at the time it was made, he was engaged in marriage we learn Irom the Lowell Courier, that the complaint was entered by the overseer ai ino Liawrencc mills, anil the young woman was Eiiinmoncu as a witucis, and appeared, unwillingly. From tho testimo ny in tho case wo havo gathered the fu lowing summary of focts. Tho defendant and witness had been for somo months ii timate in what is called in the country courting way. She lent him money, for which ho gave his notes. He omitted his visits, and after a while, she, wanting tho money, caused tho notes to bo sued. Sub scquently tho suits woro abandoned, the notes taken up, and a new one given for 200. At the time of these transaction, a reconciliation look place he promised to marry nor iney mutually ogrecd to keep tho giving of the new note a secret1. and things went on in the old way. A snort i line ociurc tne trial, ho called upon her one morning, found her sick a-bed her nurse present and told her he was published to bo married to another girl, and had come to settle with her. pav her tho money, and toko up his note. Upon Mb asking to sec tho note, she gavo the keys of her trunk to her nurse, and direct, cd her to bring her (the witness's) bank book, in which alio said the nolo was, with out opening it. The nurse did as sho had been directed, and then left the room. Neither tho nurso nor thu witness could say positively the nolo was there, for the witness fainted, and became wholly uncon scious of what passed. Upon the nurse's return to the room, after a considerable absence, she found the witness nearly, if not quite senseless the defendant gone the bank book on tho window no note, and no money. There are thirty boarders belonging to tho house where theso events took place. Sometime oftcrwards upon being questioned by tlio girl's brother about paying the girl what lie owed her, he said, 'I have got up my note (or notes, the broth. J ur was not certain which.) and that is all I want." After this, the girl consulted coun id, and by advice, inquired of the boarders if they had seen any money in or about her room, and (hoy denied that they had. Af ter tho scono at the sickbed, and beforo this examination, tho defendant was mar ried. The court ordered tho defendant to appear for trial at the court of Common l'leae, December term, at Cambridge. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18. Tho result of the Presidential canvass is still a matter of doubt. Thus far both par. tics havo carried all the states they relied upon as certain tho Whigs by increased, and the Tories by very diminished majori ties, with tho exception of Now York, where Mr Van Burcn's majority will ex. cced 20,000, In Pennsylvania, the contest has been an unexpectedly close one, end the result is not yet certainly known; though, in all probability, Mr. Van Buren has carried it by a few hundred votes. Tho contest in Virginia has been very close. Thus far, tho Harrison ticket is a few hundred ahead. In Connecticut, which last Spring gavo 3000 majority to the torics, tho Van Buren ticket has prevailed by a reported majority of from five to eight hundred only. In Maine and JVew Hamn. shire the torics had the field to themselves. Vermont gives II arihson an unexpected majority of near seven thousand; Ott'o, toy 10,000; Maryland between four and five thousand; Delaware 500, the largest ma. jority ever given in that state since the present division of parties. Comparing theso results with former es. timatcs, we bco good reason to hope that Mr Van Buren will not receivo the vote of the Electoral College. A few days will tell. New York Citv. The Sunday News gives the official Canvass in tho City, by winch it appears the Whigs havo made a successful campaign. They havo carried their Recorder, Senator, eight of the thirteen members of assembly, ond two of tho four members of Congress Curtis and Hoffman. Cambreleng and Moore arc elected on thn Van Buren ticket. Vermont official. The average ma- jority for the Harrison Electorial ticket in this state, is C95I. Church at hie Falls. In several of our recent numbers we have spoken of the natural advantages and ofthe late im provements of Oniim River Lower Falls. While so many plans arc forming, and so much capital is employed for turning the natural advantages at tho Falls village into sources of wealth, we are glad to see its moral improvement is not forgotten. We learn that on Wednesday of last week, a Church was duly organized there, with promising and favorable prospects. We understand that 30 or 40 members of the Rev. Mr Converse's Church, who reside in or near the Fall vilbjjc,- were solemnly act apart and formed into a Church under tho most harmonious and pleasant circum stances; and that the Church thus formed, intend, on tho opening of another season, to erect a house of worship on a scale suit, cd to the present and prospective wants ofthe placej Gov. Marcy has dciignatcd Thursday the 15th December next as a day of public Thanksgiving, and recommends its due ob servance. Governor Vescy, of Maryland, by the advice oftho Executive Council, has issued a proclamation bearing date at Annapolis, Nov. Olh, appointing Nov. 21st for the convocation of the old Senate and present delegates, to form tho General Assembly. The Governor declares that the "bid Sen aloof 1831 remain by tho Constitution in power until legally superseded, which they would have been had not the 18 Van Bu rcn men attempted a revolutionary move ment upon the Slate. He calls upon all the officers, civil and miliary, to hold them selves in readiness to put down any overt act of treason on the part of those men and their abettors, and says the Constitu tion of the Slate must be preserved. With this proclamation before them, and the rebuke of tho electoral vote, the 18 rccus. ants must feel in a "bad box." JV Y Star. The Rhode Island Legislature has unan imously resolved to recieve tho share of the surplus revenue, to which that Slate is entitled by tho act of Congress, but it did nnt agree on any mode of distributing it. The Committee to which tho subject was referred, reported in favor of employ ing it in tho establishment of Free Schools. Right. Tlio engineer of the British Steamboat Royal Tar, islo be tried for his life at St. Johns, for having caused the loss of this boot and so many lives by his culpa ble carelessness. Tho owners of the boat will also be held responsible for having employed so improper a person. New Hampshire Election on Mon day last, passed offas it came on, without pngoging tho attention ofthe voters suffi ciently, scarcely, to induce their attendance at the polls. From ono third to one half the usual number of votes wero thrown In most of the towns, and in tho absence of any concerted opposition, tho Van Buren ticket received more than three quarters of all the votes cat. The aggregate in this stale will not exceed twenty thousand. In well contested elections tho vote of (his stale oxceeds forty-five thousand. The result may servo to show that even in N. Hampshire there is very little regard for Van Burcnism beyond the influence of of fice holders. Statesman. , 11 AMI AND fiRIE UAKAL ft I a IIIUOl-l ing of the canal board of the slate or O hio. held nt Zanesville, on the 1 41 h inst.,' it was declared that the cistern termina tion ofthe Wabash and Erie canal, should be on tho public lands near Manhattan at the mouth of tho Maumco river, running from the head of the rapids, on the high level and locking into thu river at Maumea city and Toledo. This important decision must settle the question which has long been the bone of contention among the rival embryo cities in that quarter, and winch has given so much consequence to the boundary dispute between Ohio and Michigan. Important from Mexico. A letter dated Vera Cms, Oct. I, says: Gen. Dri.l vn has been appointed to tho command of J the army destined for the north, said to b' from 18 to 20.000 strong. A detach ment nf four thousand under command i Gen. Guarrao, was to havo left Mexic for the same destination on tho 16lh ulti mo, but the troops refused to march, oS tho ground of not having received their- pay. Within a few days past the government has raised a loan of (300,000, which will enable it to put their warriors on the march for Texas. A brig of war, built at Balti more, for tho Mexican government, had arrived at Vera Cruz. She it intended id mount eleven 18 noundcrs. w'nh rrenades; and to bo commanded bv Capl. Wiiei who will take charge of the fleet said Id bo undergoing repairs at Campcachy. The years since subjected to banishment from ins country, lias been invited lo teturn. Ho is expected from Franco daily, and wilj probably bo appointed to the Presiden cy in place of tho present incumbent. Violation or the American Flao. On the 1 4th of September, in the harbor'fif- D .1.. . r, siiiyniu, me American orig itanian was was rorcibly boarded by a French man of war. The'French officer alleged that he wa in search of two deserters- the captain "ftho merchant vessel nled?ed his honor u:ni nicy were not on uoaru ot his snip. tlic French made a srict search and nnt findingj' I hem, ordered the American captain to re-S turn to Smyrna. The Yankee hauled down his flog, abandoned his vessel, went on shoro, and made a formal protest. The! French took possession of tho vei-sel anil' brought her to anchor. This is a pretly .i...i- . . . -. . . . t: uigo nanueu procecilingot Johnny Urapcau. ,i ..: i : iiiueiiiuus Dim htars. ) Shocking accidet. We learn that M, r. . i i i. . n .. at l he time, with a daughter or hers, anil hau a room in which she iitually slaid by her self, in which the accident took place, ""ft appeared from r.ircum-taces, that she had slepped into a chair to reach something that was in a cupboard over the fire place, in which there was a largo fire burning, and while in the act, her clothes took fire and burned her so severely that it caused immediate death. Some one ofthe family had occasion to go into tho room in about an hour, as it is supposed, after the acci. dent took place., whore IIipv found her life 'iesvbniTy lying on the floor, with her clothes almost wholly consumed. She was nearly one hundred and one years of age. Castle, ton paper. NOTICE. All those (Ladies and Gentlemen) who are in favor of restoring to the Culorod man his right,., and would wish to associate for that object are requested to meet in tho Lecture room (near tho White Chnri-M .. v,viMit uv uai fan u u CIOCK, lor thll purpose. Nnv. 18. MARTMF.I). tn Morcloivn nn I lie lOili inl. Iy i lie Rev. Mr ioun, la .iii;s L.iicy ii.iuKs ol .'lortlow. 1)1 RO. , In iliig mn, on llip lltli infant, THO.V HOCKLEY, E(q. C.d.iir ur ilia Farmera Mecli.inira' liji.k, ngeil 40 Occasion, illy sin Indlt Idual dies whose excellent of character poinu him out hi an exception to th m:u!, and tiliosc Iota i felt liy die uliote commu ...., iii... i, mum ,i una iciutiiit w.,1 c,w irui" n i.i-a .. i.i..... ir.i.: i. 1. tn-, mi. in, ii m riiiiu.iiii:iiiiy uuc Oi 1H0HA1 IlocELEV. lie c.ime tu this pljce six je.irs ajo as llie C.iihler of llie U, S. Br.incli Bank j and lia qu.iinunce here. Dul a flight acquaintance only was nece5sary lo tliow that Mr. Hockley was a rare man ; nnd lie never made nn Acquaintance who was noi a fiieml foiever. His situation as Cntliicr of llie U. ti. Branch Bank gate him treat power lo do good ; nnd tlio personal intereit hn look in llie vsell lieing of every one who dealt with llie Bank llie nmialilencss of hit deporlineni qualiiic larely milled .14 in liiro, will.- hrittjxti'x jnsi Ire, made liim llie ohjccl alike of uniform at tachment and cslecm lo llie whole community, H never had an enemy we nerer heard a human being tpeak of him but in terms of regardand yet we neter knew any man to entirely unobtro live and unaffected. It teemed lo be a necessity , , . . . . . nflil nmiir. In ,ln rialil. lit rurn nnml .kff once satisfied what right and duty liemandecffof him. It is for others to speak of his religious char acler but it wai adopted from conviction, and maintained, like every other nrincinle of iiii mind and heart, without the slightest pretention, quiet consistency and its consolations and pioiniiet brightened his last moments. Hit uu, ,uu i Buiiiiiicu i uiiu ,o nun rnnn the grief of his family and relations, when the wht and belter man behind him. STOVRS TfeERKINS' nal'nt nhronhusv rnnt,' a .v.hi . .ww uu nn impruveu wven roiary do 2 do Conanls (back kitchen) do 2 do Oval Oven Slovo 1 Boiler do 2 do 45'0 Canada and AmnTii-nn nt. i . n w 1 . . w ' .Stoves, of various snos- This ia the moil' complete- aesortmenl of Stoves to be found in the Country Purr-liimnrii mnw fin J . I patterns ihey want, and on most favorable terms. n T. F. k jr. L. STROMfW Burlington, Nov. IS 1836 "L