Newspaper Page Text
NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. DR. PHELPS' COMl'OUX !) TOMATO PILLS, ENTIRELY VEGETABLE.J X NEW AND 1NVAI,UAIjI3 M 121)101 I'OU ALL DISEASES MUSING nio.M IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD, Slorbld Secretions of tlic lilVEK and STOMACH, ALSO A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL; Ai a Cathartic in KEV13HS and all 111 MO US AIH'LCTIOSS. Tiiesk popular Pills beinrj a combination of a newly discovered Alkaline substance, extracted from the TOMATO PLANT, with other vegetable substances which have been found to modify and diffuse its effects, are believed to be the best Alterative and Cathartic. Medicine ever discovered. They have been abundantly and success fully tried, and have received universal approbation for Scrofula, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, JHlious Diseases, (I ravel, Rheumatism, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Catarrh, Nerrous Diseases, Acid Stomachs, Glandular Swellings of all kinds, Costivencss, Colic, Headache, Sic, They menu antidote to Contagious and Epidemic diseases ; prevent the formation of Bilious and Liver nll'eetions, Fever and Ague, &c., in those who reside in hot climates, and low and marshy countries, and are the best Cathartic that can be used for those local ities. Seamen will find them au infallible remedy for the Scthvy ; and Travellers, the best medicine they ran use to counteract the dangers of exposure in unhealthy cli mates. For ordinary FAMILY PHYSIC, they are universally approved, as the best ever offered. As a DIETETIC or DINNER Pill, one taken half an hour after dinner, will .sufficiently stimulate the digestive powers of the stomach to a healthy and invigorated action, and they are found extremely serviceable for those who indulge in long dinners, or Into suppers, or immoderately in desserts or fruit. The peculiar virtues of the Tomato Plant have for a long time attracted the atten tion of the profession and the Public; and a lively interest has recently been directed to the futuie development of its active powers, and its Antibilious and Alter ative qualities; which t lie Proprietor is now happy in being able to gratify and pre sents his Pills to the Public, with the full confidence of their being the most safe, and valuable remedy ever discovered ; adapted to a'l cases, where Nature is disturbed, and when any of the functions do not perform their natuhal, ok healthy action. Numerous ceitilicales of cures, from those who h.'ve taken them, and the testimony of several Physicians, who have prescribed t hum, all concur to corroborate this opin ion. The rapidly increasing demand for, and the universal approbation bestowed upon them, is an additional evidence of their merits and usefulness. In presenting tiiis article to the public, the proprietor was influenced by the hope, that a medicine, prepared with much care, and strict regard to the Chemical and Therapeutic properties of its several thousand and one VTcsnonsilile nostrums oi and from the favor already bestowed upon juslijud m crpcclmg tins resrll. CT i'or a 111 11 niToiitu ii mis iiiitri:ini'' discovery, testimonials, mono of operations, e. see pamphlets, which tns'y be had gratis of all who sell these fills. None are ccniimi; without the written signature of G. 11. PflULPS, M. D., solo propiietor. liartinui, t onn. Old. rs for these Pillfl directed to the Piorrictor. Hartford, Connecticut, (post paid,) or to IIOADliIlY, VIIEI.VS. i'i C)., Wholesale DrinjifiSts, i-12 Wnlcr-strcpt, New-York, (general forwarding agents,) will be promptly attended to : and a libtrul ttisanmt made to those who buy to hell nnm. Sold by authorized Agents in mor.t of the cities and towns in the United States. N. H. Asniiri'icrnndn very different article, has recently been ndvertised under the head of "Tomato Pills,'' tho public will sea the necessity of being particular to inquire for "PIIKM'S' '"omxwif Tomato Pills." Pr'ce 37J and "a cents per box. (CFFor sale, wholesale and retail, by J. & J.II. PECK & CO. and retail by Robert Moody, Burlington, Vermont. H Tip HE subscriber having jL healed himself in Burlington, offers for sale nt tho stand formerly own led nnd occupied by IIr. Win. I. Seymour mi Pear street, o good assortment of late made hots nnd will be happy to ac commodate the customers of the Into pro prieior of the establishment and the public generally with hats of superior qualiiy and fashionable style on Mich lenns us cannot fail to he satisfactory lo the public. C. A. SEYMOUR. Burlington. Oct. 1 2. IfiSS!. CAPS. GAPS. F O irS A L E . FIRST rate Oiler, superior Fur sea. Hair seal and Moskrat Caps, Collars Fur Gloves and Gauntletts Six Hales Buffalo Robes Tho public are invited to call and examine, quality and prices and furnish themselves with rich and splendid articles, at tho lowest prices Caps made to order at the old Stand, Pearl st. Oct. 25 . Wm. I S EYMOUR. "LITE & LIT LITE,55 Samuel Ilunlhigton UULiU respccitiiliy inlurin Ins cus tomers and the public generally ho lias just received Iroin .A tie York a good fcupplv of BOOK BINDING STOCK, BLANK BOOK MATERIALS AND STATIONERY, nnd would be happy to wait upon all that may be pleased to favor hi in with their put ronogo. of various patterns nnd binding, kept con Btontly on band, ACCOUNT BOOKS, ruled ii nd bound to order on short noiicn nnd on as fair terms as Hie limes will admit of; which is on "first hut terms.'' PAPER OF THE REST QUALITY Persons wishing n good article of Paper nnd other articles of Stationery, (not infc rior to any) will not find it to their disad vantage to call one duor cast of "Scoti's Block." lie would also return his grateful thanks to Ins customers fur the many luvors recniv. nd, and hopes by alienlion lo business to vierit a share ol public palrnnnge. Thompson's Arithmetic for Fnln by tho hundred, dozen, or smglu copy m ibf Book Bindery by S. IJiivnisfiToN Heavy Hardware. ANVILS, Vices, Shovels, Sprtdcs, manure Forks, scaup Shovels, trace Chains, waggon Sf cart Boxes, era-bars, ertldron Kitllci. 30, 45 S( CO gallon, pnl ash Keltic 00 S 1Q0 gallon, Hark Milh, Hollow Ware, cS-c !S;c at wholesale or retail. Nov. 2 by T. F &W. h. Sthono. Bushels of Rock Salt, superior article to any sail ever .41'ered in llus market. 10,000 Bushels ol Solar Salt 3,000 do Sleuin do 800 Bbls. Pino do 250 Sacks nf Liverpool ground Dairy For sale low by Sept. 24. Foi.i.ktt & BnAin.r.vs. Lambs Wool Hose. JUST received nt Wnii & Tabors, long and half lloso, while uud grey, foiiiu very lino Swiss Muslins plain nnd cross bar'd. Traveling Barlteis, Coltan Yarn, Umbrellas, Stocks and Gloves, ai the cheap cah siore. WIt6UGHTN AILS" " qA casks 0, 8, and 10 penny, on consign, went, T. F. &. W. L. Stkokc. ingredients should take the place of the thedav. with which the countrv is de utreil it liy physicians and othe'r.s, he feels 20 Hhds. Muscovado. 15 do New Orleans, 15 boxes Philadelphia Loaf, for sale by Sept 24. Fw.i.ett Si IinADi.uvs. S. Walker fc Co. BTTIAVEfor sale the lamest Slock of MLM GOODS, ever offered by them to the public, consisiing of Dry Goods, Wet &, Dry Groceries, Crockery, Glass and Hard Ware, At Wholesale and Retail, most kinds of produce taken in exchange fur noons. Oct. 21. TJEAS. SO Chests Hyson Skin Tea 75 do Young Hvson do 40 do Old Hyson do 50 do Tonka do 20 do Souchong do 100 Caddies and Boxes Young Hy ' sou. G and 12 pounds each. 50 do do Old do 0, and 12 pounds each. For sale lower than was ever off red in (his market. By Sep!. 20. '33. & BnAin.r.vs. For Ijadies' Cloaks. 'W UST ree'd by Wait&. Taiioh an nddi lional supply of "Satin Bntliere." ihe most beautiful article yet offered for Ladies Cloaks, Pelisses and Dresses, ui ihe new cheap cash store. Nuv, 0. COFFEE. ;A Bags Laguera, St. Domingo nnd )XJ Java Coffe. for sale by Fot.r.UTT &, BnAni.EVs. Sept. 24. 1838. STATE OF VERMONT, ) Di-TincT or Cihtti:mu:n, ss. AT a Probate Coort, holden ut Burling ton within and for tho District of Chittenden nforesaid, on the 5lh day of November, A. I). 1838. Preseni, tho Hon. Chas. Russell, Judge. An instrument purporting lo ho tho last will and testament of Eli Thayer, late of Shelhurne, in saftl District, deceased, being presented to the Court here, hy Lymai: Ilnll, I lies executor therein named, for pro bale, it is ordered by said Court, I tin I all persons concerned therein, be notified lo appear nt n session of said Courl lo be holden nt the Register's office in Ilurling lon aforesaid, on ihe second Wednesday of December, A. D. 1838, and shew cause, if any they may havo against the probate of said Will, for which purpose it is further ordered thut a copy of ibu record of ibis order be published ihree weeks successive ly, in Hie Free Press, printed at Burlington, as soon as may be. A true copy ot record, Attest, Wm. Wkston, Reg MORUS MULTICAULIS. T II E subscribers hnvn 10.000 Trees ol the MORUS MULTICAULIS, lor lie. Annlvnl lliij nffirn. 'w u a ii t. x' . i r ii H i r ii x. vu Springfield Nov 5 1833 ilulliilo ltohes, Lamp Oil, Car- petmgs, I'aper Hangings, Harwell's Shoes and Bonis, Family Groceries and TEA of un uucuuallctl duality ot 75 cts, nor Ib. cot ton Yam, Batting, Wicking. Tickings, Sheetings, &c. &.C. Willi all oilier Goods Chenp for Cash ul HOWARDS, fish. 1 OnOjiintnU Cod fi lurcos Salmon, by Nov. 2. T. P. Si w. L. Sthono NEW GOODS. TMIE subscribers arc now receiving tneir -L lull niul tt'inlnr minds. Rotis'islim? of Dry Goods. Groceries. Crockery and Hard Ware, Cod Fish, Glass, Nails, Buffalo robes, &c. Also 2000 bushels solar Salt. 1000 do steam do 200 barrels fine do 50 socks ground do AH nf which they offer nt n small advance from cost. II. HYDE, & CO. October n.jn3n LYMAN & COJLK HAVE received their Full nnd Winter Goods, consisting of n very extensive assortment of Merinos, Cnnibluts, Cam. blelccne, Persian cloths, Poplin, Sic. for ladies cloaks. Also n variety of Silks, silk Cnmblet nnd Pongees A large as sortment of Lupin's best bind; and scnrlei merino Sin wis 5-4 lo 3-4. Also low priced do. Heavy worsted shawls, very large. Also various sizes of woolen nnd laney Shawls; making our assortment of Shawls very complete. A rich nssorlmcnt of printed Chnllcys, new style. Black and colored Alepine, French Bombazine nnd Merinos, very nice. FANCY IIDK'FS AND SHAWLS. Cbnlley, Mouscliiic do lane, sewing Silk, beautiful variety. POCKET 'HANDKERCHIEFS. Pruned Pongee Hdk'fs, large liaiiilannas Chcppns, India Corahs. &c. Sic. Black French and Italian Cravats. PRINTS, A great variety of rich dark American Calicoes, small figure, heavy for winter wear Merrimack, Dover, Hamilton, Full River nnd Rockland Prints, which were bought by the case in Boston and will be sold very low. A few pieces of super London and French Prints. Hosiery and Gloves a great variety. CLOTHS AND CASSLM ERES. Superfine and medium Cloths, black blue, 'rcen. dahlia, brown and oilier colors i Cnssimcres, black, blue and fancy colors. Buckskin striped, plaid and dark mixed, very hcavv for winter. FOR Or Kit CUATS. Heavy Beaver Cloi b, a new article. Pilot Cloth, Railine &.c. A few pieces of American Caswmeros very heavy. DOMESTIC GOODS Bleached Cotton Sheeting, Shining Can ton Flannel and Jeans, brown Cotton Sheeting. Shining. Canton Flannel and .lenns. Bed Tick, Cotton Yam, knitting Cotton, very fine. THREAD, BATTING. WADDING Superior woolen ami worsted Yam for knitting. One case nf Taylor's best spool Thread, Tape, Needles Sic. Sic. Cus tomers nre invited lo call and examine a very e.tenivu asorlu ent. unusually large. Burlington, Vt O.t. 19, IU3D. To Wood Ohoppeis. GSJEEK'S AXES SUPPLY ol ihe above cehhruted Axes, just received, and for sale by the dozen or single, by ihe subscriber. ROHERT MOODY. S'J'OVE PJPE. A General n-sorlmenl nf Russia, English anil Canada Iron Pipes, kept con stantly on 1 1 a nt! and for sale at wholesale or retail by W. R. Si F. C. VILAS. Ocl.jl. Bbls. American llrauciy, Jr 3 Pipes Cegniac do 50 bbls American Gin, 2 Pipe- Holland d 40 Ca-ks of Wine of various quali ties and prices, for sale by Foi.l.P.TT & BltADI.UVS. PAPER HANG INGS. ta'RjllE siib-criber has on hand a good as sortiiienl of Paper Hangings and is coiHlan'ly receiving Irom t he Manulaclurer and will at ihe manuluclurers prices, wbolesal and retail. EDWARD J. FAY. Chiirch Street ) Burlington Oct. 24. S IlickoU's Patent Rotary Oven 300K STOVE HE subscriber lius just received aim offers; !.-rsale, a few sloves, of which the above cut is a representation. To all advantages of tho improved Rotary lop, is milieu a uoinry uvea on an entirely new plan, which, from the testimony of those who have used them, far supercedes any ihnifT of the kind, yet offered to the public Those wishing to purchase cook stoves are respect fully requested to examine these before making their selection, ns ocular demonstration will belter convince Ihe public of ihe value of the article than any desenp'inn lhat con id be given. Another recommendai ion, these bard limes is, thai these sloves will be sold as low as the com. moil Roiarys of the same size. ROHERT MOODY. On Consignment, Granville mode Iron Axle' roc double Waggons, for sale nl JGO In 6r each, by ror.i.rrr &, lluAni.KV SHEEP'S PELTS. ClASH.nnd the highest market price will bu paid for sheep's pell, by W. R. & P.O. VILAS. Sent 20. Om Apprentice Wanted. A BOY, from 15 lo 17 years of ago, can have a situation as an npprcniicc lo ilia Cabmel making business, by applying lo ihe subscriber. Une Irom the country would be preferred. D. K. PANGBORN Burlington. Oct. 23, 1838. OIL & CANDLES. nfnri Gallons Fall and Winter sperm jxjjj oil. n pure article. r i a n n i... m.,., ii ' M' i,' x, w r tj.. M Ml I Mi dHAw lib cheaper I nan ever, by WAIT ond TABOR. NEW GOODS. HM. G I DOINGS offers his usual . supply ol GOODS, Pent I Wreol, Oclnhor 30. 1830. NEW STORE AND SIDNEY HARLOW hns received most kinds of GOODS usually kept (except I ho great western) at bissioro nt Winoos Id Village, and will be pleased to see friends nnd customers. Winonski Village, Nov. 1st, 1333. New Books? Ntw Books? rplIE subscriber basjusi received tunny JL lale publications, to which ho would cnll I he attention of I he public, Goizot's History of civibzniion, Do Tocqneville's Democracy in America, Incidents of Travel's in Greece, Turkey, Russin & Polnnd,bv the nulhor of travels in Egypt, Arabia, Petraca and the holy laud. Poetry of t rnvelling. by Caroline Gilmnn. Cromwell, n historical novel, 2 vols, by I lie aulhnr of the Hrolhers Corinoe. or Iialy (by Mad. Do Stael,) in Englinsli. Life and Tunes of Whitcfield, by Phillip, Medhurst's History of China, The Younir Moibcr, Youns Wife and Young Housekeeper, by Dr Alcott. Parley's Fireside Education, Comb's work on Health, Eberlce's Practice, 2 vols. Philn. 1B38. Uuitfd Suites Dispensatory. Meckels and Pnxlon's Anatomy. Rnbmson's Caluiet 1 vol 8 vo. Cruden's Concordance. Cudwortb's Intellectual system, 2 vols. 3 vo Neals Puritans 5 vols. 0 vo. Bibles, of different kinds, a great variety. Watts, Select and other Hymn bonks. 1'ravor Books o evcrv size and style ol binding. SCHOOL BOOKS. A large supply for the winter, of nil kinds used in tins region, jutt received and ultur ed at reduced prices. JAMES W. HICKOK. Burlington, (VI.) Nov. st, 1333. T. F. & 7f . L. ST&OITG- B'TAVE 111st received and oiler in lots .B. Jl. to suit purchasers 150 chosls Hyson Hyson Skin. Young Hyson, Twaukay and I'onchoiig l eas. 10 Hbds Molasses 12 do Porto Rico nnd Si Croix Sugar 15 boxes lump and refined Sugars 120 do hunch nnd bloom Raisins 45 do bnr Soap, white and brown 10 do Sinrch 15 do pipes 10 Kegs Ginger 15 bugs Pepper and Pimento 60 mulls Cassia 150 lbs Nuiuiees and Cloves 35 bags Si Domingo and Java Coffee 10 boxes Cavendish Tobacco 10 Bbls Rice 20 bags Shot 5 casks S:lerntus 50 (hz patent Pails 30 ib z UroMiii-, &e. Sic. Novimbcr 2, 1833. Lorillard's SnutTand Tobacco. 2 libls pounds, half pounds, Si ;ar mis nun lilies, fine cut chewing Tobacco. 5 Bbls Macaboy and Scotch Snuff, nt Manufacturers prices, by -V. v. 1, '38. V. F. & W. L.'Sthom-.. Stoves ! Cook Stoves ! ! woolson's patent cook STO YES. RHE bev .iuve in use ol ihe kind, Just "e riceived No 3 of llus description of loves and for -iile al .'j Alio. No 2, a larger size, al J33. Tills kind ot Wove ls iiiiich valued uial porcni- wi-huig I hem have seni lo New Hampshire from lln place mid paid tO there, for No, 2, in preference lo buying any other lo bo had in Burliiicton. IIickok & October 25, 1838. Jesse Wood ni IPs Estate. WE the subscribers, having been appoint, ed by ihe Honorable the Probate Court fertile District of Chitlenduo, eomuiissiuiiors to receive examine, and adjust ibe claims and demands of nil pcr.-ons, against the estate of Jesso Woodiuff, lale of Milton, in said District, deceased, represented insolvent, and also all claims and demands exhibited in oIImi! thereto ; and six months frnm the day of the date hcreol, being allowed hv said court ior that purpose, wc do therefore hereby give no lice, that wo will attend to the business of our appointment, al the dwelling of widow Sully Woodruff, in Milton, in saiu District, on tho 31st day of December next, at ten o'clock. A. ,M., on said drtv. Dalsd. Ibis 2 4lh (lav of October A. D. 1838 ARTHUR HUNTING. ) Cohihiis. EDMUND WELLINGTON, S siont HYDRAULIC CEMENT. TftOR sale at I he Ilorliiiglnii Mill Com. X? pony's i-Mastcr Mill, Winooshi Falls. GEO. MOORE, Agenl TBIOjV. steel &c. Tons English Tire Iron Irom I mkM 1 4 inch In G inches wide. 45 Cwt. assorted Swedes do 45 do Russia P S.I. old Sable do 15 do English Hoops, assorted 20 do Braziers rods 40 do old mi hie horse nail Rods 35 do Sanderson's Cast Steel, assorted sizes. 15 do Spring do do 25 do lloseuclcver Si Groove's Ger man do 15 do do American and Swedes do English Blister do 200 pairs steel plated Sleigh Shoes. -ALSO-On Consignineiii from the Pern Iron Co al Clintonville, 80 tons manufactured Iron round nnd square, nil sizes from g of an inch lo 2i inches, Band Iron, Shoo Shapes, Nose, Hume, scroll Iron &c. Sic. ; with 1000 Kegs Cut Noils. 3d. to CO d. and Brads C d. lo 20 d. By Nov. 2 7'. ' Sr W L. STRONG. lifl Doz. Simons &, Co., Cast Sieel Axes : lor sale by ihe box, ot manufnciurcrs prices, uy roLiiEXT to. uiiaullvs. Sept. 'M. il'.GS leave to lit. form bin Patrons . .t lliai no una inisim nuup two doors West of J. ti I'eck fe Co's. North side Square Collcuo Slrccl. Where lulll find n tte,ui.c' great variety of Ready made Saddles, Harness's, Trunks, VaUshct, Carpel Hags. Pill Bags, Purlmanteaus, Cir. ciuelcs. halters. Undies, Marlinads, blc.igli Bells, Whalebone Uosclls, Cushions Whins and Lashes, and such ulnar articles as usually con nectud with his line ofhiiMiiuss, toi'cllior with choice selection of Saddlery Hard Ware, of the latest niportatioiis. all ol which will be sold cheap (or ensh or Approved Lrcilit. Burlington, Oct, 17, 1BJ3. UpholstoriiiL's and Carriage Trimming exe cuted with neatness and despatch. 1 OH ''"x,,,i "nr Sonp. 1UU nr, Slw,t frnm Nil. (1. In .1. 300 Mats Cmssiu, for sal" by Foi.U.TT &. BnADt.KYS. Sept. 24. BURLiNGTON CSik3R FACTORS THE siib-cribers have for sah1, and are consiantly in n mi 'no' u rn rr a variety of t"n.Ktnir COMMON DINING. FANCY FLAGG, and CANE SEAT CUtiL MAPLE, i.Aunt: ami smaij. ROCKING CHAIRS. &c. &c. at Wholesale or Retail. e would say to those wislnnz to pur chase Hint they u ill do well lo cull and examine the quality and price before put chasing el-ewbcre, as we ore confident w can save them the trouble ut .seudiiiir to New York. A L S O On hand, a lot of Livingston's Patent Fanning Mills ; anus. NELSON GATES. urch Street, Ihe old Bank jer 4, 1838 Chur Oetobi N B. Wanted 20.000 feel 14,2. 2i, 3.j Curl Maple Board- and Plank GREAT BARGAINS IN -VfltV,Jf--ll . AV1NG made arrangements for deal ing more exlenwvt ly in this branch of business than heretofore, we lire pre pared tu show purchasers Cooking Stoves all the various approved patterns, lo- geiher wuh Parlor, Box. and Canada Plate Stoves of all sizes. Also 9 joints tovc Pipe Ol Riis-ta. English and American Iron. Dumb Sieves, of Ru.wa and American Iron hand-i'ine patterns Stove trimmings of rv (b y.Tiptinn of Tin, Copptr and cop per Ii illom, and IRON HOLLOW WARE. Wo recommend to purcha-ers with great confidence, an examination of this assortment ot Sloves nnd trimming;, be lieving il lo be leu eniv more extensive and eompleie. hoi thut purchasers will find better bargains than al any other establish iiienl in tue stale. T. F. & W. L. STRONG. Burlington. October 4, 1838. T HE subscribers would inlorin llieir Irteitds and tho public that Ibey have ju-t ree'd an oddtnoiial slock of sloves which makes their assortment complete, comprising all the mow approved patterns called for, among which nre ihe following; I he Troy best premium Improved R. ! n ry ami do. Buck K lichen Coo king all sizes. Also A great variety i.f box stoves, Elegant parlour do. And a few superior Canada plate do. Also Ornamented Russia dumb Stoves, and Russia, English and Canada Stove pipo and trimmings of all descriptions, oil ol which they are determined lo sell at the very lowest prices, Persons wishing to purchase are invilcd to call nl their shop (opposite tho Jail.) in Church street, anil examine tor themselves. They have on hand ns usunl a full assort ment of Plain Si Japaned tin ware, nl wholesale and retail, ull orders m their hue will bo promptly executed Large IRON KETTLES, from 30 to 90 gnllons. Also Copper Pumps add Lend Pipe, STARR S,- BOSTWICK. Burlington, Nov. I, 1838. For Sale or to Rout. THE Brick Sioro owned by Mr. J. S. Pot win, on churcli-st. apply to II, Leavemvoiith. August 30, 1030, mmM-Mi .i. ii. CWM Store. t ' H IIS, itft 'CrIVjjnSAI. MECHANIC OR ONE THAT CAN MAKE OR RE PAIR ANY THING THAT COMES ALONG. J LEWIS, disclaiming nil pretensions to the "heroic." but deeply impress- d Willi I lie importance ol that first maxim of linkers "DO things" offers his ter. vices to the public as a mnnufaciurcr of Finger Rings, Isrenst Bins, Ear Ornaments, Guard Chains. Watch Chains, Seals. Keys, fcc. Seals of every di'scripi ion, made and lettered lo order and Jewelry of all kinds repaired in the nealeM manner. Plain Wood Cuts, wood Tunes, Stamps, Btnnds, Sic , manufactured lo order ; to-. gether with n llmusand oilier things, too numerous to mention. Send in your orders Indies nnd Gentlemen they shall be promptly attended to, nnd it is believed entire satisfaction will In; "i veil. Burlington, Church St. October 4. 1833 ( "farm Volt sale. 'Blllli subscriber offers for sole his mi, ili Jl Si v? valuable farm situated iMl'en Eh' i 'he northwest part f Huntington, contain ing about 250 acres, and is well calculated for a dairy, having u convenient dwelling house, two barns, wlih nu eight feet shed between, nnd other valuable and convenient out buildings. There is a'so a good orchard, cider Mill House nnd Mill. Said farm is every where well watered, nnd will keep thirty cows and a team. Also, two hundred acres) of wild land, situated about one mile from I he fa 'in. and is well umbered will- a heavy growth of Sjiruco and nlher valuable sawing limber. Terms of sale madt! easy by application lo the subscriber on the premises. , II EM AN GILLET. Hun'inglon, Sept. 20. 1338. . FOU. SALE, s7'-?. , f;"1lp ,a --m I-.,cnry, Snips? S " ' ; SSJrtSsaa Burtinginu, Ven o a THAT el-gitio Mill Site and ki own as iht! in I he town of rmont, nn the hills ol Onion River. The boildinir is nf SioiX', 100 feet long by 50 feet deep, with all the ni ce. ary appurtenances, I'or dying, drying and dressing cloth. There are forty looms wnh corresponding machinery, (if mow approved paiierns nil supeiior work manship. A full inventory may be seen at ihe factory Tin ro i. also aiiached lo it a brick house suitable for a boarding hooscg lor the workmen. Situated as tins estab. Iishmeui is, in a wool growing country, wnh the advantages of" tranwnirlalion by water tho whole (if the distance to New I York, renders il well worthy Ihe attention of Capitalists ond Manufacturers. Terms ot sale will he nccominndnimrr. Apply 10 II. LEAVENWORTH. Burlington, Vt. REA L ESTATE fou SALE, ArjgA rjnilE undersigned offers for ii fi III1, it -- sole, the three story brick mam building next east of the book siore. on college street, con taining dwelling. Wore and rooms for offices. Also lbe brick house with ihree fourths of an acre ol laud occupid by Duct. Hatch on while s'reei. Abo two bondings occupied hy Me.-.-rs. llnmMin and Mead, nnd C MorrHt, on College street, containing Joiners shops. Dwellings Sic. Also tho place occupied by Mr R. P. Tibettson the corner of Pearl and Chnmplain si reels. Po-sessioo given 1st of April and May next and lo some parts ut the premises this Au tumn. II. LEAVEN WORTH. Sept 10 1834 F r an kl in Hotel. IN.sON SPELMAN - ESPECTFULLY informs his tnends and the public Hint he has taken the pleasant and commodious House on the south west corner ol lbe square, in the vil lage of Burbngion, formerly occupied by B. Risbop. lie assures his friends and ihe public generally, that no reasonable ifTbrlsj on Ins part shall be wauling lo render his House n p'easant and desirable home to the traveller, lo permanent boarders, to gentlemen of the bar, judges, jurors ond witnesses in courl lime; and in fine, to all persons who may please to favor him with their polronnge, and which it will be his ambition to merit by a prompt attention to ibe wishes of his gnosis, and by reasonable charges. The Singes will call at this House for passengers. Burlington, October 1, 1838. WINDOW JUST received 15 20 Si 24-7 by 9 casements of sash, a first rato article, at 3 and 3J cts. per light. Also, nil kinds and sizes, furnished lo order. Tieonderogn iiiacK Lead, a first rato article, for sale very low, logothur with n greavariety of other articles, as cheap as can bo found ol any other estab lishinent in lbe place. Geo. Peterson. SINGLE. DOUBLE. UMBILICAL, MARSH'S TRUSS, for all who need, will he found on trial, the most use fid, and ihe most comfortable article for tho purpose intended, ever introduced. July 20, J, Si J. II, Peck Si Co, Agent i