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Burlington free press. [volume] (Burlington, Vt.) 1827-1865, June 16, 1843, Image 1

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No. a
From tho Newark Daily Advertiser.
V A I T It .
A wallow in tho spring
Cams to our granary, and 'ncnth tho caves
Euared to make her nest, and there did bring
Wet earth and straw and loaves. .
Day after day sho toiled,
With patient art, but ere her work was crowned,
Gome sad mishap tho tiny fabric spoiled,
And dashed it to tho ground.
Sho found tho ruin wrought!
Yet not cast down, forth from her place sho tlcw,
And with her mate, fresh earth and grasses brought
And built her nest anew.
Dut scarcely had she placed
The last soft feather on its ample floor,
When wicked hand, or chance, ogain laid waste,
And wrought tho ruin o'er.
Rut still her heart she kept,
And toiled again; and, last night, hearing calls,
I looked, and lo I three little swallows slept
Within the oarth mado walls.
What truth is here, O man?
Hath hops been smitten in its early dawn 1
Have clouds o'ercast thy purpose, trust or plan 1
Havo Faith, and struggle on I
From the London New Monthly for July.
"" Tout ce qui parait hazardeux ct qui pourtant no
l'et paB, est prcsquo toujours sage." Cardinal dk
Some porsons arc apt to suppose that tlio
social machiavcllism that distinguished tlic
era preceding the French revolution, lias
beon altogether banished from the higher
circles of Europe ; and that all the subtlo
end finessing diplomacy which, even in tho
saloon, was indefatignbly busy during that
stirring day, in its vocation of reading hearts
and contriving plots, of concerting ambitious
intrigues, and acquiring or fast-holding tho
emoluments and dignities of courts, has been
of late replaced by tha old straightforward
system of downright plain "directness."
They who entertain this impression, aro en
dowed with admirable simplicity. Not ma
ny years since, tho occurrences which I am
going to relate took place in London ; nnd
they will serve to show that llieso Alcibiades
arts arc yet cultivated in tho ambitious at
mosphere of courts.
A ministerial crisis had arrived. The
government was fiercely pressed by tho op
position, and tho votes in the lower house
stood so nearly balanced that tho voico of
even one member had becomo a matter of
very anxious importance. In this state of
inings, tno victory was likely to lavor the
moro active party of the two ; emissaries
were abroad in cverv nuartcr : all the exne-
dients of ingenuity, and all tho refined blan
dishments ol the most vigilant address, were
by both sides equally resorted lo. In one
word, there was a game of diplomacy.
In the very midst of it there suddenly ap
peared a young man, whoso wonderful skill
(visible chiefly in its effects) excited the ob
servation and fixed tho attention of all the
higher political personages of tho da'. He
had precisely the characteristics of the old
school of diplomacy the portraitures of
whose disciples are to bo seen in many of
our most accepted romances.
As ho was a ministerialist, proselytes of
government everywhere started up before
tho witchery of his presence. Yet no one
could divino tho process by which these im
portant conversions wcro achieved.
In his manners thcro was an inexpressi
ble charm which always procured him a dis
tinguished reception aupres des dames. In
deed, nothing could exceed scarce even
can memory now recal tho self-possession of
his deportment. His velvet tootlall, his
cold bright eye, so watchful, yet so calm,
his smooth unruffled forehead, which no
expression of joy or of alarm, of astonish
ment, of contempt, or of disappointment, ev
er visited with its tell-tale presence ; these
were tho well-known individualities of his
To do his memory justice, however, ho
had not the darker qualities of his class : ho
seemed to take infinite delight in the scenrs
in which ho was engaged, and to exult in
the excrciso of his wonderful intelligence,
like tho conquerors of old. who often deriv
ed moro gratification from tho exhibition of
their military skill, than from tho cquisitions
of territory which accrued to them by means
of its exertion. He had, in fact, all tho tal
ents, without a particle of tho malignity,
which generally belong to the state intriguer.
So that it was evident he pursued his profes
sion as an amateur, delighting to feel his
power ; and though often exerting it without
regard to tho strict casuistry of right, yet
nevor wielding it to crush a personal enemy,
or to wreak a personal revenge.
The ideal associations connected with a
career like his, in his earliest youth, fascina
ted his imagination. The tapestried closet,
the rich and retinucd hall, tho crowded levee,
and the gay excitement of tho ball-room,
were scenes among which ho loved to move,
nnd where ho was eminently fitted to figure.
Tho midnight conference, tho critical charge,
the delicate and difficult interview in which
only tho most consummato fact could avail
him; these, and such as these, had for him
all tho charms of romance.
On tho other hand, however, it must ho
admitted that his practice was not always so
poetical as his theory ; and that ho did occa
sionally perform some mischievous achieve
ments. Divisions and broils among tho best
of friends, wcro as frequently obsorved to
make a mysterious appearance whero ho had
for a while flitlod. as reconciliations between
tho most deadly enemies wcro known to be
tno certain results of his mediation not that
ho carried tales j ho was never so insane,
and it was n frequent phraso with him, 'that
thcro was no ingenuity in a lie.' All then
that can bo said is, that ho contrived matter
iiccording to methods of his own, which it
would perhaps bo vaguoand visionary to di
vine. Indeed, during one season, when ho
was particularly capricious, so many unac
accountablo dissensions, nnd such a high' war
fnro of scandal took pluco, that ono lady,
whojo name wo need not mention, but whom
wc belicvo to havo been moro observant than
tho rest of tho world, was heard to say, Mf!
wn wero living a low centuries Hack, I should
assurdly bolieve that that young elegant had
the evil eye j ho but looks on you, ami
straightway your affairs go wrong. Dut us
evil eyes aro grown out of fashion, and as ho
is decidedly in fashion, I must merely con
clude, that ho has a fund of tho most mis
chievous ingenuity.'
Our hero (if so wo may call tho pcrson
ago who principally figures in the narativc
wo aro about to relate) overheard this remark;
for, by a coincidence, he chanced at the
moment to bo standing near. Ho bowed
quietly : and then with that slow and distinct
utterance for which ho was rcmarkablo,
smilingly said,
Ah! you and I ought to be tho dearest
friends , thcro is quite a congeniality of sen
timent between us. I am uncharitably in
genious; you uncharitably witty. A talent
is sometimes a very great temptation.
Such then was his reputation, and such
tho sentence awarded to him by tho voico of
It was about two years afterwards that the
ministerial crisis, to which wo have already
once alluded, camo darkening over the po
litical world. Our hero was then private
secretary to tho prinicministcr. For tho
sako of dislrictncss, wo shall in futuro call
tho secretary D'Amarrs. This was not his
real name, but it will servo tho purposo of
our nairativc.
Ono evening, then, at this epoch, D'A
marrs was summoned to the minister's closet.
After tho usual preliminaries of etiquette,
which aro never in such cases very tedious,
the premier plunged in mcdias, res, but still
with characteristic deliberation.
Matters, D Amarrs, said he, 'aro in a
way, and so for succeeding; but thcro are
two or three littlo delicaln points still to bo
Thu sucretary bowed forward.
D,Anurrr," continued tho premier,
'you have proved to mo repeatedly, in a
manner of which I cannot but bo sensible,
that) on possess cxlraordinnjy talents. I
am very well pleased with your conduct,
and I hope that you aro equally well pleased
with our post.'
As ho was hero clearly expected to an
swer, D'Amarrs muttered something about
' Highly ll.tllcrcd, unabated zeal,1 alter wind
the premier resumed.
' But this very post of yours may bo occu
pied by another in a few days, D'Amarrs,
Can you guess the reason V
Perhaps,' replied tho secretary, with his
usual cool tone, 'perhaps, my lord, it is be
cause your lordship s post also may bo occu
pied by another in a few days. Havo I by
chance guessed the reason V
Hem, D'Amarrs, you have,' answering
the minister ; but this double misfortune you
arc destined to avert. You must hero bring
your talents into piny.'
D'Amarrs stirred the fire, and then lean
ed comfortably back in his chair, but did not
utter a word. As the minister continued to
scrutinize him, tho secretary arose and snuff
ed tho two candles, one after another, after
which, with the utmost sang froid, ho resea
ted himself, preserving all tho while tho
most tantalisintr silence.
' The fact is,' resumed his lordship at last,
'thcro is, you aro aware, Mr. Warncrslon in
the lower house who has three or four votes
at his command, lie must bo gained.'
' True, my lord: so he must.'
' But it is not so easy an affair as you sup
pose,1 continued his lordship. 'Ho is well
enough disposed himself, but an unusual dif
ficulty lies in the way ; indeed, it's quite a
peculiar case, and just suited to you. There
is an enthusiastic friendship between his
daughter and the daughter of tho leader of
the opposition, air George Crake. Now
the girls know tho state of pailies, and arc
well versed, it seems in politics; and Miss
Warncrston has been played upon by her
friend Miss Crake, not to allow her father to
destroy the harmony of tho families, by vo
ting against her father. And what between
the ioM'w politician and tho doting papa,
this Warncrston throws tho little predilection
he had for us to tho winds, and means to join
tho opposition. You sco the whole afl'.ur is
a pitiful intrigue, D'Amarrs. The women
arc perpetually in iho way. Now, what I
want you to do is, to bring tho two.young la
dies to feud. Warncrston of courso would
then bo certain.'
' But how much time will your lordship
give mo to effect this purposo 1' demanded
the youililui conlidant.
Uutil tho day after to-morrow.' said tho
minister. 'Tho two young ladies will bo at
tho Duchess of Hanvers' bnll to-morrow
night, and you should choose that opportuni
ty for effecting tho 'point.' '
As the sccratary hero thoughtfully arose.
nnd walked towards a table behind, as if to
look for something, tho premier imagined it
had just been making, that D'Amarraoccu
pied himself. Ho therefore waited patient
ly to near him speak, expecting that thcro
might, perhaps, bo somo objection in the
other's mind, or somo cautious suggestion.
Finding, however, that he still continued to
look about, his lordship said
' Well, D'Amarrs what do you think of
tno iasi winch 1 havo charged you with V
' Eh, my lord V said D'Amarrs, turning
round with a start. ' Oh ! I beg ten thou
sand pardons , but I could not imagino that
your lordship was still thinking of the mat
ter. It is arranged,1
As tho minister was that night leaving his
closet in a statu of tho highest satisfaction
with his secretary, whom ho had bid cootl
night In some Iidiiis before, ho met ono of
ins own colleagues in officojust oulsido the
' Ah ! my lord,' said ho, rubbing his hands
with an air ol gleo, 'Warncrston is certain;
D'Amaris has undertaken tho matter.'
' But Miss Crako (' rotiirninc tlio brother
minister : 'but tho two daughters what of
them I
' That is precisely tlio point,' said tho
premier. 'My secretary will spoil thoir har
mony for over nnd a day. He lias agreed,
in a word, to mako them quarrel.'
Absurd 1' sneered tho other 'absurd
nnd preposterous ! Why, my lord, their in
tiinncy has reached to that romantic dogrco,
that it is utterly hopeless to miko them
quarrel.-Surcly you arn not imposed upon
uy ins stMi-djjuifliuu ui hub juuhk num.
Pardon mc, I am nwaro that ho is very sub
tle nnd diplomatic ; but to think of dividing
theso femalo Pylades and Orestes. Ha! ha!
ha !'
' But, my lord, to-morrow night at tho
Duchess of Hanvers' ball, you will judgo for
1 I shall bo thcro on purpose,' was tho
quick reply.
W W W w
Never was ball gayer or better attended
than that of tho Duchess of Hanvers. Wc
shall not wnsto a moment of description up
on tho urilliant coup a ml ol tnc rooms.
Wo shall not pause to note, what has been
often already noted, tho cffulgcnco of tho
many-colored lights, tho glitter of somo gor
geous uniform, tho blazo of jewels, tho soft
luxurious profusion of costly turmturc ; theso
things have been already noted ; but thcro
was one thing to-night which has seldom been
described tho stealthy but never-failing
march of tho diplomatist. Great events arc
often prepared in the ballroom ; administra
tions and kingdoms havo risen nnd fallen
within its curtained precincts. And as for
privato life, the rival lover and tho compet
ing friend, have many and many a time per
formed their purposes, achieved their ends,
and arrived at thoir destiny, while breathing
the voluptuous atmosphcro of fa belle as
semblcc. If any ono has ever wondered by
vliat means it is that certain persons con-
trivo to eclipso all competitors in general
conversation, and to oust till rivals in pri
vato attachments, whether of lovo or friend
ship, let such person now attend whilo I
depict tho workings of that strange talent
which holds its silent but potential empire
over tho internal nnd impalpable world of
tho mind, leaving tho ostentatious and noisy
framo of eternal things, to be influenced only
indirectly by its movements ; that talent lo
which every heart hands up her secrets as it
steals along, and yet whoso own secrets no
other heart has ever penetrated tho talent
of Talleyrand and ofMuchiavol of Ches
terfield, Metlcrnich, or of Pozzo di Borgo.
The smiling misery of the evening was at
its height ; tho softest strains of music wcro
floating through tho apartments ; tho reign
of lovo, at least hero and there, had begun,
when Charles Maurice D'Amarrs mado his
welcomo entry. Ho looked carelessly
around ; made somo general compliments
to two or three successive groups which had
approached him, nnd then lounged with an
air of hnlf-risrraiY, half-dandyish, towards
the further end of the apartments.
' Thcro he is I there is D'Amarrs 1' whisp
ered the premier to his brother minister ;
and they both followed tho secretary at n
distance. Miss Warncrston and her friend
Miss Crako, had been sitting together on an
ottoman, but at this moment the former arose
i i . .
anu joined tno sots with a gracclul young
nussar lor ncr partner ; tlio oilier young la
dy remained for a moment alone, nnd then
was on tho point of getting up, when she
perceived 1J Amarrs approach. The sccrc
tary was at that era in tho height and flesh
of his fashionablo celebrity ; and Miss Crako
was not ill-pleased at the prospect of his
How very warm it is.' said he. as lie.
seated himself beside her.
' Ah ! indeed it is," returned the intelloc-
ttml lady, with an air of languor, 'indeed it
' It is as warm as friendship.' pursued he;
'though that is not saying much, for there
is scarcely any real friendship in all tho
worm at icast.it is as raro as it is cost v
'And yet,' answered she. with a Platonic
look, ' thcro arc somo in tho world who do
oxhibit instances of genuine friendship.'
'Ah!' ejaculated D'Amarrs, ' howhannv
they must be! The unbounded confidence
oi their mutual intercourse must bo a source
of infinito pleasure and security .'
' Yes.' said she, sympathetic!-, With
out lull and boundless confidence on both
sides, no truo or happy friendship can
' Don't you think, asked D'Amarrs. 'that
it is tno mark ol a superior and imperial
character, to attract that sort of devoted and
trusting enthusiasm towards oneself V
' Unquestionably !' answered Miss Crake.
' I,' continued ho. 'am always ant to con
sider that one (of two friends) who is most
tno onject ol this conlidenco, as (of tho
two) the superior mind, tho piloting, the
guiuing star.
' 1 understand,' replied Iho other.
' It is nuilo as much as I do mvsclf.'
thought he.
Alter a short pause, ho added : ' The per
son who can assort without fear of contra
diction, that ho knows in all the worldasinglo
ucing who wouiu tell him any secret in l.ict,
who had no secret from him must, I think,
bo not only a very amiable, but also a verv
admirablo person, and havo qualities that
attract love, along with talents that command
confidence and inspiro respect : but I do
not, I cannot bcliovo that thcro lives such
person, thai, in a word.thero lives a person
who knows ono single being, that loves or
admires lum so much
' ao iv, i am inclined to think thcro aro
a few who can say it,' rnplied Miss Crako
silly; tor her vanity had immediately gorg
cd tho bait.
' Pardon me,' said tho handsome socrota
ry , - ii i iuii into ino latin ni t. I nomas
and withhold my belief until my nycs con
vinco mo, that any ono oxists, endowed with
such shining qualities as to inspiro another
with this degreo ol conlidenco.'
'Ah! you aro really mistaken,' answered
she ; 'my own personal experience proves that
you aro so. am sure that my dear friend I.u.
cy Warncrston would tell ino anything in the
' '.'hat she would tell anything in tho tin!
verso V ropcated D'Amarrs so loudly, that
sovoral ladies and gentlemen around hoard him,
and became in a manner witnesses of tho com
ing answer.
Most certainly,' replied she, with a sort of
ganconading warmth.
' And would you not consider it excessively
curious then,' pursued, D'Amarrs, gradually
ncaring his purpose, ' if she had told othora
something very interesting about herself, which
aho would not on any account toll you, Miss
Crako 1
theWe of "any one'd knowing mors about her
dear menu s aiuirs than herself.
What,' asked tho secretary, smiling,
Miss Warnerston bo too cautions for von,
that sho really would not toll you half tin
tiling?, which she induces iou to tell her?'
'That is an insinuation which I really do no'
like,' exclaimed Miss Crake; naturally enough
taking firo at being thought a silly dupe, in lieu
ot tno superior, and attractive, and trust-inspir
ing being, whom D'Amarrs had a minute be
foro so temptingly described.
Anu wnat,' pursued no, wiin a peculiar ant
alarming smile, 'if Miss Warncrston bo foolisll
enough, and ill-natured enough, to resent befon
an present, your having chosen to say thatyi
nau sucn an ascendency over her, and such
share in her confidence. Alas I my dear M its
Crako, you would then unjustly look like those
wno uoast they can do a great deal with other
wniie absent, but afterwards becomo falsifici
before their faces.'
no said tiir.so words with nn exprcssioi
which excited a certain nameless anxi6ty ii
miss uraKc.
A pause followed, during which tho youn,
niacmavci remained meditating, with a sort
irown upon ins forehead.
' How very handsome Miss Warncrston look
to-night!' said heat length.
' Dear creature !' ciaculatcd Miss Crako.
' Sho is tho handsomest girl in the room,
pursued he, carelessly.
Miss Crako was silent.
It is a strong natural tendency which prompt
us to keep our pace, in all things as fast and a:
nigli as tlio pace of thoso with whom wo havi
been a long time associating together. It is
sort of instinct.
'Sho is certainly tho handsomest.' nursuo
tho now ungallant D'Amarrs, hero smiling, a
ho caught a casual but vigilant glance of tin
premier and the other cabinet minister wh
wcro in the midst of a group of ladies and gen
tlomcn, 'certainly the handsomest: and
do not at all wonder at her receiving that pro
' What proposal?' exclaimed Miss Crake, hi
dovnrigllt alarm.
Alia!' cried 1) Amarrs, in a very loud an
slow voice, 'docs that look like tho confidence
which you say she reposes in you !'
borne il, had it not been that tho loudness o
his wis ii iiuiuu-winisi : urn sue inigowiavi
his tones had drawn a number of eyes to witnesi
nor ludicrous dilemma.
' I havo not merited from Lucy,' thought she
' that she should bo tho occasion of derision t
Anger is not very logical ; it lays hold of th
nearest person, at all accusable, to charge wit
its censures. And now, of course, in the in
stance of Miss Crako (who was of tho sillv.ro
mantic clats of young ladies,) the suspicion o
naving neen tooled into a conlidenco that wa
not reciprocated, intruded itself on her hast;
meditation. Wo may hero observe, that th
more ono person likes another, the more vindic
tivo is ho supposed to bo in requiting his ofl'on
cos; for they appear trebly unmerited, and ;
hundredfold ungrateful on account of the quar
tor irom which they proceed.
Meantime D'Amarrs had beon in what is vul
garly termed a brown study.
IIo n iw said, watching carefully tho counte
nance of his comp?nion, ' I scarcely agree will.
inyinenu j,oru lewuy, about tlio way in wind
.Miss Warncrston wears her hair; I think i
unbecoming. However, that is his reason fo
admiring her so much there is no accounting
for tastes.
Now Lord icwby was the handsomest,
wealthiest, most fashionable, and most lady,
killing dandy in town. Mies Crake, as the
secretary knew, was greatly taken with the
gal'ant peer; sho now merely asked,' Ah I he
likes that style of head-dress !'
' Yes,' replied D'Amarrs ; 'but I do not at
all admire his capricious taste in this ono
'Nor I,' returned she with decision: ' I
think her head-dress is the least becoming
thing about dear Lucy.'
'It is perfectly shocking it quite disfigures
her,' said the secretary, with tho air of a con
noisseur; 'so much bo, that it would boa
kindness both to Miss Warncrston and to her
general admirers, if some ono who posess.
ed sufficient influence with her, would mako
her alter it.'
Now, for two potent reasons Miss Crako
was inclined to undertake this office ; first, she
would gladly remove the cause of Lord Yow
by's admiration for her dear friend; and sec
ondly, she burned to show tho secretary what
influence she possessed over Miss Warnerston
and therefore what a superior ami imperial
character she must herself be.
While she was thus ruminating, D'Amarrs
asked her rather loudly,
' Would a word from you, Miss Crake, have
any sort of weight with 'Miss Warncrston V
The doubt was gall and humiliation, and sho
answered poutingly, 'that she fancied she could
mako her dear Lucy do anything whatovorthat
was for her good.'
'Then,' pursued the bland secretary, 'be
tweon you and me, my dear Miss Crake, you
should really speak to your friend about this
manner in which sho wears her hair ; it is per
fectly disfiguring, and so all tho world thinks,
in spito of my Lord Ye why.'
' I shall sneak to her,' returned Miss Crake,
hidf irritably. 'Thcro is nothing like advising
people as they like.'
' Hut aro you suro she will bo pursuaded by
you!' subjoined D'Amarrs, with a polite but
perceptibly incredulous smile, which goaded
tho young lady's vanity to tho quick.
'Oh! if that bo all, returned Miss Crake,
tossing her head with an expression of confi
dence, 'you shall see.'
D'Amarrs aroso and strolling over towards
where Miss Warnerston had been conducted
on tho conclusion of tho set, by her partner, he
seated himself on tho side opposito to tho ono
occupied by tho officer, and bending towards tho
lady's car, 'Miss Warncrston, said he, 'can
you keep a secret !'
Sho started with curiosity and surprise
' Why not ! indeed I can try me ;' wcro
exclamations that quickly followed one an
other. If ohein,' continued tho secretary, 'you
were wcro proposed for would you divulge
it to any ono !'
' Not to mortal.'
' This you 6ay seriously, and on your word
of honor !'
' Yes, on fliy word of honor,'
D'Amarrs now leant back in his chair
with a quiet and satisfied look. But tho
lady, on nor part, was far from boing, as yet,
' Come, what of this, Mr. D'Amarrs !' asked
Tho secretary shook his head and laughed.
'Now, pray, no mystery do tell mo !'
'All I can say is.' returned he. in a low half
whispering tone, 'that a certain noblo friend of
mine a peerless dandy likes tho tho
among other tilings (for I must not break trust)
tho way you wear your hair though I do not
admiro it that is all.' And ho walked hastily
away, and again sat down by Miss Crako.
Presently, as ho had woll guessed, Miss
Warnerston approached and sat down on tho
other sido of him. IIo instantly whispered to
her, ' It is Lord Ye why who admires so much
that mode of the hair now keep trust.'
ment, 'your interference between friends is
most uncalled for; and I know well that Lucy
will not prcferjfoii to me, nor mind whr.t you say
before what I recommend.'
Miss Warneston.howovor, preserved silence ;
for sho was perfectly convinced, quite satisfied
in her own own mind, that jealously and nothing
else must have prompted her friend's aversion
to tho present conquering stylo of headdress.
On the other hand, Miss Crake secretly
burned with equal rage, nor could sho endure
tho thought of having been foiled in tho pres.
enco of so many, after all her previous conli.
deuce gasconades. In a word, sho could have
torn her dear Lucy's eyes out, for having at
this moment, of all others, refused to allergic
fashion of her hair. But tho worst was to
'You say, Miss Crake,' pursued D'Amarrs,
' that my iriend, .Miss Warnerston, will mind
you before mo. I am not suro of this. Miss
Warnerston,' added he, turning to that lady,
'you will not belicvo it, but your friend has told
mc, and all around us havo heard her say, that
sho could induce you by ono way or another to
tell her anything that sho liked. Now is that
surely the case.' I fancy you too well know,
my dear .Miss Warncrston, how to keep a secret.'
Tho last words most adroitly chimed with tho
young lady's actual meditation concerning Lord
Yuwby, tho jealousy of Miss Crake, what
D'Amarrs had told her, and in fact, a hundred
mattersof tho kind, and sho replied with moro
warmth than good breeding, 'that no ono was
able or had any right to wrest a secret from her.'
Ah ! ' instantly said D'Amarrs, ' I did fancy
that your boast, Miss Crake, of possessing so ar
bitrary an ascendancy over my intelligent and
talented friend was slightly tinged with tho usu
al fiction of a gasconade.'
As ho spoke, Miss Crako perceived, to her
infinito and almost ineffable vexation, that the
careless loudness of his tones, had attracted tlio
eyes and oars of at least a dozen witnesses to
licr discomfiture. Sho vowed a deep revenge
against 'her perfidious Lucy,' whom she now
saw followed D'Amarrs with her eyes, as the
latter arose, and sauntered from tho ottoman,
with an air of gay and arrogant nonchalance.
As for Miss Warnerston, the more elegance
of his well turned periods, and the composure
with which ho spoko them, had inspired her with
a very decided prepossession in his favor.
Meantime, tho premier and his colleague,
hiving observed D'Amarrs leave his post, ap
proached carelessly together, with opinions dif.
forent as to tho secretary's success, but with a
mutual curiosity to know which of them was
right. 7'hcy immediately overheard tho follow.
Ing dialogue.
'I know,' said Miss Crako at Miss Warners,
ton, but not to her, 'I know that I do not want
any ono's confidence, when it is not voluntary,'
hero she vehemently fanned hor faco with her
handkerchief, 'and I should not caro much, in
a.iy case, for that of somo people.'
If that bo at me,' said Miss Warnerston, 'I
return tho compliment with interest.'
So saying, sho roso and left tho ottoman,
By my honor,' said tho juo.minister to his
premier, in an asido, 'you were right. This
D'Amarrs has dono for tho opposition.'
That night tho premier danced with Miss
Warnoston; the noxt night but ono, her father's
namo and those of his four adherents figured in
the ministerial majority.
Ono of tho merriest fellows of tho day is the
gallant Col. Carter, of tho Lycoming Gazette.
The following aro his grave and profound re
marks upon the science of "Popping the ques
tion ?"
Girls aro queer littlo animals angels, wo in
tended to have said ; and wo lovo 'em all, in
spito of thoir faults, folly and flirting. Wo have
"popped tho question," at least a dozm times,
and a dozen times havo wo been refused. Tho
frequent reverses havo not engendered a feel
ing of dispair ; and, strange as it may sound, we
aro on as good terms with ourself as ever. We
rather attribute this want of success to a want
of taste and discernment on tho part of certain
fair ones ; and dark as tho prospect now is, wo
entertain a faint hope that, perhaps at some dis
tant day, wo may yet woo and win some young,
middle-aged, or even old ladv, worthy of our
small means, but extensive prospect' ; worthy
of our high standing, (six feet in our socks,) anil
wormy oi tnoso graces ol mind and person
which wc are supposed by many to possess.
nut mis is an episode only indulged in to show
our dear ".Maria," that the decision of this most
momentous qucEtion has had somo experience
in tno wayward, strange, queer, puzzling, pro
yoking, perplcx'ing, incomprehensible! and ra
pricious ways of lovely women I Now to the
If a gentleman should meet with arooulse
a refusal it is wholly and solely his own fault.
It is in his power to ascertain tho state of tho
ady's feelings before he "unbosoms" hiinse f.
But how.' Of course, sho will never mako a
tender confession m tender words or looks. Ol;
no ! Sho will use verv little artilicc to convince
him that she docs not caro two straws for him,
but it she really loves, sho betrays tho cxis.
tenco of tho tender passion in a hundred diflijr.
ent ways in tho presence of tho "dear object."
If she meets tho "object" in tho street, sho trios
to look cold and composed, hut blushes to her
temples. If they should be left alone, and are
in close proximity, they become cxcrutiatinglv
embarrassed; have a sort of choking sensation
about the throat trembling of limbs falter
ing of words changing of color, &c. If ho ad
mires any peculiar modo of wearing tho hair
any particular style of dress he will discover
mat slio innocently and unconsciously enougi
accommodate herself to his fancy. If, on enter
ing the room, sho is tho last to greet Irs an
proach, he may set it down as a very favorable
sympton, did inftnilem ; but wo havo furnished
enough lor all useful purposes.
If, then, a gentleman finds a lady in tho state
which wo have attempted to describe, ho may
propose with perfect safety. But he must be
careful as to timo and place. Tho season of
sunshine and flowers is tho time when moun
tain and hill, plain and valley, are clothed in the
richest verdure when the birds carrole forth
their songs of toy and love when tho balmy
winds of tho south gUc color to tho check and
life to tho step when the 6weet murmuring of
tho brook breaks upon the silence of the forest
when tho rosy goddess of tho morn bathos the
sinning landscape in one bright stream of gol
den cflulgence when tho eves become soft,
tender, dewey, and the lowing of herds proclaim
tho close of day when each field speaks of jny
anu plenty wnen every trembling leat wins
pers oi love oh, then, then is the time !
As to tho place in somo secluded walk.
where there is no possibility of interruption
i rcniDiingiy place her delicate, white, soft
hand within your own mutton fist, pop the
question, and murmur into her expecting cars
vows of love and constancy ! If sho is a sensi.
ble, candid, off-handed sort of a girl, she will
say " Yes," and thank vou. If sho is a timid.
loving girl, sho will probably burst into tears,
hide her head in your bosom, and refer you to
ncr pappy." it sue is a toohsh girl, sho will
say " Yes," eagerly, and jump up and kiss you.
If she is a coquettish girl, she will look pleased,
but protend to bo astonished, and it will require
many succeeding interviews before you aro able
to make her " define her position."
Truo love, wo all know, is diffident, and the
question is frequently " pupped" without the
" popper" knowing what the complexion of the
answer will bo from tho " poppee." If tho lady
hears you coldly and unmoved betrays no
alarm, no embarrassment, no soft fluttering of
the heart, hand and voico and blasts your hopes
by polite utterance of tho terrifically terrible
monosyllable " No," wo advise you immediately
to got on your feet again, carefully brush the
dirt ofT your knees, take your hat in your hand,
bow politely and indifferently to tho lady, as if
tho disappointment was not so great as she
expected, walk yourself off to your lodgings,
light a cigar, compose yourself on a 6oft cush
ioned chair, speculate upon the future, the ca
prices and imperfections of sex, tho blessings
of a bachelor's life, and it is probablo you will
soon forget her. It must be evident that she
don't caro a copper about you. It is true, by
dogged perseverance you might eventually ob.
tain her consent ; but, in nine cases out of ton,
hearts do not accompany hands won in that
way. But if tho lady says " No!" when all
her looks and actions say " Yes," do not, we
beseech you, tear your hair and fly oil' in a tan
gent. The hook has caught, and by giving hor
plenty of line, and playing with her delicately
and scientifically, you can, in good time, draw
her to your arms, and sho blushingly confesses
the power and potency of your charm'.
A booby of a fellow, now, imy spoil all, in
this stage of tho proceedings, by his hasto or
tardiness, and let the fair one escape from his
unskilful hands, to be caught in tho net of some
old sportsman.'
When again loft alone, sho unfolded tho ban
dago ; on the removal of which, tho state of filth
tho foot presented convinced me that tho gene,
ral opinion is correct, viz., that the limb is sel
dom exposed, even for the purpose of clcanli.
ness. A cursory glanco at tho deformed limb
would lead oven a professional man to supposo
that a partial amputation had been performed,
wheroin tho matatarsal bones (theso immodia
tely articulating with the toes) had been remov
ed. On a closer inspection, tho great-too was
found to end in a sharp rough point, having at
its extremity what might cither bo construed
into a shapeless nail, or a portion of bono pro.
truding, from not having been properly protect
ed by the flap after an amputation. On the up.
per 6iirfaco of tho foot there was no peculiar ap.
pearance, save that tho smaller loos appeared
to terminate in a knuck.lc-likc point.
On examining tho solo of tho foot, I was stir,
prised to sec the four small toes bent under and
deeply imbedded in tho soft snbstanco of tho
foot, and in a wonderful degree capablo of flex
ion and extension. In tho foot itself thcro was
no motion ; tho joint, I presume, having been
ancliylosed (or a bony union formed) by constant
pressure. This, however, I afterwards found
not to be tho case ; for on examination a skele
ton foot, I found the bones all separate, but dis.
placed. Tho ankle was thickened, its capability
of motion being in a groat degree curtailed.
The calf of tho log was round and woll-propor-tioncd.
Tho extremo Ungth of tho foot was
thrco inches and a quartar. Yet, when properly
bandagoj and shod, this young lady hobbled up
and down her stairs with apparent ease.
The paui and irritation excited by tho horrid
protest of cramping the foot, a well at tho
want of exorcise, must, it will bo supposed, ma
terially injure tho general health. This how
ever, is not allowed to bo the case. Subsequent
to tho above period, I met some children who
were passing through the usual ordeals of per.
fection beauty, whose pallid sickly look contrast,
ed greatly with tho healthy rude appearance of
the poorer Chinese, who teach their children at
a very early ago to assist in all domestic employ,
It would bo as difficult to account for tho
origin of this barbarous practice of the Chinese,
as for that of squeezing the waists of English
women out of all natural shape by stays, or tut.
toning the heads among tho natives on tho
Columbia. M'l'hcrson's Tico Years in China.
Thcro is a disposition in certain small critics
tn disparage tin; sonnet, as among tho mere tri-
ties, mat aiiicilcs nugee, of literature : tho noun
suniiecer is always used in a bad sense. Tho
sonnet, it is true, is a littlo thing ; it cannot ex
tend beyond fourteen lines ; it cannot describe
a scene, unfold a plot, or give an argument in
orsc. Yet within the scant pinfold what won
ders havo not boon wrought I
Provencal in its origin, tho sonnet received
its first glories in Italy, under Petrarch, who
has never had even a second m his art. Liku
tho violin, it wa played upon forages before its
secret was found out. Some readers think four
teen lines in decasyllabics all that is requisite.
How would an ancient Italian smile at such
simplicity ; 7'hey had canons immutable touch-
ing the sonello; as that it should fall into two un.
equal lobies, one of two nnadernari, or quatrains,
tho other of two triplets ; then there was tho
twofold arrangement of the endings close rhymo
rima chiiisa, aro alternate rhyme. A certain
echo or nnsworableness was demanded, not on.
ly between tho grand moieties, hut hetweon
iiiatarin and nuatann, triplet and tnp'et; and
this in consistency with thn sacred, fundamental
rule that the sonnet should I.avj one principal
The ancient Greek ppigran contains tho germ
of the sonnet. Both aro highly wrought, sen,
on?, even funeral. The least approach to epi-
grarnmatic point is death to the sonnet. Tho
same is true of the genuine classic epigram.--If,
betrayed by the name, any one go to tho An.
thology for jests, he seeks fun in a cemetery.
It was tho wit of Giustode Conti which was Iiia
smrc. The Sonetti I'olifcrmici were buries,
que?. The exquisite productions of Petrarch
aro so many embalmed sighs passion petrified
and immortalized.
IIo who reads a groat sonnet hastily, and lays
it down, has not understood it. Small though
it be, it is precious ; an antique gem, not tn bo
studied at a glance ; an intaglio, to be held be
tween delicate lingers, to catch various lights ;
a crystal, at which you no merely look, but
gaze, with new views on every new visit.
There is that in a genuine sonnet which prompts
to meditation ; ere you are aware, you have it
by heart, and as cadence comes chiming in whon
you grow drowsy. No man laughs over a son
net. Its elegance is not sparkle, but the cold
translucency of alabaster. You think of your
sonnet as fit to be cut into marble.
Wordsworth has written many sonnets, and
among them a few which aro of the first order,
but his tendency is to diffuseness and languor.
His solemn dignity and exemption from concetti,
aro favourable, but then the denseness and tho
music aro wanting Petrarch himself could
not havo written a regular scries of sonnets
without yawning ; yet ho might have owned that
on Westminister Bridge and that, 'O Friend ! I
know not which way I must look,' Lot mo copy
one, not as the best, but most appropriate.
Scorn not the Sonnet, Critic you h-ivo frowned,
.Mindless of its just honours; with this Key
Shnkcsptaro unlocked his heart; the melody
Of Ih.s tiimll Lute pave ease to I'eiratch's wound j
A thousand times this Pipe did Tasso sound :
Camocns soothed with it an Kxile's grief;
Tho Sonntt flittered a gny myrtle Leaf
Amid the cypress with which Dante crowned
His visionary brow ; a glow-worm Lamp,
It cheered mdd Spencer, called from Faery-land
To struggle through dark ways; and when a damp
I'ell round the path of Milton, in his bond
The Thing became a Trumpet, whence he blaw
Soul animating strains a'as, loo few 1
All the better, good Wordsworth, for being
few ; nor was it always a trumpet in the hands
of the blind poet, but sometimes a funeral pipe,
heard amidst Grecian ruins, when tho new moon
sleeps upon snow. Who that knows the mean,
ing of tho word 'wife' ever read unmoved what
I here subjoin.
Methoucht I saw my lato espoused saint
Urought to me, like AU-cstis, from the grave,
Whom Jove's great son to her glad husband gare,
Ifescued from death by foicc, tho' pale and faint.
.Mine, as whom wash'd from spot ol ehild bd taint
l'tirilicaiion in iheold Law did save,
And such, as yet once more I trust to havo
Full sight of her, in Heaven without restraint,
Came, vested all in white, pure as her mind :
Her face was veiled, yet to mv fancied sight,
Love, sweetness, goodness, in her person shin'd
So clear, as it no faco with more delight.
Hut O, as to embrace me the inclined,
Iteak'd, sh.cjltd, and day brought back my night.
Head this in haste, if you can ; keep it out of
your dreams if you can ; and say, if you can, af.
tor this strain, that the 6onnet is a littleness.
Diamonds are generally small, but theso lines
outweigh the largest. .More anon.
General Washcton's last Vote. Ev
ery incident in tho life of Washington is full of
interest. The following interesting circum
stances related by a correspondent of tho
Charleston Courier:
"I was present," siys tho correspondent,
"when General Washington gave his last vote.
It was in the spring of 1790, in the town of Al
cxanJria. Ho died tho Mth December follow,
ing. Tho Court House of Fairfax county was
then over the market house, and immediately
fronting Gadsby's tavern. The entrance into
it was by a slight flight of crazy steps on tha
outside. The election was progressing seve
ral thousands of persons in the Court House yard
and immediate neighboring streets ; and ( was
standing on Gadsby's steps when tho father of
his country drovo up, and immediately approach,
ed tho Court House steps, and when within a
yard or twoof them I saw eight or ten good look
ing men, from different directions, certainly with.
out the least concert, springing simultaneously,
and place themselves in positions to uphold and
support tho steps should they fail in tho Gone.
ral s ascent ol them. 1 wj immediately at his
back, and in that position entered tho Court
HoUSO With him filllnwinrr in hie U'lL-r. fttrntlnk
a dense crowd to the polls-heard him vote re.
turned with him to tho outward crowd heard
lum cheered by more than two thousand ncrsona
as ho entered his carriage and saw his depart
There wore five or six candidates on tho
bench sitting, and as tho General approachod
them, they aroso in a body and bowed smilingly,
and tlio salutation having been returned very
gracefully, tho General immediately cast his
eyes towards tho 'registry of the Polls, when
Colonol Dcuealc, I think it was, said, "well,
Goneial, how do you vote!" The General
looked at tho candidates, and said, "Gentlemen,
I vote for measures not for men," and turned tn
the recording table, audibly pronounced his votn
ssw it entered made a graceful b nv and re.

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