Newspaper Page Text
VOL XXXIIT. NEW Poet ry The Little Years. I.,, )nr ' the-e years ! the naughty year-, On they were pretty things ; finir f4iry Ynt-flls caught our ear", 1 ur eve- tbeir glancing wings. 1 1!'.- flitted by our school-toy way ; tr. rfcawoi 'he little imps t play. .ne iii'.m moo for tricksy elves ; Tuey brought the college cown ; With thoorhtful books filled up our shelves. Darkened -or lips with down ; Vlaved wi'i. ocr throat, and lo ! the loot V manhood had become ourown. Tier, -raiiiiif, stretched oar chiUab m, Their soft bauds tnmraeu our nair ; ;st thf deep thcofht within our 'yes. And krt .t glowing there ; San- .iifn f li'ipe in oollepe hall, Hiight fancies drew upon the walla. Th-.v nVhed i.l-'f us love's ""ft"' gem : Tliev showed u of feme ; Siout-harted work e learned from then. And honor more than name- And so 1 hey came and went awny. We said not'go : we said not stay. ltut wie -wrrt day, ben I0 a And ct ill lcvei hroucht me thought, Whu harv mil- drew forth rayeyes. And wi with deep shade fraught : That div I carelessly found oat. What "rt these elves had been about, Alas tins- little rogues, the years. Had fouled me many a day ; Plucked half the loeks above my ears. And tinrcd the rest all gray. Tuey'd left roe wrinkles jrreat and email, ' tear that they have tricked us alL a ell, (rive the liule years tbeir way ; Think, speak, and art the while :t up the Ure front to the day, tod make tbeir wrinkles smile : They mould the noble living bead ; They carve the best tomb for the dead. Robert Lowell. ,lIic:IIaiicoii t.u Grant la-recommended the trml of t ir ration reeiMurnendeai by Prof. Horsford, .uid hilt a million of it has been ordered. It i-ntf-'itute- masted wheat for " bard tack." writ Mmsatp- in li.c place of tail berti, pork, sc.. and self raisin;: flour in tne lalaec of soft Dread. t.r a matching ration. Thirty day I 11 .rslord's ratio nan be carried with le- oitTn ulty than right of the proerit ration 1 1,.- Kiehiuoud Krnaiur thinks tlie peo ple exhibit a wonderful philusiphy in Iwar- j rvlrl Confederacy in up ii-cVr tin- ettormous prioea now , t. flVnioil ,tum. ..! tls charged lor erervtiilnj:. It reluarks : i A breakfast tlt in the first year of the war, to Ukcn tbesimaluoewis mo.ements of war eost the dollars, r in tl.e s.-cund year the Union armies, at distant points around Mien dollars, in the third year thirty t,. ,erritory, to those of an dollars and tbc l.mrth year tu fittv doliars. . , K, ,1 h-reTcitrsno w.r.i-", .c hv e.da. oIm- round its prey; and ny ot f-mirtsriMin. It is lookeii apon as a mrti'-r of r."trne. with elodnna;. A -ui: thr.t tilty diillars in ltil, now cots Svp hundred or a tliousaad dollars, and pur 'liaif think they are petting jrwt barcains. Ti.f - pbiinsofihy in all thing!., bat in nine i- it exiiihitd in a pnaater degree 'i -a Hi tin uuUbrr f prices. Ween draw lin;: tr.Mii 'lie conclusion but the gtult-'-ra fsct that tin- people axe determined : tliynr willine to suiTer and endure all rt.incs fr tltr iiideprndenee for which the ( otedeini- rme are struarftns: ; that m onns '- aear. trathimr, too iMstly, so tlv r. i, tlx reward in the end." Tmj t I'usial Act The rs w c: re U. n V' t tiir postal laws, provides that ail ,i.,n).- i' It-tu-rs, except letters lawfully Si.Lf i. uid duly certified letters of soldiers i I-. r- in the service of the United -ui.-. uiie'n are deposited for uiailing in n: I tbct l trw-United States, on which :ie i-unid. shall lie sent by the : lie po-iM i-ier t- the dead-Wtter office in V i.-i in-i-.n . and all letters depn-ited for m.iiiiii .it paid "tUy in part, shall be tor ij, .l t. tbeir deetioation, charI witli tin unpai : rate, t.j be eollected oti de'.Tery. W -.!. inton tlispateh to the Pott saya !. Pn-shlent Johnson, it is understood, 1- pl-te,l liimself to total alistinence for c next jour vears." I I.' Hr. hu- valuation of real and per- 'nil property in the State of Illinois is ofii i uiiv ststn) at $35,7ei53fi. The j n scot endowaieot of Andorer Theo l":ieal S minarj. including buildings, and tin iari' us funds, amounts to GM.(Hl0. I carry out the proposed enlarirnient there will K D'--ded $170,(KKt muru, mafcinf; a to tal cn..owuient f SfMJ.U00. Tlx Moruiousbaye eommeaced cutting a c.uihI ' t magnitude far exoredine anything t tin- .us ocr undertaken in the territory '-fori'. i .r the two fold purtsne of irrigation .ud i.niation. Startiu near the bound aries ii ? tub and Salt Iake Counties, it will '.mil! us way along the Ks-tern side of the w Lterin; ties land on its course, in- 11,11 ; -ry considerable tract yet unbro k' ii. io.I midline a t liious in tbc city, a -li in Sooth and AVest of where tbc well being sunk : its entire length Ik in" 'er tl.irty-two miles. 'i . "Nvietary ol tbc Treasury has sent in xruciiotis Ut the Assistant Treasurer at New York to anticipate the payment of the Ma mtt-re-t Coupons on the Five-twenty loan mIi. ncTcr be maydeetn it advwiliie. h i- -i.iti -l that a marriage ceremony was i -vutly (vrtomted in tiranby. Conn., dunnr . .ffi. i.iiiiig clergyman "lorpit himself," j-. that "the tamil and friends of i. . . - ; " might ! watch.-d over. The oi"-'.ii it crfered sosteHbat with the sol- eiMMit-. .i the prvctwdiugi. t in j or .-hat of borc fhr the cavalry dur ,n - the vear has been about 5IK) per day, a inch is Isothe average rate of their de- rncfon The cavalry of the Army of the f on n vas twice remounted during the -i mgi'i months ol the present year. The I . hi. ' i. .11 ol the country seems u be able to . ar tot immense drain upon its horse and ..ilt- d tho stock, judging fioia the cut- f.L i . . e, gives, no signs ot exbaii-tioii or .uiiiu.tion. The quartermaster's trains of .: armies, average one agon to every 24 .. n r; the field ; and an army in the field. 11 quipped with artillery, navalryand ii. require one hor-e or mule, on the ie, to every two men. The number of r. s and mules is neatly cquul. man named Hoot was killed in the ne at Sunderland, on Saturday afternoon by tb- 'mrsting ot a grind-tone An vtorkmali, Rolliu'l hi-Lg n at tin' same time I, - t. I l.ivid Dillon, ol Sv.;iniih, owner ... tt.c etc uiier Amim. reontly rac away r oil Vuo-'M, Ga., wi'l. bis I. at. uoii -al'ly down tlm Sarnnrui. liver to Sjnvaniinli with her He took his ttuiilv ami seventy bilt ot . ..u.ju along, and devolved the rel el s itiLrl, tne n.utc bv dispUvinj a rise d true . On l-iiiurdaya lalsirer in the Tnn.M.r. l. artinent. nanittl Janis, whrre,i out on. of the r.nn- ii, that building, riekrj up a lckage ointainiirs lTO.Ortfl." With hoaesty a rare as it is -...HidljlL 1st n- , tuml it to Seer, isrv MrCvllucit. 'il ic wis a s-: .-.,1 i.f llragsand some Uokes u, the first uliei dea-patgUs tilut it battle st Eiusjoa, SERIES VOT,. XI KO. V. .V: ft. 1: JUllra J . I! K HI) I IT. ras-rtsfsr. New Hampshire Klcctiun. As was csjeetci1, the Republican curried the election in New Hampshire by an in creased majority. All the Council are Rp mUioans, nitss out of twelve Senators', and at least, 100 majority in the 1 loose. In the 1st district, where two Republican candid ate wore run. Marslon (Rruh.) is elected by (509 majority, and Rolling and I "alter-on ar; re-elected in the other two districta by 3000 majority. This gives New Hanip-biro a full Republiatn delegation. The Itepuhlican majority brt year wim 5,6G6 ; tbi year in 1 13 town- heard from , it 5.R91. Said tbe New York World a tveek ago, in eoiameittinj; upon the ainra-i, if the Detnocrato lire 'alone taill, nnd Hronr; poll, aad n pull altocether, they can redeem their S:ate froi the tbralldom of the radicals who now control it.'' The "pull" Hamas to baae been the other way, and "the toraMom, a too norm call- it, ts deeper than ever Xew Hampshire h the first of the States that has held an election since the I'n-i-Vwtial campaign ; and the increased major ity lor the Republican ticket, shows ounelii-t-ivrly that her eitheM, at least, do not at all repent of the result of that eata naico, but are more determined than ever to have the authority of the United tate obeyed, and President 1 jncola acknowledged by all the States that formed tin- Union. The Amuwmlti. (ec. ioottV exemplification t nim h1' proposed to treat the rebellion, was significant- Spreading his finjrers oot wide, he gradually doted bia fist as if athering and erufhinc; sometbiiuz in bis hand. The poll ry which he thus indicated ls been su! stantially toUowtd, and tin irno hand of the t'aited State is rapidly closing upon the J much ridicwle was heaped upon "tbeana j conda" when K was found that the crushing iin of toe- ribs ol the rebellion was nut at once ctiapleted. But the operations of the hjst yur have had a very anaoooda-like ap . pearance. Tbt coik faavt- become tighter and ! tighter, and bones have crushed at every tarn. It now looks an if the last aad fatal ; squeeze was at band. The C'oulederaev, pushed and crowded into Niuthern Viriu . ia and Weatern N'octb Carolina and South ! Carolina, u suficating. The rell them j selvt see the end approaching In a mta reriew of tbeir situatioe by Hi-nrj A. Wise, after showing how. by mismanaanient on tbeir art, at; he considered it, tbey had been broken to pieces on all aides how indeeisite and bloody bauleo had been fought, fertile districts lost, munitions and supplies sacri ficed and cut off in very quarter, he said : Fst Ksher hiu mllea. aad by Grant's crass- hag the Chick -uV-a.uij and the Jamec without a Mow', Richmond and Petersburg are both be- sieged, the line of railroad is cut and the army is advancing and threatening from every point of the compass. Sen. Scott's programme, at the beginning of the war, for oar invasion aad dVstrucrton, is fast tending to esnsamonlma We are cat into fragmeaits of territory, divided by the Mi-sitsippi. sol ia every sect ion driven into a elasa interior aad -breed to sdf-reHattee apart from all the rest of the world. The news of the fall of Charleston reached Rngland on the 4th of March, and caused an inn mediate advance of two per cent, in Uni ted States bond, and a decline of four per cent, in the Confederate loan The Iondon 7(m savs : The iuflueace of the nuoatat at Charleston can hnrdly be exasperated, aud ita aural effects can not but be must iwerral on the conduct of the war. It is seen that the population nf the south eastern States are not able to oppose the march of the s'ederal armies. The advance from Sa vannah to Charleston seems to have been as easy as the march from AanU to Savannah. The Landon Slor regards the fall of Cluirleston as premonitory of tl- utter over throw of the rehclliifti. 11 Army and -Ysry ISaztiU says : The evmxmiou of Charleston and Columbia, aad the eoMientrauoa of uW garnsor., will strengthen the bsndsof Itenu regard. Ilaidee and 1101. but the Con (nitrates are placed in a posi tion of exceeding great danger, from which it will require greater genius than even rv and llavis hare yet exhibited to extricate them. The purpose of Grant becomes more nhvinus as the eamjiaigii proceeds. He bold- Lee fast, and thus paralyzes the strongest arm and neutralize the greatest force of the Confederacy. The Times -ajs . The mil of Charleston is a victory which will recompense the Federals for many labors, nod (ucourage them to pursue with reneaed vigor the conquest of the South. Wc believe, although the South is now virtually shut out from the world, that it will eoatinue to shew uuabated obstinacy in detente. The My A'atex contents itself by edito rially dctsiling the operations of '" Sber uwn in a strain of eulogy. iTbe Meminj Pol argues that Charle-ton was evacuated as a strategic necessity, and savs . Sherman's movements have been characteritcd by foresight and accurate oalculatious, the malt of which Wco him in the ibreaost rank of the generals of the present day. The Uverpool Ptt in an editorial, con tending against the probable war bctwtxti Kngland and Ameriua, says : I In a note from a member of the Government reeeivwl in Liverpool oo the 2d. wears' the hi ve lowing psiEB : " I hear the eity is uneasy vhout America. We have, bswever, more pa cifie nnd satistteary'deolanitious from the Uni ted States GoverBHteat than for alsng time rtt baa been the case." Tbc Pot thinks the new Minuter to Wash ington cots out to rcciiiiucelai the words ot awny recently transmitted acrus the tic. At lun Tlo terrible lo ol lito during the present t war ba lircn often sorrowfully ramiweiiitd on ; aisit of itsell i- sad indeed. Hut as tend- ' ing to exlmn-t tiw power of the loyal tlatt it i- !' !.it. It i-often remarked , by travellers thai the towns ami cities of the 1 Sunken StaMs -otci as full f turn aa ever ; ; Miid any public (-evasion fills tin; striUs wjth . a crowd a- ddise e tbre' jar ug". The rmsou is that the lo- o! men in war mis not lattl -o !.: as .! liJt'Ul.l .1. ItliK 'Oli .,!.;.. The Cliisus tallies show the i pupubttua iaiTtsbt at about tic l of 2i per cent, a year, besides tbc increase by iui- tnij-ation ; that is, taking the loyal inhabi tants Rt tw rity-threc millions, two million three hundred thousaml in four years'. Tak ing the aljc-lodled men at one fifth of the whole, we iuiTe four hundred and sixty thaumnd ns the increase. Now t!ie lo by death and entire disablement in wur rnnnot It) set Iiiirlier tlmn three hundn-d thousand ; , tbereTore the loyal States lTe actually more ', able men titan when th war begun, and this t roakin no aeoonnt of tfic hundreds of tlwHis- andd that hate come Uy thU country from foreign lands. , It is to be borne in mind, also, that of this 300,000 lost, a considerable would bate died from natural caun-s, during the four j years, while the increase spoken ol is the actual per ccntno alter deducting the ususl proportion for dtathr. Thus the actnal gain of the loyal States in lighting men, is eten much more than above reckoned. There is no danger of cxbau-ting the fight ing population of the North just vet. Utter Fisheries in .N'cu" Hug a ml. The gradual diminution of fijh in the New England rivers has become a serious nvit ter well descmns of more IczisUtivo at tention than it has hitherto received. Muny rirers, which hnt a generation or two ago furnished annually large quantittc" of pala table and wholesome tood for the people, now fail to give any quantity worthy of no tice. The question, whether this failure is unavoidable, or whether it Ins lieen ooea sioncd by causes which need not cii't, which can be rcmaved and whether if re uoved,tbe rivers graduallycan he replenished with fish, i- a very iuiiwrtant one. We fee that ju-t now it is under consideration by toe Massachnsetts Lsgislatore ; and from a report of a hearing before h joint special eoiniuiltte upon the resolves of the legisla ture of New Hampshire last week, which we find in the Ilostoa Journal, ye take the following interesting extracs : Jwlee 11. A lie! kiwi of New 1 amp-hire, wno ippnrrd as the agent of that State, stated that immense qwmtities of shad aad salmon were formerly taken by dthsena of New Hampshire from the Connecticut, and that fishing was then a very vsjunhle and important interest there. The salmon stent to the upper water of the Con necticut, and were found in all Us tributaries, hat had ceased to pass up since about the year 1S00. on account of the cacartrnctkn of dams. Shad and salmon also went up the Merrimac in very great abundance until the comtrttction of lk .lam at T . u tmim in IHtA There was no reason why MaasachuseUsshould . depnve tne citixcaa or ew uampsmreoi va:u- aoie mureets necaaxc soe caaaceo to nave tne outlets of her rivers. The general proposition wa the same as between nations tha ooe State must exercise it right of dxaaaia so a not to interpose any ti anessitry obstacle totheeajoy meet of the rights aad privilrgts of any other people. Ttse same rake appBed as betweea inds vidaal. In regard to the Merriamo river, the Massa chusetts LegWarure required of the Essex Com pany at tavnreaeethat they saouM provide and Biatptaip suitable nshways in their dam, which should be acceptable to the County Commiasian ers. They censtructed a fishway of no value whatever for the purposes mteaded, but on ac count of the tittle knowledge upon tads subject, it was accepted. Iu 1S4S. the Company applied for leave to increase its capital stock, aad the Legislature seised the opportaaitv to require of them that they should settle with all the owners of fi'hwaya above the dam, hut they went no ranker than Lowell. The introduction of fish would bring a greater variety of food within reach of the peop4e,aad a larger popahuxio could be supported. The speaker argisrd that the pol icy of Mauathimtla never intended to be atanUoai-ws to keep epee i these rivenfor , bj gnd Wertford bar,- fitted their quotas, the pft of fish, aad the isaporunoe of keep- j ing them epee bed been repeat edry deetared. If t ami the account of deficiencies, at noon lo it had been abwsdeafd it bad beea done hxad- ! (aTi stands thus : vertently, aad 'he might interfere with this ; ' , , .... . da. in the exereJeeof the right of eminent do- Charlotte 2, Essex 1, Milton 8 ratta. The sum of deficiencies for this di-trict at 1'rof. Aswssia. who hail beea reqaHtted te.l inform the Committee apon tab sabjest, stated! that he bad paid great attention to the subject of fish, which had bta a presaiaeni study of hit lire, and he was famtfiar wha their habits i as tar as they were known. To begin with tea natare of the fish the great dulderatam fcr their maWraieatsMi aad grewth was thvt they shecld be pi&ceil in eewiitiens genial to their antare. We hwl seen fi:hes itiaunish in num ber and finally vanish irom places where tbey were at one time very eofamoc. The oUtsehi have been chiefly mauufaetaring eatabtishments which have thrown into the river deleterious substances, acids, dye-stuffs and all -orts of mix tares, bat still more by the buitdltrg of saw mill. There is nothing so injurious to the life of trout especially, and salmon aa the dast re sulting from saw mill- which, when soaked with water, no longer noats at the sartaec, bat at every depth, and destroys the fish by its ef fects. They die very fast from this cause, and can no longer multiply with success. Observation shows it to be a fact that fishes, in-lodjif laying their egg- in places tbey gen erally bvunt. at the time of propagation seek other places where to perform that act, and then leave their tg-s to take care of themselves while they return to their natural haunts.In con sequence of this natural instinct, which no hu man power can control, these fibe- will seek those places even if they are not as favorable to tbeir condition as they may have been before. I .Much leas precaution is required to restore fish is to those place which they have abaiHwaed, if , the mechanical obstacles to their ascent are re- moved, or if a way is providtd by which they may overcome those obstacles. I'rwf. Agassix -upported his opinion by his ob- ' serv-itions in France. The wHera part of Frauce I is traver-cd by brooks emptying into the Khine, which were in loimer tines filled with t.xmt. I which were greatly celebrated even in ancient , tiniee by Latin puets and others. These brooks I became depotaihted until hardly a trout could lie found, and on a visit of the Professor to a fauvly in that neighborhood an apology was , made lor the absence of the tradittonal timt ! from the dinner table The fish are as plenty ' to-day a iu aneient times, having been restored to those waters, and manufactories there are as I prosperous as ever 1 oe rroiessor remvraeu taat k- hli,! e could do as much as Irenchmen omen ! This I have done bv folluwin; their eiaBiple. ... . , . t . v. .. v I - : result has been obtained by two humble individ uals, of whom one was a fishermsu. There has i never been any complaint on the part of the ! manufacturers, arsl science has been benefited ! by the experiment. I Prof. Agassix continued that in iu 1S10 he bo pan experiments in the artificial propagation of . fish, ami he believed he was the first person in j this country who had done it. He did it fur the , take of ttudv. He raised them in his wash basin in hVa bed-loom, where ho raised trout, white fish audi number of less valuable fish without taking much care. The tntnner of constructing a trough was il lastrated; and the statement made that the fish ' in pas-'ng over dams did not go in the main , current, but lit some distance from the shore. . They found places where the current was least ' and the tewest ottftruciions weto to ocuvercuuir. The cost of a suitable trough sufficient for a fall of not more than 10 or lo fort, would be, perhaps. S160. If the fish-way is to steep that the curreut will be very difficult to overcome, cross-bars shiaiid be arranged on the sides to check the sied of the water and to allow op portunity for the fi.b runniug up the stream to nst tbemelves. By this means fish might pass up the stecja-t fills. There is no diSculty in mtorins fi'h by these ways at a nominal cost. In ISo.' he visited a friend on the north-wet cov-t of Ireland who had such fish-ways as h had dcscnbwL The fall was about i0 feet high, and be stood there half an hour ami saw saluwu rush up in such rapid eucer-ion that two men with hand nets threw them out of the trough iu great quantities, slnse of them weighine 25 and SO rounds. He had seen salmoa repeatedly resting oa those ways and starting the mctacot they were disturbed. TLc Professor said that fishwajs were knuidabV .nly totboee whokmw nothing about them. The difficulties In ascesd ing rivers can be easily oTerccme. Only a Srw hundred dollars for budding wooden tte s were . rwwt . 1. . -.-J...lL., ird ay. to like the lots of anet toafith- , neeueu. iney mnav or imucsmiii mvj BUIUJXaTOX. VT,. ertnan. of no greit loss to one who made fishmjr apron able buSs!Dt. eren if two or three we,? carried away iu a venr I'roC Ari; ii state.! that the revenues dVrive-1 from the fisheries in Europe wereenornxu. atJ it was an important item in the matter of fcod for the people. lie fxit some illustntien, by ktstin? fact in regard to praetioal experiments in Krunee in relation to fi;h In reply to inquiries, the I'rofessor stated tbnt the paKe of a rirer by etmmboats constituted no objtacle. The Hhine was eoLstantly rwviru- fait l.i LtotauiM lImm, w.ff U nn. j oerous than they were a century ago. 1 CoamKT in AhveesiTt. The Hichmoud .Examiner ol March 13th, sees "twocheerins and encouraging fratuns in the situation at j. lesi nt." Alas for the situation that has only two cheering features ' and such fen- tares ' One is that the farmers are coming forward proniitly and liberally with sup- that it i- now "certain that at least the army of Gen. Lee shall not be starved out of Virginia." Truly, that must be an infinite relief; tbeir main army now will not be starved out ' ltut Sheridan has been busy since then with the railroads and ca nals, and all the supplies the farmers of Vir ginia can haul in on wagons to Richmond won't help Gen Lee s commissariat much. iiut the Examiner makes more of its "sec ond feature." which is that some of the reb el Generals "are tired of that bullying sys tem of the enemy, which the Confederate government las hitherto most meekly home with." It goes on in a column's length to praise Hampton's letter to Gen. Sherman, threatening retaliations and the shooting of Sherman's men like wild beasts. So, says the taminr, "we are about to sec the Yan kees taught a new les-on in the art of war. whereof they stand very much in Deed." It lavs been for some time prettj well understood by the Yankee-" that the rebels were masters in the art of brutality to prisonera and de fence leas men : that there was anything fur ther or more horrible to he learned of them seemed hardly possible. Rut this rebel pa per says there is. and draws encooragement tberelroai in the despairing state of affairs. What to be thought of the cause that ran be thus encouraged ? What, but that the oft repeated fact rains another proo! that the essential spirit of slavery and the slaveholder's rebellion is barbarian, not cii ilizcil. lteeriflrla? la Yrmat. We learn from Superintendent Meade that the men lacking in deficient towns, at the openmg 4 business for last week, follows : 1st District, I'J 3d o2 3d 114 Total. 195 Against these deficiencies, there is a snr ', plus (Irom towns which hare more than fill I ed their quotas,) of 654, divided as follows : ' 1st District 22 ; 21 district 189 ; 3d dis i trict 2T.7. This district will thus, when the t deficient towns haw brongbt op their quo , tas, hare a larger surplus to its credit, than any other. The deficient towns in this Coan . ty on Monday, were as follows Charlotte. 1' Milton. 13 Colchester, - Underbill, S , Essex. 1 Wrstiord, I Since then, however. Colebeater. t'nder- noon Thursday, was 70. St PaTKirc's Dar. In spite of the nn favorabh state of the weather and streets, the celebration of St. Patrick's day pass ed oil. Friday, with distinguished success. The procMum formed in the morning at 9 o'clock and marched to St. Mary's Catlte dral. where High Maes was celebrated sod a Sermon preached by Rev. Father Carroll. The Procession, headed by Chief Marshal Murphy on horseback, then marched through the principal stmts. The heantiful banners ot the Hibernian Societies and the stars and Htri, borne in several umees in the pro cession, decorated tbc column. 'lie Bethel Hand, and a drum corps, furnished the mu sic. The procession made a highly impos ing appearance. Iu route ended at the City Hall, where the audience was addressed by Mr. James MeClaughlin, followed by Capt. Lonergan, in an eloquent ad. tress, de picting the misfortunes, wrongs and glories of Uid Ireland M. I'alrirk's llov. The afternoon exercises at the City Hall Fri lay conduced with the prcaeatatioa of a beautiful green flag with approeriate emblems, to the Society of Juvenile Hibernians. The pre sentation was made by Master MeGwin, and was acknowledged in behalf of the Juveniles, by Mr. MU fiVel Mulqueen, in an appropriate speech. Tbc day closed with TBI GKAXD B.VXQCXT at the American. V large number of the Hibernians, with a lib- tn representation of the feir sex, were present. . excellent style, the guests " ........ " . , , ,. . , after supper passing into the targe dining hall. which haii been cleared of tables, and afforded a fine opportunity for promenading to the music of the Itaisl. which was duly improved. At alaalt 11 o'clock, Mr. Murphy. President j ot the Burlington Society, called the assemblage ! to order; and the regular toasts were read by j Mr. John Michaud. Vice President of the Socie- 1 ty, as follows : ' 1. St. Patrick' Dan The dvy weoelebrate, 1 All Hibernians sbouU his virtues emulate. ' Dricfiy responded to by Mr. lMward Murphy. ! who returned his thanks to every In-hman who I bail contributed by bis pretence to the proper lebratiun of tho day. Vmir St. Patrick's day in 1 '-. Tkt I'rtndtnt ot Ms UniUd. Honest Abe Lincoln. The Scotbern Confederacy may he seas send stakiog. Responded to by Mr. G. G. Benedict. .Us. ic Hail to the Chief. 3. Our .Yiititt Land Our own green Isle, Su long opprrt-ed by cruel Saxon. We ask you just to wait ahile, nd her oppressors we'll put a tax on Rwikinded to by Mr. John Micbeaud. who is cited.wita spirit, a poem iu praiss .. Uriu, 'wm potel by an otneer of the Army of the Potomac. .Uuiir Hory O'Moro. 1. Tke Star Spanned Bcnntr Vi itu .t ttnpea aad ita stars. May it soon wave triumphant, cVr the rag with tbc bars. Uesponded to by Mr. Daniel Flaherty :n some patnotio liar. FRIDAY MORNING-. MARCH 24. T8Q0. Star Spanried Banner, urn ' Mr. Val-trean - and p!ay.l by i . Hand. 5 Thr Priatkoorl Whether here in his parish in charge of bis flosk. Or adraiat-termg comfort tu battle's rude shock, A good father e find htm. So here at our feast We will fill up a bumper to the health of our fries t. Responded to by Iter. Father Carroll, who spoke fcenHTiy of the peculiar duties of the IViettaoed, aad of the fid'Hty to them of the j ' i , I j Irish laity. jlssir Marseilles Hymn. 6. Vnmonl, Our .1iptU Stmtt Of Suite taev may boast; but who can taunt The valor or courage of the men of Vermont ? nespondeil to by Hon. G. W.Oramley, Mayor of the city of Vergennei, in a very happy and effective speech, fall of telling bits, in which be Tindicated for Vermonters the right, which ev ery nation claims, to boast of their native land and illustrated the statement by apt quotations from the ancient classics. Goldsmith, Wbittier, Sate, and the I'aalnw of iMvid. .Ifsaic VanV Doodle. 7. Irtland and -fatenca TteS am rock and Eagle together wilt twine, So that both 'eeth one tmsMr will form into line. Responded to very briefly by CapL John Lob. ergva. s. 'J'ht Armi and .Van Itespooded to by G. It. Digdow, Esq., who expressed hH regret that so memhrr of the OM Irish Brigade vat present to respond to this sentiment. He praised the patriotism of the I rash Soldiers, and brought dow the booee by as anmaoaattheekne, ia praase of the Praia Hrotherhood. .tfaric Red, White aad Blue. 9. The men of 'So; We drink the memory of the brave. The fsrthfal aad the true; Some tie far off beyond the wsve. Some steep m Ireland, too: AIL all are tone yet still lives on The nunc of those who died. And true men, like sou men. Remember them with pride. Mr. Joke Hogao, in response, recited the poem of Shamaa O'Briea. 10. JisfiajiiOA The Queea City of Champhun; Its pnisnerit should be drank incbampagto Resfwndrd to by J. B. Wheeler, Esq. It. Tkt Prat la the midst of war we have peaceful Tinea. And a Stnlintl that with lemocracy chimes. America's boast an oabndled rrrt ymt. Te each and all we wish hearty sMoeees. Resporded to by Wm. H. Hoyt. Esq., of the Stniind. l!t Tkt MtmoTf a II aaiao Kver green be the marel that deeb bja tronaied tomb. Besprmdrd to by Hon. L. B. ImgWaby 12. Tkt Laditt God bless them, both We heps the amides be wives. i aad wives. to-aigkt, amy aext year ttespowled to by Mr- Jas. McLaughlin. We were unfortunately obliged to leave the Hall after the nth toast, sad lost the succeeding ipncbea We learn, however, that they were all highly appropriate and eotctive, aad were received, like these which went before them, with long and load applause. Letters were read from D. C. Liasky Esq.. and Surgeon Gen. Thayer, who were unable to be present, which our limited apace forbids our copying. The entertainment closed with some songs by the ladies. Miss McDonald singing "Tenting tonight ee the old Camp Ground," Miss McLaughlin's giving "St Patricks day." and Mm Aagdiae Papinea singing " Mother, is the battle over." These were finely song, and received with abaadaat applause. At about half past sae, A. M . the assem blage broke op, with the good order aad deco rum which characterised alt the proceedings of the day. The celebration, ia spite of unfavorable weath er, must beast down as a sacceM. The turn oat of Hibstaiaua was anmtrani. the music excel leat, the public speeches good, the banquet pleasant. And as long' at they celebrate with sack, goad order and propriety, we shall say success te the Hibernian. rrefeeiaa ef the City Ceuncll. Both boards of the City Council met ac cording to ail inurnment, in the City Hall, at 7 o'clock P. M . on Saturday evening hut. We cotsdense the report of proceedings as given ia the Times of Monday morning. BoaKD or atngaarN. Present Aldermen I tames, Blodgett,Taft awl Dodge. Alderman Taft, president fro ttm in the chair. A infcsagr was received from the Common Council, through tbtir clerk, Mr. Hoyt, an nouncing the passage by that body of "An Ordinance establishing a Fire Deiatrtmeot," which wa- lead, and on motion of Alderman IMge. oniered Co lie. (The rule- and regulations embraced is this Ordinan.a- are subatantiatly the same as those of the late Fire District No. 1. of Iturlington.) Aldermiin lllndgeit introduced the follow ing Joint Ucsolution, which was read and adopted : HevUttd, That the City Council meet in Cos veatioe oa Monday morning next, March 20. at a o'clock, for the purpose of appointing two Street Commissioners, three Assessors, an Over seer of the Poor, a City Attorney, three Ceme tery Commissioeers, one Constable, a Superin tendent of Seheok, awl three Auditors. This resolution was amended as to time of meeting, which was set at 2 P.M., on Monday. The resolution so amended was adopted bv faith bards. J Alderman Dalge introduced an Ordinance relative to common prostitutes, w hich was read, considered and adopted. (This ordinance provides that every person ubo shall be convicted by the Police Court of tian; a prostitute shall he punished by imprison mcl.t not more than sixty dns, or fined not ex ceeding 860, or by bath sakl punishments.) The Hoard adjournod to 1.30 P. M., Mon day. March 2A. COliMON COCNriL. Present Tbc President, Councilraen Wor cester, Loomis, Arthur, Brink. Miller, 1U1 lou, Beckwitb and Walker. Councilman laMnxis pre-ented Ordinancea, 1st, Relative to establishing a sytemof ac eounmbility in the expenditures ot the city ; 2d. In relation ti the layment of taxes : and 3d, Itebitive to tlie pis-ting of bill-, Ac , which were read aisl telerred to the Com mittee on Ordinances. (The Ordiuvnce estahlisbiog a system of ae eouBtability in the expenditures of the city, is exceedingly lengthy and important. It contain; 1ft sections, snd has evidently 1-syi prepared with great care Our limits w. II not allow us to give even a brief abstract this morning. it.e urainance in relation to tne payment cr t.vM ,rv,vtyi-d Oil Ik. CVtl-f T a . k . 11 , '"" . . , " Y" ,. upon receipt of th city tax Iiat, give notice in two dailr papers nf the city, that the tax lUt is I in his hands for collection ; and all taxes paid to htm -sithin 15 dxyi from date of notice, than bo Babject to a deduction ot thru ptr tint., to be allowed to the person or torporVtlon to paying their tax. The Collector ii ilio to tTe poirer I by J to enforce payment at any time of any tax. if the I V . fsnm town or other clrcnmjtaneea as mar make o. .w,iii , .i-v,ri The Ordinance restive to wstinir bills and de facing buildings and fence, prtrf ides that icinff baildmn and fence, tort idea that IT 1 mju busii utxit SUV rv uut.-i artui unuivuidVS'f ini? -20 and cot less than Sl.l, A message was received from the Board of Aldermen, announcing the passage of an Or dinance relativeto common prostitutes.which was read and referred to the Committee on Ordinances. The Common Council adjourned to 1.45 o'clock P. M., Monday, March SO. H1011 Water. The rapid thaw of the past few days has taken off nearly all the ' J ' snow, awl in many places damage has been done by the consequent high water. .... , . . . T1 The ice in the W inooski broke upon Tho rs- day, but is dammed in several places. The water is over the intervales :both above and below the Falls.The woolen factory was com- polled to stop work from the rise of water Friday. Many sawlogs were carried over thedams, and all would have been swept way but for vigorous exertions by all the available force. There has been considerable damage done in our streets by tho flow of water ; Main street in particular is badly cut out. At Montpelier, Friday morning, the Pemo bridge over the Winooski was swept away. The braces to the piers on Academy bridge over the north brunch were also torn out and in Bast Montpelier and Darre bridges were swept ofl. The Journal says, "some of the groceries) in our village have seen morcwatcr this morning tlmn M usually to be fouutj in them." The Connecticut has broken up at Spring field, and the Hudson at Albany. Rial Estate changes. Ii. J. Helnoberz ha sold his bouse and lot, on the west side side of Pine street, to Mrs. S. A. Piatt for SHtfi ; Charles Paradis his brick boost: nnd lot, on the north side of Maple street, to m. ,. toneil, lor s:,uw , Joan jic- Carty his house and lot, near Green Mount Cemetery, Jl. S. bite tor $iW, CO. French his bouse and lot, comer of lUnk and St. 1W -trecu, to Gilla?rt Smith. Jr., for 3,400 . FJias l.vman bis house on the sooth side of Main street, to Dimes', for $1200 ; Frederick Smith his cottage on the west side of Front street, to Michael Court ney, for $600. Tim FaVXTTXVILLE, X. C, is one ol the largest plaots ia the State, and prior to the rebel lion, was the centre of an active trade in turpentine and cotton. The adjacent coun try is well supplied with piBeforests,furnisb ing tar and turpentine in great quantities for exportation. W lUiin a few miles, and on the river north of Fayetteville, are large coal es, which have been in active operation for a number of years. With its oocura tion , the recapture of a very extensive ars enal and works, built at enormous eome years sioco by the goveramtnt, which the confederates have, it is said, used almost incessantly for the past year or two, in the manufacture of arms ad munitions, is se cured. Fayetteville. N. C, is distant north-east Irom Columbia, as toe bird flies, about 140 miles. Sherman, at Fayetteville, would be within striking distance of Raleigh, 55 miles above, and could, doubtless, with Porter's co-operation, soon open the Cape Fear Kiver down to Wilmington. 95 mites. A correspondent of the New York JteraU makes the confident prophesy that if Lee is oWigod to leave Richmond, the eity will be burned and blown up. Not a stone will be left, if Lee can prevent it, as a memorial of tbe place where the city now stands. This U all jmmtnon. Personal. Harrison Prindleof Manchester. Ad'j of the 14th Vl., has been appointed Paymaster in tbe array. Albert S. Kenny, asst. Paymaster U. S. N., has been confirmed by the Senator as pay- in full rank. Tbe following confirmations have also been made. JohhJ. Oolton of Vt. to be additional Paymaster ; Lieut. George Dewey, U. S. N. of Montpelier, to be Lieut. Commander ; Lieut. Col. K. W. Smith, i5th Army Corpc, to be Colonel by brevet. Lieut. Col. A. S. Tracy, of the 2d Vt., has. on tlie urgent request of Generals Wright and L. A. Grant, withdrawn his resignation, and purpoecs, in a few days, to rejoin bis okl aommand. John P. Stockton, democrat, son of Com modore Stockton, was elected United States Senator by the New Jersey Legislature, on tbc 15th to succeed Mr. John C. Ten Eyck, republican. Rev. John B. Perry, ot Swanton, has gone to the front unJer tho auspices of the 17. S. Christian commission. Trie examination ol Ilczekiah Payne, on suspieioryvf being cor racd in the St. Albans Raid, was concluded at St. -Albans last week, and be was committed for trial at the next tcrmol Court. Drattleboro Items. Adting Assistant Surgeons Jf . G. Brooks, and 11. F. Smith, bavo recently resigned their positions at tho General Hospital at Brattleboro, on account of pressing private business ; tho former goes into private prac tice at Chatlestown, N. II., and tho latter at Castle ton, Vt. Both ol these gentlemen have served in the field with distinction, and leave many friends behind thea, lor tieir great devotion to their duties lad kindness and courtesy to all. Lieut. Col. Brown, lato of the 5tb Vt. Vols., who recently died at Harrisburg, Pa., was buried with military honors at Brattle boro, on the" Uthinet. ; notwithstanding the bad weather, a large concourse of sor rowing friends assembled, and the services. Loth at the church and tbc grave, were solemn and imposing. Col. Brown was ...... ... greatly Deiovrxl try au wno came in contact . , ' .... ... . w,to D ao1 ul oeaUb Is deeply lamented. It was giTnfo.l of Welt Fairlee, not Kib- , . . , . ., . , ... b wbo the vote on th0 Constttu. tional Ameadaent last week. upon any building, fence cr posts within city recurred to us that he was a man accustomed to , limits, without the con-ent of the proprietors. . indulge la that way; nor was any thing of that Persons detacing building, ic., shall be liable sort suggested, evea privately, at the National to the penalty for violation of the Ordinance, 1 Convention which nomicat-d him. He was uom which for each offence shall tie a sum not exceed- I inated by a temperance man of Tennessee. He , in A GaiiT Faixt ix x Great ! m .a i a 99 r er . t t r.t from the restaurant ot the U. S. Senate, (which we supposed had been done Istiz aeo as it bid I - I been done by the House.) was Vice President no I Johnson. We have met Mr. Johnson many times no Jonnscn. - - - J - 3 - 1 came to w ashington from a sick bed, trrl, since 1 1 toe inauguration, nas sunercu irom uinrss. may be that on account of weakness he stimula ted himself for the exciting sceneof the inaugur ation, and all1: too much; or it may be that he has not passed the terrible ordeal of the reethoii without acquiring a bad habit. It is the siddest 1 thing we ever knew on such an ccetsion; but it ., so omy Decvuse 01 the highsr , omcetns onem.- er holds. We saw, on the meht preceiiing the inaurn ration of President Taylor, many Senators, tTarlor.rn.inv Senators. , of both parties, reeling in the SenateCharaber ; ' lunging on to their desks to steady in drunken debate and oie of them, the then 1 j democratic and now rebel Foote of Mississippi, ! brutally wailing another Senator with his fist; and we levrwl from a Senator ef Kentucky, 1 ,hlU ,he (,raBirn relf, W4J ,n, . 1 (firming the drunkest Democrat as a foreign ! ,l!,n4,5tr' 'IV ,?!:,Y"?ariD.fcr?1'!t. called the attention of the Chair to the fact that the Senate was without a quorum, and formally protested against the power or right ef the Sen ate to confirm. So much for druakeBne-a is a democratic Senate. Walton' t Journal The drunken displays made by three dem ocratic Senators in the hist Senate, were fre quent and notorious ; but the democratic journals, which are so horror-stricken over Mr. Johnson's ' incoherence," had never a word of rebuke for (Arm oh. no. It is stated, and we trust truly, that Mr. Johnson has pledged himself to total alxttin ence for four years to come. Important Oxusa ar Gin. Gsant. Tlie following highly important order by General Grant, official records show, will aneet jobs covering over half a million hales of cotton, sixteen thousand barrel) of turpentine, five thousand barrels of tar, two thousand bar rels of resin, and one hundred thousand bus es of tobacco : A N'tw Government Loan. It ia stated that on Wednesday, the Secretary of 'the 'Treasury made arrangements ior issning a loan of six hundred million dollars, authorised by act of Congress. The first issue will bo of $300,000,000 on the 15th of June next. The notes in form, de nomination and interest, will he in all n sjcts like the pre-ent i-sue of eevea-tfair-ties. Tbey will he unlike them only in tbe tCTiod of time fixed for convertibility. They wiil bare ten months longer to run than th seven-thirties before tbey can be changed in to gold bearing five-twenties Ity a very large class of mveeters, this difference will be considered to impart a greater value to the now issue. The baUnco of the $600. 000,000 will probubly bo a year longer in maturing than tbe June issue. This time will be definitely fixed as tbe sales of tbe June issue approach their end. It maybe that tbe balance will not be required at all that tbe first isue of $300,000,000 will meet the necessities of the (iovernment. It is expected that this first issue will be dis posed of in about three months. Tbe sgen cy of tbe present seven-thirties, with all its machinery, will be employed for tbe whole of the new loan. ! Taxis is Dixie. Tbe Richmond Sentinel of March 13th, has an abstract of tbe Con federate tax law for 1S65, which says : Tbe taxes for 1865 may, therefore, be sum med up as fat Iowa : tin all prseerty (except tor run credits, coin. ic), e-ght per cent, on the TahtatKo of lsoli. On ooin aad foreiga credits, twenty per cent., and on boilioa, ptale, jeaelry. Sc. tea per cent. Oae-teath of alt the prod actios! of the soil, as established by tbe present law of tai.ia kiad. Ne abatement of the property tax ia the ease of agriculturists because of the tithe tax, and no abatement in the case of ether preperty-beWers because of the taeseae tax. Agriculturists pay Do leeome tax. Five per cent, oa all salveat credits, bonds, aad stocks, the bonds ef States, awl the beads, stocks, and kasi to the Cea federate States lo be taxed upon the interest as iaeeeie aad not upon principals. Ten per cent, additional to income tax oa profits made by dealing in property, money, bonds, stocks, l;65,or in ls6t which are net already paid. Twenty-five per cent, on property exceeding twenty-five per cent, made in ls65 by banks, corporation", individuals, or partnerships, 4c, to be paid in like manner. This tax to be col lected also for 1:61 ot those who may not have pail the same. An addition of one-eighth ia every ease, except that of tax in kind, to b applied to paying the soldiers. There is, also, a heavy tax on incomes, sala ries, &c, as in previous years. The following are exempted from taxation : Property of each head of a family to the value of five hundred dollars; for each minor child one hundred dollars; for each son ia tbe array or navy, or who has died in tbe seevice, five hundred dollars ; tho property cf every soldier, of a soldier's widow, or orphan family, or mi nors, to the value of one thousaml dollars said exemption! not to apply where the proper ty, exclusive of household furniture, exceeds one thousand dollars in value; househokl fur niture, where the value docs not exceed three hundred dollars, on the basis of the value of lboO; wearing apparel, goods manufactured by any person for the use and consumption of his family, including slaves ; poultry, fruit, ami products that are raised for the family of the producer and not for sale; corn, bacon, and other agricultural products, which were pro duced in Idol, and necesairy for the taxpayer's family, including his slaves, during the present year, and in his possession on the day of the approval of the act, are exempted from taxa tion. The notorious guerilla Jerome Clark alias "Sue Mundy" was tried at Louisville on the 15th, and found guilty.two witnesses swear ing positively to different murders commit ted by him ; and there were witnesses also to his throwing a train off the track, and robbing the passengers and mail. He was sentenced to death-by hanging. General Palmer promptly approved the sentence, and directed that Clark bo hanged in Louisville next day, at four o'clock P. M. Bmnt sold in St. Albtna Mar. I4th, for SO cents per pound by the tub. Tbey mean to bavo their sew hotel done in St. Albans in July. There were some failures on Tuesday and Wednesday among Philadelphia produes dealers. Paso lid asd Exciianced Pikosixs. In view of the great anxiety felt throughout tbe country for the welfare of our prisoners now being exchanged, and arriving at An napolis, Maryland, Miss Clara Barton, by permission of Gen. Hitchcock, Commissioner of Exchange, with tho sanction of the Presi dent, has kindly undertaken to furnish in formation by correspondence in regard to the condition of returned soldiers, especially ' 11,w. in th hoanital. nt ln.,il;. ,Vl .1. as far poesible to learn tbe facts in reference to those that have died in prison, or else where. All letters addressed to Miss Clans. Barton, Annapolis, Maryland, will meet with prompfatwntioa. Drafting 15th. began in New York City on the NUMBER THIRTY NINE rVcws ol llic WccU. War ) Wa-hiscto.n", March 17. J M4 tlim 5firidn rsnorts thnt on the jSth -p garteJ wt the bridge of the Richmond and FrederielestHiri: jUilroad aeroM he S-Hith Anna river, that having de stroyed the James liver canal aa far to th enar as Goochland, lie marched np to the Virginia Central Railroad at ToHville, ami destroyed it down to Beaver Dam station . totally ilestroyin 15 miles! of the raid. in. Costar was then sent to Ashland and Gen. Doren to the South Ana bridges all of which have been destroyed. Gen Sheridan says the amount of prop erty destroyed in hi- march h enormous The entmv attempted to prevent his Inirn It , -., he3 Mlh Ann , . ... ., "V . . , , , - - - - t.'K bridge, and abimt SI) men dashed across on foot driving okT the enemy and rapturing 3 pieces of artillerv 20 poond I'arnxa O. A. DANA, Amistant Sseretary of Wax. .arraxxT, J 38 P.M. f Wijbincton. Mar. 10-9 To May. Gen. Ihi: The following despatch has been received thia e-veug at lots ehrpart- ment : Citt Pultt. March 16. lion. C. A. Dana, .last. Sett .- I am jn-t in receipt of a tetter from Gen Sherman. 12th, from Fayetteville. He d scribes hi- army aa in tne health and spirit-, having met with no seriotM opposition. Har dee keeps in bis front at a respectful dis tance. At Columbia, he destroyed immense arse nals and railroad eMisaSmeals and 43 can non. At Cbcraw be found much machinery and war material, including 25 cannon, anil 3600 barrels of gunpower. In PaTettenlle be found 20 pieces ot artillery and much other material. He says nothing about Kilpatrick's defeat by Hampton : but the officer who brought this letter says that before daylight on the lftth, Hampton got two hi read es in tbe rear ot Kilpatrick's headquarters and surprised and captured all of the staff but two office pi Kilpatriek escape i. formed his men, and drove the enemy with great toes, recaptur ing about all he had lost. Hampton lost 8j. left dead on tbe field. IT. S. GRANT. Lieut. Gesveral. ! Another telegram from Gen. Grant's head 1 quarters, reports that tbc Daily Dt-patch is i the only paper issued to-day in Richmond I It says : I "The Dispatch is published ibis morning on bait a sheet only, because ot the tact I that ail tbe employees, pri, ten, reporters and clerks, sre members of military organi sations, and were called out yesterday morn i ing by the government to perform special I service for a short time. But for the kiod I ne of a lew friends who are exempt from service, and who volunteered their aid, the I half sheet presented, would of Meeseity nave been witnbeld. In a lew days at far thest, our forces will return to their post, when wc hope to resume and continue unin terruptedly onr full sixed sheet." There is no other news of moment Irom any other quarter. C.A. DANA. Aaeietaat Secretary of War. The steamer Rebecca Clyde with 350 rent 1 prisoner-, captured near Kinston, N. C , during the late battles, arrived at Fottrrs-i Monroe on tne 15th. from Newbria. The latest advices from Gen. Scbofield re presented bim still advancing toward Kins ton, and there were rumors vvhea the Rebe cs Clyde sailed (13th), that Bragg had eval uated tbe town, and our forces had, taken pos-sr-ion of tbe place. The prisoners who came on tbe Rebecca Clyde were a fine Walking set of men. ard 1 U-iongrdto(aen.fokesdivasion,havtBgben sent Irom lae s army only a week since, with the view of operating against our uarcen in North Carolina. A!! tbt. nr.ii able pontoon train at New born hate bevn sent to Gen. Schnfield, and if Gen Bragg had not evacuated Kioston, no doubt was entertained tiiat our force could easily cross the Neuse River and give battle to the neinv N-t ne be could get away Gen . Couch's force fr mi Wilmington tmufreaelwd Gen. Scbufield. .md his armv tho reoslwred was deemed amply sum:ient to defeat Bragg s army which was judged to be about 25,000 strong. A dispatch irom Ncwbern, 5 P. M. of th" 13th, says : Officers just from the front ttatc that an order was read to tbe troop, Sat urday evening, from Maj.Gen. Cox eouwM rid ing, stating tbey would he joined by Sher man's army in three days, which created great enthusiasm. A rebel surgeon came in this mor ning. and took tbe oath of allegiance. He ears Sher man's cavalry was in Trov, N. C.,a "few day since, with one wing of his army raoviog on Fayetteville, one on Goldsboro', and another on Raleigh. Yesterday afternoon the Mayor of Kitwton surrendered tlie city to our force. A report this rooming states Sherman in possession of (ioldslsjro', and that tbe enemy were rushing back to Kinston to prevent our torcem crossing the Neuse. Thi is not offi cial, however. The enemy left 700 dead on the field before crossing the rirer, wbicn vCr buried. Then were also many wounded, which fell into our band. Tbe gunboat Shamrock has gone up the Neuse to Kin-ton. F.. II. Gardner, government deteetivo. lias just arrived from the front. He states that he saw the bearer of ell-patches froui Gen. Sherman, who told him that Sherman was at Goldsboro' at 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon. Tbe enemy made a charge on our works, which was repulsed, and we captured tbe 6th V C. Gen. Schofield left for t front yesterday morning. He received a aomtnu nioation from Sherman, who savs he is ail risbt. .. Negroes are being pressed into work on the railroad. Brig. Gen. Ewing, a brother-in-law of Geo. Sherman, arrived here from the west with his stafi, tor tbe purpose of joining Sherman. A despatch from Baton Rouge, La., of Ma-eh 9 th, says : The cavalry expedition sent from here have been heard from. They had some heavy skirmishing, in which we lest 10 or 15 kill ed and wounded, and inflicted a to-8 on the enemy of 30 or 40 and some prisoners, in cluding 2 officers. Tbc roads over w hicli our forces passed were horrible. A force is concentrating at Liberty, under Gens Ilodgo and Scott. Our cavalry was under the immediate command of Gens. Bai ley and Davis. Information received from Meridian states that tho rebel Gen. Forrest was at Macon, Ga., last month, in command of 15,000 men. Great activity prevails in that department and Forrest is rapidly adding tc and organiz ing his foree. The rebel Gen. Bearkhend was recently taken prisoner at Rodmy, Miss., by a Lieut, of the federal navy, and sent to this eity to teport to Geo. Lanby IIo was en route frotn Richmond to report to Kirby Smith at the time of his capture. Information from the array of thcPotomas tays the 5th corps waa reviewed on Tbuts da'y. by Gen Warren. The utmost diligence is exercised bv com- j manding officers in pre paring for the scrirg campaign. ,-;:. ?"D6,D: lnirty-lour deserters came in Tuesday, meir euns ana some ot tneir horses. Passengers direct from City Point, say there wax not even e. mraor at that peace comtnUeiosers froa Richmond. Tho Vanco who arrived there, was Brig. Gen. Yanoe, brother ot Gov. Vance of Carolina, to bo exchanged, and not Governor" Yanw hitiself. CWiuiitdiOa fovx& Psgu