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THE BUELINGTON, VT.PEEE PHESS FRIDAY MORNING- DEC lo,..18G5. GEO. V. Jt G. a. BENEDICT, E&toTt cnC Prvrrietvrt. UURLIXCTON FRIDAY MORNING DEC.,.15. 1E65. TJIK H'EEKLY FREE PRESS Ii published every Friday morning, containing he newi ol tbe week from all parts, interesting correspondence from the army, and local and eneral Intelligence. TERMS. Tiro Dollars per year if paid absolutely in dTance, otherwise S2.50 per year. Single co pies 6 cents. For rate? of Advertising, &0-, inquire at the air Peess Orricx, No. 6 College St, Barling on, Vt. GEO. W. 4 G. Q. BENEDICT, Editors i Proprietors The Constitutional Amendment.. According to an Act ol Congress o! 1S18. it the duty of the Secretary of Siatc, after receiving official notice of the adoption of a Constitutional Amendment according to the provisions of the Constitution, " to cause the Amendment to be published in the news papers authorized to promulgate the larrs, with his lertiGcate, specifying the States by which the fame may have been adopted, and that tl'.o same has become valid tc all intents and purposes as a part ot the Constitution of the United States." It appears from a dispatch from Washing ton that the Secretary haB as yet received no official ret irn of tbe ratification by Indiana. It seems, too, that Iowa, which has been included in the unofficial lists of ratifyin; States, has bed no session ol its legislature, and of cou fc his not ratified. With there exceptions, the list published from the I)e. partmcnt of State corresponds with that re cently published by us. The official procla mation of the adoption of the Amendment cin not long be delayed. A d sjiatch from New Orleans states that the Committee of the Mississippi Legisla ture have reported against the passage of the Constitutional Amendment, not from any objection to the first, but to the second clause. AxEN'MiENTS TO VII E CONSTITUTION: The I Cnion State Central Committee of Pennsyl vania have addressed to Congress memorial, which was laid before the Senate on Mon day, asking for the following amendments to the constitution of the United States : I"rst A provision which all forever nrohibit Concrcss. or anv convention, legis lature or other authority in any State of tint. L nun, lrom assuming or paving anv part of the rct-cl debt. accouu that Uonrrcss shell never repu diate anv part ol the national debt. Third That Congress shall have iiower te levy and collect duties on exports. fourth That representation in the lower house shall be based upon the number of qualified voters in each State. Fifth That no State shall ever be per- permitted to withdraw lrom the Union. Tub CoamrTEEs. Our Vermont Senators have, as usual, honorable places on the Standing Committees. Mr. Foot is as here tofore. Chairman of the Committee on Pub lic Buildings and Ground, and is a member of the Committees on Commerce, Pensions, and to audit and control the contingent ex penses of the Scnitc. Judge Poland baa places on the Judiciary, Private Iind Claims and P.itcnts and the Patent Office. The more important House Committees are arranged substantially as foreshadowed in the Washington letter we copied jester diy. Mr. Morrill has the Chairmanship of the Ways and Means, Mr. Stevens of Ap propriations, Mr. Banksof Foreign Relations Mr. Raymond has tbe second place on the same C remittee, and also on that of Appro priations. Woodbridge is, as heretofore, on tbe Judiciary. Cen. Grant' Report. Tbe most interesting ot tbe important and interesting rcrorts which accompanied Pres ident Jobnron's Mcs'age, is that of General Grant. It is a remarkable document. Gen eral Grant writes as be fights. Having a purpose to accomplish, he goes at it in the most direct manner, and without fear ol mortal man. He has undertaken to give an ac count of the military events of his Lieut cnant Generalship, and Iirs done it with surprising conciseness and clearn. ss, and without a flourish of rhetoric or a tingle blast of bis own trumpet. The fonts arc given, cut where they will, and tbey bear bard on some noted Generals, but nothing is set down in malice, while the magnanim ity of the report in its awards ot just praise, is one of its marked features. General Grant tells us at the outset, his plan for oppressing the rebellion, wbicb was "by active and continuous operations o' all the troops that could be brought )' field, regardlcsj of season or Q hammer continuously gather, to force or the encmv- amcd bymcre attr-- rcjonrce9 unti should ijn .j. -n n() 0.!icr w tfccTC lie nothing lclt to him but sub mission." The Union armies, be says, when he took command, Lc found "like a balky team, no two ever pullins together." and we learn, as he cocs on, which of the commanders un der him, continued balky or incompetent, scd which pulled truc.-till tbey pulled us through our peril. Ue jtvca to Sherman the credit el origi nating and carrying through with masterly strategy, his great movement from Atlanta to the Atlantic. He takes pains to say that General Meade, because he was solving in the presence of a superior officer, lost a great portion of that popular credit which was his duc,.as tic movements of the Poto mac Army were all made through him, and he proved himself emphatically the right man in the right place. Or Sheridan, he says that when he (Gcu. Sheridan) hid bclore him the plan of the Shenandoah Campaign, there were but "two words of instruction necessary Go in i" He adds further on that, "he has never ulnee deemed it necessary to visit General Sheridan before giving him orders." He pronounces the movtmcotb or Sigel, in Western Virginia, entirely unsatisfacto ry ; considers Hunter's subsequent cam paign, though no doubt prompted by the highest latriotism, and by a desire to obey mmoi i j j orders, a' revealing lack of judgment ; etc- elares that the freedom with which Price was , , , m:.,,,; allowed by Rosccrans to roam over Missouri, Shows liow a eupenor lorce may uc employed as to give no advantage, nnd crit icises Thomas for bis slowness in attacking Hood a ftult which was only atoncel for, but not removed, by bis subsequent suc- He blames Geo. -Win. F. Smith for dclay iag to assault the enemy's works at Peters burg!!, on the first atUck. saying that he hug never Ltcn able to understand why Gen. Smith, after capturing the rebel picket line at daylight, did not get ready to attack the main lines till nearly sundown, and that then the assault was made with only a part of his command, and was stopjed after partial i-uocees, when Gen. Smith conld and should have pushed at once into Pclcro- burgh. This failure to prose eti to nil advan' tsge, cost us the costly seigc ofPttcrsburgh. The report is hardest, however, cn Gen. Butler. Gen. Grant states that when I5ut- lcr was directed to move upon Richmond, directly, he satisfied himself vitb soing to a point where he supposed lie had Beauregard in check, when the fact was. Beauregard and Lcc had him shut up, as if corked in a bottle ; when aa opportunity was given him to redeem this blunder, he thought he had nude a great achievement in occupying a juint which n regiment could hold against a dhision; that his enterprise at Fort Fisher was conducted in violation of orders, which did not contemplate his personal presence. Tiic General can only account for his coin:: nlong, upon the theory that ho wai anxious to witness the explosion of the powder boat which after, all. took place while lie was at Beaufort ; the rebels only learning of its intended effect, from the Northern newspa pers. Gen. Grant't; conclusion is, that But ler could have taken Fort Fisher precisely as Terry did, had lie oo-operated with the navy.- The orders issued to tbe two Gene rals were substantially the tame, and tbey had the same force. Gen. Gran! say that the Macon speech of j Jefl. Datid put us in ixfesersion of in forma tion that decided certain movements pre viously in doubt. And speaking of the operations of Hood after assuming command in Georgia, be concludes with grim irony, that thev were all intended to benefit our eause : declaring that if lie had controlled Jwtb armies, be would not liavc changed them. In elating be declares : It has been my fortune to i-ec toe Arnica of both tbe West and Ewt fight battles, and from what 1 have seen I know there is no difference in their fighting qualities." He praises General Lee for throwing his influence at tbe end in favor of peace, and ends with " the hope for perpetual peace and harmony with that enemy whose manhood, however mistaken the cause, drew forth such herculean deeds of valor." Kentcckt and VnioxT. Tbe resolutions adopted by our LegieUtarc, in favor of se curing ' equal rights without respect to co lor, to all citizens, including the right of elective franchise,'" which were sent to the several States, have been transmitted by Oov. IJrainlette to tbe Kentucky Legislature with a message, condemning them strongly and denying the right of Congress, the pre. tident, or any one, toinakc the negro a voter. ELECTIO.V IX the Centbe Wakd The Klection of Couneilmen to supply the place of Messrs. Miller and Wires, resigned, pass ed off Tuesday without rioting.orany kind of a convulsion, moral or physical. Of tbe citizens of the ward, doubtless nrwy over looked the matter entirely, others were kept at home by tbe ram. Asa conseouence tbe vote was rather thin. It was however sufficiently decisive, standing as follows : E. W. Peck. 16 P. S. Peake, 1C Dan Lyon, 1 J. A. Sbedd, 1 Peck is a man of excellent judgment, Mr indentiSed with Burlington from his boyhood and deeply interested every way in its pros jnty. He will prove a valuable accession to the board. Mr Peake is fi public spirited citizen, with ltisnrc to devote to the care or tbe city. On tbe whole these are as good selections as could have been anticipated. Uel Estate. We understand that the houc c and lot on Pearl street opposite Wil lard street, occupied bv B. B Smaller. j - E-q , has been sold by Major X. A. Tucker to O. S. Wood, Esq , ol Montreal, for 6000. Mr. Wood takes pa?scs-i.n in the Spring, and mirnosee, we believe, to occur. v the - bout while eiiea-'ed in tbe erection ol a bandscmc residence on the Foot place, at the head of Pearl street, also recently pur chased by him. New Organ. The new organ for tbe Third Congregational Church, a fine instrument about 30 stope, made by Simmons f- ' ,i Boston, has arrived and will .Co., ol out deity. e put up n it h- gT An- .at ii of vnitMo.vr. . ctant .exn Iaj'PECToa Ouisjut's Dmct, ) Woodstock. Dee. 4, 1S05. $ GENERAL OP.UER No. 2. The orders of the Governor aBd Commander-in-Chief, now in force, prescribing rules and rcgul itions fur the correction of the enrolment of the militia and the government of the organ ized militia, are hereby modified, as follows : 1. The selectmen of the several towns apd the common councilmeu of the several cities in this State, or, if in any city there shall be no com mon couneilmen, the aldermen of such city, shall, on the first day of April in each year, carefully examine and correct tbe record of the enrolment of the ruilitU or their respective tonus and cities, observinr. in the performance of such duty, the instructions contained in sec tions two to thirteen, inclusive, ot uenerai eir der No 8, of the Governor of Vermont, dated March 28, 1 605, and shall, immediately there after, and on or before tbe tenth day of April, in each vear, transmit to the Adjutant and In spector Gsoeral, n full and perfect return of all corrections and additions, made by them, as re quired by secticn fourteen of said General Order No. S. So much of existing orders, as provides tbat cerrretions of the enrolment, as aforesaid, shall be made and icturncd by the said selectmen and common connilmen on the first days of January, July and October, in each year, is hereby re scinded. 2. The commanding officer or each company cf the organized militia of this State shell.with in ten days after the Gist Tuesday of June in each jear, make return, in duplicate, of all changes in bis command since the last return, with a statement of the streugtb of his command at the date of the return, in conformity with the requirements of section sixty or General Or der No. 8 or the Governor cr Vermont, dated Mrch 8, 18G5, one copy or which return he shall transmit to the Adjutant and Inspectcr General, and tbe other copy be suill transmit to the commanding oTuecr or the regiment to which such company is attached. So much or ex:stiug crders, as dirccls that J such returns shall be made and transmitted by company commanders on tbe firs' Uy or janu ary, July and October in each yeir, is beriby rescinded. AnJ the citing oriers, requiring resimental.bnzadeand division commanders to mlI;e aaJ tracsmit returns or alterations or their resistive commands, are hereby so modi- 'fidasto conform to the above requirement in ( (o company conmilnjcr. I S Sections seventy four and enc hundred and twenty-six of said General Order No. S, arc turn of PnMie Property" thereby required to 18 ha f, J !he n!e r Reprcsen U made and transmitted by regimentsl quir- ,'l!w;..yra sl33.nV?,? '' . , , termasters and by commanding officers or com- Mr Wtntaorth or 111, introduced a bill to pre pares, shall hereHfttr be so made and forward "it the spread cf foreign ducase among the , ed within ten elays after the firitffutsday of of tbe Unl,e(1 BMa- June in each year; and all regulations heretofore isrued, providing that such returns shall be at ether times, than the times hi rein specified. I are hereby rescinded 1. The duticj impessd, by txisting orders upon surgeons and assistant surgeons of regi ments, of making returns et exemptions allow ed audf moneys received and of services per formccCand upon commanding officers tf com panics, of making returns of noa commissioned officers, from time to time, anJ o. miking re turns of delinquents annually, on the first day of January in each year, and of forwarding to these headquarters the enlistment contracts cf recruits jjined, are not hereby affected, out such orders arc continued in full force By order of His Excellency, PAUL DILLINGHAM. Governor and Comminlcr-in Chief. Peteh T. WAsnncnx,, Adjutant and Inspector General. TIIIRTV NINT1I CONGRESS fiest session. SENATE. Washixctos, Dec. 11. Messrs Foot, Yates, Wade. Fesjcndcn.'Wilson, Doohttlc. Lane of Kansf.", Harm of Newtork, Lane of Indiana, Wiley, Buckalew, and lfcndr son. were appointed a joint com. on President Lincoln's death. The bill to confirm the riabts of colored ran to ltnd titles cn the yea islands, "ranted n f!n. Sherman, and a bill preventing the sale of bonds and script or the late so-called Confederacy, were refirred to the judiciary com. A resolution was adopted calling on 'hs President for what information Iichasreeicetinf the occupation of Mexican territory. A memorial of the LecisUture of North rUm. lina. asking the repeal or the test oath, was laid before tbe Senate. V bill was introduced inemain" In twiT dollars tbe rnion or aoy avn who lost both fret in military and nival service. Jir naue introduced tbe fullowin. whieh nere referred to the Commute on Foreign Af fairs : itbereas. In a letter of inntrnetimi datet July 8. ISC, directed to GmFory command ing tbe Fiench forces in Mexico, the Emper. rof the French indicated a nolicv eoneermnr attain on tbie continent, by declaring it was his inten tion to establish a monarchy in Mexico, which would restore to the Latin race on this side r,f tbe Atlantic, all their strength ant! prestige, guarantee security to tbe Freneh West India col onies and those of Spain, secure intact and es tablish the influence of France in the centre of America, and preient the people of tbe United States lrom taking possession of the Golf of Mex ieo, from which tbey would command the Antil les and South America, and so become the only dispensers of the products ol the New Wurld; aua Whereas, In panuanse of atud policy, an at tempt has been made to establish a lujuarchy in wjinmrv ine wanes ol that people and to support Maximilian in his usurpation by European soMiers; and Whereas, Amon; other acts, contrary to the spirit of the age, and humanity, tbe to-called Emperor of Mexico, by decrees and a regulation, dated Sept. 5, 1SC5, practically re established slavery in las dominions, and bv a decree dated it--. i . . . ... . iouo, uas Tioiaiea ine usages of civilixed nnnarc, uy uenying io .Mexican Republican troops tbe righto of belligerents, ani ordering their execution, wherever found, within tweaty four hours. Therefore, lie it Ileeolved, by the Senate and Housaof nepreeeniaiivea oi the United States m Congnu First, That we contemplate t'.e present eon dition of affairs in the Republic cf Mexico with most profound solicitude. Second, Tbat theattempt to subject oae of the Republican Governments of this continent, by a foreign power, and to eatabhak on its ruins a monarchy, sustained solely by Eiiropean bay onets, is opposed to the declared policy of tbe United States Government, offensive to oui people, and oontrary to the spirit of oar insti tutions. Third, Resolved, That the President of the United States be rentreated to take meh concerning this grare matter as will indicate its recognized policy a ad protect the honor and istrr ects of our GoAcrmuent. HOUSE. A resolution was introduced reimbnrW tk. several States for debts contracted tar the pre servation of the Union. Referred to select com of seven. A bill to establish a uniform sTatem of '"!"- ik main eo a special com. A resolntkn was oAred and laid ever ir lchai ti.,i - . I te . : i-rj uk toe part f United States to ntioa tbe Uniau. n . .? Tbe Speaker then aonoHaced the f joVin, standm? cMnmUimi owm Commtrct Mtssrs WasLknwnrrr.:-. - ... eV-v -i ,T r ' nxie Wand. O Ied of PennsTlram. Lounaar .e.X7' t'-.v; w a , u i muting i r of N Y Hnmpbrcy MUitar, Ifair.-MSAeack of Ohio. Iteming of Conn. Mamton of ir , ' iuieau ol Kentucky lltogi,,, ofOhlo, Ancom of Pena, Ivetchum ofN T, Blaine of Jline, greaves of Kentucky. ' .arl Jlffairtilteirt Kce of Maat wold ofK V, like of Main. Kellrrf' Oris- DraadeiEee of Coca. EldrfaU. tr: . ' Phelps of MarylazJ. Darling of NY. iTmi of 4 lb io. . m " 1 unn 01 'ndiaua, W I Ran dall of Ky. Dawson of Pena, Patterson of H Newell of N J, Cullom of UUnoi, , w ina6c,j KUetion.-Mesm Dawes of Mass, Schofitld of Penn. Upson of Michigan, Marshal of I!li- no! I ame of Wiscon-in. ShelUburger of OaW I McCInry o. Missouri, Radford of N. Y. II afttnd J!fam Messrs Morrill tf . mont. Hooper of .Miss. llmaLsofV v I of Ohio, Wentworth of in. Oon-- J Morbead of Peon, Allison -' ang if X Missouri. ji Iowa, llagau of Apuroiriulio' Raymond rr " .t Messrs Stevens Iowa. " . .v v. UW ot Missouri. of Peon, Kasson .( .narbien of Indiana. Famsworth of illi- -ois. Spaulding of Ohio. Higby of California, Wright of N Y. Hanking and Currency Messrs Pomeroy of N Y, Buckliud of Ohio, Harding of Kentucky, Lynch of Maine, Defrees of Indiana, Randall or Peon, Hubbard of West Virgmia. District of Columbia Messrs Ingersoll or III, Dnmont or Indiana, Davis of N Y, It eld win of -Mass, MeCultoeh of Maryland Colt of Wis consin. Walker of Ohio, Mercer of l'eun.Sjank land of Kentoeky. Judiciary Messrs Wilson of Iowa, llcutwel! of Mass, Pranck Thomas of Mar) land, Williams or Penn. Woodbridge or Vermont, Morris of N Y, Rogers of K J, Lawrence of Ohio, Cooke or IIIinot. The House refuted to suspend the rules fur the admisruoii of a resolution giving the repre sentatives trom Southern States the privileges of the tloor. Adjourned. SENATE. Wasiiixgtox. Dec 12. Mr Anthony called up the House resolution of Mr Stevens for the appointment of a joint com mittee on the subject of the lately rebellious States, and moved to amend so as to make it a concurrent instead of a joint resolution. Also by omitting the last clause, whish provides that until the report of saM commitlee, no member of the lately rebellious States shall be received in either house. The resolution was amended and adopted by a vote of 38 to 11. Sir Cowan ca'led up bis resolution, calling upon the President for information whether the rebellion has been suppressed, post offices re-established, and the revenue being collected, &c ; adopted. The committee on military affairs was instruc ted to inquire into the expediency or providing br law for securing to soldiers who enlisted in 18C1 and 18G2, such additional bounties as to make them as'nearly as can be equal to those paid to soldiers who enlisted in 1S6I. HOUSE. I Mr Delano of OVio, and Mr Stevens of Pa., i each introduced a joint resolution, for the mend- mcnt of the Constitution, making it the duty cf j each State to provide for the rightful pursuit or happiness or all inhabitints, without distinction I or color or. race. I The Speaker laid before the House a commu I nicition from the Governor of Virginia, cnclos- ing a copy of an act of the General Assembly. I ci'ine the consent cf the Legisliturcor Virgin- ia lor forming the new State or Virginia. in Kiymou'I rcse to a question or privilege to present certificates of election or Tennessee members. Mr Stevens interposed a point or order that the SUteof Tennessee is not known to the House which the Spciker overruled. After brief debate, the credentials were re ferred to select committee on the to called Con federate States, yeas 120 nays 41. Subsequently, a resolution was pissed that un til otherwise ordered, Mr Maynard and olher representatives from Tennessee, be invited to Mr .'orrill cf Vt, reminded the gentlemen of I th: treaty oblifrttionswith the llritUh provinces, to which Sir Wantnrorth replied that ir the law I was of co effect as to Onada it would do no! harm. ' The bill as passed. The bill provides that the uc snail oe protiii)itei. incaectetary of the Treasury is reoirel to make such regulations ai r. ill give this Uw full and immediate effect, and to send the copies thereof to the proper offi cers in this country and in foreign ports. When the President shall have given thirty days no tice, by proeUmatioo, that no further danger is apprehended, tbe law shall be of no force. handing cox it i rr Eng. Panfir Railroad Hiram Price of Iowa, chairman; Stevens of Pennsylvania Donnelly of Minnrs-jta, Ames of Massachusetts, Brooks of New Ycrk, Loan or Missouri. Cluk or Kansns, Bid t ell or California, and Henderson of Ore gon. Clui.: i Columbus Delano of Ohio, chair man; llotchkiss of New York, Washburn of Massachusetts, Sloan of W iacon-in , Niblack of Indiana, McKec of Kentucky, Ward of New York, Darker . f Pennsylvania, Thornton of HI- i inoie. Public I.cnih Geo W Julian of Indiana, chairman; Dricgsof Michigan. Gleeebrenner of Pennsylvania, Donnelly or Minnesota. Eckley of Ohio, Holmes of New York, MoRuer of Califor nia, Anderson of Missouri, Taber of New York. Poit OfirC3 ,u B Alley of Massichusetts, chairman; Farqnhnr of Indiana. Finckof Ohio, McKu.-r of ralitorcia. Ferry of .Michigan, John son of Iennslvaoin, KnykcnJall of Illinois, D Hubbard, Jr. (f X.w York. Kelso of Mis souri. Itralut:.ona,"ii CUi,.a Kilian V Wbaley of West Virginia, eliairoiin; Newell of New Jer sey, Eldridge of Wiscon-io, J L Thomas, Jr, of Maryland. Wilson of Pennsylvania, Van Horn of New Ycrk, CI irke of Ohio, Trowbridge of Michigan, Trimble of Kentucky. f ''lie Ei, iiditu re in T Hulburd of New York, chiirmao; Brooinill of Pennsylvr - II. .LI I r i: n.ti , H, uuiHMro vi lowa, iioiunsompw iinmpsane, Jones of Xe York. Smith of Krntu.kv. Wa r- ner of G.unecticui, PlaLts cf Ohio. Nicholson of leltw ire. Prinitc Land Claiat House M Thayer of Pennsylvania, chairman; llotchkiss of New York, Uiker of Illinois, Hayes of Ohi.-. I year if New York, Noell of Missouri, '.lout well of .Maschusrtts, WotJbridge of Ver'nont.Kerr of Indiana Manvfaclurts James K Moorhsarf of I'enn sWania, chairman; Ames of Maam -Lasetts. Bandy cf Ohio, Trimble of Kentuekj . Hale of New York, Harding of Illinois, Sawye r of Wis consin, lluhbard of West Virginia, Hubbell of New York. Jlgricuttvrt John Bidwell of' California, chairman; Grionell of Iowa, Slit I well of In diana, Baxter of Vermont, Ritter e, f Kentucky, iTowbnetge or Michigan. Hobb'-U of Ohio, Lawrence of Pennsylvania, Be rgen of New York. InJi-m JlTai t William Wtaaf om of Minne sota, chairman; Molndoeof TTv eonani, Deni son or Pennsylrania, Hubbard: af Iowa. Clarke of Kansis. Henderson of W gca. Hart of ew lork, Kos of Illinois, "Vr i Horn ot Mis souri. Militia Grerti Clay Sir all . of Kentucky, chairman; Harding of l ,lia ois, Buekland of Ohio, Hale of New Yorl "Noell of Missouri, Phelps of Maryland, Far atu ur of Indiana, Per ry of Michigan, Boyer e f rer.syhrania. TcrritarUi James ' j Ashley of Ohio, chair man; Beaman of Mice kg, J H Kice of Maine, Gn lerof Kentucky. , Marrm ot New York, 8troue of Peniisylra- da. Qui of Indiana, McoJ ton of niinois, Starr jf Xew Jer:y. Berulut u-wy P. -Mio, Waller D Melodoe of Wisconsin, chair jutn; p-iee of Iowa. Boyer of Pennsylvania, G oodyetr of New Turk. Vpum ot Michigan, Brav oegeeof Cooneeuaur, Wash burn of Hassachu ett, Walk r of Ohio, Holmes of New York, ItTnlid Per ... i I Vn4..n r Maia. iirmn.; dlwell or Indiana, Taylor of New lort, Ircf Michuaui . Va Aernam of New Wisconun. - IUr.1,., of Kentucky. Roilit e , f Ttnm a of Virhv. f?0.' man; Van Horn c f N r Tork. J H nubbar j c. Cunncctieut, Rw isseau of Kentucky weut' ..,. i tn:,t. ...:. .ev.Vi( alll. h ' r P-m rLf. . , t Uai-rtand VmA Pat. -,: Tb..niis A Jei.cios of BlKde Island, chaircon; Miers . f PenL-jIti inn, Chandler of New Tcrk, J Ii U .' J of Ce nneetkmt, .Brofn well of Illinois Pullir Bv.l hr.j: a. eV.i.. J H of Maine, chairman; Starr ol I tew Jomy, 8 Wilson of Ptnuylvania, Le Boo d of Ohin, L tham of Weft Virginia. La- Bci'l .!!.' r,i".ithnl 'Subnets Glensi W tJchofield (f Pennsylvania, chat man; J F Wilson uf lew., Ahl-y i,r O hie, A B Rica of Massachusetts, Pumen.y of New York. Mihajr GfKirge W Anderaaa of libBouri, chairman: Mars! i: i.f New Htm' jshire. PUnts vi uuiu, unorr oi ftcnmcxy, Illinois. Koykendall of .tccountt E n R ll;ns or N w Hampshire, chairman; Breomatl of Pen- isrlvaaia, Ec cley of Ohio, Kerr of Indiana , Ward of New Ycrk. Coinat, H tigkU amd M ituraJqita A AaSBon Of lowa-ukairman: V mS.1.1 of Kmm York, Williams ot Pil . Tt.... nAbto Dawes of MaMarViusetta. Exvt4itmr .. Stat D rmtrtmnt FmuI A Pnko of yiaiM ca,irm; liromacl of Ulw bois. Rand . ...,kLli J v. vk SbelUba, -Vohkl ' , plf endttartt 4th THamry Department Jm' a H Marvin of New York, chairman; Cul- of Pennsvlvan'i. HB i Indiana, Colloia of t'.i..u n.... nt Kntarin 7. . t,-. Expenditure of tke H or Department Henry C Pernios; of Coaoect-cut, chairman; Sloan of Wiscinein. Miller of Pennsylvania. E N Hubbell of New York, J H IlubbeUof Ohio. Expenditures of the Aaef liepartment J Humphrey o' New York, chairman; Julian of Indiana, Moulton of Illinois, Warner of Coanss ticnt, Tenison of Pennsylvania. Expenditures cf the Post Office Depn tnctl John Baker of Illinois, chairman ; Myers of lVnn-jlvania, Darling of New Wk, Eggteston uf Halo, Rogers of New Jersey. Ki i r.dtlures of At Ixtcrioi Jhyartufit E Damont of luduu.:i. chairman; '.r, u. cf Penn sylvania, Bepjamiaof Missouri, U:Sjn of Iowa Mctirc or Kentucky. E-yrrtdituret on PmUie Build i.igs John W Longy ear of Michigan, chairman; Baldwin of Maseai'husetts, IKxoa of Connn-tieut, John son of Pennsylvania, W H Randall of Ken tucky. Juinl Commitlee on LibrarjK B Hayes of Ohio, chairman; Kelfcy of Pennsylvania. Hub bard of New Tork. Joint Co.nmittee on Priiti ..j A II I.iflin of New Yirk, chairman; R W Clarke tl'Mhio, La tham of West Virginia. Juinl Ci..i:iUeton Ei., Med Bilh A mass Cobb ef Wisconsin, cbairmin: Glcssbrenner of Pcnnjlv.iniv. Select'te, on Rules The Speaker, E It Washbu n of Illinois Banks of Mrsaebusetts, Dawson of Pennsylvania. Riymond of New York. Select Cou n.'n oi Bankrupt Law TA Jcnckesof Rhode Islah I, chairman; Spalding or Ohio. Thorns? of Maryland, Blow of Mis souri, Lynch of Mii e, Thornton of Illinois, Al ley of Mvsichusetts Select Committee o. Freedmcn Thos D El liot or Missvdm-.-tts. chairman; KeHey of Penn sylvania, Orth of Indians, Bingham of Ohio, Taylor of New York, Loan of Missouri, Grin nell of Iowa, Paine of Wisconsin, Marshall of Illinois. RillJijiD At-eiuisT Wi'.cn the night ex press train was near Georgia Station, on tbe Vt. & Can. R R , carlyWel- c daymorning, a flue butst in tbe engine, bringing the train t r. stand still. Me n were hatncdmtcly sent back to stop tho freight train immediately following ; but as it wa on a down grade, ami the track was slippery, the engineer wag unable to stop his train before striking the passr.tger train. One man, whose nimo wc have not learned, was killed : he was a uttle drover, a Canadian, from St. Johns, j who was caught between the engine and the last car of the passenger train, as he was ) jumping from tbe platform. The other par- rcDgcrs bad most of them left the train, and ; no others wero hurt. The engine and one ' car were badly smashed. Bosrox rc-clcuted her r.'pnblican Mayor, Mr Lin. . In, Tuclay, Lv a plurality of 2101. ' 1 Pcrsonnl. Mr. Henry C. Tcnnant has resigned his place na Assistant Cashier of the Farmer's and Mechanic's Bink in this city, to accept the Cashicrsbip of the Missisquui Bjnk, of Sheldon, esu tho duties of which he enters at aa once. Major nnd Brevet Lieut. Col. K- U. Bed dington. Paymaster U. S. A., was liutiorably rnu-tcrui out of setvice Dec. 1st. He has been stationed since July last at SpringQrld 111., nnd Ii.ik always been an excellent oSccr. Major Harry Browrwon of Butland. of tl.c Qunrterrasstcr Department, has also been honorably mustered out. Hp was for a time Chief Quarteiinaster ol the Military Dis trict or Washington and has always made troops of frien ds.wborcver stationed. Mr. T. II. S.iQord, Jr., the chief astrono mer ut tho Cumbridgo observatory, has been die -sen astronomer in-chici cf the new Chica go oliHTvatory, but lias not yet accepted tiio apt ointment." Mr. SaBbrd is a Yeimontcr, from Boyalton, and wag famous when a beiy for bis inathemitical precocity. dpt. II. W. Clark A Q. M ofBrattlcbo- ro, recently return. d lrom suulbern duty, has been mustered out of service The Captain has served faithfully and- .caburly durii ig the war. KxTrcsidcnt Franklin Fierce wan baptiu-d and connrnpd in St. PaulV Kpiscopal Church, in Concord. N. II.. on Sunday the 3d Inat. A ovirresjiondrnt of the Record , ?agt;t)ta Hon. Hampden Co Us, for Ktiecesfur to Mr. Monil I's seat in Congress on tbe event of tbe latter fceing ehuscn to the U. S. Senate, Hon. John A. Kassou and Secretary Har lan are candielateH for the 17. S. Seoatorship lrom Iowa. Hon. John F. Potter, U. S. Consul Gene ral at Montreal, has been invited to address the St. Patrick's .Society of that city at its eonting celebration . Kalph Waldo Emerson lectured in Rat land but week. Itev. John C. Iaibarec, son of President Lftbareo cf Middlobury College, has accepted a call from the Congregational Church in Randolph. Her. Edward T Fairbanks or St. Johnabn ry, supplies tbe ptJpit of the Congregation al Church in Chester. Cul. Keno E. De Kusay, oi the Engineer C rps, reeentlT died at San Franetsen. He fought at tbe battle of Pittsburgh. (ien. Morris of the regular army, o.m mandcT at Fort McHenty, died on Tuesday at Baltimore, aged sixty years. Kev. James P. Stone, formerly of St. Johnsbury, and later of the Tyler House mission to freedmcn, is supplying the desk of tbe Congregational Church in Derby. Intelligence baa been received in Montpe licr ol the death of Willie S. Badger, only son of Dr. W. P. Badger. Uc was crushed to death by a log while cutting timber for a qunrtx mill, near Central City, Colorado. Correspondence of the Free Press. 1 I'ltOJJ WASH1KCTOS. Wasni.vcTOS, D. C, Dec. 11, Some one in speaking of Washington says it is tbe municipal growlery of America, and be is right, for when wc are not growlinr at heat and dust we certainly are at the rain an 1 nrad. We ought to be thankful for tbe sucshiLe we have now and then, and such a bright beautiful days as this, is not for misanthropic grumblers. With a sign of relief we see tbat Secretary Harltu urges upon Coagms the propriety of improving our avenues and principal streets. Tbey need it sadly and yet their condition is in finitely better than before the max. Whatever desolations may have been male upon all sMes of us during the war, the old residents and pro party huldtwe hora have not with a God ssaJ. Joey bowled over the Esaaacipation Preclinia tiob but ther hare been amply repaid for every " nigger " BATe 1011 (he increased value f their real estate, and those who desired it fuU. id an easy way to make money. It most sur- retarning southern brethren to find the prise 1v u -m fiimilM-J tbMn with their aenwBo J " . diHy bitten. ' nsW tonaooo, sweuing aoouv man the poapofa.y-d'rtt,CTeyi "1'0clrt nongtbseliUoflkei -ceaaarit. of life are . " hi e dor ian tbe war. Th. hoi ,hm to aix dollan n. dar. vt beh; keener comnliia that tbev canaot get risk (ast enoueh br chanioe from thi.V .V lf w," per month. Aawng tbe improvemeJ of the past summer a Venuoater, C. C. Willard, de- serves coaunradation for one, tor repairing the Bbbitt Hoeate. It is now one of the neatest ho tels ta ike erity and mine host knows how to keep a hotel. jCoagresa did little last week except to organise. Rev. Mr. Roynton, a Cjngre gallons! clergyman, has letn elected chaplain of tbe House. He any be able in part to supply the wanta cf that denomination, as they have but one society here, without a church. Bills will un doubtedly soon be presented in behalf of soldiers who volunteered early m the war, and until Congress does take some action all representa tions of sharpers should be disregarded. A bill has already been presented permitting wounded soldiers in Government employ to receive pen sions, llundietia of application are coming in from discharged soldiers fur positions in the Departments. If they have any regard llr their own interests they will saw wood for a living be; fore coming here. A situation would be a curse to nine out of every ten who come. The seasan here bids fair to be a gay one and wc may look out for a full display of the fash ionables rrom all parts or the cjuntry. Wc have but one theatre or any account. At Gro ver's, Murdoch has been drawing f II houses. He has been supported by a tolerable company, and every true lover of bis country ftels grateful to him for his efforts in behalt of our sick and wcunded soldiers daring the war. This has had much to do in filling hi houses. Airs. D. P. Bowers is announced for this week. She is styled by her puffers " The Queen of the Americin Stage." We m-iy look for tho wisiiy Wiiihy style of acting for the next few nights. During Christmas week we are to be favored with a treat in the shape of a short season of Grover's Italian Opera under the direction of i Maretzek. Ford's Theatre, tbe scene of theastassinat'on, is beta? entirely refitted as a reeentacle of rebel ! archives. It is now a fire-proof building of thvee stories nnd will soon be completed. ; Gen. Baker, well knonu to Washington rebel', ' (tho race is by ns weans extinct yet,) is soon to publish bis book containing a history or the dr. tective force employed during the war. It will be au interesting and exciting narrative of per- j sonal adventures and which will appear like ro- ' nance, - Mr. Fred. II. Hall, or Bellows Falls, Vermont, formerly a reporter in the Senate and for the j past three years an efficient private Secretary to ) Mr. Stanton and Mr. Dana, has accepted a pest- ; ticn upen tbe editorial staff of tke Chicago lte publicin. A. D. J. Djcthui-th College. Tlie catalogue of Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, for 1S65-G, shows tbat the number of students in the Medical Department is 57 ; in the Academical Department there are42(eniois, 3 1 juniors, 33 sophomorcstind 59 frcfbmen. In the Scientific Derailment 48 Lave to be added, making a total or 273. City of lJurIlngt. il. oni. r.irJ An Ordinance to Secure the Enforceii -c; . f the Orders f the IKaltii officer. is ketc. ij orJair.e I by the t'iv ,' tie City of Burlington : Sec, 1. Whenever the Health Officer shail is sue any order op n jv m c r. It n with the datit s cf his. the said Health lllioers office, the "iiuf bhi'.l be serwd !v a -i-t.i le : police offi -rr upon the (-crn aooa wh -ui sikIi order is urvlc iu the si on- :u inner as spfjrided by law t.T the de vice of a writ of summons, and the said order shall specify tbe time within which the same is required to be execute!. Sec 2. If any person shall disobey any law ful erder ot the IlriHli Officer after tho- s shall have been r.rvJ up' r, i . n .fJri,I. he sbalt pay j I'n.e di ex 'cl..'i titty ! !'.rs sad also the expense of fultiUmg su;h order in case the same shall b.iv Utn iulbY.I-i .'it -expense of the city; and s-.i.h fin" an ! v;' use may be recovered togethe-r in orn prosecution. Sec. 3. Nothing in this ordinance shall he construed as interfering with the power cf the Health Officer summarily to abate nuisances or to enforce such saniiary nwn-uies ar t legnln tions as shall to h'ni s.f..i J. H. W 'I:( E?1EB. j President of th Pommoo Council. I A. L CATLIN, President of tho Coard of Aldermen. City of Burlington, -. 27. 1865. Screens Cocnr. The following are tbe Supreme Court assignments for tbe year commencing the 1st uf December, 1865. Chittenden, Jan. S Barrett, Kelljgs, Peck, Steele. Franklin, Jan. 15 Picrpnnt, Barrett, Kellcgg, Steele. Grand Isle, Jan. 19 Pierpoint. Barrett, Kellogg, Steele. Addison, Jan. 22Bamtt. KtJlcgg Wil son, Steele. Rutland, Jan. 29 Plcrpoint, Peck, Wil son, Steele. Bennington, Feb. 6 Picrpoint, Barrett, Peck, Wilson. Windham, Feb. 12 lVrpoint, Perk, Wilson, Steele. indsor, Feb. 20 Pierpoinl, Kelloeg, WUson, Steele.. Orange. March 6 Plfrpoint, Barrett, Kellogg, Steele. Washington, Aug.14 Pu-rpoint, Barrett. Wilson, Steele. Lamoille, Aug. 21 Picrpoint, Kellojg, Prtlt. Steele. Orleans, Aug. 23 Barrett, Kell -gg, Peck TVilon. Essex, Aug 28 PK-rpotut, Barrett, Kel- Calciionia, Aug. SOPierptsint, Barrett. Kellogg, Peck. FOB COrSTT COI-ET. Chittenden and A(Uiun Pkrpcint, Chief Justice Windsor and Windham Barrett. Rutland and Bennington Kellogg. Washington and Orange Pi ok. Franklin, Lunoilie and Urand We Wil son. Caledonia, Orleans and Essex Steele. Rewt Items. Provost Marshal Gcteral Frye reports tbe receipts of his bureau from commutations to have been over 20.00O.0W. There is a lady by the name of Dennett, residing in PituSeld. Mass., who is youngest of twenty-eight children, and is Lt rsclf the mutber of fourteen. Patrick Fleming, lj murder in t'hic), Kill his I dy tor tor a new em: of ctathe'S t 'h. death fur to a Ijc hun in. Hon. F E. Spinner, the Cnitt-1 States Treasurer, has received a letter eimtaining fifteen dollars from a lady, who presented it to him as her contribution towurl liqi.idat i ; the war debt. Coaiptrolki Ciark of tuc Currency Bu reau has decided tliat Iadit-s cannot act as Directors of National B-nVs, as the hwsdo not rtcr-gnixe them as eitix'.na. Eft rL have been uudt ') oxp I Ti: ua D'Arry McGee Fr ,m tue St. Patrii-k's Socie ty at Montreal, beexu-c 1 t.ppsawr to the Fenians. The bill rrmavin fna clgr 1 M-irou the disability to testify in courU jt justice, now before the Indiana legislature, has passed to its second r-ading. The Mobile and Ohio railsoH from Cor inth south has been taken possession of by the Government for transportation of govern ment cjttoa, large qcantitit s i which w-re stolen. A young minister, Mr. B. F. Perkins, was ordained as a missionary at Andorrr tbe other day. and immediately after receiving tbe right hand of fellowship from his brother ministers, received the right hand -J fellow ship from a young lady, who gave hers to him for life. Jarr. Davis FaniLT Tbe Davie family are living in this city, (Montreal,) and in poor circumstance. It onsiatx ol Mrs. Howell. Miss Howell and "Willy" Davis. Margaret Davis 11 at the Sacred Heart Con vent, and young Jeff. Davis is at tbe college t luenoxville. 1 uZ to the sudden fall to nothing cT tbe rebel p.,vr nMM7 tb ramily found them selves five ,'onnuid dollars less in funds than they cxpeeaed w ue, ana were in vonse- quence very much much so that thry ha 4 to leave a house wbeie tho jhargc for livii. C . . " 'till inulW law anotoer one wucre n in Mrs. Howell is n fine, old womJ f J focr years of age, tall and stately. Mim Howell is a fine, tall young woman, tn Southern in bik, Ac Sbc is rather tail & look well. Master William Davis is a fine boy ot'fonr years or more ol age. Ue looks a little like his f ither, the nose promising to be aquiline. Has forehead is n very good one. Of Miss Margaret Ihivis and Maoter Jef ferson Oavis very little is seen in this city. They arc both described as fine children, the girl being nine years of age and tbe boy about seven, the latter resembling his father in some features. As nuv be imagined, the family are very warm on matters uf the late rebel cause. The young lady is particularly so ; and tbe two boys, with boyish boldness, speak very freely. All tbe family attend the Episcopal church, going to tbe cathedral (tbe faahion nhle e.-crcli here. Montreal Cor. iV. 1. Herald. The Loud Mavob's Show. It Las been customary in London for tbe Lord Mayor to give a grand dinner, after his ridiculous pro-e-cs-i n Mi.d been heartily laughed at in the ftre.-ti.. ( )ne -r two men in full armor can- ; ctnily -t j id ne-ar the l.jrd Mayor, bat this . tr.r t!. 1 or. in arm r were not in their ae oi.stnitii .1 1 l.ices. On inquiry, it was ascer tained a man in nrm'T list year got j -jtrcuu.! elevated, r.r.d Mt d iwn on an al j deruinn, when the al.ienu.i:: ' 'jtaincd an or I W to .-iipj rtss mon in arm, r. Freiici'. , PeroiiuDo I ii n.o ii.i: v c.t With hunger, t !d 'n fhim. 1P 'bat ihe miik U lait .v v j iu uuu uij urea.i u pain l My wordless woe 'tis vain to til! When crn salt beotmos a sc! ' A cabliago lie id is hut a cli. c. My honev it di-gu;sl in miel : For water I must swuil'iir t.iu The town I find d..sUi.l jp . .".. ' I grumtle at the I roil I tik. Like old John Rogers at bis s'ake. A word to yon, my reader friends, I'm forced to tell it eutre nous. No language but the Freru h c in 1 :i 1 An old enchantment to th? vic ix The truest word of all Iheir nuts Is. silly people are the s t-.. Coulvg to K.1UE10U. We ore advised that iitnop iiopKins ot ciinotit. is coming to luiieipjrat an early day and that he propo ses delivering a serieH if luturo.i for chaiit ablc objects on su bjec: as the eitii n-i may indicate as the nut dctiratle. ThU itne: ablo man of God, i? one i" the iiist nu-n in thectwntry. and lesetcre- frjia hi.n un any topic vrould bo of tho first interest.- Paki'ih (-V. C.) Progress. The Ntw I'oek Canals, which have had a very busy Fall Season, closed Tuesday. 1 Grand Isle County is a contestant for the Ijoati.m of tho State Reform School, and e Jfers some peculiar advantages in its) retired 1 , itiin and facilities lor keeping the young iiffmdir- fro running away. Cold It isf iatcd tbat tbe Government I .i- - ! in New York since last iVcdasday. 'J-. :"!!iione worth of gold. Police Court. Ik f re Recorder Head Wednesday morn ing, John Mullics was fined $10 and costs f ir selling liquor. ."Vt'lVS Oi fllC U'CVia. Bv TeltsrrnpU Ntw York, Dec. S. ) riterday wns generally observed Tbe woatber was hemblr disagreeabie, with rain and sleet and snow." Waanusomv, Die. S The i. hr, inkle leads off this morning with a struuj; editorial in favor of tbe admission ol li e renncssee delegation t) OwgrcJ''. The President and some of the lenditsic mem bers favor the movement, and it ia now cer tain that fie first issue bet, re that body will bo made over the Tenn. delegation It is reported tbat Mr. Uoilax favors the admission of claimants from that State. Gen. PomcruT baa another batch oi news lrom Mexico, but it is hardly to be trusted. lt represents that tbe Liberal sense is gaining ground. The Scaatorial can cue on reoonstroetioQ baa had no remit as yet except to chow s diversity of opinion. Gen. Banks's friends think bo wiU be chairman of the U use Com. of Foreign Re lations. Mr. Hooper will ptobably take bis old place or tbe ways and means com. Many members have csJled on tbe Presi dent to-day. lUuraX. Dee. S. Steamer Asia from Liverpool Nor. tb, via tjuesnatown 26th, has arrived Loxbos, No. 25. The Paris exiTCpoocient of tbe Globe smya that the Spanish minis try hare decided to back .Mit ot tbe Chilian a flair. The Spanish Admiral baa been ordered to suspend opera tions. Stephens tbe Fenian Head Centre of Ire land has not yet been re-captured. New Tobx, Dec. 9. Paris Correspondence says Legal docu ments win soon be pnbliehed showing the hat of Eogtiab rebel Vxjoeiholciers whieh baa bee n given to the public was in the main correct. Tbe list is divided into two cusses, those w!k drew interest on their bonds, and thsc who did not but were content to wait the establishment of the Southern confedera cy before making any claims upon tbe funds. Niw Yok, Dec. 8. The resolutions introduced in tbe Senate on Wednesday, have If.-en incorrectly inter preted as having special reference to employ ees in the Treasury Department, but tbey arc dire --lei against that class of officials who c mid d it take tbe prescribed oath, and those who were appointed witbont warrant of 1st v.'. This includes among others, some of the Prjvisional Governors appointed by the President. Xiw Toss, Dee. 8. u. s. fo or si iori-rjso 9715,20 of '621021 of 4 iei, of 10,40b 13J. WasnucoTaK, Dee. 9. u u. Butler's resignation was insisted up- i i.n I y I im on account of Urn. urantv se , urc comments opera hat milHnrjr eondoet in 1 his repjrt. PuIitKS bad nothing whatevrr ! to do with it. It is said tbat Butler will soon reply to ' Grant. it is currently reported nere that a Hew ngiad Senator yesterday nrged the Prest deut to uso bjs patronage for tbe purpose of crowding turough his reconstruction pbxns. lt is alleged that Collectors have been ap r.dntedin tbe South who cannot take the oath ot loyalty prescribed by law. This was tbe cause of ben. Sumner's resolution of in quiry, relative to omseboldera. The crowd at tbe President's boose is large to-day. A number of Southern Con gressmen elect are now here. The Tennessee defcgatioB are very confi dent that they will be admitted early in January. New Yoax, Dec. 9 Brig.-Gen. Martindsle has been brave tted Maj.-Gen. Dispatches for Minister Bwrliagame will be prepared in n lew day, when he will sail at once lor China. LocnrviLLX, Dee. S. Ti Collector of Internal Revenue ia vi gorously enforcing tbe law rrejninnp stamps upon dtay-tiekrts. coal-tickets, ana other receipts fiw the delivery ot property, tie bus also seized toe stuck and eJoseda agar ma nufactory for lal-e return ot goods made and aold, and improperly keeping tbe required book The Presbyterian congregations oi this city held united meeting to-day in aid of Southern ministers. WniN(nw, Dee. II. It is expected that there will be s livery debate in tbe Senate on tho Thnd Stevens' joint resolutions this afternoon, but it may possibly be rxwlroned. A Maesnebnsctte member had an interview with tbe President Saturday. Tke latter said that be hoped that CVmgreas and the Executive could harmonise, but he despaired of it if surh men as Tbad. Stevens were to lead. It scents that tbe President baa inter preted the joint resolutions ns being aimed him. There a heavy lobby here to procure a renewal i.f the Reciprocity Treaty. Secre tary MeCuUoch is strongly opposed to a re newal. Gen. Grant has just arrived from tbe South. There is something or a dutpospioa to give way in radical quarters on tbe reconstruction burwess, and the prospect of tbe Tennessee Jekgalioii arc better for an early admission. Nsw York, Deo. 11. Senator Nye will to-day introduce a bill Disfranchising all who voluntarily took the oath of allegiance to the Southern Confed eracy. The cul ired men's petition asking for suf frage in ti.e District of Columbia is ready for submission t Congress. It has over 7,000 ignatures. The question of tbe aduiuMon ef the Ten nessee RepresenUtives elect will probably be- "uuini np in ine tinuse xo-eiav. 1 Reiiahle official information his Vcn ie-eeivod-by Gen. Howard which exi; inerd:es cn. Wilson ia bin menagemcnt of freedmcn ia Wilkes County, Georgia. The most out 1 raeoos conduct towarua freodmen has Icllo-.ej cd tbe removal of the military in the county named and in other parts of tbe Si its. I Hon. S. M. Pvtve, Judge of the District I Court in Wilkes Co., asked at the request of 1 the freedmcn aud respectable citiwas that ! j the; uiililary lu cent back, and Gen. Stead- 1 j man has ordered troops. Locrsviujt, Dec. 10. The gueriUu " oae armed Berry,"' was , captured yesterday near Bloomhekl and I brought here to-day. The N'a.-hville Banner contains an account of a party ot guerillas committing depreda tions on tha residents of Lsvat-nc, Tenn., and Iwlding the town an hour. Thev were finally driven out. Sew Yobk, Dec. 12. Steamer Herman Livingston from Savan nib 9th has arrived. The Georgia House of Representatives have passed a resolution ratifying tho Amendment to the Constitution aboli-hinn. slavery and tbe Senate next day. 0 A. II. Stephens peremptorily decline -can Jidacy for the U. S. Senate. C. J. Jenkins recently elected Governor of Ga sent a communication to the LegUUture on the 8th declining to be inaugurated at present and apnointins the loth of .I.,,. t'lor that purpose. He sujrsested that the immature take! a recess till then. The Savannah Herald condemns Provi sional Governor Johnson's Messa-c to the Legislature, in which be entrea'tj tlicni to effer their prejudicei1 and animosi. tics as a sacrifice on the altar of their eittn try, tlmt we may once again present the haj,. py spectacle of brothers dwelling together in unity. Tbe House instructed tho judiciary coia. to report bills giving to persons of color the righwor property, to euoand be sued aw testify in courts. A "resolution lias been introduced ia to, Lczu-Iaturc appointing commissioners to tU it Washington and ascertain what steps are ncctpsary for Georgia to secure the or-aniia-tion of tho State, and tfw rights and privil eges as citizens the United States. .New York, Dec. 12 Dublin letters or tbe 2otb ult. saj .. seenw as if the doctrines ot the Fenian ty bad eaten up the stops or tbe throne Government. It is evident that the extv among the masses of the pooplc in that cj:. try render a it equal tc ir it does n.t ei ceed tbe society of united Irishmen. If i: were not for tho exertiens of the cenem tivec, men ol every creed on tbe Island aiie-j by the Catholic clergy, Ireland would zuw be submerged in thiTblood of her people anJ of the Knglish military. Xiw Yobs, Dec. Ii Gen. Ivtlpatrick will not visit Europe as oonteHiiilateel, owing to tbe change ol Chi lean a flair". He sails for Valparaiso from New York early in January. FxASKrosT, Ky., Dec. 11. A resolution was introduced in the Sena'e to-day, to ratify tbe Constitutional Amend ment. It was kid over under tbe rules. New Yoax, Dec. 1?,. The steamship City of Boston from Liver pool 20th, via Qusenstown 30th, arrived a: 10.30 this morning;. Stephens, the Fenian Head Centre, re mained at large. It was believed that he bad got out tbe country. Ue effected hu escape by miss kejsssUtetl by some reruns in the prison. One warden is under arrest, two others have been suspended fr,m duty and the military and police are now stai .ti ed in the prison. Two war steamer left Queenstown n v. 26th inst., with the constabulary on b-ari Tbe object is unknown, but it is supposed : be connected with tbe search for Stephens The special commission for trial of t! Fenians, opened in Dublin on the 26th. The Herald saya the feeling in London relative to American affairs, is not quite sat isfactory. Advices from Spain as to the Chilian ques tion, are contradictory. The London Times is informed that the British remonstrances were promptly aci satisfactorily mt at Madrid, and indicate an early peaceful settlement. is'iw Yobk, Dec. U A correspondent says Gen. Grant bad u interview with tbe President yesterday. ui communicated tbe result of bis observauw in his Southern trip. He was everywhere respcolfully received. The majority of t . negroes were idle and retake to make ex tracts be lore Christmas, believing that 1 . -vision of property will take place at tha: time. Tbe Southerners, generally, are wi! ing to comply with any demand the Pr-.-dent might consider necessary for the roi ratioa of the Union. Loc is villi', Dec. 12 Ibe House has passed a hall retarin; all nersems to ibeir cunelitntiooal rights when ever they were de paired of then by tbe act of March, 1862. 3ew Yobk. Dec 13. 78a Is series 971 2d series 97-3d series 974 5,30s of '62 102f-ot '54 100 of -65 1H 10,44Vj9U. Boston, Dec. 13. Vt. Central 2d laMrtgs-e 22. Flour, dull Western so pern nc T,j) to 8,00 ; ecanmofi extra $S0 to 9.00 : medium J9.50 to 10,75 - Good and cbciee St. Louu $11 to 17. Corn, quiet Western mixed 102 to .H yellow 101 to 106. Oats, firm Xorthern, and Canada 6i to 63c. Rye quiet at 125. Butter 35 to 4S. Cheese 17 to 30. illni'fietl. In Barliagtsa, Nov. 3Bth by Kev. Ur. Canua. I. B. Tate of bmcerTm, aad Sophia X AUari oCWmsosU, la talseltjr. Da C,VyRr.lA. L Coeptr John Ptgwnaad MlatMilUa AaUrv, botk ot Bv liagtoa. ta Jericho,, by the Rar. II. e'. E B.B.Kaa,tEa , amtMIss mnrfcP attl;ui of Jericho. At the residence of Mr. sad Mrs. J. W. Peck, ' Xasmu Stmot, Brooklyn, N. V. oa Thursday ci' Nevwbar lath, ISS3, Mrs. M. Jaany DauVrth, ' of Cot J. B. DaaJortb Jr. o( Rock buuvi, IUin a 3d 31 ysars. At the rastdenee of her son aear PivtsstM i:-- aatarcar thsof Novatabar, Mr. Locia H"': -" the 5 year of baraga. 7ns ilsesasad former ' " aidad at Barliogtoa, Vt, la Pariahville, . Y., Vox. 27, Ml-' u ' 3c, aged 4. She was aative of H aboard tor. Vt.. tad i ' ' amny years maiatamsd a consistent Cbrs- In Shalbara. roi b, 136T-, LoeUa 0 roungjatt oa of R. II. Raad. s-ad 30 yean- KING'S l'e Lain GRAY HAIR. This is the Ajtsnosu that Ess This Is the Cere that lay Ia the Ajibbosta Uat Kiajsui- Thi u tie Minwho wm tJ 131 T,Vho now lia riven locks, tS7 " ' He used tbe Care ttat lay ,. Ia the Ambeosli Uat Elnj This 13 the Maiden, naadxoo- VTho'nurried the man ooev "5 WTMnoTT has riven locks. 'htA"' lie used the AMBBOSU ttut nude. Tliij is the rarson.wbo. by Married the maiden, baal To 1? man onee bald and Eat who now has riven ionjJ. nccaasc he nsed tho Care tht U Ia the AJIBEOSU. that Eiag nu- i) TIUjljthcEeUthitruv:rr ETo aronw the peopla fti. j- k - l nto mis o, Cst the Mix osu mat Bu3 H.TUBBS 6 CO, FRSPRinciS, Petesscso' ,11 j-O W PRICES that wUl "jJJ ElBESTi ' 'Sill