of the President, where the war is shown just, on our part, and unavoidable without a sacrifice of our nation- ' ll,rigl.m and national honor; and so far as New Hamp shire is concerned, the war shall and will be sustained until it shall resultin an honorable and successful ter mination. . Resolved, That as Americans, we feel proud of the courage and gallantry of our army in Mexico, where they have established, for indomitable courage and per- Severance, a reputation which has never been sur- ‘ Ppassed. Pl \ | -+ Resolved, That we do hope congress will make liber al provisiofl for the brave men who are mnow perilling their lives and health in the defence of their country’s rights, so that after they have served out their time, they, their wives and their children, may have a home free from poverty, where they can enjoy the rich bless m%g; freedom they are so ready to defend. : £ ved, That New Hampshire shall be trium\,\hant ly and successfully redecemed from the disgraceful posi tion in which she is now placed, and that the Rocking ham Councillor District shall not be found wanting in the effort requisite for that purpose. Resolved, 'That we welcome to our ranks those honest democrats who at the last election by deceptive means and false issues, were placed antagonistical to the dem -Qeratic part{ and basely betrayed to federalism, who mow from all parts of the State, following the example of the Lyman democrats, perceiving the gross decep ‘tion practised upon them are denouncing their deceiv | ‘ers and becoming hearty co-laborers in the democratic | -cause. : ’ Resolved, That we highly approve and will cordially l :support the nomination of Hon Jared W. Williams for ‘ ‘Governor ; that ‘'we have the fullest confidence in his integrity, ability and democracy, and with the aid of | vzt_lr democratic friends throughout the State, will élect him. The convention was addressed by Messrs Jenness ofl Portsmouth, Kittredge of Newmarket, George of Con Also Brass -and Wood Clocks of various pat terns. 3mis Sept. 24. FRESH HERBS. A LARGE and complete assortment for sale at HOLMAN & THACHER'S, Corner of Market and Daneel streets. Dec, 17. SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! ! FOR SALE.—Just finished in superior style and from the best materials, a lot of SLEIGHS at BECK’S Carriage Factory, No. 80 State street. Dec. 31. i T : DRY GOODS SELLING OFF, - AT REDUCED PRICES, at eul D Jan. 12. WM. J. LAIGHTON'S, 13 Market-street. To the Honorable Judge of Probate in and for the County of Rockingham : e THE undersigned heirs at law and legatees of DAN IEL HUNTRESS, formerly of Portsmouth,'in said county, deceased, testate, respectfully represent that said Huntress, named WILLIAM SHAW, DANIEL I. HUNTRESS and BENNING MORRELL execu tors of his last will and testament; that said Shaw and said Daniel I. Huntress accepted said trust and act ed as such executors ; but that said Shaw and . Morrell have deceased, and said Daniel I Huntress has resigned his said trust, and further that said estate is not yet ful ly administered. ‘ ; Wherefore we pray your Honor that ALBERT R. HATCH, Esq., of said Portsmouth, or some other suitable person may be appointed Administrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of said Daniel Hunt ress. . : ELIZABETH TREFETHEN, : -IZETTE SHAW, : ANNA SMITH, ANNA TOWNSEND, i EDWARD T HUNTRESS, ' : : SAMUEL SPINNEY, DANIEL H. SPINNEY. - Portsmouth, Jan. 12, 1847, RockiNcuAM ss.—Probate Court at Portsmouth, in said county, January 12th, A. D. 1847. UPON the foregoing petition it is ordered; that a hearing be had thereon at the Probate Court to be holden at Portsmouth, in said county, on the third Tuesday of March next; and that the petitioner notify all persons concerned or interested therein, to appear at said Court, and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted, by causing said petition and this order, to be published three weeks succeuiveg in the New Hampshire Ga zette and Republican Union, a newsp%nted at Portsmonth, in said County, the last pub where of to be at least thirty days prior to said Court. By order of the Judge, ’ : ‘ D. A. GREGG, Register of Probate. R TIL g ¢ ,?‘:m _ i o 0 1% el : pem i iy | el GE Tl 00 o ) = e B ey N YEED T T "f e | g-:r/f’ R\ &el /A = & / P \ {/M“‘/ 2 y E - t§( % " s /\ S 5 \ = %\5 ottt 'a Wy A 8 s o NS EESEIEN =S J P. PLUMER, from Baltimore, has opened rooms » for the reception of visitors at (?()NGRLSS HALL, where he will be pleased to wait upon those who may desire . DAGUERREOTYPE MINTATURES taken in the highest perfection of the art. Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to eall and examine specimens J. P. P. will also devote a portion of his time to DESIGNING AND ENGRAVING ON WOOD. Views of Buildings, Machinery, Heads for Newspa pers, Architectural and Oynamental Drawings, designed and engraved to order. Specimens of Designing and Engraving may be seen as above. Dec. 17, istf, PTANOS ! PIANOS!! TI{ODIAS P.MOSES, Organisi and Teacher of M usic, IS Agent for Messrs. T. GILBERT & CO.,Boston, and ofters PIANO. FORTES for sale which shall in ev ery particular give satisfaction to the purchaser. Mvr. Moses has now for sale at his Musie Room, No. 4, Lxchange Buildings, a superb F2OLIAN PIANO FORTE, whichhe will warrant to be of superior tone, touch and finish. Price $350. The Aolian Pianos need only be introduced into the parlor, and their enchanting music will not fail to dis pel every prejudice and false representation against them. Of scveral hundreds manufactured and sold by Messrs Gilbert & Co. not one Piano has ever been return ed from dissatisfaction, although the purchaser has the privilege to do so and receive the money paid, after a year’s trial if dissatisfied.. Mr M. has also a very handsome German made Piano of perfect touch and brilliant tone, purchased ten years ago, at the cost of $360, which he is permitted to offer now at the low price of slso—the owner desiring to purchase a new and higher priced instrument. T. P. M. fecling ever a strong attachment to the home of his nativity, With not a wish his feet again shall stray To other clime, in search of sunnier day, would improve this moment to say, that he is never un mindful of the many favors bestowed on him, and the very liberal patronage he has received in Portsmouth, his native place. His terms of instruction in Musie are, for Organ or Piano, $8 per quarter of 24 lessons—for private lessons on the Flute, $8 per quarter—for single admission tickets at his Singing Schools, 24 lessons, $1 only. ts Dee. 10. PORTRAIT PAINTING. TO THE PUBLIC. Thke subscriber grateful for the liberal patronage he has received since his loca tion in town, begs leave to inform the public that in consequence of his engagements elsewhere, he must necessarily close up his business here in a few weeks. Those who wish to avail themselves of the present time of obtaining a correct LIKENESS, will do well to call at his rooms soon, No. 28, Market-street, where they will have an opportunity to examine specimens of the art. J. TREADWELL, Portsmouth, Sept. 24, 1846. N. B. A Likeness may be taken after death if appli cation is made immediately. Terms reasonable. FURNITURE, FEATHERS, &C. AT 35 MARKET STREET. “AIIOGANY FURNITURE, viz: Bureaus, Sofas, _L Couches, Ottomans, Divans, Tabarays, French Rocking Chairs, Sewing and Working do., Parlor Chairs, French Bedsteads, Secretaries and Book Cases, Dress Tables and Washstands, Sinks, Centre Tables, Tea and Breakfast do.. Work do., Tray do., &e. &c. STAINED AND PAINTED FURNITURE ; Bed steads, Cradles, Tables 3, 3 1-2 and 4 feet long, about 20 different kinds of Chairs, embracing nearly all the ikinds to be found in the N. E. Market, Toilets and Stands, and Work Tables. Comprising all the articles to be found at an establishment of this kind. A large assortment of Feathers of all the various kinds, also a_large lot of Looking Glasses, with Hair, Hair Cloth, Palm leaf and Husks. Also a good supply of Cotton Mattrasses, which are now much in use, very low, being dircet from the man ufacturer. Also, Mahogany Boards, Planks, Joists and Ve neers, and Cherry Boards and Planks. House, -Ship and Furniture Carving and Turning done with neatness and despatch. Old patrons will please accept my thanks and con tinue their favors, and new ones call and satisfy them selves that this is the place to buy. . Dec. 10, 1846. E. M. BROWN. » - > - LAMP AND FANCY GOODS STORE. OUSIIMAN & WALKER would respectfully inform the citizens of Portsmouth and vicinity that they have taken the store No. 1 PEDUZZI BLOCK, cor ner of Congress and High streets, where they have opened an assortment of SOLAR AND OTHER LAMNMPS, and a great variety of FANCY ARTICLES, consist ing of Work Boxes, Cologne Stands, Card and Cigar Cases, Ladies’ Companions, Portfolios, Purses, Pocket Books, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Gold and Cornelian Finger Rings, Steel Rings and Tassels, Bag and Purse Clasps, Chess Men, Dominoes, Back Gam mon Boards, Battledores, and a great variety of Games for the Holidays, consisting of the following, viz: Dr. Busby, Game of Heroes, What do you Buy, Golden Egg, Merry Game of Odd Figures, Game of the Rev olution, American Eagle, Mansion of Happiness, A B C, Historical Cards, Game of Kings, Merry Cards or a trip to China, and a variety of others too numerous to particularize. They will also keep STATIONERY AND CUTTLERY, among which may be found, Fancy Note Paper, Note and Card Envelopes, of the pretticst and most fash ionable styles ; Knives aad Scissors, of the best qual ity. Also, Warren's drilled eyed Needles, now consid ered the best in use. C. & W. having made arrangements with one of the hest Lithographic Establishments in Boston, for the Engraving and Printing of Visiting and Business Cards, will take orders for them to be done at Boston prices. They have a book of samples, from which those who may wish to order can sclect their patterns. N. B. At the same place, Mr. DunyoN retains his position and proprietorship in the Watch and Clock de partment, as formerly. He devotes his attention exclu sively to the various branches of his profession—com] prised in the ]im'chasc, sale and repair of valuable Watches, &c. Ladies and Gentlemen wishing -to pur chase Watches for their use, may confide in Mr Dun yon’s ability to select for them as beauti¥ul patterns and at as low prices as are afforded by the importers. Watches selected by him will be subject to exchange, if proved dissatisfactory. % . ) BRACKETT HUTCHINGS, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY,. Sign of the Medicine Chest and Mortar, No. 4 Market strect, Portsmouth, N. 1. EEPS constantly on hand a complete assortmen K of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicines, Fancy articles, &c. Shaving Soap in great variety—Shaving Boxes and Brushes—Razors and Razor Straps—Penknives— Wash Balls—Cologne, Lavender and Honey water.—Otto of Rose in Gilt Bottles—Rowlands’s Kalydor, for beauti fying the complexion—Macassar and Bear’s Oil, for tixe Hair—Antique Oil—Pomatum—aAtkinson’s Depil atory, for removing superfluous hair—Dyes, for chang ing red or grey hair to black or brown—Lip Salve— Clothes, Shaving, Tooth, Hair, Flesh, Nail, Comb, Ta ble and Shoe Brushes—Tooth Powder and Wash— Hair Powder—A prime lot of Ivory and Horn Combs —An elegant assortment of Perfumery, &ec. &e., with a great variety of other articles. Every article warrant ed of the first quality. Constant attendance, All fa vors gratefully received. : Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully attended to. Medicine Chests pat up and replenished at short no tice. : All the above articles, with others on hand, will be sold as low as can be bought in this town or elsewhere, of the same quality. R I WG S DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE connexion in business hitherto existing under the firm of MOSES & GREENLEATF, proprietors and publishers of the New Hampshire : Gazette, is by mutual consent this day dissolved. ~ All persons having demands against said firmr are requested to present them for settlement ; all indebted by note or account are requested to make paymént to GEORGE GREENLEAF. SAMUEL W. MOSES. » . GEORGE GREENLEAF. Portsmouth, Jan. 18, 1847, = : DENTISTRY. DR. RYDER may be found at his Room m mouth the following months : January, F ' Agil, May, Julfl,eAugug Qctober and November. = ortsmouth, December 3, 1848,