OCR Interpretation

The New Hampshire gazette and Republican union. [volume] (Portsmouth, N.H.) 1847-1852, January 26, 1847, Image 3

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of the President, where the war is shown just, on our
part, and unavoidable without a sacrifice of our nation- '
ll,rigl.m and national honor; and so far as New Hamp
shire is concerned, the war shall and will be sustained
until it shall resultin an honorable and successful ter
mination. .
Resolved, That as Americans, we feel proud of the
courage and gallantry of our army in Mexico, where
they have established, for indomitable courage and per-
Severance, a reputation which has never been sur- ‘
Ppassed. Pl \ |
-+ Resolved, That we do hope congress will make liber
al provisiofl for the brave men who are mnow perilling
their lives and health in the defence of their country’s
rights, so that after they have served out their time,
they, their wives and their children, may have a home
free from poverty, where they can enjoy the rich bless
m%g; freedom they are so ready to defend. :
£ ved, That New Hampshire shall be trium\,\hant
ly and successfully redecemed from the disgraceful posi
tion in which she is now placed, and that the Rocking
ham Councillor District shall not be found wanting in
the effort requisite for that purpose.
Resolved, 'That we welcome to our ranks those honest
democrats who at the last election by deceptive means
and false issues, were placed antagonistical to the dem
-Qeratic part{ and basely betrayed to federalism, who
mow from all parts of the State, following the example
of the Lyman democrats, perceiving the gross decep
‘tion practised upon them are denouncing their deceiv |
‘ers and becoming hearty co-laborers in the democratic |
-cause. : ’
Resolved, That we highly approve and will cordially l
:support the nomination of Hon Jared W. Williams for ‘
‘Governor ; that ‘'we have the fullest confidence in his
integrity, ability and democracy, and with the aid of |
vzt_lr democratic friends throughout the State, will élect
The convention was addressed by Messrs Jenness ofl
Portsmouth, Kittredge of Newmarket, George of Con
<ord, Hill of Concord, Osgood of Concord, Coffin of
Portsmouth, and Robinson of Concord. 5
The following resolution wa§ presented by Mr Kit
tredge of Newmarket, and unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That'we cordially approve of the nomina
tion made this day for Councillor, that we will give him (
our hearty support, and that we will elect him. g |
~ On motion of Mr Osgood of Concord, voted that the
thanks of this convention be presented to the proprie
#ors of this house, for their kindness in allowing us to
<occupy it for the purposes of this convention.
On motion of Mr Osgood of Concord, voted that the
<delegates of the present meeting be authorized and re
quested to call primary meetings for the choice of dele
gates -to attend the next Councillor convention for this
Voted, That the thanks of the convention be pre
sented to the officers for the able and acceptable man
ner in which they have dischargd their duties.
Voted, That the proceedings of this convention be
signed by the officers and published in the democratic
papers of this State. : ‘
SAM’t MArsHALL, } el Jorests,
ar,: II; }Sl;tl,;x:n, } Secretaries.
SATURDAY, Jan. 16.—1 n the Senate. Mr Han
negan, from the committee on roads and canals, re-
Yorted a bill to extend the national road to Alton,
llinois, in accordance with the motion of Mr.
Mr Benton introduced a bill authorizing grants
of land to soldiers now serving in the war in Mex
ico. Mr B. moved to suspend, with the usual meth
od of reference, and proceed at once to the consid
eration of the proposition.
A long discussion here ensued as to whether the
bill should be read a second time or not.
On motion of Mr Clayton, the bill was finally
postponed, by the casting vote of the Vice-Presi
dent. ,
The army bill was next taken up—the question
pending being Mr Badger’s substitute for Mr Cam
eron’s amendment, granting land to non-commis
sioned officers and privates.
- A brief conversational debate here arose, when,
.on motion of Mr Benton, the bill was recommitted
to the committee on Military Affuirs, with instruc
tions to report a section granting one hundred and
sixty acves of land to all non-commissioned oflicers
and privates now serving in the Mexican war.
The Senate then went into Executive session, |
and immediately after adjourned. . |
In the House, a bill was introduced, read twice |
and referred to the proper comnittee, establishing
-additional post roads in Texas. |
The Oregon Territorial bill was taken up. |
Mr Hamfin took the floor in opposition to the ex
tension of slavery, and advocated the right of the
general government to prohibit slavery in newly
-acquired territories.
Mr Bowden of Ala., followed, and contended
ithat the general government possessed no inherent
.power uot expressly delegated by the States.
Mr Brodhead inquired where, then, the govern
:ment obtained the power to acquire territory at
Mr Thompson of Pa., and Mr MecDaniel of Mo.,
«continued the debate.
The bill finally passed, 133 to 35.
Sundry communications from the President rela
‘tive to the War, Treasury, and Post Oflice Depart
iments, were received and laid on the clerk’s table.
~ The House then adjourned.
- MoxpAY, Jan. 18.—In the Seunte, the Vice-
President appointed Gen. Cass a regent of the
~Smithsonian Institute.
Mr - Sevier presented his instructions from the
legislatare of Arkansas, against the payment of the
claims on the French Spoliations.
€ 5% bill to create the office of Surveyor Gener
zal b= Aregon, and to grant a donation of land to
-settlers therein, was ordered to be engrossed for
.the third reading. :
The Senatc went into executive session and
ithen adjourned.
In the House, Mr Preston King moved the sus
;pension of the previous orders with a view to ena
:g!ee him-to introduce his two million bill, which was
Jost, yeas 50, nays 160.
" On motion of Mr Houston, the House went into
.committee of the whole, Mr. Mcleland in the
«chair. :
~_The bill to increase the pay of non-commissioned
_officers and privates, regulars and volunteers, two
«ollars per month, and to give a hundred and sixty
.- acres of bounty land, was taken up.
An amendment was offered, making the increase
‘t‘):dpay three dollars per month, which was adop-
Other amendments were proposed, and a long
discussion ensued. The committee rose.
‘Mr Hungerford had leave to introduce a bill to
provide for the deposit of monies, received from
customs and public lands, in the treasury, and the
ppayment of persons engaged in collecting the same,
and for other purposes.
Tuespay, Jan. 19. In the Senate, Mr Sevier,
from the committee on foreign relations, reported a
il appropriating $3,000,000 to be placed at the
«lisposal of the f’rcsi«lent, to enable him to bring
dhe war to a specdy termination, and asked the
«onsideration of the bill at an early day.
Mr Benton, from the military committee, report
«ed back the army bill with amendments, granting
Jand to non-commissioned officers, musicians and
privates, serving twelve months during the war.
Mr Berrien moved to add, and to officers and
volunteers. Lost, 26 to 26, the Vice President vo
ting no.
Pending further amendments, the Senate adjd.
In the House, the bill to increase the pay of the
regulars and’ volunteers was taken up, debated and
referred to a select committee. .
Debate followed on Mr Ingersoll’s resolution to
Ex;t 5000 copies of the report of last session on
ican relations. :
Replies were received from several of the de
partments in answer to calls.
The Indian appropriation bill was further dis
cussed in committee of the whole.
-The House then adjourned. :
Wznum&!.:dhz 20.~1n the Sel:ht:e, a mem
?d'v ~was presen r inquiry into th riet
employing conviet labor in the M’l::gon Oyf
the Tfirabmm Institute. 'Nd‘tbe ‘
bill for the increase of the army coming up,
an flopte& by a vote of 29 0 15,
. ting 150 acnes of land for one ‘{::t’l service in
f:' war, and 80 scres for less than a year's ser
mw proposed. an. mfhfiltrfi}l’ the
s . Tl e T e s
the printing of 5000 copies of the report of the
committee on foreign affairs, made at the last ses
sion on Mexican affairs, was adopted.
Bills were reported making appropriations for
revolutionary pensioners: for West Point Acade
my ; for pension agencies; for the Mississippi and
other rivers; for the publication of Jefferson's
The birl carrying into effect the Chinese treaty
was read twice.
A resolution was adopted calling on the Presi
dent for the names of members of congress serv
ing in the war.
The bill authorizing the states to tax the public
lands after sale, and the Indian appropriation bill
were read and passed.
The house then went into committee on the na
vy appropriation bill. It was debated by Messrs
Culver, gawyer and others.
TrURSDAY, Jan. 21.—1 n the Senate, sundry
bills were received from the House and referred.
The resolution heretofore offered by Mr John
son of Maryland, directiug the Secretary of the
Treasury to report respecting the recent transfer
of the public money from the Atlantic States to
New Orleans, or the army in Mexico—how it was
done and at what cost; and also to report whether
the sub-treasury is not calculated to prevent the
obtaining of a loan, and whether it ought to be re
pealed, came up for consideration. |
Mr Huntington suggested to modify the resolu
tion, so as to call on the President for the first in
formation, and to omit calling for the second, which
Mr Johnson accepted. :
Before taking the question upon the resolution
as modified, the army bill was taken up.
A long debate ensued upon the amendments,
relative to appointing Chaplains. '
The amendment was modified so as to'make the l
chaplains of volunteer regiments elective, and fix
ing the pay at one thousand dollars per annum, and
two rations per day, and forage for one horse.
Mr Houston then offered an amendment, chang
ing the troops from regular to volunteers, making
all officers elective, and requiring the President to
commission them. : :
With a view of having the floor for to-morrow,
he moved an adjournment, which was carried.
In the House, a personal explanation took place
between Messrs Sawyer and Culver.
The former pledged himself to prove that Mr
Culver endeavored to obtain in a dishonorable
manner, from certain Lodges, secrets for publica
tion. -
- Mr Culver pronounced the statement a false
‘hood, and that if compelled to fight, he should in
sist, as the challenged party, on the choice of wea
l The House went into Committee of the Whole,
Mr Tibbatts in the chair, on the Treasury note and
tand bill.
~ Mr Crozier addressed the committee in opposi
‘tion to the administration, and in defence of Gen.
Taylor. :
On motion of Mr Rathburn, the committee rose,
and he offered a resolution to close the debate at 3
- The resolution was adopted by a vote of 107 to
- DJd.
~ Again the Ilouse went into Committee of the
Whole, and Mr Giles spoke until 3 o’clock.
Sundry amendments, unimportant in themselves,
were adopted.
Several amendments were offered, viz: to pro
hibit skavery in new territory, to repeal the tariff of
1846, to impose an additional duty on articles now
taxed, to levy a duty on tea and coffee.
The amendments were lost, or declared not to be
in order. :
The bill was then reported to the House, and the
amendments concurred in and passed, by ycas and
nays, 166 to 22.
A communication was received from the Presi
dent, relative to Wisconsin.
Fripay, Jan. 22.—1 n the Senate, the ten regi
ment bill came up. Gen, louston offered his a
mendment for volunteers instead of regulars. He
said he had never entertained but one opinion in
regard to the war, and it was this, that Mexico
would never accept terms of peace, until she felt
the calamities of -war. IHer inclination for peace
must be the result of her necessities. Tt was left
for us to carry on the war in such a manner as to
compel her to make peace.
Mr Allen offered a substitute for Mr IHouston’s
project ; providing for raising ten thousand volun
teers in addition to the ten regiments.
Mr Allen said it was high time that Congress
had begun to act, in relation to the extraordinary
circumstances in which the country was placed.
He would predict, from his knowledge of the Amer
ican heart that the procrastination of Congress
would create a general sympathy for the President.
The people were for prosecuting the war and they
would condemn Congress for not infusing vigor in
to the war, and sustaining the President. The non
‘action of Congress would create the impression up
‘on the enemy that the waris to limp and linger
‘along; that we would be at peace with Mexico,
~while Mexico is at war with us. Nothing would
‘enable us to make a peace but to stack our arms in
i the capital of Mexico and then treat.
l Mr Crittenden thought a regular force was ne
cessary to carry on a foreign war, as formidable as
the Mexican war had proved to be. He was wil
’ ling to give the President all the supplies he want
“ed for the prosecution of the war.
i The bill was further debated by Messrs. Cass,
Crittenden, luntington, R. Johnson and others;
‘and many amendments were suggested.
~_ Mr Houston’s amendment was rejected, 14 to 28.
The Senate adjourned at 1-4 to 7 until Monday,
without further action on the bill.
i In the House, Mr Boyd, from the select commit
tee to whom was referred the Bill to inerease the
i pay of regulars and volunteers reported an-amend
‘atory Bill which was read twice and referred to the
Committee of the Whole, and made the special or
“der for Monday.
~ Mr Stephens, of Geo., asked leave to introduce a
) Joint resolution declaring that war against Mexico
is not waged with a view to the conquest or dis
'memberment of any portion of her territory ; that
it is the desire of the United States to terminate
hostilities on terms honerable to both parties; em
‘bracing liberal sentiments on our part on questions
growing out of the proper and rigHtt'ul boundary of
Texas, and the full recognition thereof on her part,
~and proper provision for the payment of the just
‘claims of our citizens,"~the whole to be adjusted
by negotiation, instituted according to the estab
lished forms of each Government respectively. Ob--
jection being made to receive the resolution, Mr
Stephens moved a suspension of the rules, and de
‘manded the yeas and nays—yeas 76, nays 88. The
House refused 72 to 108 to go into the Committec
of the Whole on the State of the Union.
After some action on private bills, the House ad-
SATURDAY, Jan. 23.—The Scnate was not in
session, v
In the House, the Fexan post road bill was de
bated, and the subject of Texan Boundaries was
incidentally discussed.
“An amendment declaring that the Act did not
express the opinion of Congress as to boundary,
was rejected ;63 to 97. The Bill passed by a
vote of 115 to 50. . 5
T}le only news of interest from our army receiv
ed since our last, consists of despatches from Gen
eral 'l‘;!{‘o!‘ at Monterey, Dec. 22, representing that
he had left that place on the 15th for Victoria, and
was joined at Montemorelos on the 17th, by the 8d
infantry and 2d regiment of Tennessee, foot from
Camargo, and it .was intended to march with the
whole force (3500 men) on the 19th for Vietoria;
but receiving a despatch from General Worth that
Santa Anna was approaching to attack Saltillo, the
General returned to Monterey with the regular
force, in order to be in a position to reinforee Sal.
tillo if necessary. The volunteers under General
Quitman, reinforced by a field battery, were order
ed to continue their march and effect a junction
with Gen. Pattérson at Victoria.
- In the meantime Gen. Butler and Gen. Wool, be
ing advised by Gen. Worthof a probable attack up
on his ‘Kgsition moved rapidly to }(:m him with all the
available force at Parras and. Monterey, while or
ders were despatched by Gen. Butler to hasten up
troops from the rear, * The latter General proceed
ed in person to Saltillo, and assumed command,
agreeably to instructions which had been given by
Gen. Taylor before his departure, to meet a case
like this.
Gen. Taylor had proceeded beyond Montemg
on his way to Saltillo, when he was met on the 20t
by a despatch from the post, announcin{; the early
arrival of Gen. Wool's column, and also that the
expected concentration and movement of the Mex
ican troops upon that position had not taken place
—indeed, that their advanced posts had been rath
er withdrawn. Deeming the force there and soon
to be at Saltillo quite sufficient to repel any dem
onstration at. this season from San Luis Potosi, Gen.
Taylor did not think it worth while to throw for
ward Gen. Twiggs’ division to that place, and after
resting it a day, designed putting it again in march ;
for Victoria, to which point he was to proceed
himself. l
Gen. Patterson was supposed to be then well on
his march from Matamoros to Victoria, when his
division, except the Alabama rangers (in garrison
at Tampico) will be bronght together. ~With a
force holding in observation the passes from Tula, ‘
the garrison at Tampico may be reduced with ad
vantage to the service. '
News has been received from Vera Cruz to the 2d
inst., and from the city of Mexico to the 31st ult. San
ta Anna had been clected President by two majority.
We glean the following facts from a letter dated “ Ha
vana,Jan. 7,” and published in the Washington Union .
Santa Anna was at San Luis on the 25th ultimo,
with, report said, twenty thousand troops, but in
fact, only about fifteen thousand, and that he talk
ed of marching on“to Saltillo; that the Congress
was made up of anything but the better part of the
community, and, in fact, were composed of what is
called in Mexico, sans culottes, who had nothing to
lose, and of course they were for war ; that Congress
had agreed to a loan of one million dollars. The
clergy were opposed to it, and it was thought even
that amount could not be obtained. If they suc
ceeded in obtaining this lean, it was to last the war
for six months.
“ Almonte had retired from the war chair, and
Canalizo had taken his seat. who was thought to be
pacifie. The wealthy citizens of Mexico, and those
who have the means of living, are for peace, but for
the moment are compelled to close their lips. Nev
ertheless they, by voting for Herrera, showed their
i feclings on the subject. The stepping aside of Al
'monte-at this moment means something that we
have yet to learn.
- “The troops in Vera Cruz are badly paid and
worse fed, numbering three thousand five hundred,
and the castle about eleven hundred, with provis
“ions only for a month at a time.
l “The information from Tumpico, received at
Vera Cruz by the last packet, m relation to the
conduct of our troops, had calmed the feelings be
fore felt towards the volunteers by the Vera Cru
zanos, 2nd they speak in the highest terms of the
American General for the measuves he took to se
cure private property and persons, and that the
excitement against the Americans at Vera Cruz
was daily subsiding. Vera Cruz was indignant
against Santa Anna and his government, which
was manifested by the r late unanimous vote for
Capeachy had again declared her nentrality, and
was marching on to the eapital (Meridi) with six
thousand troops, in order to bring her into the
measure ; and that Guatamala had claimed the state
of Tabasco, and in fact, up to the Isthmus of Dari
en, and was supporting her claim with four thou
‘sand troops, under Gen. Herrera.
LATte AND IMporTANT.—By an exclusive ex
press via Havana the New York Sun learns that
Santa Anna’s demand for eight millions of dollars
was refused by the Mexican Congress. - That body,
however, was left in secret session. It was gener
ally supposed to have under discussion the confisca
tion of the church property. The clergy, in a body,
violently opposed the measure, and threatened in
turn the excommunication of the congress, the gov
ernment and the army. :
VirciNta U. S. Sexator.—James M. Mason
was on Thursday last elected Senator from Virginia
in plaee of Mr Pennybacker, deceased, by the fol
lowing vote :—Mason 97, McDowell 19, Samuels 19,
Summers 11, and Jones 11.
Mr Mason is a democrat in politics, but voted a
gainst the Sub-Treasury at its first introduction.
Tor the cffice to which e is now called, he received
the votes of 55 Whigs and 42 Democrats, and a ma
jority of thirty votes over all others—perhaps the
largest majority given for any individual as U. S.
Senator frem Virginia.
Mr. James Brewster, aged 32 years, a worthy citizen
of York, Me., was killed on the 19th, in the ship-yard
of Capt. George Mou!ton, by the falling of a section of
a vessel's frame, called a rib, upon him, whilst moving
it on the ice.
Tue Smaxer Faminy advertise a Concert at the
Temple on Wednesday evening. Their entertainments
arc spoken of as highly amusing and instructive.
the Piscataqua House on FRIDAY EVENING next,
at 7 o'clock, A punctual and full attendanance is re
quested. Per order. Jan, 25,
BRIGHTON MARKET—Monday, Jan. 18, 1847,
. At market 350 Beef Cattle, 12 yokes Working Ox
en, 20 Cows and Calves 1260 Sheep, 330 Swine.
Prices—Dßeef Cattle—Extra, $6 ; first quality 5,50, a
5,75 : second quality 4,75 a 5,25 ; -third quality 4 a 4.50.
Working Oxen—Sales made at $65, 75, 100, a 105.
Cows § Calves.—Sales at 18, 25, 35. 40,4 45. .
Sheep.—Sales at 1,83, 2,28, 3.25, and #4,50,
Swine—~At wholesale, 3 5-8 a 4 5-8; at retail 4 and
6 cent.
In this town, by Rev. S. Ilsley, Mr. JamEs CARrEY,
of Boston, to Miss ANN ELIzABETH MiLLEr, of
Portsmouth. ‘
In Epping, Mr. John H. Carpenter to Miss Mary S.
Stickney, both of Exeter.
In Gilmanton, Mr. B. D. Cilley, of Kingston, to Miss
Sarah A. Dalton.
In Dover, Mr. Jesse Hurd, of New Durham, to Miss
Eleanor Clark, of Dover. Mr Robert N. Foss to Miss
Sarah Boody. Mr D. Clark to Miss Martha Jane
‘Hackett. #
" In South Berwick, Mr Daniel H. Jones, of Dover, to
Miss Sarah L. Twombly of South Berwick.
In Hamptonfalls, Mr Danicl Merill of Salisbury, to
Miss Lucy Batchelder, of Hamptonfalls. @
In this town, en Saturday evening last, very sudden
ly, Mr ALLEN FrßeemaN, aged 49 years.
Massachusetts papers please copy.
In Rye, Mr Dowrst Rand, aged 82 years. He lived
with his wife 59 years, and has left 5 childvén, 39 grand
children, and 13 of the 4th generation. i
In York, on the 30th ult., Edward Talpey, aged 20
years. In the death of this young man the commun
ity in which he lived have been deprived of one of its
brightest ornaments. He died as he had lived—exhib
iting the triumph of faith in the religion which he pro
fessed. ’
In Exeter, Ella Josephine Burley, aged 8 months,
daughter of Mr. Mark Burley.
In Sandown, Mrs Abigail Flanders,”aged 78.
In Stratham, a child of Mr. John Boody, aged 10
ears. 4
’ In Danville, Mrs Miriam Hook, widow of Elisha
Hook, aged 76. ¢
In Plaistow, Mrs. Sally Noyes, aged 50.
In Dover, Betty Pinkham, widow of the late Joseph
Pinkham, aged about 82. of i
In Conway, Mr Chase Taylor, son of Mr. Thomas
Ta{lor of Sanbornton, aged 41. Ty -
n Rye, Mary Brown, aged 94 years 11 months.
T S S e e e e N
t + MoxDAY, Jan, 18,
«Arr schr Wellington, Lawry, Boston. :
Schr Olive Bm't‘lgc; Sewn::ly, do.
. Ship:Fortitude, Li yfm Charleston for Havre
was qfiken lltheimt. !?;?-, lon 72, B
Schr Clio, hence, arr at New York 20th inst. g
Schr Ellen, Trefethen, arr at Norfolk 37th inst. fin
Richmond for Boston, J "
’ Schr Edward and Frank, Frisbee, arr at Norfolk 17th
inst, fm this port. ou
Bark Martha, Adams, cld at Mobile 10th inst. for
Boston. ' - .
~_ Brig James Clark, Br., McLean, fm St John, N, B,
for New York, via this port about the second msta arr
at Holmes's Hole 18th inst.
Bark Ann Parry put into Zanzibar August 26, 1846,
(with 360 bbls sperm oil,) on account of ill health of
Capt. Dennett, aud sailed again, Sept. 8, under com
mand of Abiel P. Perry, formerly mate. October sth
Capt. Dennett’s health had improved—he would not
agail} join the ship, but would probably return home in
April. ;
pShip Pactolus, Harding, was spoken 9th inst off
Double Head Shot Key, fm —— for N. Orleans.
Schr Planet, Hawes, arr at Holmes's Hole 20th inst.
for this port, :
Schr Freeman, Burton, cld at N. York 21st inst. for
this port.
THE lecture this (TUESDAY) evening, will be by
Prof. LOVERING, of Cambridge, on
These lectures are to be illustrated by large and beau
ful Paintings. %
First, on “The New Planet, with some notices of other
recent additions to the Solar System.”
SEcOND—“The Double Stars.” ;
THIRD—The construction of the Heavens.
Fourrn— Nebulee, i
Season Tickets 50 cts.—evening tickets, at 12 1-2 cts.
Doors open at 7. Lecture to commence at 71-2.
Portsmouth, Jan. 26, 1847.
AN ADDRESS will be delivered by JEREMIAH
B.YOUNG, Esq., on Wednesday evening next,
at 7 1-2 o’clock, at Rechabite Hall. : ok
The ‘Mcmbers are invited to attend, with the same
privileges of invitation as the last lecture.
January 26, 1847. ' ;
A LARGE assortment of beautiful VALENTINES,
just received from New York, by
Jan. 26. S. A. BADGER, No. 7 Exchange Buildings.
Latest News firom Mexico!
J -P. HAWKS, No 18 Market Street, takes this
o methad to return his sincere thanks for the pat
ronage heretofore received and solicits a continuancé
of the same.
J. P. H. is constantly receiving, on consignment and
otherwise, & good selection of
which he will offer soy sale a little cheaper than any
other trad¢r in Portsmouth.
*k A éloice lot of BRASS CLOCKS for sale at
$2,75, and'warranted good Time Picccs.
Portsmouth, Jan. 26. ts
AT a megting of the said corporation, held at Bris
tol on the first day of August, A. D. 1846, for the
purpose of adopting the provisions of an act entitled,
“An act torender railroad corporations public in cer
tain cases, and constituting a board of railroad com
missioners,” the said corporation passed a vote, of
which the following is a true copy of the record, viz:
“ On motion of Mr. Frederic Bartlett,
Voted, to ndopt, as a part of their charter, the pro
visions contdined in an act, passed November session,
A. D. 1844, entitled, ‘An act to render railroad corpo
rations public in certain cases and constituting a hoard
of railroad commissioners.’
‘ S. H. STEVENS, Clerk.
A true copy of record : :
Attest, S. H. STEVENS, Clerk.
Coxcorp, January 1, 1847. §
- The foregoing is a true copy of the Franklin and
Bristol railroad corporation, received and placed on
file in this office.
Attest—GEOßGE C. FOGG, Secretary of State.
January 26, 1846.
To the Serofulous and others using Sarsaparilla.
PARILLA, received this day direct from the man
nfacturer and warranted genuine. .
Dealers will be supplied at the Doctor’s wholesale
prices ;as my purchase was made for Cash, and at a
less price than it is consigned to the agents.
Sold at my Family Medicine Store, at whclesale or
retail. WM. R. PRESTON,
Jan. 26. No. 2 Congress Block.
sale by WM. SIMES, & Co.
Jan. 26. J
3 SIZES for sale by
Jan. 26. J. MORRISON.
INGS of the different qualities just received by
Jan. 26. W.J. LAIGHTON, 13 Market-St.
JANUARY 26, 1847.
JUST received a new assortment of desirable goods.
W.J. LAIGHTON, 13 Market St.
Jan. 26. WM., SIMES & CO.
THE subscriber, hereby gives notice that he has been
duly appointed administrator upon the estate of
LEONARD HOLMES, late of Boston, County of
Suffolk, and State of Massachusctts, deceased, all per
sons having demands against said Estate are requested
to present them and all indebted are requested to make
payment to JOHN BENNETT,
Portsmouth, Jan. 26, 1846. Administrator.
THE subscriber, having been appointed by the Hon.
Judge of Probate for the County of Rockingham
and State of New Hampshire, commissioner to receive,
examine, adjust and allow the claims of the creditors
against the estatc of Leonard Holmes, late -of Boston
in the county of Suffolk and State of Massachusetts,
deceased, represented insolvent; and six calender
months from the 12th day of January inst., being allow
ed by said Judge for that purpose, gives notice that he
will attend to the duties of said appointment at the of
fice of John Bennett, Esq., in said Portsmouth, on the
first Wednesdays in February, May and July next,
from 3 to 5 o’clock in the afternoon of each of said
days. - ' GEORGE MORRELL! **
Portsmouth, Jan. 26, ’47. Commassioner..
For Serofula, or Kings Evil, Ulcers, Dyspepsia, all
Female complaints, Piles, Dropsy, Erysipelas, §<. §c.
Jor particulars see the bills now distributing in
the town, or at the Store of the Agent.
THIS Extract is put up in QUART BOTTLES—
is six times cheaper, pleasanter,.and warranted SU
PERIOR to any sold. ft cures without vomiting, purg
ing, sickening, or debilitating the patient.
The great beauty and superiority of this Sarsaparilla
over all other remedies is, while it eradicates disease, it
invigorates the body. It is used successfully in the re
moval and permanent cure of all Diseases arising from
an impure state of the Blood, or habit of the system.
pled persons have copied our labels, and put up medicine in
the same shaped botiles.
Sole Agent for Portsmouth, B. HUTCHINGS,
: » Druggist, No. 4 Market-St.
Who keeps constantly on hand 2 ‘:filendid assort
ment of Drugs and Medicines, rich Perfumery, and all
of the Patent Medicines of the day, &c., &c., all of which
will be sold at the lowest cash prices.
Physicians Prescriptions promptly and carefully at
tended to at all times. .~ 3m - Jan. 26.
1000 RED OAK HHD. SHOOKS, 33 inch,—
delivered in Portsmouth.
Bath, Maine. sw ROBINSON & CO,
500 ponnds new BACON. For saleby
Jan. 19, WM. SIMES & CO.
T i 5
h’q::gty. For sale by WM. SIMES & CO.
Seceders from the Society of Shakers, in Alfred, Me,
will give a CONCERT, at the TEMPLE, on
Miss SARAH L. HAMMONS, the Teetotum,
Assisted by Mr 8. EMERY, the celcbrated Shaker
Dancer. They will appear in Shaker Costume.
They are anxious to call attention to the character of
the above announced entertainment, as entirely new,
musical and refined; blending instruction and amuse
ment for the gratification of the grave and gay. |
Admittance 12 1-2 cents without distinction of age.
Doors open at 6 1-2 o’clock, commence at 7 1-4. |
Jan. 26. O==FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY._.cn
50 DRUMS superfine quality FIGS;
25 drums common .do do.
15 Casks RAISINS;
50 whole, half and quarter boxes Bunch Raisins
Jan. 19. For sale by WM. SIMES & CO.
and Causes, Prevention, and Cure of CONSUMP
TION, Asthma, and diseases of the heart; on the laws
of Longevity, and on the mode of preserving male and
female health to an hundred years—with 28 illustra
tions. Designed for all classes of readers. By Samuel
Sheldon Fitch, A. M., M. D. :
For sale wholesale and retail, at the publisher’s lowest
priees, by S.A. BADGER,
Jan. 19. No. Exchange Buildings.
20 boxes containing 50 papers each, Table do.
Jan. 19, For sale by WM. SIMES & CO.
3000 HHDS. CADIZ SALT, for sale hy
' Jan. 19. 4mis E. F. SISE & CO.
= 0 BAGS Java, Porto Cabello & Havana COFFEE;
t_) 25 Boxes White and Brown Havana SUGARS;
10 Bbls. New York Loat and Crushed do.
Jan.l9. For sale by WM. SIMES & CO. .
Castana and English WALNUTS;
Currants and Sultana RAISINS; Citron & Almonds ;
Cocoa, Cocoa & Shells, and Cracked Cocoa;
Tapioca, Sago, and Ground Rice ;
Vermacelli and Maccaroni.
Jan.l9. Forsale by WM. SIMES & CO.
CUSHMAN & WALKER, No. 1 Peduzzi Block,
corner Congress and High streets, have just re
ceived a béautiful assortment of the above, which they
offer for sale at very low prices. The Ladies are par
ticularly requested to call before purchasing elsewhere.
Also at the same place, the celebrated AMANDINE
POWDER, the best article now in use for chapped
hands. Jan. 7.
CUSHMAN & WALKER, No. 1 Peduzzi Block,
corner of Congress and High streets, have for sale
brated article was introduced into notice by Gov. Ever
ett, and is now pronounced by some of the first families
in}}oston the very best article for the hair in use.
an. 7.
THIS may certify that I have given my son JAMES
his time to act and trade for himself, and shall pay
no debts of his contracting, nor claim any of his earn
ings from this date.
. Jan. 6, 1847. ABRAHAM HOLMES.
1000 LBS. Cotton Batting; 10 bales Colored
Wadding. Just received and for sale cheap
Jan. 12, 13 Market Street.
THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the
firm of HAWKS & ILSLEY was dissolved, by
mutual consent, on January Ist, 1847 ; all personshav
ing demands against said firm will present them for
payment to J. ’. Hawks, and those indebted will pay
the same to Wingate N. Ilsley. :
Jan 1, 1847.
J WALL takes this opportunity to render his thanks
o for the liberal patronage heretofore received and
solicits a continuance of the same. He is now pre
pared to sell as cheap as any. other person; and no
pains will be spared in the selection of his Medicines,
or other articles, or in serving his customers.
J. W. has on hand a few more bottles of the SourH-
ErRN BarLy, which is unparalleled in the cure of Con
sumption ; likewise SournerN Barym Pirrs; Wall’s
Sarsaparilla Syrup, entirely vegetable; Wall’'s Whoop
ing Cough Syrup, that cures in four or five days and is
equally efficacious in other coughs. Prices I?Jw-—icrms
cash, at the APOTHECARY STORE No. 12 Market
street, Portsmouth, N. H,
Oct. 29, 1846. 6m
Aap L. &W. T. ADAMS having opened this new
and splendid Hotel, begleave to assure the Pub
<—R2=%= lic that -nothing shall be wanting to make it
equal to any otherin the Union—and not second to any.
Nov. 5. : 6mis
“ TATCHMAKER, corner of High and Congress
streets, opposite the North Church,
WATCHES of every deseription repaired and war
ranted. ~
A good assortment of Gold and Silver Watches for
sale at low prices.
0> Also Brass -and Wood Clocks of various pat
terns. 3mis Sept. 24.
A LARGE and complete assortment for sale at
Corner of Market and Daneel streets. Dec, 17.
FOR SALE.—Just finished in superior style and
from the best materials, a lot of SLEIGHS at
BECK’S Carriage Factory, No. 80 State street.
Dec. 31. i T :
Jan. 12. WM. J. LAIGHTON'S,
13 Market-street.
To the Honorable Judge of Probate in and for the
County of Rockingham : e
THE undersigned heirs at law and legatees of DAN
IEL HUNTRESS, formerly of Portsmouth,'in said
county, deceased, testate, respectfully represent that
said Huntress, named WILLIAM SHAW, DANIEL
tors of his last will and testament; that said Shaw
and said Daniel I. Huntress accepted said trust and act
ed as such executors ; but that said Shaw and . Morrell
have deceased, and said Daniel I Huntress has resigned
his said trust, and further that said estate is not yet ful
ly administered. ‘ ;
Wherefore we pray your Honor that ALBERT R.
HATCH, Esq., of said Portsmouth, or some other
suitable person may be appointed Administrator, with
the will annexed, of the estate of said Daniel Hunt
ress. .
Portsmouth, Jan. 12, 1847,
RockiNcuAM ss.—Probate Court at Portsmouth, in
said county, January 12th, A. D. 1847.
UPON the foregoing petition it is ordered; that a
hearing be had thereon at the Probate Court to
be holden at Portsmouth, in said county, on the third
Tuesday of March next; and that the petitioner notify
all persons concerned or interested therein, to appear
at said Court, and show cause, if any they have, why
the prayer of said petition should not be granted, by
causing said petition and this order, to be published
three weeks succeuiveg in the New Hampshire Ga
zette and Republican Union, a newsp%nted at
Portsmonth, in said County, the last pub where
of to be at least thirty days prior to said Court.
By order of the Judge, ’
: ‘ D. A. GREGG, Register of Probate.
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J P. PLUMER, from Baltimore, has opened rooms
» for the reception of visitors at (?()NGRLSS
HALL, where he will be pleased to wait upon those
who may desire .
taken in the highest perfection of the art.
Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to eall
and examine specimens
J. P. P. will also devote a portion of his time to
Views of Buildings, Machinery, Heads for Newspa
pers, Architectural and Oynamental Drawings, designed
and engraved to order. Specimens of Designing and
Engraving may be seen as above.
Dec. 17, istf,
Organisi and Teacher of M usic,
IS Agent for Messrs. T. GILBERT & CO.,Boston, and
ofters PIANO. FORTES for sale which shall in ev
ery particular give satisfaction to the purchaser.
Mvr. Moses has now for sale at his Musie Room, No.
4, Lxchange Buildings, a superb F2OLIAN PIANO
FORTE, whichhe will warrant to be of superior
tone, touch and finish. Price $350.
The Aolian Pianos need only be introduced into the
parlor, and their enchanting music will not fail to dis
pel every prejudice and false representation against
them. Of scveral hundreds manufactured and sold by
Messrs Gilbert & Co. not one Piano has ever been return
ed from dissatisfaction, although the purchaser has the
privilege to do so and receive the money paid, after a
year’s trial if dissatisfied..
Mr M. has also a very handsome German made Piano
of perfect touch and brilliant tone, purchased ten years
ago, at the cost of $360, which he is permitted to offer
now at the low price of slso—the owner desiring to
purchase a new and higher priced instrument.
T. P. M. fecling ever a strong attachment to the
home of his nativity,
With not a wish his feet again shall stray
To other clime, in search of sunnier day,
would improve this moment to say, that he is never un
mindful of the many favors bestowed on him, and the
very liberal patronage he has received in Portsmouth,
his native place.
His terms of instruction in Musie are, for Organ or
Piano, $8 per quarter of 24 lessons—for private lessons
on the Flute, $8 per quarter—for single admission
tickets at his Singing Schools, 24 lessons, $1 only.
ts Dee. 10.
TO THE PUBLIC. Thke subscriber grateful for
the liberal patronage he has received since his loca
tion in town, begs leave to inform the public that in
consequence of his engagements elsewhere, he must
necessarily close up his business here in a few weeks.
Those who wish to avail themselves of the present
time of obtaining a correct LIKENESS, will do well
to call at his rooms soon, No. 28, Market-street, where
they will have an opportunity to examine specimens of
the art. J. TREADWELL,
Portsmouth, Sept. 24, 1846.
N. B. A Likeness may be taken after death if appli
cation is made immediately. Terms reasonable.
“AIIOGANY FURNITURE, viz: Bureaus, Sofas,
_L Couches, Ottomans, Divans, Tabarays, French
Rocking Chairs, Sewing and Working do., Parlor
Chairs, French Bedsteads, Secretaries and Book Cases,
Dress Tables and Washstands, Sinks, Centre Tables,
Tea and Breakfast do.. Work do., Tray do., &e. &c.
steads, Cradles, Tables 3, 3 1-2 and 4 feet long, about
20 different kinds of Chairs, embracing nearly all the
ikinds to be found in the N. E. Market, Toilets and
Stands, and Work Tables. Comprising all the articles
to be found at an establishment of this kind.
A large assortment of Feathers of all the various
kinds, also a_large lot of Looking Glasses, with Hair,
Hair Cloth, Palm leaf and Husks.
Also a good supply of Cotton Mattrasses, which are
now much in use, very low, being dircet from the man
Also, Mahogany Boards, Planks, Joists and Ve
neers, and Cherry Boards and Planks.
House, -Ship and Furniture Carving and Turning
done with neatness and despatch.
Old patrons will please accept my thanks and con
tinue their favors, and new ones call and satisfy them
selves that this is the place to buy. .
Dec. 10, 1846. E. M. BROWN.
» - >
OUSIIMAN & WALKER would respectfully inform
the citizens of Portsmouth and vicinity that they
have taken the store No. 1 PEDUZZI BLOCK, cor
ner of Congress and High streets, where they have
opened an assortment of
and a great variety of FANCY ARTICLES, consist
ing of Work Boxes, Cologne Stands, Card and Cigar
Cases, Ladies’ Companions, Portfolios, Purses, Pocket
Books, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Gold and
Cornelian Finger Rings, Steel Rings and Tassels, Bag
and Purse Clasps, Chess Men, Dominoes, Back Gam
mon Boards, Battledores, and a great variety of Games
for the Holidays, consisting of the following, viz: Dr.
Busby, Game of Heroes, What do you Buy, Golden
Egg, Merry Game of Odd Figures, Game of the Rev
olution, American Eagle, Mansion of Happiness, A B
C, Historical Cards, Game of Kings, Merry Cards or
a trip to China, and a variety of others too numerous
to particularize. They will also keep
among which may be found, Fancy Note Paper, Note
and Card Envelopes, of the pretticst and most fash
ionable styles ; Knives aad Scissors, of the best qual
ity. Also, Warren's drilled eyed Needles, now consid
ered the best in use.
C. & W. having made arrangements with one of the
hest Lithographic Establishments in Boston, for the
Engraving and Printing of Visiting and Business
Cards, will take orders for them to be done at Boston
prices. They have a book of samples, from which those
who may wish to order can sclect their patterns.
N. B. At the same place, Mr. DunyoN retains his
position and proprietorship in the Watch and Clock de
partment, as formerly. He devotes his attention exclu
sively to the various branches of his profession—com]
prised in the ]im'chasc, sale and repair of valuable
Watches, &c. Ladies and Gentlemen wishing -to pur
chase Watches for their use, may confide in Mr Dun
yon’s ability to select for them as beauti¥ul patterns and
at as low prices as are afforded by the importers.
Watches selected by him will be subject to exchange, if
proved dissatisfactory. % . )
Sign of the Medicine Chest and Mortar, No. 4 Market
strect, Portsmouth, N. 1.
EEPS constantly on hand a complete assortmen
K of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Patent Medicines,
Fancy articles, &c.
Shaving Soap in great variety—Shaving Boxes and
Brushes—Razors and Razor Straps—Penknives— Wash
Balls—Cologne, Lavender and Honey water.—Otto of
Rose in Gilt Bottles—Rowlands’s Kalydor, for beauti
fying the complexion—Macassar and Bear’s Oil, for
tixe Hair—Antique Oil—Pomatum—aAtkinson’s Depil
atory, for removing superfluous hair—Dyes, for chang
ing red or grey hair to black or brown—Lip Salve—
Clothes, Shaving, Tooth, Hair, Flesh, Nail, Comb, Ta
ble and Shoe Brushes—Tooth Powder and Wash—
Hair Powder—A prime lot of Ivory and Horn Combs
—An elegant assortment of Perfumery, &ec. &e., with a
great variety of other articles. Every article warrant
ed of the first quality. Constant attendance, All fa
vors gratefully received. :
Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully attended to.
Medicine Chests pat up and replenished at short no
tice. :
All the above articles, with others on hand, will be
sold as low as can be bought in this town or elsewhere,
of the same quality. R I WG S
THE connexion in business hitherto existing under
the firm of MOSES & GREENLEATF, proprietors
and publishers of the New Hampshire : Gazette, is by
mutual consent this day dissolved. ~ All persons having
demands against said firmr are requested to present
them for settlement ; all indebted by note or account are
requested to make paymént to GEORGE GREENLEAF.
Portsmouth, Jan. 18, 1847, = :
DR. RYDER may be found at his Room m
mouth the following months : January, F '
Agil, May, Julfl,eAugug Qctober and November. =
ortsmouth, December 3, 1848,

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