To the Hon. Judge of Prob]:‘t:l for the County of Rock ingham. RESPECTFULLY represents EUNICE SMITH of Deerfield in said County that Martha Smith late of said Deerfield and last an inhabitant in said County, has lately deceased intestate, having at the time of his death estate in said County; that your petitioners are children of said deceased and all the children of said deceased resident in this State and prays that adminis tration of said estate may be granted to Eunice Smith and thas Benjamin Jenness, H. G. Cilley, George I. French or some other snitable persons may be appoin ted to take an inventory and make an appraisal of said 1 estate. EUNICE SMITH. Deerfield April 9, 1847. State of New Hampshire, Rockingham ss.—Probate Office at Exeter in said County, May 27th, A. D. 1847, UPON the foregoing Petition it is Ordered, that a hearing be had thereon at the Probate Court to be hol den at Deerficld in said County, on the Friday next following the first Tuesday of August next, and that the Petitioner notify all persons concerned or interested therein, to appear at said Court, and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted, by causing said petition and this order, to be published three weeks successively in the New Hamp shire Gazette and Republican Union, a newspaper prin ted at Portsmouth in said County, the last publication whereof to be at least thirty days prior to said Court. By order of the Judge. June 1 J. H. SHAPLEY, Register Projate DR. HOLMAN'S VEGETABLE BITTERS. THESE Bitters were used and approved of by the citizens of Portsmouth many years since. To speak facts, 10,000 bottles have been sold in Portsmouth eince they were introduced. As a certain Druggist has taken it upon himself to assert that all bitters sold for less than 25 cents must be made-of the *‘ drastic purga tive Aloes,” 1 would say that Dr. Holman's does not con tain one flurticle of Aloes. 'That the Bitters made by a certain Druggist are sold as low as ke can afford to sell 1 them, Ijshould suppose no one doubts; but as he seems | to know about others concerns, others may know about his—and the proprietor of these Bitters would say, that ‘ his expenses, when compared with those of a certain | Drugqist, are mere nothing. And as proof that these Bitters are more known and used than any other in this vicinity, a cerfain Druggist has taken one of the ingre dients of which these Bitters are composed, into his own advertisement. The fact that my expenses are so small, enables me to offer this Mecdicine, (formerly put up in pint and half bottles at fifty cents,) at the low price of ONE SHILLING. Therefore, all who wish for the genuine Summer Medicine, will please call for Dr. Hol wman’s Sarsapilla, Wild Cherry, Dandelion, § Thorough wort BITT/RS—a medicine which has strengthened more “ weak stomachs ” than any other medicine sold. For sale at the Proprietor’s Store, corner of Congress and High streets ;J. P. Morsg, and by the Druggists snd Grocers. N. B. DPlease read Certificates in its favor in another eo}'umn. JOSEPH F. HOLMAN. une 1. NEW BOOKS. J F. SHORES, Jr,, No.l Congress Block, - HAS JUST RECEIVED, : PHELPS' TRAVELLER'S GUIDE through the United States, containing upwards of Seven Hundred Railroad, Canal and Steamboat Routes, accompanied with a new Map of the United States. THE INDIAN-MEAL BOOK ; comprising the best receipts for the preparation of that article. By Miss Yeslie.. Price 25 cents. THE COMPLETE GARDENER & FLORIST; containing an account of every vegetable production caltivated for the table, with directions for planting and raising Flowers. Price 25 cents. THE HISTORY OF ST. GILES & ST. JAMES. ]&By Douglass Jerrold, author of “Mrs. Caudle’s Lectures,” C. SuPPLEMENT T 0 THE HaxD BoOK or NEIDLE- Work. Also, further supply of Buist's Family Kitchen Gar dener;& Diseases of Domestic Animals. June 1. e ee e ee e et LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT. JB. TILTON would inform his friends that he has taken the Stable in the rear of the Rockingham House, recently occupied by Mr Laws, purchased the Stock, and will accommodate former patrons and all who may favor him with a call. N.B. In connexion with the above,J. B. T.has a Cab m readiness, at all hours of the day, for the Cars and to any compact part of the town for 12 1-2 cents. June 1. ONLY ONE SHILLING. * SUMMER MEDICINE for Farmers, Blacksmiths, Ship-builders, Rail Road Men, Stage Drivers, and all those who are exposed to cold and moist air or heat, and those who lead sedentary lives and apply themselves tOO closely to business or intense study,as well as those who suffer from anxiety and distress of mind—such persons are liable to the complaint “ weakness of stom ach” but the evils arising from this disease are not confined to the stomach, from the sympathy which ex ists between the brain and the stomach. Persons are affected with giddiness and pain in the head, loss of appetite, vomiting, heart-burn, distension of the stom ach, &c. This medicine, in pint bottles, composed of Sarsapa rilla, Wild Cherry, Dandelion, Thoroughwort, Angelica Beeds, Poplar Bark and many other articles, is the best that can be taken during the spring and summer months. 200 bottles are already engaged. It will be for sale on Wednesday next at the medicine Depot corner of Con gress and High Sts. Any persons residing in the coun-- try, by sending an order can have it free of additional eost— Also for sale at the corner of Market & Daniel Sts. May, 18. ts JOSEPH F. HOLMAN. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. _ 600 Bottles of PRESTON’'S SPRING MEDICINE have actually been put up and sold since the-Ist day of April last. In no one single instance have they fail ed of giving entire satisfaction in all cases of Juandice, 1 Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Headache, and other complaints incident to the Spring of the year. ! Testimonials in their favor, from the first families in Portsmounth, can be shown to any one on application to the manufacturer. These Bitters are composed entirely of Vegetables of acknowledged worth, and are invaluable in all cases of disease at this season. They are put up in pint bot tles at 25 cents, which is as low as they can pessibly be afforded. Their unprecedented sale has forced others of higher price out of the market and brought others of lesser price into the market. Be careful what you pur chase—most of the cheap articles are composed princi g&lly of Aloes, one of the most ‘drastic purgatives nown in medicine, and in many cases ought never to be used ; and no article can be put up at a less price for a bottle containing a pint, unless the physical property is Aloes ; this being the cheapest cathartic in use. Per sons needing medicine at this season of the year, should use this. CAUTION. - Be sure and obtain PRESTON’S Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry, Thoroughwort, Dandelion and Dock Root BIT TERS, and you will find a sovereign remedy for all the above diseases. Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, by W. R. PRESTON, Druggist, Congress street, and sold by W. D. CARTER, corner of Vaughan and Cengress sreets. * May 25. 1m § BOSTON MELODEON, Vor. 2d. J F. SHORES, Jr. No: 1 Congress Block, ° Has just received The BOSTON MELODEON ; a collection of secular melodies, consisting of Songs, Glees, Rounds, Catches, &c., including many es the most popular pieces of the day, arranged and harmonized for four voices, by Ed ward L. White. Vol 2d. Also, a further supply of TYROLIEN LYRE; a Glee Book, consisting of easy pieces arranged mostly for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Base voices, with or without piano forte accompaniments; comprising a complete collection of Solos, Duetts, Trios, (suartetts, Choruses, &e. for the use of Societies, Schools, Clubs, Choirs and the Social Circles. May 25. . GAITER BOOTS. THE subscriber would invite the attention of the La dies to his Stock of GAITER BOOTS, patent leather, Morocco and Kid foxings—all custom made and warrented. Also, a good assortment of low priced Gaiter Boots at the lowest Cash prices. J. CHAPLIN CARR, _ Feb. 23. 14 1-2 Market St. corner of Ladd st. et ——— FOR SALE. A: GOOD opening for a young man with a small cap [ ital. The subscriber will sell at a bargain the stock of goods, such as are usually kept in a grocery store, situated - in the store in Marget street recently occupied by George P. Andersdn. Said store can be obtained for a moderate rent. WILLIAM B. GREEN. < Portsmouth, May 24, 1847. : A ————————————————————————————————————— e e e o % e fl‘Mfi‘}; 25,,181(1;71.NG AME WO o . CEIV ED. 18 —New HAM y gm LAWNS and BALZORINES ; Embroid ‘ered Mush Dress Pa with Col'd res, very pr—io T be'sla very sheap o No.§ Dei ot _ Mays. N S WEBSTER. NEW MUSIC PORT-FOLIO. SA. BADGER, No. 7 Exchange Buildings, . Has for sale Akerman’s NEW MUSIC PORT-FOLIO. The ad vantages of using which are—lt keeps the music clean and always in its place. Inside sheets can be easily taken out or inserted at pleasure. Inside sheet or one page picces can be put in as well as double. If new musie be put in, it will last as long as if bound ; so that any lady can bind her own music. And what is of some consequence, and what every performer on the Piano will appreciate, the musie will lie open on the In strument, much better than when bound. ~ May 25. | EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. | HE subscriber hereby gives notice that he has been | T duly appointed Exe{‘fx’tor of the Estate of LYDIA WATSON, late of Epping, deceased, testate, all per ‘sons indebted to said estate are requestcd to make im mediate payment, and all having claims to present them to bseri r adjustment. R e DANIEL W.LADD, Ezcr. Epping, May, 25, 1847. 3w eT S i A A A S N st iopreeminasra ALWAYS READY AT NO. 12, Corner of Market street and Market square, TO attend to calls in the Medicine line, day and night, Store never closed. WALLS INDIAN VEGETABLE SARSAPA RILLA SYRUP stands unrivalled as a cure for the Serofula, Salt Rheum, Dispepsia and every impurity of the blood. Put up in pint and half-bottles at 40 cents, and quart bottles at 50 cents each. Warranted free from Jodine, Mercury, Potas, or any other mineral Med icine. For sale onl‘/y at the oldest Druggist Store in Portsmouth. - | A fresh supply of Medicines now opening and ready ; for sale at prices to suit purchasers—all of which are warranted to be what they are sold for or the money refunded. : 1 Country Traders are respectfully invited to eall before purchasing elsewhere. Trippoli for cleaning glass for sale in any quantity. A few more bottles of that Whooping Cough Syrup left, that cures in 4 or 5 days, and a large assortment of fancy articles, perfumery, &c. &e. JOHN WALL. Portsmouth, May 18, 1847. 3m HOUSE, STORE & LAND FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale his House, b LB Store, Out-buildings and one half acre 3“5 ,~ of Land in Hampton._ The Buildings are M in first rate repair and builtin a most sub stantial. manner. It is situated on the main road leading from Portsmouth to Newburyport, in the centre of the town within a quarter of a mile of the Rail-road Depot, and within a short distance of the dis trict school, Academy, Baptist and Congregationalist Meeting Houses, and about 2 miles from Great Boar’s Head. Also, Bor 8 acres of Land near the same if de sired. JOHN C. FORSAITH. Hempton, May 11, 1847. ts | AMERICAN HOUSE. | 42 Hanover Street, Boston. B THIS establishment is located in one of the 2@ greatest thoroughfares in the city, near the 8% Northern and Eastern Rail-road Depots, and within two minutes walk of the Post Office, Market, &c. During the past season it has been repainted and put in complete order. Terms per day, $1,25. Boaton, March 2, 1847. LEWIS RICE & CO. FURNITURE § REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. THE subscriber, contemplating changing his place of business, offers his extensive stock of CABINET FURNITURE at reduced prices— consisting in part of Mahogany, Card, Centre, Pembroke, Peir and Work TABLES ; SOFAS; Mahogany and Maple Dress Bu reaus; Common do; Mahogany French Bedsteads; Maple and Common do ; Dress Tables, Wash Stands, Sinks, Cradles, Chairs, &e. &e. Also, the Lot of LAND & STORES now occupied by him. Also,a HOUSE LOT, 30 feet by 67, with Cellar and Stones, in Howard street, and one SHARE in PORTSMOUTH PIER COMPANY. ‘ EBEN. LORD, March 30. No. 24 & 26 Penhallow st. WILLIAM B. LOWD, NO. 6, MARKET-STREET, Portsmouth, N. H., : keeps constantly for sale, at the lowest cash prices, BOOKS, STATIONERY § FANCY ARTICLES, School, Miscellaneous and Juvenile BOOKS; Pocket and School Testaments; Family and Pocket Bibles ; Prayer and Hymn Books; Elegant Gift Books; Ac count, Memorandum and Writing Books ; Toy Books ; Drawing, Bill and Letter PAPER ; Steel Pens ; Quills; Writing and Indelible INK, of superior quality ; Slates ; Ink Stands; Sand and Sand Boxes; and a general as sortment of School and Stationery articles. Card Cases; Pocket-Books, Wallets and Purses; warranted Silver Pencil Cases ; Pocket Knives ; Dress ing and Fine Combs; Soaps; Hair, Teeth and Shav ing Brushes, &e. Also—Cheap Lithographic Prints and Engravings. Wirriax B. Lowb receives regularly, and will sup ply by the year or single numbers, Graham’s Magazine, Godey’s Ladies’ Book, Ladies’ National Magazine, Parlor Annual, Mother’s Assistant, Merry's Museum, &e. N. B. The books published by the American Sun day Scheol Union are afforded as low as can be bought at the Depositories in the cities—as are those of the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society. Superinten dents and teachers of Sabbath schools are invited to call. . The Sunday School Journal, Penny Gazette and the ‘Well Spring are supplied at publishers terms. BOOK BINDING, ; Of every description, neatly execnted at shert notice, and at fir prices. Portsmouth, Sept. 24, 1846. ts NOTICE. ALL persons indebted for THE REPUBLICAN UNION previous to Jan 5,1847, or advertising in the same, are requested to make payment to the sub scribers, at No. 11 1-2 Congress street. B. ¥. McINTIRE, May 4. T.J. WHITTEM. BOOK & JOB PRINTING. MCIN TIRE & WHITTEM, having furnished an office at No. 11 1-2 Congress street, Gray’s Block, respectfully inform their friends and the public that they are prepared to execute JOB PRINTING of every de scription at short notice, in the best style, and on the most reasonable terms. Having purchased a new press and a good assortment of new and fashionable Boox, NEwsPAPER and Jon TypE, Ornaments, Borders, &c., to which they are con stantly making such additions as their business requires, they flatter themselves that they can give entire satis faction to all who favor them with their patronage. Specimens of Printing may be seen at their office. Portsmouth, May 4, 1847. PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH, BY using DR. TOWNSEND’S COMPOUND EX TRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, the wonder and blessing of the age. A fresh supply is just received by BRACKETT HUTCHINGS, . Sole Algcnt for this town. Be careful and get the genuine. This is the fifth lot received since Sept. is6w April 20. NEW STOCK OF SPRING GOODS. Opening at No. 15 Market street. by HENRY A.BIGELOW, who takes this opportuni ty to inform his friends and the public gencrally, that he is now receiving from Boston and New York his new and Fashionable SPRING GOODS, comprising the largest assortment of desirable FANCY and STAPLE GOODS he has had to offer for a long time. His arrangements are such, that he will be receiving New Goods on the arrival of every Steamer, so as to have something new to show his customers about every week, IN ‘HOUSEKEEPING & DOMESTIC GOODS. March 23. is4m PARASOLETTES & SUNSHADES. “ZILLIAM JONES & SON have just received a choice assortment of PARASOLETTS & SUN SHADES of all the new and fashionable styles of fig ured and plain CAMELION TURC SATlN—frilled and fringed—also an assortment of SILK UMBREL LAS of an extra quality aud superior finish, from 26 to 34 inches large. Bwis April 18, 47, GENTS. FURNISHING GOODS. | JOHN WEBSTER, No. 6 Daniel street, keeps con stantly on hand a good assortment of Dress gtocks, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Dick eys, &c. to be sold very cheap. April 18, N s Lo Nt St sttty R Sl SE SIE L o PORTSMOUTH AND KENNEBUNK DIAIL STAGE.—Leaves Portsmouth Tuesdays, Thursda{& and Sa,turdays, at 10 o’clock A.1a1.. or en the arrival of the first train of cars from Boston, through Kitter{, York and Wells. 3 Remmilis, eaves Kennebunk Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays, at 9 o’clock A. M,, -dnvugx;’Wells,j Yosrck and Kittery. HENRY TOPPING, iver. 1 Sept. 24, : TR o) g il R A*\y\m e ) U = | -v 3 '%,2?’s‘\' e (X 3 | s e (\l\,‘ aLusa S = | ' }f% MES VON & £ Q""’ ,7&*3 \ S v “ - Ny f’ ! l‘,’/ 3 S -~ .D) ‘L?fii”" 8 ’ /::( "\l QQV{" =0 \G2 8 N '_,/é’, W tk‘.‘] AN 4 7 7 -AN ) 2N A Y 27 -\ ¥y =3o\ RATE /= NN\ =SBR\ A %(‘\ R - Z TR 4 ¥ (T NS\ \‘-‘s“ig RVEE I W\ W/ Bt - H 0 4 | 2 \IN&E = = 2 = W = k Y ST\ SIX YEARS AGO the children began to ery for Sherman’s Lozenges. The noise was not 50 loud at that time, but it has kept in creaging ever since, and now has become so great that the mouthz of the little ones can scarce be stopped. Dr Sherman sywpathisee with the litle sufferere, and very much regrets that any of them should be disappointed. Knowing the vast benefit which has been conferred up ou the community by tke introduction of his infallible WORM LOZENGES, he has enteved into ariangements for enlarging his Man ufactory, bymeans of which ke thinks he will be ab'e to #upply the demand. And the same paing and care will be taken, that these celebrated Lozenges be uade as they Lave always been, in vrder that those who depend upon them, may not be disappointed in their hopes. He knew when he commenced the manufaciure of the Worm Lozenges, that they would supersede the use of every other vermifuge, as the Lozenge is very pleasant to the taste speedy in its effects, as well as certain, and the quantity required to effect a perfect cure, isvery small. These properties in connexion with the fagt that they are sold for 25 cents per Box, thus placing them in the reach of the poorest man in the land, has not only caus ed them to take the place of every other vermifuge ever offered,but also rendered them popular to the community Dr Sherman’s. COUGH LOZENGES, continue to cure Coughs, Colds, Consumption,Asthma shortness and difficulty of Breathing, and other disease of the Lungs, with the same facility they did on their firat introduction, and the people have now become per-’ suaded by actual experience, that on the accession of « slight Cold, they huve only so step to either the Dr’s oflice, or one of his Agents, and obtain a box of his Cough Lozenges, which are very convenient to carry in the pocket, and to take a few throngh the day. By pursuing this course a cure is often effected iv 24 hours, and the patient about his business. Sogreudtis the cel ebrity of the Lozenges that thousands of persons who have used them, and become acquainted with their es sects, will never be without them. SHERMANS POOR MAN’S PLASTER has cured more cases of Rheumatism,pain in the Back, Side and Chest, Lumbago and Weakness, than any ap plication that has ever been made. ~As ihe celebrity of the Plaster has increased. hundreds of upprincipled ras cals have attempted to counterfeit it, and palm it off up ~on the community as the genuvine, §3G Beware of de ception.£f Remember that the tine and genuine Plas ter is spread upon reddish paper made expressly for the purpose, and in every case the signature of Dr Sherman is printed upon the back of the Plaster, and the whole secured by Copy Right. None others e genuine.— I'herefore when you want a real good Sherman’s Poor Man’s Plaster, call at the office, 106 Nassau street and you will not be disappoiited. Remember the number. 106 Nasean street, where all Dr Sherman’s Lozenges are sold. His Agents are Mrs. Hays, 139 Fulton street, Brooklyn; Hinesop, Williams-, burg; and Reding and Co. Boston. ¥or sale in Portsmouth, by BRACKETT HUTCH INGS, Druggist & Apothecary. Also, John L. Avery, Greenland; Nathan Bachelder, North Hampton; John Mason, Hampton; Moses Hale, Newburypori; S. Web ster, Salisbury; G. Towle & Co. Zee; J. L. Rundlett, Epping; James A. Butler, Nottstngham; Peter San borr, Deerfield; J. & S. Blake, Raymond ; Chase & Robinson, Poplin, E. B. Wood, Brentwood; S P. Clark, Kingston; C. C. P. Moses, F. Grant, Exeter; John T. Lock, South Newmarket; S. A, Haley, New market; A.Perkins, Durham; D. Hanson, Rochester; Wm B. Smith,John Wheeler & A A Tufts, Dover Sept 8, 1846, " eowly PLUMBE NATIONALDAGUERRIAN GALLERY and Photographers Furnishing Depots; AWARDED the Gold and Silver Medals, Four First Premiums, and Two Highest Honors, at \ve Na tional, the Massachusetts, ide New York, and the Penn sylvania Exhibitions, respectively, sot the most splendid Colored Daguerreotypes and best Apparatus ever exhib ited. Portraits taken in exquisite style, without regard to weather. Instructions given i the art. A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock always on hand, at the lowerst cash prices. New York, 251 Broadway; Philadelphia, 136 Chesnut St.; Boston, 73 Court, and 58 Hanover Sts; Baltimore; 205 Baltimore-St.; Washington, Pennsylvanian Avenue; Petersburg, Va., Mechanics’ Hally Cincinnati, Fourth & Walnut, and 176 Main St; Saratoga Springs, Broadway, Paris, 127 Vieille Rue dw Temple; Liverpool, 32 Church Steet. ly Boston, June 27, 1846. ROCKINGHAM MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ExETER, N. H. This office continues to insure Dwelling Houses, Barns, Stores, and other buildings : also, Merchandise and Personal Property generally at the usual rate. The amount now at risk in 837 towns, estimated to be within an average of less than fifty miles of Exeter, is about $5,000,000! The amount of Premium Notes, constituting the Capital es the Company exceeds $XO0,000! No property considered Hazardous is now insured by the Office, and no more than $3,000 is now taken in'any one risk. By order of the Directors. ISAAC L. FOLSOM, Sec. Exeter, Sept. 24, 1846. ALL KINDS OF WOOD. At the Wood Yard near the Depot in Deer-st. THE subscriber tenders his thanks to his customers for past favors, and respectfully gives notice that he has a constant supply of the above. Also, that a discount of twenty-five eents per cord will be made from the regular prices when Casm is paid at the time the wood is delivered. All orders left with MAarTIN L. TwoMBLY, or at his house opposite the yard, will meet with prompt atten tion. I'{)r sale as above, W. O. & Pine TIMBER, Pine and Hemlock BOARDS F. W 2 ROGERSE, No. 3, Jackson Street. Jan. 5, 1847, Portsmouth, N. H. FIRE INSURANCE. THE ROCKINGHAM MUTUAL FIRE INSU RANCE CO. continue to insure against loss or damage by fire, on Stores, Dwelling Houses, Furniture, Merchandize, and all buldings net extra hazardous, such as Starch Mills, Paper Mills, Rope Walks, or Cot ton or Woolen Mills, &ec. Applications can. be made to the subscriber, where particulars can be made known, and policies obtained. ROBERT SMITH, Agent. Portsmo. Dec. 22, 1846. ly No. 59 Waterst. E. L. ADAMS & CO. MERCHANT TAILORS. & Dealers innREADY MADE CLOTHING, Also ¢ Gentlemen’s anishin% Goods. No. 19 State Street, 2d door from Devonshire, ()pfiosite South side Old State House, EBEN'R L. ADAMS, BOSTON. HexrY KENNARD, Iy July 28. SPALDING & PARROTT: No. 63 Market Street. FFER for sale A GENERAL ASSORTMENT oF BAR O IRON & STEEL, and all other articles usually found in an Iron Store. £ ock 18, '46. WALKER & JACKSON. Portsmouth and Boston Express. Have removed their Office io the Store of Mr GECRGE ‘MAaNENT, No. 4, CongrESS BLoCK. Portsmouth, Oct. 20, 1846. REMOVAL. | JAMES PICKERING & CO. have removed to Pray's Whaf, south side of the Oil Factory, where they. will be pleased to wait on_their friends and the public, who may be in want of LUMBER, WOOD & LIME. ‘ , CAST-STEEL HOES. , ‘ i 2 5 DOZ. for sale by W. B. GREEN, f May 25. 52 Market street. _ COX’S SPARKLING GELATINE, FOR sale by CHARLES E. LAIGHTON, - - may 25. e No. 5 Ex. Buildings, | GARDEN SEEDS forsale by .~ CH ARLES E. LAIGHTON, April £6. et 5 Ez. Ru;gd.m 8 ESTS of Tubs, Pails, Cloths Pins & Mop Handles. N May 25. just rec'd by ifmm;&;fiuoz« JIPDRINTED LAWNS and De Laines at only dfl% P lingperyard. WM. J:’“LA;IGHT&& A . Lol S 0 LR 18 Market street. THE GRAEFENBERG PILLS. lI‘HERE ARE THE MOST CONCLUSIVE REAsONS why that clags of Medicines denominated “PATENT,” should pe made the means of incalculable and eaduring blessings to the human famly. Suppose, for example, that a high order df talent, long and sagacious observa tion, and grveat medical learning and experience are brought to bear wpon the invention and manufacture of a PILL. Why may not this long devotion to this division of medical science be crownea with the success that at tends the sacrifice of similar talents & toil in other things? There is no reason; and it is but the simplest dictate of the simplest common senze to say, that a Pill thus produ ced will be as perfect an article as can be made by man. Twenty-five years devotion to any one subject will give a man of ability the mastery over it. This labor has been bestowed upon the Graefenburg Vegetable PILLS ; and they are presented to the public with ¢laims anpara leled in the whole history of medical science. “ It willbe seen, in tracing the history of all great inven tions, that they were not made or discovered until the ar rival of what may be termed THE FULNESs OF TIME. The mariner’s compass, for instance, was not invented until in the ““fulness of time’’ it was needed. The load stone always lay at man’s feet, but he never knew what a wonderful and tnerring guide was treasuted in its silent bosowm, until the Divinely appointed time drew near when distant continents and islands were to be unveiled. Behold it now transferred to the binnacle of the adventurous sai lor,enahling him to lannch away upon unknown Oceans, in stead of timidly sailing within sight of familiar land-warks! So with the discovery of the New World, upon whose shores was to arise this Giant Nation to n power, a glory, a mission far bevond the conception of the wildest fancy. The Old World had reached its highest destiny: the ¢“ful nese of time’> drew near for the levelation of the New, and behold the immortal Columbus, from the forecastle of his drenched and leaky vessel, found it! So with the iu vention of printing, of steam, of the magnetic telegraph. Each of these had its own “fuluess of time,’’ marked, distinct and Providential, {&>IN MEDICAL §CIENCE THE SAME GREAT PHIL §OOPHICAL PRINCIPLE IS EQUALLY MARKED. Most beautifully are the illustrations and proofs of this which are to be found in the history of the world. We can trace them from the Mosaic digpensation down to the pre sent hour, all of them teaching us the lesson and giving ‘us the hope that something yet better to heal human mala ‘dies is at hand. That this principle is as true of Medical asof Physical science is clearly shown in the l GRAEFENBURG GAZETTE, | which is furnished gratuitously to all who wish it. The | GEAEFTENBURG PILLS, , are deemed by all who have tested them to be an incon ceivable advanee upon all other medical combinations and ‘ discoveries hitherto known, and they are announced as ! THE GREAT REMEDIAL TRIUMPH. ' The inventor of these Pills rests hie theory upon no l school nor dogma of ordinary medical teachers: Plant- | ug himself upon the revelation of the l ALTVIIGHTY CREATOR THAT «“TnE BLOOD IS THE LIFE,” he requires that his disciples and his patients make pure the life-current that leaps thiough their veins and arteries, before they can hope fora PERMANENT cure. Relief he can give them, and socan others; but bright and joyous health must come from a pure blood. But a most sad;thought here comes in! So countless re the impositions which are practised upon the public bya rretenders, and so numerous & hoastful are the medicines advertised, that the readev may be slow to believe in this Great Remedy. A word, therefore, en this point. In the first place, READ THE GRAEFENBURG GaA ZETTE. No matter how sceptical you may now be, that paper will convince you Thousands Lave been convinced in every State and Territory in the Union, and among thew: distinguished statesmen, jurists, clergymen, physi cians, civilians. T'he bare enumeration of their names would fill this page. Let the readersend to the most con venient agency for a copy of the Gazette, which can be had GRATISI!! In the recond place, TRY THE PILLS. It will cost vou the merest trifle, and will introduce you to a medicine which you will deem a blessing to the end of your days. A thousand things press upon the mind of the advertis ers which they would rejoice to say to the reader, but the limits of this advertisement forbid.” But let any one afilic ted with the following diseases make trial of the Graef enburg Pills,and they willbe PERMANENTLY CureD! Asthma, Boils, 3 Billious Complaints, Bewels, deficient action in, Breast Pang, Catarrh, Censtipation, Cough of Pregnancy, Costiveness, Diarrhees, Difficult Breathing, Dyspepsia, Dyspeptic Consumption, Digestion, imperfect, Determination of Blood to the Head, Epilepsy, Ear Ache, Erysipelas, Fever—Low, Nervous, In termittent, Remittent, Fever and Ague, Flatulency, In all.bilious or chrenic disorders, these Pills achieve the most wonderful trinmph. Here they defy competition. And as the susceptibility of the American constitution is to these diseares, they are aptly styled by some S The Pill of the new World Thewr wonderful efficacy in these complaints arises from their powerto OPEN THE PORFs: CLEANSE AND STRENGTHEN THE STOMACH AND BOWELS; MAKE THE ITRINE FLOW HEALTHILY AND CLEAR: AND TO GIVE TONE AND sTRENGTH TO THE SYSTEM. It is imposeible, within the limits of an ordinary adver tisement, to give the reader tne reasons for the most ex traordinary success and spread ot these Pills. But REA SONS DO EXIST, which have abundantly satisfied the minds of thousands in this country; and, among them the accomplished Physicians, Jurists, Clergymen, and pri vate citizens, male and female. §&F NuMmERrROUS CERTIFICATES of the wonderful effi cacy of these Pills might be presented; but a eertificate in these days are scarcely worth the paper on which it is printed, A few extracts from the eorrespondence of the Company, will however, be now given. From INDIANA : “Your enterprise is the enteiprise of the day. Its magnitude will astonish its originators. It is destined to affect a complete revolution in the medical world.” From a Justice of the Peace in Western New York: ‘] have sold a number of boxes to the citizenz of this place. 'T'hey have given entire satisfiction, and they are destined to become the most popular Pill of the day.” From Toledo, Ohio. “Having heard so much, and wiwessed two or three cases treated n the mode directed by your Journal, I have thought it important you should have an agentin this place. In my opinion, more good can be done in this bil dious climate by your medicines, than by tne old modes. 1 address you at the instance of a friend who is making a thorough trial of your remedies, & with complete success.” Lrom a Distinguished Gentleman of Boston: Gentlemen—l cannot relrain from troubling you with a few lines to express my great pleasure, in being alle to say, that I have experienced the greatest relief frow the effect of your Pills. For many years I have suffered much from constipation, which has disarranged my whole sys tem, and 1 have not known a day’s good health for many years past, and being an old man, 1 despaired of ever a gain enjoying life; but a friend recommended me to try your Pills, which I did. although, without any confidence; the resuli,*l am-happy to inform you, has far exceeded my expectations, the cause of my suffering is nearly remnoved, & I feel my health and sirength daily renewed, and I am satisfied that the merits of your Pills, when tested, must be acknowledged by the whole community, and will be come the most popular medicine of the day. From Judge ——— ——— of Georgia : Sirs,—Since writing to you last upon the subject of my ill-health, 1 bave been takiug your medicine, and am pleased to say, that they have been ol the greatest ser vice to me, and if they continue to give me the relief ] have already felt, I shall bless the day rou sent them. I need not allude again to the sufferings I have before told you of ; but intend to persevere. and hope to be able, the next time 1 write, to give you the happy intelligence of a perfect cure. I have heard of many instances in my neigh borhood wherein they have performed some extraordina ry cures. ; % . From an- Episcopal Bishep. Gentlemen—l consider it to he the duty of every Chris tian to make Known to the werld any advantages that they may have derived hy accident or from any discovery of their own, and with this sentiment strongly impressed on my mind, I feel great gratification in having it in ny pow er to spenk in the highest terms of the valuable discovery you have made in the production of your Pills. I was in duced to try them, from the philosophical manner in which you have reasoned on the subject, and -1 must do myself the pleasure, and you the justice tosay, that I had no conception so speedy an effect could be arrived at. My complaint has been that of the Liver, from which I despaired of getting better; but since taking your Pills, 1 find my general health, spirits and appetite so much im prove(g that I hope to find myself ‘enahled to endure,with out bodily suffering, the duties of an arduous Profession. In future I will send to your agent for more Pills when needed. With great consideration and gratitude, I am,&c. From every section of the entire country similar testi timonials are daily received, but our limits {orbid further extracts. ONCE TRIED, the GRAFENBEEG PiLLs WILL SUPERSEDE ALL OTHERS. . ~ WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, . - 49 John street, New-York, -g@ln towns where there is no branch the Co. will ap minf:pfinflnwu!n_nf by letter (post paid) or otherwise. &&'gmw shing the Pills sent by mail, can order them. o fi}s BROAfl ) *&go‘!m: General Agents Hampshire and Malnw, si~ dla u” e .fihW o o T Aan ‘J Fluor Albus, or Whites, Gastrie Fever, Green Sickness, Gripes, Heartburn, Head Ache, Hysterics, Incontinence of Urine, Indigestion, Inflammmatien of Vital parts, Inflamma’n of the Stomach, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Low Spirits, Menstruation, Suppressed, or Painful, Nervous Disorders, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Stomach, various diseases, Whites. EASTERN RAIL-ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT—Boston to Portland. THROUGH Lynn, Salem, Beverly, Whenham, Ips wich, Rowley, Newburyport, Salisbury, Seabrook, Hampton-Falls, Hampton, Grenland, Portsmouth, Eli %t, North and South Berwick, Wells, Kennebunk,and aco. On and after Thursday, April 15t,1847, trains leave daily, (Sundays excepted,) Boston for Lynn, 7, B§, 10}, 12, A.M. & 24,3} 5, 61 74, “ Salem, 7,8%, 104, 12, “ . 25,845,674, “ Newburyp’t,7, 104, o 9L IBIeE “ Portsmouth, 7, ok & “ Great Falls, 7, L T . Portland, -7, = 2k Portland for Boston, 73, A.M. 3, P.M. Great Falls B§, “ 4%, 4 Portsmo., 7, 10%, 08, 3 Newburyp't 63, 73%, 103%, = %64 it Salem, 53, 75% 9% 104,113% “ 2}, 3% 5 7% « Lynn, 6, 73% 91% 103, 12%, « 24% 3] 5} 7a* « Portsmouth for Portland, 93 A. M. and 5} P. M. *Or on arrival from the East. Marblehead Branch—Marblehead for Salem 7, 8 , 10, 11}, A. M. 2, 34, 4, 63, P. M. Salem for Marblehead, 7%, 93,114, A. M. 124,38}, 44, 53, 74, PM. Essex Rail Road.—Salem for Danvers, 7,7%,9%,114, A. M. 123, 34,41, 53, 7, P.M Danvers to Salem, 71,83,10,113, A. M. 2, 4,436%, 73, P. M. Freight Train each way daily. Office 17 Merchants Row, Boston. Depot in Boston, on Eastern Avenue, Commercial Street. JOHN KINSMAN, Salem, March 26, 1847. Sup’t. S. B. MARDEN'S EXPRESS, LEAVES Portsmouth every day (Sundays excepted) | at 7 1-2 o’clock, A. M., passing through Greenland, ‘and Stratham to Exeter, there it intersects with the cars for Haverhill, Andover, Lowell and Boston and Wil mington and Concord, also with the Cars for Newmar ket, Durham, and Dover. Returning, leaves every day after the arrival of the cars from Boston and Lowell. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday it intersects with the Manchester Stage— passing through Kingston, Hampstead, Derry to Manchester. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, intersects at Exeter with the Concord Stage—passing through Ep ping, Deerfield, Pembroke—also to Manchester. Intersects every day with a stage from Exeter to Keusington and Ame:bury. Passengers by taking this route to any of the above named towns, will find it as cheap as any other route. S. B. MARDEN, Driver. N. B.—All orders of business, such as collecting Bills, carrying Papers, Packages, Deeds, Bundles, &e. &c., left at No. 9 Middle street or at the Franklin House, will be attended to with punctuality and despatch. S. B. M. holds himself accountable to all business entrusted to his care as far as Exeter. Portsmouth, April 6, 1847, | EXETER & HAMPTON STAGE. I EAVES Exeter every day (except Sunday) at 8 1-4 4 o’clock, A. M., and 3 1-4 P. M., for Hampton De pot, where it intersects with the Cars for Portsmouth, Saco and Portland, and also with the Cars for Newbury port, Ipswich, Salem, and Boston. RETURNING—Leaves Hampton Depot on the ar rival of the Cars from Portland and Portsmouth, and also from Salem and Boston, at 10 1-2 A. M., and on the arrival of the afternoon trains, at 5 1-2 o’clock, P. M. This line intersects with the Stage from Manchester on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Passengers can leave Portsmouth by the 10 o’clock, A. M, and 5 o’clock, P. M., trains, for Exeter, and be conveyed through Exeter without any delay. Patronage respectfully solicited. D. BATCHELDER, Driver. Oct. 22, 1846. FURNITURE, FEATHERS, &C. - AT 35 MARKET STREET. MAHO GANY FURNITURE, viz: Bureaus, Sofas, Couches, Ottomans, Divans, Tabarays, French Rocking Chairs, Sewing and Working do., Parlor Chairs, French Bedsteads, Secretaries and Book Cases, Dress Tables and Washstands, Sinks, Centre Tables, Tea and Breakfast do., Work do., Tray do., &ec. &e. STAINED AND PAINTED FURNITURE ; Bed steads, Cradles, Tables 3, 3 1-2 and 4 sect long, about 20 different kinds of Chairs, embracing nearly all the kinds to be found in the N. li. Market, Toilets and Stands, and Work Tables. Comprising all the articles to be found at an establishment of this kind. A large assortment of Feathers of all the various kinds, also a large lot of Looking Glasses, with Hair, Hair Cloth, Palm leaf and Husks. Also a good supply of Cotton Mattrasses, which are now much in use, very low, being direct from the man fuacturer. Also, Mahogany Boards, Planks, Joists and Ve neers, and Cherry Boards and Planks. House, Ship and Furniture Carving and Turning done with neatness and despatch. Old patrons will please accept my thanks and con tinue their favors, and new ones call and satisfy them selves that this is the place to buy. Dee. 10, 1846. E. M. BROWN. ROCKINGHAM FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. This Company Insure on the usual property of Farmers, or such risks as are equivalent thereto, on buildings, hay, grain, furniture, &c., (not exceeding $2500 on any single risk) for the term of seven years. No Factory, Mechanic Shop, Mill, Store, Tavern house, nor buildings compact in villages will be insured. No insurance will be made on any property out of the State gxcept in the towns of Salisbury, Amesbury and Haverhill, Mass. Amount of property now insured exceeds $2,500,000. The Office is located at Exeter, a few rods from the County Office. All communications directed to the Secretary will receive prompt attention. By order of the Directors. JOHN PALMER, Sec. & Treas. Sept. 24, 1846. : NEW & CHEAP. THIS morning May 1, opened at the new Dry Goods Store—lo ps. D'Laine, new and very pretty, at 1s; A few pieces do. rich Plaidy at 25 cts ; small figure Lon don Prints, 12 1-2¢. ; Check Cambricks, from 1s to 3s. Swiss and Book Muslins ; Fine Green Barage; Silk, Cotton and Thread Gloves ; Lisle Thread and Nct Caps; white and col'd Spool Cotton; white French Braid ; Linen Bobbins ; Lacings ; Whalebones ; Grass Cloth for Skirts ; Twilled and Linen Tapes, Pins, Nee dles, Hooks & Eyes, &c. ANDREW STAVERS. May 4. 4w HAIR WORK ! —HAIR WORK !! A COMPLETE assortment on hand of French and American Manufacture. Any description of Work made to order. : Old Work renovated so as to look as well as new Residents out of town, and those who buy to sell again, will find it to their interest to send their orders to me, as my assortment is of the best quality and low est prices. S. J. JOHNSON, Feb. 16. 6m ; 4 Daniel-St. DR. J. G. GALE’S RESTORATIVE and Renovator, Strengthening Plaster, Cough Diops, Tooth-Ache Drops, Eye- Water, Wind and Physical Powder for Infants, and Cathartic & Alterative Pills, for sale throughout the county. In Portsmouth by Wm. R. Preston, and B. Hutchings—Exeter, N. Gilman, Jr. and F. Grant. April 20. ~ 6m SHOE THREAD, &C. JUST received a good assortment of Smor THREAD, No. 8,5, 10 and 12, the very best in the market and warrented. Also, LININGS, BINDINGS, SHOE TRIMMINGS, and TOOLS of all kinds. : J. C. CARR. Feb. 23. No. 14 1-2 Market st. corner of Ladd st. PLOUGHS ! PLOUGHS!! PRQUTY’S PLOUGHS, of various patterns and sizes, warranted to give satisfaction—for sale by Apr. 27. RALPH C. CUTTER, 59 Market-st. LONDON PORTER. i GONSTANTLY for sale by CHARLES E. LAIGHTON. Jan. 1, 1847 ts No. 5 Exchange Bwildings. DENTISTRY. ~ _ DR. RYDER may be found at his Room in Ports mouth the following months : January, February April, May, July, August, October and November. Portsmouth, fiecembcr 3, 1846. NEW PORK, LARD, HAMS, &C. 2 5 BBLS. Clear and Mess PORK ; 20 bbls Leaf LARD ; 25 kegs do. do. 1500 Ibs Northern HAMS ; 1250 lbs Western, (small) -5 casks Head RICE. Forsaleb March 2, Bmis WM. sfims & CO, [ J.C.CARR === =] 14 1-2 Market st 3 UFACTURER ' - corner Ladd st. INVITES the 2R et attention of - i T purchasers of ; \\ S BOOTS & Shoes ;k @B to his assortment e pemsaeey of Spring & Sum aigmmnsl BRSS! mor wear. et Fashionable &0 ‘ ik i French CALF T AESEESN B OOTS, GAI SR S e @ TERS, Bronze and Fancy Coloured Boots and Shoes, Children’s Gaiter Boots & Shoes—all custom made and warranted—together with a large assortment of common and low-priced Boots and Shoes of every de seription. April 27. HERE is no better Medicine for spring and summer Tcomplaints,than PRESTON’S SARSAPARILLA, DANDELION and WILD CHERRY BITTERS— put up in bottles—price 25 cents—and the demand for them is constantly on the increase, notwithstanding the many articles advertised at a less, and others at a high er price. It is the merits of the article that insures its sale, and as this has been tried 642 times within 7 weeks, and as the physicians who have used it recom mend it, its reputation will carry the palm over all others. N.B. No pay is required when it does not prove satisfactory. 2w June 1. : NEW GOODS—May 25, 1847. ANTHONY F. NOWELL will this day open 30° Packages of new and rich GOODS, to wit : 100 rich printed Cashmere, black Silk, & Barage Shawls~ 50 ps. of Ginghams & Gingham Muslins, 9d to 42c; 3000 yds of spiendid Prints, 12 1-2¢; Summer Stuffs for Boys and Gents. 10 doz. of sup. Kid Gloves; Col’d and White Cottons Hose ; 10 doz. all sizes Children’s Cotton and Lisle= Thread Gloves; 10 doz. Ladies’ Lisle Thread and Cotton Gloves; = Super Green Barage; S 5-8, 3-4 and 4-4 Black Silks for Mautillas; - ; Plain, Plaid and Figured Cambrics ; Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets ; Pins, Needles, Tapes, Spool Cotton, &e. with the besi* assortment of other Goods that was ever offered in - this place, and will be sold very cheap. HAIR DRESSING. SHAVING AND CHAMPOOING SALOON. | GRATEFUL for the liberal pattonage the citizens *of Portsmouth and vicinity have been pleased to bestow upon the subscriber, he wouid inform them, from such testimonials of his ability to give satisfaction in the duties of his profession, that he will continue to serve them as heretofore at his old plaee, No. 19 1-2 Congress Street, where, from a thorough knowledge of his business, a constant and increased attention, care and untiring application, he hopes to render himself deserving of a continuance of public favor, as well as an increase of like encouragement. He has supplied himself with perfumeries of a supe rior quality, and oils which prevent the falling out of the hair, and at the same time conduce to its growth and freshness. SOLOMON HOLMES. Feb. 23. ts HANOVER ST. CARPET WAREHOUSE. No. 102 Hanover Street, Boston. THE subscriber has received a new Stock of CAR PETINGS for the Spring trade, embracing a com plete assortment of BRUSSELLS, Imperial Three Ply, Superfine Kidderminster, Extra Fine, Fine and Medium. PAINTED FLOOR CLOTHS, all widths, Cotton and Wool Ingrain and Striped Carpetings, Hemp and Stair do. ; Sttaw MATTING, 4, 5 and 6-4; Cotton, Linen and Wool Stair Coverings, Window SHADES and Fixtures, Printed Bockings, Linen Crumb Cloths, Rugs, Mats, Stair Rods, &e. &e.; all of which will be offered at the lowest market prices for Cash, wholesale and retail. An examination is respectfully solicited. WM. P. TENNY, 102 Hanover, corner Blackstone-St., Boston April 6. 2mis THE CHEAPEST JEWELRY & VARIETY STCRE, is at No. 4, Daniel-St. GI‘NS, Pistols, Sporting Tackle, Powder & Shot, Percussion Caps, Knives of all kinds ; Carpenter’s. and Machinists Tools ; Baskets, Travelling Bags, Um-- brellas, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Neck Tics, Cravats, Shirts, Draws, Suspenders, Stockings, Purses, Pocket Books, Combs and Brushes of all kinds; Perfumery, Cosmetics for the Complexion, Soaps, Hair Oils, Hair Dyes. Dentrifices, Games, Accordeons, Violins, Walk ing Canes, Lamps, Table and Tea Speons, Card Cases, Spectacles, Work Boxes, Purse Ornaments, Whale bone, Needles, Pins, Hooks and Eyes, Cotton all kinds, Buttons, &e. &e. Together with large variety of other GOODS too numerous to particularize in one advertisement. All goods bought at this establishment continue to be sold much lower than can be bought at any Store in New England. Any one article bought here, the price of which shall be lower than can be bought at any Store, the money shall be refunded. 6m Feb. 16. SAMUEL BAKER, SURGEON DENTIST, No. 32 MARKET STREET. [Over Hill & Carr’s Store.] JOHN 8. WELLS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ‘ EXETER, N. H. J. E. STANYAN, ; - . 1 Attorney and Counsellor at Law, - KINGSTON, N. H. e g sSt) S T T T e R PLEASURE BOAT. O LET—The fast sailing Pleasure BOAT,, E@éT FANNY-ELLSLER, of ten tons. Will take parties of Ladies and Genlemen, on Excursions, Sailing, Fishing, &c.—will take Freight and Passengers to IsLE oF SnoaLs, &c. on reasonable terms. For fur ther information call on Capt. WM. TUCKERMAN, who may be found at the Boat, Marine Rail-way Wharf or at his residence, No. 22 Danicl-st. May 11. NEW GOODS, May 25th. 1847. “ZM. J. LAIGHTON, 13 Market Street,—Has just: received a large supply of New Goods, among which may be found a large assortment of Dress Goods such as Gingham LAWNS, Printed LAWNS and Muslins, Oregons and Californians, English and Amer ican Ginghams, Linen Ginghams, English and Ameri can Prints, &c. which will be sold at the lowest price. 8 TO LET. A 1 A convenient two story HOUSE, on How- B_Hm ard Stieet—now occupied by Mr Geo. Green- Bl leaf. Possession can be given ou the sth of May. Apply to LEONARD COTTON, April 27. 17 Pleasant St. ENGLISH PRINTS, for 11 1-2 Cts. AN be found at J. WEBSTER’S, No. 6 Daniel st;, O the largest and best asscrtment of PRINTS im ‘town, and at less prices. May 25:. : GRASS SEED. = 7 5 Bushels Herdsgrass Seed ; 50 do. Red Top do. ;- 1500 Ibs. Northern Clover; 750 Ibs. Southern do< Apr 20. Forsaleby WM. SIMES & CO. S et se b g KERSEYMERE CLOTH. 200 YDS. for sale by W. B. GREEN, May 25. 52 Market st e e et ettt i POTATOES. 500 Bushels, for sale by W-. B. GREEN, May 25. A 52 Market street. . —_— e CIGARS. : ‘ RIME Cuba. A few M. for sale by P May 25. W. B. GREEN, 52 Markef st. CRAPE SHAWLS. JOHN WEBSTER, - N0..6 Daniel street, Has this day received an assortment of White Em- - broidered, Satin, Striped and Colored Crape Shawls— to be sold very cheap. ; . May 25. i TOBACCO. ok Goonwm’s patent Chewing and Smoking. 4 X May2s. = W.B. GREEN, 53 Masbetof. . . 300$Usn;emim CORN, justreceived by =~ VUV May2s. ~ + UPHAM & YEATON. e e R D K}r~ S T g Marke stree R e e T