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State journal. [volume] (Montpelier, Vt.) 1831-1836, May 31, 1836, Image 4

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Misiio.wir.T Ilr.M.v,
Alltred and adapted to thc nrcasion of tneet
ing afthc If'islcyan Anli-Slavcry Soekty
in A'cie York, April 18, 1830.
Prnm Gcorgia's soutlici n inountains--
I'utoiiino'd cilhcr striuid--Wlioro
Oiiioliiiu's foiintnins
H'II down ilicir goldcn sand
Froin iiiniiy u tovuly rivcr
From iniiny n suiiiiy plain,
They enll us to doliver
Tlicir lanit froin error's clmin.
Wlmt though fuir frecdoin'fl brcczcs
Ulow soltly o'cr otir liind,
And cnch onn ns lio plenses,
May worshij with his bnnd;
And though with Invish kindncss
Tho gospcl's gifts nro strown,
Tlio nogro, in liis blindncss,
J.s lefl lo giopo nlonc?
Sball vo whosc souls nro lightcd
With wisdotn from on liigli,
Slmll wo to iiicn licniglitod,
Thc lamp of lifodcny ?
Snlvntion, O snlvntion,
Tlio joyful sotind proclnitn,
Till all in ovcry Rtntion
Slmll lcarn Mcssinh's nanic.
Yc nmstei'H, tcll His story,
And you, yo hernlds, prcncli,
And to tlio slavo Ilis glory,
Lct cvcry Clirislian teach,
Till from our rnusomcd uattire,
Tlio ehainsof bondngc fatl,
And Jostts only Maskr
Slinll frccly roign o'cr n!l.
Somo vcars nL'o I obtaiucd a indcincnt
for a sum uot vcrv larse nnr vct inconsid-
crnblc against n fcjlow citicn, tbo futbcr of nnd intcntiou almost intuitivcly :- I was alory notcs and also miuicrous iucontro
n liiimcrous fuinily, wbo livcd witb tlicni , savcd from n sccno of gralitudo whicb ' vcrtiblo nrguuiciits iu fhvor of Divino Kcv
in n dccnnt and npparcntly cnniforiablo would havo bccn ovcn moro irksomo than nlation, some of wbicb, it is thought, will
Fiyle. lio plcadcd picscnt iuability to pay tbo onc of norrow, by tbo culranco of a bo found to be original nnd ncver bcforo
my lnwycr told mo tlint bis bouscliolil tidy, nctivo fcmale, and a smart lad, wbo ' publisbed, rcbnlting and rofiiting tbo most
was wcii providcii tliat lus clnldrcn wcro
pluccd iu goou scliools ivc, and in short
pcrsuadcd mo tlint if I iusbcd things to
oxtrcmilics, thc moncy would bc fortlicom-
mg. J coiist;iitcd, or dircclcd, tliat this
r.invin.i nnt timt ti... ,ini,ti- i.n.i .iicni. i
cliitiilil hiwlnnn. iilu m flnn (imn tvna m.
111 V dcinand, but tbat bo bad bccn lodl'cd
in iail nnd bis busincss brokcn un. Tbo
Intelligcnco starllcd and cbagiincd mo
I complaincd nnd rcnioiiPtiatcd but was
urgcd to try tbo cflect of tbo now situation nll railcd at mo, so dccply contriln was I wcro iiccessnry tbnn llio glorious and tri
uponmyman. A fortnight elapscd my for having blastcd tbo happiness and for-1 iiuiphniit resuit of tbo "Discussion," it is
heart nnd imaginnlioii wcro at work iu thc tunes of such a fnmily, by n ically improv- prcsunicd tbat tlio tostimotiiuls of tbo most
intcrval in favor of tbo prNonrr: 1 dclor- ident altcmpt to rccover wlint was not no-' (.'ininciit clcrgyiiicn and othcr distinguislicil
mincd to rclicvc my distuibod conseionro ccssary to my own supportand crcdit. My gciitlciiicn of New York hcicin coutuinud,
by vis'ning him and nsccriaining, dircctly, vexation and rcpcntanco wcro heiglilcned would sull'ice.
his casc. , as I cxamiiicd thc wretchod rooni and ob-' CONDITIONS, &c.
My attorncy accoinpnnicd mo to thc jail, scrvcd tbo fnmily biblc 011 tbc rough tablc, 1 Tlio woik will bo piiutcd on good pa
whicb I cntcrcd for tbo first timo. As wo and somo voiumcs of Iho Englisb clnsMcs pcr, witb new type, nnd cach uuiiibcr wll
trnvcrscd tbo passagcs, wo saw niimbcis of collcctcd by tbo biothcr for tbo use of tbo coiitain twi'iity-four octavo pngcs. Tbo
Fqualid bcings collcctcd iu somc of tbo hister. Thc gencrnl convcrwition whicli olumc will bo ombcllislicd witli ia ponrait
rooms thcso wcro tbo vcry ioor dcbtois; ensucd iuiifcsscd mo wilh rcs-pcct for llio , of I)r Slcigb, and nt lonst four other
Fonio of thcm confiued firn dollar nnd good senso nnd sciit'uucm nnd libcrnl im- ' engravings. Ono numbcr, it is cxpccted,
saddlcd witli costs of tuit to thrico tlio provcmcnt of my new fricnds l pay will bo publisbed cnch weck, nnd tbo work
nniount. Tbcir lnbor wns lost to socicty J'ncuds for such they wcrc nt onco iueliucd will probobly be cnrupletcd iu filly iium
for montbs, or ycar., on accoimt of debts, to bc, iiotwitbstauding my ngcncy in tlicir , bcr.-. Tbo uutnhcrs will bo dclivered to
tbe anioimt of wbich tbcv could cnrn in a 1
dayorweck. "IIow do they Hpend tbeir
tiinc hercr"-In listlcss idlcncss, or gross
couversntion, or moping nnd dcsponding. '
Itdocsthein 110 good to bo hcro, and it is
CI!Ulli:ii II IIMlll. uuv.- CU1I V III CLU lUUIr
1. .
wivcs and childrci) wlien thoy come aftcr
tbem." So said our griply conducinr. lio could not ho icinstatcd m his crcdit and at n distancc must mako payment in nd
lcd us to tbo apavtmont o'f my dcbtor nnd formcr cnrccr. Tbcy toil thcre in n moro ' vnnco, or rcfcr to somo pcrson in this city,
prisoner. lio would not practico tbc ccr-; bumblc line, thrivo in n moro siniplc wny, 1 wbo will pay.
omonv of nnnoiincing us; but opcncd tbo ' hopc to bo still uble to pay nll tbeir debts, I Piiblisbcrs I11 cvcry part of tbo Fnion
door abruptly and rclired at once. I stop-; and cnjoy satisfaction wliicb I may cnvy. j will bo supplicd, 011 sucli terms tbat they
pcd on tbo threshold and contcmilntcd tlio I I pball dctcst f'orovcr thc words imimus- , can cinploy pcrpons to eanvass for sub
"roup withiu. j onjient roit nr.nr, nnd mut beg ol you, pcribeis; nnd copics of tbis Prospectus
" Thcrc wcro two small cbildrcn, a girl if you fibould hcarofnny iutnnccs oi'nr- will bo iransiuittcil to any wbo may order
and boy, ncatly dressed, plnyfiilly liugging rest of dead bodies, to braud tbeni with tbem.
cach otber ncar a cot, of whie'h I notcd tbc infuny wbieh they incrit. ( A eopy of ihe Discussion will bo givcn
two, in opposito corners. Ncnr tbo firc I - - to lb" Editor of cach ncw.spnper or peri-
placc, 111 wbicb a fow slirks wcro btiniing,
V. ... .... .
i-at a femalc of tbc middlc ago and n gcu
tccl cxtcrior, niaking up lincn by hcr sido
n girl about tbirlecn or fonrtccn ycars
olil, with grnceful air andjntelligcnt coun
tcnanrc, also working ; n" little furthcr, a
nian, a gcntleman, of about forty fivo or
fifty, of a scdatc but niournful oyc, a palc,
tbin visase, a nccligcnt attirc, rcstinjr bis
hand fondly on tbo hcad of an infunt wbo
slumbcrcd m his lap. Thc room bad a
. - 1 .
i.lfifmiu nml rlnmri nsnnpl. nni 1 hr Irnmnlinir
fc'. ' V '. . 1 i . . i.-o
of fcct, tbo ereaking of hingcs, nnd tbo
clnii or of rudo voiccs, with'uit, did not
wcakcn tbc gcncral impression of discoin
fort. I cntcrcd singly-tbc inothcr nnd
daughtcr roso fiont tbcir liard chairs thc
fiitlicr alono kncw niy pei-son he imme
diatcly but tcnderly p'nced tbo iiifant in
thc mother's anns, and tbcn pronounced
iny namc. I sball ncver forgct thc glanco
wbich I received from tbo two fcmnlcs it
wus ono of minglcd rciroach, resentment
andpiteousncss; subdued, howcver, accor-
din" tn tlin linliits nf frooil lirrnilinrr nml
on..oo ,.r it. ii,n .?...:....
tlltf RUIIIIVM u, 111 V . I1IU 111U?1I1J1(J
.... . i i. l. p .1 .
ciiiliireu tiirncu Euuueniy irom ineir niav.
and Stood gnzillg ns if they lind henrd a ,
sound with wbicb tbcy conncctcd fear and
dislikc. Tbo dcbtor witb a Stcadfust but
not ofTrnsive look tboimli witb a nnivrrimr 1
not oncnsivt. iook, inouii hiiii a (piivcrmg
bp, and trombhng hand, brougbt forwmd ,
n chnir nnd rcqucsted tno to bo scatcd nnd
usked mo my pleasurc. As ho did so, tbo
Wllc nnd dnuglitcr Wltbilrcw towards tbo .
.u n,l.,.,,;.,.,. ,...!.. ,
C i .t. ""li.""'
jonts irom cxcinmntions nnd c oso sur-
vcys, wbicb could uot havo enlivcned my
I stammcrcd somcthing to thc fatber
about my ttueasincss in lecollcct'uig wbat
bad bappcncd ; my regret nt bis situnlion ;
tiiv tmp. tn rninrii.'t'tn nf liia pnnilimt . tl,..
duty whicb I owed to niysclf nnd fmiiiiy,
&c. 11c listcnedto mc withoutcinbnrras
mcnt ; obscrved wbcn I apncnred to havo
doiio,that I bad excrciscd a lcgnl ripht, nnd
tlint ho wns not disposed to uphrnid mo or
cxpottnlato ; nml ho llicn prnccedcd to givc
me cxplnnations, wliicb ho said might re
linvo him from tbo mipicinn of dishonesty
or oxtretnc Icvity in coiitractiug dtbt upon
whicb siNpicion I might hnvo net mI. Iiu
soon mado tno scnsihlo tbnt when ho forni
cd cngngcinents with mo, bo bnd n reason
ahle confidcnce, from tbo cnudition of his
nfTnirs, of bcing nb'o tocxccuto ibem punc
tuallv, nnd tbnt bis disnppnintmeut nnd
mimi wcro owing to tbo dcliiiqiicucy nf
persons wliotn nc was warrantcum tniBting
nnd to tbo npcrntion of tboso gencrnl causes
wbich bnd produ:cd eo niucli disiress and
embarrnssmcnt throtighnnt tbo country.
"Your lnwyers saw iny pnrlotirs nently
fumished, nnd mj'fcelf, wifo nnd childreu
wnll clnd ; he kncw tbnt our domcstic wanls
rvere fiittifisil, ynd tbat 1 cdueuted thu
childrcii at tlio iisiml c.xpcnso : lio conclii
dcd tlint 1 inight havo ti surphia, or could
coutrivo to pay you by ctoso rclreiichmcut.
liilt it wns iiidispcnsmlo to tlio succcss of
my plnns in business tbat 1 shotild kccp ttp
tlio nppcnrnnco of nomo prospcrity my
wifo and niysolf liad bccn nccustomcd crcn
to lnxiuios in cndcuvoriugiu liuve our ofl
npring libcrnllv instructcd and tralncd, wo
cnvo wny onlv to tho most nowrrful itnnulsos
of tlio licnrt, uiid to tbo considcrution tliat
thoy would no tlio moro nlilo niul enger lo
dischnrgo tboso ohligatinns, wbich tlicir
parculs miglit not bo oompctont to iiicet.
Wo prncticed all tlio tlnilt wliicb niitimioii
and scntimcut would ndiuit all llint wns
conipatiblo witb our purposu of finally do
ing justicc to you. To dcstroy tny crcdit
was to incapacilnto ino in ovcry wny.
You wcro undi'r wrong iumressions and 1
undcrstood tlint you would not listcn (o
tlio real hislory ot' my rnse. 1 nssumo for
titudo ntid rcs'ignntinn lirn', to sustnin tiio
spirils of my cxccllcnt witb, wbo will not
bo separntcd from mo, but my heart nnd
hori aro slill wrung witb grief at tio ruin
of our prospccts for tho bttlo oncs. Jlut
thcso aro all in good bcaltb and of fino dis
posilions ; wo can work togctbnr and pro
curc a subsistcncc, wbcn wo sball bo oxtri
catcd from this place.
" My eldest boy nnd all tbo otbcrs, ex
ccpt tbo youngost darling, sloi p nt tbe houso
of a liinil sinter-in-luw. Wo bavo fricnds
wbo would bavc comoto our relief, but wo
did uot wish incrclv to tnuisl'er a debi, and
fin so doing possibly injuro tboso for vthoni
wo woro linttnd to lecl tnost tegnrd."
1 dosired to hcnr uo moro vrilh n chok
cd iittcrnliec. 1 mado this wortbv tnnti un-
dcrstnnd tbat 1 would romovo nt onco nll
imncdiinculs to bis oKrcss. Ilis
cycs '
biigbtcncd tlio wifc nnd tbe cbildrcn nd
vnncud. baviii" distincuislicd my omotion
provcd to oo mo ni'-tor in uiw, anu inu old-1
cstsou. 1 nc lormcr carni'd a nasKut iu
l.ur liand, covcrcd witb a white towcl, aud
tbe childrt'ii sceincd to be wcl1 acipininted
witli tlio naturo ol its canteiils. nonuv
Innrn niul iui t nllpfij r hniii m linl liirp.
wiioiii.il. iinnio tti-iipi.- ti.i. n.,i- np tlm ; n. '
ceiiious a'nd spiritcd lad, his looks woro
sueb as tbo fathcr thought it ncccsary to
rcprc. - s by a siniilnr liiien diicclcd to him.
I could hnvo fclt no rcsciitniciit if they bad
new fatc,
You will tbink nio tcdious Mr Editor
but I sball not trespass niucli longcrou
your paticnce. Tbo scqucl to my story is
tbnt my dcbtor, vcry soon nlier ho wns .
..,.!.. 1 ....... ..1 i:...,.i ... ...;!., ,..:.i. i.:-
lla KJt iIqi. iu .iii.qI ..11.1 1.1a
faniily to a villago iu tbo interior, as bo
, -"f1.. ,'. .. . .
TnA.nivll.TVpn nnlln. l.itlilli(il..Ilr. .InmpnAn.
In Now II.iVPii. on iho l.jtlt inst. , Mr. J.imcs An
dri'wit. aed 1)1 )cais. Mr Aiidrnh ok a ualiitt
ot'Conncclicut, a utor.iti til tbc Aincrican lit'tolu
tiou, liL'luniji'd tti llic ( 'iiiini'Cliciit line, ai d rctuUd
in this cnunlry 'IU jrarn prciious to dcath. he
dicil in liupt'H oi a tjlurinus iniinortaiily lioyond Ihe
gravi- I'linlers in C'vnn. .V. 1'. aml Ohw urr if
tjurstfd. Anullier rirolutitmaru hciumul pnUiulhiisfullm.
I)n:ii, At 1ns rcsidt'iico 111 Unslol, un 1 1 1 - llilli nlt.
Itnburt Ilollry, r.aip aliiir ashod illncsnrabniit lo
iV V )uarV "' lul1 ,.fnU,1' ".,hc 1 l(iofl,u'
nf I.iliii. 1 lirmt nt rr'ili.iiiuti.ii. liv th.i li iifnl nt
t. j
Im .sanir.
was donu nnd
liiis kopl tlio
him n crnwii
Mr. Ilcilloy uiili-tcd niio ihe tcnico orilicUiii-
ie,i statc. i ftiay 17.1, in ino reguiicni coimuana-,
thencninnnmicj b y I.leoC lcl. Jolm TW,r,lur
cight mmitlis, ia wbat was callcd tlm Cwincciicut ,
line, and scrcd llio timo out. llutlicn cnlistcd
into thu fciuio rcginiciit. and 111 tlio tame cmnpjny
ycar, and torvci!
into tlio rompany
in llm Connecticut
and servcd tlio limc
conuianv ciiinmanuc'd bv
'i,....i, i, ,.!. ;.,, i iii mi,. i.i
and Slato tenice.lnr one yrar n'nd sereil tlio timo '
out. Hctliencnlistcdiututlii-fcauicC'.ipt. It U'ekta,
"inpany nml t'ol. Jolm Topliam's rcKimcnl, Itho.
ulani1 &tato scrvlcl! f' ,m0 ymr a",11 "rvci! tbe ,
tlln0 ollt )(! tMll BtMseA and 5,.rvc,i , outirdcr-
y v,erSfaut in Captain William VI,ipPlo' con.pa-1
iiy, aud samo rosimont, for ono onr, and st-ncdt
iho timo out lle tlion cnlisttd'iuto C'apt. Wm.j
'"' company oi aniucry, as n ccrncani mr
ono vcar. and BPrvcd tlio timo out. lio tlicn cnlis-
rved as a ScrR.,t in. Col. Cb.ut; pl.cr
I'.ovans' regiment.and Cnpt. C'olo'ii company iu llie
I'nitcd Staien tervico for for ono jcar, and kcrved
tlie time out ; niaking in all, 6 Yoam nnd 1 1 niontlis,
for nll wlncli scrvices lio vns bonorably dncliarcd,
nnil iluriniv wliipli l,p wnn in nianv Dosln of d.ilii'fr
I nnd In many liattlcs. Ho wus in llio baltlo un l.nu
Ulaml, at wlncli lien. tullivan nnu i.orti Slorling
weio laKpn prisoucrs. lle was a voluntccr in tlie
liold nnd (orlorn Jmpo whicli inadoan nltack ou llio
ISrltish army in lliclr camp tlm day al'ter llie rolrrat
ol' tlio Aiiiurioan army out of irw VorK and llio
Immrdiato and nircctsiM! battlcs iu wlurli col
Kunwlion aud Mnior Lcacli wore killed. Ilo wni.
In llm battlo nf White l'l iin lio as a vnlunterr
Serjfeant of Marinos on board a Slonp or War Irom
I'rovidcnce, II, I. commandcd by Mnjtir I'abor
uliirli nttacked and tnok tlm Ilritish gunnl tliip tbe
I'iclitl, mounling fl doublo fottillcd Sixcs witli a
lull cninplnmcntnfin.cn nnd carricd lier Into Ben
nington, ronncctiriil, Ho wni in tlio bnttles on
tlio rotreat ol' llio AniPrican army froin liliodu ls.
and. and also in n grcat numbcr of smallpr onirar
nicnls incident In a rctrcatlnc nrmy. llewimia.
ken prisoner at tlio latti'r parl ol his fervice In Dcc.
lai, aflcr fi jonrs and II inonths scrvice, and pul
on bmrd ol'tlie Jersoy prison sl.ip w.(.ro tho nnws
nf ppnco f.iiind him nu cmaciatrd cuflerrr He bad
ivliilo thcre, tlio yctlow fovcr and bis stifTcriiipH un
dor the (,'illlng chains ofan licarllcs enciny wero
bcyond dcscnption. jetlinwas llirouijli thc lner
cies of n rooiI I'rnvidenco prescrved among Iho
verv few jin t urvivril thoo Irying sccncs.
Ho vns tho commandcr of tho l.il'o (iuard of
fien. I.a 1'nveite for somo mnntlis, and wlien (!en.
Ln I'ayt tte wns nt HurllnjMon in tbis tato on bis
last visit lo this country, they rntt and rcccfjniicd
cacii othtr icjtantN.
iiu H.uit a s imt umo bi-ioro iip iiu'd pliy, 011 tlie plnn ol clnssilymg tlio genernl Upon it is oidered by said Courl, thatsaid
but Ihe l.ord s will budniic. IIisntk ninloa nf ilmt inti.r.ilii.r ctii.li. nt Ap ...1. : .!t...i. !...:. .., ..: 1 ..
faith l.rnceforili tlicio laid up lor ' ''IC. '" ' "' vllctf;e. All wbo wish to nppear at tbe dwelling-honse of II.
in tlm kiniMloiiioriii'avpn. " ncquili) a tlinrougli Knowlciico ol tlus M. DodL'e. 111 C be sca. in sa.d distr cl r t uv
i-r". ''-.. i ", is mismi(e, in tno coi rsc oi i ccss ve v. nrev ous to 1 hat tune.
It ho timo out Ho l irn cn isted 1 1 I , ' ... i wi.i,, ikiiuusi iui uim.
coinmandodby Cnpt. Mjl Kinncy l I" encu u. tiiven in l'rol.ale Uourtand unJer
Stato scrvice lor tliree inuntli. , u eoursc, iu ic?sons in u uay,) wmcii l -ff theseal thereol, at Chelsea, in
nt. Ilo tlion inlistcd into tho i nnve now eotnnieneed at tbo Alasonic Hall, Jhu.y.& sniil Distiirt. IhU thinl dav nl
Cant. Ilrniainiii West, in us nbovo slated. Nn stuilv f-xciiiit in uiliniil : m.i. a i- io?
Mr. Holley bad rcsUteA In Hriitiplffif niiout 45 1
jcais, aml M lilglily rrspcctrd m nn lioncit mnl
rcapcct.ibp imn. lio rcnrctnnleil tliu tuun
(icncrnl AmcmIiIv suine
fscmblv suine 11) or Vi yearj, mojt ir
l n
wiiicu wctn
O-'J, nml for
nnlntnincd nnd Btmiigly snHalncd rcpublicnn prin-
ciples ho was n ncmocrat ol ilio Jcllcrton School I
wns 1 (avnr ol ftlndUon's Ailmlnlstinilmi, nml
wanvol,ltC"nJ'?",0nn0al,,;,l'rB, lllllr'
nrtho V S. inliin first clccilon. As n clirlathn
lio waBfirm nnd dncidod, vei no dogmaiutj li a
alay roady to ilolcniltio canso ol' t'litist nnd n
lirin iH'liuwr in ln tcligion. lio wns a eiy nc-
ceptnl.lc incn.bornrtho Iloptiet thurcli in lltlstol
lor a fc-rcai many yoars.
cnnisTiANiT'.' versus inkidk.litv.
PcntomcAi. PtniLisiiEns,
.Vo. 17, Ann Strcct,Mw Yurk.
"J'AVH in prcss, nnd will ininicdiaioly
.JL publisb in nutnbcra of twcntv-four
pagcs, octnvo, cmbcllisbcd witb jilati'H,
jiricc 12 1-2 ccntHj tbo lato intcrchting aml
niipoitaut diiciissioii bctwccn l)r. Slcigb,
in mipport of Cbristiauity, and tbo Ddo-
gatcs of tbo Tninmnny llnll Socicty, and
i...t c :.. ,ir. t. i .t?...
y Hall Socicty.and
dcfcnce of Ii.f.delitv. 1
This iliscnssioti wbicb iiroiliiP...! nml Itr.m
upa thcological oxcitcnicnt, hithcrto un-)
parnllcd inthccity of Now York, com-1
meiicfd Nov. 1 llh, 1805, and tcnniimtcd ,
l-'ub. Iftb, 18aG. Tbo Hibatunco of thc
argumcns botb by I)r Slcigb and bis op.
poncnts was liiitbfully nnd iinpnrti.illv tak-
on down on tbo ppot, and bas bccn carc-
fullv rcviscd. so tbat this miblicatioti will '
contaiu tbc argumcnts and objections of
noiii imrtics. fliorcovcr JJr hioii'ii will )
add conious criticnl. bistorical. and cxtilnu
sliiting tlio most 1
Ibe Iufidcls tbat
)uwi:rlul onjcctions ol all
over livcd.
ninted , for tbis work, pi.iont l.ernwi'h tbc "In-
iiiovo.ltroductioii," wbicb furnisbcs mnny iutcr-
rfurc. esting particulars respccting tbo dwcus-
tlio rublislioi'S, in soliciting patronngo
i-slini. itfiff ir.nlni'a fmsttf.ntitiif
e',ii " iM.,. ..t-.. c,,u;,. Zn.. i.'.i' I
wbich aniicarcd i:i tboiiiihlic nnpcrs durinir
ils pio''res,
If any olhcr proof of llic importanco of '
tbo nrguniciils ailvanced by I)r Sleigh !
suhscribcrs iu this city. immcdiatclv nfier .
tl...; tnil.i:M..:n... ...:n lti. I
11111 .ii..iiimiui!, Ullll 111 lllu lliuillli;! j
1.. ii...ie-. 1 1 ...n
b...u Ullll M llllll CUIIIS UIII11UU1. 1VI11
bo expcctcd 011 dcliverv, and biibscribers
"dieal wlio will noticc tlio work, tuiil scnd
i" ....!. .!
, LllAIU.KS 11. J CKSO. I.V. UO
No. 1", Aun street N. Y,
T ESPI'.CTn'l.LYL'ivrs nolicolhnt he
BJV is now giving lessous in Woodhridge's
nnd Mallo Itrun's New SsIpiii of Ocogra
usclul aud uiteresliug tecicneo will do well
, nprovotlic prcMmt op.ortunity. Somc
". ' "l"w miposs,.,io to omain n
""i'S" wcogrnpiiy 111 1110 hiiou tunc
w bich is alloted to it ; but I slmll bo hnppy
lo convincc nll sucb liy actual doiuonstra -
w r...m;,v.,l a ni.,00 ..c V........ i ...i:....
......... ..... v. iiin. i.i iini ij.iiin.d
mcct at 5, nnd Gcntleinon'iit 7 o'clock P.M. ,
Lndies nnd gciitlcincu rcspectl'ully invi- i
ed to nttend.
Montpelier, Mny 11, 18.'?G,
More New Goods ! !
BBiitchiits V. Wrilif,
"O'AVEjiisl icce'ved a laige addition lo
tbeir lormer siock nf Silk, Collon,
Woollcn aml Worsled OooiU', (Jroceries,
Crockery and Hardwnrf, wbicb ihey oller
lor sale on lavnrahle leruis.
Montpelier, .Mav 10,
.lowell tV Baowes,
1TAVE taken iuio parlneiship Cleorgc
-J. Ilotves. Diimiicss will be rontinued
at Ihe old Niand, under the firm of Jewell,
ilnwes Si Co.
MnnlpeliiT, Mny 7, 1820.
Willaril IlimUt-y,
T ESPECTFULLY iufnrins the inhab
XV iiants o Mont elier niul vioinily, tbnt
he hns laki n ihe Btand (ormerly occnjiied
by Coloncl I loiighlnn, a few rods bclow
Il e Pavillion, ani! neaily niiposite tbe new
Stale IIuui,?, whero be will at all times hc
jeaily lo altend lo orders in hia line ol' busi
ncss. 1 lo hoj.es tn merit and reccivo a
libeial sbarc ol imtronniri1.
Monipelicr, MavOtb,' I8WJ.
bo trnnsinittcd by mnil to subscribcrs injance, and tliat all concerned be nolified
any part ol" tlio Dnited Statcs, at tbc copt bcreol hv publicalion of tbis order in tbe
nnd risk of tbo publisbcrs. Tbo prioc, Stale .Inurnal. inintcd at Montnelier. tlirci'
3. S
District of Randolph, ss.
Jl a Prubatc Couri holden at Randolph
w.ithn nndfr a!1 'lixct on thc m-tnth j
"a.'(! JtlnyJl. JJ. Joou, I'rescnl Iht Jlost.
L'alein lilodgcll, Judgc. I
A N Itisltunit'iit putporline to bella' last
-t- will aml tcstqinont of Moscs Hclknnp!
Jr - late ol nandolpb in Baid dislricl, tli
ci'.Tiwl, Ifinj; prcaenti-d to tbc Coutl bt'rc by
Walter Pcrrinnnd Walter Hclknnp, !id, tlio j
Kxccutors tbctcin namcd, (or Probntc; it is
r,r.,.r..,i l.u .i.l nmiri tlint II nMtnnnt m I
"r"1 ,, '-V , , i , 1 ,Lrsolls c"n"
ccnicd tbcrrin, bc notillcd to nppcar nt n
scssion offaid Couit to bc boldcn at tbe Pro-
i balcolbcc in Randolph, in said District, oiEnglanil, nnd tbe rcaoiis wbicb iiuluccdi
; tbe first Fiiday in Junc ncxt,nnd Kbcwcauso l liiui to viait tbe (Jnited Stntes.
i il any they may bavc, againsl tlic Probalu I 2. Speecb ilelivcrcd in tbo Wcslcyan
, of sai'd will, for wbicb pnrpose it is lurtbrr iMctbndil Cbapcl, Irwcll-strccl, Alnncbcs
otdcrcd, tbat n r.opyol tbe rccord ol tbis or-1 lci , Hngland, bcing a rcply lo Mr North-,
dcr be publisb.id tliree wecks nucccssivcly in 1 wirk'H statcment on tlio snlijcrt ol nlnvery. I
tiie State.iournni,apai)er printcu at fliont-
', pclicr, ns soon as mav be.
A truccopv of iccord.
I Alteat,
! iriLLLOM 1IEUARD, Itegiskr.
TMIR'IV rfj. C f I Q
' vTvVlJ'tj.
fEWETT, 1IOWES & Co., I.nve ju.t c i u,e ,UJK' Z V, I
! rP.,.ivn,l' Inr ,.. Mf!'wlroi.Bb reeve, Wni, 11,11, Esq., Mr Pctcr
Monlp'elitr, Mau 9, 1830.
AT1?W" CH tf"llrf'ErQ I
M2J Ir jLf3 I
TL'ST received and for sale on tbe most
J re Lnabirtm" bv
" J r ?P 1T nrvr
mi..i:. m.'. f?.i. ,oo,,
' 100 ' I
.i:iaiiiw .Bii3'il:in'x T!.wm.
THEsubscribers havinr been appointed
iv . y. tl,.l,.,'nn(?f.!,l)'e V".lrt lor ,,,L' I Mr Bnrtbwick, beld nl Ibe lloval Ainpilhea-
Distnct ol Washiritjton, comn..3sinners to1 lrc, Livernnol. Tl.e ilinunssiiin was contin
rcccive, exannno and adji.n all rlmn nnt uw, six evL-nings wil, lllmiait.tl nienu
ilnlri-iniunl 'il! nnicnno nirnttiu tlm ncfnfiwil .... . . . ...... .
, ,nc iMiViVrivT i , . .Tn '
J'r ,? r J0,110'. l!ll Middlesex, in ,
said. iStrict,(leceased,represenled .nsolvent,
'd Apri last, bt;in allowcd by said Couil, to
Ibf crediloHol saiddeceased, lo exhil.it and
l'ovu ,,.,elr rf l,L'cllvu a,nis ';''- us;-l)o
irive noticc, tbat wc will altend lothedutics
ur aJp'jinlrniMit at Ihe dwelling houseol
iMinice.lorilaii, in Alicldlesex, in Ranl districl,
on J"e "rAi tntusdays ol .luneaiul Uctoln
'exl,at onco clock altcrnoon,on each ol sa
Middlesex, Mavd, A. D. 183(i.
SOlN. 'WELLS, ) Commis
Washington Dislrict ss. 3
In Probate Coort holden at Montpelier,
witbin and lor Baid District, 011 tbe 25th
dav ol April, A. D. 183').
Iratoi onthe eslate of IJelijnmin 15.
Hatcbelder, Inie of Roxbury, in said Dis
tiici, deceased, presenls his ndministration
Hcount for seltleinent WhereuiKin, it is
oidered tbat ihe same be referred to tbe
2Jst dav ol Junenexl. at ibe Probate Ollice
Tr....'.tf . i u
m lUUllipLMItT, lor t'Aauiiiiuuou nno anoiv
. .
weeks succeusivcly, as soon as mav be, tbat
they may nppcar, if they see cause, at said
tiine and place, and objcct tbereto.
Uy thc Court,
J. T. MARSTON, Register.
District of Rnndolpli, ss.
Tbe bonorable tbe Probate Court lor tbe
Districtnf Randolph :
To all persons eoncerriod in tbe cstate ol
Henry A. Chamberlain, late of Chelsea,
in said District, di-ceased.
WiiRiiKAo, Snrab Chanibe;laii:, adininis
iratrixon tbe eslate of tbe said de
ceased, halh repicsentcd to this Cotnt tbat
tlie peisonal esstale U iiiRtifiieient to pay tbe
jnst dehlsol lliesaiil deceased, and Ibe'cosls
olscttling thesaid estale, by thc suni nl one
hundicddollars, and tbat a part ol said real
estatecannot be sold withont injury to tbose
inlerested in thc remainder, hbc' lliereliire
pravs for lieense to sell tbe wholeof tbe
reaiesiaie oi in" saio oercaseii : v neie
St.L. i'aiif.e, on Wednesdav next aller tbe
M Tuetday of June nexi, nnd give bonds
w t, sl,U.ciflit surel.es lor ll.c paynie.it ol
, s,n, Uetils and cliarges, and prevcnt saul li
! jn,su ueing granied, by piibli.ibinp; thi or
; Jcr in ihe Stale .Iourn.il, llirec weeks suc
Washington Dislrict, ss.
In'Probate Cmtrt holden al Montpelier,
t i teithin and for said Distiid, on the VJlhday
of Anril, A. I). 1830,
MOKSE, Administrator on
tlie eslate of Atnius Nirhols. late ol'
Northfield, in said Distiicl, dereaseil, pre
senls his adminislration acroiint fnrseltle-
ment ivbercupmi it is ordereii, tbat the
saine be relerred lo Ibe7th day ol June!
next, al thc Probate Olfico in Montpelier in 1
o.,t.l l)l..t.tpt l.ip nvninmnlldn nn.l 1 1....... t.p.. !
OUI11 .'lbl 11.1,11.1 1-AI1IIMIII1lll.il 111.11 II III. II II III 1 ,
at wbich time and place, the widow ol tlie
deceased will ask an assignnient ofpersonal
properlv, and tbat all concerned be notilied
beieol i.y publicalion ol tbis nrder in ibe
Staie. Inurnal, printed nt Montpelier, tliree
weeks successivelv, asboonas niav be, Ihat
tbev tiiay nppear if they see cauVe, al said
time aiul'plnee. aud obiect tbereto.
Hv tbe Court,
..' -
J. T. MARSTON, Regista:
T have this dav civen nnd reliiiouiNhed to
timo toaei nnd trade lor biinsell, nnd I sball
eluint noneot his wagesuorpnynny deblaof
lus contracling nlter tlus dnte.
Duxbury, Apiil '-'0, 1830.
Montpelitr, April 28, 1630.
liccturcsof C5co. Thompson,
TUSTPUllTJSIIKnnnil nr Ralf nt tlie
AnliSlavory Itooms, -10 VVnsbington 1
strccl, 1'rico 60 ccnlr, Lcclures oi GeotRo ;
TilOUipson, JWt. witb ti full rcport ol Ilis!
I'olcmical contcsts witb I'etiT Uortbwii'k,
Esq. tlie ndvornte ol tbo prn.olavt'ry paitv,
in Knglnnd. This woik bap bwn compik-'il
from variou8 Knglisb .-Jiti.ins, nnd iur.li
lcriuirsonly sulcclfd nii bavc n bi'arlngon1
tbo gcncrnl (picslion ol hlavcry tbrougbout
tbe world. )
, 1
1. A bricl lltory ol Mr Tbompaon'a
ronncxion witb tbc Anti-Slavirv causu in
l.omlon: ilatcii m Son, Jo7, 1'icaililly, l
1 83-2. Thc suhiect in thwler.tiirf.iu iliscua-
Red on tbe principli ol ' Riirhl bdwcen .Man
,' rheri'porter savs "Tbe uionient
Mr TliouiiiRon was rt'cocniml walkinc a
MonrrtbcnisliMnw.ini!! llm vi-strv. a blnst nl
npp'atise imnii'diately proceedi'd lioni Ihe,
nudilnry. Prcciwly at sevcn o'clock hens-1
Clnro, one ol tbe fcccielarit's ol thc Anti-1
Slavery Socioty, and Mr .lanies Evere.t,
I oneol thc mcmber.H of tbe coninuttee. lo
1 tbe latter wasnssigncd tbcolliceo arrang-
I ingnnd banding totbespeaker thedocuincn-
! ,atory lVm r?(iuW't) ?"Pl10rt (?''.
' r!llls,,nl huiiiniuty. Tbe large and l.eauti-
Uul Cbapel was crowdeil witb n hiijlily re-
i Bpectableauililory, and ncver was a speakcr
tnorc enlliusiastically recrived, morc atlen-
tivdiy iieaici, or more icciingiy rtK ioiuifd
g, DisclKsion botween Mr Thompsnn and
Tlie l,iverpooi papers staie tlint aiuiuugli
te ,10tst! wnu, at.romi,i(late -1000 persons
VL.t t.V0Illng t)!IMV mtlitait W(..re
unnbleto gnin ndinisiiou.
4. Leclure,deliveied Thiirsday evening,
Seplhinber 20, 1832, in tlio Irwrll street
Cbapcl, Sallord, Mane.lie.-lcr. Tbis Lectuie
was delivered soon allerMr Il'irllnviek, the
West lndian prn slavery ndvncale, bad pub
licly said tbat be would lolloiy MrThon-p-sori
' Irom place lo plnre, like his evil gcnius.'
Tbe lollowiiiK (ueslion is discusscd iu ihis
Lecture; ' Can any circumstanets juslifi
man inholding his JlUme-men ns properlyi'
Tlus Lecture,' says tlie Kepoiier, 'wnsan
nour.ced to coinmence al seven o'clock. Tlie
ndrr.ission was by lickets, llir wbicb therc
was an unprecedfiiled demand. Ascarh
as five o'clock tbe doots were siirrnunded
by a numberol most repfi'tahlept'rion.s, nnil
bv hall past six iheCliapel wasr.roH'ded b
one of tiie most scspectnble auditories ever
witnessed in Mancbestei or ballord. We
ohseiveil a considerahle iiuiuher o! Ibt-Socie-tyol
Fricnds prescnt. At twenly tninutes
helore seven MrThoinpson was recogi ized
walking dmvn tbe aUe, a'tendeil by sevcral
olhis Iriends, and was greeted witii enthu
siaslic chcers.' A few minules bclnte seven
V. llill, Esq. tbe Boiougb reeve enteied,
and wasloudly ebceted. Precisely at seven
o'clock MrThoinpson acconipanied by tbc
Uorough reeve and Mr Petei Clare, lel'tthr
vestry and ascended tbe pulpitslairs. Mr
Tlioinpson eanieto tbe fiont nl llie pulpit,
bowed rcspectl'ully tothea'-semhly, niul was
received with imriiense cbeers, wliicb lasted
a considerahle time.'
5. Spcechol Mr Thonipson, nl ihegreal
Anti Colonizaiion incelinsr, beld iu Exetcr
Hall, London, July 1933, .lanies Cropper,
cscj. in tlie Ulinir. 1 he lollowmg resolulnui
wasofi'ercd lo Ihe meetin"; bv Mr Thonipson
and iinanimoiiidyadoptfd :
'Resolved, Tbat thecolored people ol llie
Unitcd Slates, lully aware tbat llie nhjeel
nf tjie Anifrican Colonialinn Snciely is nnt
Ibcir iniprovoiueiil nml happiness, h'avc dc
clared tbeir delestalion nl it iu !be ninsl
solemn and ptiblic mnnner; tbal thal op
pressed people haveoiir heart lel: synipathy;
and tliat the pnneiples and rflorl's ol tbeir
advocates, Ibe Anti Slavery Societynl New
England, baveour cordial npiirnbation.'
03"Tlie workconsisls ol 200 pages and
may he badat the Anti Slavery Rooms in
New Vork, Providcnce, Itostoii and Con
cnnl. Noticc !
DOCTOR F.W. ADAMS, pnrtner of
Doctor J Y. Df.wkv, nt Ilemy V.
lbirncs' llotcl, Montpelier, Yt iiiiout," will
not bo ungi ateful for ii ofctsional pnlronnge.
Mnrch 2(ith, 1S30. .
New IZstablishment.
TIIE suhsi'iibers, having piirehased llie
entire Stock ol 1. C. llarrouu, and
reinoved the business tn ihe sliop lonnerly
nccupied by Jewett & Russell, as a lailorV
bboji, on Mnin streei, iwodoors noiihol tbe
Post Ollice, ainl nenrly opposile tbo brick
Meeling ilousr, wherc may belound all
kinds ol work in tbeir line, as chcnp us
enn be purchased elsewbere.
N. U. All kinds nf repairing done nl
filinrf tintiei. t aUo mnnv nrlie.lfH nl hnrd
; wart. an, saddlei's tonls'elieaper llian ever.
Montpelier, April 212, 1830.
ENRY Y. I1ARNS, would inform
the public tbat hu has opcncd a hoiifc
l pubhe entcrtninmcnt, m thc eoniral parl
. "f ? villugo or Montpelier, on tho striei
1 priMciplcs of leniperancc: wine, slronrt
beer, nn.l all ardent spirit wholly excluded
baid houso is pleasantly sitimtcd ou fctato
Mreet. a low rods west of tho Ilnnk, and
, " bon plensnnt bomo for the trnvellcr, or
pcifonB in tbo vtc.nity visituig Monipcher
' n.i li.iuiiiouu I Jnn.l i.l tiiii.lnii.,, i.lii'i.i'L m
rcniliness, nnd ovcry rcnsonnlilo nitontion
paid to nll wbo patronise tlm uboo housc.
ii......,i:.,.. ti... in i s'if.
i,llllll'1'll. I , I'lil.. Ii', KUHi
y ESPECTFL'LLV lenders lus proles-
i XV sional serviees in tlie varinns brnncbes
. ol tlie benliiig arl, to tbe i'diabiianls ol
Montpelier nnd viciuity, From expetiencp
in tlie practiceol bis p'rolrssion, be lecls jus
tified in solieiling n sbaie of public patroii
age. Ollice in Keith & Lvnian's new Htiilding,
Maine street, where call will be received
nnil ntteiided tnr.t all hours.
Montpelier, Feb. 1800. 223 13iv
N ow look at this !
TIT11E subscribcr would ngnin inform
A tho public tbat ho still mnkes nnd has
constnntly on hand, tho most vnlu. blo mcd
ioino whicli will in most nll cases, curo
Rhoumatie nnd Ilip Cumplnints, nnd bo
wnrratits tboso wbo cnll upon him on Snt
iirdnys nnd stny until Mondny nnd fmd no
rolicl'by thu npplicntion of snld mcdioinc.
tbnt tbcy nro wolcomo to tbc mcdicino nnd
iitteiidaucc. It is n inistakcn idcn of rniiny
lieoplo, tbnt Iho ngcd wbo hnvo bccn nfllic
ted witb RbeumntLsiu for iiiiinv ycnrs, ciin
not bo bclpcd. It is trtlo tlint tlio ngcd raii
not bc tuade yoiing ngnin ; but thoy mny bo
roliovcd froni pain.
Tboso wbo may favor him wilh n cnll
mny fiinl bitii nt tho first houso North of
tho Ccntro Villugo llotcl in St. Johnsbury
Caledonia Co.
N. 11. Applicnnts nro rcqucsted to bring
witb thcm thrco vinls cnch. Prico not to
oxcerd jjl,.ri0 in coiiitiion cnsca Applicn
tions by lctter dircclcd to St Johnsbury
Centrc, or verbal, will bo ptinctlinlly nt
tendcd to. Wbcro thcro nrc cases of cos
tivcncss or billiotis eotnplnints, attcnding
tho Rhcumntism, tho curo cmiiiot bo so
spccdily ohtnincd ; but boconsidcr himselt'
nbloto inniinjxe all sucb cases.
Alany certifientcs mny be obtaiucd "of
difl'erelit cnscs; but tbo following aro o
tbo most nhstiunte kiud.
ISonrd can he bad for 81,25 pcr wcek
St. Johnsbury Centrc, Jmi. 18UU.
I, Thomas Kent, of Orford in tho Stntc of
New Ihuiipsbirc, certify tbat tny wifo him
bceu nfHieted with tho Rbctimntisiii for ten
ycnrs, nnd for fivc ycnrs so lumo ns to uso
n cnne in cnch bnnd nnd tbat witb diflicul
ty, nnd wns iu cxtreine pnin, nnd bnd rcsor
tcd to vnrious mcdiciues witbout rclicf
nt length iu Sept.1831, by tho use of Reu
ben Powers' .Medicine, she wns so far re
lieved as to walk witbout canes, and is ns
hcc from pnin ns tnost peoplc ol ber ngc,
wbich is 71 years.
Doccmhcrl", 1835.
I, Ktziah Aldrich, of St. Johnsbury in
Cnlcdouia Coimty and Stnto of Vermont,
ngcd 05 ycnrs, hcrcby certify tbnt I hnvo
bceu for fiflcen ycnrs ufilietcd witb fro
qucnt attncksofiuflnmmntory Rbcuinntisni.
whicli hns produccd tbc most excrucinting
pnin, and nt times rendercd mo cntircly
iielpless, hnvo npplicd lo n numbcr of phy
sicians nnd uscil many mcdiciiics recotu
mcnded iu sueh cases but witbout nny mn
tcrial relief, nnd nt lenglb in November
1831,1 was iniluccd to inake uso ol iMr.
Rcuben Powers' Medicine, by tbc usc of
whicb I expcrienccd immedintc relief, nnd
have neversince bad an attack of Rbcimia
tism, but hnvo in ovcry rcspect cnjoyed
ucttcr hcnltlj tnan lor mnnv ycnrs iielorc.
St. Johnsburv. Dec. 1, 1835.
I, Xalhaniel Hazklon, of Orford in tho
Countv ol (iralton and btate ot INew llnmp-
shire, hereby certify tbat my son, William
llnzleton, nged 17 ycars, was two years
ufilietcd with Rlicumntism in botb Uicca,
wns mucli or tbe time iu cxtrcmu ia'ui, tbo
MlUU OIIIL UUIIMIIU uuusiliui uuiy L-ililllrii,
and ho was Boinetimc wholly confmcd to
tho housc, and having rcsortcd to mcdical
aid, witbout anv rclicf, I was indticed to
iim) Mr. Reubcn Powers' Medicine, by tho
uso of wbich in thrco weeks, the pnin nnd
Mvelling of his knrcs subsided aud bc was
rcs-tnrcd to pcriect liealtn.
My ilauglitcr, ftlary 1 iler, ot llietlord, in
tho Stntc of Vermont, ngcd 20 ycnrs wau
two years nnd a balf nfllictcd witb n luino
ncss In tho Ilip, wbich wns much of tho
timo cxtrcmely puinful. Sho was most
of thc time iinublc to wulk n stcp withnut
crtilchcs. Tbcy npplicd to seven difi'eront
phy.-ieians wbo nll decidcd ber complnint
wns Hip Disense. Iu Sept. 1834 nftermy
son wns well, I went to Tbetlord, witb
Powers, nnil ndvised theui to obtnin liiui to
sbc wns nblc to walk witbolit crutchcs:
iillit iu luu uatiD ruii 1110 iici 11.UII Y icdiui
i'i! T lin iliinrrnlU' rnpfim llinnil tlin Hnnl
Powers' mcdicino to tlie public ns in my
111 bticu cnses.
Dcceniber 7th, 1835.
Memoval !
. . . ,1...... '-"- ""
i ii,iii ii i,i .41111., awti, .1.II1.0 v. vuiii
and wonM now oller lor sale a large ani
splcndid ajsoitnientif Foreign andDomes
tic (inods, aniune wlncli may be luund
Hrondclolbs, Cassimeres and Vestings o
eveiy ilesenptum;
Silks oralmost everv color:
i ongee patierns; siik anu bolton veivet
Lmen 1 ahle Covcrs;
Linenaud Lincn. H.iiidkeichiefs;
Thread & Hohinel Edm'ngsand Inserlinffs
Calieoos Irom 10 tn GJ 1 y cents;
Slieetincs from 121 2to25ctnt3j
Sbirlingsnl 10 cenls;
OtilliiiU-, 'ricking, elc.
West India 1oot1s.
Old anJ Yoiiiiu' llysou Tea,3 UuU.;
Il.vson skin, Souchnngnnd HolieaTeas;
Pepper and Spice, 12 lccntsj
A eboiccPi'lection nl L'ljuors;
Paints and D.vt'-SiiilK
mfiii-i.uii' rt n r T tc.c ll'nm
i , .' t c-.... .
iiiiiiin :ii :iiiviiiiil-i ljiiiii: in iii f uiiuiuv i
Tea Sells at 1 87 1-2 eenis and otber arti
rles propnrtionnllv low.
iiii.i. -in.. oiv ... fj--
bargnins nie nquested to rall nnd exnnun
gnodsnnd prires.nnd wc nteconfidentno on
'I'Lnu.i ii.l. .i .i r.i iiMdliinn tn makp rpnn
will goaway iiisnaiifii.
L. & L. EGERTON, Jr.
Mntcli 23, 1831.
Saddlci'V IlartHvni'u.
nplIE Subscnber Iihk a largu stock ol th
ju noove v are, wiui ii iif m inun iuwi
than has been sold in this village helore.
Montpelier, January If, 1880.

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