Newspaper Page Text
LATEST NEWS. Or Tlio New Orlemis Picnytino or llio 21st. lilt, announces llint Tnmiiico. a Mexican town of 4000 inhabitant, surrendered to the U. S. Squad ron under Coin. Ferry on tho J4tli, without resist unco. It wns deemed neccsstry to call nt once for U. S. troops to maintain Tiitnpico, and tlic civil nnd military authorities of Louisiana promptly respond ed to the call. Mexico it is said will not consent to a peace, un less the U. S. Government gives satisfaction for tho injuries done her. Santa Anna has 18.000 troops nt.Snn Luis Polo el, and shortly expects to havo 30,000. Thorn has been trouble at Los Ani!clos, tho na tives having risen against the yankeesj many of tho Mexicans were Killed or uotiiiucu. At Monterey our cfllccrs havo imprisoned the French Consul lor protesting nsamat the occupa tion of California, and an English vessel had pro ceeded to the Marquesas (where wu auppuso thero is a French force,) to give this news. If true, Franco may get involved in tho scrape. (U" " C." is crowded over to our next. 05s Wo understand that Rev. E. J. Scott has resumed tho office of Superintendent of Schools for this county. Yankee Doodle. Tho reader will find an ad vertisement of a racy, piquant, and humorous paper under this title. In form mid spirit it is tho famous London Punch adapted to Vankeodom ; and lrom tho specimen which has come under our notice, wo judge it to be a gnnuinu scion from tho Hrittsli stock, albeit perfectly independent. Samuel Lover is to contribute a series of American Sketches, en titled "Handy Andy's Post Bag" a sufficient guar anty for "fun alive." 02r"The Columbian Lady's and Gentleman's Manaino for December has been received. Tno publisher announces that arrnngcmciils have been made to tnain.ain the high reputation which this Magazine has won. Fanny Forrester is still to bo a contributor. Flic new volume commences with tho January number, $3 in advance. Address, post poid, Israel Post, 110 Nassau SL, New York. Qy L. A. Godoy, Philadelphia, reprints ihe Lon don Wo.-ld of Fashion, and Blackwood's Ladies' Magazine and Gazette, at 1 each per annum or both for S 1,50 in advance. (JJ" young lady recently appeared in the Kensington gardens, London, to whose dress some wag had attached the following label: "No rea sonable offer will be refnsed." To Djtikt S hcol Cumm ttets UlfasMnjtitn Cuunty Gentleuln t The relation which vou sustain to tho Common Schools indu ed me to suggest the f Hum ing fur yout consideration at the pro acnttimo. In a few wccki all tlio schools in this cuunty will have commenced i and much, ety much, of their success do ponds U(Kn tho fiilhfulneis with which jou discharge the high trust reposed in you. Yuu tre to select ttra teachers, who, for tho neat three months, are to huv tho charge of Uie thousitnds of youthful minds found in our numerous schools. Upon you detohes the rpeciat guardl unship of tho entire interests of theve schools. Yourollicii pro tents you a noble sphere of usefulness. If fuiihtul, untold hlvs aings will bo the result. If remws, the consequences must be mischievous and ruinous. You have, probably, rnjjagcd teachers for your respective chools brfoie this time. i his work, it is hoped, has been done with eare, and with more ngnrd to the finest of the candidate for the otfico, than to the price demanded. Having hiied your teacher, a new nnd important relation is In stUutoii between ou and him lie is in a comprehensive sense you' teacher. You ore to be his special friend and counsellor, .should there he prejudices againrt him on tho part of somo fami lies, ynu oro the proper mediator between them. Seek to se cure, in his behalf, their good will. Your eye. and car, should bo over open and attentive to the school watching its progress rondy to respond to its claim; and promt to queit the first ris ingsof discontent. You should be slow to believe nught agilnst your teacher ; but, if after your school commences you find that you have made a raisUke in tho choice of an instructor Oia soon er that mistake is rectified the better. Do not rctuin an unwor thy teacher in tour school Errors, imbibed in a bud school, in the shott space of threo months, may cost the lubor of years lo eradicate. SulTer ine to inquire, Is jour school house In good repair? Aro the windows whole and well fitted? Is the stuvo In good corumon; is tno iioonng ugnir is tne plastering, on the wall, and over head, whole? Are the seuts and desks in cood rcpur and comfurtuble ? Is the House clean? lias it been banked? Are there no loose clapboirds? Havo you good dry wood? Is it housed? Is there a shovel or tongs at ttm mc1i,ooI house? Is there a oroom there ? Tail Mod cup? .Much of the com rut, anA prosperity even, o( tho school depends upon atten tion to these comparatively small matters. I would suggest the importance of your visiting tho school, as oon as practicable, after it commences. Do not, I entreat, suf fer the first week to pass without discharging this duty ; and re peat these visits as often as consistent At your first visit, please make special inquliy in regard to the supply of hooks, their uniformity, ate. If there should be a de ficiency or a want of uniformity, perhaps you may persuade those concerned to remedy the evil. Respectfully. E. J, SCOTT. Montpelicr, Dec. 1,1810. rThe attention of the reader I directed to an Advertise men! In utiothr column, of Fontuiu'i Cfelebruted remedr for CONSUMPTION. (KrSPECIAL NOTICB.XJJ The cxtraordiuuiy ORAEFENHKIU) PILLS, which are achieving unpiinilled triumphs in various sections of the coun try, are now introduced inlo this vicinity. Lei every pet son read the advertisement of tho Uiaufeuberg Company, which will be found in another column. ANOTHER TRIUMPH. Warren, Lincoln Co. July 15, 1845. Dear Sir, I take pleasure in complying with your request to hear testimony in fuvor of your valuable medicine, having hud a daughter 15 years old ery dangerously sick, tho Nst year, re stored with it. My daughter look avcry iofent cold in tfeplom boi 18 1J which settled on hei lung'. Hlie wns troubled with a bad cough all winter. I tried various kinds of mxliiM, bu none of them had thu desired e fleet- Ttie cough continued until March, when we bee-me alarmed at her condition, and applied to a physician who attended her some time, but did he no food. VVe then consul ted another, hut all to no purpose lluv ng exhausted the whole cat tloue of medicines now in the land two distinguished physicians having done their best lo restore her, we then obtained a bottle of Wis tar's Kalsam of Wild Chcrrr, which relieved her immediately. After taking four bot tles, she was completely restored, and now enjoys good health. IjCaUUH, None genuine unless signed I. HUTTS. For sale by S. W. FOWLF. 133 Washington st.lloiton, also JJ-For lull ;ule by 8. P. KKUF1KLD, Montpelier, Vt. II KAUTY LOST AND FOUN1J. In an evil hour the serpent entered Paradise, and Ilea 11 tv lmt Its charm. Hut the Ailwise gave man power over all animal nnd vegetuble mailer. And thu mysterious secret of restoring unto wuuiiu 11 it 1 tuiiuci jjuic, tic ui aim utjuuiimi complexion is com biiicd in UADWAY'a CUINESD MEDR'ATIiD SOAP The wonderful effects which this vulu iblo Rnun hm nn t1 skin and minute secretory vesnels, is entirely different fiom all other so ips. cosmetics, or lotions that have ever been np1. A an extern.! nt tor of all Spvtst Ulemisket, Dlotchtt, VusUlet, wn- jHcjfUituvLttcruHsiifnuymurKi, it is eminently superior to any othcrof the kind, both in its theoretical and practical principles. Instead of driving theses excressences and impurities of ihe akin into th svstem. which roost ol tl. rntmniics. l.i tl.l. u,.l. uabte Soup attract these imputilits wh'ch so disfigure the cull- cie irom 100 must miunte anu secretory vessels to the surfuce, leaving all tho vessels and secretions where the impurities o the skin caused su much annovance in a clear und hen hi. v enn- dition. Mildly expelling lrom the sarface every trace of dis figuremenl and rostoring the complexion lo thut beuutiful op- .11. vii iiatuid iu.i-iiuuu It, aiiuuiu WCBT. Its medical effects in curing tfalt itlieum, Uinr Worm, Eryi Ipelis, Rush, lb poisonous effects of Musnmloe bites. CHAP VbU FLI, ULEEDINO and tiURK l.U'rf, Rough, Bellow, and discolored kin, is spoken of in teimi of the highest praLe hy thousands o Individuals who have been benefitted by the 111. Iiril.l. sr.t.sal.l. S k ! ttl! ..1 U ' raiuoum . iiinuft .icuiisltlt'U DOB II. Bold hy ilAI.DiVI.N a. tJCOTT, Montpelier. liniGIITON UATTLC MAItKUT Moisbit, Nov. 30. Nteoorted for thu Truveler.l At market, 130 Uatlle, 18 yoke uorking oxen. 33 Cow and Calves, 1309 Sheep, and about l50 Swine. BaJ Cattle titia, S5 75 1 first quality $S 5 j aecond quality H'vrliag Git .-le. noticed at $07, 70 and It. and Calctt Bale noticed at $17, SI, 2-i, 20, and S4. Shent frale of lots were made ut Al fl. I 7ri. 3 l5. nrt u 0 Shrine At wholesale, 4 3-4o for rjow, and & f-4 for llarrowa l . .w v ..uu u i-A i;ciiii ier juunu BOSTON MAltKET. MnviTATpn'niTNrTnv v in . '"'Woni I here I no particular change in Ihe market i uhout 100 bbls mes, foik told at S9 5Ua$0jO0 bbl Laid, 7U-tc, 4 ino. cw lleef is scarce and in demand at Sill 85 a 10 SO per . . . . L""",,ut" i-oiu weainer, wiinapro- W . . P,edl' cluaina; of the canal navigation, ha riven con aiderabl. hrmnesa to the market, and price are a little better Genesee, common brand, i. held ut (5 37 1 3 a 5 50, MAiitli;i), In Montpelier, Nov, 26, by Ebeu Beilbner Jr., Fq , Mr. Jsni. U. '1 haver of Middlesex, and Miss 1.. K. ttandcr of tho lormu olaco At Middlesex, Nov. 25th, Mr. Bradley M. Clark and Mis Or Iba C'hunln, both of M, Jn Iraiburah. Nov. IClh, by Itev. J. Jobnon, Mr. William II, allace ufpictuu, Canada West, to Miss Marietta, daughter ol ", '( DIED. In South Strafford, Nov. 9l.t, of consumption, Amanda il Bav.go, in the 3olh year of her age. la fclmure. t tl. aj, David llumphiey SJ ,0 of F,mu.l and Lll.y bii.itb, in the aOh je.r hi. age, alter a distressing III ness of nine days, fruiters iu Wood.tock, N. V. and Maa ' are In boutli Wohurn, Ma., 3d ult., Mi. Lucrella C wlli ,,r Mr. William C. Cot.., of llarre.v!. or S 6'.' fui; 'hoat lhe ," of Nv- co. W. Lynda. K.n or Hock I. UJ, III. eged .bunt 4J, .on ofth. 1st. IRn. Corn hu l.yod. of Wjlhamstowo, Vt. In 'helps, Onlaiio t'o , N. V.. on Wednesday morning, the 4th ult., Rev. Lucas llubbell, aged 59 yesr. Mr. Ilubb.ll w. eraduato of, and for uae tltna ft professor In, the University of Vermont He had boen Ihe stilled pastor over Ihe rretbytetlan chinch In I'hclps ror the last 7 year. Al Dubuque, (Iowa) Nov 2,1, at hli residence In lhat tle, Jn's Crawford. Esq. u dlsiingulahed lawyer, aged 49, eon of Theohpl" lui Crawford, Eq. of Turner. Vl At llydepatk, Not. 16th, of the coniumpllon, Mi. Fanny II. wife of Simon A. Splccr and daughter of Capt. Nrhomlah t tetman, of Rotrnh, Ct. aged 45. Printer In New Hampshire and N. York are requested to notice. At Nortli Danville, Nov. 97th, Capt. Dodloy Bwaicy, aged 75, on. of th. earliest settlers of th. town. tn llardwlck, Oct. 31, ofconiumptlon, Mre. Hannah C. Rollins, aged ii8 yean. , , In Worcester, Maia Oetnbcr 97th, oftcrn ery short Illness, Mr. Minim Could, eced 30 yean. In ll)oomflnld,on lb" 10th Inilaut, after an lllnei of four days. Hon. Martin French, In the Slit year ofhls age. Mrs, Lydla Ppiinger, wlfg of Jacob Ppringor, of Lunenburgh, Nov. 19, aged 64, In tho hopo of a blessed Immortality. Printer! InN. ., Mjaa and Malno are roqueited to notice. OHIT17ARY. 11 With nolaeloitt itep death atrnli on man, rso pie, no iirnyer deliver nun ) From ml lt of life, unnnlsh'd plnn, With sudden hand, it aevera him " Died In Cambridge, Ma., rbibbath morning Nov. 5th, ofty. phold fever, (lnorgo Henry Steele, aged 9.3. The deceased wai tho ehtesl eon of Jaion Pleele, 1!eq. of Chelsea, Verniont, uai graduated ut Dartmouth College in 1913. ami nt Ilin time of hi death wa a member of the Law School in Harvard University. Though ho wm cut down tuddenly, far from hla natlvi hill, hi parent flood by hi doath.hed, suffer ing with him I hey faiv aulicr, while their atrong stall nasbro ken and their hcautirul rod. Ill friend will never furet thnt in ono of hla 1at tetter home, ho nskei one of hi liltlo sisters lo begin ngliii with him tho llihle which they had just finished rending lmutiancuuly. Intellectually, the deceased wnf noted fot many endowment blended in harmony, rattier than for any one prominent charac teristic He bid n sueelnes of ditnnslllon which all would wlih might live forever, and wa remarkable lor that " dew of youln," Willi wi icn it l naracsi in associate uo mi. own. i tbee qualille , dnd hi being Juat ready to cross tho threshold of active lifu. hi relatives, cU.sniafe, nil who knew him, join In aiying, We never thought of death and him together be wa taken from u in audi an hour a we thought not, we are a thev tlut dream. A hi Imairo. with eie undimmed and cnun- tenance unchanged, over f.ilr nnd ever )Oung, recur tn their inemorle, may It reveal u new slznllieanco In tho truth, that the chief end nf education should he fur a life hejond life, a welt a that our iluya on earth ato a a shadow and there la none abiding Then tluugh he has lost hi life, they will not loso hi death. Com. PROBATE COURTS WITHIN end lor tlio District of Washington for tho entiling jenr will lie hoMcn at tho Probate Offico In Montpelier, Tuesdavx. T i nursuajs Buu raiuruays, at iu o'ciock a. pi ana 9 o'clock lf. M. Ily order of Court, Attest, LYMAN BRIf!GP, Rfglilcr. December 1, IB10. 4 NNUAL MERTINR of thd VillasH of Montnclicr will l. - holden nt theContl House on Monday next at 7 o'clock P. ai. rcr or.ier, Attest, LYMAN nnififiS, Clerk. December I, 1640. NOTICE. CAMK into the enclosure (known as I'ltine' Mountain Pas ture) in Norihfivld last f-.ll, four YCAltUNCS (two lifers ami two iiPiivis,) saiu yearlings on tho Uim rurn.etly owned by Judge Paine. The owner U requested to prme property, pay charges andtaks th-m away. JOHN IlfJKLY. i.liamsiown. Nov. 22d, 1 84C. H YANKEE DOODLE TOTIl E PBOIM.B OPTIIE UNITED STATES. rrillC ruUiilier of Vakkcc DeooLr, after watching natiently I the result of llielr etTorlt to establish a 1IV.1IOHOV.S iM.IjXJSI'll.l'M'lin jr.7KK, partaking of the ipirit of ll.ii counlry and Ideutlfying Itielf with nip inierrsis, s mpniiucs, laaica anu progress 1.1 the Amoricnn People, hivo tlio pleasure of nnnoiincinir that their success has tl,u fal been unpaialleled in the history of I.tteralurc. Having carefully laid and remetited tho foundation of our enterprise, wo feel now wnranted in enles on to erect a suitahlo suneritmemre. Although riding no bobby, nor professing to he tho exponent of nnj kvi, iiiiK i.uuuLE , a w oau iy anu Billet' Iv 41 national.' and haa no meaner ambhlnn Ihnn In nmW. nn.l reproduce in permanent forma that freo spirit, thnt cabuborent lifo. that creative energy and lefinlngcnthuslasm which so emin ently character! us and distinguish the New World fiom the In the Editorial and r .-i n tho Publisher have engaged the inot eminent nnd diversifiei! talent that could ho prwiiied. They make no parido of names. tint Inn (In lils.t V .inl.n I t ..II - I . ' The Object of this PrOSOCCtua In intrl.ia Vurtlrit.nnn.1tA lo the great body of the American IVopIo who reside out of tho largo Lilies, und un whose decision must, at hut, rest the fate oi any national enterprise. IVo invito attention, therefore, to i lie loiMwing terms upou which we propos to extend the circu la'.ion of our nanor. nuy person refilling us S-Tihy mail or otherwiso, shall receive Ten Copies of Ynnkee Doodlo foj one year directed to such ad drpss as he may designate. Tor 12 wo will nnd Fise Copies fur ono year. For S5 we will send Two Copies. Singh subscriptions $3 per unnum. D" All orders must be weeompanied hy tho cash. Address, (pott paid, J J. a. FA A ETAS &. CO., No. 7 Spruce stieet, N. Y. iankee poodle ispubUihedin New YoikevpryHuturday morn ing, and will be mailed to country uiPtlHrai In ilmtj to attlrn nt in period or dVstinution simultanrousty vt iUi Us Issuo lit the City. New York, November, 1840. DENTISTRY. IAOCT. AL NUWTON, sursical and Mechanical Dentin. ' Oftico over .Mr. pnlding' Siore, on Main, at the head o f cimc-airoeT. in oracr to introduce somaot tho rcconi improve ments in the consduciion of plate teeth, 1 prnse to iiuert puts or wholo sets ol tooth upon gold plate, porh'Clly respmb nlin? the nuturul orpins in form and color, und in point of utili ty, fulfilling nil purposes of m.isticution as well n the naiural teeth. For any pif-co of work I shall requi.o half the amount lobe paid at lite time and the remainder in three months, if tho work should provo .satisfactory. If not, the toetli c-iube re turned and the money refunded TILLING. Persons having decayed Teeth, can have them filied nt this Ollice in a stylo not surpassed by any dentist in Nrw Unhand. From tho peculiar r.unner in wi-ich 1, perform this opciution, ihe tjold is made us solid as the tooth itself, piesenting u (nil sur face and being susceptible of tho finest polish. Teeth filled in this manner will remain durinz tho lil'o time of tho pjticnt, provided proper caro be taken In brushing tho Teeth so as to keen them fre from the effect of Tartar AH operations per formed upon sttidly scientific priuciplcs and at reduced prices. Montpelier, Dec. 1816. 94 1 not only a sum cure for PILFS and WARRANTED so la be. hut alio cures lhnl iiituloiablo ileUlnn. wtileli Is 0 com mon and hits lis In the same parts as the Piles. The above (iinimeat lor saio uy a. 1. KUUl Ii;L,U. Aiootpciier, '.'7tti rov i4o. 94 It KSTO 11 A Tl V !: F It A N O A ISU. CONSUMPTION. nlTTQ PhU'imiu ... . . r .1... r.-. r t Xuw. w. ,.,.., juiiiui . ii.uci hi (inn itrui r oniain J . tiuu Chenust. and Preacriplloiiisls to the lloyal llmversiiy, Tans, nas esiai.lialied at Washington City,D. Cn Depot fir the sdle i.f their ibnve celnbia'cd compound wh ch they olfer lo ihe ArriLricin I'ublic as r sure AN. TIUUIK FOil CON&U.MIM ION. in lis dilvjiicid n. well as incipient s ages. Acting directly up m iho Lung, ami artefcting tneit decay. it not -jnU sooifits and quiets at once, tho main as and pain attendant up.,n tins hrreiolure rr;aruco luiai ciseuac, out iraiuirs the l.ungs and ihrir svnipailt sing nreantto NATURAL AND lilCALTHV ACTION. Accompanying eacli package dre general m nudum and direction. (Irauila'cd) for lis use, adapted . um Lam. B..U it nuiir lunuweit, vi i not tan in every insiauce if Ihe Lunys are not wnolly consuiucd if re slonni! tho patieni to lie.tlili which may he pirniancnlly secured hy I'uliirv care and I Voiding too niu li epi,su,e tit u'mii-pheric changes. frice. I.iuht p'ranca. LOUIS KONTAtw If. f For llieinfiirinatinn nf person icidini! in iho inte riorany pan uf ihu government ho wonld siaio lhat the rciocuy is prepared auu imporieu ninct Iriiin ihoirL.bina lone, fans, nnd that the can be transported Hiinugh ihe mail ., l.u i adv.seu b Oflicera oflhi Iot tJtlien lJi, parluient, lo ativ I'ost Office in therounirv m ih Bnmu rlurge as for a double teller. Anv persons thciefuru residing distant from Ihu cits' who may wish in aval Ihemiolves uf Iho icine y, can do so by add cssin" him through Ihe mail, poit paid. Two dollars accnuipaojing i.ii oruer win enuiioa person to one whole and one ilit P'SK'tr-. LOUIS FONTAIN. tvathinfinn D. C. Cch ber I 1846 94 NOTICE. TO PHYSICIANS IN O H A Nf: nr.. MMllU Orango Couaty Medical Society will bald It annual meeting at I). F. Dickinion' in Clielica, on Thursday. Doe. 17lll. Hi l.n A SI " All regular physician in the county aro eainestly requested attend this meeting. i' C. WOKCESTER, Sec'y. Thetford, Nov. 30ifi, 1840. ' ' CERTIFICATES almost without numbor ran be produced, of Ihe beiieliclal results Troiii the use of ibis celebiattd Modicine. hothfioin dIisbili.ii. un.l Ihll... Il.ul l.Aun of deafnc. by Ihe application of it. , , f or aslo by S. r. REDFIELI). Montpelier. 37th November IB '6. 91 DENTAL SURGERY. A .WECI'SEU would resoectfully announce 10 the In "' hahitani. or Montpelier and vicinity, that ha haa tal en a room over hlhs. Wilder and Co.'. Store, Slate-slie.l, where he will attend to ull operation, upon 'I EETII. Me feels confident In ealng that all operation .ball be performed iu Iho I.e. I no. .""".' '.""""r1 '00.1 reasonable term. Teeih . which flvlli' .0, ?,e,t', '"'h'".','''!'1 " J'I'te, o, 0,1 pivot. . Ti ' -e -v .UQ u.uuiy .nu promote tree ami . M .... ,',! "UL """'.be used in mistiration aa well r j eir . " "l'eo ai care wu he observed n c ean n, and filling to prevent f'urlhor dec.y. ailed with pla I na, gold or tin, of tb. best nualily that can b. obi. ed In lloston or New.York. Teeth brush;. r n. . . . the mot celebrated Tooth Powder which b.. ever b..n otfered to the piiblio fur cleaning and preserving teeth ami Imp.rtlng lo them a beautiful lustre aed for preiervina the gums, pi.pi,i ' r r Ladiea und Oeiitlaman who cannot make it ronvenlenl to ii , . ..T "" at men retiaoiic.i. Montptlisr, ov, IMO. ) j,f- ACOUSTIC OIL! THE CSir CURE I0 J ?V TliK GRAEFENIiEltG PILLS. fpllKUK are ihu must conclusive riaioniwhv thai clasa JL lif Medicines dcuomlnaled "l'lttrm,' ahotild be marln the mean of Incalculable anil enduring blcninge In the liunu fsmily. Sunpnse, f..r eiami'to, that a high wiilff of talml,lonl and signcinu uhtcrvrtiioti, anil great inrrllcnl learnini and experience) am brought lo bear upon the In vuntlinand manufacture of a I'll... Why may nui lliii longdcvolmn lo Ihii branch of Medical Science be cimvn. rd with l he success i lint ntiemli the sacrifice, iifinnilai t n t enla and lull In oi her thing. There Is no rroaon and it but tin- ainin 61 dictato nf llio tm,llct com i.ori ten.o Hi any that .i I'nl l litis piiiilu:cd will be a perfect an alli bo mado by man. Twr.rxv.rivi: nr. votion to any i no aubject will gm man of ability the rn.-i-li.ry over it Thi Labor haa been bgatuwed upon tho ait.ii:vi;.xui;na l'najnT.w&ii ix;jr,.. and lliey are presented to tl.e public with claims unparolj Idled in ihe lilainryofmedicl iciencu. It will bo seen in linciug tlio lliainry nf all great inven tion, ihat they tvcio not rnado or discovered until the nrrl. nf nhai may be tinned the rtlLNLa or TlM. Tlio mariner', compass lit Iinunci wna nni invimcd ur.lil In Ihu fulnes of time, it was needed The loadstoms: alwavs Uy at mnn'a leet, but hu mver knew wnat a wonJeiful and uiirrrint; cuide van ticusured in its eiti-nt b.som,umil 'lie Divinely appointed Hmo drew neat when diaiant coiilinenla and isl.ii.Hs wero lo be unveiled. Ilchold it now transfer ted lo ihu binnacle nf the advrn'uroua aaihirt cnab'ini! him to launch far away ttpun unknown Occ,in,inslcad ol lint i Hy sailin)! within .ight nff.imiliar land marks! So Willi tho di'covriy of tho Now Woild, upon whose ahores was tu arlso Itiin Giant Nation to a power, a glory, n mission far beyond the cnncepliun nf thu wildcat fancy Tl.e Old World had reached lis I labial ileilinn the fnl nesof time drew neor for ihe revc anon of the' New, nd Ithold the imiuiulal Cnlumhus.fiom tlio frirrcasila of his dn nclii il nnd leaky vessel, f.,timl it. So wuli the invention of printing nf sieam ol ihe magnei.c telegraph. liacli ol iheae hid its own fu'nnas if lime marked distinct nil Providential. I.i medical Science the samf. oreat riiiLosoi in- CAL I'HIKCirLE ts EqilALI.Y MAHKED. Most healthful nre tho illualtaiions nn pro.fofihi. which oro In bpfnund In Ilia history ol the world. We can Ir.ico Ihcm fmni the Mosaic dispensation down to the present hour all nf ihem earning us tno lesson and giving us inn Imp . thai somc lliintryi't Illi'I'TKIl to heal human maladies isai hand. That bit prii.crp'o Is line of Medical as well as physical scirnco is clcrly shown tn U G II A EF EN II H It G O A Z KTT K, wli'u 1i is,rurnisliod gratuitouslv to all who wiaS it. The GRAEFENBEltG PILLS, are deemed by all who have tested them lo be an inctneciv able advance upon all nthcr medical ciiinainjii -ns und discoveiits hiihrrin known, nnd they utc announced as TlIK GltKAT KKMKDIAL THIUMl'H! Tht Inventor if these I'nls rests In themv unnn no school noi dogma of ordinary teachers. Planting himself upon tne revm uion 1 1 mo ALMIGHTY CREATOR, THIT T1IK BLOOD IS THE LIFE, he requires thnt his d-sciplcs and h s ptiiients make pur the ljfk cunrtE.NT tvnps thiough their veins and arttritu heforu ihe y can h"po for a permanent enro. llelief ho can ive thrm and so can otticrs; but bright and j'tous healih must cune from a pure blood. ' Hut a most sad though' litre r.umrsin So countless are ihe tmpnEiiinns which are praciUef) upon (lit public b pu'tcnHcrs and so numcious und boastful nic thr medicine advcrlMcd. lhat the reader may be slow In bflicvo In this Great Ut'im-ny. A word, thertfuic, m, this pnt, In Iho first plarc, RH.AD THK GUAKKKNBERG GAZETTE. No mat'cr how skeptical ynu now be, that paper will convince yu. Thousands have bken convin ced in i' very Sttle und Tcrntoiy I.i thu Union, and among i hem ilisiinguuhrd Staiejmen, Jurists, Clergymen. Civil Thu bare enumeraiinn of their name would fill this p.ifje. Let the readet ruud In the most convenient agency fr a copy of the Gazette, which can be had GRATIS ! Inlhoi-ccond place, THY THE PILLS It will rost yoa but the increiU tr.ti5, anJ will .ntmducf you lo a medi cifo Inch you will dtcm a blessing to the end of you days. A thousand thincs pres u.-nn iho mind of (he adveitis era vhich ihey would rejoice to say to the reader, but the ilmtiKt l mis advertisement itiroia. uui let very one nl dieted wi'h the following diseases make trial of the Grarf. 1'iiberg IMU. and they wih be PERMANENTL V CUH Avt hma Flatu'ency Fluor Alhns. ot Whiles Ililhous Complaints ll.nls Gastric Fevor Green Sickness Ciiipes Heartburn Head Actio UvatericB Iniontincnce cr urinu lndiueviiun liiflaoimalion nf vital parls Inflamiu.ttion of titontach Jamid ce l.ivcr Complaints Low Spirits Mi ntruation, suppressed or painful Njrvous d .orders, I'.lteunialism Sloniach, various diicasei Urtwels, deficient action ii.y urrasi 1'an Caiurili C onvupation OOOgtl Uf I'n.n., Ciii'iventss Diauhea Difficult Drettlhing I)).pcpaia Ojspi'p'ic Consumption Diizrsti'in, unperft-ct ileicrnnnatiiin of Blood to ihe Mend, Kar Ache Kpi epsuy, Kryeipclaa, Kevir Low, Nervou, In'ennitiani. 1 ever and Ague W hllea In ull Billions or Chronic disorders, these Pills achieve the iiin.t wonderful triumphs. 11 Kali THEY DEFV COMt'lVI'l'I'lON. And as ilin suscopubdity of ihe Aine ricuiCiins'.iiui.on ia to these diseases, they aru ajiily atyl vd by ft'iiiio vim of run .visit- ifoitr.i. Their wonderful ifHcacy in these coiiiilaints arirea from their power in optN the pukes s deanse and atrcngllien the stomach and Missis ) make the Urine fl-iw heallhfully and clear, and GIVE lONK AND STKIiNGTH TO THU SYoTBM I: is impossible, with 11 the limits of an ordinary ndver tisemeui,tn give tlie reader 1 lie reasons fur the must extr.i ordinary a ceesa and spreac of these Pit's, liut reasons uu cxiet, witch havo abundantly satisfied tho minds of thousands in Ihe coun'ry; and, among Ihcm the accom plished Physicians, Jurists, Clergymen, and private citi zens, male und ft mi's. NU.MliltOUS CUItTlFICATESorihe wondcifu: if ficacy of tnese Pills mihi be picsenied but a certificate in these days is hanlli worth Hie paper 011 which it is prin td. A few utricts fiom iho correapiindcnco of the Uom nany.wi'.l, however, b. now given. ' FHUM INDIANA. I'Ynur erWrprise is tho eulerpiise of the day, lie mif. nitude will aaionisb its originaiors, It is destined tu etlbi.1 a tnmplttn revolution in the medical world Fnou a Justice or the Peace ih WtsTtnw N Yoitit 'I hive S'dd a number ol Lux. a t th- cutzriis of tins place They have given eniiie saii.fjciii n, and thev ure destined tu become ih iiinsi popular Pill of the day." ' Fnou Toledo, Uiiiu. "Having heard so much, and (wu or three cases treated in Ihe mode dnecled by wmr Journal, I havo tno'i it important you should have an agent in th a place. In my opinh-n more good can bo done in :li s bilious climate by yi.ur medicines, than by the old modes I address you at the inaiutit e nf u Iriend who is making a thoiuugli trial of your remedies, and witli complete success '' FlHlM DISTl.tCUISItED GeiSTLKSIAN Or IjuSTlllf. Gentlenn n, 1 cannot trfrain from troubling you with a few lines to express in. great pleasure, in being nblc to sac, that I liuve experienced the greatest refief Irons the elltcts i.f your I'll s. bur man) years 1 n.ive sulleied much from constipation, which lias disarranged in) whole system, ami I na-e unknown a day'e good health for many years nasi, and being an u'd nun, 1 despaired ..fever aaln eniov ing ilfu ; but a filend lecomiiieuded run tn iry aour Pil s, winch 1 mo, aim. .iiii wiinuui any cunnaence t Ihe result, 1 am happy lo inform you, has far exceeded my expecta tions, the cause of my sutTeiinga 1. neailv temoved, auJ I feel 11 y lieuilli and s'rrngih dailj reuewt d, and I am saliifi ed that tlie meiils if your I'llla, wlit-u tested, must bo ac knowledged by Ihe wnole community, and will become the most pepulai medicine of Ihu day. FnoM JunaE or Ge iboia. ft r. inru WI llln.i Iu vou last noon lln .ulilnH nr n.u HI health, I have been laklngyour medicine, and .1111 pleas id lo say thai they have been of the gtealett civ ce 10 me and iftney continue lo eive me the relief I have alieady tell, 1 shall bless the day you sent Ihem. I need not allude lo Hie fcultnriiigs I nave uilure told you of : but intend to persevere, an. I hope tn be able tho next lime 1 write, to give you Ihe happy inulligt nce ufa perfect cuke I have liiarai.i many instances in my neighborhood wherein they have perlorineri some extraordinary cures. Fnou an bCriscfAL Uiauop. Gentlemen I corsider 1 the duly of everv Christian to make known tu the world any kdvamigea lliat Ihev may havo derived by aucident or fioiu anv discuver i f it.-.. own, and wnh ibis svimmeiit sirongly impressed un my mind, I f.-el greai gialificaliou in having il 111 my power 10 .puna 111 niu uigou.t isruia 111 ine vsiu&uie uiscovery you have made 111 Ihe ptuduciiiui ofvnur Pit's. I was induced loiry V'lii, from Iho pliilujophicsl manner in which you havu reasoned on the subject, and I must do myself the pleuure and yuu Ihe Juatu-e tu say, lhat I had no cuiicen. lion so speedy an ellect could be arrived at. My cu:i,plaini nas oven nitti 01 niu uverj 110111 which i iicspaireu ot gelling belter; bin since laking your Pill. I loci mv heulih. snu.i. ai.d appetite su much imp uved lhat I hopo tu fiuu myself tiiouiu iviiiii.ui uuui.jr .uiiciiug, me (tones oi an aiuuouv I'lutessiun. in iu uiu I will s:nj Iu yodr ngeiil for more . in. ..urn ueeuiu is nu givai connueticu anu gratitude 1 am, &Ci From ever seciion of tho entire counirv similar lean. iii'.iini are uaiiy received, but our limits fu bid furthei einacls. UNoh. Tltllil) I'llp. GUAKFUNUciltG t-u.i.a tvtt.i. rjui-f.KU.,ui'. ALL O rillillS, WHOLUSALK HOUSE, 411 John Htreer. New Vnrlc. In towns where there is no blanch, llm iVompany will u..o.o. i.ou .n .ppncaiioii uy leuer ,pos paidl or uilierwli Persons wishing ihe Pills sent bv mil can orjer thrm. Ur.tJ. a, FhUIUS, UUKI.1NGTUN, VT Oenoia! Jgenl fo. the Bialu of Vermont, and Ihe Northern and eastern iounues oi rew lurk. f-nn LUS. LIVE OEEBE FEATHERS, for salo by Sept. 11. (33 STOItltH and I.ANOtH ONH. wool, wool. WANTED UY Octob.rU, m IIAIsUWIN b SCOIT . -WINTER GOODS. IrI,!.IS, k CO. have this dav fiotnmaf J let with a lol. stock ol 0001)9, adspieil to the teneotn Anions the stock ma; b. found th. following attlcloi r CI. OAK & 1II) 89 GOODS. Vis. Illabi Maroon. Dlnck. nine Illsck TIIIDCTSt tllatk and Ktona col'd I.N1IIANAH f Xep't endrialrt, niackand lllilo AI.FACCAS) llrow.taml I'urpla Cheek M AltlNOH vers faihlonabl.. Check and ShmleJ VK l.AINS. Rllk and tVciiud KIllNOni CIMI'andCOItDSt CLOAKS At DHISS TAK8A1.SI 100 I'. Splendid RIIinoNSi 10 dol.Ellk and Colll.n IIIHMIF.Sl lied, llronn and Itloer CRAM: FCAIIFflj 10,000 jds. Calico, some b.antlfal (ratlarnst 10,(100 nrowri Cottons) 10,000 Ticking) 1,000 " llleaebed Cottons, 1,000 ' mown Drill. , , flentlemen, ynu can find the hxtaoortment of DrotieiotM Casalmcre. and Vetting al this ettabliibment that tbn )fl this tide tho cltr, a part of uhlch are the following. I'. Ileautlful Moholill Drown, I'attor and Uroad Cloths " Ohve and Ado'ald " " Illack and lllue, 11 ' Illackand lllue Illack Oattimerei I " flrlpcd It Check do. Pilot do. fr over coating and Tantt ) Bomo very largo Orey do. Black, which are solas cheap. OKOCRliKV, PAPHIt HANOINOS Ac iiakdwaim:, In abort, we have a large and well eelectcd tock, which we .hall sell at price that defy competition. Ono and all, pleaas come and eo for tourtclve. UI.US, WILDER tc CO. Monlpolier, Nov. 25, 18-10. 93 NEW WINTER GOODS FROM NEW-YORK. S. BURBANK, JR. VZ'XZl mcntof RICH WINTER GOODS, which will be sold ? mam Montpelier, November 18th, 1846. Too "PACKAGES of new GOODS RECEIVED TIMS WEEK HY J. W. HOWES, AMONG which tho LADIKS will have a fine ehanro of le lectin .oro new styles nl llleh IIRF.SSI COOD3, never before shown, namely Splendid STEWART PLAID) do. do. Tarlton do t Omtire Hbadea and Comelion do.) Scarfs, Shawls, Laces, Trimmings, dec. November 18, 1810. 02 BURN II AIM HAVH Just received a large and complete assortrrent of FURS of every detcrintion, among which aro the follow Ing: STONU MARTIN, FITCH, SABLE, LYNX, black an I light, ENOLtSH CO.NEV, nnvp'i"!' Russia dark German SAHLE, U flight. Orey and I'ro I'OX. lBAMbLtliA Ui;Al(, Tho abovn at wholcaalo nr retail. 03 1MUJFFS, MUFFS ! AT IlUIIIIANK'rf they are receiving tbia week a great varie ty of MUFFS, WINTER CAr.-", 4te. l'u.cha.era will findlt for their interest to give this stock an early examination. I1 I T I 'IT1 (hi1 A good assortment jusVjeccived at iii u r r o, iiowns'. ASiLW&0BT-MUFFS, can be found at tho store of .LL.IS, AVll.UHU.fe CO. October 13, 1846. Caps J CAPS! BURNIIAM & ELLIS HAVE tho largest and het assortment of FUR II CLOTH CAt'S ever olTeled lor sale in Vermont. flOYrJ. vou can tut a eood Fur Trimmed Can for FIFTY CENTr1. Tho ubuve will be sold al wholesalo or retail. November, I8IG. 91 MEN & BOVSIWrlCAP at the C'uflwell tiioro than can li fuimd at any other place in this vicinity. ALFRED SCOTT, Afiirnt. Worsted Drawers UNDER SHIRTS, AT KI.L.IS, H'lLUHlU CO'S. October 14. 1810. Cdtv.67 MUFFS & BOAS, AT Svfv laJKtfi nuiiNiiAM u f.i.lis' PS&lSrJ HAT AND FUR STORE. CONSISTINO of KUSSIA PQUIIlltEL, dark and light FITCH. AFRICAN LYNX. GERMAN SAIILE, black and li-hl LYNX, HM!Ltdll CONEY and GREY FOX. Wo havo FLAT NECK BOAS to match the above Muds, a beauti ful and comfortable uiticlc. Oct. 24, FOR WINTER BONNETS, ELEGANT tiatlna, Velvet, Plumoi, Ribbon, F ov. cr, Ate. Jint received l.y J. W. HOWES'. Nov S5lh. RICH VELVETS & SATINS IP Oil Winter HATS, with FEATHERS and ltlllUONS lo snutcli, juat received al BURDANK'S. Nov. '40. DRESS GOODS. AND a CHOICE SELECTION, selling ofTcheaper than ever, at UUBIIANK'S. BY EXPRESS, OCT. 28. ANOTHER lot of EleSant CASHMERE SHAWLS, and i- KOU ROYS, fur Cloak. Fleaao call and examine J. W. HOWES. 6,000j Yard. NEW & CHEAP I PRINTS. 5,000 Woolens and tVoisteds ; 0,000 DomeslicCoods Just receiveikby J. W. HOWES. Nov. Mth, 1640. 03 IIKOAIJCl.OTIIS, CASNIMUUKS AND VKSTINOS, JUST received .t UURBANK'3. Ftjii oi-:nti.h.i kn's uvkruoats. CjrLENMI) CLOTHS of NEW STYLES for OVF.ItCOATB J lust loe.eiviid at STOItlISi LANOUON3' October lGtll, 18 10. ALI'ACAS. 1). I.Al.N'S A. CAKIIiUEIt F.S UNUSUALLY LOW. BALDWIN U SCOTT. October 9. 67wad BROADCLOTHS,, ?LTn,ff:X: CASSIMERES, fc lv'K VESTINGS IIANUHoV'f' ac HIKER. Octo'ier B3, 1840, Please JSotice those BEAUTIFUL SILKS AND SHAWLS, At STORRS U LANGUONS. October 15th. Cotton Qoods. Ofinnfi Yard of New PRINTS GlniharoaaudCoUon iiUUUU Cloth at 1810 price at STORRS II LA.NCDONS. October 17. 1810. Dress Goods. A Large assortment and at lea price, than at any other Store in Ibis place, may be found at Oct. S3, 1810. BANCROFT BIKER'S. 1 .A.V.I l. .Mll.i.S, OdltN SUIJLI.KIiy, A1MM.IJ PAIUKltH. OATTI.K 'I I ICS, Just received at HOWES' AttlculiuralWsro House. NvV.TibtrS5, 1KIC. 9) & ELLIS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. IRA S. TOWN, STATE STIIEET, MONTPELIER, VT. KEF.P cenitantly on hand a selaet sortment of OOLI) and SILVER Watehes! flntd Chain and KeVes. Colli anil Kllv.r Oold and Hlone Finger lilacs, llraceletts new patterns, Toy nnd Fancy Anlcl-s, Jewelry, all kinds and Styles. Mterl Iteedl, Bajr tMasp and Hag llinz, Coll'a Palent l llanel self cocklng Revolving Pistols, And a variety of cheap rocket ristols, etc. Also, a great variety of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Bass Viols, Melodennt, Accordiani, Flutes, Viols and Violin Bows, also, t"i.lnt"i Me. .... trrJEWCLIt 1 of every description made to order, by an ex perienced CITY WORKMAN. , , . FINE WATi.'IIES o. all descriptions repaired by artac ..i ..nn.i.n.j WATCHMAKER. tKrComeand aon for younclve. We fill our hnp lo a eomodlelbt public, anil furnish first rale article at a small advance Irom cost. Monlpelier,Oct. 7, 1840. 85 SAMUEL ABBOTT, WATCII-MAKKIt .v JEWELI.F.K, Keep, constantly on hand, GOLD AND SILVER WarranteJ Gold lUads and Silver hpoens of nil kinds j Gold Pencils, Stone RinffS and Pins, Gold Guard Chains J IlrHcnlett and Chips, Gold Fob Chaios and Keys ; Miniatuie Cases. tT'Alio, in odditlon t my spring sunnly, 1 have this day re raived some very nice uamvo Tins, with a liwfja lot or stone ltlnjt and Pins, Gold Pens with Diamond Points. Spectacles to suit all njcs, which together with my Spring Goods, make my asioumeni very compieie. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS u...L rn..t..aa. tt.. . t : r. . v. J I . . f nn.. OUCtl HI rflBII'JIltjin, I IUIH's I MfJU, riuUKI, r I VIII. II llUlit Violin Ilnws anUMrlnjs oi nil kinds uiio, CUTLERY, n-rPrrumoi- Ilnir Work. Hair Combs. Pino Irnrr Comiis Hruihes. Tea rots. Brass Clocks. Tots. Hiker Combs and Thlmhles, Steel lloads. 811dm and HiHtnnt. Uc, Sec, y-Lndiet and Gentlemen, aa to prices. I feel confident lhat you will be perTctty lutislicd. Please step in and examine for Yourselves, at any rate 1 thi least ravors win re ersteiuii? i inowled'ed. SAMUEL AnnoTT. Village of Montpelier, Oct. 8, 184C. 7t K. II. WITHRItnLI. .fc A. A. 51 K A I J rOULD give uolico that they have formed a co-paitnerhip v under the name und firm of WITH Elt ELL & MEAD, And havo opened a shop on State Street, 3 doors eal or nraneh whom tlmv initind cnrrvliW on tlio HVfVClf .TJr- wr wr- . wrSwfwjrwf ZKJsrJMiSN, Thev have imt received direct from market, an extensive assortment of (Jt)LDitfIi,Vi:R WsVICIlEH ,JrWKI"JtY, FAHUv gooijs, TOYH, etc. etc., Whirh thy wHlffliOllowM cnu w uuu5ii in this vicinity or elicwherc. They arc also prepared to manufacture, and- wilJ keep con stantly on hand, SILVCIt SPOONS & JEWELRY. Of every description, warranted to be of the best material, and uf the litest nnd most rTaihion ibte style. Watches carefully repaired nnd watranicu to keep i ime. The; hope by stnet atteiilinii to their business, to command a liberal share of public putruiuge. All orders from a distance thankfully received, and will meat with prompt attention. jN U CA.-ll Mid Tor old Gold and SHvor. K. U. WITMERELL. A. A. MEAD. Montpelier, Sep. Jfc 83 SILVElt WORK. I It A S. TOWN, SILVER SPOON MANUFACTORY, SIONTPDLI K It, VT. IP. TOU'N, Stato Street, Montpelier, Vt. taVea pleasure In Informing the public thai he ha. cnmmeiteed the manufac. lure, al reduced nrsres, of SII.VKU TAI1LC and TEA SPOONS, OF ALL SIZES, DESERT do., HALT and MUSTAKUdo- Cream, Purar, Gravy and r-oim I.ADLE3, SUUAU TONGrf, DESSERT Ss. HU'I I'ER KNIVEd,eie. 0y-Eery nrticfe soft! by hiru is manufattured uuifer Iris own ruptrintendence, nnd can ho warranted of tho best muterUU. Tu nersons wnnttnz Snons of anv kind, thev offer the adtan- tiga of purchasing at tho- lowest possible prices and dirnctly cf tho manuuemrer. rtrucifas oi ine luirii oi)ic uiwsjson on hand. N. II. A liberil discount wld be made to persona wisblog to sell flaTtiln. JF.WEIAIV of every dotcr'rption made to order by an expert enfed City, FINE WA'l CIIi:y of uP description repaired by a practical and exiieriunced Watch-maKei. SILVER SPOON MANU FACTORY. lirOULI) respectfnllv inlorin Ike cltUens ol Monioelier and vT all others wishing to purchase, that they have recently commenced the mnniifr.tfrn nf Ml t.VT.ItSPOO3. lUvlntrhud eisbt years experiencH mi the businers In this place, thny fuel perfect contidvnce in Baying Ibat llielr work will compare with r TEA, TABLE, We have a good assortment or DKSKKT, MUHT-S SPOONS ( AiU) & rJALT ) II UTTER KrilVES. SUGAR TONU9. etc. If any one believes there is but one establishment where Spoons are manufactured in Moutp-ilicr, they can easily satisfy tl.An...l.d tin ... U flr.ll IVaa I W. tl.u. thnt there is. iho reoort to-tlie ronlrarr notwiihstandiu. Wo work nothing but the best of Silver Into Spoons, and will givo the purchaser a written warrant of tho article as strong aa we recommend them. As wo ere not under the noceastty ofhidng our Spoon made, we think that we cam furnish them ns cheap as ihey can bo purchased any where of ihe same quality. Cullonder. ttr ATUIIEd rnpsired and warranted. Alia, nil kinds of Engraving to order, aa well as enn be done this aid of tne Pity. vvri iit.UatsUL. & jiiiau. Nov. 16, 1640. 9) O It A N ti E CO. M. FIKE1NH. CO. NOTICE is hereby given that the Directors of the Orange County Mutual Fim Insurance Company hive made an assessment of tr ree tier cent, on ull thu premium notes of said Company In force ou tho 14th day of August 1848, to be paid to the 1 roaaurur of said Company ut his ottice Iu Chelsea, by the nrsi uay oi January neat. Ifanv are now delinouent In the payment of former assess incnts, they cannot complain If the Dy Low .if said Company are rigidly enforced, and trie premium notes collected in iuii ana tie Dositud In the Trensurv. J. W. SMITH. Treasurer. Choloa,Nov.20, 1846. 03 BEAUTIFUL 1 1 EAIITII RUGd a a AT ELLIS, WILDER, U Oo's. CAMPHENE, tY Ihe DEBT OUALITV for .ale bv VJ Oct. 1,1816. tS Wl l I1CREI.L& MEAD. Crockery. MORE New nnd lleantiful CROCKEIIV opening at Oct. 17, 1816. HTUItim Sl LANUnO.N'S. NEW 'J'AILORING ESTAC L1SIIJV1ENT. CilAS. M. OH l.llli;ilLAYNn. WOULD infurm the Tubllc that he bas leuiosed from Ellis. Wilder Sl LVe bulldinj, Iu the .u.vmisii uuiiiisiiff , i sittor. cnai or llrtsuclt. ttililh-e, where ho has ad.tfd to his business. TIT Arm r t 1 luch Ilro.ilclutli., I i I il I I I'l i f meres, vesttni;., anil VJ JU J X JLLKJ. I TUIMMINUb of ull klml.. which ho will ..11 cheap fur Cash, and make to ordur In the beat sijrie. CuttliiK done for other to Jlulie, rrrL'uuiiiry Tailor will le aupjdied with rleott's lYew York Fiiahloit., at New Vurk price. Hunlimhcr, Oct, 1846. 87i3ra.dw, Tea, Tea, Tea! Ol II, TEA, WAUIiANTEI) to be superior to any Tea erer effeicd in this maikel, lur .ale low, by uci. aj, 1310 HAri;Klin'& HIKER. TRY IT7 Ot: CIIESTH more uf that IiXVlt.1 VOMJJYO SIOwV 'l'lSilf al lbs same low price wariault vary superior at 8T011U3 4c LANUHON3. Bept.B8,18. gs TOBACCO. GOOD riuf and I'io. Cut Tlucce . M S. K. COLLINS, BOSTON NOTICES. ADAMS HOUSE, 3ri -WASHINOTON-STIIUET,- BOSTON. T V W. T. ADAMS ha.lna: oneae thlsaew and splendid' u Hotel, bej lease to assure the pnbiratHSl nolhln sn.ii ne wantlnt to make it equal to any other trrtlie Onion and not socond to any. 00:6m JONES, DENNY & WARD, NO . 00 MILK STIIEET, IMPORTERS and Denier In UYF,8TtlFFB, Olldl, SOAPS, CHEMICALS, and MANUFACTURERS' ARTICLES. Msnnfaclurer of Lard Oil and Dye-Woods. October, 1810. 6fr2tn. OOKSEM,Klt, I'UItl.lSHEItS AND STATION i;k, NOS. 17 and IV, CORNlllLL. HOSTON. JOHN P. HILL, JOMIIUA A. DROIII1EAD. II. ec I), keep constantly on hann lor salo at Ihe lowest prices, ln a.sortnient of LAW. TIIEOLOQICAL. MEDICAL. SCHOOL and MISCELLANEOUS ROOKS. Order, from tho country promptly attended to. Doston, April, 1816. Cfllf . . MESSES, & CO. No. 7 KILIIY STIlKICT (lip HU(lr. Impoiters off and Wlioteiara dealers ni FINE CUTLERY, STATIONERY, Cornb, Ilroshes, Ferfeniery, Aeeordeoiiji Frtn and nohemian Fancy Glass Ware, Faos, Portfolio:, Prossln.; Cases, Won Poles, Silk Parses, Pkt Rooks', Writlrif Desks, Crd and MemoraCTlliJ) Rooks of Jor, Pearl, Morocco, kti Silk and Velret IletleoleS) Oilt and Plated Jewelry, Buckl.., Slides, Tursfl Tllmrnln,Walch Chain Il Key, Silser Frtdt, rearl Bfttttma SnJ Stdils, Pocket and other Ink Slundis Pencihf Table Malts, Itaror Stiops It. t'asesy Engravings, Miniature Cases, ivory Chossmen, !laek(mmnn Uonrdsand other Games, Needle, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Steel Read, THERMOMETERS, MANTEL VASES, SUN GLASSES', DOME AND IVORY RINGS. HAND MIRRORS, CORKSCREWS, lilt ASH PADLOCKS, PERCUSSION CAPS, TA11LE HELLS, And 1 1 jry description of rrench, German and iTetrtb Also, aeents for Joseph Anton Farina's COLOGNB WATER. WW. MKSSER has sold out his stock and relinquished" business, at his old letail stand No. 208 Waahincton St.. and hstlns; formed a connection with V V. Warren undir tho above firm, 1st Jannvry last, has since visited Ihe different 1nnufacturin; Districts of tnslsnd, France and Germany, for tlio purpose of ascertaining the best sources Irom which to import the above Go!, at the lowest market prices. He haa selected an EN'TIKK NEW STOCK OF GOODS, (Mot or which are made to his order,) and made arrangements through agents appointed by him it England, France and Germany to receive constuntlv all new articles in our Hue of business, and his friends and the public are assured thai owing to such ar ransements, ihey can purchase at his new entobtithment aa cheap, if not cheaper, tlinn at any other importing bouit in the United Btatctt aa every Foreign article in their stock Is, and will be imported hy tlirmteltea W. W. ME83EII &. CO. have received a part of the above Goods selected, and uro receiving hy each l'Arket the remain der of their stock wl ich will be the newest and the best select ed In thecity. ftrThe Trade i I ivltcdlo call and examine before purchai Ingelsewliere Ifoston, June S.r), 18 10. 72: Cm WOOL & WOOLENS. STEELE, ANDERSON & STANFIELD, COMMISSION MKUOIIA NTS, Nos. 8 & 10 I'eari, St. BOSTON, (Mobs.) NT) r.mlcul.r atlenllon is paid to rW-AMERlCAN . JL . FLEECE and i-ULLED VVOOL.31 as well a lo Woolen Fabric, and liberal advancca made where required. Uoaton, mas. Aug. lotu ouumao. HARDWARE CUTLERY. DOMETT & SEWALL, No. 18 Ktltsj- Street, eorner'of Liberty Square, BOSTON, IMPORTERS DEALERS IN HARDWARE Ac CUTLERY, WOULD respectfully celt the attention ofcountry merchants to their Urge assortment of FOREIGN if. DOMESTIC IMRD WJIRR if- CUTLERY, compriinr every thin; In their line needed by Ihe Country Tra des ; which will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES for Cash or approved credit. Fleaie "COME AND SEE" for yourselves. Huston, Augusts, Irr0. 73 3 mi.. BOO TS AND SHOES. VERMONT MERCHANTS, .isillne Doston to obt.irr Iheir FALL SUFI'I.ICS, are particularly iu.iled to eiamin. the eatensivn as.ortin.Dl of ROOTS & SHOES, OROGANS Sl RUBBER SHOES, Of imported and homo manufacture, wbirh nay bo foamimaM their varieties, at the itorsf George L. Thayer, NO. 40 CENTRAL STREET, BOSTON. who will bave at at limes, an extensive assortment, frnm i).a bssi manufacturer, in the coonlrr all of which will be offered at Ihe "LOWEST I'lllCKS." 79 EAGLE HOTEL, STATE ST., MOSTPKLIER, VT. THE subscriber would respectfully inform Ids friends and the public generally, that be has renred the above stand, (re cently occupied by SETI1 KIMUALL,) where he will lie found ready to wail on all those who may favor him with a call, and by diligent attention to the Hants uf both man and beast, to merit and r.coiroa liberal .hare of public patronage, and len der hi house nn aerccable home. N. II. Good stable, in good repair, for the accommodation of ORREL TOWN. 91:tf Village of Montpelier, Nov. 5, 1816. S. BURBANK, JR. IS now receiving from NEW-YORK and BOSTON, his largo autunm stock of RICH & FASHIONABLE GOODS, being the most complelo stock ho has aver had the pleasure of ofluring his friends and coitoinen. It is unnecessary to panic ulsrlse the many HUNDRED DIFFERENT PATTERNS of new and beautiful styles of CLOAK & DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Sic. lut the LADIES may he assured lhat the LATESTandOEST Style that can be obtained in the New York and Boston mar kels are here therefore for particular, they will PLEASE WALK IN. Great slock of FANCY HOODS of all kinds. Gentlemen's FUUnTsIIING GOODS: I) road c lot bs, Overcoat do., Casslmcres and Yeittugi, Cravats, tiluos, &ic, DOMESTIC GOODS, CROCKERY & GLASS WARE, GROCERIES it HARDWARE. BOOTS AND SHOES. ONE THOUSAND PAIRS ! Men's pi Ime double ole Bool Fine Kipdo.) ' " Water I'roofdu.f. " " Fine Sewtd do.; French calf do.; 11 11 Fatenl Kulibera j Common do. t Hoi and Youth's Thick Roots j Kip and Calf do.) " " Rrugan ) . - Indies' and Misses Patent and Common Rubbers : (Jailers, l -i do., UuiLiui, French Kid Slip and Tie j Children', at.urled Shoo, and in fact, evory thing In tho way of Root and Shoe, which he oiler al lower price than erer, by the eaae, doaen, or aingie pair. CJ-lle is now recoiling at his WHOLESALE Sz 11 ETA I L, IRON AND STEEL WARE ROOM, Sanderson'. CAST STEEL round, square and octstod : Eng. and Amellcan IRON lound and squares. Iron Dors, L01; and Trace Chain. Aile Draft. 1 Sledge, and Hammers 1 Iron Washers ; Horse Shoeafe Kails; Spadea and Ditcher 1000 keg Eagle and Sab). Nails. yAII wishing to puichas. iu any quantity, ai. tm,.esl.d to es. mine Ibis large stock oftiood, and ib.y will Und ptices that eanoot fail lu euit. Munipali.r, Oct. 1, 1816. 83 BANCROFT & HIKER HAVE just received fiom Jloilon and New. York, a largo as, sortment of among which may be lound the following aktlall 175 1'lecea Alpacrai, alerlnoa, Silks, He Ceuea, M. De Lanes, Cashmeres end GirighAroa, 300 pi.e. ritlNTtf, English and Aueiloau, some beautiful patterns, and a. cheap, .uniui 100 Shawls, Merino, Wool and Caahueie.some very, 00U0 yards of llleached and Urown Wheeling .j fsbiftisr. l.Ml llroadcloihs. rt.lm.... ....a a?.., '" ISO tileee. Ilroadclolh, I'.sslm.r.s und s'ltintu. US Vest I'atlerns, all si.:., and nualHi..: ' fft '"V V.,r,-'.V,OTM' Cambrics. Wlinjs, Lee, Cotton Caps, &e. te. ,her wlli .AllPETING; UU'.. AMU I'n'I'TSM .Lm. WOO'u ANU COTTON-akre, All of which will be sold al prices to cnricioud tsith th. fj EW. TAHIt"F ACT Of 1840 1 Honlpelitr, Sent. 20,1?$. M(f OLASri WARE OHUUKERY, SO sets onhat beautiful IIONO KOKC WARE, and floalle p .1 ' ' w,t w S""""! "l. in . tountry rioi lea. Coffee, Sug.r, Fi.h, ttlc, Tobacco., I'aiot.. 011 ltOa. Bit. I.UI.Sl. N.lls. l'oud.r 'hi i. 'i- ' '