Newspaper Page Text
- - VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATE JOURNAL, APRIL 4, 1850. v been benefitted by Iti ; sod in oat bumble opinion it is one or the bet t prepaiatioui fui culJs, coughs, nod foi the luns now in ns. BLWAKE OK COITNTHRrCITS AND IMITATIONS. The unparalMIrd and aetenishing efficacy of Or Wittar'i llaltaai of Wild Ch-rry, in all the diseases for which it ii recommended, curin; many cases after he tlill of the be it )h?iciin4 wii unavailing, hit effected a large nod ineresi lit; demand fW it. This ficl has eajed ieters.1 nnprioci pled coonleifeiter and imitators to ialm ofTtfutioua mix ture of similar name and appearance, Tor the genuine lULam. "l)r Wmai's Balsam of Wild Cherry is the voir genuine. The rest merely imi'ste the name of the original title tbey posseM non cf it a irtues. Hemcmbfr, the original and only genuine Wistsr's Bal aam ttf Wild Cherry altvat s bean the written i mature of f. BUTTS on the Iti: CAKfciFUL WHAT YOU BUV. All i.nitit.ionn and counterfeits being iut up by persons ipnoranl of the disease of tlie lumin eilrin, and the effect of midicihei, aie t-ttlir..'lv uussfe aud dangvrHU. lojk well to Tin; siarks. The cenuine I'&Unm is put up in bottles, with the words I)r U'iiar's CtUam ut Wild Cherry, TiiiU." blown in Ihe glass ; ejeh bottle bearing a I-iL'jI on the fro at with the sigiulute nf II. WISTAR, M I. This will be esebipcd hereafter iaa wrapper; copy right secured H41; on which will ulwaya appear the written mg- ualure of4l. Ibiita. TUT. GSM'liVC AND ORIGINAL Xir.ZitarM ttalwam of Wild t-herry, On sccoont ot r ril p4.piiljrity.l1j been EXTENSIVELY OO.JNTLIlTl.lTKli IN I'MILAD'A, And torn tliuuaan I hoitles of the spurious throw n iulo the market Mod -i-nively circulated. EXAMINE CLOSELY UKr'oRE rURCIf ASING! Selb W. Fttwtc, Uruggitfl, 13J Washington street, Ito.ton, Mat., ia the rule pf.-prietor of the original I erupt for the inunutaeiure of ihe ytnuine medicine, and supplies huih nt Mholef ale and retail, and cf uhom age a tries can be obtain ed. None genuine nnles signed I. I.ITTTi?. For aato bv tbo Genial Areiit. tfUTil W. FOWLS. 133 Vaulting1 on sti. el, Eoeton, M. s s , and bj hi tub uginii inrougnotii the U- f. and xxmisn rruvinc. t. ri sale bv UEDriBl.l) i. OKA MM Is. Montnclicr.3. K, Collins, do.; French Walker, llarre; E. E. n C. r'rench. Plaintvetd; Thurtir&. 1 Jew lea, Washington; DickiLStu and I eaaiec. Chelsea. That distinguished surgeon and phjt-ician, J aires Ayer, M. IK, Hanover fclreet, UiUm, thus "Antes aa to the aigual effi cacy or IlR. THOMAS COUBETT'3 Court titrated Shaker Syrup of Sartajtaril Itt. l.oton, Fvb. 14, IE 19. Messrs. E. BtinW& Co.: Ctu.ilruea : 1 hate employed the Conij-ouni Sjrup of rari3iiiut pr.preu uy ut. oroeii, exienrnciy m tny practice, ttoce I knew ihe IVrmtili by which it is made, lu inrredivrtli are happily combined, and I think it a preparation eicecalingly well ddaptui to alt tltu curl where far j pa 11 1 1 a 1 a apptteu. in my hanua lui yrup h so 1st ( tor luur inoiilti proved mre aaticfactorv and 111 effect" hare been vtott decided, than any preparation of the articlo I hate cter met with ; and I ahuu d ihio it ought to have a preference oer ailower. co lorn mv experience in iu ua ext(.uaa,i gladly recoauneud it amatory aluable preparation. One thiue ia tta faror la that it i o. rn vatic 'wptmad the Fotmu- la from wbich it ra pieitarenl being open to the inipecliou of tue jieaicai roieaion. Ueapectfully yours, JAMC3 AVER, SI. I). Made and put up bv the Focitv of ehakers. oMby EDWARll UKIM.EV AMI CO. lrug;its, No. 3and4outfa aide FaDuil llall. Uton, ole I'roprioior. and their Gcneial appomtod agunt in the United ute and uanaaa. iki For ale b UedfieM & Gfanoi". and br - K. Colli.ia Moalpeiivr; Fren b ec V alkcr, Uaire ; l' 1.. C. Freucb, I'UtiiUf Itj ; 1 huiher &. lUiwic, Waatiiujtwu . Dickmsuu and IVavlee, Citt Uea , alno by agi at generally . iilarkcts. Cniubiifiu Ontllo iTI:5iUet, Il'pui(fl furihn Bitati'tt itnly A.iveitict'r. At Markft lt66 t;ut, ab..ut3U Ucfvea, and bS Storrc, ci'ing of iirkin Hxn it 1 owa aud Cj1s, Vcarlui;, Tw Ye.: Hd uitd 1 ni'-c Yira ld. Pruts Mdiktrt lit-. : Lxtra i0i5 per cut. lit Quxlit $5 7i, "Juu quihn 3,2 ,3.lqujiilt 1,75, oidmiry 3,v5 it 1 1 i . i-lura- WorLing Of-n fc7., 9"i, 135 a 115. Cuw .md CMtei t-- JJ a .O. VeiJiiig", . 1 o til t, gn. Tluce f ar-t UiJ, .-jit, 25 a 30. till C-.lies 4 .1 g7 hieti and i.mif, 77 at Market. Near'y all ao'd. 1'ait.fc.i I.Kiru $i o, J?, 50. I3y Lot lt7b a $ti. fiwme Kc 1 ill 0 1 f He tn irks. Vim Mtkel nbout the tiniit aa U baa been the IjsI Umt unk. -I iiin cam- 01 er t'u rmli'urg Kailro id, anttoiir the Ilontu'i and Ijo- li il.tlrm.i, iojdvd with cuiila, heop. liori a inn a .11... iuimri lioui vjch r-tte. SLeep Xambs. Swine. Horcs. Maine, ! IWu llanipalnrp, VeimoiH, oat tt-, CaiKid i Yew Y01 k, 7 307 110 43 11 61 .1 H 7,7 VI 51 Uriiiloii Cattle J!i:irk!iM:ti'. SiS. ltetortcl lor the Djily Advertiser. At MarM t .V-il Rref Cattle. storM, 1500 Sheep, and 450U tfwuif. 1 ''Kl "wn. wte reported lat wuek. i'viCE. iiirf Cuttle l-aat him kV pife w-re gfneril 1 utauiel. 'erv F.itra 6,5 a CJl, firt quality 5 51 a 5,7:; ecoiMl $5 a" 5,-5, thud, &4 a 4,75. Working Oxen $ntc at fi-2, 6.1, OQ, e a $5. Cowa uud Culrea itt, $25 tfti. 31 and $35. bketp ales nnjllli.1 3,75, 4,4 ,75, a $5(t. Smut i am to Nildlf 3 and 3 3-1 fur owt4 a 4 4 1-1 for Itarrowfi ; lots retail iroin 4 to5 l-2c. iUnvfiaciCG. In Box bury March 3Nt, l lie. Elwhn Idel, Mr. Gil man Dan of Noilhti d, 10 .Mjs Mana guiding ( Kux-burr- In Luneoburj. March 3), by Rer. Y.r. Stearna, Mr Luther 1. A (Urns nml Mm ,r h W. Clmndler !othl'L. Id Svw York Cut, bv Kti. Or. Fetn, .Mr. Iaac F. l tif. Lie 1 f !Lm iMt '.Mir of Broikln, Mirclmnt, and hltr. Cat hit 1 oe OaiMirii, ot ttu I ttter pi tee. In -M, Match 1-, by Ke. DarM Merrill, Mr. I4n iel Coaler, of rrachDj, .ind .Mary Crpsi.trr, of Mari,fiM. Dcail) At h arefifbm'f in Rimdolpb, Mo cH27th. Sulomnn Burn baai, E q. aged 7tf yar. J'rtuiria tn New lliu'pluro uud y4. ptaoa nottcn. At Barre. nt cotinumntion, .Vnr'i ilth. Josejdi Adlion Jtipley, ag'id 3d, on ot Juepli Uij.l j, Ei. NEW GOODS. BADGER. KEITH & BARKER. Are receiving their New Spring & Summer Goods i ins wixk. Ap-it31, l-5).j N OTIC IS. Ml AKi: by vitme of a Ilihwa Tax bill : nd Wnrrnnt, the Htore and lend 111 fi-tiiilii hi, tn h i siun ( ounti, nrruilfd by I' i-i &; Hale, nud fupmrrf 1 !.r wur) by lUivid Ttt iich, "Jd, ! Batre, Vi. and a n.u h f a-nd premi4 f will b hlil nt Public Veiulni'. t 'br 5-lurit of Caftrr & Hale tnaid'd, m the 30tb d of Apr!, lo5U,i m oVIock P. M us ill pay the lax ol $1,75 ou the Graod list of 181, aud tht. iiit rent dud cti.t tl-etticn. tZKO HMIMIKKT, Iliffhn-av Furfor of IhtticL Nj. Oue in- Pluinftel I. IlainSeU, Mt h t5ib, fj:3.v. w. si'iiicufi, sy. & co. niL Fui! 1 1' nttVr vanti.. kiad ol Macliiuerv, zni Io Jolt U OKI. gem-mil.. I OK SALH PERCL'SSIOX ItE-ACTIOX WA TER WHEELS, fur Crht and other Mills. liulancrtt :-:snk'i, "Wins Otii'gvoiis, &irr Gac Jloits, Clapboard and Shingle Jiachiucs, Mill and Circular Saics, fit 6 peret. cl, fry .iza & lonrll. from 1 7 rmti i. S WV ARBOKS and HITT trori;r, IIIC or ."cfew l'l.ATE"5 from .lie n of a D.ruin; ?eei!le lo 1 1 2 lath, liut jqJ lell hi.nj. Patent Grist Kills, Railt. and ruaoiiij -ar day on custom Murk, and uiili them we defv rnmpeti ion, either in qu miity or quality of rriuuing, "i""1 i-miu i cwi. um iuri.iu iiie ihpi kind ot Corn Crackcra aud loll L'lotl., at l tardea than TIK'! oth. ;.ntt Jhukincs of Tyler's Patent at Manu- fartttrcrs1 Prices. MACIIJSi: CARDS y CLEANERS, in alt it(rJnche; poftii.j a id ihin; nutLTMlf; extra and common ltifl-, Jium 10 tu gli'. Thick ud Tfun Ibirrcl Mt Guna t om Sj.l5 t..ciU KOUULE E ltREL GL'NH, Irons $10 to $, oibrrtl Ulf-LE, uud crack khooteJt ibev are, &0 b.ll- iu ih' puund. Fox Huu'ctn can ' ire tm Jcuse" with one of my on double gu.. Ammunition of all Kinds. IUlr jnd Connwii CAPS, rolVIU.K I'l.ASKS, SHOT liLLTS and I'tmct..., .nd ..c vantr ot cuut.ment aril cl, for iiu.ti:kj. Revolvers and other Pistols, I. irk and l'ot kfl Kmrr, Kaircl.. lj-ck and 1 rinmiini rnerall), lor otlir to lit iij. at a nall cuiunn.sioa, etc. CALL and LOOK, wlietlir inu with to trade rr rot. voi;i lTt'll rl'itA(;i;L", fiAMLT.L I". M'KAI.IK, iiamll r. ni.N.Mrn-. Moullicli-, Ajnil 1, IP!". lamCaiSa FEATE OF VElIMttNT, (lb Probate Court for the Eh- Kandolpli District, t'i. J tncl ot Uaudolph ; To all peroua i&trreslrd in the efUie of II-nry Clay tfirilh, a minor, reaiJm? in I.tookut JJ, ih ad inairict : CCINUA FlUTil. Guardian of the taid Henry Clar 1 Sioitli. t. Dtearfiia to taid Court, that her aaiduard ia veiled in fee of certain real eatate, situate in aaid Ciook fif Id, and be in j all and the lame real ratal e iebemed by Lim tium h4 fathrr, Olia W. Smith, late of taid ErookfId, d ceaed. Said Guardian alao lepreaenta, that it tnil Ite con duciTo to the mlereatof her said ward to aell mid teal eiv tte, f,r the purpoae of putlinz the proceed of audi aale at intcret( or iLTra.itt it ia itocka of in real ctate ; and taid Guardian has made application to taid Coutt for hcenao ftui authority 10 aell aaid real eitat aecoritiDly. said application Hill ba heard by aaid Court, at tbe Kef Hter'tt OrEce, in Weal Kandolph, in aaid District, on the tyU da of April, A. li. 1B50. iouare,, hereby noUhed lo appear oetore aaia Court at H.e time unit place afuretaid, aud object, if you aee caie. to ill fr.tatiD-of aaid licenae. J'al- d -I c-t Knciuiph.afureaaid, tlii lat day of April, A J. 'fca C .,w J. E litTCUINSON, I;i-te'. TO RENT, ACOTTGB IMOWXSE on IMIfh Street, One Door wet of Mate Home. Apply to S. K. COL LINs1, near the pre mi t a a. II. PAUL. April 1, 1&50. 6:3w. WANTED, A MAN AND HIS WITH, to take charrfl of a Farm, hnu and a gan of men, at Marahtield, Maachuetta. The t ituatioi) ii a petmnnent ore, if the pariiea aatlafy each other. A couple without children would be pttferied. Apply at thi OtTice. C5vr 400 Agents Wanted. GREAT HISTORICAL WORK! JOIV ready, and for atle by aubacription only, a complete Military of the War betirern the United State and Hcxieot From tbo coirmeocemettt of llo-lilitie in the tlatificatinn of tbe Treaty oll'ace, beins a concite account of the ap'en a. a -t.:.. . i r- : .....: ..t .1... 1 n.erirri Aimiea under GeneraU Tat lor and iott, an J ihvir gallant rompxtriota in Arm. AIo, an acrount of THE rtUtv ELUOKAIJtJ," the Ciolden I.nn-1 ot Ujlifurnia. an nexed to thia country by the Treaty of Pece, illuttratrd with more than 20 Portrait, and Uatllo S-cena. ar.d a ateel likenea of KinRil TAVLOII, br JOHN JENKIN.S, Aetlxtt of " .At of t'lUs light,'' l;ner-ia ni tne Jal at,1 Vc. It ia bound in emit ted Morocco, and roatains JIG piea. A 6'e .Map of Mrxico, thou in? tho Battle Grounds, the GulJ r-ioii'.i-C. acrnntrntiieatho work. 1 he Hook will be delivered ii 'eya from the time ol ru!c nption anJ prnely lixa the nam )(?. jxiweat price, S2,M) payable on deli try. Fi further pariicubta, apply. Istpud, tou. DEKUV, AlILLEltfeCO. Aulita, N. V. Enffiii A Monthly Journal for the People. HE March No contiina: Worden'a Tiial, for uttempt to murder hu iuin, iprted br Dr. Nclaoii. Portrtil and Hiography of JUDGE STET.ON, of PUttiburgh. lii osrapby ofGnerani. II. ROSS ,f Eaaej. Popular lia. Woman, her MoihI and Phicil Sttem. A apice o! Mud erii Sur-cry Pn-fejaioualS'terecy. Communications. Ed ilprial lim lli;ence,A:c. 32 pia inotitliljfnr $1 a year in adtancp,S5centi for 3 n.u.ii'1. .-.gnia itanmi iur 1110 uiiirii ' cimwn arid liters, cum mini bun allowed. Addreaes (pott-paid) to Dr. Ni.Lio't, rUtubai-h, N V. April, WSiiL gC8 LIBERATION. VJOT1CE i hereb;ivco that I have thia dy ;icn my 1 son, SHELllUKN I.. GLEAH)N, hn time, to act aud trade for himself iluun the remiimUr of hi minority; aud I shall neither claim his cirniua nor be accountable for his eontr&eie berrufier. LEVI G LEASO.V. Jay, March 21 IS50. 1)7-3. !tcci:il la:iilro:ul IVoticc. AN adjourned meet ins of the frit nd .f the Moutpelier and Counrcticut Uivei Hnilroad, mil be holden fct Wells Iliror, uii Wednee lay, ihe first iln of May, commencing at ten o'clock, tn cn-"tder the lnt intern for the furthet pio rcution of tbe work. All who ate deteimiucu to fee the road completed ate mtited to attend. Let there be o grand rallr. J. A. WING, Secretary. M'ontpelier, March 25,18V). 67:5. Vermont Centra! II. It. Company. jVOTlCE is hereby givec that at a meelin;oI tbe Direc 1 tor of the Yetioont Ceutial Railroad, it ri voted ; Tt at theri he a ntw isiif ofatot-k, nt Thittv DilUr -r fbare, pijahle 111 ix nn-nthly ii'ftrilmenti of rite dollar each. ccuuiK-nrin on the fitletn' It daj of Apul next ; tbe a in b to be otfeted to the fh ire i.hler o' record thia day, in tbe pro,wiruiMi of 0110 new bare for ereiy old oup. Uy order l the Uomril. JOIAII auiNcv. JR , Tieanror nf ihe Vcrmout Cetitial lUlIroad. Vt. Central It It Cffice, Costwa, lit March, IRJ 1 NOTICE. riillK Uooa far.uh.rrit.lion to tit. Capital Stork of the I "Mmitnrlier and Count-ctgcul llirrr (nM n..'f uill to .H'rnrd on tie fit d.y of May. A II. i&0, at ai irno'cltMk in tli. forenoon, at.. II.'. Cfnrr tn ,t.H.ttl..r J. A. U'.u'. tltIC in rtani6-UI. Volcl.f l.r liiu' Cl.r.1. Ptare in CroLon, and at U. U. I.he'i Ulcet Wtll Villa;:.. K. II KUl 1 11, J. A. VV IMS, I. N. II Ji 151. I'll I'll IT?, (CiimiiiitHKH. II liAi.DWIX, (.. 11. srrii, C.J. S bl.lliT, J KK.vr. jr. M. rtnrlier, Jljrcli 19, I.-i). 6? The Full Blooded Hereford " FAVORITE." 'PIUS noble vnimal that took the firi premium of ft 25, und a diplotiio, at Svra:ue, Nt tbe Ihm INew Vom Stain fair, ner flit other , nt tand the pn sent rmam nt the VitUfe Hotel, m Urn place, nnd thof who wih toim Iroe th irsiock, uod laite mficordt animal, will hate an orportuntl ofo dom. 1 1 h If blood caUeof apriur, of this rwe, his betnx buuzhl u, m VilItloii Mhere they Ore ln..MA at 10 each. Call aod c "Fatoiite. The;ined has two b.iit blood, ouo three nnd tbe other Iwojear old, that he will c ll, (he stock ol eacli hav ing proied to be ej.Cd!l nt. JOHN GKEGORV. NoithfiBld, March 21, lth C7tf TAILORING ESTABLISHMEiNT. (succnssoii to s. Ii. WARD,) T0IILI1 tenpectfully inform lua frienJs and the public ol ' Iir;e, that he hnjmt cmiimenceil htiineas atthexbote a tor" nbr re be will be ic-dy tocnTdtc all order thit he la frfvred with, in a mtnnrr tint wtll warrant p&tilttioti. I.eifJi a pructical and skillful m orkman, he wotal 1 urtlni tut nil j a iy bat be can ind ill do his uork Hi a manner lint will compare with any :n the city of I.u-ton, itd at t li.t v.iil pint the tnc:cpt eco-iomist. lie does hi uork und ti 1 warrttut it superior to tiirM, i n feuor .it tiaji c. 'J o conw.ce be refpf ctlullr foiicitu a trial. MICIHEL M,'KENNA., Montr l"t, March 2t, lc'0, 38 SMITH, "WILEINS & LAWDON, roitwAieiixo & ;o?!?i:sijio?i MKRCIIANTS, XiiMl! Wharf. Itiirliiistou, Vt. I0.V1. Sim TITCUMI'.'S BEE-HIVE & PROTECTOR. 1 J. M r.I.l.ll.l., A Lent for the of I 'ouuly, Tom 11 A. J Indmdual KlGUTS,nil remain it the Tempt-rainre Iloue for tuu eeka only. lie ban with him on" f ibe aboe HIVES, and invites thoe interested in Hee Cultme to call ndite it a careful eixmipulion. It m cont;uctrd on pliiIaio,diical -nd itifntitic prii.tplcs, an I b one thor - I ru'ltlv Mt'rjuatmcd with Ihe'a and tuiturnl habitsof tbo Honey tioe lie in furti'h-d with ibtiudjut testimony Ironi etuiuert mtn -f it prirtical utility. lnqiiines by letr pitpaid wi'l receive prompt alien t "mi. Motttpilit-r, larch i7, leiJ. b7 UATI0AT JNUBSJSHIES. t this Establishment all the choice varieties Tliv Apple, I'car, I'lsam, crhrrry, PECII, NECTAhlNE. PKICGT, aClNCE, J It APE, GOUStallLUIlV, CL Kit ANT. UAIiEKliV. TII VWllEllItY, &i 'IMIIS r'I. rimi roniams u,iward4 uf ?IX IirNDUEIl VARIETIES, oftiM d ffa cnt kinds of PKCI 1, com prising or terv nearly 4.'l, the II EST sorts 111 cultivation, or which can be found at any of the I irer INursrnrs. "fatticabtt nttention ptid to the cultivation nf tbe PEI1, uiuhichtbf subcubfr ha urrr one mum tired ami Jjly tvru vnder euhtvaUcn. SPECIMEN Til EES can he luiai'hed ot the nio-I of tht-m. also, ol about uty virivties on the Qaixe, for Dwarf. All the le idmj si noUrd eurts can be tbinishod for Orchard P. tntii, i , qaantiig. Also, a pcnt-ral asiiurimcnt of OILN AM ! NTA L TR ERS, Arrrrf and fliiH!ttrat ZoC3, Ualiltett Xttcnrf FSox for edging; &'e. e. or it liar. Chrsnut and otbd- ?had Trees. Several llu.tdrml trer cjo be rurmiticJ to street and Ate iiuit ot I.X 1 HA t!ZF. A Irtrce supply of tbe Ai:ROR V1T.AE ami other EVEltGlU E.NS, WEEPING WIL LOW, MICHIGAN i:tM.S,&.c. lur Cemetertf. Thi toll-rtioii of IZOSHS comprifot ue..rly enn linn dred of the ti'ifst laneues intri.dLCed to not it e iu thin coun try or 1'urntM). It t S3 FjISS caa Ire furniIird (in Dry Rooti,)r more th&u euty "priie ports" mostly i-ew aud larc. ALSO, DUCKTIIORN. for Hed ,ne, iwi, an! tbe reifoll. Scions. Cuilin;, llbuharb, Asjwra;.., Vc ,o.e,tVc." The whole for sale at thn uuil tnarktt prtcet. Orders aeemnpinit'd w ith payment, and addrersed to J. BAT'I EVt Keestillr, N. V. will receue prompt attention ; and the ttee cj re fully elected and pro;wrly picked abip-t-d to order. Char gt far yuckihg vtadt vnlgtv tvrtr cost of Mii.'riaf. Freight jtavl tatie Lair. 33Oroci, tellers of Inquiry, tf. to recei.e attention, mu-L ! pott put. J. IJAT'J'K V. Third Monk, 1S5 17:3 PLOWS. PLOWS. Fanners call and Examine for yourselves rpIlE underlined would Stve notice to the Farmers of M. Vermont tliat bis atiop is Lin ine uunuinf occupied ny T.C. &z B. 1. UAUKOWf, for a Uakeshop, in .Muntplxr illae, wii-ie He is low liiacuiaciurieg ine l.ioq i juu. uf 8 duff tent size. The l.ioa Plow has taken the first Premiom for three suc cessive tears in Mernuiac Co. A. II. and was used ft tbe last a hi 11 -ton County Pare, and tik the first Premium on t'x Plowing. lie haaalso three aizea SIDE II ILL PLOWS of a new pattern that wtll do good work on level ground. His PJowa are wooded ol Oat Timber and arc- warranted to do the best of worn. tie ha also CULTIVATORS of the Ltcst pattern, wood ed ol Oak Timber. yl I e would invite Farmers and Traders to examine thia Stock before purchasing elsewhere. A discount made to those who buy to aell a jam. OLD IRON taken in part payment for Plovs. Plows repaired at abort notice. CHAKLE3 A. ROBINSON. References t Hon. Daniel Haldwio, ) A. L. Wilson, Kq. Montpelier. Fl.ermao Hubbud, Esq ) MuDtpelur. March 19, 11j0. C-Jwii !3oston. HARDWARE. HOMERS & LADD. Nos. 34 & 35 Union street, BOSTON, TAKE this method to inform their friends nnd custom ers, nnd the country trarie generally, that tbey have received per shipa Plymouth ItocW, Pmliament, aud Western Stai, from Liverpool, aud Chatlea Walton from London, a go nerd I assortment "t CUTJLERY Hardware G-oods. They have also received large additions tn their slock of GERMAN GOODS, DOMESTIC TuUBWABC, To which Ihfjr invite rxaminjtion, anil which will he lohl on tha trerj l.t IPtmt for Cash or Ciodit. l!u.lor, Airil, US0. CSitm WEBSTER'S TRIAL I'OIt THE 3IUISDi:i Or UK. PAKKMAiV. IN A NEAT PAMPHEET. REDDING it CO., Sute Street, Cotton, will isne im mediately upon the completion of tbe Trial of I'rof. Webster, an nccurnta and lull report of tbe trial, in a neat pamphlet, carefolly revised, vriih all tbe evidence compil ed Horn tne moxt aulbentie sources. The price will not ex ceed 2j cents meat probably at 12 12 cents retail, hich will he furnished to the trad.) nt lb lowest cish piices. Ordvr ccctmpented by tbe Cash will receive prompt at tention, and he sent oil thin diy after ih trial is completed, in the order in Mhicb they arc received. April, 1.M). :-e:2w GU1JVDSTONES -FOR 3SLE BT LOMBARD & HALL, 13 t 1 1 Lewis's Wharf, ISoston,?Zs. LARGE ASSORTMENT of ire beat quality and grits constantly on hand to udect from. For Scythe Makers, Am and Tool Manufacturers, Ma chine Simps, Vc ,icc, IJge izes ol the best blue grits, soli, sharp and even, jot out from tinder the tide water, and well made the Wrt article ever used. Also, coarser and harder GKITS for grinding ateI, butt hingta, 'pring, & c. A.C AUn,a lauje stock cf amall handGrindstlnes, ft.r Pdrmera and .Mechanic's ue ; and Spindle Gimdstuues, far Cotton Manufactuiers,of ve.y iharp, clusu rit. Grind'luiies, fininheil, a I re aasortment, and made to or du, for sate wholesale und rttsil, and warrauted to give satificlion. I-.ton, Jan. 1,1P.M. 5C:3m WlGTttNDTHAIR WORK. Howie's Sytrtn of 3Irnitr!ti tlie Ilcail OIlfEPVE THE DOTTED LINES. No I. Tho circumference, or round tbe head. No. 2. l'orrhend to the neck, or as lar us the hair rot s. No- 3. Ear to ear, ovel the left. Removal. CT?iP521 irt I'rriiiluni, Vcntlta WIG-Mxi KEftantl Ladies' HAIR DRESSER, n.S tbe honor of announcing hit. remornl to the Store o. 177 WSIIINGTOVSIiU.ET, 1 Fotir door-i-..utb ol Winter Strtet,) OSTON, and nuuily opjKiktte to his Old claim, wiicro mjnuiuctun a II.UK V.'OJtIC in :i!l ils Krnnctics in the same f nibbed stile of e efrnre, ft.r which he has been autudrd the first p mii.11. u. iho evenlMasiiichu setts Mechanic' Tans lu-hl 111 Ou'lim Pertuus lotiliu ut any d.atauco trin Ibiton,ran meaure their he d a'urJm to the nhovn 1 iirucl.on-, avod it w ith' of their h.ur. dsc. run,' die tle they usuHy a car it. und they will be bttcd u 1. h a Wt or Tup piece v as lodtf, li'tt ctioii, Alw i)s on hand und cofi'tanth mnnufirtu mif for sale, a bountiful as'ortmei.i of blh EaJios and Gentlemen's YVi;;., Kiall' Vi, Top L'ieccs, &ndirrj uttic.e of llair Work. Al-o.firaale Kith r.N('V t;tiOD-, PEiUCMEltV, UOMIW, UKCall ES. SOAI'S, UAZOI1-, and IE(iL'it Ilypcrlaii Fluid fur the Hair. The jut super ority ot th c,ctrateil armlc lor promot in" thi rroMtti jii.I heautit' v 1 H2 tc nair. besides erdi nun scuil Jnd daml'utl, has produced n bust of cuntrti it , urtcautious, ideri 1 rc, inn jiutiiiifo ol 110 11 b LuL tt.r ap pointed agents (4 tit uf wltooi accompsiiirs each bottle) 01 of the iiiteutur. ErmnnUa 1 the .iddrvs O77 AVasliiiijjtnii Hrrct, (Poor doors 177 utli of Winter t ) lEoalnu. I Agent's mine lureafier to bo nd It'd for .Mnnti eh r -Jl-ly GREAT IMPROVEMENT IManins: Tonsttcius aud Grovlns; i.r.iri ::i:i:. JOSEl'H P. WOODBURY'S Patent Planing Machine. TMIE subscriber having receiveti Letters Patent for a Sl tionarv Cutter, Plaimn; Tonjuem mid GriKivti, Ma chine, now oilers tor sale Machines und I.ibts to ue the same. 1 bis .Mnrhine will plain ,W0 feel of l.ard to any uniform tbirkne' in one hour ; pnxluein-a better finished than it is poib!e to piodure by any othei means now known, rot eicentinc the bind plane, and H tieLulirrlv idapted to plain and joint ctaplmrd, or weather boirdtnp. aiil win do trie wuik Urtcr and bettei lliaii any other uu chine heictfrjre indented. This machine issoorran;ed that it planes tbo hoird with nn unbroken shaving tbe whole width and length of the m, and oea not take more thm two third the power thit is required t" d an e'iat mon ue. the ro,iliuciion ai.d or janiZ'ition of this .Ma rhise m ditTerent iioia anv mhi-r ur in use. Communica tion lor further pirticulars cb-tifulFy irsmled to by a d dressti ; the t uicriiwr (pout pail1 IhiMon, Man. One ol tbeoboie 1'hiniri- .Mai limrt inaj be seen in oner. tion bj calling on the Patent e. JiEPH P. WOODDCEV, C0:lj Herder Mrcet East Coilun, Ma.s. rCciu-iJork. IVen-York Advcrtiscmciih Boots 8l Shoes. rOX NTKY MEIU'll NTS and others in want of IIools aod h,tes, wil! please imII and examine a large as oitm nt, rcci-iTcd direct frm the Eiteiu and Jerey .Mjn lifctitrerx, nh.cti will b sold t tbe lowest rates for Cash r shoitrti-dit fur acceptance. N. It We M V.NUFACI CUE our own Lidies Miea, utui Children's Kme SHOES and GA1TCU3, and will war tnt tb?ir. iind give ftich iimi h may Uu warned. Ju-t try tlie t sl ystuit and sa.c fiom tn to 15 per cent from crcutt prict. A. I). OA L1C. CUD 2ij I Van Si., for. Pint su. New Vo:k. UiMTED STATICS Wh olesalc Cloth in (j Warehouse. LEWIS ArTTANFOliD, Nos. 252, 254, 256 &.258I'earl St. UfciTWiiKN FUI. TON STIIEtT At IIUlil.NG SLII', NEv-YORK, AKC TIIR LARGEST MAMTALTCBCns OF CLOTHING IN THE UNITED STATES ! Aii 1 are now ofi"e:in; mt extentive asiori:iieiit for ihe SPUING &, SUMJIER TRADE, suited to all markets. AUoan immens? stuck of vVhilo Mtii ls, aTIuiisica .-hills, lH;tv;r, Oil Clothing and Covered Hats. Catalogues ot block - nt 'y Mail. O.ders frompily hllnl. On once, and no dviatiuu. Jaiiuny 1, 13Si. 5C:fS Seeds. Creat variety of t ELDS just received at ihe Agricul tural Waio Kirotn, f invistinz of HEllDtliEAtS, KKD TOP, CI OVER, and SEMM IfKJJ.ffU ll.ack j?b, Tom, White Bearded and Uald. Alo, A NEW VARIETY of Seed U beat ju-l receieed HliLoif, called tho Mirdge Itote Spring Wheat Tor sale atoal LATA. El JE Pi PKI.N MILL, Plain field, Vu JUSEPH W. IIOU E3. MmrhW. 6VS:6wa POSITIVELY closing Business!! Selling Goods at Cost& Less ! 1 Will positively tell cery article of .Merchandise that I hive now on hand, a cost aind less, within aix weeks, ptovided my ftient.s feel disposed to tce nt a call. QAU unsettled demands due mnl be paid forthwith. J01LM 11. LANGDO.V. Feb. 20, C3 BRUMETTI'S MODEL or ANCIENT JERUSALEM. "'II1S ciiptaral U'ork, wbich has been exhibited iu tbe A pnncipal citiea ol Great Britain and New England to ad mirin; thousands, is to be exhibited with appropiiate Lectures, at the TEMPERANCE HALL, fn this town. Tbe exhibition will be opened at 7 o'clock on Friday Even ijg next. Tba exhibition will be continued a short time in tbia place. President LORD, of Dartmouth College, in commending' tbit Exhibition, says: It awakens useful associations, and it fitted to subserre sood moral ends. I chetrtudv com mend it as worthy of attention acd study.' Soston. FISHING. npiininTii fiM POTIDt srioninuiAiiu-L oiuut. .t 1 42 WAS H I N CTCN St Boston. skEH t r.l'aC.S", Trout " Salmon Fi$h- Mads of Cotton, Flax, Silk, ing. PUiti'd ilk, Lo.tdon Fly Superior Fly Ends; Line, CninaTwitt, (orCiass) Patent Fly Lines ; Hrasi and Hair. .ReeN, Check : Alultip'yinf ; Treble 't Single Silkworm HOOKS 'Cut Casting Line-; Silkworm Suitable lor Fish of every Gut of various qualities; Sil kind, from the Minnow to ibe ver and liias Gimps, of all Shark ; Cod, Mackerel, Tu sizes, to. Perch Hook', Bee. &.c Salmon, Troui.and Pickerel Trout A Salmon Flie$ IIook, ic. itc. t Illue Fish Sqnid, Mackerel Of the bet kind contanMy Jig. on hand; unH tied to order of Miookt Gauged anv deiiabi pattern; Min On Linen for all kinds of xalt'nowf. Grajshoppsn, andoth Water l'ibioj. Hook tici'er ortifi'ia tlait. to Silk worm Gut. Entine1 tShau-hneasv. Limerick. Twi.ted Hair.Gimps & tt ite and Carlisle lliMiks, tied to for Fit.Ii Water Fiabinp. best Silkworm Gut J Sort 9. Ft Salmon, Trout, Pickerel, Itnss, Prrch, Snett, .Vc. &c. German Rods, Walkinj Cane Fubto; Rods. ! Cucutta Itamboos, South ern Cano Polet-. Fly Hooks, Halt Hoses and Kottlo-, Fih'nj flaskets, L.i n 1 n2 and Bait .Vets. Fold Net Kmx4 Landing I looks, itait Needles, Du-or-er. !i lsxrinx Hin, IIrasB a. fcteel riwivel of all sues. Patent Yankee spring Hooks, Cork Floats of all Sizes; Lead Sinkers; Reals; Lines fui nuhed complete for Harbor Fiiliins; James D:xon and Son's I'lnsk and Covered UottI:-i: French Poekut Cups , Compasses, and a sujieri'-r asoitu-,iit ol Pocket Knives, Hunting Knives, SPOR TSMEN'S KXlVES, AND CUTLERY OF ALL KINPS. IVo. 112 AVasIiinIoii Street, BOSTON. March, ISO. 57:2m 161 MILK STREET, BOSTON. agents roit Ilcidsiccli and frown Anchor CHAjIPAGKE, A! Si . FOlt J.Ji I II ART CI. I., I'l.NKT, CARTILuOMiCO.. A. SIOUI.AU 1c nij. BRANDIES. ir(iitri:itt oi-' Brandies, Gin and Wine, HAVE for pal, m lTinivl States tomld Who Hon I.UAMllI puCk-cs J.i V Ma.teil. Pinet, Castill n &. Co , I Dupuy &. Co, llnnessev, lUfte4U and A. Moreau and Kits l.randies, pale and dark vintage. 16H, 47, 45, 41, 42, 40, 38 and 37, 111 1 3, 1-1 aod 1 8 pipes, received pet French ship V'schnou and l-ria Oliviet and Aivede. Alu, fine ()J London Duck I.randies, m hail pipe, per lute arrivals HOl.LAM 1. IN 40 pipes IIolLud Gin, Double Pine App.e and other llrnndii. S P. CP.OIX II CM 0 puncheons cf varioun brands, htjb and full il itoted. SCUTCH WI1I5KEV ICpunchtons fine Malt Whiskey, direct fnm GI .sow. WINE 10 1-4 nnd 1-2 ripe Tore Jnee treble and d'Mibtu ?rape Port, OIIMjdetu, Pale and I.ruwn fchirry. Uld .Malmc aod Sicily Winn. CHMPAG.E-I,lO0 Li.kcts II. Piper & Co. ;ernine Ilcnbcck and L. Pec hot's Crown Anchor brands Cham- , 165 J SCHOOL BOOKS. PIIILLIPS.SAIPSON & COMPANY SO. UU, U AMII.Vrro.N 2T1ICBT, UOS'B'OX. Pl'Rt.tSII anil kfepcun.t.Dtlv lianl, a full suppl ef VALUAI5LE SCHOOL BOOKS. SWAN'S SCHOOL READERS. THE PPM1AKV SCHOOL READER, PAKT Lb-cr is intended for te;ianers. Price 10 rrnis. THE PHLMAIIV SCHOOL P.EADEK, PAP.T II., nn tainm Exricis in ArticuLtion, arranged iu connection with eav Itendinz Irf-s-on. Prie 17 rr-r,,. Tin: Pitni i:v si nuoi. reader, part hi isdr- sined 'or tb Firs', t Uu 1.1 Pnmirv School, and for tbr Lowft flu. n Gtaminar Schools. Pric i27 cents, THE 'IK M.MAK rUl'HU. KRAllER, is desired foi tbe Mid JV CI i m Gr imtmr Schools. Itcontaio Evt-rcitcs in Aim uLtiun.arrindiucvuoection with Keadioj Lcasus Pric 15 cnts. THE lNrTRLrTIVKRnI)ER. Tbe Insirnottv-Ia-der, ornCourse of Ke.ilin; in .N plural llntorv, cici",nit,l Eiteratuir, d. sind for the ue of Schools. Price b7 cents PEE DISPUICT SCHOOL ItEI)EIE, 11 de.ijfnod Iu. the b shi st CUstes in Public ar.d Pnvile School-. It con tains Lvrrcisra in ArticuLtion, Pues, Intlertic-ns of the Voice, &.C. w ith uth ilules ard .uifitions hi aro ftremrd u-ful to the Learner. It alfocontatii a complete (Hokvart of the Cl-issir-tl a. I m ton j which occur in tbe Ueadin; Les son. Price 8j rcnt. THE SPEI.I.LNG ROOK, consittm- ol Words in Col umn and Stni nt-s, for Oral and Written Ekercis-s, to jethet with PreDxr-, A(fij,e, ai.d Important Uuots,fiom the Greek and Lnlu Eanj:u ipm. Price i.0 crnis. This popular erirs of (nwiks was compiled by Mr. Wil LiiM D. -, tbo uelbknown Pnncipol uf the Mi)l.w School, Euion. V rom tbe very tapid and central introduc tion into schools tliey Imte obtained thruuhout iho pnun pal cine and towi a of tbe Catted Staler, it is believed that tbey are better adjpit-d lu thewnts of schools than any olbcis. COMMON tiCHOOL ALGEI1RA AD Thoj fHfcti, Principal of the En-lub Hi;b School, Uoton. Price 75 cents. Adams's Arithmetical Scries. 1st, PRIMARY A It ITH M ETI C, or Unul Operation m Xum'tfri, bein; an Introduction to the Eetirtd Elition ol A t a rut's .New Aritbmtic. Price S$ ii,t. tiJ. ADA.Ms'd .NEW Al.ITll.MEnc, Rf vised Fd.ttuii Puce 15 ,--nts. 31. KEY TO ADAMS'ri NEW ARITHMETIC. Pric 45 rents. 4ih, ADAMS'S MEXSCRATIO.V, MfCHANICAL POWERS AM MACIII.NERY, desifued to folio .New Arithmetic. In Puss. 5ih. ADAMS S BOOK EEEPING, conlatnin; a lucid cx-iminitiun of the tommon method of Ituok Keeping bv sipg! entry, accompanied w ith II lank UixAs lor tbe ue Jf learnera. Classical School Books. CEOSRY'S GREEK GRAMMAR. Uio; a Grammar ef tlie titeek Ean-jUuse. by Alpheus Crosbj, Protestor of tbe Gieek Lan-uige and Literature ia Dartmouth Coilere. Pnre 51,25 CnOMtV'S XEXOrilO.VS ANARAfld. Price 75ctp. Ci:0BYM GREEK LESO.NS, consi-tin of .-elctiuns from Aetiophons Anabasi, vitb dinciions for tbe study ol thoGtammii Ae. A.r. Price GJ 1 Ueis, GliEl.K TAIIEES for tbe ine of ttudenta, br A'phetia Crmbv, Autbor of tireek Giammar. Price 31 cenis. LE'llltCWS TEI.EM AOUE.fln Fiend.. Price d4 cts Urcullu's Spanish Grammar. A GRAMMAR OF THE MAMtl LANGUAGE, ba sed on thesvslcui of D. Josedd Crculta ; by Fajcue Kobiu son. Price $1. GRAM ATICA LN'GLESA, icductda, a Veinte y dos Ic cionr, rur H. Jo-od) Crrullu. EliriAn pr mera AmrricJiia de Ii Si'ptinu de Pjiis. Aumemadd v He vista poi Fajclte Ubinon. Price 1. Mitchell's Scries of Geographical Works. liniriiins JIITCI1CLVS TKIJlAIiY UEiM.UAril V. Tricn U3,3e MIIX-lilXL'S IATERJJtUIATB Oil BECO.NUAKV GEOGKAI'liY, 4lo. 75 5IITCIIi;i.I.'3 JIOUmtN- CCOSRAPIIY and ATLAS, 1,13 JHTCIIXt.'d ANXin.VT i. bClill'TUrtAl. GtOli- KAPHY & ATMS, Ifio GUECXE'S ANALYSIS. A TREAT ISC OX TUU STKUCTUKB OF THE F.S. GLISII I.AM;UAF.i nt tlie An.l;tfa and I'buificnion or..nlenci'. and Idtlr Component Tart ; with Ulu.trativQ. and Eiaici.e. adijilrd to Hie uie f-f cbuola. liy Saroael . Orrrt.e, A. M.t I'riticipul of Ilia Phitlijia Grammar School, Bo.ti.ii. I'ricf M c.nt.. r.lil'.r.XE'd FIIWT LESSONS IX GRAMMAR, upon the Con.liuctton aud Ana!is ut t-'eMenc.t, designed at an Inlrmlucttun to the " Anil).i..M Prfe 4 cent. JARVIS'S PHYSIOLOGY. PRACTICAL PHYSIOLOGY; Tor ire use or Schools and Families. Py Edward Jarvn, M. D. P-ice t3 ccnta. PKIMAllY PHYSIOLOGY, lor Schools. Ey Edward Jams, M. D., author of Practical Ptijsiology. Price 50 cents. COMMON SCHOOL SOlN'G BOOK; by Aa Titz. De-sim-d fur th use uf Coinmou School. P'ice 3) cents. In addition toihe above, is kept constantly on band, one of the Lrteit and beet selected Siocksuf MISCELLANEOUS, THEOLOGICAL, CLASSICAI,, and SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, &.C., to be found in New England, which ml! be told attha low. eit pneos. Hume & Wacauley's HISTORY OF ENGLAND, Boston Library edition. P. S. & CO. ore note Publishing A UNIFORM Editmnnf IlILME'S HISTORY OF rvfij LAND, from the Invasiun of Julius Cesar to the Abdi ' cation of James 1L, lbfifl, and continued from that time by T. B A C D I N GTON MACAULY, to Ihe present time.Milb, u'"" buu jcitrtucri, wriii an ucruiai- icpriai irom tbe Siaudurd Enliih lditmn. Toe above is published in Duo decimo form, bound in uniform cloth and sheep bindinf,print ed from good readable type, and ia emphatically the cheap est and beat Library Edition of the work pvblisbed. Price 02 cents per vol. All tho above for sale in Montpelier, by E. P. WALTON &. SON. And by Booksellers generally throughout the country. Ho ton, Nov. 1st, lOVX 4Ctf. CJLEAU POKK. 10 BARRELS for Sale by L. CROSS. Montpelier, March 25, ISM. Boston. OPTICAL VOUDEES! AT THI MELODEON, Boston. ITIK. JOIZIV A. WIIIPPJLK, 13 PC EVENTING lathe public hii grand exhibition of tbe Wonders cf the Modern Optical Science, with a costly rr.d complete apparatus, givin the spectator the bonfi' of tho most splendid achievmenu and discoveries of St i David Brewster, Sit John Ilerichelt, M. D uuene, Jtc , which may be and to make the aun stand still, mignify nntbing iiito mountains, and compress infinity into n nut abell. lie exhibits, oa an immanie screen, aa eid!ea va riety of Landscapes in DISSOLVING VIEWS, Of Mount Auburn, Greenwood Cemetery, many n-xed buil ding am! places in America and Europe. and the people of Japan Rert-als tbe opuUtion of a Drop uf tVater, Vi.iejar, c. by tbe oij hydro eo micioscepe makes the colors of the rainbow Jdmce colillont, paints volrauues in ar.aat irruption, and shnws tbft most brilliant PYBAMIC FIKEti, &c. &.c The great popularity and success of this Curious, iitcrtniuin$;itntl Instruc- live lixiioitioii, Al his Dt-oerretype Rooms, rendertd it necessary, in order to act ommod-ite tbn crowd, to occupy the MELODEON, whare l.e exhibits ihee splendid spcuel every evenm;, Cixnn.encing at7oclock, anil on Vednestfaj and Saturday afternoous at 3 o'clock. Ticket, 25 cents. If jpii fiil of seeing il when in EoMou, ya lose one of the most pleasing uad instructive entertainments over pre tented. Boston, March SO, 130. 07:6w. "SPiUN GTGOODS, SPRUNG FASHIONS ! Charles A. Smith & Co. Ko. 1 Old State House, FUOXTI.VO W.VIIIXGTO.V STIIUCT, BOSTOX. LONDON AND PARIS STYLES, Hat in been retired, the subscribers nre prepared to ex hibit to their, the largest stock eet otfeied in this mniket of Cloths. Cassimeres & 7estings, OF CHOICE AND riXC FABRICS. Ue Mrould in ite piriru'ar attention to some Cloths of an Extra dfsn iptioo, superior in fineness of texture to any w ct olTcred in thi cit .. There is alo a superfino article, (super. or :n fa-lim- i -it or Tweed, as tht colors wi.l ba warrn .it .i t. -t u.i any eipo.ure,) fur tpuns uJ Summer Oser an t Under Sacks, Frockalrcs & Polka COATS ! Most cf the above mer turned Coods werfl j tec ted bv an expeiiencil nurrhdsxr. to our order, m I ONDON, PA RI5 and uLIIMA Nk. e have &Uu imported a f-iw in nider to secure tbe latest styles, aod ih..II Lebjnnvtn exhildt lhm tnour ruteuiers, with the prevalent fihiona IU L. 1 "-J.IIV Ck 1 lll.l. RHADY-.M ADI5 CLOTHING ! Particular rttfntion is p-iid to the excellence of Matetiat n I Woikm tnhip, hs well at to tbe fivhionou'e stfle of Ready Made I lofbmf. anil utlfinen who b ive not time to wait lor the execution of their orders, can be immdidtdly upplird Hith a Dre-s or I. mi less Suit, uturh in sit le and quilily, will compare with aruitnl made to otiertlis- ner-. So perfect are our buunci urranremeots. trut wa caa futnish, c i.iplMic, 1'ntl Sniti at Ytrtlre Aatrrs notice, M'aitti and IV at ix itonra notice. The Ire nnd unnrecIiitrd increase In our bi)in hat gi vcu i incrred facilities, ootonly iu oikm our I urchwes, bnt in etiNhlin u toemp u th-s li the CCT TI.NIj DLP VU i'MI.N T who m iinain (ilnipiie all compel i Hoc,) a celebrity u n precede it tt-d in tl.e ant... of ilia art. ftrOe!tlpmeD vinn or estabIishmiPt mu re'v on tbe mwl pohio attention T enf tht alove statements. Keiu ns and Mranjers are respectfullr intited to call and examine for themsrtves. R Ii; MEMBER ! CUARLKS A. S3I1T1I, & CO. No. 1, Old Stale House, Boston. March, 1-50. t.7-3.n 'Ik-.., us GENTLEMEN of this vicinity, iitic BUn, in want of a PlUa'P RATE article of Cloth tor, tor Sprin-Sru-nmer Wear, are particularly invited to cll t BROW&WARENCE'S Itas'i:iciit ofllio Old St:il: IJoikv, FRONTING STATU STRUKT, KOJj'l'O.'V, Wlirro can be fuutitl a lar;o and extonaive FtocK i( fviiionauli: READY-3IADE CLOTHING, manuLctcrt-d br the bet of workman, and from the NEWEST SiYI.E OF GOODS, of Ute importnttun, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, at prices as luw it any '71ot!nn bouse in the Union. Tin alien ion of cou.iwy dealers is iepetfully solicited. SCIulhins adapted for the California Market constantly on hand. 3,lin!C5XS MADE TO OUDllK, From nor aoi ilo.irabte Cooil., ..Irct.d frnni tn! Srin; iiniittrUlHnt t prlhrr wilS u prnrral a.ortraent vf Pane. Article, .Uii.Me fur Gutlemen. Wair. CAM. AT TUB Old STA TE 1IO USE, fronting State St. ( HOSTO.Y. Ij HEIDSIECK CHAMPAGNE. 'IHIE undeisigd have been appointed sole agents in 1 this cits for the importation and sIh of II. Piper ti. Cos Ownuine Heidsicck Chimpane The mtnts atom ol this wine (tiril imported iu I 26) have given h a reputation unequalled y any other brand ever ofiVred in this country, and il now meets aa ennuil sale three times as large as that of any other Champ .gno imported. Our price will be same as those of the New York A-ents, Messrs Uenauld 5c Francois. FOSTER & TAYLOR, 1G1 Milk Street, BOSTON, 33r:?ole agents fur this city. ItoMon. Nov. ISiy. 50:fin CUTLER & ST1CKNISY, Late ClTLER, DAY t CO. Dealers in Painls, Oils, and Wimlotv Glass, DRUG, Vr.DlCINF.S i. DVC-STUFFtf, Voi. 131 t I'-i'i Stale, and A'o. J India Slrttt, Opposite the Aiir Custom House, itoston. A- I- CfTLCB. JOsIAII li. ST1CKSEY. I :f I rr r- , i u.i uvi'fLaau; on oano, ind fur .al, I l.NrECD. SrERM aJ WHALE OIL, WINDOW GLASS, iPIBlTS TimPENTIME, Coach Si Furaitur. Varnish, Philadelphia, Beaton and .Norfolk White Lead, PATENT medicines, it the lowest Cash or ertdit pilce. Country .Merchant and COIN-SUM ERS,' ire respectfully invited to Tall before purchajmx where. Feb. 13M. 62:6a Boston. REMOVAL Asn NEW GOODS! Importers of French Ooods ana ItlilHucry Articles, BOSTON, HAVE REMOVED TO Vir. (XH Old South Mllock, .Tilth &-eet, AND ARE JUST oeuinj from tbe Versailles and other French Packets, a lne asortment of izibuo.vs rote bo.wets jt ciws of eeery variety of de ig. The dei.rns h4ve been selected from the first Fahricanls ia France, and uro believed tab a vary superior assort ment. Plain Ta!Teft and Stti- RIBBONS ; ARTIFICIAL FI.OWEasin every vhriety of co'orj French CAPS & BONNE IS ; COKDS ; Fiench tJatt WIIIE foi Drwm; ; Silk it Iawnt ; Patent French Fr-imes and Mends for Making Cp ; CoIoreJ Crapes ; Colored Glare MiUs ; Watered Silks (or M our mug Gt ods ; Uoucht, Wire, Willows. Eeery Mrticle for .71 Winer' n&e. OrJers solicited and wtll meet with prompt itteotten. Apul, 1650. CaJi S PRllNG STYLE 5 HATS. jYoah G-reely, & 1 1TOULD annouece to hi. fri.tila and the PoMe that ha ' ' ha. KL.MOnELI.ED 1113 STOItE, .nd i ... read. to supply tbcni wiuru SUIKIOU STVLK OF II AT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, nn better terms tSai anv other Manufaciurer enn orPr them To those who wtiit a fTJ-LOW PRICED 1 1 AT, I would say .hut I make n finer one fr thai, any other aianulactnrrr, und at Ihe same lime assure the public lliatl bate the mtterial jnd ability totnike a much bttr artic'e. combicin; kit ihe recent improvements, and unexcelled by any heretofore otfeied. which I shall bo happy to scrvv thbiu to. tfrMr Slannfjctorr heinr coonweted with the front store afford me increnaed fjcililu-a Cor CnUhinz anv particular oroereu tiats wnn ut'spiict. ASA H. ItUOADES, Wool I arauaint his friends and cutomers that he has made an arrangement wiih Mr. N. OKEELY. for the Stir rinten- denct oTbis Retail Department, and earoetly invitus ihtro to call at IVo. It Court Street, whre he can furms1! lb em with the richest stjles of HATS, CATS, GLOVEti AND UM BRELLAS. April, 1S50. rem SHAWLS & SILK GOODS. JEWETT & PRESCOTT'S NEW STOCK, Al ."So. 3 i!U street, COSTO?.-, IS SUCPA-IMa.V i:lt'll and Eil-nire. and rl.irc. tbeearlv atteiiiion of ALU I'UKCH EKH. wbolcaala or retail. Thia aor'ineiil coniprl.e. all aoru of SILKS FOR DRESSES, Il Black and fanry Color", uerior qualities, and Styles r reu and .ew. Long & Square Shawls, Of etcry knows variety and qjihtv.frcw thehr;bet to tbe lOJvrsr tOSl. IVnifft S.fCUS. fJSITES. .Tf..VrJi- 11 anl all irtfl-s t)ai are worn na suttilute fui m, Is. A so, Il.Ka in tut; pioiier wolihs, for those whu picferto matve ib''e tiiimnts lor tbemsIves. ALL KI.NDS OF f anion & Itidh Shank & Silks; In puti' ulir, an immene variety of CRAPE SIIAWIJ?, cinnroiiittreii, ri uu saj HiiuiiK nuieu, in a run assort ment of colors. ISlacfc tudia Satin A Silk, all quiltties, CiU$ue c Scarf y .Untitle. IStack Siltit X Zttaet; Silk Shatrl, Mtay Stale Jng X Srttare SUatrta, t'aiurlcon Satin X afrn ne 'hiue$, JTrcncI SatiiiM.aflrolorg, Mtoiubaziitc X ! Ipaeeat, finest quali.te, Wide Silk IVrrf for Mantillas and fcbas. In brief. w vo-i s iv i pur b irs f the a iv Ooods tn any iju nlity, t M I.L or LAROE. that wt can and will upply ll.eir wants t tbi- EOWESt' POSSIBLE I'llICK. sort .ith ui q trit aniftjles ol Ooods aa caucol be found at other s' s JEWETT & PRESCOTT, ,ro. a sTisvtir, March 6, IS50. FOR SPUIjVG TRADE. WM. P. TfflT & CO. CARPET HILL, Orerthe ,TI.r.YE IZ.l ILIZO.I B MJM'OJT, Slay .Harkct Synare. VRE now receiving fiom all tbe Principal English and A rueiican Manulaclutes. CARPET I iGS or kitki1 ni:scnrMTi0.i Velvet TnpcMry. ilrusscls, 'I lircc- I'Jj", Super nnd 1'Atra I'itic C'oiiiiuoii tV ?I'lmm I N G R A I N CARP ET LN'(S, variety of stjlc and f I'iric, cmpn'in many new mv! beaut i ia flesifns. r.ti.'VTEz rtaon cTsOtizs, from 2o 01 feet wide a Lr;e assortment. Strittr mJSattingif Wool X Cotton Itoekiugt, JSngff .Hal, ,Vr. ftT?hip owuer. Hotel Keeirs. ao.l Familic. are re specttully invited to call aiud make their selections Daniel! 8c Co. BOSTON. REMOVAL! VE wnnM rcc'fuHy inform our customer and tit ' public, ti. si hjve renuved Irom our Old Stand, to ?io. 2 19 Vas!iiiiton Strref, ( Between Vie -lfarftere ItAelind It inter Strttt, Hattn; now one oft be Ir-est Stures in tbe City, we abal be enabled lo show a inuie extrn-ita atock, of RICH SILKS, Long and Spare Shawls, than we have ever before oft- red. We nave now received a Lrse stock uf SPRIXK & SDDIEU (JOODS, bat shall continue to teceive NEW GOODS upon the arriv al ofeveij French and Eus'ish Sieamer, thruufbuct lheae on We shtll enntinne to keep every article wasted io fami. Iter, L1.N'E.N'S. QUILT, ULA.NKETS, COTTONS, FIAii:i.S, HOUSE-KEEPING ARTICLES, mournincTgoods. We I.M ORT part or ottr itcefc, and wt are always ready totakeadvaniHceofihe NEW YORK AUtH IO.NS,wh Ooods are acrihced we feel ure that we can ulwajs otler .ur flood at as Utw prices as ctn he obtained cLewhore an der ANY CIRXU.Mi-TANCES. The One Price System, will still be strictly adhered to, as many yeai's eiperienre sjtiSes u that n is the lairest, andlherelore the mot ait firtory to purchaser. W f have, by constant personal attention tn our buiin4sR to merit the pAirougu we havo so Km; uceived al our Old Stand. DAMELL S CO. I iiitortcrs, JoIiJxts ,V Ietnil2rs, No. 249 Washington Street, BOSTON. March 1, liyi. 64:3m LANCASTER GINGHAMS, i HAVING MA0K OL'R ARR W0EUENT3 WITH Tlie! MANlTFACTLREKd OF ' LANCASTER GINGHAMS, j ToIms supplied with alt their ' NEW STYLES, is soon as tby tremad. we hj have constantly cn bind , FULL AOl:T..)L.N'i'. U'e have jntt or-t.ed stvertl eases, and would call tl.o attontiot of tbe public to them i When Ills considered that Ibov are ma Je for DL'KABILI. ! TV, the Warranted Perfectly Fast ! ndPOLD AT SO LO.V A TRIUE, we believe il will be found that na article t-f DRESS GOODS 13 SO CHEAP TO THE rUKCHASEn. DAMELL & CO., N'o. 219 IVastaiugton St., lloston. March 1, loiO. &U3at March 5, 1850. NEW GOODS. S TORUS &LA.NC DON bar. juu r.luru.d from Bo.toa witli a r.riet; of Coo.', for the early SPUING TRADE. Moutftlitr, March i, liil. 4 CARPETS Boston. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING JOHN -SIMMONS & CO'S One Price Establishment, QUIHTOY HALL ! BOSTON. THE ATTENTION OP Dealers in Ready-made Clothing about visitine BOSTO.V.f.H the purpose of making their Mprin Purchases, is solicited tolho aWre We iao rio.,, f loe;E3T STOCK3 OF READY-MADE CLOTniXG, of trj criJa andqnalilj t.rrotr.r.1 in Do.ton, which wj areiirtfa toiclllo Country Dealers, AT AVIIOI.KSAT.E, onthe inoat LIDCRAL TEKM3, anil al l lowcit markal jrici. Particular attention hs. he.n paid to Uia gettin;3 of o.r Spring & Summer Stock'. and our Clothing is probably belter cut. Letter made nol better adapted to tbe wants of the community, than that ot any other Clothing House la the city. ORDERS rorREDY MADE CLOTHING, will meet with prompt at t en t kii. Good and prices wairanted to be satisfactory, or tba Goods ran be returned. John Simmons Co. QUINCY HALL, BOSTON, fXT(0VER QUIXCY MARKET.) TO" PURCHASERS OF AT WHOLESALE. inTI?ie&KEHOE, Nos. 40 & 42 Ann Street, BOSTON, !IAVC.mVLV MASLTACTUSED FORTIinSrEI.NO SALES OF 1S50, the lAncrsT t .most extexsive stock op READY-MADE EaE,gSE2fo everotTercd for sale in Boston. IIsiinirrelinfiuihed the rftail branch of onr business, trar Utei-tim is devoted exelasively tothn wants of Traders, and nf ri-iianU may depend on finding us afa a better ssp ply of Well Manufactured Goods than at other lloui". Oat Stock inclndes articles adapted to the wants of the .vj: is'-JEaVftx.f .vs, Southern 6c Western Trade. Tha extent olour lu.ine. ofiVr allGooda at tha tnwF.t inart.t value, and to elteoj usual term, of credit. V.e have in Storo 3000 t'Loril FROCK AND DRES3 COATS, 1000 TWEED ' " pairs fancy buck-skin tants, 10 000 " " LINEN " 15,000 LINEN SACKS. Boys' Clothing IN GREAT VARIETY. Tailors' Trimmings .fc Piece Goods, and a lull ...ortment of ENGLISH, FRENCH &. GERMAN Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs. FANCY SILK CRAVATS t SCARFS, lUaclc Italian Hdlcfs., Suspeitdcrs, 31ove, .t GENT'S FUItXISIIIXG GOODS. AGENTS FOB FJE.WEYT'S" Troy Shirt .IMann factory A full and eornpleto catalojne of our stock mav be had br dfrem' u Svmail J. J. WIIITLNO, il.KEIlOE, JR. C. W.GALLOUPE. Boston, 5Iorch 13. 66.3m THIE IT WHOLESALE. HEVT STYLES For the SPRING & SUMMER! A Lnrgc Stock tV Great Ilargains t at the I oreoox ci.otiii.g lioi'sr:: 31 it 33 Ann street, CORNER OF MERCIIAS ROW, Boston. C-WIIOLESALE DEALERS ihrou-hnnt Ihe country, will find it greutly to their advantage t look through our stock be foi e makin purchase, a ne Lmw we caa offer Steatnr icducemenU to dealers- than was er cr befuit offered to tbe trade. Our stuck is hre, kt-d in stile and workmanship, w believe ii lube superior to any stuck of Clthin evrr made up io Ilits city. Our prices, we ire determined, shall bo ' elow the luweat. PHILIP IRISH. .March 13, !&0. CAKPETINGS. GEO. ALEX. BREWER, Xo- 28 Court street, B0STONSl Dealer in FOREIGX AXD AMERICAX Carpetings, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. AI.O HEAJtTH ISVGS, BOCIUAGS,. 1MINTED FLOOR CLOTHS. M.r-h It. liVJ. 1:6... fag. 1 I iJ" CENTRAL HOUSE, No. 9, Brattle Square, Boston, (Between Brattle and Elm Streets.) A. IV. Wr.lfillT. . I ' . H. WF.ltaTEIt. I rroriator,. THfi anlacrilr.,, cf Koclin-h,m, Vt haiiniU. roapecirol! aj Ui their country fiifnd. anJ trai.lkra j . .r.....,uu i. 1H.11 nn.ina... a raanv and chacrful altentioa t.. th. ..nt. and contaaitncca .1 - . : " mil. ineir cii..iaey noi i. rfcai.e a aliur. uf their batronac. Their llou-e bviof U-c .ted U ih. molt cantral part of l.a .ic, an-l I.o, liarinj attached to 11 a larre M.Mo, al.a.a m..r u a mu.t a.iitao:. for bu.iat.a m?n ami ijourner. in tbe cay. a. w.tratcHT, a. M. Kli.Tia. Boiton,Attft, lt!43.' 434e. 25 Bbls. Sugars ' OF ticciJedly the fioe.t qdalilv anil tia.t baraina offered ef l.te. Ju.tuii.U7ti. STOIIKai. LA.NUJO.N'S. s. ei lIHilllg 4 9. ci it I i: