VERMONT WATCHMAN & STATE JOURNAL, APRIL 4, 1850. V jtatranrc. Nov is tlio Time for Farmers.'! TLe uniJt cedent ed s pecans or me Farmcrs's Jfutual F. Ius, Company, !.i,.nft i.ruirs folirie. on tli. 9lb f tbi, ,.(,, ''! TlinCC TIMES lhe .raouo, orArP t theCb.rler:! Th.. Oct ';'" th, nece...i or.uc. ." ln.ti.ull.., P1"" the 1ue.tlun of it. beyond .11 rational o Irrinelr to b .,orrd iHEM.lLTt., .. ,b... i. no lomer ...) nree.rny for !" .ufls,inS ,n comertion thh.x irJou. propeily ... ... luriher nf.rm.lK.n, ivjjire cf lr.vr.lme .J-M., or V'fl.rKrI.i.Hl opp-il. 1h Hrirk Church. Jo I'DUtD .secretary. Mm,i iit-r, F h, J3.L-3. 6K HaETFORD LIFE & HEALTH Invested Capital $100,000. GCNER Ai, A'.ENT fR VERMONT, I.. G. I.GIM.tfylVinistuti9 Vt. TO MriVMi Upl'll.Ml OUt UIV bp MtJllt Aiwa kll parts of the time, i SOT Central Office f tKt Ajentr, Tail iJa Couit Home Equate, Huilit jeii..f Vt. .N. VV'AKO,il I. Mrdiral Hi J. IV. HOVl', 3Iontpr1ier, Ager I f'-r,!on Cuuitly. C. !. KU'lLEC, JL li. jjmitpclier, Mulical r'x .t,inet- WCUtC'l. XX AMI ICR! FOR THC COlTT nf WASHINGTON A.IU- C.fle.rlt it ne. Uimi -tu it ti . V. liVlllHlf, Li Her kins ley, . UMlMjir.Jr. N. Hut. cult, 1) C. 'orcIii., J H. r.iu1)4nit C. II.CIvel..nrl. lU-Ht i, Culms, Aldn-ti-wn, Nun d ft- d, Pluuth 1.1, V niuCt.J, Warren, "Vntetliury, ItlClitlrOOat. Jteuiffn .Mm in, UMIAL AGENT.-. UiMmVAKi. Wnteibury. NEMAN CAttFKNTER. Xonhfif d, J. ST. KII2H ARlftUN. Wml-heli TUr Hartfotd, W.ifr X Ilrntlh In tt ratter t'CtttpttHtf Announce to the pullic titi ly l lie libera provision of h Charter it u enable J to olTir advuM,-!;? tu,ieiioi !t th(ie Dre-ruled y any otlit-r Con-paiiy in the United Mates It lia tnrcc dm l net dopurtniruts. romtiinni the pti vile- ires of three separate Corapnnlei, with only ibo expense of ctndu-l nj a finpie institution, and cnntrolleu ly 0111 tJunru -f i'iit'cnr. I fitu f-erurinr. harmony, fiuc-ility and tafclv. Thi Company will iaarp at the uaal rate?tatid inthrea particular cUim Hie nujeiioniy over uli ruutu&l Compa cie. 1U IVductirg only tn per cent comminiion frum tho (lutual Iuurance Fund, Instetd ot tha entire expeicie of the Compjoy aauually. Si;d. Civio; ncrip certificate! of prefix each )ear, piya LI 10 carli u hen tv u hu wired thousand Uillarc has & ecu om itted m h reieived n.utnnl fond, sucli tcrip bcarin- lotereat from date und ir&nrlrahlo. 3(d. In audition to ihe .Mutual Fund arid ieerred Fund, rc ired fiom Mutual lnurrn, ihf ipital atock. ori hun died thoaar.d dulljra ur.d all iha rekCiredfuud of the Joint Stuck mnur i ptdfcd fur th imjntentuf loese. KY rJ IH; JrW.rZ .STVCM. J".f.Vv The rule mte icdut d oiip third tire .utouul cl.nred n tin luutuil pUn( the Ci-xnpno I itn c ni HiTtT 1 BTH, ti n.ur a, lifn arisen Himmnt. fit a jnvci) tune, iutead ol tkin more than kr -jmHti -an and ofterwnrd pyirff Lack a purl ol oEt ow.i ua-itr 10 citLio miomioi rti jrtT. The ndvantBe ot t!m mlo ot insurance oici the ruuiul ,Uu n.rtjr ihu lc .Iluisir-t-.l. Suppose aTxhrr, at the tf thirty two fr resnlret to r spend twrjtj fi d.ilia pri ..oitum for inouruee on fcU lde. Oo the iuiua1 plan it Mould acuie him a policy of otio thousand r'ollarr. On the Joint St. ck pli t, the an me tcnty-!iTe dollars will aecure him n potic) wi une thousand md the hundred doU Kra. All ihji ne tan ict in fvoi of protiia (1.0 called) on ihe rr.uiU4l nUn ctmott eiecid one hlf the yeaily pny tnent, u: Iwtilvo dulhira and fifty cent ; n that in ten yeaia he can gin it. r-rotlli ouly 0m1 hu tdted and twenty live bulUrs and in foit jcari tlif ue lionditd dullu. 1 Iiq it uiili tn th t if a peraoti of -l.e ne linu)d die Mitrm u at, hn f4.m1l get rt.E half a hvch atn n th-' j not Hi. tin, with tha C3in miioui rruiiin.i, tt tn ili pljn, and he urn lite foktt tear to MAKE IT SQU.L. The Idlrit die m ftontiile to ihe artured at cadtj to the cnmpituy uitl per it it- Ir.iun rce n ibii form le tf crtat tmjAinanee to all w hu hare oti:ur Jeeiidins upou the to lor uptxtrt. Ati'iditr ou nnd hard lib-nrj nun. h! o U ah! while 13 l.t h to am t i.ui m..o to iwelve 4iutUr er m k. jq.I ttu ir.Tii lor t.e w,ittl of ltimefmil fjiuily, iflxiu iijmti the hed . iirknc-. t diaa'j td by arcidtst. i'nJ- lmnell dep iv d i.f that liie.Miie- The applies lire cut H, Ihe Ibu'itntu t doc-tup J now comt uttsiety, dittren ami or rtM ! Iluw thrfll t'-i to avoided ? ThH t'o upany ;iro uU-i fvif wnd speedy ieniely. A email p ttnce pjid w hitn 111 1 ealth, fvctiit't a wct-fcly paniut oi m uohurf, to he re rennl win k lit wevlc uhfl KfcieK r iiithillty rontiu it- -. "r-l tf dfth do if woik, then m uin ofoUU 10 luth).r SJ1 olUr, pud ii U'iv.m, will piorc Ij tf a inei.a iirVi'i rhni r th tn a Tint M.iiMiit m he bin only on- in ihe l.nion,r in the umlj 11 i" IhjIi id lhaltuf tin- com n ,1 a-r t.r, mn4 ttttrl it ;r.t iiiruritiice wit'i ben tit TtktkT -i o protrtiiitE '1 h.e f. r 11 in t-r-tiich ol ut; .MJtai-o 1 tot a-1, tt will apf-ft'ijl. iU tlv m. For tu.l del Miih tegdtd to teriia n.i ron-Iil-on , lei ernrMinUi tj tii4dt:tuthe pmpiiielH to be h4 gratia uttne tjflice ol ir (iij,jtn an i tt a'i tli asvuo . iC A (hi - .1 ni.i tie loade ton f t. aS .. nann d A;"tJ'f Mt-ieit tlx tmireiP. wnu u ill oriaru tb. auuie lo ih to in- t-i-. lUrilorr TV torn i a SAfr iXiah lekcavntbe mot rtaon ble icrwik. 1 hi "ropinj urf d n very I r;e n 1 urrefafu! bo.tpcs uttdt-r h t h.Mer w hi li cireluliy uard he its' od ! rei ol tno luauir J. Ji.ur, 15. 5:ly FM.1I SIOXTftEAL TO ESSEX. NEW ANi IJIV.U'I'AST Sfagc and Rail Road Arrangement nnrivtE.s ETontreal, Boston & Nev York, Distance by Stages 67 milts Six milts 1.ESS than any other route. On and after Jan. 15, 1850. STAtlKS will Ira'n Voctre.l daily Sundy. excrted at nmn oc!rck, A. M. ,i, fit. John., Henry'. Villn. rhiliin.burb, BtvtiQtoa FrnJUaDl bt. Alb.nfeto loJco fir,t Le.vinr St Al'i.n. next morning via 5iItont in time to connect ithtlie Vermont Central Kail Road at Ef.ex, ar tirinxat Uo.ton rime day at fire o'clock 45 minulc,, aod ivew iork A o cloca A. m. ilia next morning: Mnkimr Iht uhole time from .Montreal to Boston 'JS hours ; Do. do. do. to jYcu York 44 do. Betarnin f.ex after the arrival of the first cfcar. (fm Botoa, to Su Alhtn firtt d.y. Leaen St. Al ban tbe next mommy at 7 ofclock A. M. via the abote xoeqlioned route, arrififlg at Muntroal 413 o'clock E. M. njakin the sajna tims fiouilloalon bd Sw York aa above mentioned. PaMojer. for t)i ATLANTIC 5TAMES3 to and fram tl.e fj.nadxi, will find Ibii Ua cbeapoat and moat iuhJiI iou fonte. 6. ALLCN. Jfcb.r, IJ, 1S34 S7 jTHE OFFICE Of tbe Geman Doctor is at Mealpe- Her, State Street, Opposite Red field & Grannis's Drug Shop. CHARLES EODGER, M.D. G CRM AN F11VSICIAN. DR. JL will state to the Public' that lie 1ac not prolesa to care all diseases, ot to be superioi to other medica,! (aetrtleAjeo, but be does profess to ucdmalaod hit baaiaett, of. which he willfive.ample proof whenever he has an op XwrlUDity, Ur. tt- is clsotbe inventor of tbe celebratud i C a 1 rente belt, o b'jtily appreciated by the Scientific press In tha' Stale smI Lrjiand. ( Vide t5cientifie Amerleau. Lo cet, Stc,) whtcli he wadufaeturts and aeepi for sale at hi vSiee, aad m It k a wise tbo loveuior ol tb iCye Baib a cer tain cere for weak. eyes. writes not deprudief upon Disease atflbe rplic nerve AU kinds of German Tateot Medicines prepared to order. M.xitptB tier, Jan. 96, lgyj. ' " 59 6KEAT UEDUCTION OF PRICES. G HATEFUL for tho very IRerlitaUona w navarre , reived tbe past yetrand tbe ABUNDANT aucoeaa tkal ha alt ended tmrVffartJ to m (enera FURNISHING WARE-HOUSE, on tbe t toe pfciluaophy of itoia basiataa, vis : .Large iales Sc. Small Profits ABBOTT & EMOEY, Are Maine witb the NEW TEAK, wore com?let nd rviTVitvc umrxr nr s., FUKNITUKE ' 'AMD r H0U FUlllTSHIlfQ GOODS, .' tku eaa a. rWaal in tk. Bow, and at r'7 RSDUCZB) FStfCEB! TAKLK3. BEIUIltAOS, IT.IMU, "ata. Buxr.,ua, T-J.U4.R . . TII1I.KT Taltr.Rfl XwnvjfHMVJH.AeBD9. - M HUC.- PCHTABLE aw i. ferery variety, VTm aTa7tiJ T- "J . - -nana raraucs, ate rA&alvaalMK. . " Mtl, . ... liatwiitrttort Seja, . 1 akpOTaJe at. private it tba .lnra mtt . .1 MmUb, acaMwaVMai mnLKW, cntai.iar iMj.raEK of tdmi, aaVt kMi mmd aart kniUiaM tlvaraaw. aitaMted i.tfc.V ml wid ehtfin-.M le nit wmIm, a. tbe U,k tf a Ail 1 "a-al. at mat .'ct.ek.r. M.' vtH Mr. mmt I tytU, JHR9 ItU, J. Railtoabs. Vermont Central Railroad ! OPEN TO BURLINGTON. OS AND AFTER DKCKJl UEh l-4tf. riMIE I'APECK11 CAIXS will leave Rowton lor Burling 1 ion UailjrttfundTescf pled, at "3 1 3 A.., ti& Ho ton Ai Lowell, aViiitiaj, Cjccord, and Nonht-rn and Vermont Central KadriMda: alt vta Fiiclibutsti, Vermont & Mats a- chuetit.t hpal.ire At Sullivan and Vrru out Central. Ileluinin I.eava ilurtiPctoQ at 6 43 A M., by both the nooie rout ex. aud Waterbuty al 0 A. il., AloutptUer at and ortliiJeliJ it 3 U). Freight trait.. leto Iloiton and Eutlinglon Daily, Euftdya exepteo. , -eem tnoa it ton l rain, in connection with Ireijni, jearej .'itlfcl 1 foi 3iontir-li,r. &.C. and Iluilmstoc l 8 A. Al.. uad rrtiirnin; ! aveo nuflmtot) fit UJr M. f oi fuilber inlorcioili.R ee fatrilitider tCailway Guida. JAMt MOtilth, Eng.aod cuperi'itiadeitt. Northfield, DccrmherS-), l&iQ. &5 UOSTOX KW YOa.K, Vc. by the Way of" Windsor Vt. KAII.l.OAIl Ftttnl BOSTON i O WELL UIVCU & 'JO IHJltLi.NtilON, VI. TIIKOUfill TICK Eld TO BTATM.W t) 1'Atfa.N.lirclC AND VEUAIU.VT CVS' 1IUL U .ll.iiU lt. SU1 LI VAN RAILROAD, avit a nn a4. ..Ta est. O.N AND AFTI.U. JAN. 1, ls5, "AHri Ita Utfton from I'ttch'-ar Railroad CkjCvvit D'pci,lij utGrotifi Juoction, t-licit Jr5ir,rtbuf5, Ivt-cu-,'- nitHih ,ftiifl irwlfor, tl 7 1 5 A. vM itil nrnvv at V:li it.ii ?r al 3 -J j F. M. and Mllor mgto aiC49F. M. Caii. Iar4 U fTioii toi Cntrliktcmp.CWremoul and Wind. "t it 7 1 2 iiiad II A- .M aud arrive at Wuidair al I 1 4 aud 51 J P .M. Car tenteAVcIIi Hirer al 9 1-2 A. and l!uiii-ton at C 1-2 .. Jl , aid bj Wjj of Wind.or arrive at Rot-iop at 6 I'.-M. i'i.ii teute Wtt.dor at 45 A. M, and li 10 P. M. and ur fire it D ttio-i tt 'J I 4 aud ti F. M I'jftig' i to i il .total ,i'w Voi k connect with hImvo trmnt hi Cruton JuttCtiou U'oictfcttl and X-it-litid K Jl.) or IValpole. ttge leave Wells lliver, n arrival jf! lrom Buaton, for St. Jolinfhury, Matiotetd, Dvrby Line, Staea leae Until ugtoj eiery lu.-ruiiij itfuodaj cicej-ted) for MomieaT,&.c. Cattle T aiua for Porter'.' on Tuesday. Fiei-htTrnJin leie aud nrre at HtMtoii daily. TIIOMA WILLI Mtf,M,i?t.?ulIjvttn n R. Charleolua. S II. Jjd. 1 I&50. IS Rutland & Burlington H ItAILUOAD. Through lo Bcllo.vs Talis. . Change of KiiO.irs. ON and after Monday ltc "Ji, 1849. Trains will lesve I'uilnton for Honton, at 0 1-2 A. M. (undajs excej'i. edsluian tteur at Itcllovt Falls for Diiiiier, afritm at llovton ut 5 5 P M. fr3S; cuonecittf st Walp-ile with the tje for ItratileSoro, and lhepre to Saw Voik, ulio at Gioion Junction with Wi.rccntir an 1 Nashua. Nor a trli and WorccFicr Uuilrud end Steamer in lon Inland Sound, arriving at 5 A Al. neai monimg fro $6,0. Keturnm?, leavfc Uo$too fit 7 J 2 A. M., urnur; at Hurlirgton ut t 1 2 P. M., leave Nw Yoik at 4 P. 51 arrtifnat Uurlioton the next evening in ttie firtl trim ftotu tJn.tjn, conctcttu: at Be. Iowa Fll'tliotli ua,f, with the t-ullivan Uad t White II i i, r Junction ii.d Vcll liiver. A!o, a(.ccuiniolation Train will leave l.uilatiJ7,3) A. M. for Iturliuglon j return Ut atlt30P. '.t.Hirninsai Roll md Ti P. M. Ail lurther iifurniat'u.i tociher with Ticket, can he obtained hi th Ticltel OUi-e in Burlington, ar.dof the .Sta tion Aseui ou the line. L. ItKlELOW, Ass't lfupcriiitciidenU Buiborton, D-e. 19, lfclJ. C4tf NOinlKItN RAILROAD. AFTCZC aiV. il, 1S4, I)ASX''NUKR THAI AS in roi.nerlioii miiIi the Cetv 4 tral, Pafoinrpstc, t .n ord, Altitu berter & Lawreuce, iaebuAc Wwrctstet, lill ti. tct.n Il-iTMat:, Leate l!oton I rem th lit pot t f tbe Iot:ll Kuod far Le Sinoi, WeiN Kivct, Montpaiier, Waterbury, Vt ut 7 1-2 A. l.. !tntoUl liM. LeaL lebinou for lloiii.n, Crotou Junction, &e , at 11.20 . l and 1'ri'tol at A. M , or on ibearmal ol ho can from Wfl'a Rttcr and Moo'pt licr. '1 h,s iojd connct4 the Vt. Cintral nnd Paifumpsie toai'a with the Concord, N4ltui jud Lowell Uouda, and is ttie neatestaud tuickt t tuutt from LanoiU', .Nnrtiern and Cen tral Vericont, nir.1 New Ilainp-htre, to llosion. Panen;cr lrom the Central and Paa-umpic RAtlroid!, vi n Ceucoril, Maiatbeatei, and N.ihua, arrive ht (roton .'uiiclit o, t orreHrr, and New York, h qOtci cud as cbcp n no j olht i route, and earlier at llwio'l. A coi.. nent landing Mod Pen, lor ctlilr, taa been pre pared mi the l.'w II Uoad within ojm mile of Porter. A Special Train fi-r cutth will ;otli ou3b over ihts toute on Toelaj Mithoui tii'u. FRt:iHT 'I ltAiNs tr tae Northern, Central, and Pa-cun-pMC le ive lho i ol the l.mell Itoad in lla-t-ton. ONaLCnV MXARN, A-euu i;on.ord, N II Ofo'ifr, ti, 181'.). 45 FIT C 11 B U li G HA I L itO A D jsggTraiHi will leave KoaIou as J-' t-' l'ulions : 1 o. I'iicl.'jur-li,Mi71-a Ex,ue-.) ilA. Jl.,334 r. Jl. Fur I'onrurJ 0 5J ni.d IlA U , 3 45 uod 6.iU 1". H. rrV.ltl,jm, C.iO.eia, 10 uj II A. i. 1 3-1,23 4, 43 4 anilC -4 1'. .M. K..r V.ien..wn 7 5, tnd 3 15, A. U IJ JL, S.J 4 1-', .n.l 6 14 1' .11. Fr;li.i al 8 1 2 A. Jl., S I 2 .nH 5 1-2 P M. lin l.N II.AI.N.- n ILL I.G1VU FnU HOTO.N, IVon. Fitclibur al 74 A.M., UM.,(4!0 Lljtn ) and i.:o: M. From ("uncoid nt 7anl 9 1. II .. 1.08, 5 11 and 5 5 P M. From Wallh.niat 9i5 .lid 11 A. M , ,5, 4 5 3-4 and 6 llrt r Jl. From Wdteitwn at C 1 2, 8 anj 11 A. M , (.30, 331 an b l il. Fiuinli n.iunit7,):D mtl 1Q .1. Jl.. nnd 453 P M. For furih.i i,m uur. I' i fi ult-r (tailwv CuiJe M FLi.Tu.N, ulM:llllttudt i:o-.on,Nv.5, 184. FOR iM:-OUK ! VIA C03LY. RIVER RAlhUOAD. I AliH. KKCI WALFOLE TO NEW-YORK, $5,00. 'pRMNS leave Pratt., bo-o' ut 7,45 A. M. M 5, P. M. I un the mm at of the tlie cornectm with the Chesh ireanJ a-uHivMti Rn'roadat atiol;. I' r tty the lir-t irnin lenvm Monipeli"r or WetU Kin rrtid rrtvin at Walpolr al 3 ll.AI.,uke tbe So't lk I M. iria from l!rittieburo arrive in r-rnnrri?!! t . .45, r M.. and nroceed bv tha Hartford andNaw Haven It ail ioaq ALU me superior Steamboat Connecticut, To N'KW.YUUK.tirrivinz at about 5. A.M.. rasenz'ra leavinf UraHlithoro bv tbe 7.45 a m- train reac'i tVprinsfield at A. M. and proceed dnccih to Nw York EXPRESS TKAIIV, aril vine about 5 P. M. This will be found a CHEAT, QUICK, and COMFORT- AtiLb UUUlt lioui all parts ol Vermont ami wt ero New Hampshire, affording travelers tho choice of an entire land rrute or uf a short passage louoe of tbe t.ealbats upon tbe Sound. RirrURNlXlJ, Pasen;erv can leave New York by the 8 A. M. train of the New York and N'ew-Haveo Railroad, and reaci mattieuoro the tame evjoinj, aau icacn Jiompti or Well- River, tbe nxtdav at Ol P. Al. Patienjera arriving nt Bprmffietd by the first tram from, reach Pror'tdmce., Albanv, Troy or Whitebait, in same evccinf, anu cunainine Dataajr at 1 1 31., Noitbauiptoo, Feb 4, IfcSO 49:6:osif JUdlAlI HUNT, Biipt. CLK. Ro-d. CLOTHING. At tke Head of State b'trecf. Another lare io received this week at tke HEAD OF STATE ST where; may be found thn latest and beat aaanataeioreil lot oi uiietitinsio oe loonu in me oiaie, ana at lower ptices. Peraooa about making iheh Fall aad VVin lor norebasea will find it for their interests lf lavor OS with i call, as wo are deter mined lo keep tip the ell-earned K- ootatioa or the ungiaai ciotbinx otoie, Dec diX JL fl. LOO MIS, MATTERS OF FACT TESTED BY MANY. THE Beit Earwig, ;iven at II. S. LOUilIS', of Plate Street. Nooao will doubt it Uel uamiaiar oar eomnb.n atiick ol Dry (roods, Ktady-Madc Vlothing, Feathers, Looking Glasses, Crockery, aad Hard Ware, West India Goods, SALT, FISHt Sec. caPnichasers will find it for their lottrett toivost MontpeIier.Dec.2S. 5 NEW LONG & SQUARE CUAU'I ralVTS, DELAI.NCS.aodolkM OriyV,? LitJt OUESj tiOOlld.remvMtbi.daj SI.HTT At FIELD. GREEN'S TOBACCO. f7IXE CUTiCbew.ran4. Saxokera-iI jbe bc.t ot CAVCXWSH. Sold by BCOiT at FIELD. firs. Thayer & Williams HAVE entered' Into Oo-p.nnera.hfii if, tbe practic. of ' aleoicto. aJ Cnrrenr, at Northtiehl. - BAM'L W. TBAYER, EDWARD U. WILLIAMS. . Deeerabar lrt.1643. . 2ttf Barber's CiloBiical Stove' Polish. riiflE tet attiele invented for Peltehiaf St-jvea, iSratee, ice. It prwdjeea a bcsntifal laatiws with bt little labor make no dut or bad am II, and la nearly fire proftf For sate wboUnla aad retail by BCOTT dr, FIELD 7. b2t BLACK SILKS., PI- AEIOW and Wide BHka, tst'Irnma. and Hantirraa. with Fnacvk tod riiniaalofa to aaatcb. Joat opaaw ' H. B.' LOOMI3. Peimiaai't Lime. COnl Bale kti.mi .d price.. r - E. t, IVALTOS h.BOH. Unai' ' iM SULAJ'. V ffiBE Best artWe UmI. W al tha 8Ua Puldbr kXajft-etrmLD. al A iaf Ik. Taelet, ad Ik. Na. 7. dH .-. - SBEESiu 1--VJ t ,ak.xa: 1 itDatcI)C0, Sctrjclxn, &r. Silver Spoon Manufactory. TOWN & HALL, AT THE OLD STAND OF IRA S. TOWN. STATE .STREET. MONTPELIPR. VT. TAKE pleasure in informing the public that they are Manufacturing at reduced prices, Silver Table and Tea SPOONS, of all aicrt and, Desert do., Silt a Lit Sins tird do., Cream, Sugat, Grivy and Soup Ladles, Sugar Tnis nnd Shovel, IJutter Knives, t5cc. A.C 0" Every article I by them la manufacttited under then ow it superintendence, and ran be warranted of the best materiaL Topersot.s wtniin Spooi-sof any kind, they af ter int Auvrtmae or purcuaain at toe lowest posaioie pri ces and direittv ofthe manufacturer. Zrj Pon within- topuicha e tSilrer Spoons of an v de scription, to weltgam, will be fumiahed U hole- sale piKVi, Montpelier, Pet. 11,154'). 41 WATCHES & JEWELRY! TOWN & HALL HAVE receivid from New York n laree and extensive as-eortiMt-nt .f th lo lowtn; dvacnbtd UOOIW, willi many other kiwis, toontimcriux lobtt mentioned, aelccttd vxn anly for the Fall and W-it-r trade, comprifltrg thegr. uiet v liuly or artirlea to le luuiul in lliu ruaic, to wlitcii it e aitetiiton ot th- public is invited. Gold and lilvei WATCIIKS. of Lever.L'E.dtie. And Horizontal and Vifjo Etcapemeuts,rf all qualities and prices, from 'he celfbtntcit Makers in Inndon and Liverpool. Gold J&IYl.LUY, (f all ile"Cni,tin.s, Pin, Rins Rracetets, and CI taps. Gold Heads, Guard Chains, Keif i Gold uu J Silvci Pencils, neetacleii. Thimbles, Gold Pern Ijockr ts, with a cent rut nnxortiiu nt uf Gold, Silver, and Gilt Fancy Good, Pkil'dCake Itjskets, Candlesticks, Castor, PUied and llritaniui are, Sptnin, Korku, Mutter Knives, A.C 1SUITA,.SA 'VRIA V COFF I'O'Ji S, Susr and Pots, Pocket Cutlery, uorj, Kazots,&.c, from tbe celebrated iiiauufaciuierof Sbctfie Id, Rogers, Crooks .t 1,0., uiiti many clioap minis, itecl Roe and Purne Clabiw. Steel Beads. Silk Guards Chains, and Purses. Spectaeln eies. Lamp Wicks, Tin and fchell music lioxes, 1 uennoincter, leu iielis,&.c. FttZTit A good Ukfortment of VValleU, Pocket Hook, ip-air-a-ianu i;aru t ascs. IrSTi ColC Patent Sir Uurrel Self-cocking Revolving Pistols. And it creat variety ot Cbat Pocket Piitol. .vc. Purchasers may bo nisured that ever)thing in our line wilt oe lurnuiied on as favorable terms as can be procure! Horn any other sou ice. Montpelier, Oct. 13, 1849. 44 TOWN & HALL. State Shtit, Montpe itr, VI. r ERP suppli-d with superior Razors, Knives, ?cisors,etc. - in the uuilery Iine, rectaclei, to suit all aaes. To'iacco and Snutf Roxes, SJlS. Walk. 1 the Cutlery Line, ijtectacles, in; Micka and Canes, etc etc Also, tSShcll Combs, STIl'S t.S fjj with Raoda of ln Hair, Ijlj French Fmctti, Ait.ertcan do.Rratds, - coiisintin; 01 nun ana itou;n net do. tOCLTi AIR WORK, CurN. Riiielen.eic Toilet Soon. Perfuinerr, etc. etc Ladies and gviitleiiicn ure im tied to cull aaJ txamine arti elca and ince. Fm Watches of all descriptions repaired by a practical and experienced Yl at hnmker. Montpelier, Oct. li,Iy. 41 ARGENT PLATE. j POONS, rors. &c,inadeot this new ly diS' ft -td material, aupcrcrde c.'. articles, tuch as G V .ilvcr, f.iiiuh or Al'ma l'latr, s a substitu filter Plate. Roin cut micalli Hee fiom imuu jtCPOONS.ForV. i -ed material, aupcr ttc, made of this newly discover- ; ( tute for luuiitie- it withatand the stronrtct of Aqua Fortis, and btinc harit and wi.ite taliouifbout, iti untsina i color closely reembiius silrrr, and improves I uc. lOVVN ic HA I.I. Mont-lier, Oct. 12,' lf-4D. 4 Vr AT CUE fc & JEWELRY. iftiin m ati;-s'i u i;e'i-. HAH Jut reft ied n I tre a-ortiuent ot Wat hea, Jew elry, and in my othi r tiseiul a well as Fancy Good-. 1 will limine a fev of the ai. teles as fci-ow : Gold an ' Ter Watches, Go 'ejtfiir Fo" nains nut t- v -id Guard Chain md Keia .IokI and Stone Fm. r .m;a ,told Pins and Itiseelet , Gold Pen and E-l Ht-opa, Props, etc. Gold Head nnu I'eucils, Mlver rpooiis aud LaBuies, large lot.Soar ;hv ta, I. utter Kimea.fcc. Silver! OURS, Siuilnr.d Iloin Ho., SUvei Card Cases, Ivory, Pearl, and M1t.1l u 1. Also a lot m tine i, utlery , Con sisting u IuiZom, l ot It,' t Kuivc,! iiiTe and Small r me cla sors und cheats, etc. utc. Aln, rJaPot, Ladies Hatr, Highly petluaied mm,u el all kuitli, t.altier liruahca and Rose, Razor Stio),-, C.:!ee Potty Rrass Clocks, Plated tpooii, rocket liikjtao'i. &.c. CUironetts, Larze aod small Hutc, various k tods, French Horns, Fitee, Fiddle IluM'a, c-ordions,Fidlle and Haas Vt il Stnn;, Urge lot, Calf bkiu Wallets, Silk Poies, l.eail li.ip. VcUtt do. Read nd Steel Pures, Gol-s, Watch Oil, Perfumer, tlali Oil, lliu-ihea for Clth, Ilairor Tteth, and iuio ot teoi an ki-'tis. SPECTACLES, Mlver and Steal bows, suited to all ages, otc. The ah ire does not tell half tbe story as our Store at this litre l filled whli Good to the mtl flowing, all of which we will sell aa chenp as cjp porbl) lm attuttled, and li wurmnted 10 be w tut we sell it for. -onlprher.Ocl.12, !. 41 S.M'L A P.ROTT. Musical iistnmieiiLs. LIAFS VIOU,MeIoden tccurdeons. Flutes, Viols, and Violin t os, .lis.- tinns5tetc. Fine Wutchc- of all UecnptiuDs repaired by an experienc ed Wjicbmuker. TOWN A. II ALL. ilontpolicr, Oct. 12,1319. 44 )L'RSE &. Rag Twist of all Colors. Large R.xo Vod Music Rosea, end u great lanety of Marten Clock, with plia, tiboity and iniuid SiKa, with plain and alarm move menu, aud tun three weeks uitii onco winding.and strike the hour and h-tii hour together Willi it gieat vuru-ty of Tea, If read Trais, llanff At lJ r-oUr Lamp,Cigikr, tVc every description ol Fancy Goods, selling at prices which cntiit fail to suttpurchaseri. TOIYN X. HAl.l. Montirelicr.Oct. li 41 DENTIST. Dr. L. HUBBARD, Surg. Dentist, UEI UKN.-v his gratelut actuo leti-rnjenta to tho luliabr tants of N'ortbfielJ anl vitnty lor their liberal patron age for the p-st jcai, and would inform thttu tht h is per mauet.tlr located at .North be Id Oeuier, ami uretMredtn per- fwrm at! operations in I be lino if his p.ofts-ion, rqiil to any nartufihe IT.l4. A All oporat.ona warranted. Tcttb eu- I reacted utlboutpainj and tbie that are decayed can bo Plia lt f ut-ti a ra inner as 10 rtuaiu iut muoy eais. Northfield, Jtuuary 15lli. le.iO. 57:6 AGENCY Dr. 5. S. FITCH'S CELIBRAXUD 31 EDICIiSES. Crd bv him with rn,-!i di.tinsui.hd'l rocceir In the core o Coughs, Consumption, Catarrh, Asthma, Heart Diseases, Dyspepsia, Gonorrhoea, 1'itcs, f emale Complaints, tyc. iyc. Also. Or. . S. Fitch's Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Inhaling Tubes and Lectures on Con sumption, and the art of preserving Life and Jlealti to Uld Age, Cfc. ij-c. 1 bare been appointed ascot.rortbes.teof the above Good., and will keep tbeui crn.tantlyou Uaod at rov .tore in Wa wrburv.Vl. S.C I10TC1IINS. Jr-rllr S. S. Fiteh'e 'GUIDE to INVALIDS, and I).. recuou. for Promoting Health, and ln.truelionr to M.4herr, in the Managem.ftt ot Childreo,' may be, l.y e.iunx lor it alllio aiore a. aoove. An cureniy vai04 blelLok. 41:ly DON'P FORGET Th it Badger. Keith & Barker arc in town aod POSTED UP oh all Descriptions 01 GUUDS, which will soaitirelv be eotd at the loweat Doaeible nrieec. ARRIVALS i.fNEVV and DEeUBABLb UUODd every week. rerj.xu, icou, New Carpetings JUST Beetivad at hTOKBS i. LANUUuN'3. March 6. 1000 LBS MAPLE SUGAR IN emallToba for Fajuilv ure, for rale low, by ST0UU3 4 LANCDO.V. Facts and No Fiction ! IT i. a FACT and oo FICTION, Ihat STORKS t LANG DO.N cooiraonced a new ry.tem ofltuaioeM for thia place tb. lild.ylf J.oaary, 1d49, viz, Te scR (.esds fr Cask & 0NE Price ONIrV. It ir . Fact, and no Fiction, Uk.l w. bar. derd atrictly tn tbi. ay.tem lo Ibia dale 53" We that! continue to prove to tke public that to toag w. do boiiae.J, we .hall da it on Ibia pnocip. W. aball eostina. to prove that ear own Good, aro aj low Ol lower than can be boucbt in tbtr alrioity. ' ' BTOBbS t LANGDuN MMtpelier, Jan. SI, 1850. 8 i NEW MACHINE SHOP, Ncar'KeHt's Cefaer, 4 CAIrAIS.VT. THE amSaeriber woaM aajLta manufact.rerr renerall that he ia ready to reoiveand til elder, for moat kind, f woolen machinery aaade f tke be.l maurialaand tb. taMt plana, T.rtant.dto b. eqa.l i. workminabip . aad i. drrrmbililT to ar k.itt I. . tha fetal, or eLewbere. Ic-rSa.allJob.orlra.l'laidw.-aaa allkladaof Job Work Utmlahertlce,aad.raarn.bletfaa., 1rMif. 1 VN. W BANCKOFT PFIlBikiI4iV11fE8t! v."DU1LTlsj tM wost tbavoaia liable to get oat v ef arttr, itf vamtM ttaN itutiliw. . w 'JSrtW Emgbtufnm - l50lo t7S ' m.Ai T. -. - - w i.:f. anssj aro a fuea so hjw ipat vvoiyj viitwav, A-auofy. or t cam aaaifsj antaiN a Bttsiecuoa; afaiast. s ararraated t of aoTrer eta! ta avy sjUiar aia 4 feraukve kWN 9c9t ltai priea. . 1- - 3 r J v. s a .sa. raiiayva. , PaamataeK'rVaesr.rl --- ..i . : . . . . - . i - aau. i . lb J L, M. WOOD HaTiog taken the stock and ataad fotmerly occupied by WOOD 6c. WITT, TTAS fast received a new and carefoRy selected stock of I alt kinds of GOODS ocfonging to his buines, which have ben bought at low prices, csd enables him to sell at remark ah It low prices. Ilia stock now consist! ot Blue, Blue Htsck. Bottle, Invisible and Olive Green BROADCLOTHS, Black and Faucy Doeskins and Cassimercs. Heavy Silk, Silk and Linen, Valencia, Uuff and Drab Caab mere, Maraaillcf and Italinn Clotb, VESTINGS, of eleginl pattern, and faoric, A coodai.ortniei.tot all kind. ofTHIMMINGS at LOW I'RICCd. FURNISHING GOODS, tloch as Sill and IVoolleD Drawcrl and Under Shim, Col-, lair, Roatiini, nJ ?liirt, tjlover, Slockinjt aud Slivpendetl, A'eck anu Pocket llamlker-blef. READY-MADE CLOTHING, He h.s now a laiecr stock than ever, well adapted t the seaaun, andatiery low prices, such as PAiv 1 1, vticj andC'OA'JV, etr, etc. He also continues to manalacUire all kinds of Clotl ing lo order, or lo suit me lasir, """ ' n,P1t. .,tr.rmA rw.i0. an J WARRANT A FIT, lor an) who may favor htm with a call for werk. Thankful for past Isvors, lie hopes hy ttnet attention to buiues,and the want of those wlo io favor hto. ilb ptrouage, in te me a obare ot the buinea lo Jis line. iO-COlTlNG DoNE for others to make, aud wanant ed to lit. If rightly made up. V7 ANTED A ROY from lo lo 16 yean old, of good hali- ' its. aa an apprentice to the Tailor l us business. None neednjipi) unl;!1 well :ecomt.ieuded. JionipLiier. uci 10, ic-ij. " Cash paid for Rags. at our .lull or at the .lioni ener Depot. Jan.lll). Iti). E. I'. WALTn.N & SO.N. WANTED If, flfl TAIIIS tood FOOTINGS. AUo, DRIED .UUU ArPLHUken in excb.n;. for muU for which a fair price will be paid by tCOTl i. FIELD. BLANK RECEIPTS, fOR Freight taken by Vermont Central Railroad Company for ira ifportation, lor sale ty E, P. WALTON, 4- SON. Dec. I?. J243. Those Indigo Grccu Prints can be had at ELLIS, "WILDER doCO'S for the low price of Ten Cents per Yard. PURIFIED COD LIVER- OIL, 4 SURE Cure for ConaumMion and Fcrufula on the fa. Lungs, Athina, R-oncbilis, Coughs, and all diseases o the Lings ami Chtft. Pie,idred from fresh Livers, and fof sale hy the gallon, or lens s.uanttt, by K. COL LI Nit. Oct. Hi. 41 w Books and Stationery. iMiwhw tor 1'resents, r ine r-iationcry, &.c , aj a itefch lot I'Ui received ov WALTON &. SON. Dee. C9, 1850. 55. DEEDS. MORTGAfr. and WAUKAM V, for rale by E. P. WAL TON & o MW-TOffi & CANADA LINE. ( CO en CO Trau9hii)!ii; nt Xlurltittott only. MePIIFRSO.V, CRANE tt CO., Montreal, HENRY W. CAT LIN, Rurlinston, .-MU H, WILKINS.V LAN DON, Duriiugton, CIIARLK5 B. JANES, New York, PROPRIETORS. Forwardinr lo and from Con ton. New York, Alb-tnv, Trey, alt I'uiM o.i Like ChimpI .1.1, Mont 'en I and QurbvC, cunmcttug at .iotitreai wit 11 .vicriier4un, 1 ratio L."sM. Liw tenet t. L. t'liinno Daily Lir.e thiough to Ilaiuillon t Liko Hnd. un 1 Tn Weekly 10 Liko Erie ; ! with iheir Ottawa Dailif Liaa to It t low a aud thruugh lo Kincaloa via Rideau Canal. Thi Propristois are Prepared with 6rt CIi Caml and Lake I'oiU tu run a Daily Line to and from Nw Yoik and Rurltitgton. eld with Fint Class Ho.its to tun a tri-wtekly Ltuo to and trom Luiltneton and Mont let I, tta Cbamblav Canal; vea-ls to be towed on Liki and Ilivers b p werful bleanier, ibtruby ensuring the utmost lC"ulanty aud des patch. Uebent-jre and V. wnio'ss correct'v and prompt I) attend') to. Pat tie will peici-tiH at once the advantage f luppii g by tins Line, tbe delay and damaee good bj lirqjiut irt.nsItipmenit, being entirely avoided. Paiticulu alt rt ton will gtveu to all properly lulcndtd to be lent In RaiIroid from Rurlingtou. be Proiinetora will coulr&ct Frerrbt to and from all Polls oa I ha Western Lake t-nd Lake Champ la in ; a.ofur delivery of propel ly ild Railroad loRostou and tatLr.neuiale points J Haitng their arrangement completed fur rife, regular aod expedititju Iianiinri.Mt uf all prot'crty entrusted to their cat re. tho propuetors contideatty look to tbe public fwr a (iti era) suppotL. .iilditsaa A cents McFIJEKfrUN, CRANE & CO.. Montreal, H. MAYO, ind. Hu.liticton, C. R JANE"4, New Yora, W. J. NKWli.N.auelitie, CHRNEY t CO., Ro.ion, C. U. RRNTLEV,Allii. ueterecce: H.siept.fcna, J. R Fmithfc Co., John Torren" i. Co. .WtfMrrMi. tr. J. oad 4- Co , liilltvsie & Co., Qucbtc, Ma'ch I, IrW. teb:6ro. THE &PKJNG STYLE 4 GMT JU.ST'eetvedf T. .iJlv.lA't. COItisabec ttful stIe perfect in all its proportioct. r e t,ai ltii, 10. CI 3090 Lbs. Boston & Fhila. LEAD JUST Landing at the DejKit and in Htnre. 64 tvTURUd it LANCDO.V. Depot Store up Town 7IIE!!E can be found to aniwcr Buy calle! ir,05 He SALT, ajj nag , mdi do. 40 IlamUaUGAR, 15 B,.x. TOBACCO, C"l Chert. TEA, I0JIII...SALEKATU3, 10 ll.-r COFFEE, 3D Too, TLA-TEIt, 5 Ton, NAIL", 5 KM li.. COD FISH, ftTAnd in fine, the necciri.. ol lif. at Vrrmi C.tSIT u,l O.VI! I'RMt Mi only. Depot Store up Town. SToRRd ii LANGDON. Fc bruirj 12, 1850. CHEHK1T Far the Cfcre at OOUOHS. OOX.SS. HOARSXarSSS, bromtohxtis. WHoopixra-oouoH. group. amBA-AAJftmA aai OOjVB17aK7TIOV This trnlr valuable Remedt for altdiseaaaa nflh lann and throat, hat become the chief reliance of the afflicted, and It ia the most certain cure for the above eooip taints. While it is a most powerful remedial against the most des perate aod almost hope.'esa cases ol CONSUMPTION, it is also in diminiabeddoiea. me nf that mildeat n.l mMi . greeable famaly asadieioas for commoo Coughs and.Cold. Mtrvu nivw.wa, NBrni vi ntTsauo aro IBOWR to toe world, and ibe world raspacta their opinioua : X ium raufssouA HITCHCOCK. "Jamas C. Aver. Sin 1 have used voor "CHRBRY PECTORAL.'1 in mv sra ease of daeo aatatad BrtmrhiUa. and am aatisbed from iU chemical eoaatitntion that it ia an admirable con, pound lor tbe relief of laryngeal and bronchial difijcoliies, II my optatoa as to iU aaperioi character can be ofanytemeo yon are at Uberty to use it as von think prr per. IrUln.iau III JUULUVIV,, La La. li. President ofAmbent College. From tba "ioodoo LaaceLM AYER3 CHERRY PECTORAL ia oae of tba soat valuable precautions tbat ba laJIcn under our antic. Af. ter a careful examination, we do not betitat to aay wa have a large appreciation of its merits aud the fullest confidence la its usetulner for coocha aod leog complaints." Dr. Brewster, of Wiodbattt Co. Coeo aeode the follow luay taetiijiooy : Dr. J. C. Aycr Dear Sir: I eoctose yea a eertideate from Mis Catiurine'K. Cady, a highly respoc table lady of this village, wla of Seth Cady, Deputy Sheriff", Windham County, Conoi-cticot The cote in her case was very prompt, aad, baa tt traded general attention. Vw-AUHluVOf CK, AI. Um West Killierslv. CU Sept. St). 1848. This may certify that I was afflicted with a very saver cough la the winter of '47 8, abich thieatcoed to termioet in Consumption 1 bad tried uiany , medicines ia vaio and waa cured by tb uaaol 4Arrea Cberrr Pectonti.1!-. - ni-rntnivt? ir einv , DIRECT EVIDENCE. Dr. J. C. Aver. Lowell Dear Sir : Feellax under obliga tions to you for the rest oration of my health, I send to you. C whirl, trna arm t tltwrtw; tn m.I.1.1. tT. the benefit of others. Last tatniue (Utoolt a bad cold. aa. companied by a severe cough, aad aoade uao of maay saadi- ci bo wiieoui gniKinui iv'Wb.A uuw iviti mp bustMM, frequently raising blood, aafcoald (at no sleep al nfgbt. A fiietid gave m a bottle of ymir Cherry Feeioiai, the use of which I immediately coavmeneod acceidmg to direetiofta. I have just purchased iho ffUi bottle, aod ant nearly recovered. I oow sleep wall, any cough has ceased., aad ail by tli m ofvour valuatU aaedieioe. Fridcipal of Uu Hop Seaiinary From Drarvant. Druzxist and Postmaster. Chkkooea Falls, Mate.: . " n"- Dr. J. C Ayer DearBii Eoe!o4 please flail rosBiUaaoo for all the Cheery Pectoral' last aeataa. I eaa uobeaitat htgly aaf , that ao aaedsclsio ere aaH'iivua' evefc eatUataetteai as your'a da-aa; nor have l ever eeeeve jnwMCiae wale ewiwd-ao aaasjy caua Coofb aasd iMCsavsUat. Owr rhTaiciao aietMinfit eiuoaivalyia their acticet, a4 with tb taaapiaet effect.,, Tnuyyoaa. ;i Prtvrtd WJ. a Amr, CtmirLlL Mm. USobl at WhoV's! hylTaA; roefc, Bt Li at aTamll hy Bedeld dr. Graaais. Mootpeiier; Chaa ChapaaaWousi-, clock Bi Croaby, Walpol. l.rkiM Micawlt. CaitlaM; A.w. cwni, intMmnm, wm...-vjm, awiwnjn- , Kicbole at Smith, BaU.h Fall. ; ud by dnaxi. tad dead. tn la taiitit ccn01y Uw Hut.. S63m 1500 YDS. COTTONS. I OUGHT previous to the advance ofa cent per yard, aod ' win oe aoia ior a tew aaja at oia nncei. Xri-awa t'aM mm One JPrdee mf t. February 13. til STORES i. LANGDOjj. WRAPPING. 1000 REAMS SUPERIOR LARGE AND SMALL, at wholesale or retatl. by WAf.TflN At sok. 50 DOZ. AXES fF tbe beet WARRANTED MAKE fS lale by tb. dox. v a. tow aa you Co boy in Burton Vriurcnaniv ica.e accd in your order. STORKn t LANCDO.V. ry 13. 1650. 61 20 TONS PLASTER, JVTOIV Uein Grouud and daily receivux, for by 11 STOKBS & LANCDON. Feliruery 12, 100 Peddlers Vanted! rNE HUNDRED good PLDHLER3 waated with fin rato teams, all n--ed for tho huHM-vs. to sell I IN- WARE. DRY GOOll-.&c. and cn. men co kIm ut the fisi of April next. Good wages p-id to tfco4 who are ALL 1UUHJ. jU. f. PAltKK. Proctor vi t, Feb uary 12, 1853. Glm. fl AVE lately receired a frefch lot of New and desirable IX GOOUs. whicn wem inrchaeJ -it the .'owest rates Tho e in want of my artiiile inlh-i line of JJ1H JJUUUS, UJlUCJiitlES, HARDWARE, A-c., are rerper-tfully nwi'ed to call. jlonlpelier, Jan. 1, low. so SALT! SALT! infill BI'SHLW COARSE SALT; 1UUU oo Jjg, Ground Rock do; Jul receltcd by Dcc.a". 51 II. S LOO.MIS. BEST FAMILY FLOUR. FFVTnn RARRELS for sale, at price cs low ai elsewhere. TIMOTHY CROSS. 5 31 ou tpi. tier, January 1, liSO. lihickwootl's Iflaaziacy and the nritish Ouarleriv Itevicws. OWING to tbe late reioluttons and counter rcvo'utiona anion? the nations of Europe, wbieb have followed each oiher in cuick succeaion, aud of which "the end is not yet,' tbe leading periodicals of Great Ilriiain have become invested with a dezree of interest hitherto unknown. I'hcy occupy a middle ground between the !ity, disjointed, and nececsirily imprmct lecord ol inn newt papers, airi me eia bo rata and minderou? treatises to be furnished bv the htatori- an ofa future dav. Whoever reaCs these r-ertodicuJa ob- laii.s a correct und connected account of all the important political events of t ie old woilJ, aa Ihoy ocrui . and leains the various conclusions drawn fiom them by the loading sprrits of the age. The Ameri'an Publisher therefore deem it proper to call renewed attention lo tbe works they lepob- Itsli and the very low prices a : wnicu uiey ate uuorcu 10 suo- seilbers. The loMohMng is ll.eir It'l, 10 wit : 'J HE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW, THE EDINHCRGII REVIEW, THE NORUI URiriSH REVIEW, THE WESTMINSTER REIEW,and RLACKWOOiFS EHlNRUKGH MAGAZINE. In these period 1 rain aio contained tbe views, moderatelr. tbougb clearly and tumly xpreacd.of the three girat par ties in England Tory, Whig and Radical Blackwood' and the "london tluarterly' are Tory; ihe ldieturh Kev.ew" Wins, and the We1miuitr Revirw' Liberut. Tlie'N'ortli Rnlnh Keviown.wes Us establishment to tbe list g-eat eccleavtical movement in Scotland, and is not ul tra m its tews oa any one 01 me granu ueparimenia 01 nu man knowledge ; it was triginHll edited by Dr. Chalmers, and now, stnee his death, is conducted by his son in law. Dr. Hamij,8''ciaUd with Jir Divid Hrewsler. Its 'iterarv character is of the very I. u heat crJtr. 1 be U entoiiDter,' tbouzh r-printed under tnut title only, is puhliahed in Eug- land under tne line ti me --rom-u .1 est mins'er." 11 bstitg tu fact a union ol tbe two Ret tews futci-t-ly pu'tlisb-d and rt-ftiaied uooer srpirale titles II lias theiefyre 'Me advauiage by this cou.bitution, of ua:lmg in t-ne work the btst features wt tNth n heretofore is-ue 1. 1 he abort, PritMicals ate repnated in New 1 ik, 1 in ma tt ut ly on their arrival by tbe Ilrtti-li Meameia, in a beauil lul char ijpe, 01 line white pajer, aud are fa.ihfutcpir ot the on iai.1, HI ac-;w.i.h1's 3laazme be lag aj exact 1 ic sim ile Oatlie Ediubuib ediiii-o. TERMS. For any orto of the fout Reviews 3,00 per nnuum. For any two d. 3,J0 For any three to. 7 Jj For all four of the Review. ft U0 Foi lilackwood Mtgazioe, 'Jtt0 iror RUrkwood aird (hr e. lievlw, ial Pur RliCkwoud ard the fuui Reviews, 10.! 0 PavnicDtsto be made in a. I caes in advance. Cl.UHIHNC. Four copies ,f anv or all of the almve works will be sent to one adduss 1 n the pa)ci ut of I lie regular ijbriipllua for lb tec I ho fourth rtpy bciig zmim. Rtmiltani 1 s and communication sboul to alweys ad- dicsed, poi-paid r Iranked, to Uie Publis het. XjCll..tltll i?l Ui I t I 51 71 Fulton stre. N. York, Lntmito il GoM ft. FOR THE GOOD OF THE MANY. qillB ASTOLNDI.G HBVFI.A riO.VH lh l..,ebeen 1 during the P4.t r.,i o the .'ffjcuev and uuudtfrlul iii;.VL,t.'. a'icoi"i;icii; Ulthe UliE.lTi:ST MED1CIXB ol lhtle SI ANTONY'AL HtJIEDV, " c.ilUI HUKT'S LIWIHENT, Ha astonibd the World ia ti t ut 6 ol lumef it and mot rit-ttn suns cue, tba' h 'V- n 01 l the skill ot uurutuat DISTlNt.Clli D PIUi-lClANr1, and wfaeo tLev HAVE GIVEN UP Tbrir p-itieiu af past t'ie ht lp of man, IIUNT'5 LINI MENT hi b'-eu tnplud and th - ouflen'r whu has been gir en up to die, Las he tn restored tu ANOIHLR W -NUt-Kt LL CURL uf KtlELJl.tllaM OP rlX IT EN YEXKS tTANLlG. For 14 yeais, I bate been affiiced with ibe Kbeum-ittsin in my Hip aud knee I waa bad that 1 could not raise my left lVt mure than three inches from the floorand hae been tlm disabled loi & j ear past. Ou the 3th day of He- cetauer i m.nv iua nisi application or iiuul' Jini- inent, and biter uuig it us the dnevtiun. staitd, in tr-reo days I was enabled to wullr, with eano aoti lo go up aVad dow u stair aa well as ever 1 did in tuj life. Exeter, N. II. JOHN FULLER. 1 certify to the truth ol tbe above atatemtt, JOuN FOSS. Geo. E. Etantnn i- Co. On tbe 25th oi December 1 sprained mv ancle an that I could not walk, aod I waa in ereal rain. Your agent mtt at Mr Porter's Store and seeing I was lame save me a bolt In of Hunt's limine til. t used it ii..corutn" to uirecticna ana ih next dav was entirely well. I behavo it to he a inot -ulna. Die Latutmenu CTJ.'.ULES LANE. Lxitcr, N. IL, January lt, A I.ifc-UVCtl. Most wonderful cure oj a man tighty years of age. In the month of November. 1311. 1 waa ait racked uith n inflimnutio.-i in my great toe, which soon broke out in a running sum. Moittttcation endued, ami the tint joint of my it o came on. ai uu lime a wai unuer lite care ol tlio best physician io tbe count every reuiedv bad been tried but without any help. The agonv of pain f endured oo one can imagiiir, the disease roe up ray leg to my ihigh, aud bad become so bad that my physician despaired of ever ! i li able lo rura roe, and after fer monta's confinement to my bed, fiual.y toM me 1 must pteptre tu die thtas soon aa waim weather set in my leg would icorti.'y nod death ensue. ; line otiny trtends brought mo a betlle vt llUNl'SLLM MENT, which be said wouM teltera the nnin. I snnlied ir ard the effVct was wondetful : it seemed a if new lite waa put in me. In uiing one bottle, tha whole appearauce of irr tuiiiRu mio uiiuiii co'oi. inv pi u i-ii mc. ana iwo 5u cent bottles entirely cured me, to tbe aatoaisbment of my net I and toe whole neighborhood, li ant's Eini ncut av edmy Ilia. I am eighty yeai of age, and mike this public that eveiy buniau being may know the value of this giett neaicmr. AU.lUliS ttlSUUl", Wallinsford. Sent. 13. 1848. We the uuderniEned certify lhat ws know Mr. Riilinn wiiutjaticu uMauuciiugi, anu ua. nia aiaiement is Hue, ti. tv. KENT. D. IL SARIN. Wallinsford. Vt. Sept. 13, 1833. Extraoittinttry cast of Hip and Spinal disease omr, We.tche.ter Co , N. Y. Aug. 27, 1318. Gent It ia with aiacere pleasure tbat I make knuwn ta you Ibe srreat benefit I have derived from tba at .f Hunt' Ubiment. About six veara an I waa ioiute.1 tv horau in tbe HIP and SPINE so badly that 1 could not move without tbo aid of eiutehea. 1 rrew rraduallv worse foi four veara. althn.irh nnrt.i tbo care of two successful pbyiciau who finally gave up Ai; ai ngpnrjM. jy oip game reu and oroae and con tinued a running soro : and i was sufferinc with such se- vete paiu that 1 could not rest or sleep. Aitbis stage of wi- uiticave a cuturavnecu using null's Ldoimeot. which at once gtveme relief. I used about twenty buttles, du ing the past year ; tho sore entirely healed, 1 am free lrom paiu, aad only use a cane in walking 1 think tbe use of you.' uiniwtut hicu uij uie, agu nas maae roe comparatively a es.iu.aui. ur; RVUia UVIgUDOriHHIO Call ICBllIf tS IO ID J fulferinta aod the cure. iouia irulv, UA KNAR AS BEADLE Enoabureb Faila. Vi. Ma-et. 1Q thM Sir The demand lor vuur Limmtnt iiira..,i .n..ii of late It has beeuosed with great success to t-pinal com- f.-.ut.. . uvTKuuwi- oi luioa was completely disenabled lrom ,aine id tbe back, and the use of one largo bottle ol Hunt a aLioiment eornoletely cured htm, and be ia nuw io uai araiioi. a ma is ny oae oi many cases that have been eured In this neigbboihood. Yours, etc o N S UORIN. . So. Pomfret Vermont, March 10, lc43. Dear Sir The nrores uiada iu tha uf itiim. i..n. raeni. Is great. Icanttulv aa tht mt m&ri.o.u i-.. . t 7 r in" "fourageut sent me went liko hot Cake. Send me another lot aa soon aa possible its uraUoa arum every body's mouth. leure jUespectfuIlr, SAMUEL S. MURDOC1C. Dear Sir-P-eaae eatxt me a"oot tbe quantity r a gallon of Huia'a Ltoiment prepaied by you. 1 have bad reason to test its oai'ties in a ease of i-pmal Afleefon aad aaoch re f lid" lL ,1PPlie,tthaiutsaf- 1 consider It verr valoabU anirU rrti,. oauneuded. JuilN w i-siu.i i.-o Of the late firm rf Hoadlr, Phelp ai. Co. Thia celebrated Ued-etn. 1. C .-i. . . . . Druiit and M.2nLrB SOcatiU piboiHaJa .d inlbispJaea " mtam r V V , . -w',,n- at fjraania, and Sitae arwnk wboleaale acenU. t-u. Bakersfield AcKcai Institu- uon. THE Sprie, Term enwam o.,.' Tab. 90. Tbo tactliliea for aconino. lb. V.J,J'jLT'.. K iarpaeKl in aoj ycbool la lac Stair. Mam. L.T.iil. well edacat.4 i recch ...11.. .nj iITlrf ' " fnlteacbee, - " - - T-r...o Boaia llr per week iaelodin, room, waahiic and foeL Book, and EUtionerv of all kinj. ... I fj .1 piiKipal. - - - . , j.B.oruuiuu, A. rrincipaJ. . . C. C. BISBEtV A. il.'Aaaociu riia.ip.1. II.' A. BOAT, A. b; Aaaiatut,- Frot: 8. M. BAaSEtT, Teacherof Meai.', '. M. AIUE LE T Ed TKE, T.acb.r .f Fraack. . i .... o. ... oaxa "AJkIB,ar.uii. Balcnfiels.lui. 23,1360. si. If thousand of Curr$ ofJlrnfula. Cancer. Snphilh an-l HSur tmpttn dtsroMM of tha Bld-and if the VERY SMALL QUAXriTY vhich mu Hsrd of a MH'tinr ta rftct Crtt of sac VUrOM-s, he any proof of the pnrifyiitg vuJicnl povr li tke MftUriiu Kkl'h Ait- tmbdutd aad ennjturxd $udi Ducoms thru there is unquestionable evUrnre that BRANT'S INDIAN PIMUffi'!! EXTRACT h surk a Midrim, In every rrepert ; and 1Wp I abuml-uit prooC in final cures c a. tba ON r. Hll t TLE of it cn tains vtori pun 'y iut ht-al.n? r;ruta t d v. lt. al jmenr. than there- It confafned in .Fr P-tUles of iy (arttjHirUlt, or any otkrr mrdicime that Ima -.. r It-cn t,.r s.Je. Tbcru is nndulrei prwif In oar pamphlet, that by the ufoorthij gtvtt Indian rttriJLr. Uu-v tht Dn.a t Lik tb-ythat were LavKand I uimm ran now IValb they tlmt wcre. sick. Scboftlols, and otiicrwUe di.-a.d. hate been HrALFn on 1 Ctli.fd. KmitireclsTliousaiids who have u .1 Rbast!! IMjbifixe. nfttrr having ued and teta?d all the rraiaraia and other medicines recuin tuendtd to curr b'ood di?nei, Imvr decllrd tbt Erant's is tlic Clieapest, becu-t One pottle of It baa Bttwr mcdiral. curative mutter in it. and, in rotisii)t.-, Lur-s rture dLeane in much le time, on l-wtle of at v other ... Hi. toe. It. then, Oh tlift!e of Rbaxt s Ptt iriEa will dire FOUR TIMES more dis thHti one lotzte of wrapariUa "Uhant's lvairinn wo'iid 1-e nt ckrap at fonr dollars a bottle, as MrtjuntVa at one dollar. Rm ItU ANTS I L"I!I KlKlt Is sold tor only OSK DOLLAR a Lo'tl; and aa a bottle of it cur d". an 1 ii rapahle of ennn?, Fviir 7im as mnrb diM.-am aa one baUle ot Mrapnril'a. therrfor.-. aar saparilla, in coiiscquenco ot its tsts power itnd lesn medicftl ctScacy, should be U at no ware than Titrny Fire Outs per tattle, to be as cheap as the 1'ueihe at One Dollar. Ono Dollar's Worth! How miicli t.'aNCEa how much r'TMiiLi'i how much ScaoiX'LA will Oae Dollar's worth if 1-fljif PtfltlFlElt cure Rend tho following statement, u a (jwcimta uf its power. CANCEROUS SCROFULA ! This is tbe cae of a viiir ruin wh v ' lr- H- ir wrttlot a worse case uf acrofula, by orly 'Inle r'"Un oi Dm nt's Purifier, than ever was cured by the imp of 'J'mtre Gallon of the but ftirraparitUi that wwa er r made. Snra panlla has not rvicunt m&iual foirer to cflect tbe cure of such a reroltinfly kopJn ckr-e. Mr. J. B. Ha-kiv, of Kimr. OittiJ G. X T. hhd Srof ula four yeare as coLfinenl to hU bed tbe lut pear he was so much dl!9ed and debilitated as to W unable to raisr his band to bu head. Ho lind ihe bttl medical mi vice bad used all of tho bttt srepariUa to no good eifi-ct gut tearse and tcorte. nnd was r oiindered to tm in a D$tn4 State, aod coulu not live ttcrnty four hattr longer, w hen be commenced using 111! ANT"; J tiRU'IKR. His werk wns eaten nearly oj", lrom tre fo ear a kaU was eaten through his Ktndpipe, undei his chin, so tbat be breathe thronuh the holt; bis ear was so eaten around that tt could be lifted up out of its place, it only holding by a snail jiece the use of one arm was deitroyal by two Ulcers an UUrr under tbe arm. as large as a nisiu s iaud, hod nearly eaten tbrousb his side into kh body. 'I hu. he was ad.cted with TWrty auch pHtridt arrhl. ojen-ire. Vletrt, on various parts ot his perron. For further -ad full particulars, sec our ram;dtlets Dcct. Thomas W illiax. one ot the wot ak.lful pbyai ciaits of Rome, was cnl'.fi to ee Hatkin the day beare lie Cuintiienccd usinz Urants partllrr n rt W exaimucd hita and then told bitu that ail the neainuts iti Rttj koiU could not cure huir th.t bis care whs Worse th3u Hopeless ! Now hear Mr HASHING f r-.tem.-nr of cure. Up iii : My wife prornt. 1 oi.e ittllet.f DPASTS FVRiFYJSa EXTRACT in at rn-:i-i t-ntblf . n-t- ( an S n. 6e4 the scco.o but ei . f- d it c ti ft ou ortie' louse t Le THiau ciittlt-d ire tk. trai tvotade and when I ha I fmh ed U5tng .Vine fo'lr, .-K nv out ot nrewy t'lVrr had HEALED t r. and Utrte bont inur,- ted, a PERFECT CERE aiid restf-' o mi-' t.. jpt-o- iuc'Jk l ori.TiJEN ThealrfiTe f (. t.rc rr'T.i to t r iritf' r T WILLIAMS. Mr C. R UPtiWN. ol tfot fi.'-w IT uL Miasra. RISSKLL A. LEON Alt I. Prug.-i.ts. and ELKVrIN otner rcjcra-Is KUnui ai Hi oi- CiT-JCSilS CUHSD. ' Mr O.R KINNEY, tnetclnut. thulon.Onetdaenunty.S. V- nituiined us the, a cancer-doctor in eaut counry wna -iVcim -Aoudt-rful ciirt-a of Cam if lurotirb the erEcacv of RRANTs PLRIKilNO EXTRA I T. A r riw id Drmie tounJv. N. i t also t.-,agsa.d Jt-auii.e. Mr. A. R 5r.TiLr., drnc firf. at t n.rol.or;e. Movyoiwry cont.'r. N. Y lias lulortm-d ne of an iiiipt-rraot tjrt uf a Ca'icx ot wg otaudui , wa t fleeted on an atd i-idy rf tlia pi-r It. inert-tore, this 1 1 eif tea cure I aaerr, hy ii , i.r.ivni, , u-1 .ug power, what nam re U,ea-- vt the tn'iKai r-.n it not err' l-evin ar' errtt uce cud ir.uttiul mji ti.trir an.- no k but wual 1 wul euro. F3 VSR-SORE CI7R3D. The Rev. nil HA Ft I) III NMNU. PaMor ut tif I'rvabvie- rian cLurcn. Ar! at B i. Mt i cot. il . N V , wrwe t 1 Lave just r'tfiiel a .tfer iionj Mr niN.vt V DvN .(-, riativt- to tin cure of uis te.rr vrt i-'i mu dt penJ on w tat tt Li't4, tur Le ta a l'u"itiatj mau ani an Ider iu llv? cbnrch. Some etra since be liat Hi iiave ttie of bie leics rat jr,o sae hi !ile. in cnu-eeM ofa ! '-M-rt- The other Ifg trc-uijf auwr nlte 'ed. Mid about lo bt ani niaUt-o, I ivcrl-la-iided's Mroii.i'vK. Read th- resit t. He -hiw ' Adra uted oWy iBt-.e aoitLFs if ERAM'.i MEIlK INE. jiacvd vll HOPI-, J-uiu your reratm mrt.tUtttu, m that IMm-u', Cud I rail now niiV ;li.V. w .'It lb blentfinf of tni. tt iW-t ejfnttd a cutt ttt my .'ty ' ' Stt- J'aujpliii-ts for lull LIVER-CO M PLAINT ! Dr. NATHAN HFRBARD. f ia-nthrj. Cmn we ,,f tlo blent mi mn.t reiiiert.i.i.e itinttciwi.- a atfi,c.ed vvi.h J.tvrr-loinittMt niniiv tear-, ail I a." nr'ty cttint fry aunn RRANTrf PrRlrklVo EMKALT. He coo.d unue Lua- drrds ol tftltt-r cafes, al" J cured FEMALE VEAKNLSSES AND CCMPLAiNTS. No oCervl to Uie public liat ever bet-n half a etrttnn ami ,-cl!i! it reirtnj at I. th- litcdenlal a,ud tr- tfUintiei of tle Mfv. Ewit', Pti xomiv Raiim It makes u) iidrrn-nc- w bvtUer tin.- denBiieim-li1 be mppteK trtw, or otlivr wt.tkm t RE'il'LATLd ALL, by i ea&ir-t-inj the iT.! tit. -itltz.aj the . tftt ft a 1 on, tn.d 'hing aud atbyny nekvous raan asilm t. tT ee paitipblt;. CHANGE OF LIFE, from I xftrl lo "I e tertt, and tire ttcmvz-i at mtdJt oe t'ie Htt- r" in arrrtrr it'd, ni be mlier wjmdmtlty tfq tL,m lo ; re i. nt my oi Xtt-Jatai datum tint fivqceulay ante .u utl s- c no: vt Mivh ciiaiiij. Dyspepsia Sour Stomach .... m ..., . A'T'C. CnmCo,Virarvl. UB. "SI. T ALL ICE a. CO I warT tor mom lha,i a cnr. erdrt-led witii a d,M ef rb .lorouch. I could n.,- cat oi y ft i.r tm-t.y .ulfanrc wnh.Hit ninsn kreat pa-Ti, .(Ckm-a. urrl-.ior.tinj.and wa.c,nt.!msliv alilictol wtcba.rar num.,:,.. I.uui cperimcu iried one'bo'llo of K KANT'S M KHICINK, tvhicli. lo my iim-r di.o)xriiitiueor. ciwi and ... wird tu tanat ww afur eatimg. I ibvrvfore icd a recood Iku.c. w,.icli tut. roiulciefy cjrej tisou-f. I air now vrcii and bwiy, and can cat a,mc,t auviUmj vrttboct bem pamcd, or too .Ujiuaci hvcolu.u sour. " "yl'rrc.rccliu!lr. T. S. WILCOX." air. 11 ilcox la a rrrpcctiiblo mcrcliant of Attica. AL'RSIAG MIKE JIlllTII. LCCflRBIIIEt, ic. u,. .. Co., N. V, cvr. 11. 1SI7. "Jlcrsr, .M. T. WALLACE i. CO. Soce timo lart ratrt tey wik 1-ccan.c an deb.tilaled fniru tie c?cc:r of Ltwrrhmm anJ An.MjromJfMa.ilui i'w cou.J not l.ftLercbild orpcr- m-,j bvuMTuotu iBor. iut In uicu trealmcot M a. varied arcnlmg to tbe advice and pre-npt.ona of the mo.', eminent pli.l.iclaiu.nntil .ariUuasrxImu.ted incM-lera etfonr. t-ho tmaS "tt a .kefeon. il,at .1 c.e tirua .be commenced ia. kmr toif. i,t . ue!be,t no more than eirhry-tivo round. : but bj Ite time .lie bad ooImLo Lecaoio ferreclly well. TbJcnm la ro Iilec. tbat die u noweuaUe-l u.di.a.1 ttecravarr hou.-!iold rtork, and nulled Uuny ponndr -f Scab in four vt eek.. 3 -Vourrtmlj, C. B. OALEXTINE." Tbe reader vr.ll ,nt tbat Mr. Ojlc-IUXK raja "oae He. we am mlorniej bj z. s. TxFJtv, lql of tba rjino place, bar .mditd medicine. IVISSSCURLai. 23IS3ASSS. BRAtJT-i ll-LRIFVINI EXTRACT iaarc.w(..,iu.wy, GEHtHA DEBILiri OF THE SYSTEM ! ts, nrolc, ll,-.iuWr l-., uta. .,,1 cfVr Uvm- a'ele.1 Lo? cire of li.a vniVr ro-iniiiptirc coo I -1 have , , - It It- l-M CK-dB-Jlo to atSTO.E ...J INYTSOkATI :rT V- ."d br 'kt' vrmck vii -v"e I it SALT RHEUM, ami all iinrnre rhror, ,mw r Ur BLoun , ,J IISA. T:s K. THACT. ' are aju-n ii'SS'm" JEI,"EI.DCIIANNla and S. K. COL LIAS Montpelier; John. on Ss. Campbell. Wail.fieid : Gore & Delano, Uaterbary; A.T. Banrroft. riaiofi.ldi I'rench s n.lker, B.rre; Jamei Cardell. Warren; Pbtnam Is. llomter, Mar.bneld; A. G. Burnhani, Mrreto.n ; II. II. Camp, iNortbfield Centre: J. A. 8. White Northbeld : N.r. veeier, llydepaik; V. I'. Nojrer, llorri.lown; A. Cm,., wo nun.. nini. JOO W. & II.Gri.wold,Jef. ferronvillo; O.S lloj.kmr fo. dambrid-.. And bv iler- .u...lufii, in ucariv evcrv town 111 mectate. Janoary, ISon. jj.i. DANIEL, LAWRENCE, OMJLY MAMUFAC TUKKK OF Medford Hum. Sold at bia I)i,ti:letj in Medford, and warranted nore. ANo by K.ed tt Lorejoy, .N.hville, S. IL, and bv r.4-8. Spju!Ji?, IVentvror'b W.ll. IKTljook oot for imitation atayed Mcdio.d Rc, wilbont mv name on tbe ca.ka, fir a number of l.quor dcal'ra In Boalon are aendine a l.r-o amount of Ran, into tbo country for lb. Pure Jltoro.o Bc. Xone ir pure unlrrr air mm. ir on the cerkr. "I bey al pioeuin many of oit aecond karol harrrla, wbicb bavin; my aiainp onon Ikem. ibey fill with ibnr ,pun..u. liquor. DAMLL LAWKEKCK, llcdford, .Nov. 8, 1S43. w43Ji.otf BUFFALO Ilt)BES At ew more oflhose No. I Buffalo Rob, cUscd off at low pi ices- ECO'J JniutB win urn TtPIELD Fresh Fish! Fresh Fish! TIMO. CEOSS REGULARLY receives Ficsh Fisb twice a weak from RostOD. ami will he ha anv to aurmlv ft mill mm with tha atUcIa at reasonable laies. Montpelier, Jan. 1, 1850. Ji TO AlANUFACTUREltS. "BED AD WEIGHT. JR. CONTlMTEa to crrry on tbe kaildinc of WOOLEN HAC'UI.NKRY in all it. brancbe...o Kh....L of Uaioo Elver, tnree mile, lrom Montpelier vill.j-, and w. llunnu ... .u. ,u o.u.r, oo rooci notice, ILAtOQl. ud tsbear. excepted I . ll.viu, .ipenenc. ia tb bmineaa. be feels eoaflJent that b. eaa compet. .ilk any enr.jej in iba bu.inur. ST-AllkindaofJOB WOItK dooelo older, both vood and iroo- Order, aelioked. fauVahc-td? r"' l"1 u""'r,"lhu P'.f . Is reipect- Aad b. .lao rive, notice that b. baa tw. .., CAKDWO IHACUIKES, kailt Tor aajrior.tlurioi one 36 .ad an. 33, with Mt inw ei. atuckeo, lolbemi soda, ricking Hachin. aed Oa.Mr aod E.rol.ior, now oa band, whieb ir all oaw and built witbi. th. I.., yMr, and will M tbem very low. Aod b. would further xiv. notice tbat Be ha. a . . , rXAIIWMG MACHINE, lor ria.oiar Board., and Joioii.r lb. aam for door, .art U.r aaee j and alio timber, each a. eaantlinr, jolrtr, ate. Itotjiriltr.AjiiUll.lSfa lM MOFFAT'S Life Pills and Piiscuh Billcrs. Tlteso Medicines hive now ben (Vfur. th- puV lie for a period of lUTEEIt YEASs'. ul during that tims hace tniiaUmed a h.h character in almost every part of the cIo!m for their eitraor. ditiary and immediate poorer of reitono p.rf--t health lo periouj sulTerini tinder neirly every kmj of Jicaso to which the human frams s Imble. IDJ THOUSANDS of rertificrit;il instance;-, they hivr crea suflerers from the very verycof au u-itiin-Iy jrnj after all tJie d-ceptiv ntwtnni of tho Jay hud ut. teriy failed; and to many tli''ntnd tiv havq pennmeiitly retired that tinif-rm enjivn- it f hfaltlt, wit hint t v7lic't I'fn it-lf a j b'eftsin. So i;n? tt, id-id. h is t!ifr Tic& -v , i t. naWyanl infdliWy mve!, that it has jpp.-1-..j scarcely le& than iniracitlotM to thee? A-h.tve- acqu iintM with th bu'it'fu!Iy phtlinnp'ttc J r.i-cite-t upon which they ure com po-t tided, aad tt,n whiclt they coas-t-ntly act. It vr to tliti manifest ami fWiisiM- action tu purifytux tho sprn -3 and chaniiete of lif, and eii.lnin theni with rn newed tnue aud vior, t!Mt Lhey were iuJeUed for their name. Unlike the host of pernTcioii qureri! whh bo-wt of vej-etahla iiirMit.u'st the LIFE CINES ft"0 P'l'elv and Holely retable ; and con tain ueithf r Mercnry, ' Antiaxony. nf Arss- nic, nor aay other imiieral, in tmy form whjtcv-r. They are entirely cortt-osed of cxtnicw from rare and powerful pltul. the virtues of whtcJi, though lonjj known tn several lud'iati trihi, ntil recently to some eminent phdrm iccutic'il chemists are alto gether unknown to the ignorant preten lrs to mHlicaI science ; and were never before aJminis ton.d iu so happily efficacious a conibi nation. The first op-ratiou m to loosen from the codta of the btotnach and bowels the various impurities ami crudities constantly settliiifj round them ; iftJ ta remove the Ii lnioned faeces which collect in th couvo!utious of the s.nail intestines- Oihr tne.i. ctuc9 only partially clane these, and leave collected masses bebiud to produce habitual Costne ness, with all iU train of evils, or sudden Durrb.pi with its imminent danrs. This feet is we i known to all regular anatomists who examm) t'. human bowels after death ; and heuc-s the pr- jt, dice of these well informed men &f-auit the qui L mdicinesof tht aje. The second e'Tert of tii VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES w cleanse the kidneys aud the bladder ; and, by t'u meati3, the liver and luits, the healthful action of which entirely depends uti the re;u!.tnty of tti urinary organs. The blood, which takes us color from the agency of the liver and la:fi, before it passes into tbe heart, being thus pun5-d by iVtj, and nourished by food coating frotn a clean toiiu-!i, courses freely through the veins, recevs en-rv ,i,rt of the system, and triumphantly mounts the biuacr of health in the b'oom'.ng cheek. The followtug are among the d'str-tsi-ij vtn-tv of human dsea.4 in wliilt the VSGSTAL7' LIFE MEDICINES are weU kujwu to be lala. hb!e : DYSPEPSIA, lY thoroughly ctcanVng the first and second stonnchi, and creatui; a tlo.v of pife healthy lul', instead of the stale and a-nd Fla.VTULENCV', Ltss of Appetue. llrart'ftm, IfeatLzehe, Restlesstusi, Ill-trMpsr, Anxiety, Lmfuar, and Mtltnchuty, which are the re.iert! symptom of Dyspepjia, will vanish, as a natural coneviuenco cf iU cure- CCSti72n2S3, 'y cle.mtug the whole lenh f the intestines with a bol.'eat p.-oces.. and h u.Jm; violence: all violent pure ytwitre the bovt-U c3 within two days. DiirrliGea and ChDlsra, by removing th- sliarp acrid tl'talj by waic.i fiese comptimu r) occaouet, and by pro 11 ting ttw lubncattre sscre tion of the muco-n niTiibratie. Fevers of all Kind, by restoring the blood to a regular cuculdtioa, throiih th prtf nf p-r-w ration in sich cxes, and the tliiroirjh solution tt all iutesttuil obstruction ij oilier 'Ihe Life Mkdicixf have ben known tn euro RHEITHATI5H permm-atly ia thtea weeks, and GUV 1 tu hJf that time, by reui"vi.ii; local infltrnmitiou from th- nmdeai and Iia-u "j of tlte joints. DrOJsie3 of uli kinds bv frffin aud trvnrti- eniug il,e kidneys and tUdJ-r : they opent- 1., -t deligiitfully oa these important organs, ami iie:ie have ever IWu fouod a certain remedy for t'ie worst cav of (JIlAVKf. Also VonilS, hy Heodjing fro-n th tsrnmr of the bowels tlte blany matter to whtjh ifi s creatttrc-e adhere. Asthma od Caasamptioa, iv rei:eri -z t! e air-vetyelsof theluiiirs fro-iMbe mucou wh.c-i cr":i slight coW- will occaKii, ami which, if :i : re moved, becomes hardeued, aud prod jo. s t;i dreadful dieasetv. Scurvy, Ulcers, Iavetents Soraa, the perfect purity which tnes Tjp 2Ei)I CENES pve to thf Wootl, and tll tit .tumor-. . Scorbutic Eruptious aud Bad Comples- 10115, Dy their alterative elH-ct upoa Uie tlunia mat feed the skm, and th- morbid ilato of ivhteh w a sions all emptive cotiipltuuts, &aliowv deud) , aud ather dls 1 greeable complexioiia. The ae of thee IM!s for a very short ii'ne w II etTrct an entire euro cf SALT KHl.UU, and a striking improvement t:i the cletmcH of the s a. CO.MMOX COLUS and IXFLUEN2 V always be cured by one dose, or by two uvea iu the worst cases. PILES. As a remedy forthw most il tr-s-. ij aud olhtmate maladv.the VEGETASLE LIFE KEDICINE3 deserve a dist and enipn it .ccoiiiiiiciid.ilion. It is well kuoirn to hiniiire ls i ) mis city, that tl:e former proprietor of the-e vrlu able Medicines was himself arilicted with th. complaint for upwards of TiiiB.Tr nve teiks: aud that he trtcd in vain every remedy pr m r''-l within the whole compass of the .V iff 1 10 M"t -x. He however at length tried the Jledicine winch is now oftered to the public, and lie uas c- irtd u a very short time, after his recovery ieu pro nounced not only impmbable, bat absolutely im possible, by anv hnniau means. FETTBa AND AG-ITS. I'or this seourjo of the weslem country tV-se Medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and cert i a remedy. Other medicines leave the system suir ject to a return of th- disease a cure bv tin sa medicines is permanent TUY" THEM, liE tA TISFIED, AND BE CURED. Bilious Fevera aad Live: Gomplainis. General Debility, lo or Ar.-r-r AD Diseases or these medicines h.e be n used with the most beneficial results in eases of tins d.scriplion: Kino's Evil, an J Scaorun, n its wont forms, yields to the mad yet powerful ac ,v f these remarkable .Medicints. .Viairr 1 1 s Nesvocs Debiutt, .Vcttvnus (oitrL.uTs v .,1 kinds, I'ALrirATioN or tub HtAar, 1'ai.vh.hs Colic, are speedily cured. MERQtJRIAL DISEASES. Tersons whose constitutions have become , n paired by the injudicious use or MEnrcir, will r id dese Medicines a perfect cure, as they never to eradicate from ihe system all the eifecii of Mercury infinitely sooner than tho most noweri il preparations of Sarsa-.iarilla. A . n.i. ,1 place them beyond the reach of competition, iu t..e estimation of every patient. ur. uakkhii. Ilr- COUJfTEilFKlTS. Several have lately been discovered, and il ir lefarious authors arrested, both iu the cilv of Xvr I ork and abroad. Buy of no oae who is nut u ArrTiioeisca Aott-tT. Prepared-and sold bv Dr. w. Ft linrvtT rii Broadway, New-York. FOR SALE BY K. COLLINS, Jlontpelier V:. A Safe that is A Safe. 'j'llt, su:eriber is agent for tbe sal of V liMi " - ii: ac utJ' nMM'SO an article whicn li- w A through the fiery trial, and roar be ennfiilentlv re I - op- oo ss mav be seen tr tho fullowirr letter, wlucb in.iy eu at my stoie : f ITCHBCBO, UeC. IMit, Messrs. Pen'o, Cbeeey &. Co : Ct!Ts : Tim safe totifht of yB was in the fii frn three io fom buurs, and mii neartv vhite hot a fr it pnr- km) of Ihe time. Our Books are all oerleellv le-rth'e awl ve oiJ i ot lose a paper I list was in the safe ; and we coll ider ouisslvca lottor.tle m havirf so valuable aa articlu. i oars tesLectrultv, J &. H XV. rUT.VAM. For Pnle by TIMOTJi V aiiOSS. Stotti.lic-r, Jd. 1, ISM '3 Sheetings. Tickings, FiannelSj A NU tilher Ilumealle .r Hire Ijw. bv II. M. LOOM 13. 51 DecemlM,r 25. BOOKS FOIt PKESEiNTS, T U'AI.TO.NS EOOK STORE. U.c. 18. 2000 Yards PRINTS, Ie Lanes. Ciojhaois, Camelei (New patterns.) Just received. ons, Szc- c. ilsich G. L4 HI OUKS it LANCDO.V. WOTICE. I hereby certify that I have thia day five a my ton, Xa'haa I epear, his time, tu trale an act Air himsell. 1 shall claim none of his waf ea Dor pay aay debts ot his cootraeiicx aftsr this data. UOKACE M EAU. Olis II. Hnovr. witness. West Koaraory, Marcfc 1. J P5tX JNOTICE. THISCortifivvatbM I bare this Jay jivea my ana, iVOIU MAN UKMtY KELLEY, (tor May 2. lOil.) bio lime land be will beievfter act lor biruAelf. 1 shall n4 claim bta aaraios nor ba responsible foe debt of bis coa traetmx afier tbi date. BlKTUtm D. Jtt,L,I.t.V. Btitlia. Maxell 13, Cc';3r !1 54