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VERMONT WATCHMAN 4kISTATE)JOIJRNALAUGUST 22, 1B50 i!l7 i.. rmmittm t a oairter nit ten roae.and JJWW"'"- 1 I . ailinliniM. B UVWra "UJ . f EZDATf Aug. ID. &noe n in eessioD. i-ring adjourned orer lo Monday. . House. The House went immediately into Committee of the Whole, and took np the civil and diplomatic appropriation bill. Mr Kimrsnoke for an hour upon the Presi dent's message and the Texas boundary ques tion. Air. Bowie, of MrL, followed in an energetk speech upon the same subject. He said the tally nay to keep faith with New Mexico, urer the treaty, and to do justice to Texas, wa to pass M r. l'earce's bill. This was also U best policy for the South. In conclusion, "e made an elo quent appeal to Northern embers in behalf of Mr. Sweetzw Allowed with some pertinent 16 A' o'clock, Mr. Bayly, chairman of the committee on Ways and Means, rose and made his closing speech upon the appropriation bill. A discussion then arose as to mileage and pay of members, in which Messrs. Johnson, of Tenu- Sweeizer, Thurston, Morse, Venable, Anderson, and others participated most of them in favor of the rresent syttem. At 3 1-4 o'clock the committee rose, and the House adjourned. Satdbdat, Aug. 17. Hccse. The Speaker laid belore the House a letter from C M. Conrad, tendering his resig nation as a member of the Second District of Louisiana. Mr. Nelson moved that the House fro into committee on Private Calendar ; disagreed, 45 to 71. The House went into Committee on the Civil snd Diplomatic Appropriation Bill, and resumed the consideration ot the clause making appropri ations for the per diem and mileage ot members. Various amendments were rejected, MrFeaih- erslone'a by a vote of 56 lo 67. The clause as originally reported, viz: mile. age to be computed on the routes by which the mailer are transported. No member residing east of the Rocky Mountains shall receive more than one thousand dollars mileage for each ses sion, and no member or delegate west of the Rocky Mountains more than two thousand dot lars, and constructive mileage shall not be al lowed. Mr Johnson, of Arkansas, moved an amend. ment, providing the dollar additional for station ery. 1 be allowance by law had ivcn out, ana members he heard all around had been purchas ing from their own pockets. After a lew words by Mr Bayly and M Thompson, of Mississippi, the amendment was adopted, ib to 41. Mr. Schenck offered an amendment, Darnel v. that for the purpose of enabling the clerk to furnish members of the present Congress, who had not received them, such books as were lur Dished to members of the twenty-einhth, twenty ninth ane thirtieth Congresses, S27.000, proviil ed this shall not be construed to authorize re nrintincr of them. Mr. Vinton ssid the books have been sold o'er and over again by members, and nothing lurther should be done than distribute tno niieauy uu hand. He had often been importuned to sell Ma brinks. Mr. McClernand-Oocs the gentleman charge the lact of mexOers selling books ot Ins oiv knmvlprltrt. 3 Mr. vfnlon I know it and can prove it, and that is sufficient. I make no accusation against aDV member. Mr. UiJdings offered a proviso, that books shall be marked or Btamped, in an ineffaceable manner, ou the cover or title pige, with the name of the members receiving. He wanted lo prevent the abuse of public confidence. Adopt ed. On motion of Mr. Jones, the amount was in creased to $80,000. Mr. Plielps said that not 1500 copies of the " An erican State Papers" were primed by au tority, yet 15U0 were distributed. ISook-tnon-gera bought them for a sung, and sold them to the government for some six or seven dollers per copy. . Mr. Schenck said that a member who would sell his books was little better than one who would commit petit larceny. Witliuut disposing of the subject the commit tee rose and the House adjourned. An Exciting Slave Case. A Washington Correspondent of the N. Y. Express gives the following chapter for a history of slavery: " The runaway slaves have been so numerous of late, in these parts, under the instigations of the abolitionists here and elsewhere, that the owners of this species of property have become very much alarmed, and hence are disposed t remove them to safer parts of the United States, or to sell them to slave traders. A cruel, inci dent of this kind is exciting great sympathy here at present. The family nf William 'Williams, the coachman of Presidents Polk, Taylor, and Fillmore, were suddenly, on Friday morning, seized by a slave trader, and taken from their homes, in this city, off to Baltimore, to be sent lo New Orlears. His wife, over fi'ly years of age, three daughters snd three grand children, were thus snatched from him in an hour, to a fate worse to hun than death, to be sold South to the highest bidder, and separated from him and each other. The poor man wrung his hands, rolled on the ground, was nearly crazed in fact, by the dreadful parting. After many years toil, be very recently purchased his own freedom, but his family were owned by som? one in New Orleans. The President leeling deeply for his distress, gave him money and let him go to Bal timore, o see ihcm again. Williams found the trader would take the sum of $3300 for them, and returned nith the hope of raising that amount here to redeem them. A pelition was drawn up and to day circulated about the city and House of Representatives, setting forth "the fact, and asking for assistance, which was so promptly rendered, that the prospect is in the language of Williams himselt "very t air.' The President, Mr. Webster, Gen. Scott, and a number of Sen ators, members, and citizens, have contributed sums from So to $50. Mr. Corcoran gave $300, which was the price asked for the aged wife, and he made her ' free' at once. Besides doing this, Mr. Corcoran has purchased one of the women, who has lived in his family lor some years. Mrs. iomuioaore rattersoo, another, snd Mrs. ben. Towson, a third, who lived with her for some years past. So the children, lor whoai 1500 were asked, only remain to be purchased by their rfraiHUauuir -ana tie is in n. fair iy ot ruining this money. In all probability, these slaves would have been permitted to have remained here undisturbed (or years if all sense of secur ity had not been destroyed by the temptation held out to run away. Every man who owns this kind if property now thinks of hurrying it on lurtncr Bouih. i hus though me District ot Columbia may be made ' Free Soil,' by the Ab- olitionUls, it will be amid such scenes as I have described above, and amid such suneiiogs as 1 picture." Tht Portuguese -Iffair. We do not find in our London papers by the Pacific any laier in formation from Lisbon in regard to the move ments ot .Mr. Clay, or o: our squadron in the Tagus, than was received here by the Cambria. It appears from the following announcement in the Philadelphia North American, that the gov ernment hive received despatches from Mr. Clay, which must havo been brought bv the Cambria, in which he announces bis intention of retiring to maples, whence he proposes to return to the United States. We presume no informa tion has reached this country of the sailing of j uie American snips irom me i agus. Wasuiuqtoh, Aug. II. A special bearer of bespatcnes irom me Mediterranean squadron arrived in Washington this morning. He re poits Mr. Clay, Charge at Lisbon, as having de manded his passports and retired to Naples ; whence he expects to return to the United States in two months. He is' reported to have with drawn from his mission in consequence of the offensive terms in which the oQer of the Portu guese Ministry to pay all claims except that in relation to the General Armstrong, were couched. fdnoOicr JVew Sate. A resolution has been submitted to the Michigan Constitutional Con vention, to inquire into the expediency of the formation ot a Territorial Government for the Upper Penitsula on Lake Superior, and its ttlti- atte adminioa into the Union as a State, with the assent of the people of Michizia and Con gress. The new State is to be called the State f Superior. Joretgn Ncdjs. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Arrival of the Steamship Europa at Haurax. Ore w krc una from Europe. Tuesday Moan. Aug. 20, 1850. Cotton more quiet a slight reduction in pri ces. The Europa sailed from Liverpool at II o'clock Saturday week, and arrived here at half past ten last night. The Atlantic arrived at Liverpool frjm New York, on Tuesday at midnight Her running time from Dock to Dock is stated ai ten days eight hours thus beating all previous passages by many hours. J7oto tf Com. The weather has been show ery and variable, retarding harvesting operations along with, this we have large arrivals of wheat from the North of Europe, and prices remain pretty nearly as before for wheat and Hour. Indian corn, influenced by very general reports ol blight, has advanced six pence to one shil ling per cj'jartcr. Pork dull nrices unvaried. Cheese, no improvement. Lard commands 33s Greece. Rice dull at 16 to 13s. Cd. Coffee slow sales at decreasing rates. Sugar, London and Livernool markets are active, at improving rates. Tea, improving demand for all common cargo at very full rates. Some qualities have advanced one penny. No change in green less. Ashes are dearer, with good inquiry. Sales reach 800 bbls. at 30s to 31s. for pearl, asd 35s. for pots. Tobacco, small business, prices re main firm. OilsrOlive,a fair business at late advance. Fish oils, dull. Business in the manufacturing districts contin ues brisk. The prospect of an abundant harvest is generally good, except for potatoes, for which serious apprehensions are beginning to be felt The rot is reported to be spreading rapidly, es pecially in the south of Ireland. MONTPELIER. THE Whip of Montpi-lier are requeued to meat at the tirind Jorr Room, in the Court Home, oo Thuradajr next, the 33d in.t., at 3 oc!ock, P. M. to nominate a can didate for town lepresenlitive, Slc. Bt order of the Town Commlltee. MIDDLESEX. THE Whip ol Middle. ex are requeirtl to meet at the Hall ol J. Chapin, Jr. on ilonJ-y, tbe SCili ia.tant. at 3 o'clock, P. il. tu numioate town ticket for tbe September lectiua. Bv order of tbe Town Committee. An 1 20th, 1853. NOTICE. THE Democratic Whigs of Worcester are iovilad1 to meet at tbe town tloie on Saturday, Anuit 3lit, at 4 o' clock. P. M., t nominate a candidim lor Town Itepreien tative; alo, to mike other nrtminstim tbuftht pro;er We would extend ao laritatton to alluur old win a friend who bj fraud and deception hire beeu drawn ou to tbtj pin- lerniea rre$ sou renyt to rrmrn nna unite wmi ni in ruin tiihln and extnndio tbe principle of tbe con.tltution eqsal riJbU to all. Per order Town Committee. Worcester, Aa;mt 13 1850. ORANGE. THE Whijt of Orange are invited to meet at ruber Hall, on Saturday the ?4th ofAojiiit in-t, at 6 o'clock P. M. to nominate u candhlaite for Town Ue present at ive, A luu aitvndance it requestt-d. By order ufTown Committee. Orange, An;. 13, 1830. Washington County Democratic convention. THE Democracy of Wtbintoa County ate requested to meet in Count Convention, at tbe Court Home in Monlpe'ier.on luesdar.Aor.S7. at II o'clock. A. AL for tbe puff-Mof nominating candidates fur county officers lor All iboie in tbe Countr of Washington, who woold ad boie to tie principle and orcanixstion of the National dem ocrtic parly, and who are in faror of tuiuiuin tboteprin cipUs and that organixation, without fear of compHiiuise, are iaiteu to attend and participate m the ftticeeuinga. JAMES U. RICHARDSON,)- ... SAMUEL WELLS. JSL"',.. WILLIAM McGUEGOR, 5 Committee. Cerbeltf8 Sliaksw Syrap or Sana parilla. Tbe SoTereign Care for Dtsessea of the Blood, and all im nuiitiei of tbe Svstnm. As the Sorina oneoe. it U well known that a leuzour and listl-ssness perrades tbe System, which is thercsoit of impurity ol tba Blood or improper Hillary Secretion. These abould he remedied if health is lo he, secured, and delay ia attending to in era, loo ouen produces tiiseatas or sncn coar aetei as to impose boffcrlng for life. Tbe Svrun of Ssrsanarillaof Dr. Corbet t has especial effi cacy in cmaplaints of thi nature. Iu aclioti mi the Blood, is most signs I and etbcacious, cieaoting u rapidly irom all imparity. On the Liver it exerts tbe mont haliby inflien ce. thus aivinir tlie whule BTStem a t-iforooa and well direc ted act:oB. It ia accredited br the ablest Dhv.ic'a is in tbe country, and used genet ally in their practice. Hea J tbe fol lowing: Dover, N II., March 27, 1313. Messrs. Edward Rrinler fe Co.: Gentlemen: In compliance with vvur solicitation for mr opinion as to the merits f "Dr. CoibetVa Compound Byrup of Farsaparilia," I can cheerfuily slat, after having hem made acquainted with its ingredient, and ncd it foi serer al years in my practice, thai it is superior to any prepaia tion of the kind within my knowledge, now brought before the public, and is deserving of the utmost confidence as to it efficacious qualiliec in the cure of diseases connected with Scrofulous habits and impure state of tbe system and blood. uiiiaty anectiona. &c ve. Yonis. very truly. J. IL SMITH, M. D. For ale bv Red field it Grannie, and by S. K- Collins. Monipelier; French t Walker, Baire; E. E. C. French, Pla.o field ; Thurber tic. Bowie-, WashiuAton ; Dickinson and reasieetvoeiseai aiso oy agent sgeneraiiy. THE ORIGINAL & ONLY GENUINE IVistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, was iotrodncrtl in the year 1KJS, and his been Wa-ll trslcd in ail the complaints rr whicn it is recommenced, r or ten feats it has moved more efficacious as aremeJr fur courh. colds, inflorBXa. bronchitis, asthma and coasumpUou, tn us incipient stages, tban any other medicine. Wht time establishes and roisecrate. what emerienee adopta and "onrirms, what all men in all place unite in saying is good and valuable, is so, uo dtaibt. A popularity of this sort fixes in society us roots so deep and strut g, that tune cannot destroy it- The sneeeas which has attended thi. medicine for several years past, baa overcome the pre- juuiybs ui am reipecuoie men, ana me article naa iiaen aland a moor the first cLss of discoveries and blessings ot tbe age; and when resorted to in season, eradicates tbe uiajBMs huicu ii i rccuuiufiiiini. fFroin iha Rnalon Kvninv TriIUr.l It is perhaps but an act of justice to tbe proprietors of maiare tiaisam or vvua uneiry tor us to say that our per sonal rxpenence in the use of ibis article has impressed us most favorsbly. One of the proprietors of the Traveller was entirely cored of a severe cough of four months contin uance, iy the use of this Balaam, and several f our frieoda and acquaintances, who havo tiled tbe article, hsve frond it t great service in reiievin toem ot severe cougus ana anotiness ci braainin;. witu -b tbe Aad bean Address all ordeis to tSeth W. Fow le. Boston, ftiass The only genuine is always signed L Bolts on the wrap- P1 Comfort for the Asrctl. The Montreal Trnscnpt, one of the best papers in Cana da, spotting ni w istar's rJaisam of mid irerry, Jane i, imv, says t We believe it to be acne rail v rcco-nired as a useful med- icirte bymrdical mta, and we can state with nerl-ct truth snd sincentv. that m one case with which we arc mor particnlaily acquainted that of an old gentle mao. at least eighty years of age, rending a .few miles from this city, and who is troubled at all limes with an Asthiuatkal compaiot, the most decided relief is obtained whenever be makes use of the Balsam this at tht advanced period of life wbitti be has arrived at, may be considered as unanswerable proof of iu virtues. From tbe Boston Daily Bee- From soma little experience of our owj, wo testify the uperioritv of tba Bim of Wild Cbeirv. and we have been atured by quite a oambei of our personal friends who Have used it wun success in puimocary complaints, tao phtisic, asthma, mpht awcau, dtc that they regard it aa one of the roost benetieieut remedial s rents of the time. 3c lb W Fowle. Droggist, 133 Washington street, Boston, Mass. is the sole proprietor ol the original receipt lot the manufacture of the genuine) medicine, and supplies both at wholesale and retail, and of whom agencies ean be obtained. Look on. for Imitations and couoteifoita. Remember tbe original and only cenuiro article, always bear the written air nature ol L BUTTS, upon lbs outside wrapoer. For aala by REDFIELD & G U ANMS, Monipelier, S. K. ivoiuos, do.: r react) & waiter, narre; c ju. si rreoen, Plauafield; 'I'horberte Bowles, VVashingtos; Diekiaaoaaad Peaalee. Chelsea. Aaether Oreat Sc Pernaaeat Care ef Seated JeB9aatptieB iJaeton, Fob. 27, IMS. TO DR. . F. BRADLEE: Dear Sir: In compliance with your teqoest, I cheerfally giro say recom mend alios of the Ifuogariai XUlaasa. 1 have bean afflicted for nearly two years, with a severe iafliasaa- .hi., f .M .ll.aul altk .(.. a. ' MHa w in. aawnaaf a. a. . ij btvuv, Kiiaaj paias ie tbe sid. loaa of appetiU aod locreasiag stability, wales Mestgns nso saw sum suarotls swswl, tioa. 8everal physieiaaa whoa I eonenltcd, decUred that 1 was iaa deep conaawptioa, aa4 that a cera 'af my ctse waa almost impossible. I tried Mveral popular aaedieioea without receiving any oseeaaial relief, suitii I lawk the Hasgiiiaa Halsaao. Tia Medieua relsevod ate at awce, and ia a few stays ckaagad ssy cvad.tioa for tho WtUrv Uy covgh Is new checked, Uo pain ia say side ia go, mj oppetiu has w proved, ud I consider vyaelf in a (ut way to roeovor mr mr-Mr mojui wa caooad at Cnt bv aovero aod atreutiu Mr caaialaii waa caoaod at ftrvt hy Mvera colds, and hy the dost of a IV mmt Mill a I waa amalni-d. OCTAVTAN BOGS. 9TU may cortify tbt lain acoaistad jU Mx. Oetaraa Baft, ea4 we. a wltaew ef tha r.Iitf which bo received fre thane, of Ei-chae Balaam. I kava alaa aa- d thie aieaaciM la my awn HmHj wiia gtaai mmh. FKAflCIB A. Ul uoiun, raiator. tmttn. aala Afanta let the Uaited Stataa, ead Briuah Pr- caa. American price, owe voiiar p.. ow.. . AGENTS Montpelier. Salvia K.C.IIiael B.ire, A.F. Thomaa: Waahiaftoa, Thorber at BowlMl ChcUea. I. a. Baeoat Coriaib, J.' waaa t c uotiotn, n. oiaeei Newbury, P at H. Keye.: Bradford. O. A H. Pnehard: Nurthlieid, II. IL Camp, awl by dealera ia medicine jener ally throolhout New Eat land. JHarkets. Camb ridge Cattle Market, Aug. 14. Reported for Iha Baatna Duly AiWotllier. a. tt..b.t ln?4 natila. aluint SOD Reevea. and 472 Storea. amaUtingor Working Oieo, Cow, and Calraa.S and Thlea VieaaMuket Beef-Extra tv50 par cwl.lit qnalj'T SS,Sa qoalitj 3,7S, 3d qoaluj $VB, ordinal aio a as oo. Veal vale i-a a afc ,nu . w. Ptoret- Workinf Oiaa SP6. 63,75. a (93. Cowa and C.liet, $20, 38, 33 and SO. Yeailiora, alO, IS. Two yaira old 17 , 30 and 25. Thiee veari old, 17. 25 and 3S. si f...K. 1171 .1 Urkt. Fucce-Citn, 3. 4, S, and $855. J! lot $1,35, 1,75, and avxr. n..rt. Thamiiketia attire, and coodealUaaoM will, .k. :("..... .....lit.. vfttliAr .lull an.l tale, llow. 1 9 ear came er me r iicnoorg iiimm, - Boetoa aid Ismail Railroad, loaded with cattle, ahcepaud horaet. aad lowla. H V. - . r.M m.ftt Mldt Uattla. Qbaepac bimoi. awine.iiorroa Maine sua SB 1471 4' 15KJ S36 3il New Ifanphire, VermODt, Maaeaebuietta, New York. Canada, Total 1073 3379 Domestic Wool market. Naw.YoaK.Au;. 16. 1650. Tkaa, nfltaaa ak have bfeO OnCOmQIOoff hSBVV and price are gradually stitfening, aithoosh no poaitivo "TJ0" on last weexs rates can 'ww. --"----- 000 a 500 000 lbs. Fleeees, among which were 170 000 lb, ft .i ail rim 50 000 Iba medium and 3-4 blood at37 I-2c.; 50,000 Iba. do. at 35 a 3?c; 53,00 lbs. do. at 32 1-So uanana.atd ipiciow Biewmm , a,ww . trt ttm . lain thai tn. Mnm tit 36e &c. lC Pulled wool haaleen ia good request, but in consequence of the light stock sales have been limited. Wo note sal-s of 8000 lis. No. 1 at 33 1.2c. (sold by s.raple,); 30UU lus. la mm and no. 1 (mired) at311 Sc., 6000 d. super lambs at 37 1.8c Tho maraeu oi tbe Aoitnera ciucj uo amw -v.. We quote : American Saxony fleece Foil blooded Merino 13 and 3-4 Merino Native aod 1-4 Merino Puper polled Country K'n I milUl Jn 43 a 45 33 a 41 35 a 3713 30 a 34 35 a 37 33 a 33 Paper pulled City 32 33 V.. 1 nnM.rt 33 a Foreign woolens imported foi the week, $204,3(3 Drj NMSI KtpOTttr. Death,! Daniel S. Johnson, fonnsrly f Plymouth, Vermont, died Maaih. lftSO.of email nna. while on bis wav to Califor nia. He was buried at A 't Hollow, about HO miles ibis side fort! La ramie. . At i-w.-n-tt, Jul- 37th. of Cholrra. Miss Sarah Oak, daogbtei ol Capt. Naihaoiel Oak, furmarly of Chelsea, vu At Rochester, Juae 9ih, Mr. Hitam G tie j, agcd5f yeais. ASTONISHING! IITE are selling Goods iMs month at Astonishing" Low v v Prices. Come aod see. ELLIS. WILDER & CO. 83 Angnst, 135) VILLAGE HOTEL PROPIUETOB. rnllE above named Hotel, situated in the Centre of Moat' pelier Villace, ha betn recently fitted up foi the better aceommodstion oft be Public The proprietor is deteimined thai no effort on his part shall be wanting to render this house a pleasant home for tb traveller- A continuance of the liberal patronage which the Travelling public have heretofore eileoded to it, is solicited by the public's humblo servant. N. B. Patrons to this House will be carried to and from th cars hy taking a seat in tbe coach Tree Horn ehhrra. Those who wih tn be eanied to other parts ot the Village will bo charged IS 13 ceot. TIMOTHV CROiS, Formerly of the fiim of Cioss, Hyde V Co. Montpelirr, Aug. 6, 1850. f8 LIVERY STABLE. rntlR anSttcrilr has rreentlv rarr hated tbe Horses j carriatesof A. Wood, rear of the Village Hotel, where would bo hsnnvtoseo Its oid pattous and the public be would ba happy to rr. iu oul pattoue and the pablic generally, and will endeavor to give atifsction to those lake Ikem where titer mar wi.b to to. Term, leeioaable. TIMOTI1V CBOSS. Mantpelier,Au(.6tb, IMP. 83 FAftMERS LOOK AT THIS ! Two Hundred Tons Corn Husks FOR MATTRASSES. THE eulucribar willpeyTwealjr IXilari per Tub for Two Hundred Horl", tripiwd from tbe knob and delnered al mj placr ol inaoalaclure It aioaipericr laataaj time between 15th October ead letofFeUuary aeit. Maid balk" matt be aa free from Stlke aa coa.aoieaea will allow or. aod eo dried that the r will keep ia larf a bodiee without lejuij. F. O. KITTBEDOE. Monlprlier, Aur. 1850. 68tr LAMOILLE CO. GRAM MAR SCHOOL. TII FALL TERM of this Institution will commence WEDNESDAY. September 4'h, under the direction of Z. K. PANCltORN. Misa M. E. lAlNGUORNrt Preceptresf. Miss A. M. MEBUIAM, Meseber of Moic Averaj-e ofTuition per qnarier. $3 2i. MnMC, iiicludini jse of Piano. 8.1)0. Drawin and Pamtinz. 2.00. Hoard can bo obuined in respectable families at $1,23 per week. fiIt is desirable that pupils bo preaent on the first day of ih term. S. MEfiRIAU, Clerk. Jhnant Aag. U. I MO. f8-3w MIDDLESEX. THE pon resident nronii'tnis of Iha town of Mtddlesea, te coonty of Wasbinxton, are hereby notified lhat the Taxes ssaoaaed by said low-rs within tho yeara 1847. IA49. 1949 and 1859, remain either in whole or in part oapeid, on tlie followint; described la nds in siid lown, to wit: 'fiSgSSSSyS5I.S Noaof Acres. SSSSoR-gSS No. c Lot. UU A. A.V3kStO-3ri Jh. w- No. of Difision. c 9 3 t o r-E . . a ; r-i 'Ss i PS 2?- 3 ! 5C- SO a-SarS-aV E-r Is si- ci.-s&fa, ? ? 'f- S- -in - s . 3 S. S o -7 a s Btata Tax. SS fe- aa r State School Sr S5S Tax. Sg . T.wnTex. . " 2 Btata Tax. SS - 5 Bute School Sg ; g S Tax. a Z Si To wo Tn. g gj?8SgSBB3S-,Ssl BuuT"- JgSu:, Bcho.1 8 o-acaa.5Soo8S.-Sff o Tax. issggg-.as8ssso.f TtnT"- And so much of said lands will bo sold at pablic suction, at the dwa llioz bonao of Borneo lloldea. ia said Middlesex, oo tho nrst inursoay oi uctonor aext, at one oxiocs,r. sa. as snail no reqaisiio to oucnarga saio iaxca wiu coaia aoieae Broeionalv naid- OaU d at Middlesex, this 17th day of Angvt, A. D. I860. 86 WM. B. HOLD EN, Constable aad Collector. 5000 bush. Salt, aOANADA SALT na anial-Ua beet aaJt tk. nra v tie as. rar nj led noca; at km mi aaailjr m. uurd leaa ua. caa) a. aaajaai u im coaiiF. i arm. caan, . STORRS LANGDON Aa S. M HEAR! HEAR! TBE aaaaeiiear u naif taa weeaeitT af aat la t. all ladahiad l. hia. laatha ia Baking airaaweate ta mm waat tkia Fall aad all daaalMta daa him anut ba Mid kr IM letaf Oelakacaastiw tkay eiiR ba plaeaal ia a kaada af aa a nana j aat eawenai, naa letene. VOAIUUI UWMiaa, aaAo1p,AtlI.!i, UU. " W70 NEW CHURCH MUSIC. THE u Dmidmmr' Bfl. B. WOODBURr. " "Tiaibtel" J.B. I F. Baker. " - lUji" C.Hart ia. .f Caarah Mawia, Bj Batot aVSawtward.' ' FOB SALE tkaepar Ckak br NOTICE. TBE aubeerflrer oBere to eall hia attaatiw ia NorlkS.ld Cure Villa ja, ,oa.ietiag t a Me alotT awelliai kaua, with eoaraaiaal an baiUiufa, Uw-oatca, aad .boat fa. afchu ef a. acm oT lead. KTlt laMaaftha Wat eitaatlaaia Ara Lawrar la iha Btata, aad will be eotJ oa raaaoaabla Ulaaa. He alao re aaarta tkoa. indebted to Urn to aaUaa4 aettla iaaaredialalr. JOHN U BUCK. ; Northle!d,AorlS,18So. 88 CAPT. SWINGLE'S, latent 83 re Hole Hcriag- Jla chine. TOE SuUcriber ia aaat for the taia .r aaul Hacbiaaa, aad hae oaa ia .paialioo at hie ehop, whale all inler aated ara iorlted t. call aad lea Iheai operate on all Hull .fwork where the Aujor and Chiaeel caa ba h.oujbtlu hear FOR BALE PERCUSSION RE-ACTION WA TER WHEELS, for Grist and other Mills. Balanced cranks, WiHff Gad see as, Saw Gate Rods, Clapboard and Shingle Machines, Mill and Circular Saws, 5- at 6 peret. aboe coat. aerr aiie Jr. leafth fro p centa to $79. SAW AUBOES aad B1TT BTOCKS, HIEor 8erew FI.ATE9 rrom I be eixa af a Denies Needle la 1 1-3 uch, light and left hind. Patent Grist Hills, Rnttt and! rannlnar evarv alav on custom work, and with then wo defy competition, either in qoantity or qaality of grinding, witnont regara to cosu aiso. win mi hind ol Cora Crackera and Bolt Cloths, at leas ratea than mnat At tiara. Smut Machines of Tyler's Patent at Manu facturers J'rtces. MACHINE CARDS $ CLEANERS, CO UN and LrtJVK KYK Dy lue iSusiLor loaa GUNS and GCNSHITHING ' in all ilebranchef; iportinfand fiihio; ma terlah: extra aad common Biflei, flora 810 Iu 8)1'. Thick and Thaa Ljrrel Fhot Goof r.omS3ioJIC. DOUBLE BAKREl, GUNS, from $10 to 8-iG, ooe barrel K1FL.E4, aud crack ikuaUia tbey are,w aaiu lotne poaoa. Ammunition of all Kinds, Extra aod Common CAP-S POVVUEB FLASK tillOT UKLTa and roochre. and ereir mmj ot cuaTeaieot aru cle.lor IIUNTEUS. "evolvera and other Pistols, D k and Tocket Knit . Barrel. Lueke aad Tiimaiioe generally, lor otbere to lit up at a email commiaiion, ale. etc. Freh arrirale rrom New York aai Bnaton. CALL and LOUS, whether Tou wich to trade or cot WORCESTER SFBAUI'E, Montrjelier, Aug. 30, 18S0. I e m 6in ffl SALMON & SALT. 2 TONS or prima Northern Salmon, SOObegibatlerSalt. An;. 12. 87 For eale bj STORB3 at LANGDON. Re-Opened. THE sobscribera hso tbia day re-apened the DEPOT STOKE, in Waterbuty. recently occopiet by O. Fos- ter, wbere ihey lutenu lo aaept aod now nareon nana a larfo stock of W. I. GOODS & GROCERIES, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Via: T. I. aad Bk Salt ; Grouod Bock and l.iverr.oul do. for Dairv porpoeei A apteodtd a'sortinent 01 TEAS, FLOUa, NAILH, GLASS, I BOX ac STEEL, Sogan, Molaie.e, Salmoo hy Iha Tierce, Barrel, llairot Quarter Uairel and Kit; Mackerel, Pollock and llaltibiit, Fun 1'lattrr, fcc. FARMING TOOLS : Such as Scjthss tor the various purposes of Cottlnf urass, brain ana Put nee ; uay and aiaouro corsa, cbovaia and Hoes. Also, a few barrels of BEEF & PORK, Pickled and Bmoaea u.sna. The sahscriber further Inform their friends and the pub lic reortrallr. that their now have on hand, and intend keeomt;, for the accommodation of all who may find itfbr meir interest u pa'ronixe ineirotore in -lonipe her Village, nest door North ol theUailroad Depot, a food as son men. oi Wa la Gssdsaad Grsceries, Sach aa FLOUR, TEAS, SUGARS. MOLASSES, SAL MO.V, MACKEREL, DRY FISH, SALT. SALT FOBK, AAlLS1, &r.ti3i UA.tuua, ria.tar, ate. AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, Our Goods were purchased for both Hontnelier aod Wa terbury at LOW PKICES. and w will sell them at a small advance for Cash or most kio.s of Country Produce. Wo farther arsure the public, tbatoor foods shall bo equal to tbe recommendation aiven them at the time of site. 3Tt'or country Produce the highest price that tbe market will anoru. wa snail al all limes pay. a TABBELL&CO. June 4, 1850. 78 tf SMITH, WILKINS & LANDON, Tvnsws FORWARDING COiUMISSION MERCHANTS, Nerth Wharf, B-rliaKten, Vt. MAPLE SUGAR & RYE. A FEW hundred .unda of aery rod Mafia Sagar, Alan a few lhele of Eve. An, . 12. 67 For eela bj STORRS A LANG DON. Barrel Salt & Salmon JUST receited aod fer eale bj STORRS at LANG DON. Aui.8. 88 LICENSE. REDFIELD GRAN. MS havo license to sell Liquori in Monipelier Village, for Medtciaal and Hecbaoical par poses, ol which tbey keep all kinds and wtU furnish those wisning to aeii again. 73. il O l P r t11 nic Bro. SUGAR pare Black and 1T "It. Hi c,ta TEA, and other GROCER- I :-.a .! atnVIVK a. Strf II ILU,jH IBWIW MJ nVrUi A 0 tCal-. June 3. 1850. Ti Medford Bum. OAfk Ilhds. and 400 Barrels pare Old Med fold Ram in store, and lor sate atuocis par gallon, cash. As charge for casks or delivering to the Kail roads. Sy-Theio is not any egeiata Jor the sal of this Old Rom. DANIEL LAWRENCE. Medford. Juno 10, 1850. 78 Jo.: 4 wis NOTICE. rrMIE members of tho Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance - Company are hereby notiSeJ that the following assess meota havo been made by tho Directors, on all notes in rorce on me lonowing aays, to wu : Autut 9, 1849, 1-4 of 1 per cenU Bept'r 14, M Oclo'r 20, 14 Jany 12,1830,1-4 " Febry 15, 14 April 91, " 1-4 " April 23, " 1-4 " " Jnly 22, " 14 MafcinSpercentfor the year ending, Augnst 1st, 1850. Said per centare to bo cast -oo iho vriiaal a- mount of premium note without reference to any endorse- menr, nna to oe paia io me i reasnre at nis in Hoot pelter, on or before the 16th day of Octo'ier 9'Seiag the dar of tho annual meetinc of said comosav. As usual, a list .if persons insured in tbe ssveral towns in tbe Stat;, with the amount of assessment duo fiom each ro spectivrly, will be forwarded to tbo Representatives elect to the Legislature, bt whom money can bo sent. The aasosameni this year (3 yer cent) Is small, aod it ia Ihmt fan a-.-i-.Ke K -.Maua.- will f.t a- t. I to money ia tho manner indicated, or by eomo other person who may be coming to Montpelier, so lhat it caa bo paid over promptly, nt tho time when it ia doe. . A little attention on the patt of the man-ben of Iha Com pany will aave mocb trouble in collecting tba aeseMmenta. J. E-. waiOUT,Tieasarar. Insmsnce Offlse, Montpelier, Aug. 12, 1850. Qrrr inters ol each weektr nawsoaoer in this Bute, aio requested to publish the above sMrtica thrfttweeks aoecess- a a. aw ranaiaiH ibsii tnttm OJ Hi mi L mmm a 1 Ilia aVaarjpv lature for payment. 87Jr STATE OF VERMONT, I At a ProbaU Court held at District of Randolph, as. Washington, within and for the district aforesaid, oo tbe 12tbdavof Auzuat A.D. I&5C: A ti Inatrnment pnrportiog to bo tho last wilt and testa- nieot oi jacoo wortnen, lata or urango, m sahl district, deceased, was presented to tbo court bare fcr Probate, by Betsey Worthta,tho Executrix therein nsmeel Therefore, it is ordered by said Court, lhat publie notice bo given to all persons concerned therein, ti appear belore aid Court at a session thereof, lo be held at iha Pralutta Office in Washington, on the 7th day of September, A. D. mojv, n coon iaa nooato oi si mi.; ana is rarther ordered that this order bo published three weeks successive ly la the Vermont Watchman and Ktate Journal, a newspa per printed at NoatpeUer, ia UiaEtata, Ua last of which shall ba previous ta the day assigned aa aJUessjd for hear- Given vner my band at tho Probata 4fce, at U'asfcinr- fM Ihm lOtl. J.- A n 1U1A 67 b. w. Bartholomew. JuSm. STATE OF VERMONT, I The Han. la. frobjle Conn a. aHNua, ii. ) tot iaa uiairtct or Raadolpb t T. all paterae c itemed ia tWa eiuta of Abaar Busnr. late ofOranie, in aaid dieuiet, Greetje;. aarHEREAS, Lklber Carpeater, adatiniitrator on ibe aetata af aaid deeesaad. baa atad. apnHaaian In tkla Cmrt for Lieeaee to eell all tba real aataw of aaid deeeae ed, and rcpraeaau tbat tba lata. i. aeeeiearj for tba aat eat ol tba debte and eberfea afaJr (aid eatata. Tbetefora, ron ara Miabf aMiBM U apprar at a eeeiina efaald Coart, ta be keld at ta. rrebate oSea i. Waakinz- T m .- m mmj wt nMir n. V. Jiao. and ahaar caaaa. if aa yn im, way Itceaee aamUd at be Created, aa aforaaaid. v Aad tale order eaell ba pibliekad tbrea anil raecaselTe- ij, leu. renniror. natcamaa ana Btata joarnal, printed al Monipelier, ia tkia Stale, tbe but 'of -kick Mblieatioos. Dated at Waa binftna, tk Te I3tk iAj ef Aejaet, A. D. ISM. . 87 B. VT. llATHOLaOMKW. Jndaa. lei Pkure'a Estate. vivtia; ananan. navtac mm rniaaaiai av iki bat nekala Van lev tba IHatriet al WaekiaftM. Cowmia.rooere to receive, ozaauM. ud aa$artall elalma aaal dameede of all paraoaa agaiaat tba aatate of DANIEL f ACE. I.te of Barr.. ia aald diauict. dacaaMd.rvmt.i IaeWvMt, and tbe urat of aia m.alh. tnm ta. llib da of .j, jcwu, uavN ay aaao ayOTn i. aavanaatan aa aaas aaneaaedt. axkikitaad arav. tkelf reeaactiv. ek. ha. haau-DtginaedHibuaa all. U tba datiae ef w eppeaaimaaa. at uaaamriiac I .... ai rift, n Bant, ia .aid District, aa the 7 da) afSapteaabw and Mth af January, UN, al aa a'claca, efteraoea.'e. eaad, afeald - OBAOIAaWOOB. , J BaABTUo MtA Tuf1, iMaaera. .ana, Anjuat ltk, UX. ' . ' 7, LIVER COMPLAINT. JAUNDICE, DTSfEPSIA. CHBONIC OB. NEBVOCB BB ILITY, DISEASE OF THE. aUUflXiXB, AND ALL DISK AS 88 Aaiaiito fiom a ms OBBataa irngt :J. OR STOMACH. BCOH AS CORBTtTA. lion, IAHAIU riljW, U BO-'i vm. bmvw TO THE HEAD, ACfDITx OF THB BTOM ACH. NAU- DM, llAHl DUKn, UUSUUBX ru cwv.aumMtf- MESS OR WEIGHT IN THB STOMACH, SOUR FBUCTATION8. SINKING OR FLATU LENCY AT THE WT OF THE BTOM ACH, SWIMMING OF THE HEAD, HURRIED AND DIFFICULT BREATHING, FLUTTER ING AT THE HEART, CHOKING. OR SUFFOCATING SENSATIONS WHEN IN A ' LYING POSTURE, DIMNESS OF VISION, DOTS OR WEBS BEFORE THE BIGHT, FEVER AND DULL FAIN IN THE HEAD, DEFICIENCY OF PERSPIRATION. YELLOWNESS OF THB SKIN AND EYES, FAIN IN THE SIDE. BACK, CHEST, LIMBS, Ac. SUDDEN FLUSHES OF II EAT, BI'RNING IN THE FLESH, CONSTANT IMAGININGS OF EVIL, AND GREAT DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, can aa zrrxcrcauT cnaxr. at DR. HOOFLAND'S Celebrated German Bitters, PREPARED BY DR. c. at. JACKSON, AT TUB GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 ArckSt.,PkiIadelpkia. Tht'tr vmeer ever tkt aaaes disease- u net txctltei ifemuMl Udbf any Uur prtparatio bt tie Untied Statu as the carae ett-tc, tm many t&itt AFTER SKILLFUL PUYSICLUCS ILUli FJIILEJ). These Bitters are worthy the attention of inralids.--Possessing great virtues in tlis rectification of disease of the Liver aod lesser glands, eiereising tho moat searching powers ia weakness and affections of the digestive organs. tney are, witnai, certain, sat ana pleasant. Ita-alU ..nil UbUUriVI.'aULUa The Hon. Chirlea II. JIIiNELINK. Editor of tho "Cam den Democrat," the belt paper ia Wast Jersey, says, July 2U "IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS." . "We have seen roanv flatterinr notices of this snedktae. and tbe source fiom which Ihey camo, induced us to make inquiry rerpfctiug ts merits. Piom inquiry wo wore pro pared to use it, aud must say wo found it specifie ia its action upon diseases of tho Liver aod digestive organs, and the powerful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration is really surprising. It calms and strengthens the nervei, bringing them into a state of repose, making sleep retiesh Ing. "If this medrrin were more generally used, we are aatta fied there would be less sickness, a from tba stomach, liver aad nervous )tttm the great aietjority of real and imagina ry diseases emenate. tiara them in a healthy condition, and you caa bid defiance lo epidemics generally. This ex tiaordinary medicine He wouldadriso our fiieods who are at all itidupoted lo give a trial -it will recommend itself, it shoutd, in fact, be in every fa mi Jr. Jio other medic wo canproluco such evidences of merit.' from the "coston Bee. The editor sad, Dec 22J Dlt. HOUFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BIT- TEIIS tor the cure of Liter Complaint, Jaundice, Ilyapep- sis, uiirooic or nervous ueomty, is uecioeuiy ooe oi mo most popular medicinrs of the day. These Bitters have used by thousanJs, aod a fneod at our elbow says ha baa himself received an etfectnaland permanent core of Liver Complaint from the nie of this remedy. We are coovinced that, in the use or these Kilters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor a fet worthy of gieat considera tion. They am pleasant in tasta and smell. and can be used by peisoos with the roost dslidilo stomachs with safety, nndvr auy circumstances. Wo are speaking from expeii eace and to the afflicted we advise their ue." "Scott's VaaLi, one of the best Literarr papers published, said Aug. S5: "Da. HoorAfo's BrTrxas, manufactured hy Or. Jackson, are now recommended by some of tba most prominent members of the faculty as an artislo or much ef ficacy in cases of female weakness. As such is the rase, mould advise all mothers to obtain a boitle, and thus save the rose! ea much sickness. Persons of debilitated cunstiia liuns will find tbrse Ditiers advsntsgeoue to their health, as we know from exierience tbe salutary effects they have upon weak systems.11 Judge M. L iNOAII, a gentleman with great scientific and literary ttainments, said in his .New York Weekly ilessenjer," January 6, I&'O. Da. iioor-AMD' Gkkmav Bit ties, llcie if a prepar atioa which ibe leading presses in tbe Tin ion appear to bo unroimous in recommendin;, and the reasoo ia obvious. It is made after a prescription furnished by one of tho most celebrated physicians of modern times, the late Dr. Cbrtsto yher Wilkelm llooflaod, rrofesAor of the University of ena. Private rfaysician to the King of Prussia, and one of ne uretieat Aletlieai writers eruiany rt- ever pioooccu. He wsempbatica!y the enemy of humbug, and therefore a medicino of which fan waa tho inventor and endorse" mav ba confidently relied on. He specially recommended it in Liv er Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Vertigo, Acidity of the Stomach, Constipation, and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, tho Liver an J the in tines. "Nine Philadelphia papers express their oTivietioo of Its excellence, and several oltbe editoia speak of ita effects from their own individual experience. Under three eii cam stance, we leel warranted, not only in catling the attcniioa ol oar readers to the present proprietor's (Dr. U, M. Jack son's) preparation, but ia recommending the ankle to all afflicted.' MORE EVIDENCE. The "Philadelphia Satunlay Cue lie," tbo best Family newspaper Dublisbml in the United Stales, tho oditor saya of DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. 'It is seldom that we tecommend what are -termed Pa tent Medicines to the confidence and ptraat of oat read era ; aud therefore when worecoramefia ,,lM;T;tf wyl Rittora.wo wi-h ti to be distinctly aoderstood that wo ifo U'it spea-ing of the nostrums of tho day, thai are noised about for a briaf period and then forgotten after they havo done their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicino long ea tiblished, universally prized, and which baa met the hearty approval ol the Faculty itself. Evidence opoo evidence baa Len received (like the lore going.) fjoin til sections of the Union, the last three years, and Us stringtMt CcrbweKy iu iu aeer, tr, that there Is mora of it used In the prsctico of tbe regular physieiaaa of Phila delphia lhao all other nostrums combined, a fact that caa easily be established, aod fully proving that a scientific pre paration will m-et with their quiet approval when prasautad rven tn this form. That this Medicine will care Liver Complaint and Dys pepsia, no one can doubt, after using it as directed. It acts spcitically upon the stomach and lively It ia preferable to calomel in all Bilious Diseases tho effect Is immediate. They can !e administered to FEMALE or INFANT with safety and reliable benefit, at any time. BEWARE OF COUUNTEEFE1TS. This medicine has attained that high character which ia necessary fur all medicinea to attain to induce counterfeiters to put forth a spurious article at tba itskof the lives of thoaa who are innocently deceived. jIiook wtU to the marks of tht Genuine, They have the written sigoMure of C. M. JACKSON op on the wrapper, and tba name blown ta the bett, wdJU-t vJifca they are panair. For sale Wholesale and Retail, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 ARCH Street, ooe doo bo low Sixth (late of 378 Race Stieet.) Philadeluhia. and bv retsneciobla dealete generally throughout tho country, 83:1 S3"r-r aaieaisony b. lullia?. Montpelier, vu am a main, and dfam nnthln ahieh w)at tn mn f.ia. eign to my fueling. READ!! YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A VIGOROUS LIFE. PREMATURE DEATH. KINK-LIN ea Mclf-PrcservatieB. , ONV 33 CENTS. Tb'u Book, hut publiihed. ia 6 1 led witk lufil inlormt. tion, on tbe labrroiu.i and of tbe Human tffftaia. It ita jlfalika ta YOUTU, MANHOOD aod OLD A(3 To all wbo annreb.nd or inff.r .nd.r ih. dir. ce. orearljOrprotonsediodUcretiooa to ell who feel tba eihauitive enTecte of aedeotary end baneful habita t. atl who in addition to declining phreieal energy, ara the aietime of na'voue and mental debilur. and nf moniar ud m.U cbol defpondenejr, Dr. K. would eaj READ THIS BOOK. Tba valuable advice and imnreaalva imnr u m prevent yeara of misery and suffering, and eavo annually Parent', bv readme IL will learn haw ta nravant ihada. structioo nf tbeii children. Aroniittaoeeof35ccnu, enclosed in a letter, addressed toDr KINKELIN, Philadelphia, will onsara a book, under envelope, per return of Mail. Dr. K. fifteen yws resident physician, N. W. Comer of THUD and UNION Streets, between Spruce and Fiae.Pa. mT be consulted coofidentially. rie wno piaces nimseir under tba care or Dr. K., may rc lijiouslr coufide io his honor as a gentleman, aod confident ly rely upon hie skill aa a physician. Persons at a distance ma adra Dr. IT. k letter, i ivhi. pah ) and be cured at home rACKJ(-3 UF MEDICINES, DIRECTIONS, Jcc fcr wsrdnd, bv sendins a remittance, and nut aa an fram damage or coj josity. Booksellers, News Agtnts. "PedTars, Canraaserv. and all others supplied with tbe above woik at very low prices. Pbil-idolphiA, Aug. 18-0. wly VALUABLE AND IM PORTA NX Iiscovcry for the Care of STAMMERING-, STUTTERING. T1UR .oderiigned, aided at irit bj accident, aad I rakaa nnentlr be rludr aad nractice. baa eucaeedaa in dijeor. aring a thoroughly effieaciona and permanent car. for tka rno.t nnnleaaant and cruel defect in apcecb. ainrnaraus io- dif idmle of Iha fir.t rerpactability who h.Ta tried the plan of ' ieatiMj tine," aod varioui other fooliek and naeleaa ecbemee, wilhoot any aneeeet, aod oAan at an azpaaea .1 kottdreda of dollar,, nae pronoancod tbia a; etaai perfect i. ererjf reepect. Tba method of core la1 founded upon ecienttac aad philo aophical princiilea, i. etapla and eeey, aad ia tk. ouly aya ua which hae received Iho uoaniatona approval of tk Medical Piofeaaion. Ceiuneaiea of curei in aay quantity ea. ba prodnead. &2T No pay required. aalaM penact. aatiebtctio. ia given, fcnoma at Ika liule Uolel, klontpnli.r Vt. Z. K. HARMOX Asguet let, 2BJ0. 5 3 DR. SOULE'aS Orieiiial k Sovereigi Balm Pills ARE an invaluable Remedy tor MarvMd aad nick Head-' ache, Colda, Favera, Julliosa Sjaptaaaa, Jenadica , Liver Complaint., Serofale, av.aey.Hamm la Ik. Weed, alanlar Dyepapeia, WaakStoaaack, Weak Maee, He hi. I Ataetlacior Dobllitv; aad arkaa electaalty Uiad ra ear t. ha aiveraally adapud aa a fiuaiJy Mediciaa.1 Forpanlealara, aaa CircaJara. Woae gen.ina aaleea Ik. maaif Dr. E. USoalaACa. ia aa tba box. i KTRacaived aad Car aal. by COLLINS A PI RACK, !ne by TIMOTHY CROaaf tlAj Saratoga Sprin. Water. Ef) CA3Ed (rank riaialop Tictim vfaUr far Bala by 0 U BANCROFT A UOLMk. July In, 1850. . " m WHITE LEAD. 4000 IML, Lawb. Far. WOT. UM.fmtJ and Ilry, (aiailiby - BAHCt AFT fc BOUOnf. Varyl. THROUGH TICKETS SAN FRAiClSCO,J TIA CHAGRES, MONDAT, 9d SEPTEHBEB. THE SPLENDID STEAMSHIP, CRESCFNT CITY, 2000 Tons Bui then, C STODDARD, Commander, will leata as -c,rivrf no iwrta akiver, rorinagree, On MONDAY, September 2d. at 3 o'clock. r ARK TO CHAGRES, Afler Saloon, - ... ,105 Forward do - . -j 1U0 LowerSatooo,- . 90 Steerage, (Uattraaa aad Board,) - 63 PANAMA TO SAN FRANCISCO, IN THE SPLENDID AND FAVORITE STEAMSHIP, NORTHERNER, Firet Cabin, ... - $r 6eeond Cabin (Upper,) I Sam. . uiO J o do (,; (table - IM For Freight or Pa..:, apply to J. HOWARD at SON. 34 Croadwar. X. T. Annul IJtb. 1450. &3'lw FOR SALE. LANDS in Western Virginia, In largo ail small tracts, improved or unimproved, and suitable fur farming, mil linr. ia-ntetorlnir. and narticularlv for eheen iaisinf Tha wild lands contain but littla usdarrowth. and without cleanag the larger timber, can Da pni into grass loranoep orcauat al inning expense sue coaniry is wurnu uj innumerable spiings, aod by create aod rivers affording ad mit abfo mill sites. Soil very rich and adapted to the rrowlh of all tbo grasses and fruits ot tho Middle State, Climafo healthy winters short and mild. This regioa is unequalled by any in tho United States for sheep raising.- mere are very row staves mroagaoui tveaiero virgim-. Tha nonnt-tiaii ate moral and industrioos. Lands of all prices Irom 50 cenu to $3 per acre. Forties owning flocks el sheep, or acquainted with care of sheep, an J disposed to remove to viigmia, may arraago wun iaou uanon ana up itahsts there to advantage. For Farther paiucalars enquire (post-paid) of WARDS, 40 Wall St. 63:1m. Xx'ew-Votlu THE ASSAM TEA COMPANY, 136 Greenwich street. NEW-IORK. rrnllBnionrietors be to crJl the attention ot the connois X aeurs in TEA. and the beads of families to the Choiee and Barn selection of Teas imported by them, aod hitherto uaknown in this country, which, by their Iragianeo and del icacy, eombineu wun vitgin purity ann iirenjtn, prouueo no mlUPionoi surpassing riconess ana luvor. Tbe Teas offVirod are the following: Tbe Jeddo Bloom, a Black Tea, at 1,00 per lb. " Kiphon, Do. 75 11 " Dian, Do. . M ' Osssca, a GieenTea, " Too.tsiaa, Do. 7 " " Tkki-laiaa, Do. W Ud fi 31itture,a compound of tba most and choice Teas grown on tho genial aod fertile soil of As sam. IfiO ' JJOWiih a view to encooiige the introduction of there matchless Teas, it is tbe intention of t&e proprietors to dis tribute hy lot, among the purchasers ,a quantity of Tea equal to tne FIRST YEAR'S PROFITS, OS Til". SALES EFFECTED, Each porcbnier will receive encloeed ia tba package, a cumbered certificate, entitling biro to ovrjt? cii.t.vci; r.v time JBtsnziBt,'- TMOJTl! a-rPOIl EVERY FIFTY CESTSXS laid out, and un Ibe receipt, amouoting to $30,000, tba ua dermeulionod parcels ot lea, lo tba value ol ten per cent. $2000 WILL BE GIVEN AWAY AS BONUSES!! According lo tho following SCALE: S FrizeeofoJ Ibe. Tea each at SI, 00 per Ib. 250 Ibe or f260 SO " 25 " ' 500 " 500 50 " 10 " SOO " 500 100 " 5 " " 500 SOO 0 1 " 250 " 25U Pllle. in a!U 2000 rMOO Tbo.e peieone wbo prefer the lower pticed Teal, eao re ceive Ibeti prixes in prrptuion, or CrTaanltler arcaaied far Cadai rtaWiiraetn prrceat. Country Ageote 'required. Application, to be addresltd (poet paid) to tbe uoinpany'a uepol, aa anove. June. ISiO. 77 $1000 CASH VtlOR WOOl if delivered at nnr etora r STOEaa A LANGDO.V. Jaly in. FOR SALE, fllHAT valuable property in Montpelier Village so long - ana lavoraoiy Known to tne pu&ue as too ShcBarct Tavern Stand.'9 fe sow offered for sale upon teima that cannot fail to make it a good investment, tor tne oorchaser. Apply to 8. B. CO LB V, Agent for tho Proprietors. Montpelier, June S4th, 1859. 60 BLACK LACES AND FRINGES. ' CTORCB A LANGDON hava ia.t received a tine aieort- V nwat r FRINGES and BBUSdElS LACE EDGINGS ar Vl.itef , abawle aad Dreesee. We call the Attention fT averv man wbo waota a COAT. VEST or PANTS. V lolookatagreatvarielv rt BROADCLOTHS, Black aad Fancy DOESKINS and V13T1NGS, balora purchuing aiaewaere. vv a can euit you all. Jane 6. 74 KEITH A BARKEX. nAPK rAPS PAPS 07 1000 CAPS, OF ALL STYLES AND dualities, lur sate by w. x. HUKiiitAai. A T W. T. BURN If A M' will bo found the Largest aod Best Assortment of II At a. ever ea-ered inr sale in Ver- moat Bebee's Sew York, and Bent dt Bash's Boston, uruiu ni i.c riAi-, or auquanuea. Also. Summer Hats, consisting of White Beaver, White Bnrab, Pearl, .Leghorn, Panama, China Pearl, Rattaod, e. Ate Qr At Wholesale or Retail. GREAT COUGH REMEDY CH EKKY rECTOXAX F.r the Care) mt OOUOK8, OOX.S8. wjtuuaTxra--oouor., oiour, aiTEXA aad OOWIV-CPTXOV The annals of me1:eal ecienee. aflordinc aa tber do ample proof ol tho power and value of many medicinal agents, havo fornished do oxamplea to compare with the salutary effect produced by " AYEtt'd CHERRY PECTORAU'' ino remaraanie cores 01 oiseasee oi tne uog wniea have been reallaed by tts nso, attested as they are by many Comment professors and pbysieias ia this and foreign nds, should eocours-e th alBietalto persevere with too strong assurance that tbe use of tbe Cherry Pectoral" will relieve ana ultimately care taem. Wa Moeeat to the pablic unsolicited tettimeoials from noma of tbo fiist men io the country, upon wbo-e judgment and exnerienee implicit coafidenee nuv bo nlaeed. DR. PERKLYS. President Vetmmt Medul CoUere. aaa of tha most learned aod intelligent physicians lathe country, coosldere it a "composition wf tarn escot.eneo lor tne cam oi mat lormioania duease, uoosuniptioA." Norwich. A or II 26 IR4-. Dr. J. C Ayer, Dear Elr : Agreeable to tbo request of, yonr agent, wa win eneenuuy state want wo aavo known of uo oaucts os yoor na.i..i rbuiURAb, ana uiey aavo been astonishing indeed. Mis. Betsey Streeter had been afflicted with a severe and relentless Coah. which ledueod her very low, so that IiU.e hope could ha latcitained of fear recoveiy. jNnmerooa remedies had been tried wilhoot ef- feet, before tho UIItHlti l'EU UKA. And that hae cared hr. George Waiainsoo, Esq., had to oar knowledge bt-en afflicted with Asthma, for eleven years, and grown yearly worse, antil tha Cherry Pectoral aaa now removed tho disease and be ie aa free from aay o iu symptoms aa we are. Tho R-e. Mark Dana had been ao severely tttacaed with Rroncbiiti, aa to disable him from his duties, and nothing bad afforded him relief until I jtli . Thoratag) ear ned him a bottle of roar PECTORAL, which cared him at aaea ami ha now officiate aa usual in hie place. These am three of tha caeaa fa which wa have know it evccetfful, hut never loftiL Wo hava great pleasure ia certilyiM to these facts ; aad are, r.pected sir, your ham Ua eervaets. KEY. DAVID THORN INO. HON. JOSEPH BATTLES. Aosong tha distinguished aatboiities who have given their samea U recommend tho CUERRY PECTORAL, aa tbe hast remedy that ia known for the Affections of tho Laogo, ore tha "London Lancet, "Canadian Journal of Medical Science," "Boa too Medical aad Surgical Jo-real ' "Char lestoaS.C. Midical Reviaw," "New Jersey Medical Ro porter,' Prof. Webster, Harvard College, PraC Bartlett, Traaaylvania University of Medi'eiao, Preeideal Perfcuw. Vermo-t Medical CaUooa. Dr. Valentino Mot-. New York City, Parksr CUavelaad, Bowdoin Calloga. Plot Batter gold, Willooghby CoHege, Ohio, PioC Braitawaite, Laoda. (Eagload,) Medical School, Sir Bicaerd Koaa, Qoesa's Z Isga- Iretaad, PraC Koeobaam. Leipaic Tha public hava hat to kaow tha virtoos aad astonishing soccses af tha Cherry Poctaral, ia cariog diseaaoa af tha Luge, wheo Uay will feel aocara Croas thaaa daofara, whenever this raasedv caa ba abuiaaA. 8u3mi BoM Wbolooalo aad KaUU W COUAUB PIEICB, fliaa.i.le Ma.IMliar.-Tt. Bad at Wheleeala kv T. A. Pack. arBnata. - al ..!! T Rod. Id A Omnia. Maaaoaliar; Cha'e Ckapania.Woad etook i E. Craebv, WaJpola t Parkin k nie e.7ciitIatM: .. mTmlmmWwh . vv . naara, niieueie ; mum at Clark, Bnuleboro HkImU A IJailh, Melt FaHa s mmd ay draiHa aad mml. aiata naaditiaafnantHy tAfo ,healUa Buia. 78 a " t el S of Jon. IAY STATI HI JLIJ s4ir s4fs MANTLES & SCARFS, la the tateet aad aaeatt Improved etylea. Atoe, Geatleea'i Travcll teg; SHAWLS, will ba famished hy the subscribers in aay quality, at tha very lowest prices Purchaser will pleaao aotico that th gnaina Bay Suto Fabrics bear tickets correspoadiag with tha abovo cat, aod tbey will also bo distinguished fraca all other Woolen Shawls, by their splendid haisb, fiae taxtara andbnUiaocy of e-lors. Orders solicited irom an secuons oi ue country, aod taw ame wilt bo promptly attended to. JEWETT k PRESCOTT, " IVe. 2 Mltk street, Boston. Aapiet 15, MM. SMmie. IMRACE SCIDDER k C9JHtL AGENTS FOB OLD ESTABLISAED LINES OF BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, ALBANY &, NEW YORK PACKETS. FKK1GBT received and forwaded at tha lowest ratea, with despatch, to anv port In the United Stataa. Ia first don v on so Is, and insurance made when desired. Apply to oraaaraaa v-unaiaaa-? oiuaaa No. 1 Met can tile Wharf, Commercial St., Baatoa May 3, IbSO. hi.Cai MRS. E. KIDDER'S CORDIAL, THE MOBT PESFECT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Simmer Complaints of Children, and Diarrhaa, either recent orprolracted THE pablic have been familiar with this medicino for aearly twenty yeara; and through ita intrinsic merit it has created for itself a wide spread maiket, both ia thin and distant cuaatnea. It haa never been equalled by aay other medicine, aad there is no prubcbility that it aver can be excelled. Its powers in effecting aa lmmediata CtTSE ia every caae ol Cholera, Bynenterv. Mt Dl.lMetlCE! o every country and in eveiy climate, haa aatoalshed tha world. Physicians have looked oa Ibeir dying patients with wonder and astonishment, at seeing them revive aad be come restored, wbeo the last spark of life seemed ta bo flickering, and all bopoof recovery bad fled. Sach casee havo been tvery day occurrences. It ia not too much ta say, tfcat aot a singlo case from either of theaa diseasea need bo lost, when this medicino ia administered ia aay rea sonable time, ao sure is it to cure. It eeldftn requires mora than a few dayi ta core tfc woist casee ; and all recent caaea ara cored u tho coarse of a few hours. At tbia season of tha year every family slum Id hava it at hand in case of sudden attacks, as tbe immediate asa of th cordial will entirely prevent aay serioua eichaesa Mrs. E. KIDDKK, luvcatoraBea Proprietor.. S3rSbIil aa romaer! at tbe elddtand, 100 COURT STREET, Boston, By MRS. E. KIDDER k C9. AGENTS. Red Said s Grannie, 8.K. COLLINS, Meat pe'.ier; N.Blake, Corinth ; J. M. Richardson. Waits&eld; F.At II. Kejos, iNewbory; and by dealers in Medtciaa gta arallv. Boston, May. 1850. C.S.HalVs Dye House 70 CORNHILL, BOSTON, MASS.. OUR ENTERPRISE has no limits, ia coosaltioff tha pablie convenience t With such a spirit ia view, Na. 70 Core hill, shall henceforth ba a general nucleus Iron which GARMENTS, DRESSES AND SHAWLS, whan dyed, ehall ba promptlv deipatebed, if the deetinatiaa ie kunwn, bj Eip;aa,-d alpean paid one wav, U ant email eilad paekaea. KTDitoct to C. 3. BaMI. who for over twealv.fir. jaare baa aelivel; applied bimaalf u tha artofDjeiar. tTH.B. 8hupkaapera, wuhiejlo net aa, tnanr vilh .willnirtbe required to abara tha cant af freiiht. and will lie a Mowed a liberal eoaunuaion. Vaj 37,1890. 77:&.in Bakersfield Academical Institu tion. THE Fall Term will comma ace oa Wedaeiday. Bant i. Kurd 81 per weak. J.S.SPAULDINa, A. Principal, C.C.BISBEE, A.M. Aeaoeiala rrineinal. ProCS. M. B ASSETT, Teacher or Manic. M. AX ME LE TE3TEE, Teacher or rrench. . t .... , .... S.OAKE3,8craUrr. Bakara6aU,Anf.l.l8SO. gs. West Randolph Academy. FALL TEAM h,j, Sept. 4. WINTER TERM Nov. 27. t ... .A.UT1S ADAH8, A. B. Principal, Mm MARIA GRANT, PreceplreeeT Viae ELLEN L. GR13WOLO, Teacher of Manic. TUITION. Cot. won Eaglieh Brinrhei, oo Hifber 3JM Latin and Cinek, Tgg Drawl a, and French.Titm, eirh 1,0. Maaie, with ue. ofinatrusieat, extra, ,00 No iacideaUl char I, except for actual darntj. doom. BOARD la nal Guailioe. near Ih. Aen.. he, I . I vji I. weak. Thar, ara ale. ampl. aceommodatiooa f. thoa. wiahiag I. board tbeaualvea or to board ia clabe. Any wiihia, aaaialanoa In procaria: hoard, mav avolv to th. uriacraal. ' A CLASS will be formed nf Umm. daaininv ta taaeh. t. whichMMcial atteatiou will a. firen. LECtUAES will h. fivcodurinf lb. Una npo. School Teaching, aad tba Natural Scieucaa. i mm laeaiio. al uua latutatio. in a compart tlvo V ale, aad ua. froaa temptatione lo Ulenaaa and diaaipa a. ad it. aeceaaibiUtx by railroad, reudeia it a tavoranl. literal raaort. Special can will b. taken bv th. teacbera aenard live Ileal tad habiu1 tb. Mit.a , i charf. duub m ai A hu.t tar rarniabed bj tha Principal at Fat farther iafonnalioa. apply by letter or otl hv. 8. Sparhawk, J. P. Kidder, Eeq, or to lb. 1 otherwiee, to Piini-JI. EDIIITNn WFjlTnV h.'.i. Waat Saaoolph, July, 18S0, e6m Orange County Grammar School. K-nooiDb Vt. " I -H.? rK T"m ot 11 "aaaa, of ibia Seminary opooa oa . a. H'.'SV- d" ot 5r, .AN,J A-B- Pnocipal. M. aV WRIGHT, Aaiaeiau. Bra. K. M. MANLY. r,.r.r,,,... 1. H. PATTERSON, Laclarai on Anatomy. Ta. Coaraitlee conaider tbeaieelv,. forionale ia beta a ble to eoutlnao the earvieae of Mr. Manly wk. hu U chart, of th. echool for tbo laat two yeara, and feel pleia r It aaturinr tboaa who may wiah lo hava their children) thoroachlvtaoaiit and nrnonrl. ear ad lor in . . thhMney will b. qoite aafb la aaadin; Hem to tkia lnetita- Voani man preoarinj to teach will have th. advaauv.a or aUlly reciutioa and diill in tha theory aad practie. mf .art. Laclnre. upoa thia.aealMiunoa eciealite nnd aaa. aral topica.will ba fivan, weakly, by th. Principal, aaal othore. Board ia private familial, and room, for .elf-boardera ai. farnlaned anno tha a.i , Tafia, for all Bntlieh bruchaa $,00, to which fiflv eta. TTr uca 'an aga. Taa aaual extra chai a eja aranchee. KV F. REDFIELD, 1 . NUTTING, t 13AAU p. WU. NI JACOB I 3B R. PARISH, CeauttM. WALTER I LOREN C Rudatph, July 31. ISSD. EN CR1S WOLD, j , i . firs. Thayer ft Williams ' Iy.MU.i0-:o--';aip InUn practie. ef HAVE aatared iota Ca-portaeiahi ii Mcdkm and Surry, at NanhnelaV rIAU'l. IV TK SAM'L W. THAYER, , . EDWARD H. w IL IAMB. vmmmmnmr in. toaav REMOVAL. PBCK A LEWIS hav. .aaaaaaA to SpaUiaf'a aiharaa'. wker. waehonld h. haoovto a..or m.. Al l .4 all etbera wuhinf to bay node cheap. Wo hav. juot letaraeet fraca Maikat with a full atack of COOD8. haalifet wil caeh, and ara eeDiastheai at vary low price. llour, JVinu, b m, UUs, faints, untk a general amrtmtnt of WtM, India cmd "rmntfic GOODS. W. ara.14 aay taaaw aad aU, give aa a call, ead w. will "afV ya. by Mr low priaaa, that It will ba aa object h,H eaJln in. Good, aald by Ua paxUfa a rmrj - " Caaha.AiU.aU J Satnrnad from Vtaa. OTOUIA LANGDON hava jaat i.tar. ai'traai I wit a van.iy nr acarc. and daairabia - la- mm, 9MWM, J- WaW, OMN-'JTS ATllatmawl-ca, Lmm,Hwg, Gimp, Mnrxittg Glt, If. Jalyt. K.iekLacof ft Fringea, A