Newspaper Page Text
BY E. P. WALTON c , SON. MONTPELIEK, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1850. VOL. XLIV, NO. 41.---WHOLE NO. 2290. iDatcljman & State journal. PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY MORNING. TERMS 61.50 rub in sdsance : S?.00 If payment ii not tntda in adsaoee; Interest always charged from tbe eod of we rear iHisccIlancoii0. EXTRACT FROM AN ARTICLE ON DANIEL WEBSTER. BY CHARLES W. MARCH. From the New York Courier hj vetch joornal it in tskeo from tbe sheets of the unpublished work, now ia press. Daniel Webster was born on the 18th day of January, 1782, in the town of Salis bury, New Hampshire. His earliest ances tor, of whom the family have any certain knowledge, was Thomas Webster. He was settled in Hampton as early as IG36. The descent from him to Daniel Webster can be found recorded in the Church and town Records of Hampton, Kingston, (now East Kingston) und Salisbury. The family came originally from Scotland two centuries ago and more. It is probable however, from certain circumstances, that they tarried in England awhile, before emi grating to the new world. They did not bring over with them all the distinguish ing characteristics of their countrymen; the Scottish accent had become a mere tra dition at the time'of Mr. Webster's father's father. The personal characteristics of the fami ly are strongly marked: light complexions, sandy hair in great profusion, bushy eve brows, and blender rather than broad frames, attest tbe Teutonic and common origin of the race. Dr. Noah Webster the compil er of tbe Dictionary was, in personal ap pearance, the vera effgies of the whole f.nn-. ily. The uncles of Daniel Webster had the same characteristics. They were fair hair ed and of rather blender form. His father however, was of a different physical organi zation. No two persons could look like each other less than Ezekiel Webster, the father of Daniel, and either of his brothers. They resembled their father, who had the hereditary feature and form ; but Exe kiel Webster had the black hair and eyes, and complexion of his mother, whose mai den name was liatcheldcr. She was a de pendent of the Iter. Stephen Batcheldcr. a man famous in his time in the county of! Itockiugham and the towns adjiccnt. There are many persons now alive m Kings ton who will tell you, they have heard their fathers say, she was a woman of uncommon strength of character, and sterling sense. Daniel, and his only brother of the whole blood, alone of the five sous of Ezekiel Webster, .had the Batchelder complexion ; the others ran off into the general charac teristics of the race. Many persons in Kingston and Salisbury still live who reccollect Ebenezer Webster well. They say his personal appearance was striking. He was tall and erect; six feet in height ; of a stalwart form, broad and full in the chest. His complexion was swarthy, features large and prominent with a Roman nose, and eyes of remarkable bril liancy. He had a military air and carriage the result, perhaps, of his services iu the army. He enlisted early in life as a common soldier, in the Provincial troops, and during the war of '56, served under Gen. Amherst, on the Northwestern fron tier; accompanying that commander iu the invasion of Canada. lie attracted the at tention and secured the good will of his su perior officers, by his faithful and gallant conduct ; and before the close of the war, rose from the ranks to a captaincy. Peace between England and France soon follow ing the capture of Quebec and conquest of Canada, the provincial troops were disband ed, and returned to their homes. Previous to the year 17C3, the settle ments iu New Hampshire had made little or no progress toward the interior of the Statej foi more than half a century the fit ful eruptions of the French from Canada, and the constant if not more cruel assaults' of their subsidized allies the Indians re pressed any movement inward, into the country. To defend what they held, by a kind of cordon militairc of Lluck houses, was all the frontier men hoped. The cession of Canada to England how ever, by the treaty of Paris, in 17C3, remov ing the great obstacle to farther progress into the interior, the royal Governor of New Hampshire, Benning V entworth, be gan to make grants of townships iu the cen tral part of the State. Col. Stevens, with some other persons about Kingston, mostly retired soldiers, ob tained a grant of the town ot Salisbury, men called, from the grantee, Steven's town. This town is situated exactly at the head waters of the Merrimac river ; which river is formed by the conflueuce-of the Pe- migiwasset and Wiunepiseogee. Under this grant, Ebenezer Webster obtained a lot situated in tbe north partof the town. More adventurous than others of the company who obtained grants, he cut his way deeper into the wilderness, making the road he could not find. In 17C4, he built a log cabin and lighted his fire. " The smoke of which," his sou has since said, " ascended nearer the North star than that of any of his majesty's New England subjects." His nearest civilized neighbor in the Nortb, was at Montreal, hundreds of miles oft His first wife dying soon after his settle ment in Salisbury, Ebenezer Webster marr ied Abigail Eastman, of Salisbury, a lady of I Welsh extraction. She was the mother of . Daniel and Ezekiel ; and, like tbe mother of George Canning, was a woman of far more than ordinary intellect. She was proud of, and ambitious of her sons; and tbe distinction they afterwards both acquir ed, may have been, in part, at least, tbe re sult of her promptings. It was the great desire of Ebenezer Web ster to give his children an education. A man of strong powers of mind and much practical experience himself, he still bad felt deeply and ofteu the want of early edu cation, and wished to spare his sons tbe mortifications he experienced. The school master was not then abroad, or at least had not visited Salisbury in bis travels: Small town schools there were, it is true, and per sons superintending them called teachers lucut a non lucendo. But tbese schools were not open half the year, and the school masters had no claim to their position but their incapacity for any thing else. Their qualification was the want of qualification. Reading and writing were all they profess ed, and more than they were able to teach. The school was migratory. When it was in the neighborhood of Webster's resi dence, it was easy to attend ; but when it was removed into another part of the town or another town, as was often the case, it was somewhat difficult. While Mr. Web ster was yet quite young, he was daily sent two or three miles to school, and in the midst of winter, on foot. For carriages or carriage roads then, " were not ;" and with the exception of an occasional ride on horseback, he walked daily to school and back. If the school moved yet farther oft, into- a town not contiguous, his father board ed him out in a neighboring family. He was better provided with opportunities for obtaining whatever of instruction these schools could impart' than hiselder brrthers, partly because he evinced early au3'irre pressilJe, thirst for study and information, and partly because his father thought that his constitution was slender and somewhat frail-r-toomuch so for any robust occupation. But Joe, his elder half brother, and some what of a wag, used to say that " Dan was sent to school in order that he might know as much as the other boys." Mr. Webster had no sooner learned to read than he showed great eagerness for books. He devoured all he could lay hands upon. When he was unable to obtain new ones, he read the old ones over and over again, till he had committed most f their contents to memory. Books were then, as Dr. Johnson said on some occasions, " like bread iu a besciged town; every man might get a mouthful, but none a full meal." What were obtained, were husbanded with care. Owing chiefly to the exertions of Mr. Thompson, (the lawyer of the place,) of the clergyman, and Mr. Webster's father, a very small circulating library was purchased. These institutions received an impetus about this time from the zeal and labors of Dr. Belknap, the celebrated hhtoriau of New Hampshire. Among the few books of the library, I have heard Mr. Webster say, he found the Spectator, and that he remembers turning over the of Addison's criticism on Chevy Chase, for the sake of reading con nectedly, the ballad, the verses of which Addison quotes from time to time, as sub jects of remark. "As Dr. Johnson said iu at.olher case, the poet was read and the critic neglected. I could not understand why it was necessary that the author of the Spectator should take so great pains to prove that Chevy Chase was a good story." The simple, but sublime story of Chevy Chase, would be no indifferent test for the discovery ol how much or how little of the poetic faculty there might be in an individual. None but those who had some poetic fer vor could appreciate or even understand it ; while those who felt its pathos, its beauty and grandeur most, must needs have the deepest sensibilities. A distinguished lite rary character has said that he would have been prouder to be its author than of all the productions from which he derived his fame. Sir Philip "Sydney said he never readit but his heart was stirred within him as at i.he sound of a trumpet. Mr. Webster was early fond of poetry. He was not satisfied with reading it merely, but committed a great deal to memory. The whole essay on man he could recite verbatim, before he was fourteen years. A habit of attentive exclusive devotion to the subjec'l before him, aided by a wonderful memory, fixed everything deep in his mind. It is this art, or talent, or genius, that works the miracles we read and behold. He had a great taste, too, for devotional poetry : Watt's Psalms and Hymns he committed to memory, not as a religious task, but as a pleasure. Nor was he less acquainted, or less fond of the sublime poetry of the Bible. Evidence of this is seen everywhere in his works: for there is scarcely a speech or production of his that does int contain ideas or expressions, the types of which may be found iu that book. When he attained his fourteenth year, his father took an important and decisive step with him. On the 515th of May, 189G, Ebenzer Webstpr mounted a horse, put his son on another, and proceeded with him to Exeter. He there placed him in Philip's Academy, then under the care of Dr. Benji min Abbott, its well known and respected President. The change was very great for a boy, who had never been away from home before and who now found himself among some ninety other boys a stranger among stran gers, all of whom had seen more of the world, and assumed to know much more of it than himself. But he was not long in reconciling himself to this new change, and to his new duties. He was immediately put to English grammar, writing and arithmetic. A class mate of his informed me that he mastered the principles and philosophy of the first, between Alay and October of that year and that in the other studies he made re spectable progress in the autumn he com menced the study of the Latin Language his first exercises in which were recited to Joseph Stevens Buckminster, who was act ing, (in some college vacation, I think,) as assistant to Dr. Abbott. It may appear somewhat singular that the greatest orator of modern times should have evinced in boyhood tbe greatest antipathy to public declamation. This lact is establish ed by his own words, which have recently appeared in print. " 1 believe," says Mr. Webster, " I made tolerable progress in most branches which I attended to, while in this school ; but there was one thing I could not do. I could not make a declama tion. I could not speak before the school. The kind & excellent Buckminister sought especially to persuade me to perform the exercise1 of declamation, like other boys, but I eould not do it. Many a piece I com mitted to memory, and rehearsed in my own room, over and over again ; yet when the day came, when, tbe school was collected to bear declamations, when my name was called, and I saw all eye turned to my seat, I could not raise myself from it. Sometimes the instructors smiled, sometimes frowned. Mr. Buckingham always pressed and intreated me most winoingly that I would venture, but I never could command sufficient resolution." Such diffidence to its own powers may be natural to genius, nervously fearful of being unable to reach that ideal which it propos es as the only full accomplishment of its wishes. It is fortunate for the age, fortu nate for all ages, that Mr. Webster, by de termined will and frequent trial, overcame this moral incapacity as his great proto type the Grecian orator, subdued his physi cal defect. He remained at the Exeter Academy but a few months; accomplishing in those few mouths, however, the work of years to some. In Feb., 1797, his fatfier placed him under the tuition of Rev. Samuel Woods, in Bos- cawen of whom his pupil always speaks in terms of affection and respect. He boarded in his family ; and I have heard him say that Mr. Woods's whole charge for instruc tion, board, die, was but one dollar per week. We pay much dearer now for much less. ; -"It was on their way to the house of Mr. J Woods that his.,fjtlier first , opened to him i his design of sending him to college apur- pose" which seemed to him impossible to be fulfilled. It was much more extravagant than his most extravagant hopes. It had never entered his mind a moment. A colle giate education iu those days was something ;ol tar greater importance than in these, when the ability to command it is so gener al. It made a marked man of thousands. It gave the fortunate graduate at once post tion and innuence and it not genius, or eminent ability, supplied or concealed the want thereof. The alumnus surveyed life from an eminence, and could aspire to its chicfiest honors by a kind of prescriptive right. Most grateful to his father for the pros pect held out through his self sacrificing de votion. Air. iv ebster applied himscll to his studies with even increased ardor. All that Mr. Wood conld leach he learned. Among other books he read Virgil and Cic ero, both ol whom he laithlully studied, the latter he warmly admired. Of tbe Latin' Classics, I presume there is not one so fa miliarly known to iIr. Webster as Cicero. It may seem i. little strange, indeed, that with all his early, eager, and constant study of Rome's greatest orator, he should not have imitated unconsciously his manner of expression or thought. He much more re sembles Demosthenes, in vigor and terseness of style, and in copious vehemence ; whose works in the meanwhile he never so com pletely mastered. At Boscawcn, Mr. Webster was fortunate enough to find another circulating library, the volumes of which he fully appreciated. It was iu this library that he met for the first time, Don Quixote, iu English. " 1 began to read it," (1 have heard him say,) " and it is literally true that I never closed my eyes until 1 had finished it; nor did I lay it down any time for five minutes; so great was the power of this extraordiuaiy book up on my imagination." In the summer of this year, Augnsl, 17 97 he entered Dartmouth College as a fresh man. His college life, as can be easily conceiv ed, was not an idle one. With such a de sire for the acquisition of all kinds of knowl edge, the danger to be feared was, that he would undertake too much rather than too little; that his reading would be too miscellaneous, and that he would acquire therefrom, habits of mental carelcsness. From the testimony of his intimates in the college, it is known that In; read constantly. Besides a regular attention to the prescrib ed rules and studies of his class, he devoted himself to the acquisition of whatever was useful in English history, or graceful and becoming iu English literature. He super intended the publication of a little weekly uew.-paper, making selections for it from books and periodicals, and contributing oc casionally au editorial of his own. These were, perhaps, the first of his productions ever published. I know not if they are to be met with now. He delivered some ad dresses while in college, before literary so cieties, which were also published. Ezekiel Webster the sole brother of Dmitl of the whole blood was destined by his father to carry on the farm. But he had other aspirations, and so had his brother for him. Accordingly, when Daniel returned home on a visit in his sophomore year in the spring of '99, he held serious consultations with his brother Ezekiel, in relation to his wishes. It was resolved between them, that Eze kiel should go to College, and that Danie! should be the organ of communication with their father on the subject. He lost no time in opening the negotiation, and expe rienced no great difficulty in obtaining the consent of his father, who lived only for his children, to their design. The result was that in about ten days, Mr. Webster had gone back to college, having first seen his brother bid adieu to the farm, and place himself in school under a teacher in latin. Soon afterwards Ezekiel went to Mr. Woods and remained with him till he was fitted for college. In March, 1801, his father carried him to college, where be entered the freshman class. He had not great quickness of apprehen sion nor vivacity of intellect, and was not, therefore early estimated at his full value. But he had a strung mind, and great pow ers of observation and memory. He ac quired slowly but safely. Not fluent of speech, he was always correct in language and thought. Few excelled him in clear ness and vigor of style, none in argumenta tive ability. He wanted but opportuuity to become a great man. . He fell dead while arguing a case iu Concord, New Hampshire, in 1829. A handsome monument was erected to his memory iu Boscawen, where he was buried. Mr. Webster while in college, during the winter vacations, kept school, to pay the collegiate expeuses of bis brother as well as his own. Being graduated in August 1801, be immediately entered Mr. Thompson's office in Salisbury, as student of law, and remained there till Jauuary following. The res axgusti domi seemed then to require that be should go somewhere" and do some thing to earn a little money. An applica tion was at this time made to him from Fryeburg, Maine, to take the charge of a school there. He accepted tbe offer, mount ed bis horse, and 'commenced his labors on reaching Fryeburg. His salary was 1350 per annum, all of which he -saved as he made besides a sufficient sum tc pay board and other necessary expenses, by acting as assistant to the Register of Deeds for the county, to whose chirography there was the one objection of illegibility. The ache is not yet out I hare beard Mr. Webster say which so much writing caused him. In September, 1802, he returned to Mr. Thompson's office, in which lie remained till February, 1804. Mr. Thompson was a respectable man, and an excellent lawyer but he did not understrnd how to make the study of law either agreeable or instructive. He put his students to study after the old fashion, that is, the hardest books first. Coke s Littleton was ths bonk in those days upon which pupils were broken in which is like teaching arithmetic by beginning with differential calculus. "A boy of i!U, says Mr. vvebsler, " with no previous Knowledge on such subjects, cannot under stand Coke. It is folly to set him upon such an author. There are P'opositions in Coke so abstract, and dbUoCtionJ-ea nice, and doctrines embracing so many conditions and qualifications, that it requires an effort not only ot a mature tritid, but ot a minu both strong and mature, to understind him. Why disgust and discourage a boy by.tcll ing him he must break into his profession through such a wall as this V Mr. Webster soon laid aside Coke till "a more convenient season," and, in the mean while, took up other more plain, eisy and iutellible authors. While not engaged in the study of law, he occupied himself with the Latin classics. He added greatly to what acquisitions be had made in the language .while in college, reading Sallust, Cssar, and Horace. Some odes of the latter, which he translated into English, were published. But books were not at this time of his life, as they nerer have been, Mr. Webster's sole study. He then was fond, and has been through life, of the manly field sports, fishing, shooting and riding. These brought him into near communion with Nature and himself; supplied him with the material and opportuuity for thought; made him contemplative, logical and earnest. At a subsequent period of his life, he found that the solitary rides he was wont to indulge in afforded him many an edifying day. The great argument iu the Dartmouth College case was principally arranged in a tour he made from Boston to Barnstable and back. Jolm Adams's speech before the Philadel phia Convention in '70, was composed by Mr. Webster, while taking a drive in a N. England chaise. His favorite sport of an gling gave him many a favorable opportuni ty for composition. The address for Bunk er Hill (fur instance) was all planned out even to many of its best passages, milarslt pce Brook; the orator catching trout and elaborating sentences at the same time. A like fondness for solitary rambles and sequestered spots, is said to have character ised Canning and Burke; who found their fancies brightened and their philosophy in vigorated by this self-communion. With them, as with the Roman Lawgiver, Ege eia, avoiding crowds and bustling life, was to be met with only in solitude, bo true is it that the intellectual man is never less alone than when alone ; that to him his mind a kingdom is, & his own thoughts his most agreeable and instructive companions. In July, 1804, Mr. Webster went to Bos ton, and, after some unsuccessful applica tions elsewhere, obtained admission as a student iu the office of the Hon. Christo pher Gore, who had then just returned from England, and resumed the practice of law. It was a most fortunate event for Mr. Web ster. Mr. Gore was no less distinguished as a lawyer than as a statesinaa and public ist, eminent iu each character, and was, besides, one of the rare examples of the highest intellectual qualities united with sound, practical, keeu common sense. He knew mankind no less than boiks ; and the wisdom he derived from the study of both, he could impart, in most impressive lan guage. With him Mr. Webster enjoyed the best opportunity thus far of his life for studying books, and men, and things; and be made the best use of the opportunity. He attended the session of the Supreme Court which sat in August of this year, constantly, and reported all its decisions. He also reported the decisions of the Cir cuit Court of the United States. He read diligently and carefully the books, general ly, of the Common aud Municipal Law, and the best authorities on the Law of Na tions, some of them for the third time, ac compaying these studies with l vast variety of miscellanous reading. His chief study, however, was the Common Lav, aud more especially that part of it which relates to the science of Special Pleading. This, one of the most ingenious and refined, and at the same time instructive and useful branches of the law, he pursued with devo tion. Besides appropriating whatever he could of this part of tbe science from Viner, Bacon, and other books then in common study, he waded through Saunders's Re portsthe old folio edition and abstracted and put into English, out of tbe Latin aud Norman-French, the pleadings in all the reports. This undertaking, both as an ex ercise of the mind, aud as an acquisition of useful learning, was a great advantage to him in his succeeding professional ca reer. An anecdote I have heard Mr. Webster tell in relation to his 'first interview with a gentlemen, then and afterwards distinguish ed in the history of the country, it may not be improper to relate here. " I remember one day," says Mr. Webster, " as I was alone in tbe office, a man came in and asked for Mr. Gore. Mr. Gore- was out, and be sat wait for bun. He was dressed in plain grey, clothes. I wen, on with my book, till be asked me what. I was reading, and coming along up to the table, took the book and looked at it. ' Roccm,' said be, ' de navidus et nando.' Well, I read that book too when I was a boy ; and proceed ed to talk not only about 'ships and freights,' but insurance, prize, and other 'matters of maritime law, in a manner to put me- up to all I knew,, and a good deal more. The grey-coated stranger turned out to be Mr. ttufus King." In March, 1805, Mr. Webster was ad- It is said I know eot ODM "what Jilbork-lbU as tb. etaloc drew iu sea It 1 yrtirahrly larg, fct was fceaxd to a Tecmet ftMfama. HsTtn has bautesjwry ksurtiMM scums, veaeimM mi : jm ui com Hn to rear lises, ttat J y mvgmt men am Joyces) qmj." a Meow LdeaUcsl Beoleaces aSMarod aJUnraida ia lb Boji&ai-fckaU ACKVOOO, Is wMU Seels M H LASrO WSJ WM m Blssuibilitr tor I Ue story. At least. (Meuny vita tit ItsW-Si m . im, iMM Irrcalf . milted to practice, in Suffolk Court of Com mon 1'leas. lhe custom then prevailed for the patron to accompany his pupil into Court, introduce him to the Judges, make a brief speech in commendation of studi ous conduct and attainments, and then move for his admission On Mr. Webster's admission, one informs me that he recollects almost every word of Mr. Gore's speech, aud that it contained, among other things, 'a prediction of bis pupil's future profession- al distinction. In all probability the pre diction, as is generally the case, aided its own accomplishment. Certainly, the fav orable opinion of such a man as Mr. Gore must have been an additional incentive to Mr. Webster's ambitious hopes and efforts. The clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Hillsborough, New Hamp shire, resigned his office in January, 1805. Mr. Webster's father was one of the Judges of this court ; and his colleagues, from re gard forjiim, tendered his sou the vacant clerkship. It was what Judge Webster had long desired. The office was worth $1,500 per annum, which was in those days, and in that neighborhood, a competency; or rather absolute wealth. Mr. Webster him self considered it a great prize, and was eager to accept it. He weighed the ques tion in his mind. On the one side he saw immediate comforts; on the other, at the best, a doubtful struggle. By its acceptance he made sure of his own good condition, and what was nearer to his heart, that of his family. By its refusal, he condemned 'both himself and them to an uncertain, and probably, harrassing future. Whatever as pirations he might have cherished of pro fessional distinction, he was willing cheer fully to relinquish, to promote the immedi ate welfare of those he held most dear. But Mr. Gore peremptorily and vehe mently interposed his dissent. He urged every argument against the purpose. He exposed its absurdity and its consequences. He appealed to the ambition of his pupil : once a clerk, he said he would always be a clerk there would be no step upwards. lie attacked him, too, on the side of his family affection ; telling him that he would be far more able to gratify his friends from his professional labors than iu the clerkship. " Go on," he said, " and finish your studies you are poor enough ; but there are grea ter evils than poverty ; live on no man's fa vor ; what bread you eat, let it be the bread of independence ; pursue your profession ; make yourself useful to your friends, and a little formidable to your enemies, and you have nothing to fear." Diverted from his design by arguments like these, it still remained to Mr. Webster to acquaint his father with his determina tion, aud satisfy him of its propriety. He felt this would be no easy task, as bis father had set bis heart so much upon the office; but he dotermiued to go home immediately, and give him, in full, the reasons of his conduct. It was midwinter, and he looked round for a country sleigh for stage-coaches at that tune, were things unknown in the cen tre of New Hampshire and finding one that had come down to market, he took pas sage therein, and iu two or three days he was set down at his father's door. (The same journey is now made in four hours by steam.) It vas evening when he arrived. I have heard him tell the story of the inter view. His father was sitting before the fire, and received him with manifest joy. He looked feebler thau he had ever appeared, but his countenance lighted up on seeing his clerk stand before him in good health and spirits. He lost no time iu alluding to the great appointment said how spontane ously it had been made how kindly the chief justice proposed it, with what unanim ity all assented, iSoc. &c. During this speech, it can be well imagined how em barrassed Mr. Webster felt, compelled, as he thought, from a conviction of duty to disappoint his father's sanguine expecta tions. Nevertheless, he commanded his countenance and his voice, so as to reply in a sufficiently assured manner. He spoke gaily about the office ; expressed his great obligation to their Honors, and his inten tion to write thm a most respectful letter ; if he could have consented to record any body's judgments, he should have been proud to have recorded their Honors', &c. &c. He proceeded in this strain, till his father exhibited signs of amazement, it hav ing occurred to him, finally, that his son might all the while be serious. " Do you intend to decline this office 1" he said at length. " Most certainly," replied his son; I cannot think of doing otherwise. I mean to use my tongue in courts, not my pen ; to be an actor, not a register of other men's actions." For a moment Judge Webster seemed angry. He rocked his chair slightly, a flash went over iiis eye, softened by age, but even then black as jet, but it immediately disap peared, .and his pountenance regained its usual serenity. Parental love and partiali ty could not after all but have been grati fied with the son's devotion to an honorable and distinguished profession, and seeming confidence of success in it. " Well, my son," said Judge - Webster finally, " your mother has always said that you would come to something or nothing, she was not sure which. I think you are now about settling that doubt for her." The Judge never af terwards spoke to his son on the subject. Mr. Webster having thus reconciled his father to his views returned to Boston. In March, following, having been admitted to the bar as before stated, he went to Amherst N. H. where his father's court was then in session ; from Amherst he went home with his father. His design bad been to settle in the practice at Poitsmouth; but unwil ling to leave bis father, who bad become infirm, and bad no sons at home, be opened au office at Boscawen, near his father's res idence, and commenced the practice of his profession. Judge Webster lived but a year after bis son's commencement of practice ; long e nougb, however, to hear bis. first argument in court, and to be gratified with confident predictions of his future success. Then, like Simeon of old, be gathered up bis gar ments and died. He died in April, 1806. Exposure to tbe hardships of a frontier life, more severe than we can now entertain any idea of, tbe fivations and labors-be suBeredand under went in the Indian wars, and the war of tbe R.p.vnlnli'nn hmrl hrnlma in nnrui & ennsititn. . n v. j v' . a u:. j. tion naturally robast, and hastened his de- cease. He was of a manly and generous character, and of a deportment and manner to gain him great consideration among all that knew him. In civil and military life, he obtained deserved distinction. Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for twelve or fourteen years, he made good, by the integ rity of his purpose, the clearness of his judgment and thestrength of his character, the want of early education; and gained for his opinions and decisions a confidence and concurrence not always accorded to persons professionally more learned. He was distinguished also in ms military career. entering the army a private, he retired a major; and won his commission by laithlul and gallant service, as well in the Revolu tionary, as in the French and Indian wars. He acted as majur under Stark at Benning ton, and contributed no little to the fortu nate result of that day. In May, 1807, Mr. Webster was admitted as attorney aud counsellor of the Superior Court in. New Hampshire, and in Septem ber of, that year relinquished his office in Boscawen to his brother Ezekiel, who had then obtained admission to the bar, and mo- yed to Portsmouth, according to his original intention He married in June, 1S03, Grace Fletch er, the daughter of the Rev. Mr. Fletcher, of Hopkinton, N. H. By her he had four children, Grace, Fletcher, Julia, and Ed ward ; but one of whom, Hetcher, survives. Edward died with the army in AIcxico,1847, Major of the Massachusetts Regiment of Volunteers, lie was one of the most gen- tlemanly, amiable, and honorable young men of the age. Mr. Webster lived in Portsmouth nine years, wanting one mouth. -1 he counsel most eminent at the bar of the county at that time were Jeremiah Mason, Edward St. Loe Livermore, Jeremiah Smith, Judge of the Superior Court and Governor of the State; William King Atkinson, Attorney General of the Stale; George Sullivan.also Attorney General ; Samuel Dexter, aud Joseph Story, of Massachusetts, all lawyers of much more than ordinary ability, and some of surpassing excellence. No bar at that time, probably in the country, present ed such an array of various talents. Mr. Webster s estimate of Judge atory and Mr. Mason, expressed in public, will form not the least important nor least enduring mon ument to their fame. It will outlast the sculptured marble. For Mr. Mason, his professional rival sometimes, his friend al ways, he entertained a warm regard as well as respect. Mr. Mason was of infinite ad vantage to him, Mr. V ebster has said, in Portsmouth, not only by his unvarying friendship, but by the many good lessons he taught him, and the good example he set him iu the commencement of his career. " If there be in the country a stronger in tellect," Mr. Webster once said, " If there be a mind of more native resources, if there be a vision that sees quicker or sees deeper into whatever is intricate, or whatever is profound, I must confess I have not kuown it." Mr. Webster's practice, while he lived in Portsmauth, was very much of a circuit practice. He followed the superior Court in most of the counties of the state, and was retained in nearly all the important causes. It is a tact somewhat singular ol his professional life, that with the exception of instances in which he has been associa ted with the Attorney General of the United States for the time being, he had hardly ap peared ten times as junior counsel. Once or twice with Mr. Mason, once or twice with Mr. Prescolt, and with .Mr. Hopkiu- son, are the only exceptions within recollec tion. Mr. Webster's practice ia New Hamp shire was never lucrative. Clients then and there were not rich, and fees, consequently, were not large ; nor were persons so litigi ous as in places less civilized, by intelli gence. Though his time was exclusively devoted to his profession, his practice never gave him more than a livelihood. lie never held otlice, popular or other, in the government of New Hampshire. He occasionally took part in political affairs, and was then not unlelt in his action. Ills vote was always given, his voice aud pen sometimes exercised, in favor of the party whose principles he espoused, liven in that early period of his life, however, when per haps something could be pardoned to the vehemence of youth, he used no acrimoni ous language of his political opponents, nor suggested or participated in any act indica tive of personal animosity towards them. At thirty years ol age, he had become well known and respected throughout the State; so much eo, that he was elected a Representative of the State in Congress, after an animated contest, in November, 1812, aud took his seat at the extra session iti May, 1813. What has been written thus far, relates rather to the private life of Mr. Webster ; what follows concerns mostly, his public; as gathered from the records and contem poraneous testimony. But the ingenuous youth of the country should understand, that Mr. Webster, great as he is, has not become so, without great study. Greatness has not been thrust upon him. He has studied books, he has studied mankind, he has studied himself, (which is the very fountain of all true wisdom,) deep ly9 and conscientiously, from bis earliest youth. There has been no unappropriated time with him : none trifled away. Eveu in the hours of relaxation, he has thought of, and methodized the gleanings of the Past, or prepared results lor the Future. lie laid early and solid the foundation of his tame. While the mind was eager and facile to receive earnest impressions, he sought after everything in the way of learn ing, that was sincere, elevated, and enno bling, to fill and satisfy it. He pursued no study he did not comprehend ; undertook no task to which he did not devote his whole mind. Whatever he strove after he acquir ed, and whatever he acquired, he retained. It was this, early aud constant seeking after knowledge, this desire unsatisfied with acquisition this all-embracins nursuit.that determined his intellectual character, and prepared him tor any encounter with the world. What be has said of Adams and Jeflerson, might be applied with equal truth to himself. "If we could now ascertain all the causes which gave them eminence and distinctian, in the midst of the great men with whom they acted, we should find not among the least, their early acquisitions in literature, the resources which it furnish ed, the promptitude and facility which it communicated andthe wide field it opened, for analogy and illustration; giving them tfausVa every subject, a larger view, and a broader range, as well for discussion, as for the governmeut of their own conduct." Prosperity of the United States. The London Examiner, discoursing upon this Jbject has the following : " Tha prosperity is attractive, and it is the boast. of so,neof the journals, that while tha members of Congress are daily threatening a dfesoluti'in ot the Union, neighborinrr states and countries are anxious to be admitted members of it. Canada, talks of annexation ; California is pressing for admission; Cuba is ready to join it, and is only withheld by the power ofSpain, and the moJesty and integrity of tl e United Stafes in refusing to accede to its wishes, and to grant tome assistance to accomplish them. Mexico has laid aside, it is said, its hostile feelings, and its people are looking earnestly and anxiously to incorporation. Central America is soIici!in a closer connexion, and hoping for the time to come when it shall form a Dart of tbo freat Rn- f public that is to stretch over the whole conti- J nent. Evenls are advancing rapidly, though the Congress may sland still. Society will not wait lor its leave to live, and thrive, and grow, and will, in some way or other, settle the slavery question ; perhaps before Con jres3 his done talk ing about it. In America it is seen more than in Europe that society moves faster than legisla tion, and does not depend on that to regulate its future existence. Thus, while members of Con gress are threatening dismemberment, there is gathering round the States as a nucleus other states ready to adhere to it and increase it on ev ery tide. It is swelling too, by immigration from every quarter, and exhibiting the extraordinary spectacle of men of nearly evry lineage of tha earth being harmoniously absorbed by the great Anglo-Saxon family, nnd becoming one with, it. The reverse of the phenomenon that occurred on the plains of Babel seems there in progress, and many, if not branches of all the various na tions of the cartb, are united to use one tongue and live under one !aw." The Problem solved by the Bee3. For advanced Scbolus ia Mathematics. Bees secrete only a limited quantity of wax, and it becomes requisite tint this should be em ployed in the most economical manner Dos?ih!c Bees, therefore," as one remarks, "have to solve this difficult problem : A quantity of wax being given, to form of it similar and equal cells of a determinate capacity, but of the largest size in proportion to the quantity ot matter employed, and disposed in such a manner as to occupy tlio least possible space in the hive." This problem is solved by bees in all its conditions. "The cy- lindric'al form would seem to be the best adapt ed to the ehipe of the insect; but had the cells been cylindrical, they would not have applied to each oiher witho'ut leaving a vacant and super fluiins space between every three comnmous cells. Had the cells, on the other hand.been square or triangular, they might have been con etructed uilhout unnecessary vacancies, But these forms would havo both required more ma terial, and been very unsuitiblo to the shape of the bees' body. The six-s'ded form of the cell obviaics every objection ; and while it fulfills the cundilioiia ot the problems, it is equally adapted, with a cylinder, to the shape of the bee. l lie base ot each cell, instend of forming a plane, is usually-composed of three meces like the diamunda on playing cards, and placed in suJi a mauiier as to form a hollow Dvrainid This stiucmre, it may be observed, imparts a greater uegree oi sircpgui, anu still keeping the lution ot" the problem in view gives the great est capacity wnhtbe smallest expenditure of ma terial. This hai indeed, actually been ascer tained by mathematical measurement, and cal culation. Maraldi, the inventor of glass hives, delermined by minutely measuring these angles, mat ine greaier were lua u aciaiin., and tha smaller, 70 3 30min., and Reamer, being desir ous tj know why these particular angles are se lected, requested Al. Kcemg, a skillful mathema tician, (without informing him of his design, or telling him of Miraldi's researches,) to deter mine, by calculation, what ought to be the an gles of a six tided cell, with a concave pyramid al base, formed of three similar and equal rhom boid plates, so that the least possible matter 6hould enter into the construction. By employ ing what geometricans denominate the infinitesi mal calculus, he found that the angles should t9 100 2t min. for the greater, and 70 34 mm. for the lesser, or about one thirtieth of a degree more or less than the actual angles made choice of by tbe bees ! French Merino Sheep. Mr. A. L. Bingham, of Cornwall, Vermont, gives the weight of wool unwashed, obtained the present season from 83 Merino Sheep, of the " Taimor Stock," together with the aggreegatc live weight of carcass of the same sheep obtained after they were shorn. Twenty-seven of these are stated to have been only ten months old when shorn. The aggre gate of eighty-thtee sheep, was 10,457 lbsrae mg an average of 12G lbs. each. Aggregate weight of wool obtained from tbe eighty-three sheep, Was 1,494 lbs., or on an average of 18 lbs. each tleece, and two and two-sevenths ounces of ool for each pound of carcass. The growth of the fleeces is stated to have been just ono year, with the exception of the lambs which were but ten months old. The ewes, it is stated, produce " three crops of lambs in two years." Albany Cultivator. Every man, no matter how lowly he may ap pear to himself, might still endeavor tn produca something for the benefit or use of society ; re membering that an insect furnishes by its labor materials wherewith to form the regal robes of kings. D'lSltesnng Accident. On Tuesday last, Mr. Lewis Paine, of Brownington, went out from his house to his siw-mill early in the morning, und a few hours afterwards was discovered in the road by a stepp bank, down which he was enjaed roiling logs to bis mill, dead. It U supposed from appearances about the road and upon lhe side of the hill, that in starting logs to wards the mill, ho was run over and crushed to death. He leives a family to mourn his loss. Iraaburgh I'hig. ........ vu j' lug veteran clitpf 4t0vnMt nfiliik ltnnl 0n, . w . w ..... u u , mi, ..wjul 111 . i. ships, sailed from Boston in the Asia on Wed- 1113 one nunoreu ana. stxty-eigbth voyage across the Atlantic Ocean within tba twelve years last past. Allowing the distance to ne tjw miles he has sailed within the period named, over 500,000 miles, averaging- one trip each 25 days. rarlnrf .C.nn.J I r .L n:.. burg" papers of Tuesday, that all tho cotton fac tories of Alleghany c.ty have been s opped, throw ing about 1100 hands out of employment. x u not tune that a suitably regulated tiriu should protect. the capital employed in manufac tures and keeo in emolovment the industry of thecount'ry. Frederic VII of Denmark, it seems, bos mar ried a mantau maker. Ho, has already hid two wives, from eca of; whom net baa been divorc- -.i - '.mi : . i. : ..-. in tha alattf oi Dnmirlc."