Newspaper Page Text
' ill -i-l. -t CrIf Trtiivnrtl v.. v. w.virox, jb.i lini roit. Thinsdnj, July I IN.VJ. XAT10X.U. Wllltt NOMIXATIO.VS. I'Olt PltUSIDK.VI', INFIELD SCOTT, or nbh' jr.nsEY. nut vicE-ritnsniKKT, WM. A. Gil AH AM, Or NOltTll CAllOI.INA. For the Presidential Campaign, 1052. Tho Watchman t State Journal will bo fur nished in packets or 10 or more, to one address, from July 1, to Dec. 31, 18r2,or50eeiu,.orMe six ctoii'A' -payable in advance. wnio "statu coKVtiivriOiW A Convention of the Whigs of tho State of Vermont, will bo holden at Hurlington on Wed ncsday, tho seventh day of July next, at 10 o' clock, A. M., for tho purpose of nominating a ticket for State Ofiicors, preparatory to tho next Scptcmbor election, and for tho transaction of such other business as may bo deemed expedient and proper, by tho Whigs of this Stato when as sembled in mass Convention. A general and punctual attendance of delegates from all parts of the State is requested. JOHN DF.WF.Y, HENRY II. STACY, DAN'l. A.HKALD, Stale Central j. h. rarri:tt Comtmllte. NEMAN CAKTKNTEIl, J Juno 14, ie:2. Whiff District Convention. The Whigs of the second Congressional Dis trict, nro requested to meet in Convention, at Whito Hivcr Junction, on Thursday, tho 8th day of July next, at one o'clock In tho afternoon, for the purposo of nominating a member of Congress for said District. Every town in tho District is requested to elect delegates to said Convention JOHN PORTER, ' 1 EMI1U I1YD11, ' Distflct AUIS1IA STODDARD, f Committee EDWARD A. CAUOON, , Juno S3, I .".2. The Nomination and the Plat form. Thclldilomf the Watchman to the Senior Pub Usher. Huston, Juno 20, 16.12. Thus far favored on tho homownrd journey from Baltimore, I hero find business that will dutain ine bayond nnother publication day of the Wntchman. 1 cannot permit that day to pass, however, without indicating tho impression mndo upon mo by tho proceedings and results of he Whig National Convention. From the first it wasnpparont to mo that Gk.n.Scoti' must, al most inevitably, receive tho nomination. It was barely possible, nt tho outset, that tho opponents of tho old veteran might imito in a grand attack, front and rear, and so compel him to surrender i but tho probabilities wcro very stroug, indeed, placing reliance upon explicit avowals to that effect, it was certain that apart hotli of tho Webster men and tho Fillmore menwould go for Scott as their second choice. So the event proved. Through fifty-ono ballotings tho friends of tho three candidates stood firmly by the first choice, almost without variation ; for it is to be remarked that tho variations noticed in New Hampshire and Vermont, until tho fifty fecond ballot, were not occasioned by a chungo ot votes. Each of those States had our district delegates, entitled to only three district votes; and, to meet this difficulty, it was agreed, (with an occasional exception in Vermont, which will bo oxplaincd Eomo six months hence,) that tho four should nlternato with each other in with holding one volo at each ballot. It also happen ed, in botli states, that two out of tho wholo number wero Scott men: hence it would happen occasionally that each stale gavo lico votes to Scott, and only one on other ballotings. I re peat, then, that through fifty ono ballotings, as a general rule, tho friends of tho three candid atcs stood by their first choice. It was then palpable, that cither a part of ono division or another must yield and go for a second choice, or the convention must dissolvo without effect ing the purposo for which it was called. The friends of General Scott, wcro the plurality, and felt that they had no right to yield. On the other hand, the friends of Mr. Webster and Mr. Fill more had ascertained that they could not unite so as to carry a majority for cither against Scott. Nothing was then left to bedone, but simply this : tho Webster nnd Fillmoro men who preferred Scott ai a second choice, must put an end to the coutckt uy going lor facott. 1 li y did so. On the f.'Jd ballot, a part of tho Fillmoro men in Tennessee voted for Scott, and gavo him a ma jority of tho otcs enkt, but not of the wholo electoral college. On Uio Md ballot, Webster men in New Hampshire, Vermont and Rhode Island, and Fillmoro mon in Virginia, Pennsyl vania, Illinois, Missouri and lowu, went fur Gen. Scott, and thus terminated the contest If over a nomination was undo without bargaining, without Intrigues, without compromises, it was this. It was a nomination necessary to bo made ; and what is more, it was a nomination ft to bo made, to be supported, itnd ft fur a glorious triumph. In 1808 Wi.trrrLD Scott entered tho pub lie service under a commission from President J. ri tiuo.N ; and for forty yoars ho has remain trd in service under every adminiotratiou ; but, from first tolast, he has steadfastly abided by tho conservative principles which characteriie tho Whig party ; and it may be well said that there is not, among all our public men, a more consis tent, more steadfast, or purer Whig than Win FlfcLD Scott. Ho has a just claim, then, to the entire confidence of tho Whig party, ui n Whig- For nearly half a century he has been in the scrvico of the whole country knowing no North, no South, no East, no Wcs, and having no no end to be subscrtcd but the honor and glory of Uio American people, lie is, therefore, emi nently patriotic, and deserves tlio confidence of every American citizen, in every section and of every party. In tlioto forty-four years, his services have been constant, important, varied, and eminently bril liant. As ft military man ho lias uo equal living, in our own lund orany other; and as a tactician, whether on the field of battle or In tho diplomat ic strife of statesmanship, ho has never failed in nay emergency which lie has been called upon to meet JlnUiant as his career is universally ac knowledged to have been as a soldier, it is worth w hilo to remember that he has ever been success ful in his public services us a civilian. As commander-in-chief of tho army, administrative tal ents have been required of liiui kecond only, if second at all, to those required in the loftiest walks of statesmanship. Ho has never failed in nualitics and in Mexico thcro were enough or them have over proved too strong for him. Dclicato and dangerous exigencies of nn entirely different character, requiring alike tho genius and the prudence of the military commander, and al! the arts of tlio diplomatist, liavo often been commit ted to his cnargc, but never without a speedy, n successfiil,"and n peaceful issue. Remember tno pacification of tho Nullifiers of South Carolina, when threatening armed resistance j the pcacc blo removal of fifteen thousand Chctokecs from Georgia, w lien stung to the quick by the rapaci ty and cruelty which forced them from tho land of their nativity, and the graves of their fathers; the successful settlement -of difficulties on the Northern frontier during the Canadian rebellion of '37; and tho pacification of the North Eastern boundary question, when a war with Great llrit- tain had well nigh been brought about by tho armed forces of Mainonnd Now Rranswick. Looking back at Gen. Scott's brilliant career of nearly half a century, calling into practical uso the highest qualities required in an Execu tive officer, no reasonable man can doubt his fit ness for tho high honor which is proposed for him. A whig without reproach an old, patriotic, and ever faithful public servant a man eminently fitted for any post and withal a man hose pub lic character is unstained, and his private life without reproach : I say, such a mania worthy oT confidence, admiration and support; and these ho will cordially rccoivo, so far ns tho old " Watchman" can give them. Tho nomination of Gen. Scott, is coldly re ceived by a few of thoso who wero his uncom promising opponents at Haltimoro. A week has elapsed, and the number of malcontent is mate rially lessened. In thirty days, I venture to guess that the unpracticables will be heartily ! ashamed of themselves. As yet, it is only worth while to laugh at tho folly of tho inadmon, of whom tho number is very few- confined mainly to Hoston, and to tho editorial "sanctum" of the Hoston Courier. .Mr. Wr:nsTKn, you will ob serve, is himself cool but civil ; Mr. Filuiori: very civil ; and " all tho rest ofmnhkiud," includ ing somo of tho democrats probably, aro going fur Scott. So ho it. AstoTnr. 1'i.ATronv, which you doubtless will give to thoroadcrs of tho Watchman: 1 think nn early presentation of that matter some what in its truo light, oven though imporfeclly done, is rendered qui to necessary by an errone ous and injurious statement made in a newspa per which is widely circulated in Vermont. I nlhido to the Mio York Tribune. I cannot for ri momunt admit tin policy, the propriety, and much loss the justice of tho first nrticle of tho Inbunc on this subject, and 1 am anxious to take tho first opportunity to begin, at loaBt, to put the matter right. With fow, if ony exceptions, the friends of Gen. Scott at tho outset, wero entirely opposed to any platform, other than the letter of nccept- onco of the nomineo They took this "round as matter of sound jmlicy, knowing that if tlia choice fell upon Gen. Slott, his platform would bo eminently constitutional, conservative, patriotic and genuinely Winn all ovor, and feeling that it would bo more satisfactory to tho people to tko tho views of the candidate, freshly expressed by himself, and on his own responsibility, than any platlorui winch tho convention could adopt, but could no( lorco upon tho pcoplo or tho patty, against their will. Tho Southern delegates generally, however, comprising nearly all of the Fillmoro men, ami the friends of Mr. Webster at tho North, com bined in insUl'mg upon a platform previous to the nomination. On that condition Tor a moment hung tho fato of tho Whiir nartv : without a platform, thcro could bo no nomination which would bo recognised as binding by n largo pro portion of tho convention. To this pressure, this necessity imposed upon them by tho Fill moro and Webster men, a part of tho Scott men yielded ; though not until it was cvidont that both Northern and Southern men wero prepared to tako ground on which tho integrity and har mony of tho Whig party of tho whole Union couiu ou iiappuy maintained. J lie rcau t in Convontion is to bo found in Uio adoption of Tnr. Platform by 227 votes to CO ; and the result with tho Whig party, I trust will be, a hearty ucijuil'buiicu in jjoou lauu, anu a consequent es tablishment of the whole, party. North and South, as being eminently tiik party or the Consti tution, OK FllKKUtlM, or 1'r.ACK, Ol'llKAL 11111 gress, and substantial I'nospKRiTr. What m tho I'latform ? Inform, tho sticklers for that absurdest of all absurdities, "finality," may seem nt fir-t blush to havo got their wish : in substance, every thing is yielded to tho other Bido. To compriso every thing in two words, tho platform is nothing but co)istilutiomdism and common sense; aim mo adoption ot it Ly mon who have been almost at swords' points about tho "compromise" and "finality," only shows that underneath all tho eddies and counter cur rents which havo appeared upon tho surfuco of tho party, thcro has over been a strong and feteady Buuiiu principles and liberal mows, which ought to boar any party successfully to ; ort. To come at onco to tho main disputed ques Hons tlio Compromise, including the Fii"itivo Slavo law, mid tho slavery question generally what is the Platform ? It asks no surrender of opinions: Northern und Southern Anti-Slaverv and Pro-Slavery mon wo aro all freo as cvor to entertain our own notions. Rut what? Oh, wo are just exactly to respect theso laws of tho land, us every man is bound to do by his oath, plallorm or no platform : I say wo aro just to rO' spoct those laws, until time and erjitrieiiee show tluit we can make them better, by remtduine de fects and preventing ubuscs. In a word, tho Ru'.. timora I'latform is, in this respect, exactly tho Vermont Whig Platfiimi promulgated at Hel- lows FalU hut year in Stato Convention ; tho platform the Watchman has advocated over since tho "compromise" was adopted; and, I will add, tlio platform of the Constitution and common sense. I lio ultra Slavocratic doctrine, as every body knous, w, that tho fugitive tduve law ra 11110 be repealed or modified ; and it is even understood that this monstruua doctrino is to bo backed up by Kimi Vkto ! Thanks to the good souse, tho sound constitutional views, and the fearlessness of the Southern WIiil's. they asked no such thing as that at the hands of tho Convention They havo taken the true ground ; and tho concession is a genuine tri umph of sound constitutional doctrine. What more ? " we aro to deprecate all further agitation of the question thus settled," and will discountenance it, and will maintain this posi lion as being essential to tho nationality of tho Whig party and tho intcgrty of the Union? What moans all this ? Whit is " Die question thus settled"? Tho Tribune tells us that it moans all questions about Slavery. Very well ! well! well! for a greater triumph for Freedom never yet has been won ou A mc .an soil, from the dayd of '70 till now. Yes, friend Greeley, aU questions if you please ; and then this plat form means that Southern men and Northern men, are just U let Slavery stand as it is, so far as organised political action or legislation are concerned. Nov, tow does it standi Our to r ntorics ate free, aro they not' and tho South ern N lugs unite with tho Northern Whigs in pledging each other to let things stand as they are. It is a solemn pledgo on tho part of the Southern Whigs not to push slavery into free territory t not to annex slavo territory: no! to mnko new aggressions for the extension of Slavery. On our part it Is a solemn pledge no! to intcrfcro with Slavery whore it is established not to disturb tho constitutional privileges of tho South no! to agitate for agi tation's sake, without cither the power, or tho purposo if wo had Oio power, to infringe ono io ta upon their lawful rights. In abort, it is a grand stride in tho right direction once inoro by the Southern Whigs, and worthy of those genu ine heroes who dared to denounce tho Texas ag gressions and the War upon Mexico. When they say, let slavery stand as it is, they put a Itm it to it ; when wo say that wo will not counte nance that agitation which only serves to embit ter tho hearts of every body, without ameliora ting tho condition of a single slave, wo havo both prepared the way for tho sure progress of Freedom. Limit slavery to its present position, and lcavo it to the slaveholder to manage without impertinent and useless interference : that seems to bo tho upshot of the whole matter. If tho South abides by that ground, it is tho most hope ful sign for tho peaceful ond certain amelioration OfAmcrican Slavery, and for tho ultimate ex tinction of it, that has appeared in tho last ten years. If the South dot's not abide by it, wo of tho North aru absolved from nil obligation. Hut wo nre not to criticise, discuss, remon strate, on this subject of slavery. So saya tho Tribune. I see no warrant for that assertion in tho platform. Agitation, indeed, in any form is condemned, Hut ithat sort of agitation? This Platform is a party act, and applies to or ganized party action. I see no warrant to con strue it as a bar to private opinion, free discus sion, or any sort of action other than political action. And wl a' docs it exclude oven of po litical action ? Wo aro not to interfere with Slavery where it is already established Is-that n neie doctrine i It strikes mo that it is very old, at least among the Whigs of Vermont, nnd iiai often been recognised, even in the constitu tion of anti-slaery societies. And what do tho Southern Whigs ongage ? They aro not to " agitato" for Slavery ; they nro not to seek to extend it ; they are not to disturb us of the North by pro-slavery agitation. It is another grand point gained for Freedom, for l'oace, and for the perpetuity of the Union. Such, hastily given, are my lnprossions on this part of tho platform. As to tho rest, it is a substantial advance for sound Whig principles. Hitherto the Whig party has had to meet defec tions in the South, growing out of constitutional scruples ; but tho party is now for once harmo nious nsa whole, in all the essential points, and particularly upon that most necessary for tho prosperity of Vermont, and most cherished by Iter people 1 mean a I'noTrcTivr. Tariff. In this view of the matter, I am deposed to receive tho platform with favor, and test the sin cerity of the importaut concessions which the South has made. In the meantime, wo of Ver mont, are required to sacrifice no opinions, no privileges, no righU. Wo shall doubtless con tinue tu elect staunch upholders of the old Ver mont Whig croud to represent us on every occa sion ; and whenever tho occasion calls fur ac ion upon any law which requires amendment, upon any cncroachmuiit upon the rights of the freemen of Uio North or upon any project for the extension of Slavery, in broach of tho pledge contained in tho Ilaltimnro I'latform, como whence it may, It is not to be doubted by any body that they will act as becomes representa tives of tho pcirles. and free Green Mountain ltovs. Spirit of the Whig Press. That our readers may know how heartily and joyfully the nomination of Scott and Graham for the Presidency and Vice Presidency is receivod throughout tho Union, we give oxtracts from various papers, as specimens of the general nn 1 universal satisfaction it aflbi'dslhe entire Whig party of the country : Tht New-Havon Palladium says: " UUI Chippewa" nominated. The bravo old hero of Niagara, and the conqueror of Mexico, has again proved invincible, and is now the Whig candidate for President of the United States. One more triumph the crowning glory ot all yet awaits nun tliut ol an overwhelm ins victory in tho civic raco which he Ins just commenced. " Confound your long legs, Scott," ....:. , .1 n ... I i. i I f 7 . ' , " ,.u.....g .own u.u ..r.u.i. ....... lira v.c.ory ml i.nada, and running up tho stars and tunes. " Confound your long logs-l had ex. led to bo hero before you." So Gen. Pierce will say next November, alter trie Presidential raco is over. Tho Ncw-Hodford Mercury says : For ourselves we fechlio exultation upon this nomination, except ilhatyvliich precedes from our dovotion to the WjJSflBT.ty,- Wo believe the strongest Whig ffiominatioh, that could bo made, has been nnilqjfcnafwjojgo to the people encouraged by that nssurano&T, Tho Worcester TruiiscriptlmyB: This glorious consummation was ardently wished for, but the protracted deliberations of tho Convontion rendered it for a time somewhat uncertain. Tho wishes of the Status however, that aro chielly relied on to elect tho Whig nominee, could not bo disregarded. Scott was their choice ; and ho is now tho choice of the wholo Whig party. Tho Salem Gazette spoaks for old Essex as follows: A largo portion of our readers will hail the nomination of General Scott as their first choice, and most of tho runiainder, wo are sure, while regretting that their favorite could not obtain tho votes of delogates out of Now England, will rejoice that ono so worthy as General Scott has been selected as the bearer of the Whig Stan dard. His commanding talents, his comprehensive and liberal experience, his long and patriotic devotion to tho interests of tho people, Ins bril liant achievmcnU in support of the National honor, and moro than all, his freo and elevated liositioii, removed from the associations of mere jiartizan warfare, uueontaminated from pledges and commitments, und exempt from the prejudi ces which spring from sectional and local joal ousios, give him an unquestionable claim to pop ular confidence and support. MEMORANDA. Winfield Scott was born on the lUth of June, 178(1, and is, therefoic, now 00. Admiltod to the bar in IH00, and practised a fow months in Pittsburg (Virginia) Court. Appointed Captain of Light Artillery in .May Appointed Lt. Colonel in the 2d Artillery in June. IHl'i 1 ought the hattlo of Queenstown and was taken prisoner 1'Jth Oct 18 1--'. Appointed Rrigadier General in March, 181L Fought the battloof Chippewa, July 5th, 1S1 1. Commanded the main body of llrown's army, in the battle of Niagara, (Lundy's Lane,) July Mill, IBM. ' ' Rrovetted Mojor General, July, 18H. Maintained eaco in tlio Patriot Troubles, in the uflair ot tlio Caroline, 18:17. Aids in the Pacification of the Maino bounda ry, in 16.TJ. Captures Vera Crur.!Sld of March, 1647. Wilis tho battle of Ccrro Gordo, April 18, M7. Wins tho battle of Contreras, Aug. 11), '17. Wins the battle of Churubusco, August S0th 1817. Entered the city of Mexico on tho morning of or the llth of September, 1817. Thus has Winfield Scott been -1 1 years in the service ol his country, having inad om oftl e roost brilliant campaigns on rtccrd, BCTflf failed in any undertaking. One moro record m honor of the gallunt and Incorruptible Solif.jr, -Hjriot, and Statesman, remains to bo made. infield Scott has always shown himself to be as ardent and generous a friend of Peace, and tho Arts of Peace, as ho Ins been invincible in War. His military deeds havo won for him tho Soldier's btst rewards brilliant and unsullied renown. His country men, as tho signs of tho tinio indubitably indi cate, arc about to attest their appreciation of his character and services, by bestowing upon him the inot exalted and dignified civil office on earth that of Cnn.r Evecutive Ilr.An of this great Republic. The Iiowcll Courier, which favored the nomi nation of Air. Webster, says : Tims GEN. WINFIEl.D SCOTT is the Whig randidato for tho Presidency, and ho is the man to WIN THE FIELD ! "Now let him have a cordial, united and enthusiastic support ! Nino cheers for " Old Chip" the commander of Pierce on tho battle field, and now to take tho lead from him in the political contest. Tho Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, a warm nnd ardent supporter or President Fillmore, says: Gi.n. Winfikhi Scott is tlio Whig candi date for President of the United State!). Under the circumstances in which it has been made, considering tho elevated nnd patriotic character of the nominee, his uniform devotion to Whig principles, and his relation to the question which has irritated tho country for tho last four years, General Scott will deserve and receive tho hear ty support of every true Whig in the Union. lie will bo readily accepted in every State, and of his triumphant election wc entertain no doubt n hatcver. Tho Hoston Mad says: Tho nomination of Gen. Scott was no sur prise to U9, as the columns of the Mail for nycar past will show. Wo consider him tho only a vailable, or really popular candidato the Wliiss could prosont. with tlio strong majority against them in the) tww'brsnchca of Congress. Resides, Gen. Scott is an honest man, a patriot, and we have no doubt, if elected, he w ill tnako a good President The Ogdtnslurgh Sentinel says : Wo have r.either time nor room to indulge in the comment uggctted by the nomination. It is ono which will unite all sections of the Party, by whatever iiamo they may havo been called, and it will be recoivod by the masses with shouts of applause. Tho editor of tho llrattleboro Eagle, prcfering Webster as n first choice, says; General Winfield Scott, has great qualities of character, lie is among nil living men the greatest soldier of the ago. He has served his country with on ardor of patriotism for more than forty years. He took on active part in tho war with Great llritain, In the difficulties with Cher okoo Indians, in the Florida war, and was on the bordem who o he did good scrvico when hostil ities wcro about to commence between .Maine and New Urunswick. growing out of North Eastern boundary negotiations. Rut as an able military general and strategist, it was reserved for his brilliant campaign in the Mexican war. to fully developc his consnmmato abilities Ills public life is a record of patriotism that any man or nny nation might bo proud of. Tliat he is al together to be preferred for tho Presidency to his Democratic opponent, that he has rendered moro service to his country, that he has n brighter fame at homo and will command greater respect abroad, all right judging men will admit. Tho Mbnvy llefrislcr which has been denomi nated Mr Fillmore's organ, says: There ireast numbers of Whigs, like oer selvrs, whose first choice has not been gratified by the selection of the candidate. It it iiiikssi tile tint it thnuld bo otherwise. Disappointment to some, is inherent in the very freedom of choice. It has on this occasion fallen to our lot. We submit to it with a cheerful philosphy, and sw ng into line, under tho leadership ol" one who has achieved many a proud victory, and with whoso ntmo defeat has never been associated. Tho .Vei" York Tribune says of the nomina tions : They aro both men whoso capacity his been proved, whoso integrity is undoubted, nnd will bring to the stations whereto tho People nro about to call them' the dignity which reposes in trans cendent Virtue and Patriotism. Tho J'eir'York Commercial .'ldverilser says of Gen. Scott t Tho wholq. Whig rty will find no hinderanco to,,unon ona whoa military genius tins given a world wide famo to American arms, and who has conducted both negotiation and wer with faultless skill. And thus, after endorsing the nomination, says the .Vrw York Times : If all could not havo their choice, all wero made to feel that, in the choice of the majority nnd tho happy auspices under which it was ox pressed, there is every reasonable assurance of unbroken ranks at the outset of the appioaching contest as well as tho harbinger of certain victo ry in tho sequel. Tho liurhngton Free Press, says : ' It is with the extremes! pleasure, that wo are enabled to-day to place at tho head of our columns, tho name of General WINFIELD SCOTT, as tho Whig Candidate for President of the United States. To secure his nomination we have labored zealously and sincerely. For a long tiino past, wc have looked upon tho noble i i ! 1(1 lie ro, as the very man, not only to leail to a clorious Whig victory, but as the best fitted. j - t oxlJ;enciet of ollr country l0 gtanJ at hoa(1 o- e Natlona, (3ovrnlmem w , advocated his nomination solely ,. i...... ..t.i i. . . available candidate ; but also becauso we liked the man. We saw blended in him every attri bute ot u great military cluetiain, all tno quali ties of a pure patriot, and the sound, fetrong sense, united with perfect familiarity with governmen tal affairs, which mark tho Statesman." Tho Vermont) Journal, a staunch advocate of tho nomination of -Mr Webster, among other pertinent remarks, says : Major General Winfield Scott has been selec ted by the wing national convontion o our can didato for tho Presidency, and Hon. William A. Graham has been nominated for the Vicc-I'rosi-dency. Under theso names wo go forth to battle tor tno continued ascendency ot wing principles. The struimlo in the convention whs Ion" anu se vere, not on account of any difference of princi ple, however, for in this regard, tho convention acted with singular unanimity, i no contest was mainly one of personal proforence, and now that this has been settled, and platform of principles laid down satisfactory to the whins in every nart of tlio Union, and the nominee standing upon it, uoin ny ins own action ana mat ot tlio conven tion, tliore can be no cause for division. United in tho principle, and the nomination everywhere acquiesced in, wo go for Scott, Graham and vic- TORY. The St. Johnsbury Caledonian says : With the nominations wo nre gratified, and shall yield to them our hearty Bupport ; and we also rejoice thatiiuity tho southern has been rejected by a Whig National Convention. Tho Woodstock Mercury says : In this section of the country theso nomina tions givo tho most perfect satisfaction. Wo have good reason to belie; o that the Whigs in every county Convention, would give strong ma jorities fur Gen. Scott over the other candidates who have been proposed for nomination, and that he is preferred by them for tho presidential office to any inun in tho Union. Wo look for ward, therefore, with entire confidence to the voto of the Stato next November, as securing to him bucIi a majority as Vermont in accustomed to give to the presidential candidate which meets her approbation. We could fill tho columns of our paper with similar extracts, showing the unanimity of the Whig press throughout the Union. Tho same spirit pervades tho hearts of the people, osiic cially those who composo tho universal Whig party of the country. A i'ledoi repeemku Jcnney Lind left Eu rope pledged (to horself) to give ono hundred and fifty thousand dollars towards tho endowment of schools in her native country. In making this pledge, tho objects of her heart were, to afford opportunities to girls of acquiring that knowledge of those arts which picparo them to discharge dlTiciently tlio duties of wives and mothers, and it the same tune to become imbued with Chris tian principles. Her pledge, says a writer in tlio Homo Journal, has been redeemed. Tho last installment of her munificent gift has been d is p itched ; and she my now calmly rejoice in the C nsciousness of having nobly accomplished a nouiu endeavor. PROCEEDINGS OF THE WHIG NATIONAL CONVENTION. FnmAT, Juno 18. EVENING SESSION. , Tho convention was called to order ot tho hour appointed. .Mr. Ashinun, ol aiassaciiusctis. rose anu stat ed that ho wis instructed to report from the committeo on resolutions. After much delibera tion, conducted with great kindness and cordial ity ol lecling, no was nlcned to say tint tno re port had been adopted with great unanimity. Ho proposed to read it and did so, ns follows ; Tin: ii.A rroitni. The Whins of the United States, in Conven tion assembled, adhering to the great conscrva live republican principles by which thoy nro con trolled and governed, and now, ns ever, relying upon tho intelligence of the American people, with an abiding commence in their capacity lor self government, and their continued devotion to the constitution and tho Union, proclaim the fol lowing political sentiments and determination, for the establishment nnd maintenance of which their national organization as a patty is effected : 1. The government of tho United States is of a limited character, and is confined to the cx erc iso of powers expressly granted by the Con stitution, and such ns may be necessary anil proper for carrying the granted powers into full execution, and that nil powers not thus gran ted or necessarily implied arc expressly reserved to the States respectively nnd to the people. y. The State governments should be held se cure in their reserved rights, and tlie General Government sustained in its constitutional pow era, und tho Union should be revered and watch ed ovor us "the palladium of our liberties." 'J. That while struirirlini? freedom, everv- wlierrc, enlists tho warmest sympathy of the whic party, we still adhere to the doctrines of tltr. I.'fi.lmr nf l,ia rntn,tru. nm nmw,imr-Ml m Itia Farewell Address, of keeping ourselves free from all entangling alliances with foreign coun- tries, and of never quitting our own to stand up on loroign ground, l liat our mission as a Re public is not to propagate our opinions, or im ose upon other countries our form of govern ment, by artifice or force, but to teach by exam ple, and show by our Bticcess, moderation and justice, the blessings of self government, nnd the advantages of free institutions. 4. That whore tho pcoplo make and control the government, they should oboy its constitu tion, laws and treaties, ns they would retain their self respect, and the respect which the will claim and onlorce from foreign powers. (3. Government should bo conducted on plnci ples of strictest economy, and revenue, sufficient for the expenses thereof, in time of peace, ought to he derived from n duty on imposts, and not from direct taxes ; and in laying such duties sund policy requires a just discrimination, where by suitable encouragement may bo afforded to American industry, equally to all classes and to nil portions ot the country. (i. Tho constitution vests in Congress the low er to open und repair harbois. and lit is expedi ent that Congress should exercise its power to remove obstructions from navigable rivers, when-' ever such improvements are necessary for the common defense, and for the protection and facili ty of commerce with foreign nations or among tlio States; said improvements being, in every iii-tnnco, national and general in their charac ter. 7. The Federal und State Governments are parts of one system, alike necessary for the com mon prosperity, peace und security, and ought to bo regarded nl k", with a cordial, habitual and iinmovnble attachment. Respect for the author ity of each, and acquiescence in the constitution al measures of each, are duties roquirod by the plainest consideration of national, of State, und of individual welfare. 8. That the series of acts of the 31st Con gress, the act known as the fugitive sluve law included, are received and acquiesced in by the whim of the United States, as a settlement in substnnco and principle, of the dangerous and ixoiiiug questions wrucn tnoy emuracc, uuu so farns tnoy are concerned, wo will maintain them and insist upon their strict enforcement, until time and oxperieuco shall demonstrate tlio ne cessity of further legislation to guard against the evasion of tho laws on tho one hand, and the a bnse of their powers on tho other not impairing their present efficiency ; and wo deprecato ail further agitation of the question thus settled, as dangerous to our peace, and will discountenance nil eitoiu to continue or lenew such amtation. trAcnerer, wherever or however the attempt may be made; and wo will maintain this sys'.em ns rs tential to the nationality of the ll'hig party, and the integrity of the Union. As soon us tho resolutions! were read, Mr. Choate roso and said that he thanked God, that he had at leniitli seen in this assembly an ex pression of sentiment approved, for which he hud contended, sometimes nnderadverse circumstan ces, in old Faneml Hull. lie rejoiced that the subject of slavery was to bo excluded from the political affurs of the coun try hereafter. He said that the whole system of politics is but a compromise a shadow of good tilings to come. The harmony of Uio universe itself is but a compromise He referred most appropriately to the reconcil iation of the Roman tribes under Romulus, when they went forth to conquer the world In allud ing to the name of Daniel Webster, it was re ceived with great applause. He said the Dem ocratic Convention Irnd left them no alternative but to adopt the compromise. They had covered over a multitude of sins with the broad mantle of nationality. And that nationality must be adopted by this convention, or the whig party would bo scattered to the winds, and swallowed up. lie remarked that if the two creat parties would ogree that tho whole Biibjoct matter of slavery slavery should be omitted from tlioir can vass, harmony and peaco would provail us it Ins never done before. Mr. Anderson, of Ohio, after tome personal al lusions, stated that ho opposed the platform. Ho arrived at this conclusion by reasoning dif ferent from all those which he had heard. Ho objected to any otlbrt to bolster up a laiv by such means as were here resorted to. At tho same time ho expressed hid ubliorenco of abolitionism, and one of his principle objec tions to tho law wua that it was not strom? u nough to carry back all the fugitive slaves, nnd freo 110,'roes and abolitionists witli them. At the srmo time ho thought this movement like the bnvs nilttinrp n eltin r flmir l.ita un.l n.;n .l. other to knock it oh". Not only that, it was rub bing it in. Ho spoke at lenirth. and frankly eet forth tho reasons for his objection. Tho constitution was a sulliciant platform. Ho dospised Uio idea of a platform originating, as it did, with Messrs. Chase, Vanburen, Giddings and others at buffalo. no inoiigiii the plallorm was a more trick, got up to trap that distinguished hero and patriot who has ovor been the friend of his country, in peaco and in war. Applause. Ho would, wero he in his place, wcro the ton commandments presented to him, refuso to tako tho test presented us they would bo by thoso who had no authority to offer it Mr. Rotts, of Vn, did not riso to discuss Uie platform. It suited him in every particular. He was a National whig, und came here prepared to agree upon uny candidate Uiat might bo se lected. They had threo candidates, oiUier ono of whom was nn honor to tho party, and either one ol whom their opponents would make any sacrifice to havo wiUiin their own ranks. Ho referred to an allusion by Mr. Choate, that mombors wcro hero with letters in their briclics pockets, and asked Mr. C. to say who it was he reierreu to. Some one then rose and stated the letter had been received by a member of the Virginia del egation. Mr. Rolls at once produced it, and read it as follows : Tuesday .1gld. My Dear Sir; I have decided to write noth ing to the Convention, or to any individual mem ber before nomination ; but should that honor fall to my lot, l bhall give my views on the com. promise in tenrs at loast as strung in their favor as those I read to you two days Bince. Pleaso say as much lo my friend Mr. Jones, Mr. Bolts, Gov. lee, ifcc. Laughter.l Don't laugh too soon. Mr. Rotts Uien proceeded to say that Gen. Scott had referenco tq a resolution 'adopted by Uio New Jersey delegation, to the effect that the v were averse to all agitation of Uie subject of lan-jjr u.iu 10 u.ijf uicasuru calculated lo ro op- A question was asked wheUicr General Scott did not design Uiat letter to be used in this con vention provided bis friends deemed it expedi ent? Mr. Archer, of Virginit, roso and replied, and indignantly repelled the suspicion that General Scott could stoop to a collusion or 'hat sort Senator Dayton, of N. J , roso and stated that when those liberal resolutions wero adopted by tho convention of New Jersey, he wrote to Gun. Scott and asked him if he desired to communi cato with him on tho subject. Ho had received no letter from Gen. Scott, nor had any member of tho delegation received a single word from him. Mr. Holts said ho was nlad to find that thcro was another gentleman in this convention who had not a letter from Gen. Scott in his breeches pocket Mr. Cabell, of Florida, ro?o and asked wheth er Mr. Holts had not still anothei lettor in his pocket, from Generol Scott, and whether the member from Symcusc, New York, had not n letter. Mr. llotts called tho gentleman to order. No was willing to answer questions to li'mself, but not to others. He would say that ho had no such letter. Ho would ask the gentleman from Florida whether he had resolved to vote for tho noniinco of this convention. Mr. Cabell said he would voto for no man who would not declare his principles. Mr. Rotts thought tho answer a very indirect one. He said he had designed to move tho n ilnptionof the compromise and tho previous ques tion, but if Mr. Chaito dssirod to reply to him ho would yield tho iloor for that purposo. Mr. Choate spoke a few moments, chiefly with reference to the services of Mr. Webster, and tlifir national character, calling Mr. Webster the " author of the. compromise." Mr. Rotts honored the services of Mr. Web ster, but claimed the honor of the compromiso for Clay, and pointing to the portrait of that dis tinguished statesman, he exclaimed ' There stands the man w ho gave us the compromise. r No man, past, present or to come, can rob him of the bright glory of giving peace to his country on this disturbing subject. He conclud ed by moving tho ntoption of tho platform, and O""0'1 the previous question. A was called on tho second to the A vote by htatns previous ques- lion, and the result was as follows Yea. Maine, I; New Hampshire, 5 ; Massa chusetts, RI ; Rhode Island, 1 ; Connecticut 1 ; Npw York, 13; New Jersey, 7; Pennsylvania, !il ; Delaware, "J ; Maryland, 8 ; Virginia, lfi ; North Carolina, 10; Svnith Carolina, 8; Geor gia, 10; Alabama,!); Mississippi,"; Louisiana ti; Ohio, 8; Kentucky, Tennessee, l'J ; In diana, 7; Illinois, 7; Missouri,!); Arkansas, -1 ; Floridi, 3 ; Texas, A ; Iowa, 4 ; Wisconsin, -I ; California, I ; Total t7. Nays Maine, 4 ; Connecticut. 1 ; New York '12; Pennsylvania,!;; Ohio, 1.V, Indiana, 0 ; Il linois, 5 ; .Michigan, 0; Wisconsin, 1. Total, DO. Declined lo voto Connecticut 1. A gentleman rote nnd objected to the manner in which the vote was announced, and moved a vote of consuro on the clerk. Mr. Upton left his place and disclaimed nny intention to express his sentiments, and it was received with hearty applause. Judge Jessup offered n resolution, to tho ef fect that the convention now proceed to n nomi nation of a cindida'o for the Presidency, and tint the Sbttrs bo called respectively, commenc ing with Maine, and that each StateVrise and an nounce the name or names of Uio candidates for whom Uicir votes are to be recorded end that the same rule prevail with respect to the nomi nation for Vice President Gov. Jones, of Tenn., rose to a personal expla nation, inasmuch as Ins name has been associat ed with an 'lnpleasant affair, which led to impu tations against hun ns aSouihern man. He md claim to a title as nn Amnrienn citizen, and was ready to perform his duty for tho eoncdiation of nor 111 and south. lie was prepared to give his support to eiUier of the candidates who might be the nominee of the e uididates who might be thr nominee of this convention. He never had but one political idol, and there stands tho man, (pointing to Henry Clay. Now the great Whig party is Ins politi cal idol. Thus explaining this part, ho further referred to a conversation wiUi Gen. Scoit, in which ho avowed his purpose to stand by the compromise, but would not w rite a letter unless he should bo nominated, and that be did nut think writing let ters before nomination a proper mod of election eering, for the high office of the Prestd. ncy. In relation to tho sectional feclmg, he must admit that the Sotrh had amongst its members those who w ere Continually agitating the com promise measures, at well as the North, and there must kindness, courtesy and conciliation, if the Convention would have union and peace and success. Put your man on tho platform and I nn a soldier enlisted for the war. Mr. llryan, of South Carolina, ruse and secur ed the floor, but yielded it to Gov. Johnston, of Pa. Gov. Jo'iri' ton slated that he rose to move tho previous question, but the gentleman ;1oin South Curoliiri having caught the eye of the president, he would only express the hope th it, when the 'gentleman from South Carolina bad concluded, he Mould move the previous qui linn. Mr lirv in spoke a lew uniiutts, and ths pre vious question was called for. An inquiry was made whether the resolution of the jr. ii'leman from l'enn) Iv nm i contemplat ed the nomination of a candidate hv a maioritv of the votes cast or by a majontv of the electo ral college. The reply was. that a maionty of the votes caxt by the convention was designed to elfect the nomui'ition. On tlm statement a motion was made to lav the rrsolut'ou on the table, and a vote by ststes wus called. After the call of ono or two States, a modifi cation of the resolution requiring a majority of tho electoral votos was made, and tho resolution to lay on Uie tnble wus withdrawn. Tno resolution to proceed to a nomination, &.C, was then adopted by acclamation, ond tbo Convention proceeded to cast tho first ballot, us follows : FIRST BALLOT. h'colt. b 1 illloe. Wetiler. Maine, New llamshirc, Vermont, MsssachuselU, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvanin, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, F!ori3a. Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, U isconsin, Michigan, Kentucky, Missouri, Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkan3 s, Tuxas, California, Total. 4 3 11 o 3 at 7 'M ;i 8 13 10 tj 10 3 1 13 u l ti -1 1 1!1 V 0 0 1! 7 4 4 1 133 133 21) FOURTH DAY. Saturiiav, Juno 19. Tho Convention was called to order ot 10 o' clock by tho President, Gen. Chapman, when prayer was offered by Rev. Dr Morris. Twenty -five ballotings wero made before ad j jurnment, und fifteen during tho evening seMion, making the forty-sixth ballot, which was, for Webster, 31; Fillmore, 127; Scott, 131; when Ihe Convention adjourned to 10 o'clock Monday morning. IUltimiire, Monday, June The Convention ogam proceeded to ballot for a Presidential candidate. Forty-seventh ballot, Scott 135, Fillmoro 12rJ, Webster Hi). Feity-eighih ballot. Scott 137, Fillmoro 121, Webster 30. Maine, 8 for Scott; New-Ilump-slnre, 5 for Webster ; Vermont, 3 for Webster, I for Fillmore, and 1 for Scolt; Massachusetts, II for Webster, S for Scott; Rhode Island, U 20 Scott ; Delaware, 3 Scott j Maryland, 8 Fill- more; Virginia, lOlillmoro. 3 Scott; North Carolina, 11 Fillmore; South Carolina, 8 Fill more; Georgia, 10 Fdlmoro; Alabama, 8 Fill moro; Mississippi, 7 Fillmoro ; Loumana, (1 iillmoroi Ohio, 23 Scott; Kentucky, jtt Fill- ,w. , lv, a iniiiuiv, i iur dcuu ; iQ.i i.ecticut, 3 Webster, 1 Fillmore, tf Scott ; New York, 1 Webster, 7 Fillmoro, '47 Scott ; New- Jersey, 7 Scott : Pcnusvlvama. 1 Fillnmrn. ii.jvc t Trnnes5, 1! Fillmoro Ilidmrift it cniu Illinois, li fscolt. a l illmorc ; Missouri 7 Fillmore, 2-Scolt ; Arkansas, -I Fillmoro-Mi chigati, 0 Scott; Flondn, !1 Fillmoro; Texas 4 Filhiioro; Iowa, il Fillmore, 1 Scott; Wiseo'n. sin. n Webster, I Fillmore.' I Scott Krr,i...! one from Webster in Now "Hampshire, Webster gains a in Connecticut from Scott nnd Filhnore Scott gained V! from Fillmoro in Missouri. ' I'oilii-ninth ballot Scott KID, Fillmoro too Webster 30. ' l'ifi'tlh onlhl I 'cott 1 12, Fillmore 122, Web. ster 28. lytyfrsl ballot Scott 112, Fillmoro 120 Webster 21). Vifiy-sccond ballot Scott 1 If?, Fillmoro ll Webster 20. rjfty-lhird ballot Scott I.W; Fillmoro 112; The following is n recapitulation of the final ballot by Stales: Maine, H Scott; New Ilamn. shire, fl Scott ; Vermont f! Scott; .Massarhu. setts, 11 Webster, 2 Scott; Rhode Hand, I Webster, 3 Scott ; Connecticut, 1 Webster, 3 Fillmore, 2 Scott; New-York, 1 Webster. 7 Fillmore, 2." Scott ; New Jersey, 7 Scott i p, nn. sylvntiia, 27 Scott; Delaware, 3 Scott; Van land, 8 Fillmore ; Virginia, G Filhnore, H Scott ; North Carolina, 10 Fillmoro; South Carolina k Fillmore; Georgia, 10 Fillmore; Ahilmnw. J Fillmore; Mississippi, 7 l'lllmore ; I .on is una, fi Fillmoro; Ohio, 21 Scott; Kentucky. ( Fillmore, I Crittenden; Tcnnesee, 3 Scott t l'lllmore; Indiana 12 Scott; Alabama, Up' more; Missouri, Fillmore. 3 Scotl ; Arlv.n I Fillmore; Michigan, (', Scott; Fiord i. Fillmore; Texas, 1 Fillmore ; Iowa, 3 Filhn.-e, 1 Scott ; Wisconsin, 1 Scott, I Webster i , i forma 3 Scoot, I etistrr. The announcepient was greeted witn cle . . The Filhnore men are quiet. A resoiu', ., was offered by a delegate from Alabama, to e. clare the nomination unanimous. Mr Dayton, of New Jersey, made nn e1 Kie , t speech, setting forth the character and s' r i. of the nominee. He appealed to the Sow h I r an earnest Hiipiort of Scott A irh-mhei t m,, Alabama, and other delegates here, stilted i. adoption of the plallorm removed their in-' lions to vote ugnmst i-cott. Mr Jones, of Tennessee read n I'-ti- r ,t n General Scott, saying, ' Having th" lem r 1 a candidate of the Whig Convention, I " i i. cept the nomination, if tendered to nn wn i i. platform laid down by the Convention." Mr Grantland, of Georgia, announced (.o-.r,; i for i he nominee. Louisiana then pledged herself to the no.,ie. p. North Carolina came in unanimously. New York responded through Air H:iV . I, from Mr Fillmore's district saying Uiat lie- m Mint ion of Gen. Scott will give more jov to Mr Fillmore than his own name. IIalk l'AST 1 o'clock. Guns are nn b ig fired from Federal Hill in honor of tin- rifi;,, Hon Mr Rryan, of South Carolina, reppi t.'. behalf of '.he delegation of that State, in . I - i that as Scott had endorsed the plutfon.i. : i i Carolina would endorse Scott Mr Stewnrt, of California, promised nn i. -whelming majority for Scott. The Chairman of th Alabama ' n left the delegation to answer for tbeinse w - Mississippi responded heartily m favor o' nominee. One of the Massachusetts delegate ri in f.ivor of Scott, prtr'- ng the largo-t n. i of nnv State in the I'nioii. TI.e response from the Sou'hhiv. i 1 I Considerable eiithln!'!!!), snd H- I t Htonded, he-irly . Ii r-, cm' yiv n. thrnn"h Mr Hum -on. respond' d. mhI ; I that the Whin r.f Slate would s on tho Whig Inform, und wen1 I d,, . ! to lect llllll. Illd.Jll.l prollll.-ed t h- nominauon Dy acres ol uatiiication i .. . i -and a score of thousands ol majontv . ! '. Johnson, of Pennsylvania, whiltt hou i- M Fillmore and Mr Webster, feit cori-trii' his fellow delegates to Rtick to Scott, n i him to bo the only candidate for wli. , could promise a portive and glorn u i larger than that given to Taylor or Hirr.- , -Other States responded. Mr Rotts announced that this won!.! ;' ' bo the last General Convention of lli V. party, during the life time of Henry C i i therefore offered a resolution expressive of -pathy and regard, ami that his memoiv never die. 'Ine resolution was adopted h. clurnation. Simeon Draper responded for N w pledging that State for the nominee Tir- Convention adjourned ut quarter ' i '. half pist five o'clock. AFTERNOON SESSION 1Ui.loti.nos rou Vice 1'rksiu'v.t first JMhl. Mmne, :t Graham, 3 Mv . 1 Riles, I I'earce; New Hampshire, 3 li i. . 2 Hun ; Vermont, 3 Graham, 2 Rati M -i chiiMttK, 13 Rates; Rhode Island, 4 0 Cnnm cticut, !i Rites, 1 Jlell, of Ttih--. 1 New Jersey, 7 Graham; Pen!iy!vne. . , In m, 10 R ites, 3 Manguin, 3 Pel.ree, I I r -i ' d"n, 2 Stanly ; Delaware, 3 nttein'i M ' liiui, - Penree ; Virginia, II Graham. 2 i'-'' - (ion. ril L'liimer; North Carolina, KM," ! South Carolina. James L. IVtigru ,10 Jarnen ,. I'enrc" ; Alabama, i. I' 1 liralnm; .Mlnxipj.i, 7 IVarve ; I.oo - ' I Crittenden; Ohio. l'J Rules C Cr. k m. 2 I' j I Gt-ihun, 1 Stewart I I'earce . K' n' -j Grnlmin, I Radnor, 2 Rates; Tenn - . U I roekett; I milium , J Kules, 1 Grnhimi. 1 " art. 2 Stanly; Illinois. U Rite; Ar'n -4 Rites; Missouri ! Itatoe ; Michigan, iS'i Florida, 3 Gov. Rrown ; Texas, 1 Gnh 1 ' Penrce; lown, 4 Rates ; Wisconsin, oil'-. Col ifornin, 2 Graham, I Rates. 1 Penrc : V York, 1 Crockett, 4 Mangum, 2 Pearo-. 5 R 5 Jones, 4 Sunly, 2 RelT, 3 Williams. 1 II ardson. 2 Pratt 2 Hiilmrd. 2 Graham. 'I -Mangum 10, Rates U7, Graham 71, 1'ran-- -', Rcll I Crittenden 10, Stanly 1 1, Latimer 1 1' ' tigru R, Crockett 1, Stewart 2. Radg. r J.llr n 3, Jones ,r., Williams 3, Hilliard 2, Ricliarc- a 3, Pratt 2. The Kentucky delegation produced ae""f declining the nomination for tho Vice I'rc-iu' cy, from Mr. Crittenden. Mr Jones, of Tennessee, also declined. v" the vote was given for him, expressing h.-1" that he can do moro scrvico for the p'1 '" Whig party as a high private than a comm -ed officer; and he behoved others wen m competent nnd more deserving of Uie honor himself, and tlicrefure begged his friends ' sist Second llallol. Maine, 4 I'earce, 1 GrnV'" New Ilampth'iro, 4 Graham, 1 IVttigru ; V mont, f. Graham; Massachusetts, Kl BjWi KUode Island, 4 Graham ; Connecticut u ham; North Carolina, 10 Graham ; S Circuit, 8 Graham; Gorgla, 10 Graham; Alalxiua, Graham; Mississippi, 7 Graham ; Louisiana. b Groham; Ohio, 2 1 Graham, 2 Rates: New. a 4 Mangum, 10 Graham, 20 Rates; New Jersey, Graham; Pennsylvania, 18 Graham, 0 R'' Delaware, 3 Graham ; Maryland, 8 Grahai" i Kentnckj, 11 Graham, 1 Rates; Tennis-" l Grnham; Indiania, 7 Hates, 0 Graham; D-'"' 12 Graham; Missouri, t) Rates ; Arkansas- Graham; Michigan, G Graham; Florida, Graham; Texas, 4 Groham; lowu, 4 GraJ'-uO' Wiscpnsin, 4 Graham, 1 Rates ; Caliloriu. Graliam. , Total-Graham, 232; Hates .12; I'earce Afterw-nrds nil changed for Graham. After the unanimous nomination of Mr-l' " ham, H.W.Miller, of North Carolina, ro-o " thanked llie Cnnveiitino fr hn honor Colli j Slate, and pledged 10,000 majority lor the U-- et. A rcsoliiUon was adopted thanking ue' cera nnd Committee ol Arrangement, " thorising Uio President to inform tho iion"nl l of their election. The following is tho National Committee Chairman, S F Vinton ; Maine, Win Fesscmwa Now Hampshire, A F Stevens ; Vermont ucu T Hodges; Massachusetts, Hon S UnW-' Rhode Wand, Robert R Francis ; ConnccWu' A G Hazard ; New York, Simeon Draper; I" Jersey, W A Wood ; Pennsylvania, N " J lis; Delaware, John M Clayton ; Maryland,1' Alex Kvens; Virginia. Win H Mcirlanl North Carolina, II V Miller; South Cawhw. !.' , 1. .. T .... 1 . 'In.,na240e. Zollicofier; Indiana, J G Dupee ; Illinois, A0t nam i SUB, wards ; Riley; .. .,11 . r.i:r . , it urn. ..In. After speeches from Uie President and oui , the Convention adjourned sins die. Col. Julius Ccesar Jackson was killed at K'' son, Ohio, by one of his heifers, which be assittnig in milking. U s Hryunt; Georgia, S Grantland ; J Harrington; Mississippi Win A Lake ji-0 .ana. J G Seymour : Ohio, Wm T urn Lincoln; Missouri, A 111 liamoe.o, Gen Thomas Jntnes ; Michigan, J.. Florida, A R F Allen ; Texas, u' Ion a. S M Hallard: Wisconsin,.