GREEN MOCNTAIX F1EEMAK. MOSTPEUEB.VT. .(ni.a in tin Brtck Bloc. Uaad of State Street, rams: 1.U if paid lu adrsnca: oibiwH.2 0' i'.vmtr.t may 1 suada tij mail ot otliarwlsr II II. WBEEUKK. Editor and Proprietor. liol iitcu-.uuJir Ilia recant law of loinrroas rlroalitasfrw In WaeUinaaoB County. On all I-apere .ntouUlilaWaalnirton County, the postage la paid liy tne rubllener at the offloa In Montpelier. TI-;RMS FOR ADVERTISING. Fr on sonar ftf t: lines or Wm "f Arat trpa. i'M m: for ea.-b sulw.urut niw-niiMi, 3s rta. liil- the nuwtp-r or 110,,-rt an. are rurk on tha aiti-rllrfetiieiit It ll) l-r coditlAd until ordrd ont! iiHt-.unt made t j uruitauLs and others ad ver UUur liy tho yt-ar. I'rutijtelDifioui uissloaerf'XotlMs.S-.M. l'-.r N.'tl,v:sof T.lnaratlon, rstrsys. the Formsttoa snd UtMw.lutriti of (:o-nrtnr)iu-. Me , aLjaaaoh for thr. If aai,t l.y luail tha m nty must aa-oumi-Ki.y the e-lter. flltttT N.itir'Si'i tlon, t..,t ii-. news e-dnmiis. la AMit pr Una tarn luaur. jbatHua ii,aau uf ie. than tm cvuta. VOL. XXXIX. MONTPELIER, VT., WEDNESDAY, MAY J 7, 18S2. XO. 20. N-.'L' (vt r.f Iiatlis and Marriaa-ea lnrtd rratts.bu1 ext'.-n-!! ohituary N-tirH t,f v-wtry m uetharirod at the i.iteof&cuiitp-rllue. Mt freeman. MONTl'lILER, VT. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17. 1882. auntie saiil: "'Dese r piecof ai n't dowr in no note booik, an' (ley am rudilcr short, but 'pears liko am mighty sight iMbitanai in 'cm." I led tho go a or:il class, nml at tlio closi also. The man was not fully healed at nee. His visioa came at the first touch if too Savior's hind, bat it was indistinct. This may be only to giro us a typs of the eating Christ brings to the sin blinded the minister said ho ' Unowcd ho sxkei ml. The work is in a proper sonso in- Latter from South Carolina, t suppose it will not amount to much for mo to say that I hud it in luy thoughts to f end you several leltors during my stay here, when eight weeks havo elapsed nn J you have not had a siuglo word. " Well, to toll tho iruth. white folks have not received much of my attention latoly. and it is only bceauso I am within a few days of my return homo that I have takon up " do claims of do norf ." Time certainly has mado good use of its wings, for it lias flown with unparal leled swiftno?s, and though I may truth fully say I havo been diligent, I cannot exactly boast of having found tho rest for which weary mortals are said to pino. And I may as well reooid it hore, and in advance of any ijestions which might be asked me, that it is my firm conviction that to a soul allamo with Christ's love. ihcra is no place in this sin cursed world where rest can be found. No mattor how delightful tho place, if one has "oyes to sec and oars to hoar," tho old cry comes over, " Come over and help us." It comes from tho loungers around the grog shops, from tho profano lips of tlio Sabbath breaker, from uncaicd for or carelessly taught children in our schools and on our streets, from the sad homes and wrecked lives which aro everywhere and even from the very church of God which is comparatively powerless, because so largo a majority of its membership " havo a name to live and are dead." and I might aj woll add, and from the pulpit also, for so many daro to stand as God's evangel and fail to declare tho whole truth to a dying world. I have been greatly interested in the colored people here, and understand as never bei'oro the difficult questions which they aro working out in connection with their social, civil and religious life. Tlicy are surely a wonderful people when wo lako into consideration the past and its many disadvantages, to say nothing of its cruel wrougs and tho few years of their freedom, which has necessarily been large ly spout in securing a foothold and sup- plying daily sustenance. Many of them havo nico homos and live in tasto and comfort. I saw a laro audience of such people on Easter morning at St. Mark's church, Charlestown. Tiicro was not a turban or coarsely dressed person among thorn. The ohurcb was beautifully decorated, tho music fine and tlio service, Episcopal, con ducted very impressively by. tho colored rector, tlio first, I am told, ever admitted I 'j tho Episcopacy. Tli ca'or of tho congregation ranged all the way from tho bluo eyed and llaxen hai o l, with nothing about them to unini tiated oyes to dcuoto their race, up through all th shades of brown, to tho real shiny black, which I am inclined to like best, 1'uenuso it is genuine. l'Icascd as 1 am with this class, and greatly as I rejoice In a'.l to which they havo attninod, lam more deeply interested in those who are largely in tho majority, on whom ignoranco and poverty and tho mixed social relations tbo cursed heritage (if slavory press heavily, and out of which it Is impossible for them toriso without help. Tho schools aro doing much and the influence of northern teacher is very marked-, but in the country places the population is widely scattered and the schools aro many miles npart; besides, tho children are put to work at a very early age. " Mus' do it, tor keep do hominy pot bilin', missus." i Some of tho parents who feel knecnly thuir own lack of education aro willing to make any sacrifices to havo their children " know suthin'," and the eagor boys and girls walk daily six and seven miles, starting " befo' sun up," and not reaching home again until " black darkness catch 'cm." They cheerfully plod through tho heavy sand, tho littlo b3gs,wlth books and frugal dinner of sweet potatoes.slnng over their shoulders, "goin' af'cr larnin', marm." I have made several trips back iuto tho country to see plantation life, which in souio respects isn't so greatly changed from tho past. Oppression has not ceased, by any means, and " might makes right," apparently. I said to one man, " Aro you any hotter off than iu tho old slavery days?" " 'Pears liko not much, missus. Has jes, as hard time, sumways ; but den we'se free, an' dat is ebbory ting, tank do Lord." " Yes," said his wife, " an' dey can't sell us liko do cattle, if wo docs hah to lib like 'em." One thing 1 have noticed, that however low and debased they may he, allowing free rango to appctito and lust, that according to their own phraseology they have " ho oiler determine but to fit inter hebhin when do troubles ob dis ar wicked woiT niu oljcr," 1 said to one, "but you must have another determine; you must love tlio Lord and try to servo him whilo in tliij wicked world." " Oh, missus, I docs lub do Lord; course I does, Nobody ken help doin' dat; an' as to s.n vin' him, putty poo' sarvieo ho'd tink mint was, I 'snccts; an' 'sides, do debhel kocp ubbcry one so mortal busy." 'Hill," I continued, " why should you iU into heaven if you do not try to obey the commimd.i of tho Iord?" ' Don't know, missna. Nobbcr try tur look into sich vtyUtruns, but know dis fo" sure, dat by do timo gots troo wld dis !ir bard wori', shall bo all tired out wid du debbel an' his works an' shall be mighty n!uus to in out ob do dob bll's clutches. I have beard similar arguments couched in vnriouH terms from people in vory dif ferent walks of life. "To get into hoaven," somi how, bring their hope and purpose. The singing hern is somotuiog wondor ful. Every ono sings old and young mid I never tiro of listening to them. Their old timo songs, which they term "spiriluulr," are full of pathos. After one of our meetings they staid and tang to me for an hour; and one old do mind of all do brudders an sister when ho said drfy was all glad to bab dc whito sister wil dem, an' hoped sheV comeeblxiry time, for her coinyany werr berry ilcecplabl to ebbcry one," and thei ho iiraved for me : " Oh 1ird, bross dt ooJ sister what am wid us dis evenin . Oh, Lord, hrcss her in her consMootion, stantnneous, and in another proper sense progressive. Spiritual discernment does not come at onco in all its perfection, but after a timo tho senses become trained to discern good and evil. Wo nro not in formed whether thi3 was a case of life-long ilindness, or whether the man had by somo means become blind. The fact that do, Lord. Ilresa her next Sunday, when j no saw not clearly at lirst may be consid- she go 'cross do creek to speak at do sin j ercd only a natural result of the disuso of ners dar. Load her guns, doar Lord, dat ihoso functions of brain and mind by which sbo may bring do sinners down, an' make C sight is sccarod, and if any one choi so so dem howl for dcr sins." jj to consider it, wo may look upon the mir- East woek we want up to camp meotiug. aclo as twofold: first, tho restoring of myself and friend being the only while I Vision, so that light affected tho proper folks present, and on Sunday thero wore J norvo and the man saw ; second, the ho over 6ix thousand people on the ground. I stowal of tlial power which experience No word3 could describe It ; the meetings 3 gives to every one of us whereby wo dis were kept up night and day and the great ! tingulsli objects, and clearly discern those est enthusiasm prevailed. Hundreds came i movements that are going on about ns. to tho altar, and so great was " do power We cannot doubt, however, that tho same dat sometimes fifty were laid out dead at J divino power which let tho light into the i .hn ... F , T, n. I ...... ; OnCC. I ouw Lumuuci ui inn vjv uutl Ullliseu It was a sceuo never to bo forgotten, and one which would bo impossible among any other class of people. Tho singing was grand, tho preaching good and the prayors models, many of them, in their directness of appeal and childliko faith and trust. As wo listoned to some of the preachers rand men everyway the question wonld come, What would theso men have been if freodom had not come to tneir ce? Wo mot Kev. S. F. Fleglcr, who has been several years in Liberia, and Rev. Mr. Sturratt, pastor of Emanuel church, Charlestown, which has a membership of threo thousand with one thousand pro bationers- Being anxious to seo all phases, we took a carriage anu weni out 10 ioiuuoi Gregg's phosphato works, where two hundred and soventy-live convicts arc omploycd. Every courtesy was shown us, and we were taken on tho engine four miles to seo tho chain gangs at work. They wero all colored and wore mana cles, and for every squad (ten men) a whito man stood guard with a loaded musket. Next to rum-selling I thought their occupation would seem the most despicable. Most of the men were young and even boyish in thoir looks and what a life ! Clad in prison garb, the clanking of the chain at the least movement, lodged in barracks at the stockade, eating their breakfast before going to work at 0 A. 51., dinnor taken from tin palls under that musket rango, work till dark and then their walk back, with tho same pros pect beforo them for months and even years. And what brings most of them to this? I asked. "Oh, rum, mobi, marm, in one way or another." I visited tho guard liouso, jail aud court house in Charlestown ; also tho hospital, and mot thorcsultsof rum drinking every a hero. How 1 halo it and everything connected with it, and mo3t of all the social wino drinking which prevails to an alarming extent in thn south among all classes of people tho nnusod, and perhaps diseased nerve, to respond to tho action of tho light, could have comploted tho work at onco and brought tho man to sec clearly. When questioned, however, ho acknowledged that as yet bis vision was imperfect. It is never wise that the soul receiving the first touch of savin grace should rest satisfiod with that. If we acknowledge our need of a further work, a mighty Savior waits to finish In us tho work begun. Again in this case, as often before, wo Gnd Jesus commanding the restored man not to speak of his healing among tho mul titude, but to return at once. So was the prophecy concerning Christ fulfilled: "IIo shall not strive nor cry, neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets." From this locality, north of tho lako, Jesus proceeds somo twenty-five miles further north to tho villages nboutCasaroa I'hilippt. This place, like Bethsaida beforo mentioned, was a town which bad been built up by Roman patronage. Ilorod Philip had enlarged and adorned both these towns, and constituted them royal dwelling places for himself and kisoflicers. Tho important question asked the dis ciples: "Whom do men say that I am ?" seems to havo been propounded ns thoy journeyed tot ween these two places. If we so understand tho account, wo begin to get an insight into ono real purpose of theso frequent journeys. Christ would havo somo time and some privacy wherein to instruct his disciples; so as tho crowds increased in ono locality ho withdrew to another, and by tho way ho held many of tho conversations with tho twclvo, which are recordod by the evangelists. In an- swer to tho question Jesus asked, his dis ciples give the leading theories concerning his character and mission which were abroad at tho time; somo, among whom was Ilorod, thought Christ to be John tho Ilaptist risen from tho dead. This viow could havo been obtained only among those who wero ignorant of the early part of Christ's ministry, for ho was for some timo a contemporary of John. Others, marking tho likeness between his teach ings and those of Elijah and other of the;h:m,ovh i..t poku 1 RAVELTO. Why doet thoti wtldlr ruu autl rur. Mad Klrar.0 Mid River? Wilt thon aot pause and ceaas to pou r Tlir burrrlnir, headlong water o'or Tula rockr ilMlf forever ? VYUat aecret trouble alirrs thy brujM Uiv all Uila tret and flurry UopRt tliou uot kqow that what la bp.' 1 u thia rcntlt'ia world ifl rvst rrrm overwork aud worry : nr. r.ivi-n. .Vti:it woald'at thou lu these rntiimtaiu ski- O stranxor from the city? M it perhapa Rome foolish streak or thine, to put the words I frpsb Inloai-lalutlvo ditty ? Tr.AVEl.rit. Vi-k: I would learn of thee thy ohk. With all its tlowlnir number. And in a rolce as (rein aud stroui Aalhineia, sing it all day lonir. And hear It in my slumber. Tin: hivkr. A hrooklot uaineleasand nukuowit W'aa I at nrst, reBemlillnir A little child , that all alone Cornea venturing dowu tho atair of atom-. Irresolute aud trenilillnir. l.iler. by wayward fanoios le.l. Tor the wide world I panted : Out of tho forest dark and draail Aitoss the open ttelds 1 fled, ' ' I.Ike one pursued and haunted . 1 tossed my arms, I saniralontl. My voice exaltant blomtiua With thttndor from the passing- i-l.,iiil , The wind the forest bent and bowc-l, The rush of rain dcsceudiui-. 1 heard the distant ocean call. Iinplorlnr and entreating; lirawn onward, o'or this rooky wall I plunged, and tho loud waterfall Mudo answer to the grcetlnir. And now. besot witli'many ill. A toilsome life I follow: Compelled to carry from the hill?. These lo-rs to the Impatient mill. llelow thero iu the hollow. Vi-t something; ever chears aud char nn The ritdeuess of my labors ; lially 1 water with those arms The cattle of a hundred farms. A ud have the birds for ncihburc . lieu call tne Mad. and well they may. When full of rave and trouble, I burBt my banks of sand aud clay. And sweep the wooden bridu-e awav. Like withered reeds or stubble. Now a-o and write Uiy little rhyme, As of thy own creatim;, Thou scesttbo day Is pant Its priiur; I can no longer waste my time; The mills are tired of waiting, -Atlantis . Had I time I should liko to tell you of old prophets, said he is Elijth or lie is one the temnurance work of my friend hero, i of tho prophets. who hai given twolvo years of her life to i work amongtho freedmen. She isa Khode j Island woman, s-wndrng her summers j with in, coming back every autumn to take up her school, which is under tho patronago of the Friends in Philadelphia, j Iu addition to her duties thoro, which are irduous, she finds timo for temperance or religious work and is, just now, opening a children's homo," which will be a great blossing to tlio sUle. Tho funds for pur chasing the homo aud furnishing havo all been sent from tho north and moans for carrying it on must como for tlio present largely from that source. There is much in and about Charlestown of great interest, and I havo visited most of the plnccs which would bo peculiarly attractive to a northerner, Forts Sumter and Moultrio being, of course, among tho number. The whole visit has been delightful. I have enjoyed the beautiful flowers which grow in such profusion, tho early vegeta bles and fruits, peas, beans, new potatoos, strawberries and blackberries, with lots of other things. But bost of all, I have enjoy cd the open-handed, large-hearted hospi tality of tho people everywhere. God bless the "sunny south" and purify, uplift and savo her people, whito and black. Mrs. J. K. lUit.EV. Do you liko ncrostics? How doos the following strike vou? You will observe tho first letters of each lino taken together express nooui me rignt sentiments, and then, beginning with tlio first italizlsed word, and taking them in their order, vou have a preamble of tho constitution of the United States. We would add this is purely original ; nothing cute or extra is claimod for it, it boing an off hand pro duction ot its author, voicing a passing thought : h Ive i'-r fi-eo republicans now lu a nalion , I n which all the 'o.Vof whatever Htatiou, B clieve tbo best form ni government know ti E ver yet, is tlif ono we call proudly our own . K ecotloct the Unittd Slain yet is but youug. T hough quito often in verso has he r valor been sung ; V ot comparative n,?fr around hordoth reign , A nd gay competence smiles from the hill Mho ilain. N ot perfect, ns yet, is theoi'it of our law, D eie;ts may exist still, and many a ilaw : U ntil man's inrrc than human is perfect iu hear l, N othing can be trrfo-l that's made by man's art. I n our vtiiria beat hopes may bo suffered to blight. O ftentimos wo may fall joo,!ublih the right; N ot always Aamjuitiet prevail as it should. N ot always injure we our country's best good. O n the way that our private itnmrnti? llfo tends-. W hat tmtiiuilitt for our whole couutry depends: A ud, though woll to iirari'lt tot somo war far away, N ot to ho unproparedir fhr battle to-tlay: D evute your bent work to our rvoMiionday life, F or lr f-nc' of our peace only, enter tho strife. (I r war inayVroiiii'c valor's growth in tuo men. It eveal'" bravo traits that havo slumbered till then, K veu that may not wiirk for his tciwrut good: V ainly seeks Le hiawrtntrr iu dark deeds of blood. K vcr think of our fathers (onUhelr purpose pure, II Ight well fought they then our sweet peace to trr'trr; " h.lliey would havo had peaccore llf lighting begun N ot, h iwever, such blrtititipi, wero easily won. K veu now vi: ions ofto'tholr army appears, A nd their earnest cry " Lilmty rings iu our i-ai ;-; N ot in vain to tmri-lrrx did their spirit descend, i -, D are you say we'd uot nght'in- gain pcaco in the etui .' " ls" I n (i.'i day too, aro found as bravo men as of vom. j N ay, poilcritu will but repeal lliein ouco more. The next ijucstion Jesus asked ciplea was a far moro important one "Wt.mii vi vn tliriH .in. 1" It U nr v..n. i " "" "la licni-y with lorclhlo breath, J J J B vcr fnlaiif our mutki this: " rrcdom or lieatb ! r- reparo wo lor war Km" ror peace. !., prepare, A nd etf(ililili peace over our land broad and fau lt emsmhor, tlio objects of our onfrittiti,i A re 1 3 prevent or provide. r a like revolution Hut we for tin- country as bildly would strive. I, oveour I'uite-t .SYo'c.i Willi a love as alive, Kcnsuicnuf1 uicrcrt In sevonty-n e. Sunday School Lesson Notes. r.v rev, j. o. sriEitnuiiN. jlayls;: .Seeing aud Confessing Christ Mark ls"-i-3X The incident with which this losson opens is omitted by tho other evangelists. No reason is apparent for this unless wo con eluded that l'ctcr was more thonghtful than tlio other apostles in recalling each incidont connected with the ministry of the master. At Eothsaida, t. c, Ucthsaida Julias, north of the Sea of Galilee, tho healing of this blind man occurred. Frionds bring him to Josus. Tho same story ovor and ovor, showing the respon sibility and tho prlvilego of holping our holplcss friends to como to Jesus. The blind man could not mako his way to where- tho Ilcaler was unless he had help. So many of our friends must bo assisted if over thoy como to him. Tho faith of theso people is shown Iu tho petition thoy offer ed for their alllicted friend. ' They simply ask Jesus to touch him. Their faith saw bt aling in tho moro touch of our Lord. Tho Incidents of tho healing are vory liko those moDtloncd in tho bcaliug of the deaf and dumb man In tho lesson of May 7th. Christ takes tho man aside and performs curtain physical acts instead of speaking liira wholo at orcc. Wo can hardly doubt that this had to do with tho proving and ihu training of tho man. II is willingness to go apart with Christ, outside tho town, showed his confidence and faith in him, aud thus rctirod Jesus could better exert An inlluonco over him to fix his faith upon the (Ircat Holpor. Tho euro was peculiar greater moment that wo should personally kuow Christ than that we should know the viows that othors hold of dim. Wo may be ablo to explain all theso different viows and compare their soundness, but yet be destituto of all real knowlcdgo of Christ. I'eter, always foremost among tlio twolvo, mado answer for all. It may bo doubted whether all tho twclvo were ready to yield unqualified assent to Fetor's declaration of faith; but without question his disciples had revolved tho matter much in their own minds and questioned with each other, so that I'eter had somo authority for answer ing In behalf of all, "Thou art tbo Christ, the anointed ono." Finding out the gen uineness of their faith, Jesus commanded them to loll no man of him, that is at pres ent, then proceeds to reveal to thciu what is to happen to the Son of man. Mark and Matthew both indicate that this was tho first lime Jesus had foretold his sufferings directly. How strange it must have seem ed to the disciples, just as ;they had pro claimed their faith in him as tho chosen of God, to bo told that tho Jewish loaders would reject him as an impostor, and that he should suffer death. Often our mo ments of sublimcst faith and deepest dis couragement como not far apart. But along with theso revelations of a gloomy nature, Christ speaks of victory over death. The disciples paid littlo lined to the last declaration of the Master; they were too much stunned by the first. In our thoughts of doath wo many times find no placo for thoughts of tho resurrection. Peter rebuked Jesus for speaking thus of himself after having sanctioned their viow that ho was the Christ. Jesus turned to ward tho other disciples from whom Peter bad drawn him, and with bis back toward Peter, said, "(let theo behind mo, Satan." Dy this he meant to say, you bring to mo a suggestion which is from Satan, namely, a suggestion to abandon my beaven-assign- od work. To Satan in all bis forms and by all his agents Josus said "Oct theo be. hind mo." A lU'lit of Honor. Tho best place for the cultivation of bananas is said to bo on a side liill where the sun has great power. Each treo bears a slnglo bunch, which ls ready to cut about nine months after setting out the plant. After romoving the bananas tbo trees are cut off close to tbo ground, and from the old stumps three or four more treos will spring up, each of which will in about nine months yield a bunch. Tho trees grow about fifteen foot high. In setting out a now field, the roots of old trees aro taken. Those roots grow in clumps, and contain a numbor of eyes, from which the now sprouts start. Those roots are cut into piooes. The first crop of bananas is always the best. The ba nanas aro larger and tbore aro more on a bunch. They avorage about two hundred and fifty on a bunch, and yield aliout one hundred and seventy-five bunches per acre. The second crop Is poorer in qual ity, the yield becomes less and in four or five years the land runs out. I'.UiT 1. A t llL .MI! TO A MOI SK. It was the wet forenoon of a January day, just two years ago, when the usual gang of idlers that hang about tlio ferry wharves wero delighted nt having the monotony of gazing out from under tho dripping awnings, broken by tho singular movements of n eouplo of policemen. Ono of these well-fed guardians of the peace was on his kness besido a hole bro ken through the Iloonnr; of a neifr iboi-ino- dock, and engaged in angrily issuing, evidently disregarded, commands to some fugitive concealed beneath, whilo Jus fel low, with equal profanity and perspira tion, endeavored to pry up a loose board fnrthcr along, for tho purpose of also gaining access to the offender. "What's up? What's tho mattor?" asked tlio bystanders, crowding up, whilo the passengers coming off the just-landed fer ry boat, stopped to look on. Tho policemen, however, ignored the inquiries leveled at them, with all the haughtinoss peculiar to the Celtic munici pal official of tho period, for it Is hardly nocessary to say that both belonged to the favored raco which Amoricans, with rc markablo modesty, employ to run their own country for them. Hut when a bus tling citizen, who was evidently a mer chant and taxpayer, paused, and said, brusquely " Hollo, there, Mike! What aro you after. Tat?" one of the blue and brass luminaries looked up and growlod out: " Nothing but a wharf rat, zur." " Then why didn't you tend in a dog, if it's a rat?" returned the mo rchant, innocently.- But tho contemptuous critioism of his ignorance, about to be made by the officer, was interrupted just thon by tho cries of the rodent in question, which ap peared at tho first mentioned aperture in consequence of a vigorous clubbing admin istered by one of the policemen, who had finally succecdod in removing the plank. Tho captive thuB scoured was an inde scribably diminutive and preposterously dirty urchin, with tlio blackest eyes and roddost head Imaginable. As the police man dragged him into tho daylight by his threadbare collar, and perched lntu, tremb ling and whimpering, on a balo near at hand, a shout of appreciative gratification went up from tho bystanders. Nothing tickles the risibles of your ordinary street crowd, so much as a littlo gonuino pain aud suffering exhibited gratis. liooking at the spectacle in this popular and kindly fashion, thoro was, indeod, much cause for merriment. Nothing sad dor or more pitiful could bo imagined, than tbat littlo hunger-pinched, bare-footed, rascod fizuro, with its nntimelv ktbA and witborod face, whito with despair at the consummation of the ono terrible dread or its owner's brief life lis had been ' took up." " What's ho done?" asked the sevoro looking man eagerly. " Not been right ine dogs, eh?" " The bye, is't," responded ouo of the Dino-coatea magnates. leisurely puttin up his club. ' Oh, he's only wan 'or thim wharf rats, as lives beneath the wharvos here, an' stales from the projoosc schooners o'niubts. We be running thiui all In now for vagrancy, an' ouilacont exposure, by raison ov Ihiin going in schwiminin' every foive minntcs widont their clothes. It's afthorthis raskil we've been fora wnko or moro. It's no use thryin' tor catch ono o' thim feltovs in the naicr. They schwim loike a lisli, begorra, thim rtoov and, they've more holes terschlip inter than the eels themselves, so thoy have." "Ah!' said the sovcre-looking man, who was au officer of the S. P. C. A., " I was in hopes it was a case for me," and ho walked oil' much disappointed. The wharf rat ceasod his low, terrified sniveling long enough to put in a plea that no was not a vagrant, but flolil papers; that he only slept beneath tho wharf be causo It didn't cost anything; that In didn't know that it was any harm to go in swimming, and oilier excuses common to great criminals. One of tho olliccrs strolled oil to look up an express wagon to carry their prisoner to Headquarters, llus lie did partly be causo it would involve a loss of dignity to convey so insignificant a prisoner through tlio streets, and partly because lift had a friend in the express business, who was always good for a " divvy " on these little obs. Tho other guardian majestically re posed, after his exertion-, on a hawser jiost, after impressing upnn tbo child that an Immediate ce'salion ot its blubbering would obvlnto the necessity of Imving his head caved in with a club. Meanwhile, several other passers to and from the ferry, loitered to ga.o at the strong hand of tho law in full operation and to ask the prisoner's offense. Ono of theso was a sleok and boncvolent minister of an up-town church, hut as be was hur rying home to writo up a pathetic sermon on the tcxtofthe Good Samaritan, he had no tune to waste upon latter-day 1 bills- lines, and so he passed by on the other side. Another was a great mining capitalist, but it always made him angry to look at people that were poor, dirty and vulgar. He had been poor, dirty and vulgar him self, once, and he now regarded all such attribute! as direct personal reflections, bo to speak. So he stepped frowningly into tho line carriage that was in waiting, and rattled oil'. The next citizcu who stopped to look on was a political economist, who spoke three times a week on suffering Ireland, and ameliorating tho condition of tlio work ing masses. His soul sickoncd at the in justice of society, tie used to say, and pausing long enough to make a shirt-cuff note on the fearful increase of crime among children, he, too, went oil' shaking his head. And then another millionaire chanced by. Ono of those continually haunted by a fear of being themsolves left in poverty and want some day, despite their present wealth. So this one clutched his purse tighter than cver.and gave way to a eoup lo of giggling women, who wero the next comers. Does not somo writer say that sweet charity and holy piety dwell always In women s gentio nrcast:' Jiut tueso were San Francisco women of tho period, and so they tittered with one breath : ' What a horrid littlo bratr and then they minced on toward tho matinee. Meanwhile, tho brisk morchanl first mentioned walked rapidly up Market street, like a man every movement of whose tune meant coin. But when ho had proceeded about three squares, his paco, lor some reason, seemed togo6lowor and slower.und from timeto time ho jerked his head impatiently, mid said, "Pshaw!" indignantly to himself, as though ho was engaged in combating some unwol eomo mental impulse that persisted In presenting itsolf to his consideration. Tlio fact was, this brusque. Imperative man of trade was troubled with a most un common and annoying nll'cction of tho heart, called humanity. It wns so unnat ural and singular a disease for a grown man to possess now-a-days, that the mer chant was very properly ashamed of it; nut only that, but it seemed this was an hereditary affection that persevered iu making itself felt, and compellin" its pos sessor to do all things in the most absurd manner possible. Left to himself, tho merchant was wealthy, respectable, :i una of inlltieuec, and a city magnate. In fact he possessed all tliu necessary qualifications lor being scllish, uncliaiitaulo, sell-ceulnred and in human, mid it irritated him to the lust do rcc. Just when he was about, for in siaiico, to imitate his wealthy neighbor! and ova lo subscribing to soino charity or perpetrating any other kind action, to have this silly littlo imp of humanity ac tually torment him into doing the very thing his worldly training but hiiu most to avoid. lie had noticed, too, that tins disease though it is not an epidemic, the reader will understand always allecicd hiiuiuost when most happy and contented himself, and as he was in a more than usually se rene mood just then, ho was annoyed, but not surprised, to hear a familiar Utile voico m Ins breast say, and keep saying : " Itemember the loving little child you kissed when you left homo just now. bun poso it were there sitting instead of that wretched little waif, crushed and despair ing. Come, stop thinking of bow your neighbor Jones would net, and go back and see if you cannot do something for the boy." As vc have said, lie fought against this ridiculous impulse for a time, but it ended In his turning at last, and retracing his steps with that sort of half-injured, lift f slmmefaced expression many men put on when they set about a good action, for some yet unsolved reason. " What's your name?" he grullly asked of the child, who by this time had been pitched upon tho soat of tho wagon, which was about ready to start. "Snub," replied the small hoodlum, eying the interrogator a iiiomoiit in a Bort of despairing stupor. The houso of correc tion lor six months, wlilcli bo Know was the fato that awaited him, was moro much more to bis kind, than tho more disgrace and punishment It implied. It moant, iu addition, just what bankruptcy and ruin doos to the business man. Iong before his release, the particular street corner on which ho sold his paper;, and the solo and equitable right to oceupy, which be Had delondcd Irani ins lellow merchants at the expense of many a gamely-fought battle and bloody nose, would be gone forovcr. Snub what? said the merchant. Walker, or suthin liko that," replied the grimy midget, alter a moment of attempted recollection. Tbo boys call mo only 'hnniv that nn. " Why?" lie shook his head in answer, allhoutrli the shape of his infinitesimal nose supplied tho ucoessary information. wnore B your niouior.' " (lono dead." "When?" " Dunno long lime 'fore d id run away." " Away where?" " Tcr sea." " And so you shift for yourself, and sell papers? Hum! Why do they call you a wharf rat?" " Dunno. 1 ain't no rat," said tho red headed pitrmv. explanatorily, and some what wartuod into a show of interest by tlio morn kindly voico oi tuo stranger. ' Well, no; you aro hardly big enough for a rat," laughed tho other. ' You're more like a mouse, and so l II give you a crumb." And just thou tho wagon started, the merchant stepped into a cab and told tho driver to hasten to the city hall, und be very quick about it, as he was missing an engagement at the merchants' exchange. As fjr "bnu, bo watched the queer gen tleman ont of sight with a kind of pathetic curiosity. The rat had been inured to j books, until, after what scorned an eternity of time to the white, watching faces alnvo, a narrow streak of water wis reveuled, which grew wider and wider. " Well, I'm d d!" said one of the deck InnJs, who was peering und;r the " chatting,' and other branches of popular side, " if a wharf rat hasn't "ot it. street amusement, and so used torldiculoj But I ho shudder caused by this strange on account of his puny frame and bristly ; remark was unnecessary, for presently rod hair, that it did not surprise him to i the eacr eves above beheld swirurnine see this gentleman go eff. liko every one . below them a creature whose close-cropped else, in Hinto of his steady eyes and clear bead and bead-like eyes sufficiently rcseiu voice. For "Snub"dldn't clearly rctnem- i bled a rat's, but which in realitv belonged ber to ever beforo heard a kind voico in to an under-si.od bov swimmer, a mater tbo Whole course of his brief career. He I of tho art withal. was still musing over tho novelty when j Floating behind him with her fair ho-id tho wagon turned down into Merchant upturned and resting upon tho wiry little street, and the shadow of tlio jail again ; shoulders that struck oat o nnnfully foil over his benumbed littlo sonl. i through tho churning water, was the But tho man with the kind voice was ; merchant's littlo daughter. Towim? the thero beforo him, chattering nfl'ably with insensible infant by means of ber long the captain in charge "How ruucli will tlio malefactors lorlett bail como to?" ho asked, ns the expos ure chargo was booked. "Ten dollars," said tho clork with a grin. If an aqgel from heaven had risen out of the floor to slow music and offered " Snub " a whole pot-pio at oneo, after two days' fasting from bad business, as he had dreamed one did, he would no' havo bcon moro astonished than he was then to behold the stranger Uko out a huge hand ful of dazzling gold and loss down a shining ten. " There, Mr. .Mouse," ho said ; thero it sunny curls passed over his shoulders and gripediiniily in bis month, tho boy strug gled on to the nearest pile, t: wbidi lie finally clung like (lie small amphibious animal that ho really was. A boat-hook twisted into the gaimeiils of tho girl soon relieved him of his charge, which was placed in tin? trotiihling itrnu of its mother, who heaven-raised eyes told plainly that sho felt tho baby's heart still beating against her own. As they lowered tho hooks :ij.iin to draw up the almost exhausted rescuer, the men noticed that the drops that fell btck from his clothes mado a red stain nn the water. As they lifted him gently over the your crumb. Your bathing bill is soltlod." ; edge of tho wharf and laid him down on Joes ycr mean i Kin go now, mister.'" ms back a terrible wound.extendiug around gasped the prisoner, for a runtnent too stunned to grasp the fact. "Yes," said the gentleman ; und then, winking at the clerk, he continued ; " but you know, I only lend you this money. I expect you to pay it back in a year, you understand.'' But even while they wero all laughing hoartily at so rich a joke, the wharf rat raised his little clenched paw and said with an earnestness that even made the callous specials look aronnd : "I'll doit, sir; indeed I will I hope I may be struck dead if I don't!" "Well, ahem! see that you do," said his benofactor, with assumed gravity, "or I shall think vou are not a mouse of your word." "I hope I may be struck dead!" repeat ed tho pigmy solemnly, so solemnly, in deed, that the merchant felt, ho couldn't say why, a sort of lump rise in his throat, as he searched his pockot for a supple mental four-bit piece. " No," said the small dealer, declining this last firmly, "I havo forty cents that's enough fur tho papors;" and hurriedly glancing at tho clock, which showed the hour for the aflornoon issues had arrived, bo was gone like a flash, for to be late then meant the total risk of his email cap ital, and a moal or two skipped until the loss was mado up. I'.UiT li. SIX TV CENTS WOKTII. I wondor how many passengers on the Oakland ferry over speculate seriously on what tney would uo, in lact, on what would happen should they fall over board on tho trip. It such a gloomy calculation hi led their minds, and, impelled by thorn, the passon- gcr strolled forward or aft on tho main dock: to inspect too mo boats, tij would not need to possess a very intimato knowl cdgo of nautical affairs to be ominously impressed iiy wiiat no would sec. on his side, anil cutting Heir through two ribs, was exposed. "Stand back 1" .said one of tbo men to tho crowding bystanders; "he is ail broke up; must have dived under tho wheel for her." i The lookers-on drew back aghast from the puny, wet form king there on the slowly expanding carpet of red blood wincn llirotiocd Iroin Ins mangled side. In the awe-struck silence the low t-ob bing of the reviving baby near by was Heard, at wuicli sound the wounded bov slowly opened his eyes and smiled faintly. "Whore is he?" said a strong voice, shaken with emotion, and the uierchunt pushed his way through the ring and knelt tenderly by tho pitiful littlo ligiiro. "Cod bless you, my little mau. What can I do for you?" and then in n shocked tone, he added, "Why ho is wounded. Some ono go for a doctor at onco!" "'Taint no use," whispered the boy, faintly; and then beckoning the merchant to bend closer, ho said in irregular gaps, "Does ycr savey tho mouse?" The merchant looked perplexed. "Ycr don't know me, but I knowed you and the little gal, too. as sooti as I seed her drop. I'm the boy what tooked her np.' "Yes; yes, I romeuiber, but you must not talk until the doctor comes, mv poor fellow." "'Taint on use, I'm going," said the small mouse. "Here, take that out and count it," and ho indicated a lump that protruded trora a pocket of his wot clothes. Tho merchant withdrew a rug, in which was a roll of silver. "Count it," persisted the lad earnestly. Tho man wouderingly obeyed, and then said there was just !?'J.40 in the bundlo. "I sasd I'd pay you back this year," aid the boy in a fainter whisper and with a disregard of his terrible pain that was marvelous; "but 1 can t now; 1 m going, and I'm sixty cents short!" j And he said this with so earnest a look ( If course, wu all know that a : of distress and shame at his hulure. that law renuiros each steamboat, in addition IHvough tlio mind of tho wet-eyed crcd to other lirn-savitirr faailitics. to nrovliln a Hor involuntarily, passed a thought of number of lifo-boats m proportion to tho i l" l,KUJ puvnuou. tuo reascicss nine atnainor's cmiacitv. Theso arc. in the! of self-denial, the half-fed days and language of the specifications relating i shivering uiguts that were expressed by; thereto, "to bo slung on tho main deck, caul1 ot tne nattered mines mid Hoarded: kept in constaut working order, ready for - nickels of the slowlv acquired im beheld nstant use, and tno ileek-liands! 111 " Izcd with the working of the same bv ! ".Never muni the money.' s.iid the wcokly drills." I lather iu a cnoHing voice; "my baby is Tho innuirinj; passenger referred to i worth nil tho money in the world ionic, would notice, wo repeat, that on the ferry "ni' 5'011 llsve saved her lif.M A he lines referred to, these regulations arc j spoke a sudden thought dimly brightened practically ignored. Tho boats, ho would tlio eyes of the battered Utile, tradesman, perceive,' arc slung on davits, stout by i Accustomed as lie was from his irlicst rust; the loworing tackle solidatcd into I moments to liaht the desperate battli f iron-liko rigidity by thuuso oi" paint; the existence with his huogcr-slwrprnoil faenl-life-boats themselves covered bv an clab- j ti on the alert for every advaiihife ard orately fastened canvas hood, aiid the oars! offset in his pigmy bargauj. lie asked: fastened in a sort oi rant, nnd tbo whole : "is ga.s won a anyiumg.-' nppartus tied, strapped and incumbered: It was evident that saving aiioiln-r lire, in a manner perplexing to tho most ready- j or losing his own, was a sm ill matter bo linrrcrad, much less to tho chuckle-headed, sides bis anxiety to pay the debt of honor slow-moving deck-hand of tho period. that weighed upon him. He asked the A very impartial little calculation would question mcreuiwoiiniy. tnoiign. i ue.ievv then show the astonished passenger in I girls of "fcnub's" acquaintance were question, that should he fall overboard, or i wretchedly iuell'ectiial creatures, unable jump ovor and then repent him of tlio act, ! to com polo in the paper trudo.and pi opnr "as most suicides would he at least 'tionatoiy worthless and insignificant, fifteen minutes, in all human probability, ' "Ye-, yes; mine is worth eve: so beforo ho could be reached. Adding this much," said l.'ie parent gently, and hardly cheerful result to the fact, statistically j knowiug how to frame his answer to the proved, that not more thon four persons 'odd.question. out of a thousand, including swimmers,; "Sixty oenls?" peisisled Snub, can keep alloat lor ten minutes in smooth : .T''s much, much more but " water with their clotues on, the iiivssonger " men wnispereu me ciuin, wuu .an would doubtless concludo bv keeninrr as ellort, but still triumphantly. "Were far awav from tho side railing ru possible. and even read tho next nnbli.shed account of "A Determined Suicide" on tho furry lino with as much skopticism as interest. And yet our steamboat inspectors do not look as if a few hundred indirect murders weighed very heavily on their possible minds, somehow. It was December nirain, and lacking a few days, a year had slipped by since the lion had reversed the fable by gnaw ing the net for the mouse to escape. That morning tho merchant, who. for some in scrutable reason, resided in that corporate cemetery known as Uakland, had tired tho imagination of his little daughter by read ing at tho breakfast tunic tho inspiring news that two baby tigers had just been born at Woodward's gardens. As a nec essary sequence be had finally yielded to tho mandate of the domestic despot that sho should bo conveyed forthwith to that realm of juvenile doligh!. So pap.i, mam ma aud the goiduu-Iiairud midgot in tho Square. 1 said I d do it and 1 have! ' and his eyes closed. "Can't I do something lor vou, my poor littlo hero?" said thn merchant thioiigh his tears, for tho just arrived libvsieisn had turned away, shaking his head. "Do you wish for nothing?" Tho littlo black eyes opened dully t moment, pimlered, and then closed again "I should liko Skinny Smith to have my corner." Tho murmur came faintly and far oil'. And then, having mado his brief will, ho choked, and while tha blood oozed thinly from ids little drawn mouth he whispered but one word more: "Simare!" "It is beginning to rain," said one of the bystanders in a husky voice. "Let us curry tho littlo chap home." But the little wharf rat had gone liooi already. .SVm Francisco Fust. I'lii.stuvvrioN of Fouls r TiiEts. Pat family lead took mi oariv Inait for tho city i "'niorina ' -tho grown folks gravely pretendintrthat j T", " wP,rkaln1n cn"'n" B they did not themselves care to look iTi the I telegraph pole. Surveying tho animals, but that it wouldn't do to tri1.tlTlI0U " 'T.l'" ?? 'pr- (till! I'JV.lUl. 1IU lllllLloi . uuuki., a. a too bad. If it kapes on this way thero'll bo no lorrist tree- Vronklyn h'tigic. tho nurse altogether in such a placo as the icrry-uoai nuareii tuo whan un tho city side, tho mother was in tho cabin engaged iu the discussion of nursery mys teries with somo neighboring matron, whilo tho merchant, who had ilcsccuded to ; Vasbiii"loii tno lower ueeii wuu inn cmio, was head i Ulu,t paralyzed UVUl i-'iiia in a. n?!iwv."ii 'iia'itl3lLlou lectin!" ing tho new cabinet. Little Lillie, at length gelling tired of hangiug to thu uu responsive forefinger of her father's hand, trotted off unnoticed to tho side cf tho boat, to peer timidly fioni boncath tho gangway rail at tho great tall poles that were sweeping cioso past as tho boat eu terod the slip. They reminded her of so many soldiers on parade. As tho steamer's bow enishcJ iigainst the piles with a more than usually violent preliminary jar, a sudden inarticulate shout of terror rose from the passengers. The littlo bundlo of chubby prettincss had tottered and disappeared over tho sldo." My uoil:' shrieked tho paralyzed left in thn coniitrr." pnusion ageul was al with astonishment the other day when he found a veteran of the late war who had sustained a permanent injury whilo in the arniv, nnd had not applied for a pension. The veteran had cut nn artery in his wrist while opening a bottle of whisky stolen from the colonel's headquarters, and ho said ho didn't know a wound of that character entitled him to a pcirsion. 'Itie ngont noon convinced him of his error, and in a few days ho will receive $'2,800 back pension, mums 1,100 pocketed by the agent. jscmprvnttcr . r. u. ok rliOcEED- fathor, ns tho crowding of tlio boat against the slip shut tho drowning child from sight aid rendered help impossible. " She will bo crushed under tho wheel. ' l!ack!back!" shouted tliu passengers to the pilot, and, whilo the frantic screams of tho hysterical mother chilled their hearts nnd a dozen kindly hands restrained the father from nimlcssly leaping from tlio opposite side, the eughio bells iinirlod lui'iousiy, ami tuo niige mass Halted and : parts ol tun state, ruo ciuircu was mane The Temperance Cniisc. ANN l' A I. MKKTIXii OK TUB W. i OIIITTKNOKS COl'N'TV Till! isns. 'J'hu third annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. of Chlttonden county was held in tho Union church at Kssox..! unction, April L'.5 and IW, 1N8'-'. Forty-fivo delegates were present nnd seven speakers lrom other then began slowlv lo move outward again. Hoping against hope, the coolest of the passengers crowded to tho rail with boat attractive bv Howard and plants ; tho hos pltality of the ladios of Essex was liberal; the weather was Uuc ; and the attendance on all the meetings was large. iiav tiic i'.i routs. The ins'ilute oponed at 9. 15 Tuos.ltv morning with a devotional service led b Mrs. It J. Ilydoof Bakorfield. The regu lar business meeting bcran at 10 A. M , the president, Mrs. C A. I.. K. White of Wi nooski, in the chair. In absence of tho secretary Miss F. A. Atwater of Hurling ton was elected socrotary pro tcm. Nrs llobart .f the lvwcx Junction Union wel comed the delegates. The response wag made by Mrs. Dr. Durdickof Winooski. Keports of local unions were called for. Mrs. P.cllc l'arsams slated that at Essex Junction monthly prayer meeting woro held.teinperance literature circulated. Miss Coleman's text liook "Alcohol and Hv giene," by tho efforts of tho W. C. T. V. had been introduced into the puhlio schools. Tho money for purchasing thes tcxtbiKiki was raised by a !eniernc.: e-tntata tendered by the temperance school. This school has forty scholars, meeting weekly, taught by Mrs. Cowan and flv.s assUtau'-. For tin .Milton union Mrs. I'. iiiiy derrick reported a Hand of II qx with oiVfers chosen from among thu chil dren Yornperance sermon in church each q:ia"tir. Temperance literature distribu ted in tho families. They have had festi val, end expect to have soon a loan libra:y Winooski union repined 17 members, weekly prayer me.etiris. .Vi children in the Hand of Hope. Thoy have also given an Williston reported by Miss M. Kingsbury, new union, 10 members, havo all tho commit tees. Meet every week. No places where liquor is publicly sold. Aro most troubled by cider drink ing. Kv-ex Centre New Union, has ii mem Imts strong in faith and ready to work, repirlo I by Mrs V. Chapin. Miss A. N. N'ealy of West liolton reported a new union, had had only two meetinn No hotel in their village: but they have to contend with cider. Mrs. Hyde, by request, gave an interest ing acejtint of tho work done by tho liake.ishold union and spoke of pulpit no tices of our meetings as a means of good. Mrs. Murtevaat was requested to give a report of the Middlcbury union. She Slid they hava a membership of fid; hive done considerable missionary work, have for two years clothed and kept in school S3 boys and girls: aro educating a younjr man who lost his hand in a printing press ; thoy give temperance instruction in lh public schools. Tuesday afternoon the session opened with a consecration meeting, led by Mrs F.. G. Greene of St. Albans, president of tbo stato W. 0. T. U. At tho business mooting following, tho chair appointed Mrs. Ii. II. Day, Mrs. Dr. l.und, and Miss M. Kingsbury committee on resolutions. J. W. Guernsey of Underbill read nn ex cellent essay on "Education of Floys." This was followed by a discussion of cvau gelistio temperanco work. Mr. Chrystlu of Milton was called for, and made inter esting remarks. Little Edna Greenleaf of Winooski gave a recitation. Mrs. K. G. Greeno with the question box showed her self writ acquainted with all branches of the subject. Kev. Mr. Olmstcad BKke. favoring tho introduction of temperance text books into the schools. Mr. I.uad rec ommended that tho unions give to oach teacher, with permission of tha school commissioners. Miss Coleman's text book on "Alcohol Hygiene." and ask that it bo used in giving oral lessons. Mrs. I.. C. Harrows of Middlobury gave a normal lesson to tho children, which was perhaps the most pleasant exorcise ef tho day. The session closed with prayer by Uov. Myra Kingsbury. Tuesday evening session began with a lliblo reading conducted by Mrs. Hyde, subject. "Our Savior." I'ruyer by Kev. Sir. t otvaii oi Essex .Junction. Alto solo by Miss Ida .Stanley. Essey by Miss Annie Hitrdick nf Winooski, ou "The Fir-t Glass." An address was given by Mr. Kennedy of Watcrbury. Mrs. K J.'flyda ma le an eloquent address, showing that every mau aud every woman owes per. on.'.l effort to the work ef louipeianco re form. After an alio solo by Miss Stanley and chorus, Mrs. lnul g.ivo an explana tion of S 'wall's stomach plates. M'wic by tlio choir, and benediction ft 7 !1"V. Mr. IVw.m closed tin; meeting. vi;ini-:soay s,i'. Wednes lay morning se-iiiei opji:-.'.l with t in1. i;se serve;.! c udiiL-'el by Mrs. I,. U. !.-: il of II li'!ill ''.ia, foiloA-el by cail are! rcaliug r-f minutes. Mrs. K. A. SyiridVanl addressed thn institute on tent- peancc literature, touiper.itcij .schuol text, bonks, leailels, moKocs. Sineitiu' by the choir "U i-i thy I, read iimui ins Waters. Essay by Mrs I'm I of Essex .fiincioii on "Rjl.ition of Tuiiipeianec to Labor and Capital." Article on "Fermented vs. L'n- Icrincnlod Communion Wine, byAIiss I. T. Iltadshaw oi Monlpclicr. An essay by Mist Alice G'tcriisy on Temperance in struction iu -chju'.s was read, also a com nitiiiicalion from lis r lo the unions. This was followed by discussion of Young Woman's Chri-iitii Tempurance Union, by Miss Jonie Gill of Mon'pehcr, Mrs. flei'iick ni" Millon, Miss I,tlumi t Kscz Junction, and .Mrs. Siiutcvaiit. Jle. ports from the rom.tining lucal unions were hear'!. Ilinosbiirgh, thirty members, holds prayer meetings once in two weeks, gives instruction in tiie public schools, was compelled lat fall to suspend jivcniln temperance school. Uichmond miinn juji organized with IS members. Jericho union organized in March with 7 member, has now :0 members, and all the commit tees. Burlington union has SO tueinbei, holds meetings twice each month. The Band of Hope has varied in attendance from K'j lo lo. Uses Miss I'olemaji's "Alcohol and Hygiene." Ha raisod and expended a large sum of money, $10 of which went toward the salary of Mrs. Sturlcvnnt, state secretary and organizer. Mrs. Kund brought up tho subject of a new basis of representation at onr state conventions, mado necessary by tho in creasing number of unions. Tho session closed with prayer by Mrs. Uello Farsons of Essex Junction. Wednesday afternoon the session opened with a song service conducted by Kev. Myra Kingsbury of Williston; followed by Scripture reading and prayer by ltev. Mr. Emerson of Underbill. Quartette "Thn Old Oaken ftuckot," bv the choir. Koli call and reading of minutes. Mrs. Day, chairman of committee on resolutions, re ported resolutions of cncccrageuient anil of thanks jto tho poople of Essex which wero adopted. Mrs. Euud gave hints to ihow In lug who wish to give scientific temperance in itrucliou to children. Heading by little Florence Uurdick of Winooski. Exurcisc of tho Essex juvonilo tempoianco nchoo! woro conducted by Mr. Cowan and two assistants, consisting of responsive read ings. Singiug. recitations, temperance oatechlsiu, by tlio infaut class, lessons from Miss Coleman's "Alcohol and Hygiene,' by older classes. Tho last exorcise of tbo session was an address by Mrs. E. 11. Eord of Burlington on tho injurious effects of alcoholio modi icincs on infants and adults. Mrs. xtA read a selection from tho Simdny Si-i,n. I Times on tho same suhioet. Wednesday evening session bejan with prayer meeting, led by Mrs. Dr. l'owers of tho Uichmond union. An original poem was delivered by Mr. C. S. Jiord of Winooski. This was followed by an essav by Mr. E. E. llallnrd. Mrs. 11. G. Hammond's resignation whs read and accoptcd. Florence A. Atwater of Eurlington was elected, in her place, secretary of tho county union. Miss Viola Greenleaf of Winooski gave a recitation. Tho address of tho ovemng was given bv Mrs. K. A. Sturtevant. Fi.omw.'E A. Atwatru, See.