Newspaper Page Text
MONTl'liLIKll.VT., WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1883. vi' . i -i i 1 1 hi ,lt . t ho l.' iik kman narticulrl y valuab oi-tls u.-ws troiil all parts of Vortnont.audourfriuiula u iliil'.TiMit part ol tlie Htnto, especially id nasuuiK 1 iu,Oi .iu.-o ami I.amoillo Oniitlea will confer a (fret ........ ii oa i.ti.l .mi renders by ecudlh- ua loot nrolluron.-c. liiveus facts aud wewillurraiiKi-'tUlm t ll:e p:ip. William O. Sttindish is on a short visit lioiim fruin Springfield, Mhbs. Hon. U.K. Filiuld's family intend spend ing the summer at Ulock Island. ('Ii;nli's T. Sabin is expected home from hiss Iv.iropi'iin trip in a day or two. A ;!:im bukc and bus kot picnio at Bon jiiiiiin's Falls to day is on the programme. IS.irrows & IVck are dolna the tinning on .1. V. (iould's new house nt Northlield Falls. (Jeoi-jo W. Durfey lias sold his place in Jicrlin, near the I'ioneer mills, back to O. 1). ScrihiKT. W. E. lii st and James Murray started last Monday on u prospecting trip to Bis marck, Dakota, Key. Lorenzo While, a former prinoipnl if Hie Vermont Methodist seminary, was in town Tuesday. The White ltivor agricultural soeiety will hold their auuuil fair ut Bethel, September 18, 10 and 20. 15. 1'. Cheney and family of Boston will spend a few (lays in Montpelier, with hcadiiuuiUTS at the Pavilion. Win. C. Qaimby has gone to Bollows Fa'.ls, whore ho ho has secured a good sit uation as foreman in n tin shop. An educational meeting will bo held in V, u-nard, commencing to-morrow evening and closing next Friday evening. .I.mii McCaffrey, for tho past two years in ihe employ of George M. Scribner, is now at work for Barrows & Feck. Commencement exercises wore complot nl at Codilard Seminary, Barre tho 27th. Diplomas were awarded to a class of 11. Eleazor E. Dodge returned homo on Sun d::v morning from Xew York city where he lias been stopping for tho past three months. Consiberablu hay has been made the part week, though a great many farmers will comnienoo tlioir haying "the Monday after the fourth.'' Walter Cross of Denver, Colorado, a son of the lato Timothy Cross of Mont pelier, is visiting friends in town. His wife accompanies him. There are two natural curiosities in the vicinity c,f Tunbridge; A kitten with itO tees ami 1 separate cars, and a chicken with four perfect legs. The war on the trado dollar continues. The Central Vermont managers havo no. tilied their ngcnU not to accept the trade dollar at over Jsj cents, The Vermont editors and publishers' a.-socialion hold their annual meeting this year at Newport, Tuesday and Wednes day. July lOitmnd 11th. William Uoinlirook litis removed his meal market from tho basement at the corner of Main and Stato street into Frank Con y's block, near the Union House. Commander George Dewoy, U. S. Navy, who has n cen ly been very ill at Malta arrived homo on Saturday last and is stopping with his brother, F.dward Dewey. The town is laying a new six-inch drain on Barre street from the Freeman house running southeasterly ton point whore il turns and runs to tho river in tho rear of Putnam street. JJow can the Vermont Watchman, by inference! even, suggest that the Hon. Jjs oh Poland and Miss Abby M. llcnion- ii v inisrht iirolit by taking to heart the story of Ananias and Sap;,hira of old! The P.eedlo ov Prindlo pleasure party give one of their entertaining concerts at Ca The .tal Hall next Wednesday evening, coinnany is well known in Montpeli er and keeps fully abreast of tho times. The second reunion of tho seventh Vermont regiment will be held at Bur lington, August 28th, 23th and ."0th. Among ihe attractions will be a steamboat ride to the Ausabla Chasm, free) to all, on t he second day. Look out for tlie trade dollar, and don't take it. The dealers in the great cities have refused to pass it and it will soon be ,-t thing of tlie past. It is not and never lias been legal tender, and cannot be forced on any one. Tlio extensive butter tub factory of J. E. Iloustin of Stowe was entirely con suiii' d by lire Monday forenoon. The loss was some ?;i,000 with an insurance of SI, 100. Mr. Houston has ahead' commenced re building. Timothy O'liiien of North Duxbury found four valuable cows dead in his pas ture on Friday lust. They were apparent-i- well i:i the morning. More are sick put mav recover. The farmers aro much alarmed, fearing r-cnie epidemic. It now forms that the movement for bringing Berlin pond water into the village is assuming dolinito shape. A s ()': company is to be formed to do it and it is probable that the money will he easily raised as the investment must bo a profit- j aide one. ester.lay a sad drowning accident occurred in the Mad river at Wakefield. It seems that a party of young men were in bathing when Eli B. Douglass lost con trol id himself and Charles, a son of .losiah Holden, went to his aid I ut both were drowned. Tho bodies wero soon reeovere.l. Tip- closing exorcises of tho Washington county grammar scliool, was held in Cap ital Hall, last Faiday evening, and were very interesting to thoso in attendance. The names of the graduates aro, Edward M. Itlakelv. Louise A. Clark, Emily L. fiat on, M try L. Freeman and Kvclyn S. I.ea-e. The prevailing opinion that the Ely Mines were "petering out" gathers addi tional force each day. Last Saturday was I'n' regular monthly pay day but the money was not forthcoming. On Monday morning as the store was opened it was cii iueil out" by a crowd of over a hundred miners. Cnneral dissatisfaction exists among the miners anil the oxplana lion by tho managers licit, for tho past lew months work ill tho mino3 hud been proi-eeiiieil til a loss, is taken as an indica tion that woi k will not bo actively resumed until some reasonable expectation can bo irdiilgeil that another rich "pockot" will l.p Mruek. Tho legislature is still in session in Mas sachusetts though it wants to completo the Tcwksbury business and go home. Tho ppots on tho sun are unusually numerous and unlive about Iheso days, and electrical disturbances on this Kpliero of ours nr correspondingly violent. Dr. William W. Whitney, it well known farrier, for several years a resident of. Montpelier, lied of pneumonia a few days ago at Springfield, Mass., whero he had resided for some, time; his ago was (10 years. On Wednesday afternoon of last week an extension of tlie porch which overhangs tho river in the rear of E. Bart Cross' block on Elm street gave way with a num ber of small boyH upon it, falling some l.j feet into the river. Help being close at hand they were all rescued. A little son of (1. W. Wheeler was the only ono much injured, and he is now aide to be out. (Jiii.i.sic.v. Farmers tire beginning to cut their hay, which promises to be very good. Geo. V. Keed was a good deal injured by being thrown from his buggy Sunday evening ly his horso faking fright and running while ho was on his way from his homo to the village. John 11. Bixby graduated from Hanover college last week. John M. Comstock, principal of Spring. field graded school, is spending his vncti tion with bis friends in this town. A. V. Goes has employment this summer at tlio tlio insane asylum Somervillc, Mass. Mr. Smith, of Bhodo Island, is looking for more nice horses in town. The late Mrs. bophia Drew mtulo a bequest to the Congregational church of 51,000. William Dickinson, now of Aurora, III but formerly a resident and business man of tliis town, with his daughter, is visiting his brother, B. F. Dickinson. Miss Ella Brown is spending tho season with her mother, having completed her college courso at Wellesley, Mass. A valuable cow, owned by L. D. Hum phrey, ran oil a bank and was killed. Mrs. Dcnsmore of Washington, D. C is spending the season with her sister, Mrs. A. II. Emerson. The IV. C. T. U. served a strawberry festival, June 23th, on the grounds of tho acr.dcmy that was burned a few years ago. Mabel S. Sacket, who sot lire to Mr. Lombard's buildings of West Randolph, with whom she was living at the time, has been sentenced to the reform school at Vergennes, until sho becomes 18 years of age. She is now about 11. John Parks was quite badly injured by tho falling of a derrick in tlio cemetery, whero he was at work, Juno 28th, which struck hiia on one hi). The derrick fell in in consequence of a stake giving way to which it was fastened by a guy rope, W. II. E. Cummings, principal of Brad ford academy, with his family, is spending the season with his father-in-law, A. H. Powers. Nora I'., llobbs of this town was one of the students to whom Iho honors of com petitive speaking wero awarded tit tho lute closing exercises of the Normal school at Randolph. She took the second prize. Mr. Bctts, who has been seriously ill for a long time, is convalescent. Henry Eyttlo has removed to Lynn, Mass., lo reside wilb hid children. Hon. W. R. Clark of Brattlcboro, is visiting bis friends in this town. Tho "Willing Workers" society held their regular meeting June 2!), with Mrs. Puller. Mr. Jackson of Lowell, Mass., gave a lecture at the Methodist church on Mon day evening, July 2. W. B. Marston and daughter of Albion, R. I., aro visiting friends in town. Jnne .'10, a frost that cut beans severely. NoiiTiil-'lKi.P.- Hon. II. Carpenter is apparently much improved in hoalth. Martin Cobleigh, Esq., and wife of South Northlield started Monday of this week for a six weeks' visit among friends in Iowa and Nebraska. Miss Cora R. Brooks, who is filling a very responsible and quite lucrative posi tion as a teacher in the public schools of Council Bluffs, Iowa, arrived in Norlhlield last week and is stopping at her father's, J. P. Ilrooks oa Pleasant street. Geo. II. Richmond, publisher of the News and the Farmer with bis wife, left last week for Brooklyn to lake a vacation of a couple of weeks. Albert Hill, a Northfield boy who is a merchant grocer of Lawrence, Mass-, is at home spending a vacation of a few weeks. C. A. Braley, A. I!., is Iho way Dart mouth college now permits our friend Charley to style himself. Mrs. Etta Coll'rin, after a lingering illness of more than a year, died Monday morning of consumption. Miss Lottie Whilmarsh is stopping for a few weeks in Stockbridgo with her aunt, M rs. Charles Wright. Tho conversational club with their scvor al wives wero received Monday evening by Prof. Chas. Dole at his homo and treated to a sumptuous repast of strawberries and strawberry shortcake. Whiti: JrNTTioN. Mrs. S. L. Pingreo left on Tuesday for Ryo Beach. Tlio body of John Donovan who was drowned at Olcotts Falls last Sunday, hag not been found. Rev. T. L. Gulick, formerly a mission ary to Spain, preached i't the Congrega tional church at Hartford last Sunday. Tho school meeting Saturday evening was well attended. Good feelings pre vailed and tho school building was located on tho Lyman lot. A good number was out to tho lawn parly, on Tuesday evening in L. ). Hunt's yard. A quiet fourth is expectud, all go to Mat-Hand that wish lo celebrate. The meeting of the woman's foreign missionary society was held at Iho M. E. church on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Lizzio Pratt ol West Hartford, closed a sitccesful term of school in this district hist Friday. Wkst BuiiKsiiini;. The Good Teniplnrs picnic came oil June (ion tlio Morrisville camp ground, according to appointment. Tlio rain in the morning doubtless hindered many from attending. Tho exercises opened one o'clock r. M., with singing led by Prof. S. O. Tillotson of Bakorslield, and Mrs. Noyon of Hyde Park at the organ. Prayor by Rev. Clark Wedgeworth ol Btikorsflold. Address of wclcomo by Revs. W. II. Hyde of West Berkshire; response by Rev. G. L. Story of Hyde Paik. Rev. M. Hiilburd and Jump not being nblo to be present Revs, Mr. Culver of St. Johns- bury and Johnson of Waterbury very acceptably filled their plaoeg. Interesting exercises of singing and speaking were held by the members- of tho several lodges represented until lime to take the train In spite of the rain it was a very pleasant nine. St. JoimsnuHY. E. W. Culver preach cd at the Free Baptist church, last Sunday. Court is still in session here. Last week they had Iho Merchant murder case of Barnet on tiial, and acquitted the accused. During the trial of tho Merchant mur der case, Dr. Brooks, a leading doctor of this place, while testifying, declined to answer certain questions which ho con sidered as leiuling to expert testimony, and was sent to jail for contempt of court. J. Ross, jtuli:e. Rev. E. W. Parker, late from India, but formerly from St. Johnsbury, preaohed at Ihe M. E. church, Sunday. Mr. Parker has been a missionary in India about twenty-four years, and is now home to regain his health. Ho gives some very interesting accounts of tho work going forward there. Tho graduating exercises at the ncado- my were very interesting this term, and included some very good speaking. The class is tho largest ever graduated, num bering fortv nine. The concert by "The Spanish Students" and Mr. Whiteliold as humorist, given under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. was not as largely attended as it ought lo have been for it was a fine concert and for a good causo. Somo of our good templars went to Barnet Tuesday, to a picnic. An oxcursion train was run to Burling ton Tuesday to enable the masons and some others, to go and witnoss the unveil ing of the new monument at that place, S wanton. Repairs on. the mill dam are progressing now rapidly. Butter market was largely attended this week and the prices ranged from 1G to 21 cents. George and R. L. Carney have now in their mill a Urge stock of whito, blue and red marble for tiling. Mrs. George N. Gourley of St. Johns bury and two children are visiting in town tit her father's, D. McDonald. Wo have another excitement this week. Oa Monday, while clearing out the flume to the sash and blind mill, a human foot was found. This led to further search on Tuesday and tho clothing and most of the body of a man was found. There appears to bo no doubt that it Is the remains of a young Frenchman who worked in the bakery hero and disappear ed ono and a half years ago. No tidings have been heard of him since. It was well known at tho limo of his disappear- ance one Saturday night that ho was engaged in a drunken brawl and many thought then Unit he had been killed. There is a bare possibility that, being drunk, ho fell into the river and camo to his death by accident, Many would feel bettor could that view of the case bo made clear. The town authorities instituted no search for him at the time of his disap pearance as many thought they, ought to have done unik r tho circumstances, and so it has remained a mystery until this week. It cannot now be determined from the remains whether death was from violence or accident. Sv antun. The mysterious disappear ance of tlie baker Cyielle Itouselle. and the finding of his body under such unusual cifcumsianees is now explained to the general satisfaction. Tho facts as far as known seem to be these, which are established by two disinterested women, who state, the first, that sho met a man in the vicinity of whero this quarrel was Known to oecur, wno was much intoxica ted, and asked tho way to the bakery; this was at about 1 o'clock in the evening. Then one-half hour later an intoxicated man came to tho door of Mis. Moses Oiiinmcnt down the track towards the fiver from where the first Avoman was inquired of, and asked whether he was in St. Albans or Swanton, seeming much eonfused. She did not notice which way ho went, but thought after reflection Unit It must have been tho missing man, for he lived at the bakery near by, where she had seen sueh a man go. Tho authorities, after shutting off the water as best thoy could, found that one arm and some of tho clothing had been sucked in under the bulk head and ttiat a stone of about 40 pounds lay upon one thigh. Now the general opinion is that the man in his drunken condition wandered down the railroad and fell through the P. & O. bridge, floated down under water, for it was in cold weather and the bridge was about .SO rods above. Tho hand and clothing wero sucked under and fastened him dowu, and the stone miglit have fallen from the wall of Ihe bulk head. It would seem that the quarrel which had been referred to, although of a very serious nature and occurring the same night, had no connection with tho baker's disappear ance, and the verdict must bo that the ono responsible for his death was he who furnished the liquor. Wiij.iam.ston. Frank Martin returns lo Worcester, Mass., this week. He ex pects to make canvassing his business for a short time. Lucia (Hark of Northlield is visiting friends in town, and will stay for a few weeks. The remains of (Jcore Walton and wife were lately removed from tho Kist Hill to the village cemetery. Flora Horsey was obiiged to leave her school, after teaching six weeks, on account of salt rheum in her hands, and Clara J'enipleton commences this week lo finish tho term. Arney Wiley of Cavendish, brother of Mrs. C. II. Merrill, has been with her the past two weeks, and will remain until her business affairs aro somewhat sottlod. Mr. Foss and family of Northfield have moved into a part of Joel Horsey's house. Ho works for Mr. Horsey by tho month. O. H. Hriggs, superintendent of tho M. I". Sabbath school, made the goneral re view of tho lesson quito interesting by diverging a little from tho usual routino by questioning and singing. Ho is trying hard to do ellicient work in the place he fills, and is succeeding well. A merry party of eight persons look a trip to lieilin pond last Thurday, to spend the day either boating, fishing or picnioing experience proved all to bo excellent, especially tlio camping on tho other side and preparing and partaking of dinner in Iruo gipsy style, which, with tho good oold spring til hand, made it a very enjoyable affair. Wo think that fanners and farmer's boys, who, as a rule, work so hard and steadily, would lind a simple divorsion like Ibis for a day really profitable, as it gives, for a short lime, eliango to thought and rest to (he body . Noticing tlio death of ihe negro Honson, (the supposed original of "Undo Tom") who latelv "passed" at tho age of 94, the lindon Times gravely remarks that "his death was hastened by tho injuries he received when a slavo." The burn of Reuben Jepson in Pownul was burned, with two cows and u horse, all his farm implements, a quantity of hay and a wagon. Another horse was so badly injured by Iho heat nnd smoke that de ii I h is feared. In Brattleboro, one of John Kay's livery horses amused itself after getting loose in ihe stable the other night, by going up a flight of stairs into the cilice, thence through a door into the haymow where ne was lounil feeding the next morning. The London News says : " It is perfectly within America's light to prevent the landing of the Irish paupers on her shores. Tlio gross negligence in shipping them is most cruel. If assisted emigration is to bo continued, it must bo conducted differ, ently." The grandfather of Charley Backus, the dead minstrel, was President Backus of Hamilton college, who in his early days possessed infinite humor and jest, witty repartee, and whose jokes upon the stu dents are among the traditions of the college. 1 here will he 401 votes in tho next electoral college, 201 being necessary to a choice. The lifteen slates of New York, Ohio, Ilennsylvanin, Illinois.Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan. Minne sota, Nebrasba, New Hampshire. Vermont, Wisconsin and Rhone Island furnish precisely the requisite number. Our sorghum friends must not lose their tempers concerning Commissioner Boring. Ho is particularly strong with President Arthur and forms one of the marked ornaments at Whito Houso reeep Hons. Ihe only met hod by which the handsome doctor cun be removed at pi cs ent is by offering him some rino political olfioe, like the gubernatorial chair of Mass achusetts, or somo other influential post tion comporting with his dignity nnd big! attainments. Americin Cultivator. A Wondkki'IX Cave. About a mile from the market town of Adelsburg, Austria, and three miles from Ti testa, is to be seen tho most wonderful cavern Lurope, and possibly in the world, called' tho Adelsburg cave, and which has been explored Tor a length of nearly .1000 yards, as far as b subterranean lake. This cavern consists of several grottoes, from GO to 70 leet tiign. ine interior resounds with the noise 01 water, as a little river runs completely through it. forminc manv cascades on its way, and being finally lost lo view in a fissure. This river continues its subterranean course for about cisrht miles, and after a time it disappears into tlie cavern of I.aase, whence it emerges as a navigable river called tho Iviibaoh. The entrance to tho cave of Adelsburg is illumiated by hundreds of candles, and a transparent curtain composed of large sheets of crystallized limestone is seen hanging fioiu the roof. The vast hall or ball room is about 180 yards from tho entrance. It is about 500 feet long and 100 feet high, and is adorned with trans parent stalactites of every kind of fantastic shape and form. Until tho year 1810 this ballroom was the only part known ; but at this date the wall of stalagmite was broken through and a scries of chambers exposed to view, pos cssing a cathedral like appearance, from the stalagmites in many instances forming vast columns by meeting the stalagmites below. In tlie Adelsburg cavern numerous specimens are found of the protcus, a kind of limrd lhat dwells in the bottom of the cavern lakes. SASIWITCHES Many horses have wind-galls. Nuthmftd Morse, 01 l'cmurokc, Mass., says: " 1 have uauil lillis'a Spavin Cure on my horso lor wiml.gatls, with ier fect success." I'uv.'Tiv S ig la bor n though ts. Dc Quin c y . The Itcv. Chas. K. Piper, formerly ol l'illsBi-lU N. II., but now of Wakefield, It. I., writes : "jIy wife had hecu an invalid tor years, but Maxim's Mandraks Bitters cured her." N. II. Downs' Veg etable Balsamic Elixir always cures coughs, colds and cousumption, when taken In season. Henry A Johnson's Arnica and Oil Liniment, for strains, bruises, cuts, swellings, old sores tic, Is excellent, I'm1.'; ml Faith is tho spi-inp; of notion. A'ussetl Lowell. COSTIVBNESS: The most effectual way to over come a costive habit is to take a smalll dose of Baxters Mandrake Hitters bcloro each meal, anil follow It for a week or ten days; the euro will jc mild, but euro. fmJ7ml There shot a streaming lamp along the sky. Dryden. Many people Becm to think there is no danger in neglecting a Cold in warm wcatiicr; but this is of ten a futal mistake. Itemcmbei- lhat lr. r.u. White's Tulmonary Elixir will give instant relief. fttvJTtnl The epidemic of our times is impatience. Dr. Edwards. Revelation suggests the idea that from Woman comes Iho power to "bruise Ihe serpent's head. The words take a now meaning to-day since this is prccisly what .Mrs. Lydia E. I'inkham's Reme dies do lor the physically diseased patient. Her Vegetable Compound reaches the ultimate sources of tho evil. Its action is gentte anil noiseless, tint it is more powerful than the club ot Hercules. Bazar. lin'.'Twl Lifo is short and the whole earth is man's. South. "Dr. Hcnson's Celery and Chamomile Pills ra the cure of Neuralgia arc a success." Dr. (i. I'. Itolman, Cliristianburg, Va. flu cts. at druggists. InrJTivl Ceremony is the smoke of friendship. Chinese proverb. A VOICE FROM THE 1'ltESS. I take this opportunity to boar testimony lo the efllcacy of your "Hop Bitters." Expecting to Hud them nauseous and bitter nnd composed of bad whiskey, wo wero agreeably surprised at their mild taste, just like a cup of tea. A Mrs. Creswcll and a Mrs. Connor, friends, havo liken-ise tried, and pronounce them the best medicine lliey have ever taken for building up strength nnd toning up tho system. I was troubled with costivenss, head ache and want of appetite. My ailments tire now all gone. I havo a yearly contrnct with a doctor to look after tlie health of myself and family, but 1 need hiin notnow. 8. tjlLLlLASD. July ii, 1 (Ts. People's Advocate, Pittsburg, Pa. fnrJTwl Attention is the highest of our skills and virtues. Goethe. Ladies who have used Wheat Bitters say thoy arc wonderful in cases of nervous debility and other troubles of the sex. fm-JTwl Wo take less pains to be happy than to appear so. La Jiochcfounaultl. CORED OF SPASMS. " I am well and happy again " Bays our fair cor respondent, Miss Jennie P. Warren, "lu W. Vau Burcn street, Chicago, lit., " your Samaritan Ner vine cured me of spasms." furJTwl What can cease to bo ours, never ha been ours. George Macdomls A Miss Buchanan, once rallying a brave soldier on his courage, said: "Now, Captain Johnson, do yoa really mean to toll mo lhat you can walk up lo the cannon's niouth without fear.-"' " Yes," was tho prompt ruply, "or a Buchanan's, cither," and he did tt. It may be safety assumed that the lady to whom the gallant captain thus paid his respects hadn't tho catarrh. This malady is as loathsomo as it Ib painful. Its cure has heretofore been considered Impossible. Kly's Cream Balm, however, never fails to euro it. Mr. Nalhan Keg. ley, with E. K. Montz, mcrchant.Wilkcsbarrc, Pa., says: " I'vo had catarrh for 15 years. Ely's Cream Balm has opened my nostrils and reduced the in flammation. My oyes, too, can stand strong light. ' This Balm is a marvol ot fragrance and curathc powcrsls not a ll'iuid or snuff, and is easily ap plied. fin'JTwa him that would move tho world move first himself. &;raUs. Ayer's Ague Cure ts a powerful tonic bit lor, com posed wholly af vcgctablo ll-t action Is peculiar, prompt and powerful, breaking up llic chill, curing the fever and expelling the puti-nu from the system, yet leaving no harmlulor un pleasant effect u.ion tho patient, Siill'erers from chills and fovcr who have used quinine as a remedy will appreciate thl s. iiu-JTwi Letter rnrnlled for nt Montpi-lh-i-, Vl l'nt Olllr-e, June (, IHNit. IfTo obtain those letters persons must vivo the above date. Ladiks. Mrs. Fannie Hayes. Miss Miry T. I.swson . Mill Jennie Lovell, Mrs. Oan. Palmer, Miss rtlnra -I Parker, Miss Jennie Smith, Mrs. Joseph Woo.If. (Irnti.kmrn. Oeortro Dnyan, .1. W. Norrls, I'. W. Potter, Harvey Iteod. J. 8. PECK, r. M. MAR El AGES. Iti Mont puller, June 23. hv Kev. .1. EJw. Writ-lit, OKOltUK A. HN'Kmi Rii-t Mont seller, uuU JE.M.NiE JC UAULOW ni ll vile Parll. In M'Hitpf'lir, Juip si), bv Kev. D, P,. Millar. AM04 V. It AH i'WKLL of Montpolier, aud ELLA 15. FO.STEK ut Jt-nrlHi. In MoiitptMiVr. .Jmje 2f. bv rioo. W. Winir. Epij., W. A. LOliJJ, utl i.l'lJY A. VOITNU, both of Mtmtpeuor. In Mtmtp'!ir, July 8, bvHfiV.J. Kdw. Wright, A L I'liKD K. WATSON of Uurtturd, Vt.( and M. MAUD ('AUK ot NtJW York City. In WnitHfbiM, Jutjfl 25, bv Rov. O P TapUn, F. S, liWIsTKIt ol iUudulpu.ainl JENNIE E. KAUGEXT ol Will rcu. In Wut'TVllIf .Iniiolri Uv llav flon f. Ktftrv IIPVTIV I,. SVI.TIH' liliV.ul Eiiiilu'h'luii, una MAliY WILmtJi til M iiMil mi' In Pun villc., Jul v:f, bv ib.v. H, Sweat f. Fit AX K I. WhbSl'KU.uu t MAIUJIA E. WEIiSTEH, buth of Dun iiU; DEATHS, In l.inmilli'. III., Jiitin 2i, Sli-K. M All V I,. WKI.l.s, foniii'i ly r Wiutstluid, Vt.,aecH:l yi-ar.i. In M irsli'iH.I. .Inly 3. Mrs. I'ATTY ENdMHII, anol In S.i iin.-l ,l, , , WM. W. WIIITNUY, formerly (,1 ,lli)iitpdirr, iiKi-tl lib yiiiirw. In N'lrtlilit'hl, July 11, of coumtmption, Mir. KTTA Absolutely Pure. Thin pmvrlor nver varies. A marvGl of purity, Frivnifi Ii iin d wh'PlesonieiifiKu, More Pfinoiuic.! than tlio oniintiry kimln, ami. cannot bo Bold in coniMfti iHniwithtliH iniiltitudo of low tent, short weight, alum ur ptiosplmlo pitwilorB. Hold vniy in can. UuVU. iiAKINU I'OWDLIL Co. , lOt) WuU-gt., N. V. Ipprintice Wanted, J. A triiflwortliv ami IiidtiRtrloiiH hoy of from H to If yr;irn t aifc, to li-arn tho printer'a trado ami do choron aliont tho hiniao tin: lirst year. Ono acoiiHtomoil to tht euro oj c aiw. apiuv to or aiMross H. Ii. WUKEI-iOCK, Moutpolier, Vt imssian army Harness Oif and Pre- I lesses. SD PR1CJ LIST JU Blacks. Softens and serves Harnesses SEND Hill (miXKAD Ml! LIST KAMl'UOUATXs. 1.5ii,J. O, ii.. Express rum, P. A. II. 0. R CO., 208 Washington Street Boston, Mass. PURE XITAC INDIA 1 CAg I'rtiiii Iho Districts of Akmam, CmTTACiONn, ('achaii. Kasuk.v, PAit.iKKi.iN(., Di-;imia I Iihin, ami iilhci-fl. Ahsohiti'ly Pure. Superior In Flavor. The M'int l-itmnuii';il. Ketpiln'R mi l- half the umial nuan em. Koid hv all LTot-.ti-H. JOHN C. PHILLIPS & CO.-.Aoiits of tlio Calcutta i'ca .Symiiuale, i.iii ttatui BOOKS. 125 TONS of Standard H ioltfJ, many of thim the li-iflt pditioiiF ptih i!uil. Yoru choice M'lit for examination before payment, on reiiHonabto evidence ot (food faith, tiie litmlfs to hrj returned at. my expense if not satistaotnry .Spec in I hartriiiiis tiii month . New publications every wet'k. l'rit ''H lower titan over before known, rainfinir troni Two Ckntn for 't'eim.vson'H "Enoch Anion," un abriiiu't d, I.ailok Tvri:. to for the lament and best American ( 'yrlopedia. Not sold by denU-ra- prices too nv. t' tree. Mrntion thin i-aiwr. .RUIN li, AbDKN, rubiisUor, lHWySt., N. V. LATEST IRflPROVfcO HORSE-POWER (For 1, 8 or 3 Monro.) lii" Most SitliHfnctory Slarlitnc sum IT AO THRESHING &CLEANING GRAIN AND SAWING WOOD. AoVliovli ,..'. .l liviillc-nMi,-ti-lit)iiilifi-itol-tti(-mnrt tli,.iiiii---lih n-liuMi! Min-liini in tin' iniirk.'t. mniril tnir i-iiv ilriill, Humility mid quality of wnrk. ami ilurul.illtv. S. iid fur -IX-nnwr I'nuililili't KlvuiB full il.'-..-ni'tinii ulid tenuw, l-'ltl-.l-.. A.l.lrt'BH A.W.CRAY'S SONS, PATENTEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS, (VI 1 D D LE TOWN SPRINGS, VT. 2tiw4 4:: W "pwn-liri BEETHOVEN ORGANS. IQ SETSREED3. mpt Price only $125 Vf'i:i-vj----'i,y Orean3 for only "-ssrri Ml 'tt 'nuTii nri ir V.. : .. n iLX"' r uicitiidc ike i rnur IfrPP-curt.-i. incHtiHii.i.,ll di.liiUH atlowi dfdrliaveling cxiimf h, w lictlirr J"u buy or nit ynuirowrlrt.memy- fliT Jr& " , Orirnn Worki In mU1pM. - !.- - j-' tjr siniijinifr "ii" every 10 mln- litrn. Addrrnn or rftll uji'm DiKIEL F. mm, WaSHIHGTOW, NEW JERSEY. ,t !' Ml mm "I s SALESMEN WANTED. To Hi'l! i)iirnrrv flinclt. Foil linn of nrw and valuable wprrittUHS. rcrmtineiii empnij infm mm oh'u fniary to Hinvertiiiiil UK'i'iiu. Address, Kivintf ago aud rcttr- t'llt't'K, The Olio. A. STONK, Nursery Co., fm-Twi KochcHttT, N. Y. ClR tn Q9!1 P'Tii.iv at hnmo. Samples wnrili ITifroe. vJ IU U Ailtlrs Stinson & Co., Portland, Me. .atiies. IK -'I .' f ' i- in.', .tn.l sc- vl. ...h-r r..., Uii.lMnll, a,,n all Bilious Complaints " ri-l..-vi-.l i.j Vrii?ht's Inditm YcRPtablo Pills. rsn'.y VojcUilc; Ho Brtplae- Mco ::c. AUIrsigtttJ WEBSTERTS UNABRIDGED. In Shi-r-p. Russia .mil Turkey Bindings. "A LISP APY IN ITSELF X,H the latest nlitinn witli 11S.000 VTXjX Wonls, (tli' m"r !"" any ciImt KtiL-lisli r.i.-ti.nury. mTTr nioBriliical Dli llonary whi.-h X ll Jl. iti'iinluniH irives lirifff fai'tn con-f-ornitiie .' ii'.toil iicrsi.nn. nrTCim in llliitriillm-:ilininnuin- IjXikJ A- Lit, (alK.ut lliren timnmny ns foun.l in any other Plot Ty.) HOLIDAY CIFT. MnsUei-pptiiblc to l'nstor, Parent, Teach er. Child, I'rleml; i,,Hirtlulay,il ding, or any other perie-ion. It In Hie bent priK-tli-nl Ki,Kllh Dictionary extant. ,,lf.n (.nirtn It Kn ifir. If. Is an fvcr-iirpxeiif unci reliable aeliool inanter ti the whitle liiiiilly N. A'. UtriUii. O. 4 C. MERRIAM & CO., riib'r,errliiBfield, Nm if ROYAL. HS.tS N ;?yiuTr"5l w i I i HEliAGHE sj K( ' Hf1 Extraordinarily '''r'- t ,a t'o ...... VMf -fSWiKi?fr valuable in removiii:: .proixmiUim that will." 1iNAS r"fw&Bfo um.MsH, hWKi.uMi , ir nt nun's simuns 1 IS'V XVwSfc'P W-..' orlnlliimmulloii. , , I l,lkt,.r.,rl,l, . THE GREAT UHEIDY. RHEUiftTlSRIs Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Kn TYcrmrntlnn on eurltt cumin Pt. jArons Oil. as i mij'r,mirr, Himptr mid tin-tip Kxteriuil Kemedy. A tnat entails hut the .'..mpiiraliy, ly tritlini; outlay -.f 5 4'enlN, and every one nitlerint; with pain .an have cheap and positive pruuf uf iu claims. directions in Eleven Languages. '.OLD BY ALL DEUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE, &..VOGELER &. CO., Italtimorc, Md.t XT. S, X CJOI.I JIE1IAI,, PAKIS, 18TC. BAKER'S H0C01ATES Tinl-Fr Premium Chnr-nlatt ,ts bent 1 preparation of rlntn cliicolnto for fam ily USP. Jlakrr'i'ist Cocoa, from wtiioli tlio rxrctm ol t.W ha beea f rmoveil. onwly difTtfl inid oilmlrably Otlniiteil fur invalids. Inker's Vamtlct th iciiht' iib u. tlrtnl: tir euttn " con rcclionury U a dtfliciou nrticlo i highly rrrnnuiK'iifK'd by lu riflts. tinker's Jirtima, itivulunblc on a diet for chil dren. dVriiiun Sweet Chocolate, ft must excellent nrticlo for families-. Sold hv (iroccrs everywhere. jjorchcaicr, juus The Wonderful Efficacy of DR. SCHENCK'S PELLS Baa bwn fft frofiuently ami satisfactorily prorea thut it neoraei almost Bui'orfluouB to Bay anythiDff more in tUeir favor. Tlio immense and constantly lncreainK demand for them, both in tnia and forelfra countries, in iho bett evidutico ot their valno. Their Bale to-day iu tho United States in far greater thatt 6ny other cuthirtic nit'tlicino. Thin demand, is Dot Bpanuiodi it ia re-'uiitr and Btcady. It is not cf to-day or yesterday, it U an iucrcaaothat uaabeea Btcadily eO-owintr forthelst thirty.Qveyearft. What aro the reasons for thin .-rtjut and fjrowinff demand? Dr.Melirnpk's lIniiilraUr iiilIscontain nomer. cury, and yet tlit-y uot m itli wonderful effect uiioa the liver. They cleaurio tlm ttomach and bowels of ItU irritatini? inatter, uhiili, if allowed to remain, poieonattio blood, and bnni-'ri cix Malaria, Chills aud Fever, and many other diseases. They pivo healtht and BtreUrrth to tho diistivo ortranH. They create appetite and trivorii-'ort J tho wholopyptem. They lire in fact thunictlieino of all which ahoulil betaken in times liketh pri-vent,when malarial and. ether epidemies aro rat-imr, a they prepare the eys lem to resist attacks of dLdeaso of every character. Pr.Srhrnrk'fi IWandrnUc rills aro Bold by all dmpyiBts at .'. per bus, ur tent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of jrieo. Pr. Srhonrk's Hook on f'onsumpf ionf Uv er Comphiint and Iyspeiitia, in KinfliRh or German, is sent free to all. Adtlrews lr. J. II. 4CI1KN'K & SON rhiiudrlpliia Pa. obtained fr win invnitinn, or for improvements on old on'fn.f'r fdicnt r other compounds, trade marks and 'i'i'ii In. Cnrrritft, Assirniiiatts, Inter firtncis, Appnil.i, Hits fr Iitfyinfjirnrnts, mid allcasfsnrising undrr the. J'atrnt Iaiivs, prompt ly nttni'ffd fn. Ittvrutintis that !' boeti b'j the rntfnt Of fire, nun still, in iitnxt cists, he Ue the. V. S. I'atent Department, and na(jni in Patent business ex clusively, t'C van make closer searches, and secure Patcvts more. promptly, aud with hrondi r claims, thmf this W are rrmnfe fmm Washington, snni vs e rnoa el or sketch of vovr derive; we make cram inatiuna and aUi itif-.astn part ntability, frreofchartfv. All cnrre.opnndence stricthj con fidential. Pries ?n,n,nd A'f fll .4.1ttJ2 UJV- i,is.s p.i ri:.r is si:t i iti:i. We refer in, Wahinfitnn, to in. Postmaster General j), .V. A'- v. P' '. ' P-ac r. The cvrmin Aincrictn Satiu,,f Jl.nik. to -firialfi in the U, ,N Patent Office, and to nutnrs mid Representative S 1n Von're vs: and esptcinlbi to our clients in every Mate in the " mid ., r.eohf. Address . . c.:.Ji)iJ,BrlA!!AQ SERVES. onrr, u-ui. jxh.vmuitss antj not i-teomm"vili-.l '.v Oi-fi-i.ta a nl 1'ny.iciaueii A POriTIVJ: TON!0. ALWAYS ACCur1 I rJJ.Lt. fKU KLLIABLE, It fl-'cn T'iV f- .: ;'io Vi'.iln rr irrilnta l!0 Bj-btem p.::d V .e ' ( i-.iej fll'-X'tP. On thecontir..? . 'mi...''i. -i j t'ttUit whloh ia ncccHhary t'i ".Miii.Mrivi'-'.'ir iiHandquida tlio nervB, piiriii-a lo In I't'a blood, and thereby ni.nk'i only tin b'.;st ilc3h, boue av4 mrnolc. fit tvoi m v.onrtors, ntniv .NEI.'VOI Hi'd M-M KM. Ol HI Ml Y, M AIM: I A, H V MM. I'M 1. JftMIM M . Producoau 1 uil-.v o 'itort :; ho Liver aiut KWneyrt, U 1 1 ,:;' Kir iv-'.-'H a.-iiivit Vvs mlanmn;iO i. U'u-'U' s, n-ul viH lv ln valimblr i'i nil n' '.H'oiih : y ft'ld Inoiiriiiiildil!!. cuUtox. TH'-UcAT l-'KMALFa. MIiIWU' KCTlIZIKa nii..l 1F1 1 L Y CIHLTJHf N can mini: T r-':;'c..y f v-t'.m V.,'llH'l).V!T!.::l' 1 ndlMpulcd I'o-ltlw l. f ili in-t l' Ab-idn(e linn. IT WILL CURE j IT LEADS ALL where othfraliiil tho vurhl, and flpi.iNTN, iii;iiom-:h Ar.l is ii h. iiu i:m)(hp;i:i An 'i nK Itl'S I ut'i.M llitrto l.'i m. die-. ills II) It V OF JlllltM ,j with testimonials, Bent freion Afipllraili,,, A Hill I Ki ll, will oonviiiee every ono. He nil nnmn mi n kii1iiI, Wu preiart f..n.!ith'ii Pnwders utid H..,,f (liriintenl. Heave i'owdrrH, W.irin PiiwiIitiiihI Colic Powtt- r-. All thcHe on eah; at Drutfi ptoresand ImrneMmlialerN. I j J'riee of KllLs's Spavin feure (11.00 per bottl.'. J-'.ir liU'tfelll:ij'", fi'i'n LikiKh, etc., w rilu tu ki.i.ih m win rnti: o., ' CO Hudbury t ttti.tori,orStl ltd, Ave, New York. JOSHUA GKOHGFS KSTATK. The lltl'lerBliftied. liavtiiir Iippm unntiftitpfl bv Mia Tim infill lie I'l'iihiitc Co I it' I lor the lliul i-n-t nl' IVasliinv . ton. Com NiiflHinuern, to reet'ive.esatiiitie and adjust all MainiH ami u(tuiuii(iH oi hi i uersoiiH ar-'auixi ine eiuii ii JoHbiin (leorire, latcMit Waferlmry, in hh id hi-drn t InecinHi'd. mid all elainis exhibited Iti .ltnet t liereto. b'M'eby wive iiotiee t h;it we will meet for the pnrpoKi'H iii'in-eHaid, at the Town Clerk's oniee, Waterbury (!enter, mi tlio aUt dny of -Iiily, und Jtl dny iJeceiiilier. next, lroiil 1 n'e Piek. i. 't.. tint 1 1 4 o'clock, i'. m., cadi of Raid dn, ami that six months from the IMh day of .hum, A. I). lw;i, is the time limited by Kuld tTourt. lor miid (rroditurn to prcKriiittheir clainu to us fur examination uid allowuiH't. Hated ut Water nirv. tula 27th dav Ol June. A. 1. r". A MiWCOMH. ) W3 I'UANK N. K.MITH.t Commissioners. t70 WKKK, ?JS n dav nt linmecii.!v m.nlfi. Costly yi. omllL free. Adiliv.-.h TiU'K ii. Co.', AugUhU, Ale. nil fty I Termont Ssminar & Pemals Gollsgs, .MONTI' Rev.J.T). 15EEMAN.A.M., President, Kev. E. A. DlSUOP,A.M.,L,riiieipal, Mrs. J. 1). EEEMAX, Preceptress, A Full Corps of Touchers. FALU TISIlTiVI Catai.oclks anm Cn:cr;i,Aits Sknt 1'kkr $5.00. $5.00. $5.00. We will furnish a set ol Scales like tho cut above, weighing cor rectly from 1-2 ounce to 240 pounds, and the Green' Mou.ntaix Freeman, ONE YEAR, if paid in advance, for 5.00. This is as low as the Scales alone can be bought tit retail, and wo make this oner to benefit our old subscribers, ones Address II. E. WI1EEL0CK, Montpelier, Vermont. New Champion Horse Rake, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. SOLD BY D- L. FULLER & SOJN Montpelier, Vt. TRY IT BEJTORE YOU BUY. The Oooley i im 1 ;a msmmfmZ ' III IIBWiTIIII II I III I if'F ' COPLEY CA51H6T-CREAMEH A rJL.j Five Gold and Seven Silver Medals. IVat'V'ISl SllriioiiKtin: K.t Pr..n,ii for Aitiril.t I.t.,r at ,b. n. Fair. I t iuiitors. or any u.liers, rati show sui'li a record wo challeiiKo thorn to do so. Davis Swing Churns, Em-oka Butter Workors, Dog Towers, Ac, A full Lino of Butter nnd Choese Factory Supplies. IMPORTANT, Artrra lotiir and pTreiisho litigation, lantin for more thrwi yoars. JiUIm i MfOrarv pi the Vnited Htmes Cirruit Court Southern nistrli-t of low I, .lot-lares thollooley Creamer Patent Ui bfl alld. Wo haio r,....ate.llv .-nutioned liairyiin-u not to our.-hase infritis-emenU. and now that our i-laims have Ii'n sustained wo trust that person w lio h:ivo luin-lmsod or usod lulriutretueuta will not oouiplala became we in sist uu our damages. For .Iri iilarsa.lilri'ss VERMONT FARM MACIIIXE CO., Hollows Falls, Vt. I 1 nnnofinio rHnould n, will pnmi.lrti'lT chiiiip thf Itt.mtl in lit onlirp UTatviu in throp nmnthii. Any rrsio wno will mi r. i ii.i EACH NKiHT l'i:'HM ONE TO TW II.VE WKKKh. iut be resturi'd to snund health, if nueh thinr i poMible. K-.r enrinr l-'pinnl Ci'ini'lunt" thfdo I'llN havn m i-.iiinl. I'hj-Hioimn use them in thi'irpratiffi. Sold fTerTWhtre, or prnt bv innil for vs rt n t- hi Ktnimm. S.'n.l ir p:ini.ltft. I. 8 JOHNSON & CO., BOStORt MBB. DR.HOLMAN'S PADP1 MALARIA, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS AND SICK HEADACHES, All tAvrr nnd Nlomnrh Tronblet. it Is also a sure PROTECTION against Tellow - k...hi,.LnH. T,Bhid. nillnna snri Intrmilttrn t FnvRas; and will euro Chronic Dtarrhoa.8ummr Colli i.lalius. -liner in sllenie. ivaiei.i luiiiaiious. llr. llolman tH-rsnnallv. If not foun.l at ,.Hlre nu.l ir.l vour I'a.l In- return mall. Canada), paid. IIOI.JIASI UVUIPAUI U., f. U.Bva mil, US W III1KIU ., n. . naniuu.;. STATE OF VERMONT. WASHINGTON COt'.S'TV, SS., I.oriiu H, Couton, i Wwnliinu'ton vh ' Oomitv Court. Addikon K. UntroN, S Hfpt. tnii, A. 1. IW WnfitK.y. fjtuixn H. Oolton. F.iVHtfn.ln Mie ennrrtv of A'.iHiinirft'iii, h irt tltiH dv tiled hi the oltl'o 'r thff clerk or 'In- e'liiuf v cinrt Jur th'i i")'i'iv of WiKlitnrf' titn. hur Mi"l for illvir'T1. settiirif f-irth in mi bur hum tint - iu tln-2-iiid tv of JJ.iv fntii)r,.IJ.IMl.Uc w in law tuliv 'iiurri-d t , l(.i.j :. C, i!t-i'i, tii.Mi -if a.iM K.iv-t-m: Hint h1i oh h"i- pui't lias t'nithhill v kpt mid p'jr ftiriiiml uM' Slid m trrinifp cnvHiiiuit; but flint tlif Hilid Add-on li. hut not k.u' mid imri'iruiHd rh Hmni: for tint tin: Hild Ad Uh'hi K. hii'i tro.itHl tho jif tC ifiticr with intuiPrablR n-vrit', and nptiiir of nnMi".ifii i)ieiiiitiry ability Imd woiitonlv refuse I nu l n lai'to-l to provide miltiible nntutonatice f'r the petttiorinr: ami iiravltttf tli tr for t it hhhh h en thl . that fh rniiiit bo runted a dlvuree from tlifl fluid Addmon K.. mi 1 tint ah" In allowmi to ruiiruH bar m iidini uaiun of LuiNa H. Mnburrjn : And w it 14 mi Jo t- iimeir tint fin n-tt t Ad dition K- now roHidiH witli i-tt tiiU tiUi w!itrfl Mio urn- IWMM Of Said COltrt (Mlllli It b HBI'Wl 11 I'O'l llhll. It in tliTffoie urdrtl tntit, tb -ai'i VHMou K. V )Vm tm nottflt'fl uf tli punliuev of aid Mli"l mi 1 nit-llHil tn upiiuar mid niiikn mm'ver to tlifl Baiiio mid nhmv emiHC, if any h ) ii ivn why tUn prjwr turn jf h- ii't: if r.iijtod, bmoro tlm li ni v o mrt nfxt t- nt M'Httpellnr, within ami fir io:iutv ff Wish in .'ton, nil tha seeoiid Tu!t.l;iy of Hept flinbor, A. D. 111, In' Hie iinblicarifiii ui in tput i -1 . ; , nt -in Id a, tn.ih r with tills orbtr t!iri)oi. tlir'!-) WMk itit!44ir lv in llnMli'iiiii Moitiitii'i I'Vufirm. a weekly nwsimpcr MiibliHli'td at Bii'd Vloutinjlicr, tlie Innt of vhl'ih iiipill eitl ui hIi ill ho t eat Hix winks provinm to mil se mJ l'-i jU ii' or A iute.iD sr. A i). wiileli Klin'l h'l-Mlltil rillll-.uit ii in.-. tii mil Aillii... I-' C dton. U'Vttri in pt ii h n nt r -mn nMir, in th county if Waiiiuju thirl l:iMi lai' -if Jnin, . D lnvi. I H I A' fj 1, K I? . H I f L I K , ( J 1 o r k . 1, Dir.t.ivrmvM & So-j, Altorueya lor libdlmit. KJiW.i AHY CONNOR'S ESTATE Si'ATK OV VKIIMONT. District of Wan bin ton. nt In Trobato Court, held at. Mont puller. In nnd for stii.l DiHtriet.ou the Nth day of June, A. D. UKf; Francis H. Connor, iidm inistrator of tlio estate of Marv ('onnnr, iate of Wori'p-ter, in fluid diHtriet, tie eeiiHed, liiakeK application to mi id Court, for llcctirte tu cell ni I of the real eHtate of H.iid ilceeanftd. Hltuated fi said wtt: ()n nnilivided half of tho (arm now occupied b' William H. t oiinnr.rvpreKeiitf utr that tliediileof a part thereof ih neeeiHiiry for tbn py pifiit of the debtfl of Maid deoeaKt'd and the etpeueeH of adiiiiiiintratiou of her estate; and that hih Ii purt cniinot be sold without injury to iutertted in the remainder: Whureui'on it in ordered by fetid court, that naid ip p'ieiititJii be r'erri'tl lo a mcshioii lliereof, to be Imld at the Probate OlHci.. in Huirt Montpelier. on the 7tb day of -lulv , A. I. K, for liearitikr and decii-imi thereon; and it is further ordered i lint all nervous ititerewtpd be notified hereof, by publication of uofice ot enid no i 'I n :iT in: i and order then-on, three weeks HiiccrfHtvely in the Green Mountain Freeman . a newa caper pu hi lull ed at montpelier, and which circulate in the ueiifli borliood of those intereHted, before mii'l time ol hum-, inw, that they may unpen r ut mild time anil place, nut it tliey see caue, object thereto. lly the Court Attest. vitfwX A. C K Kfuf.r. Hfififr. -T p VC tn sell our Hand Kuhhr KtauiiiK. Hatil 2 plea l'roe. 1'ol.iamhk cV Co , Uievebiud.O. R VERMONT. The location Ib unsurpassed for Jiealtbfultien ami beauty of KiirrotindiiiKa. Instruction thorough; eiWit courses uf study. Excellent opportunity for vocal and instrumental music, and art. I hoard, furnished room (Sprint beds throughout), and washing It) pieces- H'AM per week, if paid the firpt weelt of the term. OIPJEISTS AUG. 27. on Aitlication to the rrxfiiMi and as an inducements to new 5 Creamers. Made in all Sizea for Dairies and Factories. Vnrtr Pnnnlnr in TTM.aU. ftnsbltimnts. - r ------ , Boarding Schools and all Public Institutions. OVER 20,000 IX USE. The First Apparatus of the kind offered to tho Public. Tlifir t'liparallflfilHurcPHfl has railed out a if rcat uiinibcr nf Imitations, tiaiiillliir to b.- an triKnl as Mr. I'.toley'fl, but thpy all fail when brou-Ut into a.-tual fonipetition w'ltli tlio conley On-uiniT. It is tlm only t'reaiupr evor tloptuj-,l worthy nt a ijokl Medal, Uaviuif becu awarded wltti Its liroducts PURGATIVE O wr OhUdxnn'n Diseases, and condlUona from which many lB"le roi,,..... ...... . . -.- your nearest drunlat, semi reiflslereil lelterdlreet totlin Remihir 1'ad K.lBl. Speilal 1'nd ry. post slid duly (for