Newspaper Page Text
rf i r militant j-rrrmaii. VOLUME I. Freedom: its Interests, its Rights, and its Honor. NUMBER I. BY C. W. WILLAItD. IflONTPISLIKi:, VT., APRIL 15, 1501, PRICE, TWO CENTS. STRING STYLE ! SPRING STYLE ! :S! CARPETS ! ! APHIIj g, ioci. We have now ll:e Largest, anl BEST SELECTED STOCK Of CARPETING? COMPRISING- TAPESTRY, THREE-PLY, h'liper,. Sapcrfinc and Extra-Fine. GOTTOIJ AND STAIR CARPETS, iirarse!B, at! widths, ieiigs& JIBats. Which we nfk-r at juices that del',- competition. rarpc- fls Miule and put down in the brut 31 Miner. J. W. ELLIS Bl Co. GEO. w." sToir T, Having purchased the of the MERCANTILE UNION, j Will continue the business ;it their ola stand. ! 03? STAT3S STUBIBV where the brlsiness will be conducted on the principle of ' Sun II Profiis for Rcadv Puv ! ! in the name of SCOTT & CO. j Mo':i,.e!ier, March 13, 1861. I A ES IS I AW KS A wiTswei ISS ! HV THE IJEST WORKMEN I.N THE COUNTRY. ' Carriage and Sle-hh Manufacturing will be carrlod em ty the subscriber opposite the Court House Squares, ..SoiitjifclkT, Vt. 1'hosi: in want of i? iianl'd Carringi s ar.l .V'ji.!'. will pe.:haj s do well to call and see what is being done at the oi'l stand offrUB tt Camp. All orders promptly at ended u. JOHN W. CLARKE. r - sli, Boors and Blinds. The place to purchase the BEST QUALITY of Sash. Doors inn! Blinds made of the best WESTERS PISE, and in a good Workmanlike Manner is nt the Factory of J. D. CLOCSTON, ,K3HQ;i.0 Opposite t H. Wileler'n Mill, Mont jielicr, Where may be found at all tims.s ft good assortment of .-'ish. Doors and Hiinds ; filso, Tubes for lliain Punips, F.ave Splints, ka. Planing, Jointing, Grooving, r-nei Tenoning done in the best workmanlike manner While thankf illy acknowledging a Constant increase o e.usiom ic.r the past four years, I would earnestly solicit iiersons who reside In towns adjacent to Montnelier. in want rf the above articles, not to fail lo consult me, in I person, or by letter, before purchasing elsewhere. Jt I hal! he my purpose to furnish good work at low prices. ' J. D. CLOGlSTOW i'e.ntpelicr. March 1SG1 272 STYLES, DAVIS & STYLES, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS! (Successors to S. 0. Kersey,) Ellis' ESlooEi, i?ioBiipe!ier. jf !af?4i8 EURLIKGT CJf AND ST. ALBANS. fjiHK subscribers are prtpraed to execute any kind J. i'ictnre made by the PHOTOGRAPHIC ART. FllOM IHEIR LONG EXPERIEXCE, SUPERIOR APPARATUS AND f WELL FURNISHED GALLERIES; lNey ofTer their services with confidence that they can please nil who may favor them with their patronage". B. DAVIS, Montpelei-. A. Y. STYLES, Burlington, 3''yl A..LSTYLES, St. Albans. The Alexandre Organ ! Patented in the United States, May 3d, 1810. .adapted to the use of Drawing Roras, Chinches, Chap. ls and schools. Tbta Instrument is superior to any oth er reed instruiuCjUt ever invented, GEO. W. WILDER hub jus! received one of these Organs containing 13 stops, and will be pleased to exhibit the InBtvmt nt his lu sia sinre to il desirous of hearing It rpHE Subscriber respectfully informs his frienls nnd i- patrons that he lias removed to Montpelier, t., where ho has opened an OP.lce in the Freeman Uuilding, nnd yvfll give bin individual attention to ihe practico of Hie Lawlin Washington and the surrounding counties. All business entrusted to his care will receive prompt and efficient at- K. V. RANDALL. MoNTPELun, Oct. ISOO. , . f203ra N. AV. GILBERT, SURGEON DENTIST VO. IS'PjJJVJS'S BLOCK, Ue.vl NORTIIFIELT), VT. Vermont Central SSaiiroaii. fa W pm-i rssaf: &nszpi WINTER ARUANli ZM ENT. Choice ofR, lutes for Chicago ami the We t. Commences Monday, Ike. 6, ItffiO. Ti ming doing Act lb ami West Leave Mont pel ier, .it .1.25 i.m., 6.30 a. m. anil 4 .'0 p.m. MAIL TRAIN connects in Windsor While llivei Junction wild truiiiflteivinft Heiston mil Springlielil nt7:iU k m , same day,(.ev Vork I he previous eveiiini. ,) and wild train from Passu inpsic and v hita Miinniains liailroml the siiut.i il ly. I.eavet VVin.lsnr at 1.40 p. m arriving at Bin lington at 7 t") p. m.. St. Albans at. 7 37 r m . Ii'drc and arrive at Montreal at 10 15 a. m., and at ' Ijilen sburph at 1 nil i' m. nexl day. (.'niinectine at witt Giand 'J runli train, for lietrnil and Ih" west ivilliout ilel.iy. Day Kurimss comici ts at llurlinalon with train leav nig '1'my anie inornin.', leave It irlmijtnn at 1,50 p. m., arriving ni ll' iises Point at 4 40 p m., and at Oi(ltttix -hurgh snipe evening. Wiuiit Kxibkss connects at Windsor with train leavins New York ai 8.0(1, ,M., nnd lit Whits RiverJiinelion with train leaving Kustnn, via Lowell, at :" DO p. m , I lie pievioiis day. Leaves While H'vnr Junction at 12,13 a. m., arrives at liiirliiigloii at 5 45 a. m, House's Poinl at 7.4i a. m. , Montieal allO,15 . m., anil at . (Igiliiiislnirgli at 1.00 p. m.; tli s iuie day, ami preceeiling liy firiunl Trunk train for Delroit ami the W est the mine after noon. A Passenger car attached to a fnight train leaves Norlliliehl at (i.OO a. m . arriving ul Iturlinglori at II 0a a.m , M Alhai s nt 1:2.15 f. m.. and HoiiS'-' Point at 4.40 e. M. Returning Iravts Tioiise- Point. II J3 a. m.. liui lingti.n at I 50 p. m.. arriving at Nurtnfield at fl 40 p. m. Trains Ooii South amtl Kat. Leave Montpelier tit 9 00 a m.. nnd 10.25 p m Mail tram leaves tU. Albans at (i 15 a m., nuivisi't fturl i n'tim at 8.15 a. si . and Windsor in 12..' -f i m . coil riertiii:- at. While Hiver Junction with tri'lna (m Wells Kiverand Parlon and for Hosto:i,i uwel! and Worcester arriving in Huston nt 0 35 p.m., and connecting at Wind sor willi trains for Hosten. Springfield, and New Vork, arriving in New York at 11.15 p. m. Day Kxpukss haves Rouse's Point at 11 15 a. M.,foi Northtielil. liiirluigt.on, Troy and New York. Kxpress train leaves Ogdensburgh at 11 35 a.m., Montieal nt 3.00 p. h., Rouse Point at 5.40 p. M., arriuing at f t. Al hand.snt t;.55 p. m., liurlington nt 9.00 p. m., While. River Junction at 2 10 a. m., and nt Windsor at 3.00 a. m , con necling at flurlingtion with R fell. R. 1!. for Trey, Al bany and New Yoil;,at v hite River Junction with North ern R K. for linstoii, Worchester, tic. iiiriving in lloslon at 8.40 i. m.. at. Windsor with Sullivan R. K. fur Itoston, Springfield, Hartford, Now lliiven anil New York. New and Iieaillifiil sieeping car.ii are ail aehed to both I lie night exprem trains running between Houses Poin arid Boston , and betw een Rouse Point and Troy. Through Tickets fir Chicago ami li'e west for sale at the principal stations. ' G. MERF.I LL, S-'upt. St. Adians Vt., Dec. 3, 18o0. An nrenent and PtomaMuc prparaiou of IRON jw rified of Oxygen and (.'ar'oou by oombustion in ifydro cot', ai.ciie lied by ilie bij;tiist iltri;ca! Aul Ik ii: les be;ii in Kurej e ana the l'iii:eii states, :lJ j m-: ci ibtd in flicii practice. l ue experience tt t lii usaiiils cai prrves ttit lio i prenartitioii ol Iron can be coinr.nie ' with it Iirmi- I rities of the b'ood, uepression oi vim! cuergv, na!e i and othenUse sickly complexions, iuiliea'.e its lie- esi ty in almost every coticeivtiUc cute iniioxioii i in nil liiala-ics in vbioh it hns been tried, it lias proved absolutely dilutive in c:.cli ot th.-ful ovv- iiiH conpiainij, viz : In Debility. Nervous Affections E r.cmMcii.Dyspep- j sia, I'oii-iiniiilion, Diiirrhiea. Dsenlary, i ncir ient.t on lumptiuii. Scrofulous, Tuberculosis, Salt I'hei ni. lin ' mens'ruation, White's, Chlorosis, Liver Ooiiipl.ilnts, ; Clnoiiio 1 cm nche-, Ii hi uniutism, lotci mittt nt levels, ' l'iiiples on the Face &c. In cases of Geue al Debility, whether the result of I acute di-euse red the continued iiinmiu'ion of ner vous and muscular energy from clin uic complaints, one trial of tbiri te-torative lias proved succei-slul to an ex!ei-t which no description nor writleu lltletallon would render credible . luvalids so Ion? bed-ridded as to become foigotteii in their own neighborhoods, have siiddeoly re appeared in the bu,y world us ifju.-.t relumed from protracted travel in a d.stant Iniei. Seme very signal instances ot this kind are attested of iemale (tifferers, emaciated victitrs oi apiarent maras rnns, sniiguiuious exhaustion, critical changes, ai d that duplication of nervous and djspeptio aversion to air aim exercise for which ti e phjsician La no name. lo Nervous alucticiisof all kinds, and lor rcafor.s fa m iiar to medical men, the operation of this prepara tion of iron must neces-fariiy be snlutniy, tor. unlike the old oxides, it is vigorous y tonic, without being ex ci'iii n' d overheating ; aud gently, regubirly aperient even in the most obstinate oasis ol c stiveaefs without ever being a nastric purgative, or indicating a disagree-ub-f seti'iition. It is Mi is latter property, among others, which makes it so icmui kably effectual and permanent a rcme 'd foi Piles, upon wh ch it;also i;ip'.'irs to exert r. spe citic i ctii n, by tiisj er.-ir; the loca' ttudtney w.hich forms them In li spepsia, Iiiniimenili'i' ss ore its cruses, a single b' x ot th'se Cliaiybtiib! Pills lia i often sulliced lor the mot habitual esises, iiic udiiij; the hiibduul Co.-tivcms;. In unchecked Diaiihua. nen when advanced lo Disentary, coriiirme 1, emaciating, and apparently ma iguant, thecil' ots have been iqaally decisive and uston isliing. )u the local jmlns, loss ot fljh and strength, riebil tatirg cough, atid remnant hectic, wh'ch geiii-rally in- dicatis Incipient c'onsnniption, this remedy has ull,ied the alarm of friends r.iiiJ plivsieiun ia several very gratifying and interesting instances. in Scrofulous 'fubeiculos s this medicated iron has had far more than 'he good effect of Ihe most cautious, ly balanced preparations of iodine, without any of their we: I known liabilitie s. Tlie attention ol females cannot be too confidently ifirvitcd to this remedy aud restorative, ia the cases pe culiarly atl'ecting them. In Rheumatism, both chronic and inflammatory in the latter, however, mi.m decidedly- it has beou in variably veil rejoHed, belli ss aUeviptiiie pain and retiuciugthe swellings and stillness i f the joints and muscles. In hitermittant Fevers it must neccssuiily be a great remedy ann energetic, and lis progress in the new fet llemcntsot the West, will probably be one of tjigh re nown nnd nsefuhnss. No remi dy lias ever be n -II -covered in the whole his tory of meliciiie, whi li exerts puc'i prompt, ' " at. d lull, restorative ellt cie. (jood appetite, ceoipb.uc digettion, ranid acquisi ion of s'reiip-ih. with an unu sual disposition for active and ch leriul exerc se innue d intcl) follow i s use. j :- ruturiin i.e it me'il boxes coiituiiiirg 50, pills, price 50 cenls per bo.v. ; for sale by duigists iind' deal ers. Will h scut fii'e Co any addie-s on receipt of the price AI. letters, orders. tc, -iiould bo addressed to It. II 1.0CKK &( O , tleneral Agents, K. Y. 2,'i'yl 1 '. K. Sinilli, Agent. BOSTOX, ,IAX. I, ISOI. O IFt JE E5 "1? 3 AT PANIC PRICES. 1UST PDRC'IIASKD for Cash, and for sale at much be. l low their value, I.-t Pieces T A PKSTRY BRUSSELS. . HO Pieces ROYAL VELVETS 200 Rolls KIUDliK VIIN-TER. 10 . Uo s .IL C LOT US. These goods will be Bold at wholes 1 or retail In qiiHii. titles to an t, presenting a rare opportunity r purchas ers to fupply themselves at low prices. NEW ENGLAND CARPEi CO. 75 HANOVER STREET, GARDINER'S Il!seiiEzi1ic nis! turalirt COMrOL'IVD. A sure Care for Rhcutnati.fn ar.d Neuralgia in ils oisi J orm. The underlined h ueby c 'rtily that they ha vo ed ' (iaiiliiier's Rh unnt'C au I Neitrilia Oo npouud" for t'm cur' of Hlieiimntism and Neii 'iiit, and havo in every case louod iinm-1iate nod p irm nent relief. We have lull cMiMdenoe. in its lijaling i)U i ities, and would leeoimncnd it. to all w'io are n'llicte.i with these harr:iss ing; di-eans. as one ol tliesalist and best medicine ever offered to the jnit lio. S IIanoociv, Ju. ,2) Jouth Market s Boston; W. II. Ai.liin, I'.o.-tou : Ukmhy A Fa: IS Sou'h Market sf, Dial on ! Talks, Jit., Citv Hotel, 1 lost on j (i E". H. Plum m mi, 1 Meverick square, Kast lloston; .'Ikkhv l. Oabdinkii, Webster st. Eatt Dos tun; A n ham Wki'KS. Wehi-ter t, Hostou ; Capt. (!ha. (j Dollivkh. Kasi Itoston. The be-t medicine for cINense l versav. CnAfi. A. Smith, o 1 Old hta'e House, Itoston. Have lien iifllicted Willi lii e.iiniitiFm in its worst form and was entirely cure I by i si's use of one bottle. A. W. IJitvEG, Matthews Iluililiiifr, Commercial r-t, iJos ton. Gardiner 8 Riinim uic and Ne'.ira!ia (."ompo ind lias entirely leiievcd me ire;m s ifferins of several years' . standing. W. K. Hoockins, No. 1 OM state iloui-e, lios; oi- Alter Fiifltriug with V. lieu mat ism for twenty yean I ns cnliif ly cured b the ue i f two bottles of Gardi ner's Khcti'untit; anil Netirn'.fria Oompound. XOKMAK T Av:n8 75 Franklin s'reet. Hotou The lihtuniatic and Neuralgia Compound has been taken by hundreds of people tor Scrofulous Humors itli (treat benefit It may be given to children with perfect a f tv. At wholesala hy Mact & Jeskinp, G7 Libetty St., New York ; M. S. Ilrnii fc Co., S3 Treniont tt, Boston. Principal Depot 87 Ki.lyst. Ho-dou Not e genuine unlcs signed bv ('Has F. (jAudikeu. For sale by 3f. II. C'oNK. W. ft. Village; Chas. CliAfMAN, Woodstock; Gko. NtcnoLf, M. 1). and Dr. roiiTf.R. I'orth(ie!d ; J. M. Uisnky, and Sons, Waerbur-. L V I'isrce. ur.rt Kr-d K. Smith, Montpel ier. Geo. S Kendrick, Lebanon, IS. II , and by npothe caries generally. "42yl ""IJSEraEBESfr Hi' MKS. WILSON'S HAIR I1KGENERAT0K. The Iicgcticriilor in put up in two sizes, find retails for 50 cents for pint bottles, timl SI for quart lo!tles. TliC quart bottles are much the cheapest. Who wants a Good Head cf Hair? Use Mr3. Wilson's Ha;r Regenerator and Hair Dressing. Pleae ronl a few certiiieates from the following relia-!'.-. and i:II kliun-n p.'ple. JIi-.ssiis. lli-SRY P. Wilson & C.My wife is now ii-ieir y.) ii It'.geuerii'.or for the linir, and pronounces it f-ii- f.uperi -r to anything sh" ever used for the hair. It is ea-ily appli"d . il ies ii"t soil in the leas! has no ilisagiee ab!.' odor, increases '.he grow th of hair, prevents it fall iug ot'-, niiil ofce-n rures the heiidaehc. I forwurd you ibis certifieate inisolieiti'd. because I think an article that will do what your Hair Regenerator will, should be widely know n.' I'll, ink it Is the best article for the hair now ill use. KrsptKtfullu, Ac, Kev. JACOil STEVENS, Neivburyport, Ma. " likt t.'ie Hair Regenerator nnd Drfs.iinij very much.'" Ukv Oko. V Wooiiimi, Hartford, Ct. " unhtnitatiniitt) jiranouncr it an inraluahlt arti cle, from the effect on rnij own Acad." S. A ll.I.i., wife of ltev. Henry Hill, Manchester, N II. " It rendered my hair soft and ylvsiy " Minot 1'AiiRAIt, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. I feel confident that it operates mot as a dye, but to restore the roots to their natural healthy state." Ukv K. 51. Kelloc, Nashua, N. II. " most cheerful!) recommend it tn all persons.'' 1;'kv C. Iti-gsixL. Littleton, N. II. November 1. Mksbs. IIkn'hv P. Sc Co : I have no hesitancy in iiying, in my opinion, Mrs Wilson's Hair Regenera tor and Hair Dressing are the1 best hair preparations now in use. I shall contimi to ue thrin with p-leasurp. Hkv. II. Ii. HART WEI. I., Lawrence, Mass. November. Mkssks. I!i:ky P. Wiison & Co. : I have used your lia r Regenerator nnd Ihiir Dressing, and have received great, benefit from them. I deem the articles worthy of hirh comuienilati:. n, ii.mI cheerfully recommend them to all who want to restore irray hair to its original color, or lo any w ho are troubled with dandruff, oi a disagreeable itching of the head or burners, or to those whose hair is fallinrj from the head. KnV. G. W, II CI. ARK, Great Falls, N. II. Mrssrs. IIkxhy P. Wiison & Co. : I deem Mr3. Wil son's Hair Regenerator and Hair Dressing the standard articles of al hair preparations. I have, in many in stances, known them to restore the hair where it had fallen off, remove dandruff, restore the hair to its original color, cure entirely the most painful headaches and in some instances most serious humors Personally, I have beeu a sharer in several of these benefits. Rev. HLNkY HILL, Manchester, N. II. MRS. WILSON'S COCOA-NUT OIL HAIR DRESSING '. Mis. Wilson's Hair Dressing is put up in large bottles, an I retails for 37 cts. per bottle, and for dressing the hair of any person, young or old, there is not its equal in the world. It will make the hair everything you wish it to b.-, and moreover, it has a perfume that is infinitely superior to uny of the fashionable extraciSj either foreign or American, which alone should entitle it to a place on every lady's toilet fable. I'se the Uegenerator before retiring at night, and in tint morning opi-'y a Utile of the Dressing, and your hair will he even more lifelike in color and beauty. Vse nothing on your hair but these preparations, and use these according to directions, and we warrant you a good healthy head of hair. Manufactured and fold at wholesale by Henry F. Wil son k Co., Manchester, N. II., to whom all letters should be addressed. L. F. PIERCE, Wholesale and Retail Agent. 247yll MONTPEM EK, V T. Dr. 'Sweet's Infallible Liniment " ! the", newn remedy' for Sprains and Bruisfs NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA :t dictionary of general knowledge EPITKT) HY GEO. RIPLEY & CHAS. A. DAN Y. To 1 e completed in 0 vo'unv s, royal octavo, large size double aolams. Vo's 1 to lo are rewdv nnd a nicces sivc vo.ume will be issued every II n e lo lour months. Price in Cloth, S3 : Sheep Library Stele, $350 ; Hal Morootc, 4 ; Half Ku-sin. 4 50. each. PLAN OP THE CYCLOPAEDIA. 1 ho New A nitvicnii Cjclopaedii presents a panorarnio view of all hiima i knowledge. a ii exists at tlie peeseut moment It embraces and popularizes everr subject tint can be thought of. In its successive volumes is con tained an inexhau-ta'Xo fund of accurate and pr cticil iiilorninlion on Ail .and science, in all their bianchei, iiiel idii.g t. echmioi Mathematics, Astiouotny, 1'hilos ophy, t liemistry. and Physiology ; on Agriculture omm-rca. and Manufac'-ire i ; on Law, .Medicine. and Theojogy; on Biography and History, Geography and Kthnology ; on Political Kconom.', the fradjs, Inven tions, l'o'otlcs, the Tilings of Comrnou Life, and Gene ral Literaure. Ihe Industrial Aits Bid Iho'-c branches of Practical Science which have a elite ct bearing on our every day Die such as Domestic Koouomv. i'a'ion, the Heat. ingol Houses, Diet, &c, are treated with the Hrirnugli- I ne-s which tlieirg' nnportnrce oe-manas. Techii'cal terms are h 're. in fir ai posib e, avoided, h it all the inlo'iiiation given may be p.'aotioally undeistood aud aioiieii. The ('epartmnit of Hiography is full oud complete, enibracirg the lives cf all eminent persons, ancient aad modern. In American bituiaphv, particularly, great j'a'iis Iihvo 1 ceil taken to present ill-: iet con- pnhen sh e an nocurafe rec M'll tbat bus yet been attempted Special attention i culled to a new and invaluable fea ture in tins department ; not only are the lives of the fiitingui-iied dead furnished, but also cf the liv ing celebrities ot eurown and othercouiitr es. prepared by writers who, from personal acquaintance oi special re .enroll, are ni"tt conipetuit to do the.n unbiased jus tice. in History, the New Am rican Cyclopaedia vies on nieiu catalogue ui' barren dales ; but a copious and spir ited narialive, under thei.-ajipropriite head-, of the principal events in theannals of th world. So m Ge ogral'hy, it not only serves as ageneral Gazetteer, but ittives interesting description e of the piincipid locali ties inentioned. derived from books of travel and oth .-r iresli slid i uthentic sources. As far a i W cousisfeut with thoroughness of research f uel exactness of slaten eat, 11 e ojui ar melhed has ben pursued, '1'ha wants of the peoi l in a woi k of th:s kind have been carefully kept in view throughout, iiv condensation and b cvity, the editois have been en able 1 to introduce a much greater variety of subjects than isusua ly found ')i aimi'ar wok, and thu- to ei; : f.nce ti e ya'wi vf the Ncv . mo-ionu Cyclopa edia ? a manual of imive.aul refcne. It is lisrd'y nece sa y to add that thrcngl.etit 11.; wbo'e 'Diifoct fairunss toall sections ot country, local inMitu io'is, pubiio men, pcli. icul creeds, and religious ib noiniiia'io'is, has been a sacred piiociple and leading aim. Ko'hin r tha' can be cunstrned in o an invidious or ofieii-ive a ln.i on bin b e i lidmiltel. The truth, wit he ut not; ore joir.VMit. ha' beui ur mollo. ( L'K - UiiiiUil IM'IOX LIST A!re dy li'.iaib.r.. Fivtkks Thousanij name", fromevs l y scauon ed' tU'J ooiintrv. which cvmIsucm Ilia univer 8:.l r.ojm'arity ol th's National VVoiiic. IDE A .M EH 'CAN C YCL( iP.'EDI A Is f o 1 ( xc'usive 1 . by fub'Cription, and Auents have been r.p-iointui ioratinoU all scitiom of -tin U ion I.i case, linwjvsr. A-ieiits are not to b.) found, we will receive nib-cr.ptioa.-, and foe ward copies of the work, Dee of expel se, on receipt of the prion. Persons at a lUsiance any scad money i'jt one or more volumes at a time, it not being iujesarv t i take '.he wholi ten vol u-.ies at one-, u.tless t'tev f-'Cl inuihie I to de so. Thoe living in the ci y willilnd n u'jscriplrm hook at our s'.ot'K where their ni(ies wiD. be ent'iel and tlievol umtn, m published, sent t ) anepirt. of 'h3 citv. I). APPLKPON & CO.. Publishers, L'0V29 4t3 & Hi liKOADWAV. N'KW Vni'K Infallible liniment, -T1IE- C 18 EAT KXTIJISKAL ItEMEDV. FOIf RHKUMATISM. GOUT, NKCR ALGIA, LU.M liA(i). STIFF NKCK A.D .JOINTS. Si"IAIXS, liiUMSKS. CD l'S AXD WOUNDS PI LKS, HKADAC1IK. AND ALL R H KUM A J 1C AND JiLR VOL'S I ISOKDKRS. Dr. Stephen Swett, of Connecticut' The grtat natural Done Setter. Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut , Is Known all ov.r the United States Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, I-' !!u-i!Uihoi'of " l'r Swee-t's Infallit Ij Liniment." Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the autheirol " Dr. Sweet's Infaliuble Liniment. '' Dr. Sweet's Injall'tble Liniment Cures Rheumatism and J ever faiD. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is acerain re r coy lor Neuralgia. Dr. Swtet. Infallible. Liniment Cures I'.urns at d Moulds inn;., diately. Dr. Swut's Infallible Liniment the be'st known ron edy for Sprains tnd IliuL-e i. Is Dr. Sweet'." Infallible Linitncif. Cures Headache immediately and was nevtr known tTfiil Dr. Sweet.' Infallible. Li ni mini. All'mls iinmedialo reiil '.'or 1 i!ej, :rd seldom la; Is. Dr. Sweet ,s- In fallible. Linineiit. Cures Toothache in one minute. Dr. Sweet's L. fallible Liniment. Ones Cuts and WoundB immediately and leaves n i scar Dr. Street's Infallible Liniment I , the best rtmedy ler Sores in ttj Ktown woil j. Dr. Sweet's Infallible. Liniment HasbecD used Ly more' than a mi' lion people, raid all praise it. Dr. Swell's Infallible Liniment Is tiii'y a ' f liend in reld.r' anil cvtry family should 1 ave u ut liand. Dr. Steed's Infallible Liniment s f or sale by aM Druggiit :. Pi ice i. cents ' Atirly DR. MARSHALL'S llAUAUll CTARStH SNUFF. f p HIS Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be the best 1 article ever known for curing the Catarrh, Cold in tiii: Head, and the HKADAcnK. It has been found uu exi'ellent remedy in many cases of Soke Lies. Deaf ness has b -en removed by it, anl He.vrinm has often been greatly improved by ils use. It purges nut all ob structions, strengthens the (Hand J and gi ves a healthy action to the parts affected. It is recomended by many of the best physicians, and Is used with great success and satisfaction everywhere. Moje than twenty-five years' experience lias proved its great value ; and at this moment if stands higher than ever before. A large number of the most respectable Druggists In Boston and New York, In a certificate signed by them i ) 1S54 say : " The undersigned, having for mai.v years been ao quainted with Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Hkapachc Snoff, and sold it. in our wholesale trade, cheerfully state, that we believe it lo be equal In every respect to the recommendation given ot it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it isdecidely the bost article ere have ever known for all the common diseases of the head." He arc of Counterfeit ! A fac simile of tho signature of the Proprietor CHARLES BOWEN, U on every bottle Sol I by Drug s ereryhere. 25lmf671yl CURE NervousHeadache Py Die use of these Pills tho periodic attacks ot ner vous of Sick beatlachfs may be p-evented ; and if tale en at the Cduniencement o'f'an attack immediate relief from pain nnd sickneos il! be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and head echo to which fonialesare sosubjeot. Th act upon the bowels, removing Cos tiveness For l.itera-y Men, students Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are vahi'ible a a Lex ative. improving ihe appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs mi icstoring the natural elasticity anil streiield of the whole system. Ihe CKP11ALIO FILLS are the resn't rf long investi gation nnd ccreftilly corducted e-xpe'rimtnts, having been in use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast nme un1 of pain rind suf iering from Headache, wheather originating in the nerv ous system or from a delimited state of the stomach. They are entirely vegatable in their composition, and may he taken at. all times wiih perieet gaiety wi hont any change of diet , and the absence of any disagreeable taste ren.lers it easy to administer to children.' BEWARE OF COUNTER FITS ! The genuine have .'he signatures of Heniy C Spaldir.g on each box. Send by Drnggis'.s and all other Dealers in Medicines. A Dox will be rent by mail prepared on receipt, of he Price 5 Cents. All orders should Le add reused to IIK-RY C. SPALDING, (.-25o)1m72', 48 Cedar Street, New York Or o Weffk aiid Ioll'1,r, SSoton, Sole VVIiidescb Agents, for New Fiifil nd. THE FOU.OUTN'U Fl.MUKii'EMf'.NTS OP SPALDING'S V V V P A M f1 PI Ij I!i 1 h ii li I 11 WIU. CO.WINtr, ALL WHO SUFFER FROM THAT A Speedy und Sure Cure IS WITHIN YOUH REACH ! As the c To limeioiiils were un-o'iciteel by Mr. SPAL DING, the afford uuijuestional . le proof of tie ellic. ty eif th's truly fcie.'ntilic discovery, Masonvk.l Cjss Fell, 5, 1801. Mr. SrALMNo. Put : 1 have trieei your Cophal c Pills, and I like them so well that I want vcu to s:;ud mi two dollars woith m.ire Cart cf tlietenre for tha neighbors, to whom 1 gave a iw out cf the tirst box f got irof vu. Senei the Pill hy lniilaud obi.ij Your o! r Servati', .1 AMKl KDNNEDY. llAVL-ut'oKD. Pa , Ftb. 0, 18dl. Mr Siullinc. Sir: I wish you to -end me one nnrebox of yonr Cephalic Fill , I have rece ved a great deal of b ne it from them. Vourx, res e-.;tfirlv, MaKY ANN Sl'OlKIIO'Jii. Si-Ki'cu Cm.KK. Huntington Co., Pa., I January 13, 180 1 ) U. C. Si'Al.niN5. Sitii Yju will plsasu geui: mj two box,is of your Cip i i o Pills ireiid them iitinie;liately. ii''pce:ti"iu'.l i Yours, JNO, H SPeOXS. P. S I have used one lux of your Fills, and find them exce lie nt. VKusoN.Oniii, Jan. Ij 1801. H. C Stai.dino, Ksep Please tinil inclosed lwei:tv-Hve cents, (or vhich send me box of j our Cep'nalic Pills. I hey ate !rul the best Pills 1 have ever trie 1 Direct A, S I'OVKR, P. M. Pe l: e.noii, Wyaudot Co. O. P.kvekly, N' A;ij., Dei. 11, ISOO. 11 C',SlI.IIu. Ffq. I w sh foi- sei ne circulars or lare show bills, to bring on Cephal c Pills more pirtisnlsrly before mv cu-to-ine s. If you have anythiua of the 1 ind, iilinsysend to mi One of my customers, who is fubject to severe Sick Headache, (u;ual-l l isting two days.) was cured of a atteci in one hour by jour Fills which I.pent her ile-pectiullv youra W. It. WILKEUS. C7-A single bottle of SPALDING'S PKF.PAKFD GLUE will save ten time-; i s cost annually to every household .CU Siiah'Ski's Prepared Cilue. SPALDING'S rREI'ARED GLUE SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ! SAVE THE PIECES ! ECONOMY! DISPATCH. Ky-"Ai3TtTCu is Tim savis N'isi."js As accident will happ:n, even in u rll-rerjvlattd familU it is very dedrable to !i-iv so:ne cheap and c ttniezit Way tv.r repairing Furniture, 1 oy. C'roe kery, Ac, SPALPtNCS PilEPARFD til. UK mew's all such e lurgeiicitis, an 1 uo h.i usebold csn iffir to be without it. It is always ready aud up totbe it'ck ing point. "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE," N. B.-A Uru.sli nccouiiauies each bottle, l'lsion 'J5 cents. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING & CO., 48 Ccdar-at., New York. t'AUTtox. As ceitnin ui.prineipleel psrsons are at tenip'inji to pa'm olf on tie unsuspecting pubiio iinitj tions of my Prep nod Glii'j, I would caution all nersons tocxa.,i n- be'orepurchei'ig. and see that the full uam SPAI.DINO'S PREPARED OLUK, ison the outsiele wrajiper; all oth-ra are rwUHlntf counterfeits. CURE