Newspaper Page Text
(jBrrrii JHannkw frrriiiaii. VOLUME III. MONTPELIER, VERMONT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1S63 NUMBER 832 r prift WILL BE rOKFETTEI) BY DHL. MX , JJiOtU it lulling to cure in lea tunc than any other I rnysician. more effectually and 5 ernienantly, with Itnl str'aint lroiu occupation or lear oi exposure to all catlier. with sale and pleasant medicines ! SELF-ABUSE AND SOLITARY HABITS, j Their effects and consequences; Si'ECIAL A I i.M K.VTS A X V SITUATIONS. Incident 10 Married and Single Ladies ; 1 SECHEl AND DELICATE DISORDERS ; Mercurial Affections ; Eruptions and all Diseases of the ; Skin ; Ulcers ot the Nose, lhroat and Body ; Pimples ; on the lace ; Swellings ot the Joints ; Nervousness ; ! Constitutional and other Weaknesses in Youth, and the j more advanced, ot all axes, ot ' BOTH SEXES. SINULE OR MARRIED. ; Dli.L.lJl.VS l'KI V ATE MEDICAL OFFICE, 81 l'.udi ott Street, lioxtoii, Man,, s o arranges mat pa. rui neer see or ner racu o,,.- . sr. Kecoiiect, the only entrance to itis onice is mo. '41, having no connection with his residence, conse- uueutly no tatmly intrrruptuii, so that on no account can any person hesitate applying ut Ins othoe. DK DIX oiiliy atrts (and it cannot 1ms contradicted, except by yuacks, who will say or do anything, even perjure themselves, to impose'upon patieutsi that he isth oslv RKdDLAR IdRADUATK phvbioiam AU VKETihin( i- hoi-ton. citn'rv vciliH J ,11, .. engaged in treatment ot Spec al uiseases, a tact so ei known to many Citizens, I ubhshera, Merchants, liote ;rTcr.riy t? I STHANIiEKS AND TRAVELLERS to avoid and escape Impo-itiou of Foreign and Na tive (Juacks. mot- num'JoiM in Boston man oti'er large cities . i DIE L. 1HX prooily re ers to i'rofessurs and respectable I'hysicians many of whom consult 'iim in critical cases, because of his ackniuvleoged skill and reputation, attained through so 1 mg experience, praoti;e and observation AFF1 iCTFD AND L'N FORTUNATE ! i oenot onbed and add to our nutlcringa in being de- ! ceived bv the lying boasts, miTepreseutalious.talse prom ises, and pretensions ot FOUEICN AND NATIVE yt'ACKS, who know little o' the nature and chaiacter of special Diseases, and I.fcsK as to their cure, home exhibit iorged Diplomas of Institutions or Colleges, which never ex isted iu anv part ol the world ; others exhibit Diplo mas of the" Head, how obtained, unknown; not only assuming and advertising in names ot those inserted ih the Diplomas, but to lnrther their imposition assume nimes of other most celebrated 1'hysieians long since dead. Neither be deceived by QUACK NOSTKL'M MAKKK8. through liilse certiticates am' r fereuces, and rccommen datious ol their medicines fcy I'M 'trad, who cauuot ex pose or contradict them ; or who, besides, to further their imposition, copy from Medical Books much that is written of the qualities and eth-cU ol different herbs and plants a'iu tacrine all the s:iiue to their Tills, Ex tracts. Specilics, He. most of which, if not all. contain .Mercury, because oi i:ie luicieui ueuei oi m """it 'Mint now known to '-kill more than is i cured," sudttiose uol killed, conslitiitionully injured fur hie. IC.NOitANCEOFy.L ACk DOCTOKS AND NOSTRUM MAKEKS. Through theiunorsncent thegmick Doctor, knowing iio other remedy, he relies upon JUBi't'HV and give-'it to all Ins patien's in l'i:ls, l. Ops. c .. so the Nostrum Maker eiiiiallv igm rint, ailds to Ins so-called Extracts. ,sicilic. Antidote, kc. both lelyiug upon itH effects in curing a'lew iu a liuudttil, it is trumped in various was throughout the land ; hut. ai.ah ! nothing i" said ol the balaii.e ; some ot whom die, others grow worse, and are Irit to linger and sutler for nioutlisor years, un til relieved or cured, il possible by competent physic " HUT ALL UL'ACKS ABE NOT IGNORANT. Nothwith-tanding the foregoing fuels are known to ouack Hoc.ora and Nostrum Makers, jet. regard essol the lite and health ot others, there are those among them who will even perjure themselves, contra dieting giving mercury to their pat ems or that it in con tamed in their Nostrums, so that the usual tee may lie obtained for professedly curing, or " the dollar or (ruction ol it ' may be obtained tor the Nostrum. It is HiustlK.t many are deceived also, and uselessly spend large amounts lor experiments with yuackery. DK. L. DIX'S chai ges are very moderate. Communications sacredly .outidential, arid all may rely on him with the strictest secrecv and coulidence. whatever may 1 the disease, condition or situation of any one. married or Medicines sent by mail aud Express to all parts ol the l nitert states . , All letter? r, quiring advice must contain one to ""wits.Vrfntx.No.21, Endicott Street, Boston M aws i, i Boston, Jan. 1, 163 -1 year. -'l , i hi. i ADIKS. The celebrated Dit I.. DIX par- 1 ..iri.. inviii-hull ladies who need 8 Mutirnl ot dviser. tocall at hi- rwuis No lil Eiiaicott Street. Boston, ttass., which they will find arranged lor their six-oial accommodation Drt 1)1 X havii g devoted over twenty years to this articular branchol the treatment oi all disease peeu m? to females, it is no conceded by all (both in this country and in Europe)that he excels all other known practitioners tor '.he sate, speedy and effectual treatment cf all female complaints. lln mediomes are prepared with t:ie express purpose .li ,i, such as jebilitv. weakness, un natural suppressions, enlargements of the womb, also, ,. ,i,ih rtf. f,nm a morbid atate of the blood The Doctor is row fullv prepai ed to treat in his i.....,..u hnih medicallv andsureicallv.all diseases If the female sex, and they re respectfully inrited to oail at s-.jirnit Street. IloalOB All letters requiring advice must contain on dollar to return an answer. Boston, Jan. 1,1863-1 year CITIZENS OF THE CAPITAL t'9K TUB NEW SUBSTITUTE WHITE & MOORE'S 0MU1XAL A fBl d 9 1 1 al A mj jl y r a' The only eieuuii e Malt Coffee manufactured in the I'uiteu States. For al by all tJrocei s. WHITE MOOKE, , 4, C, S and ID Bleaker St., Albany, N. Y. owly ROBINSON'3 LION PLOUGH ! Wholesale and Retail. To the F.niurs ami Traders of Vermont fl HE bi I senher w cold A rons. ai ii sil oth r .relui Lett 10 Muiil) el oi C, i."i i , i o. give notice to Ins friends and pat- s in want ul rioimliB. mat ns nas .mil mli m ins. o HI ih, Store o win re he hi of, r tor sale a larite na s',i u ,, sole liilisiio otle r kinds lot ol i ion Ploii, hi 01 IM U'h'. in use, nl II. e I, aiiilllt letll e ,ulC: uS.I li i ftioalpelier, repl. -JO !! pile . Is, m In i e I II si l'tea-i call and x KOI NrtuN w. .r Don't Fail to II ad Hi i. COFFEE, COFFEE! THE East India Coffee Co., 154 JiKWE STREET. (three doors from Greenwich afreet.; SEW YOKK, Call universal attention to their Kent's East India Coffee OXLY '25 CE.VTS PER POUND. Kent's Kits' India C'offVi , u,e :t!vor ot 01,1) U0VERNJ1E.ST .JAVA, and is GOVERNMENT JAVA, and is but half the price. : ..' , , ,. v Kt-alt ,S Olf.i t' ; lms twict. the slrengiL of Java, ,.r any other Coffee what lever and wherever used by rur first class hotels and I steamboats, the stewards say there is a saving of 50 p?r cent.'s l'v lii;., r ir j , , " , ls 1,18 most healthy beverage known, and is very nutri- I tious. The weak and infirm may use it at all times with I "I'nity. 'The wife of the Key. W. haves, local minister . of the M E cmirch) jeTKJ city, who has not been able ! t0 use any Coffee lor tliteen rears, can use Kt-nV Kasl India foffw Hree times a day without injury, it being eitirely free iiom mose properties mat, piouuce nervous eicittment. Kent's Kast India C oilce. Dr. JAVhS Bui I.E of u(5 Chambers Street, savs : I have never known any Coffee so healthlul. nutritious and free from all injurious qualitiea as Knit's i:ast India Colli'?. 1 advise my patients to drink it universally, even those to whom 1 have hitlierto rohibited the use of Coffee." The Principal of the NEW Y'ORK EVE INFIRMARY mjs : i utrect all me paucats ol our Institution to use ; exclusively Knits' t'.ast India ColRo. and would riot be without it on tiny account." Th. Hev. ('. EARCE, an eminent clergyman of the il. E. Church, of now s1 ationed tit HaNey Street, Newark, says Knit s East India Collet' ; ' I have used it nearly a y.?ar in my family, and find it produces no ache of the head or nervous irritation, as is the case of ail other Coffees. It is exceedingly pleas ant, and I cordtally reemmend it to all clergymen and their families." Kent's East India Colli is u-ed daily by the families of Rishop Baker, and many of the most distinguished clergymen and professional mea nihe country." Beware of Counterfeits ! and be sure lhat the packages are labeled KENT'S EAST INDIA COFFEE- 154 Itrade Ft., New Y ork. as tie rs are nuuvrous counterfeits afloat under the name ot " Genuiii- East India toffee. " " Originul East India Coffee," etc , put forth by Impostors to deceive the uu wary. In lib packages, and in box i of iio and lofl lbs for Grocers and larg'i Consumers. J by Urocers gen erally. Orders tr m country prtcera solicited, to whom a lib eraldiscounl will be made. 4?m3 st DRAWN ENGHAVED FROM LIFE. C'nnv of Photograph from Life of L. A. BROWN, showing Te effect of UTEBLINU'tf AMBROSIA in eighteen m0Dth- CEUTIFICATE. This Is to certify that, about eighteen montht a;o,I commenced using !siiaLina' AnBaosu. My short, thin, and rapmiy iauing uui. i uu . HairTonica, lnvigurators, sc. wuuoui, itwo;s - . s. snni, fter uslnir the Ambrosia, my hair ceased . .,,-' ... ..mmonnpil urnwinir so ranldlv as to B- tonlsh me. Now my hair it thick, soft and glossy, and Is live feet four incnes in lengin wocu uonu .v-..... the floor. This wonderful result I attribute solely to the use of Sterlihu's Aubeosia, as since I commenced using it 1 have applied nothing else to my hair. No. 493 Broadway, New York. fiTERLlNO'S STERLING'S, Kl Kit LINO" STERLING'S AVBROSIA AMBROSIA AMBROSIA AMBROSIA FOR THE HAIR. FOR THE HAIR. FOR THE HAIR. FOR THE HAIR, Made from Roots, Made from Roots, Made from Roots, Made Irom Hoots Barks and Herbs. Barks and Herbs. Harks and Herbs. Harks and Herbs. tsrsitlis. whose hair is beginniuir to We advise young fall out. tn take warning n time, ana , '. x !,( Iifxlr h ihe Ambrosia. To tnote wno hair; the Lee use of the Ambrosia will surety re-io.e ... as It '- . .,,,,,,, nllv extract p is entirely different from all other preparations, a. d T, saw known fact to thousand, in the Mt7fN' Y k th" t'lus iM. Von.y article yet discovered ,a wd. Cure he HI esse of the Scalp an I cause the Ha r to -n w. PRICE 1 I 'I PER ()X eontainirg two buttles. Hs. IT II. STERI.IN'), Sole Proprietor, No. 4911 BROsPWAY, New York. For fale by all I'ruitglfi. W". le Agent, monipemi, I -- ST E R U G 3 - - -' I THE TRIBUNjI FOR 1864. PKOSPK TIS. The Nkw-Yuhk Ti;iiu;ne, frst issued April 111, 1841, has to-day a larger aggregate circulation than any other newspaper published in America, or (we believe) in the world. Compelled a ) tar since to increase the priee ol its several issues, or sibmit to the pecuniary rum of its proprietors Irom the very nisgnitude of its circulation, it has probably (iuce parted with some patrons to whom if remarkabe cheapness wiu a con trolling recommendation ; tut others have taken their place", and it had now more thin Two Hundred Thou sand subscribers and regular purchasers an excess of at least Fifty Thousand overtioceof any rival. And thii unprecedented currency it las achieved by very lib eral expenditures iu procuring early and authentic in telligence, by the fearless expreision of convictions, by Ihelree employment of ability and industry wherever , it might contribute to excellent: many department of orr enterprise. ami by unshrinking fidelity to the dic tates ot Justice, Humanity and Freedom. 1 By very large outlays lor early and authentic advices by telegraph and otherwise from its own corresncu dents, with the various armies ot the Union, and by special efforts to lurui.-li such information rejecting .Markets, Crops, new di-covenes or improvements in agriculture. & c. as must specially interest farmers, we JttVC asidiousiy labored to muke a journal calculated to meet the wants and subserve the interests ol the l"ro- ducing Cla-ses That end we have at leas, measurably attained ; for no other newspapei exists in America or Europe which is habitually read by nearly so many llarmeis anil their families as is the 'Tribune to-aay. I We shall labor to increase both the number and the satisfaction of thi bv far the most numerous class oi its palrous ! During the existence ol the Whig party, this paper ! supported that party, tho 'gh always sympathizing with 'the more liherul. nrm-iesaive. Antl .-.lave-v 'wine'' thereof. When new issurs dissolved or transformed old organizations through the spontaneous uprising of ! the pe. pie of the Free states against the repadiation ot j the Missouri ilestriction, the 'Tribune heartily partici pated in that movtmont, aud was known as Keputili ,can. When the long smoldering conspiracy to divide and destroy our country or reduce it entire to complete ! abaseaieut" to the slave Tower culminated in overt treason and rebellion, it naturally, necessarily regardtd resistance to this conspiracy as paramount to ail other consideration-, and devoted to all its energies and tf lorts to the maintenance oi our Union. In every great controversy which has divided our country, it has I been found on that side which naturally commands I the sympathy and support ol i lie large majority ol ' sc-liool houses aud the decided minority of grog-shops, ' and so iloub'kss will be to the last. Ardently desiring aud striving for the early and en suring adjustment oi our National distractions, the Tribune Kaves the time, the nature and the conditions i ol tint adjustment implicitly to those lawfully iu au thority, eontidiui; iu their wisdom aud patriotism, anxious to aid them to the utmost iu their arduous re : spousibilitie-, and not to embarrass them even by poi--sibilitv. Firmly believing in the Apostolic rule "First pure, the n peaceable " holding that the total ' and liual expiration ol Slavery is the true and only ab solute cure for our National ills that any expedient ' that stops short ol this can have but a transient aud Bailor) success we yet propound no theory of" recon ; ut ruction "' and indorse none that ha b-'eu propounded ; by another neither Sumner's, nor Wniting's, nor any 1 oi the various Coppei heud lit vices for achievug "Peace ' I by suireudering the Republic iulo l lie power of its traitorous toes uut. exhorting the American i'eople to have faith in their Government, to rcintorce their aimhs and replenish their treasury, we believe Hut, it j they but do their duty, a benign l'rovidence will In due : time bring this fearliil strumtie to such a close as will ! i est subserve the true gituiiiess ot our country and ! the permanent well-being ot mankind. ! c rest emullv solicit the subscriptions and active jevertions ol our Yrteuds, and ol all whose views and convictions accord sulstantially with ours. Ytw i'urk t)U. lu. TKKMSI. DAILY 1K1HUNK. Single Copy, Man .Subscriber', one year (311 is-ues) SEMI-WEEKLY TKIlil'NK. One Copy, one jiar(l4 issues) fw o Copi es, uiii J car T ive Coj'ies. one ) ear Ten Cimi. imp vcar ii ceuls 3 ssi s-ia An extra copy will be sent to nny person who sends a club of tweoty and oer. 1 Le s-em-.Weeklv TiiTiuiK?- i sent to CUrt'yineu tor El KEY TRIBUNE. One Copy, one j ear (52 issues) 1 line Copies, one )ear Five ( onies. one vear s 'leu t ip is, one year In Any larger number, address d to names of subscribe, si.'iU each. An extra copy w ih be sent to every club of ten. Twenty Copies to one add: (as, one yesr,$2"), and any lerge number at same prioe. An extra copy will be sent to clubs ot twenty. Any person who sends us acliib oflhiny or over shall receive THE WIEKl.t I KI III X E m ans. in i,nv i.erson who will send us a club of lit v or ove.- THE DAILY TK1BUNK will be sent wit bout charge. ,.. Thk WkhklyTribusk is sent loC'lerg) men tor M o The Tost (iflics where a lull Club cannot be lormed, either for Tub mcmi Wkkkly or Wkkkly I'ltintK. subscribers to the two editions can unite at Club prices, should the total number of subtciiber- conn within niir rll I p. Address, THE TRIBUNE . Tribune Buildings, New Yolk. W1LLC0X & GIBBi' Family Sewng Machine Price with Ileimner ami Feller $40,000 f9 100,00 rpHE WILLCOXACIBB'S Family Hewing Nachine, la 1 the best Machine, without regard to price for family Sewing, Braiding, lemming, Pel ling, Tucking, Cording. Il forms a flat, even seBin, which will not rip In wear .wi, t at freouent intervala. and makes the light est and most elastic seam, for Full Cloth, of any Machine A peculiar feature of tbis machine, which deserves par ticular attention, Is a PiTittriD Dtvioa, which preTenU the potsibility of setting the needle wrong and oe which nrevents the Machine being turned wrong. I ... ii...,.,... ,nH ViIIpm lhi nn- i ne " iLLcux n 'ii11 -" ..... - -ly really practical Hemmers in use, and are worth one half of the price of the Machine, over all others for'ami- It use. They rorm a narrow, ngm nem m mi, than can be done by hand. Tne Needle isvery short, and perfectly !traieht, enautlng It to sew mrougu naru o seams, or gathers in hard cloth, where all Machinet using Ion" or curved needles utterly fail. The feed has no tendency to draw soft, light goodsdown Into the machine, bt will sew LiubhCahbbio pe.fectly It is acknowledged by all who see or use this Marhtnc that it is the Easiest to Learn to Use and Keep in Order of any Machine made ' After much wea', and many wiishlnga, the stitching is found to retain all the roundness, evenness and firmness which are so much admired at first." Ntw Fori- tan. ttr Send for a circular. .IaME-1 WU.I.COX, Mnnufar turf, Wk Broadway. N. V A. A. Stimson,, Montpelier. Montpelier, June lth. If 3. PICTUUK FRAMED OF EVERY STYLK, Gilt & Rosewood Moulding ivsiiri: rnrrcisE JEi. ALL AT Till VERY LOWBST PRICES Oirr J C, Emery ' HlntH Sire.-1 Furniture Montpclli r Store, 2yl Daniel ( ollins IMa(c. nill E Wubscrilwrs, liaving been appointed by the lionora . hie I rebate Court for the Distrii t of Waslnndon, Com missioners, to leceive, examine and adjust all claimn and clemandsnt nil person? against the e-talei,f Daniel Collins late of CaiKit, in said district, deceased, represented in solvent,and the term of six niontbs lroiu the 18th day ol November, 18t,3, being allow ed bv said rourt to the cred itors! said deceased, to exhibit and prove their respective claims belore us: Give notice, that we will attend to the duties of our appointment at thedwelinp-hoiise of the late Daniel, Collins in ( abut, in said district on the 19th day of December and 19th of May neit at one o'clock in the af ternoon, on eachut said days. JOSEPH LANCE,),, ' , CALEB FISHER, lL01uma Cabot, November, ild, A D. lst',3. dfw3 (Bstaulisjriimt, v .-. ft A- F8EE.1AN BTJIIiDIKG, STATE SHIEET, MONTPELIER. rpHE FltEEMAH A5D MkSSBMGEB PeINTINO EsTABUsh. -Imkhnt in tb" .Vew Freeman Building, State Street, Montpclier, is now filled with as extensive a variety of Power, Job k Hand Presses and other as any other Printing Establishment in the State, and possesses the best of facilities for executing all kinds of BOOK, JOB 3m mmwim, in all its Branches neatly and promptly executed and a the cheapest rates. JlrV'All . rders should be addressed to C. W. WILL ARD, Montpelier, Vt. W. F. M cC L UR E HAS REMtlVED TO ' REEDS NEW BLOCK, X17HERE can be found a large variety of the best and choicest grades of IT X. Consisting of the O XT AKUU.V CITY MILLS, BREED'S AKRON, LAMBTON NEW Mil I,S, CANADA ic, ic, Ac kc. Also the lower grades of Flour, and W. 1. HOODS AND GROCERIES, Cheap for hhIi just unusjiEU. A NEW RELIGIOUS WORK, ENTITLED HEAVEN 0 UK HOME. Wi H(vr no Saviopr nuT Jtsri, Nn to Homb but nr. avks. Crown Svo. Cloih, extra. Trice il 00. OPINIONS OF THE ENGLISH I'KESS. " The author of tin. volume before in indcavors tn de scribe what heaven is, as shown by the light of reason and Scripture. It proves. In a mariner as beautiful as It Is convincing, the doctrine of the recogni tor ot fiiends in heaven It demo' St rales the interest which those in heaven feel i earth and provs with remarkable clearness that Buch an interest exi: ts not only with Hie Almlwhty and among the angelB, but also among the spirits of the departed friends. We uiih-'Sit'itinuly give our opinion that this volume is nonf il,,. most ileiiuliif nl uroductions of a religious char acter which has appeared for some time, and we would desire le see it pass into circulation." Ulaiynw Journal. " This work gives positive and social views of heaven as a counteraction to the negative and un-ocial aspcts ia which the subjeot Is bo commonly, presented."--Kngtuk Churchman. " Amid the works proceeding from an oTerteeming press, our anention has d-en arrested bv the perusal o" the above-named production, which. It seems. Is wending Its way daby among persons of all denominations. Cer tainly , " Heaven our Home," whoever may be the author, is no common productfon '" -AiriLrv. A vtrtutr. In boldness of conception, startling minuteness of de lineation, and originality of Illustration, this work, by the anonymous author exceeds any of the kind we have ever read." -John O'Uroat Journal. " We are not In the least surpri-ed at so many thou sands of copies of this anonymous writer's work beln bought up We seem to be listening to a Toloe and lan guage which we never heard before. Matter comes at com mand : words flow with un tudlid ease ; the pages are lull of life, light and force j and the result is a stirrlmr vol ume, which, while the Christian critic pronounces it free from affectation, ev n the mau of taste, averse to evan gelical u liglon, would admit It to be exempt trom" cant." London Patriot. ' Tie name of the author of this work Is Bfangely enough withheld. . , . A social heaven, in which ther will lie the most perfect reooguitb n, Iriereourse, fellow ship, and Miss is the leading Idea 'if ihe bo. k, and il Is disous.ed in fine genial spirit." C'o'eienian Afereur. In Bonooeliig a retubllca Ion of the shove work, the publ, m it only nece-sa y losay lhat tin ugh quite recently uwi-lod In Kng i nn, It has already n a. bed a snle of o e liundr.d thou rid copirs. 'Ibeauiho a two compani. u volum. b, ' M. et f..r i.eav n," and Life lo lleav i' ill l'"i y ' lllW- fsei.t by mail i ostpaid on re elpt of price. IKIUks 1 S BitOTHERH. Publishers, 14.1 w silnngton St., Ilosl n. mwJ IrluO. W. VlJLjJJijlt, TKAO. KK Or Till riiiso, Orsaii, - ml sirmoiiy. i'io AM iVir.i.onroM CONSTANTLY ON HSMl f'o (V-jr PiKl.m and Melodeolis sold hi in' sre from iitil maker- and wl i be wurran ed tor lle yiars K K E E SI A N llCII.HINil, MiiNllkUEK, V f. the A H A Ii TC O CANDIES A SAFE, RELIABLE AND THOROUGH FAMILY PHYSIC NEVER, since the dawn . v;1ii!ation. hasThe.e J ica! s.'ienc as that inaugurated by the discovery of CAEEY'S CATHARTIC i. ANDJES. The days of disgusting and dangerous pills, made r. mercury and aloes, of nauseous stiltsand senna, of sicx- jalap and rhubarb pow ders, are now numbered ; new era opens up: tne uieaicmai properties oi rue tirts; and most expensive drugs have been, bv i uo known only to Doctor Carey, chemica.'.' ..vara.iu .rcmtneir useless particles, every vt, ,g of smell and taste re moved, and made ,nto tho form ol delicious candies There is no longer a necessity for parents forcing them selves or their children to sw allow and strangle wit'i loathsome-tasting puysio. CAREY'S CATHARTIC CANDIES Have valuable medical properti s that no pills or pow ders ever can possess. They can be given to those with , the most delicate stomachs, without the slightest i knowledge that they are taking physic: they are not to be swallowed w hole, being the same in the centre that i they are on the outside : place one in the mouth belore I retiring for the night, allow it to dissolve slowly away i its taste will De found delicious, while there are I variety of flavors to suit every palate. For all disease ; originating iu the Stomuch, the Bowels, the Liver, o i he Kidneys, there has never been a medicine in exist ' ncethat could equal them. They are guaranteed not 1 ceontain a single purticie ol Mercury or other miner I o or corrosive substance, and can be given to the weak I st infant with perleot palety Their peuetratin pro i Derbies cleanse and inviirorate every portion ot the hu man body, correcting its diseased action and restoring its health, suengtli and vior. Their effect upon the blood is to purify it frnmall unhealthy humors, and to instil into it a new life and richness that will cause the oldest and most aggravated complaints to speedily and permanently disappear. Subjoined is the certificate ol the celebrated chemist, 11, V. S. Hclton, the highee. authority in the United fates, who baa carefully ex- ! aniiued and thoroughly t ei ted the properties ar d value ot the Caudies. Hear wi at he says regarding them : New York, Jan. 31. 133 Mi, Geo. C. Babclay, Proprietor of Caiey's I athartic Candies : Dba B fin., 1 have analyzed and tested critically yout Carey's Cathartic Candies, w hich 1 hereby certity to be a safe and very efficacious physic. They do not con tain anv mineral or corrosive i ubstance. and may be administered to invalids or children without tear. I oonsider them to be a ve y imp, riant discovery, and one which ie ot the greatest value to the community at large 1 am. &c, V.S. HELTON, Analytical Clicini-it. SICKLY FEMALES Should lose uo time in trying a lew doses ol tliisregu latinp and removing remedy; whatever may be their complaint, it can be taken with salety in all periodical and other disorganizations, its effect is all but miracu lous. UN-REFUTED PttOOF, The testimony oi N ations is unanimously borne to the health-giving virtues ot his noble remedy, and certifi cates in every living language bear witness to the.f DKNIABLBNHBB 01 their IWTRIN8I0 WOKTH. CAHEY'S CATHARTIC CANDIES CURE Asthma, Dropsy, Inward V'eaku.d, Rowel ComuTts. Hebilitv. Liver Complaints, Coughs, l evel and Ague, newness oi opirus. Ftmule Compl'ts, Piles, Headaches, Stone and Gravel. Indigestion, isec'ndary Synip'u. Influenza, Venereal A Sect's. Infiumation, Worms ot all kinds. Colds. Chest Diseases, Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Liarrhue, Sold at the Mfinutnctorv ot Or CAREY, 68 Libkbtv Strkkt.Nkw Youk. and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States and civilized world, in boxes, at Jii C EN I'ti EACH. Sold by John F. Henry ft Co., Druggists, Water bury. Vt wlfly R-BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA- FOR THi3 CUKE OF PAIN, BOKH EXTEKNALL AND IN TEUNALLl . The Greatest Pain-curing Remedy Yet DlHt-ovrred I Pain cannot lony exist where this llt-tntdy if faithfully vsed. (JIVi: IT OSi: FA IIS Tltl-tL. And if you do not llnd L to be all it is recommended, go hack to the Agent and get the MONEY REFUNDED! This offer Is made, knowing that what this medicine ha done iu thouiandsof cases, It will doagaiu. For Tain in the Stomach Back and Bowels, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, and Swellings, Colic Jjiarrhoa, Rhumatiam, Headache, Toothache and Earache. It Vui ' almost liislaiilaiH-oiiwIy . CHRONIC DISEASES, SUCH AB Dvsrensia, Weak Rreasts, Liver Complaints, Uenera , ,1 . L. U.. , I'l I lit)) I II y , (..auaer or i-orr aiomu. i uiouui own i ui on . Week Eyes, Bpine and Kidney Diseases, Old 8"res. In the above named diseases it needs only to be faith fully used, and A CU1SE IS CEISTA1N. For sale by all Principal Druggists in the UuileJ States. t, . irr-Ca II at the Agent's ana get a i-amiiiiiei. A. L.8COVTLL k CO., Cincnnati, Ohio. MANHOOD j IIOW LOST! HOW UKSTOKKU1 Just pubished In a Sealed Kovelope) Prloe 8 ctsj A LEOTURK ON THE .NATURE, TREATMENT ASl ttinfi'AI. ClfRK of Bnermatorrboea or Seminal Weak- aess. Involuntary Emissions, Hexual Debility and JmpetJi- . . : ...I,. V., - .... I, a .. u. a f 'l.n.L, mini meniB u marr-Bir,3 ri:ucii,7, ,. ..,..-,..;., . Epilepsy and Fits, Jtenttl and Physical Incapacity result ing from Melf-Abuse, etC.-By ROBT. J. CULVEKWELL, M. D., Author of the O'een Book, Ate. The world rrpowned author, In this admirable Leoture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful BonseoueDOes of Self Abuse mav be effectually remoTed without medicine, nd withoul dangerous surgical ..Dera tions, bougies, instruments, rings, or oo-dials, pointing outs mode of cure at ones oeriain and effectual, by which ev-ry sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Thla lec ture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. stent under seal to any address, in a plain, sealed a Vfilope.on the receipt of siioents.or two postage stamH, by addressing. CIIAS J.C KLINE at CO., W Howerv. N-w Voia. Post OfHre Boa 46fW. IliACIII.IW iA!'iirurn. Ttasinrif Riuiin or KcuOiTiOM, I I t-mrstary'sOlllce.l ct .lHOJ. r..l...f Tr,.'K,il for Ihe ( ounties of OKA Ml ISf, W AH I NH'f UN .LAMI'M I.E.FRANKLIN and C'HITTEN DEN, will be held s follows I . i,..o,. leo, 8th and Bth. .. Nuaiurirto, '' ll'h ' ltjih. fi !T slb., I "" " - .. r ,,, .skill, " lth ll'h. .. 8o Ho " 3r't " 24.h. Ti e Institutes II earh continue in lo'Bton during ti ,hiys wmiiiemiigatilA M. jth filfiids ol Mucanon are Invited to attend. Town sop, riiiirnde ti are desired to see that Ti'ach'M ren, llflid iidiirf heiu to atHid i l, rvyiuen are re.i ectfully Invited lo give notice from l'',l!tw''Vl H- AHAMS.Hecrelsry. It'-ltll'tf III , (,R sale by VliotKriili AHmci 0. W.tVTILO $y N. K. BnoWK ,