Newspaper Page Text
Oct 31... TRANSCRIPT, tfft ALBANS. ' 3 ,,osr-iMncn notice. niv. "i " (Smidnys excepted) from C ft. ,; " ' .,,"r on RrtmUv fftm T n. m. lo 8 ft. rti.l '. .'.J-.V! W.,7i.n ,W lull.. I'"'11 Vrli 'through Mail ;I"8C,1 at 0l8 ''' ,n' 1 ' Jji'jVlosr-s at a. m. Arrives at ,"', w; Mail clows nt 5.00 a. in. Arrives t' ,..o -l........ t fi.OO n. m. Arrives at ' Oil nun Aniv.t i closes nt, 2.00 m. Anivesat Y" Thnu . ' iluatD, - .-- Bi,y Mail closes at C.30 p. in. Ar- ViTtrn. Letters for Msils must at the advertised hour of closing. ' ' H N. lIAHHlilt, Post Mascor. - Api i) , ' 6-tf- uBEAT EXCITEMENT. RAID ON ST. ALBANS. IlLUb I nnii-L. llls The Banks Robbed. ITIZENS SHOTj &C. v; Ul ant village was thrown into r vttemrnt, UcL lUtli, uy tuo ap- r . - ... .. ,.rlHrt.,nno ,i,,n . n ( , III n 1 LllV UL DklilUKClD, uum- ' ... .l....Ml.milu .t.l,A iiuvn ' ' IL.UTY, Oi LHCIUUUVUin, uu lien i .s;, ni'l.iv.msly plundor. The town Without occupyiug. space to partic ;fulfth. wildest rumors, and spec-1 nlnrizc tho different political sn-g- nns rife. tions which are put forth in the me-i- ii.-l'n intimation given of what I ve nre f(ir(,6a now t(, ,v,ntcMt . l !..,. fl 1, . " ' . . u' en, in " M , wh. a th-y unfurled their colors v ;. .w l,c KM.ivers miu ucuiuiu.wiH ; 1 1 isu'i, in the vicinitj of their op- 71-, WJ..IU nils uooin uie uuiikm. i , .1 ...L 11. l....l.. 4. :'i l an i he quiet. Part of this t!'-n ell fcreiUhe First National-; i f St Albans, ovoqxiwered Air.'' i - ti.i cashier, and placed 'him r L'u.ird while they proceeded to v M.r jjdtig nt the same time on - M'.ii 1'ianklin County Bank, where . i k 1 1 1 -1 lion .li- i itr .. nil. w in .WLn i sr -it. , .1. . .1 r I 11 3 4 . lT-eiii. i iiev surc iil liiu iuiu- tiu' revolver thrust into the l'ltiik vinit while the robberv was bo- ' ..1 ( 1 ,ii 1 , 1 1 is 1 1P1 1 nun r pin 111 ii i( 1 111 mi .iin'i in mini released nv some svm-1 - i .1 1 -it 1 , l. l,...l f.... (K ..:.! l..l I uui.uif, a.ivi tit l. t titL ItlillUin lllltl . Mr. Francis J. Houghton, the 14 1 'f I r I 111 IIHTIL." 11 1U 11 MUOIIT RT 111(1 .c. Attending court at Plattaburcb, v . i, ;i wifn. in tm importtmt case. j - il m. it her gang entered tho St. ! Biink. rFho leader, on enter-1 if. 1 up to Mr. Martin K Sey-1 Ml. assiBtttnt cashier, and. with I lip i iu tho suouliler, (irilereil i the safe the others draw- r i-.o .1,.,..,, r , CM , h crs to enfoi co speedy to their wishes. Mr. Breck j'ist at this time to make a do- j th the bank of StOO. but was : ii'Ilnl to deposit with thoso who . MU nd temporary authority in i iiuk. Resistance to such an nvmod I.. n.n' deemed useless, they woro iu d t j co on with their nhinderiim. i f, r ui.,i. .1 x A.. .... .... r : ,:mt n, i,..l. i.:,. .., , which oilier squaus , 'Mo and other sources. Tho gang, vl" mi-no niuuiu nurses, iiicu i leisurely throuch Main street to , wwV4ii luninui jiiiiijinuij ren en the Bido-walks. fr. L J. Morrison was slmf tlirnimli iir juiiifi niiii t ii. i i i "i,m ,8 considered a fatal one. Mr c"n"ulerablo monoy has boon picked r in Tlin Lt....a l i Mi1Vri, ii.Lviiirr nnnn ( rnnnnl "V II Pun ...A! .. . . A"IV left inn-,, 1..! ,.. lui y luiHiii-uiv. uiil worn - "umiiuiiL lorco oi nnr nitini.ti n "u 1Ui iHUHiut. wo aro 1Cf"lllied Hint. onmn C. i " '.""in 411 u 1)1 nix IlllVO y wptured at Frclighsburgh, and W is still kept up, with tho as Jttuco of tho Canada authorities. Spvcral wrests have been made in our Sll-nnt,. i ciou, , Uay hwy). ot suspi cw characters. llOSO robbers nrn s'l persons residing in Canada, wlio beco'no desperate from want of It is obvious from the manner in wio..i. .1 tlm y umn"god this affair, that nlm Vei' P8actiwl in this sort of 2, ftml lmd boe setl this not 1 Qunulro11 11,1(1 ' band could dent V b0en moro C0Ql nn(1 imPu J1" Pl" ot Burlington rcspond Pft U. S. Collector, Oscar A. Bur Mtook"' a U' Provosal, WwS1,,nrdi,Uo train f0r Ht BUS. with such arms, bum ami r., jus wound is n sovoro ouo bnt ' "B llt)m suouui not uum. 10 leguiawj vvnien does not miter, xo some oi nis i xnese powuers nre nunc npimmniu i ' heh. ve it is not enii.i,Wol fnf.,1 thoir systems by means of one or two countrymen there may appear to have nutmuw. xiity make fstUne cstUo Otlu-r ,., l i 4i , , bottles of thoso celebrated Bittoiu heeii oi-ror in his course. It would be thrive, and working eattte perform much better- .11,1 V U1 th6,r dolhoaritl- "tUoB Of tllOSO CClobiatod Bitters. j ( d Jf iu tho lni(lfjt of dif There is nothuiK better for m milel. .oiv, l and u ls, no lloubli Qwh r tQ th Thoy aro pleasant to tho taste, while li(niitio8 so stupendous and so unox. as they d, and n-gidate the system and ap- " t that tho horses were in u now thor ""igorato and strengthen. In wcto(l nuy administration or any ruler I J' s"-i-vc the .,..,., .u.a .,ai- Hil of l.iminnrif. i. i -i fnnt. flm unn nf nun hnftlH will nmlrn : alinnld wlinllv nvnifl nnwfjili.M Tnns i . - - X VAuV WU I "Rly restless. volvors lis could bo obtaiifM "tit 8li6iyf hotieo. Thoso mon woro put under ,uhnrgo of Lieutenant, Bobort L. Bur nott. Gov. Smith soiit bjynail train Lieut Col. Ii. C. Benton and Mijot' John L. Dai'fllow, from Montpolior, with Rome! forty soldiers under Lieut. Murphy, nnd tho villngo was admirably andj methodically watohod nrid protected during tho night by thoso having,'! chargo of tho matter. The.aUpnnl Bank loses, is report-Jim nt $53,000; the St. Albans Bank $75,000, and the Franklin County! tho raiders left mouov on the ll,..r f tlic r ranuim Uounty v&nn, wnii-n ,i:.;..itilw..l tlm 1no vnrv mutnri'illv i a.. i ts i i-i umiiuiaiiuu buv .uo -. i Ve anxiously wait in common with , ... , . . , , . 1 our citizens for fm-tucr dev.upIn11ts in reiauon w mis siuiiige Drcun-enco. xiir r.- arc two things which it doosj , . hii -first, thnt t lie war for the sup-' The gubernatorial im-ss.-iifc which p'' s-im of the Itcbellinn is a failure, I wc lake pains to present to .'..,r -cad- "d -cndly that thcic should be a ; . 1, rn '--nlion if hostilities, rherc are two ; erHmfull m thus weeks Tiwsm .tin, t!.iMg-whih it ,1om not bay first, it ! will fiecurofroni our readers thnt at- ,l, s not say anythiuL' against the Re tention which the subject of which it In Hum, and seeondU it does not any 'fronts anil tho hioUukIw'iiI r in anythlnof aJIUllHt Miicrv. And c;tn- whioli t)iey are prwentetl, as well as; tne aonuy wun wnicn uioy arc imn- died, will abundantly justify. Greatly it . it superior to tne lirst executive message . WU..W..1 fr..,.. Mm or. ,.n l.,at mt. it, lmH morn of tl ..lx.uumt. of n . firHt clfl8S state paper, Uian many doe- ..... . i. .i.nAntn IV Hi. I lAVn tnnn vnnntil ,.a mulgated from the gubernatorial chair in Vermont. -, ourselves witlroommenil.tir' it tliroii"h- out) l(J tbe tnollf,lltnil oonsid. ratioii of ftll 0ftl,c ro-rs of the Vfkm 'Piianscriit. The acconii.aniiiL' l"Uincnt, to which the message refers are not yet publislicd, but will be during the pre- Ceding week, in a pamphlet form. We .n. 1... .tn.Kla frt vATimnl 1 1 rir itwrnrr ""V "v """"" "v"H to their rrrent lenerth. but thev are ren- rPRonted as tit anoendices to tbo mes- : ... tj -n i i A. ' No. 1. will be widely sought for aim 1 ... ! carefully ierusea. nn 1 . - -1 1 1 -i - The legislature has organised , and is getting ready for tho dispatch j of business. Tlie length of the Gov- j cnior's message has crowded out tht ' i ureceediuifs of tho General Assemblv, - -ri . - ,. , , . . . , "--e- a- - in a condensed form every week, so 1 1 J" . 1 long as it remains in session. Un momlay last Uctobor litli a train pissed over the Vermont and Canada extension railroad leading ' o" St- Albans to St, Johns. The uu- favorable weather reciitly has pre- vented the opening of this road at an, 1111 iRI U!lu 11,111 e-ki-ii mn u ii uui ready for trn vol. If the rains cease it ...111 ..1.1.. 1... 1 . 1 A! . 1... "Ill IIUUIWIV UU Ulieiieu lOI UUIUC, li i vember 11,0 loro l,au 01 oemuer. It " stated that on Col. Asboth's hite expedition to Mariana, Fla., Capt M. M. Young, of tho 7th Vt, was j Icillocl. j . . . I Mr. lllmm It. blnpmaii of ood- ( stock, lma acoentoil tho Professorship of llhetorie. Loffic. amTlSniylish .Litem-! i 1 ,.' 1,.. m ' ,'... ,r... l ies oi xuus uonego, ..itass. Wahoo akp Caiosava 13mats.--To!33m.yfriemlof y0ur Union, probably, Indies of dohcoto coiiBtitutiouB, thos6jn Europe, every speaker and writer bitters aro partiCuInrlv "aanntoui for , I t . they will effectually euro headache, loss of appetite, dyspepsia, indigestion, lowness of spirits, hj'Btorias, dizziness, palpitation, slooplossnoss, gonoral do bility, Arc, ko ; and ladies who desire to avoid tho suffering and uicourcn- you feel liko a now person. Try it. looking on from this distance, and un For sale by all druggists and rospecta- ,nuvci1 ' tho P-ssions from which bio doalors. . , i A party from St Joseph, Mo., havo recently returned from u trip af ter tho Indians who captured n train on tho Big Blue, some months since. Over tho section thoy traveled tho ranches nnd buildings havo all boon burned, and tho inhabitants oither killed or forced to leave. Ono family of nino had all been killed. Another family of live, tho parents and thoir children, had all beon killed except tho youngest child, an infant, which it is supposed was carried away by tho sav ages. Ono of tho children, a lad somo 10 years 'oi age, was found a short dis tanco from tho road, with five arrows sticking in his body, thq head sovored from tho body, and tho scalp taken off. -Joff Davis said, in his lato speech at Columbia, S. 0. : "Tho strategy of Gen. Hood was good, and his conduct gallant His oyo was upon a point of tho communications of tho enemy far beyond that whoro lie had been as sailed. If but a half or oven a fourth of thoso who should join him would promptly do so, thoro would bo no al ternative for Sherman but defeat or disastrous rotrcat, and ho would within thirty days bo fouud crossing tho Ton nossoo river." Udvorusonui't. George B. McClellan, Of Now Jersey, von vrn: inE.irErr, George H. Pendleton, Of Ohm. ron ei.ectoiw at r.aoE. John j. de.vvitt. st. Aii,n,' LFHRAIM CHUll.hRU.N, f t. Johnsbury. TOR DBTIUCT n,Ff.T01W, E. R. WRIGHT. Mid.Ucbury, for 1st District. i, d. dkan. junisrct, wai District.' ny... i..,i,., tor i insin ' ' ' CJlcng0 p, I)Isscc(c(li The Hon. C1iiirl(.s Sunnier, in his into i'anouil JLlall specli, tlms dwwet- I'll the Chiojian Plntfiimi' "Tlin Cliinn. . . . - ' 8 Platform umy be seon iir two nr nectH lirgt, m whnt it does sav, and l . . J, ' V-.m 1 1 h.'n c b (, a nominated on th phitform. .In voting for them you will ffi (,m Ul(J Wftr.m8 fml(,i nI1(1 thnt , ought to be stopped, whilo you will ' . . l,1. r.i .. i decline to say anyming againsi ine ite-1 DeillOU Or WfAmSt rjiftVeiT. JLOU Will. ?lecla Grant has failed tt K'ks- linn uuu iil liicliniond: that nhermun haai f f,nnt . 'tw w.rr.m . ' ... V :..! - L X ...1 1 1 T. I..' 1 .. . 1 that Winslow hns fnild against tho 1 Alabama ; and that Sheridan has failed ' in tne V Alley of tne nucniuiuouii ; ami I voti will further declare that all these , heroes should be arrested in mid-career, while democratic agencies take their place, and rose-water is substi tuted for caunon balls. And vou will i declare, also, that the rebellioh shall ptevnii, ami tinit niavcrv siniii cmtin- , ue to degrade our country, and be the feed of interminable war. All this you will affirm and declare by your 'tes. it anytmng were neetteu to illustrate it woaW ,)Q oUQ(1 in the offort's m&de , . .1 r . . t l 1 i .1-1 to get away irom 11 at, least m mis bttitudu. Nobody hero is willing to j stand upon it. The cry of the rail road conductor is transferred to tioli-! tics it is dangerous to stand upou; Mm u.,.-.o ',,uiv ii,,u mn,in . I . . . i gnBatoralroVt to got away frqm it than ( the Presidential candidate of the Da-1 etetnRtasacaildillnto j ho lg lvm71 with the iatforrn. and unit-1 .,l to it, as the Siamese twins are unit- j el together, so that tho two cannot be j "--pruM.-u. w mi mu uuuri uuiauk , .ana iuia as cut apart iMcutouan aim, -1 , - , , -1 r- ... 1 , i n lienrro. " hi two mint im .(Kwit icr." i o o o John Brioht cpon the, Contest. John IJriuht. the Enclish r(,formov nmi 8tatcnman, has vmtten a u.ttor to Horace Greely in relation to c.nitci,t ov thc nreLidencv in which .,. sfty6: AU those of mv countrymen who' nave wisueu wen to tne refeiiion, wno bmo honed for tlui break-un of vour . l',,;n vm.l.. lhn.w-. .,Mn,l 4 Dm, .1 I l iinui, nu" uaiu iiiru-iirn iu cvt-.i southern slave empire rather than a rt?stored and free republic bo far as I , (,iU ohhe,lxc, are now in favor of the j flection of Gen. McClellan. All those 1 who have deplorod tho calamities that j th leaders of secession have brought ', upou yonr country, who lielievo tlwt ' Kiavei weakens your power and tar- j nishes vour cood namo IhroUHhoul iho world, and who rogrot tho reetomtion of vour TTn on mi a thine: to bo desired and iii'ftyed for by nil good mon, so ... - j- . d aro boartilv lomrintr , - - - - j - -gj - m . mt for the re-election of Air. .Uuoolu I' I wlto has sonant to do justice to your cauBO since tlio war oogan, is now hoping mth an intense anxiety, thnt Mr. Lincoln may bis liluced at the bond i of your oxocutivo for anotlior term. It is not because they behovo Mr. I Lincoln to bo wiser or better than allj othor men on your continent, but thoy ' think thoy have observed in lUS caroor and a patriotism whioh knows no change and many oi your peopio can uartiiy no es- pectod to oo ireo rogarttuig nis pres idential path with tho calm judgment which bolonsrs rather to history than to tho present timo, as our ouUudo po sition onablos us, in somo degree, to regard it wo see in it an honest en deavor faithfully to do tho work of his groat ofiieo, and, in tho doing of it, a brightness of personal honor ou which no adversary has yet beon able to fix a stain. I boliove that tho offeet of Mr. Lincoln's ro-oleetion in England, and in Europe, nnd indeed throughout tho world, will bo this: it will convince all men that tho integrity of your groat country will bo preserved, nnd it will show that republican institutions, with an instructed and patriotic people, can bear a nation Bafoly aud stoadily through tho most desporato perils. tnvriafjejs ami gentiu At Canan, N. II., Oct. 12, by Harry Ixeds, Esip, Mr. (Ir.oiuiE II. Woom of Wlnibior,to Miss C'UIHA P. rOLLANSUliK, Of WlHldstOCk. Iii St. Albana. Oct. 12. bv ltov. Clias. Kav. Mr. H. II. 1Iilev and Miss Hm.ia Whukixii, all of til. Albans. Nollce.Applicatlon will bo nlado at tho noxt un.ulnti of tin. Tiirlulntlln, fur nil ftltlcllilltietlt i of, or adiUtioa to, tho Chartor of tho Villago of Ht. Albans, Bt. Albans. Sept. 7th, 16C1. 26-tf TV" ahc $lnrUftfl. T st. xt.nxss MAnitisT-.Oii.uo, moi. CormcMfor OtC Tranieripl n try Wm, Br Rem. A 111 MOT, Champl.ilii Street. Ai'M.ra, dried, i. rib, . llCMNS, lor llUllK'l, Jiurntn, par lb Omnia, " Oultw, nor bniliel, Oww 314i.. pormU, lino, jw do., Fi.m b. siipi rftne, " tstrn '" double axtra. ......... Orass fifjro, pfr bitsnel JIat, p r IjAki, jir ll ()4TH, fK r illlMlll'l, Omomh, " I'r.iTLK, l'lil.K, III ... i-li'ar, Pot.mobm, l"r bushel, Hil, Si.r, rpnnl, r,t i no 1 " '( ij 1 ti t jj uii 30 f'l 41 l(gt M 1 73 lit 4 no w 0 00 0 00 84 M .".o W INI 1:1 o uO 0 fill IH 00 0 oo 41 no VI 00 oo 1 2". 0 oo M 96 600 1". ( H ' It 00 li, 14 I"! 'If) ,") IMW u I'll . 2 f't. 7S 'i 00 1 il) (. 40 00 lii 47 H i fjil l,r 1 25 f ' ) lit, t 00 dt l urk h jiatiQ, -UvooL,'Pr lb.'.:! I:'.':'.:.'.'.".'. ' Wood, pircord, . i 1 . .. tlOSTON MAHICRTS. Prepared uxprusaly 'J'i: .s ill I 1 ) tvt. ia in; i. 'n en i" i io n ) 'J I'll I 1 I in 14 00 (c. 1) IH) i 2.) '. '.I -j' I 10 71 (H V 10 fill fr; 12 110 VI 2't if I ! mi lioslTo'.', flour mul Menl- i'ur bbl. St. 1h rii. hiiperlinu . . J'Atrj In a nils I hoici' i xtrns Wl'Sll I'll H'lH.'l'iilll. roi'Sinoii i xtr.iH. V" ii. i ti i- . ... ll' Hi ' I ti is i i i 1 1 1 -. j .ii L nil, 'i, clioire xtra Ml'l Sll i I fill'- ... t'o'niiH li i tr,is lb ih'im i n .kr 1.1 III! III. 11 Oil !l 2i ( ".il 11 00 (n. U ."II II Ml fi'. 12 00 1'2 2j '-4 12 75 b IHI 'I I 0 g .VI . ( i;2 t'liOK t t xtras .... "' i"'"'"- (inn Mcl (niin - per hiishd: tot II. mixed 17,if 1 1 HI '(, 1 1,1". I lltle III M How 74 We-ti 111 m :,u. o (m ' 2 I rl I 2 4," i 70 i 90 rtt, u Hi I 0 Oil u oo Wliat, Wi'Hti-m (I..Im f.rtli. rn Wliit 1 iuih Moftssorer g.Uon: N'(a rirL'-an . 00 r,t 00 (;i in 00 irot uionsrer iiw : 5,"t.T1 """Is 20 00 a ; 00 00 on fit. on 00 44 00 dt. 45 00 j,-i ii.mi i ii l'ork, extra 1- ,ir PlH'k, 1UUH. Pork, pi urn Ianl. r'lh. tA mi Ut -t- 3U0nrf43hiHl 21 '1-'. 22 Ham. min .1 20 di as (t. 12 2--) 41 18 "'mer. ch.m Stl$(nr 1','t 1 ana. 1 I' ll, i aim, br , 11 Ni w dili a 1 Cuba Musi, -. .1 ! , l',i ' ii ( rr-1 il Jloston l'ov ,i- -1 ( ,'lTvv Cru.-' .a AVoot- DoMl.sni Pull blood Half andij nikr 1 lood Common 24 2(i 00 21 00 31 1 21 21 H 00 !,." 21 V no (', 00 (o 20 ''t C'. 1 00 !)7 C.JJ OS 90 95 1 04 (ij 1 2 5 85 Oj wSnnuv.i uniGirrov myiucbt Oct. 10, iieer rnttir. itra rt and hes Oxen, iiajsi u ? 1 t.oo 1st uunhty $12 iiesvy premium $12,00 0 il3.00; ),! mta.tiv ( 1 ih . fill mmHtv f!V Ml n fafa v foou.. on total weight or hfde, tallow nd dressed bi 1 f. "l?- 5 jhw. cm m a m-. trs and 55 "f';' " m"ytoag'adifm,,r "shp,.,,",, T.aiin.!'i a 8. Lsmlist 5.09 a s.w per uesa. ..... . . . . , . . mimm.-wtioiiaie, iua up roisu, 10 ai f ui "i i-.- tJ ... UH5u.. Venl Cnl vw. Jo.00 i $00.00 t head. llliles0 a 11 c ft lt. C&lfilklUS 25 a 00c. Tullovi 10 a 13e V f Pelts $00.0 a $0.00 each.,H) ft $3,00 "AHORSE IS LIKE A MAN." And like a man, if he is overwork, .1, need care and mertictne. How many times we sec a horse with two or tlnee humlred dollars, aniianntly l.tllk.-ll illlUll llV I-1PPIUUTA WrtH." l.lkl itlll eTTirftM- .- -. r n Hhaksare, "each articular hair stand. " lMn ac fretful poscupine. In othor hc u ,mt of cHcUtioi.. What ahall weto' ' T0 ALDEN'S CONDITION POWDERS They are Tbeythorougli- ly remove all iiuhonlth.ohjjtrucUoiis midcloiuibo tho whole system, eiUjii'uiuaninutifin, pto- &8 s healthy and diractlnp; action njKm thc UVOT- reswinn sppeute, ucutu, sn renoweu animation to the whole hod, thereby rendering the animal capable of milch greater endurance. Thoso powder may be given mth great advan tage in all casts of loss Of appetite, roughness of the hslr or coat, stoppage of water and lmw- vb M wmK,te tHi(U innaniation of the 1 . " Bit Vl'tSEI WHt W f7 iihiuihwhm ' ,1W, aua howis. recent. foHndcrs, swsUIiik iiif , tlie Kl"d of the throat, homo dwUmper, idiii I bound, Ac ' i , ... nQl rnpnmm1,1 ,hrrn , ir0 . I nrmed caw of hfcavos. hut thw will relieve "it, and m recsnt oasos offoot a cure. Knrmm, Tnuimteis, ami thoso Jiaving charge of horsou, would, save time and money by having these Powders alwajs on lisnd to ad minister with the first symptom of decline, or "Ui'u The good results that follow the Uo of thus Powders, w ill recommend tbeiu to cvcryliody. Put up in largo papaw, with directions for use, and sold for 35 cents. For sale by h. I.. DPTCHKIIA- SON, St. Albauu. And by Merchants generally. 31 tf otlee i hereby given that application will bo made to tbe next eanu of the legislature of Vtixniuilt fr tho charter oi all Anufcluct Compa- ny, with the privilege of taking water cither from Pairfleld or Pranklin Pouds or from Lako Cham plain and conveying thcsomeloSt. Albans Village fit. Albans, August 10, lbiU. 22 tf .Not ire ia hereby gicn that application will be matlo to tho next session of the Legislature of Vermont, fur a tax to lwleuttd on Franklin Coun ty, for tho purposo of building a new Court House in St. Albans for the use of faid County. St. Albauu, August 10, 1801. 22 tf TO CLltAlt THK 1I0USK OP FLIES, CSK DITCHKR'S CEUSHliTKh I 1 11 ' IV 1 N( i 1 Tl V-1 C I TTVE , a noat, cheap article, oasy to use. Every ahoot will kill a quart. Address orders to L.'L. DUTCHEH A SON, St. Albans, Vt. The Very Latnt .Vei. Tha subscriber has just returned from market, and is now pre pared to exhibit tho largest lot and most desir able styles of (JLOTH1NO and PUI1NI8IIINO OOODH ever offered for salo iu Vermont, pur chased for cash, and will bo sold at a very lifnall advance from cost, Tho place to get tho worth of your money is at Xo. a llurroiv lllo. k. WSI. . HJUTll. Bt- Albans, Apr. 2. Ml I tf. n, -All biU must bu paid w ithoift delay. I 7-tf WU. N. 8 "yiII.t.l M O'MHI.'S KST.YTI4. Tliosub ! Y H.'il.ernbaviinbi'ninpl)oliito(lbvtbi)lloii. .iini!r l'..iliit- tWufl for the DIMrirt Of Krnnkbti, l iiiuini-miii r-, to nooin, Kxniiimo, ami aiijuxl nil i l.tiini. mwl ilviriatuln of all persons sgninst the . Htm. of WilHiun fTStel.We of t. AllinSs, In wUl lii-n i' '. 'b i-i jv.'1. anil nil claims anl di'inatuls i xliibit .1 i-i off 1 1 tbi'n to, Jo licrcby rive nntico tin; m riM'it, ahum the 1M i rtiiv of July. A, 1). i lv',t- .i'l""l bv hM ("imrt Uiiho ircditors 'if ! ' To Abtlili at! privo thmr rc- " ''liiims Wofur uh, sml that st- !''it" I"1 nti'iT or our appointment at the T i ( Irrk's ditto, hi St. Alban.i,iu Mid Dis- ti.i'.n.i tin Kith day nf Jnntiary. A. 1). lHfiA. fr.pmUo'i'lOf.k hi tl forniooa till 6 o'clock in , i !i yni'i aay. Iij i l .it tt. Albana this IGili ilny of July, a. d .toftarn 1). R0ULI3, f WM. W. TH0U1. U. S. EXCSE TAX. SPECIAL INCOME TAX :I1 tolloction District, Slate of Vermont j'N pnr-'im.'"" of "An Act to prpvide Internal i"vi'iu t i cupport the Oovcrnment, to pay intcrext on the iniblic dibt, and for other pur ji iscm. apprmi'ii Jnnc 30th. 1801," "and the Joint r. pihitiim in, pi,"in a special income duty, sp provH Julv 4th. 1I(M,'' notice Is hprpby given Unl the hVt of all persons assessed for said .1 i ui" 'tutv. win remain otien to tue in 'Il I ill rifms who may spply to inspwt tl f , r ti,,, pn-e of ten days from the 1 .1 1- in in' unices of the several Assistant I fs , . Veil aftd the i vpirsti of said ten l,"-. j;; i!l in- rereled and determined In t ,e V -i ' , . n Inlive to nny orroneons or cx e. h-1.1 .iliaii'iis or enuinerations made mid t:i' u In tin -ii-l Asitant Assessors, at St. .VI b.u. . ui tin otii, i of li. II. rarnawothti, 22d day ' of o.-to1 r. lHf,t. Enrt Alburgh, at my office, :' t i'..p. of ii. i. tier. VM. l!i .ippi . U luubt be in nitiuc, and speci- ,..i'.i i .ii i anpe, matter ortnin: rie. rextieet- l.n li a .I, , :mou is roquested, and state tin. i iwinl oi i.ijuniilij of ineiiualitv or error eom J...UIK .1 . . IIEXItV C. ADA3IH, ! Aks( ssor. Dal. d Rt Ea t Alburgh this 10th day of Oelo- iKi.lHOi. 30 3iv RICHARDSON'S I'l'MlilAPII ROOMS ! rpiir. SmSdirBEll takes this opportunity to- hay to the publie that he has j ; . 'tHLAKlitU, littllltU & IftrUKmbrltU 1 I HIS PlIOTOOltAl'II ItOOJIS, ' and in now better prepared over before, to 1 exi ''iite PHOTO G-EAPHS L,nrge or Small, Plain or Colored. and all other Pictures, in the latest and stoat tasty, utyle. Though he docs not advertise to inqke better work than any one ek, yet lis In sure that his work will compare favorably with that gotten up by those who do so advertise. lie has every facility for making good vprl:, and no efforts will bo spared iiocessary to please j e erj" castonwr, Ho has on hand a large and well solcctod stock of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ' varying in price according to sizo and quality. a giieat v.viuiyrr OP PICTURE FBAMESj Small, Linge, Oval unit Square; (Jilt, ltoT(iud, lllucU AVnlinil, c, nil of which are costing mors Uia.ii at any time lieforo, and will bo wild at a umaU advauco Ou tho Anv ouc wanting any of tho above articlos, the'r Ainbrotvncs. Pliotosraiihs, Albums or PraniOM, will nmi it crcatly to thoir ndvantftge to eull-anil examine his samples before purthtts- otsewnere. In ndiUtlon to the abovo, h has added to hla Gallery one of Winj-'H celebrated Multiplying Cameras, aud wlll-make EIGHT GEM PICTURES ttBMMIBHIl TJIE PLACE! RICHARDSON'S PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, Conitr Main and Kingman streets, up stairs, ST. AI.TJANS, VT. 27-3m T. O. ltlCIIAUDSON, Proprietor. 71IUMCMS cou.vrv Til AlIBSE WORKS, BT. ALBANS, VKItMONT. The siihscribcr would rospoctfully announce to tho eitizons o( the County of Franklin i" and lciuily, that hav- j 'h i VIng recontlyliought of II. II. Parusworth all his stork iu the Mar- hie business, he is pre pared to furnish, up on reasonable notice, rtinuiiiciilN, lXciiiltoneM, 'X'nl)- lotH, 01).1IhKh, Counter nntl X'nl.lo 'X'opH, srimtol XlOOtJH. &a.i .to,, manufactured from tho choicest American and Italian marble. Having experienced workmen if his emplov, ho is enabled to warrant his cus. romorHmnriTimm.til aerk which will bo finished in a superior stjlo of tbo art, and 111 good inm. He punn'ses keeping constantly ou hand a vari ety of designs wliicli will aid cutomcrs iu mak iug selections. ..... , , All jx-rsoiis Ashing anything in tho marble line, will And it to their advantage to give him a call beforo purchasing olsowhero. TIuiho livliiL' at a distance can confer with him by mall, and their letters will bo promptly at tended to. My place of buslncfs has been removed to tho Shop on Champlaln street, formerly occupied by H. II. I'amswoi tli, where I shall bo glad to rill any orders with which 1 may bo tavorcd. ' 01IAM.E3 W. UIIEEN. St. Albans, Mry 13, lBfil. )r. Mi..'alii.ll' Cutiu rl. Hnuir irt tbo tet rcmodv known for Catauuu, snd all diseases caused by a Cold iu thu Hoad. fkU ty U Drug gists. T-lamly 5gu3lncisa fjircciovy. nj'JUtlWA.V .V Klllll), DliMlSTX It 1. Ollli nr r W sd ami Dumii'h Dttlx stnro. "Ht. Allratw, Vt. a-tr r frai.M.v, dkntimt. omeointho Jj. KINO MAN lll.tK.'K, Slain Ht., oppiwit.tbf :ingregfttlon(il Phnreh. 1-tf. 1 A. Hf)VI.lSS, Attorney and Oounenllor at jj. Jw ana Hoitcitor in ensncery. urnc on r .Uarvln's Btore, (tatoly occupiwl by Whito A rfowles) Si. Albans, Vt. . I'.S. ill attend lii tlloctinns, and prtrt.-uie Claims acainat tho Vnilod Rtates for Air.'.ir of l'sr, orrCmntv to Soldiers, Widow's ami ln ali I s Pensions, Ao., c 3 if Mlirc-IC, ATTOllM'.Y AND mt NMT . LOll AT IAW. Aim), Aeiut fur lirst olais Insnrnnce C'ouipauics, and Tot ubtnuuuv; Soldiers mv. Ac. untee over weeks store 1-tf 17 noun and uahiy J.1 sale, at BAI.T at Whole- AltJIINOTOMB. 8t. xUbans, Marcu 17, lsw. ltf no tiii: ito.voitAiii.i; suphumis X. COUUT, next to bo holder, at Albans, ultlilnantl ror tne county or l'rankun, ontlie nrt Minukv nfl.-r tlie . eoml TneHilar of !..imr A. D. ISfifl: . . . . ' ' Your Petitioner, Harnh A. Waito, of Vranklin, in the eomitv of I'r:uikliii, and State r Vruu'nt, respcetfttlly wrtnld slmw that on the 2d dsy nf September', A. D. 151, 111 the eitv of KpniiKtb ld, in the commonwealth of Massachusetts, sin- was legally married to Hannibal. P. Wait, then of Pubm, in tin- cominomw'nlth of Massm Iiuhi Its, by Jonathan D.Hndj:e.tln 11 a miniHter of tbi ih pel. then resiiiniR at said HprniKth Id, and leull authorized by the laws of the cominomvcidih of MunaUmcttH, to nob mniro mumafti. .Viul y.fnr petition r would further show that from the time of her marriage with the said llanmbol 1. Wuite asafort'Hiud, site Um iI with the said Hanni bal P. Waito in strict otiecrraneoof all tho duties enjoined upon her by tie- marriage covenant, and that on or abojit ttm 25tli day of Novt inlier, A'. D. 1S52, tho said Hannibal P. Wnite, with your petitioner, removed to tin town of EnosburKn, in the county of Franklin, and State of Vermont, where the said Hannibal P. Waite resided witli your petititioner until the 14th davof November, A. I). IfioS, when thu said HaimibsJ P. Wnite, without any Just cause or provocation, wilfully deserted j-our petitioner and went withont tho limits of the State of Vermont, ami siueo that time lb" said HhnallMl P. Wnite has not re turned to tliit. 8tali . nor in onv manner conttib- uted to the upoi't Of your petitioner, and for more than throe years Itst paet the sniit Unimi bal P. Waite has been in parts unknown to your petitioner. And iluriiiR all that time, from tho said 14th day of November, A. D. 1S5S, to tho S resent time your petitioner has lieen entirely epondent uimn her own labor and tho charity of lier inetKls for lier support. aimi your petitioner tnuretoro prays s that the lmnds of matrimony mnv be ibsiAilved. ami a bill (inveu, 1 of divorce from tho said Waito 1k granted hor by the Court, aud that elio may resume her maiden name of Sarah A. lingers. And ..our pctitionor, as m dnty bound, will ever t.ray.' Dated at Franklin, in the county of Franklin, this 6th day of October, A. I). IKHl. SAltAH A. WAITE. STATE OF VERMONT, I ursTMCY or luisma, nt. Wnr.nius. it has beon shown to mo that the libeller in the tdxmi petition for divorce, resides without the State and cannot Ik- served with le gal personal notice, it is therefore herubv ordered that the said Hannibal P. Waite be summoned to annear beforo tho Kuiircino Court next to be holdcn at St. Albans, within and for the county of Franklin, on the first Monday after the second Tuesday in January, A. u. lSoo, then and there to answer to the foregoing petition of tho said Sarah A. Waite, by causing tho abovo libel, or the substance thereof, together with this order. io bo published three weeks successively in the vcrmoni Transcript, a weekly newspaper pruned at St. Albans, in said county, the last of which publication shall be at least fix weeks prior to the session of said Court. Oivcn under my baud at St. Albans, in tho county of Franklin, this htb day of October, A. 1). lbdl. ASA OWEN ALDIH, Judgo of thoSuproiiio Court. TltUSSKI. A1MI1XGTO.V, Wholesalo and . retail dealer in general GROOUnXUS AND FUOVTSZOXNTS, I.llke. Street. Bt. Albans, March 17, 1861. ltf WORLD'S FAIR. r MEAT EXHIBITION at tho br HEAD-QUARTERS. Just received from Boston, New Tork, Albany and Troy, per ship ce FLYING CLOUD' OVKK 700 STOVES, Comprising all tho novelties nf tho season, con sisting in part of COOK 8T0VKH, ; l'AltLOlt STOVES, J10X STOVEQ, - COAL sroviia, DUMB HT0VK8, l'AltLOlt COOK STOVES, DINING BOOM STOVES, In greater variety than ever before offered In this vldnity, ranging-in prico from One Dollar lo Sevcnly Dollars UACll. Our Ware ltoonia aro crowded full of Goods of every description, In our line, such as PU1MPS, LEAD PIPE, KTOV1! PIPE, ZIN0, HOLLOW WAItE, TIN WA1U5, JAPANNED WAI1K, P1UJSSKD WAltE, T0ILHT WAItU ENAMELLED WAT.E, WNTEIINS, COAL HODS, SHOVEI-S and TONGS, coiin poppj:ks, APPLE PAUEltS, PUVWItONS, WAFFLE.IItON,.Ac.,.iiC. PUTNAM'S (ILOTIIKS WRINtiEIl. BEST KEROSU1VIS Oil.. coal or wood yunxACEs bet or GLEANED. IV.wpsrcpairedj .Lcad, Iron, or Zina Pipe laid; Copper, Brass, or Iron Warp uiado by tho best workmen, Cash customers will find onr slock more com plete than any other in the County, all of which will, bo soli for .cash at prices that defy compe tition. M'COWAN BROTHERS, 1 Doors Nui tli of American Hotel, ST. ALBANS, VERMONT. Berdcmbcr P, 19C1. ..... 1:37' tr ' 1 ii tot if HOHAC15 I.lAf.VOtiTO.V, j riiti UNDERTiAK' ERi, llatitiftcluror iril &Ut n Collins and Burial' Cases'; Tit Womi rtiiR Mlul of every 1 11c bai en liiind &Ty. $X?&'Zi foiistsnlly, foni IS TW.-tt to 100 Collins, ivarty t J5tf?5KjJ$51ialB ,n.t.."'j' ill ' rfESf SPHKl , ', T 1SK-PS Bmlpjrlct8andnri- TXm-- onlcrln any rcinlrd lie will furnish cvrfin Trimmings of all kind, NAMU-rLATRt, allROUDS. COIiUAIUl, - OIIAVA'M, and evtrytlllnff rotrulrod at shmt notico, and. at roasonabln prices. I nnerals attendod with licarso, wutcii ne nis : recent!? ncrehasWl K. V.: and vhich ... IA Wi,it. nueaii he fonndin- 'U ho lOtinil t bOSXOlCffailt S Call U0 IOUn.lin . , . , . . 11. m 1 ,,,,l..r. to 101 cities. ujjaw I'M. ..w..v Apply to the siibacritxir at his warc-horsfe on Main Ktrret. or M his shop On tnildry Sfrcet, or at hiif residoiico on tho corner of Hank and" Tin maa htrvuts. . ... j. H0P.AC1Z lilVlXGSTOS. Bt. Albms, Jly 12, ISCi. ' 1-tf. ' . T T X I HI IT A 1 12 U' S OT1 CK I keop on Vj hand at my t -AHMAGK (ill Or, LAKE sthi:ei sr. ajjiax.i, vt.,- A supply of OOPP2N 3 CASKETS j &C.J Which, for design mid finish, aro unequalled In this Cnunlv. Also, a fine assortment of COF riN TRIMIKmmSjCniisisHiicrnfFtiiiscs, Screws, T'AckM, Name Plates, Handles, Ac, -which 1 will sell as low a I can afford. Also, a new and splendid HE.ft.IlSB, with which 1 will senc tluwe who desire. Hoping that my cllort for the proper inter- metit of the dead 'will be. appreciated by tho pco- ! of St. Albans and vicinity, I repeetfnlly so- I1T si 3-tf licit their natroua'-'o. 1.. niUllAAli St. Albaus, March 29, 1SC1 SvavcUcrs' Ojnitlc. TTEltJIOST CK.VritAI. A.KI) HUI.I.IVA.V! V RAILROADS. FALL AIlRAN'fi F.M MNT, ' ComraoncinK Oct. 10, 180-1. TlUlN'S OOIHO SOVTO AND E.V8T. Loavo St. Albans at COO a. m., S.60 a. in., 11.35 a. m., and 7.25 p. ni. Mail Train leaves Rouse's Point at 5.30 a.-m. Burlington at 7.2."i a. m., coiinocting at Whit. River junction and Bellows Falls with trains for ' Boston, Worcester, Springfield and Now l'ork, . arriving at New York nt 1U.15 p. nt. Burlington Express loaves Montreal at 5.45 a. . m., Rouse's Point at 7.45 a. in., for llurlington, Saratoga, Troy and New York via the Lake. Dav Express" leaves Ogdeuhburgh at a. in., Montreal at 8.00 n. ni., Rouse's Point at 10.15 a. ui., for Boston, Troy, and New York. Niiiht ExDrcss le.nes Ogdcuslmrgh at 11.15-a. in., Mont rent at 3.1.) p. in., Rouse's Point at 6.4 p. m., arriving at Boston at H. 10 a. m., conntcl-, ing nt Bellows Falls with Cheshire Road for Bos ton and Worcester and with Vermont Valley Rail road for Springlicld, Ac, and arriviiiiftu Now York at Yi;M p.-m. TIUINH (10l:lO ()UTH AND WEST, Leave St. Albans at 5.53 a. in., 2.35 p. m., fl.10' p.m., nnd 7.13 p. m. D.iv Express leaves Boston at 8.00 a. m., via. Lowell or Lttwroncc, at 7.30 a.m., via Fitchburg.' Leave Springll'dd at 7.50 a. m., Bellows Falls at 11.55 a. in., for Passnmpsic Road, Burlington,, Montreal. Ogdonsburgh, Clilcago and tho West,' making close count, ctious. Mail Train leaves Boston at 0.00 a. m., via:. Lowell, Whito River Junction at 1 .35 p. w., for. Burlington, Montreal, nnd Ogdensburgh. Accdmniodation Train leaves Northfield at 10.2.), a.m., and Burlington at 1?.15 p. in., for Rouse's Point. Night Express leaves Bellows tails at 10.00 p, m., receivi Railroad, 1 ing jiussongcrs fiom Vcnuont Valley: leaving New York lit 12.15 p. in., and, from Cheshire Railroad, lcaring Boston at 6.30; p. in., eiuinuctlng at wiiito Jtlver Junction Willi, train leaving Boston at 5.30 p. in., for Burling- ton, Rouse's Point, Montreal and Ogdensburgh.' Tito Mail Train South and Express Train North connect with Passunnwic Road. Sleeping cars aro attached to o both tho night, en Rouse's Point' Express trains running betwee aud Boston, ami Rouse's Point and Springfield. it l'l Through tickets for Chicago and tho West for lo at tho nriucilial statioiis. sale at tho principal statioiis. Bt. Albans, Oct. 10, 180-1. G. MERRILL, Sup. , jroirriircits ii.vir.uoAi. WINTER AlUtANGEMlSNT. On and after January (, 18C4, Passenger Trains will run as follows : l vrWAi'.D TllAIXS. ,j .- Day Express Train leaves Concord at M0.30 at m., for Whito River Junction, nmnectlng with trains for Montpelicr, Burlington, Roiibu's Pouit, Montreal, Ac, and with Ogdensburgh and Grand Trunk Railroads, for tho West. ... Sfail Train leaves Concord at 10.43a. ni., for Whito River Junction, .connecting with traiuior. Wells River, St. John.ilmry, Bnrtun, NewjMirt', Vt., Bath, Littleton; also, with trains for Moiitpcllor,i Burlington, ami St, Albans, , Bristol Train leaves Concord at 3.22 p. m., for Franklin and Bristol. Evening Express Train leaves Concord at .20 p. in., for White Rior Junction, connecting with trains for Montpelicr, Burlington, St. Alluns, Rouse's Point, Montreal, Ogdeiisbiirgh', snd tho Wobt. "Or on arrival of trains from Boston.Wftrcestcr,' Portsmouth, Portland, Ac, A DOWSVAItD TH.ll.VS. Morning Express Train leaves Whito River. Junction fur Concord at 1.10 a. m., or on ArrhAl. of train from. Ogdensburgh aud Montreal. Bristol 'Train leaves Bristol for Franklin and Concord at 8 a.m. Jtail Train leaves AVliHo' River Junction for Concord at 12.2Q p. ni or ou oi rival vf trains over tho Vermont Central, Passnmpsic, antf Whito Mountains Railroad. Day Express. Train leaves Whltu River June Hon at 4.50' p. in., or on arrival of trains1 from .Montreal ami Osilenshurgh, liratthboiti', Eccnc. BellowB Falls. Windror, Ac, connecting nt Con cord with trains foi'.Macchcoter, Natlma, Loiull and Botoi'i. TliesQ trains .connect at Concord with 'trains for Slanchestrr. Lawrence, Portsmouth. Port land, Nashua, WimWrr, New York, T.owcllrand Bostpi). ONSLOW MTliVRNS, Agent. COncord, N. IL, January. 1, IH01. 1-tf. R1.TI.AM) ROAD. AMI llfltLIXtiTON KAI1 On and aftor Mon d.iv. Ann.. 1 isci inin. m runnslbUOw;vfzf jiovjsn souxit and east.. Leave Burlington at 6.30 a. m., 9 15. p. m., 1.10, 11.50 a.m. ArnvestrRutland at 11.30 a.m.. 13.45 a. in., 3.35 p. m COO p. m. ' " Lcivye hntland at 12.00 in., 1.10 a.m., 4.00 a. in.. Arrive at Bellows FaUs at 2.12 n. m.. 3.10 a.m:, 7.40-a.m. i i ' J1QV1NQ OBTIt.ANU VKIT. , lA?av0 Bellows Falls aL 11.. V) K.m . .'tHM m 5.30 a. m. ' Arrivo at Rutland it 2a j v.w.. 12.30 a. m., 10.10 a. m. Leavo Rutland at 1.15 a.m.. 1.30 a.m.. 3.1 P ,u" K5V0 8t mirhngtun at 4.24 p. m. iM a, m., 10.00 a. m., COO p. m. TRAINS CONNECT AH VOLLOWfl: an1 .V .k',,.,Kft- fiCnngs..Bchnecladr. and the West. At Bellows Vails with traius oa Cheshiril Railroad for Fitchbdfgh, WorcMti-r. Iiwell, and Boston. With Vt. Valley Jlalh-pwl! for Brattlcboro', Springfield, Hartford," New iU vou, and Now York-aud with Slivaa Rallros4 for W indsor, Wilto River Juncllpu, Wrlls River, Bt. Johnsbury, Bartmi, Littletcm,.'and tbe WhiM Mountains. Sleeping' Cars run on night trains betweeri Proy and Aloutresl, aud butwetw Boston ami Burlington; ' Passengers for the West will flpd this a chispi pleasant, and rixpcdltianji roiita. Klcenini Cnrs on' ail night truths. J'PR TICKETS, and all necessary Inforsutluoi enquire ut thw Oftlers oij tb line' , II. ,8, MARUV, Acting Suptv Rutland, JulyM, tk. l-W? fiir At llurlingtpn with Vt, Central and Vt, and Canada Railroads, for Montpelicr, St. Albans, ouses Pomtj. Montreal, Ogdensburgb, and tba West. At Rutland With Irnlnj. for TVn All...,.