THE VERMONT TRANSCRIPT. y"- I 1 rrc TRANSCRIPT. rt'DLlSllEI) F.VKIIY KlltDAY IINRV A. OUTLEB. TKKMS Ol' SlHSriUPTIOX I u-in( flmwuner throuith thn Post- .00 r r annum. 10 iubk' Biiuireriucrii " "r c""K. i. ,IPtn ft Vrar win i"' uimuu "iiuii jmj jiil jit, UtovondHU months. ' .1 It.. ..ll..i. .F tlirt 1 'II II lullllf pt 81 IMC UJIVUMI Ul " IlliucllVil .. ,t iivttnTisi:MF.Nt. -rer square or l'2 ...... fiiit ivnp. mr 1 1 rni uiri'riiuu j r if earli subsequent insertion, trnm, .. i . mi nts. nr tlioy will bo continued i.. r i,f mnprtiniiN must do marKPU on i ... 1 mil Transient nuYcruscmciiis 10 ilfir in advance. i i.iirml discount will lm mado on the r t' tliuHr advcrtimni- by tho year. SLEEP." llf I l l'l nil tuuij v.... - i U lllV " j m - .lWa vnf nnttrpRMPiL ir f. rni') or little cliimrcn, . i i. i..i r.. .I.:- P UnC UU' -ruui "U mi;ii tvon nun t nursery chambers, iii tho dul;v shadows creep, the, TOn'Ci of nPf Iiildren-i ( ow 1 ly ,loWfl '"Iff PvV .,. c meadow and tho mountain' mlyshuiotho winter stars,- acroasthe glistening low iamw , t thn moonlicht's Oliver bars. - mtaa inf14hn il.trlmnH. rl-ncm prowine still moro deep. - 11. Kltln Millilri'ii ,1 the mother's head drops low : C UH'. Rl v.. .., r l,n. rtl.l ntnntimr. . 1.- ....11. ilnD it'lntup'ii innw I c our soma , and past tho casement the trailing of his garments AlMllg tltliili'iu 111 Mill.... I. 1.!!-. nonls that stand expectant laninc flHhn trsteH of life. fin.. fr mvav. tho murmur the tumult and the strife ; irtinprankfl oi loeinen mere. a ill' per, broader meaning yiur Pimple vesper prayer. jour hands shall grasp tho standard ml dwlnv vnn watch from fir. .i ,i .i.n.-.A ti.A ..m.u this universal war, to Him, the God of battles, mr strom? eve can never sleep. warring of temptation, and true your souls to keep. i the pmoke from out tho skies, the tioif-o of battlo dies, l the last night's solemn .shadows the Love that never faileth. : our souls eternally. Housekeeper Wanted. s lushest rcspoctabihtvrf need ap- VJiiiL Ul' L 111 LIII i:tl four, Thursday, April 7th, at ---- - - grocery, wnuo waning 10 iinvo neA nr fwn nf fon ilnnp nn nrifl n 1 1 ! repeated tho number of the lucui iiiuunuiuciui v. ouu itnyui unsatisfied her nppetito still . 1 :11.. Ot. t I s. Klin miiRr. rioannnfi tn mnmni i liiilii :t nwnr rrrnnn v nr. liny and wrlde ftlimnV- frnm if. KlTllTlrrnr in n ntvnitnn ln in voiy she had tried to find a sit- Sho had failed on tho first two. TVaS 6tai'Vinr on thn Incf 4 ' " 1 IV 'AUViU, MUl (1 Wi 1 1 I f niAM U (n. 11.' 1 1 . 1 1UII1U 1 1 1 I ' I 1 r I IT"111 In 1 nnn w wiVlUlLU. Will U1IU of sufficient influence Mrs. Dav- --, iiiiuyutj, BlUp-HllilUr, Lad ill trpnfo1 b i n a iiinh i , i . i i j n elm linfn.i rri if n it. An A r.l. n 1 1 1 1 v duu uan ever lovca ima Pfl lentn 1 1. ..?1f 1 it ' "VI U4U1UW1L UUllllLV Lll heart nnd Imud to her vounc disliked htep-sister, only to bo ro- "i-" DUUll uiur- ail fllll inn,, fn 1,: ...lil. M not forgotton tho hatred for " ..Aibii .Li. ilia WUillLU. Dili, PS, UioiR'ht Kato. Bho would .... iuiui iu uui, uucuuau of her descent to menial emtilov- r iam .A r i i fltA frtH i .i . --- -wi, L-uiiiiJULuiiL inr run cir- inn i. t i PCQ nn. 1. r l 1 i had -i .v .laLuurH ausGnco. kiio w.n,u v;..uiyo oi iiieir largo in .... u.uunjr woman. now tr 13 1 """"'u whs noi an oiuony wo- "K uiy iwoniv: tmt Rhn rn. Uifm HI. . mm iv Bort oi nioasuro, i'..mi.o uieatricaia m hnp- r I ni'n I . 1 -i a. ""J"! ouu ill itiiirntnfi thrt vninn l .ntDiii..n.i ii i wiiiUVil,01 Ul III! UUl compioto success. Hho ew how to stain the skin tn r,!v u old and wrinkled appearanco, and llad in tho bottom of a box eouio false gray hairs and muslin cap worn on theso occasions. Slio did not need to look so very old only to present a inatnro and matronly appear ance. Mr. Edward Dayton waited at homo aftor his dinner to sco tho respondents to his advertisements. Ho was a handsome man not yet thirty, with a gay, frank, good natured counten ance. "Now for a dozon or two of good old dames, all competent, all respect able, and each confident she would give satisfaction." Ho lighted a cigar, "I shall shock tho dear old souls but I shall tako tho liberty to smoko in my own house, in tho parlor or any where I please, they may (is well know what to expect." Ho leaned back in a nonchalant way, his feet in another chair. "Thcro ought to bo, I suppose, a Mrs. Dayton to manago these house keeping matters." Well, thoro's timo enough." V . (Twoapplicanls worcsecn and dis missed in Mr. Dayton's gentlemanly way. "Would let them know if ' ho do cided to ongago thorn." A third was ushered in; Mr. Day ton instinctively laid asido his cigar, and placed a chair for his now vis itor. Tho lady-likcucss and propriety of her manner' pleased him at once. "Fallon fortunes," ho commented to himself. Sho answered his questions readily, but ina few words. . "A silent woman a good thing," was his inward romark. "I think you will suit mo, Mrs. what did I understand your name." "Franklin." "Mrs. Franklin you will bo re quired to go out of town, about seven miles, to my country homo Oak Grovo in the town of Embury, on tho Central Railroad. Tho salarj' I propose to pay is six hundred per annum. Do my tonus suit '!" Suit ! Sis hundred to tho half starving porson before him seemed India's wealth! Sho answered quietly that they suited. "Then all is settled. By tho way T suppose j'ou havo references, though all that is but a mere matter of form." The nanio of Davenport was given. "Davenport 1 Robert Davcnrun t ! I know them. All right then. If convenient, you will please go to-morrow, Mrs. Franklin, or tho next day. I shall not como down till tho mid dlo of tho week, and shall probably bring a friend or two with me. Havo tho rooms in tho centre nnd wing prepared if you please. Tho house keeper thcro now will not leavo till Saturday. Sho will show you round." "Is Mrs. Is your wifo there, or to go there soon ?" Ho laughed. "Mrs. Edyard Dayton ? No, sho is not thoro; and I do .not know of her going at present." Adding more soriously, "I havo not tho pleasure, Mrs. Franklin, of having a wife," with ft slight stress on tho word pleas ure. A vivid color camo into tho brown cheok of tho housekeeper, and hor manner showed evident embarrass ment. , 0 "I thought I boliovc I cannot." And sho stopped. Ho did not notico it. His mind had already turned to other things. Ho rose. "It is all settled, I beliove. By tho way," his cyo falling on tho rusty black dress, "you may liko tho advance, as an ovidenco of tho bargain. It is quito customary, I bolievo, to do so." Much Edward Dayton know about such things, but it was liko his kind ness and delicacy to say so. Tho housekeeper's hand closed on tho.fifty dollars ho gavo hor, and tho words sho would havo said wero un uttered. She moved to tho door. Ho opened it for her very court eously. "Good morning, madam," "Good morning," sho replied. "I cannot starve. I must' go. I can keop up my disguise," sho mur mured. Mr. Dayton, accompanied .by his friend, arrived at his country houso tho middlo of tho week. Everything within and about tho houso was in perfect order. If tho ' ltousekcopor had mado a fow mistakes at first, they wero soon rectified. Every room that sho had touched showed a magi cal chango. Hor predecessor had been ono of tho kind who boliovo in tho sunlight nov er entering a room, for foar of fading carpets and curtains ; whoso watch word was ordor, and tborofore, tho ST. ALBANS, VT., FRTDAY, furniture was sot primly back against tno wall, as if fixtures, and their po sition had not been altered for years, and who moreover, conscientiously boliovcd cut llowors in a room un healthy. Tho now housekeeper's belief dif fered m theso respects. Tho cheory sunlight was allowed to cntor when and where it would, flowers wero on tho tables andtnantol-piccos; tho fur niture was disarranged with- careless graco; ornaments wore takon from drawers and closots whoro thoy had boon carefully packed away, and spoko lor themselves on etagcrcs, niarblo shelves and manetl pieces. Mr. Dayton felt tho change, with out knowing tho reason of it. Ho looked around him with a satisfied air. "This is a grand, cheery old place after all. Do you know, Xyon, I have always shunned it as tho gloomiest of gloomy places. I hatoa't stayed horo a fortnight, all put' together, for tho last five years. It muntlo your pres ence, old fellow, that has brightened up so, or tho gloom was all in my imagination." "Not altogether; for I remember it just as you do. You forgot I ran flown hero onco or twice for a day. Didn't you loll mo you had a now housckeopor? Perhaps tho chango may bo owing to her somo womon 4iavo a singular knack at things." "Very likely you aro right I re member now that, notwithstanding all I could say, Sirs. Stone would ex cludo tho sun; and tho furniture is certainly arranged different from what it was. A marked improvement which I hopo will oxtend to and be yond tho dinner table." It was not possiblo to find fault with tho variety and quality of tho food placed before them, nor tho manner of its being cooked; and tho table appointments were perfect; and Dayton congratulated himself up on having secured such a jowel of a housekeeper. The two friends, passed their timo in reading, driving, fishing, and occa sional visits to tho city; tho house keeper herein earning, to the oxtent of her power, by attention to their bodily wants, the six hundred she received. Sho had an easy master. Mr. Dayton was never fault-finding, always pleas ant and courteous. He remained aftor his frioud had departed. Usually, if ho did not go into town, lie spent, his moruinjjs be tween tho library and the garden; the afternoons in driving himself, some times taking tho young ladies of a neighboring family, Lily and Maud Grandison, to a drive. Thoy were tho only family with whom ho visited familiarly. Through tho servants, tho housekeeper hoard rumors of an attachment between tho oldest daugh ter, Lily, a fair and amiablo girl, nnd Mr. Dayton. Tho weeks passed, and a holiday came. Mr. Dayton had gone to town tho day previous to remain tho rest of tho week. Tho housekeeper1 had givon ponnission to tho sprvauts to go also. Sho felt it a woleomo re lief to havo tho houso and tho day to herself. Sho locked tho door careful ly after tho last servant. Sho would make tho most of hor day. Sho would havo no dinner only a lunch. Sho had almost forgotten her real character in that whiqh sho had as Biunod; but to-day sho could bo her self without fear of discovery or in trusion. Sho laid asido her' cap nnd gray tresses, washing tho stain from her skin, arrangod hor luxuriant hair in becoming curls, and donned a pretty fresh muslin, which fitted well to her slight, graceful figure. This done, sho entered tho parlor, and stood bo foro tho mirror, as attractivo a . fig ure as ono would often see. "Truly, I had forgotton my own looks ! I am Kato Franklin, after all 1" sho laughed. Removed from tho long restraint, hor spirits roboundod. Sho felt gay light-hearted, and liko committing any foolishness. "Miss Franklin," said she, in tho mincing, affected tones of an oxquisito, "it would givo mo inoxprcBsiblo pleasure to hear tho musio of that long silent voice." "It would bo a great pity to deprivo you of it then," sho answered, in her natural voice, "and myself also," she added; and going to tho piano, sho oponcd it and played a fow pieces with oxquisito tasto and skill, and then sho sung song after song, in a sweet, clear, cultivated yoico. Sho choso at first tho brilliant and triumphant, thou tho sad and plaintivo Bucceoded. There wore toars in hor oyos whon sho roso. But to-day her moods wero capricious. "Mrs. Franklin, who is playing on tho piano ?"ksho askod, in an oxcellont imitation of Mr, Dayton's voico, "It is only, I sir, dusting tho keys. Thoy need dusling so often," sho re plied in Mrs. Franklin s mature tones; and sho dusted them vigorously with hor pocket handkorchiof. "Ah nio 1" sho said. "Now, what other f6olish thing shall I do to prove to mysolf that I am not an elderly housekeeper, but a young girl who, by virtue of hor ago, Bhould bo gay by right of birth, wealthy, and of consid crution, visited and visiting, as Mr. Dayton's lady lovo visits and is visited. Ho is noble, and good, and haridsome," sho Baid with a sigh. "Sho will bo happy. How gracoful sho danced horo, at tho partj', tho other ovoning, when tho old housokceper was permitted to look on ! Sho looks good and amiable too. Mr. Dayton danced with her three times. I wonder if I havo for gotten how to dancol and humming an air' sho floated gracofully about tho room. . Sho stopped breathloHs, her checks brilliant from tho exercise, her splen did hair disarranged. "I boliovo I feel liko stiff old Mrs. Franklin, with whom dancing doesn't agrco." "Ono moro Bong by that heavonly voico, Miss Franklin, and I shall go away dreaming I havo heard tho an gols sing," in a ludicrously affected voico sho had before imitated. "Ah!" sho laughed, but half sadly, "tho compliments poor old housekeep er Franklin receives I certainly hopo won't spoil her, and turn her silly old head." Sho sat down again at tho piano, and sang "Homo, Swcot Homo;" then bIio played ono of Beethoven's grand est and most solemn pieces. Sho roso and closed tho piano. "The carnival is ended. Kato Frank lin disappears from tho scono, and Madam Franklin enters." Neither Mr. Dayton nor tho Bcrvantfl would havo suspected from the placid, dignified deportment of tho( house keeper when thoy returned that even ing, of what strango freaks she had been guilty. The housokcoper, as usual when Mr. Dayton was alouo, sat at tho table. It had commenced to rain violently, and the weather had grown suddenly very cold. Mr. Dayton, as he had done occasion ally, invited her to the library, whero was a cheerful fire in tho grate. Ho read tho papers and lottcrs which he had brought with him from town, whilo eho knitted.- An hour or moro passed in silence; indeed, the housokcoper seldom spoke, oxcopt when askod a quostion. At length Mr. Dayton looked up at hor, and said, abruptly: "Yours must be a lonoly life, mad am, If it is not ft painful subject, may I ask how long sinco you lost your husband ?" Two hands suspended their employ ment, two oycB looked up at him with an alarmed expression. In his serious, sympathetic countenance thoro was nothing to frighten or ombarrass, but tho red grow deeper and deopor in tho .brown check. "It is a painful subject," sho said, at last, falteringly. "If you wilt plcaso to oxcuso mo." "Pray, pardon mo, madam. It was further from my wish, or thought, to givo'yon pain," ho roturncd with grave courtesy. His mannor, after this, was oven kinder than ovor before. It becamo tho custom to invito her to Bit with him ovcry evening. Sho commenced to dcclino; but, as ho invariably insisted npon a roason, it was not always oasy to find ono. If sho gavo household cares, ho called ono of tho servants to attend to it Onco, sho frankly told him it Was not agreeable, but sho never did it a se cond timo; but for a week ho had wrapped himsolf in impenetrable re servo, looked cold and gloomy, never speaking except from necessary civility. At last tho poor housekeeper could bear it no longer. Aftor tea, without an invitation, which had not been ex tended to her sinco that night, Bho took hor knitting and wont into tho parlor. Tno first approach to a smilo sho had scon on his faco for many days brightened it then, but ho did not say a groat deal After this it becamo a regular cus tom. There could bo no danger to him in tho gray hair, tho seemingly aged faco and figure before him; but was thcro nono to her, ovoning after ovening, sitting opposito tho manly, handsome fellow, showing his good ness and largo heartednoss, listening to his intelligent and polished conver sation ? Ono morning ho was speaking of the great losa to oliildron in being de prived of their parents. "I novor know a mother," ho said; "sho died before' my earliest recollect tiou, I bcliovq (hat, man as I ani, if I MAJRCI - I 3, 1865. had a mothpr, I should go to hor with all my griefs, as a littlo child would. I havo sometimes thought of asking you to act as mother in theso quiet ovonings, whon I havo longod to con fido in some ono. My mothor would havo beon about your ago, I think." Again thcro was a vivid color in tho brown cheek of. tho housokcoper, "such as is rarely seen in tho aged, and it was accompanied by a quiver of tho lip and n smothered noise which end od in a cough, but both mouth and check were quickly covered with a handkerchief, and quito a violent fit of coughing succeeded. Mr. Dayton,howcvcr,had not Bcomdo to notico, though ho had given her ono curious glanco, inslantly with-, drawn, and ho continued: "For instance, respecting matri mony, whoso advice of so much valuo as mother's ? Who, bo quick to hco through character, and make wise se lootions ? Hatl jrou n. non, who ribout hero would you'solect'for a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Franklin ?" "I am not acquainted with any of tho young ladies, Mr. Dayton," sho answered faintly, after a pause, dur ing which ho seemed to wait for an answer. "True, but you have seen them all, and arc, I should judgo, a good dis ccrncr of charactor from observation. Who would you select from those you havo seen ?" ho persisted. " Sho reddened, and paled. '-'I havo hoard tho Misses Grandison highly spoken of. Their appearance would seem to prove tho truth. I dovibt not you agreo with me," sho returned quietly. It was now his turn to color, which ho did slightly. "I do agreo with you," ho answorcd ouiphatically. "It is to bo, then, as I supposed,'" said tho housokcoper to herself, as sho went up to her room. It was lato in September. Mr. Day ton and tho housokeoper wero both in tho parlor. Ho had been unusually grave all day. It seemed to tho house keeper that his manner was changed towards her 1 "I have a few questions to ask, if you will permit me, Miss Franklin." Sho felt instinctively alarmed at his tone. j "Certainly," with an effort. Thoro was an ominous pauso. j "I havo been told," ho said, "that Miss Kato Franklin , a young girl, has, j by disguising horsolf, palmed herself j off upon mo for oovcrnl months ns Mrs. j Franklin, an elderly lady. Is there any truth in this story r looking scarchingly at her. j Sho had started to hor feet, then tremblingly Bank back into her chair. : "Yes, it is true," sho murmured fal teringly. "I confess I fail to seo for what ob ject. My heart you could hardly ex pect to gain in that character." "Your heart," sho repeated scorn fully. "I had no suoh laudablo ambi tion. I had novor seen nor hoard of you till I saw your advertisement. Would you liko to know for what pur pose I took upon mo a disguiso so re pugnant? You Bhall. To save my self from starvation, I had oaten but ono meal a day for n week whon I ap plied to you, and was suffering with , hunger then. My money was all gone, j except a fow pennies, with which to j buy a roll of bread for tho noxt day's meal, and I had no prospect of more, i for I had been refused further sowing. But why should you find fault?" her prido rising. "What matter if I Tfcro Miss or Mrs. Franklin, old or young, if I fulfillod tho duties I undertook. Havo I not taken good caro of your houso ? Havo I not mado you com fortablo? If I havo not, doduct from this quarter's salary which you paid this morning, whatever yon liko." "I havo no fault to find, except for placing yourself and mo in an awk ward position, woro this to becomo known." Waves of color mounted to tho poor housekeeper's temples. "I thought I thought no one should know least of all you besides I I thought when I engaged to como that you wero married. Oh, what shall I do?" And burst into a passion of tears. Mr. Dayton's manner changed. "Kato! Kato! I did not moan to distress you. Nobody knows but mo nobody shall know." And ho soothed hor tenderly. "Kato, look up, I lovo you with my wholo heart, and I want you for my littlo housekeeper' my wifo always. Kato what do you say?" tak ing hor in his armB, and laying his cheek ngainBt hers. "My own Kate, is it not?" Sho murmured something between her sobs that sljo must go f.way that iftiuuto, "Nonsense, darling! Haven't you been lero for months? "What dillor- once can a day longer mako ? Yol I aro Bafo with mo, Kate. Oh, bccatlsj now I know who you are, Kale, foo! ish littlo girl, I havo known it fee weeks. Miss Franklin, will you givi mo tho iuoxprcssiblo pleasure of hoar ing a song from that silent voico? O. Kato, you fairly bowitch mo always, let's off with theso trappings," untyiiif her cap and removing tho gray hair and with the action, down fell tb wreath of brown tresses. '0, Mr. Dayton, you wero not suro-i ly you wero not nt homo that day !" looking up, and covered with confu sion. 1 "Yes, Mr. Dayton was in tho libra-1 ry," with an accent on his namo, which Kato understood. "O, Edward ! and you tested me with all thoso questions, when you know " "Yes, my Kate, why not ?" "But you looked so innocent." Ho laughed. "I shall BOOn, T. lojo, havo BOir.6 body if not ft mother, to confido in; and Kato, it is iny duty and pleasure to givo you a husband, so that, in future, you can answer without so much pain when ho is enquired after." "You aro too generous," "I can afford to bo genorous," ho said, earnestly, "when I havo had tho precious gift of your love? Kato, blessed forever bo tho day that I first engaged my housokeoper." Miri8ic. Lot your daughtors cul tivate music by all means. Every woman who has an aptitudo for sing ing should bless God for tho gift, and cultivate it with diligence; not that sho may dazzla strangers or to win applauso from a crowd but that Bho may bring gladness to her own fire side. The influence of music in strengthening the affections is far from being perceived by many of its admir ers; a Bwcct melody binds all hearts together, as it were with ft golden chord; it makes tho pulso beat in unison and the heart thrill with sym pathy. But music of tho fireside must bo simple and unpretending; it docs not require brilliancy of execution, but tenderness of feeling; a merry tune for tho young; a subdued strain for tho aged; but nono of tho nowy claptrap which is popular in public. Maid Servants. Tho only way for a woman to socuro poaco and comfort in her household is to havo as fow other womon around her as possible, nspficially in a dependent condition. There is a natural antagonism be tween them which will assort itself in a thousand ways. How many Irish girls go gnimblingly to fulfil a kindly uttered request on tho part of their mistress, who would run "liko lightn ing" to obey an order from their mas ter? And, strango to Bay, though it makes no sort of difference to th'e head of tho house whether his boots are brushed by Bridget O'Brien or Judy O'Callahan, yot in a disputo ho invariably takes tho part of the "help" simply nnd 6olely from tbft in stinct of sox, and bccauRO men always feel bound to bo gallant to every wo man in tho world, excepting their wives. Jenny June. Get Enouou Sleep. We havo often heard young men remark that four or fivo hours' sleep was all they wanted, and all that tho human system re quired. Tho habit of going without sufficient sloop is injurious. Thou sands, no doubt,, 'permanently injure their health in this way. Wo lio in fast ago, when everybody scorns to bo trying to porvort the ordor of- nature. If folks will bo persistent in turning night into day it is not to bo wondered that fow last tho allotted term of life; no matter what may be a man's occu pation physical or mental, or like Othello's "gono," and living in idlo ness tho constitution cannot last, depend upon it, without a Bufficioncy of regular and refreshing sleep,- Joo Hunter, tho great surgeon, died1 sud" denly of a spasmodic affoction of tho heart, a disdaso greatly oncouragod by want of sleep. In a volumo jitofc pub lished by n medical man, thcro ia ono great lesson that students and literary men may learn, and that is that Hun ter probably killed himself by taking too littlo sleep. "Four hours" rest nt night, and ono aftor dinner, cannot bo deemed sufficient to reonrit' tbo ex hausted powers of. tho fiody and mind." Certainly not; and tho conso- quenco was, that Huutor died early. If men will insist in cheating slep, ' her "twin Bister Death" will avenge 1 tho insult. - ( TiiRii.LiNa Incident. In Prussia, re cently, a points-man was at tho junc- tion of two lines of railway, his lovor in hand, for a train was signalled. Tho engino was within a few seconds of reaching tho embarkmeut, when the man, on turning his head! proceived JSf6J5V. :nT his lilllb btiy playing on tho rails of the lino ttld IrUi'n was to pass over. "Lie down I" lib' shouted out to tho tihtld, bttt as to iii'intfelf ho remained ftt hiri post, Tho train passed along on ltd wy, and tho lives of a hundred passengers word perhaps saved. But tho poor child? Tho father rtishod forward expecting to tako up" duly" tt corpse, bilt what was his joy tin find ing that tho boy had at onco pboyotf his ordor ho had lain down, and tn'6 wholo train had passed over him Vith out injurj'i Tho noxt day tho kuVg' sent for tho mnh, ond attached1 to livd" breast tho medal for civil courage Ladies Should Bvav NfcwsrAPEHB. f is a great mistako, !n fomalo education to keep a young lady's time and atten tion devoted to only tho .fashionable? litorntnro of tho day. If you would qualify her for conversation, you must givo her something to talk .about givo her education with this actual, world and its tranupiring events, tfrgo her to read tho newspapers, and beepmo familiar with tho present charactor and improvement of our raco. HiV tory is of, Bomo importance ; but' ihe past world is dead, and, wo hayp, notic ing to do with it. Our thoughts abt? our concerns shpuld bo for the prcseni world; to know what it is, and im provo .tho condition of it. Lot hof' havo an intelligent opinion, anil be' ablo to sustain an intelligent conversa tion concerning the mental, moral, po-' litical and religious improvement of our times. Let tho gilded annuals and poems on tho centre tablo bo k'eptf a part of tho timo covered with tho weekly and daily journals. Let tho whole family, men, women and children read tho nowspapcrs. Godcyt A Valuable Pijesciuition.' An ac- , quaintanco of ours was sick, and" wo" wcht to tho physician for advice.. .Ho was a plain, blunt man,, but possessed:,, great skill and a largo heart After hearing tho caso stated, he gavdj m ff very decided manner, a prescription" of this sort: "No medicine, food, ,reg- ular exercise, and tho constant so ciety of kind friends." Wo bdllfiW that wo Bhall confer a favor upon a multitude of tho dyspeptic, billious and depressed, by publishing thir sound medical common sense, and are certain that by so doing we shall not- , injure' our tfxcollent medical phy-. sician's practice How many of our fellow-mon are Buffering from' tho", want of just such . treatment ! Iny-' stead of bitter drugs, let them try tho' . simples which Nature dictates, and unito with them tho sweets of- true' friendship and kind sympathy, and it?., will not be long before they begin .to mend. N. Y. Obsetycf.- Sensible SfA-xiits. Never tasto aar ,. atom when you are not hungry; it ik suicidal I ; nr Nover hire servants who 4&&. me pairs, as sisters, cousifts, or anything Nover speak of your, father .a:thd'. old man," , - . , . Nover reply fo- the epithets, of a?, drunkard- or a fool. . .... u . Never speak' foatemptuously of, wo?-' mankind. n.'.,.0iv Nevor abse one . who f was pne . yoUr DC-sora" friendr iowpver, bitter', now. . Never .smile at the einise' of;; join religion or'your bibla. , nlJi.r A good word is as soon; Bend .as bad ono;- ' Tho groat is i'fl" saved' thftLshai-aW its master. No one is a fool alway;' ,cTwy ntr sometimes. Peace with Heaven is "the" fei'sf' friendship. j I'be Jist SAKDuring'thIasVjwT tcr a . "contranti'Arl" cainoj .into' the Fedoral lines, in North Carolina; and was marched up to tho officer of ' thr day to givo an ' ajtephnt of himself,' whereupon tho following colloquy ei-" sued: ' :vi "What's your name T ' 1 "My namo'8 Sam-.' ' x "Sam wliat ?" ' 1 , Ui "JsVBalV: riotfSam Watt'. Tso just? Sam." '1 '" ' .t! "What's your other'namo',,1 ' r "I hasn't got"no od6r name,4 sak Fee Sam dafs all." ''What's yoUr master's' flame ?"! "Fso got no. massa jiow; nTas runned away yah!- yah !- IW ar 'free nigger now," ' ' "Well',- wnat is yoiir father's- ad mother's namo?" .s "I'so got nono, tfa nebber had noriel I'so jist Sam nobody else." ' i. a "HaVe; yonybrothprsand'Bfere'rs?"' '"No, sab! novor had,,ribhd. No' bruddcr, no sister, no adder, no mud dor, no massa nothing but" Sara. When -you ft'f &tn yfu six all dar if . i