OCR Interpretation

St. Johnsbury Caledonian. [volume] (St. Johnsbury, Vt.) 1867-1919, December 27, 1867, Image 1

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(OMMEXCKD, AUGl'ST 8, 1837.
ST. JOHNSBURY, VT., F1UDAY. I)KC. 27. 1867.
YOLOD3 31-niBEll 1587
, v.Ti)Ni: & CO., Proprietors.
.. .,.! dour North of Court House.
ii ci'i'V t anii.im $2.50
" .'" ,, ii. tiv.i:icf $2.00
: :c BRADFORD. Puljlishers.
i!i' l-i-'H.,"' tu 1 lif (.'.ilt'd.inian to .-ub-.
c i::y i- 1'icc ; tu a:iy p.ui ot ilu I ni'tJ
,! , : hi-W.int;., iic ccii.n )er iiu irtcr, or
l jnyjMiMn .idai.eo at the ollice
, i.uiit i.
. . :c'. i: u h -i.l oi'.irr will find ih Iiie
r n i t! ' ruuli uitli hw llu-dutu t
i- nil. Wnon a 110. uu.tii i- isi.nii' ttn-
. .() lll.v.i !0 rorit ipnncl rlllil it tli tliailf
. -. i. riiyoii t'"- iirt or t-icoud i.')-r lrom
n' .ii III, e wUh to bc Uutilitd iiinniiii-
of !.in.l lrn-:it living ;ni(t' .
.j 1 ii " k l1' con. t.:utlyo:i tian J.
of Ailvortisinj.
. nil.' tiici fiiv) ij itv', .
i .'ftlrl ".
, Utt' HV ' A.
. nlllUllt,
i i xcn ) i, r , ar
, .tttr yt&'hUn.)
i .Y'v f .iiit'ifiti', i'iV.
A'Htt Une
. !'.(.'. iu' trrek
i niHUtO''
. . . i.
Withoui aud iVithin.
Wlien dead leaves llutter down.
Antl bomjhs grow sear and brown;
When birds depart,
And llowcrs the woods forsake;
A spring-tinie then I make
Within niy heart.
My green leaves on the trees,
Are happy lneniories
Of youlh's sweet piime;
Earth's friendsliips puro and fond;
And hopes that reach beyond
'1'he bounds ol time.
M y melodies of birds,
The I'oet's goldon words,
All sonjs above.
My violets. heavcnly blue,
'i'helender eye.s and tni
01 her I love.
Alweut Laightok.
LivvnscdTo do What ?
n isi v. i-oi:i;:.ir (;Ai.i.t:r..
' liui. f.l- auil lif.-.i.r rhctoguilili?.
; - , .! rl.taji. r iti-tn t l'rwliw.
WM. A.
v i: .n r. .-
m a k r. i: ,
it. Jobusbuiv, Vj.
i i: a n c t: a i; i. ' T
( inirli..llw 1'it k'r tori-.
t l.MM a(;i:m
I. n .
. -r.N l AiNTKi:, i;i.a.ii:i: i- iai-kukk
3.1 .trii t, - - St. .lolm-ljiiry, Vt.
I K N T 1 s T .
. in r f Msin ?;rctt snd Ii.jt rn Avcuiic.
n; 1 U I. f S I N i. S.l.ON,
. t" ; t ril.i, u l n.uii li'ccK.
I M riTi : r.M
i i;i . iti I'sr-fi'jiT lVp
Liecnited to m.ike thu stron;; nian weak.
IJcensed to lay the wise man low.
Licensed a wite's lond heart to break,
And make iier ehildreu's tears to llow.
Licensed to do thy neihbor harin,
l.ii-un-ied to kindlu hate and sirife,
LicetwetS to :ierve the robber's ann.
I.ieensed to whet tlie niiuderer's knlie.
I.iceiiscd thy neihhor's purse to drain.
And )hmder liim of hi? last;
Licensed to heat hU feverish brahi
Till i!iadne erown thy woik at last.
Li eiisi'd !i!;e spider for a lly,
To spiead thy net lor man, thy ptey;
To niock his strnle. snck h'un thy,
Thcn east the worthless lmlk away.
Lieen.-ed uhere peaee and qniet thvell
To l)iin(!iease. and saiit. and woc:
Licei-.scd to make this world a hell,
And lit iiK-n tora hell below.
I tliocn nnnr tinn,ln .- ..,. t.nH. . . , .1 . ....... 1
lj IMJb I1U1V 111111:11 tUlll"
fort ean be secnred, hut how miic'ii tlis
eomfort aroided.
The food of Italian lazzaroni iipon the
coast eon?i.-ts lur:ely of what they eall
frtittt dt niare, 01 truit of the sea. This
coniprises ii?h or any incomprchensible,
inchoate beinjr, tliat may be luuled in a
net. Of these any lihcrmuii has an
abumlant exj)eriencc. Thuy arc eatcn
and relihhed. Xothinj: coines nnwel-
eome to their mouthsi. The tlrawing t)f
a fisli is considered unnecessary. Ile U
liied witli garlic as nattire creuted hitn,
tlie scales merely being scrapcd olf. Kn
tiails are coiiiidercil unetuouf, and 110
tncan portion of the lbod. Wheat of
late years buing higii in price, maecaroni
is mneh leis used by them than forinerly.
They eontent t!iemre!vi'.s with coartfe
bread, and cheese froni the inilk of slieep
or goats. Jleat is rarely purehased. It
is too expenivc. Their dtink is water,
minj!i.'d with a eheap and sonr red wine.
Coil'eo is rarely taken ; tea, never.
On arriva! Iiere, their j'rutli di iwire be
eoined limited. Tiiey eontent thcin?elved
with liiicli tisli as our own nmiket atlords,
and this being no c'heapi,r tlian meat, the
latter reecive? u sliare of atlention.
Cheese is nnattainable, and the wine ot
ltaly ean only be Mibstitutctl by that of
I'rauce, whieh is beyond their piirses
They con.-ole thenelves with lager beer.
and ek' out a repast with bread and
onions, inaecaroni being added as an oo
O i'ijan-Grindei's and limuje-Ped-
'1111:11: haisitm ani i'i:ct i.Ai:mi:.
in -1 r 1 a n and si'i: u i: o n .
, . oj; Ilf r.i..j.!iAin'a lnv Stoic.
S. T. BROOKS, M. D.,
n tt 1 a n iND ai i:t; 1:0 N .
.rtr Ilonsril'-' It k :Ui.v. Uu-idtnf oormr
t -'.t. .ii and .l)r.:i Sircft-".
I ( 1 A
a i' s r 1: 0 r. o n.
u! l'nij; .Minr.
Mm.uf utiiri r oi
-111.1:1 1 1:1 n, ii:a.s a.mi wakks.
!, Vci in SloVl.S, Ililt.c v.r; 111k. i- w--,
K'r . K'l.lr.nd .-t tv , .-t. .Ii.hijf'uury, Vt.
1 Ai l.
: in 1UW-, 1 1: vi'H' i: and i-ii.
. t. .li.lmrliury t' utn-, Yt.
Tlie llalians have been eliaracterized
by a witty loheiiii:'.n i.i o:ie of our eilj.
dailic? as nation whoe chief iiulu-try i
orua-.i-giindiiig, and whose prineipal ex
port i iiincearoni. It is enrions that al-
tliot.gl: nearly all organ-giiiiders of olher
eountries are Italian. they are rarely seen
in ltaly itsclf.
Iutlt ori:an-rinders
L. W.
11 S 1 C I A N
1. .in uliursr,
A N 1) S l l: ti K O N ,
VtlllMUt. ftip.'itV.
lianiil'jiin.i r oi
. H, l,t'.VtT'lSr-, AM I'r.NAHFNTAl- UoUK,
l.nidin, - - - V.nw'i t.
,. i . i:it.i:, iM;i'i:ii:ri:.
. li it m pJ'l ''' 31111 at ri i.-oa jlilf
l.-.f ial it c:itio:i nivm't'i lurt.Lj v.iio
. .1 tiiu l.tftt tr .iiti'i.-hiiif; in tlu- -tatc. -tf
."ii.si n.AiM and ;: i:am:: ai'.i.m'.
' UrL-.
- L i lAtt, :-.'i.t.i i .nw'2!A
1 . I . i-l.'iir and liutih.iiis l.yinlon. t.
CI.AIM Atll'.NT,
. .WV A.MI I'nl .Nhll.l.'i; AT
I'.irt.ii, - - Vcniir.i!'.
Urns bioic.
s'I'hck i!i:oKi:i:s,
; 'J M.ite strut, lS!ftnn, Jlas".
I' -M.. .1 XMl- liLI ::. llKM'A mii.e-
ea.-ional luxury. Yegetables, other than
onions, bnt few reli.-h. h'rnit they are
iiuliH'crent to, with i-xeeption of iuu-k
and watennelons, wiiieh tliey have been
sonietiines aeeiislouied to in abundanre
at home. U niuy be said of the Italians
111 jcy 1 oik tliat tliey rarely give
tronble to the poliee. Tliey aro ipiiet
law auiain"r eitizenii, aud live mucn
aniong tiieniielvei;.
nii: uitfiAX ;i:iNi)i:i; at homk.
A ilawning of pro?perity often creates
a removal froni the Five loint proxini-
ity to the more eoniinodions lodging of
the district west of Ihondwav. between
Canal and Hoii-ton ttreets. Therealiout,
in Siillivan, Lainens and Alacdongal
street, they may be fonnd, stili in ricket
ty old baek teneinenls, whcro siairs uive
an nncertain foot hold, and earpets are
an innireanied liixnrv, bul less erov.do.l
nnmbers and in a puivr atiiM-phetv. A
Lrianee at their roo:n reveals bare llnurs
4 tt't r tl.irniwKirj oinl nnntnnnil I i i t
l!ei are niucli leis nii:neroi. m t.,w nty I liml1(.U:mv h,;i- innoeent of puli,li, bnt
t.ian ot-io.- tne late war. i ne anny ano 0 Ci'uauv ur jiltl, I1;,,0;;U.
tne general activity oi all branehes ol m
1 . 1 . r . . 1 - 1 1 .
nuMiy auraeien mem lrom tneir callings vanl . I):i!lta(,0I1:i ..o'.o.sal pa'ehe5
by supei lor reinuiicration. Tlio indus-1 mo( I);U1V coIors .Ulll t.oar-e stol.'i;in,. ti,.u
tnal arl, m ltaly are con.paratively tew j ;il:,lt f,ave ,)IVI1 u j,.,;;. i,ut
,,peeially m the long-misgovernud ontli- j t!)LL. arL. ,llillLri0,i l0 tiie Pve wit, will.
ernpona.il, lalely known as the Neapo- ,low siis :lrnLhe,l bv refreshii!.' plants
I! 1 ' ... 'IM 1 .1 1 - Ol
uiiiii iiumimoii?. 1 nere auoiino tne ntz-: .....i i,..: ;.,,,( i?,,..im-.
zaroni, who are rarely aecpiainted with Dances i.eriodieallv oeeur. to the 'w-
of application is to take some cotton bat-
ting, dnst it fnll of ilour and apjly im
meiliately to the fealtlwl part, so as to
exeludc the air entirely. (ienerally in a
few minntcs the pain and sinartinj;
ceases. In somo amravatetl cises tho
ilour will need to be renewed when it
bccomes heated and wet froni the dis
eharge of the wound, but in motcascs a
single application 15 suHieient. The causc
of tleaih from burns is almost never froni
the etfect of the wound, but froni the
shoek to the nervotis .system and the
fever arising froni tlie pain. This ilour
relieves almost inimediately and we have
never known a ease whcre it was apj)li-
cd at onec that did not result inaspeedy
We wrile this beeau.e we see almost
daily in the papers accounts of deaths
from burns and scnlds, that might be
prevented by the use of this sitnplc remc-
dv. Tlie obicction tliat has becn ured
tgain.-t this, that Ilour leaves a tear, is
not valid. llavin1' uscd it in our own
family for more than twenty-tivc years,
aud recniniueiulcd it to others in alnio-t
numberless instanee, we have never yet
known an iiistance wherc the least sear
remained afler reeovery. The cure is so
(piiek and so perfeet that the skin is !eft
stnooth auti iair as lieiore, nor lo we be
lieve it ever leaves a sear, unless the burn
is so deep as to make it incvitable. what
ever may be the reinedy anplied. If
readers will reuiember this thev nerer
do ncel be for a moinent at a lo?s what to
for a burn. Spriiujjidd L'nioit.
a 1-1tor
Clothing laieiy was-hed liangs in the
Sewsiwpcrs A
vullures, have a kcen seent onlv for the a !am"titable faet that the dehYioncv in
carrion, and select seductions and rapes, the inlriii;ic valueof ourso-called money
the partieulars ol tlivorce cascs aml the is lht tindenniniii'jr mul pri-
brutality oi pugiliits ? Have thev 110 re- vate interitv of character. Alerchants
sponsibility for educating the public tafte .' cnimot coiitinuc in lm?iness unles thev
Or do they unblu;hingly avow that they atiinro an nptitude for the c:ilculation
publish only to make money. and are of chanees : aml olliccrs in tlie revenue
willing to print any thing that will sell. service of the coiinrr it is to l iearwl
lirt creatmg, and tlicn iianderiug to tlie ' too hviueiitly caleulate tlie chanees a to
vilest cravinjr '? It is a trr.tve tuieMion. whether thev ean make most for or
hall onr daily napers rcsemble the aijue- :taiii;t the govirmuent. And bankers.
duets or the sewers of our cities'.' T.'n !ot in the sweeping current, lbrgct Ittiik-
Advance. 1 ing and tuni brokers. It is lime thL
r,T, 7 77. 7 -. jMate of thins should le chevketl, thouh
I'ancr SlaitvU 1 t'l0,",l "'iwt ti; 10 some inconvem-
ln his speech in the .-enale, W1:mv-
day, in support of his own lin:;:icial bi'l has U'en disr!os:d at thi-tiinc
ence a it neeu not to any at all.
Lct Coniire?5 :is n lurkiii"' nurposo
Lat, who lookcd iu -ain for the :dur, tuni TA-ns dianged to uqirise to ee as
vtc. After hc wis scateil. lic lumed i hc Jooked &t the old nmk- tlmt t.
round tobrotlier Indls, ajnl, toawhlsiv-
cr that could be lieanl all round, he in-,
(Uiircd :
"Shuro, an' isift this a herctic
cliurch f
"IIusli !' said Ingalls, Jif you a.
worl tlwy ivill put you out."
"Divil a wordwill lpeak :tt all at
all, rcpliod laU
Tlie nieeting was opened by pntycr br
t!te jostor.
Tat was in'cing liini rcry dosely.wluyi
an tdd gwjtleuian. who was slandin in
the pcw ilireclly in lront of l'at, shoutcd
ull wauted twenty minutes tu four, llie
liour et for return.
Ulanclie sald Jiotlung but liu:iel ber
self beljiing lier mother. As she sat pax
ins. n liasket of je:icliesfor tea, lierintttli
r looted at lier vnlh pleasure, tlnnkiihr,
Ulanclie knew bow busy 1 was, with
Uridget away, and hurried Loiue lo lielp
llut lieljiiig lier motlier icemed at
lengtL imiuore lo lilaucbe'ji -imid tliau
playing witlt Carrie ltad provetl, and ?o
sbe left tlie tmfinished pcarbcs stnd wit
up lo hcr little bedrooni, jhe lolted iIms
door and 3tnng down on lhe lel Imrriml
lier sad face in tlie pillow. Ali I the e-
and in 4llist, ve diviH rcioined lat, in his
the leading fe;iture of whieh i the re- this agc of the world, unnrompted bv Ioud whij-jK?r. whicli wa- lieanl bv tlielcret w:ts I'lanclie liad been lrvius 10
.-iiuipticii of specie paymi-iil.- 011 the Ish anv ow rrulin nectitv, delileratclv adl ' ministcr ; 4-be lacent and dou't make a i work ovcr a lieawlicart. Jlut he coald
of .luly, lSli'.J, Air. Alorrili of Yt r- Sil(!.(Hin,()(H to our curreniy. or cven ' bloekhead of yourself !
i not covcr up tlie pain nor forget ftr a
mont made a verv nnpivsMte .-tateiiK iit iue I'niteil States notes to an oiual . The narton ircw more fcrvent in liis ' momeiit tLxt i-Le Lad lold n lie. Two
of some of the cvil results of an ex'tand- ar.iunt with and in placc of the note? of 'devotiont. l'roentlv tho deacon uttcred ;davs lefore, wliile plavins witli lier sifi-
eil and iiredecmable eurrenrv. !Ie ntional bauks. ihro'.vin" JvJT.l.llM'.GaO anaudible 5roan "Amenl" ' ler Aimes she bad wliile Airnes ft
aid :
Acnes for a mo-
. oi IVitod States louds, now held by the j "Ili.-t, yc blackiruard ! Have yo 110 i inent liad left the room, droped lier loj
-liaiiks 'it onee for sUc u;ku our own ! daix'urv at all ! stid l'at, at tlie suue i liat iron upon lhe face f AuneiT uexv
.t.. .1 r? 1- 1 ' -1 1 1 ti 1 1 1?-. - v"", t
Xo mauufacttirers ui llourish at
same time with r.-dundr.nt papcr money ni'mey niarki ts for whatever price they J time ghing hhu a punch in lhe ribr, f wjix iloll, and cruslied its piuk dtvek and
uuless the latter is all t!ie time rxpaiid- wiadlbriisg and the elUct w:ild be dc-1 whieh caused him to lose his i-quilibri- , broken in a blue-eye. Tlie doll was pwl
ing, ar.l when it tvase to expnm! or be- l.'lorable. After that, if letnil tcnders ; um. ' cd aud when Arcie came iu and aked
llie minista stopjn.il and cxtending bov it hapened tliat Flaxy ias brokwi,
"ins to ntutract
then thev !ami!i and brouht Jifiv ceiits on a dollar.it would .
ihe. here a depreciated cnrrenev e.- Imj a miif'ii a- coultl rcasonablv be cx- his hands in a iUiudiant manner :ud , I'lauclic liadsaid. I doift know: vou
lsts there can he 110 health ivr tliem ; ptficl. and conlideiice iu our iinancial . raid : j niui-t Lave dntjtped hcr in vour liasle
there they have 110 continuing citv r ir.ti-grily wutiM reivive such a shock that 1 "Hrethren. wc c:innot be tlisturbed in i imr down stairs. 2so, 1 did'nt, shM
tbiiling place. The eilt'ci n auiicuituiv it wiruhl not be surprising if ltgal tendeis thie wxiv. AVill some one pui tliat man Aiiie, and tlie poor doll wai carried iu
disiuay 10 their mother, who, failing to
asccrtain how it -was done. lhe luanuer
of the accident itill remained a invsle-
tratles, and who gatiier a precarious sub-
sistence by bcgging or doing odd jobs. It
i? from these that spring the two clastes
here rliscusscd.
Xaturally, on arriving in a strange
land, they .-eize upon puiuit.s that re
tpiiie 110 pr.;vious preparation. Europe
ans of tlie Latin race, couiprising Itali
ai, Spaniarda and French, are not
prone 10 einigrate. Tliey enjoy bright
kies and a mild air, their
acquired with little labor, a lax morali-
ly gratiiies their animal instincts with
.-light seeking. and their ignorance both
dcbars a.-;iration and withdraws know
ledge of more iirouperousj regions. Tliey
are conteuted at home.
Tlie southorn Italian are (piick-witted
and prompt at repartee, and iiiuch re
semble the Irish in their inexlmiistible
ftmd of humor. They are indoleiit iimjtly
lin aml liarp, witli a gavety totally tree
froni diorder. As with the ('erinans,
the old partake a-; well as theyoung, and
here they indiilge in sua'.ches t.f coitiunc
worn by them at home. A white Xeo
poiitan head dress sometiinea appear.
aniong the women, as aIo r. bright red
hmidkerciiiei, thrown looely oer the
hair. These channing iulimatiou of a
Doctie l.ind redeem diiiL'v walls aud
iniplc food is i k k 1 ,. tv ,1:irk t...
weareis a gaze oblivious of all siinound
Iu these houses, niany of the occupants
have rcliii(iii.-hed the precarious liveli
hooil of street muMcor iuiage-sening. aud
have adopted trades. They enter Migar
relineries or confeetionerie?, toy faetorie?.
aml wine e.-tabliihinent.. and obiain per-
with sullicient nictive ' iact oiT.ipat'mn at image casling. A
Ye speak the sentiments of Ciiristian
men in every section oi our countiy,
when wo ay, that an unsupplicd want
of iniperative ehaiacter, iit a lirst class
daily newspaper, comlucted upon Chris-
tian pnneiples. I he exi.ting papers are
able, enterprising, iutlueiitial. They
spare 110 expen.-e to seeiue news, and
they give their readers a great deal of it.
Aleii of talent, tliough not so oiten of
culture. are vinployed on the cditorial
stail. We .".re tnated. comcipientiy. iu
the ediloriai coluuis to diseussioiis of iin
portaut po'.itiv-.il and literary topic.-. A
wide and interesting eorrespondenee with
every part of the svoild also adds variety.
Yet a general dis.-ati.-factioii txist.- with
nearly all the promineiit journals and
prinripally ujion two grounds. Their iu
tiiience i- hu-gely cxerted in favor of the
ologkal laxity aud error : Jeemingly on
the oupposition. that it is a mark of lit-
cr.try culture to .-yinpathiza with hetero-
iloxy. ainl tliat gi-nnis lntalltbly tends in1(er the lvjfnm of
that lirectnn. And then in matteis of
piv.eticai uu.als, tlay take sidcs against
the priuriplfs of .-piritual Chri.-tians in
their advocaey oi the theatre antl Mini
larly di-ipatiug amusenients, and their
favorable rcco:nitioii of the drinkini:
uages whieh bring so many to ruin.
Their ailrertirinir columus inorcover. are
lille.l with noritvs of immoral exhibition?
and indeeent medical proposals. Their
news run increaingly in the directiou "f
reports of all low and vile oocun eace.-'.
whieh are imt only put on reoonl. but
drawn out in full and disgutin detail.
and ptvpaivd and herahled with the
mot con'picuou-heading-. Thisreach
ed Mich a depth of baiciurP. a i-w month
Miice. in some of the leaditig papers ol
the luterio:. that a multitde of good men
rai:-ed ihe pie?tiiin most seriou'-ly, whe-
and hu.-bandry is not lesa un::ti.-fac:orv. were to Ik? whollv re;ectel a- a currencv out .'"
I5eyond the Ialior oi the family tlu-bui- by the popIe, except far as they' -Ycs, vour riverance, shouted l'at,
ness yieid.- 110 encouragement antl :1m could be limt-d into circuiation by po!- "I will do it."
productsof hired labor ntrely more lhau tive law and by exisiiiei cuatrscts. A. And suitins the action to the word, he t ry.
equal the wages paid out. Tlie iuiHler- n turn to the ltarbarim of barter trade collarcd the deacon, and to the uttta-hor- -'Ohiflhad onlv said il did iC it
ate erops for two eaji::s pa-t hae m-- would -peeilily intect the whole country. ror of the pa.-tor, brolhcr Inisills, ' j "t vould hare 1k easyenouchlheui le
eured conipanitivelv good priivs, but C'i!itract pavab'e twdxe uiouths alteatl the wkok coiKiri'alioui he drauttl hiin yjjj ldidift meau lo. and l"shouId iKt
they would liave ln:en w nii-kT a .-v. waM have :io a?'iiiable value. llut 1 up the aiile, and with a ireniendous kkk ii r.-,,- iinw
annual have noapprehen-iou this now. I'ro- ent him into the velibuleof thcdiurck
tem of cash payment, and the
nicoiue ot iaimer?. dediicimg exjieii-e-. crastinate nr-umpsion ot pe-i p:.ymenk
has been .-mall. The pri.v of w.'ol i- and how much the appetile ior more
down to a hnrd money price. but r.iil- per money may grow upon what it fced:.
road freihts are not. The expantlei: wlio cui tel! .' All the danircr hiii"fa
paper money lcngthens the road from
New York lo St. Loiiis. aml from Hostoii
Good Snyycstions.
The Christian Kcpoiitory, publishci
to C'hieago, as well it- all ovcr the coun
try, i'orty per ceni. and sniaeiinii muiv
than that. The wheat. wo A. hng- and
cattle iroing from C'hieago to lo.-ton or
New York, aml ali returning lieiglits are
charged at rat ctpial !o lourtet it hiiii
ilred inihs. or nuuv, in-ieail uf '.. thoti
saiitl. This may be fun ir l'ie rssihtta s
but it i ileath lo agriculturist and the
hu-bandinan. Kor all practiol pur-po-es
it removo thesplendidgntin-grow-ing
region of the great iiort!r..l Utck
under lhe col'l shade f tlie 11101111
tains. The rahoad.t iuav U ::. to eu-
upou whether we take the right and at Montpelier, says:
propt-r .-tt-p to-d.ay or not. Ve niode-tl- uge5 that three chang-
es ougitl to be made iu our STittrui f
Tlie Xfmucul vf Slanton andshcr- -i.T.r, .
fiMVATj: l.i.riKi: or :r.
TO H!K ri.'F.MliJr.
I lell her and have my fathar, and iwoth
cr, and Ftlwanl, :ill know how vcry
meau and wicked 1 have betai ? 0a, 1
cannot tell.
So lllauclte sot upfrom ihebed, bath
ixl hcr face. brushed back her hair, and
while rolling her soft aubuni curls over
her llncer. smed to have a jiew and
comforun lliounht. She weut lo n
lhe presen: vstem vf m.le:ee , - a
lo le aiwli-iH! : :md lhe law . . .1 1. , i.T. i.
ouuht tolo?o:t? loiav everv euaUr - .,. , , u, - .
HtAi-;rETER Acmii- -r the i nitfh arn,t
W i-iiiiii- -. i. t"., An? II,
l!i Fjr.il' t.ry A M'lrar Jijfjlt 'H. I'rCi'.dt kt
-i'th-- I'uitnl SUikv:
S11:: I take the lilvrty of atllre-ing
you privately n the subjec: i-5 the tn
ver?::titi;i we liad this jihiriiivg, Itvliitt.
a- I d. ihe great tlaner to tho welfar-
rv ut tht.
dtuv it. but can the lan.ier .' C.n.iH , ,..,,,. .liu-.j vou c
ing rr.ilroads cannot be exteinpt'ri-:. ! un- desi-n then e.pre.-el.
111 uiiiateti currcih.
Whati xer monopolit; ext wiil lv per
petuated. With a dejireciatetl antl redimdaut cnr
rency the p.ur man i tlriven to t!ie wall.
Ile lia? nothinj: to le :'.ti'ecte! but tho
price ol hi- labor. whieh, thui;g!t iiicon- m,t
.ldsnible iu value. i.evcr 11-1-5 o : to
keeji him relatively in 110 wur.-.- eondi
tion than he wa- belbre. or 10 comjK-n-stte
him ior the incre:t-el ivt ot livhsg.
l'uivly inoneyed cajiilal. a- wcll as labor
i at once depreciated by any aelnal rc
lundencv ot the curivncv. lt;:t t!ien
Da tlie subjtct ol the di.-placj-
mt-iit ot tlu swretary of wur. I in re
nit'al crHiaot Iw iti'ectetl againt his will
withoui tlie courciit of the ellate. It
wa- but a hort time himv the I'niteJ
tau- M'llate X:t 111 avMtHl : aiut wlix
atnl n-ireei:tative his :;W wre in evta- i - , ,- ,, . , , rr .1
1 , Tinorouslv -h:iki them out 01 liw liar-
iUK to and retunniii lrom 3Ionticlicr, - " - " .-1 4-r. . -t.- i
. , - , 1 5 row little opemni until lifiv itennies lav
aslotvm lach inemler one lav lo come , , ,-. , - .,.,,. n".
, - . , on her laii. riftv bnht cents: Do
m. aiHl one tav to rctuni home m, and . .1- 1 rn ".i ...n i
- -,. ,, , vou not tluuK, dnldren, thev would 1
pavum a per diem ailow:uice lorlhes- - , . . n- v 1
1 - , 1 . . , . , . j euouuh to iav Ior telhni a he : 1-et s
iwo l:ivs. It is. i.r lar. lhe uiost ciuai , . 1" i,
, - , e, Idanche nut on her hat, and wewt
uihI ju?t vav lo jkiv cich iieniler his.. 4 1 1 .1 i ji
: . - 1 - . , : lo a tov slon, and i-clecled a wax 1M
actual lare. whatecr it mav lr: 1 1 1 - ti.
, - . , .- , , , ! Ttith as soit cuns. and as bncht eye,
. 1:1 our 1u1U1meut.1t tviM ic a . , , , i.-i.-,
. r.nd as preltv dieeks. a? ioor riaxra
sr-at nnproviiiient. it U.e r-tate was . - 1.
- . , 1 , . h:;d Ikviu and returnmi: from llw store-,
irictel. .-j as lo Siave oniv aWut 0110 , 2 - , , "j.- i.,,,v,.
litiiidrorl ropreacatativc-: iro:n 10 towii. . 11, 1 . 1,
.... 1 , , , , , berase and velvet and sai dowji lo lier
1 nere aro onlv o:k hu:idrcI men iu ilic 1 , , , , a c
. ,- ... , . , tivoricaloue in her bed-room. As Mte
a-M-iniHV ol the iate of New lork. witn r 1 -i 1.1 . .
, , . , , litted lhe frock neatlv, and ihen made a
a terntorv and a iHipulation miuiensplv . ... , . . , .
. , ; , - j mce htlk lurlan, :uid hehl up i!k ixaliy
lamer lhau our little ;-:ate- One lnnt- , -.- , , , , , , ,
!U:liiT i , , , , , , . .
drcd men ouM a ile baii;;
, . - t -.- - 1 1 ... 1 ... e. 1 -i
tit.-n Have :t.-ked tor lu removal 11 1: tw. anu -u iai iwib uwu ,-i,:tMT r..r , 1...r
was de-iri.' It certamly wa them- b iIh-preseni arnnuent "It would W Wice lo uive it
Mrti-w ottk- legt-lativebmiH-h ofthe c bNevo u wxmld be a ea 1
M-.erniiK itt to s.hnv a i-ibiiK-t ministcr unprovenienl. :is well as a great avug if v- . ;t ;n hZ
only saud 1 did it f 1 wouder if 1 hxuhl
sav so now. if I could feel auv woie.
1:1-1 -
'evond ;1k powcr of the exeoutive remo- cxpense, ii
val. and it prettv well uihk-rivMl that. rctpiiri-.! thc "genenil a-sembly
. sar a- c.tirinet lnini'ters are atllirtel no oftener lhau once in three
the coiutitutiou ol the state !
to meet
bv ihe iViiure i.f Oi:ice bdl. it ws- 111- rteati ol aanuallv, wnh a nrovision iltat , ,
tlli ll 1 11llf'fl Itlfttlll.. f..!-1l fcl,lf...4 11 t. .... - ... ...... . -. 1 .... .1.. 1 A
C r J rT;i- . i tea.h-.s H-ca.iy to protec. uk: iectv.ary -P" -, -numsin(Ls uf , Wple have asked it, ver
u,-cr than the childr.,. ot l.ght. and oJ wnr. wlu,.t tlW c,mtr-lelt gn-al con- cmveiKxl m fpeml io:t byaprocla-'j ie:irts, Lkins for relief, and hik
- - - iH.ence iu. i.v nuaniiiu 01 im1 i;in in. v. i
lth an e.ee? ot curreiiev. waeii thert 1. . .,.;..:,l...i i.,. ., inw,.r AYe lteliow lhe nrxcut lenislalun' Ik
is a miniuutioa of auv ariicle oi" neiv-?itv. i,t ......... ih.- t L"n-nl lecn :mlu?triou? wIkii in tssion. but it
... . . . . "II 1 j 1 -1 V V -1 1
j.te wiJl .jne to it tiie cJkv: nitiinkM munu. e iujuk. iusli ihu icw
inoneyed c.tpital at once motiojiolizi--. it.
and the public are thc victini of .-peru- jlV jt j"ra,nt"r.
ther they could allow their .htily paper j:ltjve cMortion.-. The prom-nied c:n.it-
acts of inijortamv hae been cnacter'
DR. G. W.
1) I'. N '!' I :
;T.. HlVicu rii?t imor S.uth of
N ' l.vutiuii. Vt.
M ui .fjitiireri of ivtry v.iritty of
m:ving i.ACiiiS7ii:s.
Athintotl to ruinily L'se
r' ,.uia,;on if thc sVwiai; Mailiicin made by
i i... wa tl...iuu;jlil ft lliel.cil yrars
-i iV 'Mtl lij noiif iii ttitihi..!-', i .iiiK, ionl
' 'rwilt im. or pt-: icrininy :uy kind ot A i:n oi
I - .i.ua. i mt, Itiwton. !('' lir. ailn jy, N. T.
" (.iititmit .-tntl, i'li.laiKli.bia.
iu alt tlie i'riiicipul Cities.
il. II. Mt'.dy, Stdit its):- tjf i'atents,
Ut'.il!Hit..t l.s. P.ii.iu W.isIiIi.kh.11, imiuUi
llifutit.1 !-.,;.)
7s M.itf SlRit.ui i-.sii. i.m.j btr t t , I!u-;on.
AI'ilT all r.Mll.-Uf J.faltl..- 1,1 U'IA.11.1- 1,1 tttCUH
ils t'ilitll.lll l im-iUIi- .IU 1 1- ln ihi.' I iut. il Sl.Uf--.
-i l.ri-.U llrll.iin, Fratm; aml otiisr l.,u isn loiii."
- taMatj. ! cilikallMii-, t-nn.s, -uiii.lti,tPl all,j
. i .i;itT? or iir.i'AiirN i"r utcit. liuuiiun UU-r.ii
ii.-, uii'l iiii uc.-ii.ui ii i.i.-ci.itiits uiaiu- lm..
ii.. uiior luielu ur!-. lo ilfW ijiiiil the aliilu
oi p.ilciiiRor UAtiiii' 131111 U-sui or utlifi
if'.ntrrtl in ali uutur-ttiiuli.Uitlliu -.uui-. Ct (,i. -.
..m.iMil an i.m-iii lurin.-iiiU bj tiiinlliiii; i.
' ,,.iutul'i n ionlnl al W'asliilWtoli.
; fk.ll I .Vr. J-O'il ltrBC O! tl.e !110t SCCil'.vtlll
a; al . trd(.tlllullfrs Will. V. llolll 1 tlilVC hail olllti-
- .i.iiiM'. 011AS. AlAMiN.
CouiujiM.oiii'r ot 1'j1cl1.
i ii.ilii'Mtjllunluaooi.rmi;iinriitors ""'
. i . i ! a i.t-r.-'Jii u.oif cohii eti'iit uuJ lru;l
. . ji. i ii:',ici-ui.at).cU iiutliiu' llielr a i iiIicat r
i M.ure Ior ll.e.n ali ial!j aii'l lao:aUf
. .. l tlu' (lulviit Ul.-i- "
iii lil'l.K.1. i.ati- Cuiiimluluiier ol l'atciits.
u n hil l uaMuuilf It-r liio 1J aipli(.atiuii-, n
l iMut-li laliiilA li.e. f Oceli luliU'it, J.i't
; i.'ltm. Mn.li uiiiitakLai,iu prooi oi sri-ai
i ,i.iiiU oii Ui? uit icailt uic lu rccoiiiiia'iiU
. i - ii .iiiiu to iuiii lo i,io(.inv liicir palt'iils,
. ii ' o! lu.iiu Uil-iiiml laitliiui altcii
i loii tLiir lasc.-, klil.it itiy rea-oii.lli.t-JOH.N
.lit m'jutli-, thc si.h-c i.ocr, iii Luursc ol lu
, " f. iualc on tiHt-c njeitcil aipli.auuii.-,
c.i rj one ol ulilcli v.as ilccijcil in uis uvi.r,
....I1I.-.-IUII ol iiatciil.-, U. ll. i.DDi .
' i.. Jau 1, l5.7. ly.
from positioii ;
they are rcuduy attracted to labor.
It ha long been a custoiu both here
and in Kuropc ior speculative ltalians to
indueo their southern countryiiiun to cmi
j:rate, by paying their passaj;e and loan-
in their orans ior street inusie. 1 he
couditions are that a certain suin sliall
he broujiht home nightly, thc overplus
being retained by the einployce. This
biisiness has been conductod in past years
with great suceess, and has in many
countries realizcd moderate fortunes. ln
this city there are eslablishnients, also,
where organs are loaned for about twen-tj-iive
ceuts a dny, to itinerauts, who
often realize from two to three dollars
daily by their use.
A more cxalted step in thescale of the
profession is to carry a monkey, but this
rcipiires capital, and can not bc freely
uiuiertakcn. A well trained inonkey is
valued at from liftv to a hundred dollars
according to his aeeomplishments. Thero
are profesional trainers of tho aninmis,
and if an iinschoo'.ed liionl.ey is brouglit
for instruction. at least liftv dollars is
charged for his board and tuition. JMon
kcy& of the frcshman class cominence by
daneing, or giving a series of juinps as
iew become cook, waiters aud street la
borcrs. A numbcr are now eniilo)'ed
upon the lirooklyn I'ark at?l.t0 a day.
The wonicn soon iinagine that t.imborine
playing is not reputable, althotigh, if
pretty, no man ever refu-es h"n contribu
tion, and they branch otl into other pur
suits. Artiticial llower making and thc
packing of confectionery are the chiel oc-cupalion-5
of their choice. A French
confectioner iu Hroadway, who mauufac
tures Iargely, has his e.-tabli.-hnient iilled
with Italian girls.
Soon another tep is taken in the so-
cial scale, and with increased ineans antl
increased pride a reinove is made by both
sexes into un eligible tencmput house,
whcre they become lot in the mass ol
the American peoilc, learn English, and
possess nothing distinclive but their dark
eycs and hair. They inteimarry with
Aiiiericaus, and their children know
nothing of the parental tongue.
Image makcrs complain of the dccu
dence of their btisiue;s. In formcr tlays
the educated classes, who learned iny
tholouy aud could appreciate a Vcnus,
thc ( rcices or a Cupid. wcre nyt above
installing plaster images upon a maiitle
piece. I'laster is now at a discount.
l'anan marble and clay only, are eoimte-
to be leit lont'er at thi'ir homes. Thev
thought ihat if they inust hae it lor
commercial purpo-es. they might lake it
at the tore oroilice. aud not .-pread daily
beiore their wivc- and daughters the col
umn upon ctduiiin dovoled to all the se
iluctions, rapes. adulterie5, and divorce?
that oecurred in this broal land, and
other colunins Iaileu with accounts of
pugili-tic encoiinters and horse raci.
Would ojien s.ewcrs be tolemted in our
streets under the ab.-urd prelense that
tilth must have a channel .' e provide
nm-sary channels, and thcn cover thein
over out of the leach of every .-ense. To
do otherwise wculd brecd a jiestilcnce.
Wo utter thc imple truth when we say, I
that the course towards whieh our papers ar.,e?t rea! e?tate owner in thc citv oi
SccoikI t n the ralyect the removal by n, exccpt :he granting ol a law char
of the vciy able coininander of the Jifth ters for railroads.
miliiar.- di:rict. 11 ntc ask you tu -1 t of the law in ihoiatc are good,
coiiridJr ihe t tiec: :t oul have upoi: and the jwph' could yet alojii: very wcll.
the public. 1 Ic i univerxtlly aud de- we think. without any more leslatwn,
Mtrl!v bcloved bv ihe jn-ojde who sus- lor three years lo come : so we hopa lhe
ta'ni 1 thi j.ivernment throuh its triaK couil of ccnsors will propose au
aml U'tirc.1. bv tha-e who would still be ameudment to our -tatc constilution, ihat
eiiemic- of the i'ov.:niiuent. It fell to ihere -hall K no inorc lhan uie hundred
theltit.tl' but fcw nu-ntodoas much ' memlK'rs of ihe hou.s of reprtfentatives.
ag.iiul an arme.l cncniy as len. .Sheri- 'nud that the regular meetings of the sen
dan dil dnring the rcieHioii. and iti.-,ral ass.uibly thall bc held not oltener
v.ithiu the St'ope of the abihly of but few j than once iu two or three years.
iu tlu- or anv other countrv to do what
ili-t, however. under like cireumiiance.
cnriclics hinelf at the exenM- ol bjtli
the poor man and the iao:i;-vel man.
Thi- derauges the proportiou it ihe capi
tal of the country and para:T produc
tiou. Tiicre is much trade, not for con
sumptiou. but for .-peculatioii, and ur.
little aiMitiouto the gcnei:tl wiitlth. Tlv
c.tpitalirt of any sort ha hi? ci at all
time.- lixcd on a fmaucial baronidter to
learn whether it i.-setlled iair or whetinT
a r-tnriu it iudinited, uul then a(ljiiJ.-hi-invcatincnts
in advance of hi neihbors.
) as to reap the pn:it of an e.p.in-io:i lu. jjs civil adniiiustration has Moki: Ilm in.vnox. Mr. Carey. thz
ha had , workinpnen- representative of the Cin
vhich no cidnati litrict. has imialized his advent
or avoiil the los of contractiou. The
poor man has no reireat. bnt stands cx-
uivcn iipial sati-factioa. He
oiiiicidlif to c.snlc::! with
po?ed toany wiml that may bluw. Tiie 0iwr di.-trict coiumander has ciicoantcr-' in Congns-s by a resolution to potpone
.1 il imt omtp lnim ilifi .lav the navmentol llie'ven milhon ol bonus
indine, of seeking sensational items of York may iavor the !arge.t amouut h'e na aiiiUnKsl dirict coniniander to "lssued'under the act 1517, nnd thc ddit
whatcver character is breedmg a moral f paper currencv, and luning ail his t;10 ,,,0nt time the pr- ha uivou oul 1 niilhons issuwl under the act of
CXHeri- ' ur. m..rtv m T.i.il ...l-ij.. iiiil i-.i fi'ttritili., .t . i i . 1 .1 ... . i .t!l ..1 t. . .1.-11 1... ,i...: f.,...
. -i.r.,i,.. ... ...... .. . ....... ... ,,. ... i,. iviiiovm. ii:il 1111; au- . 1111 uitciutiivi.s cru.in uc nuun mv.11 i.iv. -
- - . 1.1 -. l . n . 1 .... . . 4 iniT.r.l.1 ti.iT
IheliM bonus named are due 1 . . , . i
m. nrsi, 10 111m wno kiiows our uisuu
whollv. Then she went lo hr mother
pestilence in our countr)'. All
ence proves that to ianiiliarize the mind.
lhe way they have answcretl il, lias de
peudel lhe joy or sorrow of lheir wholc
live. Tlioujrmds of people lo ilay, Totntg
and old, are irying lo kvep somf licary
bunleniur- ecret iryin::; lo covcr it "i
in cvcry way by lieing busy, by dowig
cood lo others, I13 heajiing couiforts 10
lhem?elvcs above it but they' all come
lo lhis quotion Vould lhe jhame tf
conlessiug :uh! mnking rejiaration be hard
cr lo bcar llian lhis f Some have to5e
and sccn others utlcr rathcr lhan con
fess. iouie liave committed munler and
kept lhe suilty jecret, while an innoeent
jterson lias, iu lheir place, been huiu:.
hroni thesiaalleM tothe greatesism, it
i- a tcrrible lliinr to conceal it in llie
Some such lhoudits as these j.assed
ihrouh Itlanchc's mind ; and ihen her
mind was made up. She lirst look her
llihle, and as if directcd by (od hcr 03-0
fell upon the words llc that covcn-lh
his 5111s shall not proBpcr, but vliosw con
fesseth and foraketh tliem shall find
mercv. Oh ! how truo this seemed.
sixpence in I'niu.'d States honds. might mi!n,tr.ition wa- diss:iti;lietl with him. , in coiu.
espccially tlie yoting iiiiiui, witli tlie .le- advocate the payment ol the latter 1:1 Thl-has emboldei.cl thc oi.ponents of 011 the:l?t of thiinouih, and thesecre
tails ot crime is to corrupt 11. tioys anl : .rreenbacks. Ilis inunen-c pioiierty aud . ,1.., i:1.v r ...,.w wiibin his commaud tarv of Uic treasurv is nretiaret lo mv
aiuiual re;its have more ti au doubletl bv
thc organ plays. This is easily learned, , L -r,u, t AlIH,rit,nn pcoie at
1 r ... ir . . 1 1... ..1 1 -
' 1 11 u :i i,".ile of uiud. miil "jyillow Ji c wa
! itli hi? liiouth i.iicn, mul uiriie i coiniilcti.lv in-
'. U c uili Itf 110 on.- to -Jic turii- J irom tlic:r
1 1 wii.il or wc.thcr, I ut koh niiie Rinl crilcr
1 A.-rlNU'S M'ltlMi M. 1 1 l:!..-sl.S aud
' - II 1 1:1 llit-u It- o lnlo.luh.L- tl.ctc lo.'iu'
: 1 '.11. iur, hihI eKfji ue.l :lui- a !.J i.iht-.
' l.i'i tni-t l.it fci-lin no doub: did Irnr iuct." on
I i.t-ijilc. Jh akicj; of ca-li imiii.di u- that jou
' rtyuir -jurr t-L-li inorc jnuciatjly tlun iu
'if ot C.3.-I.l)'o SI'Kl.Nti MAllKLrai:
-' ' N,-l.5. A tiuc aiiortiuciit of uice Coicrn iu-i
t-aii aiiu t tutiu. taiiera . wiuc st. j.
ind is iaeilitated by jerks with a rojie
To this they add jiunping 011 a:.d oil the
organ. when bid.
The "Sophs'' become accoinplished in
taking oil' and rea-iljusting their caps and
passing a hoop from head to ioot. Bcat
ing a tamburine aud holding it individu
ally tothe crowd for money, requircsthe
matmvd intellect of a graduale. Ile
that iiddles dcserves his diploma.
Among ihe classes of ltalians hore
speciiied may be ineluded the street
muiician of tho llddler and harp ordcr.
They are individuals naturally giltcd and
act'Utre their skill solely by ear, with a
slight meehanical teaching from eoinpan
ions. Of musical annolation they kuow
nothing. All these people are apt, on
arrival, to betake themselves to the iein
ity oi the Five l'oints. where both sexes,
to the nuinber often ol'a dozen or more,
occupy proinitcuoutly 0110 room, and
slecp in an atmosphere of dirt, grease and
mingled with thc f'uuies of bodies more
or le;s diseased. The'iloor, or a thin,
I'tlthy niattresses, is their only bedding,
with a ragged blanket of the most repul
sive kind. In thc hot nights of sumnicr
they ily froni this atmosphere of verniin
and Hiifucatiou to the roof, while their
fellow-lodgers, Iriih and colorcd, resort
to the carts lying in the street, or to the
sidewalk. A philosophy ot' life with
large may slightly indulge in plaster, but
they are ipiitc innoeent of niythology.
It is not a public school study. They
turn from Venus and thc Graces to the
more vivid reali.ations of the Hlack
Crook. (5en. Washington, however,
they have heard of, and they buy him
tolerably ; Lincoln also, and (Irant;
Sherman aud Sheridan sparsely : other
generals not at all ; .AlcClellan is ''play
ed out," as the deaiers assert. A high
tariil' tendency leads still to a few pur
chases of Clay, Webster is 110 where.
What is he but a great namc .' What
lecacy of irood h&s he left to the land ?
With (lod-like attributcs, he sold him-
self to tiie slave powtr for the pottage of
a hopc for presidcncy. I le has earned
oblivion, and the image vendcrs declare
he has caincd it. New York Porf.
Ci ui: rou Eruxs axi Scai.ds. Do
people generally know that every family
has constantly in tho house the best
remcdy lor burns and scalds that has ever
been discovered, and can apply it them
selves 111 a iew momenta time, without
calling a physician ? It is siniply Ilour.
This has been used as the only reinedy
in some of thc New York hospitals for
twcnty-iivc years, aml has never failed to
efl'cct a speedy cure, in the most aggra-
vated cases. llio most convcnieut moue
yotmg men precocious in crinie have of
ten declared that their vile taste was ao-
piired from what they heard in convorsa-
tion, rcad in books, and saw at thc tlie- j
ttre of the exploits ot villains. It is in '
vain to plead that a moral issupposed to
be conveyed in the reort of these things.
I'his might be true wcre these reports
fcw and brief, noticins: the general facts,
forbearing details, aud pointiug out the
sad results. Hut as given, these iinmor
alities appeal in the lnost dcmoralizing
manner to the linagination, and soon be
get a pruricnt ctiriosity, whieh grows by
what ii feeds upon. 1 he etiect is analo-
'oiis to that set ibrth in thc fcllowini; ex-
tract from an cxchange :
The Iludson (New York) Star rclatcs
11 incident whieh exhibits thc iniluence
of the 'IMnck C rook" upon thc morals of
the cominunity. Icn 01 twelve misses
and lads averaging lrom iivc to tiiteen or
sixtccn years oi age, havinir lislened to
the wonders ol this play lrom persons who
have witncssed it. rcsolved to start an
amateur ''Hlaclc L rook association.
They accordingly repaired to an unfre-
uiented buildmg, and stationmg an au-
dicnce of four or five 111 positions to cor-
rcspond with their ldeas of theatrical ar-
ran'renicnts, proceetlett to "rchearsc.
Thc actors appeared a la nature, and thc
"Crook" was rcndcred according to their
own ideas. One ol the little ones rclated
the circunistaiicc to its parcnts, when
measurcs wcre taken to suppress thc "or
ganization." Now, can any good rcason bc given
why papers that into all our families,
to be read by our sons and daughters,
should be oceupied with such subjects ?
liave all facts and rcasonings in politics,
literature, religion, sciences, and the fiuc
and useful arts been exhaustcd, that our
daily papers can spread 110 other rcpast
than one so foul ? Wlien their exchanges
are spread bcforc them, inust they, like
the cxcessive issue ol lcgal tender mont'y
and he gratefully ailhero to lhe policy
whieh gives him the !arge.-t mo:iopo!y
and conlrol 111 the value of
sutls. cw uouse ouiiilers witli paper
c - I " 1 , UIC i;iv,.- 01 tuiiicra
to uppa-e him iu every way in their pow-1 them ; but Mr. Carey would postpone
er, aud has rendereil nece?sary mcasuies j their payment inJdnntoly.
wbich otherwie may never have lieen 1 : : ;
nctv.-.-arv- In conchision allow me to 1
the net re- c..,. .. - tr;..,nl liu'rlmr ii.t?ii". mul iiiiit. !
. . ' V '.-3 I ' '
the welfare of the whole countrv. North 1
money cannot compelc with old heredi- , S iuth, that il isin my opinion more j
tarv landlords. ! ,1..,,. ,1... i,iv..i ,.,,!.. f "fi,., eomitrv ti i
?for thc CUUarcn.
Jilanclie's .csson.
and was glad to lind Aggie with hir.
1 have come" she said to lcll you
both 5ouicthing very satl, but l'm gknd
I"ve nia'le up my mind to it. J brokc
Flaxy. I didn't mean to lt it, of course,
but I did, and lold a falf eliood about it
aud 1 have been mifcrable ever since."
Little lUanche had irone to speatl an Aggie looke.1 up with wonder, but said
nnnkers doin- a remilar biiMiiess throw ! ,. ti,.' ...i.,, !11!lllor,l the .'oveni- hour. uno swcct aftcnioon, witli her cous- nothing. Mie w:is 100 mucn louciicd uj
out all long and all speculative paper. ; Im.:it ihl6u., the rlt releir.on) will 1 in Carrie. ldand.es manner mid Uo tender heart-
Thcv acceiit noihiii- whieh i not based , qil;cliv utmt to to see tlie verr man ol , She kisscl her moUier good by and as ed to say one word. Her mother eyes
upon actual tiansictions, and usuallv olhors who tliev have cxpres'.-ed their she walked slowlv along in her dottcr H11 'aw as she said, My dcar
nothing having inoiu than ninety ilavs to ' c.,tii!eiuu in reinoved. i would not ' muslin frock, white hat, and blue rhould-! ch il J you have hxd a bitter hson. There
run. lhit now business is so niucli de-1 !,:1U. I:,i;0 1K-libertv of addressing the 1 cr knots she looke-1 so frcsh and pure j is 110 punishmcnt that can be mihcted for
moralized that speculative iiaper, backed CXlVt:tive of the I'nitod States t'nus but and channing. that many little girls in . a wrouC, sevcre as trymg to hinde our
up by collaterals langing iiom gold bul- ! j:- the con.ersation on the subject alludetl j plain cnlico and gin-iham envicil her as i guilt, anu bcar it aloiic. I rejoice ihat
liou down to i'ancy coppcr stocks, ilrive.- to ;,i lhis letter. aml trom a sensc ot duty, ' she passed thc-m. It w:is wastal envy. ' you have to.'J the truth. "We ccrtaui
even the L'ilt-edwd business i.aner out of i.i;.r tl.-.t J I I rn.l.t tliU i'Hie.v would not liave envied Ulanche lv fonrive vou freely and 1 leel sure 3011
- C- - - 11 ....V,,. A. ..... . " " " . ,., ,
matter. With "reat resik-ct, could thev have looked beneath the white will never agaui icu u ue. lunougu
Your c.bedicnt servant. dress down into hcr little heart- She 1'lanche sobbcd as she receiv&l r. kisrf
(Si.-ned) 1'. S. ( '.1: xt, ( Icneral. had the same warm. lovini welcome from ' hroni her mother an'l Aggie, she felt a
- Carrie as ever. liut the plny house with ' sweet jieace whicli w.xs wortlia thousand
I'.vr axi tiii: DkacuX. A "ood 'its wealth of dolls. and dohS carriages t'mies more than thc pain of coufessing.
such surroun.lings with the bulls who Ml..illMi: . iiroti...r j10 .10l believo I 'U1'1 funiiturc did not scem as attractivc' liie bunlen was goue- m suc ctuia
llilllllll, 11 'Oil i 1 1 1 1 1 allill 1111.. FV11. II lio . . .1 V,illlll. AlW&'Vh.'a 1 ; - ----- ,v -
bank parlors ou to curb stones. tc
deeining their paper nowheie, bauks may
take long or reiiew Miort paper at will.
Neitherthe honest trader nor tli? in-.lns-
trious inanufacturer can compete. with ,
i in ?
thc ' givea iis the iidlowiiig:
l'ut that w:is no
Tlicn she showe.l hcr some prct-
(lueeze him uuless like them he
coines a ganibler, diflerin only in
character of his stakes. llegular trade J Some montlis ago, as Deacon Ingalls , ty new books, one of whieh was full of
ail'ords no such prolits as deaiers in cor- j yf Swampscot. ll. L, was traveling thro I bright colored plctures, but IManche only
ner lots and watered iancy stocks cxpecl , the weatein parf of the State of New . turnetl over the leaves hastily and left thc
to reap and regular business men cannot ; York, he fell in with an Irishmau who room suddcnly, siyuigshc jnicssetl she
ailord extni rates or intcre.-t or con.-truc
' i ii.i - i - ,i . 1 ' I I
uati lateiv arriveti m iius countrv. aiiu i woum jj.j uumi-.
' WllV ltloilMm vniil- lm.ir "nt l1f
.. . - ........... v, 1VUL iiuui i u ....
ive charges for exchange, and , therefore 1 was in search ol a brolhcr who had come j
hey are excludcd from banks by slioddy beiore him and settled in someof thedig- .
could do anvthiusl And how happy
she was now to surpnto Aggie w"" lu
new doll !
Thosc who ask tliis qucstion whieh
ltlauchc aked and decide ditferently,
cany their bunlen until lhey ctow hard
eneil and often add an to sin, until tliey
fail to feel thc stings of reinorse and come
patrons and do 'not stand beiore iihmu gings iu that part of the country.
Thosc having capital of their . I';;t wa- a strong man, a true Kom
own darc not launch it upon any adven
ture without a margin of two or three
prolits, not knowing how thc character
of the currency may changc cre the ac
count shall be closed. What old India
nierchant now dares risk a cargo from
the east to arrivc a ycar hence .' What
manufacturer can predict whether he
will bc solvenl six months from now if hc
investa his capital in anything in partic
ular to bc then ready for market 'i It is
out. Can't I do somethinir vou will ' to believe they havo lost tlie bunlen.
like ? Let us put or. our hats and ;o t Tliey will yet lmo to find out that it
?. the south woods and get some wild How- j was only covered up for a short time.
piousman. ile told l'at he was going
to church, and invited his new made
friend to keep him company thither, his
destination being a small mectiug house
ncar by. Theie was a great revival
there at the time, and one of lhe deacons
who was very small man in staturc, in
vited brother Ingalls to n seat in his pcw.
He accepted thc iuvitation, followcd by
well the trreat ilelisht Illanchc took in i confcss their sin, this rcmorse will make
such ramblcs, but no, she didn't " feel hkc for them the bitterest iiart of a long fu
it to dav, aKtJ, to l. arne s surpru; anti mre ot despair. LiuIUren, never tnae :
Uen your heart Ireely.
cricf stai tol home at once. Always be
fore, an hour, or two hours. or a whole
aftcnioon had proved quite too short for
lManchc with her favorite cousin.
AVhcn she reached home her motlier's
firit look of pleaiure at lier punctual re-
faulL Open vour heart freelv. Tnllthe
cxact trutli, always if you would be Iruly
happy. Kemember tliat while 'Lyini
lips are abomiuation to lhe Lord, thcy
that deal iruly are his deliuhu1 CW-
Catholic, and had never seen the intcrior iera and mosscs.' Tliis was thc grcatest j ("od will at last simply ahow them their J
Ol l I lUOJfl.llll. U1UUU. ...w llHlUCClllirili. V.Ullt I.UU1U Mltw, w.... muu. uiiu 4& IW lilC 1U1 I1IU1I r

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