Newspaper Page Text
$1 I m T IjE C ALEDOVN f mu, (Oardcn autl gitritfu. Ao CVfffVf Xo llimure. Wc Ii.itc oflen tukeii occafion to say that tlie stcck 011 our farins is thc basis of all seiiuine inijirovement, llie sourcc of forlilitr ntitl productiveness. It is, therc foro. for tlie- interest of ovcry fanncr to'p as mticli a lie can kecp Tvell and to iiiaiin(!! it " sucli a uianner as to jnake tlie iiio'I of it. This does not imply thnt be slioulil overstock so as to be obligcd to slint liis ca'.tle and kcep them poorly. liut it is obvionsly for liis interest to keep as iuiicli as lie can propcrly fced, as mnch as the farm can to inadc to snpport in jxood rondition. If a fanncr will adopt thi.-i as liis geiiKral rule of inanagemcnt, lie will lind lii? farm gr.idually iraprov injr 011 lii? liands. .Many farms ara so situatcd that thcy will winter nioru stock than thcy will suiiiiner. Tlie patnres may be poor and unproductive. covercd witli buslies and roi-Us, or limitcd in cxtcnt as compared witli tliu nujwiiig lot. Then it becomcs ueeo.-Kiiy to clcan np tlie pzstures, cat thc lm?ho, topdro:), and thus put them iu a condilion to curry niore stock and lo it bt'ttor, or elsc to resort to the eys tem of soiling 111 part, at least, in ordcr to kci'p tliu requisite utnount of ftock throuyh the bUiniiiL'r. The pastnres thould reccivo tpccial and extra degree ol attcntion and paiint shouhl be taken to iuiiroo them. liut if a fanncr can summer niore than ho can wintcr well, lie should takc paiiu to improve liis mowing lots Foasto cut niore grii's, rahc roots and otlicr for- ajjo planttf, so as to provide as largc an amount of fced as poiblo for wintcr. .Somc farmrrs are in thc habit of bujing cattle or shcep in the fall to fced through tlie wintcr and tcll in the sprin". This is to coiisiime the produce 011 the farm inatcad of selling it, and if the purchascs aiu vcll maile, thu stock wcll carcd for an.l ihc maikot favor.ible, llicy will tnal.e a jiotwl iliinjj on thc Muck itself and hac thc niamirc in addition. If it rctults in "u ing a fair price lur the hay con-'uiiicd, and Ihd nianure is lclt for tl.u cate and trouble attcnding thc traiiiaction it N jn-iicnilly con.-idurc.I for tlie advani nge of the farm. C iws to comc in in the .-piinir, oxen that will be cuiijlanlly iniproving, or t-hecp well purchaMiJ pay wcll. but the kind of ,-tock will depend a j:ooil dcal upjii thc thcilitics for taking caiv of it and imiiwduiil preierences. We lo not prctcnd to advise as to thc partic-nl.-ir kind, thu main point bciug to hae cnough to makc thc largcst and bes-t iiiml ily of iiiaiiuio that the food is cajiable of niaking. The truc policy is to s-ell thc prodnct.- of the farm on iburlcga if it cau be ilonc Xow witli a sullicient amount of .-tock thc prolilcm i to nial.o thc inojt of thc ituation, and to do this wc uced a con sidcmblc ipiantity of littcr for boddinr. S'.raw -, uudoubtcdly, thc bwt for this puipoM', but many farmcrs hac not ciiouuh (or this pnrpose. Icadow hay is niore eoinmun, but it niakcs imite in fcrior nianure, though many of us are compcllcd to u-c it for want of sonicthing betUT. Leavcs aic cxcellcnt, if likely to conie short of beiUlimr. It it i a little troublc to gct tlicm, it is wcll to bear in luiud that they are worth it all aud more too in thc form of nianure. Many u-c uai to uiix with thu uiaiiurc aud for bcddinir. Kor ."umuier or warni weather c.-pccially if the nianuic is to be u?cd on -tilt land, it is lirsl rate, and it will pay lindcr Mich circuinstanecs, to sccure a larc nuantity of it and put it undcr cov- cr, iu Mme comcnicnt placc, whcre it may be kcpt dry for u?e. If, on thc otli cr hand, thc Iand of the farm is light wc thould prcfer muck or sonicthing of thusort, or a mixture of clay or stiil loam. .Manurc, to be wcll prcservcd, should be kcpt undcr covcr, away frora the wash and drcnchiug of thu cavcs, eithcr under a bani r uiiilcr covcred shcd. The maiiiuv of thc barnyardis injurcd moic hy c.Npo-urc to niins than to the sun or the wunl. thuiij;li a )crl'cct cconomy would avoid io-.ure to eithcr. W h:.-- grcat laitli iu muck or nicad i ow miid. 111 coiuicction with farmvard nrnmic-. Two jiarts of the former ilh oiie ot thc Iattcr, may be uscd to adxantagc. It not only incrcacs the bulk, w hich ou inost lands is important, but it abrurb.' a a-t amount of urine, which niight otherwie be lost, and in its niivture it becomos a vci-y powerful fer tilicr ol it.-clt'. The labor of mixing aud ibrking over is vcry conidcrablc, it i- truc, but it must be recollectcd that a good dcal of it coines when other work i not cry prttsinjj. The grcat point is to liave plenty of fccil. plenty bt'ttock to cat it, and plsn ty of material for littcr and for niixinsr with thc manurc to absorb and retain thc lipiids of the yard and the gasses which might otherwise escapc. It is better to bur fccding substances than to be cotnpcllcd to buy manure, better for thc farm and better for the pockct. l'lvuyhimin. I'uuxi; orr Cows. At this scason ot thejear much caro and attcntion thoiild bc givcu to cows iu properly dry- ing them of their milk. It is the end of thc dairy ienson and many cows of the hcrd have pcrhap cea.scd to give milk, exc?pt iuHnall driblet?, which are not woith saving. It is this very coudition of the cow's udder which Ehould be look cd to. The milk should be all drawn out lioiu time to time until secrction of the thiid i-tops, or the cow is thoroughly "ilricd olf." M'atiy Uke it for grauted that bccauso a cow has failed of her milk that no further attcntion necd be given her. We liarc known serious losses to follow from i-iattcntion in this respect. Small qur.ititics of milk will often form and rcuiain iu the udder to beconie thick and putrid, causing inlhimation and re ultins in thc loss of one or more teats. It is probablc that half thc loss in the dairy rcgion from garget, inllamed ud- ders, and other troubles of thc bag and tcat?, may be traced directh- to improp- er drying otl' the cow at the end of the senton. Some pcople cntriiit this matter entirely to hired help, but they are often forgetful or ncglcctful until the trouble ha progrcsscd so far as to be boyond con trol. A great many cowa loe the use of tcats by a Miiall, shot lika subtance becoming imbcddcd in the milk duct, blocking it up. It is a (piuction wuctlier this troub lc is not the rcsult of improper "drving olf." Tha use of manT valuable cows ara annually lost from this cause, and of latc years it has beconie (pjite frequcnt. We lmve .ecn rcnudios rccommonded, and stntements of cures eil'ected, but many of our ac(pjaiutanccs who hachad expe rience this way, lind them impracticablo and worthlc;i. It will bc well for farm ers to provide against lossej, by sceing that cows are properly dried, and not en trusting the matter to sorvanti. Dairy stock is scarcc and high, and a little care now will pav wcll in the sprinir. The cows should be draiued of their milk cr cry lew days, or at least an ellort made to drain thc tcats, to sce if thcre be any accumiilation in thc udder. L'tka ller- aUL A Frencli zoologist anuounccs the rc ccipt at the I'aris nnitcum of an enor mous crab. which he bclieres is thelarg est know. It measurcs acroas the back cight fcct six inchcs. In fliis conncction he exprcsses the opinion that mollusks, cru-taccans and fNhcs have no pcriod when thcy stop prowing, but llmt undcr favorable conditions thcy would grow forever. A I'rcnch papcr supposcs that on this thcory a whale mar be only an antcdilmiau sardinc, but tliinkt it fort imatc that men are dcprivcd of this f.icultv of uiilimitcd growlh. "At thc prcr-ent price of bread." it :ay., "a man cighty fcct high would be the ruin ol any familv.' KxTiNct'i&niM. a ln;. An Irishman bcing iiii a viit to omo relativcs a little morti p.)'Uht. l than him-t'f, lut lcniicit- cd on going to bcd, to bc carofnl to "cx- liiiguiih' the candle : hc was obligcd to uk thc mc.siiing ot' thc word, when hc was told that it was to put it out. lie treaMired up thc tcrm, and one day when he was sittiu at lioinc in his cabin with his wif'c, cnjoving his pratics and butter- milk, 011 thc pig unceremoniously walk in. he taid (proud of his bit of learn- ing). ".Iiidy dcar, will you cxtinguish the pig "Arrah, then, I at, honev, uhat do you niean .'" iuipjircd .ludy. MuMia, then, vou ignorant crntur, rc- plicd l'at, ''it mancs pu: him out, to bc surc At a rccent social gathering of mcdi- cal gentlcmcn. givcn in honor of a proni iucnt practitioner, a ludy, not niore not- 1 for her beautv than wit, rallicd l)r. 15 011 his limitcd practicc. 'I'his purrcd the doctor up a little and bro't thcrcply: "Thc druggisU think ditl'sr cntly, for I end so many prcscriptiims that 'the (lonous Company of thc Apo-thecr.iic-' jiraise 1111 !" ''Ali . ansvrcrcd the Iadv, "but what say thc Noblc Army of Jlartyrs, your patieut.s : Mr. A. II. Davrnport. thc actor, latc- ly rcportcd dcad in !Nev Orleans, receiv- ed tlie lollowiiig dispatcli : Messrs. Sjuildini J- Jiiilicell, Acadany of Mtizic : l'lcase scnd body of A. II. Davcnport, dcccascd, by steamer, to his mother, itrcct, New York city. Ile specdily made answer as follows : 'i:w Okixans, Dec. lo, 1S07. I will trv and bring my bodv mvself ncvcr was better able to do to iu my life. A. II. Da i:ni-oi:t. Infants uudcr twcnty-onc ycars of nge 111 Isndgcport, Olno, are put 111 the watch houfc if they loaf in the streets after nine o'clock at night. They do things at Claremont. Whit, woul.l ou lilc to knonr f Then niil tbU. all innont Alut tLc CUrcinoat Manuf&ctuiiug Co. Tlnce thou.sao(l poundK "f jtapcr rngf I noir thi ir Ji ly raU,n : Vit, thtir appetilo ucicr liagi, For ipcr is tLc conauiitatljD. To cover thla paper niUi iuk, tix lrc run itli ligblniog fpd ; Yct, tbi y alwari lurf taough they thlnk Tor nclghborlog p.inU'Ta ncvd. Tlie Iargest pof ttr it their delight ; lljt thry jirint the fiuallcf t Uhel. Tli-'y'll Iicail your hUU .m.I Icttcn rijht, Or c'cn a Wll of farc for Ijble. Two thourand books pcr day they makd Of varioux ft j Uw and eizor, And if you'ie reslly widc awato Vuu'U nrito snd aek for prirej. Th oldctt rr.ifAEino or l-ook They will ru producc completel-. Aa ou cach aliinioi; hack you look, You muit eaclalui : 'iIow ncatly." Five hundred thouaand envclopca And pipcr ruany a rcani, Are uaitiuj: thcre in hopea To he ordered Strth by eteam. One thousand b'.Ues ou their shelv&f AnxioUkly u ait to do you goud. The Co. LaTe read them Jll through thcmelTea, And nowr they wi-h yti would. Diariea, pcss and bookn for the rcbook Daily arrive nnd aa oft depart. Wrjpping-. prael'a and rnbbcr rnlea So'.d liwurly froin their atorc and cart. ftend on your ordera to-day, Uou't walt tl'.l you have to borrow, If you dou't forget the pay Youll gtt your goods to-morrow. Many other thlnga they do ; Dut a euptomtr tiy., "Look here, For I aui to ork for the u0. And tia a hurryinR time of the yar. NEW HARNESS SHOP, At Lower Waterford, undcr the agency of e. w lli.a2E. three duore wetof the hotel. II. II. r;iii:nnC in cipcrienced workmso is empIoyeJ. R-li3 WESTERN TICKETS ! STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, A I Randolph, Vt. The winter tcrm irtlt berin WIDSESDAY. FEB. 12. lS. Examiuatlou for admLaion the dlr before tbe beaiaidnir of toe term. EDWA1U) COSA.NT,'Oo- lTlnclpal. leur artrrrtt$emcntis. NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA. Via Panama or ISTicaragua SAIUXG FKOM XEW YOKK Decembcr oth niul l.ltli ; Jnutiary ."th, 15th 11 iid rtli, anil I'cbruury 15th 11111I '-ir.tli. With new cteainihipe of tbe nret clag. PASSAGE LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER LINE. For further information addrcts the undereiirned at 1JT WeitS.reet. New Yo,k. U. '. CAItHINGTOX, Asent. AMERICAN C.LOCK COMPANY 3 C01ETI.ANDT ST., NEW YOKK, Minuficturen A(fents and dealcr in all varietica oi .iiiiciiouu .iock9. ole aenta lor SETH THOMAS CLOCKS. JAMES VICK, IMI'OUTEtt AND OHOWr.l: OK FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS, ltoolifstcr, T. "ST. VICK'S ILLUST11ATE1I (JATAI.OGLI; SKEDS AXD FLOiML (il'II)E FOK 18CS, Ia now pdbliphvd and ready to ctud out. It mskrs t work ot about tne hun litd Lirc ijascl, coiitainiug full dcicriptlona of tLc tholcest Kloners and Vc.i;cJabIcs (iroivn, wiLli ilaJn din-ctioDs for tt'td, cultuic. ttc. It is Irtuutifuliy illtiEi.Jtcd, with more tlim nnt hunilred tine wooden ODK.aviiigsof l'lowt'rs and Vcpetal.Ie,.nd a BEAUTIFUL C0L03ED PLATE OF FLOWERS. Willpriuted. ou the lii Cet ukt, -uid one cf tht luoit bcautiful 19 wtll :n thu mort insttue:ie uo.ka ol the kind put riehcd. Z2 ttu' to all whoappl-,bylnailt jioft.paid fr len Ccnt?, which 18 not lialf the coet. AudriM J.V.lli:s VICK, Kochelcr, X. Y. AGENTS WANTED for the BLUE COATS, and how tliey licl. foURht and licd for ihe Tnion, with nriiiei t -id incld ut- in tlie gro t rcLellion. It coutjins over 100 fine enKravi.ipn ui.d 5ihi pa-i. and if the piue t aud cbeapttt w r boon publl hed. tTice only S-JO per copy. .S nd f. r circtil s. Addre JO.Nt S 11KOS. I.O., rhi:.i.klphii, I'a. For Exhibitions and Parlor Theatricals, Garrett's " KxcoNior Uiiilti'riies." AddJrcs r. O.VltltKTT i l't)., l'hiljd lp'.iiu. THE BICKFORD PATENT FAMILY KKITTING .MAUII1NE. Will knit lr.,00u -titcheor 1- inrhce i.f perfoct work iuami uf. Will Lnit tockc, with doul.l htel and ioe. A llat ntli uith nhaw edn-iii. II wll knit jlaiu or ril.U.I, rlo-e or o'U woil, i f anv nize with eithcr roari-e ortine va:n, ot wool, tottou, liuen o ilk. It will Uiit every kind cf pliin or fincv work bitter thin ea . bi djne by lni.d. ill p. if'eobt in any 1.1111 lr in tnn weekr. lHcc i nly ii:,. Sc it In expreM eerywlure. Aeen s w Jnted iu ertrj- fection oftho.ountrv. lHt.'KKollH NOVr.I.TY M.VM'FVS ( !.. No. I2 Itioofntield St.. Itoi-ton. Mae. eJ Toilet SOMETHING TRULY MERITORI0US. t heinh-al i:i(vtr iU. r I I .'i n i lu.d. foi iii-tintim-ouly fcilv r phitiui: copiK , I.r uvrnia . n t r. I r.'i ze. ic, ai.d for c.cjn-inK m.d, ; ,il it .n..l lni pUled ware. .nuf.ii- ti:..l ..r.U bv .!. .-II v . l-limi- ii"t, No. :-tu i:lm Pt . nriil'ep.jr . t't. I'ut up I 1 ez. ! o -t!o. pric r..f Iljlf.z I..ttli-f,r nt Ii iiuil iipon re-i-ip-rf l.lct" cj l- tlniKit .uid varittv etor.- peneiallv. liepo: t : l it'ton t.. N. . W. A Nich-.N, Cm'l Ar-'i I: rp -u il.!.- ijnitnantidinnin e aiticle and mjp y the trid -. V' I OH PER MONTH. a;.t.tiW.nt OlUUt"ll fiwi-'a l'.i-.-nt Holjr Mi.roc.w. adapted to nll tr.ide and profer'nio 3. c 'Uiitefi-i- uiom- . clo h M. d, lloire r, p.etunv. xr uple k t l y uiail prrnit ot -fl. witli dir.i tio:ip. .Vc. Addri-v l. N. ClIAS'r, 1 Wirhlujtoti .-t., Ilotton, llaa . BRADSTREET'S Rubber Moulding and Weather Strips. The he.-t, che ipe-t and only pt-rfei t Weather Strips in theiniik t. r.siluoVd coll air an.l du.t I'riCea red iced to ti; uu. '1 be ail. t l-ioud anthini; ever otTeicd. Sei.d for uu iir nt'- ciruular. .1. n. liitAH.-i ki r.r m , -T Naaa.u St., N. Y , r.T W ihini- 011 st , lto-on. Use Bryont's Rheu matism, Gout & Neu ralgia Cure, dijc Aend fi- nt-, d 1 illothirri edtiiU.01.1 GEO. P. ROWELL & CO. Adrcrti-n.i-nt fom ardtd dallr to all pnrf ol thc o t:y. No ti-lviuec chtrgid on puUisln r mti-e. All 1 :i'.ing nvvr pjpcrrj Ut on Cle. Inf.irmation 1 r t roft of ftdrertifln furnLl.rd pri'i. imallf t orders rt ct-i-i- cin ful -ittt r Inquiri. i hy in til :m-ve.rd iiroi.iplly. Coiiifleic print' d Ikt t.f ra-H'pipi ce f,r e:U. tpt'Ciai 11-t pri'plii'tl iu cus'r-meri withmit clurcc Advortiei.iii"iinirittcii A: ctlitoria1 n"tifrtre?ciirf d. -irKOt r.itrs PxtTutfd witli Ordcrs from thc intrcint le coiuiimmty Cfpecially bclicitvd. 40 PAEK ROW, N. Y. LISTS OF NEWSPAPERS. We hue puhliHhcI thc f..Hou-ing: A coiuplets Iit of till nuvt fpapvrd iu thc .New KngUad ttat. Vricf lUcvnii. A rompktpllet of all ucwsptprs in thc tUte of Ncn- Vorfc. Tric- er.ccnL". A completc Ii.-t of all new ppapor'? inNcw VorkCity.Npw, IMinute, Miryltud and thc Ihdtrict of CoUiiihi 1. rriru 25 ctntj. A completc liet of Ohio neivfpiper?. Price 5 cent. A tomplc lt of lV.iusvlvj.nU uvxv papri1. I'rice Ac.cts. A completc lUt of C'iiy cf rhila Itlphia iiewfpapera. lric 25 cent. A coniplctc UA of Indlinj newppappra. I'rico 25 ccnta. A completc liat of ItUnoia newp.irxru. I'rice 25 ccnte. AconipUtclMof MichisauntMvi?iiiport. 1'iic. l- ccnts. AcomplktelMof Wl-coiii'In innrtpiptn. l'lkc i'5 ctnti-. A completc li-t of lowa ticn pjp t. rricc 25 rt nL. A coinp!tf I et of K', .MiQnenott :md N'chraak.i ncvvepapcr. I'rice i. 5 ccntn. A completc list of all thc nilIgioiu ncvii-paptra in thc country. Triec 25 ccnti. Any flcof thoalwvc IUts (ent frr onc dolbr. Anv ttu of tlicm for two dolUre. Thu ihole for two dollar'j fifty cent. I'ersons wishiaj; to kciii corrcctrd lintt, llould suh ecribc to thc AI.ETLnK, (JAzrrTr, in trhich all newFpipcrc'iangc nrc no cl monthly. I'rice 2 pcr yeariu adv&ncc. AddrtM gi:o. v, nowKij. i cM 40 now, n. v. I" To any ne-pper puhlWiinf: the Kib-tance of 'hf flb3Vo in form of n rcauing nctice, tbc Lista nnd Gazct'c w ill Le s ut frc-. "AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS. 11. H. KiU Solicitor of Putcnts, Lateaentof L'.S. I'utent iitW. Washington, (under th act'f I-CJ7.) 7a SUte Strect. oppositc Kilby Street, lioston. After an exitnelve prJviin.' of upuanls of Hent years t s(.cure putvnt-. In ihe L'nlted 5tate-.; ale-o u Great nriuiln, Fruni t.d other vvzn cuun tries. CavtJito, &peclIlt.i.ttous, UuU, asiKninenU, and ail papere or trawli)f fr patcnts, exccuted on llberal teruj. aud wllli Ue-.yjtcli Ktr.earcht-4 uadle into Amerlcau ur torelsn uork-, to dete mine the alidlti or utUlty ol, dud Ieji or other ddvtce renlertfd llt all uiatterstonchU.L:itie-amc. C"pie 01 the cUimaot any pateut lun.i-hed hy renjiulng $1. A6lgnnjentirecord(-d at Washtnct "I reaard Mr. Kddy ai one ol tht- uiu&t succetwtul and capable practltlonera wiih hoin 1 havehad otHci al lntercourae, OiiAS. MAmjN. UomnilrMonerot l'atcnts. IbavenohesltaIlooinae.faurit'tuveutor that they cannot euiploy a perwu mort; comiw tent aud tru- ortby, and more capahicut puttm tuelr applicatloii il LTKlCt- L,ate Coiuinlloner ot Patents. "Mr it. 11 i-.ddy hasinaiie lur me U appllcation-, on alltctoueot wtucli patciitA have heeu grauted, and tnat la now peinJlug. jUlU uijini?Lt.tale pr of bavlnthe wol lalthtul ttunbestowtdon their taa a ai eiy rrawuau.. JOH.N TAIitiAH r. ccarce.' Uuriuselght mofiths. the euh&crlher.In arge practite, maJe on twice rejectcd apptica sUecidedlii bb tav Boston.Jan 1,18 THOSE ABOUT TO GET MARRIED Caa find new ftylet of wcddlng carda and envelopca at THE CALEDONIA 0FF1CE. WANTED ! ! A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY ! I iy one knowing ofa finit rate chace will confcr a rby informinir tbe luwriber ofit. In the mean time be will continuo as hentoforc to manufjcture LOl NGE3 of evcry ttyle jnd uuality (eiceptpoorones) nd Sl'KINK MATTKKSSKS cf dirTcrent price and Mattr. sce cf all kinda. Will als j rcpalr every deacrip- i Lpuoiiwrry woriv. tf J. T. CASSINO, Sr. Jobnsbnry, Vt, AGAIN IN THE FIELD! New Clothing Store ! ! IN U.NIO.V BLOCK, ST. JOIINSBCRY", VEKMONT. 13 . T3 . C.Zj A R. K . NEW STORE ! NEW G00DS ! ! trKXTS FUItXISHLN'a GOOUS, In every variet. Any oncwishine; to buy pood ftylea. md Luy tli.m CIllIAl. niil do weiltocallandexamine uiy fctock lx-fore putchaeing cl-chcrc. Look and see for Yourself. IT IS GETTING PRETTV COLD I"o play bni- b .11 and cru- K, but CASSIN'O eontinnea to inanuf.ictuie prlng Msttrctfes at.d Iungou aa uaual u Ea-t rn Arenue, oppoai.c Oonr Ileupe. CALEDONIA COUNTY MARBLE WORK S i:. j:. stuhet, JoIinsburv.Tt. Where can bo fuiuid n K-y goood asaortment of Foreign and American Marble. 'I hore iu nnnt of MONUMENTS OR HEAD STONES, Would do MClI to .-ive ua -l c-ill. A our pricea are Iotv and all uork Marrant-.d to i;ite nati-tje iou. IIKYAXT ifc TAI'I.IN. LOOK AT THIS ! SIH. ASEL IIOLMES, II J0 oa hand a pood ild mi ailro-.t hi btoik ot irocdi coud ktiu of a la.gcu'aortnicntot Ready Made Haniesses, Blan'iets,Whips Comrjs, Brushes, Etc. U cf r. Ii ch i .11 W- ii- ld st ixtrcluclr loty jaic b foT tl.e mit TlllUTY IIA ;iiriie-i" ludi JU-1 rrpiiritt!; done ou tl.e thortc?t asi:i. iioi.iiics. JOSIAH S. KINERSON, Liceiist-Ml Anotionoor, l'HAfllAM, I KMiiNT. Alw .tj r.3d t . atteu l Kf ilrd r bv nit;l ill n ;i-i-i. AT THE RAILROAD STREET X3 ri TJ G fS T O 33 : O F S . ItANDALL SO.N, Will lie tound ill tl.e diiren ni k ndj of Drugs, Frledicines and Chemicals ! lV-fuKiert. Toile- A-ti le. 'i ji kee Not'o.,5. Tatent M.d..iniw,ltk. ind-t ti n-i 1-o.kit Knlvtj.llalr aud 11 i.h , I.azor- d st ijw, I oilet aud .-i..i inc r..;n and Creaui, Wiltlou r.inuly ly. 1 cIoit. WINDOW GLASS AND PUTTY, I'ulut, ilii.-, .Iipin T11 n-iitine, IV nd Furniture 1-1 1 e.l'.i Wi.itL- ah l:iu-hiv, ie. rnptio-is cinfullv inp r. d. raitkl i--.ll 1 III.AI- ful: CASII. S l:MIM.U I LlniRsi'tJ uni ti. 1. IIA NHAI.!..r Chcmi-U. wood : wood : Jrde Ult d THE RAILROAD BILL HAS PASSED ii.t uu:i t kt ic v nt r p-i'ii wi'h u jrttt n,r a;c 1 .1 r-pn k -MttHt-4 ot i. M.M. IU 'II i;ie f ,;ood ihin f-r .1 n lie uuniet an 1 eny hir. uansuled t.i I v svi riprescuti d. I Hj i-rn Ateuui, oi;ioei.e Uouit COLBYS PILE REMEDY! Warrantftl to J'urc lili'Pillnor llllnd I'llcs TbouBtnila in tlie Wcstcn fi-untry ieptlfv to Mira. ulotu ci.r. It liti dune. on a'- it beititne'.kn 111 1 a pe (1:1 ih .- i' troiiU.d uit'i the l.Ii but nbdt ill tecure .1 Imii: i- to trv. Oiif he.uty abotit this c it i- pnr ly v. setab e, no diti ar ukiI in pr p iring 11 ai.a i u- iviiiraUiCU 10 cure or the luouey retuuded. Give it a trial and be Convinced. Iwo liottleti wirnntfd ti ftire if taken uccordinR to airic n-nf, or ine 1.1011 vnrundrd. I'rice fl.mi per lol Iet acut fn-e on re e pt of price. JOll.N .11. COI.ItV, s-r-1 '.'5 Stuto Street, Doiton. THE LAMB KjS-ITTIJSTC jStACIIINE, Knits a Stocking Completc, Pomiingthe llivl and namr.Wni; o-J the Toe as it goea jlou. IT SETS UP ITS OWN WORK, Widi at an.l 1 urr.iu liy varj ins the uuuiler f , the i 111 a 11 h i-d ki.ittinir. N. otbtr lu-idit-e iu the world on. do -.oy onco. thecthlnK?. It kniti 1 ard f p a n irork i 1 I V. MiM l i:-. a piir f iocki com pKt iu half au hour. aud an vJricty of fancv labiice. TZvi'i-y 3ra-liIno "Wsirmntoil to u 1 rk aa repreaentc i. C'ircnl ir ind t jmplc itockiue; (rnt .0 any addrcea on rcceipt of ntuiip. W. 11. L A. l: GII.CIiniM', Mclndoea Fall", Ag-nt for talcdouia Couuiy. ACLNTS WAN7I.Iinecrytowniuthe county. GENTS' FURNISHINQ GOODS, In gre&t varicty at COnSER'S ST. JOHXS15UKY. DRESS GOODS MARKED DOWN ! Largc ?tock to bc c!ocd ont at LOW PRICES! N'on- Stvles Dclalnfa, - -' - IScti. Thibeti, - - TO cta. ALI'ACUAS. EMrniS CI.OTIIS, and other Xr;fH Gouds adaptcd to the acaaon. A good aFortmcnt of IIoop fkirt?, Corpe'F, fllovea. IIopIo y, Iloodi", Santeryi, lircakfait 1. Rcnnan Wra.fdj, ic, ic. AU FcllinB at I.OW 1'RICES 1 MILLINERY G0T0DS, At pricts thnt slnll not bc undrsold. L. a. iiAZi:irox Union Illoct, St. Johnfhnry, Vt FALL STYLES O F MILLINERY! The subscribcra ha e opcned a new ctock of MILLINERY GOODS, IN HLIS3" ST011E, U. K. BTKEET. XM oor gooda are of Uteet etyli-. We wiah all our frienda to call and cxamlnc forthcroMlTej. FIEilCE & BENNETT. We the undtr.lfrned s n eont'nue to ejrry on f.-i-W-. I- -5,--. o oia tHPr' HAKNESSES, 525 MILES -OF TUE Union Pacilic Railroad, KUNSINO WEST FROM OMA1IA ACROSS THE CONTINENT, ARE NOW COMPLETED. Thfi bringH the line to tho rastern bse of tbc Itocky MountAluf, .iud it 1j expecied thtit the track will Le Uid tl.Lrty miles further, to Kvana i'aaa, tho highwt point on the road, by Januaiy. Th inximuui gnde from the foot cf the utountaina to tbe Buminit U but tighty ft'tt to thc rnile, whlie that ofminy Cjiternnk.dJ la over one huudrtd. Work in he rock-vU.tiugt on ibe wietcrn elopc will continue through the wiu er,and tho:e li uow no itatku ti doubt that thj cutire grnd line to the I'a cific Aill bo oj-eu for bueine a iu 1&7U. The provldcd lor thu conitiuc'.Ionof Nntioual Work aro umple. Tbe L'nl.ed btaUi grant iU tiii lrCcnt. Uoda Ht .bo rtc of fiom $HVKM' t$lV 4tW pc r m Jet for which it takce a mectrnd Uen eecurity aud rcCiivca pimiut to a lorgoif not to the full ntcnt ot cla.m iu crvicc4. 'Ibete bonda are uuucd oa cs.h twcnt-mi.c cec.iou ia finitbcd. and aftcrit baabccn ex amin.d by L'nited SMtia(!onimfKaioneisandprououcced tu 1 e in t-U reapet-ta a lira clasa ro iJ, thuruUKhly euppli ed x it'i do, u , reptir nhopet ? tjitious, aud all tlie necce tary rohing a.ock and other cquipmeuta. 'ibe l'mtd bta ea ahso tnakw a donation cf l?,! acics of Liaid U the milc. n blch ill bc a sourcv cf Uriru rpcuuetothe Conipauy. Much of tbl lind in the I'Litt Valle la amoug the 11104 fcrtile in the h d othtr .are poitiou.- are covc-rcd witli lnavy pimf fur resttj aud bouiid in coal of tbc bft quali y. Ihe C nipiuy U alao autlioiiz.d toiJc its onn Fint Mortajrc l.oudd to au amoui.t equal to theiwu of tlie .;ocinnicui and no moie. IIo... 1 I. Morn aud Ilon. Ukeb Aiuca aro 'inuutM tur tliu lloi.dholdcr-, and dclivtr tbe bond-i to the tjompauy as ihc noik prugrccaet!, eo thuy alwas rert-BCUt uu uctual and pioducthu valuc. 'lh. authcnscd caplUl of tha Company U Onc dred Million Dolljr cf whlcli over nve milliona bue tcn paid iu upu tlie work alrcady dune. EARNINGS 0P THE COMPANY. At prcaent, tlie prafita of the Company are dcrived only trom italocal tratlic, bnt thu ii alrcady much more th u tsLaliicicut to pay tbe iut r.fetouall tuc bontls tLc ompjiny can Usue, if nt anwtbcr m.lo were bu.I:. It it no doubel thj- when tlie ioad is compit'ted ibe through trfiic tf thc only Hne ctnmctlng tb AtUntic aud l'acinc ttate will 1 e Uigo bcyund prccedcnt, and, u will be nocimpe.itioti, It 1a3j.1l waya be done at pruii able rtca. It wiU le uutlced that tbe I'ntcn I'-ci.'.c lUilroad ist in fact, a UwetmneiU Wvrk, built under the viijctviiUn of Uoernmnt ollite.i. and toa i-irgct'Stent uith (io erumcut moncy, and .bat it- loud are heucd uuder (i,ernnientdir-ct:..u. It i-boKevcd thJt no iiniiUr rccjn y ia 10 imed, aud ccrtainly no oih r U ba d upou a largc or moru TaluaUo projK rtv. As tbe CoiiiLuuy'j FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS are offfred for thc preecnt at Su CENTS ON THE 1)0 L I.AU, th. y a.c the choup at nccuiity lu the tnarket, be inginoiethu 15 pcr ccnt. loivir than L'. S. Stockj. they piy SiX PER CENT. IN GOLD, First National Bank of St. Johnsbury. COXTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK, No. T Naau el ( I.ARK, POIXIK & CO.t ItnnUerf, No. 51 Wall et., JOll.N J. CIsCO & PON, lUuktiB, No. ZZ AVall 6t.f Aodlytbc ouiptiny'd aJtrtIecd AgcnU throuhout tne i nit a Mtt tu i:cniltfaLce4 inoui 1 r iu di fta or other tundf par in New York, nd the boudd fnr thepn- ,.rfM o tie viori., icuice. lor cou tr-ctiou iu.t alue ot bonda ihav lie ob alncd st ' t'ompany'i OIHtcs or ofit. adttrti-td agntd, or will be-eut frit ou applica tion. JOII.V J. ( ISf 0, Trcasurcr, Xcir York. NoMlnbeV W, 1-CT. 84--I1 New Advertisement"! C. C. CHILDS, uid lufonu hi. old cu to aud the citizeni of uorth emiont, ihat bc bai uken h ttorc into bia own handc agsla and ia NOW and will U EKY WEEK UU further notke ia sia inak tucli X K W ADDITIOSS, to ki prorcut Ureo rtock of Watches, Jewelry, Silverl Plated Ware IJOOK.S. SI'ATIOXEIIV, Cutlery, Bird Cages, Travelling Bags, PICTURE PRAMES, ALBUMS, Bcads, Fans, Kancy Coods, Tojs, Ete. aa M ailea may dctuand. JL'S 1' 11 KCE1 V K D , A larje and line Mectlon of SWISS AND AMERICAN WATCHES, SILVEU WAKE AXD JEWKI.KY. of tbo latcat paturna, ItoKfl-ootl, Onyx J-U Kte Al-o, Albun.t and a fine raiiftv cf Ft.rivci-p-c vieiv t White Mouutaina. lltttle Fiild andotheriieivB furthclo pilce of $3.00 pcr dot, ai.da:iithcrl t ot hoa tine Itecalcemanle l'tiut Ingi. IXIT1AL STATIOXKlt V I lurtt juf t purchaMxI a t 11 m I n ir I r o h 9 with wbicb I cm piv you your Ioittil ou I'jitcr and iinvelorrfl, a jncd A.or;meo: of which may alwiys bc IJT" 1 contintir to m-.nufactnre my Ilver ware which lnjd.irrl thc Mme mde to ordT a well : ry iud halr takcu in cxch-iUgo for tfood. 1 1lair Jcwel- KOK WATCH lU:i-AIKIN(J, I have aectircd thc serviccs of O. C DOW. who former- ly oorked fi-r me. 1 ejn recoinniend him to tlie pubiic i Bupcnor TtorKiuan aa evcr a i nort c. c. ruii.Ds, I'lTTsirlEI.I), 1IA?S., ANO ST. JOHNSIll-llY. VT. "tVillcox & ;ili!i' SEWINtl .AIACIILN'l-:. 'l wam ii Mnnrcran-1 1-aa liil.Ie tfl i rlp m umo-' tho IxwkStltcU." Sond for the -.!cport," und aamplea of ,J i l't, cintil iIut butli k-uda of tttchoal nticaam tucce of cli. J. L. ruitKlNt?, SU Johnahury, Agont. Itt Effeei arn Hagieal. It Ia an rSTAIUNO KEMEDY in all eaaei. of Nen ralsria Faciali'.i, often encctiuir a perfrrt cure in lca tuan twen-y-four hours. from the uae of no more than No other f.nn of N'enralgia or Ncrvoua Dbeonc ha WOSDEr.Ff!. iHEMEVTAL AGEST. F.ven in the ecverrat e.w of Chronic Ncuralgia and i.i.uciai inrvoiii" ucransementa. of manv vcara Btand inf , affecllnK the ent re ay.tom, it uao for a feur dayi orafcirwicksa theutmott, aluraya affoida tlie luoa, utuibhingtclief, and very rarely faili to produce t coiup'i to aud pe cure It ccn-ine no dnisr or other materin's In thc alighlcst dc(rree iujuriona, evcn to iho moat dclicats ayatcm and can ALWiiB ue ucd with I'EIWKCT SAFETY. It has long becn in conatint mo by many of oor MO.ST EUTXBST rlli'SIClAXS. who (rive it their unahimoua cnd unquai'ified approvol. Sent by niail on receipt of price and poetage. OneparknRe, $1,00, I'oftage fi centi. fcil packiRO, o,(K. "' W " Twtlvc pi kagef, C,lhl, " 4S " It ia aold by all wholcunle and rttail dcalcrs In drnga and medicinee thioushout thi L'tilled S:atca, aud by Tl'RMJU & CO., Sole Iroprietor, 120 Tromout Strto, Bolton, Ala&i. tmayl B I L L I A R D S , r.oomin the rear of tbc SL Johnabnry llouie, np tjiri. Entrance on Ccntral strect. Lover of thli fine i invittd tocall. Small boyi and schol ra in 'irrf, are rertvctfullT rcuoiftcd to keen cnt. LSrr NEURALBIA, 3tfK NERVOUS tJJ J DISEASES. THE VERMONT RAVV B0NE SUPERPHOSPHATE of LIME Ib made of raw Iionei, with thc cthcr neced.ary con atitncnta of the best quality, an(i lth no other adu' teration wlmtever at the woika cf the Company, at St. Johuabury, undcr Ibe dlr.ctiou ofllOILVUE I'AUDOCK, ESQ., wcll known as an agriculturist, and olso by his potition long licld as an ofBccr cf the Caledonia Uounty Agricultural Society. Its preparatlon is con ductedwith skill and fidelilyand itli the determln- ationof the Company tofuiiy maintain its high standard ot exceiience. itatimomaia fro many cf our lnet farmcrs thow it to bc the cheapcstand bcBt fertilizer ever ofrcred in our market : "The Vt. Raw Bonc Superphosphate is the best every way." uawiiknuf, Scc. ot Caledonia Co. Wool Croneis Aasn. "The most satisfactory f auy i havo used." IION. EZUA A. IMIiKS, 1'iea't of Cilcdonia Co. Agriculruial Society. "Has proved all that can be desired." S. S. COL I.I), We.-t Concord, Vt. "Contains the most Bone Phosphatoof any I have tncd." J. 1". Fos'IXl:, I'uBjumpiic, Vt. "Is altogether the best in market, ithasteus matuiily so cropaarc secure from frOSt muclicarli- ertlisnotliernise." IION. 11A11KON MOL'I.TON, S. John.-bury, Vt. "Has a marked and beneficial eTect on mt-t bagas aud po.atjen." I. W. ?A.M!Oi:N, ESQ.. Sic. of (..-ilcdouia Co. Agricultural bociety. "It Stands at tlie head f every thingof Uickin evcr nir." J. 4: l u. VAltNUal, t'eacham. There was two busliels where it was Dut. fn nnr whpre it was nnf usprl. I'ritd bv Bide Mitb -tjoe'. luip-.C(i iMipcrpuufphatc of Little," uiacuuciuicu uy i. urauiey ol licston) in cropa uudcr .iuiilar cjnditiou of aoil and triatment, thcre waa a marked difference in favor of the Vt. Su perphosphate." i-1. Ji.vniEus, esi;., l.Jt tt. J.hmbury, Vt Ihada better yield and carlier crops han neiyhhorB ubo used j iid muure or other bra..di f bupcniho nh.ltc. iried on a lio tiun of luv i atu. thev npcueu IVVO WCcKS orioro n.e resi Ol uie Lca. Oin. II. rtKKlNS. Caba. vt. "I qot one fourth more bushels wherciused tho V imont tidpeiphoph.itc alOne tLau where I used alike amount of -Coc i up l11otpll'e,, and .&cirds of well lottcd mauurc to the, crop aud trcatmt the naiiie." IIIUAM 11I1.I. 1'rc p'r of tst. Johurbury Ilouee. "it is cheap, concentrated and efflcient, it greatly increases tne jk-ii and iuj.mrcs th cn.p two or three weeks earlier than jaid ma- uurc. ltwa-cn.ireiydevoid of the disagreeable stench I't in by otber luauufa.tuitra aud 1 ui much of tbeopiuiou, it is the best we get." liEu. (.Al.l:iLIlll, Ilarnct, Vt. It is,and 6b3llbe,Silda.tcbcaplyjBSUCll an article csn le -ilfoided. If a lower pricedtU t qihoeiihu-e, yct of good qmlity, b disircd, let tl.c g. nuin- ait as Boia uy me i onipanv, i e mlxed with mewitVanwwit of dry muck or fiac old cotiioet. aud a ;iW articl-j ii the rchult, and at a cct of leas than tirv djllAra u hun dred. "Those who buy and use it will losc noth- ing. I KH pjrt of mli Id withoutany. i'be r was, VEUY Jtl CIliu faiorof t c I'horphatcall tbroiich these.-ou A utibhor ha 1 1 ne bairtl ot w!ut lorder- I.ONSIIn'iI ItlCK. l-jlil.e. Vt. "Seven dollars worth brought me in an acre of extra good corn hich t icrtainiyihouid MjrliiH'btHii.out he iuperphorphate. aa it waa a very latc, t piere on ji.r lai.d. (J-ber br.inds of ru.puiicuau uoiuone cll with mo and I hid itlll leas taituiu Jn lv .iic .if i-i tlie CO.U waa up -but I put it uiiiiiutui-iiw 3ua w its aiontsnciI to see h( quick aud vigorwu-ly it tuck hol 1 ol the crop " . 1). fiDl l.I), I.SQ., Concord, Vt. I h e taken sonio pain to ob tn e the eflecta npon . ... j.. w. wui-rf iioypmue oi j.une lujnula tured b 1-addock, Ilcau A: t. u. 1 ue a i.eiv ina;c rial for a dr r w-ui. b in n.y judgcmei.t ib much bct el ih.u ll.(c utd by luinuUctureis gcner.dv. t 1 l l. ii u: vri-. 1 htd uunum t tnis would prove ir iiupru,t.iu. oi i .r rney i-oii- ; i u: to my mrpnso it . i..o,iuy or nnaytoll". 1 b.u eu ilB ttl.c e ou -eeral ni.-vcj of corn Tw.t.t.u. Ibe co n wl cn alwut tifte u inchcs biuh AVtltAUfc CIM.THIHPUKEAIr.Kiu ,rl-ht ihlu th t in ihe ajiuc tu.iuii utre no cuiH.rplioBplute w:m applied. Oupotatoe. ita8tiinul-itiugiowtisiiio.tB rikiuclvuiaui- itatid ttic growtli iu oue inaisucu wa Ntl:i, livii i.i.i. uu- MUercnonc wjh luid. ' IION. A. O. CIIAUWICK. bt. Johntbury, July, l--o7. A gcnuiue amdo of Suiwiphwphate uri-llrs tho elenientiGI t:mutli ivl.i:lm.e luo-t difCcuit to lc ob taiac 1, and nl.icb eiist in scanty amount in tl b nt fann yird miruie i' gives a quick, vigorous start to the young plant. It p.u.-uot - luxjriaace of gioivih througl.out th. lt greatly increases thc product. It initiirn- the cr--pa tn o or threc wceks a, 'o secure it from frost. Iu t j:r u iuc-urc it prev.-nt tlie raairea of nonun inscct.jnd othtr tueaiie. lt n nuins uo baru ard (.Tju-Mei-d. I-li tri-iMrtcd to .li3ia.icea uith c.m, and ai pll d w ith tnrl ns lali-.r, and a. home m idc mar luutt ..l l 1- iu.uin icllt for the needs of Jgricult: genuine Superphosphate is an invaluable auxiuary. The Vt. Raw Bone Superphosphate tht it : usi-: no oti iek : U.M-rACTrELIi u PADDOCK, DEAN & COMPANY, ST. JOIINsBl-KY, VEUMONr. To whcm all ordera ehould b. addnesid at an earl dav. TTtt STRAW FOR UNDERBEDS. DON'T USE IT. montIiB. CA5BlNOhaait.nd will nll your liSi at NEW GOODS! A X D A T .r. K. & O. E. IK3I1CK'S ItAII.ItOAKSr., - - ST. JOHNSnUUY, VT. Mottlod Mohairs.Paris Dress Goods Plaids, Poplins, Alpaocas, Do laines, Prints, Cloakings, Flannols, Etc, Etc. Alao .1 good liue of WOOLENS for Mcn and II wcar. rXDEUSIIIKTS AXD DKAWEKS. Cardigan Jacketi, carfB, Uveralls aud Jumpers, &.C SELLING C1IHA1-1 CALL AXD KE US ' GREAT BARGAINS! OVER 5,000 PAIRS Boots and shoes Her.B' Calf ItootB, 1-2 doublc polc and tap, t iVomen'a pure Gernian Clove Calf CongrcnB, at the low price of pn iomen'e pure lierman CIovc Calf I'olUh Vomen'B pure Cerman Glove Calf llalmoral', ?,00 m. All VEKY LOW PIJICES! IW Call and sce for yoimclvce. II. A. JIOONEY, 7Ttr IiilroadSt, bt Johnklury.Vt. A GOOD ARTICLE FOR THE SEASOIM ! .7 O sr E ttGJJX Railroad Street, - - St. Johnsbury. Has a largc stock of BOOTS, SHOES AND OVERSHOES, SuitJble for' tbe eeaj-on. Ile han Ladlea ffan-ncl-lincd button and Ladica Glove Calf liu'tcn Ilooti. MI&-C8 and Chlldrcnfl Iloctf. The very popular over thot'c by tho New Ururjavfick i;ubbcr Co. Genta thick and tbin. cwcd And In fact, evcrythln in the Hne to bo founJ In city -togy:"' Givo him a call and examine Btylca, qualitiea and piiccs. Itemembcr tho place. I. J. LONERCJAN, Railroad Street Sign of tbo blg Doot Sullivan'N. Gilkcy's Estate. STATE OF VEIiMONT,) At a probato court,hild at Kucx inelrict, u. j t.uuainuu witnin and lor paid dlatrict, on 2Sth d ty of Decembcr, A. 1S67. A copr of tbe Iat will and tet-Ument of Sallivan N. Giltey, late of Norway, in tlie county of Oxfo':d, and stitc ot Maincdrccaped, duly prorid and aUowed in tlie prob.ito co:u tTtor tne county ol Orford.tx-ins prerented to ihc court herc, that the sMne inetnitnent way he all-iw-ed in this itate as the laat irill and tca'anient of the a tid dtceaet'd, and thnt aaid copy niy belilo.l and recorded In the protate couit, for the diitrict of EI-bcx, aforeaaid. mceabiy to Uie Hiauuu in ucu rau mae ana proYi dol. It U hereby ordercd penoni be notificd to ap pear befure iod courr at a Vssion thereof. to be bolden it the probnte officc, in Guildhall, on thc 9A:li diy of January, lcf-S and contcet the allon anse of the aid In Btrument and the filinj; an 1 1 ecording of tbecopy of eaid iU, aud the probate tncreJl, as aioieaia, u iuvj mev mi.i. for hhh nnmoBc it is furthtr ordcred, ihat a copy of the r cord of thw ord- r lc pubUchcd thrto n eeks BUicest-iFely in the C .ledonian printed at St. Johnabnry prcioua to aiid time jppo.nted fur hcdring. A true copy of record. Attett, SCO VM. II. UAUTSIIORN, Judge of lYobitc. Wm. W. Walker's Estate. galddNtrlct.un ihf 241h day of IHc , A D. IW. An liitrument.purivrtliiK to be the tat.t WIU and Te tinicnt ol Wm W. Walfcer, Ute of Guildhall, lu sald Ititi orderedby said court. that all Derwna concerned notltlvd tu apjK-ar at a tesioii ut said court to be holden at the pruUtte (uddhall. ou the !.MM4 ufJan., ims. aiu Miew caum. u miy tney uiay iwt Ihe PrnbatBOl sald Will: for whicti uur- lt i-. lurlbcr ordert-d. that a corty of the .record of tlil-torUei be puDirneu turfe weeKt- .cceiive"y in uie 0'iiJetionUi., prlnled at Ht. Johiiiibur , prevtoua to sald Uuie apfUited lor hean WM. Jl. IIaHTSIIOKN", Judge. Dr. Benaiah Sanborn's Estate. THE cnlicrlber hailn beeii ADLKilnted bv the hon- oraule proi'hie court lorine m-irui oi antiuiiM, demand of all perwus ajralut tbe etate ol Dr. Uenalah wi n bur n. uie oi m. JoiiusDury.m iaiu uisinci. uecea&eu, enrt'M'nied lnsolvent. and the term of kx months iroiii the '2d day ot -Nov.. Ibb7, htlUK allowed by twtld court to the ciedltors of said dnca-ed, to exhiblt and prove tnuir rt-speciive ciaif a oeiore u; uive noiice at. Johtisburj.ta .AlvlditrlLt.n Fnlj thejltdayoi January uni the 2d day May, 1S53, next, at y o'cloct lu tne lurenocn on ejcn i &aii is. 8S-W KM KltSON U A L U yCommlsdloners. EN Perry's Estate. STATK OF VKKMOXT, In Probate Court. held af thi Caieuouu uistriei. bs. rrouiie 0:111.6, in ai. juuus burr. un the lt day ol January. A D. IStiS. Appitrtoii i'ero. a luiliiUtrtor ol tbe eritate. ol Kll Ptrn. late ot Krtrzate. lu ld dUtrkt decea-d. uiales amilicaUoii tu rabl Lourt lur lfcrn-s; to MMl the uhole ol the real eate r atd dtxedsed, exceptlnji- tr wldows rltiHt oil.ometead. tbereln, leDreM-iitluc th, aid wle lan-isjaary foi Uipaiuent ol the ithUot bald dect-aed arid ihe ciiarcrs ot adniluiatratlon. Whereupwu. lt l-t ordereu by &atd court, that ald ap pllcatlon cume under corjslderaiion aud be hearil on the lstb da ot January A. V. Iv, at the probate otli.e. in taru eji. jimiisuury, ana 11 it lunuer unicreu tnai all nersoiis liitereattrd bc notiti-d lirreof by uublica tlon ol notice ot aid applluition and order thereoii ihree -e-k -ucLeasleiy in the Caledonlaii, prlntt d uiay aipycar ai ituie aua piate ana 11 tuey n caue tjct thereto. lir- thc Court, AUest, M-'J0 A3A t.. FltEN'CII, Judje of Probate. Silas Harvey's Estate. Cilt duiila dl-UKt. ti thei'llb da ol Dtc . A l 1. AS lu-trun.eut, purportm lo be tbe last WIU and Te-.tamei.t ol bbas llarvey. late of Iiurke. lu salddl ir.ct ilet.t-aMrd, bfiiu prtented to the court by Faniella It it unltrtU b Ntd court, tbat all ptTMJii cuiicvrned therem, ie niti!iei to apjear at a se-ion or sald court the Utb da they ju) hae,aaiiisl tbe i'robute of ald ' uhicn piiipve. it Is further oidered, that a cop ra 01 mioruerhe puuuhea tbree weet& cef pre u ln ihet'aledonun. prlnted at St Juhnsbury Jenneson Carruth's Estate. STATK OK VHUloNT, tln pp.hite c -tt. held at the Kex Dl-trUt. i pro!.a!e , nice. ln t.ulldhall. In cai.l uiMrut. ou lh lyih dav ot I) v A D . l-7 Kileu 1) Carruth. aJi-iinlMrairix ol ihe e:tie ot Jt-n- newn Oarrutb.Iateo! Omcord. It. saM Ubtrlct. deceael pteeiii- her adiiiln. stratton aco'uut lor examluation and aUnwance WbeitU-n it iordend by sald court. t'iat tuld ac- couui und -a.'l appliiatloii be rt-terred to a .t-v said iourt iiiU- heldai lue prolate cthce ln xild ulld- and dtlslt.n th reo:i. ALd it i lur'ber ordt-red that uoine fii. en to au rersoio iiiicreie: h pubiicii rbouid L.ot W aliowtd. nc- touri Atttt. ,M. H IlAitTIIOR.V.Judpeof Probate. Wintrop Young's Estate. STATE OF VKKUU.VT, lti in obie coiirt heM tUItit.mtJdi-t it'.os. J Jwhiiil'tiry, uithlu and lor a.N liioirumeut. pu" tln to t- ti.r I.iVt v tetamen: of Wintrop 1 ouitir JuteofM Jhii-bun I'lrkt decael. belns pre-ented to tbe court ty HjU.J i..khI.i!I. i. thereln natued lor lt I nlerd t-aM court. that all pc-ajns coticern itlllfd to appcar at a t-er-Ion ot tald i-oi rt to ! I10M11. a' be pr- ale .IH- iu M Jobu-bury, m the l.tth day 01 Jatu. inS and t-hew cau-e, lt u lhe uu) have. .li.-l ttiw plobate vf mIJ IU:1u which purt-e lt I- iurt!.r ordered that a copv ui ti record ol this oriler be iub.iaLvd three wetk-. ucteft- -itiy tn th- L'a'edoiaian, prlnted a .t. Johuabury, pre- .oua wmw umeaiii'uiLUti lor ueanus. ASA I. FHK.NOH, Judje of Probate. A true copy Ollecord AttrSl, fr7--y ASA L. KltK.NCll. Judj;e of Probate. - KUTLAU D and BURLINGTON VERMONT VALLEY RAILROADS. On ar.d after Dec H6T. Trjhn III run an lo.Iows . itOVINO SiOCTlI AXD KAST. Leave liurllnstou Arrlve at Kuiiand l.eare Hutljlid i eu ArrUe lielloua Falis 7 ( J Uave BelloM. Ka!ls 7 i-i .rri e al iirdtlleooro & M 11 a (10 s uu 1: :,o : JlDVIXli NORTH AXD WEST. e Ilrattleboro e llell.iw. Falls - Ileilowa Kalls 11 UU 4 H 12 IKI S 415 12 33pm 5 45 IU IU 1 rrlvet Rutland 3 u 900 u 33 l.eae Rutland C 00 1 20 3 20 1 Arrive at Burlington a 45 1 23 6 13 4 15, TKAIJ.3 CO.NNKCT AS KOLI.OWS. At Hurlinctou with bojta on Lale Champlain and lot .Montpelier, M Allian. Oiiiteii.ourgh and tlie H'tMt. Cneflnre Railroad lot rt!clitiur. .ircesler, Louell lilut Uo.tou. With Vermont Valley Railroad for Bralt etioro. prln;nehl. ' Hartford, New IU eu and N'ew era.and with buMuu Railroad lor Windsor. Wlille RHer Junctum, Wells Johnabur, ewport.Litlletouaud the White I (iKO. A. 1IKHKII.L. New 7 Octave .'IAXO F0KTES, j JOSni'IIlNK M. STOIUiARI). AK.uttorll nrj- 1' MiKer1. rianop, lPtf S-.JohuBl.uiy, Seit. li. FALL TRADE, Haa rommenced nd MIJS. 1. M. CKOSSALVN, MILLINERY GOODS! Call & see them! DHESS AN11 CI.OAK MAKIXG, PURE TEAS ! ! DIRECT FROM CHINA AND JAPAN A T T 11 n CHIITA HAN'S TEA STOEE, NO. UXIUN BTKEET, B0STON". Club Rates or by the 5 lb. Package : OOI.OXO Cocd E0 ct. lkst $1,0. XIANIJARIN OOIJNG il,20. Finest Imported. JAI'AN Ooid il.CK). Choice $1,10. sl.'.b. KNGI.ISH HKKAM'A-r ;!ioiC5 $!,'. ll-Btfl,20. t.RKl.N Good sl,Cu. C'hoico jl,2f. l!ettil-'l. C01I- Ci:--l., 25, IS. UestlO. ME. All SIlmVF k hU l. ,!lr. ,-f fr, 1.1, brother who Uu tcn mirchjnt 111 Cuiiou and aavea all comniuaioa and ita thc U.t the Clilca m-uLct nlforda. Jir. a. aella none liut PURE AXD FRESII- TEAS. The lovern of pood tea can rely on hia tcaa at the abo pncei aa Iwin Bt in istbenutu ani plaoe to any tea sci l in tnia cointry. S c all. uooua AEnaNxrn. ar miowu v ro., cl-33 25 lnioa Street, Xl-jctoa, 3Iaft!, FINE BEAVERS AND CHINCHILLAS, FO It OVER COATS. AT CORSElt'S MAIX STREET, ST. JOllNSDUY. LgW3M To bo found in thi rtcdtral. SMOLANDER'S EXTRACT BUCHU Ct'BES AtL KIDNKY DISKASKs Rheumatic Difflculties. J. A. ni'ItLKIOII.Wholeaale Druirt-i.t lttoi . SAVE AND MEND THE PIECES. SPALDING'S PREPARED G-L( i.: Cheap, convenient, and uecful for rcpasn. -toye, crockcry, paper, A.c. Tatea the place cfordinarymucllagf, nior. . cal and more adhetive. 25 Cents a Bottle, with Brush. Sold Evervwlieiv. Ayer's Cherry Prttorai. eoothi neet the urirent able cure for di -l- and luns. A trul f .tablished the fjit fhc.icious in pulinitj , any otht-r remcdy. It cihcac h.i n er.illy tnown, tlut it id jutly ti . l tiies as i mcdicin ofindt p' r.rai Ir t:.. Uritiin, Fiance and (.cnnmy, nb r. ba ita hiyheet p-rfecti'jn. 1 douieritlc practicc and cou-t ntly ti . 1! hospit-tld and o:he publ c i ettiron. sarded by th - atten .intf phyi. 1 in t. : and acTi' able remedy ibt cia U vi iti jny neiifhborbood can l c fuud f dic the niot-t pkiUful and pcnn-incully cured by it. Ttc e nt co:i nciug proufrf of the s-iperiur ur tl ia prep-ntion ; Jud 1 1 them t e pecnliar patisfa ti-u. Wlide it ifj m conmiui d di edFCP, it U c-xtrtiu Iv In inf incy and youth. be nz q 1 e h younKPPt wh n "dniiniit udjuilni Tti hea th retorernccoiiipli he Tentiou than cuit-. If nken tn a.-i ttitioue of the tbroat aud lunp, wh colda or ou:hf, or other cau-t that lonff irain of p-iinful and iucura nould atise frcm the negicctof l. hiUlJ be Wihout it. Ii:liue: za. nhoop'n c-.nh, i icip e t other Mffectione of the br -ttliiiu orr fore thu pre-emineut c-ml(iu tiou P.cp'rcd by Dr. J. C. AVr.l! and told by a 1 irugiib and de neri ialeratus es Is Acknowledged the Uv-t i; W, Always put tip in pound j Uu. -FULL WEICHT. Sold by Grocers Everywliere, It Is tlio CJro For Biini. Scil!., Frr.F- Itt and liands. Crjck- in tlie r.-et, are trouiil. d.) te unn tLe Li everytbinp to w-luch tt Miie ia al';!ic-tbl.-. Manufatiired under ilie Biip"r-i-i -n rf -lie 11 NAIUIt I'lJ. .1. 'V. l-oI.AMl, nd foi -le I iTh Ie.-ile i:i.l r.tiil lr.isf' 1 a- . ..untrv . C.-o. c G -il-.rin i- Oo., 1 d C lrter i Wilev. 111 fiencrnl A,e ,t.. C. II. I'OI. M, l'rop'r, Hniton. 'I i- AW-i, ApL-T-ts for Mediein,- tuanufji tlirt- ' V. I'ola-i.l. V17.: I. Jir I'li-te-. Dairh.ia I I ' 1 l'i'c lleuiede. Cjtlia lie I'ilK kc 1 - - The Lasv CWSffifty Succcss. tf. w PRRLSTO M!RDRS?SffISi jVew'J1 inoneBoijXe will quickly rcstorc Gray Har to its natural color and bcaut , and producc luxuriant growth. 1' u perfcctly harmlcss, and is prcfern a over every other preparation l those who have a fine head j!' hair. as well as thosc who wish to rcst.-i. it. The bcaatiful gloss and pcri"re imparted to th j Hair niakcitdcsir.i-.c for old and young. For Snlr by nll Ilriipsist-i. DEI'OT, 19S GKEF.XWICH ST., X. Y. I PURE H0RSE HAIR T.1ATTERSSES. j If jou want a OOD llAIli MATTKI- j 'eli made, and be ture of uetti-ijr lut .1 1 I for, go to jCASMIXO O.V EASTKItN A M i:. 'l,o ill n II you u tirtt rate jr:i.-le f. r I.. .anie quatity ean lie had any wh -re e . PEBFECT SIGHT PRODUCED : hy ruoci uiNU a taii: ur MESSRS. LA2ARUS & MORRIS PERFECTEU SPECTACLK?: y they are prcfirrt-d lUcatue they do not tire tho eye they do no- ilH tue t u iecauxe tliey du i.ot -e.k u the Ikrausc they do uot diui the !. TheT do not ren..lre .1 ,nl,. H,..r ar. P. r- Acblomi Ic; In fact. ihev nrt- lie onlv ri.llt IA 'tl SrECTAC'i-EiS made. U I N C II V .11 , Ia our ile apent forSt. Jchn-bury ZV Xo l'eddlera tmjiloyvd. WOOD AND HAY FOR SALB. The BUbaenber hia for .alc and tvi fui tiuli to " dry aud (f.cen wood four feet, jnd lil ineh. A1j l any uuautitlea, at ne loirmiiukiii'nu ., ' to liUUACK I. WOODS, l'addoja iuar POLAND S v AAplaiNTa; nt i'anmiii H tcn V rt. - 1 Si . I APPLES! d Jutt rereIvin;Obbl. nice appb-p. v told cheap for caJi, at J. I I i P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P