Newspaper Page Text
i ;;iH)XlAX. ,-ATE ITEMS. u. ri:i! 11. . r .1 prcit f.tvor t.l.Ti' I ofthe pap. . I -tlile i .nn. . lix- CatiMliinism. : mjkiit. u ... u.tiiMi r. !i I.. 111:1. V. i . m: r.i.u '- l.fl ..V. I I II. i . .... inii i:v. -. 11 a-:i. I- li I.AI'.H. . i:u -'n. i, u i i.ri:. .11 .1 'm -tiN. .MV.I GKOt'T, Ju. i m . i ili', -iMl.lltN, .I mi-UV. . t Aurnr.Li., , . i:y. .i- , llarron MouU'-.n : bi,,:imeou lltt'-e, inev. U ' Slath- ir-a; C,l.;,, A. Lme.BGU. l;.ir :i Ilu.ltim : . ;. l'L3.1ii, , ,j ;,-. i:i-v. i. .i tltr il.l.uh t: furinerly workotl in tliis villajjo. IIc lia. uoila'd for tlie last fewvearsat Mclndou's Falls. Mcasles liave friven almnst every family iu town a call tliis winter, but seein pass in iy now. Mr. ISalluu lct a team ou Monday to sonie young men to go to Wells Uiver. In tlie eveniiig the liorse canie lioine alonc. b.ully lieated up. and with a picce of one tliill luuixiiix to the liarness. The slci-jli. wliicli was a uice new one. 'wa found batllj- smaslied between liere atid ilelu loes Falls. Xoonelitut. The eause eltu easily be told. at 50 years old raowed au acre of grass injust 50 niinutes, the quiekest time ever made. M C'nbot. I!f?ixi;s Changks, &c IIon. E. D. I'liluaui. last week sold his hoiise aud land to Calt'l) FUhcr, Eso.. for S3000, aml we underMaiiil that hu wislies to sell out IiK entire interest iu the flrin of I'utnaui ic S;irane. Jutlge Putnaiu ltas been on ;:a;rel in the inereautilc business in tliis phire lor tlie past tliiiteen years, uuiiiij; wliicli time he lias earned enviahle repnta tion a.- a thorou'h jroinp; lionest business inan. Mr. . A.'IVrry has alsosold his Iuter est in the lirin ot Perry Hrotliers to Jlr. .1. F. I'otry. who will donbtlesa maititaiu lhe loriiicr ool reputatiou of the hotise. au!ia i.!:mt- I,,. nK'i-eantile businrss hainir been car lii-tloniu tliis place by their father aml tlienisclvc for tipwards of 10 years. Mr. IViry is oon to enter npon tliesanielmsi-m-s-t in Flattslmr. Mo. Duiinj; the three yeais that he lia becn in business here he hu- won the contldence and respei-t ofthe w hole eomnmnity, and as he leaves for new honn' in the west, he ha their beM wilie.s lor hisiirosperity and snceess. While the adjoinin towm are i-omplain-in;; for the want of thaws, e liave thein fre'pKMitly the kiinl we are noted lor iliroui;iiout X. K. O'te of the severest .iiies il the sejson oeenrred last Sunday nilit. a refjular Cabot thaw. viz: a foot aud a-lialf of snow and aprodiious blow. PYSSUMPSIC LODGE, NO. 27, F. A. M. MASOMO IIALL UMOX BLOCK. iutei tucetin, Fcb. 0. l.'alled mecting, Feb. 13. II. C. IIASTINC3, Sc'y. ILISWELI, CHAPTER. NO. 11, R. A. M. JIASOXIi; HALU Keffular mcctiu, I'ridty eve March C, lCR. K. J. DAI.TOW, Sccrctiry. lii.Isy u- i . .1. I'iLr-n .. !'..(.( -I . r. IIc.-llUi rrpu. :iai:fuUf il" 1 li'.ikiiM, r. l.i. .H. . . n . - p-i-. ili - a,-:wi.5ij;.i.T .t. ii i . . ". r. J. i;v-' ' Jii, 'l',ia ,.vt r, Jo'in T. ,..iM f .. V. .. t ; s. II. Nu:- - I'. lluumd: .1 .,L; John 1'. l.My. :nperatiee leeture ai ,v)eveniii;r. by Mr. ter. e:c.. rarely to bo fonnd. llad the lec-! C2d vear of their wedded life in the bome ture only been riven by a foreigner, it they made in the firtt years thcreof. A uontu have a huiHlreil ealH for repetition. eross word never passed between them irithh,rr a Miiiinfr,- 1,1 llU primc, Mr. Lake had strensth, and Mit. Editoh: I noticed a pieee in the Vermont Uuion cntitled "whippinjr a min istcr,"' that is not eorrect in many paiticu lars. The faets are these : Ker. Geo. Cra- ven lau-rht sehool at West Danville iti the winter of T.9. A boy by the name ol Kos well Dow went to the sehool. Ile was eonsidered one of the worst boys in that or any other sehool. Conseouentlv he was punished in oi der to make him obey the rnles of the sehool. But I liave uever learncd frotn any reliable souroe that he was punished more than was necessary to make him obey. ijome four vears a'o younj; Dow ran away to Califomia, aud has been there until some tbree weeksaro when he came home to his tather's at West Danville. Kev. Geo. Craven eame here to preach.Ian. 25. On goiu home from sinjritiir sehool Saturdav eveninir. Dow. now 21 years old. eanip up behind him, and ruek him twiee in the faee. sreariur by his Maker that if hc com plained of him he would kill biui. But he took ood care to keepout of Mr. Ciaven's way. Mr. Craven was not buit, and there were no marks left npon him. not so much a tly would make. But the instilt was too much for the eitizens to bear. Tlie had a wanant Nsucd. and did al! in their power to liave Dow arresteil with theex- eplion of one man. who took Dow into his sleifrh. and eoverin him wi!h a robe. eonveyed bim to Walden, wbere be was hid amoii'' the Dows until be could es- ijie to New llampshire. The two first lelters of the man'.s name who earried Dow otl" are Johii Frv. ciTizux. . ot llyeatc. bas le- i ll-Iiroii. X. Y.. wilh an ..:r.: n.i. .u- : .'.ro the Kust VH v.',.l H" delivcn-i! '. : ... ; i !.. by Mr. l.ueiii - ! -. i!:- Iia- rpenived lise inIalilc and eollertor of !. !:i ot (jeo. II. .ii ,i. o. !.i- liini uf Cross A' i . ; -'. his firay mate last I a.' i:r mr.l ilisoa-e. he ;:;.;:iul. ci.sti:i her owner . . II i Vf- aud l. . Clil i I f !"..,'at to Kiaimf.u-lure , ivaIcy'b inlalli'.li-u'-i-meiit elsi-v.h.-n- iiat ii wil! . It . . ; lcsted here: an-! a . ; !i -t-il v.ith thi Uu' r . , mw :i.i00 ibs. witli. ami p-i. parteil the new -, ,in-!:t avo way. ' '.: thfGauehou-.-.!! o'l S:iftrd:iv . ii. The aine day fr. i.' Iimi-e lorated towanN ' ad lnvr. to Dr.J. i. .1. vph ilill I:a., old . i: ii l.ei piaoe; to .lolm '.o stoek, hay. and 1 V a'liouut of S.'OO. On 7. ..1 Deei'iaber Ihere hnve - i i whU-li the nifieu- , v :: aml in niue of ;. of l-;:u.iry tiic iimr- i '. So;ii"tiiiK lai : '.: 'i m iiih't.'r r 'N'c,ri 1 .' ! p liiil thi-J winter: ove- tii eo-inlry. A ' 1 dry v.inter has i fn- a !oii' time. Our ; lo coiue. ayj o! doin a tliiistr ! :i !o.i;r v.ay. For want , 'vereuee. sonn iunl.- . i m-aily as bad as iione !jid down a a nile t!ia , j-.i Ii -i ii.- ndverti-'in . r ...lably yields. sooner or ' i I omyiin:es one hun .ii :idvertU( for a Mioit time n -n-v Imsiiiess. aud thinV ue'Iec! advertisin -in- t peri.aps a llour --. Tni- is u mistaUe. Th v t in this coiuitry. and ! i coiistantiy occupied ; .ii!-.- mr i1 Ijvoi . thu: n lu . . t.i be loi-,uUcii. The i. '.'.y nioreai'il moie hceoin ;.- an adveilKinjr niedium . !io tmdertaKes to do bu . av.iliinir himself of its advau PALESTINE C03IJ1ANDERY, NO. 6. JtASOSIO IIALL I'MON HLOCK. Stated CodcIjto Mnrch 3, J. L. 1'LUKINS, Coiulutiudar. ITCH ! SCRATCH ITCH I ! ITCH ! ! I SCRATCH ! ! SCRATCH ! ! ! in from 10 to 4S ltoura. WlinATON'tiOlXTJlEXT cure THE ITCH. WHEATON'rf OlNTMEXr cuna SALT KIILLM. WIir.ATON'a OINTMLNT tures 'I U TTF.U. WlinvroX'SOINTllKXT cur nAUBEK'S ITCH WHEATO.VSOl.VrjIENr curM OLD SOKES. WIIEATO.N'SOINT.MENT curei EVEKV KIND Ol- lll MOK LIKE MAGIC. l'nca ."0 ctinli a boi ; by mJU C0 canta. Addreu WEEKS & 1'OrrEIt, No. 110 WiuhiDgton Slrt, llctton, MaM. l'or ealf by all DrUKStati. I!u!on. Xus. '2C, IOT. ip. uotlo 1 yr A Kcntlrinim wtl'Inff frora tlu fa- west uye : 'l mus! liave licuneV Tain KilliDK lliKlc Oil la IhoboaBc. It it the family medicine forcuringflllkindsnf pain I hnvc fouud, and crit what It wlll I mujt liave it." And vrtio blamrn tbc man J Ilo you u-e it, rcader ? SoUby lll.SCllAMand I'.ANllALL. St. Jolinibury. Ouilillmll. 1i:ai: CALEimxiAx: lical eMate iu 'Iuililliall has liteH been in reat deinand. All but t'.vo families livin. in rented tene uiuiits have been t'ompelled to buy or be turned iutn tlie eold; uhieh would uot be ple-i-ant with the meM'uiy at zero tolit. C1ik?o and brotlier. boitsbt Mr. C. rhotr hou-e. Mr. eholl" botigltt one ov.uecl l'v .Mr. li. iittiiDani. Jir. y.. v.. Beuton. our repieseii;a!ie tor two year?. and oimty clerk, has boiiKUt the Dode plaee. Mf. Cirow the Keith plaee; Mr. Cusli:ii''. of Stew art.-town. the Ilall e.-tate: Mr. Beach.ol Sfwartstown. the Stepheii'? inn The Mesr. Chase. Iiarinr eoin- pii'tod tlie repairs on tlieir saw-mill. are ready to -aw lumber inlo anytiiin dusiivd i'i theii line. A pieket fenee has been built around our eouunon. Mrs. Fnland pronosei to build. another sea-on iiade Iieos aud paint are expected to be ;:i irreat deinand auother sprin' We t'xpcel a -rreat -hane will take place in hjfu! fc0hiol hou-e. now nearly eomplfted, i the exteinal appearance of ourillae. A !i;tie tate in iniproveuients. would make mr villane. durimr tlie sumnier month. r.s at lactive a ruial ?pot as cau be found in New Mniand. At thW point tlie seen- ery N framl Tlie ladies of tlie Coni;re- aiioiial -ocicty lield a fetival Wednesilny f I'liiiiir. wilh oysteis. supper. antiquarian rooui. tableaux. ete. Tlie uhrht was one ;ie most -tonny of the seaon. In ad in to cxpeiiie-'. they icalied about ixtv-live !.llar lhe laiiies ol. tlie Methodi.-t S jeietv iutend boldimr a festi- li on the i:ith inst Tlie nest irn-at veiit antieipated is the Mareli teim ol 'OUlt. Ol"T-fOST. Tlie f 41ovrini; Keiucdici are ull old and wtll cttab- Di.l the Judges want to attenj the 1"!''J jnJ tho,.nd. hv0 We- by tii.j u... I 'Ibey are for ealc by drui;ti.i genrrallr. j The Peruvian Syrup, ' r. prr ectrd H 'luti.jn of -he 1'rotoxidp of iron, euppllon tbc l.l.od nitli I f l.ifo Knii.r.r, Iron, Rivlni; tnuKth IK-'.r. w.i n vr life to the wh lc r.wtin. Foi li.p p ' fi. Ikliliy Kei.iale cnkuen, .c.. it is ptc.tir. i A 'J pve rainpliflr' runta nl. raltubie lieatifr on j "Iro:. t i Udlln.', certiCnta- aud recolunicu. daUon .s.c , will l.e -it iiee. J. V. DINSMuI'.E. ITopnctor, N.'. 3.1 Uey St., Nc Voik. ADIUSOX COfXTT. The Middlebury Beister Fays: "Tbc raees which werc to have eome oll" last ivoi.t- ..n II... n mt tl,io 1....,, .,,.. ,l..l j otitw ardly lerien (,on account ot me upreme l oun; until ednedav aud Thursdav of this week. raees? CIIITTEXKEN COl'NTV. Ilev. K. II. Gritlln was iustalled as pa tor of the First CalvauUtie Coureatiou al Church of Burrmi;ton lait Thursday. I'ltANKLIX COt'XTV. 1'he St. Albans Trancript eomes to uh much enlared. aud printed on new type. i It was ahvajs a hand-ome paper. but now i it is inucli iinproved. , They luvc had auother shootinp: allair , at St. Albans. A Freiich jroceiy keejier 1 shot and fatilly woitmled one ol his eus tomers who had irot mad aud uudertook to j .'inash his windows and thi:i-js. i:i.i:an col"xtt. In the crection ot sehool houses. in iro- portiou to the wealth of the inhabitaiits. 1 I.owell takes lhe lead m Orleans county. aud perhaps in the t:ite een. Xotwith stamliiiirthe Iare tax ni'cessary to build their new church at a co-t of &I.000. the neople ot tlie villaire have crected a bcau- I C"Wl.en lhe tirinf ie thicV, turbid, def.cient in qua'j- tity, or vo.ded wi'li dilV.cuIty for all obstructiona of tliv kidn. ji, bladder or urinary orcani, (rlvo Shcridan. Cavalrj Candi ion Porrdera. The Estey Organ. Tbo sprinsficid r.rpuhii- can aaya : " A pccuuar and admiratlo f-aturc ol this Jn-tmraeoi la tne ox iiumin i iremoio, leeenlly in Tcnt'd and pat-nted, a d which doea away with a'l the iblcctlona Bomctimes urireu afriln-t tremulant'. 1 lm one being under perfei t contrcl ae to rapidiiy, its dcli cnte pulaatioua nppeal to the tistener w ilh a pow er and patnoa impoMioie to iis' . ii A Househould Word.-niE uKsr, the ox- ly reliable, the chccptrt. Iry it. Slre. S. A. Allcn'a Improved (new etylc) llolr Ite-torcr or Dre.-inp fin one bottlc.) My wife aud children prtftT it. Every Drup gtat itlla it: I'llce One Dollar. 91-31 New York Wholesale Prices Current. Ileiiorted expreasly for the .S.. Juhtfbtiry Calftwr vn quoth fou week i a:. i--, iw BtTiTEK, Orange; Oounty Nl & W state u Vermont lf (3' C'UEESE, Factory, extra V tt lr. Faiineia dalry II (u, la Eus. dairy :u , '23 LAl'.H, in Kega 1 U inTiercea 1 tal II EGGS, btite it w Wo.tern ol (. 31 BEANS, Marrowa 4 M 4 V' I'EAS, Marrowfati 1 ( 1 Casada 1 t5 ti 1 ! IIOI'S, Frime K fal Cod K 15 I1EESWAX Wea lern II J- l'OtLTKy.Turkev, llvc 1'.' V -U Obicltera, ii e 15 S" Tu k , drrared w Chickeui, Ureeficd 1 tl 15 TALLOW, ltlil 11 1- Cikea II W 1" For.K, H '-'1 I1I1ESSEU IIOGS ' 1" IvEEK, 21 (" t!t W AI'l'LES, Ohio a 611 (rf, 4 1.' DUIEll FIll IIS, Applo, ttatJ ' C 1" l'eichc, peekd ii' (Jl I'OTATOES, I'e cli Woa 4 i". 'A 4 65 Jleree e, ! ("I ci 5 -.5 SlArLK BfG 11, Small Cakw, 12 (n' lno t LOL11, li. stat-. pcrlbl 9 M (AM s;, r.x W itrru. per bbl l'l ""'I otlS 7.'. State, Sun p rbbl 6' lv V U0 W00L, btitcwasbed l" , t Ohio 1 ' H W Vermont 40 4 l'nntub d -1' (' ii" andCnjda R 15. OATS, COKS, We Wh.te Wcitarn Yellow Gold ll-'a Tf- For all I.ung Difficultirt, Johuou'a Anodyue I.intmrnt ehould b u"c 1 npon tbo throat and cheet. a. inn ardly. Cambridge Market Feb. II. Mirkct lle f -Eitra, ,l II l irat .iual $13.(K) M l.1.r.0. t'ccnd, iU '.5 ' I'M $s.5i II." u siore t. ittle Work ug oien V I air. Si, J. IU. ioki and ea!ea -$ T, ii, T& V. (a, 1W. euli.iK Mn 3 lno ycr oIJ-, j .'0 Q Tbree yeara old 4. ti. M.erp aud l.lubi -In 1 ,f, j3.IK, 3.25 3.5U 4 J. El ra, $1 50 t l.5u. tprin lamb". Su.WI O.'l. llldcj, V i49c. lallow, 7 ia 7',c Fil j, Jft.lO (5 0.U0. Calf kiu, lf. (4 17c. Bolton Market Fcb. Fl.Ol'n - U'tatern aupertl'ie at 1 cstrja at l".(i 'a fil.o": mvtii: Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry hai b"tn u.(d for ue'trly hIf a (cuturj for C'ougliB, C-.ld., I eiifiiliipiiou. a. d" everv alTtT'ieu of the Throat. l.mipn a- d t tt It euret a c. uj:h by looa-nli g and ilean iu the lunc a'i i .illjylng lirit iMon, ihu te'nov ing the ta iw iriileed tf Uryi'ng up tl e conh and leav in the ciu.e I thin SI.1I1 W. roWLK .t SON, lTopri.ton-, No. I Ticmont st., licatou. J (ft 1 ' l.nll.N - Wen-.rn yclloiv $1. 1.4" Tll. 1.1,1 lfiE 1.7oojl $11.10 4J.1'1. lilllK I'ri-.,', $1SJ0 .. iln.'rf: 301. clr r.f-l fri 1.4 J.VKt. lii.i.i 15ii. fauulv. SIt.-. I.AKIi. r. i. 11AM-, n .. v4 i.v 11. 111 i rt 1:, . CllEt..-h. 15 wliic fl 1b 1 isr GREAT IMPROVEMENT DENTISTRY! The great drticulty eipcrlenced In veirinir Artificial Teeth ariaei from fL-. Uck of firinncM in the montb. Added undcr the plate while eating. I h-ivc di'covered a mvthod of ao conatructing be iila-o o-j which tha teslh are aet that they will 1101 sliiit or ilroii. while ciliinc or pi'iikiii7, iicitlier will nny imrticlei of loiitl grt uinlcr tlie ilalc, nomaiier ivnai the conditioii nf the nioutli which is uot truu ot'any olher method Uitherto UM'tl. I have seeure.l lettera patent for the V. S., Eng. li Fr. I 1. ue Bld the caclurlve rlht of aaid improTerat-nt to 1 r. rerkiiia, for th.. coumlrs of Caledonlt, Orleana 1 K.Eex. Tno-e bhl:ic to avail themaelrca of thi great iuiprovement will call on IT. J. L. l', bt. JohnBDurr, t. OJtf S. T. FOLbOME. P H O E N I X Mutual Life Insurance Company. or HAinroun, coxx. A f ivonble opportuniry U prcented to en'rgetic aud nliable I.U'intBB men who cin dcvote their en'iro time ttu- I ti ine-v, to repreBent th:s old, rftauiich and m'at fiiere-Bful life company. The niany populvr featurea prcul ar t the l'h-t ni Mutual, and the great advant nge it olTe b to tlie insuring public lta frcedom from ict ons ou trav.-l aud occupUIou iti nou forfeitable" lihi ral j.remium Bytem the economy of the manatrement. aiid its largc annual divldcndB, rend-.T it tlie rnofet profi'ablj ccmpany to agei.t. de.lroua of re alizingaliai.d.ome competncy by their cntcipriae and energy. Apply to 31. V. tt. IJUI,I Gcn'l Agint l'h.i i.ii Mutual Life lur. L'o., lapr.lDY.s 415 ltroadivay, Albany, X. Y. T. T. T. T. !, 1868. T. T. r. r. T. JANUARY 2 TUC 1IEST Young Hyson, Oolong and Japan T A S ! j Can be fjund et ' 3 OWKrlKTG'S. , A T VKUY I.OW PltlC'KS: .1 .1 .1 X' J J J7 Dr. H. Ander's loainc Watcr, 1 p-ire fol.itlon . f lod n dihedin water without a Oi.en . coutainini; I '4 craina 01 I. dine 10 ench liu d i.nre.fwat r lodiue is aruitt. d l-v ull medicllta. n ... be the bc-t Vno n reiut.l; f.-r Tofilla, urpr', can-en-, pyphi 1 palt rl eum, A-e., uui th..u-au.l . Jt. teplifv ihe'wo. deilul irtui of tl.i- p.,p,ratou iu euch a. Circulaia frec. i.i' ( ,i:ii. Wui. Warden. at burncd ou Fridav, Feb i- e- iiu iled al about S131W. i.-. 1 . A rreat iiait ot lhe 1 i -.i :i " 1; of lhe houi t .1 d. Kvervlir.ii'j in th .ii-. k'ie.. was buiued. The ii; b.irn. b'U by hard labor 1 i-e !!-e'.-.... the barn a ttieu 1 life. but that the II. ajv llihc 1 ,t p the pain and a r.-t In tu pn.g-ca r 011 l.iar.l . f . , lf 11.1 tried It th e l.o hiv' 110 J it if'ifk. KIe l' a trial A fevr leiuut. w .1 ne lta iMjw. r of .t. pping iu n. Ke-ol lhe f.ulowin; t.r. A i lrs"ii d .ubtuifc it. truthfulaeM can ..ri i.fd twelllv-nne heail '"" I . -'on il a I:i. Foreveiyword slaiid I'oml. The Vermont House. owned by Dimond loiie. K-i.. and occupied by Messrs. Wil- ard A Brihani. wss burnetl to the round Sundav iuoniin the Uth inst. Tlie s di -covert'd .ibout ." o'clock A. Jl.. in lhe tliird ntory. but ha l niade too jrreat pioress to be :urc-ted nith the meain at and. It is -upposcd to have orifriuated i'rui a defeciiv.-chininey. I'rohably more fiaii halt ol the turniture was rcinovcd uui .ived. Thedan injrhall. overa well- iil'.cd wooil-heji. aud the barn. conlainiiio cveral ton of hav. were alo burned he horc5, banie-es and carriajje-. and ciin-idi'rabletpiantity of oat were aved li. Sioi'e has an insurance of StiOOO 011 the liotrl. aud Mcssrs. Willard& Briliam t.iitt) 011 their fiirniturc. jjrain, &c. The ilel had been thoiouhly rcnovated aud a laro qua'.itUy o:' new littniture adilcd. im-e it tt-av occupied by Mcssrs. Hdlaiil f Briham. aud the loss falls heavily upoti ihein. Mr. Stone s loaS is pretty well eovercd bv his insurance. The Island I'oiid llou-e and tiie duellinjr houses of I). I. Whitcomb and tlijah Davis were all cxpied to the liie. especially the two Utei. Mr. Whitconib's house was savt iv a lare wood pile nandinon the bank between hi hou-e aud the hall. A provi leiitial lull ot the wind whicb was blottitijr s:ron''lv all lhe mornin. and the little liie 11'me belou'.'in lo the Grand Trunk Itail w.iv. witn tne siiipiy 01 waier 111 .n, Whiteoinb? reservoir savcd Mr. Davis' nime. I-Iai:tl l'oud i poorly provided aain iie. We liave an old lire cniine. a pre ut troin Moutreal shortly after tlie burn- nir of the enjrine house. itl lSt.5, but if rooil for anythin. is not kept in workinj; 01 (!!. uor well maiined: aud for lack of .valer was aliuost useless in the lecent !ire Between the Cth and 9!b inst.. we bad a f.tll o! over a loot ot snow wilh siron r.iml. which niakes lailroaditi'' almost im ii.x-r.le. Diiriiir lhe two weeks Bev. S. B Sl.dl uf Brownington has delivered hi cmi.-cof i;: lectures on Gcoloy here SJienllytn the iuterest aud proiit of tho who listc-ucd to them. J. W. wliicli will eot 8:.0HU; wliile the inhabi taiits of the adjoinins district. noith aud mtli. have each built neat houses co-tin llOOcach: all done. we believe. duiin the past year. Tlie Memphremagog Ilou'e at N'ewport nilit lire 011 Tueday aflernoo:i. from a lcfecl iu a chiinnev which litil bunit out a little time pivviom. aiul only the timely eovery aud prompt ai tion on thepait occiipants. avfd the house from total -triiction. The Fxires say-: C'ustoins ollleer I!ii- c. of tliis plaei tat c.iltle. 'n rmi" to niuiket bv icluid Khnplon of Stau-tcad. was tlie l"" owner. liavuir 11 tew uays miicc purclia'eii ihem of T. Lee 'IVrriil. of Stanstcad, but evidently havin torotion the amount aid fortliem. enteieil them at the C'us- 10111 House lur les- tlinn hali'cot. an ovei- rlit that led to the seiiiire. I.ast Thur-day custoiiH otllcer C. W. Siuithof Bnton seized threi- tcam con- iuin over scventy allons ot contra- band whi-kv, the teatns aud all valued at .-,00. Ul TI.ANIl COl'NTV. IJoval I 'diliou ot the Veimiiut Kecoid. was found Of Inferest to Evervbodv. ince thcidicut lead iu his bed at Brandon. Fiidav morn- of tiiertar util. twwin x' ci.ine intiieniarkct,ab.ut .. . , ... -iie.e.ri.t e man.. IitturerB bne b id about nf een He has been a eiippleou crtit-he. ti 3T1,i, j, ., .,n,rec..ieii . j tc.iimoi,i. of sillCC he Was seveil Vear.S old, but llIS lltC "'triu-ie .. ha. prump eJ ihi u 10 1 enlarKe th - 111J- Wa SIIL't CSSflll throUXll b'lS elier;y aild per-! llu tle s win Machinc 1. aiida wiihout a rial. .ir 115. u a K-rvta creai 101 asfumiUt; tue u-cpUkl-l.ililv m p -itiii a Li-ck tc . Shut I. S-mj,- M el.luc in Ib-1 market nt a.ich a vi-ry low, in ilirect .om I e ltiou wi.h all tl.e tirtt cLiBa uud liih p iced lua-ehiue-. It Lunenburg. A coiTe-pondent writes us that the peo p!e ol Lunenburg were favored with rare treat on Monday evcnin, lhe:!d in-t iuHiefoiniof a leclure 011 meteorolo"v by Hiiam A. Cuttiup. Esn,. -Mr. Cuttiii" ery eaily in life, tnanifested arcmaikable pawun for this departnient ot science, aml itlse, for astronoiny, "eolojry. aud mathe inatics. He hasenjoyed unusual facililie ua-r. trunk in t!ie chamber! for postin-up on tlie stibjeet ot his lee- 1 -oiiie moiiev. ani! 111.1m ture. havin" becn sonie tweuty years ; . w'ni -it -eeined lor a liuie . bu: t'lirouh lhe persever '.. ...i 01' IV.i-.-ham. in pass- I 1 li:v au-l s.n . he tie .iu' it. Mr. Wardcn and 1 rettnti their nioit Miieere II I','.-.- inese:it at tlie tire. l'ot lhe employ of the Smithsoniau Institutiou at Washington, and, more recently con- nected with several of the scientilic as' ciaiions ofthe country. Mr. Cuttiii wield a jrraceful jien : his senteuces are smootli and clear; his voiee plcasant, and his cmtiiei.itioii distiuct and lbreible. IIc held -A'-u thein in savin whal j his audieiiee wtth perfect uiastery tor au . In- l:i!iii!v were all a'oent ' hour aud ten miuules. iuitiartlus a fund of . s .r -.,i-rci!. iiilorinatiou wilh regard to theatmosphere. 1- . .Jit and 'oni- uinds. clouds and ptorms; the eonstruc- i iai-k-umirs fhop wheie he , tion and use of the barometer, thermouie- tVj like ma'ic p'pt 111 ac'i. Gracc's Celcbratcd Salvo . n oll aorea hij vd ha . aruf acalilp.cuta.nound", cli ll.lali ic, .le. It piin. t kia out b ren-a?. i- .t an.;rv 1 ainc wc imc" a d iu- ; lliua a:T -d itg r. liel aud .1 eolnp ete cure. 5 cei ta a 1 ox . -ent bv ini.l tor 3." eei.b. rklll W. ioWI.E'A MiN, 1-roprloora. No I! lreni..nt, ., Iiua.un. MAU11IAGES. On W.dmsday, I'eb .att e res.d u i falher. by tl.e llev. - im,- lu- ttie, Mr J lerof Kyegate at.d iirr Hor Ablajt . f 1 . f th- I. i h iucj U. Ilun- IlirtLa, Mantacc- ai.d l?it'i.- ins.rte.1 1 rie, includ n; poe'rv, 6ix .tNr- a line. At Noye Hged7lje Jju. V.r. Z.l 1 R. e h-gh pril.. a eini ; vvorlj that hjie R. e I will , 1 . !r. l.adw jt '1 d .1 .1.: ofthe Hrazlll.n Anui r. .1, ftin. r.-.l. June 1(1. 15SC. tr s. IIc .. : learlv elKt.t ye.r that 1 Iia e l.J.l the l.ri al- pil.l lo. in. th t 1 .. i.l miud and le t fr..nd, ..ho rt I ap . Llood aa I is imt 1.y 'a t-'oaprepi-a- t..e tira- d ae of K li fandnatir. Icoul.l I rt..e uiU. . aae, aud le t all my paiua d.miu..hiiig 1 eutiuut-d ukin t.. 01 l; .lrv . I'lllo ncn i.igl.t, .iu.1 1 hall'te ..po .i.lul 01 11. li f a'11 1 nalir, -l..d"al o rul. my ,hift aud tl.roit-wilh it, .1 ,.l. ttia k God 1 Ittl mll pr:.xtt well. 1 only took teu bo tlea of Ut II t ta 1 three boio- of Pil.s. 1 hope the -lutl.oia ..faid pr(i.trail..n-mav lnve a lou and n peroua Miliikiu. edi'orot tlie Biandon ' lif;- ii Mni, i; rrau.ha Mmt. FOR SALE! 25 BARRELS BALDWIN APPLES, II V W. D. DOWNING. L J.hnlmr. reb. 4, !(!. E3-94 MclNDOES FALLS ACADEMY ! rheSprin; lenn of elcvcn wed:s will c mmecce., ITolrtistry iKJ, lStJH I M. r.l.I.MT. A. M., l-rin-ipal. C. 1-: Mlv ' aud I'. A. t'nu.i., l'rtxcptref.. i.t Ii.tSiets.iN, l'eacherin Oila. Water 1 and I Estray.-- k i.nd a': M. .lo! u-l.u li . ad.lre"s MK. IV. II. GILCIIRIST. 1, l'C-. 9..-:ic n.e upu the 1 rt'iuiiCB of -ie Bub-cnber B.ici, 1 HOLMi l)OG, olor mo.ily uitdium aiae. JlllIX C. NolT.SE. , reli. n, W. f'3-?5 FARM AND H0USEH0LD FURNITURE, a r -d. XT O X" I O 3NT ! The Bulwcriber off. ra at auctlon, on I'eli. I.l. ut 10 o't-ri. A. II r . i in I..- en l.nd. .-. 1 the r 111.11; p . turim: 1-. -. AU . IV. DURKEE'S SELECT GROUND SPICES, A full aaaortmcnt Jmt receivcd by E. & T. FA1RBANAS & CO. SM0KED AND DRIED HALLIBUT, Juat racelvad at 3F" I -A. int 13 BLACK ALPACAS, Alexandria Poplins, Bl'k. Mohair Lusts, Jiut rccelvad and aclllng low, at E. & T. FAIKBANKS k CO. February, 1SC3. CH0ICE TEAS! AVe are now recefvis lome of tho CHOICEST TEAS To Le found in our market of the i I'ine KoglUh Prpkf4Jt, Imperiil Japanese Chcift Oolong, Young llyfcon, Good Low rricc do., UJact Jtpaca, Cholce nd Low Trice Young liyon. e. & T. Ftbruary, 1&3. Foirbauks & Co. 200 TUBS LE AF LARD, Tut up ezpreaaly for na and warrantad pure, Jurt received by E. i; T. FAIUIIA.NKS Jc CO. PARTICULAR N0TICE ! A. E. BLISS & CO., Are uowopenlng a Urge rtock of dcw and dIraWe DRY Cx O O D S ! For tho Fan trade andthey are to be Bold at nnufual L.OW I'UICES FOU CASI1! Our atock eonBlata In part of I'laids, Poplins, Gmpres Clotbn, Mo hairN, Tliibets, Ilismnrk Cords, Prnils,Deliiinc4,rimiuel, Sack Cloth, ICtc. NewStylcsot Shawls. Brovni and Bleached Sheetiiifja, AT SMALL PI'.OFITS 1 Allcf the above Boods are ne-and wtll bo 'ld for CA8I1 ONLY, hence ran be offered at small advauro from coat. faT"Kemctnber tho plaee 1 Railroad Street, - - St. Johnsbury. opi'osite rAssriirsic house. A. E. IJI.ISS. F. S. IIAItKI.NGTO.'a'. FIHST PKI Of 3 SIIv: HIL'M EAnHETT'S HAIft RESTOR.'.TIVE y U-.- X II. Sta' A,-r'eul:u f ... IU I .r. .ud.11 m 2iMbcJ. J. 19V- IS A KEETT'S Yesci.'jble Ilair Resioradrc I.trr Orav to lta N.-raral Coiort rr-- ISot't??. V '"'h. "' "' ' "' 'r ' r" i" Ji caua lM-,f'rd5'""n .nri!..".'" "'""' A n 1,1- th. -r y U- - . ",''vrc"v"nl..Lid' BAHRETT i CO.. Proprietor, ii AI.CIIL-s 1 ER. X. II. T NEW ST0RE! A S D I 3ST SHOT? DA'L Q. "WOODRUFF, JST S MEN AND 150YS W EA1!. Ilroad Cloth, Peavera, IloeskinB. and Caaslmere, aELLl.NG LOW, at K. A T. FAIKBANKS A: CO. N 0 T I C E ! flie ru' l,th. It - in 1 Iliu. lo He.iTef whl.h i wood nd timber lana. . r - it-al.W ..i -lnl ln mowinr. tiilairean.l I !,. n-1. a L-o..d h.. -o niid bai n ou th prem l lut of hou.-K.hold fumi.ure. Alao. oue good ne ihird diwn on farni, r. ma'nd.rin vear n a. ( Al: LlNi: MihiUl. I., auctiot wr. HOUSE FOR SALE! aer b r orlera f..r aale h's hona-1 1 .tri-e' 111 ;t Johnabury. Tl.e tri,a u.d with 1 rick ba'ement. a.i acre .f Und (toce nith tho .losi.i-n i.a.mii:i:e. HANGINQ KEROSENE LAMPS! Suitable for churche. delllnpi or anj- plicc whe c limp it requircd from one to f!x bumers which will bu eold much lcsa than tl.crrgu!&r pr.ce for thtegoodj. t K. AT. KAIKnANKS at t''. rtght 1 riLP H'tu nj inuout. Local and Traveling Agents Wanted Kiclu Ie IV ritorT u. Aj ylr i.t iiakvi;y a ;ii.!:i:i:t. M. .I'lins'.un. Ve'Taout. of th.- r -. 1 1--.- FOR sale: .ubacril.e wi 1 cs to aell hia place ' hu-b . i uatcd ..n the eat tide alt..u- 1-J mile 1011 h f the I pa..- toetii e H". ,ir(a f :o d 1 ii;.- paar .1111 an.l wood laud with ceh.-..- C-t n and a h'lf) will f iliu.- .i . r a the h u -nd l.aiu. Read the follouinrj Tcstimor.ials : r .I..HVJ.- 1 r.. I'el. u rj. 1-C-: Tj i.n ; r- rrr- 1 I av wn Mr. I'i .rt'K lill-r trnl ou ironil 1 Mhi - , rd t' a w.i e. m.l e..nI.,ler t muh ihi ' -t tl-ie l-l one tw.. roldc It. FARM FOR SALE ! .il wrriN--- olTt-r li istencc. WASHINGTON" COI N'TT. A inan nained I.e-lie ilverc. of Water bury, liavin lieen fnreilily ejeeted troin a u.i.i r roeery wliile tiiy. eolleeted a Iiand ot col,a A MJ11)I,flj la not OD of ttmt enhemtrj lliS Iriellds. letlirned witll tlie illtelllioll of uctruma :h-t are f.rj;. tleu iu tho .ama yar they are Clea'lilltr it Ollt." Tliey pitelied intO tlie 1 booi. A n-putat oa of fvrty jeani' Btiudlng and an in- irrn.M.rviiiMii -inil n .r,.,.r!i1 ll.dit ...nued. cr. Bing p ,piu imy.u prctiy B-.a enueuce o. im vaiue. it tlie close of wliieli .Mjers was ueaily L 1I1...1 otwl ,.,.iro,ln ,.vnri.K- illiliri.d. .Mr. V. b. I.ainpliear. of ltrooklield, Etna Life Insurance Company, while p'.ittin liis liorse in tlie stable of tlie liAHTroni), co.nn. .Vmwieaii Ilou-e. Montpelier, tlie Ctli inst.. I Btn,jU( m INUI!CASi: IM ,-,: reeeived a kiek riom tlie liorse wlueli In ,-s ,,,., th, ,lcl.of sllcou,lnn liroke llOtll bolie? Of llis leJ lielOW tlie i.i th.- I ulted SUli-aaud IU .xMavataincuiue iWum l anl iti tJ-iH-ia i.i.u-'c i. U-s. i-orieiiiondent ot Walton's D.iily says j Imuc1 ic,-ri iS0, . , n.iri : in M- over i:.,noo ml i-pitli.!il iw--Mt I-...1 t WilMrlmrv liie new iHiliciea. lliviJeua paid .Vt crt.'. I'olici.-B liut the & uliiiic 1XM, C'L TLLll d: CO., drUEgtata' BoEt-n, l-ropiiet.r.-. SC-lu knee. Ilea.l Mdc-ni-.n .t. .1" I im N.ti'tir.1 that l'l .11 Uiat Mr (J. 1. l'.a-l. v i.n ou c.ft iro . m.t t holda t p i p for uio .1.1 . e. I i meudin noed t For.nuntf I u t;. i a- 11. k 1. A SOAP STONE STOVE FOR SI3. A GOul) uMMlollsl: 1.1.1' l'oi: u. an i-:ri;. Ali, llouao l'urniture, an.l a irovl lot of rarminp l'.K.l.-in l- .ee i an- ime. until v.1.1, at t e le-. ..m. of A 11 111 Tl IIIV-OV o.'ti Vr. hia Fa-m for aalt. j! rea ol tsnl, (it .at d in t ins fmm lhe t'en rtj I.tu- .1 n. i .u c..l l nn th. re a a rujjar o r. ard of l J tre e, i v. -ur tni - .. cit . .1. l.ui din.a, auitable l.i ..iie. r tw.. faini'ie-, w,tl ,i pp I. d wl h lunm k nn r. I. nu ea.v. Ko- fu tber pa tieulara enquire ofll M. Yli: a M,e Uiver Wrkf, or ef LY3 lON AVl II, .11 the preml e. t J.hialm v. I)..-. i !:(;. Kitf Th Uy2ri'''".f nrmie- .iT'-rv' roa.l atauou, aud 1th: Geore Tliorndyke. a youtli aliout IS years of ae;e. toetliei witli a nuinber ot others, was enjoyin the brh;lit nioonlij;lil evenin by slidin down wliat U eallcd I$lmh Hill in the liijrhway when his sled upset. throwiu liitn violently upon the round. Iie was hil by tho sleil uext be hind liiui, and so badly Imit that there i i ean be no liojie of his recoveiy. IIU left ann is badly bruHed and his sknll broken lhroiii;li, fco that a jiieee lare as a spoon bowl was taken cntirely out with sotne of the biains while dressinir the wound. -windham cor.vrr. Cliailes Ilanis of Wist brattleboro, cut a inaple treo on IiN faim wliicli yielded eiprlit and oue-hall cords of wood. It was ealled lhe lar'est tree in town. Estey & Co.. tlie uielodeon makeis of Iirattleboro. have 111 hauds, and sell 200 iusliTiinents a lnonlli. Sonie butehers in Brattleboro, had quito stiiiirirlu i killiiiif a two year old heifcr last w eek. SUe liad broken her fatenius lhe previous niht. and in tlie uioi niti when the buteheis entered. ciiared them, driiui;A. M. Willieut into a stall wheie she kuoeked him down, aud would soou liave killed him liad not the others eome to his aid. His iiijuiies, thouh seTere, are not I'atal. IJolliu C. Miller, of Dumnierston, com meneed -rowin deat fomc twelvc years a'O, and had neaily lost his Iicarinir. Ur. Ketchum of Rraitleboro performed a stir ieal operatiou npon him last week and took two keruels of oats out of one ear which it i? supposed had been there dur inj; tlie wliole twelvc year.. VVINDSOK COUNTY. Daniel Lake and his wife Susan of Bridgewater area uotable couple. Xear- ly 83 years old, they are dwelb'ujf in the lle td the fUon lnc; from tbc grcateat of Amencan Ae-.uarita aud for lea jcara oue of lhe Iueurance Uotn miwi'.oue.B of MacB. ou tha Utua and note ayatem: ItosTOV, Not. IStli, 16C7. S. Pkiilau k Co., Mustkeii., (it'iL'lmon: l'remium nolea ahcn nr.t .xceeding the no. v.i:ue . f the policiea--or in other woids the un eir.itd ue. p emi.ti.ia jr. lA-'i.;.viort.-aoa ... lu.u-niuch aa they are tne uotes of its l.rv are a aiue inl' it. 10 their full cx cut. iu ciae ol li.iuidalion. With .he ordiuary prcmiuma aud erjKCullv .uch aa chargi-d by tl.e -Iltni, thtrcean be no reaaoiuiile doubt. of the b of 5U pcr cer.t uotej. nor tiiit ll.e ot the conipiay la made nvi:ichit bv their c raliectful.. .tcnces youre. rahle part of Llizce WBH.UT. s-eu tiie 1'ciiLio Vkkiuut, that out of 150,0u0 per n u t incu ed in IbiV, oer. llio.O 11 iuauied iu ute liipaui b. Ai.d of the fl) Ameiicaa louipaniea over 10 e u-.te couip .i.iea, aud amoni; them t'io liigeat In the LI.U. L K. SMlGUN'l', Agent, St. .lohnibury, Vt., I or Caledonia aLd Orange Countiea. tST Amuta wauud. tf Mother Bailey's Quieting Syrup. Thj trtat qu ttiug llcm.d. for Childrtu tcething. ljii go I only 15 cenlB. S .ld by dtugi.ta. Wil. JOjlY Jt 80NS, Uartoo, YThjlwala Ajenti fr Vennout. For coughs, colds and consumption try the old and uo 1 lcuo.u ege:auii i uimouary uaiaam. ., ,,r,,w n -uij ii.jj bv our oldest KUd be.t phai.iai.i and famil.s fr for.y yea 8 paft. G.t the genuine. 11LC0, riLK i CJ., IK-utsgiaia, uoaton, rrop.le- tura. S3-V5 TO MILLERS AND MILL OWNERS: We would call tl.e altintion of all ut.-re.hd io lhe Eureka Smutand Separating Machine, Aa the moat iH.-rfict in icl. ne . er minufaitm,d for cleanln.; WU. a- Irom Smut and all other Impurities ! ! They can be fccu ir- operati.m at tl.e foliowin placca : At lhe uiill of 1.. i: II. s. G.iss, r-t. .Ithn.biirv, Vt. " Jiills V. H.ii.,.1, Laaca ei, ..' It. Shater Jlilla, .... ;nt.-l.l, N. II. And at the .Mill ef the su re.ib rt. Call and a.-e it or seu 1 lor circularj. e. t. & ii. ie. int-:, Sole Ag.nH for Noitiicm Vermont anl N". H. raaauiupic, Vt., Jau. 27, 1-C. Tupnnr's Tic Douloureux or Universal Neuralgia Pill " aafe, cirtalu and ipeedy cur. tor,;.. jncl au ncrvoua .i... " cac. re and permancntly curtd la a Ttry ahort Cmc. Neuraih-ia in tha face or head ia utterly banlshed iu a few houra. No fonn of nervom diaeaaa withatanda iti magic inducnce. It has tho unqualificd approval of nnuy em'.ncnt rhyEiciana. It ccntalaa nothing Injuri- u. to !bc muat dclicate ayatem. Sold evcrywhere. Sent on nctipt of f 1 and two po.tage atampa. TL'K & CO., 1-M Trcraont atreat, lloaton, lo-opneton. Ilcton, July 1, 153T lT. jETNA LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMP'Y, J I;ti-1 ioi-cl, Coim. c-a.3PX,z7Jfi.Xi saoo,ooo. Tor the Iiiiurance of llOIl.-LS. CArTl.i: ANll lll LES, against oe th fruniarai .ent, lireo. uiFeise i-u.l also .igainat ioa. duriujr mhui ud uuriue truirpor.a-Ujii. Eaf-l.lVK AGr.NTi W NTLU ta . iK-rate in Cal.d n.a, orleua aud L-se tyotiuu b, e.muut. UO. S. S1IAH', (Jeneral Aseiu, fct. Johnbur, Vcnuost. Charles Stevenson's Estate. STATK Of i:i:.MONI',l U l.erea", C.urlea Slev. Caledonia DUtrici. re. f son, last au .nt ol t toun ot, in .aid dl'trict lnih li". y die ,i t.vtat , teized aud o teBBvuof ciltun good- in.l e.tate wltlnu .aid town of Hjrdwick, tlie ot L-rau admiui tra ion upo.i wt.b h, app. raiuB to the probate cu.t lor .a.d dia ric , aud whereaa ttie aai.l town o llnrd.iick Iihb riled their pe it.on Iu pai.1 eourt, (titii. Ihat tlie Bid Lha.ka b.iviuaou bat t uj widon oi htir. by litv t-ipauie ot muerit-ng .ueti estate, auj. prayiu, tutt hu tuqui.lliou may I) - taKen m tne pr. n.uea. 1'uia ia tuerefo.e to uotlfy ul. pcrouB claia toth inhentauce of tho aaid Cha.iea at iciwij to ap- f Itfare Euid cjur., on the2tth oay of &eptcaibe , a. luX at the probjte olhce iu bt. -joliUfbJiy, lu eaid dtftnct, then aua ttitre io buo- cjub , ii a y tuc- ci they have, wl.erefore the a lid court eliould i.ot o.der, djudge ud dtcre - hatth- ..tate uforeaaid ehall oa. Dat.d at t. John-t.ury, in a id dl-trict, thia 10th day ot l-ebruary, A. o , ioo-. Ily lhe Court. Atteal, 91-CC ASA L. FlicNCH, JuJgeof ITobati P. P 0 Try boi of rOLAND'3 l'LANTAIN OlN'niENi'. 'lhebeatSalveinthe World. lake no ..lhe-, but iuaiatonhavInK thia. Foraalcby all Lmg giat uod country dealera. DU J. V. ISLAND, Manuficturer. toct.CS (See Ad eniaenient.; List Of Letters rcma.niug lu the pott olhce, SU Johnabury, Fibruaiy 1 1, lE6s. Cluac II 1! LcblancAIec llale Ana Mail.nm Volnev Hairii l'hcbe M Ncwman Capt " A Haivcy lllaa L J O'Niil .Mra M A Ua'.ih Clarcnca l'a.tcn ora 1 Ingaila llrrt taabora llra II M KuiKht Mta Lavina To .J John tW Tartiea cal.lns for the abov kttera will plc is. giva the date of the het. li. W. FLEL1' V'OOI, 1. M i l'r"e Ts . 1.1 -epartte Ull TWO FARMS FOR SALE. ollrr for (ileo:e or ut uited in S . Johni- Norli .tpt of the Ila 1- tno milw east of M. gn alns K. scro of Und and tho ot'irr 100 f :. i- inf.irta1 1 pi of buil ilngt cn both ie l.irt;t' f-inn the house -e uear.v new. iouiII witfred, Mid each hnvc amali il. and uiic i tfl mcir crchird. im i tth ntln-r, and to;tthor would ipke 1 tfclw vt tilajy fjrni. lh y will be K K 1 s a l k : f o Ii h- au'. .crilicr t ITers fr ta'e tha farm now- live. eoutaininc lOJ acrra of good d buildina and nluuin aater at houae al i cood .igar or.hird of 1000 trcea. .n.l f inn i- i ..ate I ou the road leadinc fiom Ila: IS .r!;L' to . -.d 1" .n.l. one milefrom Laat llurkevillai i:.. .1 road. 1 .-r furthr iirticulara iu.iuiro of the nbe . (istt 1 laAAC UAur.. 0ARGAINS IN VV00LEN CLOTHS, l'or II n and Hovb wear, ut E. & T. FAI1U5ANKS & CO-a CALEDONIAN PRiriTIKG ESTABLISHMENT 1 O03 NOUTU 1P TUC COL'ET I St. Johns .-ry, - Vermont. Th; propil.toia uf thia eataUithmtnt a c.t-cute ail ordeia for LAKGi: I'OSTI'.KS, HAN'UBILLS, CONCLUT lilLLS, Fl'.OGUA-llS, AL'CTION U1LL8, OlKOtLAES, I1ILL I11IADS, LAiBLa, Wedding, Addrcss and Business Cards TICKETS, I1ILLETS, D0SCEE3, TAGS, LNVLLOrES, I1ILLHKAD5, IlIlONZLU WOIUC, Ltc, Ltc. Aud in f.ctan)thing andevcrythlng iu tho rsr Torto XlonnlC!, Dlarlea and I'octet Booka mailted with owxc Bniu.o. CaT-l"rlcea aa LOW ai the tliniu will admlu Would infonn the citlzena of St. Johnabury and vidni ty that he haa opeued a new Store and 1 :u hip, ia Gould's Block, on Railroad Street, wliere he la manufacttirlrg the rfvy Itat of Tin, Sheetlron, Brassl CopperWares, AUo, h.u for e&lo a Lirgc asortnieT.t of the BEST STO to bc found in thc cwinty ; roch eu tbe celebra'ed model took, HAiarows cook, ELDOUADO. I'.OTt'N MAOSET UOMB COMFOKT, (U fitted for ooil . r Trood.) Tire rlde, Etnn, Itlp Itap, Kmplre Ptatr, S., fce. iurd tPrvirtn.eut of I'arlir. P-irlor Cook. Co'Upe, lloi, Opcutop liox, aud Boap Sone o'.otm. COAL STOVES, T.ldorado, Modtl I'atlcr, Mtge.-, General Graa-, Vlo tor, c. .vc. Stove Ilp., Hollow Ware, llra-. and I'orrrlaln Ket-tlc-, W.iuden, GUbj an 1 .lapan d W ire, I"umpa S nka, l.eid lipe, Sip I'jn-, -ii; Ihn'trr, xtr. A Heive-, Wood Si, .Mopi, Hro-jtn", Tuba, l'clla, Mttriief, Yan kec Nctlona, 6c. tc whici I am allina- VtKY LOW for c&aa or ready par. WANTED!! In exehanp for tbe ab-vre, all kind? "of;cr, sueh aUacs, 'oa. Veto, Fur, IJ a? .Opnrr. Irn UuMtr, I'cwtr, Zinc, Ixad, Bris ltp.CiraujT?d. Heca NVx, loDfftud thor: Uair, Ptied Htrrue. &c , CASH NOT REFUSED. I'eddle-a aurplifd u reeA.nal.le term. dasiki. ii. oouiti!rr. St. JohnlnrT. Nov. 27. 1. S mo Largalna will 1 ofiTered to crppt buyera from parcnafe uiade within tne lait aetic at E. & T. FAIHBANKS & CO'S. SOMETHING NEW '. LADIES' Can fiud all kitida of Gooda for o Ha o yv is: s AT C O 1! S E K ' S . $251! THKEE MOXTIIS INSTKUCTION, FOR 5 DOLL AES IX THE Branehes or the Commcrclal Department -41- CHAMBERLIN'S, BRYANT & STRATTON, BUSINESS COLLEGE! If the itudent' afcllity will a'low, hc has th opportn nity cf complctiug the cntire coarse Ia lhe abore tiue. SIT end Btamp tmmcdisttly for speclal circular.t J. S. CIIAM15i;itLIaV, (taiT.13 '5S BL'KUNGTON, VT. 100 BARRELS PLANTS' EXTRA ST. LOUIS FLOUR For aale at E. & T. FAIRUAN'KS & CO'S. .Conn. & Pa. Rlvert, R. R . WINTEE AitUANG&MENT, 'SBC. 2. 1867, Tralns X.cavo Ht. Jolinabxiry GOLVO SOUTH 0.17, A. M. GOING N'OUTH 0.10, 1'. Ji. A. II. 1'EBKY, Supt. T0 VERMONT FARMERS ! PntTnAi iindrpt L coiDDoscd tf tlie nicht and oflal of ew Yo.k City U th mosl orctnj aud 'uicl ... in tnrker. ttrice at tivM the axtlcl coniiuonlr ki owu m Toudiett; ono b-ilf .1 much will 'oaafiir It Mequil to the lect Superphot:i)hte in utarkttatletiJanAaVrtvil'ntW1it-ll-ie r.r cver CrOP r Cjrdcl1 BtUI1 "111 Dla UJV UicUl U.U aijo II two w tkjj tarlicr and djuble the ptoduc'. i w iLl ma uuran- kcreofcornin the lull. I'ricc ! Burlingtoj Xii) cttu. rjuiphitti witli iuil lulonauuou f.CARPETS CARPETS Ladi.a that are In want of DltESS G O O D H, Will flnd t larsa a'.eck at tma'.l prices, at E. & T. FAIKP.AXKS & CO. WANTED ! IMMEDIATELY ! '. A annrt, activc ritng man, a a dcntal atndent. Iie na- l. from io to'JS vtara of afe, Initeni nie, willina; to tlioroiu-h in w hat hc d ie., aud h ill a udy a de nniu.u.ou to cicel, aud :ac aa honora! It- po i ijn .u e v el. B.i. n. With eiperieuee . f elcmn Evna and ha.ii g i ful. pru tice the ibcr tluuka he ca.i aa cilra cpiKi tiinui . . .11 imm u attiv ou f Illt. GKtl. W. M1LK-, l.vnd.m, Vt. IS IT P0SSIBLE? eittill yon?ejnl. fact thatCAll Damask Lounges for $9, $10 and $11, $,".! ptr yd. o.l llckinra ch p. Ileat feathert for plllarrt. III c.lel.rjltd M-KINti M A I rilLf.Sr.-. l'ure HUIlBi: 1IAIK -MATI ULsSKi, aud ivcrjthius Ia the L.ouiiiro micl INIatti'etr Jiiiie made of thc be.t ra iterial and .old low. Ka,' MRS. L. B. LIVINGSTON, DRESS AIN'D CLOAK MAKER. L-di.i aud Children's llt'ceirtd cvcry month. onodx.r north of ,.lt.Johnt.brj. LOOK AT THIS! Theeub9crilruijhiugtiiiir'poecofhiitM' eftock. tf MilaLlISrEli Y O OOD3 ! OtTera thein for aale at reduced price.. Thoee wiahlns to purehaae ill do well to give me a call, aa 1 will nut be be Ujder fold. Ztr itimeuibcr tne puee, opioeiio a:. uonnei'ury Houae. . W. Si.NIr.K. DENTISTRY! l'ciBoua Wishing. AKT1FI C'lAIa TK ICTI i , Made .a tue be-t po manuir. and of tl.e ot" mnur.a.a. .au get .hcm Jt a reai .uable tate .tuiy olllcu. 1'ieJsu call and ea .miuc epeiimtue. 1'i.liug l.i wttlie.r. : an.l impertin of.BiiuKthe ua ural teith, aa tii.-y are much prelcr able, healthy, to a.tiniial ouee. la eati.cuu, L:het,Chlo.of.irui, aud Ga- jdaua.atcred uheu reqa.oL edaudnhm pruacuu I KKI). 11. I'Al.US, Dl'Ullst. :if- Luloa IHxk, St. John-buty, Vt. tjane .10 NAIAD WATER-PR00F LEATHER PRESERVATIVE! Atcii wet feet l.y tlaing the bett article evtr iutrodu ccd for wa ir out ut laiuu.J b..o- 1 uey .au us polUhid imu.eduuly af.r ilipljtut U ate.-proof. t hia uruce uill p.e erve lea uer iu auy lo.m, und U pccially adiplid lor liarueta, JJ they are vry ault by hia uuaua. uajiraciuaEii bv CAKFE.Mt'U, W00UWAUD St M0KT05, tFernrlil IitJur J. CarpoiUr.) 107 M srATK BHLET, B0STON. V0-.3 ST. JOHNSBURY ACADEMY! The Sprlug Tarm of thia Inatltutlon will conixuficeo On Tucsduy, Fcbruury U3, 'U8, Iuetruciion will be furniahed tn all Engll.b and l.ranchea of aludy, iu Freucn aud in Inetriuiit.utal 3lu.Ic. MR. HENRY C. IDE, Principal. HoS CLLLN U. CAUI l.MKlt,) .!.,.(. Mlss JKNN'Ii: L. COLKl, f MUS EMMA J. 1'AIIIXJCK, Inatructoron Hano. A. J. ii. 1LVNDALU In-tructorof 1'cnnilUihip. N'o exira lu.tioti for luatmctioa in I.itin, (ire k or Frcach. lioard, ud c-uviuieu. rooiua, turnished fr ilf boardiug, will be for at r. a-ouab.e ratea .or all ahu bl.ulv to r o. t.i .uUm.lbera.