Newspaper Page Text
'V,t .. II 1 Ll' i 1- 4 ; j v ,t'. i TIIE (ULEDOXIAN. roff.cial.l Passed at the First Scssion of the Fortteth Congress. i:IX)l.LTION& A J.e-oluliim for tlie Kelief of the Des titute in tlie rSoutliern and Soulliwest rrn Stntes. Kesolvcd by tlie Setiate nnd lIon?e nf Heireent:itives of tlio Unitcil State iil Aiiierieti in Coiiarur-s as-setnblcd, 'l'liat tlie Seeretary of War bo anil lierclty i'iiinvmcil aud directcd lo i-.-ue ujnlies i liiod .-uHiiu'iit to pievcnt Marvation aml ctivine waut to any and all cln?r.o nf ilcMitute or lielile:---peroiis of tlie pco iilc in tliuse i-oiiiliorii aml f-oiitliwesfeni State- wlieiv a failurv of tlie erops and ollier c;tu- have oeeai-'nmcd wide-spread dcr-titutioii : that the lt-.-ue-i bo lnadi' tlirntijih tln' tivi'dmenV lmreau, uiitlt'r sucli lcgiilalimi- a- tlie Seeretiiry of War i-liall pie-cril.e. And to tliat cml tlie Seeretary ot War i.- liereliy autlimized aml ilnvctcd, turonuli the tiiiiiin-iiiiir nf tlie 1'ivedmiii's i.iireau. to apply : liiucli :ii lie niav ileein neei'r-.-arv fnr tl piupii-i'.- afoii -aid "f tlie imexpeinli'd iiioiict - licreltiliue aiiiuoiiriated to Mii jily firidmeii aml rctiijreer- with provi ion- or ratnin- : l'rovided, 1 liat tlie ex iiciiditure .-liall not cxtciid beyond tlie pie.-ent anprupriatioii- already niade for tlie iiei'ilmen s burean. Ajiproved, March ."0, 18G7. A Ite-ulutiuii ant!iori7.iuu the Traiwfcr of cerlain KuihK and proiidinir for tlie J'niclia-e oi Mid- and their I)i-tiilu- tion in tlie South'.Tii State. Ife-olved by tlie Senate and Ilonse of Krpiv.-cntativc.- of tlie 1'nited States of Ameiiea in Congress a-.-einhled, 'l'liat tlie miiii of lifly tliou.-aml dollars U heii bv ti in-i'erred Irom tlie fundr. in charc of tlie roiiimi-.-ioiier of tlie bureau ol frcedineii. U'lujiivs, and abamloiu'd latids and placi'd to tlie credit of tlie depart inent of atiricultiire : and tlia'. i-aid miiii sliall bo u-ed. nndcr tlie direotion of tlie eoiiiniN-ioner of ajii iciilture, for the pur cha-e of M-ed of iinproved varietie.- of ejietablcs and eoreal, and their dirtribu- tion in the soiithoin Siate. Apiiroved Maivli :!0, lii7. A litviiliilion ilirerting tlie Socrctary War to iiirmsli eirtain Arin? and lCijuipiiieiils to tlie Slate of 1enn:.-ee Ke.-ohvd by l!ie S.'iiate and IIou of Kepie.-tntat'ue.- ol' the 1'nited Slale of Aincriea in C'.mit a.-M'inbie.l. 'l'liat tlie Sei n lan ol ar be. and hc bero by, diiicted to Itimi-li an:,. and eiuii itiuntf to iheSinti-u! 'IVniie.-.-ee, Millieient lbr ten thoii-and linlilia, to be aeeonntod lor by the Slate of ' to the gov erimienl ol'tlie I'niled State.-. Approved Maieh .'!(). 181.7. .loint Jte.-olntion rn-pcndinj: all I'roceed-injr- in IMatiou to I'ayimnt for Slave-divil'teil or rcreiveil a.- Volon teei in tlie inilitary Service ol' the I'nited Stale. !! it re.-olcd by Ihe Scnate and I Iou-e of K'eprerentatie.- ot tlie Uniled Slati of Aincriea in Coiiri. a-iinbUil. 'l'liat all finther prooicding- undcr tl e lueniy fointb -cetion of tlieact ol C'onii-? ap proved I'cbinary twpniy-foiirili, ciuhtccu liumlrcd and .-ixty-fonr, '"to award eoin Jiensation to Ihe nia-tcr.- o! .-lave-. dnitt cd inio tlie niilitnry er"uv of Ihe l.'niied Slateu, and award coinpen-ation to per- sons to wboin eoloicil vobmtccr niay owe sorxice," aml iinder the mtiiiiiI mt tion of the aet approcd dnly twcnty cihth. eightcen bniidred and .-i.ty-?ix. makiti approiiriation for payinunt to er.-on cl.iiinini: ervice or labor Irom colored oInnteer8 or drafled nieii," be. and the same are bercby Mi-pended. And the Seeietary of War i- direeled to di--olve the coninii?.-ioa.-i ap pointcd iinder the aid sectioiis, and inake liaymeiit to the conimUsioiiefs and eler for the s-crviro rcndercd, npon their mak inji rcport of their proeeedinga to the "War 1 )cpar!nient. Approved, .Marcii 30, 1807. loint IJc:-oliitioii provid'niL: for the Kx-pen.'-e.- of carrvin into fnU Kll'eet an Aet entitled "An Act to provide for tlie niore etlieient (toxernnient of the ICcbel Slate'." l'.e it re.-olvcd by the Senate nnd Houre ol lu'iirc-eiitatnes ol the l nited States of Aineriea in C'onrc.-s av-cinblcd, That nlhcicnt lnoney is hcreby apiirojinatcil, ont ol any monev m the treanry not oiherwi-e appropiiateil, to dclhiy the ex- pen-cs ol e.irryinji into lnll elleet m all it-f part1 an act entitleil An aet to pro vide for the inorc ellicient "ocrnmeiit of the rehel Slate-'." pa-sul Murch two, eij:hteeii hundred and -i.ty-uveii, with all itf. tupplenienlarv aet? : l'rovided. That thc amoimt f-hall not execcd liv liundiid thon-and dollai. Approved, Mareh 30, 1S07. A lic-ohition to authorize tlie coininand ing flcneral of tlie Anny to pennit U'radcrs to reinain at cerlain inilitary 1'Os.t.-. Kc-olvcd bv tlie Senatt! and lloii;e of Kcprcentativei of the Uniled States ol Aincncti 111 Congrc; teinbletl, That the eoiiiinaiidiii;' general of the army sdiall be authorizeil to jiennit a tradiii"; establisbinent to be niaiiitained after the lirst day of.lnly. eighteen hundred and fci.ty-.-even, at any inilitary post on the lionticr, not in the icinity- of any city or town, and titnatcd at any point be tween tbe oiic-liiindredtli lnetidiaii of lonitiide, west from Grcenwieh, and the ca-tern boundary of the State of Cal il'ornia, when. in hir judginent, ueh os tablishinciit U tieeded lor the aceomtuo dation ol'einigrant-, freigbters, and oth ercitizens: l'ruwdcj, That after thc eoiiiiuisary tlepartinent iball be prepared to snpply tores to soldiei-s, as retiuired by law, 110 tratler, perinitted to reinaiii at ucb po?t, shall cll any gooils kept by the coininissary dcpartincnt to any en-li.-ted men : And provided further, That such traders hall be umlcr protection and inilitary control as cainp lollowers aVpproved, Marcb a0, 1S07. A Kesolution for the l'urchase of Lands atljoining tbe Xavy Yard at Urook lyn. Kcsolved by thc Senatc and Housc of Kcprcsentativcs of the Unitcd States of Anierieti 111 Congress a.-senibleil, That tbe Sieretary of tbe Navy lx; autborized to coniplcte tbe purcha-e of the property adjoiuing tbe New York navy-yard, known as the JJuggles property, without the provious acnt of tbe state of New York: l'rovided, The title is otherwb-c aj)proed by thc Attorney-Gcneral. approved, Mareh 30, 1SC7. Kcnrlntin.i and di?eascs of tlie lnns and tliroat liave becn tmusunlly prevalent and tatal at lsoston, tlns winter. .Alore tlian 300 jiei-sons bavc dicd trom tlie foriner diseasK; alone, while hundred' of othcrs have barely escaped with disligur- mg sears and rnined conbtitution. Ilotcl rents in New York are lecidcd- ly large. The Astor Ilou.-e whcn re opencd, N to rcnt for 'o.'i.OOO ; the St. Nicholas ts rented tor i S,000, the 3Iet ropolilitn lor $7."), 000, and tlie l'iftb Avenue foniewliere near 880,000. The Obio and Indiana town clcction-. thUi fall, have gone Mrongly repnbliean. Clevcland cbanged lat year'p 100 demo- cratic majority mto liG lbr the republi- caiH, and Uayton, tne hoinc ot allan- ligbam, went the njzht way by .100 nia- jonty. Ii-t year the ileinocrat.- carrieo it bv 130. Wliat cnrrot-headed little brat i- that niadain? Do von know bis namc's Why. jc.-, tiiat'.- my joune.-'t i-on." Von don't say t-o, indeed I Whv, xbat a dear little, hweet, dove-eyed cherub hc i;, to be tiire : A good -ort of maii wi lecently a-kcd Mibfcribe for a clianilolU'r for th eliurch. '"Xow, s-aid be, "wliat's th ue of a ebandelicr :" "After vou "ct it you can't get anybody to play on it .'" Wliat's the diH'erence between e!itori al and matrimonial experience ? In th foriner Ihe devil cries fbr ''eopx-," and in ihe latter the " copv " eries like tlu devil. An exehaii'ic eontends that, notwith standing tlie popular prcjiidice in lavor ol the innoeeneeol the tair ex, wbilc th pre.-ent Myle of head-dre eontinue? ii vogue, their ffilt is very inanifet. What is thc diilerenee between a bar- ber and a inother ? One has razor tliavc, and the othcr lias ?have to rai WILLIAM H. LYMAN, FLOWER AND GARDEN SEEDS, LEVKKKTT, MA3S. My urw 1 atiilomie au i (luide to the I Ioait ind llar dou, couwlnins deocnptloiis of over 1,hk arirtU ! Flowt-r Sictl nd 1M uil. To which w .idded a lw ci Krcnch llvbird Gladiulu-t. Zt MUt frtv to any tUdic&s on tt ccipt of Ptiuup. 3-T 2. WILLEY, STEEL AND STENCIL CUTTER. 1 vt. Fipiinp, Stamiie, Hrsnd, Dicp, Ac, made iii n mpirior in tnnor uid uarrnttd. Mt-tiiil of tMTy de criptiu.i, bufinfw , fioi:i t-racdj', .tlpL ilictf, itnd fiuri-s ihh irom tlie tt ct k Nniiic p! itt for in irkm (! thln ui Ii mdlibl' inl; Aln hut.-l .md r.ilroud cln-cLa :u d t - onler. tirdii Irjin toi-1 i.nd inftruiiii'i.t urikrn nnd all me-cli-i:)it p neivd ut.h ittaf mc bud prcuii't rtt-vu!- -i. .nordor-adlr.e-fd td I.imii feuiii, Vi.,m 1 1 TREES, PLANTS, lU-.-t qiniitv sitd ki.ids a'h lowftiatt- c .d j tJt.ilo'iic. W. C. zlilU. Nonintuiii Hill, ltrih!- out aud o. 19 Mcicust row, Itoa ou. 1 Shaw's Chemical, Electro, Silver Plating Ruidu-n.out plat-d-wir .d i- u.-w. uipli'd ecut bv nirtil uu tttfipt ot : rt ut to p iv t -r pncki trai d ifU.'f. Addutw J- Sll , t bfinirt, i-.Im rtn-ct, Ididciwrt, Cutiu. At-utd ra.iitod mn- NEW FIRM, Boot and Shoe Trade The iulktiu tr ouM iuf..nn tlif l rnyU- i.f rt. .lol.n li'jrv an! vi. luilv -lnit Lt-j have ! lit the ftmk iu tnidc of II. A. v. -.),. u ' -i.mrojd ir it Ii rc tl Wlll cOLtmue to l.i.i:iufjiturc 1! O O T S - X I ) V tball k.-op ( lir; i I 0 1: : , Kij. an. I.lrt: Also, Sole Leather and Findings. vr- Oivc ti" a call for e con-id. r it no tr. ub' n our good. Hi:ilRV (V I'dH'EltS, r. v. ni Kr.l. lUIlroad Stricf, M. .lohn-bur: :-MAKE YOUR OWN CANDY'.-j: Hftv pcr rrat. tavod to 11 tail 'drJlcm. roi.foctioncr nnd .uf ir liukf re. $5.00 '' roiipc to uml rii.i.siirm Celebrated Pure Maple Cream Candy, It ia fit takiui; tbe load f all otli r ( andioa n bi t it I nold. Full printid infitruitioii. eoiit ou r.oci pricc .Mail your monov in picrtonc.' f yi.ur 1". . ourripk. Addioa. II. K. I'll.l.sltl KY, ltox Tri. Sole rroprivtor and Invin'or, mi s n, 1 Conn. &. Pass. Rivers R. R AKlLV.NCKJIIUNr, 1DG7. GOINC SOI TH !.1T, A. M. UOI.V; NOItlli, 1'. M. A. II. I'KItKV, Stipt. A MAN OUT WEST In dopcribini: a fralo of u ind, aiid "aydlow ib-K ca-ibt iitli hia iiiontb pcn, and turne 1 complotd ,f idc out." We odvie n. ono to I' turuc.l trom i courkc by trii.d or ivcther, but ko at onco and ordor onc of CASSI.SO'S til'KlXC MATTltlHia and I.OTNGK& Youc.inthin bo comfoitable tlu lonj; winter ovenlugi, and aleep wcll tlueo cold nlKlitH. NOTICE TO BUILDERS I r rcpair bouflei! xvill CnJ it to PAPER C0VERINQ. It ia cheaper. more clnFtie ind atronper thn tbo t papcr aud perfcctly impeuetrablo to tvind. A. A. riKKUK, March U; St. Johnsbury North. LEBANON CYLINDER PLOW. roraalc at thc depoti Ht I'3sunipai. , t. Jobuebury. i.ynaonana nm nurKC. l-". 1.. C. KKX.NKi, Agent, Wnt Hurkc. Vt. STRAW FOR UNDERBEDS. DON'T USE IT. KxceMor is bettcr and doa't uced refillins every i nioathi. CASSINO hjs it and 11 your tickn ehort uotlce. tf tK rtvcili.scmcntsi. OODSPEED'S F0UNTAIN PEN. ''itaf. written with the world. raraplc 10 cta. agcnu. Addnra J. T. ritlOE i CO., 37 I'ark Kow, X. Y. SOLD BY ALL STATIONERS. Of Gold and Slcel. Kncloeo etamp for priced clrcular. a. a. itAtt.r.s e: uo., 111 wunam st., . k. Dr. Langley's Root and Herb Bitters aro a aure Curc for Hver complaint in all tta forrnj, hu mora c.f the blood ind akin, ecroful-i. dyi-peptbi. coetlve. nm; indlifrMion jaund cc, beidicbe ind biliotu di tr.fri "wbillty, ic. They cleanaa the ayatem regulatetheWel., 1(,etoro the appetite. purify the LI.trenKthen t e. l.jy,Ml, ,horonEhIy preparo it toi(.tdi;ajeof all Vld,. r.E0. c. GO01)VIN i. ...o. isoia uy all druggi.f . Consumption Positively Cured. rtroDchial atTcctiona, ia preKribed and rocoiutnend.d bv IMiyeicttmii all ovcr the country, and i perforiuinir mori curc tuan au othcr rctneciea combiaed. a iw.i tu conrincc the moat pkcpiical. $1 a tiottle, alx for $5 Sent br cxpreea. Oircular- free. 5old bv Crn i (Joodwin & Co., SS Hanoer St.,3o8ton, and all d'mnl "The Great Pin-Worm Remedy." TIkp troobliwime and danereroua Deata. lin Worma, any other "Woima, are tafely and tboroughly eipclied from the t yptcm by the u-c of De. Goclp'.i r'ls-WuEM SlRCr. without Inlnrr rn th hijilth of iho mnot Hrlicate (miuoruauit. l-urelr veeetahle. warranted to curc. OF.o. c. GOODWiX CO., BoetoD, ita.-a., and all drupifltji. prf.. rr. ..... SfiP gHlrcrti.Gfmcntsi THOMAS CC0 an J 2i".2 (; R AONEW, ., N. V., Udi rcduccd tlu1 iiricc of Tcns Coffc-cc, tfusirp, llanr, andnll kiuds of R.octlfn from l lo J'l pir nnt I!wt Jtp3n lVi.$l. llct l:upllh ll:mkla t T. il Spkndid Oo oiik T"c:i. Pik-. lfiMiblilB. I'lnui, 111 K' ldw fiomill upn-:m!f. 2tt,lKMi K-il. MuI-ujh'P, -ul gr.nlts, fioln 4ic upard'. i'otf o, r .'i-l'd sud f;roiiiid, l.V to l(k Suirp, -ill jfrndt-n. .xt relineif Jtnc-, and evt-iy hinc u-'.l iu . M- ! unily -h al'Cl and l-ttri thau tiny etorc In New Vork. TllOHAS i:. Aii.t. otcupica 1110 own b ore, uwur tli proiuTy, -ind h is no rent t -iy : nuioitd au.i lu cxclutiieiy forcifh ucvor g ive a i.i hfe, ci-u- cfjucutly lie ian undtrtill any liou elu the ely. NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. THROUGH LINE TO CALIFOIi:;iA. Via l3;iiiain:i or jSric;n:iirti:i saiuso m:w v.i:k -llarcli ." ti aml -!.- 1 Ii ; Apiil .":li and lr.ih ; .M.iy."i!li, l."ili aatl .'ili. Vv illi " .-tt-inuliiiu ot tho fir-t ila'-. PASSAGE LOWER THAN BY ANY OIHES LINl. I'or furtlior TT Wcft ii-.' I). 1 ir tlie und. ri.;i:id ai CUtlllMJTDV. V. 'in. Weed Killing Made Easy, Allins Wndna lloe. lli. "Itkan iiniiii.riful f.' o i' ituoik pi'.lf !," "n ou-y au 111 'ool to Il2ndl.', ' 1 anirti' 11 .tjp dl iiuplclnciit r. AI.l.i:, l'r pr lioUdo 1 CARPENTERS. S nd foi Cat iIobm- f Ni ti-cturt and tai. l.uililiUr,. A .1. ill. KM.l.i. .v TJtti al Ilocki 1 , ! Ui- cr?, -i to . nti o250ir,r,:::. WANTEO, AGENTS, W UrudKtTt of .n! cin ..Ifjid tu ,1 1 n it," . uUe fji uit. , or i;r t : sa.' vo. 1'. r ( nill n S75 toS200l- inoiith,o.ry..l.,r. m 1.- ,i.d f. milf, to iu rtlticc tho litMiM. lura.iMii i .-O-l 1 MII.l .tmsu Ma.uim-. ll.lP HJ1.-..1U. Ulil -t...h, l.dit, tell, ii. k, U'lilt. c.rd. I.. ul ,ia 1 (-111-l.ri.ikrin i m.vt piip ,io. iiianiior. l'ri.c ..nlv KnlU (lara tidf..' U tm. . nlllpiv flHiM.r liur'.luc tlt uil. wn i rtroncci, 11.01 r l.o .ut.fu , or iiioiocla-tic 1111 tliiu oura. Itu.ikn tho -K.ia.c Iak Mitih." I.m t c..n.l i ch e 11 1..- o,.t, and rt.ll 1 I. p .llf .1 i, i.i.v-1 d . T, I.eOMH i I O , lM tbar'i-'h, it l THiN. 1 ipu- il up 11 bv othiTjH paluun o:f vorthl. a.iiic uaiuc or othoivii.,'. tt,r-ip l.c nl (;euuiuc .i icilly practii'il . hnp luail.i c'iirc.l. Galc's Copper Strip Feed Cutter. s.vvi: Mai u ll.n. I.i vou u j::t ll.i' chi Hi..n . , aic t uorkdl.and lu lural.Ic mi Not to be pild f I Illl t ud. 1: Ak ud lor tuu:t.ated rir. ular. tiAl.U J; l llAI'IN hirvKV 1 tllf .M INDISPENSABLE FOR LADIES SKAV1 XCf !e-urifut irti.h for t o .t-: i(f k. not ..i.Iy pr.. irtiu t c; u i ij k, taiu.-cf Iidi.e ui bir.l ti..iu tl.i ut;l oi i.i .1 iil. i ill., il.c t ,c iu.t of tl'.c' i.rcdle uil. ifeinbroi.I.-.ii.Hiu.l r-pl.tcd. au.l will nll pnrk . t I ..1 uitti iw. c.l i I ul- k. iin, t coi di i .u. 1 or all l.i Ull. s .i.H-autlyj lv( in rf.c NII.l. MANI l"( SI0 to $20 a Day Guarantecd. ..II A..1.N 1 ,,.iu:.d t.. i Nia c i t'.c ui rkit. u le lir ut u.d H.II p i i. . ku. A.idr- W . !!d'an.p!'c!'.." I. 1. -iiN A l , .Ma-. Howc 4. Stevens Family De Color 1 lurt . adi-, 1. . I. j ..! i. . :),. - ii r I .nu. U , ( - t . ii ( ol , lr.ib . iu ii . p l i i- l.adi- i lackf, 1 i I THE CELEBRATEi? T K ' " UKHAN V. 1 I II V 0 X II U IU A N A S T 0 P . .1 b. -ib , f t . illTud or iiiu N.l.; 1-b 1 1. ; , N . ; 1- .N .-th lli l;a ..l..lp!i .-t., ( Fruit Trces and Vines, Small Fruits, Shrubs and Plants, A c. tnpl ti aud ctcn,uc ,t.K k f..r .nlo. whol.aa : atalo.ue and .llcl to 11 ivli, .(( b-1 Wa.hiugt i: I. ple ?al . GRANT wlul:,:,'::,',1,.';:: , tlic.p -enta uant tory of i ur r 111 toria 1, 111 I. .! loluui-. (II thu. Alao. Naiy Iii t'ie Kelilli m ul th Oen. tala u. u ard uorke bi t oir .cdiiidian ito.. I'ubli-i 1 threcolhe, at lll.l- tb. WANTED MlcMiu-u to traiil f i i Manufictiir insl'oliipan, and ..1. by a.Iill.lo. r.o. .1 wjge ai. piiiautKd. A. drt a-, u th tamp HAMIl.l.iN t: 1IOWK, 11.1 Cheatiiu. .t . I hilad. Iphia, l a. PATENT OFFICES. Imcntor" who wi-h to take o-.t l.e:tcra I'aient are alii- dio eoiuwl m h MI NN &.(., I.ditora if tbe Sii. n Ific Aiu ricin, nlio b ivc pr.v.i-i.tcd ctiiiu 1h f .ic thc atrif iiffiic for oier tiicntv ie.r. 1 1 cir Aiui ri- and l.uroj c.n Pat. nt Ageuey .a tl.c :uo' eb n c iu thc hirirea 1 a illT otlicr r. liai lc acucv. A p iniphUt coutat iujc tull iiuitruc ion- to iu entoia, a nt gr .ti". A lmn.l-oni -l.oun.l voluine,ecnt.liniuf W n.i-ebauic-il (uraiiniri nu.l the l nitcd titiv CcuaiH b l oiintica, mth huua aud n icip a for uic. hani. a iuailtd ( ipt i V.ldre , 111 N N 1'aik !:.. .. ork. Agents Wanted for thc OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR. Ita t lllaea, ( b irac'er, oi.duci au.l Ib-alat', hy ii ox. ai. r. x a n ii n. s i i:i-n 1: n s. Ita rcidy alle, c.iinbini d uith tu inti inake it the bcat nibacnption b M.k t vi i r.I. One bgi nt 111 l-laton, I'a., rejiorta TJ -nl-rcribcia in Another in Ikatoti, lo:i auliacnla'ra in lour dua. Send for circtilara. an.l aec our ti nua and full ib-a-criptimof thework. Addiea" NA'l U)N AI. I'l 11I.1S1I- im: co., I'hiii Iphli. ra. H0USES, FARMS, LANDS, And evcry. description of Real Estate. G- Tt. sr ' s N. E. REAL ESTATE JOURNAL, Ia indiapcnal.le lo cvery ranner, Ituyer, Siller au.l Oirner cf lieal la.ate. rtibliahed on the lat nnd loth of eery luouth, at jl ja.r year ln adiance. Suhacrip tioue received for alt tuoutha. Single copiii ceuta. The moat uaeful buameaa liajicr iuthe country. Office 4 SCOI.I.A l '5 lU IhUl.Nl., ltoaton, llaaa. ROYAL CHART, ForcutUng ladiea' and children'a drc-aia. I'rirc i. Sent by mail or eipreaa. rcra.leby all Sewlns Ma chine Agenta. l'leiniuiua giiiii to igcnt., .Mcu or Women." and a imarautec ot 2 la-r dav ni, lit. Seu.l for partlculara to SAMl T.I. Kl'.Ii.NCII, 1JJ Xaaaau -New York. NOTE. I have midc arraugenieuta wi-h thc l'ateu tee in Uurope for th exclil lic .ule of the Celebrateii Koial Ciibt lor the L". & B00K AGENTS WANTED " Men of Om- Timos," leadli'E patrioia of the dav. An ( lecant oetavo aol- utne, rithly iUuatrattd ui h Is: lieauUful ateel eugrav inga, and a portrait o the au'hor, Jtrs. Htirrlot; Tte:oln:f Slowc. Aeenta Ejr it la the I e-t. ard aelli the ouickeat of auv laxik thy cver eold. Some are takinu 2a ordera per eek. lt wlil out ill "Lncie lonra oabiu. ' we tui- ploy no pcntral agenta, but par cxtra couiiuiaaion. Old agenta w-ilt apprecta'e thia ittm. Scnd lor ciicuiars piving full p irt.culara. Addreaa llAKTtOKll l'l lll.IMU.Nti UO., llattlold, I.t. WANTED AGENTS, tu all parta of the I'nitcd Statca for our New Wotk, i?-i1oh atlooJc ol'Hionrapliy," Containlng ovcr eiBhty .ketchea of cminent pcraona of aii ugea and countriea, womcu a well aa meu : a hind toine. Octaro book or oer faHI p,ca, lllua ratcd with bcautlful ateel (ngr,lin , wrj, b i.VJ.IOV, the moat popular of l.v.n,. ,.i (..... ni enauro for it a ri id aaie. s,.nd for d.-acriptii e clrcular and eeit our cxtra tt rrua A. S. 1IALE i CO., ruhUahcra, Hartford, Ct. IIoston, March -T. Messrs. PADDOCK, DEAN & CO., Manuficturers cf Vermont lLatv ltone Supcr-l'bot'phate of I.inie. St. .Johmlmry. V:.t Genticmex: Your lettrr adJrt-ed to tlirouph ve'afVomi nt apc.a of rocont date, m-et!a niyatlen- tion. Yrn ctil ccm dlqitK-d to ml(ad tii- puliMc mind in rtferenc to inv SupHr-riio-plMte cf l.inio. ui.d ou cvcii in.-Inu iti' t!nt ip-iM, w. ri; kc, m-Ld upon iy gTulindF ly thc ti'Io, are t'n'ually worked into tny upor-rho-pLjtc. is ym l:icpiTii Mich laattriah n ar iy tncto-yf 11 Li li had tho apnear.ince of eiug inoTt'd and thr..wu Into licapa 'o i.eit. ouhc bMntotny faitorya: Wtyi.iouli ou hac ecin fncli p.uff aa you decriln. ' fen au-ifivn. I Imi inanvtoi.pcie yyi-ar 3Uil i.h n my l.rach. indliflvoi t.irnnr iu ll.o -i-i!;l.lwrli'.! Inlf of it for tli o- inS it bick Into lu'ip.'. I nv myl. ilf in tlio plico fr iv n Ix-ddiriK f m-. I.orw-p. ind tlu- Unncr nim ln. I alf and lic 1 c !r-u, wif. it. I lnvv rrns. he-J biin to peo ulist t et- Iic 111-1 !o of it. I ul havo no i.lci lo us.a it to inako Mip r.i'li.i pi. i o. l ou pr.t ! Iy noticoi a llii" vi-i tiuy I'art ry, a lari pile of lunilc'r. miny f I rii'l , cni itf n.d llirr b.ild nnute iah. by di I y. u i.ot oon .lu.l tlnta.l tho iu it. ri i'a w. i 1 1. I c urkid iut tuy .-. inr I'li iptiatt-f I h"Uld iiuitc at rrvu LmLif a.. pltiuibi-, 1 uk . r urn.t. !.b.iill hi-iii1oi uiiu i.. in ni king Sui':" 11i.-plriti'. N i'ot.t 'tii-.iuii.- rtiril o.ii....-t!i.ititi!ii,ou'd t!i".t it eovrai.ic in itri-r titlifrt.i'i t'..i vt p- iblc, napt.t cf .. oay cr fi-iii.-r.tntioi.. m.l r.m-i.f l.c i.i valuiLIi. i.itr..t:f.coi.Iifiibtt nc-it i piblc t .ir it.- tl . -oil ! It i r c!l. ..ii y ippi-o Ir. H.ij .ul.l iiH-.nt ii J'i i ttl Ii iikralKf.rf.rtnizcrlf .n Wby di.l you no tfvr tl.. f JOU i found it i.i Wdrt l r-r-nrlhi tl, cMe r. l .. Ihe -1. 1 1 r. iv, i rulinldr , oi. ful y uideiii.g anti.i f r f. a , a 1 .i.j.p c, thc fariu. ij:htF.v ul n!i (b II . l.uin.1- o: liu T. o pha r cai..c f . lu, rcp.-t. d .u 1 is aun yai., aud (h o Wtrcr. We n.e o'd tliat a cernin lilge 1 po -1 bvaphatc will di-a. lie i.i i cr t Idhnr raiich of tl.e rrall lali.M. diarilie iu raiu uatcr. Vh doyoi All thc iituc ia a sj.ip.r-l'lioph aot tcll tl' 1 , i- li:dld thc-pirin rn orc. .N.)lhiu- nill pruvc i'a prepencc but l pr ir lcll irial. orat i.cihitnicil a.ial.i.i . fiilm on .1. rf.ll riiotph itc why do otl tl ui.lbh a f 1 nu .U Af. Ili ac rrc-t aailyaia of jour l'li.plu-r. a .! u i 1 pul.Uih i- if you .lotiic uic to. au.l 1 will be r. pou ibe for the ..irciti.caof t' e .ai ic. .r; ... oua.i.u rer,- ttat aui m;iu-d rst u..-iuk- haf ( lit.t. .1, but f (1 ronlident I will oar niolc-i . I bdi. c you !o r. itrt't li, I fail to fcc yo.raj. I.. cv. and I uoul 1 advi.o vnu hercaf cr u. t to n u.L. ta u.troduce your m inufartuic, I y lr wz t . ma .1 iu n I lolir :.(Is1iIk). Ihia ia liad i ll. r. ci. n if hu. n, I aril.lcif ctual iiu-rit; nr.l .1. ubl mi Li n o . 1 urti. Ic, w. rib tl.m balf -n.l c.rtu r-1 r th m 1, i f a- , uiiu 1. a- thc oi.c iou are tri iut; to d. t 1..1 l.n..rn pu a-ont-Cion. ' Y..U knou au.l thc v-n. ultural r..iun.'uutv throii.h- (Ut New Kuclind kaow, tt at my I'hophat 1. l ualni.l uu unpn c. .Icuti .1 ri-iiu.Hti..n. a- Il.c m Mtttu I'ii.k iuiati . f Il.c c. uiitry, and vou ini-ht a uill un.Iertak, to run thc l a.rl.suk'. i-calc out of tlie u.aikct l.y ri.te tui.i):tliHt'ill thc bcirings to their acnl.a were (.l , to try 1 1 drice iue out of tLc maiket, by Faiini; tliat I u-c ii.t.-i iu my I'h.-phatc. One unrui lic (. Ttir llic nilK. 1" ibmU ea!c l.oM tl.c aliue p m tlon .li. a iralc, hat t.iy I'lloapha'e d.-c aa a I'hipl. i: .mditu f r tliiar.ixra Ibit uuprinrip!c.l luin try t.. n i d . a. toi. t th iro'ti infcri .r nnnu'.cMin I b lou mi. 1. pr" f f t d. m n. t.n .. coi. tI. cc d fiut r.?t.I, .i li' i i .' . .. .. intiTiTtc.l p r tli-s thit I d. ..ot u-c . lo I iu mj Mip. r-l hit but.-. Shollld thii i.o: I. eatifav 1 I c iu nic i.k . tha .... J..i ..ll.uou .1 uu w of.neaiu my imnl i -inmt tl. t tb "(' crrtifi. ate-are trun. W M. I. IIUA1I.I.. Man fi. urr of llnu.ui-- l nrM St 1-s.u-! ii..- l.i I.. It.(!.I..N. Slarcli -.5. 1-.. unluiry f lo rnl(. 1 hj-e t-t K-rt 1 zv f . -eim y. a a. aud lu a . itfctent tv a u: ui liuf ctur-, ' o H, aud f.. ijui nt y l r olb. r "la u (r.uue.u bli(f..iil i itho.i fouu l: apcit ul i. .lkM 11 . &"tc A- .icr of . c tlu ihi. 1. i i- - I'u.tit, T. ,t. K-.N, M. Ii.. St W Aaaay , to Maar. E. 1 pr.uiiie Jlra. lliyc-, father nd aon. r .lackx.n. do ti,t tcirtiiri uni cnd'.ri. uict.t to mi ,11 1 f tl e r al. Hty tu atiali yc fcrtiliicra. . t.. lt., ur,h : I-JN.. crd auj cr i . : I lu- i t . ci r If . t at i. ir . f w ui 1 llrudl i for .t ..I I. n tituc biic I.. . . ph c vf !. ni. iuinuf .ito v ..l.c lu tc t.fv frruilKWtive la-n ii'cl bi .ii.lltradl i. loiv b. cn in thc ( iiiploii ior. thau four .n, ai .1 i aaid Itr dle. 'a miiht-11i. t llolbiirv, Mia-and I at noulolpx thit nniiiii k-.b Ii p. IK'i- l-liwpl ,.te f Uu.. M. 1.. H.t.., m ireh .;. i-rc. Tl mmsi 11 ll oo. ium I . a I-t... i rtif. that I with Wm l Itn'.lcv, ta f,. cuim. for luarly l'n. Jiaa. l-h at hia -'.ipcr-l'hi.a iutc of Ume iiiinul' y. a- llcxl urv .. d W cv ii...uth. 1 hne c.n tantly inixc I n.d weiglml thc u a eri ib tnjailf, in th ictici i tniii.l..i w.ich.d, uiix (.1 or weiKhod, a ainglc p..u i.i cf iniick, .md know tlxly th i- uo u.iuk h a :. . n uaeil b and llra.ll. u, hia Mtp r-I hoaphite of lainc iJtT. CL.iikK. N... Wi li. M i-., M i Thi to !i..i l.ii nilli Uu. I.. i.for ucirlv thn aa .up .iiieii.bntofhi-l h.-pb t au.l Aiid uorka at Wciinoutii. Maa-., itul aiu nt p o-i.iit Im.. K .No tuuik i' cicr ii-i.l bv It.all v in iu tnitfiemr inn sujicr-plufi.hee if l.ime I.m 11. ( ir.ri- III I:i:VIAH!N V. I ATON, M. I). IiPA'iSir.: 1 your ciruficatc ditdl llutiet. Ici. !.-., lr.-, aud pi.lili-hel ln aun.lrv ncu-p.-r-, Mhcrcinyou a'av that lli 1.1!, i', SuiKr-l'hpliate ia third i Inri-ilyl i .!ollar vtl.iaii proit the ruu You a iy tlu inorc aoltible l th Ul vou d i ouhl a-tv I will pii-c you oi ) if you i ill aho-.v anv puch thoi l fui.I tt leaat tuenty-nie lir cenl r in I'add.irk, Hean .V Co.V l'hoai hat. I'.ra.l! 'a. In rt'i.Ii tothial will gile you one tliouaiu.l dollira (jl.iini) if you will ahow iue an aualiala of I'a.liocl Ilcau i Co.V l'hoaplintc thtt ui:l thi twcnty-liie ier eent more iuati.r tlnn llii.llei'a l'aieut, or llradley-a l. S-uii.r-1'Iio-pbate, thit ba- been made Kithin the la-t tno jeara. I will gne ;ou one thoii-an.l dollara, ftl,iV inorc if I euinot .roie by aiiintitic an ilyaia th-it , ither ef the aluie brau.I-of my Mipcr-rhoaphare (wlucli lic laa'ii luade w ithln tl.e laat tio yciia) ioiit.uu-. more thm til(iit-fie pcr eent. more laluiblc Miliiblc uiut'erthan ra.ld.Kk. lliau t Co.-a Vciniollt Katv Itcue HuiKTi!ioa phate of l.ime (-ocalled) .outiiua. I do not tuakc thc-c olfera wit'i tl e nnder-taudiui; that watir ia aolnblo lutttcr, but iiith th.- und- ra-audiu thatwatir uiu-t b leekon.d ia natcr, aud S'.luhle tuit ter uiiiat be valual le aulut lc u.atter. aa thi- ia the ti-n il an.Iwtljcometii.ij cf deiling uith the agriculturil eoiniuuuity. 1 inaku thcac otfera l.a-i d uiioii the groun 1 that I'ad d.k, I lean .t (o.'a atatctiiLiit tta to their Supcri lio-l.h itc beinj; eue (, ia tr ic. I regrit lo feel obliol to iiieit you, a aeientitic e;cu tl.inau, eo dceidcdly: aul baie to otTer aa my ouly nK.lo(;y that the gnat wron j..u h .vc doue iuc b .ubliahuv or alloniiiK to be publi?b(.l iu conui(.tiou wilh jour name, an artlele u hlcb ia uutruc, ibm tu.!a,o.i uy part, strong denial , a- I ha e grtat intt reet r.t atake. Your obtdiciit ainaut, WM. I.. lil'.ADI.KY, Hott..n, .March .'7, W.c. oj I!ruJj fitri,.t. DR. WARREN'S BILI0US BITTERS, TIIK (.Rli,VT BLOOD t . hc public aa Coiuiilaint. .laundiee. niliouaU(a. Iyapitfia. (.tivoi.oaa. Pil.a. (ol.l- and Kei r-, llc-.dadie, Dizzinea-, lbiiptiou- on thc .-kin, lluinora of thc Hlood, Uau of, Weaknea", Ie bility, and all Couipl iii.te cau ed by liu purelll od,Imierf( tor iic'ed Circiilation or a deiani;e.l und Iliaeaaed Coudition of the btoinacb, LJer, Kid- ney anil HowiIf. ufgTit"iLiic?neini'.Se" t"" joii.n a. ei.i:i:,uienii.i, ikton, propnctor. ai. s. mmu co., iii i reuiont atreit, Iloaton, Aor-Mi w ; M?-ror eale ly all dealera in McJicic, PURIFI fbV REBULATOR. la eonlidmtly Liv CHOICE SEEDS AND PLANTS. IRIMIIM. niiil.E S.MALI. tKtll-, lUHEN ANL) HOUFIt I.KIUHMl CLATTh, clii i'rcpai.I I y iu ul. r... rri. 1 J l)icr.i.ti(o Cata gratis to ai.y plain M. WATSON. Old CVl.uiv Niue.rii'a and iood c.t, I'lvin-.'.llh, ijr'. I1V.OO.M!.- ...'(.. th, rnvlr bmili. MiM.,irs, Ai.CMS WANTKII. l.ltrl cl.oic cokitiau (f lloniiaii lloivir". fcort- Oardcn cr l laiicr Sc da pnp il by 11111I 1 1. Tlie luott juiliciouo H.-cortii.out cr otlon d. lcs FRESH GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS! CK nu.l . ihe clt-ct f 1 louil iu tho 1 all that uorth ot a p hcc 1 Ibc Vritdjbluf cultii . im. .1 tlu ly.l flill l.-.-l'l all I I'.lll .North M lli.I M., i-o-l. n. NEW G00DS! A .N I) - 3NT UZT ST1raj .-: - A T .). ii. & v. n ic ri i v k 's, IIAII.IMAK .-1'.. - - M'. JOIIN-ltl l:Y, Vf. Mottled Irlohairti.Paria Drcss Goods I'laids, Poplius, Alpaccas, Dc-li-.incs, Prints, Cloakings, Flanuols, Etc, Jitc. Ako a gooj l.i.e of WOOLLNa for Meu aud Hoy I'NDUK'MHKTS AND DK'AWHK'S. Car.!iii,.Iaek(ti.,M:irfc.,oira.!a und .luiuinr M I I 1M; ( IIKAI- ! CAI.I. AM) i-l l: I . ' :- - I a.lie- KII) Gl.u i:s at p- i. e- -ind ,,.i .1. i. . tlew 7 Octave I'HMI - l'OUTKS. I fI-r h'l'tl f w. .- , Ic a, d .Ii .-I.I I1IN1. l. sluli:i.i:i. A i.t ior 11 uu I Mil.or 1'. :l . ! I...- LOOK AT THIS! M R . ASEL HOLMES, lleiidy Made Harnesses. BlanketsVhips Coinbs, Brv.Fhes, Etc. M . f : ch i II I . - IJ it . -. inrlv 1 .i ! ' f r t . . . t I llll. : i l -. Ill.xi.. .1 au.l. ...i. . ,1 ic ... t . f.-t m:i. iiiti.ii i:. STATE NORMAL SCH00L, 1 :i li tl ( 1 li , t . lill lalll Ap-I I-"-. . . p-l i HU ::.. v.'NVNT. id i . I : : MILLER WAGONS FOR SALE. .1. I. I ! I. !- s: !;. 31 K uiTo.-lii. rA.-.-i:Ni.i.u ni.rui. St. Johnsbury, - - - Vermont. I hi n.l atock of 111 1 ot lu I. rk ,.'...' 1.1...1, i.i w rricti-.l. I.l.i: w (I M. .lo that I ha .rii-lan, M 1 1 I I GREAT -1 x i 'v i t is " : Tl.c ti ii diibe iltv . xp. r;. . ! i. k ..t lirnui. -a ii, t , nth. th. 1 1 di' d . ib .1 ilieli th -h tlll uill iint -liul (ir ilii.i, t hill- I'.-iiinu in ii-al.iii'. iK'illn'i u ill an p:n ticlr- ol l.iuil uti iinilri ilie .a(c. no iuutli i u hat llii; i oi l!ie tnotitli i-., u l.irh i lliil line ul :m ollirr iMi llunI liitiiciti) ii-. .1. I I. r.l I. tlc I . 1 na I h ii aol.I th tolir. IVrklna. i-Iuu to a.l theitlM liea . r t'.ia crcat linpiiiveincii Itc. .1. 1.. I'l.KKlNr, . .lohn biin. t. X. T. NEW ST0RE! A N 1) DAX'h (. VO0D!.'ri'K. Wonl.I Inf nu thr rilixc.ia cf St .lV.lini.biin an.l ii. in. ty th it hc b n opci.i ,1 a E. a St.. . ai.,1 l in -h. p, iu Gonld's Block, on Haiiroad Strect, w heie he i- unnlifaetiiriii;: tbe i'of Tin, Shcet iron, Brassl Copper Wares, Alao, h ia for . ai a 1 iri- i-coitiii. nt of the XI E S T JS X' O -C 33 JS . to be foiind in thc cilinty : mch .u tlie eilebra i J Mom.l. riniK, i:ai:1(.w-. ciiuk, i:i.1)ui:aii. kuihn M.v.M.r IIOMi: COMFOKT, (ill fittc.l .r wo...!,M ire SiJe, i:tu.i, Uip lx, lui.p r. Mate, .Ne., ic. i..l laa.utiueiit of Pail.c. l'arl.u l ook, lolt.i;;o, Hov, Oii'utop llor, aud ap cn- iuvea. C O A Hi S T O V E S , i:idon.lo, Mod l l-ailor, M igec, C(ncral tlrant, Vic i llpe, Iiolloir Wirc, llra-l.l.a-ani.lipiu il n I'm.. .vio 11 av, id IIjkj W..d S,(, Mop . Hrooina. Tuba. ! lla.Mitelu.. au- kee Notijna, A-e., Ke.. whieli I atu ailhng I.UW tor caah or ready paj . W A N T E D ! ! In cxehan'e f the ib. ve, all kiuds of ltarter, ancli a- ILiga, Wool, l'.it,, rur, n aa , Co. r. Ir.n. Hu! bcr, 1'ewt.r, Zlue, Iad, llrl. lea.Caranai Stad, lliea Wax, lonijund ahon Hair, DiieJ U niea, Ac, CASH NOT REFUSED. iV" TeddleiB aupplied on reaaonablc teiini. DAMKI, H. noODUIT!', St. .lohn-bury, Xov. 27, 1 m!7. e's Saleratns noTTledgod the Ueht In Use3 put up iii pound packages, FULL VVEICHT. ' AcKnoTTleugt'u ifie ucfil m Lse, Aiways put up in pounu packa"es full vveicht. Sold by (jrocers Everywhere. ! n s HfJa SI'WIVC MCIIIVI.' !---( tt - -..., r an ,1. 1,,...,, 3 a -r yrr- 11 - o . hand a p-.J fp &Arf,s i, H ARXESSES, ! - k h..i 1 . ,!. r,M, tQii $J'f' , ,, , W l'..;..!!.!..!.,, Lcor,l.- o.r yty . ;,. '? ,nj :-"uM1,)jud.-ti.-...t.ii1 b.t.r "SSaSrr" 3' 1 c ''' ' er ! . I 010 .'l."i!t 'ti'ii' ""nouw'i.roie' u 1:. 11-.-. . v ,1 ,.1 1 1 1 1 11 1..- 1 ir INiir.. d strct, M .1 . i -i.ii-. ai .1 , I i- -t , !. 1 . d- ... - ti ..liii r-c i- nu., ir o THE VERMONT RAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE of LIME raw "cp with the otl 4ary con- ftitiwnts .bc bcst quality, nl tth other adu- eratiou wliutcv. i at thc Moika of th Cotnpany, at St. .lolu i-b irT.iilide.- hcdlr ctionol llOl:ACE 1'AllDOCK, It., wdl ku iwu ..a au aricalturist, and n!au by hia ioi.itiou -lolig lu Id 'ia an ofticer of tbo Caledoi.ia Uoutity Acricultural oi itty. Ita preparation ia con- ii.d.dui h skill and fidelityni i thc dctoimiu i iouot ihe .oiiipany t.. fuiiy maintain its high standard of excellencc. i muoniii fro.u 1 1 our I. t-t 1 ruicra hon lt to lie the chixptet und bcl fcrtilizer ( icr olb red in lu .rke: : "Tlie Vt. Raw Bone Superphosphate is thc bcst evcry way." i.aVi,k.i p, w. ot v J.. .I..UH t o Wool tirowcia Ai c "Thc most satisfactory of uy I ime iu.d." lln.N. l..C.A A. I-AKK&, rictt of C iKdoui 1 1 o. Aa'ricul S,.-cit. "Has procd all that can be desired." .-. (.ul ..ll, Ui,tCo..(.old, Vt. "Contains the most Bone Phosphate.f a..y .1 r. I' .-l, l'-eauinpric, vt. "Is altofjetlicr thc best in market,". hart. i.j iu..t i j i.r p ui. sccure from frost 'uucbcaiii. i il. ii (.tlu n. i-." 11 iN. l'.Aia.ON vnu i.ton. , vt. "Has a marked and bcncncial irt i l0a.- II ll p ,.t. (.' I. .1 . .-A NHOI..N, i- ( . f ( il duu a U. Agncu.tural Suiit "There was two bushcls where it was put, to onc where it vas not uscd. irkd a de b ,1.1. uu -Ooc' In.p ,vu.l . upipi.orpl.ato ol Uiiu," tn.inuta.tii i.i l. c.l.. llradlcy . f l!o.t ..) m cro in.ii r c udiltou .fp.ili.udt.. atiueui, thero wu a marked difference in favor of the Vt. Su perphosphate." I- MVHIEWt, haO... l-iai . t. .I.hnabury, Vt. "Ihada bettcr yicld and earlier crops i.i .l;l.rr . bo w il j d ni .tiurc or oiher brai.da ol .-uiK . pho ptiatc. 1 ri. .1 ou a lo tion of my . ata, they rip. ui i iy,0 VVCCKS 1101 1 . rcn oi tue lic.u.' ( Al l. II. I'l.KKl.N.-i. (Jab.t, V I got one fourth more bushcls winrciuaed th. . 1 o..i.t supc !ho ph t. alone t'-ai. where I uted ulik. iipio .ut ot "t ... up rpu.-rpti (,c ' iud ..'.r rda o ucll .1 niai.uri. to the acre "ll.ciopundlria!lucut theMiiui." UIK M llll.l. l'i.l.-r(f st. .lol.u-bury lloui.e "It is eheap, concentrated and efncient. 11 grcaiiy inereases '"' aun uuuurie r. p two or three weeks earlier 'hau aid ui r. ltua cn ird u'evoid of the disagrecable Slenca l'UI "' u iur mauuu tmi. au.l 1 aiu inu h ..t tbe oi.ini.ui, it is tlie bcst wc get." .l..i. liAI.lll.AlIH, llar.Kt, Vt. lt . 1.1 u. i.eapii ..-such an article t ( -11 -.Itordrd. If a lower pr.ced Mii-rjihocphaic, an.i j 11! f i od ii. ilitj, 1... (im.nd, let the c. uum- oiticl" - :d l.y tho l ..nil.any, le uiixcd w lth : n ca anlolinr :,"'!r - , ""-crtuic.ld eoiui-it! ' thc reaul.. au.i .. ,l Kaa , !d coiui-jrt. au.l a ( artlele i- thlurin, dollars a Lun- Thoscwho buy and use it will losenoth- ing. ' (' P rt ol nu u.ld uithout iuj. llic re.-ult (.-.'. l.l:Y il ( !1 ii fai..r..ft c l"iospLateaIl thiou,h t i 'cyn A ha i l air.l ..l what Iorder- " ,.h.,.N..,.Ni";.ia,-f.rJi,u..vt bcven dollars worth brought me in an acre Of OXtra OOOd COm "l.leb I ( ertainly ahould (l h.'i -ol ui i oui he, ,i. it w a (T lit. . i, : ji.ce onp-.r , .,. o b.r Irind- of rh.;....(t. Ld ii. t wdl wiih nic and I bid atill 1. - liith i , a.;l n it c t c c.ii us, i,,, l,t l ui t It I-l , cr..I rn . I hid no.lo.i.t t . uruuiill-i liycy oil i I I pr,...-(qil.IK u-ct i. . n lo.Iin oi aaudl 1 .11 ita rll.c aou ,( icral pic c. ..f e, ri, .l.d pot .t.. I Iu io.u .i '.. u alwul l.tlc u uielica bl.'h A i IIAtil. UNL illll:l ..ULVil.l: iu Hrlglit iba.i thit i.i he f rnc iclulti ntrn U-. mii, rj h.p..ate wu appll.d. ( lu )vt .Mr Itaatu.m. .tl , uu ii a nkin.H luai 1- 1..' l.LI.'tbli' "bcr.'uouf'w .u. waa M.AKl.l I'UADW ICK. II. .1.1.1 . -li I A .i.uiuo arta c o! -uiv.iliKpha'e aupilica fu-e (:. iu- ut.- .. r v. I.. w .ui. a v mo l dllbeu.t to bc ob t ta. . 'i'.I ii. i,h . ii.j ,.u lUhci. ty aniouut in ti e ' " yivos a quick. ugorous start to the I youny plant. I It p. .u,t - ,ui inanee of gronth throiiliout the i It lt. ati-. incrcascs thc product. seure it from frot. - thc rava. uic-. lt u-r-i, .-.1. I i- ti port.d t. di-a 1 pb d u ith irifttii: 1 ib r. and a- hotne nndc inanure niiiai ln i u i-.i.Hi icut f..r ihe ic i d of tgrcultiirc, gcntiine Superpliosptiate is an invaluable auiliary. ; The Vt. Raw Bone Superphosphate. THY IT : 1K No OTIIKK' : PADDOCK, DEAN" & COMPANY, iHNM-.t K, 1 IIV.ON r. J.r- oi.M b ad.l at New Advertisemcnt 1 ' N MS M feVC. C. C H I L D S. i W.-11M infonn hi' ol.l cu to- indtheeitizenaofnonli moiit, that hi ha-takcn .--t.Tcn.t.Ii- ...ii hnnda ag.Inand a Nnw an.l aill IA V Vl I i:K ti.lfurthir L-ivon ,o.v.. X I. W ADDITIONS, to hi-;pn aei.t larite atock of Watclies, Jewelry, Silver 1 Plated Ware HOOKS. SI'ATIOXKKV. Cutlcn-, Birti Cages, Travelling Bags, 1'IOTURE PRAMES. ALBUMS. llcaiK, ran, Faiicy (Jooils, To)s, Y.ti: aa I ia ai.lea may deiuand. .1 f ST II F.C K I VE 1), A l.uvi' snj tine tlectioD of SWISS AND AMERICAN WATCHES, SILVKi: W.VKE A.t) .IKWELKV. of thc latiat pitteni", IZoy.-m (.(id. onyx di'l, 32t- Al-o, Alhuma aud .1 fuie vnkty of St rcajcoplc vicwa of Vihito Muuuuiiua, llittle Ku Id. audothir liciva fai thc lo- p.iee of $3.00 per doz, and au. thir 1. 1 ot ihoa- fcue ll.iaeoiuanie l'alut- 1 X I T I A I- S 1 A T 1 O X K ll Y. ju-t purchaacd a 1 11 (i I' 1- C a- . ycuiour Initiil on 1'iper and f-4 1 n m 1 i iiliieh I irtv (! c, foiiu.l a mj ttore. I eonti uc to I .(arriut Ci iIN .t.u :. Ia;llll. H.tir ba. .l.i.i.l the - i-i.t- t r aud hair taken iu inufactur.' uiy aih er i wbich and Sivitehea con lc to .ehauge for i;oodc. 1'UK WATCJI KKl'AIKIXG. 1 haic aieilKd th. i ly uorkcd f. r iu . :n a auperior w orkn resofo. c. DOW, nhofouuer n recounueud him to the public -aa eei a 1 uork trarranreit. C. V. CIIII.DS, 1'ITTSl li:i.I), MA. A.NIl ST. J01I.NSI1LI1Y, VT. W. H. HORTON & CO., MKKGHANT TAILORS READY MADE CLOTHING, IIATS, OOl.OPS, Tt-miUs, Valisos, Travellin IJajjs, rCUXISIIl.W GOUDS, Jv, ar. I lake lirs opportanity to thauk myomicr fricnda l pitrona fj their paat cuatoiu and inform thcm and othe.u Uiat I atn yet at the old etand in Johnaon'a Ulock lliilr. ad strect and ehall bc moat happy to f.uni-li thcm w ith aaj thing in my line. And in clothlug llnc to giTa tluui Iu futurc aa in the paat perfect 'fita." W. II. IIOUTON. 11. 11. IIUirtU.N. L. FIlI. W. A. 1'IkBl.E. SL Johnaburj-, .March 19, IsJ. Edward Newell Mattock's Estate. 3TATK Ol' VKKMON'T. 1 At a i.robate court bold. caie.lonli lll.trlct. . atst Joluwbury on the aj ua oi .apru, a ij. iim pU jimtock 1 State I PeniiMlvauU. (lecea-cd. teatati alloueil and .r. preenleu to tlieoourl cxeculor Ihcreitl naiu lowed. llle.t antl rccon t.ltute In iase u lercd that u l nerxu lore al.l Court at a he-lon theic.t t.i bc hel.l at Probate Otllce lu St Joliiis ury. iu -ni,i lllatrli". on lUll ilav of .May. A I) au l (unle-t the lllnu illtlg ortlie eop 01 hal.iwiua m-e. lor wLltli imri.oe lt I, lu a(op-(f tbe rctotil ot llii-. or.ier t! publl-tic.i thn weiki. anlirl) ln tlie ua.inoinan, pnute.l Johihury, l-elore sam lliueoi ucarui AS K I. KKIl.NCIi. Judieu r-roiate .ipyotiecor.l Att 1 C ASA I.. KKK.NUII.Ju.licf 1' Sullivan N. Gilkey's Estatc. Thc i.ut.M . ibci, bai lnrf l.ecn aiHKiii.t. il t. ll. L,c i.n l.aie iiitirt lor thc d.-tilct ot Kk-( ,l-,l..ncr- t.. ri ii lic cvamu.c aml a.ll.l-l all . 1.1 cnian.S ol all per..l a asall.-l lh c-t ilc ot Ml ilkci, latc ol .Norita), lu thcstale ol Muti.c. .prct.d u.Millelil. au.l lliclerm ol lilne ti ,c JA11. tla i.i J1I1 . 1.10, bcliu; al'oncl h . tbc(lc.litor-ol -ll.l dcu-ac.l. to c.xtlibll .erre V Ilieiialiu- u.i UVhercl.l ic . 111. . I II lltch, 1 thc srd .1.1 la. ot Scp 1. W .NOV1-.3. 1, W. I. W ll.l.AKH. ' natcd at llriKhton. .u thc ili-trlct oi h-,ci lai ol Aprll. A. II. 1-07. Ezra A. Martin's Estate. hailiit: l.ccn apin;!i..e. l.j thc hVl.r..l.atei.ourt to the .lllrUt ot K"cx c.IIl l.IJll-t o.l i lalui- Martln. latc ol takll.uiareot hlm-reprc-elueil li.M.lvenl. uml ttic'h ila ol Aprll, Iso e ot Wllhaiu Uurbank. ln llt.Mjtiitlel.l i Il.c 1-t Tllcadajl ol Jllll-au.l IKto clook 1" M oueacliol aalil .Ua. WILI.HM Hllltm.NK. I,.,.,,,,,, WILl.lAM STKVK.NS. "" Ovid Lemire's Estatc XT. I Iii l"r. , I'rolu lay ol Aprll, ln st John bury. thc 1, II 1HM Jobn 11. llvrtb a.linint-trator ol lb- estale. ol Oil.l l.cmlrc, Ij uiakta applloatl. Kbole of the ri of llurk. lu atd ill-trkt di-(.ca-cd. to -ai.l lourt lor ll(.clibe to ell thc u. tbat I .-alc !, .1( ( II. It 1- o .cic-arj I dere.1 hy ! paiucut of tht ilct.f lU ot May, A. . 1S. at tlie prubule oiU. 1 1 St Jitiitt.ury. t-suus tinrrebte-i i.itirl-d hrcoi hv iul-ll. ii iiuiKi.- oi -ai.i aj.plK iti.-ti und or.ier tht-rt-3 -At-rLo ?ticc"vrti vel in the d.ettMnidii, iTlnlt t. Joh:ibl.urv, nd tlnwof nar!iu. that tt, at.ijr at aid tiuif and tUte and II they i t therttu. liv the Court, Attf-t, 4-f. A. 1- FKKNCII. Jud A GOOD ARTICLE FOR THE SEASON ! LON i Railroad Street, - - St. Johnsbury. i i ' INa a largc tocl of ! j iBOOTS. SHOES AND OVERSHOES. i Sultable for the a 11. h.-a Lad.e l-liind button ai.i! rcd It i U. I.adca C1..M ii t u Itoota Mln-te audl hiU ilf i Ihe" i- p. pulai ia d. tl.i i ( k l:ul W uc o(r-hod uu, cd n id rcpi; d II .t,. mhtnu m the linc to 1 f uu 1 in tbiuu. et s.ippcr to Uie t ( i' hiui a call and ' fctvlea. iiialiti(a al.d ' the place. i'. i,om:kc x. it. siiin . f the bi,: Ito. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS. K. H. IMtl.v, Sttlifitor of I'atfiit- Iite asrlitot L .- l'ati nt (UInc a-hlnjton. (UU.l. ! ar! vlsii' nf! it lcti'ttili?,, i.llnf; suili hw i-ati tittu t a thei tl th.ti tato (ar.-c. hai nu thc i -t laithlui alteii thdr . ,.ir. Jllll.N r.ii. irvr.laoiar appl . the "j'an l! lv-r f DENTISTRY ! T. .I a aimti'k iai. ti:::th. t p . .1 V uu ii. r an.l of thc l alf. -.ualiU' neuiU'l otKce ' l'u Je call and ex .tun - ' f ,'1""-' J.T C'V uiitnrtine, th, a tli. ir. inuch pnter ibie. when healthv. ittinrial onc. ln cxtriictin-. i I-'h. . I hloiofcrm. au. a. adniiniatcrcd nhtu r(q ed and uen rru i iti;ii. ii., iinm.t. 3iT t'uion ltlack. M. Johu.bary. Vt. tjuiu .'.o IS IT P0SSIBLE?'t iH'lieieii till iougoandaefori..ura(lf. ltut it i- a fict that ( INi i n a Ui'iv Damask Lounges for $9, $10 and $11, (lood Pauiaaka for furnitu b3de coi.l at ricture cord at ll.oO-per i Goo.1 tickinga ehcap. Itit feathera for pillowa. Hia eclebratid M'P.INC IA n KKsSKS. l uro HOKMC u.Mi: J1A l ri:isi:s, aud i.erythiug In the JLiOuiijzo iuicl IMtittress Xaine in ide of tho liert in itu ul and aold low. J. T. CASSI.NO, Ka-tern Avenue, SL Johnebnri, t. FARMERS ATTEND And iy uieinlter the Caledonia County Agricultural Store, Where tuay be ohtained a varitty of . i. o -Tjzr js ari. r.. !.. ii i?iou iLivaturt,riue!, SHO I.LSand KuT.KS. Of pood iiuality atidatir te itonil le ratea. Alao. Ilow I'oiulaand Mould Hoard'of ncarlvulld. and l loier Seeda of l 'd- put up in p ipera oi an.l (1 irden ee deaired. I'ller'a rn .nd I'atc Daali Chu n, llat I'uit i Ciaaa Ware, and a griat prufitablc bargaina. t v'utten. llard Wai r ot aukee Notioua Pure Spices, Cream Tartar, Soda, And all kiuda of TKAS of U'at iiuality Chcap for ( aeh. Nearly all kinda of rroduce receied iu excliauge for gooil: IIOYT v IlltHW, Ilailroad strect, St. .lohnsbury. March, IU, l! THE MAN Who TOUlJn't tr a c eh tiiucipU. ctinnoT mvtfHour ppir cvh inon intit iilv Imr btninp onc of CASMMrs SI'l.lNCi MA11 KIsr.S and 1.01 NtlES. A finc aMoitmcn- of mce Coera Ju-i rwrcinjj. Call and .-o tlicm. Ltetrru Avcuue M. .1 T0MATO, CAULIFLOWER, CABBAGE, A N I) Brocoli Plauts For Sale ! The fnbfcribor has made rtrr.inKenn'nt with nfnrly all the nierchanti iu tlie nouthnn prt of thLs couuty to tvll I'lants thc UttPr ofM iv .it their tev eral et'ortn, a-folloa: ?t. .Khnshury l'lain. A..M.Ook. ILK.St.,lIoyt t Drew. Iturnef, Abtott I'leuicnt, and Ilazfiiv Wett Hjruet, K. Ili.-tv. I'awmnpic, m Edwla E. WojJh. Mcliidoes V-ilU, Ueo. C'uwiee. W'vlU HIcr, F. Dcmlng, and Fareviell. Newbury, Kef i Kyepate. A.'t -ch a i Soutli Kjegate, " Whttr &. Uail. Grcton, Iturh njn. AUo, at reacham Corner, AVater rt. and IIollou-. Monroe, WoodeTillo aud North, Uavirbi.l. IVtcd tu- cutubcr-', Melons, and 1'lintB wiU be ivnt by expre to ihofe feodiDg ia tneir ordcre. A. II. riUNULE, Wt-IU laver, U 1 i.enti ihu-k m.l tl nd i i tact e-c ..r c..iinti. fr.'iu ! I MalcStrcet.oUKiait. ki.t Strcet. Bo-oii iVcllm.d.. u 1 U i.r. J lter au Hl.tislvi. ..r Lp lir.l- of twelltl e leal. col.lli.uci. I laccure patcut l.i il.c fultc.i si-ic-. , ' r al-.i li i.ical I iltalu. Kramc au.l ctl. t I .rcisn v .ui - i -N.Nit 1V f; tTlci. tUliat-. hpcclUiatl..n? iUiiuitnt. ai.o . .. ,. I ail paper- ..r .Irnuli.i:- I .r patriita. t.mml ..n ln-r. " '"' "' " v' '' " t'r'T ra' ,cm.. aul uiiu .leapalch Kceurirlic. inale uu. I nie iht;. ii l had i. Miu rlian . r l..rcii;ii w.ui.- t delc tnlne thc ali.lit. a.inlr.':'aU,i..att.r-to'uc'ti1niit.ciuic'.l"p,cl I P. P. P. P. ol thc daiuia -! an patcul lurnl-hcd l reuilltttl. tl of Kortna, ' iff'-'iuict.i-rcior.lcd at Wah'.nnton uo laru yard' ., r,-ir.! Mr .!.! '.'ne'ot the m.ct m.c I y, ilh erac. ind I a- : i ipal 'c i.ratntioner with Khoiu I haic ha.l o.u. - ' . . rr' . . Kiiutu . and moie L-kUab:eot t.uttuu: thetr ui.t'lliatloli ! ina t..rni to Miure Ijr tbeui au eatl an-t taio al-lc 1 iroli-iueratVn at the patent odvc t. in thc W 1- V) ':BlIh ll!nLialSrciiraJga j I iV.f y.. It Iikc lons kt-n in .V's7' r.VIM it thcii uu d,t bv i ( ln p'i .r.I.l l.v r.ll i . i iuc fi i aud nit will quick'.y retorc to its. r.atun! c ' r ai. anJ projucc 1 lvurait rr perfectly harm1.'.--, i . ovcr cvery cth.-r : thosc who have a '. . as well as thr:j w. . . it. Tbe i'eiuti:.:'. iravartc 1 1 1 i : ' Fnr Mitc ly i DKi'or, ia- (ki:: ii i. Li.. t. VA II !l S , PURE H0R3E HAIR m; PERFiSCT SIGIIT ViiQjJl' MESSRS. LAZASUSdMI l5KKFKCTKt SPK( I rartieulir re.u-.n- n ..i -h i. i..- thei ,1 u : tir . ; . i"V tbl t rci.u Il.eydoi Ub.ouiatb SflA I'ACi I.S tuad . " .1 . . Ii 1 I. II V '! . Ia . ur le I.n M I uu :5f- No lVd.lli di.p' .1 AT THE RAILR0AD STtUt' 33 IX TT G i 'X O Tl - S. It.VS 1A I Will ! lo.m.1 i !l t Drugs, Medicines reifatiierv. I'oil, A ll 1 --M il. iil..l!v ka li! -i au.l root.i lli . . I i ..nd t .vitv ....p- luka. tlair I:.- . Ijw. sb 11 i-. WIND0W GLASS l'alnta, i, .Iipan li. jk i-t Zr- llvwnntin: All the Iboie .ltiil. ..RUTLAND :si: ' VERMONT V.i l.eaie Iturllli.toii Arrlve at K11H..1..I Leaic Mill-u.1 1 Atrllc llel.UK Ku! - 7 1 Lcuve Kclioii- Kall 7 . Armeat ItrattietMio - .MOVl.Ni; .Ncll I.caic lii.ittli.boro Arrlie llcllou- KalN Lcaieb-ellonKal i rrie nt Hutian 1 l.eme Kutlaud ' Artlle at llurnnatou . 1 . TltAI.NS 1.N N 1 At Hurlilvt.iii "it!. IVl M U'i At Kutlan. cisprl-i.- ir.t. -Ncu llaic u.t tor l llid-. . M J..lmt.uri AGAIN IN THE FIEt- New Clothing f-- I.N KNItiN I1I.OCK, I. I H n- Ti . 33 . O Ta A NEW STORE ! NEV. - ia invitci to . .11 ' 1 aud gooda, nlire 111 iv I 1 t.k ol In cvery lanet A' om 11 m and bin th. 111 1 111- tl" ' " ruyatock l.fore puriliaaiut' ' Look and see for Yourseu I It ia an I N i I i, !: '! j r lir.a I riali., .iiVii cb . i I T"s.V.VliI" fM-i'. f 'v'. ,. . fai (d to yidl o thi i,..n.,r n o. .(; . ;. 1 ' r iii.ind I 'en in thc r. i. r . f r -. . 11 .n cncral nci to d. r inii. -.. i-cl. iaa, aSf c iny th( ciit r - l.lli-ir-. rafm n.tUa tlu mn, al.l c. il't 1 , u,iK ,,lj,.f 3I.,1 , . V i'1 eonip te a d pc nu c 1 . i i mi. m ,t " con 11 ' ' ' ! I .l-ui.' ! d x ec 1 iuri . a. cc t !.. .. - U a-hlnjton. tun.l. r I . I I t 1 11 A 1 K 8i