Newspaper Page Text
1 H 'i ( 'A.I-.l'il )( )LVI-A.lN I ' LOCAL AND STATE ITEMS. ,,hn-w ki. vi.. n:ilA. JU.Ya, isi:- ollt . Iii' thr Caletloiiian. ..I. I) AP.IIUTT. vm. v ii:i)i r .. n. ukown. ..c. c. NUWEl.L. . .5 BKCKVViril. ...1. k. wtmiuu i:y. ..W. II WAK1, . IV II. I.AIKIl. . .in.-;. iiaii. .. iio-ka sis ... .1. 11. 1 .ki i: .1 . 11. r. iirn-iiN. .JOSIAII liKllt T, .Iu. . II Mi liAI I KV, 1 w. svnihikn, l.K I MI..-1IY. . II MlliiliK. . K. WoolllllTF, .. .1 MAKl'lN. .. Miil..- HAYIrv . M. A. tAMl'UCM., . JollN 1 KY. Jk. . . Wu. LTl.W.. mjko t!:c 'alrdoniAH lu llilc for titict ivill conftT a irriiit f.ivt.: , nint n.illy to th- inlcrtvt of tte i-apn .ti me m R lirii'f, Icirililo fr.rm. ., I.oriils. . I b- amp mcetin lerin at Lyndon c . lii ni'l Anu-t 20tli. ti bere . HH'M'inirfd. w niure olmues ol bindiiir bave iflrvEcl l om tbe biudery all that wa "'iii i" Februarv. iinKiii Citnnt. i ,1 ui iireiiiHiu, :io Mr. aniuel , lires i:i tbe oulh-ea: part ol j- at wotk ii-ar iiK huiiie. he tn-ar . - tbe bii;liw.iv S'lUir :v n"i troui hiin. Ilc at oiiei' - neihbnr-. aml witli bi xon " .r-uii. I'he iicar la"o(l orer '1. Natbau .Maruu. In a , a .ii'eii iiieii and boy. wilb were in liot puisilit. Anln- 1111 uitli bruin. he J l-.oked at tlitm and "11 . ... ' .nm aflcr that 110 persuasion !l-i'l' exbibit hrre. both altenioon and ee-..,rih.- do's follow the bear. A niii-j. '1'be editor o! tbe Haii'or Whijr. 1 1 wb iiwncd in the neihboi-( bo jays he "asMsteil" at one of I bee e.- ' Mtc!. and, he wat pul on tlie ' bibition-. "peak- bihly of it Ntt i l.e mde it too bot the week our pl.iee is to be favoied uitli c 11.. i..ok to a tree. Ile came down ' niiKieal eonvention. Thee 'iitlisiiii'' .ci. Iietnie the uie.i witli giiii eauie li"- alwas been ijuite popular bere. and aujre. I'bU be did tbree times. , " 1,11 patronizyd by tlie citien Thohae be l,l time a liile ball tbro.i!;b tbe enjoj ed an alternoon's m evenins lelax rhoulder killed bim. The part thsn ; -tion aud eiiteitaiiiinent....July 1.1th. . 1 their frame iuto a bay wa;;nn and j Murray'n oireus exbibit- heie. a- .lit him to tbis plaee where he wa; willbe secn by the advertNeiueut. We iied to old aud oun'. niauv ol tbe ' the pieturus that -ome one eonneet- peibaps uever bavin seen a bear M UliHiuhbti. .iiec that tbe fditor cl tbe Inde- i ibiuus he "ivei his teadeis luetul ot, when be ndvNe in IiU last , ,,.lt it .m be hvtv h, ()(m1 time, tln.M. wh.i wish to KJ into tlie 1 -n,e xe. yor!j , .,. .ii Noitheru Vennont Mans- , U(,uneed a lara attiactiou to tbii tbow in - poit iind Willoughby. Tbis ihe hape ol a bu-e rliiiioeero. I wa t,i iniiifr little Willoui;bby i be- eaugbt in the baek iintiie l Inclia b i.prei-i:iied a- it lieoiuu known. ' atives under tbe superiiilencl. iice ot Mr. ...,e tb..iiand iitnr-lat year. and Van AhiIhiik'i" a'ent. I he auiinal is . a Mill nuinber llie pies- lM,t f,,ur year-old. and mcaure. niuefeel - .n. It i-. tbe iiuietest little n..ok -i lfni:lh. and four and a balt in beiht. . niei ol thr ; whileiu inoiin- wetIiiiisr over 3000 poundt. A liii daily j lake -eeurry are imurpai3t'd by ,, jie 0.,t, tu blifheN of eorn. nne 1 b.- ta-ibioiiablo re-ortf. MeiSK. )USie ( potatoe-. aud tluee hundred v bave pul Ihe Lake Iloiife in h 1, aud alw at - uitl yive their . - ia! ' 1.1 iiiieouuilou exeelleuce. : ,n 1. ;. .1. n. 1 -'uowiiii' otlleers wa- elseted .'nne w in. ( uinniiiif's. e.iinmander: (ieo. . -euior iee in.; I". .1. Itabeoek. i ee.iin.: K. W. Hai rinlou, ad itit ; II. K. Idv. ipiartenns-H'r; 11. It. 4 lrd.; Samuel W. INU, ehap L. I. arnei. ieieaul ntajor: Ar U.iriben. i. M. ?ei;reant. ii.. . .ilil di--!iared soldiers. sail - at. i tuai lue.-a. e invited lo eonie aud iu ..ur tttuk-. The etieaiiipnieiil ei fnm aud tbird Tue;tlay of each . ! i Lrht " l..ek. 1'. 31. L. U. Uakkim.Hin, Post Aiijt. - ; J'- tjrlittin in Itnra. ,ji vi-:i in -Mak'oni, I'owe-lnel; ! .ia. ibi- I7t!i ol .lune. at the re .'tiitiN ( le.ik. tweiity-three na- . us iu i'eaeliHiu weieasein ,.".. .f tbebe wcre ile-eelid-. i nii.- I51.ttich.trde, w Iu. ' -ii; if l'earhaiii. Tbeii w. re .be oii.i "f r..i:ij.aiiiii I ! Ii .'lis. N. II. : ai.d their de- .l tbii uitherin- t!ie I7tb ol ' iR.jie.ili! bv their appearatue ? . U wai ti fii:i i -i iiiv-i.- illy or iiitelleetitally. (Ar il'tifilhlj. --ii litis atrived for bathiu. and .. iin; ii'ii! ileatlli by i.'iownin. u... n i.m. eiirelul. aml pan-nti wauii and eare if tbey would .u-elve tbe ureat -oriuw ot tbe . ,v ileathe ol their b.iys. W e eul .llowitii; froin our exebanes the th it week : nii. 'iin of Tiiuothj Teahan. aed k ii ears. was drow ned in tbe C'on .t nver ueai the inoiith ot Mill Brook l-oi. on Friday cveniii of last .lohn wbile lialbin witli olher '". ji't deep waler. aml betore nic couhl be reudercd. wa tlrown l red Spiajjuea youiifrnian 18yer .kv. as rirowned at Kiehmond. Vt.. s eik white in bathin wilb other. 1 enuiiianioiis eaine noar eliaiiu - - iu j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i t ) ir t lescuu liim - av. w hile M-veral boys were bath 1' ..iltue K'ner, about oue-loiiith of va-i of Poultney, n -on ol Mr. ! ibe firm of Dewey i'i: Cooper. - ..nwtted. The tlec)'.1etl was about ''!( B.irii ..t ae. , . ., p.i-i-i iaii, Wbeii the aboe - ui in ivpe. we little tliought we 1 llu. w ekbaeto record a siinilar . ur own plaee. ltut oti Wed -ia alleroimn as a parly of boys were iib.UL' n tlie l'assiiuipsic in the rear of H. l'addnek'i ma. liine shop, oue ot c i iianU llaiicoek. aj;cd ten years. nt.1. Ii peni hc uudeitook to ' H.-i.i- iin. liver. but becanie ex- ' - cl aud -unk. Freddie Ui tuo, a lad it ihesaine ae, lan a-hore for Mr. ,lam' II. lleyer. who war. in . '.i M.u-k's shop. heaiiny the outery. ' aii'l pluned in lo-ave the drown - - i lie ueeeeded in leaehini, him. -j :..lwiili liim for tbe shorc. but , In- elotbes ou. aud there beiu a . .i reut. he becanie exbau'ted, and .i.' able to keep liiiiicelt and the waler until some inen on the i.i.-hed a board lo him. Ileyei be li'.aid. wben tbose ou tbe shore n il -ii "-uddeiily that he loit hi ' ' ra..kie. who iminediatelv sunk. -wiinmur' bean at once to dite i aud althoiiL'b tbey continue.l to t..i ,i lnio time. tbey cotild not tiutl aii'i not utitil a book was made and ' "it..tu of the river dragfcd wus hi - - I'.iuv recoered. Il bad been iu ' .tci -tii hour. The plaee whete 1 i- uot or lilleen ol eibUeii 1 ' .if -luue. but the water was 1.1 ii . it aeeiued oue of tbose uuac- couutable and mytterious caEes uliere u.uuiuf; uvmieu. aa c,oie 01 au.xioiu Iiicn , witli willitir hands were aliuost within j ir"ui of tlie boy, yet lliey coulil uot save 1 him. Franki wa the only son of Mr. i Joieph Hancock, and tlie alllicted family are jjreatly bcreavtd. 1 Thrft ' j Jonatlian Weston, alta Jolin Wesson, j wlio was iailed here gome time ao for takiuj,' a horuc ol one Brainerd in Burke. , but who was diseharod tlie Jime tenn for j want ofsuiilcient evidenee that he intend ' ed Btealiiijr tlie lioro; 011 last Smiday I night -tole a white. hor.e from Jolm lYoe , tor of Lyndon, aud a harness and wajron romtbarle., Inpplo and b,,,se fe.ters Irom Hiram .awell. ilh thu propcrty Weston wa, tra.-ked down tlironBl, tlie eSStpartofLymlou ,nto Kirby, where l,e was lound by Sbenfl Ide 011 Monduv. se-1 ncivu 111 iiic ouus uear ine 11011-e 01 Ual- Lv ' viu Woods. Ile wat taken baek to Lyn don, wbere be bad an examiiiation. and was bound up in tbe suui ot S,"00 for at Coimty eourt. For want of buil hv was committed. Fimu wliat weliaeleainedof tbis Wc ton. we tliink liim foolisli or in:ine. and PtTliapi botb. If simply ina:ie, he ?hos ' W niaducs. . Auinsvmcnts. A 111:111 of Mmie-Aliat trniiriuani;ei. but w itlial (uite seii"ible. wlio lonnerh lived in Ibii town. aid tbf people over tost.1' lobusbnry weie coiiliuually fluuionn lor nioie xniint'inciits. but for bi- jiart be did ut ec how tbey could bave inore amu-e-nieiits iinlea tbey liad inore d.iy- in Ihe year. Wc Miall vxpe.'t ( ec ourtiieinl bere durilir tlie ncxt few wrek. wbrn e r.ieto bave abiiud.inre of entertainiiient. jiulging IV0111 tbe bille ainl lon iiullctin lunied boanN. To-day. ( l'liiu nlay ) tli :iiena' i:idi; hi etir and ;vuiiisium of 1Iiho and Drics- eil witli tlie etaiiliilimeut to unilertu;,e that ery dillieult but bihly enteitainiti ieat of ridini; two hore- at one time. tbe 1 hore.H iroinjr in oppo-ile direriioui . . . . We uudei-taud fiirtber. that V.m Ainliurh' uieiiaei'ie i now in New llamiwhire. and poiind- of hdy. dtinkinp; lilteen totweiity buekel- of walcr. II iii; in. Thecapiial hay weatlierot the pa-t w.-ek has been well iuiprovi;d iu lliN ei-tiou. The eroo i-uuiieiially e;ood. aml if well -eeurt'd will be a t;reat acqui-ili.ui to the produets ol Vi rumnt lor IMW. Tbe int lirovenienti" iiilisin'r inachiiierv inake woik ol ba.xiii a dit'.Vreiit thinjr fnuu i wliat it was "J.1 vears airo. (.ira-- i- now eut. -pu ad. raAcdand liilehed (,aud a oi.d , deal ol ii ealen) b bore powci. 3Ian I'aimeie Ihat fonnerlv haved li'bl throuijh to now ''-'' all tltr.uiirli by ihe uiidJle oi 20tli of.luly. The larj;t lae faruicr heieabouti i- doiihtle: til- r. Aa .S. I.iiint;ston. tainier llio 5!-s:. Fait b.t'iks. Ile h:i-bad baymaer-hanl at wor.V tor s.une day- iai-t. and itulin-;-Irotn llie eunrinoiii erop be i soeuriiifr ev ehould thiiii- his harus would hardly eon:ain i! all. In taet a ood mauy fann-er- nill Iind thsi.- luri.- I'. sinall tliU Xcic .Ul.i. hi !!ii I'iiu'i: IIovl a; UarveT nroela'mi their "ood the p"0j.le of thi-; couiit. Ilayinakeris e-r"jially will be ititeirste.i in their adver-1 tisement. j O. C. Ii. iw hcr a lew wordi about I watcheK. J 0. P. Moore propoe to hi-1 -toi'k of hat- aud eap-" by ollarin theni t ! a lower ll;;ure tban heretotore. j Tho Pa-miniiie railroad bave put ou j an espreJa tiain. and irive their eaitl time j at thi' -tation in adverti-inu: coliiuin-. t'urti" it Cobb, the well known ecd uicn ot l!o.-!on. otfertolhe Irado an iui- prored fruit jar. ('. O. Dickin-on. at the Centre. ba- a j;ood new inileh eow for salt. K. T. ct II. K. Ide. the Pax-uuip-ie itiil Iei . bave boUL.'ht aunther carffo ot Ihe very popular ("alifornia wheat. and otfer the llour for .ale. (J. W. Senter lia marked down hi- mil- linery v;oodf. Seehi-adv. F. I!. f-ae advertie Sewiuinaebincs. I'or Diee-ootlScte.. ,ee K. A-.T. Fair- bank c; (.'o."c adv. ADDI-OS COI'.NTY. .leroine Austin ol South Starksboro, while thnrpenin a -.cythe rceently at a grintletoiie turnetl by ateaui pnwer. wa ut qulte tlnou";h tbe body theieby. Ihe emi havitig 'eauht iu Ihe bcltino stiikinirhini witli lcarfitl Vk-locity The authoritie of Shoreham oll'er 6,100 1 rfward for the deteetion of the per.ion who put the poisoned liquor in I)ueelle" kii whieh e.iused his tleath a fihoit tiine since. 1 IIF..N'XIN':T0N' Cl)l"NTY. Panl M. Burke of Bennington, who -bot ( hii wife wilh murdeioiis mteut last winter. a.uyt was on Weduesday senteneed to state , priion for lile. ' Keo IMtANKI.IN COL NTY. Soine ilaya since a ben quietly entered thu St. Albaiis pon ollleeat the frontdoor. laid an ejri; on the lloor. and walked out. .Not liaunjr iieeu uiiiy tamtied. and not beai iu;r anv atldrcs, the elerki eould do uo.bin?b..t tosendit to tl.e dead letter olliceoreat Itt Wlliell tliey (llll IS liot M0t- ed. lt i urmied that the hen meant to depoiit it in the Bank, whieh is next door. The ru"h to the mitieral t-prins iu shel don i iinpreeedented. The hotels aud farm-hoiise are rtinnin over wilh appli cants tor accoinniodatioiii. At one farui house where -ix persons ean be aeeom lnodatod there havc been one htindied and tweuty-five application. Ii ii rumored that Mrs. Geu. Urnut will oou take up her autruuer tpiarier-- at or near St. Albaus. Stfilien f'ooper. about Jlyearsold. who ha5 been in state priou until recently lor makiiiE an independeul raid 011 several -i"ie ai lum-e s I'oint, Mioruy aller llie rebel foray 011 "-t. Alhan. claiinin to be rebcl ollicer, some days afro attetnpttid auicule near e-ttitdd CVutre bv tahhiii'r hiinself witli a pocket knife, but tailed therein. T" c;I'loali, "TeiJian arins and equip- inenta in a .torelionse at St. Albaiia were quietly removed by Fenians with tcann iuto the bnek eountivou Wedneeday and Thnr-day nhrhts. OKI.UANS tOl'NTY. '.. E. Janifcon of Irasburg aecepts au iuvitation lo deliver au es.-ay betore the Karmer. t lub at tbe uext State fair. Thi ,i;i.r. fii, v,.-...i l:x,)rc,s ,,0aS.s of a dish ot -leen pen, ol ,lU (m r:lUi Ile Mr. c,Brlt., nml15011. of (:,ceu.1)()r. le(.elltlv ot au exrelleiil bo.,e. U wa, s;..l- .,,.1,- ., ,.v i,,,.,,. .i r. 1 :.. .1. . pastnre bi liead. limbn. and lar'e veius weie It-i lilily swolleti. A nuuiber of hor e in that i-ection havediediu a siinilar nuuiier wilhin a tew uiontb. Canauv ot our liore doeloi tell what tbe discaie is aml tbe leniedv tbeiefoi ': Uuiiiijrthe thuuder shower on .Monduv cvcifmjr ot l:i-t week Mr. Forbes Mel'lier son of l)erl wa. )iotrati-d and so ftun ned Iha! mhiic liiue elapsed liefore be fully reeovorrd fiom tlie sboek. Oue day Heek Mr. .lesse I.ahit ot Newport wa- lcadiii a borse wlien it .' " ' ' --" 1 ot tbe leit lvlr jn,i alioTf ihe ankl.-. A bor-e l'elouin to Mr. .lohii Marlin of Ira'.biiij;h. .rot seaied iit a tloek of bcep. ran wih the wniron .tiraiii'il a p'it. ttarinjr bi- -huulder teriiblv. and the i.imes ol oue lei:. o he hud to be -hot the uesl ilay. lie wa- wortb SlHtl. 1:1 1 1. imi r.u s . Tlie lii'tlau I Ileiald .-a". ? that a n.ituial eurimity iu tbe b:ip ot a white erow i;!-e'! tbii.iih .111 Ttie-day la-t, troui Malmie. N. V.. eu route ea-t. It nj. ot the eoiiiinon speeie? iu every respeit. the oiily dilleieUL'c troin the natural erow beiu that it" pUitiiau :w of .-potle--while. Maiy Wanl. oiily eveu yeaio old. at tenipted to rio-- llie liae?j of the l.'utlauu aud l!ui railioad. uear l.'ullan l. I'ue-da alteruooii. and was-lrnek by the loeiiiiiotive aud almo-t in-tautly killed. llie l.'uthiii.l aud rurlin:ou railioad a verdiet of 6700 rendered ' Coin-ajraiu-t ihani foi injiirin eattle in Ituus-; inm. iKHlation. 'rhis coiitliin-. a piexiou-de-1 M' ... .. . 1 ei-iou 111 auotber eourt. j Ahin llandall. an aired eitien ol ( hil- ' ieiiden. uai lepairln a break iu tbe hiijb- . wa. iceeiitl. w lien a roek ave wr.y and -tiuek Ihe iroii bar in bi- hamU. whieh eru-lRd ill hi- .kull and cau-ed iustaut dealh. w A-iiiNi-rnN i ni Nn. Ilowe W heeler. of Cabti.. wa- iia year old la-t Deeembpr. and Iii-a wite will be '.W uext iiiontb. aud lliey hae lised tojiether 71 year-. Tbey bae eijjht livin- ehil- dleu. the olde-t aed 70 year-. and tbe ouiiet 12: tiitiv-iw'or.indebildrcii.and tort-lie j;reat randchildieu. inakui a respectab'e lauiil . W 1MU1 M ill M Y. Mr. elah Pliiuiuier. of I'.iattleboro. a few tlayj. sinee applied the oil ot tobaecn lo a i orn on bi; loot aud eauie near loiin bi- lile in i iui-eipieliee. w iNH-ui: rm n r y. Tbe U oiiil-t.iek Standaid -ars tlut f. W. I.eoiiard ni'lliHt villau n itlv liroke bia le' at South Wood-toek. Ile wa? llirowiu - lu iut llie wau-r uear ino ( blide. -I jiidui iipon tbe toiiewall willi- iu whiclt ll.e Ihrew a iloir -tre.un ia eiititiued. A he ' tbe ftone mi whieh be -lood , Ued oer preeipilatini? him into the leaiu al". i. and ano'her -tone wu-di 1 b.dv'fd. aml r.illcl oil -trikiur bi- le-. bieakin it tielow the l.nee. thelnre bone twiee aud the iiiall ii.u.e otice. Mo:al , lon"t keep ii.'jj-. but il t niiil i dou't tinow lbeiti inl.i llie ihi . f.AljLl. TUIILE. Ni.. I!l;o id.. " at"d nio-tm.'j e ery jtoud llll.'l V Evenini;. UALi, W. II. rAfr .ii'-ti. i.unn. ki. ::t. f. a. m. y'Mi ! il.L-l M. N Hl.m'K !i Ju'o I ail.d;,,lu!r .' itti 1.. U. lll'AI.H. .-er . ..-! .-.i c;iai- ri-n. n.i. a. i., ilAs M lli.l. !: -al.. -i e-n . Inlay .ii., Jcl.- ..!'- r. J. t'AI 1'ia. SKetary. rAi-F.STIN-.-: ANDEKY, Mi.V lll.n' I 1 -. --ir Hil.!. :e.l I aa.b Peruvian Syrup. A I'UOlrXl l.t) HJLI TIoN or llll. I'lnruMUl'. ol' II;.JN. oitli lu l.ll f. KLKUI.M, Ilais, gUinc rtrei.),tl.. ijir and nen lifc to tbe If thr. Ibou bo are rUlTeiiui; froin li.a-pia. a'.nerr, .tc uould I ut tott tbe lan syruu. the erTett ieuiity, Kcm.i 1 tl.e i; .ktouirh thrliulria 1. ,t u uld pleare all tl.eir for inati ad cf feeliu a!l j:oi.e" and miI.eral.le, they would Ih. b. eriul, xioiour und activo. A 1. fil', ofn le. lutured iLto ii j;!;,,,' n.oauud-. i. t il aud, tbjn aeu chiLc-ed In the II- of thir iptio.ii; roin u.ali. euklv, ,u:f trtng erratuicr be i thi, and bippy uu . ni.l woiticii ; i. not renoi.ahly b.i-lUte to give It a tr ul. The neiiuiue b i "lvrim inj-nup' t.l A ..Jpjyo paiupblct will le ec..t 1'ie . j. i". niN-M.uti r N .I-: Devi -told hy all drujt-ti. '.ilidara.i- u in the Rlar. Yoi Scrofula. tieorge -toirr ot llrooklyu, N. Y., nyr, ii Tl.e lter. Ihe ilible I I Ulaiiotty tor pul litiuu( t lnedlcll tcrtlri. ute iu hnn.aj.-azlUi of sorotui.i, atttr di-- luti. u aiiK,-arid iueiltal le publuli t for pay. but iii patl- to l.r. Ai..le:r; Ii. iiifc' -atiricd tlu; 1l.e1e.i- lirtue iu 'the 1. iline Wate. tre.tiucut, whu-li tbe r. adtr- of jbld 'l.i;;aziue ill tbjukits.t-d.t jr. tor. to tbiir -Uoliie. rirciittrr free. l.r. II. An.lira Io.iiue W jter irfor rale bv J.lMUNs MOlll:, ITop i.tor, 3.1 licr ttieit, N. Y..aud by jJ $4 25 vs. 500 00. y lu Healtliaud l'hi-ie i. aa nnportaut mj.iu cf p.ereri ''"J1",1"11" , i.Ja-. , ui'i'V ISJ Lic.Itli ind . Cdtilio uie fick 1,1 adium ot Ur. IUd- thc ic-liies. W e r 11. Ud W. .Mouut. Ioul- a nurer..r tr, ar -Md, at dldeicvt t.nies, lciaii I.11.I bo b.i.k. aa n-li more e- Ir 1 ..1 .ecdt.. try I.AIIW V4 'll.l,-. t, to ar-iot iu icuiocinitftoiu h..'"ui i,.Vrire'cu , V""a'b cV uut ol'-.' cbau'i.k I m all, tlre boxerol the rilis lad t.nee bot le. ot tbe I !VTi 'u'uluuu iilc." wcll .1 oUUt I r.-c-ul be L cacli. taL- KL.ULL.Ari.Ni. 1TLI-: l' IL IL j.l Cu Vei r.r-"Jlbcbicl tba: uiay bohdptd 11 hird to kuoir," raid Lcrd Uickc. Itat th iLcLi.f that c.n.e u..i aorkontho h in'in hiir t 1, be forcver ucclJod 1 theu-e.l "Ili.irett'a Vc-ge'ahlc llair Kerloratiie, wbicb uevt-r faila to hriu batk the hair 10 itd oriiriual Leautv Sweet Alissum is a pretty little garden flower : but If yon wunt .1 wLltf of weet elyituiu, you n ill iind tlip n(.ur:Bt npproach to it iu the lienvt nlj odor of 1iiau'd i.e .crfumr, -FLOIl I)K MAVO." Eold by all dru-glftr 1:1.15 An Invaluable Medicine for the Purifying of the Blood. 1)1!. .1. W. l'OI.AMI'S Hl.MOl! DorTOK, Apceltiva mnvdy f..r U VindJ of llumorr, n;rofula, wurvy, s.ilt rheuiu, eryi.Ipclar, nettle rash, boils, carban-clte.ulcen-, and all obetiUAtu affeiUon of tlie ekla; niCTCurUI dl-rai-, ind CTery miDt ol the rystcui ; Iy ppoK. aad tho. d poa.r ot!inatiiik; iu tllC dcraoKr tnent of thc diitlre or;.in-., Tlr : bilioui coropUintf., ti.'UralTiii, tirT0t affectiour, Lejtd irhe, lauguor, Iom of apK.titpf ilepre-pion of rp.ritd aud coetircno-. tinyl 1 Tho Great New England Remedy. DU. J. W. I'OI-ANII'.S WIIITL 1'INK COMi'ofNl) curi-s throst, coloe, coii:hp, .lipthrria. brooch.tia. rplttm of bloKl. and puliuonary -afTectlona geiierally. It ii 1 rcrarka' le remeiy for lidncv complints. Thi tufdiciue U frer from ityythin deletrtoua. plc aiant to the tarte, Nife, ytt sure aml oflrcUve iq itr artion. tmyl4 To Holders of Government Bonds and othrr frcmitiee anl ither valjablei. 1 uion Mfe dt itTiuIU, -I'lState.-trctt. IItou. LKH, IUO..IN SON i t'l). olfvr for reut, SAfra InM'ia thrir Vaulti al ratrr froin tolll prr hiiouiii. Ibey lo offcr to rcreivc, . 11 Spiiat I Irporit, iw II li'er--, arcuntiea of k.i rontf linn iu the c.'UntrT or triirlliu al.road. offlcert of the Army nd N .vy, Ma-tcra f Ve?, jnd o her Ciiculu , 4'nt&iuia t'ul! pa-tlcular, forwardcd on ap li at on to Hl:VY 1XE, Manaicw. It ctoii. .rch 1, l-f.c. ip. uo. lyr. Amcrican House, Boston, Mass. rh ory linpo.taut aud . xtniriTe luiprc( mciit. nhichliiv rurrutly l.trn made 111 thl populir Ilotil, tf.t larp-t iu Ntu nnlu.d. riiAl.Ie tbe propriitor to iT.-i 10 'louriiti.. raiuilu', an.l tbe trnelliu l'ubhr,ftc coiuiiioiiatioLd aad u-ir - ienor to a:.r .tla-r llottl 11 ttie citv. Iliiriuj; tlu-.paet FtitauKr a.ldltion? biv ben iiiadr of nuiueio. r ruito-ut il.irtwrnfp, itla KJ1U-, ivatertl.-i.oj. A:r , a-tbe.l . 011 of I uft' liia-liilici-l.t pe. el.i:. r 1-lLo.itars, the l-r t rrrr e'-a tructe.1, (-.nivris gue't" to the uiH;r rtory of the bou-e 11. o.e miui.te ; the eur oh haie We'i nenly .ed Ihbl cr-I- ted, d tl.o CBtlre L..U..- t:iorouRhly rcpteui-hed ind nfurnlu..I, tu-i1.iriz it. iu all ite ii.iKInt-uent!, rfj.ul t y h. i. l m 1!.. 1V1 (irsli; iirhc. Uilluil lla ! and rafoou tbe ttmt I.l'.WI I.K i: A- s.iS, l'roprie'ori. Miv 1, l-i M. B. Q. S. ti and we t:u-' our Juitit"catiou ealliuj: afeutloii to M..TUFU llu QriCTtvfa fiiruishid by the fraqiieucy aud f.talltv 01 of iuf iu.-y lud rbildho ! v ..lanului; iud P'lWt. thr ... reno.i- are ihe dic. a-e., that one . hl d iu tbree dU'r be fo r -be 1 l'h y. ir, Tbeik farti atTonl cooclueiie artru mtnt I'or tufoici i(j 0:1 tu tht r- t'.e linpirtau. e of 11-hik: 1 remelv. inhirb oatami uo Vi rphice ..r I'oirouoile Hnif) aud i.eier fai'5 ,'nhrn limely uoed.' to eirect a cure It sr.a l ...i.t. the chlld thro.vb tbe uioi.tb-' . f n-ithii'3, allar all pain. rrduc iutlaiuiuitlou, eor re u aeid t the Moiuarb, and never fai.e to it-nilite th Im..Io: tnaes flck hi d eiV trtUR and beal hy. pr. dur. a nn'ursl -1 . p f.,r th . child, ther. b allordin rt at to the lnothe-. I'ot .uuimer I'omplalmrf, and dinrw.ej, lt b a 110 eiual For uiad u'-ion-, (.rlppluf, c. it i.eiir fjiU tj tnie . lUf s. -Tatr, for chlldreu, i vtbli-bed, th. nfore ue uo 1'or .ile liy Mll druisi-tr n u-leluil 111 allJ . a i: umy.fvj ITCH ! AK'U- fo. itch :: SCRATCII itch : : : :C"RATCn SCRATfll iu from 1 ' to 4 WIIKA roSVlUN 1 ULN I cu W III A I'liV.- nts I MLM' cu W III'A 1..V.- lliM Ul M' ,u i iit: ii fAI r KHF.L u iei lvi: i:ai:Iih:-siii.ii iu l m..i;e. rVEln KIMI wiii: r. .v.-.iismi s l u wiiiui"..n im"vii:m cn IMMLM' eu wri'j ur iu M .i: i.iki. iiAiai . I'riee o" ,.nr sNa; !r uitli a eents i;i'K- iin 1m:, n . i7" w.irhmit .fton. 'Iw I ... iIe by all Hni.-liji l' eu. Au- .'. 1-7 uoUro 1 rr 4 !Jr Moth, Patch s, Freckles and Tjn. The for tho- !u., n .liw'olonuonr ou Moth aid Kr-ck e I tios.' Trep-ir- . i'cui.1. 19 llond -t , Neiv York. .r,. tS.t' tbe fa- l-en ;,T-roM . My Wife'a choice, and thewhole family itf.nt. Mra . A lllr.'a In-. (ne.r rtjle) Halr l:rt..rer or lirewln, liu oue Utt:e. Tveir .Iniri--i.lrllait ITu. on- .1 .ilar 11-U I'rol hly a. (exeept e tHpl t! ep.d,.: . l -l en more fatil tlnn t: . 1 the klll fp v-iei.t, l the i. car. ful and . It.v .rdei." .iil.'.i-h la t'rt.iS i.f Hipht'o ., lurpeik or tlut U- I r are t ;d r-i . d atford ak ti.t :u t -t..b at Jb .lly pre. nt.h h l.t N.. f,iai i kaen JIL, lalue if ! . i:- MiLii Canibridue Markt't June 30. rket He f r.tra, r I. r 4 FiP! -,l.i.. . .13.' -c.od, . n.lm. 1' ird. 19 Old -V UI III- .11 ui.! " iu l. i.v I .' t-t B.O.' spnu 'ainl Coiton Markct June 30. Fl.'it I'. Werte'-I .U-,Tll lie -I T.' .. i to'uni'ui xtr-a at 5-.i' y.. .'..'; uie-liini d lni; .-t. I.. ui. Jt s i. . v .-.5' I ll; 1UII .1, -I.1J .r l..'. . Mllow -!.;-. 1..' llll? -..onh.r.i, " - t-ri. u --r. , o.-; 1-a I' -i.lii..J -ii. M iS .in ,i 3..i.. I'nlliv I'.in.e, iol!..l n i:..!r,: iii'Vr. .-.'. c-io-.r,-j.v i) i 3l.i.. m:i:r i:f Jl f.iuily. 1.AKH, 1- .0. fa) r IIVM-, 1- (J. IV V lt. III il LU, .1 i .1 I lll.t.-i:, i-. K( c'lb. JVIAUKIAGES. lu t. .lohnfbiiry June Mr. Wliaton 1.1 inton I..lio llanei of Watcrf.. At the .Meth...Iirt l'arroi JJ, l.y Ucv. 1.. t . riiiiinilnaa ..t St. .lohiihburv, aud .M (. d No t'ardl. .ic-e in I. ndon. June t by Kev. .l.r. Wat-H-n loiie, Mr. Wilhurl'. tloddius aud .Mi-" A.ldie I.. 111 ike, both . f l'l-t llulke. In Waterford, June -Jl. by Kev. II. McLle nniug, Jaui.-H. D.unaii, li. Ind.-l"'tidence, Iowa -ud Mim M irll.a J. I:cm of Waterford. In llyejrite, June ':, jt tbe rei.lenee of the officiat-inKClerj.-iuan, llei. Jinur .M. Il.attl.. Mr. Wm. N. Giiron -ind Mir- .Mary C. WhiUhill, both of l:' KHte. Iu touth lloyalton. April U, b Kev. M. r. llender ron, .Mr. Jjui.e 11. Wa'enn.iii, aud .Mio fu-an A. iKe nohls. of Koraltou. Al-o, l.r the aame, April 16. Mr. Krernian A. Tuckcr of runhridEe. aud Mi KIIi II. frei-lou 01 Sbiron. Alr. by thc- eaiiie, Api.l -".1, Mr. Johu II. llenitb of l'oinfr. t, a.ij Mir Jenuie Sluitb of Sharon. Al-o. I y Ihc eaine, Mr John N. KIchaid-011, aud Miaa Mary K. a a'e, bolh of W titrtield. by the raiue, June 3, Mr llonard !!. 1'rcnlis- ofrhel-ea, 1'. l., and MI-n Alhel'. Ilack. tt of Koial- tou. DKATHS. UlrtL-, Marriacs aud Deathr Ita, includ!li poetry, rt es-' Tled ruEC. 1 lilio. In IM pric, June -J, la'ttlce Itarkcr, "ifeof Kbe- zcr Woodr, liq , ied Ti ceira. In Hardwick, M iv '.'7, of cont-e.tion of tbe lungs, Mr. i:ilc9 liouiton, aped in yeaH. I. ift d uoiv tbe caiwiy cmain. II. okeu c-utir. nU"ul dreaiu, 1.0 I tbe iuWnble made. eitiln, Ou tbe botue ride of the etie uu. (lithcr.d home ! and bi. the p irplin; ltadience of tbe beavecly inoiu ; Uier U3 tlie ti'ttlit-irch tloatin, G.ize nc toaard tho rpirit (rje. Hia the croirn, tho palin, the ytadueea 11 r the burttr o! Iioly -ou'. Ourrtbe p.II. tlie iurf, tbe ralmer. l'ilrrima uiid tlie mortal tnrong. SILVER HUNTING CASED 1'AltNT LBVKK riu. jcv.eli:i aM wakbameh 10a $12.00. At IIOWS, -Main L, -t. Jobn.bury. , Liberation la Lllrll lllC to leertify tiiat I tl.i. , Chirlca A. Yoinir, hij titne dmini: t'te r. niai.i.., r of hli ad will da.i er.n in nor iar auy dc-Lu ol bia cont.aciin nftcr thir d ite UAVID YOI .N 11. ewaik, Juuo 2-, lctj;. L A D I E S ved witbln a fve d ira frc and Norton 1 lare lot of Dress Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, SKIRTS, HANDXERCHIEFS, &c togethcr n ith a fu!l Hue of I) It V C O O I) N . E. t T. PAIKIIANKS CO. July 3, lfe. TO CARPET BUYERS! 1:. i. July 3, 1SC;. T. I'liirbituL- aV Co. s c c ? q MILLINERY GOODS The -nbicnWr nnirfetfulli lni thf lJdir of :-t. .lotmsi.iiry hnt icmity to v-M -iiij MII.I.IM.UV uLi h i8 dut i'i pri-t--. HATS AND BONNETS, kelliti-j it -ibout h ilt Ihe le'-til p:ice. Bleiichiug aad Dyeing tlone ns usual. 3if"IUineluber the pliee. m a 1 n s i- K k p; r . ol'l'OSlTn llll r-T. JollN-ltlKV IKHSi: ;i:o. . m;m i:i:. 3 $1S." $is. EIGHTEEN D0LLAR5. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE.if r are wn- miu; k ind dorable and rfile ;...r-. :i to t-e. the irorklu of tbia iu ichlui lin oa tl.e tubertU-i 1 . 11 (i.Mii:, Accnt.' . JuU I. -. -. II-16 M. Johuabur COMPOUND EXTHACT DAKDELION, r a dvlicJollr, rticngtbrn cn, bt anl il. am r 1: K M 1: iiiMitiAM's ii:i ; NEW STORE 1 t'.'rAS-"-s;T PiiP :tS'' "NEW GOODS! V. S.teS2K "i 1 '.niurh pi .1 ' T i ' ' llllll. "..uld i.-Q t..-b to ir u .iiura n. -,.i , -., h't h,-'cL''?f '"Z'-'m 1 Americau aud Swiss Watches. j . f all rraJ md , .alitles of all tbe n u.l -l .1 PURS COIN SILVER WARE. EXIKA 1U:aY I'l.AIll Ii-, l'..iktl AND lAUI.r. l ri-l ltY, II.miKS AM) MAIlnM.i:i. ?llt KI Kl sli , l'KKFI MEUY.MA.-.'NU Ml IU Il Mllil 1l S. Ae. II A I It i t-z w !: i -;lti tii-de t.. oraer. attcutiou jrtrea to II l.!'.l'll;iN(i. al- ...f :1 e "..1. rila-rto ke.-p a fin- ' laa ot au.. t.- ut. nt . lioeial of pub.ic . all esiudne d- ulu-tb r vou sri 1 O. . IrllH . rt. lobub .i. ,l.u THE ;.u.d i-...p.erSTAR SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE the i:euuui . -titcb, a'.ite . 1 both i IU.. f -I, ai.d 1 rntsT ri.A. ; si:u.n. "Iaciii.m:. In tbe uiirlet. -old itapiie tlt ill - fach cf ciei 1 tauiily. siii. J", t d jl''. '. tt I II. I'AIM, A-cut, I. tobarv, Y . J. K. &. C. E. REMICK J) I! V (iUUDS. i.d kU1. fc- for Wo Mfh tht- iitizetir' of t. Jot.iibury nd rlciriity tj call r.-l . 1 iinnif nir ttocV. it-furr j tir t'lW.iif;. nr toclt i- " CJlean and Xev," rmbrsciiii; tLt- bt- nt e Iw :uJ laritti.n. i:itUu l-nugljt of 11- i u'arnntid t. le wha: We U'cummcutl it, t we nlloiv "NO MISREPRESENTATIONS." lud t.old to dflop tuit..M iu n Mr tiuJ lioa.nal:o w J. K. c. II. KlMIirii, 1't.aiupaic Iitock, st. .Irhu-bjry, Vt NEW YOUIv AND HETURX 0 0. TIt03I ST. .JOlINSIJUItV. 1 Jrt. 1 to lu. A. 11. rCKKY, Si.rt. SaV- Tickita go.d f: 1S-1I RAIL ROAD GR0VE, I.YNDONYII.l.n, T. Thir grove, ouly tieo miuater ualk from the K-ibroad Station, off ra iiH.Tlor ai ra tijur fjr l' M Meriluirr. .-.ui..lay cchool tlatl.etlur, I'icmcr, .tc liT- Kavorahlo iriwDK' uientr nudefor tran-.a). tation. teaptiJ A. 11. I'Kltlit, .-.upt. AGENTS W A N T E D, " roa LtTTLoiiti.'s rtm: cm.baiu (ir JSTjn XaL-AI. GR.j3.NT. Thc only actual liki-in-w of . li.hed I ) lu. rauctiou Jli.l th faiuily aud lutlitary tricud. Uauaordiuarr iuducemcu'B to Atteu't. Addre.s a. M. BOl rilAKLi, (ien'l ARent, 12-14 V'ufi-uu-i., Vt. 5JT-order rccclicd in St. John.-l.ury b o. J. DoW IN A P0RTRAIT GALLERY I Au indtutrloua cilKl-, iioe.e-u in-uulty aud good tarte, cau tlud peruiauc-ut mplo u.ciit iu a 1'Lo ogrjph liallery. daU.fact..i ref.rcncei roluircd. Addrca pcT-onally or hy l-tt.r. r. U. t.AOK. S . .Mi.. burj, Vt.. Jujc. , 1 C, ir-U Conn. & Pass. Rivers Railroad The stocka .iuer. in tbe L -nn-cti ut and l'iw .mpJe the MLlirilKIHAGIa, 1I..C-E lu NEil 1-KT, t, Ot rilL"ltliA , tbe .'.ith dav ot .1 1 l. , at J o'clock " vi., tor the p irCc ot .loctinfc boa.d - f dnccton i.c' to t ..i.ract auy oiber iiurmrs. tuit ni . cc:i.o hcto.i tut uuwunir. iy orutr ot the direct. KL1JAU t LliVL'LA.NU, Coieat v, Jauu '--1, l-'j?. 13-15 urtioii niul 57riratc atc$. J FARM FOR SALE! htrivrt ituited In Itarnct np-m .loe's ltrook IBrtf-"iri id, 10 c.lled, and on the maiu road lead Ing from Weit Diuville to raarunipf ic s ilj fanu cm tain 15 acr. of K'od lmd, .ind a good ueiv hou.e. wrll fiiil'hcd, ivith lUUQin? warer to hotia. aud barn. There Ir a ruar carapof jmi treer, anda poo I lotof raw tluiber. Al-o, a uortbe.nlotlvina oiObeewtsideof aaldbrook, coi.ulnini; llll aeio-, ivitb hous. , barn and bui d inpr, wnt. r ruunine to bouse aud bam. rhereh a pood rupi cmip of 400 t er, and a lot of plno and huuloik and xi'bm hllf .. mlle f a Bool av. mill. There ii one of the beit rta'er prii iWea that U lo raled uia couut, ai.d plcnty of water aud capable of a paoer mill or chair factory. N..r i' 1 c d liine t' cme aud w f. r vourailv.e. ai 1 fsnu IU ! rold tok-eth.r or eeparatf, with or tvltbout :o Fo fui fboi par icnl ir of the eubcrihe 011 tlie pretui. e. JoIIN Ill'CH VN'AN. Baroet, .luue I- - tsep'll FOR SALE I Il e -ub-c ibei otreir for al a luall liiure and barn and live lcier . f Iind. situated three tourthr ot a Iilile north of -it. .lohurhurv Leutre, ..11 the miai road to douCorutr ITiee.M. Kculre or CAIT. .KK.SKH M)N at 3'..lohu-l.u" Centre. or I1AKVEV I.YF0KD, CiUt. rabot, .)uue i, l-o-. 13-K. FOR sale: Tbe 11II. HII.I. at I.ynJotl fonier. known aa the Job Uan'.all ml MI 1, .1 pjcd irat. r piivilege an 1 l- acre of lau.I. K01 further paricuUrr cnquire .f 1.11.'. W1LI.IA.M KAM'AI.I, l.indm, Vt. SLAB WOOD'! l he ub.eribe hsa a q.iau'ity of dir rtab iroo.1 for rale at reduee.1 pr.res. ' 1 MoltKIS. M. Jobu.b.i.;, Ap il 1-1, Itf A BUILDING LOT FOR SALE ! I rod- fren' bi aliout s d.vp iti. eellar about -'"n ..alle.lanl plrerd. AU. pple, pluinr, curriuoj, li-rriiv a..d a ra-ir'v ol rl ad treer. all ultbiu to ite" ualk ot two f j in 'ries and tnachine rboph, rbiu.' 111 irhiiif, g i?h, hltud aud do. rr, aud box fa -f, tii'i ulthiu ur. mini.tei. walk ot ihe 3t. .lohm Ile; ot. I or par.iculan ... .riirr of T. It. WAI l'E, ohii-b in, o: ..f 1.. II. J.jl, .Nortlrlcld, t. .ill 1.'.. 1"K tf HOUSE FOR SALE ! -ri 1, .(idinjj, . l.uicbii of laud at 1. acliiin lo' inthin l-i iutlen. I-.1I . .M. M i.s. TWO FARMS FOR SALE. l.e l.e. o'f r- lor -jle one or ot" hid inu-, ritu ited iu S . .lolitie ..f or u--M of Ihe Ka.l il ftjtiou, 11. d tvto miler e. pt ot .-t. 1 id ).. hotb fa.3ll atered. ud each li . U-..I rUK-ir. rchard. .ther. ludtOtthet WOUldlirtko r elary f-inu. lh- aill be 1 teck litli iii.n:;-. 1111.1 .lohnebaiy, Vt. 1 SAFE FOR SALE. ,f. . itb eotul ina.itn lotk. 1IAI.I., I'AII:1:AK-.. .. ?t. .lohn.bui NOT TEA : prime II V Y, for ( a I r tbe sub- f at North Hauviile. Vt. ASA HANHAl.l- F I R M : ; larociatrJ h.uaielf i:b W. , Produce and Provision Business, Wbe-ec u he foun.l at all t.ui. a cood .rtmtn: of th-f lllMlu,,- Kood- Butter, Cheese. Pork. Lard, Potatoes, Heati-. Dried pple. I. od H.h, Mak.iel. illjioui lr..ut, a.c, Choice Teas, Tobaccos, CofTees, .nd iionml. al-inthr IUir t-out.v; .V ItltVA.M'. GREAT EXC1TEMENT UJuirL Salt'i aud Siutill I'rotlts U r. a-t recen.d tl.i md hes Tjali. SITOIIS . : ,d in thi- e. -. i.-An: late rtyl. BOO'K AND SLPPKRS, en. jcuti k!nd. -nd urO-TU 1 Tll 1 : 1 1 , 1 i,tin,: .f Freueh md An.en. u I alf. kip and upp.r .thir, t.ut-a rknu kn.d au.1 i;ait. L-0,1 ak andb. lnba:k 1. ia.u.i at.d toppiu ot il -; loarf an.l col.rr. ir w have .t"j(. .1 r xpec -.noi -. rh. refore, cu aud w ill live up ta our i.i-A'r. . st::jn;.ii!!:it rins: Cofy Compotition ! t r :Le piacc. ,V I'ilH tvlts. l.ail-oai Strect, M. .lobi:ab : NOTICE TO BUILDER5: I nlll 1. 1 a Job fot the work on tl.e wood part rf 111 boilre and barn at thir plavO. 11. lusnsns. I.yadoucille, Jime 17, 1-.".-, tt PRICES DOWN 11N UOX-TON rSKLKTS, AT Wll..I.Ii.ALli 'Hi UKTA1L ..-1 at t..e unuufacturc-ri pri. c-j I'AIItltA.Mi-S -Vjt-O. iioicl gircrtovy. Newport. MKMl'HKCMAOO.. 1IOL&1 1.. Illcic l-roplictor. Lyndon Centre. LYNHo.N l-UNrKI. HoL'SL. -W. 1". Kcoules, ITopV. St. Johnsbury. l'Astsl Ml'dlt- i. UAdTi-.g-s I'ropi'a. A :oo,l .iccry cnd a th.j.ounhly built aud couiuicdt our lloulin Ai.c- lr coui.cctcU vwtb tho boUM.. l hir bour.- bar Lccu thorouguly rc-moaclvd and fur ui.bed 11 ith th.- tioott icc-cp loa rojuia aua lar lu the couu , ani fc propriclor aio dct ruiiu. d ti Ktru Lbc trucl.iu; puiyilc .lieccx bcat accoiuauodaUona. Willoughby Lake. Wli.l.oLiiHllY LAM. II i- iL A. Hesiib & l'ropnetorr. Ureunsboro. CASI'IAN IH IzL 15. c. Lct.-EE iT.prletor. F1NE HAIR JEWELRY'. SOiro. . .l...r: 11 Iir-.-J H.,t f. uir .1.-l,J.-.pp. . h.rt-. iJ i .1 lirv 1 d .-o.. a..ld repar ite or ;itf I nnelr ! II t l fe Irenber and du-irahle .tvlia trotn It.iau 4: (-., . of N.-IV ork. HijWA'tD's. 10t( b.. inau...".ito-J of A. lltK-i-al e -1 Ki' thcln, at Juue 1, Ivi?. MAY 14, 1868. E. & T. PAIRBANKS & CO., DRESS GOODS. Percales, French Prints and Cambrics, riQl'F, TAKKO 1-OI-L1N3, KIIKNt'II DO., i Silk and Wool Do., Real Wash Do., I'flti: MOHAIUS, niLGILU, & Alexandria Poplins, Scotch and American Ginghams, Silks, ic, ic. A gDral aaiortment of White Cniul- Ilotise-keepiii (,ood-, I.iulie- Skirtt. ;ind SkirliiiL'-, Bajous, Alcxandri9, Davis and Duchess Kid Glovei. ir.i:;.N .ir nn: i.uwr nmr.: Tickings, Denims, Drills, &c. A frrtat aaaortnidut ct WOOIiEN GOODS for 11m anJ Boyt Wa Wttb aluiort every artitle uaually ktpt Iu onr itock a! pricoa irbicb wc truit wiU roaet tbe appiotatlon of tbe GOODS FOR TRAVELLING DRESSE3, A V l) WALKIXO Sl'ITS, Al' i:. 4.V T. KAIItUA.VKS A: CO'S. Har 22, 1-C. LINEN SHEETING, PILLOW CASE LINEN, I AI1I E UM.N. witb a yeueral B'ock cf Linen and CottonJQoods, for hourkeep.n p.irjii, at i:. .V T. lltirlmnl.- A- IV., May JJ, An excellent assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES. i:. .v t. Ma; , 16C- I'AlltllAMvS A- CO'S. NEW STYLES ClcOCKEJiY WAE K, 1: i rc 1: i i kic ks: to enuout, l-i. d the larg-.t -.ik . f evcr otTct.d la taia Cblna Tea Crockeri m. i eoinpiiri I .t if tbe .'Iro, &uotl c Parisiaii Stone China. i:. Ar f. Mav ti, I'iH. rAIltlt.V.NKS vV co. 30 PIECES MORE 0F NEW o rT XX r E T s Jiut rteeived E. & T. PAIRBANKS & CO'S STORE Wa aro now recetrtaa, tfcfl bcrgeit aad baat I'.oitk 01 tich aud loic prlco In ei aud lrt.t attwrua evet rboivn to our cotcouara aoaeb)ttn 01 Brussells, English and American Tapestries, I Ingrains, Three Plys, j Dutch Yool, Hemp, Venitian, 1 Palm Loaf, Cocoa Mattings, Rugs, Mats, &c, &c. AT THC LOWKST 1I03TON rKJCSI ! Mar 2J, lS. WINDOW SHADES, LOW PRICE : t'urihi!cd abea cotton. ' tbe loawt.aocuprblBg 50 DIFFi:UKNT STYI.KS, Fixtures! Cords, Tassals, &c. E. & T. PAIHBANKS & CO'S, May !, 1SSS. R00M PAPEflS ! Pnrcaaecra of room papcn can flnd al A T. J'AIKBANKS Ar CO'S ST(lltE Thc Lirgat aad noat ciegaat itock cf GoklSatin & Low Price Papers to bo faoad in Vermont. 1"W patteraa aro uearly all uaw anJ rurpa-M axiythiutf n evta- .iave te.u able to rboic uar ea 0n.1T.- 'r'fcirt, at lcvl tnjcb l.e-. ihtm LlBt Jlay , 15S. TO THE POLICY HOLDERS Of TKS ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMP'Y, Ilnrtfortl, Comi. A. E. BULEEI.Cr. Pr. T. O. ENDIR!. m I labmit to you the f. llowln g all rarta after ra terrlug euonah to pay fjtara llabtlitiat bolougt to you. Krom the New Yotk rfuperiateudeufl lieporu. Thi iimui rii-im aid c-LiTus pain to eie:. fK.'.lHlof Incomeby .befollowluc NISErEEX I.AKIi Er I.IFn IVd O'S IS ameuica : MrTlal, l miTii On. tXiaTaliLa. a...BS Mcrrai, llrwuu, firBBlai UriraL. IIomi. Klc kcaDocEEK, MiMiiTTas, M-s McTrat, Mctri Biiir,T. Miti l Ltri, Nm e(i-d JICTrai.. St Yow: Llri. North trii. . i-.... 1 Mti W t ws icfe. l'r;. iJI.ll. 113.S1. ii M i'.6.T0 36.J3. 2,-.,ee. t'rt S,6&: yra ar 3S.1 Ihe" Illffercnca tlO.Jl il uo SaUnj;onltsIiitorat!iii3jrs.8;.0,mM),i 00 Tho .Ctaa tras uot oLly Ira thau tbe 3 yearr a-wc but Us tlian auj other C'jmpixiy. Tbli itrult lr ,tTll , uiore eat'arlug wheu ue con;ider the jrri e adtau'a- I ot mort of there tompaniet by their larjc old h'Mnet.a, and tlie diridvatitac" of the -Ktus iu acqulr.n uw , leh co,tr four tuner ihit of old. and ! inereare -he ".INA" wiu.i.cve' e.iuall d ai-hou hy tbefoinlnii l;i".l, Ii.eo ... f;:J33. Aaseb'.JS'; lSr'T. " I.-,'t. S.lW.lli. :,13-,'l-' iiivnu:ii, iaiii fi vr.i: cent. Ity.lenrs Wa-.t.d u. k. .aik;i:.t, .-jeut, M. Jol nphury. Ycmionr. OleJ with lico. S. fhan ti t o . rM Ucnraire Agcnta. .Main Sttett. G 4 0 MILES nf THE Us'.I.O" VACIFIC K A I I. It ) .V I , r notv uuirb-d .ud iu operaiion. .iityinllerof tracL hare te-n taid t!.i-.tlue, i d the o-k al Uk'tLc whole llne betue u tbe Atlantlc- and l'.cific Statn l bine I.i.rbid firuanl luor- rapidh- tl.m eer Vf, re. Moie t th urau-l in.ti aro euipl-.jed. and lt ! i.o- nuporGible tbJ.t tlir enl re track froraHrnaha 'o acra neiito, ivill be tiui-h. d m l-d. iu:teid of l'TO. I he :i.e ms pr ri... d are .uiple, and all he energy, tueu au t uoney rao .1 . to xitire tie completlonof thi : it i: a t a t i o .v a r. w o n k at the eailiert pwrllle day, wU be doue. The l NIoN PACIFIC UAILKOAI receire I A Government Grant "f be riebt of irav and all necerr irr tlmb. r ind otbtr liiftterlal. foiiud alonit tbe Hue of itj op ratlonr. II A Government Grant ' i'-.-'"' ' f ' Kudti the, taken iu alurna-e rrrtton ou earh rid- of ita roa I Tbis ! au abi lute ilonltiou and will be a ource of large lela the futar-i III A Government Grant ' " rhirtr-yiar Bonds, iiuouu'ic to lr. ui ilC ira. to Slc,.rV p-r uille, aecordini; to the .ilul. H'ti.r to Bjruiounted on the anou r.cuou to be bullt The lioTemuitut tak- i leeond lnortitAKe hl' re ruritv, 'ind if i- xi- . t- d that n-1 only tbe luttT ert. ! ut the pr nripl amouut may be pai 1 in irr ririarcndered b the Lotnpaur iu tr.infirtinK iiiail). e Tbe Ir uor inucb more th-.n paid in thlJ nay. berider i KT.I liUK'l and tuoiirr to tl.e I.OTeni .Ut. IV A Government Grant of the nKht to i-ue itr owu FII'.JT M.iKK.ACi: H0ND5, to aid ii. buiiiin-tbe rod. to th' rnue amount ai f e I S. Houd-, irrue.I for thc-ratue purpor-. a- I ' wt.Tr Trt ..-.riMiivt l'FEMtTa theTrtt.ue. forth Fir. Mortitifre Itondhclder. toddiver tl.e It .nd. to he r mpany nly ir tho road 1- coin plcted, a d afl.r it ba ht.n eaamiced by t n'.te 1 r'a-e-. omu.l..loner atl 1 pron uneed to be 111 ill re.p.ct. :rrt . '.i 'Kail-oa I. wlth Uiu r all, and cftiijilebly r ii'ptl.d v.ith .! -tt-uoti', tnru ni car ihop., lofotnotlTe, car-.te V A Capital Stock Subscription 'rom tie i-ocibolderr, f -lie'. r ....." i ' 1 . I.-ire bee-i paid lu upou the work alrea ly doue, and nhirh ii iii be ucreia.d u tho waotr cf t' e Lotnpany re.iuire. VI Net Cash Earnings -n ita w liuslnera that already imount o u.itr tiicn tiil u'TEtiErr 0:1 the lirtt MoitKait- n nd-. lhe-e eartilai are uo indication of tbe a-t tbroub traftlc tb-t miut fol'ow the o'enirf of thc lino ro the Paciic. 1 ut tbey e r-aily prora tba FIRST MOIITGAGB BONDS u.ou ruch a pr-1 ty, c ucar'y thrte tl:b.. tb. Ir oun Are Secure beyond any Contingencj 1 c tnjon Puiise Hotid" ru:i t ir y year-, r- 1 : .,"' eai-h, .d bjn coii. a attacbed. TLe he i a uur! 11 1. rcrt, ia .r l. u tho firt diyr ot Januarv nd July at tbe t ouij anyV o; in th City ot Nei. Y-,ik, at th t cf ..1 p- v t. 111 fcrotd. Ibe prlmlpii ir payat.l. 11: f Id - 1 citarit. . Ibe price i-102, A the pre-. nt rat ol c;. 1.1. tbi y pjy a .i.aral e:i their . ot. Tbe i vllip-iuv ll.eie tl a .he- II -nd'. at th- prc rtnt :at.-, arelte . r ci uty iu tht market, a..d rcarrve tlie ilfc'Lt to idvance tl e ptlc at any uti.e. suUerlptkca will l-y tbe FiRST NATIOKAL BANK GF 3T. J0HNS3URY, aui iu Ncic lork At the Company s Office, No. 2o:Nassau St. Jno. J.Cisco&Son.Bankers,No.59 WallSt. And ' y :'.c t-nipaiiys -.drorui-.d agcub.tbrontfbout .Le t'nited 'ab r Keuilttaoce. ahould bc luaue lu drafu or other lucd pa. in Nen Yo.k, an i tl c ilond. ivill be pem free ot ch-ve 1 y 11 1 irn t X, rt . Pa-ti rtibrciiblui; tbroagb toeai acei.ti, il. h.k b. theiu lor their rafo dcllvcri . A PAMPIIi.P.l AND MAP FoP. t-i -lns Ju-t heaa puhli.hed l.y tbe Couipiuy, rliini; fuller fufoTtnatiOD tban 18 )0"rtblc u au advcrtiiemeut, tcrpccUiig thc pro Itreri of '.he wcrk, the r,ourcer cf ihe counti) travereeJ by the road, the fjr con.tnictioli, and the calu- of the llondr. utdeb will l? fent fitc on applicati .11 al Compauj'i offlic irtJ any of t!io advertl'Cd irntr. Jtlll.V J. !;), rreii-uier, May -.5, l. (Uulylt) Sia- Yim WOOL CARDING, A N l) CXaOTII dh: S U T T O lNT . lew is iioi,.mi:s. WE ARE NOW SELLING Beat Spring Wheat Hour, at Sll.00 ' Red Winter Flour, $12.50 " White Winter, $14.50 No. I Western Mixed Corn, $1.40 .ary Larrel Ploor uarrautad touad and good. aud u- bo aa raprceuted. All fc.uda ol produc-. oougat aaa uold al uiaikct ratea S4t- eiore .outn ot rrcigut Uepot, I-iuJou. I.. i'. ISituU A A- O. JUST RETURNED FROM LiOSTON ilh a lull etock of gooda auitable tor tbe eouutry trado Dry Goods, Groceries, Bootsand Shoes 11AI.-, CAlB, ic, &.C. A1.C, Ha)iUK looi-, .iu iare, Woodcu.Ware, Hour. alt, x..i. .Hackcrcl, i.einoni, (Jrauii, H,.ul, Kalnitis, dc. at Ibo lo.ic.t pricca for c-m1i oi .b a ic, .i.Ligb..i o. A. W. M1..VS. 25 of the Gonuine Revolviny II UKciE JL-C A Iv iii . Kuuu n throayhwut tbia rctrlou aa th-- WAEDEII HOESJJ KA'ili, of a tupcrior qunlitv n.ay found for aalo uh fc. P KMI.KSoN. t'eachaui, VL, Juae lMu. 13-11 FISHING TACKLE, JlOWAKD'tj. L 1