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i 1 t' 1 11 III l I THE CALEDONIA?. ST. JiinUl RY. VT , riilliAY Jl L 81, 1MS. """UfllflN REPUBLICAN TICKEt! " FOR IliEiIIIESTt I'liVSSES S. CliA-N'T, OF ILUSHIS tox xii-i psRinlir, SCIIUYLUIt COI-FAX, OF I.NDIANA EIE'TOKS Al LAT.GE, Gl'.O. W. UUAS1U.V of Vergennes. 1K.H41K FAlUIIANKSof st. JohnsblTT. fcttE ti'IVEUSOE, JOHN B. PAGE of Rutland. ri.a LT.-Gn ERMXR, STEPHEN THOMAS of West Fairlee. l-nu Tlti it-rKLR, JOHN A. PAGE of Montpelier. Uiiion Jtcjntbticuit Vistrict Cou- rcnrioii. . frreinm cf thr s. ciud onirrfBioiiil DMrict iu tl.fc S of Vcnnon', ho uiprt thu priucljilei c.f tLf 1 nl m IIipuMifiiu pu1y, are iuTitcd to aicct iu Tonvt n tijn t White VArt .luncllon, iu Tuml.iy. tlie lltt di "f Atic l.''5. '2 o'clocl., r. fnrth- rurc" f ti Miuntiux u caudldAtf fjr mt mhcr i 'ouin'C'Si', . m dlldtc fiir I'rii tlentiil Kkct r. Ccnvfut.ou Kili li- i l.l Bt 1'onTrstiu.i, ii w.tli a rcuo:tiIiii i'i.-J l tlii la-t liii'rict t uittitlon, h!ch rt-f'lutiou i J fa.h'W: . - v.,(, Tliat t.ireiffr n!l C.iiii!r. ?.l Di'tri I ..mcntione. in tlili D.ftriC, rha'l ln" La:lil :ini h l.ii l- li. U'pi r Co.irt.iitI 'a: 1 Ii'ii tacli u in ihU 1: rrt-1 p nti Klun tlnu otip Lundroil'i -tei t i .... nv.r :ll lht tilf lwtioa i.t'Xl .iert-fdtui; fii 1.. tn.l C.m.ii i.. tliHllt titltd to .iif dilc-.i l ii irli tuM n c I'tini; mort-thlu uiio huu licd ICrj.libll- ai. .iU It -ni I tatt. t ItttL.n -llnll U' tulltlt.l tu t.:u i.Mit.ouitl JcU.pati', nml jn- dilf.-i f. ir tac li fi ictional t art of otic l.midrtd vtea . nwjng fitty. Dt'l- irJtfe and nll itfMiUS attcn.llus Baid CouVfnllull, v ill bf canlttl f..r l ire tuf v. y "U thc f.lliulog i id- Vt. 'nll.y, r.uMn d i; Uil ling on, Vt. 1't.LtPi'. f d tlie l'ai-B'iliip'Ic lt ia expeited thst tlie Hcn. l.uko l'. l'olnlid 11 .n. .1. e. .Morri.l Ih' pre'tut nd aJ.lrrn tl.ei: 8 X. Dntria i'omttu Coiiriition. rbt 1 nl.Mi JVpul.H. .ui- of cl. d .nla C.mnty, u d ,t!l wb ftvnr tbc tlec lon. f,f r t,i:N C.KAN T -. '. -!:,; , thr C. S., will mift for llit u ininn.i .n of itn:- .?, : .lol.D-bury, im M.I1MI)AV, tlwStL of At Cl if, aost ot o'cl.Kk, a. si. Ltt tberc be it penera .ilteiidAncf. W. II. I'iiku, i tM'i. ll.t ' Coimtv Ccmi. 1'olUlvtil Coiti'-ntioti. XVc tri'M thc It'iiil)licam ot Calodonia cuiuity will tnrn oiu lo tlie Convcutioii to ltf litltl 1ri-i- nt-.t AVo.lnuMlay, Au. 5tli. lt is not calied a- a di loato coa M'lition, antl lliu l'eoiIo .-liuul.l tiiui otu md givo a day for thc xdertioti of .-uita-bh- cuiinty ollicer for thc yoar i-n-uin;:. Du imt ;rowl that jioor or hatl iiil-ii an iiut ia iiominatiuii, Imt i-oine and m- to it that tlu; U.-t iiien hold tlie otlice. Thf Si-pond Di-trict C'onventioii. tor tlie imrno-e of nomiuatiiig a ramlidate .or Ci)iigro'i. i. calied at White Kivcr .liimtioii, oii TueMlay, Aug. lltli. Thi .vill 1h a delegatc conveiition. and the town should tako early ineaure-5 to clect leli-gatos and alternate for this Conven tiou. lt i- cxpected that IIon. L- 1. l'claiid will be rf-noiuiuati'd without op-o-ition. loth Judgc l'olaiidand Sena tor Morrill are advorlised to be jire.-oiit at the Convi'iitioti. The Couvention iu the Third Di.-trirt occtir.- at Stowe. Wviliienlay, A112. litb. (not 1 lth. a? iirinled lat week ) Tlii-al-o i- a delejjate eonvention, and llon. AV. C Sniith will undoubtedly be re noiiiiiiated. The Conveiition in the Firt I)i-trict will be he!d nest Weilne.-day, Au;. otli lt i? nietty eertain that Mr. "Wnodbridije will iw't be le-iiuminated. L'nlc lint- lanil eotinly hhonid elaim it 011 the t-rorc that 110 ('ungi'Ctsiuan haa ,-tnt ftoin that uounty lor many year?. we think H011. Charle.t W. Wilhud will wcuivthf 1 le U probably hetter filied for the placv than any other candidate named, and we hupe Iie may be nomi nated. SUHsCKIlTIDN UotiKi Acaix. We have heen taken to ta-k (in a jlpa?ant vny) for the artiele printed last week 011 ".-elling books by ub-cription." l'er haps we were not particnlar enough in the wurding of it, or dellnite enough in the uxce.ptionii to the genend rule whieh we attempted to lay tlown. We have not ehanyed onr inind in regard to thc principlc of the thing book, like corn and eotton cloth. should be .old through dealera ; and by the illustration last Week, we .-howed that the comtnunity by so doing wonld have money left to buy from .!() to ."() per ecnt. more book? We were, however, jiartienhir in exeinpt- ing the disxbled s-iihlier and other needy persoii froin this rule. And by needy persons we .-hould certaitily in olude all woinaukind who are without tho-e who s-hould lawfully proteet and proviih- for thein : alsO the elergy, who have spent their best days in i-owiilg the good reed of the gopel of peace, and Jiavo had little or 110 opportunity to lay up riehe? for the nectssities of old tige and infinnity. The eomniunity must dL-eriininate, not only in the agent, but in the artiele sold. Ti:t:i:iin.K Fi.oou axi Loss of Lu'e. l'altimore and tbo adjacent country was i-ited by a terriblo tlood Friday, destructive both of life ahd property. The prineipal streets of the city were subuieiged, iu soiue places to the depth of over sevcu f'eet. Huildinga were un derinined, property in cellars was ruined, etreet cars were swept frora the tracks, and about tive peraons were drowned. The damage will amount to Sli,000,000. At Kllieott City, about twenty miles froui the city, 011 the line of the IJalti more and Uhio Uailroad, the Granite iItlK were wept away, and tixty per sons were downed. Thc I'ortland and Oijdetmbit ry Jiailroad. C'an you give U" any iiilormation in regnrd to the I'ortland and ( ).:deu-burg Kailroad ! What progre ha- len made' I Whim will thc luoks be onened for sii!)- I M-riiiiinn ' n, tl. eori.'.i-alors feel afraid I that the capitalists and tu-im.s men of I'ortland will be backward in Mibscribinf for stoek to this end '. If so, they very mueli miMaM me lempci. u. . ur 1)Li.... Four-fiftliB ot tlie itple in 1 oriland are j as mUCIl llllfU-Miai in irn." Bum-us- ui llll- road a- any of the corporatorn : and ii they ean only have an opportunity will do a.- niueli in proportion to their liican a any gentlenian who ha this work in hand. We are not children who hae got to be coaxed into thi labor. e have looked the whole matter through beloro we voted to tax our oity two and and a half per cent. And we are all ready to sJiow our (aith by our works if we ean have the opportunity. L:t u? know then. if therc 11 any progres inak iii" arnl wheiher we are to have a ehanee to put our shoulder- to the wheel. We haxe bcen long enough a proineial toivn waiting for Hoiton to tako snutf befotv we ean Mieeze. e are tired of her die tation. her interfercnce wilh our traile. her "drumining" np our eu-toinor.-, and we want a chance to pay hor li" in her own eoin. We want a cbaiici; to '.Inuu" up the trade in Vermont and New U.imp hire while she i- diuuiniing tlie 3Iaiue trade : and we are willing to pay for the pmilogc by taking .-toek in a road that will earry u- theru. Only give u- a chance and wc au rcady. A lii sixi:s yi x. We copy thc above froin the i'ortland l'rt.- of the I'Tth int. Whether riie ;:i-uuinc- thero tnade are pertinent or not, they are iieing inade all aloiy the line. The opponen's of the road are repjrlipg that l'oitlan.l has abaudoiuetl tlu pro ject, and that nothing inorc will bedone. TIio--e be-t infonned a?uiv us that .-uch reports arc fal-e an 1 in.iliciou. and that eervthi:ig u beins d nie that ean l.e corpo- rator.-, in New 1 lamp-hire hold a meet- ing at D.'dton on the lth of Aii!iit to eleet a board of tlirectorj, and the stoek holdfrr. in the Lamoille Valley K'.ilroad ineet lor the purpo?e of oiganizuig the company the Tth ot Atignrt. Our hu-i-ne- nien are waiting very an.iou-ly to -ee the "tlrumtnern" I'rom the buinern hou?es of I'ortland in our tree,t.s and we v.-ill gu.inintee that about the snnie tinie uur im-lllf5 lneu uiii bt; -fcu 011 iiie rtreet-. of I'ortlaiid'm ikiug i'.i. ir puri-ha. e- a- thev were aecn-toined to do thirty year- ago : saiug tlu ir pit h.iM'- will !. ten time? lanior than tormerlv. Cltccl; l,i! aml I'ntt; i'hi- lall fVfry frteman of the rlat. -hould ote either one w.ay or thf i.ther. Citizen- should recollei-t that the onlv way to prevcnt illegal voting i- to h;i thf M.lfetiiifii ol exerv town prep.ire heck li-t for their toWn. The t-tatutc ot 1 Slit. make provi-ion that nhen. t tfnth of tho-c votin.' for repre-eiuativc la-t year -hall petition the elec!iiifii ot the town where they live, thf electmen are in duty bound to make an alphabe li- eal li-t of all per-ous legallv (Mialitied to vote 111 sdieh toxvn. (rec statuti ..t Vermont. lSUtJ, No. l.". ) Thi-petition niu-t be niade irithin thirty il'iys t'vn1 mirtiii'. l!y the law of lS'liT. a thcfk- li.-t mu-t be made in everv town xvhero more than tixe liundroil xotes xxvre east for repre-entiitive la-t fall. lt i- nece--:iry for thc suppnrtfi-s of the govprnnifiit to be.-tir them-elxes. and to have everv x-oter at the b.illot-box. Work, fnvmfii. while it is day I (I'ueCnint at least .5(1.000 inajority iu Vermont ! Fi.ii:s ox IltiK-r.-. A merciful tuan lnereiful to hi- bea-t : and if thfrt- is any preventatix c or anif lioration lo the little pcst- xvhieh are so aitnoying to hor- se.- and c.-tttle througn l'ue-f l.-xv lnoiuh?. i'X ely one should know what it is, and be xxilling to take a little trouble to apply it. An item i- g.iin about the papers that thc annojaiicc ot llit- 011 cattle ean be gicttly initigated h.v the tl-e of a ini. ture of kerosene oii and two-third- lard oii, applied to thi: leu- of the hor.-cs, oxeii, or coxx-.-, xvith ii fealher or biuh, or, xvhat is botter, but inore ob jcctionable to the iipplier, with the hand-. ruhbing it well in. (Jno xvho u-ed this prepai-ation hi.-t suiiuner 1.11 hi- oxeii, applying it morning and afternoon hel'ore going out to work, sajs his cattle gained all through tly tinie. A hurie, uueasy. frctling and stamping, becoines, after the applioatiou, at once (piiet. It- re-ult-are fnlly as marked xvhen u-ed upon coxx-s, in the incroar-ed qiiautity of inilk thev give. They do not have to spend half their tinie tiiihtins llies. Sxiokk. lt is said that thc cxtreuiely sinoky atinosphero xvhieh h:is pievailed .-o luueh here of late, i- causcd by great lire.s in Canada xx-ood.-. It is said that at St. Scholastitpie, 011 the ( tttaxva river, thirty-six miles from Moutreal, the roads arc impassable, and steamers cannot run on account of thc lire aud smoke. l'rix-ate letters from somc parts of Canada repre sent thc tlrouth a.s very severc, iiiiiny of thc farmers having to drive their cattle miles to xx-ater. Franklin I'ierce, ex-tireident of the ITnitcd States. from Xexv Ilampshire. and Major General 1'. CJ. J. lieauregard, late of the rebel army, passed through Troy on Thurpday, making a suiiimcr totir, in their own nrivate carriase. on their xvay to Hennington, to visit Cap- tain II. L. Sllields, an old entnmdi. in the ilexican war. Thev 50 to Sarato- ga from Bennington, and perhaps xx-ill push on to meet another old friend nam- 1 DaviJ, who is vifitmg 111 Cjuelc Gen. Grant xvas nlso in the Mexican xx-ar, but we ncx-er hcard of hi travelling with Frank Pierce. Hon. Justin S. Morrill has arrix-ed at his home at Stratlord, having been com pelled to leave Washington hv illne.s, ansed by extrcme heat iind hard xvork. a little beforo the closc of the Sesjion. .1 Vontrast.- Thei than !l hich ia ncver u reater coiitrnrt iireater piv-cnti-il bv lir hvu lcltcr- tliir ?l .id iy i'i Seplciiii.T. It xvnild e iippciid i.fl..xv. Tliey t!K: Iiave l.c...n an a.ljoiinniienl .( '. doubt ihe plnt'orms of ir.iiT aii-l le . but for thf detiant miinner in xvhieh rc-pt i-tix ol rcvolution. of peaee aud of war. ot iroM"ritv aml oi riiin : ! .y0(i (jelu ,,,M4 TMltr of-Arceitivtce : If ,() ,,. ,. jf iUent oi ,;1C l;.;e,I .s,.,:..., it w;u hc 1I1V oli(ll. jt. (o a,ImlIli:.l0I. u i;UVs , ui;h ,,. .,,, w!th ,he ot having peate. ipiiet and proteetion everywherc. In tiuie- iike the pivent it iuipor-ible. or at lea-t I'lilineiiily im proper, to lay dmvn a poliev to be ad hered to, right or wrong, thiough an ad uiinistratiou of four ear.-. New ioliti cal im'r, not foreeen, are cunlantly ari.-ing : the view.- of the pu'oiie 011 old oin-s are coiistantly ehaning. and a pur.ily adiuini-tr.itivc otlicer j-honli.1 alway- be lefl tive to ee cnte the will of the peopj.'. 1 h.ive ai-way- ii-peeteil that will and alwaj .-hall. l'cace and unii'r-al pic-perity it- m' iiiience with eeoiiuinv ui KiltniuiMr.i- ition. uill liglilcii tlii- burdt'n i.f ta.uto:i. while it eon-lantly reduce tbe iiatioual d bt. 11- have peaoo. With grea! tv-p.'ct. your obedient K-rvant, l'. S. (iiat. ';( 6V. Jihlii's Ltlhr xckin tlf injni'- milton. I u. Thetv i-i l.ut one way to retore tlu- tiKN. CiKAM'- Okh.i: of iji- Skis goM niment an.l the ."o-tituti.ii : an-1 1 i i - in 1 iii 1 Li.m..: riaM Senvimi; that ii tor the piv-ident flict to deeiaro Vaii.- I'iie foli.-wint; lelter Irom .eli the iveun-tructioti at-ts 1111II and void. :ttt- 01' Uiinoi.- :is wr:,.t--ii in iv ooiiijkI tlie armv io un lo it-iiMU-patitiii'. ,'ly t" .nie a-king for the intormatijn ii at the, soutli, di pt'r.-f the e.trpet b.ig fuiitaui-: slate governtin tit. allow the whiif pe - , W .-iiim . n . D.C.. .luly N lHt.S. ple to iv irganize h.-ir own joxermneiit- IH. vk Sn: : I net vi .l .our f.ivor ot and elcet M-nator and ivpiv-entatUt -. tlu in-t., imiiiiu whitluT liie re T!if hoti-i- of retir-entatie- v.iil tMHtam !'i"t "i len. (ii.t.ii ii-'-le i a inajority ot densot.Tal-. froi.i the nor'.h and they will adm'-t tiie iv;!v-t'iit; lU tlected by the wliilu pt-ople ol" the -outh and, with the eoopeiati'in of the ptv-i-deut. it will not be litlii-ull to eompi-i tlu- M'lillte to Sllblllit usitv inoiv to the ' oblii-.ukn! ol the eoii-titutinn. j We ti-.uat have a pr.-.-iihnt w'.i.i wili exe- cute the will ol thf jk.oj!'-. ny tr.imptui' j , m.J!lMru,.,:OI1 Fkwk 1'. Hlmu. Mount Jluitjukr Sciiiiuarn. A ivat nuinbfr 01 p -ople attciidnl the thirtx-lir.-t ani.iv e r-ary ofthf M.mnl Ilolyoke F.-mal.' S-uiinaiy .it N.jutli Hadiy oii rhiir- l.iv ot la-l w. fk. 'I ,ie lnoni'a m wa- oi-fii;iii d wilh tlu-cmiehi-.-ion tit the evimi'iatio'i ct tlu giadaat'nu cla w.'iii h 1 111 011 T11 -.1 iv an l wa- c ...fl ::.t ,lc.. W. I !. ." .- o4 wvtv al-t r.M'I l.y .he yo.n. die-. who arc r. . rte.l to l,af fxhibitf.1 a )n .'fu i. 1:1 ai jvi li.a: o! i'k .iiivi ah:y t.i t oll.Mf r.i ln.ite- l!.' ti'.i.ei .. Aiht thf tl,-uitiuti .11 ot .iij.lfiii.i-. an f!iu.'ii: .il.l.'. w.t- ik iv.i.d i. 1:. I.'. v. Ur. Kiik ol I! .-:, i. ,11-t-i.l, .1. i tlie board of trtuitCf-. A f .il.itio'i f .1 l'lWtd. aml thf tinif troiu : tnl li o'.h fk w..s .lfv..lfl to r. corre-p nidfiit of ih 1 i four-f A jiriiili.ld U.pul.- liran ntaker- thf foilorthit. -t 1 t iinni f.iii- lumg thf ptvtitn.iry alt or- ot thf 1.1-I1- . -It w il! aeiMiitmo.l..t iifai i pu H.f ag. ' itutioii - u.iuiiat th.x re- pils. Xoue are rtVfitd und.r of -i.Mivu. ai.d all p.iv tor tlicii and iMwrd for tortv th -uni of SI.IO. feive heiv a (irdiuanlv ! For llri.- pntauo imhI au fihiriltoii ,i i':i!i ilitaintd aa ui.d thi -uni trom e.u-!i pii 1. -opport- t!if tn- stitiitiou. 1 lie 1 foiiif aii't fiiiii-t - uow -tand at about J."..00 building an.l for etfii i tfh . but !..r xf it- iaii- tlu t. -inf." it ha-it-r. xx I10 'etiiinarv :1111st nri uo ttiud. and iVaf .n I tinaiiff lo. - IH.! d.-ii-f . if II f huilding-. tl'--. hax. f .-! ai. ut ;12'."I ' ilifhldiiig .1 debt ot' 5'L'T.lH.i. x h . !. 1' -tatf i n !' ii.tli n u 11 ;.. itr. and I.-ax-f s !i.-tt,:a- !. - .:h r pai-po-t-. A tloiiati ni o! sl'i.ii iii i,,,-j 1-: been niadf bv :i hi.iv 1 r tlu- hbi-ry. on conditi..u that a 1 a 1 ! . i . 1 1 j Ih- eivftf.l. xxhifhxxiil r. tpiiit S 1 ."1.0.1:1 , more. The lil.r.iry ai pn citt oiiifiin aboiii loo.. b.,..k-. .md tlu-e nii -..-.nit itad "llit- pupil- do :. gu.ilti pir; o. the tl..iif-iio x. ik .l' thf iiisl.lulio.i. xxtut.'i oi-i-upit - t.if'n .nic, at pn vi.t. .ibou! an hoitr a il.ix. i tn 1,- ii. ..!., 1 . xvh'n h ii.v.1 H .-;.!f 1 iiiiiln i'nt ic MVftt -.udif., i- iiotv ! ia l, .ti. l liif 1,1111 tality itiuong thf 1-..1.I v.i...iu..lf- 1 siiiitiler than aux.i. ti.e r.i.iuait- ot our .ill.'j;n tor nu 11. i'lif new p.ii.fipii!. .Mi.- Il.len -M. I'lfiit-h, j-. .1 t.tdv ol niiiny gili.s an-1 aihiiiiiii.h tittcl lor h.-r piii.-f, antl is -tippoiic i i.x au ai..t' coq.- ol 11 istant iL.ici.cis T:. 1 slalf ha-ju-t i le.-nlietl it; itpprtt i.itioit ol ti.c si-iniu.iry j bv it- donatioi. 01' ? lo.tiOO. T111. Sriii. Ei.Kt Mt.Ns The fohoxv ing :ire the Male elfctioiis iu tiie order il whieh they ofcur : Aii"ii-t K-iitUfky. I Vnne ee. Vermont. Cilifornia. iMaiiif. Nfbia-ka. l'enii-ylvaiiia. ( )hiu. Iiitliiina. ItlWil. Wt-t Viiginia. New Vork. Ne.v .lei-sfv. I)..l.nviire." M irxlaiid. Illiuoi-. Mh-higan. V'i-i-on?iii. Miuiic-otii. .Mi. oiui. Kau-:is. .liis-achu?etts. Augu-t l:i. Svpieiiibfr I. Sfptemb.'r , Septembei- 1 I, Oeto'.ier (1. Octobfi- 1:5. Oftober lo, Octoher 1.!, Octoher lo, O.-tohfr .'!. Noxf inhfr '5, N.nemlK.r :!. Noxeinber ". Novcmher :i, Novcniber :!. Nox-enibfi- ii, Noxe mher :!. Noxv inbfi-:!, Nox-embe r :i, Noxv mher :!, Noxf inber .", Noxeinber :!, LvN1.11 Lxxv is Ini.ixna. Sparks. .lohn Moore and Ilenry .lerrell. a.-.-ofi:ites of the thrce Atlam- ojnv-s robbers xvho x-ere lately hung at lirown toxvn. Iml.. xvere captured in Cole coun ty, 111., Friday, aud arrixvd at Seymour. lnd.. at half pa-t 10 o'elock 011 S.itiirday night, and soon after left in a xx'ngon xvith a guard for Hrown-toxvn, to bc de livcrcd to the sheritr of .lack-on county. When they airivctl ne:ir the vicinitx xvhere CTifton, KUiott and IJo-berry x-ere hung, the wason xx-a suddenly surrouml ed by about 150 irnied men, :ill of xvliom xvere masked. The guard wa- overpoxv ered and the pri-oners taken from the wagon and hung. At la-t aecoimt- '.heir bodies xvere slill hanging on the same tree xvhere the other- had been hung. The pri.oners xxvre tpiestioiifd :i- to nu inerous n.liberies xvhieh had l'eii perpe-tratt-d in .I;.t kM.ii conntv. but with the exeeiition ot the acki. "xvlfdirom.-nt of some small iotw, nothing xxa elicited from them. Conyretn) Adjourned. Mn-s uiioiimei .xiomiay 10 me Mr. .lohi.-on, 111 hi- la-: xeto ine--age. cndoi'ses the F,ank I'.l.iir doetrme, that the rpcoujtriii-li-d -tate goveintnent onght to b" thro.-l from pjwer, and hii 'polii-y" authnriiii'-! reiu-latt'd, in order io givt- tlu- rel-i'U e..utr.jl of the polU at the Novemher clectiou. Other. indiea tion are 110! winling that the re-enee of Congre-s at Wa-hington may be nece sary to prevcnt tho overthrow ol ii great work of rei-mi-triiction ju.Jt a it ha- lucn completed. and Congre-- doe well to hold it-.elt ia leadine-- to meet the euiergeni'V. l.efore adjourmnent the fimding bill wa- la-.-ed. and ha-; to the pre.-i-dent : thf araiy bill did not jct All aitfinpts to iucre.i-e the tarill' failed. In the Sen.ite niaay noiniiiatiou wctv eonliniH'l. -ome r.'j.vlod. au.l Miiue tlid imt foine to :t vote. (len. U j-ei-ran- i I'niilirtin-d ii.iiii.-l. i- to .Mexico. aml -Mr. Fc-diden'.- trieii'i. .Mr. 1'eti-rs. ivj.'eteil as naval ollicer at New uik Tlu' t'tii-ne-e tr.-aty w.i-s r.ilitie.l, aud the other tieaty peadiu was po-tponed. Congre. will not tmvt oti the of S.itemljT uules-(i.'ii. S -iieiu-'i and Senalor Mor ran .-hall think it tteiv-trv. tor a e. auiii i tva t ioxeui r the army" whiif I Iiiiuii-. 1 an -wvr 1.0 Vt tl.t- c. . .i Tt .: vt the i.t fauie to nif aml n.f.l.- !y o!l- ivd lii- - r-vifi- iii v.h.i!f ft c.ip 't-ily l.f eould Lt-ii-.l:il. IU- n n l. r.'.l i?n,! aid ii. ilic ( Xfrnoi'- aml A ijnlitiu'-i.t'ii'V- .iinl pl.if. - of i.iili! ir) reini '.vou m tt.f :i!. !.il. i w.t- i.b-t :il ot. :'. i-.l in Kfiiliiekx. 1 t.ilfiid li'.ia liv I.'i -ur.iph thf app juilMi u! oi l",i! i-ifi : ih llhnoi.- iiituiitiy. lif fi.l not a-k the appoii.tuifn:. aiid 1 li;n.- rea-on to hi lieve ! ktit w iitilhing ol mv intf nti. ui of teii.teiii. .! unlil lif rftvi.d my piteii, ii'.r tiil!it- expc -t i-. I iifxii--axv i.nx 1 1 1 1 1 1 r ia t n-1. (ti.uit lt. foiv ln iiip.iiiiti...:it !;.tr -i-i.f tieit loofl iik iM'giisi me or ativ ofn-r pfi- i'..rotii.f He ha 11. me uf the xva- o. proi. otiirf . 1 kf r. an i 'o- xvh .!e hi-lf-ry ,-ii.nv. .l i. f - .'i!i' 1 i:n i.iilnr llian I11111 .-.v k-ii.' p!:-i. 11 n li.- f illfd ut 0:1 me In- mc.ii -d : 1. .1 i.ial 11 i.vxfd to th. . ix. inm.-.t .xhi. h b.i j.xt-n hiui a iiiiiili'v ftlo ali iti. tsi-- Ii. tif lii ol tti.t iviiow'c ! iiuti in thf li uir ot her pttil hf -ho-.i.l 110! I.,- t iioif.- iu thepluf a igt..-1 I' li. iu tlif -fix f -. 1 am -im-hf u 1- ,u..xfl i.x th- 1 i..-; tiii-.lli-h pal-rioii-tn. liifio-.-.l ln r. -a it!i pli-.i-f timt a fifiv ot .1 fi-h d. iu. r.d bx im- in tlu S.-ii ilf o . tlu- t.ilt to r. xixt- thf gra ! ot (.J -111 l-.ll ol lllf A1111X-. xxiiifh tl t:ul-:il r'itiT Ifi.tii llrtn 1- suitniiif to i. -Itort Ittt.r the iii-;orv ol h.- li:-t 1 luiimj iu thf iiniii.irv - rx 1 i 1 l-i,l.a id ot li ui u ili, tlf 1 li-.iig ot tioop- in Itlittoi-: jti-.. mv xifvv- -t t..f fliat it UT ai.d -ft-xi - ot' ih,- :i! x !.o ut t!.. o 1 1 ..t . .:i i.i ix.- bo. - in l.'.ii.-. era-l.e 1 l !.. 1. ii. !iion. t-.-owiifd our aim xxilliXi.". . .111 I -.ix. d tl..- iitf ot tiif 11-1 1 i 111 Voiir-. x , r tr.ilx . K'l. 11 xi:i V x 1 1-. . r ii; 11 j I.I..W. If. f M,n l,;. 1 tnl. whfii tif;d..a -iriiek him t j.,.,.,,!,,) -ksili aml 'oi.d l.ioxv. tlu- lioif i-iu-hiiii: in I.i .ttlit-liiig m . xfivaii inji.rx ;i. x. i- -,H.k.- al' Imt Ihe lt.!i..wiui; fxeiiiii'j. 11 .h t go.i.l Maiuliii'T ia thf 11.111 1 110 ill tiviiu ' had fxvr t-x- 1 ;, lt 111 dit -l iliiriii nien xv. r.' niunitv. ai istt-il liftxx-ffii thf :ii. Ii wa- t'xijenlly a .-ad 1 :ise ot xielding tt. iin iing ovel-iiablc lcmpfr. Thei-f xvt-rf live or ix uifii near by, hut iht-v tlid imt -upfi-t anx- s... riou- irouhle till it xxa.- too late. When (iordon took the slitk they sieppcd lor-xx-ard to intfi-feiv. hut b'for,' thev hatl tinie to pifvent it, he had -truck thc fa tal bloxx-. r.i:Ti.xM anii II1.1: Nf.w W.xir.i:-Wtn;,.-. liy the 1-t of .I.tmiaiy. ISl'.!). I'ortland, Mf., xxill hiixf an iui-hau-ti-ble mpply of j.tire water froui Seliago l'onil, aud will be as.-ured Iu'iicefoi-th lioiu auy siu-li axvful lire as dexa-tated h.-r -trt-f ts txvo years ago- The I'ortland I'res-i describf- the source of supplv as folloxx : Thi- great natural re.-orvuir i- txx-o hiindivd aud -f xvnty-toiir f.vt ahox-e the city level. that the water by the lnere force of gravitaiion ean he throxvn froin the hydrant-, over the highe-t building 011 thf higln.-t poiut in this city. The day of stifft sprinklf rs aud lire eiigines i- goue. Kvcry hou-e in the city will haxc thf ineans of fxtingui-hing lires, . iiual to any ordiuarv steiiin tire-eiigine, by attaching ho.-e to the hou-e fiiucet, graxitation propeHiiig the xx-ater iuto anv part of the building. In the ringle item of insiiraiicc rates "there will be a -aving of at lea-t one hundivd thou--aud dulliir.- per aniuiin to tiie citiens of I'frtland ; iinlefd some companies h;ixe alrciidv reduced their r.ites tn :intieip;t- tion of xvater. It ean readily beseen that the great lire xvould have been .-topnetl z before it xx-a-. had exery biiihhn in it.- course been -upplied xvith fiiucet and ho-e. The Virginia vunserxnti-e.-" celehrat- ed 011 Tne-tlay their victory at I5ull Hiin seveu years ago. They had a large as--fiiibly ncar Mana-as .runclion, a tmir- namfit. a diiuifr and -peeclit'S : closii.f xxith a hall iu ihe . Vfni.if. I'r.uik lilair xvii- not pn- nt, 011 a.-count ot hi- xveat tern eiigageineius. .Mi 1:10 in I uxskmn. Mi. A li .iu. t of,- ui.-1 ,,. I': ,,lui., 1 uiiix. .xi. . i.i-' M !.-.. .Ifh'i I'.iu', i;..!...u 1- .1 tl.! 1. r .0 , lt I..VX I. .1.. i Kur !-. I : i'i u:.- 1 .n,i,.i. xx ,i . xx i . mpi . ! ..x ' .... 1 ... t.. 11 ..ui -r .... ' ( . I r.o. x.l.o 1 1 t . . iij.i-1 .1 .it- .: 1 i.iio.... 11.-. ;..i.i 1. ,.i i,.!n wi-i., llll'l lo '! Ol! -Oltl I '.l- If .1.- -f.'f. , l r.iii loj I t , i: li.- .1- -. iv .11. I (. .iii.ii.'i xx. .ii . ;..i. loi. !, . 1: 1 .1 - 11.11 ! .1:' 1 :i i k 1 r l 1 1 ni xx 1 1 1 1 .-1 ,j , nl xxl fl i .. ! fl I 1- h in-i. I'll. n. n .t it , th it hf x-.. 1- - .'. .im ' put .ip io- .d :.. x-.:.! !, 1- I. , ! ii i ......!. i!-.i, , . l.,,t k.iliinit ll.v i'.l..:I:oii : iii.ii ,n I.'.ni. 11-1 ,.w, .. r h . .1 uo, ;ui,!-.n ' (,. n a. I.'i . xv i , Ii -o ii, j. if.t ( ihal. 1 ..- i-. . xx.. , 1 .,; . ',, 1 :l -luk ol XV, otl ni.'.t-h !!- :i ,.;-ir!'T of- -i-i:i, h -,.!,!,. ...1 -iriic. at l 1 ia : ! Iii.ii l :i,u! xx:.i-.! .1 ix nif ii -f v, iv I.: n:-f Tliv Flooil at JSattimore. There wa a terrihle rain and tlood iu r.altimorf aml vicinity Ia-t Friday and S iturihiy, df.-truotive alike to iife aud property. Tlie r..iltinrjre papers ars fil ied with accounts of the dia-ter. Tn Ilarn-qn -ireet the mud tnarks 011 the xvall hoxve 1 the xxuter to have bicn at lea-t ll feet deep. Tlii- ra:i of water, tilled with tintbers and wrocks of all kind-, run with great force against the .Maryland Iu-iitute, and had it not heen for the strong foundations. the building would cerlaii.'iy have heen w:i-hed away. On -everal -trefts tho pavemcnt xx-a toni up. thc dirt wa-hed from the fotm-datinn- to the ilepth of many feet. The ( i.iy ritreet hr'nlgf wa- damaged, ,-o that it i- thoii'.'ht it will have to be rebuilt. Tlie li.iitiiuore ,-treet bridge ii b'ing re paired a- liipidly a- po--i!.Ie. A imiii of other bri.hcs arc partially de stroyed. At the heginning of the slorin a 1111111 b.T of piMplf took reftige in the Cetilre 1 .Market. whieh -oj.i li.'faine lloo'led xvith I water. Cliildren were ro-cued from -trect-ear wiiuloxvs iu tinie to ocape Irownuii. It xv.i.- a -trange sight to w peoplf tv.i.iii" to I::iiip-.o-ts, aml other.--xvimining around the .-treet.-. The 'lamauc tloiif in 1 dtimore couiity . xv.i-iiniiien-f. IJ .ads hax-e heen ruined and inil.'t "f ffiiees swi-pt iiway. ti'ld- aiv lett h tre, and the wiiviug ' t-orn lic- !l it nmler acre.- ol mud. Kvery bro .k beiitif si torront. and every ereek beiutue a l'.xt-r. Tlu lo-- at Town-011-toxvn, 011 bridgfs alone. a.'nount-j to ovcr ?IOil.iilll. Never within tho nif nn.ry oi iiie n!df-t iiili'iiiitaut ha- thfi-f heen -iieh au iuuail ttiou aud dcatruction of pro-l-rty. ((i thf l -idf ol' the i'all-. at thf loot of ("utie -t . thife Mnall hoii-f.-xxvi f wa-h. d away, nu tr:uvj ot tliem he.ii. ! it i v.-. pt thc l.rick- forming the touii.!.i;i iii. Itmmtliately opio.-ite, 011 the east -idf of th talls, a hou-e of thf am.' kin l u a-al-o c.irnftl o'V. A la boii:. i-i on.- ol thi-e hoil-f h ld -oiiif .-S'l.l "m :i l.u iu the lu.u-f, the -axiiu- of t. :i of t.iil. whifh wa-i-an i -.1 aw iy an l !.-t. Xu one pivtend. 10 kn w thf i' u t niiinh.-r of livvt lo-t. I.iriiiu '-itii liv fx -iiin fil'ort- wfiv niu.lf to iv.-.ixfi- liif 1 .!i. . M:iny of thf 1 tt 1 iir haxf imt lK-eii fouud. T.i.- ,i .id :.! Flltfotf City xv.i-, ttTiiblf. Ale 1, xxt.nii n. aml i hilihvii xxvrf -wept iwav i.ii.I diowiif l. Thf M-otif- in the vifit.i' v ol the city are l.fyotid all tlf--fii,iii.iii. lit-intiiiil rouinN an 1 gravel xvi-i-f covi-iv 1 with mu l aud ruh-i.i-'n, an 1 111 pl.iff- gtvit gorgfr xt-rn xv:i-h...I out in dowu to thf -1 .!M ro k : xx holf row-of Ituil.ling-xx-erc f.ttii. .1 :nxiiv. I'hiity-cight live- were l .-! a: tlii- pl.u-f. U,t, ;l,i- b(.l,-.v the I.'-jIay Hou-e . ij'.it hoihi- xx.-ri- ivcovert'd 011 Satnrtlay. I .1. -trafiioii ol j.ruoerty i? contined .tiiu -i t 1 portior. ot the i-ity on the li.iltini Hf Coiiaiv r-ide of thf J'atap-.-i. .111 1 in i be t -tiraatfd at nsarly T,t)Oi,- (Mllt. 15 ;ht f: jtf rio iiff ha- n.t ciiretl thf ! V of their rt liatief 011 the p.iw-i-r ..t irtpii !f:if '. as their four-e iu this pr -idfiiiial fitut.ain shoxx-s At th.-ir r.tiiti iitioii uiftiu in lSrooklyn. N. V.. the o'iii-i 1 i jhl. lhch.ird ()'( ionuoii f ih.- fo.i.hiioii ot tiie foii .try tfti Tfar- ti'o xvitji it- prt-sont cou.litiou, atul fhiirgfd thf rfpiihlii-an- with the re-pon--ii.ihtx .-t .li-u.noii. xvar antl d. hi We -iij.p tlu- i.d-f apptiil xxillhax-.' "daai- n.ilt.t '.!i rati tn"' fx-frvxvliire till N-.xvui-bt-r. an ! x.t O'l .oiinon und fVfrv oth.-r il.' xx l... ui i- id knoxv- that thf r.'l..'lli..t. ot im itf.l xviih thf of !' t r i xvit nriv in i:if Sniith. th-it it xwi 1 .nri. .1 !' ,:!.,-: If.i.i.-r- par ix i'i lii N illi. 1 th-it thf rt-po:i-i- nilltX tol lli t:lf fo-t tlU'l -llttfrill!' ot tllf I , ,11 ,u- lx i-. -ls on t!if xvho uiinlf :. 1 ii.-: 0,1 th - xvho suppre fd it. -ui" -:.i:.-i,if .tt of t.-ic t- -.:ittfi-th. ir ,x .i ; -op. ,-trv. :ii. l Xf! th.- it- i-.-p, 1 ll li .ii to hiiiif di-crf.lit p.irty that h ts savf.l ( nion lt't he ,! .1 ; ,1 r.-t 1 t.i -iut ton-'awr. inv in the war. liif -ut.iuv i.m ot the rfheilion th t 1! 1 I. ..- .'..ith ot si.ixer-.-. It xvas 1. ..-ii ot thc -atne fertaiuty ih 1; i!: nl l'r. -i lfnt Lincoln reluetaut to .1:.; .- .p.itf thf ffiit ny proi-lainatioii. 1 l.f-. Irom (ien. t iraulV ick--l.iii' le.tcr ot Augu-t. lMi2. hf iiii.'lf loo 1 iiiuhar. iu iliu-tralitiu ot his soun.lnfs upon th.' xit-il iiie.-tiou t.f our r.-f. !.; an 1 piv-. nt pohtics: " uat 'iee-I'l't-iilt u! Stexfii- ufkuoix itifcc- as the t-.i.-m 1 -toiif ol thf c infciler.icy ii alreadv kaofkf.i out. Slavory is aitv.uly dea.l. aml f.innot U rf-iirre.-tol. It wouhl i ike !i.ndii.'j: army lo uiaiiit.iiii -I:ix-erv in thf S uth if xxv xverf to m.ike pf.uv. fo-.l.iv. uuar.iiiteeiug to tlu South ill ih 'ir foruifi- privilcge-. 1 nexer xvas iin al.olilioiu-t not exen xvhat could be Ciillfd anti laxvry hut I try to judgf liiirly aud houe-tlv. an.l it becamc pateut to mv niiml e.irly iu the rebellion, that the North antl Siuth could never live in peace xvith fach other cxcept as one na tion. and that xvithout -laxvry. A-an.-ioii; iis I am to see peace f.-tahlished, I xvoiil.l not thfrfl'ore be xvillin to -fo iinv settleiueiit until this tpie.stion i- settled Nt.r iixn. Tlie New Vork Timcs .-ay.s : ' The f'.lloxving are among the ardeut Mipporters and friend- of Grant and the Chic.igo platftinn : Snr.itxi xx. Siii'.nin.xN. Tiuixi x-, Mt:xiu F xitu.x.iur. "The following mv among the ardeut siipporicr.s :inu iricmls ot eymour and the Tainuiaiiy platfonn : Bi:xt 1:1.1 ; xkii, Foiii:iT. 1 i.xxii'hix, Si:mmi.s, Tooxin-." An imporlation of elex-en Norniiindy draught :irrixe.l be steatner at Nexv Vork. hi-t xvi.ek, after a very suc-ces-ful voyage. The great merits of thesc hor-es are, perpendiciilar shoulder.s, against xvhieh the collar mav pull xx-ell, in conlrast xvith the obliipie" shoiilder of Ihe race horse or road-ter. xx-ithout whieh there i-.hi he no speed : great xx-eight for a dea.l pull, iuid the fact that they are easy TlICy ;lro from tittefii to sixteen hands high. xvith intelligent and amiablu heads, t.'10rt I)ci.ks, but not very tle ep che-ts. derpcndicuhir phoul ders, round barreK ,hort iHidies, droop ing sterns and short legs. They go to Oliio. to he oro-ed xxith tht western Irauuht h.r-v, and will. 110 doubt. prove a aluable addition to our stock of drau.'ht animabj. Fresidential An old soldier who has lojt an arm says : "I am waiting to see if the peo ile of this country are going to clect IIo ratio S.'yniour, and if they do I will swcar that I lost my arm in a thre-hiug-niachinc, not in defense of my country." Dooliitle -ays that Sjymour foughtthe b:ittle of (Jettysburg. The WihniiiLrton (Del.) Commercial say.s that is a miitake he only aided the Hebels to fight it. Mr. S. S. Cox saya of Iloratio Sey- niour: -ine more you iuu ii.m tue brightcr he shines." Ihe same may be Hiinl of a brass candlcstick and lilair's nose. Frank Bhiir w.mts to inaugurate another rebellion. The most ardeut of his suppoitcrs are at pre-nt iinder pa role not to take np arms against the "U. S. G." The Deinoer.its are trouhlcd about Cien. tlrant'- siven narnp. and delight ! in calliug him I iiram. ( ien. Orant, to sati-ly them all arouii'l, will give them his father's natno (.Ies.-e) ns a oompro ! nii.-e. A dUtingiiishcd -ervant, alhlding to C.ov. Seymour-, l'ompey, X. V., re uiarked that ho x-;t- a fornier ieiident of l'omjifii. and had heen rccintly oxlium bv a partv of Anieiican aiiliiiuarian.'. 1 11 1.SH2. when Sevmour wa-. electcd (lovtTiior ot New Vork, Stonrxvall Jai ridiii" bv rail from Frederieksburg ' to Kiehmoml, calied upon the people at 1 exery ttation for cheers for tbe triumph , ol their fiiends in New Vork. 1 .Many of the delegates and visitor- :it , thf 1 ). iiK.ei-atie Conveiition in New Vork I eotiiiil.iitifd hilterlv l.ecaue the l.riee of ; xviii-ky was put up to lo cent- a .lrink'th I ihirin ' tho Conxeiitioii. I5ut thev took II ! their rexunge iu n.iminating Iilair. He 1 xx ill put xvhi-kv down in spite of New Vork. The xx-ar is over," -aid a Seyuiouritc the other day lo a onc-aruied ,-oldier xvho xxa.- tuniiiig a hand-.irgaii. "lt may be i oxi-r to xoti." -iiid the brave lioy in lilue lifting up hi- -timip, "hut it iMi"t over by a good deal to me." 1 'What think you of the 1 )..niiK'riitie j R.iiuiuatioiic V iuipiired :i Copperhcad ' ollieial of a one-legged I'nioii Soldier. ' tii - other d,iy. "1 reg.trd thein an out ' ragft.u- in-ult to tho American people,' 1 xx;i- the -oliiii reply. "and if any man a-k- ine to votf lor them, 1 -hall he tempted ;to hreak my crutch ..ver hi- 'lt':l An iminen-f Uf publican tna- nieetiiif x-a h 'Id 111 1 .- Moines. Iowa. on tiie night ot the lth. The Ka-t Des Moines au.l West I) -.- Moiiu-3 C.rant Clubs xvere m -trong force, e:ich headed by a hra-s b.ind. Wlien th.'.v united. the ct ion xva- ftill a milf long. and, xxith tht-ir .jOO t.jiciie- and tl ig-. ma.le a xeiy unpo-ing appf.iniuce. After marching throiif!:'"thf prineipal -trt et-. tlie croxvd a.-eiuble.l in Court-I lou-e -ipiare to li- ten to the spf.-fhe- of T. I). In'jer-oll of Mu-o:itinf iiud ( if 11. 1- A. (irant. ien. iiant i- troiu thi- -tate.J The Manche-ter I'nioii tell a goo.l rtory. In the northfrn part of Merri m.ifk county a croxvd ot the uiiterritied xven- -ilting 011 a piai tht other dav xxlieii aiiol.l iraxelcr. r.igge.1. tlirty. riis- tx. uti-h.iveii iiud iin-horn. aml evidenllv ' li;dt -f:i- oxvr. -troll.'.l up lo t up io the t.iazzii .md -tiiretl i.-uaiitlv at the croxxd. xxhicl lK-g.ui tj ply him xvith .pie.-tii'iis. I-'inal iy a tu.1.1 -anl to him. "Voii'iv a Sey 1 111 .tn- iirfu't you. old felloxv V . Str.tightfiiiug up. the old lcip iin-xx-erfd. From mv pivsfiit tippearanc xou would p"..b.ibly j,i ip I w.i-a Demoerat imt I ain't. I le.irned mv politic- bfl'or. I toul; io .irmk Frank I'.l.iir. Tht .Nlit 'i-of Thf M'lr.piette (Wi. ) pctscctition is that the po.'ple are r.oi-x. j in c.ii.iinaiid t.t l.x,- .- Kpre- attfii'L-1 the I )e:uoei-atif Na- " " - , -iioiiid h.ixf be, . c n . I, . ti.xial Cot vfiitioii, and tnakos the folloxx-- Ansf.x xh..n. I'i.iui ia .tudge Io- .fiicral a.-.-m:' i. ..-'' 111-pi .11-ivtlfftioiu : "I am remimled lat.ti. xvith Mf-r-. ii itl.r an.l Ii,-ck a- , tit- cix i! 01 .;;.s of thc d.iv- and action of th.- Ap.-tl.-. '-"at. -. i-in a conunittet- to in.joirt- ..v.rn the coii.i i. : . . when thev xxvre xvilling to .lo anvthiiii ' :M1 rxp"rt at the ue t -e-io.i iu ivhit'u.i , other oi-Cit-ion. h. .. ihr the cause thev lc-irc.l to c- l" l''"'-' I-laud. aud Mr. V..v- 'mgtoii that part ot I - . t:ibli-h tt.r the -..0(1 "of maiikiu.l. In- . ll'r's ''' '""'-"g t" .tvciprocity thorenith. , freditablv." Cien. li .. -tt-adt.fa polit"ical. there i-a goiiuine l "'txuiaily a- to the l.'.n 1 at.d ani.niiit j ;-..iite.l bv ai M ---Christi.u. -nirtt iu this Couxoiitioii. and "' "'l,l,rl- ex;...rt, of the I-lan.l. an.l , ,.,mi,l that his 1,1 -i . .: t.od ts plc itsf i xvi, ha triumph ot the right. he wiil hh-s- the labors of the ("oii'.entioii. and croxva it xvith sjccc.--."' In ci.nlirmati.m of th:-. an iadign.nit Dfiiio.'ratic t-ditor of the I'eiidlcton -trip -avs: Ovcr s 100.000 were 11.11. out i :o buv delf "ite-." Hf further savs tliat . IJolmont "an.l the " pimp- ! p-ox idfd pa'.a.-t-s of pro-tituiioii, xvlicrc . xviiif and xxoiiifii xveie free to tho-, xvho ' xxvre tor s.tle." I .. . . , ., f,-x.,.oi, invi.u- .e -p,ivxxiu. a biiriiing enlhu-iii-m. 1 hey l.urned a negro sehool-housc in Tenne.-see a day or txvo .-iiice. It xxill re.piiiv the exerci.-e of the highe-t ChrUtian virtucs, 011 the part of the of llif xf-i.s ll. ;..,..l Seinmcs .Ie,ti-ove.I, to reach hi.- nrrosiiil .ii,...,.1i.. -.t n m.ofi-itif iii..,.ti.r- " " uf a laxxycr Stern-promptly iu-tituted a The Cliicago .lournal says : "Oue sig- ?uit for f .-,000 danuwes a-raiiist his ca-ti-nilicaut fact 111 comiection with the rc- fator. an.l the ca,e xxill thus be hrought cent Demofratic Nationalj Conventioii nitocourt. A hit of go-ip concerniiiL' ' has not yet bcen mentioned iu publie. Kici., pt.Ii.,eil in the Nexvs. nuvo ri-e naniely : that exery delegate iu that to thc atlUir. Cowhid'nig an cditor has conveiition from thc Sjuthern Statcs xvas nexer proved a profitahlcjob to any hut a st.1.f--ioni-t. Not one of the cntire 1 t,e Cilit..r : and wc presimie thc ahovc niimber had hceii a loyal I'nioii tnandur- instance will not be au cxception to the 1 ing the xx-ar. We prcsumc it is also true j ,renL.ral rule. that there is not a man in the South. xvhite or black, xvho xx-as loyal to the' Our. It xvould appear that 1 I'nioii diiriiig thc war, who will yupport thc rexolutionary ilank iu the Nexv i Seymour and lilair. At all events, there 1 York platform xva.- put in by Waile j i.s not a solitary Southern rebel, or ' I lampton, xvho said as niuch in hi-t Nortbeni syinpathizer xvith tho rebels, , speeoh iit Charlcstoii la-t xveek. The.-e xvho is not for that tickct." 1 arc his xvord- : "I said I would take the t resolution.s it they xvould alloxv 111c to . Ilenry C. Mtirphy of lirooklyn is a :l,id but threc xvords, whieh vou will flnd rival of .Mayor llollinan of Nexv ork L.mijodic.l in thc platfonn. 1 addcd this j for thc ic candidacy for gover- We declaro that thc recon-truc- nor ot tliat Mate. Me has; adoptctt thc lilair platfonn, and says that the present State goveriiinents of the South, with negro sutl'ragc, "will fade axx-ay like the fabric of a xision, and leave not a xx-reck behind" (that's poetry), xx-ith Sjymour and Ulair's election. AVe do not consider the Nexv York Ilerald as the most accurate paper in the country, but it freipieiitly bltindera into the truth. It says : "So faras the State of New York is concerned, xve have 110 louht that her lifty thou-and majotitv east last year for the demoeratie tickct w ill be entircly xviped out next Novem her, and that tho stato will go about the same numberthe other way." It is "nip and tuck" bctwceii the New York World and the La Crosso Demo erat, but the tlog is still "a leetle ahead." The last niimber of Mr. l'oiueroy's pa per that has rcaehed uscontains a rough lv exccutcd xx'ootl cut, intended to repre- seut Gen. Grant, drunk, rcposiug in the arms of a Digger -quaxv, aml entitled An Imi-i i.i m -i "The Iove of l'li--u- I. Ilis firt love." World pay- : It is ex-ident that 1 r New York cotetn- , "After paxing into tii. porary mu-t call for reinl'orivments if it sury durin.j ih- pa-t ihi. cxpecl.s to 'fight it out 011 that 11110"' I than tifift-n hiuidrfd 111 il xvith ita xvatern compctitor. . tii The New York Nation e-titnates that the electoral votes will tand us i'olloxvd : Grant "20o, Seymour !ll). It give-the lattcr, among other states, Californiii. ' e'oimeclicut, Xexv .Icr.-ey and New Vork The Nexv Vork Citizen t-ays tluit '-the lirst thing to he done is to prove S;y- , y ,lllrig the xvar." This ,... ,.. i1....,iMt lt,i, first. 1 It i.s vcry diflicult to suit the detnocrats. When xve had xvar they xvanted pe.ace, 1 . . , 1 .I ... 0..1 .. tu.ll .au, ...t, ...... aiiitatc for another xx-ar. IIon. Georje K. l'ugh, at the Cincin- nati Democr.itic ratilication meeting, liad.ot tlie .reM'iit I omn , the siii"ular .-ense niid self-rcspect to say : "If any man has come hither exiecting to hear me abu-e Cen. (Iriint, I tcll hiui he is mi-taken. I slmll give him all thf honor, aud the great honor it i-, xvhieh he deserves." What i? hi-tory but a fable agrevd upon '. Tlie World says : "The Nexv Voik City riots wvre btought 011 by the iffkle-s, hlundering iii-olcncii of the re piib.ican admini-tratiou, xvho stirred thf ,,,i: Ir. ,ilf. f,,rv ..t ,.,t iim,. xvhen the city wa- jtripped ot lt- Iocal troops : aml tlie coiitlagniiuni tluir maii iy kindled x-;is etiiigui-'ifd by t!.-' .ig'ir. energy aml addiv-s of (Ijv. .'eyiiour.' Ve.-. and it wa- ( ien. Lc; who put down thf ivbellion aud Ciiplured .lett'. Davis. The ritt.-hurg l'ost (l)j:a..) rcferring to lilair'- rex-i.lulioiiary letler. s.iys : '(len. lilair'- doetnne 011 this -uliji'ft i- doftiine ot the Deioffiitic party. ha- fxprfs-ed it foifibh': but other- have adx-oi-ated the -aine thing, aud it i in accord.iiice with true xvi-.lom and sound poliey." The Chh-ago I'o-t mivs : "Tlie dfino crat- of .Maiion county, Ky., h.ul a glo- riou- 1011 lit-t xvwK. 1 -nii.iy. I liey xvent to tt.f liou-e ol l ..nrge IJoi;-i-rs, a I'nioii M.ldier duriug the xvjir. dnigged him froui the prt-ftiro of hf wiff, and huug him to the limbofa tree." Thf Alb.uiy .loiirnal. iu leplxin- to :iii artiele in The Argus holding (5 '11 ( iraut r.-pon-ihle fur thf lixe.- of Unioii -oltlier- Aa hv Demoeratie biillft-. -i.fd . i1.Ilin(.r.1,:1."i1.1,11i, , . ..M,,'. liv... ,;oru ,., 1(.fl(re (;en. !ljSullK,l co,n,li;l,l f ,l1L. armie-. through coxv- ardly and iiiicoiiipetetit management 011 the Mt C'h-llau prim-iple. than xxvre lo-t uml.-r l.i-ii. Ila.l that poli.-y ht-eii pui- -ik-iI. more iivf- would haxv in the end btvii lo-t. than xvere Io-t under Ceu. Crant, and still the strungle would have 1'ih-ii truitles--.. Lct it b.-home iu mind. that the cowardly principle of The Ar- gu.- lost the country more lixes. without an a.le.pmte re-ull. than xvere lo-t through C.eti. inint-euergetic and -uc- e--ful pro-ecution of the xvar. Ilence. !en. ( Srant -aved the lixes of thou-and- of hi-coiintrvmen. a-xvell :is -ax.l cojntiv. t..-.. And. let it al-o be ivmcni - b.Tfd." that 110 livi- at all xvould have b.s-11 lo-t, if Demoerat- had not taken tliem. " l iti kcii ISi:i.e.xt.i 1.1:1.1.. 1 he bprniz- (ioM I ;0MlbI it-:in ravj that Maicus Tour- ...n,,,,.. ... ,1, :,, ,,,t,,,. ... ..., ,..1 1 ,ilt. coiol-t.,l Mcthoilist C'hurcli in Ljiin.' -tr.'et to -fll its promise.-. has buih n feiice around the clmrch as high a- thc fi'.e-. only fighteen liiehes di-tant on o.-.e tide and ab.uit a iird on the othr. To render it still morf t tlcn-iv.-. thc t.'UCf i- p.iintftl hla'-k on th" 5idf npi thc Tt.f chiiivh is of 1 r.'iidereil tlark in thi mid-t ot .1 ix. and ' ,. hcat o hoi .s.t,balhs i, ahsolut.iy -titling. Thf r. .i-.ui as-ii;ned tor thi- ihe xie-.vsaiid i..i-ition, .s xxt.ll :is theau- thority of thc Colonial ioveriiiiu-nt to enter 11. to anv .irrant;fmeii; xv'uh the rnite.1 State-. The S.vrctarv nf the Ti't :i-urv i- to nlaee a rcvenu.' cut- ' ...: . -immittce. ' ' i uifc I'.dxx anl Island is an island :n ' tlu- "!l ol St- 1 :UV1 C!UV -' "''"Ut txx o -'unv miles. .md -ome -excu:y tlu-au.l iiihahiiant. It ha coal and xaluable ti-her'u-. ,. ; " . , .vn t-.i.ii..,: i oxx 1111.1:1. t 1 1. Stcrn-, oue ot t!if cditor- au 1 pioprietors oftln Spriuglield Fx. niiig Nexx-. xxa - attackf.1 111 hi- oth.v and sfx, rely coxx- hitle.Lhy .lohn L. a luitchfr ot that citv. S.itiu-tlax- aftci nooii. Fifteeu or txventx- bloxvs xvere iven, Sterns bciiiiz ' :lt the th,lL t-'0-ltl", :l,,J lro"1 i)llis l'11;1-j tiou poxxfile.--tor delencc. Ky advice .:,, ..... i-fvohiiioi. irv i...t;t.. tin.,.,1 voi.l 1 nrnnn.,.,! tl. o every -ingle meniher of the coininitiee cii.ui iforxvard aiul . sai.l 1 they xvould -;--rr it out to thc end.' A party for xvhieh allandigliam uominates the can.lidatc, and a South Carolina rebel furni-he.- thc platform is a ince 011c fcr Gen. Hancock to Mipport, and au easy one for Grant to beat. SpriwyUld llqmbtimn. A corre-poiidcnt of a New York pa per says ant-, black and red, haxv a great antipathy to chalk. A line of this -ub-tance, Intf au inch xvide, draxvn aiound any ve.--ci, eilher of .-tone or xvood, is a 'dead line" xvhieh they dare not cro-w. Ex-Gov. .lohn (itvgi.ry Smith letiirn ed to St. Albans on Thursday evrning from Caietloiiiii Spriugs, wheiv he h;ul been for a fexv tlays, xvith his faniily, for rest, and the benefit of his health. Where are the "Caledoiii.1 Springs .'" t II II I tlfl.l, illl llll-f-tol'. dimini-ht'd I'eilfiit! .-.i-m ' !u ( lclober, IHii.'i. in 1, .:VM),X2. In . ;s ??--',.'.ll.'.-'S,l!i2T. An! y say xve havo an 'i:tr.. In debt !" I'erhap- S-.'l s Deniocratic e-timatiou. :i-:.. . , in ... Tne ariny in -M iv 1 ,...! t .. ,;n ' t about U-.OOI) lr..i.j . T , ' ho ieniies-ce Kebel-. , c , , . leiition, iiud the li-iln ue seriously fontfini!.iiii. uifiit. 1 he Ku-ixlu K le and are xx-ell oiuani. .1 the ni'groe- that the) they ah-laiu (rv.iu poiit.. It'fpiiblit-ain aie to I.. 1., iinTcy. The tnefiiiij . calied for the liTth . mjiufnt too soon. The Ku-Khix Ki-i.,. 1 through Mi-iuphi on . beliexe that i:i Iu 1. . murd'.T. r ar-! oig..n'.' ,i tlu- inar.iifr of th K 1-: xve ari- not atviiri: tii ii fXcept our.- I.aii.l- t.i ni i protviuu aud l.ol.l p,u ihe purpo-f of dfin.iti-.i her. Nor i any oin 1 iation of assa-sjii- (,,, , ot murtlerit'g tor p .'. Iy. Thi- is ff nei vt:. 1 1 . ic" party in Anieric.t , r.i:ii.AMi XNH I he following .L-.-;. . oeiated prc-s antl ; - d:ix"s paper- : j ar.,v .,,; ntiiii- : faur f the I'ortl ii I ro id xva.-, heid at 1 C.v. John Ii. la -. vict: pre.-ident ironi toxvn- intei-e.stetl. A ty of the leadine lni-.n and xifinity xxm- ap; . tntcrnati-.iiiil cjiivi itn. Augu-t 1. (lett. Ofiiut'.- It'aif. Thf Iftt. r of ( ii.v. 1 -pointfdlv coiitra.licti.i" thf.. the colonelcy of a ivim. 1,; , x whifh he tV.tte-j c ".!. . . 1 tiinner xvasexer soiul ! . x iti-attention to a pti: ' 1. chaiiictff xvhieh i- 'j 1'; f ., sonif other oftit'er- m ii. , . I'rom the hfgiuni u : , -liugif, I'lys.-f- S ( . . 1 -every gradf knoxvn ! , .. . Mor. oiivuiv. f: ien i.'. -- ) he xoin.i. jfied ai tlu- ..n- . . . h.-cii c.iplain ot :i t- .;n;, , 1 1 -0011 ma.le adiutani . tl.. .1 . , ! 1,1 : t ti"-- lieiiten.uit-gein i iu-chiel'. Yet nob .. ! a-kiug tor a bett.T 1 i of hi- .roitiuli..n, li xvticreui lie xxa- xx hear.l of !,!, xvai.tin. .1 I. 1 1. .ilr,..i,Iv 1, I !',-.,,, ' r." was the mandai -i loxvly -orvant of the 1 j' he xvanted promot.ou. 1. . 1 try -orely iKeded th. 1 I :ight piaiv. Asain : xx-o had .piaift.ii.if . irum!....i 11 tiicu tifatuien: 1'iifV xv.-re not i.r..:.. kstrL-l t.. b tu.tii ti.i .1.-1- faiiiion to be c.-iptur. 1 iaxv touht aiul s ix , tr:V e.l :i n-iihii.'ti vert condiiftf 1 iti .f i...iions : it not, jin-x on the other hand. n. ill 11-age hy the gox. ' uavior 011 'th. part ... 1 -,vm-to l.j saii-li .! .-. j oxer di-ati-tl. 1- -.1 1 uo poii.-x" lh . : . iv L..'!ii..a. ' lie hail 1, ,,,. , M lim,., j ,.x,.i.i.t. u ith th-ti u-i , ,j'1in , ; u)t ,1(1it.t, , ,. ' u, t!lt. ,.v,,., ,; them. lt will In " , .1 .1 : . 1 .,,.,..., i....... GREAT REDUCTi F H I C E a O O V S A T ( ' ( - OLD BOOT AND SHOE IV Il.MI.f.OAl. itintnv .Iclinliiir3t.lulT : A- I'OH i:tt . 5 ' JUHNbiiURY IS QEIiMG CArJX l,u pEopLE,s gQQj 0p BIOGRArl I SliortLlH'soniii Mostliitt.nlinslVM'1 OF .1 . . .1 t;:.s- .ix;, li V .1AM KS 1' !. ' ' lltsar'. A. S. II .Ic .t Vo. Mv. ... 1 ' .igt.ii .oal tlie ii'Ki I 1 it.-it-" 1 11111 tn ill d a., tUf lt cut 11 t.i.n tij;Ut l.i nrJi..i:iM u. .. ,, 1 .1.1 1 xfll.we IlvtM tllelnttei .xs xir. r.tji tuo-t ib I, illUut pLl.-l co.lutt r. II tt il, t uill lw bi.ui.d in I, ulttliid to abiK'nt.o