Newspaper Page Text
! 1 rilK CALKDONTAN. .M1C1.IIJ L.urs or T1IE V. ,s. a'-iii-eil .it tho Second Se&sion of tlie Forueth Congress. ltllsOI.LTIONS. A' Ile-olution pii.viiling lor the repiesen "i:ition of tlio ITniteil Stiitcs :it the ln Maritinie Kxhibition, tobc lirl.l :it Ilavre. J.'c-olvi-il l.y tlio Senate aml Iuc ..I Kiyiv-ontathi'S of tlie LJnilod Stati-1 i.l Amctica ii) Conj;rcs ii-Mjmblttl, That tlu- vccn'liiry ot'tlie Nuvy bc autlioriznl to il. lail oiie or liuirc olliccr.i ot tlie nav. :i- lu' liall tliink to 1 'iv.-ent at tlie Iiiti'nialional Maritiine Exliiliition. ti 1- hrlil at Ilawv, iimlcr the aiii-jiii-i-"t tlu- Fiviieli gofriiiin"it, from tlie lir-i it .Imie to thirty-liit of October of tlie iuv.-i-ut t-ar. tlicre to ivpre.-ont tlie I'n:-tt-l Siatc.-, aml othfnvi;c Jo proinote tlie iiiti'ii't of cxlnliitnr from our couutrv : I'rui li'il. That 110 expcnilituro t-lia'.l ac- crui' thrrfiroin to the treaMiry, or to anv jmUic l'iiinI,iior shall any lnileajie orothcr -Xii"ii-e?. or any additional conipensttiim bo .aiil to cucli poiMiiir- a- m iy be h'--inateil uinler authurity ot tlii re.-olution nr lnill any national orpublic isel bo finiloyo(l to comry the otlifers so ile tnileil to or from tlie nlace of sucli exlii bitiou Api.roveil, iMnrcli ll. 18CS. A Ki'-olulion iiroiMii)!; for the is.-ue o( I'lotliing to t-ultlicrs aml otliers to re- jilace flotliing iler-troyeil to provent con tajiion. K.-olvnl by the Senato aml IIou-i of Ki'iiv-i'iitativts of the Uniteil State f .Viienea m (.'oiimv-s aeiubleil, Tliat thc- Sjciviary of War be, aml he i-. Iiere- h, atitlionzoil, at any tmie, on the rec oiiimcinlation of the Siirirenit Cieneral ot the anny. to onKr ratuitotti is-ues ol' i Inth'.iij; to soM'ut- who have hail conta-jiiou- ili-eae-, aml to ho-pital attcmlaut. who hae uur-eil aml attcndeil Piieh sol Xu i, toiviIace theartiele.- cf their clotli-ii.-r uhieh have been de-troyed by order 'I the proper medieal oll'u-er.s to pievent contagion. Apiroed Mareh lm, 1808. -loint Ke.-ohition relative to the post ofiiee ami Mib-trea-ury ol eity of Jto.-ton. l!c it by the Senate aml 1 lou-e of l."epre.ntatie.-. of the l.'tiiteil Statt ot Ameriea in C'onros a omlileil, That the mayor and po-tma-tcr of the eity ol lio-toii, the :i-?i-t mt tiva.-nrerof the l"ni ted Statt'aat the eity of Uo.-tun, the pi iilent of the Ituard ot Tr:ide of the cit ni LjjjIoii, Alpheus llanly aml D.iniel iiii-i m to puieha-.' a -ite for a uu.Mi'i-j to aeeoiutiiodate lhepo-i otfu-e, Mib-treas-nry, and pnblie ullkvt of the I'nitrd Siate.- in t!ie c'it of l!,-ton. m u'-ronl-am e with their report Mibmittctl to tlu l'--lnia-ter flenera! ainl the Secrciary ol the '1'iva'iiry, and by them approved. . : The e.-tate.- Ivin on I)eonhiiv fftreet, and hetween Water street anl Milk -treet, in the eity of lljfton, (eon taining about thirty thon-nml Miiari feet.) and that they be authorized to jinr-cha-e the vune for a siun not exeeedin-: rive hnnilred lhou?and dollar- : aml the S eixtary of tl.e Treauty is hereby :m tboriz(.d to pay ncli fiira of nioiiey a lnav be neeran, to earry ilie foregoiirj reoltutons into elleet from any inoiifv in tne tieai-ury hereafter to be appropii' ated : l'roided, That no mnney r-hali be paid out of the irea-ury in pur-uanee ot thi- le-uhilion. nntil the tttle to the afore--aiil eiales r-liall be properly certilied b-. the Unittd State di.-lrict attorney for the ditriet of .Mn-sacluitt. Apjiroved, Maivh 1-2, lst.S. A le?uUition to authorize the ereetion ot' a mihlary torehou.-e at 1'orL .Monroe, VirL'inia. Ueuled by the Senate and Ilon-e of KepH-entative of the I'nited State? of Ameriea in Cohl'iv-. aseiiibled, That the Seeretary ol War be, and he i here by, autliorized to grant permi ion to "William II. Kiniberly, anny and navy contrai tor at I'ort .Monroe, Virginia, to rebnild the military -toreliouse reeenth de.-troyed by lireat that po-t. npan sueh condiliun and nmler Mieh retriction- a the Seeretary of War .-hall deom compa tible with the interests of tho govern uient. Aiprocd, Marcb 10, 18(iy. Joint Ue.-oltitioii annointiiiL' m.-inimcrj i,l the Nmioiial Ayhim for Di-abled Sol- uki-, aml tor oiher pnrpo-es. le it ie.-olv il by the Senateand Hou-e of l.'epie.-entaties of the I'nited Siatt of Amt-iiea in Congie.-5 a--embleil, Tliat Kr.i-tu- U Wakolt. of Wi-eon-in, .lolin ll.'Maitindale. ol New Yoik, and Ilngh 1.. lJuml, of Marylaml, be, and heiebv aiv, appointed managers ol the National A.-ium for Di-abled Soldiers, under the protisiuiis aml i-omlitiuiis of the third M-etion ol an act approed Mareh twcn-iy-lbird. eighteen hmidred and -i.ty-rix. fiom the twenty-lir-t of April, eigbteen biimlred aml -ixty-eight ; and that Ilugl, L. Bond. of.Maryl.oid, be, aml is here by, appointed manairer to ?erve out the unexpired lerm of Horatio G. Stebbin--, of California, rosiyned. Suc. U. And be it further resolved. That the Seeretary of War be autliorized to furni-h. from the captuml ordnaneo. i-ueb ordnam-e with their imiilement.-, a lic may deem proper, to the na tional a-ylums for tho purposo of firiii" salutet. : and aUo uch small-arms and epiipment- as mav be necesary for 1.m1.o.-e oi guaru tuty at the asv s"'ii vi.Ki: Coi.kax, Speaker of the Houseof Kepresentatives. 15. F. AV'ai.l, 1 res-ident of the Senate pro tempore. i-iiuor?eo uy the prcM.lent : "Jfe- rau'ii i.-in -Mareh, 1&08." X.m: iivtiii: Dki-aktment c,r Stat Jhe tnregoing reolution havin" been preented to the preident of the United State.-- for hi, approval, nnd imt havin" been returned by him to the houe o cniigresi in which it otiginateil within the time proeribed by the constituttou of the l.nited States, has beeome n law witli out hi Hjiproval. .loint Hesolution reijuiring certain mon eysof the Unitcd States to be paid in to the treasury, aml for other pur posos. 1 15e it refolved by thc Senate and House of hepre-entative, ofthc United S ates of Anienca m Congress afeembled, That all inoueys which have been received bv any ollieer or employieJ of the govern nient, or any department thereof, from Siil.- of eaptured and abandoned proper ty in the late insurrectionary districts, under or under color of the several ncts of C ongrc-s proviiling for the collection und eale of euch property, and which i have not already been actnally coeivd into the treasury, shall imincdiately be paid into the treaMiry ot the I'nited States, together with any intcre-t hieh has been received or aecrued theivoii. Si.c. Aml be it further re.-ohed, 1'iiat if any ollieer or peron having the custody, poeion, or eontrol of any money ilcnved or an-in lrom the .sile or other dispositiou of any tueli property inentioned in the preeeding seeliou Miall couvcrt the .-ame to his own u-e, or sliall refie or negleet for the r-paee of thitiv days next after the paage of tnis iv-o- Iution to pay the iaiiie mto the trea-nry ol the L'nited Statv.-, or thall in anvwi-e pay away or dirpoae of the same other- we than by paymg the .-air.u into the treasury as aforeraid, h:i be deiined and held guilty of embezling the publie ! money ol tiie United States, amt .-n.ui oe puiii-licil thcrefor by impi i.-oiuneut for a termofnot inore than ten year-, and Miall pay a line eipial to the sum so em 'oezzleil. Si:c. !i. Aml be it further re-ohed, Tliat a -lini of the proei'ed-i of Mieh sile not exeeeding i-eventy-tivc thou-and l.irs i? hereby appropriated for the pa ment of the necessiry cxpen-es inciiried by or under the authority of the Seereta ry of the Treasury for ineidental cxpen-e- in acting under the laws ri'rpei-ting the collection and di?position of captuied and abandomcd property, and for the necessary expenscs of defending. in the the discretion of the Seeretar' of the Treasury, such suitsas have been brougbt against him or his agents in the pivini-e and for proecuting uit iu the Unitid S'ates for the recovery of surh propertv. and for proviiling for the defenee of the I 'nited States again-t mil lor or in re--poct to such property in the Court ol Clainis. Appimed, Iareh i0. lbtiS. A Hesoiution for t!ie appcintnient of a conimiy-ion to select suitable locatious for powder magazine-. Ue-oled by the Senate and Ilou-e of Kepre.-entatic of the Uniteil Ssate of Ameliea in C'ongro- aembled. Th:it the Seeretary of the Nay be. and he hereby N, authorizeil and direeted to se ieet three eotnpetent oil'uvrr- of the nay to cou-tituie a eomuiiiou, who.-e ilnty it --hall 1 e to examire aml report upoa the pr.".etieabi!ity of s-ecuring more uita ble rite.- for powder iiiagaztne- than tlio-e now ied in the ieinity of Xew Vnrk. lJ.i-toii. and roit-nioiitb, Ni-vv llauip-.-hire ; al.-o to report the eo-t of proettr ing the -aid site- and the irobable e-pen-e of ereeting mairaziui-' thnvon. Approved, .May H, lSt.S. .loint Ke.-olutioiMMm-einiiig i ertain latul- grauteti lo laiuo.oi eonipaiiie iu uu- j St.iti.- ot .Mii-uii..tii and V. i- on-iu. ! I!e ii ri'.-u!ved by the S.-iiie a...l iIou-e ol Kepivsentative-. i.i the I'nitiil Siat.-' ot Ametie.i in C'ongre-.-a?v.iub;d. That a tailme to i;raite tvveiily uiiie- of the road.-within t wi yi ai-liom ihe p.i .m. of tlie act entitled "Au aet to extun-1 lin ' tmie for the eompletion of eeltain r.tii-I load- to whieh land cr.uit- have bnii made iu the State- oi ?-Iichii;aii and I Vi-eon-in," approved ou the third d.iv ot .M.ireh. ainui Djuiiui e'hteeu hun- ! hvd aml .-ixty-tive, and twenty milc- ad- litioin.l ihereoi in e.uli viar t... i.-aiiei. , i- lvquircd by aitl aet. iuill not ea.i-- ' tny for.'eiture or iv. i r-ion to the l'ait 1 . teu'.- of auv land- Litantil ! iln- lid State.-. of eilher of tlu'tu. to aid in ' ll.e con-tnicti.iii of the railio.ui denerlb- 1 : I'rov ided, Tnat nuil C' or itlu-r of them. .-hall fully eomplete their aid iu the niaiiner ripiirel bv law on or Ik.'1'oiv the thirty-iir-t Djiein ber. amio Domini ci'jhteen hundred aml exenty-two, at whieh tiine a failiuv hall forfeit the lamls to the I'uitl States: l'rovided. That theprovi ion- ot tlu- 'eetnni shall apply only to the ehartered and projeeted bne of rail way lrom the eity of Kond tlu m in the State ot Wi-eon-in, norlherly to K-eonaba, in the State ot Miehigan, and the ehartered aml pi-ojeelod line of rail way from Maripiette, in the State ol Michigan, vverterly to ( Inton.igon. iu the -amc State: And provided fiumr. That if thc .-aid .Maripiette aml Onlona uou Kailroad Compaiiy, in the S:a!e of .Michigan, shall not have eoiuploted ac eoiding to law ten additional mile- of their railroail, on or bofore the lir.-t of .lanuary, A. I). eighteen hundred aml sixty-nine, and shall not in like maimer eomplete ten nule- of -aid laihoad iu eaeh and every year thereafter, theu it -hall be lawful for the lei-laliuv of the a'nl State of Jlichinau t, ibehue the grant of land- to s.iid cumiiany to be lor feiled and to confer the saiii granl ot lands upon some other company in the -ame nianner a- if the -aid grnut wa uow for the fir-t time made to the said State of .MiehiL'an. Sic. 'J. Aml be it furiher ri'-olvel. That the Coinmi-.-ioni'r of the (ienetal Ltind ttliice be, and he hereby i-. autlior ized and direeted lo cau-e :i patent. in due fon.. of law. to be i ued to the t'hi eago and Northvve-teiii K.iilway Compa ny. in pursiianee of a re-olutiou pa--ed by Congress granting the .-ame to tl.e State of Wiseon-in, apiirovcd April twen-ty-live, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and an act of the legi-la-ture of Wicon-in. apiroved June six teen, anno Domini eightivn hu'idred aud si.ty-two, granting the .-ame to said company for eighty acres of land of the Fort 1 Iovvard mditarv re.-crve, :us the -.ame was surveytd and approved by said commi ioner on the eleventh .June. anno Douiiui eighteen hundred aml sixty-four. jvpiuoveu, .viay 'U, 1S08. .loint resolution in relation to thc break- water at I'ortland, iMaiue. He it resolvcd by the Senate and I Ioue of Heprcsentatives of the I 'nited State of Ameriea in Coimro-s as.-embled, Tliat -o inuch of the unexpended balauce of the appropriation for the breakwater in I'ortland harbor, Iaine, a thcchicf cn- gmeer shall deem tiroper. mav lm cx peniled under his direction in excavatin the ''middle ground" near said break water, and in othervvise protceting tho eiiannel trom mjury by filling and im proving the same. Approved, .Tmie 5, 1SG8. In the New Ilamp-hirc Ii-laturc the services ofa clmplain vvcre di?pen.-e.l with, and an invitation ..rt,..,.ln.l ii, clergyinen of the liousu to officiate innead. U hen the subject of the salarv of the chaplain of the stato-prison ,ln.lor discussion, and tlie same gentliimen who had been in favor of dispen-ing with a chaplain for the housi- vvere moving (ora reduction of the salarv of the state-nrison chaplain, a gentlenian arose and gravely nioved that the chaplain be dispensed with, and that - the rer.'ious services of the prison bo performed by the piotK convicts ! The house savv the point, and proceeded to explodtj did explode. I urtton aml .i'nvntc alcsi. FOR SALE. loL -f c. nli..lnf A l "TTAl.K llol I'ji-rnnuL ri'imr, with io. nt. 1 on -ii riu-1 t l 1 x li rod St. .loin ury. July HOMESTEAD FOR SALE. Tl:e STtifcrib -r p- i.cb i.i cll tur llweffcsd at Mc Iniloc Kll. Vtllipr, cnfi-tina f toi r n of l 1 Ii'llt Iml -1111 .1 .ry p-il, 11 tiUfLi-J tti'-rtny ln im', .,J li (1 a il I ii u, and all niics- ,ry titl.iill.J in,, : nu c -ardrn, .ind i liip-vt it t ; of I'rait iutf, runu nK xatir of nico .uali at tli-Iioujo. l'o-it-pion ntll h" kiv n iiniiiidutl if ilcind. l or furtli.-r p tlicul ..-s iutnire of thc suh-t rtb-'i r VVi' i iam II u ir.i. ur lioBCET II P.i e, t ldr tt Vitiipe ta izviii.i it ii.u:vr.Y. AlcIr.i!o" r.illt, .1 ly 2f, l. 1T-.'i FOR sale: A flrst class Millinery Stock & Business -iltlet. l rst..I liu-bt , VI. : lo did cl im fttr .) IK-Tirn u it . iiiut. Milst Ik- (i.M Iffurc th" Srtt of tipt. trp ticuliJiM.M lA.ll.V.r. T-N fc l'i .. HV-1- St. .lol.u-lmry, Vt. FARM FOR SALE! .ivJ- s-.iutrii in i-.irnot np .: .jo. nrooi. aamlioc lWd, nud n th niin r t.l lc-id- r.l in lUrnot np u fiiK from W-t II iilt I' jwmnp it- Siilfem c n t:iin; I: acr. s of k d 1 nd. d a c . d t,on I on e. w. 11, i h nnni f itj.r'.i Ii ue aml l,m. TUt. i a -ni;ar tainpof ''t i-fj, ndapio. l'.t-.l ui' timln- . Al -. ,i north.- n I h. .-t rll-f I.ihr ok. ...i iiluiiii; IH'a . with h.iuf , l.irn n.l " t l.ui d inirf, . trrunniim o hoiu and lo n. 1'tnToit1 a :'! Fli"ir ciinp of Jihi t .ind n u- - .1 l..t .f pim tn.l h. iol.i, k an.l uil.hi li ilf mil.- f i . .l t nitll. h.-n-i'MU.-uttli Ik-t u.i.r prii .I ..-f it i. i.t -il,d nia c.itntt, . d pl. nt - I itcr ani C3lll old ni; .1 pj n.ill or hair f.tcti.r. N..u i. (.-. dtiiu tu i-t.tti- and m- f.r otirli.t. s llfjrmivill l- M-l I . Kitlit r or 9-pli i'i-, ultb or nithont :o;w K- fn lio piricnlir- . utpi rt- of -io-ub -nlK-i on II c pr.-ioi' t JollS II! l II V V. llar .ot, Jun.- TJ, l- - utp I-" SLAB WOOD'! t. .loblirb i , .p i M, li".- ! A BUILDING LOT FOR SALE! ,l.oilt - dt-rp n it.i oolUr alvtilt 1 ' 1.!. Al- r:.l. . plui ,m.e i - - j', oi tr. .ill ithin t- . 1 . 1. ri, iioubin.' 'If ,' i-lt. 1,1 t d ind .lo r-. .nd Ii t fi t n ilk ot tW et. .lohn ktdario ., t.r. o.- 1 I:. W.Vll: i. II. MiM S, -or-l ticM. V t HO'JSE FOR SALEI i'h'hl I o'T." f-.r -a . -Jpi.d j jt IV cha .1 plt uuttt TWO TARMS FOR SALE. !u itilwr I'. oS" r- tor KIt- SAFE FOR SALE. r u r. 1 it:, ,. iu 1:1- i. n 1... .. 1IAI.U i vimtASK- . . -t. .loim bur. NOT TEA : . , , . . n i i r th.- t A.-A i:a'mai.i.. wiVrir onh SAW M1LL A'D TIM3ER LANDS i: svu: i i.vv ai;i:. Saw Mill, Shingle Machtnu and Lathe Itlachine, ' o(..thr - i l, lim or - f Co. t i.ilK-r lin.l. wl hin ono iniU- d tho m I. rl.- ii.ll and 111.1. Inti.- v I m -t li.-n Jnd in 1.-1....! r- .alr I 1, tll I n i 'r nc 1 . IN. u-iiii. n, r. llmi t niii I nd 11 d,p.,t and 111 U- lrom 1.1 ind I' v. .1. vvii.i. vi:l. I st. .1 n- t. Juii 1. 1 .-. ; RARE CHANCE: ) i.-ar th.- I 1 ith I r,.-.- i 1.' vn.i.v.r. 111 ,1 - .1 I.- I I. ' COMPOUND EXTIiACT UANDSLIOTf, ilcl jr H delicion. -tri-rgtb. n ng. 1 1 o.l cl ant" in:? md t l o o T i; i. r. u : MMiiivvr.-i i.r; c; r-i.iitr.. CALIFORNIA WHEAT. .-ufac 1 i-i,(in:, :x i!.3r, onnth. r lu- of tii t -pV d'.I WHITE CALIFORNIA WHEAT, th.-1.. -1 atifr "I Im I.VIIK. it tho l.vt i.lo t . 1n .' I ilAi: Il K. c .l tbo Jlifuniii Fioi I -pr bo .irlit.' nnd ron-i If it thc II. Oiwiiki:. holesilr- qnd rct ui, pnc- 1 1 I. at thc mill U-n. i -t, f .'I r d.-, j 11 I lllark t p 11 cs. ordt tl tiiitd j:. t. a- m. idi:. iuuii- vt, June o, lc.:s. LOOK A T THIS! l'. VITIIAJ vVATCil, Mi.vr.i: 111 iioi.vsi:ii, AVru'i'jnit'! lr r-Li:t.t). riovv'.-, Mali. str it St .!olin'..iiy. PLEASE REMEMBER i-ji""au fn.d t'ic lar-itt and Iht) .i.t.ortnicct of "WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, I'AXt , (iOODS, I-'.'ll'. in -ikdJi.ii ou i y-it c. Ai'ri.::m:i:'s i,inin, i. 0 Y S T E R S ! . o nokt-d iu Ml -tyloi uud UKiiId iiiraitbiil 3' at nll hour? at J. M. POOR'S EATING HOUSE, MAIN .-Tlli.l - sr. .loIlN-XSIJl UV, VI FRESH SUPPLY OF COXGRE.SS, EatPIUE, Star Spring Waters ! Fortaleit lllNT.HAM'i 1)111 li STOIlE. WE ARE NOW SELLING Best Spring Wheat Flour,$9.T30 $10.50 " " Red Winter Flour, $11.50 " White Winter, $13.50 No. l Western Mixed Corn, $1.30 bclarr,7pr7mI?OU'' W3rr'"""1 ""'' and pood, a-id to t!- Btore outh of rroiBht Dcpot, I.i ndou. I" I. UltuH'V & CO. t- ildr. it t- B ESJ .B.-.-la'.d-L;..f... r ,l . &SM .I .ll M. MllLii. g g lvarh-iiii. Irb. i-tiilijit. u.d t.o iti.b - Ol st. I h -! u: ii r.. t t li -inti . .11 i-ii.- i:i 1. fl.rd- lltc-t-- !'rr. i-l. . nf',1'1 -.- of 1...H i i. . i u ( ' n i. b. h-io -n j:i .-.. 1 - ' Itolt. 1. l Ul i.-it.i.d .1.1 to't !.iv euai! I . I.pp.- I ,..!.- 1.. ,-ar ,1-v'J.. ii. rd. ! lliec larin- f ' !. other. nnd ti.e. t!n onl.! i iil. ( -' ' j i .d ir.--i t a- ; .r ..i.i.-.- urui. iu y iill 1. l .ld r. iitiriu- or l-i.lli -oji e. ' I m:i:v tlli.l.. .-. ,:ohin.i.n., vt. j FOR SALE : I '1'ir-utii ilw oilo.-i.r .i-ti. .11 h u- a d li iru -jh, . jnd t.- acie- f I ud - tnit. d llir. iuicli. oi i inil- aI. . ikiR.1 of t". Ju!int r i -iii.t,. it .iinmnl.v,-, tom.r ITu-. -. l.a.i.o - . i l Al 1 . KINM' . . -"N at S'.Iobn . u . f.utr.. . it '.. tl IVti:!. NEW STORE i'lfP 5MtNEW GOODS! .3 rttbfcriborhav- f. it-' - lngrtnttid thc tto-e 9 il fonnrl occ.ipi.d by fr m Ito-tuu with a nc- ,mJ roiiii K-t i Li3 I.uc. American aud Swiss Watclies, 33 "VCr 313 XTL "ST cf all ihe ucw "nd defcir.ible Ftylti. PURE COIN SILVER WARE, KXTILV I1I:AVV 1'I.AIKI) (iool)S, 1'OCKKT A.NU TAl:i.i: CI II.KKV, 110OKS AND taiiom:i:v, iii.i:r mlsic, rt.i:ri u:i:v ,i.vsoMC MI.KCHAMIlsl', lOl S, ic. I t .1 J2 W I- 11 uiadt-1 ordor. not al attention trlvt-n to II HKI'MIilNli It ithoai.. of -hra.-li rili f korn 3 ViTi rss t- nl'li-ltmvnt a r-liage. ali i.nt liboril kltirt- of publie ral- ibftlioi yoaui-h tu . r mw. SU .lobrrltjry, Juat- 4, 1- HOOP SKIRT FACTORY, - L'p .-ittili'-. - . f this t .irn i.nd 1! ( (I S K I i: T S . lir Sl Jolls 1, .Uf II .-uil. il.-. Mot-nr ...! I.i .1. i - sl !i lo al ..n ! r. .ul b tho St. Johnsbury iloop Skirt Company, .1. ht.n m-f I'.luek I ! Stjiir. -KWlNt; MACIIlNi: i4 a I ,r. . I, l:.;, "'i-i'' ' ! -"'i ''.-'if :;:ji;:'..';;r:!",-"f-"" "ra S .1. .-. -I. .loilU--t.l THE KIGHEST PREMIUM, V ! I VIEllVI . .1 1- ,! i i , I' -.1- Ex; 0- t . 11, to wiii , 1 1.1: vvn.suv- li tltflt !-!l.V-IllH- ISlfJlitH.-. 1 iMu. -!..,. i- ..-tjbttv ti, In -. 111 ..!"I):t V , ... .i . u-'.o: STATE fJOHMAL SCHOOL, i: :i n il . I p h , V t . f d i- . . A.i-- 1 .VI. ST. J0Hr!S3!JI!Y W, H. HILL & R. M. CLAPP, and Minu i.tur.r-of rtiri'iun t vmi'rl I'an ilarhle. 5'UT. t.. .itiiit- . . I ;-. NEW STORE! AMi - .1 1: o 1 Vl)(.)IlUTK. DAX'L VVould inf .nn th.-. f ot .-t .K.hnrl.-ir : tv th it hr li 1. . j-.- 1 d 1 n. m St 11 d I 11 -h .p. 111 GouH's Block, on Railrcatl Strcot, i.h. 1. i-.-i-i.. ,-i . t!..- (..-.f Tin, Sheet Iron, Brassl CopperWarcs, Vl-o. for -n 1 I ,r.-.- 1-- .-tr- . ,t of th. BEST S C3 "tr 23 J3J -to K- f. nnd la tl.r . unti : fUeli a t'u- cil lira'od VV fmiK. II, i-i., I'.l ill. t.i.-. f -. IIip lap. ., I o;t .u-o. . i .d - n - r, t t ) I -. ! r, ! i., f ' ( ) n i .. . . m. d I ..rant, Vre tor. .V.-. . .-. OlC 1 iM-, li Jlon Vl ti.-,x...: ....i.i, ,, i ,.,!,,.. - nk, 1..--.1 Him-. S-.p l-in". -;. I! .IV. . V.. A.- 11, .. , VV.H-d tf,,.,, :,.p. ltro..i.i-, uili-s l-iiu., Mitclnv, Hii-kivNotl.n-.iVc. arc. liU!. I ani - Pmu 1 IfV l.tiW tur canh or i.-udi pa . WAKTEDM It. .'. ir. fn t.c .1. .iv. of ll.ircr, Micl, a- iLu .. W i.' ". it-, I ur. II a- . .. r. Ir. n. Itu' t- -. I' .i- ..'.i.-. 1 . ItriP l,4.i .ri-. i - i d. II . VV ai !' . ' I i H ur. Hii.- Ittttii' 1. 1- . OASH NOT REFUSED. I.ii.d. of .1. ill V. i;i; d.a.- ly rpcn .. I I'cddli-n. .11111.11 !).." riawnaMc tcrm-. tj: Hout);:rrr. s't. John ' nn. Ni.i. 7. !-t.T STRAW FOR UNDERBEDS 110NT USE IT. EJctliior is Vt cr and d Ml CAsslN.l h.i. i -rt ... tlco. 13 IT POSSIBLE? foryotin.clf. liut cl llinp pood Damask Lounges for $9, $10 and $11, l.oi.-ili.miii'kaforfiiniitiir. ..-..r, -I.iwI-jht vd. Oool tiriiin-.-' rh -r. Hph f. f.,r i,ilt...w lli. .-1'KIM. VIA I i l.-i:--, l-r.. 11I1I.--1- 1IAI1: MA'l 1 1:1 1 tlio LoiuiL;'aii.l Msitti'c 11 idc ol tl.c U-.t 1 1 -old I011-. J- T. ,VSS,, i:i-'rm Avcnuc. sl. Johnshiin-, Vt. LOOK HERE! THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST ! ! cAi.i, and si;i:::: A ccncral a. rtnicnt . f II irncfci ..rk kcnt .ou.tAt.t. Iv 011 h iii.l. 111 dc of -it-, hal, nk aad hiln- lott tanticd toc. Allui'd un hy iim-ii. uccd ivorL- nn. Not do:.c bv thc jnli or bv app ei.tici-t.. 1S-1- K. VV. l'.I.AklL LoMcr Witcrford. N O T I C E ! 1 hc f.n-t li-ntial inei tinir of th.-1 omorators -in.l Tn.o- 1. c- 01 111 . w 11 1. i-iar ,111.1 i.ini, iv .,'.i:i i bc luld iu the 1'ici-11 ip irt cliarch at Lyndon c.-ntrc. . on I' tbc :tlnt dav of .Itdi, l.'s. at Ul o'cloik, m.. forth. choic.-of otltccrp nd thc transjctiou ot . othci tiusinc i dc lncd i-xiicdicLt I.. II. IA K t:i:, SYc'y ofthc tjorporation and lloard ol rruptica. .yndo.i Ccutrc. Vt., .Iulj , l-os. I.VIS HOW TO G E T A D R I N K COOL LEMONADE FREE! Tlny a Sprinj e ivili '.I.ittre r 1 1:1:1; I.ounKe of ' VSSINO and THE DEPO T CLOT IlSr Jb'UTiTi lUiugjust rt'turncdfromnurkct with onc GENTS', YOUTH'S AN of ull graJca of eupe SHODDY Olt Al o, lc ot thc Iirget a id bt aiun.rtnicnt ot WOOL f ihe nom-Bt and mot-t dt-.lrable fctyk-a and dcaigu for GENTS' PDKNI Trunks,Valises,Traveling Bags, Umbre Cl.OTHINf! MADi: To OUDEIt AMI 1T.K Ttedfgojla Hill U'sold at pnu llut lll'.FV lTurr.-iiitiiilior heliico. IIUK .IohnionV Itlock, Kjil W. II. HOItloN. I. FI.A MAJ. MORRILL, JR. .fmn.l it th rtilli-. f thoniil w-riU-r iu W. r- .1 di-ri -il th. -uniinirn-i ou. sirt-M.1, Mo ri I, imdlv li.o. l. lliK-,-tnii, dim i,x o.puii Morn.l ' tu l-i n.h Mo nll ..f I.oil!e. rbl cl- b-i n: VM 1S UR IIAKD-ON. rf i.i, M i THE STANTON HORSE ! it n i-'i it th - e I.- of th.- m' :!!. Sat.i .1 iv-. I.Tt.don orncl VM. II. l .NT"N, l'ropri.tor j-.blood: blood:: blood::: ii2L 1 " -v -v l-K ' fi - ii ' III .tan I tor tho fri'jo f 1-'".-, a- tl..--UU. I tii- t' rril..- f, n.-.l No. 11 i n. 11.- - 1.. .1.-. V!..n a'. I' i:i..ll -ud I riilli-; V H l' lluvi lu .!'- lljt.v'l i. - ., Iti.fdv.- and VV. dnivd n . t I mi.I , . r .r S l i.i - ..i.i n r -. I! :i. .K ny l r. ir.t ' l - ir..mli , M.V. ! r. II. M.1 -in-d b th- .ld I a Vll. i.i:.lUi tl-.ini; M nsn: !.i." dnn nv u 1.1, --. o,v ii ..r.-. t'-.P' -- i.d.ud iranr.- Il.-hi-u.i.r'.. ti tnn .1 f..r t . -t!n.-. lnt h i nnd.- .I'mrt.r :.ii'. .1 h ' -l. i-.-. -r !' lull I t h. . iot.. - r. A'i nti at tU livi. tf own - f V . t IL V. nl:i 1 IT. II 1 li. i isn. a .1 A. I i.Air.n . tii rI ft. N0T1CE TO HORSE BREEDERS 1 1 "iilv il. r .usli br. d Jlir-S H E R M A N M 0 R G A N Notr tl . tnrf. r . r. I.l.r.t.-.l -t iHi.-i. I.liN -tan.l t ri . iinp x.-nn-.t -t th.- Irv .1 ... l.or-... .t i il.. .. .i.liii. .. t-. ii jt l.A-l 111 Iii.t. it th. -l I 1 th IniiUr . .r .Uwuth.- itii-l, 1-.-! im I i i-i:i-i i- ", ..nd n. ni tl.. . i - .-li ' . 1-.I.I.-M. I! 1K 1'. -1 y- 1 1 nit-' d - ii - Il Ciinid br i:!d "l 'lioot cf I ind n. IH.Ms.-il' tnu ant. All inar. . f U-:or- U ui... of --aliu.-, m.1 t.- c u il - ith f ..-!. vv IL Sll.l.I.n IL r.tpi Ht-rki- .1 n.-'. l-.: Suil." MESSRS. COGSILL 4 OSGOOD Ltc appjictcd Z1. IVX. XX O -A. 3?l n tt ..r jI. rtrnt iu tl Utowu for tLe salc of tlicir Ceiebrated Parabola Spectacles II A u v 1-: Y. Mechanical ; Agricultural Implements .llarliini-l- 'I'.niN, ln -I tiiil 1 1 . Arirul lutnl Iiiiilrnii'iil-. VV . 1. C001I-, llnril VV urt-. ("iot Urr ) uiiil ;i:t Unrf. Ilool. 1111 tl M11I1011- .1 v . A 1 AII . f ivl I, h ivill I .- -0 .1 .f I.i U- to nlit in SUPERIOR HORSE RAKE, tii t ad tpn-1 - if to 1111. r. n irr-iuu.!, wliiili u a jcitat inipr iim.nt.i.r ..l thc- ral.-.,-i d it iHttl..l to i l.rc -. thc . ri-. r c .11 ri c. VV c thml. It m-.i-t com tii .t'd a n-ndi clc i. ic for -lu BUCK EYE Af.D FERfiY MQWISS MACHiNES, an.lfirt . AMriitl AN II.W TCIlDr.i:, nliifli L a n-at iiv .f lalior in thp dryinir cf hay Vnv inr onc wi hmitfor att'.lc-not L.'pt by n cau liavc th. iu ordcrcd itncicdiatt-!i . St. I. lu'.-l.i.-., .I.i .c ... CALL AT THE PEP. iODiCAL STORE Oppoaite the St. Johnsbury House. Books, ;Stationery and Fancy Goods, A ' !) A K 1) 1 X K .S, a lnir'a. t. CELEBRATED CARTER'S INK, the Ut in tlu- uorld. ZT t'all atid n.iuiinc b. forc lookinB ilaenhcre. J. I'. KI)I)V. .lunc I, 1S.C-. MRS. FOY'S CELEBRATED SKIRT SUPPORTERS rccommcnded by l'hiaiciinri. ror-nlo l,y , inNniAM. J- K. & C. E. REMICK are con.tanll rcrciiin-; nc-v and -ca.nable Hvle. of eicrything in thc Une of 1 U Y GOODS, aud ec!Hu for 'sivt-a.i,r, rrioFiTS." Wo -vijh thc ciUicn.. of Ft. Johu.bnry and vlcinity tocall and i-iauilne our ttock bcfore pm- imimuK. uur Hlick ls "Clean. mid jSTew," L-uibracin" thc,t n'yloa and varictlc nverythlnc bouahtofu-i. rmcd to be ahat we. riconimcnd it, aa e alloiv "NO MISREPRESENTATIONS," and lidd to dolng bnaincM In fair and lionorablo -aay. 2vIlcnicmbcr the placc. J. K. V C. i:. KE.MICIf, rafpnmr-sic Illock, St. Jchn-bury, Vt. FLY PAPER, CwtllVr l'l rf-li I'nn-J.i- iVl.nlt nTan ..- .1.. T.- troytr for MorWiuitoi, lUtfl, llkc, &c Tr th. 111 m. I 101: .lur.i 1. I-.-. OLD HING STORE, cf tho lirt ptockB of goodi coiwif t'.ug of D BOYS' CLOTHING! rlor tuake and ulti. liAG CLO T II S. KN for Uenta weir and a fplendld ; Ladles Kacte. AUo, ono of tbo Ur SHINQ GOODS, Has.WalkingCanes,FishingTackle,&c. J FI.l'T SVTISFACriOS WAl'.KAN'TED. C'OMI'KTITION. JiCall and Ke. TON'S, oid Mrot, bt, JohnBliury, Vt. V1N. W. A. TO HOUSE BUILDERS ! ihe m hd tibor uould iufortn houf-u huiliirp and all p. . -on- nliii ni-h liinib r drcs ed, thxt Lc hae latoli lifod til ht th piiithnu aid itnprovi-d innchiiii-rv . and that h I ol n liimrcif fn rendmeej. to -to ill iv..rk i . 1.U lin he it .ho.lld ! .', and at fhort u-.tic. lli-11-.3 0HC of WIIUNEV.-, IMI'liOVni) CV1.1N l.l.i: I'l.A.NEKS. hii h b totcn iholiiBhc.t puminni at tho M.i liuinc- oxt.iliition of Vt.i-s-tchtittp, al a irold modal at tho l'aria htpo-itioti thc past -c-ipou. "lhii" iii-ichiu.- i4 ni-i 1 on a noir priiioiplo, nnd i-i tht ouly on. ii Uiii ia t of thi-Mate, that v-ill pU-.e nnd joint clap bo.idi. at.u.-ojiirj lou. lli- hna u'i-o ono of -lohn llimiphrey'd iraprcvcd joict inp tal loi- 1. r i-di- f, and j'.ntiu laiult-r. AI-j Iliintl' l'liiiicr tor dtif-ini; er. AIoa Mktchor for ini'ehinir 1-imbtr of all tLick- Wfi-i cutimp;-iff ind t-i-"it.n7 r i.ttinjr u4 foretmt-. He iniendi? tJ kiy lumttr 01 and i l.vl:in hiud. nnd will fnrnn-1 Adv itw-in. nt iov r !t d tu all V wipjptrc. n i.ltnccuarid cn i'uUi-birs . 1 ltddlTllC Sc vvll-ipTVS Vfp ou fi!e. lnfinu i-' i tL to t o f Advcrti'iUC fi'.rnijiiM All o di r cn- c.rfful Innuirii t niHii iujtvt:rrd promptlv. t riutid tf of Nuwfpi r- for i-tilr. - prp-irc4 t T I: VERMONT K W I3()NK SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME ! Ht'st I-Vrtilizcr Ktiovvn ! VV. onlv ik it fthall bivc a fair triil -we piirnU-e it .loill p "ova cirrithi g tlu- is cjaimcd for It and -bi.l .pirc no cip n- tii tuaiutaln lt high etaudard of cxccl- I'AUDUCIi. Di:.V.V i- COMPANY, UlMl LTt atBS ..F Superphospliate, Bone Meai for Cattle, t:K(l'NI HOXK, KTC. sr. joii.N-niitv, . . VKKvioxr. CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! I hc nit-crHicr a ould f uform the cltlccns cf St. Johnf-b-irv n.l liclaitv thit h. l.a-pur. hatl thc ciitirc ttock of gi-odi- in thc above line foriuctli owncd by U. H K to irniih hcb con'.innally makiuj: addltions ll.e lat.ft -tylii. of II A T .S , C A I S , Jt c, alivayi on band. Al-m a good line cf ItlSA DY-MADE CLiOTIIIXf., lil.NT.-' Fl ILMslIIMi COODi. Valtses, Travellinff Bags, Reticules, l.vilii:i:i.i..vs, ii.. ic. JOII.N A. .HHOIli: , Vav -1'. l-i'.-. St. .lolir.-ln MI.NERAL SPRINGS HOUSE, nui .NswirK, r. Tbi llourc i" a litlichtful nitt l"..r tbcpi.-a-nr.--i.vk-i" or invalid. I: i- -iltntcl iu the fomuvticut, i . tlu-n.i.I- of u t'.nc iiioi.titain and liicr nrct.crv u e t iiKljii.l.atrord : l onc njlc liom the North s'trit fird lciit of t' c i.iand Irunk IUilwav ; i. inthebunt in and li-l it-p n -lon. sud ioi-ref.. si.v .iii.m:kvt. SIMtllSCs-, na.m- irc ucll icnti'atcd, neiil. tit cd l.r th- rcCCFtitt of K'n ii, ana w.ll adjpt.d t. thc nautf of tourit lloard nd ro. ui at i. Jonal-lc ntcs. i h.- jatro n--c . the iitilo iol.iitid. Coacho aluay in uttcudancc at tbc Nort'i --.atlord IH'iHit. W. .1. S. IltVVr. V , I'rop lct I'. .'. a.ldr.-c. I J0-, N. II. t,cJ,,i WANTED ! ! A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY!! Auy onfktioKlnof AfirrtritecliancowUl confor a fmorl.y infonniu tlie tii-niber ofit. lu the iuem timo lu ill -.'Utinuc aa hcrttofoic to minuficturt' I.til M?KS of cry f" lc ind quility (cxcepttxKiru:.tH) Mat'r we- of ill kwids. Will U - iei lir vvety dctJcrip- UKC 01 ll'UOKUTJ-WOIK. tf .1. T. TASSINO, St. .lohutbury, Vt AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS. K. H- UiUly, Sollcitur ul Pntoiils, I.atL'Mciitof U.3. Patent Offlce. WAahlngton, undr r 73 Stato Street, o(iosltc Kilby Street, Bolton. Aner an ptenMe praitice oftipwanls of twenty years coutlnuts li sccure patentA la tbe UnlteU SUte; i-u iM.ffuuuiuiii. trance ana oiaer lurtrixn c trles. Ci cats. opecldcatluns. bondx. alenmf nt, and all papr or Urawlng for jutem, execuied u llberal ieru.s, and with decpatch Reearchf made tuto Ainencanor loreign ftorLs, to dete mlue the valldity or mlllty ot patentHor lmrntion-t and tegai or othtr aavKe rnidereu in an matters touchlnc the aaine. Cotif i otthe clainiAot any patent furulshed by remltting tl. A-viiguuicuis rctorueu ai w asniDRlon. TESTIMOXti LA "I resanl Mr. Kddy ajone o! the most incce-.f.tul audcapable practltioners ntth wboui 1 have had oOlti al lntercourse. U1IA3. MAMON". Comininolonerot Patents. "I have no besltallon In attourlcn lneutora that they cannot employ a persuii more competent and trut- wortny.anu morecapabieot putung inoir appucaiions tnalurm to eecure tor them au early aud iaorable con.lderat!ou at the patent ollice.' KDMUND lit'hKb Late Commlssloner ol Patents. "Mr. K. 11. Kddy has made for me 13 applicatlou, ou allbutoneot whtch patents have been granled, aud that Is now pendlui?. bucli uumtbtalteable proof of nreat taleiit aud abllltv on his part leadd me to reirommeud au luveittorsto apply to him to procure their patents, as they may aure of having the most lalthful atten tlon bestowvUon Ihelr lases, aud at very reasouable CtarKei JOHN TAUUAHr. UurtDi;eiKhtmoBth.-, the sub&cr!tter,lncoure oi his large practn.e. made on twice rejected apphcatious, 16 appeats, e ery one ot wblch was declded In hts tavor, by the commbslon of patents, K. II. KDDS. Boaton.Jan 1,13 ly. R A I L ROAD GROVE, LVNDO.NVILLE, rr. This croTe. only two mlnntea walk from the ILtUroad S ation, off n -operior atirattluus fur 1'oUtical Mui Ie lac, Smiday bchool GatheiiniB, I'icnict &c. c- ravorauie anangtinenta made for tranportation. tsept23 A. 11. PEKRV. Supt. THE MAN Who couldn't truaf his feclingB norMoubtdid bueineason a c teh p.inclple. Pneaklnc of ca-h remludi us that vou cannot invjttvour rptLrecaab more profitably than in buvlDB oac of CAbSI.NO'd SPltlNG MATTIELSSLS :md LoUNGEri. A Hne aasortmeat of nice Covers Juat received. Call and teo them. Kaatern Avena J. "isi I rd - frun. (u?in -f! mu rfprc-Allj -clicttcd. lf.ln 1 33 U 00 SEWINQ MACHINE SIIL'TTI.E LOCK STICH. Ilcctircd thc highcet honora at tho Paria Erpoltion. J. L. I'EUKIXS, Ajont. St. Johiubnry. Vt. iETNA LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COIYIP'Y, Ilartrord, Conn. CAFITA T S300,000. For the ItiBurancfl of HOKSEri. CA1TI.K AM -Ml'LKtf, aniinat dc.tth from .icciiieiit, iireor dlije;ee nud alfo :i4in?t lori- durin IuIhu 1 nnd raarioe trtDFfiortu tion. Jivi.ivn AflKNTS VANTK1 t.i opvnite in Cal d ma. Orleans aud Ki-ccx Com.ti' Vuuucnt. ;CO. S. SIIAW, (ifiieral Asent, Ht. Jol.Df'hurj-. Vfrmout A MAN OUT WEST In dfKriliiiifr a ttate of uind Mid "ay.Iloir d-ir wa catight with 1.13 moitth cpcn, and lurnc'l comiilotelv in idc out." IVe adviec no ono to le turu.-.l lrom their course by rii.d or ivi-itht-r, t.ut ko Ht and order oue of CASSINO'tf Sl'KINO M ATTUEsSKS and I.OL'MlKt-. ou.uith. n be coinfoitaMe theuc lonfr wintcr oveningB, and nlcep n cll tli.t-1 rold niht-. LOOK AT THIS ! II R . ASEL nOlMES, Ready Made Harnesses, Blankets,Vhips Combs, Brushes, Etc. Al' ofnlncb ii.ll !h- f ld at . itnmtli lowpucaf.r tl.c u. lt l'HIIITV 1).' V s. ' ; 11 h iu d ju I ropilriti dom- o. tt.o i-h-ni-tt 1 not.c. VM.I. flOI.MKS. ! MILLER WAGONS FOR SALE. j. i. i 1. 1. !: k. m a k !: i: oi'i'obtri: l'.vssEMii.i: DKi-or. . St. Johnsbury, baic a pood i-'.ock of lll flGY VVAG.lNS oa Lai.d. t tL- mat. r.a . b .-siai-lciic-.1 ivorkmc, c ..soon Land l Vl:i!U ) OAllKt ACKS to irhicii .!d iuiiti. in.pcc-ion of all who aic wactint: top -ix vcaiv t . iitjM;-!i thc rcn it.itiou of ni . iuf. n-, I noiil.iny oth. put.Iic th t .h- f i 1111. I.Lit VV v. li i.NS made in -hc ttale jrc made at tny .hop a-st. Johi.eburv under my p. mi'niil duptrriiloii, and' tLat l hai .. ...... . . ic.v, a . '.t. . '.-.-. J. II MII.LKIL , st. J i.L.l.ur;, Manh . l-o-. liuI I G R E A T HvrXTiO-vTElVEEWT I K . T I - T It t ri.c i. . i ditlic.ltv . si.r.;.c,d in SS" n.irinj A'",J':ci ' ,'it1 fr'"'' QjCJj under the i iite ii iul ctinjr. ' I Imie dla. oiccd a ineth d of eo c. n-tm tn; tl.c plnte o.i ivh cli th ti-c li arc in-t that th- wilt not-taitor iliop, vvhilt' ciiiin or -IM iiUnm, ni'itlnT vvill un) parluli-- ol luiiil L'' t ilnili r tlu- li. i malti'r vvliai the I'uiuliliiiti ot tlu-tnotitli vi.nrli i not truc ot uil) otlici iiii-tlioil liitlii'ito u-i'd. 1 have -iciii- d lotte.i. pa'. nt for t. e 1 . -.. Ktis .V. I t. lli iv, M.ld th -aclun. if -itl i pr .i iinnt to lir. I'crkin- for thc c- mri of I'.lc'oul . 1 u t-e auhinj; to aia.i tlicni-iHiv . f t .i i-iat nup iiincnl ivl'lcUl cn I"K. .1. I.. l'KIiKINS, s . J .Lti-bii i, V t. li'.if .N. T. F"l.-b.MK. RUTLAND and BURLINGTON A - I) VERMONT VAUEr RAILROADS. I.cave Ilurlliititon Hutlan 1 1J 5 Ii 1 25 - llel'i Ka! 1-are r.ello Arnvcat Brattleboro I3J 3 10 MOVI.Ni; X0KTI1 AND VVtST. p m p m Braltieboro UpIiou - Kail. 10 II 1.1 Arrti, Arrlve at Kutlaud II lo i : ixi I.ealc Hutlau.l 2 i Arme at iiurhiiptou i aspra 1 w. TRAI.NS CO.NXKCT AS Kl)l.I.OVrS. At lll. t-ut. on Ijke Champlain otlt out Canada Kaltnil? r M tleller. M U Oueli-burli ainl Ihe VI c-1 At KutUi. I - in irani- : ,r Tro. AllMtii anj X T .rk saral..i:a sprnu-. Si jti.l the Vl'ct. At HelloH Fal.' i t. traiiu on Kailr .a i -tcr. IaiucII and llo-ton Wnti l..i Kllihlurj. w.,roe. Val.ei lUiu llartt.ird. .Nr llaiei, Katlroa.t l..r H lli.l-i.r iuc.a. rk.ati.l v 1th Su.lli JUI.C1I..U. o,.,- uaud Ihe Vrbile M Jolui-.t.ur, .NeniKirt.Liltl. Mountait.-- rthc VI", lltid thi a Otieap, P,e- a-lLt and l.xpid nBli. ,ho Llni. If ijKo A .Vlfcll.ill.L. sud. GREAT SENSATION 1 T - O is1 K K Gr 2ST - ! IT TH. Sicn of the Goldcn Boot! I BOOTS, SIIOE3 AND HUBBEES, of itu1 UUet i lo and Uef fitlitt. uf LaJK and UUOTS, aSUOKS ANI) SLIHMSKS. of ilotb, j;lr.vt and ralf. AWMonsuh-"indil-ndiell.H.UJml Sh cf .tll Linda. d .'ti-c ipiu. Ui bl-t r- and ovtr-hoce cf h 1 tt) lo- .tud iUJlity. L E T II 33 -IX , coDt'Iftinpof Amcrirtn t'alf, Kip .trd l'prcr Ieith'rf Iluck Skin. KI 1 .iMd Oo-tt ctiH'k, alta tak and H mlook Ka'hr nm! Toprl t-r tf il! dcrip- tioun ana colors. s ii o i: i-ixDi.xcs cf tll kinJn anI too tmincriut to mendon. S H O K T O () 1 S, of wry dfbciiptiri. Thp abore coid will lu sold it pricos thit dcfv pctition. Tf CM .ind m-o. I. I I,OXi:iMiA., t. Johncbar', Vermont. ATTENTION! I im jRcnt for thc t'nnard line of Stcjmore, nto. liill of cwlianBC pJlalilc at eight to l'.oglind, Iuland or Scotlaud cont.ntly on li ind at thc i Uc. NEW BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY! Thc underFlKnrd viuld inform thc pub.ic that he Ii.w iMn rooras on main hrnEET, vr utinibam XVwt InJIGooda Stoie, for the purpoiw of manufacturing UUOTS AND HIIOES, In the latcst and mot approved etiles quBlity und workmnuehip, coneistiug cf Gents fino Frcnch Calf Sewed Hoota, (a pure articleO " " " IVirgetl Hoole. 4 " Amcricm " Kip, &c.t " Ladiee' St-rge Hnttu lluot. Poiish " 44 4" ConirrLJi and Ilalmomls SIina.S:p- and in fact eerytlihig luuilly done in ti tihoo Une, aid at therbcrtes' pav'ibte uo'ire. All n want of anv thiDg in th. nboe line ure inWtui to call. gsf Kt'PairiiL doue nt atly. tf ii. w. huackstom:. FOR CHURCH, L0DGER00M opSCHOOL A ntvr. fino-toned, Ma-on .t Haulin UAllISKP Olt- OA.V, forsaU Jt a preat bargain. Por pirticnhirx, cu- luirc at uiia omce, cr oi u. l bllultKY, tf flt. Johncburj CoUre. w a-foi-.n.ont of " --Rtf Ml...', S Cnht : I He wot ld nf pt'o full inIt on 'nd jll to rall at hu shop bn IUiilru d itr'ttt ,U nfbury, aud exaiu.ui 1 LU etiK.k of v i-'ood; cor.H eti uf al.i.'cit:ortiiiuuot i I i i i I jnd ir I 1 l.n I I ii-on iRDRESSlfi will quicklv rcsf rc (.- i to its natural colr r . . and producc luxuriant i , pcrfectly harmlcss, a:. . i ovcr cvcry other ; : ; thosc who have a f.-. .. a as well as those vvhu v . it. Tbc bcautiful gloi a impartcd to the Hair mA for old and I-'i.r Sal- liy nll DiuuuU' df.l'OT, i!i"i (.i:'ki:nwk II m . . PURE HORSE HAIlt v I if : t: o oi) ii a ii; m v . W. 11 ui d.-, ind tiri- ,-' VVI.ii ill -ili iuu afir-I r.t. t -. -..mctniLt.- .-a i U 1 ad . AT THE KAILROAD b 33 jltl xt o - ; t c r S. It AXIA l. Wtll !- f. nnd 1 11 t Drugs, Medicines I ..- i.jir !:. - . i . -. sLo.ld r ... .- aa .- . :tt-r- I- - I iu.ll I . . 1 WINDOW GLASS ANB i I'aintr, Ur, .1 ipu 1 u p. . t.i . . i . Lci: ii .1 VV'i.itc . a. i'i -.. ZV l'ricriptiou- i i . : .11 : All thc above -.rticl.-e - . i 1 1 1 , . ! s nvM'vi i .. ii. .. BLANKS FOR SALE. Deportment Cards. 20 ci-,. por Uo. Teacliers Lcenses. 20 tU. per Do Marriage Certih'catet 25 cts. per Do Tax Bills, SI.00 per Hundnd. Receipts, 50 cts. per Hundred. CALEDON1AN PRIfiTiNG ESTABLISHliEH7 St. Johnsbury, - - - . , Thc proprictor-oi tbij .tii;, i.aiigi: I'osrr.ns, nv i com i:i:t mi.i.-:, Al l TIoN niLl.s, 1ULI. lltAIIS, Wedding, Address and Bi ncKinrs i:ilixi. TACS. , i ; . i. i vvi.s.l. . 1 71f l'ortc Monni-.. V: wiUiolvi e i.uit .c. , iS-i'rice- m I.OVV .-u U'OOD o. u-.i)i::i i:v Vc::. .... ; ' J. R. LMIilfT r .. l. Al'il EASE AND COMF.' V THE BLESS1N5 OF FESF:-i , ' 91 d l'l l;i'H 1 i i . r-i iv-.t -ii- i.i. 1 lic dllllC'llf. ot lir.a-ri:i - Mcssrs. LAZARUS -V ' OCL'LIS'I'S AN.i l i 1 x II U.lT. !.!'. ' M inuf icttticii. . l t! . pekpected sn;. . i?i hiio .iftcr yi ar. of nivr.oi c. . tion of coetlv niitlilncr, ivcn c . liliANl) UKSIIll'.UAl'l M, ri:iti'i:cT ssi:i r v i ' s- which have Ik-cu pcld .th ui Ii. Ja.ari.iv-. .'.(. Uu, ', ' Airc, IV. i.i . ''. duriiif; tiic past ninc ycam Tlioe Ci'k'br.itnl lVilcit N"'" "" Mcsfir. LAZAKTS i M '1:1:1 .mr. j. c. ni.x.n vm. Cheniiat and I'nlj::;.!' .icai. r n only, thcy cn t-c ir-K- ,rci U He taailoj o 1 loaiLis