Newspaper Page Text
COMMEXCKD, ATGUST 8. 1837. ST JOILXSBURY. VT. ERIDAY. AHa'ST 14. 1S0S. YOLl'ME 31-NrMliKli KJ20. ;s rin ' ( 1 A LE I )( )NIAX. ST JOHNSBURY, VT. .TONK& CO., IToprietors. n- t door North of CourtHouse. ,,. copy ur aiiiiuin $2.50 t . ni $2.00 iA IS & BRADFORD. PubhsJiers. . 11..- ixftte on Thc Caledonia! to i-ub-: ' r - i- tire- to anyp..rt ot thi' l niteJ .,.1.- i 'lie county, tiu-ct-ntr. pr qn.irt.-r, or v ibl.- iu udvaiit ihor will lind on tni. K.ldrt-e, ilit d.te t. ;ay:jtnt i- m.t.1.- lhl- ii in I it the chau.-t . of Advertismg . uirh tv) w Wiran r,. Iaci( itm tc . . i..m C. S. KADLEY, .n i-mm'kk, ci.a.u.i: & i'.fi:i:r:i: PIERCE i . i 1 i.K - I. uulliiB, . DR. J. L. l i . . -I Ma n M &. MAY, ami Di:i:s PERKINS, il-l. R. B. BLACKSTONE'S II l: I. .- I N c. S A I. il () N , r . r.Kht, up -1.111, I i..ui. 11 N. M. JOHNSON, vi.ri: ls i.iai lai. ii.y c.onDrf, - - t. - - - rir. .lolinsl'UiT, Vt. GEO. S. SHAW &. CO'S lllAi. 1?1 l:.U. Ai.l.NCV. o. -11 ill.V t. ct.c sS-or.-. CEP. RY & P0WERS, M uf t .rir- hdJ Ji.altr iu .i - i i:i mtia:-, !mr tooi.s. riMIIM.o. J... ,! -Uurl, - - - t. .Ii.h. fl.urr, Vt. J . N U T T , m wi f t n i:i:k, .-ir.AM, .pirii. raH-i..-ri lVrot. S. T. BR00KS, M. D., - 1 I AMI S I K ( I. o N . Il...ird ..k tcn-. ltt-id uc - r-.'ts, oni-itc tlu lt.ikeiy. G. B. BULLARD, ami s t n i: ..t-i. .in Ilnif; Moif DANIEL Q. WOODRUFF, Mnufjctun-r of ' llliiS, lll!A- AMI Col'l'KK WAKES in SHJ llullo. Wuri-, YiiAce No t -r , Riilroiid .-treet, -t. .lohnal.urv. t. JOHN BACON 2d, .l.r.i: in uitir. i.i.Aiin.i: and oii. st. .1. ljusbnry i .ntrf, Vt. F. B. GAGE, ARTIST, ii'. .h'nvMiua i-oi-.ii.Aii ( . kJtA M 1 lillOt.l'- HUd llfr-z.17.' I'll. tOLUll MitL-r :uid iiii-dr tliHii W ulieri-. S. SIAS, r 11 v 1 c 1 a x. - OyK!te Freight IViu WM. A. BAKER, a 1: r. .- M . K 1. 1: , OLIVER T. BROVN, 1 :. iiM ai.i.n r. & r c U a n r o u u i v (t.s . UAVID M. MERRILL, M. D., . 1 .n a n ii n 1 n o 1 i'. -chaiu, - - H. C. BELDEN, -.:!. 1 a 1 1. A w. 5TEWART UARVEY, . W.o i iil NSI.I.Lo!: AC I..V.V, rt lnd.e. Vll, t. GORDON r-.M.r.. C. BATES, '; N.-t;i.i...i: C. ii GEO. W CAHOON, l.JIlduU, t. . V. GROUT, 1. 1M AtiKNT, P . S P E N C E R, 11NAMENTAL ' WHEELER, AL'CI'IUNKKK. 'Olitt TO HOTEL KEEPERS, ' ' t .tt 1111 h tcl-. 'I'ht- Biih-crib ; AND BilDDING w r scnp.ion for hotelfl, at 1J l 1 c e s , .my where eleein tlie I'nitcJ T. CAN-SINO, St. .lohuebury, Vennont. New 7 Octavo 1'IAXO FOKTES, odd.ird'a . nisr. M. STOUHARD. Al- nt f.T ll.nry F. .MillerV riano, tl Sr.J0h119l.u1y, Sciit. CAMiB ELL'S - l.AltOItSAVIXC. WASHING MACHINE. Thc Best Washing Machine in the i'il-3 Market. NTFA. TtUEH ANII HOLD UV s. :itA'KS st. Jolm-lniry C'etitre Yt. HOW T O A DRINK -00L LEMONADE FREE! Mutre-E or Lrfiunge of tASSINOand m t 1 KT tf-egftf .f. The studl f Meatl. thc Scitlptoi Fl.OKKNCE, .IllllC, lSCo. Only :i Miort di.-tnnee Irom Mr. IlnrtV in thc Vin liarbano, No. 1, i-the studio of Mr. L. (.i., Jr. It i? ipiite ex- tcn?ive. coni?tiiig of eiglit or ten rooin., aud as hc was jn.-t finishing thc decora- tions for the new banking rooin f tlie trcuury departmcnt at Wa?liingliin, and 1 nnit neaviy an lninilred men einployeil, it pre.-ented ipjite a brifk bu-ines apjiear- anee. The side-of the banking rooin are to hc of poli-hed yellow Siena niar- ' ble, with pila-tet and (ireek pediments o( white Carrara marble, and tlie elhrt ery tine. Mr. Mctul is a yonng inaa, and it Jecin meivililiie that he tan l.av- h:;d t tiin; in hi- iort Iife lo have ae.-oni- pli-hed .all that oiie-ee- in walkin-j thiongli lii-10..111-. It wa- only a few year ago, when little l.iore tlian a ehild, that he made in the "arden adoining his f.ither' hon-e hi- lir.-t statne, 'th- IJe- i-ordii." AiiL'el." i'm .(. a -liuht ri'in. followed liy exeeeding eold lmg eolil weatlier, lianleneil it to ice. anil it remained Ihe ailmiratioii oi the neighborhood ann -nr roun ling towns for tlnee week-. it wa the niean- ofcreating jinthienlial 1'riend tor Mr. Mrad, and tbrtinie -reni- tohave 11111011 kindly npon him froin thexiry fir.-t. lie leprodneeil 1 1 i- "Angel in marble, anil 1 bi li. e ahvav.- ha one in lli- -tlldio : when one is di-jm-ed ot an- other take- it- lilaei'. Afler lookiii'z at reat inanv of the j-tatne-and Meiii" the nuantitie- of work eoninieiieed I -i- tnrned to the anthor with niueh emio-i-ty, and -eanntn the i-lijiht and alin.i-t boyi-h tigure and delieate, retined i.iee, exelaiined involuntai dy, 'h, yi.ii r-honld be an old nian to hae aeeoni- iili-hed a'l that I .-ee here, even tlmli h von woik thtongh the night a- well a- id-iv, and 1 ean i-caiwlv believe von .! the M-nlptor hiin-elf." He laughed, and Mieh a gleeful heartv laiiiiti that it made him -eem vouner thau ever '(no one eould ever lauh like that who not been -ueee. lol ainlloiiu- nale in Iife), and replied that Ii.- wa- very Mire no one, no s-eulptor at lea-t. would eare to elaim anylhing Ihere, and he onlv wi.-htd thev were better work- of arl" true an-wer of a true arli-t ( )nr eye- fell fir-t upou the eolo al Mutiie of the "K'eturned Soldier and hi- (.'luld " i lle lias--olil two Oopie-, one eolo al and ' one Iife t-i.e. in New York. The -oldhr j is .-itliitg w ith little liil 011 hi.-knee land reeounting to lier the -tory ot hi-1 j dangers and hard-hip-i during tlu- war. lie i ab-oibed in hi- uarrative and ol)- jluiou- ofthe prerent, while the taee of I the little one, who ne.-tle- loviiijdy anain-t ! hi.s shoulder, wcar an expre?-ion ol -or- row ior lns hard experienee and smler- 1 ing-, lningled with joy at liii rafe returu anil perleet content at being onee moie bi- ann-. I here wa-a ipiaintbut beautiful ?t.itiie nainetl Mystery." A feniale ligine -it-ting 011 a Mirt of Kgyptian throne, h.-ld- ng the Iainp of Iife. All the attrihnlt -f -Mj.-tery aru di.-po-ed about !nr .1 owl, the key.-, cte. The Sphynx ol t1 dark agre i- on the left and ihe a. j.k .11 .eiled Sphynx 011 the right. The faee i iravely lieauliful, M-date e.din. I'aa 1. I'l.e h. ad i- cro-.vned with a 111. -t 11:1. .pi. but .jraeetul he-.i-hlre-.-'. Jt- erv odibly N it- gteat attraetioi: one wi-he- t. trate ihe tn-tery of it. Mr. Mead iias Muld M-vetal eoiiie.-. What ir thi- ?tatue : I enipiire.i. "Mvaterv." teplie.i Mr. rac!v. but with erv- tuirtli- ' tul ru'S. , Yc, I kaow ; but nnstery what i-uggc-ted it ' W doe? it tnemr iu jwlivuttr .'" Ah : Kiid Mr. Mead with lii- nicrry : tatigh, 'li'tfa the qi" '!'" " ,'i1"1-' ' , mt and haunled me, ami I w::- obliged ' to inodel il ; but it'-; iu-t aMiitieh ot a inv-ltrv to ine a-. to anv one dw? w !m , look- a't it." And m we took 'he beau- .iful mv-tetv away in our lii"iaory, ia- teudin" to ilreatn it out" .-ome time. Theie i- one ber.utiful mm.11 iiude .-tat- yoiinj. t.i.tua-i ar.l denvere.. ltto Iu- k. .-. they are nol ati . ! ot h:rd-iup-, pha.-i-i and ttie uiiil.-iiiiil;. 01 ine te.-timo-,io of Keho otae deem it lii-s be-t -intdl uieiid-. whde, a--i-led hy Mr. ! laai A. thai.k heaen, that eaiiuot be br,d out iu ny 011 thi- po.ut. V'U. ; e j-.-rer 01 ihe 1:ltll0 and ii eonipaiiion. 1 he Motiataui Ilov. and anotlier of S.ipplio at tlie 1110- , ment when haini: thrown dowu her lvre ' -he stand- with rai?ed tirin. looMng iar oft'into the di?tance eie ?he phuige- iuto j the ?ea. inanv OtliLM I've not the ?paee to ecn allinle to I: inother rooin we aw the i-olo-al groui f Coluinbu? at tlie Court of Ciue.'ii I?a- hella. U 1? thc large-t ini' executed in tnarbl roiip that 1- oe iu Fhaxni e at tlie pre?ent time, and i: :i eoininis.-io:i Le fii-aiid Loekwood, 1I., oi Ni w Vork. Queen I-abella, arrayed in mo-i j uueenlv attire, 1- -ltlmg upou herllirone. l....t;..r ititpntlv nt Coluiubus. who oraeefulU kneelin upon tlie ?tep 01 ner Convinced bv hii ar-1 throne at her left lument.s and lendered entlm-ia?lic by hi?!inned that they were to a 111:111 armed unbitious hopes, slie exclaims : I will1 dve all im-jacels if the Miin in the trea ?urv is iiiadecpiatc to enable you to carry out your plans." A little page 011 her ri'dit is listcning with inten-e a?toni-h-inetit to theeonvcrsatioii.andisapparent lv snell-bound with wonder. The group in marble ia Fomcwhat advanced, but eannot bo iinihed 111 le.-.? than three In anotlier room were a nuinber of -tit.n..; lmvpil waitiiK' for the covers to bc i.ener.ed. that they might 1)2 sent to Le'diorn for tr.ui?iortation. There were i.,.cMhiiK to .kIoi-ii the ..roiind? of Mr. Loekwood, made ofthe ?econil tpialiiy ofiidn't ipiite .-ee hi? way to them. lle! Thi mi.-erahle tcnJeney to take up c ,m .....rl.le the "! K':iv:ie"ioni I ..... ;..-t Cniiii Sweetwaier vith eon-i.I- With anv 110-ition whieh e?eanes hard marble," whieh is as durable :is bronze. There was al?o the colo??al statue of Ameriea, ordered by lirattleboro. Vt.. (the birth-piaec of Mr. Mead). fora ". - ol - dier.?' inonutneut," in honor of her br.ue ones wLo fell gloriou-ly defcndiiig tlo-ii ihi". Mr. Mead was modelling .1 lion i:i tt'p. saw the little ?tudv. It 1? t-' be 'Venice reposing upon the lion oi Ht. Mark's ;" Veniee typitied by a iiude le- ,.l.i;..;.r imou the kin-i of beaU. Our ?eulptor naturally feels a warm in- teie-t in Venetian tillairs, baving wiu fur lii? wife one of her fairest daughtar? Ile is cemin with his little family home fora shoitw-it thi? ?umnier. Cuires iMiuknce 0 Jiutton Adcrtiscr. The Enipress Kugene i- about esttib li:hing a Cliiue-e iiiu-euin. 1 Iliti'rible Trareil) in Sltrews- Imni 1 One of the mo-t -hnekbi.r ,l1ir-..ii. :uul fatal atl'rav- took plaee in Shrows- liuiy. near Kutland, 011 Suturdav ovo- ning la-t. " It appear- tliat for niaiiy year- a i'eiicl h:i - cxii'ed between the" I'lumley anil llah-h fainilii- in that m-iulilxirliood, 1111- meion- lau-nit-rowinj: ont of the satne. and a -mt heing at pre.-ent pendin he- iween them m the Kntlan-1 C'oiinlv eonrt. A few !ay -ince a eonple of hor-e- oned I-aai-H. lSah-li lirokc into a sield of eoui ira ned by Ziha I'lnni'ey, do- nig eor.-i.leiahl.- damage.-i- a euii-ciinenee he annnal- v.i re iiiiin.imfl..i!. A i-.nm!i of di-intere.-ted per-on- were appointed to appr.tie tlu- daina::e-. whieh thev v.ere ci,a-e 1 in doing'on Satuid.iy :d- eonipany ith leore !!,n- iertlv. a .-oii-in-Iaw of Plnnilev, iien t'nei were approaehi-ri ly Uilrh and a nian iiaim-d .lohn Cilman and hi--on. .lolin l.ilmaii. .Ir. Smne word- took plare ik-tween liah-h and tlu-( .lhnan.-on mie -nle ainl I.iith-rllv on the other, to ihe liieril-of the ipie-tion nnder ap- piai-.d, v. hieli they -i-eincd to -etile. and nll i-tarud t nalil the road, di-tai.l aboul ."0 ioi!-, ne.s:in wiiieh li.ih-h and l!nt- t.-i liy hand-, lii-latter u iii.u kin , tliat he wa "n illmii to h-t liv-tium - be lv - ii.iiii -." and that h uoiil.l -land the hiiik- for the . inwd " With thi- e.- pl - inatioti Ihitl.-i liv -larted lor llu- hon-e ot hi- fat!iiT-iii-hiw to get a pint of rum ivith whieh to keep l-.i- inomi-e. !! wa-ab-ent. ho foralnmt an honr. dtiriii" hieh the aiirai-er.-i had drpart- ed. but ju. n ( .ilinan r.-niained in :! e li.-l 1 v.itlim a iew teet ot the road. In- tath. r au I li.ileh .-tanding in the high- w.iy. At the expaatioii of the in- ntioned r.u!teitl letiluied. in eompa- nv wi:ii II. i-.i'v U. riumley. Krede: i.-k r!iuulL and Zilia, their i'alher. Iloraee'.v approaehed toliuan. puint- i:ig .i --l -iiot unu at and old led inm otu kn the iiei.1, t 'uh u lueii ieiue-t (liiaian e.xpr, ed hi- wilhngm toeoin- ply, but the gtin lieii g iu 'dently legarded a- loo elo-. liiin, he :-eized huld of th. what lie evi- iuoxiuiily to barrel ot the une and atteiujited un-ueee-.-t'ulIy to Mineh il liom ttie hand- ot I'hindev. l thi- i.iueiare Fredenek I'iiunlev ap- pro.iehe.i (.11111.111 and tlmateiied to -t.ili iiiin with a pileiilork, with whieh he w .1-al me.1. unle- he ipiitted ihe lield. 1 ;ihnan turn.d to war.l otl Ihe b!ow of It.e tork. and 111 ling mi lovi-ed hi-hold 011 ihe -hot iruii iu the h.uid- ol' Iloraee. when the lalier deliherately lired atliim. the eii.u pe ot -hot takiu etll'et iu the region ol the hearl. niakini; a hole about two nielie.- 111 iliameler. i.i ing euluely ihrough tlie boih , and killing him iu- Mantly. A eouple ol wori.uien 111 the einploy of llalch. iiamed 11m and (Jii.utier, men e.oiiu up, initii i.iu-. .uii. M.-..u. lietween lliu lieltigereiil p.utie-. utiring whn.!i ,-iieial oile- wcie di-ehaiged. le.-uUing iu it.llieiinj: a M'eru wound iu the ktl 01 .loii.i S inor. and a tk-h wound 111 the right leg, a- well a a -i-.dp w.i.iud. on tiie ieioii ol Iloraee !. I'UimUy, nh 1 iin il the tii.-t -iiot. D.jun !.iiil' Al!. 11 s.mder-i 1.. who ii.ipp ii.-'. to ie iu ll.e iiiituedi.ile 'n'in;iy ol I'l. -iiiie, i.iehed tlu-eonilutaut-. and eileeted ,tlie arr.-.- I I'htm ow 11 re im to ie.laK;n- hun. at I ln.-(l.-) hou-e, tie propo-en 10 ehan - e Iu- elotlo.ig. aliei wljeu l.e wouM aceo::.p:.ay tlie otiieer. i Inle thete, bowevcr, ae.d upoa ti iemporarv p.irole o! i.unot. lie alteuipo-l to i-eap,- iu "1U whmI. .ki.i ueiit. an.l th 'tiuhat tue time a nau was imigeti ;.i iii" mma, ue ' !II -x -l ' g""''- :- thirty o:- forty rod.i. when he wa- ag.iin taken iuto eu-lodv by .dr. Sander-ot. and careiully w.i'eued itutil hL'e.l -alely iu jail al IJ '.tlaud at an h.-ur 011 Sunday mo: iiini;. Mr. Satider-011, lie- ( mie l .iviu,, eare.l Ior tlie Ooiiy 01 .L laiK, one ol the apprai-er? m ine .11- pute here.otre mentioned, he .-iieeeedeil m h-:irining the eombatant- aud ipiiei- .nn mu ui-..u Aldrieh, t.r?i re-led. 1:1 a.'. iiul wiih Mr. 11. I'.. on-table ol" the town. ar- . lio.i lo ! lor.iee 11. I 'lum- ky. Y.V'ii I'U'ini. y. hi i'aiher aad Abr.i hain iun a-id N: ool.-oa Qu.ittier. the two lalti r tiie woikineti t1 i''.i 1 ariieipaie.t m ine nllr.iv. and loog- ; th.-m in the m.ity j iil. l.jth tii.' l'lunde-,'-and lialeii"-sus- tain nurthiun but :i l.norahle reputali m iu tl.e eomuiuaity 1 liat ?enou? ditli- eiui w.i-api wa- npprenen.teil or inieiiii'-il ny 10th pai tie?, there ean be no doubt, a" iiiey i.-iiueo ui n...e- u. me 1 .. ihe eoiilhci, :ind .-uh-equent iuve?ligation nuh deailly weapon A SI KT TliH'K A v days elothier in Omaha wa -tandiii'. alter ihe eu?toinarv la?luon. at the do ir ol liis l,ii a snider wailiii'' natienllv for ?illv Ihes when Ihere eame along a manvery ,-eantily dre-.-td 111 the raggede-t of r.TJ-. Hi? ?kin was vi?ible in many plaecs. Ile wa merelv a walking seare-ero.v. The -torekeeper. in the mo-t in-inuating way. the nronnelv oi a niee new I .uit. whieh eould there be oblaiued for a ! ridieiilou?ly Miiall ?um The tnan ad - ..,oi..,I that he needed elolhe?. but he j crable du-t, but the bauk- were shul and 1 jle CUuld -ell none, aud he wanted to e;m. that night. The nierehant, who j i,;s way'to much gain, beeame a , Illinirlt. ,,. ",.ot,,ie-y and kiudue??, and otrered lo buy it. ' The oller wa? ae- 1 eepled. lle broi.ght out bi- ?eale-, , weiehed the tireeiou- -'rains 111 the 1111- , L.r-- buek-kin poueh, gave him a suit oi' , c,,the? valued at 7." and a rouple ot ; I,.i.h-ed dol'.ar?. and ?ent him oil". feelinsl 1 that he had not only made 011 the clothe?, j .ut al?o oa the du-t. The next day he took it to the bank and I'ound it br.i?? liling-. Tlie niau irom the niuuiitaiii had'i.-ieide l t a rcstle?s iiniml?e whieh &ei:ed him. and wa- not to bo found. As i non.T.illy the ea-e, the merehant is l.iu'he l .it. and tiie dealer in bras.- spok- en ol an a man uupnueipled, but sinart. Dvotics in the lllcv The increa.-in nuiiibcr of drone in the ,.,.,..., il,.. ,,.., ;. purlant economical I'aets of the time. In hi-s lcttcr to tlie mui chant- of l!o?ton, a year or two ago, Mr. McCulloeh ?aid "that the thing miM needed in the pre?ent eondition of the country wa, that the whole p.iimlatioii -honld rettirn to work. ini- A great inany jontnal-" took it on thein- -ehe-at the inne to ndienle tlu-. -tale- p:mianiy Une to lln-ilronirlit. wliu-Ii lia inent of the svivtary. They releiTOil to , ,,,',' heyond preo-di'iit. 'I'heie lia- len ' the Iradilional arivity of the Ainei iean 1'L' "r '" over l:ir;;e -.rliiin- of mind. to the hot ha-te to lie rieh. and U jt'anada 'im e la-t Miinni-.r. and the t.ilt the .-ign- of indn.-try on evtry Siand : anil j mtieh ligh'i-r than n-n.ii in I'ohcliidcd tliat tlu re iv:i no fanlt lu-ie : tll- winter. The -t:vam- have ln-'.-uiii.- that laek of mi.Iumi-v eonl not he pre- iliiit...l -i- ,.... ! ,.f ,.v;.i;,, evil.-. And yet Mr. MeCnlloeh wa- exerv wav linht. Ainon the wor-,t fea- tme- o!' "the tiine? i? a" di-in.-lination. ainong lare ela-.-e-, io hone.-t.hard v.ork; a nreferi : of ea-v or nnrti-il emnlo- o! exi.-lin ment. - , whieh ban-lv nlWd fiib-i.-tenee. withont iiroin'.-in" iirninotiun or ailvance- nn - nt : a l nv ihr' o! that indu-trial and - oi - ial ainbition wliieh i.-th prinjr of al! iieiielieent aeii it . and a reliane- on peellIation, on .-hni t ent-, on - ..up prae- tiee, on ltu-k. on anytliin. to attain the t - nd - wh'.eh ninv were Hinhl by inigalily p iti. nee and toil. Thuie i- not one of our readeis to who-e dailv oh-eralion thi-. doi-- at- neal. there exi-r a tnm- wlien oini" men were -o readv to lake nn uiih io-iinm-vhie' seenre a livin" ati. r a eertain ta-hion. bnt wiiieh look torward to notiiin and eondeiim their m-eup intr- to ho..h-s medioerily througli Iife.' V.i there e er a time wlii-n i iniTlovni.-iit.- n,i! -tiieliy i.ptitabie, tiiougii ierliap'- not eriininal. w ere i-o erowded ' ( )r. to ii - e a -tep h'edier, w heit the wliole ela-.- of . nipKo iin nl-, whioh are repulable iiiongh but not u-etul or, were - o mucli -ouuht att-r .' Are th.-ie not olherela - - e - - oiemiihninent-.botliu-i.tiil and honoiahle wlieu m liioiier iironor- tiou to tlie wani.- ot the eom nitv.wliieh are liheil lo po-im e replelion and ili-gu-t hecau-e thev allbrd an e?e:i.e troin iiain. takiuj and m-11 .U nMii-' lalior Kery po ible op.-mng eonneeted witli tnnle. wlikli di-iiin-e with thoroiiLili training and long preparaliou. attraetr-"a -wariu ot' oun men uut one of wlu.m but eoiilil 1I0 oelt. r take ten or twenly year.- together than to aeeept it, et all but one of w I10111 will he diappointed and diiveii olt to .-omethiiig still poon r. or to wait tor auolher ehaiiee. The nuinber- of expeetant. that 1110-t nnlan eholy ela. wa- never .-o l.irge a- now. The eiy e.xcej of upplicant- 011 every iiaud eheapen- their priee and .-o create- new po-nion- ot an lnerea.-ingly lower order. I he pre-riire Ior appointiueiit- to Wa-ihiiigtou eleik-hip- i- an example of thi-. For eery plaee thete are a .,., v v Cam r eiinte.-tant.-. el tiio-e p-'ition-have 110 outiook whatcM-r, al- . ioru 110 rea-onaoie oppotiuuiiv tor pro- nio.iou or tor . ;,. 1 .,... ; ial imiir jvemeiit, and tnd at the be.-t an 111- ullii-ieat iii eli.iood. A moie mi-er.ihh- 1 11 eouid h.irdly be i ioked upou au ene my To e.irn a ve:y jioor livin- by a -.iy little Work !io v -ee:.i- to iu our eountn whi.-h ine it: ' Ianrtr. Aeneie- ot ut a el.i ie.irgro.v- .-o't are imdiipli d l.i! bexon.l the legili- the uuiuher ot ierk- ma up 011K 1:1 The.-w.iiiu- ,,.ir ; the poorer ipta'in ( ;.; ot .auiii. is-oa at e-talili?umeiu o! eeiy kitid Kifeeily a-toniah u- as we tr.ivil fr .m town to towu, or ?tate to -t.ite. Hott'.-, t.ibh.-, i!oon.-. are MTeil more ii.iliieroii-i .tn 1 1 Miti.-faetorilv f.erv .fcij. -i..all. diink ; taiuil;. o.-iai and ni1 1 He wants oi thi-. eiass ,are ciy Thiy ..uir-i eat and they uiu?t but lh v make ior .1 ior -eco:i-l -upport, or ev."i tor leeuieie-. They haie 1:0 nicuiiie ed tione. Ineva-piii lo no'.lim, il!V i ihe w.iv of nothiti; and onlv a: a laere aiiimal -ub.-i-tanc-. lieme; 1 au- a goneration. nor ewn ot i-weatn.- ami -iiainiiig, pmided it doe.- :mt take th llina ,,f ,-ular, -tcady work. No m.u v. hat the eail lioia the .trm .r the the-e men. !ioi, it is never heard bv I'liev would rather hang lound their ;ie- eu-touied Ii.iunt-, a.i ! do ju?l eno.igh to get alo.ig from day to day. IIou ,-trongly do the men wl... enter store.-, the pre-eiit d.iy. retnind one oi the -ame e!i tifty or tw. niy year?! i -o .' V. p.irt oi ihem ?el out wilh 1 j ,!1.teni.iiiation lo ri.-e through all the irni le.-, willing lo b. giri low, if only they hla ehanee lo elunli high, e.iretullv ceoiioniiziii'i their e.irnins? iu oider to be 1 anie 10 eominauii .-oiiieiuiug oeiier wneii tlie ttuie comes ? We intend no di-re- I povt to tl(. whole ; but we j inean that there is in it a great and iu-1 erea-ing liumber ot tho-e who s-ettlo lown content with au ea.-y hirth, in?tead I ot planning :ind ?avmg and working ior 1 an advanee. J o siari. wun, tney ' ui a'.l idea of niarrun, whieh i? the 011- Iv iruaranty soeiety ha? with verv few and maiked exceplion that a maii intelleet. who. ree:ting 1'ieiieh not loiig inean.s to be anybody. The eondition ago. eame to Ihe word- "au ttiwhe," nceepted, they ean easily nuike au ae- ' whieh he pronouneed, with a p.iu?e be count of what they will reipiire to dre. I tween eaeh woid, "o gu.-h :" when he laintly, fare ?o, and be seen at place? ol auiu?ement and ta-nion. uive them ' thi?, and their Iife w cosiplcte : no toil- 1 in-'. no t-TiarinK, no elinibuig for them. and eoiitmuou? Iabor is gettmg to be 11 , inelaiieholy featuie of Auieneati Iife. , The generalion gone had iia di-.-ipated an.l idie and vagraut ami p.iuper ela-.-e? ; j but all who did not belong di?linetively to one of t' vm. were emphaticaliy men j oi" woik, of paiieace, enterpn-.- and am- I11I1011. 1 hry too.; 111 tnc wnoie ot lile. j They forebore and sacriiiced and under- went. 1 iiuy d.d 1101 ir 10 ue cnejip 15ut the AnierLa ofthe prtsci.t swarm with uilii of anotlier race, content wilh the day, ba?king in tiie sun and hidiag from the r.iin, Kiti?!ied with an irregular and ?eanty Mibsi?tence, ?liunntng Iiaid and Jiatient labor droues in the hive ot notional indu?try. .iri-.gjkld JfrtnM'- tan. i "lokeep mgood health be teuipcrate. Tltv Fires in the Cditatut Woods. Our towii-man, Mr. Luwn nee linrne-. who ha- reeontlv lvlnrii.-! fr.mi ( tt:iw ha? ghen ji? ?.une ini.-r. -liiic iul'onuu- ,io" eoneeriiing the great I'nv? in the I""'ler f the Ottnwa, whieh ae been sweeping de-truetion nhnut beyond conceptinn eerininly beyond :"vlhin;r that we or onr readcr- have -onel-ned. '1 In' extont of thi-e lire- i very luw or di-appe.uvd, and oni river, the (iatinenu, i- leihieed river. the (atmeaii. i- lediu-i-d to a hrook. whieh ean be r , d "ti lu..t. I wood- have ii.-i-.icni- t!ior,.nuhly dry. I :"d lire- onee -tart, d by the hnnter-, "r j - ettler - , or liinlerini-ii. iiavi-riin till tl.e 'erritory oerrmi an! doa-t.iied liv them 's literally mea:ired liy hiindred- it!fr - 'P'are inile. Tw i Itiinii'-riiieii wli.j-.isir. ame .lown one of tl.e tr'.lm'ane of llie hiawa. by boat. reporte.1 that they eanie -ixty mili" throiih a n-irion samuld eniig and Imrnt over o-i iioth :de of tlu--treatn. a far a- tiie eonld M-e. Tlie bnrnt and bnrniii r. uion i- niainlv south ol the Ottawa: but trr.-at iire- have b'-en bnrnin'-in oiher parl-ot'th-biniber unitry. 1 he in-nl tn-tt- .-n thi- .)tl:tva have at timer. Iieen eonipi ll -d to -lop on aecuunt of the di-ns.- j-inok.-. ainl to lake t wo or t hret; day- ' ir trip-that are eora- nio'dy made in one. while a'l tnnel by nigbt on tlie river ha- K-en praetii-.llly - n - p!ided. The di-true'i m I' !iim!...r ha !-et. I-yoiil -dl ei-nipnl.iti 'ii. Th tir.-- I, i-. . : - w. pt otl' ir.-;:: 1 u J- tra-!-. not onlv th.' I lir - t el i himli.-r, whii n ihe Itin-'i -i m ! were euttiu, taking ai-o in inany ea- - their eamp- and Moiehnu-e-. but al-o tlie lower gr.ide-, whn-h iu time u'ould uiM'k.-t. and the "rowin.' tree-. whie! herealter would ha -upplied tlu r The lo-- phu-e ot tlm-e eut tor lunil ean lie eouiileil unh in ten- ot iiiii'iou of dollar-, und i-prob itily upw.tnl ol tit! miliion-. the hnnlieriiien lieing g.-u-ei.ilh aree.I that ten ear- lutnberini; would not hae taken irom the eoimtrv "'' lum'ier a.- l.a- ilni- been r-d '" a-htt- iu a lew week- llnr'n Isii.Mri :. n 1. i M'isk ('01 M 1:11.-. We .lrinker liuve Imvii in the hahil for many e.ii-. of p! ivinj; oif the wine eonntries -igain-t th-- tee-!.l dei - : but eveti tlus arguaieu- iaii- 11- wh. 11 we ipi.-lioii the 111 -n who 1 a!ly ku.e.v the w ine eountrii -. Ateohol appeat-to b. .1- peniiii.'ii- io iu 01 in t..i!, i'ui.i. and Souj'i tak.-n exeer uiSwi.l.n, ii 1 1 -rin. ..1.-. w'i.:e little i- in tl.e lotiu ol wine, a- it i-i Seolland. l.'-i-ia. Kuuhin 1 and the l d St.Ue-. w iieie 111,. 1 and powertul dilutioii-' are heiv Fll- more Lootier w rote : -1 eame rupe iiinler tlie tinpre-.-ion tu.-re wa tnore ilruiikeutn -r- anioiie; ili:m in ni, other eountr. F.ngiaud. p.-rh ip-. ex e -pte.i A re-.dviiei- .1 -i nioniii- iu l'.iri- eti-ingeil niy iev. I l...e laken iildn !:.-.. 1 - wi.'i 1 ,e inio ! -treet-, an.l hae 11. , 1 -oiiviiiee them 01 uu-taie in im ,-oui-e ol an honr. Oa oue oe. -i-ton a 11.11 ; v ot nmi' went out wilh th lllei inm .111 honr : I aiair, ofthem were -1 oue :.-. to .1. t jtaiiv iinaliie lo w.iik. Iu p.t ing "m-- tvMH'ii 1'ari-i and 1. I h ,v been n.ore ftruek by druiikenne. m tue -Iieet-of tl.e toimer th.iu ui lle .-e ot t'ue lat- ter." Honiliu ( j'e.-u.m tetinionv re.-iieetini; Iiulv -.M.,t.v o! the more thiutiiii and pnid.-..l Itau.ui- a!i--tam froin tlie um' . wine: -e. ral ot the 11101 eniiiient ot tiu- 111 -dutil lnea are nutoiiotisS opp e.are 11 a p ii-on. d to il- u-e, aud ie t hie lifiii. and oitie- tltne oiie-lourih ol the eariun- ol tlie lniiorer- are in w ine." I have U-iti itrpri-ed at ll.e .piasiiilv. f.imou- beer eouulne-. -u.-li a- ixony and H.ivaria, wiiete ihe beer i- pure an.l exeellent. -peak ol th.- deh.-iou liipiid a- the ehiet eneiay ol the nobiei l.ieuilie au.l ta-ti.s oi iiiiui.iu natiire. iiie?iir-plu- weallh, lh. -iiiplu? iitne. t!ie?iirplu? toree ol tho-e iiauou- are elneiiy expeud ed in luddlitig tlie brain wiiii beer. Now. 110 reader ol thi- peii.njied neeil- !o l e iniornied that the pmgn1 ot niin. ol nation-. and ot nien depend- itp..n tiie u-e they make ot their little ?iupui?. It ! in not a ?m:dl niatter. but a great aud I wuinhly eon-ideralion, the 10-1 of the-e 01111k- 111 meie iuoiie. W o.i.ikei? I tnii-t make out a verv elear ea.-e in or- uer 10 u-iuv ?ueu a eouniry a- l ranee in nrodiieiui; a bilhon aud a half ol'dol- lar .? wort Ii ot wine anil hrainiy jier 1111 nuiii. Jamei J'artcu. iu the Atiyurt At laittir. C-jr- Two very jood College -torie- are o'ui" Ihe lound-. One relale- that in one ol our New Lnnlnnd eollege? i- a voun;i entleman ol -omewliat ?iuji-h ! w:w interrupted by tl-e proie? witl "11 you inean tnai ior an, -ir, I ipiite auiee w ith you." 1 The othei i-a? loho.?: iollllel' a Zew , profe-or of naturai hi-toiy i a I Kunlaiid cullejre, now oeeuii ing a h her po-itioil ol llie .-ame eharaeler at the West, i" fumetime- ipiite ab-ent niir.iled. On one oeea?ion. while liearins a ela in oology, he put the pie-tiou : 'Did you eer ?ee a porpoi-- ."" No, -ir." l'rofe??or, very loreit-I). a? wa.- hi- wonl: 'Ta nut. I'iil .'"' '-M i- -e" a p .rpoi-e .' No, ?ir." At tl'i- pomt, lorgeiling thal hi? .lue-lion wa- .ntiiel e.xtraneou-, he elo-ed the book wilh ti hang, ami indi"nant '"'J'nke thi- lei-on :i"ain," aiuid the laughtcr of the ela-s. The followiag imporUnt di-patch wa ent from Loui-ville, ivy., J.dy 27. F"i bairelsofold Hoiiin-ou eounty whi-ki, 1 m-igned to l'iv?ident .l.-hii-on, p 1 I through ln-re to d.iy. l'rob.i ey An.K :ind Frank lii.m .ov gettiug rt.uU t' , ratity ihe uomuiauon A Xccilctl liffovm. ( ne of the ini t. ahoininahlo vnlar-irin- ofthe pn -eiit d.iy is that v.hieh ig-nore- the p.od Saxen word. "wite," and attempt- to p:,ide .-oinelhinj: more e!e jrant liy way ot Mili-titnte. The word wife," a- L'.e-ar ?ay ofthe polar tar, ha- no fellow in ihe lirnianient ;" it has neither -nli-litute nor .-ynonin. Vet within a I'ew week.-. I hae notieed in the paper- -iu h iiaragiaph- a- the-e : 'ihf rod of alllictioii hai again fallen up mi the lamil of lii.-hop Sleven-, and ha ivniovei! Iii- (.''; Irom ihe hon-ehoid " 'The c:ier.iUe eon.-ort ot .lohn Sniitl died r. eenlK at lii- iv-idi-nre." .hidge I'oland and in- e-liniahle ladv pa ed throii'i liii- nlai e ve-leri av on their way L. Wa-hington :"" an.l I onee iieard an i .-eeiliii;ly ronpli and nurged rn-ti- inmMhie.- hi.- wile with the phnii-e, "Mr. . lliis i- niy v.oiean '." "1 'artiicr," -o.i.-ort." aiid -I-ulv." are bilin!"ar !:" "woipan" i- thi-low vul ;uid all are atike iinworihv ot' the edueated, and iiiibeeoming the well-hred Tlie word "lad" whieh i- tno-t eoin tiKnih u-ri! ii- a -iib-titnte ior "wite" i- altogether too ind. linite in itr- iiieaning to, aii-w.-r that purp.i-e. Von read "I'on i tl'O npi-ti-r ot a liotel ".lolin !-tiiitii and ladv." The I Ie inay 'i--, and po-- . - ii.iv i- hi.- wile . but h-- mav b -ior auli that lie lia- nulieate.1, in- niotlier, hi--l-ier. In-, a remote teuiale , r, latio:,, or no rela:iot. at all. The wit.: , ot an Iv. 'li-h "-in lal oiie- attempted to c. , ... ... .,' i woid, ! when he r-i-ted tlie attempt, tlioimhi io earr.v lier j.iint by -aying, V!.y, -Ir, I aiu the gi-neral"- ladv." '-M ul.'iii," -.a.- th.- proi.ipt r-ply, "it ou were hi- wi!.', 1 e mld not let von ithout th pa-.-v -j'. ii. ir. Srrincs. Fmm the la-t report of i th- direelor-' of the C inn. A: Pa. Kiver-j railroad. it appear- the receipt- froin all j -oiin-i-- for the..-ir en-l-i! M-.v ol.1 lfo. l.e.-ii :.-i'i!.Miv.,7ll and ti.o, total expeiire- 1 '.'.S;i J. 10. leaving net eaniing- 171. 'U 1.2 I. For the twoi year- pa-t there ha- levn more ton.- ot , treiiiht taken froin thi- -lation than from I anv other on the ioad, thi? year ainount- ii.if to N.o'.1'' I011-. e make tlie lol- lonllf. eMr.o t Irom the n port : "Klll ton iu w and re-rolled inm. o. 2211 te paired rail.-, and o .S 1S .-h eper hac l-en lai.l dui it g the pa.-t year. No la tal aeeident- have oeejrred during the vear. The traek and road-lied are in L..1.1I C'Ueiiti.'ll. The r lhll.1 r-toek h impr"ved S.'.loll. n? per apprai-al. S2I. t."4( h;.- ... .11 .euded the j.-t-t year ia ii..-v -''ii iotii--nt I lie amoiini p.'tl--' at I.viidon toMjy "1, ISo, eelu-ive oi r' :l' I'"-' -ta'e. is -lr I.'"'" T.'i, and com lou'id bou-e. m i.'Y i.- -hop- and l.u.hiiiu'- ..:ui. eted, ! ir iioiflilt- lioi,--i eotii'L.. le u--, ;...ii.luet with irt-u pipe- and re-eiuir. ho;.!ing over 70.00! tia-lou-, ou an elevation of one huudivd and til'iy feet ab.e the -hop-. The original pureha.-e . f ."."! ! i aere- of land at Lyndon, at a eo-t ot "sUkllOO. ha-funii-hdl tlie eenor.itioii wiih u!l ihe iire.-uiui .tion- anti. io i'ed. Ot !.. Inn .'.ng . p.-u '.':ii:re lil.0iO ha bee 1 r. al el Irom i!.e -..V of rea! e-t.ite. leav '..., a' U.M aer - t.r our own us- In aiMtt'on to abi e, the ct" I rauea lia.e 'inj .ai. s ot w.vul imbered lan 1 Two di-.lend- cf.iv.ere:i-o io tlie 1-itg. ll...e ; t iv.u. l,.no liei 11 deelured during ll.e ..:r,; ii.g to $ 1! j ,0f ). in elading L"i. rt.mei.t tax .'t.7' i.) The in n.kd of ilu e.iuipamt.'.i.i- b.-j-n re due. d 2.t'!Hi, 1. aina (iui-:.;ndti!g. of w!r a tfld.TdO aie io li.ii.d- oi f. u-le. - oi ?:.iLi,u fim 1." j the bug- by hand. or evcn with imple- ACmuhn r i'i:.M n. ai .biivnt-. , ment?, a- t!:.y are nr,t only toa mimer The l'.iilowjni; ?toi v appeare.l m tiie I'itri?! ,,. ,v.. , . . .:n ilou.tenr on ihe lotl. A iii--ul.nou? nrtietieal ioke v.-a? latelv p! iLii at a hai.i.Lt .-illed Yer?on. in "n inoimtai.iou.- ditriet near Lvor.-. Iu tiu - uamlet l!i li-.en a liarmle- -..iiot. ot heieul.'au -lalure. iv..o hatiiiii.uiv uiit a noo.i day"? work in the iieid, but wa? a -lumiin:: butt for iliage plea-antry. and wa Lviiiinoiily ealied ihe innoeent.'" One da xmie oung nien told the in i.oeent."' " a ne;ghlor wa dead. and that h. -uld have lojoin with other? in ?iltiiig up all ninht to w.iteh the eorp-e. IL made 110 ohjeeli-111, and wa. intriKiueeil in'o a eottaue where a 111:111 Mtuuialiti" 1 uli wa- -treiehed 011 a bed. it i.i- I'.u-e. -een througli a i he oiithue heet thiown over it. iormed a uhallv peetaele. whieh, when onee ?e n. 1- never ! to be foreotten. Two eandle pkue.! of the b.d. I'he tiarlv ?at aiound tor -ome time iu ?olemn siieuee. the idiot ( behaving wilh :i- mneh proprietv a any , one el-e. liut one hv one the olher- lipped away, and the "innoeent" wa elt alone in the death ehamb.r. The intentioii wa, the eorp-e -hould jump up, walk ab .ut. and frighten him out ol hi- poor ?toek ol wit. The eon-pirator reniaiued within a fewjard- oUlhceol :aie lo wateh the workins of tlie plot. Iu le- than a ipiaiserofan hour they heard p'u-reing -.-ream-, and hohling their ?i,le already wilh autieipated laughter, thev ru-ne.1 to tlie eottage to moeK their vieiiai. liut .1-they neared the d.ior thev lotm.i. to their ?urpri?e, that llie howling oiee wa- not of the "inno eiil." biil ol eonirmie. who had agree.1 to pfr?onate ihed. ad nian. When they entered, they found the "innoeent" beatiiiti the 'corp.-c"" witii a brokeu il.iil. and but for tiinely -uccor, ihe part whieh he had undertakeii to play injokj would lune been ?adiy iu eaine-l. When he jumped up (inm hi- graie elothes, the 'iniioeeiit, 111-tead i bemg Irighteiieii, -aid eoull), 'dJead tnan, he ?lill." ami proeei.-iled to belabor him with a foree w hieh the juker wr.? ulterly incapable of re?i-ting ,:;rAnOhio-el,ool-ui.I went through hcr cati?theni: at home ior the amuemeiit of the childreu. A youthi'ul i?itor, with iutere-1 and pity 011 hi? eoiinteiiaiue, ashe.t ner laother "it th-t ua, nau i,.?. .o r. phed the lad I ..III. Illi.tUOU.-il. . -1 ifll . ... n.n.i.lti Oii, i-. w ?.i. I verdaui , .'i,uw iouc li.u .-he had cin " Thc I'attito Jiitf. The potato bajr, whic-h ha- for sotne year- pa-t proed -o di'-troetivc to that crop in oine of the W'e-tern Slate appearanee in We-tcrn New York. Very likely the bugs will (ind their way into New ICngland in a year or two, as they s-eem to be inarehing froin We.-t to Ka-t. and we inake some extraet. froin an artiele in regard to them wliich appear- in the Ko-heter Expre-- : 'Thii pe.-t lia on'.y been known to eivilization a ery fi w jeaiY, aid ?inee it- lir-t intioduction it ha- stneatl with vi,n,l..rf!il rmlilltv fr,.,.. U'...t tr i. wa, full(j M)m0 v0.., .,0 ,v tiavel- . ' . " " ? lero-- the plam-. leeomg on foine " vinty near the foot of the Koeky Moiintain?. where it mav have e.i-ted ' for iges waiting for eiviliration to give fnll M-ope to t work of deva-tation. 1 The hng wa- not fi.tind in large fpianti ' : i t'r-, and beyond the faet that it wa- ver poi-.mou. very little aitention wa paid to ;t, anil nobodv reganled ii a? a dan- geron- cneniy. I!:it a- ?oon a- potatoi bean to be eultivated Ihe in-eet found "- natur.u toon ami liome, anil lias won- derfully inrrea-ed. U'hole lields were ,..lten M anil it u probablv true . , i-.i-- " i . ibat to the ravaire.-of tliis nireet the hiuh priee? of jiotatoe?. and to sotne extent ol other lood haie been lfte. In ISdi; they appeaied in iininen-e tmmher- in Wi-eon-in and Illinoi-', a tli"y had bel'ore in the Stati" furtlier we?t La-t year ( lSi.7.) withotit any waruing, they ero ed I-ake Miehigau iuto Mieiii gan. and did great damage. and already. at lea-t one year bel'ore we had e..i eted them, they are hcie iu We-tern New 101 k. Lnige ipiantilie-of Miehigau p"-tatoe- were hrought K:if t la-t ?pring. and it i- probable that the egg- inay have been hrought w ith them : however lhe eame theiv, ihere ean be 110 douht th-u in anotlier year every fatiner in We-tein New Vork will have more than eiiough to do in ligl.titig ihem. It i.- ?aid, ji--howing how proiiiie they are, that nne female ha- pri.duet-d :i- many a- one thou-and two hundred egg-, aud .-eveml ,.k in a ?ea?oii. Mr. (.'. Smilh stonjnmin. of thi? L.ty. loend hi? jiotuto iuc- eovired a iew week- ago iviih ihi- -mall yellow-backed bug. and he at tir-t ihought that hi wlmle erop wa- de-troved . but eonehid ed he would make au efi'ort to -ave it bv du-ting hi- h liheraily with a-he-. a mixtute ot eoal and wood. lle did.--. and the mz- have entirely di-tijipeared. while the iu.-s -eem a- thrifty an.! i he.illhy a- ever. If thi- experiineiii -a-.ii ptoe eiiu.dly MU-ti i'til evetywheiv. ii ' will hc a e'ueup and not wry dillieui; , remily for tl.e ,il Wood a-he- :.rr- vcry K-m lieial to the jmtaio a a iet::l I izrr. ati.I onght to b ajiplied withoui lii thc way th U impo ible t.. a-h or the i ::' b'lt we experiaient wa- iri -d i te'I wheiher the wood a?h eiketed the refnlt : that wood a?he?, of wl.ii'h tno-t faimer have a great aluindanee. will prove :.n e'.'i.-ient retnedy. Tt will not do to eru-h ' 1' s" t.r.i luee .-a-kiie?-, :;ad even deatli. .N j sa"'k (-'".v- wi- eral plaee- in 1 Minneota. we have henrd of the iletth 0f ,er-on? c.iu-ed bv handlin the bu per-on n- breathing the air where they have iH-en hurned. ( )ne nian wa? poi-oned ? that hc died by eating a few strawlieiric that he ph'kcd alter bru-hing the bug? otl the vine.-with hi? hand-. '. ireat eare niiist be taken in de?lioying the bug to do .-o withimt eoiuing iu eoutaet with it." A cnrre.-pondent of ihe Ho-lon .lour- nal, iu rejdy to the above, says : ''No ' .1, ..m ...iii t. i.,. ...1,1 n,-..rv farmer ?hould know how to meet it. Ii and .-ome"" :,lr,m ,u ,l ,l:M- "l M,ou"" UL ,!k- poi-oned, he might a well give up rais- ing potatue-. I do not believe that ihe yellow baeked bug? iu New Vork, that tled hefore a ?prinkling of wood a.-hes. were potato bug- at all. Wi?con?in po tato bug- are not frightencd by wood a-he. The only remedy that I oan ree j omlm,mi t0 ;l.k ., froln .., vine-, selett a good hard place for him to re-t 011, an.l then to apply the heel ofthe ' boot with tli- vig. r whieh a good health; ,,iau would be likely to expend when h. ! ,.v. hu c!loi(.( loo.lrioli or daekson -uii?l'ing befni" 1 i;n. I have heard ol mauy remedie-, au I hae tri. d but the nug ?tirvived them all excvp; the boot heel, whieh pioved fatal in e ery in-tiinee. As the bug kep on the top? ofthe vine? and are ea.?ily been, it i? nut diilicult to de?troy them if taken in ?ea?on. And if all thc peoplc would coinbine nguin-t thein, they eould be kept out entirely, or kept under eontrol. liut one aere of potatoe?. neglectcd will biee.l thoiisaiid of them to hurrow in tlu groundand be leadv for the next crop a? -oon a ihe. vine are aboe ihe erouiid. Yo" tU"" 'K1'1'i"!-' ! -su ""t pl-'"'"" Umc- i,r1, j of a bright golden color, deposited in iatehe? on the under ?ido of the leal. Il ,eM. ro allowed to hatch. you might a? ,. d ,hc , j Tllu;,rubs - I n r- '..ath-ome reature?, and the vine? 1 lairly vanish beiorc them. A, to the poi-on of the bug, the niatter has been inueh exagi:erated l'eroin inay have Hutl'en i from boiling or roa-tiug a peek of the-e bug at a time, and 1 do not think the odor from a peck of burniiig bug- or wonnof any kind would be ety -aluhriou- ! Ifainan -honld hunt bug-! in a Iiot day he miht die of ?un-troko whieh inight be eharged to the bug. Certaiu it i-. I have. p'.eked aud killed thou-aiul-of the bug-' and grub-, and f ktu.w ed hundred.- of other?: who have !-i;j the ame withont sulh ring any hann. I d.. not beliee there i the slighte5t dangi r in piekiug and k'nling the bug-, tliough I -hould not like to b.ike or boil them and iahale the odor. Th bug i vomins Ka-t, but you ean keep him down if yoit will. anil the be.-t and rnly rvluhle rem edy now kuown i- the iinger and booi heel applied early and itpplied often. Such bug? genertdly have some eneniy t.. keep their nuinber? down. I found one bug dying froin 'the attaeks of a large -ipia-h bug whieh had in.-erted his pro- bo-i- "up to the eye?" in the s-oft tissue? ol the buu. aud .-eeuied to bccnjoini! thi? fsa-t, though there were p!ent 01 puinpkiii and fpja-h vine near him. The potato bug is -triped. with blaek and dull yellow line?. soinething like the lit tle eueiimber bug. though he i? ten or lifteen time- u? lame. If you do lmt know him Irom tlo? Ie?eription you will know hiin when he begins 011 the pota-toe-." Jerxvu Coivs. Mt:. Kiuriii:: Iu Ihe Tiines sotne week? -inee. ou notieed :i remnrkahle eow l.amed Ladv Milton, and owned by .l.une- C. CouLi'-e of Arlington, Ma. Sinee then having ?een the cow and learncd more of her good ipialitie?, 1 wi-h you to givc thein to jour reader?. Lady Milton and Crenmpot, (anotlier cow owned by Mr. C. ) have ruu a rare for ?uperioiily in biitter-making thi- .tea--011. The time wa-the la-t ?eveu daj ..1 .Itine. and three of tho-e day? weie uufavorable for buiter niaking. 'What i vc-ry rcmnrkable. though notie the le. true, it wa- a de-id heal. each yielding exa -tly th -ame amount. viz : 20 lh-. The iiinotint of niilk airied a trill . Cieainiot giving l.'!2A (pt.-. in tlie -even day- and Lady Milton 127 A. butthebtit ter wi'Iied the anie to an ounee. C'leuu-iot'- wa- a little more yellow than the Lndy'- bnt holh very rieh. Lady .Mil ton ealved about a lnoulh earlier than t'reampot. ?hc eahing the bd of .lune. Thi? produet. I think, (whie'u wa irom nr-! in pafitire, and no other leed) will hard to beat even aniong .icr.-ey-, and r.ilU hmdly npon all butter maker? in New Kngland to proeure thi 'u'.iod, in whole or iu .irt. a- rapidlv n? y .-:.ile. A judiei.m-; crj bvtween lir?t-c!:.-4 .ler--?y -ii.-i and native dam-, or dams ot mi.M'd blood. iriod milfcer, will in my lu lgmeat, prndure, in a vory hort time. 1 raee of biittet eov - birgely evceediug itiva'u-thoe now in no. Let pure bh.ii 1 .ler-ej- f-ire- of lir-t iptality be pn ad througli the ?tate of Vermont aud ive year- would double the value ol th Iairy stoek for butter makiag. (JlVlIi M'HtNlM.. lliir'.inglon, .luly 21. lStlS. Air;-iui:i. t'uti.i. a? inhhski. Mr. I'eter LeLlair it Winoo?l;i, ha le eenlly lenived a line lot of directly ii.i ported Ajr.-hirc cattie, con-i-ting of ?ix one :!" inonth- old I'.ull, 2 two vear? tdd hei.'er., one jearling an.l one eali. The liull i- proiiouueed by he-t of itlilg--. to be oue of the liue?t eer -een iu thi? fci tion. The mother iieiter- wero pureh-ed y Mr. Sti.en.-on, editor of the NoJth I'.ril-i-'.i Agriculttirin of Ldingburg. They were seleeted by a very cnuipetent aud li-intere-led pir-on, out of the herd of the late Mr. MeFailane de Klainiaraid, the mot exlen?ive ?toek rai-er iu Seot land. Mr. Steven-on pronouiiees thein to be ofthe be?t blood in Neotland. .Mr. Leclair has a line short horncd D.irham liull, weighing 2000 pound. Ni.w SiYi.i: or 1Ihk?k Siioiiini.. l'he Iiadon Cilobe fays a man nained ( "harlier think ihe iiolion that hor?e n.ied fhoes entirely wrong. Jle hiin-elf h not eut a horsc's hoof. IIo mere iy proteel? it again?t violent blow. and aeeident?, and ngainst the wear and tear if thc I'ari pavement, by inelo-ing it iu a thin eircle of iron, whieh ward? it from danger withont coinpre.-?ing it. In this way the horso ?tand- upon ii healthy meniber in-tead ot upon one whieh is be ing con?tantiy wounded by the irou and knile of tlie ?mi'h. Ileaides the economy of thi? reform, l is exieeted to rnake lio'if di-ea-e? inlreipieut. llow 10 M uu. j,uii L'lnia:. At'ttr the cider is ma 1 .111 1 put iu the barrel. i. t it ?iand a week or more, ttntil it ler-ment-, and the ta?te i- :ide-ired. Then raek otr and beat to a boiling puint, ptil tinji it in a elean ca?k, and a l.ilng a te.ieupftil of iuutard ee.l. Theo h'.m ihe barr.lsin an out biiildiug, where the liiuid will frceze, when the heart of the ider i draw.i ofl' into ten galloii ea-k and plaecd in .'ie cellar Ii will keep ihi? way Ior year?. an.l eonttnue to groiv better approMUialing 111 la.?ti to wine 1,