Newspaper Page Text
tr" rOMMKXOHI). AlT(a'ST 8. 1837. ST JOlCsSRURY. VT., FHIDAY. NOY. ( 1868. VOIXME 32-NUMBElt 1032. Vi K ALEDONIAX. ST. JOIINSBUHY, VT. i . ;. STOXH & t'O., Jniiriot)rs. .::ce uoxtdoor North of CourtHouso. 7 -.l . lopy pjr aaaimi S2.50 , . l-triitly iu iiilrxnr- $2.00 DAVIS & BRADFORD. Pubkshers. 'j.tajH. -Th.- t.ti cn rhe Cnlitlonim lub .l.jre iu thi- C Mi nv i- lioe- t i :inv-prt i.f lli- 1 ni'.d iu trter. i.lvan t tho ulEce .!. i -ub-c-iibiT irill tin.l on hi" i:li hi- ahh. -e, ibf dtte l.i :i . )aiinn! i- iiij.h' ihi' -i.p-.nd n i il thi- cl aiie ' f,r: or vio-nj p-'p.r In.m rUh to b- notifi.d imundi- i-atlivii piUc. HAt-s of Aclvertisinf; ... nuh "S ( ) jhi inar i.JT.:rf..,.A;,o - .jatf l.e ... .!. r.. li-s 't. ohnobuvii 2J.sincss (Cavrts. j ." n u t t , ii i: iiAMT.xTi !;lk, mi:m, t i't-Jt l"aw .e.-i Ilrpot. S. T. CROOKS, M. D., ! IU rll'IAN AMI S l I: 11 L O N . - f e hi" n-id i.r ,Ma S-ro. u-,lpj-lti- thi- ltalrry. G. B. S I C I A N Ut.C.'SH' 1.1 SULLARD, i s i l: (i E o : . iu.'. Druc Moio DANIEL Q. W00DRUFF, Mrtcuf.rtur r of r IUuN, HUAS AM ( OI'I'I'.U WAKES, iu dlo Ks. Uotl Van YtukfC No .c , llilrid t tt , m. Jwhniturv, :. JOHN BACON 2d, I'fcAUii: IN 1UITS, ! r.AIIIl K ANTI tllL st. J. hurburv C utre, Vt. F. B. GAGE, ARTIST, r. .) 'Hn-I!i nv i'ii:n:.ii :ai.i.i:i:v. .i ;.-, l-ltiu.tvpe and 1 f -i7e 1'h.togniphi II. ttcr aud cheap r - hiu t-W-u lit-re. DR. J. 1. 1: i i ii S. SIAS, T 11 Y I (' I A N. ipp.ite Froijrlit Ileiot. WM. A. ii a i: s i: s , ATl-i.ur, BAKER, M i K r. i: , M. Johnibun , Vi. OLIVER T. BROWN, I'l.MM AlihSr, C. S. HADLEY, ., , -l .t "itis i-AiN teii, i: l'Arr.ur.i: i-i'.l old strc t, - - rt. Jot.n-bi.ry, t. EMILY A. VARNEY, M. D., ! II Y S II I A N, 'ti. ti iCailroc.l strc.t, .t d-ior" north of I'or-lind .t llr l.;-ciai &tlbIttiou i.lrcll U 111- troktlii, Lt ol i "iroaic I) mo". PIERCE & MAY, .'.II IT r.r. . ii.K AMI lilir.- M AKINi,, HIU r.ulMiutr, ... I!. Ii. Mrt. AMAiA KASSON, IIOCK t'Lr.A.M.K AMl IILl'AIKKK. ' i n kf at r.-t h t l ziou bLuoI llcu.-i DR. J. L. I t s r,n,.T 1 tlj.ii M PERKINS, l.iV. i,'t and r.irt'rn R. B. GLACKSTONE'S i :: ! i: i: -s i n i. ?ai.hos, !,.r tn tli r.,!.t, up alrt, I iuuii Ul N. M. JOHNSON, itAl.Ll. 1 Itl.M.UAI. HltV (iOUllS, J.iuv-i.v'.. IH...CI.. .!t.i'tt, ... s . John"luiry, Vt. BERnY & ! llf t T1T P 0 W E R S, md dialcro in .'13,,HiK- AMl III HIIUU-i, SIMi: TUUl.H, FIMIIMlr1 .t ., tlc. h "J ftr. t, - - - t. Joh Hburv, Vt. GEO. S. SHAW & CO'S :lm:ai. is.-i i:an.i; a..lnoy. ! lit oicrll.-llJL t n .cie. -e S lorc. 1 i 'i r f l a r, r o u 5 a v A S H. C. BELDEN 1 I ' U N t. V A T 1. A W, STEWART HARVEY, iKM.Y AMl tul NSEI.l.Dl: AT I.AW, Milud. Ki:!?, Vt. G 0 R O 0 N TANM.IL Ii. C. EATES, AMl Cill NfKI.I.dP. AT I.AW, &. GEO. VV. CAHOON, ;ic.0U"and Imjuii if, l.jujon, Vt. WM. W. t.LIV GROUT, A:r.N !, SPENCEH, ItNES, AM) OU AMEMi L ' S. F. I.ICENSKD WHEELER, ArrnoNi:i:i. lc ot or pirsonal, vh ntvi-r or ivnertT calied --iti la.tion In all ca-j. l't jrton, t., or i It. Mrnt, st. ibo kn NOTICE TO HOTEL KEEPERS, Ai il t!to , almut l'.ttli.i; tip hrti-1. 'Ihe subecribi-ri lnpitd o con uci t'or tbe funii.bln f UJJDS AND BEDDING iu evrry dviiptiou for houl?, at L o v c r l1 i" i c e s . ' . thV- oujlitv; tbaa ni.y whiTt' in tho Unlipd -tati.?. J. T. ' VSSINO, St. Johnabnry, Vcimont New 7 Octavo l'IA.N'0 FOiiTKS, Jf varioU" re an piitcp, fol iak nt Mi' fctodd ir.1V MUSIC ItOO.Mi' tllllilAUI) G A M B ELL'S LAT. lUSAVl.NC W A8HING MACHINE, 545 The Bcst Vashinn Machine in Use. Tlltl.3 AN1 ciia i:s st. j lin-lmry C'entri-, WAR ! WAR i.-l'Cllll M. A,- . 1 ir II u 1 tl ,Jfeii The Soiiy of the !J;irt. liv wo.uan iiooii. tlftmil f th ir.r.,i ., , i; a: finctH icaM auJ oru, Wltli wlit . il plHC-,1 ;!opo, A ivoinau U by the pteauiln tub, liyi ' r c-ike of eojp U-u.-b! a h! mih! Wliile tbc a,) r ,J :jttcr an.l epirt, Aud ftili, vr.tli l t.;,ejf fri nzkj pitch. "Wish ! Wliile- 1 . AnJ 9,h Till I fjiily 1 ii-h ! wiph ! t lfo:n fvcry kjiv! -WHllW.lCU ooi tho il.or! It'" Aloiif; witli the barbar. -i' Turk. Wht tc uoiutii h u ui'vtr .1 ekirl to uai,i, Iftbi-i.iU-c nt work. ()b, V c wit'i bitf'lici t deirl fb. .Mr n u il'i Wouti'ii of Mj ! It ifut tbi lipen tlii?y'io wwilnc: ou liut thu llncu tlu y'n- brinni; in 1 ,"h -v White the r Jl.Aaiii ut o A Cro;nB mp Hlif fpi ill i ")!i ' lut lo nii, h lli,- l..-tli llf tl c l nuino boltli' ) sivoct With the rluudfll. r onr niy, Ai.d tbi- I" liruiuth my frct, r..rinlyoiK-fboitli..r.r ..f,-, 1.11,11 lidy f.-i. Cil trippimr aloiig Uroadivuy With n j ird or moic at Ur hitrla 1" With fin!:. rf fc ldod and uorn, With irafh! oud plactd jclpH'. A iiuii.m Mocd j i tlie a'l-iMa.ij; Iu'.., I'lyiliR hi r caLf f .nnp Uath nuh uitli Wbili t!ic Ftap ul ppatti r nil ?j irt, And ptil!, iib -i voitc tttat you nouldu i api'lmJ frti, th ,t it uvr coulJ rrHch 'lli'e J; Mic rvij thij "M.ns f tl kirt.' Escti)itl from .Titsiice. Il wa a bitter uij;lit in ,I.iiiiinry a niIit wlion hoiiit'Ii'.-.-' a:iiiTt'i on tliu inoois itiiht litivu nank lo n liwen tu de.uli, ttiitl llie verv marrow teL'iiicil lo I'ongoal in tme" lnino. Tlure'.i onn ailvantiie iu Mcain." jiruwied a !at old entlouian in iIil iur ner s-uat : "wind and wt-atlior tlon't af Il'CI it. Xi tUAi aml liloud hur cuiil.! -taiid a nislil liku llii.-, lml tlie iinii lnn-f it'0i- ttraiiit alit'ati, wliether llu' tlier niuuiL'tcr i-j at zoro or at bjiling waicr licat." lu-t tlien tlie conductor ontL'ri'd. "Tifkt't-. "ri-ntleinun it jmi !u:tse." . 'lt'. a liicadtul nilit. L'uiiducinr," I -aid. i'ooliii with .-lilK'iir.l lingi-i". lnr iny ticket, m tlio liiv.t-t t.tickct o! 111 .oat. "Ureaillui, -ir," lcclusjily n.-ijink'.l ilie I'onduflo:'. "W'liv llie iiivakinan can't livf tmtcitle, and m I look tliontlier war whfi: tlioy i-n'fji iu, tollow.-, lo pct a brcutli ol' wann air at llio stovc. Wu lnnun'l liad Micli a liight ini'e a vci,r Hi:o rouiu iktr M.Mnd ot I'Vliruary. W 'loui lil.ikeU'o, tlie ba"i:iio nia?- inr, ttuo bjth liis leet, and a woitian .vlio was eom'uij; 011 Irom Cliicago got ott' at BlinnV l'otir CurmT- witli licr baby 111 lier artns, a di'n.l '.-oi pse." "Knwii to !. ..!t f" "Ayo, litiz.:! to dfatli, and ,-lic never tlioulit l . " liiinir. but tliat it wa-a-lceii. .M li.i'iv'i eolil,' sayn slii', "biil .ve'll 1-0011 wann .! a Iil-ii we gi't hoiiR-.' It wn-jiirt Hiich a niglit a-i lliis." And tlio londiictor openod llie dour, aml phuigi'd iirro tlu; oouphng liito tlu' ne.t onr cryinj; out. I lardwiek." It m iinile a co:i-i'l rt.ble t:ity with a lmmUonio iron di'pol. llarinj; ca- lamp", and the usual cruwtl niotind thi- plal form, wilh it.-! Iinnd-i in il.- pockct, and iu figar enii llamin tlinmli the uinlit. Onr -ar was neariy the l.f-t ct' llie luaj: train, and but (ine pa;eiigcr ontered it a slendiT youn giil, wrupped in a jiray lilanket huwl, and weani. a ni'at little ravelliti'' hat of uray i-traw. tritamed with tonc colored velvct (lowers. She eeinod to hesitatu, like one unu-ed to iravellini, and liimlly dowu near the door. 'ranluii ine. vouiitr lady," si.'vl 1. but you liad bettor ooine nearer II tove." SUe t-tnrtml, hc.-itatcd an instant, and tlicn obcvet!. "Doe? tliis train 20 to H:tvswater he iisked in a voii-e dehoioiii-lv soft nd twect thal it seeuied to thrill throu Yi'S. Cau I be of any tervice ou ?" '0h, 110 at least mit unlil we reach I5:iv.'watcr. I vould Iiku a carnajte then. Wo Fhall not be there yet these three liou."' -'D11 we ftop aaain '" "Only at Exmoulh." yiie drew tt decp sigh, bwmingly ol reliel, aml settled baek m tliu corner. l'.v the light ot'the lamp thai Iiwn; in it brass lixture oppo-ite, I cotild ee her faee, and a little ro-y moulh like that ol lml iy. l)o you expect lnemU to meet you it lkiyMvater, iny ohild .'" I asked 111 cidentally. Xo, bir I am gomg to s-i'liool there. It will be an awkward hour ltir you lonntve by yourfcH' one 111 the iiiorn- Oh, I am not nfraid," mio -aid, witu 111 artle-s little laugh ; "l fchail g.i ;iaight to tlu- Seminary." So tho express train thundcred on. ivith steadv, eca-elcsa pulslng at its iron heart, and eonstant roar. Suddenly the sigual whistles souuded, he trnin Uan to slacken its specd. "Surelv we're not at Kxmouth vet,'" 1 tl ., lht, "unlesd 1 have fallen arleeii tnu ... iwed the progress ot time 10 es cape me. 1 glaiii-ed at m- wateh ; it was burely half pa-t t'leven, au 1 I knew wo were not due at Lxmo'ua until n lew niinutc after twelve. 1 riibbed the frot Irom the window c'ne and looked out. We had .-!i :-i-d at a loncly little way itation in tho tui Ut f den-e ptne wood "Is this Exmouth l" It was the fot't voiee of tlie pretty tntveller oipo?ite. 'No 1 don't know what place it is ; S'jine way station." "Does this train stop at yay stations?' "ever, uenerallv , they must nav ln-en esneciallv &it?nulled here. You are cold niv ehild vour voiee trembles.' "It is co'.d," aho gaid, in a searcely audil.le tnii. , di nwii.g her chawl anmnd her. "Uh, I ui-h ihey tvimid liurry 0:1 . "Wcare iuoiag onee inon-." I Miiil. '.Cjinltirtiir," lor tlie man of lirke a pu-iiig ihiiiugh the ear "wiiv tiid we Mop at thi- li.iekwood- plaee .'" ''Out ul" untiT," w,n the reily, a he liurnedlv p:t ed by. Xow 1 kiioiv pi-ik-etly ui-U ihat lliis aii-Hi-r wj,.-jut the real Milu'ion ul llie uiatler. Our di-lay had imt exrefi'ed half a luiniite. altnethfr too .-hort a tiuie for rrph'ifbdiing the boiler.- ; aud where 011 earih ta- the waier lo i-uino from iu llu.t iirfol.ilr .-tieteh of barivn pine wond-. Five miuute.-i aflertvards tlu coiuliictor re-eiitend the ear . I iitade rooiu i'or lli 111 at uiy riiii:. "Sit dowu eoiiiluctor yuu've iiothing to lo ju-t tiii- ininuti-. lle'oWj.-.!. hat di'i you nieaii by telling ine biieh a lii; jj-t nmv '." 1 !-pu!e under iny bieath ; he iL'plieil iu the .-ame loue : "About w .'' 'Abotil tlie rea-on you Mopped ju-t IIUH'." 1 le suiiled. 'To tell the truth 1 Mojiped tu lake 011 :t Miigle par-i-ngi'r a gentleuian who hu- eouie tlnwn fVuiu 15 irw:iter." "Ko" llie ple.lMire of tr:;eliing oliee inoie uiiT tlu- -ame rotilo .'" "Kvaetly mi Uu- the pleaMire ol'tiav elliii in ciTtain sy. Uju't b- alal ined im- your own sal'ety it".- a ile teetiie polieeiiian." 1 wa abimt to repeat the wor 1" in a--toni-iiinent, v.heii he inutinaj ! ine to leniv. "1 don't ktiow iiivecII yet. I K- doi-u't want a .-eetu- unlil tli. mnmeiito: arn t ; we are .-ate einmli until We ie.ieh L5i. tvaler." "Wlieie i- ho .'" 'l'he detective ? IleMt-by tlu- dour uiidcr ivitli a r.igged lur oai ptiiledover lii- eye.-. D11I you i-mt iv a iiinre pi-r-l.el f- eiui. 11 01 llie ili-l.ip.d.ui-d r.iiuili i -man " I i-itiiK-iI : I oul 1 hardly holji it. - A niuider a 111. tn and hi- wit'1 two childien. Iuiir ihroal- i-at i.-i-i nigh:. and the Imii:.- -et tiii' lo afiei ivan'.-." "Ciivat lle.iwu-: wliat a tii -ti-lir '." e liad tMtiliuiiiMl our 1 ir-a?'wn i.irouhoiit 111 .1 whi-pt-r. ?eari-fly almv.- ur IiiiMlls. an l nmv the ei.n !iu-t..r rn an l W.t iu.- 10 .-ttnh I'n- f.u-e.- ui my lel lutv pa-'M'iige!-. m illi cui ioil-drmid and lio.Tnr. .s i:u"h(. v. . "t:.'n;i- 1 vvi-hcl th-tii-t!-Wv iu iny mi'id, my t im-y -cltl. d 011 a en:!!-.-!". rro Iunl.i.ijj ui tii ojipn-ue, wiih .1 lin-hy bi:iid an! a ol" -haiv. y wonl, with tlie i-iillar mriitil up rnuud ear.-. I lelt i-oliviui-cd ihat tni-man. ilh the br.ilal eye-, an l lhe hea j h tn-'iii'' iaw-. w.t- the Cain ! an 1 a- 1 I 1....1 .... ,.. t 1 ;., 1 1 ... .:.!.. I "" o.ien blue kiIi- nl tlie fair little 1:11' Obexin.' the iil-tali::tlieuu- inipll'.e ot iiiv heait. I r.-j an 1 went ovt-r to licr. lnil ' w e wi-re --tl 111. Iiiv ehild .'" "Ve a lnurdcr i-h. how horrible '." "D.i not be l'li-ightcned no one -h.ill hr.n you ' he -miie.l up in uiy f.ue with weet I'oi lidint: iiinoeeiiiv. t)lUllVal 1-XiiinutIi w.t but briel : l.nt ilmii,.. th,. ,l..t:.v I e.mli! the ! watehl'ul deii-i-Iiie ehailged kii eat lo one tieaier lhe hruili-h inau iu lhe .-h:n;y overce::t Sv," .'.ill.-1-v.d ;he young giil '-lhe.- tney lofkid tho eard.iorat Hxniouth: .t'.v lliein now." She wa- rijiiil. l'lobahly they were f'eaiful le.-l the eriminal .-hoiild e.-cape," I riiuarked iu 1111 uiidi'rioiiC-. Willni! may 1 troubieyoii to bring me a gla-s of water .'" 1 r-e anl in.ide iny way totvards the iee cooler by the door, but with dif!'u-iil-(v. for lhe (rain wa- a'-ain iu raiiid inj- tion. To my ili-.ipiioinlm.'iit lhe tiu gob - let wa- ehaiii' d to lhe ?l elf. "No matter." t-he -.iid, witii a win nin miile. '-1 will eoine tuvsell." 1 diew the-watt r, and held up the eup : but in-tiad ot taking it a- .-he ap proached. .-he hru-l.od -uildeiily pa-l ine, opened the door, aml lu.-hed out upon the platfoi 11.. '-loi her ! stop her !" shouted the delt'tt'r.e. .-;iringing lo his fi'et. "Siie . ttill be kiih-ii .- eondue'.oi brakotiiaii ho!d up Theiewasa ru-h r iiiinuU .1 bu-tle. I was the lir-t unon the platl'orm, but it wa.- einply aml de-eried, rae by a half- frozen hiuking btakeman, who peemed hoiror Miiiken. Slie ueut pa-t like a .-hadow, iiud jumped oll' as we cro-od C'airu turnpike- ul." he lainim'rtd. "Jiimiird oll' lhe expre-.- train ! Well" ru'ul the conductor, .-lirugging hi- shoul ders, ".-lie lnu-t hae been killed in-t.tnt- What inad loily ." 'ItB lixe huu.lri-il dollats out of niy ket," saul the ileteeiiie, riiL-Iully. "I hiln't want a row bofore we got tn )u -water, but I was n cml'ounded I'ool. woiuaii eoriiiiid witi do ainlhing, 1 bciu ie . What '." I tjaculiited, "you purely do not meau tnat ehilil 'I ineiin." said the delcetivo caluily, that thal ehiid: as j-ou call her, Attila liiirtoi:, a m:trri.d woman of twenty-t-ix ears old, who hr-t night inurdered four pei-sons in oold blood, and was trying to e-iaiie to Cauada. That's what I meaii." Tiie train was etopiied anj a party of us, heai-ed by tho eiuductor an 1 delect lie, weut baek to M-.trch lor any trace of tlie lifauliiul oung creature, who-e lovehne-- and app.irent niiioeento had appeah.d to my .-Miipaluie.- m earnestl. Xor was il loiig iieloro we I'ound her, ly in (iuite ikai't bv tho traek. liightlully inmiuled by tho loive of tho fall, and inu- lilated almost bevonil locogiutioii . "Well. the'.- esotined iu-tice iu thi.- world. it not iu the next," said tho d tective, "loomily, as ho -itood looking down upon her reniains. 'Do you supp.iwJ oho expeelad to be ablo to spriug oll' thi- espress train witli out injury I asked. "Witliout mitr.'t injury ycs ; woinen are nnri':ion:llile erealure-'. 15nt I r.ev er dreanied of sucli iiifane folly, or I .-hould have takeu pronipt nieiu-urcs to pnvent it." Tboy lifled up the fair tlead thing, and earried it lo the ne.tre-t place of refu:e a lonely farmhou.e among the frozer, liilN, aud retiinn-d lo the train, roachiug l!ay-water only a few uiinute-i behind our regulnr time. Aml when in the next niorniu'-' p.i per 1 re.n! 1I10 afcoiint ol the murder, I tliuiiht of the .-leiidi'r creature't blue eyen and rosebnd luuuth, with a strange pilying thrill at my heart. lCjrtruordinaru Jijrtnriment of tt JSasftfnl iMVvr with I'ltincicttr. A few eveningi i-itii-o a young gcntle 111:111 niadc a piircha.-e of one of the.-e toll tali" niafhiiie.-i. and ivjiaii 1 to t'ne ni dence of a young lady to whoiu he wn- p.iying addrc.-?e?, witli the hope ihat I'lanclielte would reveal to hini wliat he had I'ailr-d, for -vant of courage, to ob laiu Irom hi-t.or dulciii Aflor ar living at the hnuse with tlie little joker. eoncealed. aml .-pending a 'ew iuuim r.i in the parlor in ordmary eomiiioiiplaeo tt'ith the jounjr lady, who had so dnuvn tipun liir- wann atU'i'lion-. he ni;iiinri'.I to iiitroduee l'laiiehe'.te, aml l:itnl that he '.ad one with him, and if the yoiing lady had 110 olijeelioii- they would ultile away a .-Imri time in te-ling ils poM'i'.-. Ae eoidiiijily ihey airaiied tlii'in-clves at the talile, and nftt-r -iend'ui'j - iine letuth of time iii -criju- eli'ort, tiity Miivced' d iu rei-eii iii' .-rtti-lied iiicir minds that l'hinehe'.te wa-t but too well ariliiailited wilh llie :iO"iil. ol thewuild and what li.- in the luttnv. Kmlinhleu ed by Mieee. , t! e lady propounded nn-ii-tally Miudry (pie-lion-, and proaipl an--wei- were relurned. The .-eipiel lo ihi interviexv tve giie to our re.ideiv, a" re htted tu 11- by :i lemale tiietul to wlnuu 11 lia-lieen eontidrd. giv ini; the ipie.-tion-and re.-poii-e- iu tlie ordor iu whirh thev oeeiiired. A.- it niatter ot cour-e. the iii'ininulHtor ln-in a young lnilv. her lir-i impiiry wa-, '-Sliall 1 eer inarry .'" Ye-."' promptl eaine tr.nn l'laiit'l'eltc. "Wheu !'' " l'wo yi ar-." " To ivhnm .'" "S If ."" 'ilii- uus entiit'h -atisl'at'toiy. .1- it inelude.l b.uh the 1 it'-, an.l a- tlie con-iiiiunation'n d ' VinilK tti.-tiid, a- lo the time. i.i.-!i .ipp v.jv i lo rie uiirea-onaiily .1. l.ned. !:ah we lo happy ;' "I'r ti. ily." N iw t'llloived a ipie-tion wlneii th.- nouii l.nly di-ired a taithlin lulitiii, a-it aj.pi .i.vd to her the 01.1 ol e.iilhly hli?. "Sh.ill we haie eluidleii .' '." "Ve.-." Girl- aud B'."' C'ei tainlv." llow inaiit .'" The au-tter t i tliii the young hu'iv wns aiixiou- lo iuite a.- iuueli de p.'iid.'d 011 the i'o.-ult. l'i.iui'helte w. diliura'.i.. 1 vin. m l; ii. : a-te. de.-.roii ol inakiiig 1.0 iui.-i:iNc ii. his frj;tire.-. witli ciin-ideraole ilUtieinib-i. -e-i-e-n-t, wneu ine young taity ' ' . . . " . , it ih ided 111 hiiln -b.- lhe (all. Wheth- er l'lanehetie inteiuled '.-eeiileeit'" or -een;y"" wa-not di teiin'uiel, and we pivi!iiie time. alone ean di-eover the en tiro Aitc AHi-ihi ( .ul. ) I.ilja: Ti:nii-.i.i.-uMi: C'iiii.iiin.N-. Wnen 7" r ii- l ol their nni-e. jut ttuiik lianne would liehiiu!il it eiiim- "hat l!u- lo a tolal 'llenee Xaluro m.ike? a pm-i-it(ii lor :-tivnt:tliciiin the eliiidreii".-lmig- by exereise. li.ibie? i-ai.not laugh -o as 10 gi-l niueh .'X.-rei-e in tliH way. but we neer ln-ar.l of oue that i-ould 11.1t ery. (Vying, -hoiiting. -en-.un'ui'j: are natiire's lung exerei-e, and il you dn not ivi-h fjr il in the parlor, pr.iy have a platt cijvoled to it, and ki not di'harthe gnls from it. tt-iih tho nolion that it i i.iipropcr ior thei'.i to laugh. jump, ery. M-reant and run raee- in the opeu air. After a wliile one gels 11-od to thi-juie-nile inu.-ie, and ean even write and think i.iore eoii'eeutively with it ihan wiihou! 1 it, provided it lo s not 11111 into ohiura- torv ioi iu-'. e ivim-niner a ooy iiiai ued lo go to m:Iioo1 past our slmly win ilmv. aud he generally made a toiitinu- otis -treaui of loaroil'to the Fchool-hou-o and baek ag.iin. We siippo-eil at lli ft ho had been t.early inunh'ie.l by gjme one, aml liad wa.-ted eon-idti.ible cun pa ion 011 the wrongs of infant ianj ivnce : b it. 011 impnting into the cifc. I'uuml him iu 11crfcotly eondition. The Iriuh was that .ho poor little lello-.v had 110 mirthfiih.i'V in his coinpo-itiou. therefuie eouldn't l.iugh and !-hout, an 1 -o n iture, in lu-r wi-o eoinpeii-alion, had givcii him more largely the lacully o! roaring. Ho se.-ined 10 thrive u;.on il, and wo believe is-till doing well. Laugh ing and hallooing. howerer, aie to be prcierred, un'ie-s a ehild thow.s dccided im-.ipacity fortho.-e exereis;s. Oureyo alight.-, ju-t now, upon the following touehing little f-crap, writlen by au F.nglish lahoier, wiiopo ehild had been killed by tho falling of a beain : 'Sweet lausbhiir ehild 1 the cottuiie door tjlauils Iree aml opeu uo ; 5ut, oh! its siuijhine gihls 110 more Tho gla-luess ol thy brow ! Thy niorry step hath passed away. Thy laaghing spjit is hoghetl i'or aye Thy molher by the Greside sils Aml lUiens for thy eall; Aud -lowly slowly as s!ie kniis. Her iiiet te.irs down fall; Her little hindsrinrj thinj U gone. And undi-turbed she may work on." Silcctal. A ( 1'i'ix. A certain man who is verv neli now, was very pooi whtu he was a boy, when asked how he r.ii his riehos. ho said : "My lather Tau-dit me novor to plav till tuy wor' iva.-Tfin'ished, and noer to ipeud ui tnoney uuiil I had e.irued it. If I hud but an hour's work in a d.ty, I mut do that tho lirit ihing, and in au hour. And after this 1 wa. allowed to play ; and then I could play with mueli more pleas- ure ihaa if I had tho thought of an uu-lini-'lied tttsk bofore my mind. 1 early fonnedlhe habit of doing everything in time, and it soon becamo e.isy to do so. It is to this I owe my prosperity." I-et ecry oue vho reads thia do likrrioe. Oriyisi of tia yonltj I'aj'en Tlu- lollowing i the hi-tory of th origin of the "Nii-by" paper.-. ItMeuv that duiiiig the eampaign for the re-e'uc 11011 o, .ur. Lincoln. ucn Alr. L.-eke iv:..- w;f (irawn up ior euculation a-krig'he legi;lature to banih all eolored per.-on-l'rom the .-tate. The wriler mij : "Thi- pelit'mn, for s-otnu time, the were po.-itivcly a-hainetl to eireuiate : hiu at lat a laekage wa- .-ent 10 one Levi ( 1. Klenner for di-tr;bution. At the mention ol this iiaine Xn-by pau-ed aud iudulged in ona of thoi-e iiit-U t'huekliiig liiugh of hi-. aml ivmarked What a Itseky thing i'.ir ine that Klenner wiw ever boru imo thi- world. I! there liad been 110 I'lemiir. ihere miglit have been 110 -Xtisby.' 'Who wa. this K.tuner .'" I a-ked. Ilc w;n a 'oonr white' trom Virgiuia. who eonie in to the ?late year- belore with hi- lather aud imither (neilher ol whom eould rrad or write,) aud hi- only oeciipation had been haii"iiii; around the har-rooui drink- 1 iiii whi-key and talkii.g pjhiie;. Xeilher ialher uor miii had ever hi'i n kmnvii to lo a -in'.e d.t'.- work in their livt, aml it eour-e tiiev were the Lfitat ilemoeratie oraele- of the plaee. For their laluable ohtieal .-en ico- they were let into the "ring" ot lhe oveiM'er.- f the town poor. iiid liad inanago to t-!eal emiiih ol the upplie- lurni-heil by the t.nvu to eke out 1 1111-erable evi-ienee. Sueh was Klen ner : aini wlien 1 -aw -ncii a creature eiri'iilatin micIi a pt'tiii.m .1 docimietit -o wliolly beiieath lhe tvai-h ol any iliu iiili.d or .-eiiouii.'i di-cii'.-ioii the idea ol'iiie tii-t Xa-by letlers eanie to ine. My 111:1111 idea wa- l i ridieuie thi? Klen ner. and it tn. k o well, wa- eopied mi 1 xl"ii-iv. Iy. an I -1 eti'eelively Mue!i:Iit!d iiiin and l.i.-, that I wa -.iti-lie.l I had t-triirk a rieh veiu aud niu-t w ork it out." "' Ibiw Tn Si.t.ri- in Cnuia 11. As-um-ing i a duly, let 11s eon-ider the nianner of p.'rli.rining it. I.iko all Chri tiati practice-. th -re phuiild Ii.' iimform ity in the inauui-r : First It 1- an iiiiprnpi-r nianner in p!-.o:ming thi.- duty lo nod. aud for t'n I :ain r'-astm ihat it atlraei- too much au I'iion. We are eeerv wh?re lauht to .1V0 d (Kteiita'ion- di-play in our wh"lt . :--!iip. 'ihe t'ha.i-ee- were eoud. . 1111 . : :nr pif 1 1 i-r at e.irner.- ol the ?:n el. 1 l-at they mi'jht I10 -von il men. Oa th. - n.i.-pi 'uiipal the nodding ..n-hip-pi-r i1- n akiag too publie a dij-phty o! hi 1 'Mtion-. S-eoml Xi r i-it prnner to snore iu tlu- pcrlormaneu o! tlu- duty partly for tie fore'Zi'in lea.-on- : but nninlv he e-.tu-e it t- a direet iiitraeti'iu of lhe gol 1- eii iuie. Sii1.11.1-e lor in-tani. I11.11 your neM iieijhbor i- it-!.-e;.. by jmir -loiins he will be iiiturbed, p ob.iblv nvakeued. 1 hi- i- doin unto oiher- .1- you would that they should do unto you. riiird lt i- wiot'g to i ijuie one'-j lie.tllh wliile oli'criii'j: wor-hip : and a'! to -hvp with the head thrown baek aud 111011U1 wi.leopen . Iiable to pro itn-e muv throat an.l iioaire-ne-. I5e-ide.-. tiier -nmetiines get into ihe inoulh 011 -ueh oecasi.jn-. aml by their iiijmioii-) cxplnration- l'nklo lhe delie.tle incuibrane- and i-au-e hornble -li rnulalioii- and e.nighin, wiueh ir- very injuriou- lo iieallh. l-'oiirih To i-lo.p with tl.e head re.-l-ing upon thoaiin- ofiue voihiiper and tlie face buricd in lhe eoat cull'-. is llie mo-t iiuproper way ..1 oiiirin tleep wor-hip. Fii.-t. bccau-e it i- injurinu I.) hcalth, and ma'iuly, bee.tu-e it i- a ilinet Mti'.ation of tho J-eripiure-', whieli euuiinaud- us to let our light mi -hine men mav jiroiit by ourex.inipte. In thi- eaJe it is inipo;.-ib!e to l.uow whether the Christian v.orjliipper 1- a-nep awake. lt i? :t po?ilie e.o of luk warnine-s neithor tne one thing nor tl olher. Sril.i. KllllM. tl.S TIIK I'l.llNH. Iu .igi'-liding il i- pceuliaily lioe that 1.- the hr.-l ni"iit that cois. lt 1.- niore intoierablo thali the lomhiiialloii of lhe sueeeediiiL; hali'-.inen. wert lhe iouniei prolougi-d lor a wvek, !ho bre.tking-iil k- learlul tiie pro.oiigatiou 1- heaiable I'he air aet- cold. tne grow dii-tv 1 ehoko-. or rougli .md alanii- you : the !eti- "et slill aud ntinib, tho temiiei Ige- , eMiybu ly is nieicome w iih sleep, but c.iu'l st.iy u.-leep iho strui:gle onteinliug nadiro iat-k- every uer e,tires eierv l'eehiiii : ceribody flo.iudeis nml nnik- abotit again-t t-ierjbody cl-o ii helpleso derpair: perhap- the bigge-l 111:111 111 me -i.iue wui ivaliy "ol a-ieep hich doing ho iiivohinlarily and witl ure?i-lablo niomentuin Mire.uln liun-:II, h-g-, buot-, arms aud head. 01 er tlu whole in-ide of Ihe eo.teh ; tho girl .11!.. the pi'nl.nie Milue l.i.l uanl-a smeiliiiir bottle cl her baj; aml bag i- Miinoivhero ou the lloor, nohody kinw.- h in'ie.but linind 11 itnir-t be; every '..odv'- iaek hair comea tlowii, aud what is natiue aud what i- art iu eo.-tumo aud haraeier 1- r.-veaied, and then, harde.-t Irial ot aii, lnni'iiing bieak upon lue -cene aud the leeliag overyhodv tlirly grimy, fa'iiil, "all to pieee-," cro" stich a lii-eiiehaiuin exhibition ! The "irl ihat Is loelv llien, the man who is ga'l lant tiiid bereiit let thciii bo catalogued lor nojterity, iind tran-h .-d at onee heaven cannot sparo mhIi ornament aml tlit-v are two a"rav.itiii:i for e.irth Mr. h.irla. tS- Wuy do 1101 lhe clergy w'uo have -o e..rmstly iiroached again-t tho lilaek Crook take the Grtcian bund iu haml . i noiiced that ery mniiy voung ladies who weiv not ailing when lln-y caine lo ihe Spring", thowed -ymptoins of the liieeian soou atier their arnal, aml so euivd it ehronieally bel'oie leaving. It surely was pul on ; I cannot beliovo 'tis the natural elleet ot tho water.-. lo toll ihe truth l'vo tometime- felt that way mysel'', but 1 generally took pepperiiiinl for it ar.d got some 0110 to rub mj- stom aeh with wann red ll.innel. H i- deli nitely settled that the Girl of the I'eriod muit distres her colon with the Grecian? Will tho eoming woiuan, (us well as the Ooi'ig on), weara paniinr ' Can nothing be dono lortbeu ? Johu J'uul. fjxxm, (Oanlcn antl itcltcn. Farmiuy In Vrvuiont. -Mr. Z. K. Jauic-oii of Irasbiirg, Vt., Seeretarv of the Orleans Couutry A i-ultural Sociely, read an e-say ut the State Fair, on Vermont Kaniiing, from whieh we make the following extrael : I i.-.-ueil a eiiftilar iu the fall of lS(i", tobelilled b the Sehool Distriets Clerki", de.-igmd to exl-.ilut a eoireet aecount ol the prodii' lb 01 ihe m vi ial larni.s in their iv-peeCivedi-tKe!-. b.i e.l 0:1 :lu; eslimate. or po-itive 'idgu if lhe fariner. them-eU!:. K-ports were reeeived of 71S furin, in thirleen town?, but im toivn was eutirely rrported. Ou eaeh ol th l'arni there was an average of aeies ot .,iflure. 'J'- inowing, am! -ix aore- of htnd in jrain and hoed erup inaking '.II.1, aere- of eleared land. Tlie value ot all the nro- luet.-01' thr-e fariiis aveiai;ed SIl.UO beiug Slo.i.i tn thu acre. . -nle.- ivlueii the-e larui- averaged a Migar 01- , chard of 'J 1 1 treef, ielding -l'ni poim.l- j ol ugar eaeh. j I5ut as the greater p:-rt of the.-2 pro- I duetioi!- niu-t be eo .-liuieii upon tlie larin. only a sinall portion coul.t De ex- I eiianged inoney. I lie wool, the but- ; ler. a lew oai- I'uu potaiti.-? tuat we uiav tiippu-e could be ppaivd. niay hrin.r in a ca-li ineome of -oine to.'io, 011 eaeh lant. . w hieh iii'i-t pay the laxe-, the groeer elotln- the f.unili , .prm ide nett aml re p.tir old f.inuing tool ol all de.-eriptiu-. ui- cuu.iii, ini.ii.i"ii, .11.11 intii will be but a Mtiall miiii remain'm- to 1 iine-i iu govenmient bjnds or Ior .-endiiiL' ihe ;tm? to college. I." thi; iver.ige oi Or'n-an- (O.intv lt-s then tl he aierae j ine.nne ofoiher eoun'.i. ine si.-i.e . j 1 will not it i;. C'. riaiu'v, then, it theie were nj hop ol n.-ii.g abovc ! the ave::ige, t.iiiuuig mu-t bj cuu-idered an unprolitabio voeatioii. ltui from my own door I ean look 011 two larin- that i vielil an averaao ine.iineol "U". Iiesul i:iyinS liiroil lili !in.l f.iimlj- 1-Jinin.ft, and ihat wiihoui eoiniiing tiie lora farms there were I On Olld ot the rai-ed T.'i lni-hol- wheal.JOO bu-hei- oat.-. ,ut" mi-..ei- pot.iioo-, 1..11. uuMiei- corn. ou tous huy. a ton ot hutler. a ton ot ' chet-e, U.00 poiiud.-01 pork, liveweight, 1 he.-i.hs slKep. lottlf. e.tlvo-. On tlu- , larm w e'O latteu.-d ollO turkie? toi maiKet that 10.ded a j;ood piohl. ii.ier l.irui o! 1! ame -ize ..-un ''r1 :ltlv yi.ele.l .l biishsU tt-hcat, 100 bu-hei- oats. ,o'.i bulit-K potatoe-. 1UU bu-hei-eorn, ,., ton- ot ' bay: M eow-y.elde.l ".IMIO poinid- ot but- ler and oilOU oi ehee-e, JlllO pi iiud-, lit- wt-i'Jiht. oi pom were tat- tene.l. jOii iound-ol -!i;ar were made, '!'. bu-hei- of ber.u- r.ii-ed. a-i.le Irom iii.iii-. ..lner ili in.- o. 15 ith o the-e hai.l-work'.iig l.inn.-r? are inere.ts ing tluir ie?pei-tive iiuvmic- anl adding 10 tlu- weatth of tho Stato l.y the boun ti' it produetion- ot their farm-. Noiv -0111. mav ean the averaae em.-iiu smatl w uere Mieh lann-jt'xist .' when I turii my eye- Irom tlu-e tann- to tho we.-t, 1 mv ou lhe side il ihe mniintain. auother I'.irin. with a hou-e and a lo baru : tho ae .-lick- 111 the lot: where tu. woo l w.i- cut to -ipie.-tU and n'oi.- :n ,.i. 1 lli.- kitchen ur. 1 lie u.viiii- reu.arf.i d t 1 in. t!i:;: , .. , ., he coiilil now .ut about lille'tt ti.u- iid.i't know but he had better 111b md i-eru'o and set out a few atiplo tree-. lt ha- been liard work tor that farm.-r to liie: aud thero are uritiv liko him in K-se. t '.dedniii.i. I.nnoiih'. an.l Frank lin e.ounties. and urob.iblv all over t'u tato. Tla-M' fmall Iarm- ol'rough ia-.-l nonrly tille-1. cut dowii the averagi proiliieiion, but -orve a valuahle purp.i-e helpini; to make up sohooi UistncK md tsiMiig varieiv to the neighborliood. Tnere are in Vermont 111 -ny acre.- clo-ired, aml many faruw oceupied lo day. that .-hould lne had the grand old forre.-t- ill wav'mg over them. On sueh laml'wi-t. whero ho cotild douh'.o his monei j men wear away their iives witli s u.tll reward. Tho -oil is pei er.-f and oh-li- nate. iu il.- wet, -to-y or pieeipiiou- hardiu . Ma.-ler and uii-lres- sl' iiv, iu iheir ruiged. eare-tt-nrn feature-. angu'.ar worn K-ature-. angular d h iud-. lhe evidoiiee.- forin- .t.i.l ealloii-'d h iud-. iho evulonee.- ofcon-lant imlustiy and econoniy. . At the saine time. there are other acre vet tiucloared and untilled, that would bouii- tifullv reward bsslowod. Ilaving con-idered the faruis. wo now lurn to the larining. W hilo lhe farms ttere being eleared, the crop- Iho th "ear.- draw nigh when they shall I li:ltc nmt-clliiig tho ineane bu-ino-- that m-.vly biirued land were geiieially sati -ay they have 110 plea-ure in them, and j .inv ,., g:,jru u What is ineau-fa.-tory, and as they weie coiisuiued by do-ire shail fail and lhe grasshoppor be a ' r What doesiui re harin .' What the cattle, winter atter wmter, piles of burden : l m:lkt-s so many people aud families 1111,- manui-e aocumulated about the barn-. in refornug to a i'ow brauches of agri- ,.raule ; 'ill any rum-eller answer the.-j Afier tho stumps were potled, and tho euliur.; adapied to tho aged, my purposo j ,,ueiion- .' Our i-oluiim- aro open. plow di-turbed tho soil lor tlm first time ' is le. to advi-e others, than to m.ip out 1 .spCak il you dare. Write if you can, -hipe .re.-itio!i. th-rons were -till -aii 1 .1 10,1. 1 Ihat in due time I mu-t iravel ,lc;L.,I your bu'ines--. We aro rur- factory. Yet continued cropping soon ' my.elt. j lullS t0 l.ll0VV wbat kind of a plea you les.-ened tho yield, and the aiciimulated Wheie the preparatory work for an 1 )u. j,., to ,ieleml a biisiness that luanures were gladly apnlied. Still, a- ;u chard was made in middlo life, lruit ujs j.,;). au,j pritou,j .-eiils tho young the ilotv made its way irom one lield to ' raising i.- 11 cougenial employiiieiit for tho .in,j 0,i ;nto tlu gttcr, bedew.- theoartli auother, more wa- takt.i from the soil ! ngod. With tlu ir expeiii'iico oyeryjkind j wjiU (,. ilr.-, an,l lills the untiinoly grave iiiau was rotuiiied to it, aud then .1 ol lruit can be made m pay, il the Vest thous.:itnIi. ttMtiid mlqiniileiU. diuiinution ot erops wa-Iho retini. Imt varielie- are olio-cn auu .11111 care given not sulik . Mitly porceplibie to ocea-ioii i.- esseiitiul to siicee.-s. l"ho markets alarin. Generally one portion of lhe 1 .re n. ver ovorstocked with lln-.-e healthy farm was put into pennatient pa-tuie, j j.roduetioti- of tne soil. Frem, diied or auother inlo periiiaueut lield, and the I caniiod, it is ahvi.y-in ili'iiiaiid,and a new plow run htre and there, as choice or -eedhng of raro merit is somelimts a uece.-sity dictate.l. For a time a .-eanty fortuno in itself. ilressing of inaiiur.! gavo a lair crop of 15ee keeping i- so neariy alhed to lann irain, but evontually the gra.-s seed fail- ing that il i an ea-y change ieu lor tho ed 10 i-atcli, aud if the tnvner has grown old lo adopt this. On 7 IS farms in Or- old 011 the plaee, and ha-reared a lainily of chil lreii that have le.'t, you seu a run down l.irui and .1 lioine tor .-aie. There are uiauv l.irui- in this eondition and now all depouds upon skill. Ilence I'orth it becoines a atraight light ol skill .-ij,aiti.-t -terrility. I'ndor the.-o circum-tances, it may not 00 ami for tl- to study the operations of fanners in other lialious, that have accoinpli-hed what we iniist now under take. In Kiigland, agriculture is not only self-sustaiiiing, but coiistautly im proving : barreu beaiii-.10 J downs are, by tlie assistanee oi' l-u-mju aad sheep, of drainago ainl ih.iiouuh c.illivatio.i, nmde fertilc estates. A nystem so .satis factorv in its rosults thore. muit be worlh of our attontion. Aiuereglaneo lati.uglihfariiiiu;;Suggestdai.cedr,of chango of Mintimcnt anionig us in regard ! bring in tin iueome etpjal to .lOOO at to pernianetit oceunation of fanns. Thi-1 intercst. iuust be one of the lirst steps toward-1 A horye is usually kept for tho wi of iinpi'ovemcut. For mi'ie.s 011 some roaiN old people. May not thu aninial be a in this ttate, every farm has its priee, I niare of iucb tnerit that the colt that an and not a letv change otviierfhip ns often j nually siort.s at her pide tliall cominand a- onee in lio ycar. Now, with sueh 1 a prica eijual to the iiterent of unotlier feeling-, periiiaiient and thorough ini- .1000. provenienls are tcldom undertaken, or il'j Then the few acres reserved from thu i-oinincneed, are not earried to fiual and 1 large farm inight a- well graze a few -in'ei-ssful re-ults. sheep to kcep up tho mpply of wann Whcn we eoufidir our farinsas hoinCb I llannels and the inost nutrious nieat. I.ot we dcsire to tran-mit to our chil- j them be the benutiful, tr'un South IXnvn-i, divn unineiiinbered by niorlgage, by which never disappoint their otvner, ei wecd", or ,-terrility, then hall we begin 1 ther in wool or meat ; or the enorinoiH lo think oi', and to praelice a self bus- l Cotswolds, which under un old fanner's taing sj-liin of larining ; a f-y-tetn in i-kilful feeding, s-hould eaeh bicome si which the rai-iug of riiot. aud lhe I'at- j excelient 11s to all'ord better returns thau ieuing of cattle iiiu-t l.eeome niore pruii- iJoOO at intercst. nent, and the farmcr : more tliorough Many purtions of tlie work in dairy bu-inc&s man. 1 le mi;?t uinlcr.-tand ihe furiiiiiig ou a large ;eale ean be conduet-eapabilitie.- oi'hi- land and with judgmeiit j ed by farnuTS who could liardly endiire di-tribute hi.-. labor and erops upon it. constanl. out-door work. The care of Ile iiuist tmly the in.irkets, aud ileclde ,,.. t huv and when t.i sell : when lo i.:ri. 1...... , keen. and when to di-..lim-..e 'I-he ea-on-, too, murt be regard- 111 fiiwin and harverting. i:i reariug rotl,r aninial.- or in t.tttening the old. 1 -..,. uf ivsi,l,-iu-i' i'ipii. i. nno , ,,f ,, tuwar.l iieriuaiifrit im- proVl IMl.nt ;ui ,;, (:irMm lSnt -o I. a-Ihe ini.Id e :iged llock 111(0 tlu-1 from tlns pui--uit. I Iis steadfa-t enlhu-viilage-i. wiiere they may pre-ide at ju?- -i.i.-m and devotiou e-inoble.s the ealliug, tii-d's eourt.-5, aet ajiiiois, .-havo note j aud eau?es yoiing men of talent to jniu tor youuii l.iriuei-s, sell 1'upior a- totvn I in the ranks of the tillcr.- of the soil. Hs a-'ent-, eollei-t taxes and M-re writs-, at j -tnnds at his post, and with eolors still I ju-t the ae when experienees qualific- hi'ut to be the mu-t Miere-stul, 1 it 1101 1I1).vi,:llt. t. vo'kil' uioii, proverbi-' .lM.. i.,.i 1 .i:.:.v t, ,.,n, ,i:r.. I ;(, :uu watch for a cliaucu for work s,0,l5 or fm-iorie.-, or for -ituations in ,,olvs ;lml o!i;L.L... !,, of tho vc'ii- er.ibl.. .h'.it,. "n!.! llli-ll for mnniil voiI1 lm.n lor w mll.t be rec0gn;ze,1 , -0011 Vermont larining wid do iu-tice to 'ou (-.,rm 1 Vermont f.irins and her farin-"-hall b-i Th(J wilum an,i experience of the'found wurtl.v of the mot intelligent j-.,,,,. sholl!l, j, anij Jre(.. the amlji. j , . .,..,..,! !r...,..ll, r.C llw. in - tl... cln.p.i .1()nu(1 e lfllr, j 1 that "a vounii m-tii pro-p.-rs becatiso hi.-, di.-d and htt him ; opertv : but : -, ,.,,, 1 r,i,..r 1.. .,! ...1,0 nn. 1 inr- b-cutife the lather livts to ilireci I , , ... coun, .1 .ir ui . Lo ; .l 1 .: rn wh! 1 tl ie : ,K.cersarv lo Micce-s in hi- chosen , v0C.ltio.,." Fatlier.--tnd son-.-hould be miu:lv b'.esMiii;- to eaeh other. Our i 1-., "..,,,!., ,..,. i,,.,.r.,o ;n.T., tr: ou-. woriav c.tizeiir. iiut to non-cnn oui u 1 .1.,.,. .. ,., ,i,.... ,..1 ...,. upon it, w ho lu.vo taxed them.-elves ;o 1.,nj ilni 1o .,; ;t, institutions. i , tJ ,lel-eil,i it, lK1.lor The liUl bo kl..,. Vtfrmo.Jt, for m far.. the !and. t, lna-onln,-IU a p-.-y. wttre nc ui tcuu.aiM, md mco i.cjr. llnw. then, fhall the youut: men be kept upon thr; iarm.- .' Iu Ilio fir.-t plaie tne out men 11111-1 be rali-!n,t witli iarm- . ing. and reuiau. upo.. the tarm- ihem- ;olis. ihe idfa i,i;.t tne diMippomt- and lailuros, iueident to this call- j ;uv more .-enou, aad di-heartcnmL' ihan in other occupation- nuirt be reetod by a better kuowledge 01' tho di ' appoinltiient- and lailurt-r" o! otliers. . ' li'theaoni- ihu- trained 1111 iu t'ue . wav ho sl.ould 1:0, then tru-t him, aml behne the deelartioa of the t-age. "that ho will not dopail Irom it." Tram him 1 and dig. Dou't be too einserat'ne about :he piucha-c ol labor--a ing machiiieiy . 1 ,1 . ? ii-tneinher that 011 yunrselt were onee asjoii would have been treated when youiii:. 1 Then we shcuid g.tther togethar the f'.icts which justil'y a biighl-?ido ermoiit tarmms. Do not stati-lics ., - . . . , proto tnat our fiiaiu yient- uiore pei acre, and hear- a higher prico Ihan at tho west. What wo buy i- cl-istper, and 1 real estate is advancing a- well as iu 1 other scctioii". As an iiislanco 111 pouit, 1 I I may alludo to a youni; inan who weut . from coiiuty to the west, oblain- ed a tanu under tho houiOflead liw, and wrolo baek urging 1ns brother lo oome 1 1 iu lour year . inouioiner lesponuou. 1 ' -'1 imii do as well as that b.-re. T1.11 1 year.-ago I was worlh 5-nOit, now 1 am ' north ?3u0il, all made fiom the crop - I ,-.nd froin tho ri-e in ptiee ot an ordmary samly farm. Then our chtirclie-, i-ehools, loads, inarkets and neighbors mako Veriuout a .!8.-irablo place lor a faimer's horae. 11 uie young nien lemaiu, aau tne i.ui- jof ihe estato i- devoted upon them, Innv -hall the old iiieu biisv thein.-elies wlulo! I leaus coiinty, there aro kept oniy 011 wariiis ol bees. let their proilucts are 111 din.ind at full price-, the capital reiiuired is sni.ill, and whero in lelligont care is bestowed, the proiit.- aie large. ,1. D. Gonjrieh "f lvi-l Hanl ivick, has this year taken a mn of choice i.ox ht.n y from sixty warms of bees, a-1 l.tlio expense exeepi ivm. mjj m- i'i"i ou- liarebt A ihotisand I'armer niiglit p.ts- tl.oir I'eelining year- in ihis employ- trick after ho had lost the power of en meiii. jjoy'3 ''i 'or ho left four large caudles l'he liii.-ing of blood stoek i- auodicr tJ be earried at his i', whieh bi-.uich of larining which is well ailapted .,ol buruing lil'teon luinulos bo.'i ri 10 engag" and reward the old farmer 1 wunt 0(Vas liretvorko. who ha5 had tho nece-sary previous 11 linin" for this pursuit. Almost tlie The rcign ol high h-eled boots b;u beon ta-t animal rclinduishetl is tho cow. Ict j I tnis l.ivoritc 0110 bo of some excelh nt a.brood, that hlmll by Uer auuual calf, checae, the inaking and storing of butter ihat hrin in an incoine of c?o or per lay, inakus a 111:111 i-.t tho liouse and foreaian upon the farm nlmo-t c noee-i-tv. Thus by adopting any or cither of the-u lir:ini h..s of 0111- fdori.nn rallin the old 111 idler mau nevet- be.-jmes a ilmne or ur n ftuinuling block to liirn otliers away llj lng, bears doivn to lliat port where ha eaMs anchor 111 ealui, peaeetul w.tter.-, he heais a voiee .-aying, '-Well .lone: ii.,,.. I,.,.i !.,. ritlifnl ravivi C,.,t- il.i.i, I tvill inako thee ruler over many thins-.'" Wiih tho ptrenglh of the vouth and the wi-dom of the old combined, our lirosiierilv his Olllv nml Wi:'i.i. am. mkct a.iun in nn. MiUimm;. Sueh wa.- tho exclamation i a dvnii: cii'ld, a.- tho rcd nns of tlu -un-ei Mr.'-amed thi-im.di il... T..M...ln....t "Good-by, papa. good-hv ! Mainma ha.-, eoine for mo to-ni-'ht. Don't erv. paj.a l iKlimat njMmiii morniiifj " lt was if au angel had spoken to that t.ither, and his heart grow 1'iLditer uiider l.ur.I..,i - f..-;i,.r .........1 1,.... tnai. 111s little one nau gone to liim who ...;. . .fV..r Knl.. ..l.ll.ln... .. 10 me, I'.ir uf tucii is the kingdom of heaen." There is t-ouiething cheeifiil to all who are in trouble iu tlis : ''We'U all nieit igaiu in the inoruing." It rou-es up tho fainiing poul like a trumpot bhtst, an 1 ilighlei.- :iwy foren-r 'llni dark sh.ipr throiiL'ing the aveiuie- of the outer life. L-oml.- mav gather upon our path, dis apuoiutiuents -ather around us like au .liv wltIl !Mtnicrr . but all this cannot de-trov ihe hoiie w'uhiu 11- il" w- lrii.- 1 in"ottl our . ..Au win k.. lit in the inornin-j:." W ion wero lo dio to-night, ttould it 'ie well with yeu in the inoruing ? 'i'ti7 llutjier. ( )xu Sr.iuiu.v. The First Clnircli, llirtford, Ct.. have been trying the plan . . r ,1 ,- t ti , . ,, - ,. ' . , .11, ' tT.mid, is mi xphcil a to be worth he. 1- 1 TT . . Tho "one scrmou" rulo was adoiti-d uere a- a conces-ion. mainly, tomy state of heallh. Ileare t!;is eliurch i not tho mo-t ft'vnrablo 0110 in which to innkctb' hesl inal of the new -ystoni. Slill lhe 1 . cha so niueh liked. that I doubt now whethiT the old plan could be re resumcl under uuy pastor. My imjtrr -iim is doeidcdly that with a lic churth 110 plan of S.ibbnth mtvico that can b idojited will mi sub-ervo thu bett iutere.-t jf both pa-tor and people, and t-how .- niueh .-piritual f'ruit at the's end. a 1 -ennnu in tlie l'orenoon, S.tobath i-h. A or Kiblt! s.ivieo iu lhe aftenioon. an 1 i-onference tneetii.g in the eyeiuii. Tiik Koaii 11) Kl in. Thi? road run- ; tlnough iiullaml.erooked throu-h . I,it al! arouad h'utland and all over jutand. It runs up -tairs and down -tairs. It runs to the cellar aml L'.iiret. . u rmis to ,le .j, fc,ro!, h? :ulll tlie sIj , ..u-.board in thu big hotel. lt runs to OVL,r ; ,nis i,,, tlwll. Cail ..-, ,,., ,t , e to block 1111 soiue ot j t bro.ul road- ! The.-e periln iu- rad-. ri,,..e r. u,is i rl,i ; t iiidiscruni- 11 1 111: C 11:11. A wilness iu court vh'i had becu caulious to givc a preei.-e inswi r tn every tpiestion, and not to talk ibout what he inight think tho tmestiou meaiit, was interrogated as l'ollows : "You drhu a wagon .'" "Xo, sir, I do not ." "Why. iii.-tu, did you not tell my Iearn c.l friend .-o this uioinent i" Xo, sir. I did not." "Xou , eir, 1 put it to you 011 your o ith. Dj you not drive a wagon V "So, t-ir." 'What is your oociipatiou, ;heu .'" "I drive a horse. sir." A French uuditor of aixouuts in 'h' evonteentli ccntury was :i troat iir.-tcii- . joker all his life, and even nlayod a ' short ; tinhioii has utterly discarded tlieiu. and it is the only t-i usiblo thiug fasmou , has doue for a loug time.