Newspaper Page Text
iCAl kUllli. . i un.iiii:! UY. - u -w m:i - v wruit. .1 :. I. . I' .-.l ,-1 : i ciail r, .iu. ,i ,i i, . n-r.v vi:. n:. i -.' -::y. I ,i....ur- .iua if, , mi:iiv. . : i.i.w lhl.lN n i i AMI'IIEI.I., i i ru:r.iv.H'. i, , i:y. .ir.. 1 ,1 ..-E. 1 ii julieot '.'.I n :. .1 au imi m jol of l"riuliii in r.: ii- - State v.-ill i! !- llii- aiMctl .! - i'.lillll.t'Ut. ..ii.-.ii il a "hoe tmtu iiiiiijiiot nt .May livijlit niV iu ia . lonii . i :::i't rvitairitl l-'ri i i.v) i-veii- .1 (l"Uia!iii lnr !. " -ii iit'lliciil at i .M:!Ui -irut-i. . i .-in p.irlniT in . .;.. V. G. Sn-o- ' . ...r iira r a (kizcn ! lOt Ot Wtli'n. ..i-i wc - .1 l.l ... I M-.-ul - ili. lii i:i -:rect.-n.'-.i h - l.n-t l' -ci.iri-ftil . :'.V 0 lo Ii'.' I)L- . ..l .'.n-r ilii- .' ' ' - '. :l;.r Hilll "i i .i ; i Irotn ' - III lli- . ' I IHUV i'i f i .ii. '.' ;n- . i'i . i - jr- - . I'.a i.iil.-, lnut- - I. i - '; .. iirin;r - .... Af-a.u aiy v.i-r-i "n ivsi. TIk- -x- .li.iiil. :.iik' tu K'Hi'll itiL'iorScil vx.'l'- ii t larc audiei.ti' i". . Fuller ro- U :i'i adiiiiiiiiccim'n1 .... i: -V. K. c. cuiii- . -;.i:i.i-.a a- pa t'r i . Ii.- plai'f al liit ' ii . i c.iin. Au illi il I.) lake at- , cilin.'-day iipxi. . . I'lie cliiiivln.'- ' Miar. . toi'llier !. i i: M-. itpfli'r. - .lUlil- i ! '. l. I M ....!. u v.i'.. .i .-"11' i'rt. ... . ii.-. , !., tllf :. l. I'.-o. :".-. ..I st. I' .ii-- .lnbik'i'" I ' llll.' Ot tilf I. !.'ri' haxv 1 .l t'-'Slill . . i.i t'uuiiiiz oiic i ,;.!y. A rum's u , i. - : "Ou Mon . Daim ot l.'yc- iiidiii ncur hi.- il -. Tlii- 'njjnr iiluu lolii.vvin '. ;. . woyii'd tfii il.i-': A'-.oni-i .liipie of thf ..a- a hr.:iU-ouio i.iiiOf 11'' 4tp- ,i . are loii'cr I h! Illlllllll 1)1 ' Iliaii tiHiifci'ii .i:i-i !. a- liu; lol- - :.4:: m:is 7.10 7.11 7.I-J 7.: 7.1 ! 7.1.". 7.1U 1.11 4.:f.i 1 .::t; .1. r.otoii .lolinial. nn . peak- ihu ' -ii,.. nnteniiont l"i' 1 lili-'U I. iu I'oiwni!- 1 -it (ri'shet: "I ' .11 uhfii thc 111:1 ii '.1il10.11! was-top-11' "h water. Mr. A. .. . i- Miperiiiii'iiiiuiil. n .ii' 1 ear aiid wiiii ...i ilie tiai'k. whii'Ii !. uatt r. iiutil tite ! k iinpi--ilif to . 1 -. .1 uiaii l.-.ix ..- -ii.j.1 :.xli;iif stune ...! .itcr a weary . ' ia-sed the tloixl- i i!ie niails where . 1 l tiaiu." 'n.iit fi.inpleled for - r .iiiiiniprof a iilock 1 :hf eat .-'nletif Mai.i 11 1 ttcru avnme t 1 aml (K'l-upied 1 ' i-iilcr. The entire . .Ul !,e aiiout 15! fect. 1 he tlirce .-tories. 11.1I laa- fn.iit ti:: lirst 1.1 ixi-rv wiiy a Miliitan 1 -irufluie. It i to he ( ' V LKI H X 1 AX. iix ";"" '' coli.iijrivi,w '-" ""u ieei. AMD STATE ITEMS. , ' ''' 'nilt ..y :, jm, IOok . , , i.-ii.m. m n ''"l-aiiv. as at i-! propoed. the ,everal ,,)u .,, Ie:l,Hn fronl Xewport to eet,o,,.,,etnken aud l.uil.hvindmilual-. We: Derl.v Sat...d:. v ,.i..lit a, ,1 was . ., ilr- al.Mi.M.i:.... ,...-t ol 1,, III ...,.- !heirov,n -e- I drow-ned. ile wns abmit liftv yeurs f VVX 'mii'n. Cah.h.,.,,,,, wdl neeup.v Ihe Ii ee.n-, the l.ri.lMo is left in a care- , .".'u.'r- I"..m....t..l t,e li.-t -eci.,,. I.owaid's 1 10-:--ta.e. I "art of the planks have been leiieuv aim ooiiKMcne the .-.oeoiitl oction. the l'o-l-oliice the third. the Fir-t X:itioi':il ltanl. tho lourth. Iihi"hani"-t!i u:r -lore I . liflh.nnd Cor-et--. Iothiii'.r.-toreand llall'- ! .-,, ,.,, ... n.rni.nrero.ii -Kth. There uill .,,,()f ! " '"''"i-udent k,v, : -One alarrre :.,,,. o, rooui ., ihe ,ee. uXd nX, 1 I181"1 OVer ur ,.i ii...... r. .,:.... .. ,i, im.nliiil ilollai-s m Ime, tlie past vear for ...,. ,.,; , .... uill lie not fai Irom .3.1.1.OOO. It will ailii iniirli tu lln- heauly "ui' our villa-'f. I will al-i iiiiii'Ii iiueiled l)iiiiic la- L'ilitiv. Tiic aruhilcri N Mr. Oo. Koik-k. .Il. (il'.'i-J IViiilx-itou lio-toii. (lor- nierly t llii- ilai-t-). and hKiIan lnrtliK iilnt-k aie :ilinii eil liv all 1id liavt- t-ii iln-in. Tho t:u i ili-u M ;. -p. , .,,!.,. and Siirm '"":m- t ' iiavi- coiilraclc: l Imihl tlic L'niiic lilock. i -sillick.iit Kiiaiantv .l tlii'tli ii.-l. ;,. .. ... - unl lif i ouu. Thf wnrk nl i'li.:irm tl.f I ... ,. ... " roiind ha- alifady Iicijuii. 'riiurc ai livc iu- .ix I ti 1 1 1 Ii nir- t lif icinovud. somt i)f Ihfiii larf ami liuavy. It thf ("ttl! niitn di.f- imt appfar withdiif piiiaiptiu .iinl ii.-ual variety. fur the nt'M li.uv weeks. our ifailcr -:m miIvo the c:iiiu. .Yivr HiiiiHnis. Froui pio.ifiit iinlifatioiio thiuk li'iihl-itif-upctiitiiiii" will l"if pivt.'il n-xiyor-oitsly iu our villaue tlif prfeu; oa-iou a Isi-t. Iu atldiliiiu m thu in.jfciL'.l cntur-pii-i; oa Jl.iuiiuifiit Sijuaiv. uotiff ot" uli.fU i uiau'f olif hf iv. aml liif huihlhm' afthity ou Kaiiroad -ti.-ct. iic rvltitiiri lii.'tst;. iu.'il. Mcsr. :. ,V I'airhauks .v Co. aie iiultiu up a new earpf ntf r's !iui at tliL'ir M-alf woik-. ol' slouble tho -ii- ol thf old otic. aud have iu oni.'iuplaliou thf uiftiou ot a new eu'iiif hou-c. .Mr. riiad(Ifii 1'aiiliaiikv i al-o to Iniild ilie prc -eiit Miuuue r livu iniiiv dwe llinjr Inuie at tlif outh V.ui. Ou thf wluiie weilo not M'e why our placf is not in a .-ta'.e of hf.-ilthv "rowtli. Col. '.Vni. O. ('iiininin'i ot' Veiinont t'avalry lauif. lia heen appoinled hy Cen. Staim.tiil. lieputy colleetor of cu-loni-i al Nlaml I'oud. and will enter upon the du tif ol liN otliff iniuietiialuly. Ail. ( iiiu nuu, will lie ii'iueuihi'Ved !y the "I'.-ni. iu Illue." the ieeond lieaiL'iiaut ol l oni ;.a'ij I). wlit-nthe reirinifn: wcn! to tlie a::i aud tlie la-t rK'iui'uant-eol. ol' th ie litit'iit : havini; won hK iiidinolion-iu aelie -erviee. taud liy liouoi-ihli' -ea: ; IV..II1 Mt. .J'lfk-tm to thf Aj.poinattox. For liic ht-i six m..u!n-' In- !ui o'-eiiuied , !lic ji-'nioi. ot pii-tal eleik on the 'ar ln tueeii N. Al!ian-and HoMon. Majnr .lo-iah tinuit. wIhkc timio i aIo !Hri:.' upo:i thf loli-ot thf t'avalrj ivjri- mfiit. aa.l wlio lias liiitil tln inipDrtant lo-i,: i ..hior.lfpu.v follf.-t.irof - I'rtiis at Island rmul tor ticaily thrfe eai-. i tran-feni-d h tamianl to -t. Alti.-.n. t takc oharo ol the .. .. : t'.iat post, in plaee ol Ai. 1-. ( "ha-e it- i.ioved. ai.d will a-.Mi.ti.' Ilie tiutii- ot iii, ollii-e on Salur.l:i. -Vr I' Di'oirnrtZ. (liir I'arnot .-om-ipoiKlfUt av-an inli uiatioi. ia-l week tii-:t tuo tneii wer .iio.Mi.ii in thf ('Miinffrifiit almve that pl.iff. 011 .Minn.iv. ilie isi-jiihv. lalls Timi-- Thfir liann v.ere U.'o. 'liii-lif ol C'anaaii. and U'arrfii liilSiartl ot SteuartMown. At thf liine o! tlu- ai--i-le nt. thev wer' eiiaj;el iu what i- ealleil l;iin the river." aud ha.i .1 lare e inunlier ot ln'-in the lapiil-. 'l'h:- were in a lioat. wiii -h v. een to xi'lileii !y f.ip-ize. and thf liaM- not heeii mvii j since. aud their Ixnlie- Iiad not lieeii lonnd al our la-t aceouhl-. Mr. iiilliatd w .1- a yoiin laniiKi-ofaiiimt ttiiny. am! we Im--li.-ve leave-ut fauiily. Mr. f'luistie waJ liiou: )" year-oi are. and we aie iutorin ik! leaves a v. ite an.l tour fliihlreu in di-. tituU- fiietini'aiife.. and upon whoin tliis -ii.liieii liereavenieiit lalls witlt i-ru-liiii: iiin-c. Daui-illf. The iast Star ha tiie tollowiu iuielli-ent-f: Iu thi- ti.wn, April -Ji'.tii. Mr. .Iuliu '('-). aeil !)0 year-: aud at hW !-eea.-e. the "iile.-l nial - inhaliitaut in lown. He was a u.-itive ot rokind. and at the ::.. of 17 wa- i-.i:i-f.-iptfil into thc A.ii-iii ui .iriny. Hi- vituf-el thf triiiuiphanl -utn of I'.onapartf tioiu Klba iuto I'ari-i. iu April. 1S1 1. Soon atier the hatlle of U'a li'iloo lif enii-'etl into the itiiii-ii annv. an.l uiu-tfieit wiih iroop- tiieu aiiout liein tian-jiortei! to C'anada. He u-ffived hi-ii.-eh :rje floiu thf :.rniy aflfr ahnut H reiviin a liouul of UM .si'ie of land iu auada. I'iii- land -eeiu-iii"; to liiin aiuio-t v.iltte ie-. I.fiiur alnn'-l inliiokeii f.iifsi. aud Il.e touuliy a.'i'iin iujr Imt v-r little -fttled. he i-ouflndii! 10 i-onie lo Vfi uiout. an.l arriu-tl in Iiauvillf iu IS17. .md I'i.iihl Vfars att.'i waid -eitif.l on thf I'aiui in the w-t part of the town. wher.' lif lied at ilie tiine of his ileatii. L;iitm. Wui. i". Ku-le- thu old Drovfi") wasli-t Fiiday lined Sl'JO and eo-ts fut elli 11 1: icA '! aiiil tliiiij." wlifii lie "didift oiiiil to." !!e t.ikes -in api'eal. W. II. Cl'iu'Ii lias -old lii-s hou-c oppo- site the tl.'pot to '.Vidow !I?t.-ey Italch. Mr. Dewey has oltl ln- -niall hou-e. outh of's hotel to .Mr-. Cawe!. It ha- !iceu luoved and hceoniL'- llii' lir-i iioii-e 011 Klm .-tiee!. ti. I'.. U'alker iias -old his harn aud liv- ei-j l- S. I.. Xieiio!-. wlio proposesto kee a li-top tliin. t'iia-. iiall isa liearly coinplfted the iul-on the new load IVoin the (.'asv.ell plai-e to the (iepo:. Wheu it is opeu for l;avei. the ineiue-t 1111:. 1 Imle in town U -. piaye! out. A 111:111 i.atned Chaniberlin liied Miildeu Iv 011 tjatuiiiay. lie was at work Ilie iay lic'forf his death. and il i- thouht he na poi.-oiiei! hy the cheuiieal- wliit-h hf 11-fd iu hi- tra'lf. that ot -iler-platin. 111 wiie Iiad just ffone to Uo-lon for inetiieal irestnient. )ltI.i:.N's COLNTV. Mr. Alfied Colton, of Ir.isbtir". lo.-t ou tho oOih, ult.. a jrooil work hor?e. Cau-e of leatn too nsany i?at nay.-. Mr. Tiiomas I'isher, ot' Lowoll, Io-t. 1 lew ilavs Mtice. :i veiv n'u-e tliiee-years- old heiler. Cau-e of uVall: iniprolier troatinenl ut eoiniii'l-iii. l'eter Martin. of Lowell, has nvcntly lo-t a Miluaiile eow being tho thinl he lia- liuile.l up siiice thev eaine to the barn I.i-t fall. Capt. II. II. Little, of r.aiton, lias a !,ow tliat Iast week piesented liiin with a 1: i- .. . - .11 . 1 11111.1 pijls .111 .1111c .11111 iloing weii, only .-even Iiave to Mand uaek iln...,k ou whilo il.e ton purtake t relif-iiinenti-. A ,,, , (. , . .. j takfli ui :im,1 il,,.,-j ....i 1 acro-- tlie hiv:a-li. I nim. Ile ha. a l.rotlier who i ongagoil iu tliL :nn- huAiwa't wlio has '"'' " icuil i.t' tlic- thinl oll'eiice." 'riierc inu-t lic .oinu prorit ou rot-gut, wc -lniuld tliink. iA Masonic Hall Union Block. I'assu m Poi u louge. ' V N N.l. J7. f.L A. M. MaU.l IIK-ttilljI, Ajiril .'J. Callnl li.lttlll, April l n. 11KAI.P, - . ii-V.L,l. ZJO. ll.K. A. M. m..iiiiK. I ri.l t f A"il 3, I-..,"... F. J. HM.'lil.,, Mcnurj. PALEa.Ti:iE Co:.IMANDEliV, NO. 5. .-i.itiil ('..nrUt.' A.iil l'l'll. .1. I.. I'l.ttMV-, ('oiuiiiiiider. CALKDOXIA LODUE, I. O. ol O. t, t:o..mui. Miii.111, r.-t.,......t QanMK.l !.,i..::i .mi.K. a';s i.VIo. k. .lollN N. li.M.K. S.iiilirl. KAGLJi TiOIPiK, Ko. 1. T. of H., i:i:iv. i'.i.ock, it.-.l i.u-. tia ry Moii.l .y i:. roiuj. MII.'J W. UAI.U W. l:. : r f tioul.l no: l.if it it re m n.l to nn f.i.U.Inf.,r., I'H..' l'la..TIVK l'.L; Ih.T il tcit'ulm.all. r.i:.! u..l air .idipvd ta tbi- t.ii nt a KU".l'ur.-nli.'taiii:c!n.'. It. dly tho ! t..i r. i.h. Mllf .l..'.ii:, FI0I1 Wuuu.i , Si An""ni 1 !! I'..t. ITl t. l-Iii'o...! ti.r :it .1 illtllill liilh rn. .1 1 . to II..' lioMi'n A.-i'."' m nhirli f.nind th,. inn.' .KIr.ii.-Iuii In th,' ..orl.l. o.. wi.UI kiio.ii ai UvattrlT's Vi.itT.i.n: lUn: 1 1 l." Suti-fic on .:!.! -iirprwiis ln .t ri snlt ln tii I.-M i . iu -l'l'ic-tIoti, it f i-t HTiiricf: rit.ltc I'.. i.tfiuiii triai. ni.MiL. nvLW. It. Th.- f.'.lowin l:, ni,-.!!. jrr atloM m.l ,11, -t il.IUli -.1:111.1 tl.o.t-.nd. Ii.m- V-,-11 !,. f.'.d l,y i li. y .ir.- t..i f-U . ,l-ii.-i-t r, m ral'r. The I'cruvian Syrup, . J rti-i". d S. !ut n ..f t ITctoxi.!.' of Iron, .ui.i.Ii.e ttivl.ionl mthit'l.lf I.I. lll.l t lc.N.KUlllKrtr.Al' , .11.1 IU. t.tli-:, nuiu. For I li rtv t- .. i- rp rinc. A lu.ili:r tr.a i o .11 !-; !-'.. V V Wistar"-. Calsam of Wiltl Cherry, lnr '. ( I I . . o.i-.u.i, tiou. Jlid -v. r. alT . t ..a . f t l.iliic- .m.l 1-1. 1- i-i.n 1I-..H.!. I.v I ... I.:i tl" luivf in. I hII.i.iii- ii. i tl ins: th . iu-.- m t. ".1 ..1 il.Mi'.- U. tIi.. . . ii,.. i .... . , A(.m,prs lodme Wa,er- -..i. t .on .inm t . i eniu- .f iu.tin.- t.. .-u-., Mm.i j ,;:,"," i. -t T.r.u: fc?-1 I' "."' '"l' ' i.h.'mi., .v .,n tiiauund"rjn . t." !' ti..- rt.ii l ii - ot thi nr. t'.lra luti i I mh-!i-.m. ' j '' '' ",''"'"' f.-Mo. l'.-. .-t.. v. Grace's Ccleurateu" Salve : - . iid -., . Itarn., S.a!.t-. ,,'j., Itnn- .-".tiu- li i;."-.l 11 iii.l-, hill.l ua tt i. .. iu .ict.o . "ooth.a ti. lain. tk. . u.ii ,!, ..... t i pt l,H.kiii- .U.-1- iu.l .i:..ati...- th.wair.rJliv i. li. fan.i iniu. . ' ly .-.1 r nt- i I, .i ; -. ut t.v iii-i 1 trf Mill W !'..- ii & .-..s. l'toreoi, No. li. Ir.-iu ot Stn. t, i .:,)... M. C. Q. S. t ind ir.- tru-t our jurti.'..-atiou for cjIIIu HU...IO.! f. !..tiii. Uui n'- i;i ini-..' : I.v .1... irt-iiieu.- -i t.l fauil rv t.t ' "t iu'.' . .ii I 1'li.ldh.Mf 1. so alarnnn. a.i.l th. .!., i-. -, l i: on. h 1,1 i., three .1 e l- ..r. tl..- tlt ! llieM-Mrt afford roi.ct'i-iv.- ariru- rclifi tnir . u inoth.' f the i npnaLCe i-f iL-ini; 1 v . ( . Iiii h rontaiii'. no Mrhtne or l,u!-"iiu Druir,. m.l uev.-r faih (nhen tiui.'.y ll-ed; to :!-'t a riir.-. It .rl. -i -et uie child throuh the iuouth '.f i .'taiii,-. alliv-. all p lin, r.-.lnrep inil tmiiiiti.'n, cor r.-. t- a idlt. of the Molaaeh. aud cever f-tl- lo r.'irul.t. 'he Im . 1" : in ik.- rrk .m.l v. ak rhiidrrn -tronf md 1 . al'hy, j.rodni" uatural tl.- p tor the rhil.l. th. r.'l.y itiurdiu n-t to tl..-iuotlicr. l.r htiiiini.T roin.l.iii.t-. lyreut. iv ai.d di irth.i-v. it hi f'Vli!. For u.n.l eolie, .'.,i.v.ri...,ii , -rii l-i.V'. e-. il uev.r fih to tri.e mmediate rel.. '" M..1111.1: lUurv'- I'i iitim. tfci r. hil,lr. n, i. m "lii.-innt m. .!.. n. , u, 11 . ther. l..r- il-.- Iio th.-i an.l ; ..u ir. -ite. I oi ale I.v .11 d.ui;si-t. Hlll d- .1. r- in iiH-dlciiie. A. tlll ll t:li-. Nev 1. .nd.n, Coiin., tl-. p Afeiit f..r the I uit.d fctil.. I " UI.'.lilVl. Mi.Tll I'ATl 'Il.-.. I'l:r.CKI.i. AMi Tn- froni lli fare. iie 1-e.iev'-. M..TII imi I' .r. hii' I..K..V. s-ild l.y a.l dniiri'.-. Tr. pir. .1 only I.. l.r. !:: it:. K v, nit'.i.s. ami I'tMi't.i-.-i thi. Schunek' I'ulmonio Syrup, -. uv. e I Tt nie i d V uidrake I' 11- n 1.1 nii.- ..n4iiiu)v Ii... Ij-.ul .iiil ,d Ilv-j.'.-u. if lik.n j.roi.l , .. t.. dir.vti-.n-. Ihe. -I.-..II tlir.-.- oltik. n al th. . 'me tiiut . ih. . ei.'.n-e th lelax the liver. Il.d llt It'.v.or.: 'il. u Uie al'letite Ueoln.-"!:eo,l.the I.1..-0 . d .11.1.-". Mol: t.l.' piti.-nt l.eirlni. '....r.i. i-. Il.-h. I.e .li. if.d initt.r il-l- la Ilie lu..-. ii.d t! .!.i.t ..itaniui- tlu- .ti .-w,- aid u-. t .t. i hw t ti. ... t .-..ti-ui.i.ti..ii. I th.' . t.,r. elu.'.li. 11.. Ur .1. II. .-e'l.'U. k, . f d.lj. ii....-l.t ..ii ii .11.-.I HIK.V in th te-iln.'.it . t p.iliii..u.r.' u....:i..ii. II..- I'iii u.e ru. ii,.- - liu.l thr the , ht.. :.t b. .-.;'.-. fliitht .'..uli i.illtl.roi. it ,.ir, and the ii I . ut 1 f r. -I, an.l the .tl-if- l.e.-ill t h.'..l. l'o .lo thi-. 'I.e ixtn-.iil l..nii- -m.l MHiidiake 1M1 u.ii t U- fl.-. 1) u.-. .1 ... cl. a i.u- il.e -t.'in.irh and llver, e.. li ,t tlu- I-mIi.i "iii" Si.r.ii. ind tl.e fo.l ..ili iiiakec.-oi lax the duc of th rfitl 1 1 id.l. r. ne I il .arL- ln- ly, -. .d th.- livcri- -o..u tl.e . ill - 10 .1 at th I'III 1 .11 .lo : n.ithins ha- ever ,, 11 ii t- il . X. . pl talomel ( . d.' l.llv ih i- .11 .1 l.i.h ! vith l .) tl, nill the -ill .lidderan.l -t nt ihe n i-retloua of th. liv. r like -ei'. iiek-. Man.l ake I'llN. I.iver ' .i.i 1 iiiit i.- one i.f ihe 1110-t proiniucnt caiim'e m.i. ...n. M'h 111 k l.,in- is a jrentle rttiiiulaut and lli nitiv .au.Ith, ..S'.hI. 111 tl.e , e.l, uliicbtl.ia miuu ioii i' 111-de .(. nii-t- the woina Ii 10 tliroiv ou" u-j'. .ii. li.ei.lelt reiaeli .. hy pliv--ici'lli!" do not cure t'ou--..tiiii.:ua ir, th v try !,1. t ... ii.iuti; ti,.- gi.eiiud. eiue I.. - op 'h o.iivh, to .-t .. the ihilli, to tl p m-ht -v . 1 h.ii:.- t'.-. r, ind l.j c. .I0I11.- ihej deniUKf ihe li-.l. .iiii' .11. l.-mii.', l.ikini: up tie eeiritiou-s aud l.elltu 11 tfee plliellt nnk-an.l di !". Ilr. .-eli. n.'k, in I.i- tr.' itlu.-iit. doii" 110 t.-j to etop a r.ii'!i, niclit a:-. t hill' .-r f. v r. Kcniove the . au-. and Iliev "ill all rtop if tlu ir oirn No one cu te cure.1 ol' . Hlllnptlon, l.ivet '.nnpl liut, llijep-i 1, --it 11 rl.. t'.iik.-r. I 1.. r-e.d i'hroat uulii. ttie tiverand .. .,.11 i.h are lietllhv. It 1 l-'ro.ii (111- foi.-iinipti. 11. -f coulpe the lim ln ine.. '.v T di-. a-ial, . .tn. .- tulin "e", il.-. e-., brou- ehlil ir.11.1t 011. l. ur i dh.i'io.., or tlie lunK- ire a lua of inii .inniatioii aud fi't d.iavinir. In u.h cai.i vvliat 11 ll-t Im- d...i. i I; i- 110: o'ul. the lu ik-1 that are', '.ut it i- ihe vrhole 1-n.iy. Ihe p'otnai'h aud ll.erhl" lo-t t'l- ir iler t" lna'k. d out ef food. No.v th. ..n.v ehllir- i- to tike Ilr. S.-!ie..ckV tiine 1U.-.1.. ilie-. l."h:. ...Il l.rins up a tulle to th. -toinaili. th. !'n i' 11' dl ' t-tii to u.'i.t f -..1. it nill .il d l...'ud : 'he.. Ihe p itl.'li; lK-jrin to irtin 1- rii.ii a- tl.e I..Mly lifitii' to irroiv, the I iu;- io ..iu. ui-.- to li- .1 llp, and tlie patitiit ttd tle-hy duitl. I!.i 1 1 uy toi-ire loiiMiiupti.n. Wlii- 1 t en-11. ti.. Iir.i' di-e i-e . n.I ouly r t'om- piui .t .i.d I pep- 1, .-.henikV Mawied lonicau.l !-.i"ip. '"' tli 'i indrali.' i'llls treilv in all liilliou e..iupt .iu', a ti.e.- are li-rfectly hannle?.". 1.. chnek, ho hi-' eujo.ed iiniuterrupted li.-al'h for in ui. I iioi. aeiiilie lt poutids . .11" ne.e sklletou, 111 tl.e la-t rtike of 1-ului iiii.t on, i.i- itivrtiiau" havin pro- 1.01111 !.oi.leer. -.rd al.u.dinea hlui to Lli t- . Ile .vj .'ii.e.1 t.y ti.e atoieaid uu diciue-, and rince h.. 1 ,,v . r 1.1a .y ihou-'iiiih. r 1111I trly alliictu.l 11 i.e 11-. .1 ur. .-i.ieu. k pn pirat.oiis v 1 n the aiuie n-n.-irk it.le tu.ei-t.. r iill itin-cnoui. aec.iup-ny e-ieh, l.iakiu it not at,-oliit.-lv u. eer--iirv o D. mouallv fullr. :-i.h.'.i 1U.I.W p 1 lei.u. .1 ili th. 1. lun exauunt d, and to, thi- piirpo-o 11. I' i,.'of,v-loiiv h- nt hu pnniipal of Kce, llulidt.phia,.verv ivhere all letter for 3 iv lee 1.1.1s. i-e ad ire-H d. Ile 1- al.o protVniuualy at No. j. HoLd, ."ew York, ivery ctlier I'ui-sdiy. and at No. :" 11 movir Uo-tou,everv other W .d undav. Ile K'V. ire.-, but for a tliorou;h ex uuiui lon v.iui hi-rtrpirointtir th. prno ie -5. oliice biir- at iu.h ii fr01J '' A. -1 to i f. M. ITi.-e ot the l'uluiimii- yrup an.i r-.awcnl Tontc, tacb il IiT lwtt.e, or i" .Via haif .lozen. Mjndrake 1-ilU -i. eei.ti. 11 Ikji. o. v. i.uilimiN i; i;t 11JUoverp-rw.-t, I!o-ton, weolesale aKenti. 1'ori.Uoby au drui: i ii .1 1 irt.ii,. !4iS ... Thc linportition of ra:r! froni the JIiditomrifiiD, litdea from l:rjziL v.d oth. r ronniio.i:tie Irom thi- tr. i ir, b liiown to I.rlng tlu- peniu cfdlwM', chiefly fc cra nLtthjretonirttDiuitcr) ifilicting jud fiwl. Alltt'a Ai.t n C E Ptiimilate. theLl.crto.'iccri':ethtic-i.-vmu fiom tli-eiftcni asetr.-vtudlly It Joci. tlie uiiarniattc iwi.ou of our Agiie ditrict. CnnNViirlitly it !.nbrdB inralu illo protfctiou to Ptevtdorcs and othrie ulw oe cupition -i)K-c tht'tu tolhr9i'dint'rouinfections: 3iid e hope to rcndcr them a valu il.K- fcrvici- in ptviuir thciu thic inform itiou N. y. l)ifpntch. It. Boston Prices Currcnt. y :i 4.1 , -n C11F.KSF, F.ictory. Kmii Iliiry. good, Fdnn P.iry, coininon. Fl.Ol lU ?t UiuKaod lllinoh. ohio aiid Micliigan, white nhou. 111 t fl li! (. 1- lu Ki '.t IS w ik. t lll 5.1 r. ,vi u 7 i r. ki w r. ih. y ib iv h '-i1 l;i a. -.'ii '.'.i (.i -i ?. hi rs, 3 25 :t .vi 3 T5 - i-' '! 2 '" V t! 44 to 15 17 to IS , y 1.1 1. S: .HI to .17 ih. 3J 10 -M .Mi rl H. 14 lo l:. 1 -.' to l!i i'd llav, V tou. 21 in lo 'IS i tl & 1" to 2 l'OUK, fluiir, Ki l'ro-h llo,;., tlini', i-iiiokt-d, SlM)l:ti:s. -rt, llo,, oi-n, 1' Jirkpou. li '.'5 t) 0 "J; lu r-jn I rauct ro. Keli. 2J. lr. W. - Miiu-r. or fotuh, an I Mi. sfarih K. orrua, of ilnrk , Vt. In l.yndou. .pr.l -'I, l.y ti.'v. Mr. C..e, Mr. .-alnutl llurtuud Mi llari 1'.. Iluririii. loth of st.,.i: j. In lAiidon, M iv 1. hy It. v. I.. II. T-u.k-r. 'r. eiio. W. l-lirk aiid Mi riiri. I! Ilickfoid Lotli of Itirtou., .".', br K.-V. K. 1.. Wilrt. U..rjc Kiunu Ijq.. nul M.w l.ucy A. Iiicalb, diushu-r of llon John I". Iiih-alK lth t.f ;litir.ld. 3i'atlt.s. Ilirlhf, MHrnagea jnd l.ith tnirted 111.E. olntu'i ri.ri, iuclu.liiik poetrv. Mi- chmk a lino. - , Iu spnnsfi.ld, Uu., .Marth Mr. Airou lu'ta ', S.. t-.r. foni.crlvot lMuvill... i,; ,1 1. v. it". lini. .u,n:i.;1.mi,M11,,,,,M.i ir....,wi,i.,.,.o.k.d.-e,P.d.,o,.n.,.,..f...i,'.t. ln IlutV..-. Apri. 1:', of I vpU.i.l i.,i. la.l I.. t hilT.-.-. apd - u, aL-o Marclfi.1, au iulai.t Mn of 1:. I.. L 1. I Lh.lf.e. In I'.whaiu. iUy :t, F.IM, di.ithti-r of I). 1: of N.uior-,aK.dly. ,r-. In l.uueuhu.f:, lnrch .', KolHrt N. I'hain at'rd 4i .rs nionth'. ."in.ri n.n 01 ihuim aiu autl nu-liom inuc!. dnidcd du-'aru I'unMitiii'ti l.i- hn fuaf tn rot li.-l.avrait. and .. nn .11 cliil.l to luoiirn l.ij lo,a, jel .tiniij:.- t..n.r he thou-ht iii.-il tl.f d.iy l.,f,.re h dn-1 he rh. ul 1 j:. t u.ll. in.1 -ai.i to hin if, h.m 1. 1. .r Hrrhll il-thh. ruun.n-r, little dldhtt iu t.. -llf-hor: .ilj.h.- rhould Iee iheiu, 10 i.nlk tlie .atbs ..f ' l.t".- al. .d nud fitil'T, ili. hi .hi-i-iful. Not.vitha- lauiu th. . ku-, trouLk-and irial-01 Iife, nt'.. r did .1 ltappi. r Jlipl.- iin-.t, thev happv in lli. tuiilv.'- ;.nd hipl . eai'h oth.v. Ihe djy laf. n he.n.d h.-:00k I.U .f.' 11 1 i h 1.1 hi tae hja I, and out. .u.jr. ..1.1 1 mua- letve i.u. it ii- .11 r.i;Lt. t .-.i ratik in a fiuiul . r .ind-.Hu ar..'. .1 -..HU.--H.' ir iu-hou.etod t 110 111. te," hi- l.i.t ioid-. I'.us niii, .-1 .i.iiivMii n. i . Friday Ev'g, Ma, 7, 1869. M l :- I : WIKSLOW & EASTMAN'S QUAD3ILLE BANO. in ki.i- I.N 1 .:.., I i J. C. LilrJGHAM, in:i i.i.isi am. i n i.ialli nsr. Mml. - - - - M .luIn..l llry. t. NOTICE TO TEACHERS , h eotuti.j; at en it lli. - l...l h ii-.- in l.viid.jiir.l i 011 Faturdit. t!..- l.M. dv . i.fMiv.i 1 .a,k -. M. Ih.- l-llb i.' :ire .nvit.l ' II. K. IU.W IA. -upt. 1 NOTICC. 11,1- hlll .l.ii r -on 11. I! M.. n d.l,i,Yl,i' M..l:i:lc... wagons: wagons: ONE HUNDRED BUGGY WAGONS, f;h i: s a 1 1: : Ma.l.-of the l inat 1 1 il- ind I.v e.ri'iieed nork 'ii.-u -ind 11 rant.'.l I'i r-oui. h ,-lii.u- 10 pur. h.i-e .ir-r.a;i-nie .,vit.,llo X nuilie n.v Ml.,.i 1 lillc a Ko.d .in it tot.Ie.1 tr.-iu. .1. 11. iu.i.i:i:, .ent. :.'.) ..piK-t l'.n,.t H.p.t. -t. .1. hu.i ury, Vt. LIFE INSURANCE M A I ) i -: SIMPLE, JUST AND EQUITABLE! 1-5 ti I'.onlnet -i- . f .1!. cor .. ln'iiriu.r . r i ir. . M imi 01 1 ife.- The Ainericau Popular Life Insurauce Compauy. rdiuri The Best Ratesifor the Best Risks, aBln ?. V.i?:,Jfi.,,,'V; Kfr'lv,'! r."-t iu i u.l . .luiut. :ei -i- ,iw r. iiuer.ns n.i -o.i- Ihe 1.. -t li t i me. lv.' r.l e.' toi tl onlv ! Ir .it. ,1 tii Iv uh n i-l .i-a .1 li. v'ean thn- .nne .1 .iibk- the lu pren.imui.iihat thej u.ll s;.t I.i tl." ..I.I ft.'l I'. A..I. AI.t.i:.. Cfiii ial Aueilt, For Northcrn V. rniout. M. J.ihn-hury, Vt , V.iy 7, ls. r.-tf J. C. BINGHAM, DRUGGIST AND PHARMACEUTIST, main sritrxr, st. .ioiinsiu iiy, vt. A full an.l couiph te .tock of , DRUGS AND fn E D I C i N E S, wnrranted etriclty p-are. Patcnt Mcdicines, Perfumery, Sponges, Surgical Instrumonts, Dye Stuffs, Etc. With.icoiui.lite Ilneof Fancy Goods and Druggists Sundries. H.cial attention piven to tki'.-ses, sri'i'u::ri:i-.s, siiui i.dei: iikaces, ac. 2 r?-reM ripti..n bcienlllteally prepired. Sheldon Coc's Estatc. 3TATK OF VKHMO.NT.l ln l'robate Oourt, hcld at the Caledonia lli-trlct, . Prouale Oltlie, ln St. Johlis bury. ..ii the ilh day of May, A. U. lo.5. llarlev .11. llall. adtiiliii.itrator of iheeslate of S'lelJ.m Coe. late of Burke, in aald .lintrlct, de.eaje.1. pre-ent" bWa.lminlatratlon aicount tor naiuluatlou and a!lo'- ance. aii-1 uiakes at.t.lieatloti tor a diiree ol tlistrlbutloti VhereiiK.u. ttliordcred by ald io..rt that M'd ac o.U'ii an.l -al.l applicatton be relerre.1 to a Bev.loti C"iirli.ii'eheldatthe probte olliie ln sl. Jolin-.'iniy, ou theaU day ol June, A. 0. lso9. tor hvarin; ani de-el-loii tliereoti. And it la furlhiT ordered. that nolhe bereofbeslventoatlper-on' Inteiebted, by publliatiou a Len-iwperpublishedatM. Johiisbury. pieviou toalii tliuaipolute.t forhearlu?. that lliey may apppear at ald liuie and place. an.l how iau-e, It an lliey uia. have,ntt. ail aciouut bhould not be allined, aud auih ileiree uiade. liy the Courl. Atle-t. ui AHA 1.. FltBNOIl. JuJ:e of l'robate. PASSUMPSIC L0DGE, No. 27, F. & A. M. u-ill hold their 'next annuil communication at thcir Hall, on Mom'AY Evi., May 10t!i. All uiembera are requeated to taj pretcnt. 57-55 L. 11. IIEALK, b.cntary. ..1 H. M. NICHOLS Uaj Juet returned froni NEW YORK AND BOSTON, vfitli a larse aupply of SPEING- GOODS, con!itiog cf u generl uaortuient of D 11Y GOODS, iucludint- Prints, Delaines, Poplins, Mohairs, Shawls, Skirts, &c, of the lateet ntyle'. AI-hj. a in-e aortment of Ready Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, &.c. Ladies', Misses", and Children's Hats. We bae a Ure mpply ot PAINTS.OILS, PhOSPHATE, FLOUR, TKAS, lajCKLKV, I'VI'KU IIANGINGS. ic. 50 Thousand Fect Cedar Shingles. i.YJiuos' cENrtir., vr. SEWING MACHINES FROM S25 to $250. W IIJ'ilX lllliltS, U F.l I. II11.MF. SIll'TrLK. An r- Kir Marhfne ,U-rtrl prornrrf.1 -it uianufar- umt' in," ' '- I'EKKIVS, Ageut. PLEASE REMEMBER ; "y Dd; rklUBC b. , -iMortiuent of WATCUES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, I 'N( .)))S. KTC-. I ! iu t il. .I..111 1 oun'y it A I'l'I.IIISIIK'S I, Milton. Vl. STRAW FOR UNDERBEDS. DON'T USE IT. .1. :sr. 1-ior b. f.r e.d don't u cl relilltnj; I iuoii'l--. '.M h u it .m.l mll fiU your ticki I n.ti.-.-. A FINE ASSORTMENT RIGH MILLINERY GOODS, .11 !T UI.CLI VLI). hoice lut ..f ! I ATS AND I tOX.V SiTS. I.r-calland-.-- thetn. .Iu-Ii: 1.. fll.Kl l:. ,17-Vi) J.MMA J. -MAV. NEW SPRINIG A II SUMMER MILLINERY I rarefiill' cted c. of MII.I.INt KV fioui ll.ton New Vork markcLi. V1-. a soo-1 hne .1 I.AIUE.-' I I -(M-IIIM. A plendul . .IiS. ll:F I IUMMIMIS. ic.,sc. 1. 111 of II Mi: -WIK IIF.S, nllini; j ' 1 vu.u. P-"I. I'lev-.' rail m.l t laiulne tl elu at tlio old pliceon V.aiu , ;. tv. m:.'i i:k. FARM AT AUCTI0N 1 mli-tiUr nill -ell hi' tarn. li-metn uttaa aud '. Lnon u a- the llii-tuu- p ui- . at -me.ion, 011 Friday, May 7, 1869, at I p. m., , u.ore or h.. HI..I i!ll.e : u ith the iu -jrim: I.. .1. lit H1IIV. Aw-.uv l'.vKki:ii. Auctioiieer. ;.7-.'.- no humbug: c; Tj u k isr i- thi: ;ur.AT ihm o liiv of iiik aob i WILL MEND EVERYTHING ! TRY IT nn .Mten-ihaatu TRY IT fn Wood or Kiimitnre. TRY IT on trok.ery or tiLiw. TRY IT ou Mnrlle or l.ory. TRY IT ON ANYTHING ! -old l -.11 litnbu (iror. Filiry Oooil- Ucalcr. MAM FAfll lUll OM.Y HY ! t S l-l KXK -MANl I AC 'n i.ING CO. i jHb WasningtOn &trCCt, bOStOfl. l'J . A TT pi T ' QJ J - O T,JI B W Ul . d? y For resloring Gray Hair tn its nalural Vilalily and Color. dV llle-Mll wlllfll W :tt OUee n'TCe able, liealtllV. and ellet-tllal I...- .T.-.. ...'. ;,..r it... IOI il -11 llI.Lt "'- hair. Vailttl Of nrttll , - , ', ui.- t. simn ! -' iSi -J ,'e'4S lo ili oritinal rolor vith thr ijlofs intti i l onod. fallinji liair -heekeil. and baltl- ue- often, thouIi not alwaj-s, eureil iiv its u-e. Notliiiii -an lestori! tlie hair where tho follieles are ile.-tr.iyeil. j i.r the .'land- atroplneil and tlieayed. , liut f-iifli as l-eniain ran he saxeil for lisofllllie-s b- tliis iipplie.ltion. Ill-teail bu-lnee, otfer for aile thcir noik of Kood an5 Kood r.l' (i)lllill.r th.. leiir ivith -i sml. "! fheniild Ilollon . The Kood. couit of a pener OI lOllllll. llii. li.lll Wllll .1 p.l-IJ seill-,iaKKrti..ent,fU.h aa are usually kept in u country llieilt. It will keep it leatl and iirOrOIIS. etore. 'Ihortorebuildinguillbeso'dor rent d. iu de- .. V....-.011.U u-e , ,,11-,1'm inu 11.111 I'roiu tiiruin jiray or falliii!; olf. and eoii-cqiiciitly prevent lu.ltluess. l'Yee froni tho-e loletorions sub-lauees wliicli liiake sonif pifparations dauf rous and injuriotis lo tlie liair, tlie Vi'or eati only benelit but not liann it. If wauted iuerelv lo:- a XJ . T v Tp TPCCT TYT I iiltri. i) l iM Lr, i nothi.iu el-3 catl le foiuiil .-o desir.ible. ('ontaiuiiu Ufii! .-i- oil nor lye. it iloe not .-o'.l wliii,; i ..liil.Kc, and yet la-t? Uni on the hair. .uivin ii a rieli jrl"f-sy little iiud a :iateiiil perfuine. Preparcd by Dr. J. C. Ayer Si Co., l'ilAd 1CAL AND AXAl.YTICAI. CllEjIISTS, LOAVICLL, 3IASS. PltlCE Sl.OO. For f aie ia St. JohnBbury by J. C. IIINGHAM and S. UAN'UALI. i: gON, HALL & FLETCHER Havejuit receired thelr SPRIN& GOODS, Coniiating of a general'aasortiaent of d :r Y GOODS, Groceriea, W. I. Goods, Crockery, and Glass Ware, Carpetings PaperHangings, &c, &c. FLOUIl OF ALL GllADES, PAIjNTTS AjSTD OILS, Both Ilaic and ISoiled Oils, Turpentine, Japan, Etc, Etc. And Iu ihort a good rariety of nearly every thmg utually kcpt in a country etorc. IIALI. FLETCIIEK, AT THE OLD STA.ND, Moin Street, St .lohnebury. Vermont. NEW S T 0 R E " NORTH DANVILLE! J. M. FOOIt baa filtd p a ore at North Danville, md filldd it with an entire itock ot W. I. Goods, Groceriesand Dry Goods, whih he will ,, at COST, ASD MOKK TOO '. For eaah or rvady pay. NOTICE TO THE TRADE! ,v lhe"'"'"-"'i.,garranBed .Ith on. of th. ,MKS STAMlAWll ( )JJ Kefiutrica in t'euuylvauia for dirtct fhipmente of I lv E E O S E X E to ttiis nurkt t Bolicit all IntcrcfUil to cill. 'ILIs oil ha btf u told Lt-n-fur thr pat to yeara to th Uot trjde ia uoithcrri Vermont ud giwu PERFECT SATISFACTION. TLe price altTHV- bo mailt lt-r thaii thf rame qimlitt cau be ltrout;Lt ioto ihic niHrktrt froni ltj-ton or New Vork. oui ordcrs will nctive promp: atteutluu. JEU ETT A- ltKI(;ilA.I, lUUroid StfMt, S: ,lohiielury, Vt. THE GREAT WONDER! POR SIO.OO : I ill -Il vi boo.1 a SKAVIM; MACHINE ai ihrre u mauuf ictured tn Anierica. Anv one iu ibia couuty lhiuB to p'jrclit-e nill phaae nrlte me aud I ill go ai.dh.. .ttotheui. I.. . KIN NE , Amnt, 5-'tf i'u&puiuptfir, Vt. CIjO A. NEW SPRING GOODS! norooM(1.IKP UtlLbi MAKIWtl, Jli't recfived at '' taord.r at i;oms, mno. m. m. n.LL o. 'ppo-ite J. l . r..nplunr. N 0 V E L T.Y HAND PRINTING PRESS ! IVr iimplii itr and tT. ctii ciic thi' pre-n I timur- pawrd. iU Jlid divlt:ii ciiit ihic for .ill und of bU'I nt. rn.t-troni3-Jtoil. ( . II. IJAGI.KY, A:int. Dopt. i " " "s K KD POT ATOE& 1'riiift' or H'ale. I Asli-Top KlukCN, Earl (iiuidrkli. (i.irnel (lilll. . llarrlMins. I (Ironos. , ;7AlinittediiuntitTof th.' ge:inu.e EAIll.Y KoSE i MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS! I MI! .'. n. Olt.llY H-ouIdauiioiincetotlielalieiof st. .lohnsl.urv and vicinitv th.-.t tli ha. takcn the ro..iu fonn.rl. occupied 1..- M1.1. L II. Uizilt-n J: I .and ha- Jui-t retumed tr.mi New orfc with a rhoicc elec tlon ot Millinery 1 Ladies' Furnishing Goods, cot fi-tini: of IVinnets, liat.. KiblKiu?. nower.., Lacea' 1 LadUV I'r.'K1 Cai. Iittint. lap, l' .ra-o'r, lliop klu' t Cor-e'.t. Stan ped tiood , Glj.e. It.f lerv. r.d-riuire. I.U1- broidene, lire Iriunuitiu, ltuttou-. ,Ce Alo a eoo-l a".rtnuut ol HHKnS sIl.KS a f. n silk in -mall p.t- tcrni for uii-rea and childreu. and a pre-it varietv ot , F.Wl Y AK 1 1CI.KS, all of n hich are uon op.u for" in- ipn.l ;.3r-ii,uming eood kept eonrtanlly on hund I itMriw uort iloue ln thr l-r poltilc Ir All ord r- receive 'itteution. NOTICE." riie publicelauiinatiou of th.eintcud ! injj to teach in the town of Kirby, tlie romintr feaw.n will be hcld in the -ch.-ol hou- ln Dittrict No. 3, in nid tonn. :. Siti'Ei.i., ihe -th 1'iv ..r M av , rouiiueucing , it fl o'clock. v. ii. (5l-.1-- (iEO. KANNP.Y, tupt. NOTICE TO TEACHERS.-- The intend ing to teach M-liool iu thii. tonn, the couuug pearoii, art herel.yn..tin.d to mect f..r eiauiiintio.i. at the hool ' hiuie near A.II -arp-nterV,W.W aterford,ou SiTt Kl Mv -;b, at 1 o'cioek. r. u. Thoe iuterented urein.i Udtoattend -) F. V l'OWKUS. Supt. VOCAL MUSIC! ! ..: "ATTIE A. WAI.TO.S. Kradu.te of the ientu-ir.jiu .iimural lnetitut'-. Ho-ton, mh d.suer i """ " tC Aa,,.'S,;ju:; Z w. l.ead I' a-, llollow Ware, alo mi aiwortnifut of Luki- ,mzE,'1l'i l lt,w" hd 1 -otnu. coni-tantly on hand. All ol A1J taken in cicbmi;.' guii kin.l. l.ratn, Felta, and i rtdlen-, ilartet, f.r nhich the hiirlie-truarkiti.riieuill !l,eiId. Allpertoui havintruniwitled d-iuiudatLatuie dne will do ..ell to makeliuiuedia'.eMttleiueut. W.M Concord. Vt., April '-'3, 1-Ca .VT-Ci" 1' A I X T I X (J ! T3 DO.NE TO UltUER HY 2 JOHN I,. STEVEXS. S C2r-Shop owr II. D. IIiekuamV Store. c; ff " i ; a x i z v l o A BUSINESS CHANCE The sub8.-ril.era wlahing to ettle up and chane their NEW, POPULAR & STANDARD B00KS. " Ot It N EW WEST." by Samuel llowel., ol tlie Sprine- iieid Ucpubtican. "I.IFE AND EMSTI.ES OF ST. l'Ali.- by Cony- beare & llonsou. Con.pteie idit.on. Over J.j(J pag.e. 1'rice J.l. "KAKMEUS AND MECIIAMCs' MANN'CAL." a ttftc fco"H, iuvaluable to practical liieu. Ap-na wanted. I.arif t coininiaf ion paid. Send for tcmu.. fiEOHGE 1' HAWKtS 4: CO., No.2C Wah ngton Strta-t, lioeton. Si-tVi Ezra A. Martin's Estate. STATBOF VKK3J0N1.1 ln l'robate Conrt hollen at Khex Ultrlil a-. Jlhe prubate otllie, lu Gulld hall.ou the Ut dav of May. A. I) . 1-C'j. Willlam K. Mlver. cuardlau of KzraA. ilartln. niake applicallon to aald court for lliense to aell the wboleof tbe reale.tale of eald ward. to ult Beluc the fanii on ublcn Afarttn low retide-i tn lllooindeld. lu aald dlttrkt. knuwu as the lllraui Fuller place. onuili.liii; about I3u acres. repre-euunif ttiut a Ba'e o( the tauie. ould be aii'lucii to the '.nterest. of aald nard. n nereupon. lt la ordered by eald court, that sald ap pllcatlon loma uuder conalderatlou and be beard. on tbe J-.'d day of Ma. A. D.. 1'J. at tbe Probale Olbce. ui ..u....u.,.. flwi i. i9 luriner oruereu. llial au per aous Interi-cird be notlaed berect. by puutcatiou of nollcc ol kald appllcatlon aud order theteon, thr neets .ucci-!5lici) in the C'alidoiiiau, utluleU at !i. Johnsbury, betote aald tlraB ol hcan.. ... tbeY may apta-ar t aald UDia - ,, -; Tcaue otiject the . p.ace , aud, II they bee cauwr. 1S-0U WM. U. UAKTSUOKN. Judsa of Pabate. MARCH 25, 1869. STONE CHINA A"e are now receivin" n small lot of tliis beautiful ware. believed to be tlie best ware ever iraported to tliis country. E. & T. FA1RBANKS 4. CO. MARCH 4, 1869. NEW KOOM PAPEll, We are now- reeeiving from tlie inanu factures in New York, our spring supply of Gold, Bronze, Satiu and Low 1'rice ROOM PAPERS, Coinpristng au aisortment wliicli for elegance, extent and rariety excels all others that we liave ever exhibited to our cuatoiners. E. Jc T. FAIKBANKS i CO. HOUSE KEEPIN6 GOODS, E. t T. FAIItBANKS & CO'S. CARPETS, RUGS, MATS, &c, &c, Window Shades, and Fixtures, JAPANED AND PA1NTED TIN CHAMBER WARE Crockery, Glass and China Ware, (Some of niee.t SIolo Chlua Impoited.) l'aper IIuiifitiL-s, Tablc- Cutler)-, I'lated Spoon-,, Forka aud Cator, Ulnuketa. Utiilta. Towlm;;, Table Liueu, Ae, NEW STYLES CHOC'KEHY WAKE, AT 1 liDL'C'ED IMIIOKS! stle of ivh.t,.' t.rau.te are. ouie patt.rui evei UlV.e btoulit in to eriu.tnt, alo. d.cora'nl 'hina Ua.eta. conil.iiin the lar.'e-t rtovk if i.hiai, i.uiri-d iu lun c.unty. Parisiau Stone Chiua. eu.U'.l t. the Fieacli Chlai In app E. efc T. FAIItlt.V.MiS A CO. May For Forty Years DR. CARTER'S !a STANDARD.REMEDY PULMONARlf COUGHS, COLDS, II hi ij,itlij CoWjh.'dc. T i: Y i r ! BALSAM GREAT ATTRACTION, Woodbury & Russell's West Concord. 1JUIME NOUrilEllN HKIIDS (iUAS;. AND LLO VEK SE1.D, at WOODlll'UY t Itl'SSEI.L-S. !i-n-t' and ciiil- dren'a wear, couetautlv tor sile r.xli At " WOOPHl'llY k ItfS-F.I.lS. WOOIUU'UY t Kl'SMXI.'S. 4 V fouud in a L'oun'rv Sb're, fer ilc at tlie reri r.. ll.liiK irie.a. a- WOUDIII UY A Kt sKLL'S -'Oat 1BICK I.EAI'V t AY bT'.UI. W et i. oncOI U, t. and Litidon Mill?. frronud fr ui the bi'bt eeli-cteii i.neat ana ..'i.u to f.w "VKi: UUSl ;" ... at the asiue price aa at tlie XI ill-. bv- WooDltl 'Y i iaffEI.I. West Concord, Vt. IJOUK, LAKD, TIUl'E, Flsll, DIUED AI'I'LES. Hl'TTElt, IIEE3F. and oth.r "eitablet" ew- WOOlilU UY li HlSSEI.I.'s. 3000 POUNDS DRIED APPLE. Fir-Jlc b)- .IKWKTT ,k lllilGHA.M. I000 BEDSTEADS! Cottage Bedsteads and Croquet Sets, A. n. N'OUHIS i: CO., NOUKISVILI.E, VT., Ilare addcd to their fornier bueineaa the niauufa.-tuu-of ott-ge "ledBtcad, 'roiuet Seti, and geueral turu iiifr, and liaveon hand abotit Iihh. Ilidstead. roundcoin er aud iitic, for aale, at low rati, to B.iit the timi Alao, C ro.iue M-t', rock niaple bslla and uialitta. a.h haudle, 5..M. p r ait. All kinda ot l urning done to order, mch a Fence 1'icket-, ttiir II iluB.ere, liruBh and ll.oom llandler, lloe and Fuik UandleB, Oik and A.h I'in, for buildiui: purioai'. at a FARM FOR SALE I jggglj! The lub-cribtr orlrra for -aie hl fanii. ( taile froni Haa'ins-B MUIa. Sa.d lailu ot uuJ, ai d tlie in eood n'pur hou-e ly iicn. 1 here ia U''natirto the lillilolng-. lhcr.'i-ul-oonthe fatni a Gool) W A 1 l.ii l'OW I.i:, iiithin half a inlle of tho contiinpiatea l omano and Oguturl urg li. K. Also a tuitdmg fituaU-d In Wcft Concord, oipoaite the et'.re of f. S. Gould Co. It li centrally Iixatid and h. a good altuation for a i-tore or Bhop. Euquire of S. E. GROL'T, Wet Concord. FARMERS NOW IS YOUR TIMEI To lupply youndTN with Plowe, Harrows, Cutivators, Churns, Garden and Pield Soods, andalKther Afrricultural ImpUmtnu, which may to II O Y T .fc IIAKVJ3Y, who keep also a goodaaoituieutof ii a n. x -7sr a. n e , Cheajj vr LLh vr littuly iUy I 1I0VT k 1IAKVEY, iloyt'a lllock, Uailroad jtreet, St. Johnibury, Vt. PLAMING! berilldo UOAUD l'LANI.N L, iu loU of Mhj tect or luore Ono Ui.llui- ittse I'li.Mi'-iiiiil. Doors, Sash and Blinds, Moulding and l'acklng ltoiea - aud makiM coutracta for l.uildiug. ItuilaiUK materi.l of alt klud;, iuiluding wli.dona trlaztd. furuifched to oider ohop oppobite the Depof, St. dobuibury, Vt. tloKAt'E CAUl t-NlEK. NOTICE ri lniiiig fortucd aco-p JEWETT Sz, BIlGfllAM, UN UAILUOAU SHILLT, rriend and the puhlic ipHtionaj tecd kettpiag a full itxk of W. I. GOODS AND GROCERIES, Flour for Hholeaale and ntail trade. lif Kero.enc Oil by the bbl. or tinglo gslloii. zi :tr Mealof .illd.aciiptiour.ihorta.irackadcorn. !J VB Abo a good a.aortnuiit of DKY UOODS, 2 OT- l'AI'EU IlANGINGa. i:.., .'., C. T. IUUGIIAM. ii. JBWETT. St. Jthnshury, March. lcfl'. 51tf LOOK HERE! Vou cm huy your GROCERIES AND W. I. GOODS, at the ttoro of 1IUCK & 31 U l (j K T T, Lnder tbe C.LtI...NIa Ortll-naa . ucai- ad vu't raa tuytheui auyuhire. We intend to k.ipon hand a-torttnctit cf Teas, Tobaccos, Cigars, Confectioneries, Nuts and Raisins, foi cash Fl.i iL'I: of Tjde- l . the hai; or .luil r,-,li-.,l a uetr lot ot that fplenlid --.-now Hrop-' Honr nhich ie are .l- i cll and ;ee if thia i. J. MLDl'.Eri'. N A T I 0 NTA L LIFE INSUllAiVCE CO. UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. CHARTERED BY SPECIAl ACT OF CONGRESS. Approvtd July i-, 1'iS. CASH CAPITAL, - - S1,000,000. 1'AIH IN FILL. I1UANCII OFFlCEi I-TKST XATION'AL I5ANK IUJILDIXG. rillLADKI.I'UIA. Wheie the general bu-ineea of the Couipaor la traniait- id. aud to .. hiih all gen.ral corr.cpoudvnce iboMld ba addre.d. CLAUhNCF. II. Cl.AUK, ITiildent. JAY CO IKE, Chainnau Fin&uce and Execative Com . UEN11Y 1). COOKE, iae 1'reBident. EMEIISON W. I'LET, Mcrctaiy aud Actuaiy. '1 hi- Couipauy i.ffer tlu- follon ing adv vnta ia : it is i Natioual Couipauy, iharured by Bpvcial act of Lonieas. Ibo-. It hna a patd up i ipital of SI,Ul,U. It ott.r.. lon ratea t pr. uiiuiu. It fuiuiehce l.r(;er in.urani'e thau otliercompauieafor It ia d.nuite and ci-rtiiu in ita t.mi. It i. a hoiutf couipauy iu e.ary loculity. It policiea aro ixcuipt iroiu attachn.eut. Ihcre ar uo uuucci-ary reatrictiou lu t!.e jmtieiee, Eviry po'.iey ie nou-forfeitable. l-oli.-l.a nny be Uken nhich pay to tbe iu-urt-d tht-ir full aiuouut. aud nturn all ths pu uiiuui-, ni tbit tho iueurance corbtruly the ititoref tou tha anuual pa ui.uu. l'oline- may 1 Uken will pay to tha inaurid. after a eirtaiil numler of yaara, dunng life, an anuuil incoiue vf oui-t -i.tli the auiouut nauird iu tlie p.dicy. No extia rate ia ihirgtd for rifki. up..ii the livea of fo-. It insuiea, not to pay dividend to polic-hoIdcra, but at bo low u cott Uiat divideud .. 111 la.- iiupi.ibl". Cirrul.u-1., I'aiiiphlctB aud tull partlculara Kiieu.on a, -plieatioii to tiiollnnih olhce of the Compaiiv. or to UOI.I.IVS a: UANIU.Elk 3 Merchmtf' Exchinse, State Et., ilorton. Generjl Ai:uta tr Nen Eugland. J. I'. 11 I'KF.It, Managvr. I'IT.AM I). McMIHAX.St. Johnsbury, Vt.. al'IXlAI. AOtN r, Foi Cal.donia.Orleuna and Lb.ox Countiea. Dee.l--l.yl THE LYNDON CARRIAGE COMPANY. AT Tllt OLD alAM'. LYNDON. VI.KMONT. llavu iu hand. and in pioria- ot louipletiou, a large lot ,i)l'asthon.Ui;hli.l,uilt and iti'KJutly nuUh.d UUGfGfV WACOISrS An cun U- foim 1 fu the tit-, ciiniitiiii- of a Tinciy cf light and luavy i:uEiritf. t'p'lI,rr thy '"o't fin ptuvfj otlf-, il-Ux, ic., ic I'loaae iiilt aud cx aULndoi'i. 1, tjnut3 PETITION. IHHI.KV V. IIALL,) Cal donia i uunty Court, Jun t JuKcm. 'lenii,A. 1).,1. IhidUry V. lldlL KTJotee cf the I ranchw.- of n nioTice obctructioiifl from l'.iPt-uu;tic nttr, uid iiuirolo the 3iue for tloutlii timUr and ltimLtr, hy acH of LtnWjturtrs of t' aud ibtil. Ou thf .'Uih diy ot Apill, lo., filed hl pctitioit 10 i ah donia t ounty Conrt ntit, to be holdcu ut r-t. Johtt hury, on the tim Tu.k ay of June, 1-f.'. to hi. n d cour hx, order, and dl rctt i rtU) nt tvl co:ifv.riuaMe to iid scts nhich he may receive tor tiinh r .-iud lum- tr tlitrd l hiu aid Krant, Ld th.i- no icc of UU nj plic ulo.i ln jm Iiehed a requir td by ral.l tufc'. thre netka tuccu fiul iu the CAledonti u at Ai. Juhn-hury and ihe. North btir at lnui,iUe,jU1o Iast to ln-oue ueelc be.orc .raid tourt, nhich is iMUt-d accordlngly. CUallA MAV, Iciuty Chrk. QKU. C. & liEO. W. CAHOON, Attoiney. Dittd Jt 6t. Johnsbury, April j lvia. 5t-5