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lllT ( ' ' FI )( )l VX ' ! LOCAL AND STATE ITEMS. , . i . .-i:ri. i". it inl.i thc CMedruian Mb'-e .11 -i orth 1 lH. iutlfl!l trpe 0!' new di r i!h otl-cr niircrlal, and kiIIiiI .1 .!.. jlri. V any Jo'i of jTititii.i: i:i i l'r 11' l-efcrc ?en.lm;r U-i- ut.n o! the State 1 1. n-,t nt thc- Cali-do- J'B-. ST. JOHNSBURY. ..ixl l::;r, i- m. .i-t West o-i tho ar- tunuu;; to t-..mi(ct witli 1 I.-. , at !(:. , ri-Nr.j MTvki- at II-.. " . .I.Ulh Minol at l; ji. WcdneM iy eiei.iiu.-i. iii", I'uivii r.Wk, 1'iiJay Mpitinq '' iUlt- itcu. Mcttini' , !i ,.; futl or thc 1 I'jlton. ec. C j.r. r H(r full ol prccedlirr full if the 0 FHlGrt ' 0, uu T. i.iiljr c. Mciiil.-- '.'.. t.lal- y, .Kvfi : 1 II. rftiH-. . 11 r.uu-r- ' ', ltoracc raillunL"; Ai .-. ldvinir't.i.i. 1. II. IVM-ck, I". r-.u- .-.11 : 7V..I l:i run ,,:u, thi.f. i. r. Uu.Y.m. 11. . Ic. : .- 1. . i! i: .lilu, .iclm ttcn.-. l.i II . 1!. l!.ii!.. 1. li. . l.i'-a -f, N. H. D'p.rlmpnt ' i.k.i 1 iirl. i:. ;i rrjuti" nu7i.ii, ..1 a fi.t.ii't. tldcu Wli. cler : .1 ' rk lvall IHivoy. I. V. l:. Ilitt-: .!-.- I. .lob:iou. r. .. l L .-. ji,i, .Itcs-tii! Iloiu !.ii C. J. llouMoli : uill ! . tin- p: iir. wiittfii Iv 'ila' !, vcil v;i- pii l. ll :'.t tlii- ollii-e kcil np Uir thu .. II i-!i iy- an- piiltimr in mo ol I'i.w -c-ili."- at t!n- Xoith t-nil mipi'- Hoiix'. .Inliii-iiurv Hon-i' i-umloro-I i p.iirs. Tlii" w piazza aml . i.nlvanlMpi nt" Mmiclhiii llll llctllT. . J. . Al1mll. t Knirliuvoii. Mli-.ip;' llir il'-k i.l the X.itlh h- pI.'K f. lln- in-xt HVO S.ill- ;'rner. I)enti-t, h.i- ni; !ol ! V tn. Green at Ihe i !i. .11. ! intetii!- to jmt ii a I i s : hnii.-c lliH tal!. uhieh ,!i- .; tntiiat part f .11 i- all done. 011 Ilie i. .di.iii' a nsonth earlier tln- i ioi i- 011. aml tlie m 'v ti 1 ; i to'.vard. Thc .1 pit ed uit'i lti :it . -.11 h caie that lmt the l.i u.t occiirred. ini-liiiiy band playcd 011 r. -.iiuiday ev.'iiin toibe . i.irje oul-'lonr amli i: llal i- -jiiid to be a licr lliey had been play . A. M. I'ook invilcd il.eiii iicc ;i i.- aid tlicy did - Mimicr Irnils and tlini,-. . -iiicc -,itui'day lias been 1 i.ioic l.iin. Wednesd.iy v. .n 'iie-t day of tiie -iun- . iiiiirniiijc i 100I1M. witi. .1 chane iti thc tem- 1 1 MiiipiicT licre over Ihe iiu ilottii thc .lvenile Sat . -tcpp 1 into a ho!e in thc . ... ii.i-' .Iude Freneirs ..- .i.ikle. It wa lurtiiuale biokeii. "Tax rayer" . ;i thc old iiinxiin that "a .-" wonldirt ajiply . . alk-? . bc niiicli .-aid abont it .. !i'r, appieei.ile tiie -onie- jvMiciit by iliieh l'oit- I lo;ni-he our eiti.cii- M-niti -ome titieeii or 1 ! iii 1 tha: lonneily. ly ij. r icid to lake liie tnail 11.11U anive-. and lia-teii 1!':. . the woik of di.-tribu i-iiiii on Iiefore Ihe . 1 d up and away froin tlie 1; '.' U lo enteitain our ali eie of hi- ininiitable 1 i. :i ball in this p!a( 'j "i ihi- week. nt 7 :!.. I!i 1 11- n iduiji i- eiitirely new 1.1 ..11c pieee 011 it .hieli .1 In 1 1- bcfore. si . llatlnw ol r.o-ton 'i , l..i jc f.i- o! loeal .-iil- 1 1 nt (he "Twin Si-ter c ; . ' ! intf ont at Ihe town v .iiiL'. Scpt. 21. Til 1. -. . 1ii-ci a -ucecsrtiil 11111- ' v 1 II- Itiver. ol our . ..-iie a verv lavorable 110 n:.ii.ile antieipale an eii wiibibc " L'win bi-ter.-" Ihe . 1 i'i-t ji.i-t ha- becii a dnll 1 - .iii oxer the eomilrv. and .:-'idcr it nii-lakeii poliey 1 : 1 1 like keepinir np Iheir 1. dnll tinies. Tlie inili n lial thc lall trade uill be i.'p-are all eouid have I. and thc carth ha- yie'.devl i"i inan and hca-t. Weno'.iee -- incn are ettin ie:uly lo a- il .-oine-. :i!id incn trom ait cii(iiiriu att r plaees to 111, thc prico. of real cstate, ''"''""''"''"y '! !-'lo,iii.-nt.- if-'ni! ( llic Ilirtl.i!i,l;im ()i,.n-l)iirj.' ruilioacl liavu liail an intluence in thi-: ili - nTlion.the t'aei Ihat u'iouikI h:i been lro-! keu and thc ratlinir berlin 011 tlu- I'ort lainl i-nil liavinir tiic olVfrt to c-onviiioo thc tkcnili'.il ili-it II... :n i... i,;ii I'rrstiiiaf. .luilue I'nlainl i to bu prrtly bu-y 1 latrs i to bL-comt; a niembcr of the Socie tliiouh tiii- iiiiinlh. Wc notici' that lu i- ly. A liii'iubur-liip tickot cot- but lilty alv;rli-nl to ivi' thc a'ricMiltiiral aiIdri- -eiits. (omMialt wbat niany socit-tiu ask). itiiif Slati- l.iir at liiiillnt tbi' lfilli : and the tii-ki-t adinit-: the buyc-r to tliL- at tln-lair at IhN pl.-n-r tliu iStli. and at 1 tbc Windliani 'oiinty l.iir at J'ayi'tlL-villc. i the :i0lli iii-t Major .l.)-iah Onuit, Jr.. iupcdor ol cn-tom at M. Alban. ha bi'en transter red 10 N'e poil, and ha-. rcniovcd to thc lallcr plai-e and I'litcied npon lii- dntie. .tri-idriif.t. Kninei-r Kiniball ofthe Montreal road, tell I10111 lii-eiiine at I.iltleton 011 Thnr day niorninir of la-t wcek. injiirin' lii bai lv -evei i'ly. lmt jn-t Imiv badly e liave nol learncd. The en.uine va inovin -Inuly at tho limc. lli as put npon a htd and nvcyed to iiuuieat l'lyinonth by Ihe lorenoon ti.tin. II as leaied hi- iiijm ie- wcrc v.ich as to diable him 1'nra con-iilerablo tiine. 1'. S. U'c have miicc leari.ed that Kini liall's b.-ick ua- hioken by the l'all. and it N thoiilit hi- iiijin u . are fatal. WaNtein .Morri- ol I'addoek villae. sawi-il oironc of hi- liinzei - uiih a circii lai -au a nioiilh ao. U wn ainpniated by the -mjreoa at the tinie. lmt Ins mcn him a m rld of jiain and tinnlile sinee. and a -ee.ind anipntaliiiii iva peilormed l:i-t ucck. Ciiculai- -av- :ue -avae pia lliin-. Albert Itabroe.-. lireinan 011 the I'a timp-ie had a liand pretty bad ly ei'ii-hed in -l..!i'.liiijr cai- Wedne-day. !; i- Imped to -ae Ihe Iiaiid. A- Mr. I.eonaid MorrN ol I'.idiioe. il lairc v.a- riimiinir hi- plai-er 0:1 Monday. a nnt llev oil'and i-Srni-U him j.i-t over nne i'W. inakiii a -liirhl wi'imd. Ilalf an ineii lowcr wonl.l have de-troM-d the ce. The a-iilent in the ede o! Kirby. (10 e. hieii lvlen nee wa-made in la-! ueek" papei.) by uhieh !mi d.nihter- of Mr. .lo-dah (iront. loiielher wilh tuo -niall ehihiieii. ueie Ihrown onl of a uaoiiaml over a bank. i- iikely to pnne iimeii mine erioii- llun at lil-t antieipaled. Mi-.- Vieforia Groul- iiijmie- areol a veiy -e- ri'iiw natnte, -o inneli her Inend.- :ue vt i -iiiieili.iu-a-to ihe le-ult. Une ot tlie illivel-lor .1. I:. A t'o.. Umiber tlealers al Victory. va- throun tioin a load of IniiibiT one day ia.-l -ek. ai.d iiiimed -0:111 abont the iieail.but not .-erion-Iy. i'uiiiiiij l'cnhn. A lureible lemiiidcr that c li.ive lmt ju-l pa ed thrmiirii a lertibie uar. lia- bcc-n ;iie crov.d- ot p.irlially di-able.I pei-Min- who luue liironcti the pci-ioii olUce I'or the pa-l lew d.n.-. Mr. lr diiilon ba 110I bceii abl.: lo pav a- jiiMinptly a- b" olhernUe Aoiil.i b au-e ol ii.-!i nciion--ent lo tlie ex.iniininir -iircoii- only thc day belinc tlie limc ot dr.min pcn-ion-. (Scpt. ! ). leiiililiiiir lliein to -end i-eilili- ilireclly to :he pcn-inn avreiit. in-lead ivinirlheni to the eii-ioi:ei . a- hciu- tofore. i'hi doiililc- tlie ainonnt ol if tlie pen-ion airent. X.t it li-lniniinr hi-. Mr. IIiMliinrlon ha- been able to pay I r iive Iiiiiiiircd pin-ion- in ihe tii-t v iay. and iie nii! ive Iiiiti 110 re-t iiiiil or dav. unlil Ihey are ali p.ii.l. (- to tlie removal of tlie buililiii"; uherc ihcjien-io-i ollicc a- toinieriy. to intikc Kimtiir Ihe new Iniek bloek. tlie olllcc i- w iu .-omewliai crainped ipiartcr-: btit hcu the 1:i-a block U eoinplele I. thc llice uill have coiiiinouiiiii- inoin. lire- vault. and i-very ntee-ity and eon- - icliee rcriuire.l. 'Iie J'ci.7.' Liinnr Iln rtjhi rizrif. A.- wa- lcaied by -ome. liie riiiuinic- , lleeeeded ia -lealiiir the IVek liiitioi froin 1 depot ::t thi- plaee Mondav uiirlit. 1 i'lie ea-e wa- coiiliiuied Iront time to tiuie.i .ldoubiedlv lor thi- verv purpo-e. Tlie ' hi-key bartel wa- ioeked into a little, room. in the Ireiuiit .-lati in. and it wa- utid on Tiieidav inoinin that some par- 1 lii had ilrawn llie uail- and ivmoved tiie noard- fiom a -urdl window in this ro.un iliionsrli whieh thev Iiad enwled. a:.d I w ilh a crew-(lriver they had removeti he .-ockel of tlie loek iu the donr. rolied I !ie banel out aud earried ir away. Thc j hi-loi v ot tiiis liiiu ir cu:?e reveal- ionie-I itiiitr picity rotten. Alter the liiiimr w a ized by p iiicc olliccr liollius. one Nat. , orker. w lio i-tlie tow 11 aelii tor Ian-I iile eamc over ai.-l laid ela'nn to thc liij- uor a- inlended lor liiuu lie wa- a-ked if lie eiierally ordeicd iiipior forhi- aircncy 1 iu otiier per-on-' nainc-. Iie -aw liow hi- ' laim Ioi.'ked. and conciuded lo wiihdiaw 1 . I'cek, howeM-r. elainied that hcrather ' pcetcd to -ell to Jjloeker, ami wa- oin ' lo .-tore hi-. liipior in A11011 Smilli'.i ei-llar unlil the trade wa coiiiiiniinaleil. When our icadcr- i;tiow that otoeker i- brolhcr- ,-law lo Smitli and tiiat Sinilh keep-tav-j n. and Ua lieen al rested and liued foi UI11--0I lui.vr. tliey ean icao inc wnoie mo- Tbi-; ca-e had been couiiuued .-o lmi;r th it olliccr Koliin- had beeonie di-.u-led. md abaniioned it. A. .1. Willanl. ' had eoiiimeiieed a new siitt. and Ihe lniuor wa- 111 cliaie ol Auttpa- llainn- ton. ileputy slierill at ha-t at. .louu-oury. , wlicn it was i-tolcn. 'J'iiere i-but little mbt but that il wiiitto Danville, and I .!... il... .r i.-ir l nl'il v 1 ilr:.lil.- I1IUI1 in.-eliiiL- dav. Theiv i-abimdaiit work for the new state.- altorney lo do 111 lus own town; atiil a rcards tiii- riim bu-inej-. therc is woik lor every -;ood eitien to do; lor a- isnpie.isant a-s the faet may Iie. it i und.iubledly a faet. that iut.'inpeiaiice i 011 the incrca.-e iu our eounty. How tiie i-iitie- ciilered tliedepot does tiol appear; but it is a '-inilicant faet Ihat ihe whiskey -Iirunk -even 01 eiiit puiiiiil- wliile stored therc. Our A( Amoii the lir.-t lo inakc a bid I'or ihe t.ill tiade. our readers will not lail lo notiee the attraeiivc and iiicciiious advcrii-ciiR'iil .,! .lohn A. -Moore. Dirc.-tly aeio-.- thc 'treet, I. It. Goihaiu advertises tall -tylcs ot liats aud eaps. II. il. Ilal! ot Burke oli'ers tor sale .-ome ol hi- choiee Cotswold sliecp. V. II. I'.iddlelord ol We-t Iiurke waiits lo sell his tann. Vancs- I). Moiilton ollers two valuable laim- i'or sale in l'eachain. 1 hel'a-unip-'ic railroad riin au excut ioti train Irom lhi plaee to Xewpoit next Tiie.-day pait'u'iilais in ailvertisiiiy col-11111-. I. Galhr-her. hoot and slioemaker. lias ;rot locatcd iu ihe Allen buildins,' 011 IJail road -trcet. I". G. Keattie ollers -ced wheat forsale Latayettc Soper lias tlie ajrcnev tor Col. Walkcr's lorthuominjr history of tlie rinont Troops in tln Sheiuinilnnh Val Tltc Vermont Imy- liil valit'ntly in llhr Valli-y. :uid we tvu-t tlie work wtll tlicin jutiet'. .!M'ih Mfiianl oll'ers house aml lot t'or alc in ISmkf. A jrwnl way to hulp our A;riciiUiiral rair jrioiind- botb days of thc Ai;riciiltiir- al Fair; (not the tbird day) ; and this ju-t tlie piice of adini-ion to the "ronild'5 wilhout a lieket. He-ide-the'e eon'ider alion. a lare ineinber-liip irives tli' bo- ciety -oincthiniT ot a tiind witli whieh to pay the lare pieiniiiin Ut. A bankrupt -ociely ean neer be ery .-iicce-ful. II i- uith it ollicci-i a- it was witli the poor-ly-paiii inini-icr. iio u,ed (o bonow a ilollar on S.iturday. lor he .-aid he conId prcacii belleron Snnday- wheu he Iiad a little inoiiey in hii pocket. I'anncr-. nieehanie.. ineieiiaiit-. one and all jnin the Ajrriciiltnral -oeiety. I n't wni! to iie invilcd a -econd tinie.but ix to either of the lollowiii"; ineit and jrcl voiir licket : Ihtnut. C. A. siyhe.-ter, .laiue- Iloy. HiirAc.U. M. Hall. David Trull. i7(in'i';V. ('. I. Wcek. Wm. Itu elow. Xatiian Maitin. ,1. C. Varnuiii. ll.tnhricb. W. I). iiron.-on. Lgwlvii. .1. Trefran, I. V. riaiiboni. Jo-hua lleiui-. I'nichnm. l'ha. Gates. I).tvidt'iirrier. A. I.'. I.tieai. Jl'J !)'il'. A. I!. I'linIe. St. .Mtitsbury. ". .M. Stonc, N. .M. .lol 1. C. .1. IIo'aUc:-, I.. C. Matheu-. Suittiu. M. A. Canipbell. Wnlil,!,. .1. I). itell. H rfr.l. .. C. Davi-im. K.A. I':iik. r.7,. ..-.. IM. .1. (Iray. 'i'r.-t O'l'cnnl. S. S. Gouid. l.jl mlim ri ! I r. lli reaid lo Ihe appointinent of II. K. O.-x.ey a- 1. M. at that plaee. Ihe delay i:i thc icceipt of hi- ooiiimi imi. c'.c. ol whieh our em ic-poiidciil -pol,e la-l week. Mr. Wall.ei. Ihe di-plaeed w-tnia-ter. ha-lo-ay: TI1.1t in .luue la.-t a lettcr cainc t. Ihat ollii e lor It. II. Uewey. aud 110; b in:r callcd I'or. wa- rctiiined lo Ihe dcad lcilcr otl'n-c abont Au. I-t. a- pei in-true-lion-. Al-o that the bii-iui nicn of the Villc. irn-pcc!ic ol parly. reret the n--im al of Ihe ollicc 10 lee "-. a- it wa ii'.iich iiiiue i'eiitral. aud eoii-cqueiilly morc coineiiieiit. in V cckc -lore. Aliot whieh may he Irue lor auirht we kuow. The pcoplc at Ihe Ville lecl the necd ot a plaee ol wor.-hip iu llicir villai;e. and aic endeavorinjr to niaKe ai raiiL'cnicnts it li tiie di-tiict In tiui-h oll' Ihe hall in liie new -eliool hiiii-c lnr iheir :n inodation. vr- vice-hae aircHilj been hehl theie two .--abbaih-: 011 Ia-i I.ord'Mlay Uev. M. II. Wcll- of ihe Cnrner picachin hall a day. aud the S.ibb.ilh picviou-. Kev. lMward T. i'airbanU- l. .lohii-buiy (.'eiitrc -up-plie.1 li.e de-k. .1. V. .--il-b o ihe linn ol I. A. .1. W. il-b. ..I tbi-placc i-to open a eliithin -tore in the hrick block at tlie Villc a--iiini a- the block i- !one. 'fitrlm 111. The wicke I and adiiltciou- ;ciicratio!i iiaM - at leii'lh liuind the "-in." II1KI1KN -c Vakxi m i- m pl.iiu that "lie 11111 luay reail." Thc -oldicr- nioniiiuciit i irradually bc inr lini-hi'd. The -tone- are m thc -itc and .Nntucll and Uditheii ilh tlicir eni iluyc are -iill Inir and piiliin in tlie iitiuic- :f rapinly a- pn iblc. Thc loca tiuii i- 011 thc "Acailemy llill" ojipoMle llie ccinelcrx . a ?ile uhieli i natnrally ceond to none in New Kn-rland. m.iterial for tlie liiiinuinciit i I'.iue 11101111 iain uranite. On Moniiay evcniii la-l. Mr. I.y ninu U'uii-nicl wiih an aecident w hich caine .i-ar re-ulliii veiy -crtouily. lie h:ld been to Kweil'- mill on hu-itie whieh ! I him lill alter dark. and wheiirc- itintiiiir hoine Iii hor-e gnl oll the ro.iil aud Mr. att wa1- thrown tiom In- wajr- nii. .-irikiii a timber and lalliii"; into thc llume by l'arnhaur.- -hop. Some ot tlie ncilibor- hcard the noi-e aud went to thc n-eiic. aud lu-wa-put liht .-ide up aaiu. Ni biiiic- were luoken. thoiili he wa--.velcly brui-i d by the fall. f; Uiri r. .lolui l!ai!ev was eleeled iepie-eii- 1 ,ili fi.1111 Newbury by U! majority Onlv abont ;!IJ0 voie- wereeat : the aiuall- 11 liiiinbcr I'or 111. iny cai.-. I.a-I week Iiid:iy. Ihchnti-c. barn. li.xy - -1 .1111 aud ucarh' all thc fiiruiture of Dau- icl t.'owe wc-c buriil. Thee Iiuili iin; weicabou: three mile- lioui tbi-villa 011 llie l-nad lo I.ciuditou IIill. On day lat inouth. Mr. Ite.i. Kilbuin ot l.itilci, 11. a . II.. i-ainc crv ncar -aen- liein hi-i lifc to hi-eal a-an arli-t. He wa- at Turl,erinan" ravine. amoii tlie White llioiiiilain-. Alixiou- to et Ih1 1110-t perleet po iblc view. he ventiircd iu -oine way - imder the -now-.ueli. and ju-t a-he w i- lcnioxiii hi- in-ti iinieut. imnicii - e v, cih; of snow cru-heij down tipou Ihe -anie pouit where he had. a 1110- uieut bclorc. been -tandiiijj". Iie .-ucceed- , - d howcM'i- in etlinir lluee mixt admir- able icw - ot that wonderliil ari-li. cinTri:xti:x cofXTV. Tiie cxten-ive lijinber ilcaliur firms Suiliti'jton, I". li.irne- & Co., aml Utis V"" " .V "l l . k, di.-solv- 1 and conjolitIated into the new con- eern of Shepard, D.ivis kt Co., whiel bc-in- bii-ine-s wilii a .-tock of ."), 000,- 0011 iett uf liiu.'ier 011 hand, lias the fa- eilities I'or ilrc.-.-ini 10,000,000 fcet, aml eiiteii-ivc doeks, wharve-, and vaids at I5 i-ton. Tiie new lirm ia coiu posed of Otis Shepanl, AIIul D.ivi-, Lewis A. Hall, Geor'e 11. .Alorsp, W. . Croinhie and Ceorge A. Niehols. L l'arncs it Co. still retain their lirm 11:1111c, aii'l will continue a bu-iuess iu we-lcrn lunilicr. fltANKI.tX COfXTV. Jo.-epli l-'i Mar-li, a baggage mastcr on thc Vermont and ( anada Kailroad, while fliaeklini: t-ir.s at the St. Alban depol on Monday evcninj;, in some iivjii ncr had hi- foot ejiiight and riin over by a car, whieh terribly laceratcd the tlesli, but iiijured 110 boues. Daniel ll dudd, foreman of tbe Ver mont Ccntral repair shops at St. Albans, -ipieezjtl into a plaee three inclies wide. and otherwise .-eriously injurcd by a collisMin of cars, Vedlleday. Iiis brotlier, T. S. Judd, waa alao badly hurt, having an arm brokcn, but both will re cover. LA3IOII.LE C0UKTT. A tW2lve years old son of David Cusli ing of Cainbridj:cport tnet a very Eevere and painful aecident, last week. In attempthig to jump from a swing in mo- V.-r lcy. tion, a eliaiu Iiook cauglit in tlie tlesliy part ofthe Iiallof Iiis Iianil,penetratin to tlie bonc, tearing away the tlesh aiul pul Iing out tlie tenilons of tlie third and fourth iingers to thc lcngtli of eight inch cs. Thc Iad will probably lose all con trol ol tliose two lingcrs. OttAXC.n COt'NTY. Col. l'owell Sayre of East Thetford, had a narrow cscape from death Satur day before lait. IJpon going to his pas- ture for 1ns cows. he was attackcd by a 1 two year old bull, and thougli he inaile a ' sharp iiglit witli a cane, was knoekcd . down, and then rolled oll a bank by the ' infiirialetl auiinal, whieh last was proha-, bly thc only thing that .-aved him from 1 lieing terribly gored, if not killed. Onee J tlown the bank he orawled about a rod, tnade his way tliroujili a l'enee, and kcpt ! eruwlimr untila istancecame. For sev- cral days Col. Sayre was unable to helji ! hini.-ell at all, cxecpt tiiovc lus ann-', but is now convalescent. 1 Ilenry Keycs of Xcwbury. 1'roident of the Ia"Uiui).-ic railroadjias been elect- to ed l're.-ident of the Atehi.-on, Topeka and S.tnta Fe railroad. The l'eabodv Librtiry at L'o;t MilN, (Thotford,) lias just rcceived from f'eorge l cabodv a Iarie oil portrait ot luuisell. The .o.-itiou i- standing witli full face view. 1'he right band i-thtu;t into tlie hiea-t of the buttoned coat, the left holils 1 jiaper 011 whieii may be read, iu iini- tation ot lr. l'cabody'.s handwritin : I'o the Chairnian of the 1'eabody Li- brary, l'o-t Mills Villagc, Vennoiit, (.leortre l'eabody." oi:i.i:ax? cotxrv. I'lie Standard (ISarton) come- to us en- Iareil to nine column- to the pane. 'I'lie editor avs there are now but two larer papers in Vermont. Mr. Knrle .-hew- enterpn-e and pluek 111 getting up so ood a papcr 111 :i lield eertainly not the be.-t. and we truft he will be abundantly i"ewardcd. Many of our readers will reeollect about the ilamaginj; uit that wa.- i to be 111 our lmiiitv C ourt, cntill-l ed ,1. T. Allen vs I.'ev. II. Fowler. in whiell the lllailltill' prolio-ed to recover , of tlie defcildeilt about 10,IHI0 I'or on,l M-a- et up in the declaralioii. Tlie plainlill in the ca-e being of the lciial iier- ! -ua-ion was able to .stavc oll the trial ol thi- imiiortant ea-e Irom tcrm to tenu 1 tiil the la-t .-ittiii!: of the court A- it 1 appears, Iii? writ wa-a writ of nrv aml!" lor Mime cau-' or other the ea-e ha? . '" Iropped. 11 trti'ii M'tiularti. I tn l)u Wedne.-day nilit. the 1-t in-t., Ileiij. F. l'lace and Kuoeh Judd of Troy, " 111 eoinpany Irapped one of tlie larc-t -i bea over e.iuht in Vermont. The i. b.'ar ran a di-tance of lo or ."i(l rod-, u liag'in the trap witli eloi: attache.l, m aud a?ecnded n tree to the heilit otVixty 1 j,'. loet, wound the ehain around a limli ot the tixe and dropjicd otl'. probably tliiuk- Ji ing to relea-e hcr.-ell, but thc cham held Jj her, and -he was foiiiid thcre dcad. ! She woiilil, iu good e l.lion, iriIi.tlily wei"b . poiiiuN. ( n the tnllowin lULihl llaronett Wriler eaulit anothcr -maller one ; and -till other trace- hae -inee lieen ili-eoveieil wiucli lii.ticate- th. that there are moiv aniinal- ot the Uind about. m'Ti.AXH cnt'N'rv. Ir. Charle- C'Kinent. Centre llull.ind. ha-at tlie entrance of hi? ground-. a jj.ite -" conlrivcd, that it opciis uf it- own aeeord w hen a earriae approaelie.-'. Il'one wi.-he- to .-hut the pile alter hav inj; pa ed throiigli, he ha- only to turn :i little to one -ide from tho maiii traek, and it clo-e? at ouec. It is a veiy eon veniL'iit coiitiivauee, aud the niccli-miMU i- not coiiiplicated. WA?1I1N. t'o.s iui'.n. Mr. Ilor.iee llovey, and his -on Uog er 1 Iovey. of "oree?ter, wcre e:ia'ed iu bla-ting rockn Momlay, Au. :;nih. aml wliile tamping a cliati: a preinatiire ili-fharge occiirred. .Mr. Iliir.iee Ilmcy wa biirncd iu the iaee ?cerely. and will piobably lo-e one cyc. and Koger hi left haiul badly maiiule.I, the tauipin iron jloing througli it ; and be als 1 lu-t -oinu ot hi.-linger.-,. A bear wa- cauglit iu Northfield iu a fteol trap sel by W. S. Newton aml T. It I '.I ...' .1... -1,1. ..1. it bcint: tbe ccoud one cauglit withii a nii'e ofthe plaee thi? -ca-ou. The lir-: one wa-. cauglit in a leir trap bv T. S lrook-. Olhers are Mippo-ed to he prowling arouie.l. -Vbout twenly -heep have been lo-t by thepeople of that i-' Cillity. 'VIMUIAM COIM1. Waltcr Crawford, about lil'tceii jcar - ol ane. and mii of .lanu Crawl'oril. ol l'utliev, while Mttin;: 0.1 and driving a ." , . , . ,i inowing inachine and ciiltiug oats 011 Ihej ia?l oay 01 'iny, icn 011 iue m.ieiiine from the -tidden lailing ot llie hor.-e-, and Iiad his riglit ariii broken aud tn iily eut oll' hetwceii the elbow and .-liotiider, and his left band and wri.-t mi b.nlly cut ' and liijured Ihat lears are cnterlaineil that tlie will I0.-0 tiie u-e of it. W1M)-(I: Ctlt'XTV. ' JIrs. llanuali Scavcr, wile of Saiuuel Seavcr, of l'roetorfville, aged 7(1 ycars, a mo-t cMimable wouian, sat down to diniier on S.itunlay tlie m2-l ult. and iinmediately exiiml. Mrs. S. Iiad beeip tor three year.- aud tnore very mueli di-- ahletl by paraly.-is, but was iu her usual 1 hcaltli till the uiomeiit of her dcath. ; Jlrs. Martha AVashbiirn now reading at Keading, was one liundrcd year" of age 1 lan '27, 1SC0. She was the daughteri of .Mr. aud .Mrs. Soloiiion Knimuns ol Wind-or, who were thc lirst white perMina who resided wilhiit the tcrritory eompriMiig the ptc-ent town ol ind-or. As four little girN were playing npon a roek by thc side of the pond in Jiri.le- water, tlie little girl of K. W. l'inney, aged about twelve years, fell in, when Ncllic Carpcnter, dauglitcr of C. J5. Car- penler, antl of the same age, by great ptcsenee of Illilld aild heroisni, Favcd her f. . A - , . .... iiiue niate irom tirowning. rue lut li- rceteil tlie two L'irls witli her to ruii for .-ome incn, and then waded into the pond iin to her chin. lmt l-iilimr in tleit tn .rct at the drowniu... ..irl, bl.e'next proeured a long polc, and linally, after mueli ever- ..on,,...r,,,gw.,,et, her pole broke, hc succeededjut as the girl was -inku.g tl.e lUltll llllie. "Mr. Jlenry ITather, ot JJecatur, Jll., a brother-in-law of Governor Oglesby, 1 1.. .i it'. i 1.... 1 uuucoi Mi'ui 011 ittuiiuuii ittu 111-, oy ostuy ruii inio uy a pair 01 ruu - awa- horsea, wbile iriding in his buggy. 0 Thetieket nominatcd at tlie Kepublt- . , ,. can State Convention held at IMadison, AVis . WViWmlnv follnvv-- Vnr -.. r "i i.i t- , , "e;i uoi, i.ueius j. .1111.111m , i.icuit-ii.iiii- (jovernor, 1. C. Pond; Secruttiry ot State, E. A. Spencer ; State Trcasurer, Ilenry l'ooth. o u How lt payl to J. A, MOORE'S CLOTHING AND ST. .TOIINS If iou wiat to buy a COAT C J. A. MOOIIh'S. If ou wniit to huy j 'OVERCOATsoto J. A. MOOItE'S, If you mnt to buy PANTS nd VEST go to J. A. MOOKE'3. If you wnnt to Ly a HAT CAPBto J. A. MOOKE'S. ,r3' "" if i0i ) buy j.dr of thick or liiio BOOTS J. A. MUOKF.'S. ' UMBRELLAor CANE e J. A. MOOItK'ri. .1 thc abuve yotnlt hnve been carefnlly se ictll i- totd rrrii che ip for Cash or lieadij Jl)ffi;tl iloticcs. Masonic Hall Uniort Block. PASSUMPSIU LODGE, XO. 17, f. i A. 11. M-ili-d luiv-tin?, tciitcuiber lti. I.. 11. I1EALD, Sec'y. HASWKLL CHAPTKH. NO. 1 1, It. A. M. Ki-sulir l.m-lin, l'n.lay co., MitcinUr 1, 1M.9. f. .1. DAI.l'O.,', ScriUr. PALESTINE COMMANDEUY, NO. 5. MJtiil C.'outlie SipteinlnT 14, l-i'9. .1. 1.. I'llUKlNS, C'otiiiujtidcr. CALEDONIA LODGE, I. O. of O. F., IhIl'.- ll.M.iiion Stliuiiii rt.,fpi 1'uioiiSrtiuol lloudo. iiu-itiiiK -i. i Mon.l iv i-wuiiip ut 7.S, o'clook. JollN N. OAl.n. svcrL-tur-. Z'y 'l be in.Mt x'tot.ebini; i- i-vit hmrd of I" tli it uf V WiU C-.., Mil-i-: tln- faet. of bronic OUrbujj 1. tlaik, Kmukfort mlll., ; itttepti d by V.zr Treat, Xpt., ond M. .1 .111. itbcrof whoni might .loim-onv inMin.- i.inim.u'.- ,.. ,., ,, . ,' ,, L, ,. ,T':' Marhia. Me I.iiiuUt iiu-:c!ui.t.. f.illv riid.d tln. '-I.Tilui 1 iolry t .uditiou l'oiv.l," and bau piv- "''-i'"i'"'""' "y to -t. tb.-ir u, iu ruom- ' Schcnck s Puimonio Syrup, . , . .' " ,' , . ,.. ' n'in- -"ti"ump. mc to'.iir.-vti..n.. it-x n.- .iu u if tiki- iccord 1 nt tlit- 1 l.t . -l-in".-tli ftuuu-li, n-lftv tli. lKor, i..rk ; -hi u th,- .l. tlt- Ik-coiiii-( guud. tln iiuk.-i 1 ; tn. . uieut biv-iut H.-h. :nr ilii-m.1 iuatt r ripeu" iu tbc . intti ut ..tituT.iwi, tlif di-.':uc a:id K-t " tli .ml.- u i t.- cur- ruu-iitniitlou. j.l j.tit it 1 lr .1. II. scck, ..f fhil- nlvall t.btrinu 01 111 it- r k ri..- 1 plu-ht r. it l.a." T.-t, -li.i tl r.i .10 tln-, tli.- .- il-- ! frnlv 11-.1 ,t ll.i 1- .!n.,.l.u r ill tlir. :I, iud the pa- I..-I.-I11 t . Iiejl .1 l. uie ind .Mindrake IMb an. ihe -t.mi-n h aad Uu r, iud th. food rt 111 luike -ik.: -ih.-aik'r MvudriVi-I'ill'nrt unn the liver, remnv. ; lll . l.-tructi .l:, lela tiie ilu. 1. of tli. nll I I id.ter. lll -art- t.e.lj, 1 ,d the li.. i" m. tl rellevcd ; the ..l-i. II o ohat th l'ill" i lu .1... ni.thiiiK-lia-. vei 11 meiil.,t .-.,,: enl.uui I , 1 deadlv .is..ii uhich i c t ml.- wlth -reJtrr.,) tliiit ill l.k the i;il. nli.l.Ier an.I rtti t ihe irrellouj of tho JU.7iiL.-'r''.-i.-kv'M-i.i.A.-i-iIi I Ui i-t 1 roiniscut . .sjl, '''J mi'lr n.l ei-v.i.i, ibirhtliL", In I!. f ii.t- tlie flouin h to thron oul ll"MiUe the f .! uilh the l-iilinoilic ie 1UIO i;,-l hl.u.1 Ithollt tVniKUU- rju!.-. J,),"',1, rh. 1 he CU'Ht l.hy-lci 1 lo nrt c trv t.. do t iiiucb : they ni tbe 00U1.-I1, to et..j. the ctiil!, to t.. u.cht tie fev. r, ud l.y i.i doiu they deritii;.- the , l. p.u.-' I.K-kmi; ..j. t'ie iicretto.i.". a:i.l tl.e piaeut nuk." aud li . tck, 111 Ll" treatpi. ut. dov liot trv t. itp A it . .l.ll - ..r f.v r. i:niio" theiii".- lll ill' -t"U f th. ir n, , nce..rd. No oue cnu fllluptio'i, l.ivei I oiui.lilut, IJf"Ill, l l l.i ut. unle- tbe liv i-llltH. lti 'f ,uir"o th luu.- lu tul.en-'ef, .U.s. j".-., Iirn-i- 1 r the liin ..i.-.i iuuf 1 I-..IIII;. Iu ni.Ii CT.-..S et oulv the lu .ir- that are b.Kl 1 l.e -t ich nud . liuke l.lo.l out ..f foo.1. Uke Or.' ihrw tl .1 t!ie to tlie rtoiiiiuh, t t.Hid. Il uillilU-e-t euHe lo-t ti 1 Ir lo .1 th. pstient U-un ImuIv- I.. t.d t: . pAtuut 1 , '.n,l"' uiptl .lillut i.i.d lu p.p-1, 7-iLeii). .-. inj louicaud U .11.I1 i.e I' 11 ,ire i..i:V.ut, ..ith..ut th rul-uonlr ?vni.. I ike ih .V. iudrA. l .ll- tnsly iu n!l Lilliou" eouipl tln', ."tl.e. reKrfe-'l iMnil'. . tli. M-h 111k. ubo lu itijoi.d llliilit. irup-rd brjltti timuy .ir pi'i. nii.l "v nell i ti iouud", wa wa-teil iu ly t., 1 iue e kei.tou, 111 t:.e U-t te of -, t ..:i .iiiipt.oii. hi- i-' i. ijux lun lu pro- h.. l.r-. ..nd 11I1 I .ue.l him to bh !, and ii.ll.irh ntliict.Hl uiih the wmere- ueti. th. t.emkV i.r. r..n d. mc.liip.u m.kin not o.t J.I...1 .ui,l..r, . lel.L"l- oHr. luiiit. . v uiiiiit'd, nud t lii pi ii.tpil. f- , t'hll ide pliii. wnere ..II letteri lor Iie 1- !,. pr.-f "c'e.Udly nt ..'lh, .veiy other 1 limily. :. et., eiei 1 tber W' d ire . hut f.ii 1 thi.,u.-li ei- t. r th. pr.i'o m j.'i. Olhcc V. M t.. J l: M. rtip uu I M'nwisd Tonlc T.M I. .If.iL.m. Undrake .. 1 . li.inllWIX .t t ., .Ml.-le H-iut. Iorletiy ! i 11. --.d 1 X... .O II 1 '"""' j itk',- ,.1 "'J' lllinmTr, I - ! , :T lieltie. '.t. Ifcvto Xa ",r1"u l, W yiiuu r.irindi,-.-aud Ml- (;!jl,r uiv N rnnth. Loth ol Al N.iith'i'rji. s .lohi n. A.Uu of 1 "" 1"" I-y tho Kov. 1". V. KulUr. Hraths. liirth", Wam.i-e3 aud I l.-atli- iu"erted 1 t. iiicludiu "k trv, t-i , lvt- alilie. .-t llurke, .luly Mr. Ai-ihel ilurt, ae.1 TS r laulti, Au. litli ef I'i' foer, Carno A. .1 -ed il car and 1 il ly We iitia- ber iu tbe plnce uf prlyer, Aud by the hearthV lire linht ; We piuie iKvide tho .loiri To be tr ouce uioro, ln r nircet goo J night. Tli.Tee. nid a pbadoiv 011 tlie day, llrr fnnle" 110 loujer rluer : A liuiue"3 on tbe ntar of uiht, I.tke . tlnt lo.k thri.ilitb tears. A!o:ii nnt., ..ur i'alher- will, liie thoiiKht lud riK7..nriled : '11m Iie nhoee loe exre. dctli our, IUIb tiken liomo Iiis cliibl." A. M. f. COTSWOLD SHEEP r.'i: SM.i: llred fiom niiii of tho btst tUk in the ennntry. Consij:ii: ot V.arliu- lturkd, Itiuk liuib-, Itieeif inh Lwtc aud liml.. I'enu tai.ual.l.. 1IAKLKY .M. IIA1.I-. .11 llurk, , Sept. 1, lc'. 75lf ' WANTED AGENTS TO SELL f , 1 t -r t 71- j V ' 1 v KJ J Au in everv cramty In tlie state Cmnuike from Thra to l-ie llolHm a dnv. 1 or full paitirul ir. addre- CLl- i:ki.m pai. ifiusi; co.. v.i,ington M"' LL j A M E R I C A N I , SUTTON -HOLE, OVER - SEAMING, SEWIN& MAcnlNE Combinod. ,.,i(.onK MjcWnc w0k Hi.1.-. i:tkt-llol., Knibniideroirr th.- idje of Fa- t hrii". Overeiiniui;. o hv, Ileiu, I'.-ll. ford. luek, llind, (lather. aud .-en- ou : nll Jny SewlnB , -;uiiiecajido,andheveraikiiid utbcrcm. Call MKS. O. O. IIAI.I. Acent, Kailrnad Mreet, St. ,Iobm.bury, Vt, List ofLetters renialnlns tn the post omcc in i st.john.bury, Scpt. 9, lc3. 1 nuct m Jtiry e Morgan Ara u hartieJ HoseraXS 'ZaJr Ilu",i1Vr-lTie lum.irG hpencerG r ! Kutby voytrLouK 1 0uillu ' rs I'nrties eallins for the atiove lettcrs will plcase cive the diteof tbe Hst. II. W. r l.t.t, t n 0011. t , MNIMEXT. I'lLLd AND COUOII 1 onrtTnil cfi:n aro the beat remcdiea I ever I OuU I un1ud, ia wlut evcry onucuye Uwt glTca i ituaa a trui. c buy your Oooda at GENTS' FURNISHIWB STORE, 15UKY PLAIN. IfyouxnuttobuyaFINE LINEN SHIRT BO to. J. A. MOOKE'S. lfyoutnnttobuyany Under-Shirts or Draw- e'S KO to j A- MOOKE'S. If you want to buy h pidr of Pliuoutb, Dog, Kld or Clotb GLOVES go to J. A. MOOKE'rJ. If you ant to buy HOSIERY BO to J. A. MOOUE'8. if jouwantto buyGents' Furnishing Goods K to J. A. MOOltK'S. ifyou ont tobuyaTrunk, Valise orTravel- nnij Dag k 1 j. a. .mimike'h. lectetlfrom Boston and 2f. Y. markcts, and i-a'j. 7ott J. A. MOORE Gr L U E N E At BINGHAM'S. LOST. On Wduodiy, Aup. 23, bolwccn Uu nl vtrcet nnd tw8 llollow. Mvnr roadl r nril.ti SI.KCVE HL"ri"OX,fiicediihjtt,and ijold lettcr S. ixt. 1 110 nuder will obllge by leaving tbr FALL GOODS. II ALL. Jt rLCTCIIEUiavc Just returned from Bo toa wlth a new and cholco rtock of DRESS GrOOlDS. IlAJLih & FKKTCIIKIC. .Main -Strect, - st. Johnsbury, Vt. O. C. DOW, W A I. T II A Jt . and S W I S S W -A. T C I-I E S , CI.OCKS. j n w e i, 1: v , SILVEE W A K E , llOI.II I'EN'S AXI) UOLHEKS, H u O K S AND S T A T I O X E 1! V , ! ECFl'JIES, C L" T I. E K V , 1'INE II II! II UAOES, KASCY f.OOHS. TOVS, AU, TIIK M.ITKMAI.S FOR MAKISO Fl.DUKltS. SCHOOL BOOKS Fuml"!ied to dcalcr t uUihcn pricc. Personal attcntion given to Watch Re- pairing. ALL WOKK WAKKANrEH. Main Stbket, - St. JouNfc-urBv, Vt. CAMP MEETING AT Lyndonville, Commencing Aug. 30, EXCUKSION TlfJKETS --l 1 t ull Statlou on I'.wump?ic K U. EXPHESS WAGON. A ferond limd expre. nigou ou tprisgi, light, hut 4-;.'urtl .1. C. 11INC11AM. HOME-MADE PRINTERS. l'er-on. ti-iMiic U(or Adlui" I'rmn nny bear of in. tliinit to tl.tir silTanlmte br addre.inj rAI.K- lio.MANOFKIli: st JohnshurV, Vt. U-'.b NEW NEW STYLE! STYLE! I AND WINTEU ST I.K SlLK & FEI.T IIATa -2 Jiwt rect-ivt-d by I. B. (JOKIIAM. FARM FOR SALE, ttuttpJ tn the tmncipal rojJ leadtn; from Wtit Burke to utout onc-fouttlt tidlc frotu W'wt Burke dejmt, cotitainins Iirt icr. kooJ lind. dlMed into iuovinir. I'iwtunutc, tidicf and noo iland, with a futcrtr pUcc of I rJit In; tdr eiv iuii lti acr t : unrri tcood. Oue-tVuith iinlc frora i-mill. I'uts CO toni BuiMin qulti-' p-od . ne r frtilini; water at ana iwni, an arokrt-u'r uc-irtiiie locitton. Tld-fnrm i jroloc to bo U. Fo furthor purticulari TWO FARMS FOR SALE. Tlie PubfcrilMT now offoi for eilo one llll faH tuo moft diiiraMc Famin in ttl Nor- tiini t'rmont.Pitiiatcd ouc mile north of rtarhAtn (ntr, i.n the road leadfui: fruiu l'eachiui to laiiville. Therr irv wa Churclitf, Actdt-mv. 3 Btoren. tiltLckflmfth, phooniaker. nud tin t-horw, pit and ijriPt-niiUA. all withtu one niilo of tho Tillmie and WoodUnd. It htw an exteiifive Applo Or- chard ; alwi, ronnn prafted Fruit Trces Jut comine lutobeMrin. The buildinK are nll new, couel.tiiitX of two-ptorv uone, inorouKniv nui noa tnrouirintut. Wood aud CarriK0 31ad, to lartct Banin with cellf.rh. Shed iui wranary. mrneuDd iiouse well cun- AIpo, un eicel.cnt stock aud iiiiry tirm, fouriniUv trom IVjLhiui Uonicr, and two miies trom Wt IXia- fclllc, u di-)ot of tho proiwod nilntd Thii ftnn ctn Wli.s Acrw, r itrt of whieh 1- heAVily timbered. Alno, - !iurr Urchird of W trees ; thn rnt paturK and tillae land, wi:h a Uou-e. Woodshed snd Birn thert-on. Auy oue dolrous of cettiutc a cod 1' neitp wm oo weu to give iue a cu Diore puren:im IVachnni, Vt.f Aug. l.-.t. tDecl CHEAP EXCURSI0N TO MEMP ILIIEM AG0G Tuesday, Sept. 14, 1869, A SrtiCIAL TKAIX WILL Leave St. Johmbury 11 'Ji . - st. .lotmsliurf C.9 27 " I.TUdomillo 0 41 West llnrko 10 il " Soutli Ilarton IU 'Ji - Iliton " 1.7.. " Ilnrton Lnd. 10 52 1..VI " Uciveutry 11 02 " ArriviDg at Newport 11 lr a. m., the Btcftmcr LADY 0F THE LAKE will lcavc Immcdiately foran Kzcuirlon on the I-tke, rturninK about J p. m., aud itippln at Newport one hour, kIvIhj; tho-e pawtngcm hu deiro lt au opportu nlty to dine at thc 3XemplrrcmnHrojf IIouso, after whieh the Tralu will retiira, reachlng St, Johna buxy early in the cvenlng. TICKETS will Iw sold at the Staton, at 75 cta. each, and thoe wiihinc diuner axe requestcd to curchaae. m that milta. ble arrangemente may be m&do ty the proprictor PASSENGER TICKETS are LIMITED, and will be oa Bale from Sept. 10th to tbe eveclug of the 13th. They are good only on the Special Train and Boat. In caae It la etonny, the Exconlon will bo pott A. II. I'EKRY, Sopt. lyndonville, Sept. 1, 1M9, L A D I E S Japanese & Eugenie Switches, An excellcnt imitation of Iluman Hair, AT LOW I'UICIiS AT E. dt T. FAIRBANKS & CO'S. NEW STYLES SHIllTING FLANNELS IN rilSEAT VAKICTV AT E. & T. FAIIJBANKS & CO'S. Aug. I, 1SC9. B O N TON HOOP SKIRTS, Consitleretl tlie bcst Skirt in tlie markct. Selliui: :it a "rcat tliscount from fortner prices, at E. & T. FAIRBANKS & CO'S. Auj;. 1', lSt. E X T R A Winter & Spring Wheat Flour. We have now in store feome of tlie veisv uiiT nitANDS iiuule in tlie Unitetl States, SELLING- LOW. E. Ac T. rAIKIt.V.NKS .V CO. Aur. is, 105. VINEGAR. Pure Cider and White Wine VINEGAR ! Very .Supcrior for I'ickles or Tablo Use. Kor sale by Uarrel or Gallon, at E. & T. FAIK15AXKS & CO'S. .Tuly 29, 18C0. B A R Q A I N S BLACK S1LKS AT E. & T. FAIKUANKS t CO'S. NEW GOODS! Arlington Poplins, bilk and Wool Poplina, Pongees, Seersucker Ginghams, Printed Piqucs, Organdie Muslins, &c, 4c, &.c. AT 3L. O PRIOES, AT E. vt T. KAI1MJANKS & CO'S. MAY 20, 1869, oST O T I C E OA.HJPUT rSTJYEIlS : Vi'u have recently improveil aml en- Iarjred our Carpct Hall aml are now en- ililcil to hov our patrons the Iargest antl mot clecunt tock ot" English and Amorioan Tapcstrlcs, Three Plys and Ingrains, to be found in tlie State. AUo, Kugs, Mats, Mattings, Painted Floor Cloths, from 3 to 12 feet wide, all to be .oId at I.OW TKICCS. K. & T. FAIKBANKS & CO. M0RE NEW CARPETS AT E. & T. FAIRBANKS & CO'S., Amoug wblch are Several Entirely New Patterns, Just Hocoived from tho Factory. HOUSE KEEPING GOODS, E. t T. FAIR15ANKS & CO'S. CARPETS, RUGS, MATS, &c, dtc, Window Shades, and Fixtures, JAPANED AND PAINTED TIN CHAMBER WARE, Crockery, Glass and Chlna Ware, (Some of niccat Stout Chtua lmported.) Paper Hansingu, Table Cutlery, I'lated Spoons, Forks and Castors, BlanketB, Qullls, Towlinc, Table Lincn, 4c INSURE YOUR LIFE TNA LIFE INSURANCE CO., HAKTFOKK, CO.NN. Assets over 511,000,000. Annual Income, $6,000,000. Daily Income, $20,000. potichoHe'rl"" TC,i"SM "nually amoug the Il-.,l,cl Mn.forreltinu. N l, to ,he inrUrcd. jS a.r" M"" " ly appliMtloa of divideu.1!.. I.. K. tf.MtOF.NT, (len'l Airt-ut. 'P" Joliil,ury. V.rmrat. A PACIFIC RAILWAY G O L D LO AN so,t 00,000. Kansas Pacific Railway Company for the rile of itc New Seven Per Cent. Thirty Year Gold Loan, Free from Tax. TbLi loan amounU to irriO,lHiil. First Mortgage Land-Grant and Sinking Fund Bond9, iM-cured upon tl.e czteuFion of tbe ltilUv fivnn ne Sberidaii, lu Kaniin. to I lenver, Tolorado, a dmf tuce ol 2JT milee, of whlch VI milc-i aro coinpleted. and tlie reat i under coni-Uuctloii. It 1 -ili a Mi.rtinue utKiii the. ltond, tlie Itolliug Stock and Franchi. i.f thi. rir-t-luui ItiiN ay, bef ideB now runuluK tlirouRb tbe state of Kau- Aml iii Miccrssful oicr;ilion for I.'ITinilei we-t of tbe Mimouri lllver, and euniing ilready eiiough toyncct all of lt expeiu.e and exinting oblii-atiouii. be- .l.-re than Ihe Inltreit i;.n thit mw Iaiu. Iii nddition tn thi- the are alao .lyured l.r 1 fl-f luortg-JKt- of tho OUVLILNMKNT IN1) UKANI' OK TIIltKR .MII.I.ION AUIIKS, tending in altern ite m-ction on eitbt r eide of tbe II k, flOUJ the .'ItlJtll llllle lK.t ill KUII.14 tn D.nt,r The iroceed of the ealeot tlie.e Und aret.ibe inve-tid by tbe 'Iruptceti in the I per teut Koiidrf tbenieheil up to 120 or In l . S. Ilouds ia A Sinking Fund for the Redemption of the Bonds. Tbo land' cmbrni c Kinieof th.. fimtt i..rllon. of the tuji;iilncent Tirritory ef CuI.THdo, iticludiut; a coaltield and ilnerr. The Company alim holdn a au asnett anoth I'liren .Millioti of Acrrt iu tlie Stitte ol Kiin-us, 4nd althoui-h not nli-dired ai a eruritv f..r th;. t,n their poene-iiiou Jddn Lir'elv to the C'ompanV Wi-4llb aud ciedlt. Wc etiuiute tbe Value ofthe Company's Property, covered by this Mortgage, at $23,000,000 net, while the Loan is mere ly $6,500,000. 'J be liundi. bai e TIIIKTV Vf AltS TO KUV, from May 1, Ici"s, and will pty WKX PER VEXT. IXTERKST IX G0I.U, felri-annuallv, on Mae 1, aud Nov. 1, nnd -ire Free from Government Taxation. tlie t-'oiupauy payiug the tax. Tbe pmu-ijnl of the I.oiui ii ra-ide ;t ln (7i,W, ln ie City of .Sew Vork. but lacb coupnu will be I'VA11LC IN fEANkl-..aT, I.uN-iN HH NEW 10Ck, C option of the bolder. irithfiiit nnti... .11 O.o rn11...r.n rittee : On ?l,0u0 Ilond In New Yi.rk. .iB5 (Kold) each half jr. Fraukfort . lir. 3n krtzd., ha.l thecondition ofthe l:oad, and the coun?r- tiirnufrb Idve the Ijan an euiphatic tud..m-iuei.t L ' riltST CI.ASS INVKST.HKXT, iu ntryrei.Kctpeifectlyi.ure, andlnromoervntialiivra Betterthan Government Securities. Tbe ltoudtf will bu boM for the prctent at 11(, anU ai-crnett Intrrol, both in Currency, thc AgenU rerrln0- Uie riKbt to adva-e the rate. ueaiieiiiiou 01 inreiton la liivitcd to tbipo urll-.e- piolitable luverituienti. iu tbe market. of the l.oM aud lioveruuient .- taken in puymcnt at their market value. without,,. rh impbleif, w ith maps Ki luir full InforniJtion. ent uppllcatlon. DAIIHV, MOltOAN LO.. No. 3.1 Eicbmge l'lace, X. V. ST0VES ! ST0VES ! ! si'.vi'LDiN't; & Qi nmv, (Saeiea-on. to 1. H.iyntiin.) , I'.cpcctfully auuounie to the jnopleof L iledoiiiacoiiity and viclnity.tbat tl.ey have j .ut o, . red a ne iUtv in Union Block, - - Central Streei, Where they hai e c.nctaiitly 011 hau.I a larpe variery of COOK & PARLOR STOVES THE NEW EMPIEE, wblchlKW tho HAWK'ri Al XIMAKY AIK CIIA.M lltK attiched. pafd Apr. -22, 107, nnd Urch 3, f-Cs. "PEEHLES8," whl.h took thc Kirt I'rize nt tbe rarin Kzpoftlon, r-'I LW'AltT, SlllIlH, COOK, WIl.LtAMS' COOK, l'ATTEUN C MlK, COn.Mol'nl.irAN', MAV-n.OW- ki:, 011: iii.h iio.MK, r.NtTY, uoon, l'ATIttOT, IMl'UOVKI) MACNKT, IIT.NA. KMflllC STA1 1:. I'AHLOH STOVES, STKWAKT, I'F.Kltl.t'.SS, MH.AR HAY, MfiHT HOL'SK, COTTAC.K lHIMK, KOIltsr, l'AULUll COOK, UOX SroVEri. SOAI'STONIi STOVICS. (for Conl or Winid.i of tbe lat. Et and dtrinl.le i-t le-i nnd na-ternt. Our ftovi 6 arc tnade at the wry licpt foondiieii Iu tbe country and arc all FIRST C L A S S ! Tln aud llollow Ware of all kind- coti'tantly cn band StovePipe,Zinc,Copper and Brass Work donc in a ncat and ealHtauti tl mannt r. rarticular attcntion Riven to r,iniM, nml Ioinl Ilio AVorlc. All klnd of JOIS WilKK d-juc at bort notlce. f-rr'A8 we pive our tfri.onal nttention to all work. Ut23 dune iu i.ur ruop, e think that tbe n 01 knian hip, a will aa price, will not fill to iriveaatufactlon t. MARCH 25, 1869. STONE CHINA Ve nro now receiving a small lot of tlita benutiful ware, believed to bo tho bcst ware ever imported to this country. E. & T. FAIRBANKS & ;ior cohi or w.mi,) pucu aa t I 1 . I I