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vT I TIIK C ALEJ )OM A I ' Shc iarm aml (Oarilni. iiirr.i' Cliih. 'Ilie (.ulyect oi i - , "IJyot Culi'iro." r t f...TKi: of Barnet, was not mi J. I". fro-Thi. oi . , enilm-ia-tiuanaumirei ui iuui. ......... yct l.c oon-idiTcd t!ic ruta-bagas viduable to lced in th.' wilder as a condmiL-nt. Tliey wcre tlie nearcst like grass of any thiii" ihat ctock could Ikuu in tlie win- tcr sea-on, atiil as graps wa- tlie iiatunil , f,i,,l. riila-ba"a were sooil. Hi-. rx.iss wa- the natnral cre good. Hi-. nie- tlud of rultiva'ion wa to break up a 1" ' ' ' ' , . I Was IIUI11-, u.i...... - , I I ,-cnl bv a simplu contrivnnce lie hn- ina.l.-, and wlncli lie e.xplnineil, and int ' , ,. , ... on nlio-phate. In tln- way lie ean go! at t lie rati- ot 1000 butlii'ls to tlie aL-rc, and la-t uar lio la'cd tlieni in mzi' np to 1S pound- t-ac-li. IIu would prcfiT ! p!ant turiiips e.iily in tlie rcason if l;c liad tiinetoilo.-o. 1 lu preferroil inangL'l-wnrzi-1". and carrot to tnrnip-, but ii wa- tto niu. ii trouble to rai?.; tliom. b tliuii;jbt niany latud tnrnips loo iiiglily . lm biliovul onu bu-liel of pol:ituu- nearly cipnl to tlirco of tuniip 1K; of an s'XpL'riiiKiit nuide in Londun with inilcli cow.-i, wliure tinirips wuv rorkoiied at mly .-eenlli tlie x aiue j ol li.iy by ' igl't- IIdkack I'midmck stated tliat liu liad lc-ad tliat tiim- pciiniU of turnip-" wcn- upial t) pound of Iiay. Ile tliouglit I 1.1 iaiM- ton-. of tninips a- i-a-; and a- e'neajily a- be eonld two ton- ol Iiay. Ile di 1 mt tliink tnriiij- wcn ve' ab aiile lor ind li eow-. bnt lui i.ung -tock, .-lieep. and an'rnal.-"eoin-inj: in." llie3' wre inv.iln b!e. Ile iIki. gae tlie e.peiiiiH-iit ol ."ilr. Ide of I.ti don, wlio di'nl. d a berd of two-year. iild in tlie fall. to one lot giing turnip-. and lo tlie ollior n ine. Wlien luiiiei! out i:- i-pii jiliee nill ee no ilill'eienee in t'ne two iieid-, exeept tliat tlie bair i,; the turnip-fed catlle lookcd brigliter :! bi:tler: bnt very oon af'ter being ttinud out tlie latter betian to train over lla i tn ii,.. f.ill I .i ii. 1 1 1 Iim, '- c ....u... i ..v.. . . C!eo. li. Dui.w impiired if turnip sapped the ground woi?e than polatoe-; oreorn: IiN exi.erience va tliat the-. ! Iid. Mr. I'ovn.i: tliought that if ihe faine ainount of lnaiiiiie wa- pnt ujn.n the turnip ground a- upon tlie eorn ground, the tuiiiip- nuultl not sap tlie ground nny nioiv than either ol the othiT erop-. A.MA-iA 1Itim;s coni-idercd tunii of nioiv viiine than olne who h-itl given their ixp.'rienee. lie liad wiiilcn ' -hoat- on turnip- a- well a- he could di it itii poiaioe.- Ile had experiincnti ! leeding lurnip- Ihe prc.-ont wiutcr lo hi-cow.-. Tlinfe whieh he fed turnip- d.d lnueh heiter than tlue tliat had inu-i-He fed lurnip- lo inilcli ruivs iniintdiati ly after niilking, and found no tionb' wiih ihe milk or butier ta-ting ot tl.e fied. lie pieleired inangel-wutzeU to tnriii) -, lul they leipiired better lai.d and t o-t tuore lo rai-e tlieni. Mr. I)ict:w thoiight well of turnip-. He plants tlieni tarly beluie hi coin tlieii if any of the .eod mi-ie.-, there i lime to replai.t. Wheu pnt utl uu il Juue U fore iilantiiig, there wa frcipifiii- ly a diy tinie. whieh wa f.ital to tlu M-etl .-tartiug. Ile -ivoulil not lied tip-nip- ith traw, a- niany d, as they are bolii bulky. and of liille uutrilion. Ilew.uiM le.d grain with .-traw. aiei give Iiay with tuiiiip-. He Ihouglr niany weio t ol eiueftil enoiih ele.iniug tuniiji- li ii re ftv.iin lh-. Ii. wuuM ra'h.r they would be lliriwn away lh .ii l.d lo I i- -tuek uilh tlie dni on. Ile l oiil ! lurnip- uere e-peeialb. g o.l t..r -he p. 11 u-ed lo ln-o lnaia U tl.e r-iieiehei-,"' bi.t ?inee he fed lur ni he I al uon ol hi- trouble. ,Iami Hakui-. pief'rred turnip- tu p..t:ii e.-i. r riiit-p, but g.ive prelereme to p tatiK f ir ealtle. Turnip.- eie i. p ci dly od lor r-h-ep hefore lauibini; the l.iinb- ueie aiway- tion imd heallhy, but polatoe.-, giien .-hccp at tinie ueakeue l tiii in. .Mr. 1"i-tei: iai-ed the ipie.-tiou ol rai-iug e ibl :vs s eallle feeil. .Seien-1 une men liad Malvil tliat more .lue eonld be rai.-ed lr.nn an aeie of eahba,;i- than fiom anv root cr.n. The cabb.e'e tillrtl up an lUipoitant jjap between gra and hay, ?ay about tlie nnddle ot Oetober to the niiddle of Xoveinler. C ibl.a'vs weie iniu li more heariv than tuinip-, and iicver seented the niilk. Mr wa- hi.jhly plea-ed wilh a Miiall expeii ini nt he had inade in this direetiuu. Iu an-wer to an impury about har- vet-ting, .Mr. Drew Miid he u-ed to jnill :ind hiv in rcgular row.s and eut oll' tnii-' . ,, 77" 77 .. , , , , , , , 1 IoMaki.hh: Il.MiiCt wuh a lo.ig-lu.ndled, but he ik.w !,.,., illul" Io ; cutotftlio to;i- with .i hoe, and duguuake tlie hair c-uil. W theui iii ith the same iu-trunient. TAt thi- Doint uuite a leie'thv ili-eu m aro?e about changing ieed. Mo-t of ihe larmei pre-ent elaiuied th it "u wa- better to ehange a!mo;t all .-e.ils a - often :w optv in three years takuig seed iiiitv in three years takuig ;-eed froni one kind of oil to ain.tlicr, etc: l , , . .,..1 soine icift iniiLu paius i u rc. lroni a hmg distance. Mr. Foster wa.- the only oue who did not takc stoek in the chaiiuiii.' -eed thenrv H., th.nmhl i , , ,. it wa? only neccssary to se ect thc carh - cst aiul no-i seeu ; anu ne stou(1 ready to pit his Karly 15lue potatoes again-t the Karly Hose without oddi J Joslimi Duiv, in answer to iqu'lry auom puinung smau feeu-puiaioes. ?am he bouuht two barrels of suiall HarriMin jiotatoes last sprmg, varying in size froni a rille bullet to that of a parlridge's egg . iiiiii "u"v "" "'1 crop oi poiaious ne evur raiseu, tuure iioi bcin less tlian .")(() lm-licls to lbc acre, I iliov wpru of vcrv lar"e size. ' .1. 1'. C.uat bclieveil in cliMiging seod. Ile procurid some seetl jiotatocs froni norton. Ile plantcd a iiarrel and a lialf and r:Uo 190 busliels. They hand.-ome notato, and there wcre - uf ,iea.e. . Anhkuv ai:im.n was muelt m favor uf inisiii!; carruts for stoek, cspecially for liorsts Tlie sce,l neeiletl con-iderablc inoi-liirc, liowevcr. Tor this rcason fall -ovin4 w:is thc liest, lie tliou"lit onc buslii'l of cairot- was worlh moic than two bulnl- turnip. K. I.. IInvi.Y regrettnl that there was so inueh ih-parity in tlu experience of tlie iartn.M prc'eut. S jiiiu tlioiiht that ,, 1 wlnle ollici- did not lind tne snuie expe- . 1 n ctl tlie f-oil inan piuuiuL' or niiu. l!ut 1m liL-liwd tliu dillorL'iiuo in .-oil and i-ulthatiuii wonM aivount lur tbir- ."cein- ing oisitr.idu-tion in experitnce. 'l'lie tinie liaving arnod lo ndjourn, it wa otnl int to h.ivi- a iui-2tintr tliw wick. 'I'he -nbjeet for Kriday aftuniooii i J ..i:u fil I : "Oii'iiir ,t.iiviii". l'Kis in r.LNi:Ni!fin:- J. C. Welir-lor of tlii? to'.vn lia- appaivnlly intiodueed tlie 1-1 1 t bive i of liog-. a-i two pigs of 1 a rai-'ni ha e been rwently killed liero tliat aie Irud to beit. One by Cliarle II. C';ile, T. niontli- old, wcLliing "'Ii! Ib-. and one by 1 Miy Ilartr-lioni. !) mos. old, wciliiiri I0j lb-. A .Mai Ki.ihmi vm-. Tlie Conner.--ill- ( Imli .n ) Titiu- tliat durii.g the lemp.ilal v al -ence ol her kerp.T. llot Iuii-I .-mce, the eh phant .1. nny L ml, be loiipin to tlie Van Anibmgh Menae rie, now wi' in tliat plaee. de lerinined lo free la-i-elf froni tjoinl ige and ex'.iiiit herrelf frce ol eliarge. How i'ar -he -iieeee l.d i.- de-cnbeil below : Iler ln-i p.'if.irnianee was lo try it it weit io ible to iip-i t the building in wliieli -he wa- c mliiied. Irai, linding srhe wa- imaliie to pn i the r-.ilitl lua.-onry li'in it- f.'tui latinn. ln- -ei7.ed ihe zelir.i whieh -lood in elo-e proxiinity, deliber-at- lv lilted the frih ened beat ont of In- stall with her trmik, held liiui poi-ed "I niniiiii, intii u.iMieu in in Moienuv in iliu gi onnil. Xot Mti-lietl, one of the t-car- ed ealtle rhared the s-ame late. l-.ery- ,!,;,, W!l. j 1L. uj,l..-, eonluvon : li- on-, ti-ei, and :ill the wild bcats, ter- '"'"'d by her unuMial lury, matle 11 bnddiii-; eeho itli ro trving to buit ll.t ir b us and e-eape. Mr. Winntr, ihe lion-tainer, Iried, buth by eoaxing and lliri-atening, to p n i!y her niaje-ty until the relurii of her, but witliou: -tieei . an I at one tinie Mr. Winner ?a.a she liiade her eliaiu.- ting like a Iiaip--tniig. It .-lie had Mieeeedtd in e-e.ipiug -he would hae iii-t.inlly deinoli.-lied the d, n- eonttiinii g the auimaK and the dainage thev w.nili! hae doiie in tlie -urroiiudii g eoiuitiy eo'.d.I not be real i..I. Woid .-.a- iu-la:il!y miH to her kteper. .Mr. Na-ii. aml heanived ou the ji:-t in tinie. Ile" royal hiuhiie-.-a- .-o liiiii li'! by her ltigo that -lie did no! lfei "nize hiin. a-' u-ual. bv h foot- -ten : but the inouieu! .-he lu'.nd hi- voiee, aecoiiipanud by hi- Urrilile snar, he I'oiVid her lo iinuiediate -.ibjeetijn. and -he treuibied aud l.ejgid lor merey iiio-t pitiabh ." V- ir Pko ini-Nci' Kis CiiAsri:? l)neila l.i-t uetk, Mr. .I.utie-- l'itkin, of .Manelie-'.er, l't.. ' ad .--.iried to drise lo I'oilton. bui wa- delaed on the way until it wa- ioo late for biui to leaeh li .lt.iu in tinie (or th.- objeet of hi- j jur- nev. and niu.-li exel h- turned bae towaid h.'in.-. Wlien hi- h m-e he -aw two ehiidre!. i iinniiig and -eieaniiug iind leaiued tr.mi theui that lheie wa uu aeeiileii. on a pond in the lot baik o ihe lie lau that w.i and olijiel in tne j ml n-ii :.inl .-aikiug aniong the broU. n i'-e, u ioe.i proio.l t be hi- oun little b v i la 1 ot aboiit 10 eais ol aue. Tlie father reaehed out iii- ivlup. aud the diowning elnld gra-i id it, but vnn loo i ir gene to liold ou, h 'ra-K lel.'Xed .ird l.e - iiik a-iai.i. Theu ihe I'allier p!un,iei! in. cta-hiiig llilon! the iee, au l w.iiln:' up to hi- nerk, w h i lie ju-t ri'teiied lu- oy a- he wa- goin uu hr lor lb ' l.i-t tinie. l'roinpt reine die-. and wrappiug hiin iu blaukel -oak d in bol waler, brought hiin bauk to lll'e. tST A eapital .-toiy i- n lated eoi eeriiin Iim l.ine. Ile had b;en electe to a etii - ol'.-iibord'iiate olliee-', aml wa linaliy M'lil to Congie-. Deleated in re-election. lie n-piied to a .-eat in tlie lei;i-laiure : bnt .-o !iht nad bicoine h'.-liold ou p .pular lavor tliat he Idi''d in for thi- lio-iiion. A la-t re-orl. to reeover u- w.uuii'' noiiii larily. he juiiied . .Methodi-t ehureh and. wlien it wa- given out. on Sunda .tli:it ' in!eral betwecn the ervie h ; would b iippeii iu a ueiuliooiiii I a--e'iibleil on ,.,i. tl) wj e. reinonv. Tlif pre.ieher .ade.l iu wi: li ihe reoiihite : I p'unged i.'un under the llooil. A he I L-iine iu ihe Mirlaee, an old farnii r iu tlie ei'oWii lui lied to hi- un aml el.iimed : ".lohn, wlien vou waler the to-inorrow nioruiii" iu the ereel e an 1 taku tiiein above wliei I old Lane w. .lipped." I.. "A new : a lxvupt to believe the 'narber.- u-e a hot irou. with miiiic kim ot grea-y -ub-ianee: olhi'rs wet the hair r. an.I .1., it u,, a. uh-hl in lit.le ot paper. in whieh it is kcpt till nl i- lneit tlie. ed for ihe dav. ' l!ut thc- 4,c ,.!U, nppiy the ireat i 111 '"-.. Ir.nn whenee the hair grow , .iiiu uu- .-i.ii-cinej ir, u-e l- uiu h anJ milk. iinii tn... .....l.i; . .. -.i ' fuuiiiii'j niiuui waiioill i,eaele otlarw ise niuia--c- W'e lik maple .-yrup best. It ni.,v be taken i.i :i -poon, or with a furk, depending jn the ""-- ol ii.iui.Iily in wluch it i-ferve un. If laken sav about ouce iu .-"lx huur-. 1 , , ,, , . , ". 1 it will, m tinie, produee thede-ired ellect j Try it) !UlJ it- .ipprdved, recomniend it 1 to your neiglihor .. The lliing is neither patented nor copy-righted, but is free to i all who hve in a eoin country. ; A M.!looiu0's ie-t Une swallow doe not ni.ike a suiniuer, but a crooked pin olten uiakc? a spring. . " ; . , : country deiiti-t advcrlises that sparc- no pain-" to render hi$ operatiou l satisiatiory. Smith and Hrown, running oppositc wavs rouml a corner, struck cach otlier. Oli, lcar," pays Sinitli, "how you niakc my heail ritig." 'Ihat's a ti'jn it's liollow," says l?rovn. Didn't yours ring?" said Sinitli. Xo," said 15rovn. 'Tiiat's a sirn it's crackcd," replicd liis friend. ;eo. I. UOWKI.L CO'S 5iUv avtrtiscmcntis. (KSTAIIMMIUO 1830.) WELCH & GRIPFITHS, SAWS ! AXES! SAWS ! SA1VS of .ill il.-criutiom. AXI's, Ui-.l.riXC. and KI UMSIIISI.S l IKITI.AK SW.-init!i So lid T.ith, oruitli IMent Aiui-htaiilr IV.ints, , r,;r all ril 7V7i S,vc. cir-pKtcr.:! iir.niTr.n.j TSf Se -d fur 1'iic I.ipt ind Cnculars.; WELI'II Jt r.llU'KIl'HS. Bolton. Mw., or IVtroit, Mlili. THE NEW YORK METHODIST i'ublicht'S niH'ni-, a S. rial Mory for tln- rumilv. -i new ChiMun'i Btiirj- everv wetkclia'B with the Little Tolkf, Kditoridl l.y the U-et ilrthodi-t writer- .ind othtr?, IVn iRi imd llonie iic txrnrp mdinc , ikIi Ilep irtim'nt.. i,f l:, li'toin :in I ciilnr Inttlli-cii. in -ho.t, wh ite er Ko to mike a c mptctf l amily 1'ip r. l'rhe, $2 rl a y :ir. Uheral premiuiiH to rHiiva.Ji' rf Yearly ul tciiptioim coininmce i.t my tiiue. I'crfpe cimen, enclow :i two C' n: etunp to TII1. Miailolllsl, 111 Swai ft. N.wY..rk. SHERMAN HOUSE, BOSTON. furmtrl Ilaim. L ll.ur, O-Krf ;vi.(i.'. Kt'l tin tlie Kiir(iii'iin I'tati. IZmnimir ilMtr lier tlan lr nu-h itmi. Thii Uou e now rnif aniona ihe finit lltiN in lloK'i'li, haviiij; h tn liti-U r. fiirnif lied at pnt in perfect ordcr. IIAKNKY lli rp.piietor. uOOD'S HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE.- ri -.1 . and lilt W..M.IK iric 7.K ; l-'l, .1: I'.ie Addr TllF. WoMiFu.south- Savage's Ursina, KOI! TIIK IIAIH, a. 1 orld wride riputition for retorins tlie of the air and penn meutly inalntaitiinr t li auty. Should -on eriry T.dlct tible. SOLD BY ALL DRUCG1STS. Dlmnr Ncne Is lienu ne ithout tlu' Il.rch Hark ahel and tlie eiiru-uure "Alfred &ai:e" ronnd tl.e ueck. A SAFE, TURNER'S CERTAIN SPEEDY TIC DOULOUREUX, Nrae OR AM. Ol UNIVERSAL NEURALGIA nisEisKS. 11S El I Kl 1.- PILL. MAGICAL. An I'nf-iilinir II' i Mntr a tierri'C' curi- in n tiule U iv. No fuiin ol Ner- .11. lli w -oil't.i i M i 1 9 w onJt'rful pow in the -evereii e et i ol Oir. nic Nturiuu. ff itin fora lVv atToni- tin- iu ntlrei -t in. it-n- i.i - r.lnf. iin. d iKTininrnt eu e. It contuin- flinhtept ih ri iniu iou. 1' ln-the nini lalilied ap il i f the l.e ih-iclin. lhoii in.l' in n.n of the c. uu i, ;;riti full ackni-wledje il- vw,t othe the tortii ed 'n-m and re tore th" fiilin trinirth. eutli mail on rtceiiiT uf prn e and ikh -i"e One jjckaije fl.t'O, .-ortase l. centii. p.ukiiriii jSnO. ro:.iBe ; cenls. It i' i-ol i liy al diale.- in Tl UNl.ll i- o..'r, J" l sticet, llOHton, Ma". LORILLARD'S I i- an er llent nlated ir-:iiii I t.odue'-d it i. icle of iri n wli.r.Mrin i..-r"ull .d MoKlMi T. IlACt;.. I ii..- ii, ii-l. n lui.-.. in 'ijK-tf -r. dail pu-kid. LORILLARf'S Varht Cltili M.lKINC. r.illAI ") i-a, re ll.letl-t ilt. r l e..l r an I . i-"ht he nilr. .1. It te put ui in l oi cf Ihe rl.oirert leif It i- ftTrrt', i-the Nieitine hi wn eTtn. t. d : it l. ne- ... it i .rv iu I I. ti.-l.i i.ue .i-.d will'li-t .if ...i.. In -I,.- bruid we iKi .ar!i piHlitv MetnK-hiUin 1'ip-p. il.i- it if all i LORILLARD'S I bran.l t Fiu- rm I'l'X'rrifV 1 theionj t. I.ieeo hl no e.ptll ' 1 1 ul oi rupt-nor am.h.r.. It i LORILLARD'S i '-. lie l iuti.1 SNUPPS la.l-till kn..wle.l-..l ' If ik.eiHrd. o- ll.l .k hini to .'et h.-i t they I, I 1I11 o-t . ' rtula: o pr .1 on appticition. I.OItll.I.AIM) A- CO.. . "i- V.irU. TO ALL WANTING FARMS. 20,000 A.- - Fmit ind Faim 1. .n V. for al lir'.ill. .'I mil r -otitli l'l.ili.l. Iphi 1 soil 1111. 1111, iMip... 10- f .r ill c cp. i,l,l and P iltl.v No fe nd 1 fllll illf-. M.IKIII- l rianklinvill , nlou.r 1. r oi Aromatic Vegetable Soap. COLGATE & CO.'S TOIXiUT SOAPS. N1.W YlllIK i:.-I'AIU.lSIll".! l-il. For tho Dclicato Skin of Ladics and Childron. SOS.i ISY Alala DiilCGISTS. AGENTS ! READ THIS ! IUE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY OF ik 53U per weeK " i 1 l.r- 'l itrhil?,' Miih 11. w MiNF.l: ,. i . - ni 1 p S. C. Al"IIN, Mirh PLO ple uction aml IMvatc $alcs. VALUABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE 33 -IV S M? Ihe Uii-idenee bullt 111 23tjh.h:e. 1 by C W. Sl'l.M'I.: HOUSE, BARN AND SHEDS. All puiiplu-d uitii uev r-f .iliiii: wat r. Ilou-eeonti l; riHiiiL ui.wt tlior..iil.iv 1 u.i', uili 1 arrin ,f n toik .1 w ith 1 li ih e Fi ui and . irn iii.i nt .1 rri-. I . ry-lnn in n tperi-.r e.,i dit on md w-ithin walk ol Chu eh. Sihool and fot Ollae. For furih. pirticui-irn ipplv ti W II.lM:ll SI'KNCI K, Burke, (i. W SI'K.Nl'KK, st. .h.hnsl.ury. !-tf Store for Sale in East Burke. The -u' K-rib. r ofTeti. for fale on the fnoral.Ie t ni.n hi. Itrgieand foinuio, tt.ire ikih oeiupiid by UAilI.'I IdWNM.NH. and r,mn; d 111 n,e liii-in. pirtof ih, Mlhis-. Morei-.lls . wih l.irn iti. h.d. ill ' Ii-Toimhlr ndr p.ur. wii.i..ia -ri.Nrhi! i: i-t llurle, Vt., Ith. . l'T' Kousc and Shop for Salc. The pul. ril e nii-Iintn 11 Iim IIou,- -.iul Phop. tiii-litd ro-iiK. of 'od fix . and n lar iinlini-hid kitcn. n rtiainuer. 1 her.-1- .1 Wnud Mied, llarn ind le. Iliai'o Not fir frota an of lan.i, ..11 whic i are viri.ty of Atpl - Ire.?, I'luiu, Clnrrv and I ral. A pli lreo. .- .awl 1, rurr-int-, Uo. hi'Iu riien, lllukKr riif. Ila'plinrii'K and Orjpe-. With ., miil ospen-. h. siiot. uin le inade ii.b. .1 dw-tllin-hon... t.n twt f imil i. h. Afnriheibiie ir fol.l, mv llom, hold Fur i,iiurewilIlaforfile. Al'o, th.- st.Vk, llittin- .1111) pood -will of my IxiiinL'e and M ittrei'e luanufactory. hatTn AMnue. Sr. Johnfhun-. fvtf ' .1. T. t'ASSIMl. FARM FOR SALE. The subfC! .IxT w ill ei 11 Li- f inu eituat- ed in W ulden, 1., one uiile fr.tu south Walden villape. Cont.nnin(r l.'al -icre.. o xn-laut land. A ihoiee . oek fanii.iun o b-ai2 and bfn, well fenced. c. lufuttuM hu.idi ii'p, euir, apple, pl'im and lier, y . reh ,rd. sai. t irni w ill he old iheip. Haius beiu appoin'ed t, pit-riil wo:k. 1 rnuct pell. A d -ilnc ion ol one half o tn for bnil.lln" rallronl will l,c ln de. Croi! an. fimi,uK to, b in the tride if deaired. Tenua oLe thiid down, ciedit for balinie. 1.Y.MAN I)M0X. tfoutli Walden, 1.1, lfil. FOR SALE! The reat e-tite fonneilroccuuied ind now- onncdbv the fUb-M riber, pltuated Iu tl e villifreof i:att Uurke, 1 divellini: houe, two Etariis in fiont, nctvlv rcpaired alj a go..d new- boree bam, with muuin w-it r 11. and one -icre of lana. I or furth, r p irticul Jr- en qulreot GtOl:iJE(il:i:(J.IIY', l.vt Burke, or of th, Farm for Sale. 1 he s-ab-crlli. r now olTrs for fale the Farm l,tlonsic; .1 1 -V V v . i-r, lare 01 iiarse. sald tann J y !"""" ' liuilce li. lHtr, and eontiin nnnirea ana nny acren of po..d 1 .d in .1 gooi ttate of cultivation Over SU tonsof Hay lut vcar Is one of fanii. Sn of he'ivv "timUr land. w-l ! a foon cnance i.,r roffirlui;. Will l,e fold err ... : ,usi-."L. .ii - wn.. .iopa ana i-armini: lool, II difiua. A 11.111 01 tne tau reniain on Mort- b AddrCM J0I1S A. fYLEK, Adiainutretor. Barke, Vt. s2tf 11. t -ori JiattcUy v: (Co's (CoUumt. INFORMATION TK'iS di-nts rttircd riiTirMiicn, Knoiuctic YounR Mt-n mid I.idite an iiu.f -T5 to $l''l it montli dnriQg the Sprint; imd Sumiiicr. A c.ipy Irt-e. Srnd mme and idlrcci t Peoi'le'e tlouru.U. SpriitpfielJ, Maw. vo.j l'OK TAMII.Y l .-l" rhiap, rcli.M: Kmts triiTiiiM.. Ai;i:M WANTKI). C'h-cnlar ind eample it..ckin!.- 1 1:KK. Addure HINKi.l.Y KMT TIMi MA1 1UN i: C !., llath, Mi . '.' i-..m W H A T A R E i)R. WALKKll'S California Vinegar Bitters. tiicv ur. xor A VILE ITAJNCY DRINK. THE AMERICAN FAM1LY KNITTING MACHINE ic pre-ert d lo theinl lie ar theiiioBt Ehnj-le, durable, and culuiuct and ei up Kuittinj; Mjcltiu - ter inent ed. Price, only S25. T lii- mael.iue will ma (it'ier b.ckAard or foriard w ith (iii 1 f.u-ilit : in i- - tlie i- tuie ttia h iw by ha d, f ir -upen-r in ev. ry rerpect If '( K-i' J.w. N i'i in '. llmut.; and do p rfe. t w ork, le. ot'liew. 1k. 11' in le-e lij.ll .: i p i. 1 1 tockiu; It will ln t ('I. n l'li laih ...ik w Ih kind ..f 4-1 eo 1 .ii. nlk i tin. u. lilt knit ll.KKl , I,.- I dn i lamp .liekn. ni-.t-, yr. erid e liinke h(Btl tij-iit-. tnfttd w..rk. an artM. t.m rydiyn- .derh rt , i-h.iwi j tkt ifterF, tidit d m 1 1 n.ll.i .1 ast-i: i. i.t. I'HO.M $. T $tO A IAY i h -luv one vith the Atmricau Knitti Maihlne kuitt.nir -:o kmf, fc ., w hil.- ep rt op. i ike inop . klilttl.iK fiu. ork, li. d' ( n ..iv -Hl . A 1 m. II ..III read kHj.- . r the pi i w hich will b - pali. F-A-R-M-E-R-S iki at oiilv :orl to tifte .11 the-.r V uittill tl.e WO..I uu . .nd knit ini: it iiito ound iu, .ere.ilin.l -.1 Ft itir nd rn 11 1- nill l.e ol!. Mi .MAlilIM. ;,... l,...ti.ei.l lil-rsl MI.1;IIA .. lia- ., . r st. ONE HUNGRED THOUSAND BOTTLES PER YEAR. The New England Family.Medicine. l)ODi)S X E i V I X E . AND INVIGORATOR. A Thorough Tonic nnd Stomachie. Audeipiertly liapted :o tl'ie nli.f aud nuauiut cure . I ali tomu- of Norvous Diseaso, &c, &c. rouhf. Neurilia. I. nnle Wt -ikne a.he, laintiti- lit , Fei r. - n il loi.i su '. sl.i pl.f n -'. l:.-tl.Miu-w. Hill..ii- i 1. 1 ZZWI- er, i . a-ti itlOI,. i n,ri ol.l'. Ilitd I'alpititi, u. -, I -I- I ,t,l hildnn-- rio il.h H. 1 1 arrh, a, 1 011 umpt; .11, if Take care of Yourself. Ihuir.t Xtrcitir I'uri' Tunic. hirnvnizrs rfictly nitli tlu Xirr. l'il,r'i!rf.-iwnnil nenrj tn tlf "uriri. l.inr. Hmnig .nw tlii'r ri.-'-irn. nml ...ii'-." Ffslt .i.r ' ir,t.-t tlmt i.i n-nrttititly tiii iiiy I'lart: It operatcs Soothingly, 1.1 JitlltK'lllt tl' tllir !. !.' II'lHe-. aifl trtth U-titnml iinKi iifi tttui. mtich it iinmiut raturif thi ujlictiil t .tniuiit ilinlth uf aml tn imi tin hhihI. '111.1:1 1 111111. nieu-.iri or trrhniu .) in.l 1 1 hol 1 ,1,1. t. r. ii' .1 1 :oiiipiuylu': 1a1.l1 boltle. Some Folks can't sleep nights. AkIiI'.- Xvrn.,r t 11 Ctnitjilt t- Sini'ilii' fhr ea-jin-nc.". It -iiti..-. thi Mhh.j imisr. tl.i ntHij'.c. ilml ti'liflliiz '. tlf iu'i'td. Aml mi'iMi) Liiuics tlmt iju ,-kii h'tta- tlntn utl Jhtliaiti.'. Ladies in poor Health. I l.MAi.l. O.M- FI.MNl.-. M.I ! Children's Diseases. For W , .. p 1. C. iikIi I . ith 1111. j.l. .1 mi, . .-. i ejour little ..1..- the a: .inpliiiit. It il- w. rk- 1 . 111U r tlu ,u,l pllnpl I. t For th it loutaiu. 1 Be Careful what Medicines You take. ii . folloni.l l.y Ih 1 th .- N, h. alt'. p-ep-i itioii. the lnv 1.1 !,. 1 liatahioti ti nip.-rance w h. tin I1.1t, njoi t'i rni-e l.t he vili ii II. tter .1 e ol l.on.i- .IU- ,-e tli 111 tire- .f -iliohol lor the in r i.o.d N,r.. .... p, ,,,,1,1.1.,, li l.ip.'Cltf s and iou:nr rt.iiei.. r d if l. fn. , II nd Mie r .mi:.-. y,. c. : t irrh hy 1 -ii 1.1 1, ll,.lk. iple re l. N .1. PILES. A Missionary, who had suffered e.irvitith l il.n w ... 1-111111, 11.1l ill n.l ther. ceip tiee. IvT 1i.ii Kr. l'llSI Kl: 1!.. .Ie,-ey hy, N. .1. GREVT CHANCE ! AGENTS WANTEO $iooui:;,a;..;;::,;.,ur5...r:.r l:r.i i,.,lt,., 11.,. 11,,. (..-. I.,,,,. 1 Ih np,-t ,il 1, t rlo'h r li v iu the w. rl.l : on N IJ.O, 111. I'i 11 M.AFNls IIKA l'OK. It ii : 1 1 1 1 . rTi.Nr reinovep S.uidn Noi. . in the llia.1, Ii it thurih I'lll.lic wiii ll-iln. h, with Me .N.y'i" frei-. I)i.. T. IH S111.1 w 1 1.1 Tti llroa lw Canvassing Books sent Free for Paris by Sunlighi & Gaslight. A Work de-riptiie ot the Mj-Fteri, ,i. Vntu-p, Virei-, Splenioi-. and l riu.e. ol tl,e rity ot 1-AKIS. lrtill'hnv ti-mtifi, ru; I01 are i-urih -ln. I. the W orl 1 : hotvit- Be'iutv nnd spl.-n-1 nt 1 1 a ful eot of Mirt'ii' mil Miifer nijr: h.,w n-itorj aie .-uin.lled l.v I'rof.wi..nal Adieu-mrer-: lioi irtiu- nnd iie u-o imi-in-inn in the Iteaii ifut rity: linr the n.a-t 1-e.iit'ul ihiuui ire cotn luittid and lonce hd ; how- uiouey i i..ii inder. d 111 useltw luxury nt d eoi.lain overl.Mtiu.- I hltiu'ii". of eoti d i'i ti-H, l.ife aud .-cen-i. in I'ari.. Ajren i" uautel. t'ai.i ,i- i k hook. - nt fr e. A ldie 1 .NA TIUiAl.l'l Ili.I.-lIINU 1..1., I!o-ton. -Mt :.7-lni Ilr. A. 1.. .-rnVII.I. i. the lai.ntor of i-eieral ruedi cal pnpirati.ins wl.itli have becouic lery in.pular, and hueb.m l.Urally 11-id. A111...1K hii iuieation- are "Ilsl'V Bilea.n lor the l.nni-" iu 1 'i.ii. rwort imi l'ar." Forth, put Ix jear. 1 li. tt -r remedy h i,! becn olTtred to th.-pnblic. Ilnd th.. fi.ltowin lutcrfioiu l)r. S. 0.1IL1. refirriu- to it: Me-rs. .1. N. IIAUKIS (.)., I niake il.e follow. insftiteuu-ut from a p. rf. ct coniictiou aud knowhd-e of the heneiit.. of Alitn'- I.i-m, II11 ham ic curin-tlie tuo-t dt-rp-ei lied I'ulincniry or." nnption ! I luve witnei"i.ed ttd etficta on llieold aad on tlie louie-uud ou tl.e old, and I truly ay that it i. l.y f ,r the leu ex peltortut remedy with whieh I am aciiuiii te.1. I'or roujjus and all the eirly utacea of I.uu- complaint-,. I btlieve it .1 lu? a certiin cure. and tf eve-y faiully ivould kttp it bv tLeui. re.ily to alminister i.jion tlie hrtt app ot di-. :u about the luui., t tre irould U-viry feiv caees offat.l con-uinptiou. It cau-ea the phlejrm aud uiatur t) raie. iv.thont irrititiu thos delicale orn'ati4 the I.unh and without pioducin-ron-tipition of the Iliiveld. It alao give itr. nthto the ryeteni, etops Ihe nii;ht eiveat, and chanei all the tnorhid secretioiiB to a ht.ilthy eute. Yours re iH-rttullv, A. 1 SCUVII.L. sold hy all Mcdii ine De-iler.. ...;-1ih. The Magic CombS any mmentbliik orlirown. It cont .inu no y.,i, Anv oue 1 un tu e it. Due reut hy uiail for sl. Addrc.- M Al'i II. COMU CO., fcpringfield, ilasa. t,m WAWTED AGENTS. j S75 TO S200 PEE MONTH, Kvcrywliyre, ma!o :nd fVmiU lo introlucc tlu1 j Genuine Improvcd Common Sense j f AM I LV SEWING MACHINE. 'I hi- M achine ill liti u, i.ciu, lell. nck, .itillt. cord, hiud, lir ild and einliror.ier in a inuct sup. nor iu imier. PlilCE ONLY 18 DOLLARS. rulll M'arraiitetl for 1'ive Ve:u. . W e witl pav Uiih for anv miciiine tiut w-ill K'W a nri.ur. m ire l.e-.u ilul, or iii'.ie el.i-tie m.' un than ourii. It nukeu the "ELASTIC LOCK STITCH." , .111.1 i-till the tlotli IK 1 . WCHJKf not li- pnlled ap irt w itl frcn. ir. to T-il ' 1 lili-i'i. II frem w hil Addn inth ind ixpen-in or that mo.i-it an ne m SEC0M3 & CO., . .. Mtt-; ... m. ." -, i AU'riON. lleuareof nll Au Tmz M.ichines It h ((( (i: I, t.'i x v .n id.iw a tdicite et lurli Auni . ri le.ll VIH-. W. rli-itl nol hol.l ,n-il,l,"- t. r nortlil tt Ma.him- f l hy ,ai,.Ulnlllirl-t'iitj all paitne Ithtrttll ila. l.i. . ii im 1. 1. tl.i- n.ini -, io the tnlt . - eut ol Ihe l.i u, unlef Mail.ilua we ol .a n d roin im l.y tur -Je..'. Do not le iiiili-.l upon h i i-t e- ioi.v otir a-lviitirfeni'-ii (i aud circiilirs (n ,:r t w. i'i itliini it i Uw piiee. 1..-IHI C O L GATE & CO'S A t:o v. a t l r ' t: ; :: t a u-u so a i. I enihlni d -.i ith lllyc. (ine, i-reioiiimend,. I foi- tii - Uic i.fl.AllII.-: in.l in tl.e NflM-.l:V. A M E !. ! C A N BUTTOK -EOLZ, C VLR - SEAMING, A K - SIIWTNG aIA. HirVU. Combinod. Ilieonli .-ewin M.nlu:ie tl at ean woik ltnttn-f llol.-. i:i.M-lol ,li.,l.r..i. .mi- Ih of GREAT SEN'SATION O 1s: Jil C V INT : Sign of tlie Golclen Boot! -Juti id tr... Mlll ol tlu lar-t-t mi 01 -ni. 11: of BOOT3, SilOiJS AiVD 11UBBERS, of the litttt tle and li.-t .lUilltv, of 1. idi.i and JlirilS r.OUTS, SIIOKS AND SI.IlM'KIfS. of .l,,th, ki.l. ylm. : ml ca.l l-o, Men., l,,u'. aud ihil.lie -t llootsand sh n ef il. kiu.l.1.,11 otn.-.ipiitjnr. tt,ihtM.r . nd oicrel.oii. of -1 1 rt)Ie an.l iiualitx. 22 i. rz' xx sn "rt , i.tmcol rntuh.iu.lAm. I, r. Uiuk skin. Ki ! a- 1 llt, Kip an.l I pjii ,h. k -ol 1. alherait ioppinp II .1 -erip- 11 o 1: r ind! .v : of ill kind. an.l too uuiaerolii. to lacntian. s i; o r. t o o 1, s, of . ..... d mil, !i..n. I h ib. i. -. d- n ill li t-.d 11 prie .. 1 d. tv petitiou. Zi I and -t-e. i1. i". iam:k; n, .-t. -I..' 11-I, ir, 1rn11 ATTEK T ION! I !! i-. nt torthe ruuird I,ne ..f .Me.imn-.tb of M-hiii-.-- .l.Ient MKhl I.i Kn.l.i,,!. 1.1,, si'..lilide..ii.-tintl 011 1, .U.I tl iheloni-ti.ite. ' ( G 0 S M-Q P 0 L ! T A H . THE PEOPLE'S STOVE. !n,.n-Ih. 111 11 i p'. 111111111 . 1 !. .1 it t' Mu -t t. i.r !,. I." '1, 1....U.I. s.p. -.l.-t I . w t 111-- 1 .- ol .:, .1 I I lo - il p ok.u. : 11 ii ib i - 0 1 u-i.l r- .1 l,v ill Ii 11- k. . p- i 111 I. of hl Uie .1 11 Iwtt . ilai- .lsl-t -.11'.: tiior. r. . .1 1 .- .old Mi dal .0 tl 1 iMu..ilit .11 i ooki ,-. 1:1. 11,110 lui.. 1 l-i Mi- n. !l,i ii-.. Mel...-1 1.., 1. N. Y...11 ue.ui.t.ti p.n rai o.,i ill 01 th. ... ou hil,.llou at thi .Mi I. .-an ale 1 air. lllL-,-la.. 11 Auxil a llot-ir H. It. in.l ... pt al. ikiua uiue ..11 wilh u r, leu rhiu. w it lilliiu .f.-oil We 11 .Un-t.-i.l th. a. ... ibii tmr 111. (Il ill. .1 .,. Ul. i.i: . irl-it ..f th - ..etr ite." . hi- initlnii- .11 h iin-. fhoul.l allat Ii. 11 dn ir. - . 1. I' ii. 1:. a- n. ti- o.iii!:i rt llaloi.I -t.. s-. .lol.nh.r-, :.. a..d ixaui t o.-Mol'ul llo.N.- GREAT CARGAINS '. fii-:Ai i-'ou casii : cka.M) oimim.m: I iOOTS AND i iiry t:. 1 LO l'a.-'i 1111 t'n- niinnfieturi.r. 11 Itoi- ton -md New ..rk 11 iy liru- ft i-k eoiuprifiii; an i- uiiiii. nt, w'.irh f. r ,.u:il,ili v. 1 le-i-ue. e eut an-l i iru ti . tr. IU a I etle r lli-.t 1,'ne eici Ih-en eilil: ited to the ii-,pl. in ti.i- cunn. I! nin? r.eeutli iuilinn ..I a- .1 . nlirp-.l lnv -lori , hne ad led toniv Ueck otn half. ( all ind m lnv ni:w sroiiu m:w iioiui-, anu i:ci:i:iim;i.y i.ow m:w i'i:ici: ! It if e 11 thi-1 .rm ; id tiiat thei 1,1 shoe l-tltltll nal. . the ti 11 1, of it. lioo.I. ,t..,i uitli nd Iii.I.mi h 11 il.thit ....' li.KNl- r 11 tlieni!-.-.. tl I.ue -m-n up ...uipitii In tiit, 1 I. Ii 11 wilh uie in th Iim tr theni, 10 wih l.ily tlieni, .md 111 B o 1. .re piiine and pn- M-ri -111 II pr.,rit at my pitiiv. I.ut I am t. Ilini; a lle of the'm 1.11 tluir oivn luerit-. iaiiiiCiuturiiiu' aml Iti'iiairiiife .loni to old, r l,y the lery h t norkiii. u. :?lti-ni .hterniinltion to fullv eti-t tl .! luil.d. of the pnblic, and l wiuld i-oh it thcjll. an.l pitr naj;e of th mi. e. 7 Tin liiM.rA:i kin.l of I.,-ath(r, lin.l-ni,- an.l Tnoa. . 11 l.and to ri.pply the tr-de. :.-f-Jl ml..r '.'.I.. . .1. w. hi:ki:v. l:.iitrotd, st. JouLt-l.itr., t. NEW DENTAL ROO.MS. '?iv, To-dlv I hne riopened niv ohire at Tfiy l,,;,ru r'JJT M 'in st.'and lii-t- alled patronaj:!- I oHer to tli people of r.ikdjnia Cotiii tymyfini.relha L-. l.i FILLING TEETH llm ad led 11,1 xk-ienie ottwilie le.tra to tl.e in r'ruiti ,n . f 'ln- IkH r .lle.-p -'n i.u-rica, and 11.1 I.r. p in .: to ei form all d 1:1, 11 1 , p rat 01 - i.jiou tiie r. it- aetipicial teetu crdiii" to n we t-t inouth ju J ti:i-:tii i;xT!tAcri: ivitt.ont pain I y tne snnv. Nitr, u.'oxid, ,lof( .Ioi.,f.,ni 1 A.i wh.ih in thc- ife t ..nd pi. d. 1- for thi 1II1 kno any 1 otlic , and t-eii nt.ncalli aiplied Af herelofote I wi'll uke IHITIrri.r CAsi:S in fiilin. i-ltte nork aud eitnctinir, wiere oUi-r deu tifai have lailid- and in-ure fucce-!.. KRBIJ'S, 13tf St. .Iohn..bury. Vt., .Iin. .', l'l'.n. SEWING MACHINES FROM S25 to $250. wii.rox s. oiuiis, wi:r.i). im.:i: siiitii.i;. Anv sevrimr Macliine deaired nrneur.-ol .. , f.. turereprice. J. L. TEItKlNS, Agent. c;hi-:at j:x itk.mkxt : : : g-zyg-j ..... ; "- PORTLAND & OSBEflSSURG R.R.i UNDER CONTRACT ! l'or fulther pirtitularstal! i a lu iu..i -- '" joutur.M.W a.i.l-iC ol CROCilERY AND GLASS WARE. Wcalejus ;c. iojjs aad mldiugt ,.M tilV.s HAul. . the iU.-t In.l.l .1. . Ur. -nd u.i ii:ut-Ki:i:Y totte i-ui.i.cihe Largest Stoek . ,u 1 c f. nnd n North, i u V. nuoiii. jiiviji' i.t i .i; i'..oi ir. .i will do Well to cali auilix n..t h II t .(. I U u e I . sllJlllll, jou n rt.liv to ric iv i ehre oi 1 e i uliu. A. il. I'OOIi A- ViJ CH3ISTMAS COOEiS! lT.nsnce:velaM:Y aml I II 'HiB I. (Tof V X C V ti (J O U rrrtirift..ia . eo-, i r( ntia . ir wi"n"il exan.ine the TuAS Wocan iiimr th- riiM.e . n i in: s: i.i.ti.i. .-twk.f Teas and Ccffcr i.i .- o.-rper". than ian hi-f in l 1.. I 1 d...i. i....and -...ui.l re t; cttully--k leaun.iloU.o lli.iNl.. lis tj ll.l al .1 t.ft the t-MI . A. ."ii. I'ODii A ';. APPLES, 0'I0NS, and CRANBERRIES ! Afl.l.l.-iul LUAMlLUiUI- Nl-lNs hl t . I ilehj or lie. K. i-u -:inll.. 011 Lu J. A. 31. OJ)u A- CO. H. t- JU3T RECEIVED FOR t'itmsr.iis am) m;;: 1 ,1, r. i u. .1 .,1,.;... -t ek 1 Entjlibh V.'.ilnuts, Filbor's, Costanas, Almonds, Fecans, Clieitnutb and Pca r.'uts. A Raibins. Figs, Entlili Currants, Citron.Macc, TapiODa. Sago, SSarch, Saleratus. SnuiT, ile., . M. CullK A IV I .-. I o . TOBACCO AND CIGAP.3 : i;.u .11 ofriNi: 1 1 r !. r stcck an .It. 4.tU)K A l ). a x. 3?i s Pov;t!ered, Grantilated. 'Jmshed, E.-cira C, aad C S tl (i- A S 1 V. M. !OK A CO. EUTTER, CilEESE AUD LARO , Inhai.i. thrtli l.ird pu: in .'. s !i Ibi- fih : 1 Ih en . 31. e 001 OYSTEiiS and FRESH F1SM. L'h-ill hne ou li-.Ti.l 1 t r thi- .lat- hy the iittlrt 1 r ral'on, .::,d .il k..aii.t Frcsh Fisii. r- pr..nip a. coo:c a- co. , i-.p. Bunvells' Celcbrated Soap, ter a.-hiut. ny the ii 01 rinch- ll. V. .11. Clld.i A- CO. fniu lieiwt. 1 inlir-mlu-iti d u.d promptly doue. I.l-.lit jot rommitid ! . nr -ne 1.1II Iv daue faitifully. Teaiu :it llepot on ir.-ii ::1 of tr.-.i.. . A. .1. t l)l!i A- CO. FARMERS, LOOK HERE ir YOU VVANT TO iMAKE MONEY ! -crih rlwn ..1 Ir 111 four lii e liuni'i jP'frJ'"?. av.7a' v.u"vthe;." ine lu.-key IVppy md nbnli 1 H-ill.-tli at the follo.-.- ni; pr r. r 1 Kor 1.. I'or 1 an.l ie ion all tiie iul'onulticu in cu t latin auil es. tr-ictilgthooi-f 11 yju wiint. HAIiVKY !.Yrt)iri:. CJholV. :.'lu,.l DEATH TO Pir,' WORMS. Kmincnt plij -i. i m-B.y that n.ore faknr amons il ni I'in-Wo m ih.nfro,,, aa othcr caa'e. A - ife a ,.1 . iS et wl reiui d.i ior tluno tronhl. -i-oiue aud olti i din-eroi.i iaat- ia fuud in m;. i. u l.D'S I'lN-wiiIlM sYHl 1-. t u- for idul chi'ilnn w-ir -in'.d w ithout iiiluri- t.i I, ..lil. ,,-.,.. - eentf. CKu V. noullW'IN & ,,., .,nd J,, l.usgifti-. taprl7u SOO SA? BUCKET3 l'ortal- l.y th, i-uVeriher U' ii:ai-Ti n. ujuyddn i-ai:ki:i:. su tou. Vt. Jan. 17, lc 15-ii.J HOUSE FOR SALE. r-ui. eri' ei cfie-- for r.i'e it l-.ndill ! '. sji.lnlic eonf -t o! . ,1,'illin- !- -n.l-li, p, un.le. .ne roof ijieu-l ' l eMi-d. tn -.-i.! and one of l.e lin. f iu he vtlla.e. r.mnee ed i..... od ir.h.i. It Vltl r ia abou? ,:., o i v.r. t.. -oi. uum.roUit.. i ni: :h 1 i.lli- to c .11 an.l . ?!. ft'iJli A- CO. AHD COF Ftt! rJ' Vic ;., ista iobbing. Jobbing. ! N.'iJSSs't.'-;- I tlnrt iim 1I1. .1 the.: .rt.. r 1 lli e t,i iui Th I.. I NIl.l;VuoL. iClhll. I Martha B. Pierce's Estate. STaTKOP VKK.MO.S r. I ln l'roliate O.iurt. heldat II cx IM-trlct. J Onll.liiull, wlthln and for I dl-trUt. oll tl.e .M u "I Fel. , lsTu. A N ; lii-lmniPin. iurNirtiiis i.. l.e ilie la-t w III late. t l.u c III aM 1 I J l-i te.l lothee. hal iill's'er- Ollke.'ln . li( litulce obate . BSBf i Cali .1..! ti. printe.l utbt.J.ilttiaburj, L'ul frobate. 31. II. IIAKI'MIOK.N. JUde of ITobatl . I Louisa P. Sradley's Estatc. , srAfK OF Vi:k.ION'T, iu lT..I.ate th. l!.il.-.loi.lj Ili,lrii I. - f 1'rol.ate Olllte. tn !t. J..IIH: mI.I dl-ti the 1-t iiay AN liiiriin,ent. purin.rtlin: to 'ie Ihe la- restanient ..I 1....J1 a 1". llra.lley. late ..: i -al.l .ll-Ill.t. Uiie.i-..l, liriu ple-lilfl t. (-John.M. Alartin, tle tetulor, tuereiii i .i...a JancRamsay's Estate i-..ill.l.- l.av obate. ill 1 lo !a".'.i"'ir:.ll P j...l a.lju-t all tia a.ain-t ll.e e-late l.k. In .li-o ..Ivenl ..I Ff K- i ll.Mre.lll . ..I .le. 1 10 the .Illlle-ol oll .- .,1 Ira Iluie. In ' ith da.11 "1 May ,i..i j ... ., M. at 1 o'.h.k 1 a-1.0 PLAHING! .. 11 d !t.ul I'i.ANlN-; it the k;i.i. cr fc :- ' . n i:-.t tiioi nnimletl d nn. S Sll a u. pl..i. .. u. Ileuron.jui Ooors, Sash anJ Blinds, r a. d "14 .1 s c aud niake- coc a;.-..te!:.;-o; .1 l.i .:.i-h t.,- .1 , 1. P p;; rRESII ground flour: t uit.iiii' at the l-a-(uni!ir -Jitls 1 l.t of t liiiici Nfir WinttT Wliriii. -..Illll ml AMliri! whi.h are luauil aenir 1 n lli.i.- it prie.-, - in bouh expr . Il fo: itht Bcst Winler Whcat Market in the West,,.-ne ,l,.i,r..h,,-, itf. 11- iin! Y 1 III- 1 ,v; ,1i.';i'1k,'.:.i!.; ,!!".-V't.r'.V.' .!.t,re"' " '.T. u.auutac u.e o r - ;i'i.M s: ii...u ri.oi i: i.i u . ol l.i u i u uo:l,:n.- but tl. CIIGIC3 WHITE WINTER WHEAT C'.IT SAIIAM lli fi'SRTHSSfi VESM3NT. 1 or . r- . n 1 lib-iul , 11. ic. ;ii: bARBOUC MlWi 'I'Sir iii:;;!ii:!:t ii-.r- vt ' tiu ' i !S :i S S.S C .Xi-Jfi :ih :i J.S:i.i!ti. 5'1 sSJ J-"." 5 jim! ii.I't.N Wctit out' !f t!lt !mi-l i t i t:i: i--:!i.!r i -.i'.it-. ci: niiiilt'i'tt s:t v.i i n'M'ii rr t . Durittu t!ir l:ili ::! v. :ir il was 'lfiii!cly ist'tl in tlu-CIi-.jii!;i . :i::c! v. toi:i:! t n- i:ot inJ :i tI:(M-(t:isSi 3i-u-"Tt:s!tJ, lnst !ti' snosj ls- lit'tltil :m; .r; ElljAE.I'Vii (i now pi r .I'lifed in :j -'ir:ilitir roiit in.iaoii '. ilE; otiirr v.oiltiinu :ml liralitt :mnaic'i. in ilw form ol : NAlj'i Hi :ui(l. iia-. iitu Uvm i ciiili iicil ill mistilini-".". .'iW's w ii-i'iiioit i:tt!i';irtor :m) iicn. i.t! rcMilf".. ur si Iirsi- I.ititiii in r.:lri 11: it Io :: ;mli iir lilr mos rrriiiin. r:i)itl. :i::! !"; tn.-il rriiirily for i.rc :i:u5 l '., iii) tiialtrr of !ii)v, !i! r ;::t:(Iiii, ("or IJm ii--, Ciil-., o 11 11 3 . aiul I'vi'i'v AiSV! l'S!iI or I'I.3, ;t:ti i'or Siviii :!ira-r. Lrriirral!;. . i: 11 Tr'. .111-. TJ illll i'. iiiilll, tJll KO.GCOLl.ECE PLACE, New York. HENXtY & GO., BurlinsJon, Vt., HOMEO PATHiC MEDICINES. i'h-sul. er.h 1 h 1-r--i u e 1 irilll thi- m,t 11H1! II .ii,. pith e Ii11n.11. i 1:1 lir.-.-.t liinnau Impoitli llou , a l.ill a d e ui.l. 11 .i-..rm nt if KEDIGINES AND BOOKS, ihcsc Medicines are Guarantced forGcn uincncss and Purity, tpii md 1.1-p. Tincturcs, Dilutions, and Triturations. I l,y the -lule ml, or in tompletc -tta. j V.i I lV.I .1;, -i.;a.- of uili 1 I'hl.l t , k ,. .t.. ir i. Ai.'Nirv ri u.i:, i.Ntt' sai.v, n ai. d.. f...- liiitu-, -eild-., llnii ... spnu.-, 111 il uili 111,, nitii ,pt jMt n d' nh.i'p .1 M it.y ; ar .f lie sinte : u 1.0111 I ny 1. i 111 Uuil ,1 Any 1 1 ..UKOp 11 l.i, li-lled ..r, uoti.e. .SI. .'. .l.Urbi.r.. II. N E W F I R M ! NEvv goods and new store j -.. J S S : A l. 1. i: X i II 11. ju-t. i,en..lan.wtorei,. Passumpsic Hoaie 31oek, Railroad Strect, , ..divi.ik.ipion.-t. .1 1 r- md . h. i. e Iji ol r,o.M-ii.-ntiuKot Vj . I. Goods iind Groccrics, Provisions of all kinds an.oii; whK-h aie d ; Uxtru Brands of Flour, Pork, Ijiird, &c, &c- AT 1'illt tii that caa.iot fail to tiienati-fai tion. hani;e lor lro.luc owiu Mjchilui. ,.an.ed.rl AZ - SS I- ou , . ud , au crU. ; ,. , e ;,,.,, ,. .,p.,ear at a i..u ... . : "Tr to tlitt iroui lh..l t""r' '" l""l';. n al the l'i,.h.ite O.tite. ln st J''J " 1 Y 11 .uo are ... waie iK" Ywmiol'fn -r!l. r!i'"ViV..!-h" u'iii' Vr.W.iu ' (i?th, 3 ou. ai -l a.d -.e lr.-..i i . it.1 (t I;;.,'V'''r;'i!:;,1.;liri.!- J,,1,"rl"" r V5" '. oua o .l , l-ol'i-15 , "a a'"'a i'.. KKKXrli.Ju'ileul lTobale - XJr.i- I A tiuet.v; . V . J. -o ol I'robale. - - " - I I II- li'.s--!. .1. Al.I.I'.N. st. JohiIniry, Vt., .Inne 11, l-.;:i. PAYABLE QUARTERLY. Ir.m ll.e ..f thi- i.oti.e ill fo. ol n- lin t l)r. Ilouitltjii will ii.,t le illoned t. . V- illl.l.i: Mn.NTlls,. uditf. It i. d. e. I, , the 11 . fo. i- , i I n,.. ., u. ,1 ot Ih, ,ule. M (,. lniLl.ll I . N. li. I) st. . oIil-i n, t., ij. t. .1.. l-n. -tt Ad-.'itii.ei.iect forw- tr.'. d t. No id -tnre ch ir-ed , i AU leadill Ne. FpjiM' k. i. Inrorni.i. -.. t t '., , r Allo-l.-r e, .fl ln.iniii.i.1,1 ti. (il . ,,. ro.i.i.l-i .1 --., Sliial lirtf iir.-pir.-d i i i Adverti..-!,,. et- . t, Ord.- froni t? . .. . Ayer's tlit-v wpro 11:111.1 i-uii-il 111 M11I1 11, ,11 11I ihe ln iiilonneil nl M-riitul.iu- Ii..i-..n 1 cii.-iuie- uf nui r.i, e. n-ii.-int of ttii-or-.-iui-ii aml imite- tlie.ill.i. k. MlthoiIteM-ltllia lhoii, 011 -iuni. 1.11.M , inti. oneor otliei .if e t-nrlai r nr tiiumi tl,, rle.- 111:1 l,e -11.1.1, t, )ic:irt, nr tiuniir- l..n II- 1 , iltlul :.l 11- iS l.A: ;i;.. ...-. ;. an.l ll.e aiK.11- II,,,. neri..ii- -:. .""' r "" Iire ellllil ll.l II. lii"'.- MlliiIlllMtlil' I. ' 1 Illll Iiill ei.lllllli .-1 I. lla-e.ilil.latut. I U" I Ir.l. iHi.ii.-. nii.i . 111. uili rclii ii 1 uiriti aiul un u ti..ii-'i..ri a. ln-.-i-.-ni. l.titil irrnli-. .... , rau-e.l l,v aeettniul.i! 111 the l.h', 11. I.I ., , I om.f.iii.i. litnliim nf Ihe .;.-. :i- thev ulli li .1... Ii.- 1 , lil.i...!.' Thi- -N.I.-n 1 -t..t-.-r f..r tlu- -lr.-n-i . 'Hi.. -.- uiu. :itf ;.i...,i ,l, iit. .! nol 1 1 inptnlltatie . II.. i. , i.ucruimuui. I'rircttc mttj I.. soi.k itv ai.i. m.-t I I ortal. in .loh s KAM.VI.I.A. ."li 1 1 11. -1 I.IN.'.I - SOGTOii' U - ..lU'OTLA.'t'j- ' e Hi II..K - Fai - , Armeat llralli. h. I . -MOVI.Nf. I Leaie tr..Itl-U.r.) j Ainie ISeilok. Kail. ; l.-aieil(li.ial'al.s .tnlt, at ltul ai-,1 at Uunilvton tihij.5 rti.N- ur'iut..n w.ll, I. -r 1 N.u lUlei. j ... 1 1. r w ii.d- 1 . .-t J .hl.-I.un. .N lii'er- I.T Ihe -, AMERICAN AND F0i;tllJ 11. II. iLtUli. .:l.t;.-i , n- thei tua 'j sure . i: ti tiesi.iueilorj lb. Care- lluoncelhl i-ionli. A New Firni ai i , 1 he Slll.rttlli, t h..i oUldllUU.l IU Ul.l the Pubnc n , OXaD T" K K llll.U 1.1., w fr... Fresh Garden, FI. Treo, Slirtib and E-rnr dircctions for Cllli'.r -. The mosl complctc ami , ment in the countr. ,"' ' J.". ort-.of...lbe h ' - ! nni 1 tnii:-. p'an v I. . . pr.pii' hv i-.!l I I f..rM .p.r l.u.Mr., . 1lu.--i-:p, 11.. !;iil" l''. V il" MAVEfl'.CK HOLb 1 fes IUI.CP JtfSL.Io.IN A. I-t.i.lU '" i uhout board, t. to .