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; jj j , j)MMI-:XCKl). ArfJl'ST 8, 1H37. ('ALKIX)XIAX. . :..-!;UUY, VT. S".A' ('(., I'l-opiictoi . i a i; Cowrtllou&e. i' 1 "" $"2.r,o $:.ih .ADFORU. Publi.-hers. -. n Tlip I'.iliduni iu tn snl,. p in t.f llu. I ni-ci tiiim-r, r iit tlic ltici '!--m adiai.r. h -i.l.-crit,.rillti:i.t t,n l.i . rli lii-n.ldn-.p, il,cd,tc f " ' " layimnt 1 iu t!,, ...ii. imilni.I ii iIilmIuiii.-. . lir- .r , c.n.l r !r. ii.. ut.i,,i i.nm.a. i' at lii-injj pl, A'lvtrtJsin;;, Ati Fxjn-ririirc mnl a Jforttl. I fciit iii" loc a iraok on.. Aiy she I r.uskt it l.itk; I lii.l it t,j-; "IV llttlt-. itlu r lia.l to F.iy .-!. a- -o -trniK. .n,.i I 0 Fl,y lli-t yi t i.t- hn i .1 i,diir. n nt I ln- -rroirln.- Ira tlic bml- In tune Aml tim. -tocd t;i! ,n 1 wr. uilio.1 Li v ST. JOllXSHiriiY, VT.. FRIDAY. MAUm 25. 1870. Wiih i ur I it. friu Jun,. to Jnn". r.Iiat i ,i-k to u.i or d ire f Wlut prnl t.-n p; ? lianl-liip t,- : I'ut itli ih! .farncn-r knt-ti- .M l.cut, :iA ira aMJen tlarc! Aud tl.o, vllli , , . Id and o.y, .-toiiicl :i lit-l.- m iij tvr. tt uf Mnie ; Hm in th. crond. nll lifc-nnd joy, And full of Llil'Lfi.l iui udi nc,-. Shc niirriil w . 11 i i.,.nian n.edi A n ite, In . Iife und luvt- t.j eh- ri' Ai.d little larir tnr-m; i: Mu wc.-., And pl ieJ dromiri litr Ibott- cluir. 1 l.i - I.ut I, io..t r.t, ! iniiand k.j.t it Li ur l.prtnt .iiih olMlrcr llz! t. I took tl.c bH.k FA'JL MIGMOT, TT lc 3RIGHAM, ix i. uii s i .: in i., i ! i- t ...i thc niills at tlic .-..1. il ' ri in ..Ii .-, o.h i-tlri " KAiiVEV & SMITH, I I. l OriN H. PECK, M. D. ' v v Ii - i i; i; M . H 0 W A R D i "i. m.i rwcvoniv :!. LEARNEO, - i ri.ciui: n.m i:, 1 m :M.ii l.ury. t. tLACKSTONE'S I "l.. SAI.illlV, . . Viiri t:..t, ...luliii.iiirv And rir rollo TiliiinHd r.iy 1 ill touch Vlthny a. AriI lii.a It clu lilrli i1i. p i-u fl i.i d ive And .1' 1 rci.l. "ucli ..i-i-i.,ii- fh. .My,. m,t ,r. Vur. In re and th. rp l.i r Io c t ln..!.l .1 piniil fia At ii fl.i- y t- il d- Mt l.y ti' llcr 1 t'nit in d,,ta .ind tiu.ltrli -Mil ind ftHil-1 ! FariHrm' Cn. JOHNSON, i M I. l. i:V GALLAGHER. ittf, .l..linl,tirv. .-t. .1..!,:,' ury. Vi W . t! E R I! Y . ' . U..1 .1. Il, T' i.l Mi l:l l!Ul.i:, - - M. .l..!i .,1 ury, . SHAW&CO'S' .i I.Wi'i: Ai.l Nt v. I l. .1.. .V.t i.lf. M. .lolintb ir I0HN BACON 2d, ' illl'l , I i.M'III.l: ASI) "II. i.i -i ui . ( ntrt- Vt. A. P. HALc, i i i ii, - M. .loliu l.nry. Vt L . H. TltUAX, 'I ti r. r ol ..i.u,ii.i:.Ki '!..'- 1 li.-, .I,.liii.-i ut), Vt. LlFE INSURANCE COMPANY, - v . i:. - - - -...,i4ii., . . - I i.t. .-t. .i.i.ii-i,u..., t. i i IMAM D. McMILLAN, PIERCE i MAY, ' : K - Ii liKl.S- M K1N.. - i:. i.. -tnit. .-t. .lohn.l.iiri. naLL & FLETCHER, . iii: i..m.i. w. i. liiiiins, l I ARTIST, u.i:aii . i.!.i:i: . I I l -.i.. I h. ior'npli f-IAS & SOK, v H P II V I ' I - . .1 lni.lmry. Vt. .h-. :. BIMGKAr.f. -,i i ii u:M.t'i:: ns Tlii" wei-'ih' iiu-ctin I'iiniiiTV Cluli w:i II. u-f uii I-'iiil.iv i: m j lonco i'i tiK' eh:iir. rii" rai-iu ol C.-iIvi '. tln C.ilfilimin at tlic Avi-iiiii- IVt'MlIl'Ilt U 1V I'llt- Mllj,-.-t Wil- i : n I I. imb-." A EWELL, M. D.. a . ii - i i: i. .... .., , tin- iii.iV.ii. L. PERKINS, i l - i . i I i-t rn Ai.niif, M..I11 S P E N C E R, . . . r. r . i 0. BELDEN, :n 1 1. v, GEO. W. CAHOON. 1 lll M. IUllit -. I.Mlilon, t. W. GROUT, '.ni, - L I S H A MAY, A vfi:. . . - . VlHM.iST. . .illliiiii"iiitiu-tiil jiiliMy. - itL Q. WOODRUFF, ' -ur. r r.f ! -- ami 1 i.i'i'Ki: vai:i:. ' - li..r . Wnr.-. infcff v ! -1 . . , t. .lolni-lnirv. Vt. -fO & STKOSRIDGE, ' .IIM-,, 11r.AH t tti'iini- . . 111.1 lv IK.',I),- Mntl. f. 1'im.y ., -it t UUI l-kr,.l, vtilit, ,t, . 1 ;. .V Uil.Htir-Mor,-.-. vi.if.,ir. VT.) FILE VVORKS. in 1. i'f.i.) h and Kf-tut. . I i rlMiik A' V., ..lilin-. M. M . 1 . i 1". Ii. K., I. i , M. M , K. II. II. K., Kut- liasp. IVftir ; Co. 11.I f.. 11I1 HARRI.MGTON, SONS 5t CO., mi I:,HMS. t'OlllllllIllilMliim MJIJ UTIil llMIH II. ,. l IJ. C:iritn!iT. i.f Val."!(ir.l. in wliicli uiivo iiiiii- iliivrtiiin- m iv.tnl Ii tho r:ii-in ol' t-ilv. -, L. ire itmcnl of m lielnif iin l iiltcr cDiniu in. Wai:h ol St. .Ii.lui-ljiiry irnve Iii- viuw.- oti r:iiing f:tKf. IIo li:nl loilllll tilHt lllC ll.-i 10llli-(ly 1.. In ilirr snvay tin; alloi'.iiitli va a (uanlitv ol" Iry oat. iour lo t-iit ou.irl. iwn ivirly al'ic:-liio calf v.a ilrojipel. lliouglit tiio in iin tliin in r.ii-in lamli-' . ki'rp liio 11101I1.T- in i.'ootl imikIi tion. H'h practltv va- lo -rivc a lit tle 'laiii il lily Irom tlit- tiine tlm -Iiccj witc t:i!;-ii iiji in t!u.'ali initii j:ta- jjrcw in llu- yriii:'. T.y -nt-li !tvatiii"iit lio in'Vi'i- !iaI atiy tinulil"- lii- lamli- w.Mt tioiijr and vmnroii, :i;n! uvn wlu-a '!iMiie(! in fo!l c itlitT a'nio-t alwav. livcil aml tlirived. Liro. 1; wm:v al-n loiinil it tl. Im-t piartku in rai-iaj; lamli', to Uei' llir otvi'S wcll II.; lV.-i-i!- iiain iiiMtal ol rooi-, and (mU rain nniliro-liccl. or in tlie r.:v liall'or tmi-tliinls liircrhuil. 11c toii-iiii'ivl tlic tl.iil tliu liL-t iiKru inoiit lo ihr.'-li vi;h. a- thcn tlio traw J vv.t- inin-ii irttor. II - conlil rai-t; lainti-a.- v.tll liom iim;-..iol .-hooii a ! i'tnr.-i llf mi. 11 ,u- in ihe iniil-t of tliL' lamliing M-a-on, aml lii- himlc wi-ro 01011- aml .-iro.i'.', aml tiio onlv tronlilf f liail ira- tiiat -nnic of lii- chps avc 1 niiu-li niilit tha: liiey liail to bjinilk-d itntil tln" i.nnbi uoi.- a !"l'v .1 1 olil. IIo ihoaIit tliat cav'y L'lit Imy, with oat i-.iaiv i llirilud. ira, ali llO mi la-cikil ci iliom in uoml ohIl'i-. Hj lir I in ciitun lioili li.iy an 1 jir.iin tarly, lii'l'uri' ih -mr.v lnvainc wo.ulv. Hc pifftni'il caily cut Mr.iw l.n- tj-l(K'r, lo 1-iic cut hay. yill WaKIi ll.ul lu.lM' lo oll .h" i-tra'.v (iKr-lion. Oiievcar lio kept ilo! ol' tinlinary imIv-. IIi- 1! tlicin in I Jf-t;iul)t-i-. fnl lln-in linihiii lmt Mraw not a i:ir:irl-j of grain or n iy. 'I'liu ni'xt ycar lio diil ti.o sinii, and tliL- I'all altLr lln-y uiti' tt ycar old, l:i; -old llu-lii l-.r Ii -t't, an 1 ximu if iln;iii div.-.-d 700 a; ii .v. Vt lu tvoiild not rt o 'lninpiid .-tiatva- a lctd i.i pn fi'ivni-c to liai.. i iit t f tin.- jn-l to liov lliat llii'it' wji- aliif in iiinv i'ji- l'.i.ldi r. IIi-tlionii'il it wtirlli SI0 a ton lo 1 1 1 11 . Mr. AVard thonlit tiat-s tiie lio.-t j;ri:iii lo Itcd llC. p a I1.1II pin! apiLVc oaeh day, wiih gooil li.iy. would kcep rlu't in gnod coadition. He liad jivon c-.jrn intcad of iats,.:unl the lainli tturi: WL'.ik, and !i3 did nut rai-e li.ilf a-. niany 1'ioni tlic sin.e ?1ilci as Iie ilid wlicn Ua (cd oat.-, i ii-teml of coru mcal. .1. I'. Caki: had onu ycar ao 1'2 rade Durliam cow.-. AVhen thc caUes wcic dropjiL'd, he .olLClcd I of tho hc.t onos and lct ihcm -ick tho cows hut i or ; liino ncwr 111010 than ;! tiinc. and tlcn tanht tiicni to diink. Foi a wuik !ic f'cd new ini k, alter that hu l'cd warin fkiin jnilk. 11c ht tlicin cat a little hay if ihey wantcd, aad hatl jjivcn tlitm a vcr' litllc f tlic iccd. After tiii'y wcnt out lo sr.i?- hc fod 1 all thc -kini niilk thoy won'd diink twiccadiy. Al thc of tiio anniial Fair, 011c p iir of th. caKfi wc.!.. d ovtr Il'OO Ih-, and thf Oilicr pair :!( Whcn cold j wcatht'r c.itii'-, I.t.- ae tlicin a piart 01 oal ap;otv ca h tl iy, and towanN spriiij; ,or tiiref tunc?, loarned tlicin to tlrink. Whcn inilk rim -hort, ht- ma lc porrid ofoat nu'al. In tliis Wuy hc niiscd ton yod i-alvc-i 011 livc cow, which hc mIi! for s!l a heail in thc fall. IIc considor cd forn poor ftcd for i-liLvp that arc j:o- to havc lainh.-. IIc thouht onts fh bcst tteil hottcr than root-;. In an-wir lo a iiic.-!iiin, Ir. Jfunily .-aid to loarn culvcM to drink hc had a troimh wiih fonr or livc partings, inlo which ! c ponrcil hi calf Iccd, aint in tlic hottom ol cach pai tt-.Tjj hc nailcd a lcalhtr tcat. Thc calvc- w.'iild -iicl; tlii- ciicrally thc lir.-t tiinc tninjr. IIc thoii'jht calvo tlid hottcr to .-nck this tcat than to drink, :w thcv took thc niilk or porridw lowcr in ilns way. .1. I'. lM-n:i: had expt'riciiccd e in-i.l-rah'f dillii-idiy in niakiny; oalws drink niilk al:cr thcy vvetit ont to j;ra-?. O1I1- cr.- who t-puko had not expcricnccil thir- ironhlc I-!. I.. Ilovr.v lie!ifed tlnrc iw 110 lilliciilly 111 liccpinj; caliei froin uckiu; ;acli otlin m car.-, it tlic owncr would :itc tiicin niilk cnmijih to drink. II. thoiiht -kim or s-onr niilk hcttcr th new lor calvc-i. IIc thoiiL'ht calvc -hiuild 1 avc 1111 i-'iain, hut plcnty of sour niilk. IIc had i.otitcd that a cnif ih it It) .-ciuiiin liclorc it wa.i Iour wcck old, ncvcr madc anvthin '. 'I'hcrcforc h tin -ttnlit it i.f thc utmo-t itnpurtancc t'i tlic li'.-t I'cw weck-s of a callV lifc wc c.ircliilly wtohcd. L. .1. I WK1 1: onlv uanlcd "uod hav to lai-c .-hocp sud lainh-, did imt ob jcci to Mimc tirain, hut thd not want a: nnitt for hccp. tti:. rai-cd tiie ipic-tion ol wht-ihcr it wa morc nrolitalilc tn hai jcarly or latc lamli-. .'ik. J:.nm ihouht virly 01. c tl c im.-t protitahl. .Mu. .i:iiliad hi- conic thc lir.-t ol .May, lmt did not cou-idcr that it w it vcry jirvat .lltcrcinv, a. far a- thc 'pn lit of tho !liccp w.c. coihvmimI. , Mn. I- - n:u uould ive anv kiinl- o r:iiu to -iiccii aud ca'tlc. Whcn hi cow-or i wc- i;av hitlh to youtiL', I ; oiicc axc nicni a waua ..p ot warni walcr, a little riIt, mid oat incalstirrci iu. Corn tucal i had in Mich ca-c-" i it wa- he iliiv. IIc Moppod all hi- c whilo tncirlainh- wcrc toiin. Hc Iccd out hi sttaw, hut oui it and r-prinkl it wiih mcal whcn it i iuoic rcadiiv caicn l'ixm! h iy W M. llu.iiiN.-i did not aiirtcwith iho-e who uould imt Iccd ruut-'tti hccp. II thuiijht ilioir -licqiwcic in hctlcr ordcr for tiie loot- thcy atc. Tlicy fcd 110 jir.iin. Aflcr con-idcral.le niore talk. which wa I.anicipatcl in liy ihc rrc.-idciit, C. V.'. Kclcii, .h.hii I'.acoii -id, L. 1). Stih-. .Alr. Sp uiMiii'j and oihcr-. ihc L'luh :al- to .March -J.'i. .Suhjcct, Th raiMiiZ ol'tiic "rain cr..:i-. miIc thc ctiriain, would hc a jrrcat help. or in thc ah-cncc of iIipm', a pailful of ho'ling hot watcr will rai?c thc tcmpcra turc ol thc pcn .scvcral dcjjrcc-1. In a fcw days, and ol'lcn in a fcw hour.-, if thc ptirs arc ftronir. the dancr is ovcr. Th- IJttlr Snoir-Iioi. Y()LITE 33-XrMlWlI 1704. HV JlliS. II AI.L. Alany who rcad thi- iill rciiicmhcr the hcavy snowslorni that L'avc thc Xcw 1 car of I8l!7 -o cold a rctcption 011 th ilav 'al'cr" ils hirfh. whcn all ii,.,,i,l. .U illrmi!. wokc up to -ce thc wholc of tlu ir v.orld, All nicn have soiiic hohhy ; I havc sev- wcrc it towu ,r countrv, sliroiuli cru. unc i muleitinij. lcirs ago, spotlen white. I'arnier Muvd's s.ii-cj -prcadin the rcfu-c of 11 Mr.iw stack, I ficcim-d to know wa 011 thc wiii, paruy roiicd, tipou a mcailow, anit rcap- lor tliey crowded to"ithcr mnlcr thc uir thcrolroni an unlookcd lor h nelit, trcc-, 011 the cl.ise of that New Ycir'- Icd to a rcpctition and alwavs and cvcr ila :h a s rt of nr'ii irati.iii f.jr th wiih gnod lc-ull-. La-t wiutcr I -prcad J nilit. Thc ncxt 11101 iitnir, lonu' hcfort rc .-iraw upon .-ix acrcn 01 ryc : rc.-uil, j Hay, tlic lanncr aud hi- mih wcrc iu thc aa nicrea-ed (piantity npun that m, incadow, hccdlc.-- of the thick, hliii lin uiulclicil, ovcr foiittccu not so dcalt hy. -now, rc.-olvcd lo prc.-ci ve tlic llock : an 1 in.t wiiucr 1 f-mu covcr iiurty acics. 11 thcy had not I ccn up an I activc, thr 1 hc .-prui!i ol lMi, l cedcd ,-cv cnty-lnc 1 urcaicr iiuniliir of i'arinpr ll ivd's valu to tiinnthy and clovr. Twclve acrc- , ahlc S jutlnlown- wouid hac Ikcu hiiricd wcrc vcry po ir; upon ihat I tlrcw, di- 1 111 a m,ow thil'l. .-o iLvii and d iii"cidii- rcctly aflcr tlic harvi.-t of this yiar,traw, wcrc thc ihift-:. Tln; fanucr -aid in md covcrcd thc wimc; to tl.iy it is thc should not hac -ivcd half, hut for tlic h-t allcruiath l h-ivc. It would havc ncr-cM'ran i- of ,U lc 1 !.- ,li,.r t . ut 111 .St.ptcinlK'r d.iuhlc wha' it did tlic -hccp do', hut a -mail iiet i.f ld- , Tinii It Jlinfi Tl.c l'-e i-r the ;,. U too little known iiiion .-uii. pi.'lly jtood f.irincr-i. In i!u -pnn. a- .i 11 a? tlic firound i- livc Irom fio-t, a'ld linn cniiiiph not to poach 111 il'.dcr tlic lcct ol hor.-c- or ocn, all Iand iu ra-- .-ind 2r.iin -litiuld hc i l!cd I'licrc arc 111 ilc hill-', and lo-u ui !iy Ihc Ircad ol aniuial-, und -mall ,-loac-, an'd tn ock of "ra-, wlucl track-, and .1 louliiiiidc ol thin that cau-c irrcju l.iiMi-ol, tvliich a ood lollcr pnt- ont of thc way iu oncc jim'hi omt. I! -idi'J. iliititr- hc.ivod hy ihc frcczin and ihawinuof wintir, arc packcd liriolv in Ihc ' njl'l.'ir Sluite.' froin ploughcd laud. niin I'c'd-, and newly -ceded jiras- land. lay tlicin in pih--, mi that thcy can hc loailcd into car!-;, and drawn oH'carlv in tln- niornin. whcn thc j;rouinl i- jtiff. l.HL-'c-l s -lnnilil hc liltcd, and h ivc -ticl. la'al iunh'r tlicin, whcir tiie nroiin 1 i- Mi!t, ihey lco, may hi tnovcd wlit'u it i Iroz !!. S'.r.p rt ipiirc cxlra carc now. Sc.ib will ctu-c hi-", ol wool, and Ihey arc pe culiarly li ihlc to di-ea-e. Lr-c cai holic o ip for t-kin ili-ca-cs tmd terinin. Kwi ncar ycarnin, iniin Iip -w.itchcd, and car- ly lauil.- nur-cd and rai-c 1 if po-iho. (Jnc vcry carly onc is worth two lat one-. I'"ccd nur-iiii: ewe oil cake and : lcw law r.,oj, aml cut licinlocli Douii'i- for thcm to lirtnvsj. Salt reulariy. and iivt' thcm dry plaecs to lio in, and a jiood raine. Coirs coininjr in inii-t mv-t havc carc. ( livc tlicin ro.nny, 1 oo-e hoxcs for pouic d.iy- hefore, and ood hcdding of straw, cut two or throe tiinc-. I!rin watcr to ihcni, if thc iroiind i ii v, hut do not i-criinp tlicin. Fccd al-o sonie raw rools, and oil mcal, porhap-', to kcep thc hjw-cl- ino.luiMtely loni-e. All breedinj; ani-inal- .-liould hc familiar wiih thcir m.i tcr. iind like to hc pctted and handlc 1. hitL tirtiT Ihc Little '. Thou.-aud-of little iii-arc frozen to dcath eory -pring. hcrc thc pen- arc not uit.i hle, it would he lntler nut to Irive Coinc unlil the weather i wariucd ; hut .-till tnucli c in hc done to make an ordi niry pcn couifortahlj for the occa-ion. I!attcn the -"ulcJ, or pil a q.ianlilv of -tiaw or litter 011 thc outr-ide. Aiiylliin ihat will kccp out thc cold air will an--wer. I'lacc - iiuc r.iiU or ho.inl- acr)-- hc led thcm a lciv He wantcd j the Uvjii.ifr apartnicnt thrcc or Pmr fcet Irotn the hottom of thc pen, 'and covcr Ihem uith Mraw packcd in tight. II the pcn or sleupinjr apartnicnt is larc, we havc found it a rcat advanlape du riug a cold night, to liair. aftcr the f-ow ha.- madc her hcd, a cnnplc of hor-e hlan ket? froin the top of tho pcri aroun I the sow, .otnewliat aftcr the I'a.-hion of cur tain 011 an old-l'ai-hioncd tcnt-hcd.tead. In this way we havc saved a litter of pig in thc coldc?t weather. A fcw bags of steamed chatf placed nround thc bed in- lii--hiipt .lauibc.irK-, whcn hc coulu attunl 10 ilicm. If tlii occurrcd aftcr ihey ncic out to gra-s hc cjuld not give tlicin t'oat attcntioii iitCiv-.-.iry ; and il tl,c -liccp wciu wcll ktpt, lamhs would he a likcly to li-. o dropped in -March May. .MoK IIlmi.y had C cows lastppriiig o had i-alvc, and hc bo't ." morc. IIc did not lct liis calvcs suck more than two Jllth of .1 unc. and prtiiui.-i.- a largc ti tiirn :hc coin'ii' vcar. Ilundicl of traw-lack- :irc -l iwlv dccavin: "wa-i- inj: ihcir.-wcclnc 011 thc de-crt air" that it wa that -iiould hla-.ket all ineailows. pa- thii.L', wlit tuic- and wintcr -;raiii. a l-ir a ihey ccoiioinv, alw.iys ran . 11 could ha fpiv-ul. Thc .-picading .-Iiould in onc of the four a iv?! he tliiu and cicn ; thc ma.-lcr- cvc.-!iouhl hc "thcic to M-f." Tln- incthoil ha- htcn tiicd hy nic in Xcw Vork. upon Ihc inj:. liciwci-ii -cratchini; and liarkin and ncli mcadiiw- ol I lci kiiucr couuty, and w hiuin..', -he had man ige ! to wakdi lu-r hc.-e iu Wi-c mriu, up n -oil ipnic ditlcr- ma-Icr belore davl rc ik 011 thc -Jd ol'.l.ui ont in conip.i-itioii l.kc iv-tilt iu hoth uary. lmt th.u' did m,t coi,t.n: her: plaecs. l-aiincr-. tiy it aml rcpori. 1 whcii thc door wa- opcncl, --, S. 15. I.., ih C'Hinini (I'tntliMitit. thc window. and thc lainicr. .- . .." ... ... wa ncarly blockcil up hy -now. i-.m- d 'J'h.-.W,c,,,'.ly,-,v- fay-..l,ou.h Thedog at lir-t v.i-l,cl to accompaui 1110-t t.uiui-i-l.eeii lowls and rai-c thcir ii. .,,,. !.,. ; i:.....i.. .. 1 ' iu-' thc iiori-li. -I,c hecamc b.nnd in t!,c :cr a little -.-ig.icious crcalii!-. xum wa oiicn Miiilili.vl hccMii-e 1 w.i- not 'thoroii"h lircil," a: d .-j thcv Soi- t'ntirtuujh hutrtiil ; n tjm- with a Mieeics of auiinal ihrcc k-j-, iv- aud anothcr : t in it- tiuu. Wry cariy on thit partii-itlar morii piu own i'ji:'-, tlnic arc niany who havc not lcariud ihc diirci-cnc-.- ihere i- iu thc rich nc aud llavor of c- pi-i,iluccd hy wcll hd hcns, :md (ho-c trom hird- that havc hica hall -taricd tlnou-.'h .-ur winlcr-. Thcrc will hc unc ihtl'crcnre in thc .-ic. hut far morc iu thc ipiahty. 'Ihc y. lk il onc woulil I c Iarj;c. luic c ilorcd an 1 ol "o.itl .-ub-iancc. aud ihc alliiimi-ii. ur white, clcar and pnrc : wlnlc thc t-intcutf 'I ihc othcr will In- walcrv aud mcaic. a in ihc p irciit l"wi, lo projieily cain out and iMinolcte thc woik natiiic ha 1 kcti-hcd. In ord.-r. thercforc, to !i:nc .'ood c-, thc lowl- i-houl.l hc wcll t. d, md al-o proviil d. .hiring thc 1.1..111I1- iht-v aiv unab!c lo c unc lo Ihe t-i und. ilh a hox containiu'4 an ahiiudaiii-c n! ic grave!, th it thcv tnav h; ahl- t. riud and picp iiv thcir I'.iod lor dig. -tion ) ctrc-. iho-c tiom thc dome-tic licn arc tridclly t'.c hc-t. lmt tln.-.- ol ducksand c-c may he u-cd for M'Uic ol thc purp.i- 01' doiiK.-t'ic cookcrv. In I'iKII.i 'i'akc j;ood c.iro of all thc livitipiiiir-i of thc caltle, linth Milid and liipii.l. .Miick. loani, nr cvcii ;aml, fhmilil hc initii wuh thc whulc to prcvcnt il- aling too 11111 -h. Kcincinhcr aud havc a goml jiilc ot wooii. all -awcil, -plit, aml pilcd up, icidv for tlic wli ilc vcar. 11.111-1' all tool-, wajioii, cart.-, ai,d .'nthingif ihc t-ort uhoiit the fann No man can atl'.r.l to Icave s-uch thini:- out of .lo 11.- to riiiu. Kccp onr I..irncr.-c- will oilc.J, lor ai 1 In - -ca-on of the vcar thcv arc uuiti fccly t'i hc ol'tcn wct hy -lorui-. I-Vcd rools rcniilarlv if vou havc thcin. and ipn.-k'v llouiiil-ivd hack a-aui. and al't.-r hciii.j callcd 'j:oo.I diy :,n, 'ii-c I'c;j" hv yoiin tni-tri-, .n--at ipiictly .Imvn .1:1 thtr w.irm kitcl.-n hcanh, not -'.-pui. h.i.vcvcr. i.ut iiiir tir-t onc car and t! cn :h- i iiicr. and "piicily iniH-ing her finiipv tad uh.-n th iiia-ter' uiiiv wa- h-atd m thc di-lancc Thc fanncr knc-.v thir.- wouid hc a ull ncav'i-r fall. I'..r thc cl -nds wcrc wcihl cd with -now. "M.irv." hc iid to hi h.ujlitcr. whcn hc rctuiiicd, vc- that th.-rc :.- a lut of pca - iup inaitc: th, cottajr.'r- ocy.ui.l tlic croft will U- u'a.I i-l it. L.r tiicn- inntor arc from out ol w.nk alrta ly." Mary, likc a : .c! iil. ai-l. "y..-. la-l!,c:-:' Imt wlnlc !-lic -lio.ik tl.c m..i Il k si.ll'hi- .oat, a.licl. F.i:!K!-. what c.m pm.r Aun: a-:d !icr onc aniiclli-i .I.i ihi- w.ailn r .''" "Wtiat i.- that to thcc .'" lic an-cic 1 fharply. .Mai v-.iil 110 iiii.rc. i ut .-hc rai-cd hcr l.trgc cc- to h. r i'atun'.--, and hc iw thcy wcic iull uf tcar-. Tiie ticc- al! rium l ihc tarm lookcd L.v.tlv it-l ulillr and onc ol ihc I irnicrV r- ui- clcart d a placc lor ihc hiid- to tccil 011; llu cl.ared it apiiu aud agiin, lor thc now i-iiiliimcd to lall. "(). dc-u-:" ai.I jlarv to hcr hr.iihcr ruin, "I wi.-h l.tihcr voul.i iot"ic h -tMcr, and lct I cr an.' iiitlc .Inc couic hcic to us: Lo i- -o kind iu his roujih wr.y fi cvcry 1 vU: It - In- did uiairy hadly. shc jiily l'd hcr .lu;v a a wi!c hy lctii-iiig lo lcac h.r hu-'oand : an l now ihat h- i dcad "" .Mary pau-ed. i,i-.,t r.. !,. . ,.....,.. 1 t i,,:, 1 '.uii luuiiin 111.- i-iun riu ucau wu 1 01- in icii uanii. 'pracli al. t.n luincd caltle. If tirapc viue wi rc not prnncd l.i-t fall. h't it he diuic at oncc. Tlic M.oncr th ltt-r,lor ihc vincs will hlced ncxl monih. Siormi d.iy.- mv a good tiinc lor thc ti in.-r to lo...; ovcr Iu- tool.-, and pu! thcm iu icii.iir for the nct .-ca.-oa. Tom wa? callcd Kin i:i;r. iu: I'n: 1'i.m-. Thi- huuld he tran-planlcd eM-ry two or thn-c or the)-tilk- produced will lieiiunc mali. llicwoik may Iie do 1 duli't m-c what little Joe could do h.-ie, wi!i ouly oac arm. Which ol thcm i- onc .' he .-aid at lat. 'Thc lelt." "Oh; wcll he could 'icnd ilat M-hool and Sunday .-cnoo! : inilti'inake a .-clu.; ii- i.f liim, inorc ti'ir cicr ilc y c .i.f uiak - 01 Mt." " Tom." i-aid M.u v. "11c mu-t it -il- i re! ;lt fatlic-'s hcart Miinchow. aml all t any -ca'ii. Il i.- hctlcr to do thc woik iu pi iitL.', hefore tlc- plauts liavi tartcd inm-li : hut if 11. ii, thin anv tiinc I mil thc lir.-t or mid ile of .lune. Scnit' 1 rowcr-arc in the h ihit of pullini; Ihc riiuiiari) i. r niarkci, an l. altcr t .c croii s .-ccuic.l. thcn lrau-iilant for thc ncxt car. t)nc of thc l,c.-t "rowcr of thi- 111I th-.t wc cicr kiicw, would ncvi r illmv thi- lour-e t-i h- imr-ued. Thi- lant iiiu-t h :vc a vcry lar"c ainouut ol :111111c to give thc vcry hi-l rc.-ults. W.uirs. d Cn'' Ti:r.. Tic a linc I caiuiot bc.'ir to lliink o! pjihaj.- iu that ho.-rid wdl tc wcll. thcir !-tariii I.ondnn.' "Il.inid' lvpc.Ucd Tom. '-I likc that ! Oriti. dowii hcrc aic a pen ny apiccc, aud th.-rc i'ra n; I-'owler g it llnce l..r a p-nny -aieh hca'ili .- '." ( )n Xcw Vcar" l.i tlu- -unt Lvd dy" who mici a .-lrtin' h.iid on .Ma ry Ii .ydV .-vinp uhv, wa- liter.tliy with- out luv, aud aliiii-t witu.iut food : ihc nii-ci-.ihlc attic whcie -hc .-:aicd aud -h'ucic l let in the bittcr wind, and tiiai day little .loc had dnuc cwrvthii'" lmt ilk conl ti"htlv aroiin.l thc uiot of Ihc . h-'U or Mcal to orocuic hi-motln r too.I. art whcn tiie cow i nol in milk. Thal One j.eiitlcaiau wiio h ,d tor?cl hiiu ps t'uc i-irculaiicii of hlood to it, whcn will - )on die and liill oli'. i- a 1:1111011 and cllcctual niethod. If th; t i- I tigc at the b.i-c, aud cfa fortn hich il.'C? uot adiitit of tvinir, ou can c.iu-lic. ( !ct it at my ap'itliee.iry's, and all tiiat lo ruh it wcll ovcr Ihe wart. wccks thc wart will disappcar. Ihr. cpinic f.r hoidiim In lu.rc, siid hc wa a iinc little lelluw, mnl il he had two arm- inMead ol onc, hc wouid gct ln 111 into thc .-hoe'ilack hrigaile. loc cnlore.1. hut ipiiikly rccovcring hiin-clf. an.-wciv.l, -'I'I r-e. "ir, a williu" - liivdcd j mmd i cipial :. auoihcr :uin." In a fcw j "l'hc ciitlcinan -aiiicd, i-hook hi- hcad and trottcd olf. I I'.ior.Ioe nut 1111 hi h.-iiul in tl,.. r,.. flic lirt pcrforinancc of jurv duty hy niain- of hi arui ; it had hceu aninuta- wonicn, in WvomiiiL'. appear. to havc ! led ju-t iiliovo thc clhow in con-uiuence ted pietty cvcrely thcir powcr. of cn- il an accidcnt : "I only wi.-h 1 had to urancc. 1 hcv only rcached a vcrilu-t 1 "J !l" 1 couiil Co wuh unc aun," hc nlter hcuiglockcd ui Iour day and iiitiht-. nmrmiin d. Hc waudc.-cd ui) and dow.i It i- adilcd that "ihe ladic- of the mrv the -ne.'t.-: thc air wts "i-oniu" i erc niui-h fatigued ;"and it may po-ibly ,-o!dcr; hc wa. vcry huuiy, lmt hc ivc occurcd to thcm that tlu.-. full 011-, !-- tl.c tcii;pta'"ni- ot lukcr.-' aiid joyinent ol thcir rightr- had nut procd to! cink.s !-hop, tihicniiiL: hi- lingcrs iiiore Iie puic cnjovmcni. IIow thcir h thu .- ' cio.-e.y on tlic litik .- !cr c m. wcrc c ircd for din 'm-' thcir ilctenti-m of! "I may ct soiiuihini: lor inother; I ovcr iiinety hour iu 1 It iury room, i "'- anotlicr ticmiy," murmurcd thc bov. not .-tatcd. ! Hc cntcicd a hakcr'- j-'iop, and a-kcd i'n- . : peimy Ioat, Iayin- d.iW'i hi- tlavcpencc. A-'.viinllcd Xc-,v Votkcr, who nur- I Sl'c!i a (at. iollv b.ikcr. who wa l-ullin-' ha;d thc exiet copic ot thc L'niicd I il laiighiii hchiud a coiuitir oil. il wiiii Sial .- leiial-teii'lcrs and rt-ccivcd good I "akc-and d.iinin-, hokctl 111 hi.s palc. p'iot-gr.ip!iic coic thcreof, sent thc ' pinclicd fu-c, 1 luh fio n io!d. unc t.. 1 tea.-urerSniunerl'orivdeinnlion. I ''Only a 1 cnnv New ViarV iiiL'Iit. Tli-y wcrc icturucti. howevcr, thc lcttcr! 'i'.v little man Wcll, thcrc it i." concluding r,- follow- : "Of thc thou-aud- I -f'-'e took it up: a the h-ikcr took up ho havc heen swindlc j in thia fooli-h t''e eoin, he iit-d his t.yte oll th hoy, anner, you arc thc iirr-t one w ho ha? I aiul Niid Mcrnlv, "V.c aic voun-' to fol- not hecn .t-mart unousli to di.-covcr tlic I low fo had a trade: thi- i.- had moncv " ict and to kccp ucli a ilUcreditable hu- '"'I'ad tnoneyl" repeated .loc. '0, Irom the Kiiowlcdgc of thc dcpart- ir, l hinl it fiom ,1 gtntleinaii lor hold " ing his " 'Ilave you no other moncy ?" 'Aiio.lier penny." "Au.l why did you not pay for tlic with tears "I niut kecp that thrcepcncc. AVhat a sliainc lor a to do such tliiiii; a to cive had monnv t, n l.ll.i ''I lca.-c, sir, I know lic didn't intcnd it; ho spokc kuid to mc; he didn't know it wa bid. Thc jolly bakcr lookcd attcntively at tlic little bov. "hec here, mv lad; you kuew thc coin was had, thc t-in will hc hcavy 011 you ; bnt 1 believc you did not. 1 011 uanted lood for your inother, and you would not let hlamc fall on the ab-.iit two right thing. flod help you, cliilcl . Iie addctl, pttvingly ; "you look hall alarvcd ! Givc mc hack that loal,- aml Iiere is a biirL'cr onc : and. mi.-i I hand ovcr one of tho.-c ounec of tea and half pound of sugar wo madc 1 lor our poor cii.-toiner ; and there" tlirce oimd pcimy iiieces for you, little one : only, alway look to yoursilver be- torcyou pas it 111 luturc. .loc could not Micak for quite a iniii utc : he walked to thc .-hop door, and tien tiirncil hack. "If you iilcac, vou do not tliink that 1 kncw that moiicv was had '." No." 'Thank you, -ir. I'I! never forget nei-cr. ir." and gixing vent to one gc .-ob. he Iclt thc ?hop. Thcic wa- I'eaMin;: in thc wid'iw'.- at lic that niidit : to be .-ure, .loc wa ohligcd lo make a candle scrccn with hi- hat. or thc poor. thin little candle would havc heen hlown out hv thc wind th.-it whi-tlud throuh thc clattcrinu window.- but therc wa- a hlui-h cup uf hot water wiih an infu-ion ol lea and milk, and a liny. little lirc: and therc wa- mui-h thauutuhic lor wh it would havc s-ccm- 1 to me a cry -mall incicy: and thcrc wa- cariic.-t prayur; and huddled under thcir -c.iutv clothinir, thc inother and hild -h'pt -oiiinlly, and awoke in the inoriun lo the con-ciouMie- that a thc uo-.v. h.nin found il wav throuh thc rokcn panc- of thc attic window, wa- licapcd 011 thc lloor, and tlic ncighhor- ig r.iol-aud chii!iuc wcrc like moun lin ol dazliii white." ihcrc must h-ivc be.-n a hc.ivv lall" durin!; the iihiht. "-"rc -iiowed up. Joe," said thc irnii'i'W: "and tlic end will soon nic: thi- i-ii'd will kill me." "Xot a hit of it. mother." aid little .1 c. ciieeniy. wnilc 111 iitlillliir a snow bail 011! of thc -now 011 the lloor. I t-iiull g 1 out a- a Miow-hoy, wh Ie you romuiii ihciv. ju.-t a.- I wr.ipyou up. an l -ce what lot? ol ca-h 1 .-hall carn. (5 oil h.i- -cnt thc ?now to be our fricnd: ihe miow -hall make 11- Ihcl" ".My poor mainicd cluld '." uIiiPpercd the widow to hcr-cit'; "but Ood ha iiicriilully givcn liim a chccrful hcart !" Tiie .-now had fallcn as hc.i ily and r.ipidly in I.onilon a in thc couutry. Whcn .loc .it out at thc Mreet door the -ircc- w-er.- ncarly hlocked up, tlic omni-j hu-c did not 11111, thc tew cab- that ap pearcil i-iinc out with all Ihc dignity of a . u-r-,- : liu: Ihe mo.-t icmarka- hlc ihitie ie all wa- thc iuten-e silcncc ol 'he g:cat tiiv. The only .-ound in our illa wa-made by thc rotiii voices ol -peculaiing iiavvic-. who kcpt continiial lv -U'jc-lm that wc mu-t hac the -ii.iw clcated. 'Clc ir vour -uow ! clcar yur -n nv I" icrrilyii'g the M'rvant- by iiil..rinatiiin i--iucvcd ilown the arcas that if wc did not "clcar our .-now, we'd hc Ind :ip and puni-hcl, wor.-e ihati ii'.t .swcping chimney- reular. it war. 15o crept ab.iut with -hocl und hroom-, lmt wcrc kcpt iu awc bv the nawi.-, who 111011 ipolizcd thc Ir.idc. Little .l-r w.t p-rplexcd allcr hi d. i. 1 nila.iti in lo go out as :: "-uow-boy"' hy ihe lact thit he had nei iher hm-cl nor hroom. Allcr a lilllc coii-iilcralion, hccdlc-s of suow-drift or -now-showcr. hc took hi way to thc h.ikci's. and cntcrcd the shop hopelully. "Dral tho-e 1103-," aid the baker' wife. "thcy neilher givc nor takc re-t ! Wliat do you want now ?" "I'lea-e. nia'am, if I had a broom and a f-h icl I could carn .-omething for mv nioilicr hv clcaring awav miow." "Wclf?" "I tlionlit thc g01.1l gcntlcinan hcrc. wlio w.i- -o kin.l lo 111.; yc-terday, might lcnd thi-iii to mc. .Motlier and I had a hcauiiful tca la.t niIit thank you. hut wc havc vcry little of anylhing lor vcr ap- Favtvfh: A llttl.- nonn-u-r uow ,111a thcn I' rtlijh. d liy tln- niit-t 111,11. 'Hhatisyour mother's namc ?" in-lhricl" '-Won't 1 (i,. 1.1 .1.:. 1 .1 . 1.1 tuu iwci. i-orrc.ionilence c.m . s.i.-....i.- 1 1. i-ioyu, sir. tnorclacomc ihan I n. : l.nt tl, --.ur.. l.ioyil lic rcneatcii. "l.vililv b c ha heen ie 1 ev,-,l l,-..,l ..-.i. n,..19" .-.. . . - .-iiimii. 'J ilont know, str, a to thc Lvddv : fricnd : :iml fellnw- mm.iL...- I!,..,i'l it 1 1 .... ...i i " . .... . .J . .1 ' " '""", , , , V . L "K: :,"y'"",,-r 1,111 ol .Micllicld. i.ii-ht havc to coiiimiinicate, -Mr.. Lloy.l. I call hcr inother." l,;. n.,rt,. -t...t : I- marri d3"" 1K"'li: 150a MoTa !llu W!,s '"terro-alion in-crihed 011 the ccntrc ' r'.C' '. . A , . , Ii"othcr J'rown rciilicd bv sendiii'' a .-im- " oi'-iii oe, mr : snc 1:1 a hrot n-i- .... -I i.:..i i-: t... r 1 1- 1 ... ' '-. "i ..iuiii iiuinio" wttaicvi 1 "Klu Jyl- ncarcd '.Umh,-, nnU iocH uo 1101. mKe c:ire ot iicr : "X'o, .ir : hc's vcrv hard, .-ir, I know. to mother; and -hc praj-. so mueli for liim, iloublc to what ,-hc doc- for nic 1 1 ..' ' . T,.' - . :l m:l" l,e "M 10 l"-eakfa,t pauscd, and Ihcn akcd, "II it wa to hefore hc "ct- ' wi 1... ...1. .. ' ..t... ..SJ. lu-iiiyui, mi- wouiii you piea-e roll 111 heil. "I'lltcllyou a wc -o aloim." an- ", , ... ",u,c ?exM swercd thc "I U...11 ;n '' V "-u "" to see vour mother." I""""""- '" t"e railroait Mation. loc was vcry glad when thc hakcr cn- . .vou"'-' 111:111 w"o detcrin'mcd lo clo-cd his solitarv cold hand in hi Iiirc "t,1u 1110 1"'"t tm"c ,,1;U tiirncd uii, ha warm one ; and when the child said hc 1 'lI'e'tc,1 for 1'ul'ing a maii's nose. must stop and inqiiirc at thc coal shcd A man in New Jcr.-cv couldn't wait about c-oal, hi-lricnd onlv lauuhed and lnr tho car. to stop at thc depot, and .-loni-iicil liim hy tlic rapnhty and the .I'm'l'e'l ott 1 li-wulow has stied thc in magtutinlc ol lu purchac. hot soup sitrance coinpany. . -vvn. .-iifi,, it;;i, SU";tr. 1 j t. .CW 1 or.i liailCl -lie.l k- nt ",1 Tr.n,t thrcc largo candle, aud a himdrcd ot with onc cvc nauicil Kobcrt U'i.l.-li " I.ut coai, aun au ior ,ioe s motlier. At la-t doc-not tcll what thc othcr cvc w.-i thc child burst inlo tcar. What is the mattcr now, little snow uoy .' mquired the hakcr. Xothiii''. ir, only motlier will hav tll -he wants without mv help.' .No, mycliild: it 1- all tliroii''Ii you iuat sne will rcccive tln little help irom iu oiii irienu. ii vou liad not nracticed , .. . ' l. .i.. .. i i .. i . ouncr irom .i.-.ivii, ..u.i luii-ii our uioincr, you woulil not liave enli-icil my sympatliy mu liail my nclp. .uoincr ivas airani ol tlic aow. aid little Joe, ''but I told her it camc for ood." "Did you cver hear lliis, little fnow- boy, liupiircd the hakcr "That all thing work logethcr for "ood to tho: who love the lord .'' Vcs, -ir ; mother has said it. thoti" he' -o dull :it time. This is thc hon-c. mt I thuik you arc too broad acro.-s tln -houldcrs to got np thc toii stair.-." F.n an in-tant the hakcr doubicd. aud Iooki d iiHpiirinly at the child : could it he he had made up a -iory ab.iut hi tncr : imt .Joe a-lileil, "l 011 can "ct u sidcway.-, sir. a- thc landlady doc- whcn -iie conu lor hcr rcnt." named. A Down-I-Ia.-ter a fcw day sincc atc lifleen dozen r.iw oy-ter on a w:i"cr. I hc .-tlvcr tnmmuiL' alonc on hi collin -t twclve tlollar.- aml thirty-livc cents. Iliinoi- ha produced a new swindle. It i- a rccipc lor inaking two pounds- of one. Thc ":i"cnt" sclls the lormula for S-J.""0, and a- it rcouii-cs ghtccn day- lo prcparc it, he i- safcly out ol thc way hefore thc i'raud is dis- covcied. A soii2 that is ju-t now ury nonular iu tl.c mii-ic halls has thc uiiti- ual leaturc ol lunnine in thc idea. Tlic choru- run- thus : I PJIV Aud tl,. 1". r I .a' Aud -l.v Sjinehody -ivs that Ikc wa- to thro-.v .Mrs I'.iriiii.ton' last trick s "ailcr in- the ahev. and thcn csill the old lady lowii froin Ihe lliird lloor to sec aualler- liter. I Ie might havc called hcr ju-t L'clorc ho Ihivw thc uaiter fiom thc win- low. aml askcd her to .-ce "Shoo I-'lv." At Xcuia, Ohio, a man drank a "la-3 I think we all know by thi-time what ol "'"i-ky. anl "charge it," and fell i kind heart the hakcr had. and t-m h- I ! wii il-a i. An aruuuicnt in I'avor of thc ca- i -v-icm. Ihtfiit Trtbuni' Thc piuprictor of a Uo-tou boue mill advei-li-c- th.u "per.-jn-sendiii'' ihcirown ".loc sliould not hac bioiiL'ht vou hcrc hc uroiind will bc atlcndcd to .lr. 01a-,eote." she sinl. drawin a wiih piuietnality and disp.itch tiircauii.iie iiiankct arour.d her. "I d lievc that lu fclt ery sa.l whcn he -a the oncc pretty and bright villagc girl fadcd, worn-out womaii. not want to intrudi one." "Mother." inlerniptcd Joe, "tho j:oii- an .- vcry kunl, hut wi my povcrty on an d havc V ncgro wa- c.iuht in a maii's gar i at I'oauoko, Xoith C.irolina, ihc .hcr iiight. in clo-c prox'unily to a lot I liiit) . ....' -. Wlieii iiilti, ,,, .l a to what Iu u.i.-.I in' hc leiihcd : "('ood nlndiana funner thuught hc .-aw a -t in a ccmeterv the otlier niL'ht. IIc procurcd his gun, thinking he would try loaf with that ine cnect ot cold leatl on the appantion "J'lcasc, sir, I wanted clian"c; I lired, aml hrought down his .own poor wantcd to huv sometliing morc lor my old white horse. I mother." and 'i.i- im,. fiii;i The hakcr cnlcred the shop hefore hi wilc Ind time to answer. "A -liocl and a hroom i it ?" said ihe jolly hak.r. "Aud beoiu-e I wa kind to you yc-tcrday, you cxpect me to be kind to you to-day !" "IIupc, sir. not tpiile cxpect." "Oh, oh I" said thc hakcr, "cliops word-. doc it .' And if I did lend thcm, how do I know you would rcturn thcm ." "1 would promi-c you, sir; mother know.- I nccr told a lic iu my lifc; you niijiht go to mother and a-k her." Tlic hakcr lcnt the child what hc re-ipie.-Icd ; at livc o'clock hc had not re turned. "I told you so," said 'he bakcr's wife. "Vc. my dear ; but as you did not h.-licve what you said yoiir.-clf, how could you cxpect me to bclicvc you .' The child ha- an honc-t face ; ha, i am -ure, hccu wcll hrought up, aud more ocr, is vcry likc poor Lyddy Koyd." "S!ic was a fool," said the hakcr's wiie. "l!ec.-iu:c she marricd thc man shc lovrd .' Did not do thc samc ?" "I tlid not marry a scamp," an-wcrcd ine ii iKcr s wiu: ; anu tiiougii siio was du-ting thc countcr.with her apron, shc lookcd pioiully at hcr hii-hand at Ihc samc time. "Herc conic our litllc snow-boy," .-ail thc haker, a. Joe, weary and foot-.-ore, hut smiling, wcnt pa.-t thc window. "Ilcre's your shovcl aml broom," said thc little fcllow, "and manv thanks. sir- and, plea'c, I want a two-pcnny loaf, aud hcrc arc thc coppcrs I madc ten- pencc lialt-pcnny ; and at ono place the lady, be-ides the moncy, gave me this tract and a great bun." Which you atc- ?" s.iid tlm hakcr's wife. 0 no !" he exclaimed. "I kent it for mother." oi our own, moiii.-r. i carncl tciipencc Lottl - di- nigu'ar .au't go nowhar lo pray halfpenny as a .-now-boy ; did 1 not tcll without bciii-' iroublcd !" you the .-now camc lor good ?" "C'o.l .-cnil" poveru as well : s richc.,' oh-er-,cd hcr vi-itor, "a-:d if wc kncw all, one i- oilcn a- givat a ble ing a thc other; your lifc fell among hard lincs Imt that will make you ihc happicr. pcr hap-, by and by. At all evcnt. amoiu all our Iria's,"' (thc b.ikcr Iaid hia hand on Joe hcad as hc .-pokc), anscl to vour hjoin." "1 hat - truc, ' said thc widow, "lmt -ee how great ly even my poor child ha heen mniined and alllictcd."' "Lo-ing my arm '." c.claimed little Joe. "Whv, inother, that'. a ble.-.-in" ! ti-ii i .i.. , , r ""1 . ...t.u t.,-: -........ ooy ior my if -he had n,.y hopc-ol twopcnce; and whcu thc other lad.- sai At a rcccut cxaiiiination of a Scotcli fanncr, on his s'.-tcr cntcriim the hox to hc cxamined, thc following cotivcr.atioii took placc betwccn hcr and the opposing A'.-oi. 'IIow old are you !" .Mi-s Jaiic. "Oh, wecl, sir, I :un an uuuiarricd woman, aud 1 diima t'liuk it iie gavc an r;t.jlt t0 :ul.Wl.t- ti,;,t qUertioii." TheJude. -Oh vc-; aiiswer the gen- llcinaii how old you arc." Mi-.-Jane. " ccl a wvci, lamlifty." Auciil. "Aic you not morc .'" .Mi--Jane. "Hccl, 1 am sixty." 1 lic iiiiiuiMtivcaiicm -till lurthcr a-KCtl ttmg married. to she icpIk-.I : .vv....i i ..i ...ii .. t: . . they-d do it .piickcr she rcplicd, 'Slow , ' rnfu'.ly addc.I : "I'.ut I widna uiairv and .-ure.' A L'rcat bii; navvv. who at lir.-t pu-hed mc otf tlic p ivcincnt, whcn hc aw I had lmt one arm, p.ittcd mc on the hack till 1 shook again, and stiid I was a biavc little man, aml hc would let me .-wcep wlicr" I likcd ; he spokc as if the strcct h hmg d lo liim. Mother. my half arm gci- mc smilcs and kind wonl and liicnd-. I wa ri.Jit about thc snow, mother, I was light about thc snow . It i wonderfu! what jireat "ood tnav he donc by a liltlc tiiought and a little time well l.iid out. The kind h iker found hi way to Mr. I'oyd'. l'arni, aml iu a terv fcw tlavs af- tcrwaids the farmcr's widowcd .-ister aud her little Joe wcrc beneath the shcltcn.i his roof. -Marj's inother had heen dcad two ycar, and Mr. P.oyd's i-tcr i con- sidercd even bv Tom lo be a comfort ia thc houe: and Joe even now. J,-c can lo with his one arm what Tom with hi- two, 1 am sorry to say, i- necr hkcly to iccompli-li : hc can wnte hi- unclc": you, lor 1 am -ick aud tircd o'your palu- vcr alrcailv. Thc cxaminalioii prooceded. Johu Morton, a r.-.-pcctabic l'hiladcl- phia tjiiakcr, would liae nothing lo do ith thc C'oiiliiiciital muiiey, becau-e it wa- l.-.-iud lor war puqio-c-. It wa, howevcr, made a lcgal lendcr, and a ccr lain slippcry dehtor, who owcd liim somc tcii thou-aud dollar.-, whcu Contiiieiital money wa- worth about oue-half of lt.s t.iec, borrowcd that suni Irom a fricnd, on a proini-e ol lctunung it iu two or thrcc hours. Taking rtilli liim a witncss, he callcd aud Iaid thc amount ou thc ta blc of hi- (.tnaker ci.-ditor. Looking up Irom hi.- wiitinir, Morton tluietlv oiicncd a largc drawcr, and, to thc coiistcrnation of the dcbior, swceping thc money iuto he siau and lockcd tho drawcr, say- Anyihing Irom thcc, D.inicl ; any tlim;i from tliL-c." IJefore ihc war thcre camc into the lctters. aml cat up his unclc's hills ; and l:'-i;,J"1 of a hote! in Canada, ncar thc what is bettcr, ho is bright and chccrful and gratcful. Ilis um-lc says the litllc "siiow-hoy" could liud strawbiTrics in a bed of nettlc. Eccry S'tttirttuy. Somc vcry ainusing in-tancc of "la conic lcttcr.-" arc givcn hy Mr. Oeorgc Scton in a book he has ju.-t puhhslic.l. entitled "Go. ip ahout Lcttcr aud Let-.tcr-Writcr." Sas Lnrd IV-rkeley to tlu Dukc ol Dor-ct : ".My dcar Dorset I liao ju.-t becii inarricd, and am thc haii- picst dog alhe. Itcrkclcy." Aml gcl tor answer : "My dcar l'erkcley Kvc ry dog has his day ! Dor.-ct." A youii" (cllow at collc"c wi-jto lo hi-unclc. on whom hc cnlircly dcpcndcd : "My dcar twiifie licauy ior tlic ucciilul. Voui alfectionatc Xephow." Thc unclc rephcd: "3Iy dcar Xephew The n -cdl'ul i- not ready. Your iitlcctionatc unclc." Ii i pleasant that atlection should siirviic pe cuniary cmharrassinent., as al-o in thc ia-e ol Samuel 1'oote's motlier aml liim self "Dear Sani I am in pri-on for debt ; come iind assist your loving moth er L. Foote." '"Dcar Mother .So am I ; which prevcnts his duty bcing paid to his loving mother by her allcctionate son Sani Foote." An Engli-h nohlc mati wa tlceply in love with u "ladye fair." He met her ono evcning at a crowdcd ball, and as he could not get nn opportunity of talking to her, hecontriv- cd to slip into hcr hand a piece of papcr witu tue two lyoni, w ui you ! writ ten upon it. The reply waa equally iroiiii, r, a hiiiu l.ioniu, i uaaway ncgro, who wa- thu- addrt cd hy onc ot thc niinciit pci.-ous ii-ually louud iu such ivsort.-: 'Vou dun't secin to look vcry poor liave good tlothes down South '." "Ccrtainly," said the darkcy, with -omc pridu. ".Same clothcs as my mas ter." "llut you got niany a good tht-.u-hing, ch .' " "X'cwcr had a whipping in my lifc." "Never thra-hcl I'Vaiil anuther; "well, hut you niggcr don't always get eiiough to cat, do you t" "Alvay3 had cnoiigh. gcminen ; ncvcr wcnt hiitiiv." "Whai '." .-aid the inlcrrogator, "good chithu-, no puui-lnncJit, plenty to cat. X"W," -atd hc, turniiig to ihc group, "only think ol it ! this lcllow ha left a po-iiion wlicic hccnj.y.- all tlie-c priyt- ,cs lor an" "('cmmcn," said thc darkcy, ''all I'-o gut lo ,-ay rc-pcctin' dein pnvilegc i, lat il any onc wants to mail hi.-.-e'f of cm, the iituution uu tlit oin .'" A JSostoii young iuan, a Catiioiic, in tcnded to bo uiuriicd ou Tue.-day evcn ing, but at thc la.-t motueiit "rccollected that he had torgotte.." to procure a li cense. llu ila.-lied out ot tho house iu pursuit ol ihc prized bond paper, hut it was too latc. Tlic otlice was closcd. Lctit bcgau the ncxt day, and for lorty days he must pine, aa no marriage can bc eele brated m his churjh Uuriug Lcnt.