Newspaper Page Text
,)MMKXCKD. Al'(;rsT S. ALKDOXIAX. .IN-KURT, VT. ' , s:.V CO., I'ropris'titrs. j . . th ol rVORU. Fublisliers. . ..n I'h.-I.'.ili ,l..nln to ult ... t.-..nyp.r- nftli- lni:i-! -.. tivf ctn'c pcr n : r, r I.I.- m n lr.i:.le:it llic iitiU- pti'-Of' , ' . , )M 1 " ' h !. l-r w'.vELL &. MERRILL, w- t ai i:(ii;oNs. W-nn int. It. !i n.V :-;ore. 0 P. S. A. BENNETT, v t v ittt-nill to ViVJS PETTEr.'GILL'S I n . - l 1 1 M. l:oi.! : PIKE. P IONERGAN, IRA HARVEY : . 11-. :!:ni r.i:n, n.tiri:. im:: i: ..tih.s. i-c. BRIGHAM, k 1. 1: 1 1 - k ! . II tl..- ,:V.U ' -t til IMiiuri-- .V SMITH, 'i II l.nllS 1 l II VNCKl.Y. ..r...t,. .-t l.,'in-tmv lluti-.-. JOIiN H. PECK, M. 1 1 i .- 1 N. LEARNEO, . R. a. iiLACKSTONt'S ."J. iM. JOHNSON, T. OALLAGHER. r-:o. s. shaw & CO'S l .1 M V. iOHN BACON P. !1ALE, . I - M 1 .Iohii-1 f iv. V r R U A X , LIFF iNSURANCE COMPANY . MAM D. McMILLA'J, . - . l :ns l. I Il'I. IN.-l l:M KI l ! I'.vll. -t r .-tuir. t. .Inlin-t lir. riALL &. FLETCHER, PU'- mimIK, W. I. (ionnt:, l"i.ol'i:. 1 . 1 . i-iiii; .oiiii, i:tc.. B. GAGE, ARTIST, r-r.iia inuiuMi' t:.l.i.i:i:v. " 11 t i-id Ijtt-nz.- -li,to-ni.hJ. . .h. ip. . ihiii.Uuli. n-. T. BROOKS, M. D., .inlm-l.11 I. S. SIAS U SON, .1.- I, C. BINGHAM, M i'iiA!, t. .li.llllfl.UI J. L. PERKINS, 1 . . 1 1 1 I'tflCER, H C. BELDEN, L. t GEO. W U.,1 llullll 4! CAHOOiM. vv .1 VV. GROUT, .IM M.IAT, L I S II A M A Y , 1 .'. vi.i:. ' , - - - Vl.SMO t ail . 1 1 11 - iiitnt-t.d jly 'JA.IEL Q. WOODRUFF, t!i: am -oiTKi: VAi:r... 1 ' -. IIolK.n Waro, Vmki'e No 1 . 1-1.. , -t. .Ichn-Iur. Vt.' P. B. LAIRD, ' ni 1-, TAi'.i.r.i'.- ui:.ii ' 1 -. 1 Hr.i:riM;, . i t.-u..rk,i 4rt;; nd l.i ttt-ricj: .1 - 1 11 ' t- duc m Ihnlon. .-1. .li.iiN-nrr.v. Vt. 0. B. OUTTING. I . , 1 .tll.llV KPt-.. " - - - m:14.t. "HSBURY (VT.) FILE VVORKS. f F.l.-n Jii I i 1.1' - "-. n.l f -". HARFtLMGTOrJ. SONS l CO., M. -!l K...ll.-. .1.1 1 i-.4rt. m nii4-,-t. .lotmt.'.r. 1 . .rtm.m..f l'iv-, Cii.i.n. , ..i:.l I .-Tia nn.N Ilo. k-, nt. 1 4.'Mi-.' 11. lt iit-iiAM.iirai d Fin BRICK: BRICK!! " 1 11. L iii.iuir.- of J. M. AI.VOIiD. 'J V t Maj 4. lsTO. 1U l837- ST. J()HXSIUrRY. VT.. I Junrtrr.f rini : llo.-a in.I c'rt . do you l.iar" , 'Oiio nimi- bu., tlitn : 1-fpiick, mothcr d. j 4,Wln r i my Iitiiclieoc-tiox ' "rtM.r the gheif, -lu-t in tlio plici- roi' I.ft it yi.ur' ll !" , I . n.'t . ij- my taMc !" ' thi.l me inv cip !" I ( . ki- .for nuinnw, nd .-t , i i,,.r 1.1,,.) "I'll tiy ' "J tiuns '.e ." "T..k,.yo-.r.n;-l.n. lifiiun." Witli a c'am of tli.. And a motlHr drti 'All iiKht.' 4llmr up. Hill d.-.r, th.-n ..rocff, siil s Iirrath In 1 lull of 'lui il Lote, "Ilcu't uki- up il.e lnliy! t'( ", liiotliw ! l-w tom mv 111- 10 Kcntly. iiv dm dr.-8:jii-tlo. k I the trsll." ci i-t of M V 1" "niry! I . . Jv was tlmil-iu; ", lnGttu-rl 111 ip j tli. . "ArM NHly. in Fptllinp, wl-i.! -j ':t. uy ! f.m I bo mi tl..- l.iil '-Pte p.t mic'i a t. otluche!'' otlie l-. il!' li uiy tl d ? 1 ' I'.linu.r 1.10 t rcidy i fm j.i-t liki- I'-e ptien ..ctlur: tli.- iniip t'ut: w liirln in.I-. not tunjj ilo tli. y 1 1-( ; irly l.o-i-e uf uM lw fiir unr... th in nm: id le B!jd in jour lajra s,-lrs aud Ikj . IW.rri.N .)), A Hill, 1.) 0e Ont of F0111: nir. "i.i saii.dkV roi:v, 'Will ym let tiio :i lijxltt, my fricnl .'' iVrl.-iinly, s-ir." Miitl In, aml .-iin-iti onul- it! ilit; -'' t(ivo, t! i riiiiiiioy-ii;n' if wlitcli la-ei! out of oik of llie window-. 'i'lic iilil 111:111 -k h.; Iooil u. lot'I.rd voiy tiiucli liko tlic i- tl ii! Im livi'il in. In hi.- Iiiy ha.l lu'on iirij:lit aml -iroujr: liut :iuo, lianl vvoik aml ronli wiallier liail liL'tit mrtiiwaril. Ili--i'n ry l air wjw dry :-tnl tliiu tlio tliatcli. anl ciind Id Imj ' l.i. !.. i.-f. .1 J tlint wi f r w).' I asked liim ii' iic livi'.l all alum. '1 ilo ipiw. -ir Awi- my olil wtiiuaii tl'od to ftir- iiu ftnii' CliriiiiiM-." "Odirt .ti iVol Inii, all I.y yonr-eU". It i- M'iY loiii'ly iiko : liut I ilnn't caii lt -! p.iiji o aimii u.,v, :lie'rc all -t in"-v '.vith tlifir iu I'onconi- 1 wa-1 Iny H)i. r, tiiici-.' I IKri: tlu oltl fcllow limm lii.- 'u'.itl aiu! ' M-ilitd. A In- pan-cil. I ai.-worod lliat . iln'io wcio inany pcoplc wlto wori1 not al tc;rf!l!cr takon up witli tln-ir own :ill:ir-s aml would lo gl.ul ' t'-Muo aml clii or liim up aml 1-1 1 : 1 1 uiilihiiu. 'WVll. -ir. tlie par.-ou il.-c- oini' to int.' -onu'tinu-.-. IU- i a K11114 man. and ' tlu-y u-.-d to ;n out w itli li.m-li-a ' wa gonil to ni3 in my trotililc I !iki.- to to look lor mtiil- 011 tlii- rnfk.-. 01 lar inarlti- !i'p 011 tlu- ilm.r. 1 1 - don": 1 aw.iy 011 :ln- .-and at low to dii: tor talk 011 doalli. I lo tcli- im- wlmtl t-a.i liait for tlu- liao-. Mn aKva--aid -lu-uiidor-tand for I'm po 'cliolat lio ti-ll.-j novor wuuiil liavo no 0110 Imt Ii'pii. lltit 1110 wo .-liail incrt ali ivc with tlio-o wit'vol a- -lio giew up. tho old iiiollu r and I Ik-iMI pailttl from lioun lioii' ' 1 1 lionglit .-iio ilid imt i-ato -o niucli !or our Ilo -iXMiifil ooifonio Iiv lliu few word-! I'of, aml -o niod to Ii.; '011' witli 'lt li.- liad -aid. and lii -y.-5 woro ftill ol W illiani-. Wol!. T0111 i- a ti-io tellow, 1 loar- as Iio turuod to tiio wiud iw and i i -tood MJinu tiirn.- !i.-ii!r ilouiIv out ! IIow I pitiod llia! .i!itarv 111:111 in Iii- old :iL-o. li.'iift ..t i.-s l.'.li m Ho 1 -01 ni' 1! .-o Mid, aml yi't .-o H.-ijiin il j liop' fnl. I lVlt a .i.-it wi.-li to koar MMioti in nioiv of lu- Hi'o : liut ! t'.i-l 1 not lii.o to pii- liim to toil lii- t. ry ' ju-t tlu ti, o I ontitiu-d pul'liti'i 111 v oi inar in .-ilonoo. to gio h'uu ! tiui'j rot'ovoi I lii- M.itnily. Aftor a lon pau.-e holieuan again. aml ; 1 1 'Tlii titno lan ao. -ir. tuy igicat tri nbl'" lanie upon 1110; I cau't gol ! oor it, .iii'l r.i-vLi' .-liail now. llvory 1 liim; tlio f::l! ofilio jear cotne rouad.aml tiio loavo ! ;jiu lo df p. aml tli" wiml to ' roar at night. I 'rem t" iivo it all ovor t auain." 1 'lt is two oar. i- it. -inro vour not.r wi'i- dioil ." j It i two jcars, -ir. -iik-o my wiic and my br.y Joo aml nio livod ltoro al , logoliior. 'riioin two boat-:w you .co a 1 little way ilown tlio tlie liot'.rh wou- uit ! W hail a tlurd, loo, a jralloy 1 pinit, bnt Pvo sold tliotu now, for I -liail j novcr go alloat again. .My bov and I ! coultl "ot a aol liviu out ol tlictn. 1 riu-ro :is not lniicb doing iu "iiinmfr j timo, noryet in smootli woatlior. Imt wo j 11-01I to tro out witli tl.o linc- ornot.- : aud : soniL'liiui'- wo'd makc a uoutl tako of j uiackoiel, -oll lnatsy -t.oiv of :lu in t- j tbo Loinluii pooplo Aml -o wo rutilK-d 1 aioii'j, aud t:ow -ti.d ilion .ioft would ' a j4.l1 to pilot a .--- up cliannol.' , 1 Iio Miinincf i ..i .i.ay- our baid linio. j IiV our w iiitor. you -co, ir : and wo atc , nioro likoly to knookat the uork-lioiiH-j cl.ior at mid-iitiimer l:au wo aie at 1 Cliri-liuns. j "o aio uot like tlie ?l.o:e-'4oin p.'o ' plo. Wo i"ap 0111 harvo.-t oll' tlio -.'a. -t. .i..',,iiry I .U1(i ,1( p ui.,.r jt tie Jit-m.r crop- tv.' ! -jot. you Uitow. .loe wa- a l'u!:alo i-'atiian an.l a rogii ! lar Iio wur-, and a? fmo a lad a.- t-v-i er -tepp.-.l on the foivea.-llo of a slilp. II.-wa-but t(.n:y-f(n:r, and I nevor t-aw I tlio likv. of liim thougli li wa- my miii ' aml a ooil sou, too. to hi old uiolliot i and me. ilo had novor jriven in a da)' . lioublo in all in lilo: aial Lor, liow wo ditl Iovo tliat Iiov, fir; ho wa onr all ' our all, Iio wa ! 'J'hi-ro wa not a boitnmn n.r a pilot ! ii the Cliatmvls u oould cotne ncar liim. 1 lo kncw llie ooat all abont ii ' woll a Iio ilitl tlio path up to the cottago 1 tioor. Ho could tako a o.?cl anvwlioro. If ho ini-.-od bi- port and wa diiven loowai'd, hc kncw what to do wlicrc ho I oould anehor, iill tho and lide.- 1 I and otuiviit, and all tho rer.t of it; and a- j ! for hiiiidlii. a loitt, it wa-:i .-il.t to .-eo 1 .loo in a little of wind. Ilo wa.- alway.-I lir-t whon theio was a job to be I And whuiever tliat bell out yondor u.-od lo ring 1 moan the boil that calls to- a oiew to man tho lil'o-boat ho was iirst into her whon thcro wa? a chitiiec tf aving life, and notliing to bo! M0t bv it but perhiip to lo?e 1ns own. Ah. theio's many a pour follow would be Ihiiiiing about 011 bi- lace now 111 tho ' gicon wtitor if it hailn't boon for .Too. I lo wa otir only ciniil, Mr, iinu ne lovod ln.- uioihof nio, aml workttl 1 liiiiil for 11 both. Ilo didn't carc a b'tt ; for himrclf. Ile wti iilw:n wanting j 1110 to tay ii-hoie. 'Kaihor, he u.-cd to j -ayyou'rogftliiig too old for rougli wa- tcr. You 11111-t l.u up.' Uut thougli I know .loo w mld h.ivo workcl Iill hedroppod for us, 1 wasn't the m.ui to give it up ihough I was old a Iung as I could koop joiug. W c ot tlinuiph matiy lianl siiiiiiikt-' aml lun jip f wliat tolk call the liiii! uxMtlicr. till llie.-ky Ixan to look iltirk, aixl tho rain to (lriv, aml winil to roar ; theti llie -hip- wouM rmi up ClianiH'l. aml inul for pilot- want an- cliors aml cliain and all kimh of s;ear. Thon otir ooil tinu- u-iuld liein tlicv i-mildn't do wttlmut 11s iIilii. Joo and I aml iwo or tlircc nioro of ih iiscd to put ofl" llironi;li the fi'.rt, and mtiny a noud liit of uork wi-'vu liatl o wintcr nijht!, and liarctl Pomctimcs tlvo aml maybo tin poumls a in-iii. A iWv job likc tiiat, yon kuou- would lielp to kcep 11 tlii'.iii;li tlie dnll tiini-.' AVell, .ir, it wa one ilay in Sfptom lior, as it milit ho now. 'Vd liad a smootli uvatlu'r for two niomtli? tliciv vu notlii'indolmj. .loe anda lot morc of '0111 was Kin aluiiit tjio beacli in tlie miii. ifriuiililin dri'adful. Cursi- thi-s tin.- weatlu'r. fatlier; if it l.t-tMiiiit-li will lics tlieruin tl'iH. Xo r-lii comiii 11(1 chaiiiie!. 'I'ho-p Iliat do doii't want u; tlu-y'd ratlu-r lind thcir own way abont 1 1 1:111 pay for a pilot. If tlii''o -:ot 0110 aboaid and want to luud liim, tliey'li -ond liim a-horo in tlnir own lioat ratlicr tli'in ;jivo u- a clrm'-e of cai'nin a -liilliii'j; or two. I call tliat eiioakin-i. I do. Tlirn in wintur. wlit-ti tliey'vi1 ptim : li-ak, or havo :ot upon tlio Mintl, aml want lielp, ilii-'ll piL-tty nigh go 011 tlu-ir kiiof to ih t'.n-n, tlicy will. Si:n-liim-in tlie day and nioonli-jilit at night, aml a li:jlit liri'tw, i- a li.ul look-ont, ain't it, I'atlu'i- ; 'Nevcr niind. mv hoy,' iys I. 'Don't cnr-i- 110 wi-atlior: il all 1-111110.- from (Jod Alintulity : ifit ain't Uv 11-. itV gi oil lor otln i. We can't liave it all onr own v. ay." 'l'lii'n .lot- v. old Miy. Mts nnly for von aml motlier a- 1 want to woi k 1 i-tnt alidu to -e.- ynn pnt lo it lnr owiv pipo of toliaivo a; it you couMn't allord il.' And tlicn lu-d -ot up wlii--ling. and lu-"d u 01! to oo .Mary S-ott. 1U- wa-in iovi-witli ln-r. aml liail In-i'n lor manv voar-. aud tlio nlil iii.:'.i-i mnl I n-d 10 yoar- tliilil ln-d inaki- Iivr a ! Ini-ii.uid. and tliat -li.' wa-in Itii i. ilit-ili wi didu't Miiiu-liuw i iie nnicli idiuitt lior. Sln: wa-n't rtaiiui'h uiiniili for uch a stcaily. j;ood lad a- our .hv : liut iu- ilid imt tliink" -1. Thy liail I'i-.-n cliililivn toi-tlK-r. and n,-vfr bn-u ainit Miin- too, ai'd a Ir ond of mv worked tou. tl.or ior ton yi at.- or mnre. aml neier te!i out onoe. 'i'li.-y wir b illi iu 'iio lilo' 011 tliat wild ni;lit .. 1,. il. . I.. 1; go-0". and tlio I'Yeurh ".I'lia e 111.1100 wa- nti tl.o ('odwin-, liurniiig bluo-ligiil aml, aml goiu- to piooo fa-t. I'om iioolv !...-t lii life iliat timo, for ho got wa-hol out oi the life lioat 'u-t a li.oy had takon the la-t i'Vom-hiii iu 011 ho uil. liut -loo oaiiLiht liim by tlio arni a- Iu- wa- go'-ng lo, mako hi- l.i-t diw. atni l.i-hl 1 11 liko a ico. 'I wouldu't lia.e iet I"i 111. ;j;o. "illur,' -ay.- l,e, -11 11 it il ho'd pulk'd 1110 ovor l.o.ud loo. l'd liavo -lioil lir.-'.' Oll. If! wa.- a luaie hul. .-ir! Will. ii oaiuo to Ih.- 10th of S.-pU-m-bor. tho wo.ither had i-haugod ! a 1011 lar Ci. inr.el .iU b! lunl. Ti.e -ky wa- ilatk, tl.o -oa tho ooh.r of le.i !. aml riinuiug lii-jli r.tiu and -le. t driviug ii!it aoro yutt. I wa- ill, 1 wa- thon, aml my old wnman wotihln't kt 1110 g.i lo -fa-: mi I iay by for a ilay or two. "Vu wiio all ivady with tho gear in tiio boai., and .loo :in 1 llie ercw. lour on ''111 altog. Ilier. wa w.iii hin niht aud day. I wa at tho window horo. with tl.o gla to my oe. lookingat ovoryr-hip lliroiigh tho lia.e, a- -!ic hovo iu -iuht. Alutit an hoiir aftor tl:iy Hnlit in tiie iiioining, .loo -pran up -iml sin-r out, I.ook, f ithor I thoro".- a brig witli tlio tla at tho Iop: '.' Tliat inean.- tlmt thty w.ial a pilot. you, -ir. Whonevcr a rhip hui-t- a lla :it tho lorctopr. a.-t-hoaii, you'il :-ee the 111011 lllii ont lil.o niiai,anl toar down tho boiicli willi tho boat.- iniotho Mirl iu :i 11101110:1!. A vo t.l :ih;r,. tako-tho lir.-t pilot tliat coin.r. out lo l.irl and if jou'ro not ipiick you don't get notliing. Iu ii tooom! Ihoy liatt loo.od iho gal-iey-piint aud 11111 ln.r down the linglo : iho nien jtuupod in, aud 1 .-.iv. .Ino -;io la-r Iho liiit .-lioo oll'and h-:ip in at the r-teani, with tho w:ilor riiuning oll bis gioat boot.-. A.s miiiii :i they woro o!o:ir oll' tho .-ht iv. they hoi-tvd tlifir -ail and tore Ihrouh the" ?ca toward the bri. il.- IIollV luggcr wa-only ;i little way aMern of tiiom : but tho other lil id olo-or lo tho win.i. au 1 I o-iuld m.-c .loo would board tho br.g lir.-t. I .-too l with tho iihoi ivatching bi hoiit Iroin my wimlow -ju-t i. I Hatnl now, s-ir. '1'horo's llie j-liits 011 thcinan tlopioco. "My oM wife wa looking oul. t. ... j cor -otil ! Say- I 'I think .Iio h.i.- gol rather too much oaina.' 1 w.i- norvou- wheii l wan't iilong willihiin Ihoitgh he ivas a boltcr Uo.U 111:111 thau L was ; but we oouldn't bcar liim oul of -iht. neither of u.. Tli,! galley-ptuit was woll ahead of the lujuor, lmt she ccinod to pltingo into tho wavo.. Sho ilid nut ri.-e as I r.hoti!d luivo likcd to oe her ; aml I.or', how ho did 10II ! lir-t ovcr to windivard, aud thon .-ho'd calcli tlic galc aud bow down t'oihcr fi.lo. It did niiike me hake. liut .loe was at tiic helui, s-ir, aml I felt that he know what to be at. Still I oouldn't bclp wi-Iiing I was thoro uiysolf. The joung 1111- are so cagor like. She wa woll out lo foa now ; aml EOinetitno whon -I o was down in the Iiollows, l couMn't 1 -00 iiiiytliing ol lior. rsoxt minute, up ,-hetl il 001110 agaui. aml I got s-tgbt ol j thom all. Tiiore woro four in hor. I oould make out 1113' hoy at tlic tillcr (Itiile plaus witli he io 1 woolon handkcr cbitf themothcr liad made for hiui. Ht h.ul it round his moulh, forit was bittor cold; and tiiore was .lim ISoIter holding tlic fli;et in his hands with a turn round the cleet. Sotuotiaics they were gunwhale underi J()HXSIUrRY. aml it roade my hrart jutnp into my moiilli; but I didn't .ay nothiiii; to tho wife, you know. .Joo had a steady liand. Ilo would be sure to carrj- 011 jut enougli aml 110 in.ire, aml to lutl' hor up iu timo. Jiin Wiis a good oaman, too! ho'd oase tho right momcnt, without lo?ing too nuoh way, ?o as to mi-s thejob: for tho luggor was oloso behiml thcni. It wii ii regiilar chase. aml, as L tuld mi boforo, air, it'.- the lir-t as gots it. They woro liist noariug the brig, aml I womlorod liow they wMuId get abroatl ot lior in mk-Ii a Siii ; for sl.o was n Span iard, and they am not ovor-hiimly in rotigh wtalhor. W'c don't like Span iards, iiny of u about horo : they're 110 good. Whon you've ilono your work, llioy won't p.iy you. Thoy'll f-tiik a knifo into joti if they get a ohniico : aml if tlu-y don't want you, thcy'll diive .1 Imml-pike or :tn oar throtigli tho boltoiu of your boat and tink it. They're a had lot. JoeV boat wa within two ciihlt li-ngtli-of tho btig, and I drew inv broiitb inure oa-y, wlu.11 Midtlonly thegla.-s iio;tr ly fell liom my hiimls. I began to -iiitko all ovor. '.Motlier!' I criod : H)h, tnother!' My old woniiin rau to my s-ide. 'What i it, .lohn '. what i- it ' Tell I Iriod to -toady mv-elf to look ngain : but l retlod from ide to Vi.le : evorvthing wam beloro nio. It wa all 111 a .-00- otid. I ilon't know what had hupepned whelher tho ahoot had 1'oult.d, or what it wa : but iho 'allov-nuiit had can- ized. I -aw hor hool ovor to leeward. and in.-toai! ot lighting her-elf, he -oomod to fottlo down. The peak ol llie .-ail rhowed aboo wator for a 1110 inent. and thon thoro wa nolbiiig to he -cen tiolhing iuoio. The oold gray .-ta had olo-e.I ovor iill. Sho'- gone. niothor gouo ! It's all , ovor !' 'Oh, .lohn! iiierey 0:1 us ! not gone, i- -he ; lior ihing! 1 thought .-ho would hiie diod that iiiinute. Sho wa- :i white as :i ghu-t. I.ook a'ain, .I.ihn : look agiiin ! Oh, , ip.iiek !' l!ut 1 oould not I.iok Etriiighl. I ira. near mad. I triod to -loady tlie gla"-. Tho galloy-puiit wa- gone : not :i -liok of lior to be M-eii. iind nothim: oor li.-r but the diiving pray and the t'oiitniiiu wavi nolhiog but .lealb. I tned haid to ho'.d the gla- -traight. ! aml I got -ight of tho luger with brae C.ooino lioll 011 boatd. That gae me hop,-: 1 he lugjier ha 001110 up with tboni.' .-a- I. Thank II'::ion. ('.oorg.! will get thom ; I know he will. niothor.' 1 triod to pi:tk etilaiii. lor tho poor oM woiiiau'- -,-iko, fjr he -eoino.I like to J:e: but I lo:r d it wa a had j.ib. m --e.f. Aiitlinw, I piiii-ke.l up 4-iiur.igo, .....I k.-,.t'.,..Uiii- ,,ut a w.-ll a- 1 eoiil.l. Cv4.ri:e'- w t- li tehiug ii'iout in tho -li.rui, triug to -:.e -unie nt Ihoui. "Iv be..rt wa-up roady to ohoke nio; ' I loul.hi't bi.-atlie. .My wife w mted lo take the gl.i-- Iroin my liaml to look her--elf; bul, Lor', -ho oouldn't h uo h. ld it a ir.inute. and hor tyo.- wero mi wii 1. I don't beliov-- tlu-y -aw :it all. Xo, .Maiy," rays I. 'I luu-t look. You piiiy (iod lo help 11.' 1 oould -oe the Iui;gur".- maiu ait hak- ing iu tho wind, iupl hor erow lean im r ' ihe aide aml got .-oiiiolhiug in. lt w.i- 1 111. 111. II:io they got liim, .lohn .' Huvethoy gol luiii . Iell me. IIow many are -a-,l .'" 1"t aiiswi-r, -ir; i eouhln't lraw my bioath. I know they h.ul yot oue anlv oue. lt wa.- loo tar aml too lliiek to mo who it v. a. Tbey kept iiwr.y :ig:iiu, aml I tlimiglit I -01110 of iho orow oliuehcd iit Mjtnothing ovor the -torn ; but they didn't tako auy- j bodv in that titue. Tho poor niothor was eiying and wrining hor luml- like a mad wouian. 'I'hoor up, inato,' I.-ays: 'oheir up. I They liavo gnt 0110 ; thoro t ono ohiinoe . I t u out ol lour. I.ord have inoroy 011 ti-, Maiy !' j V.'hiit nii'ory wo folt thon, i-ir ! liut. I.opo wa- .-till witli u, nn 1 wo lan djwn Iho b.-aob with a- inui-li ho-.irt a wo eould mti-ter, thougli wodieadod to hear . our lato. j Oh, liow I did pray that tiine! I snid , 110 wor.i- 01 prayor, but iill my lieaitj und -oul soeiued to ro.-t upon (lod's mor- , oy, and to betooch Him in tilonce to paro iny hoy. 1 I had iuiight .loo to s-wiiu w hon ho ! wa .1 ohi'itl; and I know he wa ii s,trong j l.ul and wouldu't giveincasy. liut thou he hadon hoay bootsandat iirpaulincoat, iiud I don't know what ber-ide. Ilo. would not be able to hold out long, and in .-ueli a oii, too. Ho inight porhap keop iitloat lor a fow minute.. I!y tho timc wo liad got ilown to the wator-cidc tho lugger had. tacked, aml was i-tiindiiig in. Thore wa a munbor of pooplo out then, for the aeeident had beon sccn all along tho horo, and other buat.s h:id boon put olf througli tlic sutf, ihough they cjuld not hope to be of uiuob UsO. Tho croivd atood ilown to tho wntcr'.- odgo, watohing the luggor gctting nearer j to the land. Some wero crying out, waving hiindkerohoif, aud looking wild- ly at hor as hu rolled about on the , wiivo-', and her bow Mraight toward the fhoro. j Thore was 0110 poor woinan down thore, tir, hoidiug .1 ohihl by eaoh luind. It would have broken your heart to hiive soen In r. Sho didn't say anything, or cry, likc many ol theui. Hor laco l.iokod white and cold like marblo. Sho had a hu-baml-wnd a s-on iu the galley putit whon she up?ct, and shc know, a wo did, that only ona was saed out of tho four. I don't know which she hoped to foo alive, her son, I bcdiovc, thougli he had nevor bccn smy cotufort to hcr; but the tnother 3 heurl, yctt know, ol'ten lovt-s the bad as well as tho good. My old wife and I triod to keep as iuiei as we could ; for somehow, wc did not like to makc a show. At la3t, the lugger began todraw near tlic boach. Sbc was only threo or four cables leugths olF; but our oyes were too wet to see who was aboard of hcr. I F1UDAY. JUXE ' pulh'd my .-Icevo acioss mine, aud ' pn'-ho.l forwiird aliiiu-t into the fiirf. I 1 coultl just cotint ihom. Tlic man thev 1 lunl picked up was in the storn with tl olhcts ; and I ,-traincd my oltl cyo to 1 Ciitoli ii look at him a tho boat ros-is on ! tho wavc ; but, Lofuro I oould make out who it was .-he would give a roll to wimlward or to leeward, and tho foot of tlic double-reefed sail would hido liiiii away ;:gain. I s'hall novcr forget that momeiit, -ir , All tho agony oftwcntv lives soomod 1 crowded into thor-e few secotid. llo'ic and foar touother wiro liko to brcak 111 v h iirt. It was loo intich to boiir for lonir. I And tho old mothor kopt oalling out to , me : ! 'Oh, .Tiiek ! tell me who i it .' Who is it ? Is it .loo r I -lu.-t then. a llte luggor 10-e, I miw 1 him for a seeoud. Ile had 001110 for'anl, :iml wa- s-tamhiig,- huldin un to tho .-tay, 1 with hi- hiind up, as if bo wauted to ui'.v Iuuiaolt. Ilehiiil il rod iiamlkor . ohcif 10u.ul hi noek. I . tit : 'Oh. iMtiry! it is him ! Oh! thank Cotl, he' 1 s.ivod !' Aml thou -ho forwar.l, liko to idrown lier-olf. and Ciilled, '.loe, .loo!' in a sortofwild yell, a it her weuk voio. .oould hue iviiohid tho luggor througli the loaringof the -ea and th gale. i I got Mght of him :it l.i-l, -ir, ii-j ho eatne o!o-e to the -horo. lt wa- not .loo! .loo wa gone whcre 110 niothor' -ioioc oiin o-r roaeh iiitn agaiu, :iud whero hi- poor iathor".- 030 will -co him 110 nioro. It was the other woinan'-.-.'ii. He Ieaped from llie Iug4er's ,-ido :iIino-t boline !ie btiried her li.iw in ih. hini;It.-. and 1:111 t. hi niother. and thev both Iay 011 the Ik-oiiIi, aud criod aml laughed like mad pcople. Tlioy woro nigli out of thcir niiml- wilh joy and griif, for ihough tho miii wa j-avcd, tho , l.ithcr w:i- 110 moro. When 1 -aw th.-it my bo wa- lo-t. 1 -tood -iill, :i- il I had been -Iruok dunib. Itwar.a dialb hlow to n- b.'th. Mv wife. .-he foll down in a faint bke, p.ior llung, and novcr beld up Inr lieiul iil'tor. Whon .-he eomo to. wo walk.--l to thi liou-o iigaiu. l'.ut th.- liuht ot it wa gotio. -ir. It -.'oiihmI diirk and loif-lv : iind I ooiildu't iibide to .-ee all the thing-iib-Mit thiit hiid beiuiio.I to my buy. and t.' think lliat he w.i- lleatiiig about eold rtilf in tho daik wator- of the (.'iian m 1.- My old woniiin I.iok hor ! !.. d : an.l it wa .-uon all with her Whon rho w:i- dreadlul bi.I, tho par-eu oaiu. and tuld hor -he woulil -oe ., again iiboM'; and it wa- the only tluigihat SHf tiio p.ior t-reatuie I ofton trieil mv b.'-t t. ceier her up , but. L.u". I wa.- tli.-it down nij-e'.f I onlv luadi hor wwrrO. The p.'itxiii eaiae llie l irt night. whcn hor lilo wa.- ebbing away. aml tohl hr agam that -ho wou'd -.-i' .loo. Tli. 11 r-ln- lifted h. r oyo to lio-i-von . aml they l.ioke.I a they u-e.I lu looU fuity ear-agn, w hen we lir-l mar ried, iitnl 1 w.-is vt.ung aml h.-arty. like tny poor boy whon he I. ft 11 lliat luorn ing. She louked up, aiid gave :t kiml of -mile. ii- if .-he -aw him throug'i the d.irkne-s. aud thou rhe died. I otten uiiiiili r it -he did eo him. h'o been at 111:1:. peoplo"- deathbed-ii-horo and iillniit. and the w iid ftitie i:i their eyos at the la-t momeiit alw:n luade 1110 think tlny miw into tho oiher world ju-t as they woro lo:iitig thi-. A- lor 1110, -ir. I novcr turgot .lo-"-loiith for a momcnt. .It liui-hod me. Alt.-r 111;. wife h. d. I ti-otl to waudcr .iboiit aloiie al! I:it. :i- 1. I wa- loekiug lor hiui : an.l at night I woulil coiue down 011 lo Iho beaeh theiv, aml .-i: iiinong tho boat, aml n.ok at llie black. wildM'ii, and cry like a ohiid. Il'- :bi d.iy two yo.irs that hi- wa-hod ii-boio at that point of land out thore, w'hore you -ee tbo big touo." I.4inl;iiil 'or tr I'liici: "Woll, .lohnny, hao you Miceoeded to-day. my miu .'" 'Notliing goo.l to-day. moihor. I have boon all ovor the linvii alnio-l. aml 110 ono wuuld take mo. Tho bookstoro aml grocerier- have plenty of bov.- al ready : but I think if joti hadb.en wilh 1110, 1 rhould have -tood :i bettcr chance. O, ou look m tbiu aml piile. motlier, :onu.body would have folt miitv, and .-o took mo, but noboily kncw me, aml nobody -aw you." - Aflcr lc.idiiig a portion t:f (.Jod'-. llolv Word, tho mothcr aud hor little bov knolt down togother iu their lonolim.--. aml pr.iyod tho Lord to take carc ot thom. They woro vory poor. They kncw al-o that (!od would do wdiat wil-hii-t for thom. ( ). it is a .-woot thing to tho soul to bc able to ay .-incorelv, 'Thy will bo ilono." Ncxt morning Wiis tho h day. The Sumlay .-ohool b. U rang. The suu wa.- .-hining Inight aml oloar. but Iho air was exooeilingly cold. The ohihl had 110 ovcrcoat, and wastdl woiinngii part of his aumnior clothing. 1 lo was iu hi -oatjti-t :is tho Mipcrintciidciit and his toachor ctilcrcd. "Who is that li 1 1 lo pale-f.iccd boy iu your clas .'" iiskcd tho Miporiiitondont ol .lohnny'.- tcaclior. "I Ii namc is Jonen ; he livcs 011 S f-trcet, aml I mut viMt him this vory wcok. He ia woll-bi'hiivctl boy." 'I ahould like to know moro iib'jut him, aml I will see him aftor school." Tho superiiitcndeiitdid nut forget him, and whon the clar. brokc up, -cting hiui lingor behiml the other M-holnr, wont up aml took him by tho hand kimlly. '-Diii I not .-co you ycitcrday, looking for a plaoo on Water stroel 1" "I was down thoro, air, looking for a place." "Why did you not take that pl.u-e which the gcntlcinaii had lor you in tho large grocory atore ?" 'O, sir, 1 did not know they sold rutn thcro when I iirst wcnt iu ; and when I saw what kiml of a store it was, I was afraid. My fathcr once kcpt a large storc like that ;" and the child ahuddercd when he answcrcd. l'Why did you not kcep tho picco of raoney that you found on tlic lloor as you were comipg into tltu store i" "i5eoaue it was not iniue, and I 10, 1870. thought that the gentlcnian would lind the ownor thiin I could." "He did, iny boy ; it was my tuoiicy. Iiitl you not get a place yosterday V "No sir; all tho placos were full, and nobody knew me." "Well, my boy, you may go now and tell your mothcr that you have a place. C'ome to me vory Oiirly in the morning ; your lcachcr will tell you whore I live." .lohnny wont homo with his heart aml cyos ao full that he coultl hardly see the strcot or anything cl-c. Ife kncw that it would chccr his iloar mothcr very much, iind ao it did. His suporintcmlent proeurod a gootl pl.ace for him, and they wore fiotn thiit time on, comfortable iind happy. So remombcr that honcaty and gooduoas are alwav rowiirdod. Tiik I'atkuxm. Dl'tv. I'arton says : "The bo-t man is he who can roar the bc-t chdd : aml iho best woman is ahe who can rear thebeat child. The wbole irtuo of the raco phy.-iciil, moral,mon tal couics inlo play in the mot swcot, nio-t arduou-, moat ploaing, moat ilitli- ctilt of iill the work tlonc bv morlals in thia world." A in.aii stopping at a rrovideuce ho- mv, without akitiiining, both the ipianti tel blew out llie gaa, aml aftor awhile 1 lv and ipiality of tlic i:rcam will Ik- .'en weiit down into tht! ollioe :md ii-ko.l thej ,;u,y ailoototl. The -uriace will beconie cleik if he hiidn't somethiiig to porftimo the room with. Heaulit -inellod Ii 1 rotton ciibbage cellar. altc Jfarm aml (Onnkn. initl l'l-izr lCssiti 011 Makimj I'ltfl.iuii Huttn: Mi:-. M. . iiK.xxi:, rvi:ix, 11. 1.. tbiu watoiy aub-taiice, biniug rostiu M x M.i.ttr.N-i 111 -nn: Mii.k. The blanoe to creiini r milk. The-e fuct-. a.lvanlago gainoil durin-' tho hot ,-Cii-on by tlie lapiil aml complete cooling of uilk a -0011 a it eoinea Iroin tho cow, can hardlv be ner-c-tiniatod. a rocent xperiiiifiit ahow that the milk, thu- oolod, will keep awcetcr much Ionger and yield il- croani moro roadily and iiioie abundiintly : iind, ii itll cxporionco lu: 111-ovcii that the iiualitv of buttor le, depoml-greatlv upon kcoiiing tho uidl. in -uoh a .-lato a to .-eciirc all tho roa 11. A -tniug ot Iabor ia elleeted bv t!ii pioee--, :t- the milk, wheti eoolod to the leqiiiiod tcmperature (-ixtv dogree.-,) may Im- aot in doopor e thu dimin- ed it ha had the ame condition- a ro-i-liinj, greatlv, tho iitiiubor ol i ol ro- "ard tcmiieraturc. ote. : it follows. thon. piircd. and. eoii-eiiiienil v, the Iabor loau-ing th iu. In a hire ilaiiy. Ihe w:i.-hing :,nd -ealdin-, of the .-ludlow pans -o inueh iu iilwify a laboriou iind tediuu- proco.-. I horo aiv many nietliou. nioro It -iinplo, for ciinliiig milk. I'atont- have been grantcil for variou- plan.-, and inany t-nterpriaiug ihiirymon are te.-timx iti-enioii ilcice uf their own. with ex- elleut -uoce . If it i- not eonvenient to pioouro a ooolor. the milk ninv be 4u!td bv -4-ttiif -unie large piiil-- into a roogli or l.ii.x. fjarily tillcil with verv waler. and pourimr out tho milk 111- . tho-e paik- a- ta-t a it i iliiiwn from tho cow-. iiHowing it to tlaml u.itil of tlic roipiiied lenip. ratiuo . il i.eeea.-arv. ro- newiti- !l.e wator. u-od iti inilking -houltl bo uiinb' ol tin, nevor ot wood. It 1- vcry .litiieult, almo.-t itnpoaaiblo. to clcauae w-.iii.len pail ao p-.'rfoolly that they will not unp.irt aome. tlogroo ot aoidttv to the iniik. thougli it may bo an itiaen-ihle tle- grce. Owing to tlu.-litct, aonio tiictonc- make an ab-i.luto rtipr.ailion tliat onlv tin paila, ahall be iiaod by tlto.-o w ho fur- ni-h thom with milk. y htin-;tui. .Much ot tho sue- j aalt tho cow.- olton, aud -co that they do ci-s of biittcr-iiiiiking dcpeuds upon the not cat ileeayed vogetiibles or any -ub-litno of tbo plaee or room whero tho , atanoe which may impart il bad tu-te to uairy 1 Kcpt, an.l upon 11- comiitiou ii- to ciciiniu.o iiinl Irocdom Ir. in taints and odor- of etery descriptiou. If a cellar i- u-ed. it ahould bo a dry one, and peileetly elean to tho lotnolo.-t cor nerajiiiving 110 hiddeii romiianla ofdccay-c-1 vegclnble- or fruit, or anytliing which could poa.-iblv cll'eml tho mo.-t del'.eatc ol- 11 a room 111 tlio ilwclling- lioii.-e 1- 11-e.l. or a iiiilK-hou-e, btnlt sop- ! -ixty-tlnve dogree.-. . A great thal of cx anilely, which is porhaps, boltcr, it pericncc imiv cnablo lo gue.-s at thi ahould not be aituatctl near a hog-pen, -t.'ible. or aiiything of tho kiml, imr lioiild aiiMliing likcly to linpiirt its odor to tho milk, a- amokcd hain, codli-h, 011 iona, or evcn potiitoe, be allowcd a place in tho room. Notliing will reeeive a taint moro ca-ily thau milk or crcam : aml all liatl otlors ab-orbed by the milk, are ccrtain to be concoiitriitotl in tho but tor, ihoy n..t having the iiccoinnioilating liapoaition to riinoir with the buttcrinilk Wo have knoiyn bultor to bo apoiled in con-cipienco ot tlie milk atanding in the ' room with a amoky lurnacc, aml it ia aoii.otimoa aon-ibly cll'ecttd by the atnoke 1 uf btirnt-grca.-e and other impleii-ant aiuoll- irom tiiecook-rootn. So it .1 milk-j 10011: couimiiiiii.'atc with the kitohcii, ; tlio iluor -houltl be kcpt eloaed. j Ttm,i uihin. Tho milk. whcther in a icllar or in a room above ground, should ne Kopt eoul 111 the aumm. r, novcr boing ' .iuuwcit 10 ieaou a ionipor.uurc, iiliove .-ixtv ilogroos ihough it may I'all below 1 bring tho buttor , a tax upon oue'.-pa without detiiment. -Milk ahould be act , tionoe aml atiength, if perlbriiietl by upon racks,rathor than aholvo.,so that tlic hand, ctpial to the eoat ol :i dtzen ther air may circtdate freoly undcr it, as well momotcrs. as oer and iirouml it. Kacks are matle ' Coi.out.v.:. As a rulc, absolutclv 111 various v:iya : the mot eonvenient we Know ol is coiiatruclctl as lollows : , lake -a t.xti pine poat, ol :i Icngth suilcd I to the lnght of tho room, place it tipright upon a pivot ao that it will rovolve, and uail alat.s or half-itieh atuH' to ciichsidoot the po.t,at atich intcrvalsas will be room for tho pans or other vos-cls u-od. Two auch alats ua'deil to opposite aitlcs of tho post, will aiipport two pans of milk, one on ciich fi.le of the po-t. The rotary iir rangcuionl cmibles one to atand iu the aiimo pliico to akim a wholo rack lull of milk. If pan are u-etl, tho seamloas oncs are bost, but tloopor vcsacl, cither of tin or cartlicrn-ware, are pcrhaps pre ferablc, providetl the milk Ls cooled bc fore being set. itsiii, oftfic Ctenslli.Tha grcatc.-t care is rcquiaite in clcaning theae vcsacls of whatever material er form, as also of all other uteneils cmploycd in butter making. This is a mattcr of much grcater importance than many suppoac, as the amallest neglect in rcgard to it is sure to tell upon cream and buttcr. The pans and pails should bo thoroaghly washed, in two waters. eacb. timo beiug made a clean ii porsiblo wilh watcr uscd - thev ahould thon bo .-caldod thor- oughly with boiling watcr. It is not siiHU-icnt that tlic watcr ahould bo tolor- ably hot, that it ahould atoam in the kcttle, or aiivlliini; of the aort : it must "(Acce as woll as sing." Tlic cliurn, buttor-bowl aml ladle, or buttor-workcr, if one is uaetl, .-hould be wiiahed aml scaldctl with carc, aiid all .-hould be carc fully wiprtl and driotl, tmlca aonic nr rangeinent is madc for drying in tho suu, which will do vcry woll for tin aml carlb crn, aml save the Iabor of wiping. In suinmer it will be necosary to aco that utcn-ila are coolcil perloctly, bcfore u ing them. SLiininiuy. Themilkshould be skimmci! as fooii as all the crcam ha riacn, aml bcfore the milk ha thickcnetl. Tlic ex act time rcquirod for tlie cream to ri.-e. will. of coursc, dopend upon the tzmpcr aturc. but ii little expcrionco will cnablo one to tell. At the time the crcam should bo roinovcd it will have a bright. hoalthy appciirance, a rich, yellow, iini forni color, iind aiich an adheiency ol partieles :i will cnahlc 011c, sometimo., to roinove the cntire croiitu in one dip ol the skimmor. Ifitllowcd 10 -tantl li.-colorcd, b'otched and knobln', wbil iiudornciith, tho trcam is rapidly yioltling to the corroive tondoncy of the acid in the mtlk. Tho thicko.-t criam may bo a suroly dcatroytd by -tanding 011 the milk, aa would bo the lirmc.-t liibiic iu a bath of sulphuiic acid. When lliu ilcatrovcd.the crcitm i roplacctl by a which may bo eaaily vcrilled, ahow bow ca-ential it 1-that croam hould bo ta- kcn oll liotoro tlio inilk 1111- aoipnroil any denrce ot ncidity. i'ot, m ordor to mako the Iargeat ipiantily of buttor, oaro liiu.-t bo takon not to romove the cream too aoon. Manv tieat. thrilty hou-o-wit- make ii pralico ot "akimmmg up" iill tho milk at atiitcd iutorval. ao througli with the job. Ttii- i.-of cour-e. erv iilea-anf.lmt it involve con-idcr:iblo ha : :i they do not get the full crcam fiom iho newo-t milk. Tbo milk .-hould iill be -kiinmcd al thoaiime iie, protid- that aome milk -hould be .-'hiinniotl ceiy night and iiiorniug. WiMr.i: Ti:r. wjtuvr. lt will be found that in wintcr. milk aud crcam ro ipiiro Mimewhat ditl'oront mauii'jcmcnt. The ctlort tnu-t be to kcep the milk irnnn ououi:h ialli. r thau to koiii it cool : iind :i tailure in thisropeot will verv niatcrial ly tllect the ipiality ol buttor. If th. milk i- verv much too cold, it will hav to atand ao lor the cieitm lo ri-t that it will beroine otittcr, olten long bc foiv it bcconies sour. atid Il e iitiiilitv o bitlerne. will bo .-till niore apparcnt in tho buttor lo proelit thi. tho milk , aho ild be kopt at a tcmperature of .-ixtv tlegroo. if po-aihle : if not. the milk may bo acaldcd a .-uon :i- -ttaincd, and tl.o cream will thou have a tair .-tait holbto the milk haa 11:11 totl with cxti'ii boat. tm- lo-. tlie iilace whero it 1-kopt 1 verv cold. If acaldiii- i- not found aiitlieient. two or thne -peonliila of -our milk (which ha- ! aotired ouiekly aml 1- not bitlcr) may 1 atlde.l to cach pan of milk when it i .-ot away. 1 hi will help to -our tho mill aml oau-e the eream to liao ipiickor thus inaking it le. liable to bctvme bii- ter. It may nlao precnt bittornc ! tlic milk. Tln' Cnani ahould bo kopt about I he lcinpeialitro (,-ixty dogree-). aud .-hoult bo well ii- ott.11 a- new i ad.'od. It -hould not bc kcpt too iom: bo foro chiirniiii:. novcr moro than a Weok four or livo day- i- bctier. CiiliiMNti. l'he cro.tin -hoiild be clitu ned at a tcuipoiaturo ot -ixly-two or tcuipcratur wilh tolorablo cleiornca 1 Imt it i- betlcr to 11-0 a tbcnuonicter it- 1 bo suie. Thi toinperaturc will he in creiiaod durin:; tho proco.- ot chiirniiii. to ti8 tleg. or thereabut-, whon tho but ter will cotne. lt it ahould be hartl and, lofu-ing to co:no togother. well, throw in a little warni watcr, churuiiig all tlie wlnlo, and tlie buttor w ill aoon bo gathercd aml roatly to take up Swcot crcam should novcr be mixcd w ith sour cream just boforo churuiiig, a awict crcam is inueh Ionger coming, and hence, likolv to lose it-olf iu the buttor milk. To aalt the cows once a wcek i gonorally bclieved to f.icilitate Iho pro coas of chiirniiig. In c.iae Ihoy hac not bccn thus aalted, aome put a little aalt into the croam boforo chtirning : but wt think that in moa iii-taiico- whoic bntiei is vory long comiiig, it is owing to tho tcmperature of tbo crcam. It may be ao cold il- to rciiiurc I'hurmug all dav to caential in wintcr to color buttor, in or- der to mako it murkctable, or at all at tractivo tis an articlo ot tabl honio. Thore may bc a pos-iblc exccp tion to thi rulc, in ca-es wljcro cowa are fod largcly uptm follow corn-inoiil, pumpkin, ciirrols, ctc, but this does not losson the iiiiportuuec of the rulc. (JI the various aubstances usetl jiu colorin" buttcr, wc thitik that carrots (of tho doip jellow varioty) give the moat natural color and the moat agrccable Ihivor. Aimatto, howevcr. is principally iiaod, ami witli jnoat aatislactory rcsiilts. Some of the most celobrated buttcr-makcra iu the country color thcir buttor with pure annatto, giving it a rich, tlecp orange color. They do not aim to produca the color which is natural to suinmer buttcr, but 011c considerably richcr : coloring it both aiimmoraud wiutir. It carrots are uaed, they ahould bo grated, the juico expicracd througli a tliiu cluth, and put into the crcam just tcforo churning. A small (pjantily of annatto, dheolvcd in warm wator or milk, inay be Uaed in thu same way, and with sitnliar results ; but a richer tint is produccd with annatto by -XrMIJKR 1715. coloring tho buttor dircetly. To prcpare the iiiuiatto for this piupo-e, atcep it in buttor for some bours tncr 11 -low lire, then atrain througli :i tine cloth into a jar aud kcep in a cool place. Whon rcady to work the buttcr, molt a small ipiaiuily of this mi.xturo and work it in carcfully. A smull proporlion of tur incru' i fomctimes ini.xed with niiimtto and prepaied in the satne way. With thi- method of coloring, an iiiexpcrienced haml i- in tliinger of working thc buttcr too much, in ihe cll'ort to prcducc the aiime ahatlo of color througli the cntire niaa. which i, imleeil, a dillicult attain incnt for a novice. Coloiing in the cream obviat. s this iliHii-ulty ontiroly, the buttcr boing of a uuiform color whcn takon Iroin the churn. S.Mnxti and Wot.'KiNt;. While salt is not t- bo iimlcrvaluotl as a presci ving agont. it niii.-t bo lemcmbcicil that too uiiifh of it dostroys or ovcrpowers the lim- llavor aud tlolicate arouiii of the bet buttcr. l!o carettil to prc.-orvc all the sweettie-. of the trc-h buttor, Siilting just euough to to romove its inaipidity. It is iinportiint to ue the be.-t aiilt. "Ash lon's Kactory h'illod." ha great .fame. and i cxl. n-'uely u -ed. I!ut any one Ciin tc-t tl-o pttrity of salt. and pethap other braiid- of I.ivorpool s;dt may bc found cipial to A-hton".-. l'tiro ritlt i perfectly white auil'de-titutc ot odor. It will tlir.-olve in coltl watcr without leaving any acilimeut. or throiving any -otiin lo jhe atirliioe. and tlio hrino will Lo ii. eloar a- puiv watcr, and entirely fieo from any bitlcr :a-to. l'rof. .Tohn -on atiy? in the Auiorioan Agriculttiral Annual, 1 bHS, that thc " 'Onondiig.i Kactory Killcd' mu-t tako rank aecond to 11UH4', providetl the ingeniou- proce-aes of l)r. Gi-a-itianii which woro cmploycd in Syracuo. a f.-w years sincc, are atill in u-c" The biittciniilk .-houltl be neurly iill workotl out aud.the buttor well w:th ed. bcfore .--ilting. "arhinii may iib-.-tract aomewhat Irom the lliivor ol the buttcr. but it i ncverthelo, a ncccaaity, if tho bultor i- cxpcctcd to keep lomz, a it completely rcmavcs the cream and ca-cin of the butterinilk, ii p.irt of which inight othcrwi.-o icinain in the buttcr. linttcr ahould .-land lut a ahort tiine aflcr aidting, bcfore it i workcil enougli to reuioe nearly iill tho wator, whcn it may bo rc.ilted if ncce ary : there ahould he .-utlicicnt salt lcft in the but tor iit thi- -iiiie to mako a atrong briue of the little wator that reniain-. It may thon .-tand until llie next d.iy, when it ahould be workcil aud packcd. On 110 acoount ahould buttor bo allowed to tand long l.eforo woiking, a it i apt to bc eoiue atriakctl. olton o much .-o a tt iiece itaio working ovor. in ordor to re alore :i uniform color. lioaidc, if neg lecled too long at thisperiod, a teiidency to r:inei4iitv will iie rsipuily dei olopotl. Wo reabzo tho tlillieulty of giviim ex iiiieit tliiN-ction- for'tbe -ccoml and last ttorking f llie I'urior ir linal prcp.ira tion forpacl-inj: If not workcd oiiuugh, ctry 0110 kmiw- that tho buttcr will sooii spoil : if workcil too niuclr, it is -; oiled alroady : thougli the tlanger of it boing overwoikcil is le.-. A trrcat tleal of judgmcnt and diaorction and -omowhiit oi cxptrictioe, are rctpiiaile in oidor to dctcnniue whcn it i workotl iut onough : the viituc uf atoppini;, in this, a in inany other caac. boing accontl onlv to that of doini: Thcre are aome aiiggealioii-. Iiinvi'it'i', which may prove :iluaile, piirtiouiarly to thoao having little cxporionco. lst. The buttor should not bo too wann when workotl, nor -hould it ho ao cold a to make working dillieull. Innnorao thc ladle fur a fow iuinute in boiling wator, aud cool pc i. eily in cold water : then. if" the litittcr iu llie bowl i w.-irm euough to admtt of ptilting the l-.dlo througli tlie whole ma- without dillicult v. aml dtidin it un without ciuinbling, aud slillhard euough to cut clean anil -mijolh, not thealightet laitiolo iidhoring to Ihe ladle. thon it is iti the riobt condition to work. "Jiitl. It hould bo workcd with catelul and 1:011- tle. jet telliiig jriun, aml not by a so- ric- ol liidi-criminato alii nng- aud maali ings and grinding- ag!iint the sitles of the bowl. The buttcr i conipocd ot niinute gloouloa. which are crushcil by thi catelo-s hamlling. thu romlcrin; the buttor greaay at.,1 atiekv. whcre.i it ahould rotiiiu il- clean, .-oli.l imlividiiali- up to tho timo of packing, ulways workiiii; eloar Iroin tho bowl and nevor alicking. in the lea-t. to the ladle. 3d. l'he buttcr -houltl not be workotl until it is porteclly div. Whcn roatlv to pack. it ahould hao ii alight moiaturo about it. -orl ot iu-on-iblc rcmains of the eloar lirim- which haa bccn working n(l) aml at tlu- la-t, oiiuugh, ao thiit whcn a tricr is thrtiat into it, a tlrop or two of briue will oe.i! out iirouml it, aml the trior it.-elf be lightly wet, a.- if bv a light dew. Ovcr- working do.-trovs :ill tho beautiful con- i-lcucv of the buttcr: makca it ilry and -ticky: grea-y in suuinier, and tallowy wintcr: giNcs it a tlull uptiearaiiee. aml :i teinlonoy to bccomo raiicul. Allo- ;ether, ovcrworkcd buttcr i very diaii jrc.ablo, if not poaitivcly bad. I'ACKisti am. MAi:ivi:riNt;. Iiuttcr houltl bo p.ickctl aoliil, lcav'ui!! 110 intcr- aticoa lor air, aml ahould coinplotcly Iill tho iiikin, tub or pail, as the eaao timy be, loining a llat aurfaoe. It i.scommon to put a cloth ovcr thc ton aml a Iayer ot aalt 011 the cloth. Soiue think it bet tcr lo wct tho aalt, niukinga briue. Thc covcr ali iuhl thon lit lighlly, leaving no room for air betwccn it and the buttcr. Sjiiic buttor al-o, g'4-s into markct iu the form of 10II-, aome piuc.ipple, aml thcr fanev forms for the tablc, clc. I'!vcrv peiaon ahoiiltl be giiitlotl by eir- eumslances in his choice of atyL'a for put tiug up buttcr, alwaya boing carcful to g'ne it a ncat and attractive appairiiiice. lt liiiig iit a iliatance irom markot, and the doalers at his markct place bti for New York, hc ahould pack in lirkins or tubs, so that thc buttcr can be aafely kept thiough the aoason, and the wholo lot dispoactl of at once, in the fall. Ifat a co.ivcnient distance from New York, frcsh tubs or pail may be sent in nt in terviils, all througli the scason, or thc whole kopt througli, as hc chooscs. Or if iu thc vicinity of- any city, good chances cffcr in the way of supplyiri" IiotcL, rostaurants, ctc, tho buttcr should lo put up in a stylu to euit tho cuatuui-