Newspaper Page Text
iH; CALKDOXIAX. r. AND STATE ITEMS. n:ll.Y. Jl'i: 21. ; jbridire at Fuirbanks" store, aud lipped ovei- tlie eart. breakin;r i;p aiid inn away, but was taken up, doin-r uo damn'u to tlie liorse. :lu- -ection ot the State will . th- nxTerest ol the Caleuo- . ! i -al liems proaiptly and post Office Timo Tablc. 'au .1, Ihc .luailj Mill clo e and . , Hiu Wi-ln1:?! a. m. and T:;.0 b-n ay s a. m. Noithern and ; i : : iiuii :-outlurn aud Wceter , Southern ay l:t v ii di-t p:irsonare i Ibr sule. !d ikiup ba -old lii- new sbop -ii. i-I tn AImiisoii Sliorcy. . r I'.Iiiii' of Charleston, .S. C, -,- pi' 'iit week. lookinjr in i ..-.illli. i, .11 -eivice- at tlie South i . lu- omitted Jiirlii-r the U . l' i-etm ucmI inis-ion-. li at tlu- Metliodi-t elitireh II.- M-dple ot'tlils plaee aie 1- at I.ynduiii!le jrovc. Iiiilli-lied by lln; a'onlh". ' :ii.-nui. A1I nrc imited. !1 i .in y lor taic one way. U. Ili.l.iii-on. the lir.-t tele i io llii- plaee, ba removcd . n.l one to larniinjr. Si nco , i li thi- town. he ba- been ' lii ouneetioii iib Ihe --. mal.inir IiN liejdiiuar .. V i). kiili-d the 17th in Uo-ton, i. e'hl ttutira torpedo or , ..un I 'iimi' bos in Ihe in. il tlu- ciaekeis li:is ii i i thi- joi:iiIy. I- there ii.m t i 1 1 iiiinnti'rateii mi t- . , li.ii-l" -peak ot it.nevorlli'e 1. I. .n.iiii-. lli:i! J. li. Tilley I . sih o! .pi ii. and bad i , iln- Uili ol' .lune. Thi , I . ui-rk-. enriier tliatl the ,,i. i arl ra-. lor the la?t i. In rel'ereiiee tu onr :nl i !!' tliat ilie Koiiith ot' .luly - i in Ka-t M..Kihiisliuiy by i 1 -iial. ete. Tlu' objcel t lep.iir liie 'oiijjrejra- .u pla.-r. A worlhy ohject. .i .arji iiiii U1 be iealied. t .iiu lrom thi- plaee. -pent i Vn Hauip-hire la.-t week, r;i t e r-poit. a- lliei i tlKiiroiit. Our tliank are V i.. n l.ivintou tor a n'u-e III its. un i.iurii-: Saiiiuiay ovfiiinir. ' i i it u;i- rln.-ii.-M liainnaii. ' lili. "ffrctary. On nn.lii.n. ,iiil. in. KiniT-oii llall. V. I. I N . .1. I'll.c wi-tv appoinlL'd by .i '.iimiitlif to biin in a li-t of a.ul alli-i i i:j n to ivjire.-cnt our - .iti- l.'epublu-aii i-onvenlioti . iiu- SM. Tbe tollouin . . otiiini iidation. and tbi-y u- vkelcd by tbo livi- . in at l Iiu faucMi-: A. I.. i...Im!iii Uaeon sub-tituti': I. I. atr. . A. Cliapmaii. 1. .Jolm-oii. ikle.iti-, N. ,i..i . !llH. i. an- about coinplftfd hy .n Iti.-toii iuail will be ear-pi- train. Jy tliN ar- niaiK-d at tliN Jilaci.' by i.i . w ill lvjcli l!oton at , iti(.ii niiijr. TbN will aliu -ii ii. i ot ni.iil m:ilti.-r in .i iliboi buod ol Boilon. .i iicr tor Lowell, put in - plare at 7 v. M.. would be I. . ..n tlu- samc nilil. aud I on the lir.-t iuail train . ipt. Our people are con- i t-tiifflvo on baviu"j two . .ii. uiails ilaily. It i liop- a oikuuiil aUo ou tbi-! l Miie.iralioual oeiet3 . will bold a le-tival at :i. Wedneiday eveiiiu' . t a!ure ot' wiiieb ill I..-HK- iee eieaiu au.l i ,ili be aplolio ol" all . te. . ollered loi ale. iiiviiat -iinilar le.-tival .i weeksao. bieb ... . i Tlie ladies eti M..iiunent enter iuto it . i.tiii lede. and it tbe . Ui.ow bow to appre . ;!ie will be ure to be .. li. .in ." to 1U f. M. iuail to tbe new paison- . I iiad IiN wti-l broketi - ii aiiotlier boy in Irout lc.ui-day niotnin. ... ! old eliild of Lovell i nieii by :i lall l'roiii a i" n.iy ajro. .. apar.j oi roub . .t.i.jibl iuee ouliaed l-..pie, liviu in tlie i- . '.. -t iiout iiond in the !. l:l,e, by M.tlinjr nets i..jnt the linli in'.o bini- ouj;bl necr to in io icae wlili tbtir I lic law pruviuc lor ... .:iid it -liould be eu n. lli.-peoplcot tbetouu- iiiueii aie liw-abid-i j- n-e lo see law -breaker-. :i ibouli tbey bail :ui to Mr. Slyles. ibal "i Mi.liWkua)- Wednes tuiued aioillid, aud li ud wbeels aud body. v jiii wbeeU, UJ Iblouh ' l'ortiand ;tree:. aud dow n v oliheiiver. Xu daui- .nuiiuih the staets wete '"- .il tlie time. 'oi'uij: to Jir. Jlall. a jied-i- V D. li. Woodrull, got VuUnt:Ua. just oer tliv Junvillv. Work on tbe P. & O. ir. H. is proresS-iti-,' very favoiably in lliis towu. or ratber lias beon, until quiie reeentb". Tbe meu wcri'paiU off lat ueek Wednesday. and sineetbat time, .-eveial of tbe haud la- borinsr for.Mi'srs. Ilincli & Poweis, have owih to .-oiiic,', leit tbeir woik. e do not bowever, anlieipate any 'eriou toppae. and trust that tbe little dillieully betw een tlieeontractors and tlieir nien will soon be aniicably setlled. A miiiiber ol our ciiizeiis uere cousid iiiniy e.eueu iat rrmay eveuin, over whal apjieared lo be a buildiu on lire loeated about two niile Irom tlie villa Several pet.-on-i, anxious lo render assit- inee io ibe ow uer of tbe Mipposed pieni i-e-. proeuied teauis and liastciied witb all .-pced to the sceneol the lire. Upon tbeir arnval they oiseovered to tbeir dis"itt Ihat the lire was ejmed bv the biirnin a lai?c brusli pile. whicb tbe owner bad purpo-ely mt on lire. 1'beir cha'Tin at bein' tbus deprived ot witneinr a elas-,"' fire, eau be uiore ea-ily imained Iban desenbed. A an intauee ol tlie earek'ssness of lia-e-ball layinff, wc would luention that Win. 11. Pie.-toii, Estj., uhile drivi uiiuii-ii oiii- Mieets quiie rerentlv. was slruek ii; the ftomach by a ball accidenl aily tbrow-ii by une younir boys. render- in.; liuii in-eii-iblf lor a -hort time. We are plea-ed lo learu Ihat no serioii': injiiry wa? inllieted, but it ii not very pleasant to be (.epnved of oue's breath, een for short time. wben there is nothinir more to jjr.itily tban the ta-te ot a tew bovs wbo ier-itt iu plaviu-r ball wben teams are p:i iiiir. MeaMiies are bein taken to "ippioss tlii- dangerou- ame ou our eoniinoii, whieh w e hope w ill be t-ueee.-s- lul. 3Ir. M. ts. Staple ba- old IiN taun. lo eated about one mile Miuth ot this villa"e lo Mr. I'reeinan Underhil!. .Mr. tlaple-. we !ieliee. iutends to loeale iu llaire. A uian fiivin hwiiatne a Ira Jlel.aren and .-aid lo uork for Kinir. 1'uller t C'o. i.iueii i-ou-ioeraiiie exeiteinent iu our lKiially ijiiiel town hist Saturday eveniu'. It appeai-that be va recently paid olf. aud ( to lake a ;durt tiip tiom Ibe vviw ot lii- leeent laboi.. ((,r Ibe iuiproveinenl of IiN heallh piobably and in the eourse ol hi-joiirne . inanae.l to M badly intoxi.-ated. Alter llireateiiiu one or two lamilie-i witb iolence. he aileledand eoiiveyed to jail. IIN ti i-il took plaee at .M. .lobli-btiiy. Wedne-day forcnooii. .luiic . before Jusiiee N. M. .Iohuon, and wa lined 3 tor fttin in toxieateil. loelher w ith eots. Tbe pii. oner eoiildn't lememljei" wbeie he ob taiiii'd lii- liiiuor. At ibe Aunual Coinniuiiieatioii of Wash buin I.ockre. N"o. 02. V. & A. the lol lowinjr ollicer? were eleeleil for tbe ear en-uinjr: li. K. Haviland. W. M.: Geo. K. Katon. . V.; II. C. Weekf. J. W.; W. II. l'reMon.S. I).; (). X. Colby. J. I).: W. G. Hartle'.l and W. 0. Stratton. Stew-ard-; ('. Woodwaul. ilarshal : John Sias. T Ier. Limlou. A frieud iufoims ln'that durinr tlie Ihunder lorui. iloudav alteinoon, llilit iiiii!rtiuek the bain of II. il. 1'aiker, Ka-t I.yndon. pain (iow u tbe i alter and i-oi ner post lo the 'rouiid, seatterinir Ibe boanln in ratber a dWorderly maniier. A horse staudiu in that endof Ihebarn was uninjiiied tboujrb tplinters uere strewn around liiin. and - iuto tbe stall beyond. Tbe bhtnin seemed to pas- tlirttuifli Ibe air like a ball oftire. N. L. Paiker. wbo wa loadin lumber at .Moran's inill,nearby. bad one ol bi Iioresknocked dow n, and -Mr. 1'aiker reeeived o -evcie a -bock Ihat he wa- unalile to stand aloue. llis left eje wa.- blinded; and lii? lell arm and leir alleeted like one v.'it h the pal--V. Tbe at Lyndonville la-t Tliurs da eveniu, ua- (piile a iueeeis. A laie train weut up from thi- jiiace. aud barrinj; a tew row die, w ho are ever pre-ent on Ibe.-e exoui-ion-.'everythiii'r was p'.ea aul. Wc have not learned the amoiuit lealied lor the eliiueh, but il luiiaL have beeu quite a haii(Uome -utn. I'tacfta iu. Uediealion of tlie SoldierV .Mouument at I'eiehani w ill lake plaee .luly 1th. IVo-ees-inn will be fonned at Ibe Aeadeiny Square at 12 M: I. .'. Watts otlieer of the day; Geo. 1'. Ulair. Mai-hal; Wm. X. West. A-t. Marshal. l.-l l'eaeliaiu C'ornet liand. 2d Soldier.-. ;id Speakei.-. Ith Frieuds of the deeeased. .liii Teaeiieis and teholais ot tlie dn iricl eliooj. Glh t'itien- in i;eneral. Tlu- pioressiou will then be C;eorted to ilonuinent Squaie, wbeie prayerwill be oll'eied by l.'ev. .lohn Holes. Keadine; ot Ibe Deeiaiation ot Independeuee. Oiation b (.'lias. A. iluuker. 1'oeni by liev. 1. li. l'i.-k. Ilemaikft lrom llev. J. 6. Little. lli-lory of our lallen soldiers and dediea lion ot Ibe monument by aac X. Watt.-. C'ioiny: reinaiks anu beuedietiou by Itev. L. S. Watt-. C'ouimitlee of Arraii'teiueuts lloraee K. I!owe. Loren C'hase, F. V. Biiss, Jo siah h. KitierffOii. J!c(tte. i'he bay ctop of this ieinity will not exeeed otie-balt what it was Ia;t year, al- tiioiigb tbe beautit'ul .-howeis ot this week will soiiiew hat improve it. Corn and olher eiops look well tor tbe reason of theyear. A. I. l'riujjle hasalready berlin to fur iiisb villaye people witb -;ieeii pea., raied iu tbe open lield. lle elaiuis to baxeoul-iioiiedowii-eouutry urdeiieis in rai-iu tomaio plants troni ced sown iu April, wbteb pi-oduee tronj;, heallby plants.aud weie in lilooui six weelvs alter eotuimj up. 1. J. Uiown of this town ha a goodoue year old Durhaui bull eallwhieu irts 5 leet. b iiiebe-. and wtiiis over 1000 1b:;. Ile ba? raiiied 74 iueiies duiiu' tbe lasl iie inonlli- aud bad uo extratced. l!e. Wni.iiiuee, pator of tbe U. I. Ciiuieh oi tbia town, bas iiiluiiated that ue ii.teuds lesfenin hU ehare soou. I. Vuiuitu Coitrl. llo.v. Ui:xj. 11. Stkkli:. Judxe. C'tiAULEb i:oc;i:t:s..lit., ) Assoeiate J. lt. daulixu, 5 Jndges. 3s. Elbridye JluiUoon et ax. r. Thomas W. Tifjlur.l'ilX. tt)(j a arm to delt., ateeiu- lo take in jiait p.iymeut, SI-00 woilb ol oxeruineut bouds, at a priee to be lixed by the easbier'ol CaledoiiiaUank. A lubiiiiderstaud'uii; upon this poiut hav iuj,' arisen, the patties ajjrted to adopt the quotatiuus loutid iu tlieXuwKtijjlaudFar- iner for the lirst of January, as Ihc price of Ibe bonds. Tlie-e (inotalions "ave the value of bonds witb the coupons on. Delt eut oll' tbe coupons and old them befor( deliverimr tbe bonds. and this actiou was brought to recover tbe value ol the eou pons so detaebed. Verdiet lor plll', 831,93 C. II. Davis and I.umson l'or pltt". liart lett and Iielden for delt. 42. Juhn Xoyes rn. Curtis P. Jlean.Tlin plaiutiir's wile, Jlrs,. Xoyes, was mother to (leleiidant's wife. and died at dett house. leaviu' there various artieles of wearin apparel aml other per.-onal prop- erly. This actiou was brought lo reeover tlie value ot this persoual propertv, whieh plll'. clalmed Iiad been witiihebl troin liiin aud eonverted lo dell's u-e. The defWice was tnat tlie projierty bad been "iven to dell. by plaintitr.s wile before her death, aud Xoyes himself subsequently assented tolhe;ilt. Thejury were unable to set- lle Ihis family quariel and so disareed t ahoons and I?os? tor plll'. llarllett tor dell. 47. K. IV. Ladd rs. li. C. Kimball.Ai aclion brought to reeover damaes for breach ot uarranty on a hoie lt ap pcared from tbe evideueu that the hot5e sold to delt was warranted perlectly sound, and juarauteed th-it be would be well of a teinporary lainene.-s within two wceks. liel'oie the expitation'ot that time the hor-e died. The liirniiiir point iu the ase was wbether he died from a dNea-e that he bad wben sold or of a di-ea-e afteruaids aeuuired. Verdiet for nlll. SUO..I0. I.aiiijuii and Iiarllelt for pltl Uo-s aud Suiilb lor dell. On Jlouday, the State ca:es weie eoni- ineneed. The liist tiied was Stute r. Jluracc Wriyht. -Ollenee charcd was as-ault upun lloraee II. Wheelerwith iulent to kill aud murdcr. Il aiqieared ou tiial that Wrijrht and lii- w ile live apart. tbeir one ehild bein iu Ibe liands ol Wrijrhfs parent- at Lyndonville. Ou tlie ltfth dav of .lanuai v lat, Wrijrlif wile. oinpany wiili II. H. Wheeler ol Sl. lohnbury. wcnt to Lyudouville aud brou''ht awav tiie ehild. Latcr iu tbe d:i . Wribt. wilh liis lather and olUcer. pio- vided witb lietitious paper-. wcnl io Wlieeler'.- house. deinaiided Ibe ehild. and in the niid-t of the jreneral exeiteinenl presented a pi-lol to Wheeler, witb pro- ine and Ihrcatenin Iaiuruajje. Verdiet. uilty of a aull. Tiic a-e has exeilcd eoii.-iderablc intcre-t. aud a lar;e nuinbei of people cauie to allend tlie Irial. ('. II. Davis and O. .s. Iimkc ibr Suu.. liaitleit ind Iielden lor Kcspondent. White river :u West Hartford, on JIou- j uay ot last week. Kdwin A. liurnett, tlie young inan wlio risked liis Hfe to save that of the ehild, and was earriel over two dams in tlie attcrapt, lias fnlly rccovered from tlie injuries tlien receiveil. Vei'u Iiitei-cstiity !Gvcat JJccline in Ooftt. The prices of ali importcd goods was very larjely alleeted bv tlie L'reat dccline in gold last spnn, and Iiavinir made tensivc pureliases quite leeentlv, I am aoie to tell eonsiderablv lower than th .-atne goods would luive cost a short time ince. 1 have vaiious pattcrns of the uot Uroekcry importcd : elCL'ant stvles ot China in lea. Toilet and Uinner are; Glass Ware of the latest desi.'ns : Kerosene Lioods, Cliandeliers, ete. in reat variely ; Stone Ware "Woodcti Ware; a very liue asrortinent of Alir- rors, Curlains, Fixlures, T'assels, ctc. ; a lare (iiiantity o( Koom 1'ancr and lior- der; Table Cutlery, I'iated Waie, Cas- tors and lea I'ots ol almost every de M'ription; Glass Sliade-, with stniids fur Wax J.ilies, lioqucts, etc. ; all styles of Vases, Silver Glass, the preltiest table ware ktiown; J'lower I'ots, Kisli Globes, Kly Sereens, Wiro Goods, so popular jut uow, and I'aney Tin Toilet Ware. AImj, the ehoiee.-t I'eas aml Coll'ees re eeived from (Jl'inii and Japan in forty ays over llie J'acilie railroail, tielliui: at i ery -mall advanee on eargo prices. !- O. 1'is.vrr, I. K. St., St. .lolin.-Iiury, Vt. .lune L'i. 1870. CL0SING UP! TliembBcrlbin! lmlnB illvollid partDfrsliip by mu ful aKrcimcut. all th.c tnvinB uusoltlcd accounta with tlicm aie rju- tted to c-tll tnd n-ttlc. SI'AILUIXG QUIMIIY. June in, 1CT0. 1C-17 FLETCHER'S CELEBRATED FRENCH CALFBOOT, (Warranted.) For ale cheap at U. STl:r.ETi;K'S, It. lt. Stre It is no Wonder thjt Inralldn lo fauh in all .iK-cifio", ulit'ii ro iiiiiiy oit!ilre mc-diciii. e ari' advrr- -td for tlio cure of vjriou- .lle u-c-; but wtiicli. u Iu u tii-.l, aro I'oiir.d wiutini;." Wc liaii- it to l.arn. liairrttr. of thrfint fallun' of Itr. IIWtirN ;;.?-.., r HV Chrn.., IO rurt' COJKil'. cold. aud i.ulmnn ir. .li.. Masonic Hall Union Block. 'ASSUMPSIC LODGE, xo. 27. e. s. A. M. Slitid liiii-tiuj.-, JUy 12. 1.. II. 1IK.M.I), S,-.'j. SELLING OUT! AT COST! Tlie eubbcriber olfcrij hcr etock of MIXLINETIY GOODS AT COST ! Tho-e in waut of p.icli ;ood will do wt II to pive mp acall. JIIIS. M. M. IIILI-, Miln Slrc-et, St. Johnebury, Vt. Jiuie l. is;.. Ladies', Misses' and Children's OOOTS AJSTT3 SIIOKS, in varietiiv to fuit tvcry pnrcbwcr. I. sntKCTEK'd. torv of Wm. 1 . Sk.,i; CARRIAGES FOK SAI.U ! I'rom thf c(l- brated manufac I. Auio.'bury, iUv. I ln.-n nnd Ton ItuijLri. p. two w.ited ( "nrri-iKoa ind all otber k'nds of Carnnir'. 'IIicm cHrriacs? ire lnlde from tb' iH'dt .f inuttri il and fini-licd up In tho boet J tle. l'orfjlobr JLFl'KIISON Ill'TLKIC i l.'l t. .Joliubury Centrc j PURW1TURE. BLAKE & ALDEN, WH0LESALK AND 11ETAIL DEALEIW, AT TUC OLD STANP, So. 51 BICATTIiK STKEET, BOSTOX, 3TASS. (K s t a b I i s h c d X 8 2 O ) We ire ofTeriDg to the publlc nll our sooda, at prices to confonn to the time, and invite tbe attentloo of all who are Io want of Kod furniture at low prices, to ei amioe our etock, whieh U of the LATEST AND NEWEST STYLES, consistiog of Mahogany, Black Walnui, Chestnut, Ash, and Painted CHAMBEIl SETS, GRECIAN" PAJII.OR SETS ln l'lii.'h, Tcrry'e nroc-itdlc, 4c, topelhcr wilh a large aKrtnient of furniture upually found iu n iirpt-rla-.B evtjlblifhluent. SI-III.NG IIKDS, MATfltESSES .lud FEATHF.US conetantly on lund. Witl JUNE 23, 1870. LADIES! Nice French and American Kid Slips. I hiaii at n. Titi:r.i t:u's. C0ME AM. SEE VHT A S1'LEM'II LoT OF ISTRAW II T S GEO. P. MOORE'S, In tlu- Avenue Illock. FOK OLD MEX, VOU.N'O MEX i 110VS. A PLEASANT H0ME, roi: sai.K! uL. II. i.t linil- in v .rl iieu fruit in l.ltfiil a j; iUlr Iinu pK.,1 rtit.- .-l ciillii itiou n f.riu- if d.viri.l. r. jcbai'i, .iuut- ir l-Ti Iu IVarhjru onf ii.ile fiom tbe Corner, I I'-iItilouii (.'oui.ty (ininmar h.Kl, w!onice. i tc. nt iin -u:r,. of tx- liti;ii hm.- i.i cultivvion. lluiMing-4 7 arr. e. goo.1 l.uildin-., in lln l.a cn.pcau p with .1. II. KlNhl:.-l).. lr-i-, HA5'i;LL CHArTKR. XO. 11. li. A. M. I:v;u1 ir wiitiii. Pri.lav i-,-.,Mk1,, 1-Tm. I'. .1. HM.TiiS. tt-.r.tarj PALZSTIN'K COJiilAXDERY, NO. 6. fUii.1 (iihIim- Mi; :, i;h. .1. l.. I'i.i:i.ts. eou j I. :. I'KAMCl.IX COI'NTV. S.iturday before last tl.e b.irn of I). .1. .Moriill, of Snaiiton. va- buine l. tlie taki'i i'rom a uialeb ijruited bv oino UOVs lllllMIl' iu tlu- lolt. .woinia aiicinoon oi lart weeli a ear old liov ot Oiear l..''crs of Kielil'ord. wa m) Irighlem-il bv a clap of ihumler tbat be sjiranjr lioui llie ehair in u liieh he sat, and i'ell so as to brcak one arm. Sundav mon.iiiL' a little cli.MofN. II. Slauliope, ot liiclitoril. w.i bidlv scaldcd bv falliiii; iuto a p til ofliotwa- ter that iis mother had left standin,; on the l!oor. OIII.U.V.SS COLXTY. le.-sis. Ilovt A. Truiupa", of'l'roy. it their mill, with one of I.uke litizell's (St. .Iiiliu-bur) tliiity ineh water w hecN, sawcdiloD.dOO leet of luaiber in themonth of April. To liui.-h up on Satuiditj, tbey awud tlie uiainniotli .-pruee trec. drawu tbe mill by ( i. I'. Wrigbt. It wa- eut mto live lo'-, and sawul iuto ineh boards and plink. 'I'otal lcngtli, l!S feet ; tolal amouiit of lumber, board .Measuie, :i(tl ft. Coininend u.- to the Arj;us for a lirst li'ss obiluary, a- uituos- iliu lollowin: l!reeii-boio lcst a "ood eitueii when lohti Somer.- died, .M iv lll,h. A a ui'ilibor and townman he was bii;idv tieuied, ai.d a-. a Demoernt li 'never llmehed. llis di.-e.i-e wa- ;aundiee. moiig tbe Iiote! nrm.iN at the -Mem- pliiemagog Iluu-e, Newport, .lune 17, were tlie loilowuig : llis 1,'oyal llijth nerr, I'riiiei Anliur; .ir.lobu Youiijr, ov. Gen'l. of Canada ; I.-uly Vouii'4 : Col. Klpheti;leiii and Col. Kaile, ( I'niicc" Slatf); llon. Ilugh Allan, .Mi.-. Allau, I'. l. ; Mr. 1'ickard. .Mi-s .Storrs and .Mr. 'J'urville. Tlie pariv eauiu iu a ilcasure jadit of llon. Ilu-h Allan and weie luioly entertained bv Mr. lijw-man of the -Meinpliremagog Ilou-e. ti e.xcellent bridi;e of !I7 feet sp.m bas ju.-t been budt at lSarton Laniiiiig (n the l'asiimp-ie Kailroad by W. II. Claugb of Wtt ISurke it is btiilt afier the pateru oi '-llows Trusa" and the on- lv one on llie road. Charles 1'. AHen of Irasburg is havinu i splended faiuiiy monument made, to be erected over the remains of tlie lamilv the cemeterv at Ir.iybur. 1'. 15. I.uird ot'St. .lohiislmrv is the builder. lt is twenty feet high, six feet iipiare at the basi, is octaiion iu forin aud has aised lettei. WAslIIXCTOX couxrv. Tlie Ailvent eluireh i:i S'aterbulv, was struck hy lightening at noon dainaji- lt to the amuuiit of four or live hun- dred dollars. Some of the neonle re.-id- nearthe buil(linr were knoeked down ind made insensible by tlie slioek, but have sinee rccovered. No one I'atally injured. Tlie General conventioii of Coiwrca- tional ministers, lield at Munlpelter this week, promires to be very large. Dcle- ;atcs lrom all ol tbe .New .hiijilEnd, .Middle and part of the Westcrn states .111(1 irom the provinces ot Ontano and CJuebee, are expeeled to be nrercnt. Tlie coiioealion will open Tueday morning and eloed lliuKd.iy alternoun. WIXUIIAJt COL'XTV. 1'ie-ident Fulleiton ol the Hellows Falls iialional bank is a model of longev ay aud good bealth. lls is icjw UC years old auil daily ndes down to tlie ba ik Irom 1ns home, 11 niiles olf, at Chester. WIXDsOU COUXTV. The I'entcimial of I'otrjfret's settlement oceurrcd Wednesday. The lirst setller ind lus lainily arnveil on siiow shoes iu -Maieli, 1770, lrom I'omfret, Ct. ; auiong them was a daughter ol'Gen. lrael J'ut nam, whoe deeendants still live in the town. Tlie celebration was ery pleas- uit. Aliere was an addre?s bv Jtev. Klmer llewitt of South Weyinouth, -Mass., and a poem by Irs. J. K. 1'. Chamberlain ot Woodstock, both bom iu the town ; aud -JoUO perscns sat down to dinner, natives ol I'omfret and dwell- er uow in every iiorthcrn state irom .Mainc to California. Iu the afternoon toasts aud responses were iu order; and ocial greetuigs ol old lriends long par- ted. The body of the little son of Levj Jsewton, who was drowned at Uethel about two montns ago, was fouad in To Ui .u Lo proctclj iruiu ii-re il" i the , Ih.-.1 ii rv ol i d c HUlll t!l.! withtb.. Iilii;ir .1 ... .I..1K.. I1, luat the fice et witb ti.e limn.elit ou th - tc the lin lut-ii: iuto lb.- ctvitj ol lliv tootli f.lre, 0. STREETER, lllllllAUll'S mll Luonn Kll'lloor. :. i:. sn:i.i:r. WOOL CARDING ! tlie beet minner it Mitton, IHratn.j. i .1 tootli. Kub Ih. t uttli ..-.-. j ll,.tnl lap ,i rl.iml ulio put a little of I i.r.wis iiot.MK.-. M0NEY WANTED: llie th- teia fn fiuei.tly c. t ou t once r jriila'e 1, . 1-e cth. i uj.hjs.c i-ue. de.l taie Iu ue J -aie, h. ltfon.e. al d of orJe: troul.le. I'he Fub-.cnl.ire will piiv oi r f..r ..II tbe m..m-y ubirh l -in-vvnlii that th. c 111 buu.lnd c nt oi ay be ent them n ;.a iu puch thiuys t.ll.iue. Dyspepsia or Indigestion i-. n.rm.on jft.r . itiiiL-, or a up oi win, .lna f,.Ilo !- ii! ii.m:i:iu-s ri.KiiAi.K i...z- I..M;i:sci innau.l r. li t. ih.- ir.-i.l.-x'iu:, .ort ille iliuoi re.piir.- iucr ane ',i f .lo-e. anjlieer fail Al-o, wirrn.te.l to inrc ov. ry kii.J of 1'ti r-. Tor ,,l it No. I lrei..oat Teiujle, IVi.b.ii. l.j r A. UAUIHSON J: l ii., I ropmtor.-., aud l.y all liru,,;i.:j Jlail. d for jiin.AjuIj. For Moth Patches, Freckles and Tan. I .-1. ' I'KlaiYV Miilll AM) I Kl.CKI.l. I.c.lli.N.' Iheouly iu.l lunuliw Keuitdl Vn.m u t. sl . nce tor r.-moiiiij I r.-Hii di-eoloiatioil9 "fioui the I'ace. l"n par. .1 ..nly l,y Ilr 1!. ( l'i . x.n !0n.l rt , X. V. -old l.v Iiu--u-i-j . ier n hen Pimples on tlie Face. i'"t:c I 1 tll Wc -.1 di.ti.-ur V. I'ilupleU Jnib". I'impK l.r..ption and Iu st. Johu-bnry. .lune by Ktv. Wm. W. rii-mi Mr. .leroiue r.Su.ithot St. Jol.n-I.un. and l'-the M. Ile-itli of lllrlut. In NonhlKro. M w .lune.l'.', at the r.t-ilenf.- ot th bn.leV f-ttlicr, ly lliv I. r. In.pot l.. ct of W oirrttir. to l.irile S. I'.i-tcr-". iratli5. At st. .lohu-bury Ceutre, June li, ot cn.uuiptitn, Mr. I'lor Iljimih llouehton. -.ijrid 21 tar- At Walden, .lune ofeiuk. r ra?h, (;.-,ree. kii cf r-ink W. and Mary L. (.1 e. er, ai d 3 y. ars, 1 1 tuon. lud 1" .1.11 1. One pweit tloer l.f drioptd aud uded." 3, Mr. Al lsail, aKed T4. wlfe of FRUIT JARS '. 1'ltATVS, llailroid .-Init, st. .I,.lin;bur, Vt : f l 'ill early and k t n rupply c f the be t. RUN AWAY. .lune IR. i Iwund lov, tiniued ltenj. I'almcr, II venr old Ilelt .No,Iilber. llli U t.i all pervonr tril ii.K him on my atcouut, a. I hall pa iione ol hi del-L" l.IJXVAKI) ClaiMS. Johu-l.urv, ,une .'1, ic;n. K-1-- EXCURSI0N LAKE MEMPHREMAGOG. a-xyij-rsr -a,, 1070. Aeiec.altr.iiu willl.ave Si. Johusbury at t ZD A i., i.ouliectilig ith tttaiuer " i-oly of Ihc Lake.' bKK l'OSTKKS. A. II. I'UCKY, tup't. 17-1". lst.--1 A P K n izia.-i o o ic Ton-ad or to anteiu. ( 1.--STAT I )ISr K 1 i V. Au.Ti.li7but uct I.r.AsI'I.V 1VOTES AND ACCOTJNTS . froiu d n i. to in carp I mnj of tluiu tnckid by the etronpe-t Vlud of PROM1SES! CI.AIIUMO.N'r -M.VXl l'AOl'L'KIVC. CO., THE CELEB'RATED TEAS ASr13 C'OFFEES Paciflc Eailroad Tca CompaDy, i iiov.sios st.. lsosrcx. Are for ale by thiir Agentf. 14-17 F. (). I'KATT, Agent, St. Johusbury, Vt. SUMMEB, DltESS GOODS -r-r yx -r.-F- PRICE ! E. & T. FAIRBANKS & CO'S. Marlcd down this day our wholo itock of THIS SL'MMEK PltnsS GOOKS, in orderto cloae Ih'ni ofl wc thall otrer many ol" them at half thc foruit r pr'"'. preeenting a rare onwrtuuity to those wiihiug to pur chac I'liENCII (JUGAM)IKS, Ml'SMSS, CAMIiKICs, i.awns axi i-ni:cALi:s At Low Prices ! ECONOMY AND EXCELLENCE COMBINEO IX Tlll- NATIONAL COFEEE-POT. Savcs oiio-iiiiui'tci oftlu' Coficc Can be kept liot tat ioui- witliout in- jury as the aroina does not escape, thereby producing a niucb inore delie- ious beverac than bv the old style of boiling. Kor sale by E. & T. FAIRBANKS &. CO. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED dircjt from the iinpurter t ii i: c; i: r. e it u a t i: u INSURE YOUH LIFE ETNA LIFE INSURANGE CO., l:. i:. SAKfir.XT. (ien'l Agent, St. Johmbiiry, Vt. NEW CLOTHING SHOP JOrXNSBURY to 1 0urd Al'Kll. Itt, 1-7". TlicSubsiiK-r l.i. and ha3 ju-t returuei meut of ented a i" iu the Alltn Illock from nuiktt witli a fiiie mvort- Cloths,Cassimeres,Coatings,andFurnish ing Goods, ecmi.ri?in the .Vcwest SDius niut Hest .llnke-. The pul.lir are invittd to rall at eharu ol thiir patron igi I- t-olicited. I inteiid t ki ep .i firit-cl.-.. d exjmine, and :l Morchant Tailor's Shop. XahinK li f ( lo:hini ii diort notice. rr...M i dium ;ocd. in the beet nnuuer, (oi K. UNIERVOOU. R E M O V A L ! The fUl."erll.T hn removed his DRUG AND MEDICINE BUSINESS T. thi; XEIV ItltK'K IM.OCK, birrcll.i Ojij'tite II: St. Mimliurj Uwur, Where, wilh tnrn-ued f ieilitlr for doinK busineei! he no oir-n. j nne a.--riniem ot Pure Drugs, Medicines &. Chemicals, M i for l'htfician in.'i llard ul.ei..u, 1.1. -lic llul 'A I.ivth s aud I l.d .-hoillJ : llraies . Surj.'uat In-trutii. u t-. i:i.i-tic and .let ilhe Svriiiir.-e, .ui-s- l'uiii ji. 1 l'i -. i .1 1- t rin if, UuhK-r ua nil- lor sjrmce. Il.-d Ii iul.1... Iruj-e, supiHjrtera lnhaluii; '1 libe-. THE PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING JOHN A. MOORE'S, .Alilili Street, St. .lollllsliuiy. ItK.VDV-.-iIADK cr.ornixc JOHN A. MOORE'S. LATEST STYLES HATS AND CAPS Al JOIIN A. JlOOKir.s. BEAVER BRAND MOHAIR. I And Buffalo Brand Alpaca. K. A; T. KAI IIliANKS & CO. MAY 26, 1870. jCjIKTJEKT goods At JOI1.V A. .UOOItK'S. READY-MADE CLOTHING JOIIN A. .MOOKK'S. STIliVW GOODS JOII. A. JlOOltll'S. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS JOIIN A. .HOOUK'S. A NATIONAL IIELIGIOUS NEWSPAPER THE mi delit-'iiled i s. ll.m. J i-p ird it i ADVANCE. I. manly toi new. lairlv i ith tbe li:ious j.. ! read the Am ... Siltui.lfrOJtuz. I lon-i.k-r lt the al.lert. l-e,t, ill ou. iourii.ll i.uUirh.d.- Ih. ..., i.-, t;uh 'Au .idtiiual.lo paper lUe ud trulh-IoMuir. KUUilj aud with iLt m.1.' oet outpok Ai:l. j . ;'. J.. Cii ilrr. Agents Wanted in Caledonia County i oi lilee l.iuk. jWtiuii, stilcu SE W 1 jN O M ACK1 A E. uitWlA-c j nti:uc for UiLOiueturii.j; aud Hu.ilj FC OF JULY CELEBRATION ! A MMtAWilUItltV i'lSs'ilVAL JiAST ST. oJLLJNSJiURY. L-vtuval, i.uiuin i,c oniil!.a tn..t UuUla JU1 U THE ST. JOHNSBURY.lSANd i mia for thc u.-d wlHI n i'n i-tievuuuuiu tlu- tu-j.iij;,in tLt Uail, ui.icli -e JH-.oiiri,t dct.orud. UuiiH.iiL.ti -aiius.c ojiiwtdiiiut.e ior vofi'-m , CALEDONIA CO. MED1CAL SOCIETY. 1 I.oU 3 uua UlliLrU UtH Ul- NOTICE! T.i. ULJtleU'mdtiJWli . jtc&.i,:.rl:..ILii vi ith .li: Uliai bBtf, UI.U put U.t I. U. UAUUUL'N Ji.tKl, CJtll MUST HAVE.MONEY. To mcct niyidemaLdstUl Lilia due I. C. IUirouu, Dii-t be aid byttic nnfjuue, or Uiey will bc Ult i itJU au attoruey fur coLltcUon. M 1. UAlUiUL'N. THK ADVANCE Unt? UAUr Unc Dollcr t)nc IoIhr ONE DOIiIiAR!! One Iollar l)nc DolUr OncDolltr One Ilollar rrom Juno to January. Juno to .Iinuary .lune to dauilary .lune to Jjuuary .lune to J-iuiury Juno to January. We with to obtain tubtcriUrr, but to oblain tho e ul.o thall be pinuanmt. A of men month' will ileliioulnile uluthtr itiJ uoittiy ot liuat nelcoinu iu the lioi.x hold. lo l.ic.liLitc pr liiiiuiary aciuaint inc uhich we fieUure ill lemlt in a life-Ijni? rtlation- iid 1 in. Ai.v.i.Nor. t. new eubeinber. lroiuJui.e : Uoi 7 MONThS FOR $1.00 ti .Nauiea K'nt iuthis ctTcr lani.ct couut on a pre SjneiiHen nuinbcr, x,d fnt. Addreed TUi. A1.UMS.COUMM, -' Cnicago. THE BURDETT CELESTE G0MBINAT10N 0R6ANS AUEAU OF ALL COMl't.ill 1 Uing .thc most peilict m truiaeiit thit luuiical ear eei UtlcnoU to;piov.utin luudcal tuue. lrom thc wtuiiwu mt uct.tute ulujKr lo n.c deep etveUiug toue ol the pipj orKaa. 1-ncia loi LaiU, troni joo to J 1 ul. AL-v, llaelton Itrus. 1'inuo-Kortes. .tiuisliull WcuUtll l'tliuo-t-uiles, suptrior inajruiutnti, at try low pnces lor caJi. ALd oihvr MueicI Jiiri.uauuic ot cvcy deei.riptiu, at JOllft C. HAlNIis At CO. o. 'ii Court, lloctoii, lae, ri7"l'lkc Liita aud Circolari tcut on application, tfcbJVTl Linen, Merino, Gauze and all kinds Shirts At joiix a. .tioouirs. GL0VES AND H0SIERY JOHN A. .MOOIIK'S. best:quality tricot coats, I.'e-idy-Made clothin, Iliu and Cap. lleut-.' l"un lug (,ood, (j!otr, llofliery, Lndcr-wear, &c., 4c, at JOIIN A. .tlOOKE'S, Union Illoek, . - Jlain Stteet. St. Johuebur)', Vt, Jlay 23, lsTO. E. &T. FAIRBANKS & CO. New Dress Goods, New Suitings, Paisley Shawls, Lama Point Lace Shawls, AK.VItS, B L A C K S I L K S , j.vrANi:si: sii.ks. ai.d seotch r.iLchauia : s-ilk and Wool. ul Arlington I'opliu.". I.inen i;oo.- for Ui ith too irreat a ari tv to t nlimerate, ciii Uht ttitk of Irtfs t.ood -u- lue .bouu IIIMl'l'lii: l.At;i:S. TKI.MMI.NGs AM! Itl'Tln.NS, White ;o.h1-., I'i.pieH. I ui ll-itul.uri; and Mtlu llo. p skirt. c. aaJ gie th pri PANCY GOODS ! ekof liae Hiirllru be-.. Xail, Infjnt!, Hair. , au.l Dil t ll.urhe-. I'aiut 'Jru.he, Tube e, Wm f -: l 1 -r?, aljo, Wircaad Tools for PEHFUMERY! idi. llaii .il-. In. ic -. Hjndi jl,'r. I! .oks aud Hank- is ll-oj i.adii:-; roy-.2kirl -up;v rters re. j W'n. rj. 'if Addition-. irecon tautl J in.i r.ire i rep-irjtion-. I'ritc I tlie st ite. Johnebury, June 11 1- miui.iid.dbyphysiciin!. aud Ml'fisqiioi, spriug J. '. IUNCIIA.M. H0WARD & R0WELL. Weiiaie thwdir fom.ed i copartncrthip undcr tho r.rui n nne ol IlliWAi:i t- IkiWKLL, .it tho IS? AV STOEE, No. 1, Ciiledoiiiiiii Illock. iv. an.I i;.!cnd to k.fp rowtmtly on hand iu.1 be-t . ortln. I.t ot oo.l in our liue to Northiru Wnnont. cou-i;tiug iu part of Watches, Jewelrj-, Books, Stationeiy, Fancy Goods, Toys, &c. Fine American and Swiss Movements in Gold and Silver Cases, (ohlanil (;iM ri'tt't! Clniiiii. Jit;j.. 1'iiis. -liaiiis. J.oc,1 t.i. hi:i.-. Sleeee Iiut toiif. iml Stittit. FINE GOLD SETS Our Stock of Silver &. Silver-Plated Ware CARPETS ! .Hny CARPETS ! praio and '11m E. & T. FAIRBANKS & CO. , I M MISSISQUOI E LIME Constantly m liand and for sale in any quantity by E. & T. FAIRBANKS & .CO. April J V-iu RESIDENT LAND SALE. Taleu l.y iirtueot ti-riril arrjnfc.J'or the lollection taxe. iu tho toi u ol Newark tho lolloniue laud m eaid toiu ot Newark, to wit:. AlKiut lo .ic-ta ou nght No. al, Williaru lllodcitt igiual piopiK-tur ; l.ydia 1'. U lJcn preeeut ou uir. oo i. due -1 ;,-!. AI-o, ou nght .no. il:laiu Cleed, al-out 4o acreo, 1 Mhleh ia auo 2.,'J4, Jo.I I'. I ilker l.r,eeut"on uer. Aud o ot Ki.d laud U l.l Ih- ...l.l ,., , ,. tiou at the dwilliun bou-e ol Aiuo- Uollotf, ou the lotn ou.j, .i. lt. ai li. A. Al. 1g Hill p.y aaij i aud ull h-gal coeta V ' t.KAhll S Wm il il!! 1.1.- 1 t Uoustablo aud Collettor Kr the ear- lv.7 and Duttd at Newark, tlui Ttu d ty ot June, 1-Tli lo-lt GENTS CANVASS B00T ! u. sri:i:i.i i;i:'s. William Johnston's Estate. 'rlIKubsi.ribeiatiaMUiibeeiiappoluttu uy ihe houor- adjust all ilalui: BEAVER BRAND MCHAIRS, Improved Buffalo-Brand Alpacas. i, thcy.sttl inquility, I'AIKIIAMvS'. MAY 26, 1870. JROOM PAPEK8, -Hore Xl'W Cili. Jioru .New Itor.ler- At rAIKISA.Mis' Ic- ritrlnr-. t of whieh we li. kle fiher. e rjlictro-pljted T. . -Kmnj. Nai.kin Iline. I.', Ilutter Ilishes r U;;li!! ind ., of lirtt quility pl-ite all Among .Our Fancy Goods may be found irw. Toy"l)niiii.,Tr.utlinir I!ic .ind lli-kcts, m.1 st. nj.-r, Il.i... llall,. and Itjt... Cioouet, Work IIomv. t'luev IS.ive.. T.u i..,l '.,l lluil.lin IU-kj, Ha'ikc-inmiQji II. ard-. and .Men. l.i M,n. II, 1'" kr, llill-Ili.Idt Kuhe?, Ae.. ie. l.l iih f All.i Jacob Blanchard's Estate. TI1K :ubi.riuerf. li.vii.Ll.tin J1.I...I..I. .i i.i th.. !., orable rrubatecolirt lol u.e caledonia to Jai-ob ltlani.,iaru. 9ald Ulsirii.t, uii lor ibe diai JoUUsloii, lato ol ltegale.lUM .t.deu tbe loutin ul lo IU J Com'ri Sherman Morgan Stalllon Lion. lliia c.lebiated atalliou, the oo,y Inll blooded sh.ruiau Moigan iu the sutc. be.- iotoou at i u'1' nM ,u"e . ..i oe every uignt aud uiorniug, aud eeoer uily Uiroutn the uay. Uou u s Uue cou ot tuS laiu ou. Ililiy i.oot, lonueily owud Ly Udad liooi, ot Lu uon, t. lli. oau, wa .tred Oy tue lelebratot UatcwN der Lor and he by ihe uld jioiirau li,. lolori. a darKchettnut, wtidh. aou lb.., mftoJuw tyotioiiuaudendurante canaot be Burp)lt-d auaui a pemu luoda ot tbe oniual MuAu ..oc. AU raarw du.po.ed ot before u,e uual tuuS ot loaouir wUl beconsmmdwiuiibol. iiron, to warraut, sn. ,. ... . .. W. tt, axi.i;iiiit. Lat Buike, ay, 1SJ0. tl&Jui O. a. Hurlbut s Estate. l-eol Jli.. Saluliil. Iliu r next al lu o Uuek lu tue John Galbraith's Estate. Ihe .ubsilioel. itun,L, oti. aouo. udlbraltu, lale ul Uaiuet replt.euied tu.oleut, aud . ol june, li7u beiu auued me "LT"11 U,:,'':'',:U lu lo ihe auite. ol our ai.poiuu ol uabci Oaiur.nuiil.aiu btCUUU lU UI AU.Usl, U1.U l u ibe ioiu Ua) 6" WILLOUGHBY LAKE HOU&E. .1 ZLJUILU liLaVHT. lliMt:c-d and nlurmehtd. Opm June .y. c.x lullea lrom Wtst Uuike itjtiou. FISHING TACKLE. Al-n, a I irjre ati.l carefully h-Ued ttock of .MISC'Kl.l.AXIIOl'S 1100KS, l!L-N'K HOOKS, st IIOOL. I100KS, I KT A X I TO V II o OKS, I'lal.V AMI I.NITIAI. STATI(J.M:i:V, IIKISTOI. IKlAlII), IIKAWINC 1-Al'i:i:, HLUITINO i'.ri:i: axd sand, ink, .muci utii:, i:fi;in:i: iianus, ri..cii.siiAi:i'i:.NKi:s, ri.M: (iuLD l'1'.NS. Mr. Iluircll tcU y!ee his pmmal; atten Iwh to the i;trl;ri,j (t.ol l;,,tiu,j of ,l,w II alche, y-Vw,o, CW-X-.S-. .Oc. kHIi a .juar mttie of j.rrut nttisfactiuii. .acelr? of eery tb:-cri,,tioH Jleiuirttl uiul Vleuuul. r. .m. now.viai. st. Johufcburj, iljy i( i- a. i. kovi:li.. O. W. SUXTKIfS The Placeto BuyJrour. Millinery. ALiij air ie le U"' llu"-'"'. ""1 Hoi.atiou BleacliingandDyeingHats & Bonnets a. Leual, at the Old I'l Jtaiu ctroet, it. John.bury, Vt. Ageut for.Maldeu SEM'tK. itf iWuuipaic.H. l'i taug3g " . SON, I'roprietorB. ... JtNNlMii, JLuinBtr. Gonts Call and See Thoso NICE SEEGE SHOES! V, STUtL-IElt, i $1