Newspaper Page Text
AD STATE ITEMS. i.tnxx . M l.v 1 , u,.n ut ti.t- State - t oi thu Calud'o- p0st Otfic Time Table. -" thr miili' aill clo . Norlhcru aud i and WVpUrn ( L l i )( ) X I A X. -1 ;' E, rapr. ' 1 xxus :i .-pletiflitl 0poitiiiiity on Ilini-.liiy allci iiociii l:ist. for a lirt-cla-:icciiU-nt at tliu lailioad slation in tliii lilafc ,)n,t a the :it-couimol:iiiou tiain xx:i- leavin- tlie station. :i Ilt-ii:nlt .rirl ' Tt it Ot Ule ' f ... . ... " 1,.apro-JptlJaa!"1, ", L fome 13 or 14 years nltl, fanif rtitni!tir npon the platt'orni. antl maUe a ila-h to jjet upon the rcar plat torm of thu tir-t car. As Iier k-lt lmml xx:ituIloi Iuira-re. lie mmzuiI the rear r.iil xxilh her li'lit. The iiioinciitiiiii ol thu train xu 50 reat lliat he wa- nxruiir aioiind directly betweeu the lirst iiii'l -ec-oiul cai.-. Every one xxiio t:nv the rirl -iii)ii-e(l of eour-e. it xv:i all over witli I her tluit sliu xvoulil lir draxvn iuuler tlie wheelainl eiu-heil to death;and ome tmnei! away uuable lo bear tlie s-iekuniii"; .-iiilit. ltut the phicky rirl ehin to llie rnil xx iili :i deatli-like line. and one or txxo tlioiixlitlul inen 011 the pluttoiin seLre.i her, tlrmv her toiili troin her ptiiilou- t-il-uation. when .-he tainted enlirely away. When .-he "i-aine to." she coniiueiiced MTeamiii aiid tuMnr 011 ti-ni lullx , imder (he imires-ioii lliat .-he liad beeu rmi oei by tlie train. WUien asoned Ihat she lieeli ie-cucd. and that i-liu w a iininjiired. she wa- thankl'iil or otiIit to have liscn. Thi' train xvent liixlu :iltmr. the ronduetor eidently not -eein the attemiit ot Ihe irl to et 011 board. Sueli a -eeiie a- this coulil not have oeeurred 011 an Kuro)eau railway, a- ia--enjrer- who are noi in the eariwheu llictiuiti start- Iruiii lln' -ta-lion. ilo not jro 011 that Irain. The load in thN t-ouiitrv aie la-t eoiiiiii;; to tlii-. A! -oine ot the tleptits in Bolton Ihe rnli' is liul when tlie la.-t bell, uud Ihere i- 110 nppoilimily lor any one lo tlicii ;rel oii boanl. ( 'lllllft"S. 55 1 . t'111 rier ha- ?o!ti the (iii- llouriiiu mill al l'liil.loi-k illaire lo .1. K. Wliiteii ol' ;;ili'iiliiirr. X. V.. I'or &7.300 an ad- v.snee ol 5J0v) ovur xxlial lie paiu lor it a moiilh :1L'. 1M. 1. (.'arpeiiler ha- rvuiuwil lii- txat.-li pairiiii;' -hop Iroin .lewelt ifc lii;liain? oiv. l 1 the room i'.i Aemie blccl;. laleh i-eiipicd In the .'aledonia Ni-w- ('o. .1. V. Keny. lor .-everal ears ehoe lealer 0:1 Kailioa.s -iieet. remoe- .-ooiuo i-hellleld. wheie he "(n- into tiade. 'isif I'or It. 1. M. Kreiii'li'- Oiieutal iieu- and ryptian Caiaau. Ihi- biir -how ol' 1S70. will exhiliii Si. ,Iohn-lrii v. I'ri.i.iv. Iiuy '!lih. Thi- i- llieonly (.'oiiip in Ihat iia- ihe tiir I'lephaul Kinjirt the lcihv lephaiil u!l.iii." tlie Malidiil rireii- liiler.tlie I'o'iiti'cn ltedoiiin Arali-. Ihe -ix alt're H011-. and llie l'aii-ian eireii- tioupe. lherraiide-t Zoolo.ieal epie-- Irian airirreiraiion. and the tine-t doiimn--Itaihe p.irade eer heli lo Ihe public. i'lieir tiade tnaik i-the -ixU-oii !oeiinir aiii'd-. iheoidv eain-l U'atu in Anieriea. 1.1 iii- a! I.yiidoliilIe. 1 1 -tand llial il i not . 1. 1 ihe al)lalli. i limii Maine. will Nniih Chnrrli I'or . .iiiiineiii'hi ihe 21th ihii- cnrii-lone i- oinj; ; 1 1 1 1 1 ; t-u 1 1 1 and old i'der. a new -ide- . iny ol' lln rpora- , I M. and liib. ln.-litn-i . l!.ipli-t ehiirch at . : ii-ir-iluv nexl. at III - ite eonvcniion of p'i A-.-oeialion- in .11 Ihi- ila-e, Oei. 'iii'i-. II011. Cepha ai. I II. T. Miller 1-1 . i 10 bo jne-i'tit. ! -ireet: Arujou 111 1 il' -o. do yon i.iiioti-' lieer": The ipii'-iioii. and 1 1 : y 1 . yetlinir eon- pr- -iou- -ihl lo . iteii-iij troiih- . i .ii- puiloii'i'd lieal 1 iii i!i a di-:ippninied , nir to the next ihi wi'athir. The l iioiih Ia Iho-e 1 u!i an i airx 100111-. .iid m.iii of Ihe lux- 1 ,ui ihe poor lie. alli.--. with not een ,i- ool bree.e. lo -a ii - ihat wciillh irive-i. 1- had -een 51a : one loof Oll Maplc And all ihe ili-eoin- I ,.l. -tl.e-. 1 oinpai y have i u , -i i!.t r-. req'ie-tinjr lli '.o ,1. 1 in- 11-e ol ihe ailiiedliel ,,li i- 1 .leeliti Ihe -upplv 1 In- i .inpanv a--ure Her 1- no v i-ii'lul 11-e. and no 1" .1 lonjei liian lo -eeure .1 10 -uppl.v Ihe w.inl- 101 1 11 u ii.ilraeleil. I'iu .- ita'- ot huinanilv -Uonid 1..1. 11 u-e w aler -paiinirlv on 11 iiiliiuii . 1.. o'i ol N, w York.aent .-laie I'einperanee o 1 .indii.-- 011 lenipeiaiav al i'iik-Ii la-1 .Sabnalh exeuiu, I'U.itit'ii. Il i- the wi-h minilioe of liii- .-oc'rely 1 I !- pie-ent ear. lor the ; Hl'i. eninpeleiil leeliner.-pnlilii-alion- betoie lli;' 1 .. II"- addie wa, able II 11 i-eived. That portion -- -.lion ln- uterred lo the I . . piiblie -eliliineiil in le- iiimii ; inblie lnen. and 1. uaiii-i in the liledira! 0 iilnny -limnlaiit-to llieir 1 h.l 11111-1 hav beei. I w ho heaii! them. t'oi. ni r in lln- union ariny. . 1 io k.ioh ledi;e in hii new ' .ilieninnti, w hile enaed Mi. '.iii'- new hoiue. a way. preeipit.itin .'.! i:. i'Yllill lo llieioiind . oi -ixtien leet. -Mr. : ,t- nai iiue ol U.o lib?. . ni..;-ed. yr. CaiT le I .ou apoli llis sjiine be li 1 -. t!i- injury i-.-erioi. '. 1 1 i -lov. if iiideed lie Disyrucvfttl. 1'iMin all Ihai weean learu. we jinlir oiir lepoiler iloe- not" ive all llie paiti leuaidiu Weil- Hivei. Tne-iia. If the tiiilh wa- kliown. a llnne m andaliiii- lot ol yonnir rowdie a len or a do.en dnuikeli lio.v-uiio went ilowii I10111 thi- piaee. never di raeed rei-peetahle paie'it- 01 the ood ii inie ot a dee -ht illaire in Vei 111011I. It j i:ia he an o,ien ipie-lion with llie eople J .I Hell- Kivei whetlier they preter to lake Ihe i on-eipieuce- of anolher eontla- lalion. 01 Ihe in-id!.-and mi--brliaioi ol rowihe- who i-oino in o-teii-ibly loput 0111 l.ii'liiv. bnl ilo eve:thiii el-e liad in h!e:ul. Ve do nol letVrnow lo tlie re-.-peel ible aini le-peeled lnen who xenl ilowu liieie to hclp a netehbor in ili-ln- . and who worked inanliilly and heei fiiilv lo do it. bnt toa feiv youii inen .inil lioya hu are hanuinir aboiit loeerie-. l-illiard ioosih. and tlie depot. alwav- ready lo jiiiup 011 10 an -peeial li.iin. wliellier il iie lo a piein-: or a lire. and ui-irraee tliein--ele.- ami llie eoinpany they are in. by lln-ir lowthi-li and riiiienloii- ael-. .1 SrrrirtiiOc lioyst: !.. 1. W'adlei'h ol West Colieoid. ha a I101 -e 21 veai- old. llial ha - been 111 a leaui 17ear.-. Ile ha-loi Ihe ia-t 13 years. nin I'loin (.'oiieonl to tii. Johii-biiry. lo :.eiae 313 day- eaeh yeai niakiu I ',0. 1(11 niili s Iravel in the 13 and earninu oer -l.Oti'.i lon- of freii;ht. Mr. Mr. V:iilleij;ii h 1- owued and drove tlii-lior-o lo.- i'2 year- pa-t, ami mn 11111- liim in a I'oiir luiitc leani. and ay he eal- lii aliov. auee and doe.- In- woik a- well a iie iliil a niiinlicr ol xear- ao. inen were cnabled lo leniovelhe twisted raiN. and renlaee them with new ones. .-o 1 lliat the expre-s tiain wa not interrnpted. I Ahont titly leet Iroin the depot, jnst sonlh. were Iwo lare fhed.- lilled with wood. all sawed and ready I'or ne. These hiiildin-:. toe'her with oonteiils. were .-aved, althounh the rool's were several time- 011 tire. and would iindotibtedry have heen de-tioyed. bnt for the tron south wiud which prevailed al the time. and the enei'elie exertionsoflhe eitizen-: ofWell liiver. Tlie wind earried &park-: tluee iniles di-tant. 'J'liree privatu hoiues sit ualed about one-toiiilh milelroin Ihe lire. eauitht Iroin lhee llyin einder, and the people ot Well- Uiver illae were in daner of hcinr lirtd fiom tlie same eause. The entirelo- will prob'ibly ainonnt to oinethin'r like 813.000. Of thi- anioiint. the railioad eoinpany will lose in wood. rollin' -toek. depot, eie., S0.000. Duratit & Adains ot VeIl- Itiver. paper iiiauulai turer. loe &3.000: iniiied for S 1.000. A. T. Kaldwin. Well- Hiver. llour, 1.000. Mi-eellaneoii? tieilit in de)ot. S2.000. The bo(.k-and papei-s heIom;in lo the eoinpany aie said to hae beeu eoii-umed. e eould not learn ol any ollier iii-uranee 011 property de-lioyed. except thatowiied by Durant & Adani-. About 104 o"elock, -eveial per-ons who were iu atlendanee at Ihe lire. walked fioin the depot to the villa-re. where ihey oblaiued -upper at Ihe "Coo. uck llonse," kept by Duianl & Adani-. Our u--porler whowa- preeut. s-ay-. tli it jmlii in froni the taie luriii-lied. and the price I'harjied. .Me.-.-r-. Duiant t Adani- evi dently iiiieuded lo inake a pavinir Ihinjr at one end ol'the town. althonh Ihey were lo-inir a! Ihe olher. We underland that lalerinthe ni'lil, -ome ineinber- ol tlie tire eoinpany wlio had heen at woik all the .veuin to extiniii-h llie lire. weie unable to obtain iet:e.-!iuient-at the hotel. buc i'ie aeioniniodated bv the irenerou- eilizen- ot the villave. Dtiiirllh: llon. 11. X. I':ni- ol Ihi- villatre met with au aeeideni la-l Miliudav eM'iiin. It appear, tha! he w.i- etuiiiiii' to hi hoiue. aud llie e eliini; bein i'iy d.irk. lie -Iepied oul ol the ioad and I'ell inTo a euhert v. liicb liad lalely been buiit. the exact loeation of which'wa- uiiknownlo Mi. I). lli- ankle wa- -eveiely injured. illd -ouie ol ihe liaineut- are leported to b:ue heeis blnkeli. l'eti 1 D.ihtn. a 111.111 wo'kin lor Mi. Wajr. 011 ihe laihoad al We-t H uiville". w .1-al re-teil by ollieer Wee!;-. Tue-day iiini niii".. .luly lilih, lor obiaiuiutr liipmr ot Daniiile town aent uuiler fai-e pie-teliro-. He wa- Iried lieloie ju-liee II. S. (.'00k aud lineil len dollar- and co-t-. Ile did nol hae Ihe nee--aiv aiiiouul ol fluiup- to pa up. and ielu--d to ive b.til. in delault ofwliieh. he wa emn initled lo jail. Auothi't" railioad hand. laborinir for illlieh V l'ower-. w.i-aili'-led 101 uelliii' iiiloxii ated. and tiie I belore j i-iii e 1 ool. -ame day a- aboe -iated. The ju-tiee eauie to liie eoiielu-iini llial ihe liiail wa diunk about Ihe doll n -" woi lli. where upiui he iiii;io-e 1 a Iiue of Ihat aiuoiinl. lo Iher witli eo-t-. Died a' hi- n-ideliee in thi- town. .luly l'h, Mr. NaliiaiiTlioinp-oii.aed 70yeai.-. The deeea-ed was luiiii iu Wiieeloek. blll 111 1 hildbood 1 euio eu w ilh hii l llhei to N'oiih I)auille. where lie reinaimii a lew yeai-. 01 uulil h" reiiioicd lo the farm about half a luile .-ouiu o'the Urien. whieh he lia- owued and neeupied witli a -lioit intenal wlieu Ile Ihedhi the x illae) for Ihe la-i loily xear-. Mi. Thoinp-oii ranl.ed auioiir our 1110-' wmiii.x eiiien-. Ile xxa- a 111 111 ol ureat iudu-lry. leliable and ot -o 1 1 1 1 ii.duieiit. Ile xx i- au aitei.- live leadei of Ihe ."-eiiplure.-. and allei earelul -tudx of llieiil. elulil aeeil ihe ee 0111I Adxenl doetriiu Ihoiih not pietenil in 10 Deliexe in any tix 'd Adveiit time. The deeea-ed wa- miee niairied. leaxinr tixe eiiildieu now livin. bnt uoxxidow. Xorth Mar. pcrtal iloticcsi. Masonic Hall Union Block. PASSUI.IPSIO LODGE, -0. 27, P. i A. M. SMtril mrctlng, July 15. I.. 11. 11KALU, tfcc'y. IIASWEL.L, CIIAPTER. NO. 1 1, R. A. M. K.-Kul ir iutrting, Fridnv Jtjy 1.1, lTo. 1'. .1. DAl.TO.;, itcn-Liry. PAL.ESTINE COMJIASDEEY, NO. 5. MJti'd Conclaxe Miy l', ls7l). .1. (.. i't:i:Kixs. (joiuiiuiiiiir. The relaxing poxver of Johnson's Ano- dync J.iDinu'Ut U tmly uoi.dt-rft.l. i-'nne yrc .ilrcidy uuiucroiw wher1 lienl and tiffeutd limlia have .Itcen liuiliei(d uud tt t.l;htenud by it. Wlun ued for tliif purlo, tlie p ut hliould be w.iphpd and lubbt'd tlior oulily. Aiiply 1I1 It.iiiuiut told. and nili it iu with tbe bjnd. A crowd of "horse men," and others, dnily tbro:i tlif e.orrn in counlry and town for brri- il.m'ii Cjulry I'ondition lVmderi!. Ibt-y nnthT.tand ImrvtM cuunot If kett iu i;ood conditiuu withuut ibt'in, and witii tlum cin bc 011 a inllcli lei' quautity tf yriin Dyspepsia or Indigestion ' .piiHion afur t itini?, cr u bcliliui'4 up ol wiud, and ilwnt fllo o rimiviui-i.. di: HAi;i:iso'ri I'I.ui-iai.k I.M:i:.S clv.- lnnalul nli I. Tln-y .iro'ate, jnirt .il.K' dinot n iuir.-mcr. jsc cf do-c. aud noicr flll Al-o, air.n.tod t.icurc cv.ry klud of 1'n.c-. at No. 1 llvniont, IMon. by K. .X. IIAKIIISON .t t'D., 1'roprittor :tnd by all Ilrui MaiUd fur rruM. jutK-ijuly. Gold and Bonds.July 19. c.n i2jv.(..i'.-:ii,j It-H 11 :'..wll.: V. '.! li-J'.w .11- , l.M 1 Cambridge Cattle Market July 19. Ili-.ll.xtra, -13.1m ... I.;..'.". l irst Muilit 1J.IHI 1.. -1.".'.' snnnJ,' m s-l-J.r. . -.mi .. 111.11 1 vor.- r.tti.t Wurk njr nwn V pair. t1:.U, --i, Mi'l. l. "mi('.m.l c lin- -f -, ' " .-.ili rll ... .'.'i luuxr.11 oll-, - .'1; ... l.rv .'iroM -I ' ' 1'iiiv- of Mi ip in.i l.anil.- Iu !ot t -.", i-.i-, ii;:. i ilf-ki... liV. I'ru.t f rmilttt DECIDEDLY NO HTJMBUG! NotwitliEtindlus the ajTtioii8 to the contniiy, J. L. lUNGUAM di-iwnwB tho GENUINE OTTAWA BEER from bld AlXTIf AI'l'AUATl S. CTfKeiueuil t-r tbf place. !M.;iIA.1I'S - - .1IAIN STK12C NOTICE. The underhill d bcrul.y Kix-c notice th-tt tbcre will bc a iK-tition prt-Mntt-d to tbe nt-xt lt-il ituic 10 (tt a c. rt lin I..t of land known .t- tbe mill lot, witli .aiv mill ind cri-t luiil, and to .hv. lling bou( tb. ri-on. from tbe l-.wii of 1.. iniuirton, in tbe tbe tmiutx of, tbe ! ..f ( , aiidimis 1.. fi:i..i:i.i ai.iii:t M. i i:i..i:i.u i'.'-il CKO. I. KOWKI.L CO'S JUu flvcrtiscuuntis. LARGEST- ludu -BEST CHEAPEST. Tul iil, b ix e for 1 U.ou MOORE'S RURAL' NEW-YORKER, AuJ 1 n-Milt it i- now. pu-eininently, tbe lirireer l-.H ai.d ibeo.ia- ll.l-I iu 11, rit .ike l-opl.-, Jll I.. lil'lt i- I'ri- eui ol tbouind- of Coutiueiit, take and rnliK, (lii- iiinl l'eiiple 1 1 x.biiiKe mil -I ntc.1, idit. d, i l,rtx.,.d ,wn :u..l ii- rtn U.-U-.11-..1 papir, 1-a mi. liu.l if i- iv" aiooni; the p ipl.-." XM'MI b Kini .litlj -'. Ii i piroluuie.f-'-i uun.U-r-. or iJ pr clubi Siib-ril . no ! -t I. I). T. JH'OUI- U 1'irL IV GRAND EXCURSION TO MONTREAL, AMI QTJEBEC; C0MMENCING JULY 12. See muall bilU. l'J-22 A. II. rEI'.KY, Supt. : Don't forget that GEO. P.--S M00RE, !.afuiitockof as Zlf rrUM.-HIXU UOOKS for.Sumiuer ZTf XX'ear. el'MMCl: IIATS -it 20 V" -J-t Zif cint. ducouut. ALIIL'M l OLLAKS iS Z?f of all e'.zva. put up in tplended album Z? forui. S34 PER DAY I A G E X '1' S W A N 'J' K D Iu t'try Town, t'oiinty Jml Matt. t'-iuxnrc i'or Henry Vard Beecher's Great Paper, BLIAS H0WE t t- n PPflTT ' JU LY 7th, 1870. JTJST RECEIVED! 300 DOZEN MASOX, LYMAS, ANI) OL.ri S'lOI' 3? ii. xt x t J" -a. rt s. Whicb c offer by tbc irron or dozin ut EXTHKilHLV .OW IMMCKS '. '. K. T. FAUUIAXKS Ar CO. INSURE Y0UR LIFE ETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO., 11. i:. S.XKfir.NT. lii-n'l AKi-nt, t. JotWFbiily, Vt. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVlTD dire-jt fiom tlie iniporler T II K C i: I. Iv It It A T i: l David Cross' Estatc. sliavlnb.'Hiaii...1nte.I by Ibe honor tbe .ll-lrl. t..f 'nle.l..tila. coui- i.iju-t all clanni Davld TlUKsub-cnl.t -1 al.le i.robate ml-lonrr t.. r ali.l .leuiaii.Uol all .frii imaliKt tbe repre-eitte.l ln-..l enl. ati.l tbe terni ol -Ix montbslrom tbe ltb lai ot Jim, 1-7.1. 1m 111 alli.ue.1 by caid co'irt t.i tbe ,re.lllor- ..I -al l .ieiea d to an.l pr..e tlielr rr-i,ul.- .Ijlm- belore ti-. tJIve nollie tbat ue uill atlen 1 to tl.e .lutle-i ot our alKllit inent at tbe .Iwi-llliu bou.e .1 J c T Sut ton lll al.l distrl.t. .li the J.l Tue.Uji ol AtlgUst an.I January n xi. ai i o Lio.k ln ib. eaib ot aal.l das. 51-21 JOII.S JOII.V i jksm: .XIAIIBIIAI.I.. lLom " George W. Knight's Estate. STATK OF X'KltllO.NT, I lli probate i.iuit. bel.l at tbe K e lil-lrlit, i probate ..lllce. In i.ull.lball IiifjI I ilMrltl.on Iherjlli Ll) ol Juue.A. I1.1STU. Jaiue- I'. Jo-lln .m.l Ju-eph B. XV.u.lburv. execlllori ollbel.i,t II an.I te.anient oftieorte XX. Kubibt", late ol C'oih r.l. Iu ial.1 ui-'n. ealloll to hii.1 c.urt to eMen.i e.l tbiln to Ibe debt- al an.I to ien.leruu.1 M-ltlc tlielr a liunil-tratloa aixoilnt tg ..uie luture .la . XV' 11 l-order. d b Mlld cotirt tllllt aM appll eatioii ! bear.l at tb- .r..:.ale ..lUce in tinll.lball. on ibe ;jtli .i.iv ..! Julv, Isjo : aul It H lurlher or .1. re.l tb it t ike t' jnen loall per.ol.1 coticeriie.l, by t. a.l eo ut t.. tl.i PRATT. Ootinty Ai;eut. XX a tl.e Unjvml Imentr. the HeiiiB ilacblnc, nd .lu.U-e pl:He i f .XI irMchuio-tu', after a lonp trinl. de ci.l. .1 tbat ' rbere i no erid. lice in thi ciw that lcavea a i-b idow of doul.t tb it, for all tbe bfncftt lonfencd up- T)Trl A XTyT "DTJ A "jVTT) M0HAIR. n tbe publlc by tbe introduction of a Seniiitf Macbine, And Buffalo Brand Alpaca. K. T. FA1 IM5ANKS A: CO. PURE CIDER AND WHITE WINE T. FAIKl'.AMvS CU. JUNE 23, 1870. . hetl i. nne 011 Mm.tlax iliiie.l tlie iieat aud le : -.--nin o! Oiiiicis a.iii. iu :' of Welia Kiver had tlie Aineriean l'le-bx- .i,. ix exeuiii.";. . ;-ou nt S. M. Kdi;e!l. ! 1.x ti Iou.) ot M. l.nui-. ' .'i.iinix addie-- of llie ii D.ii'.inouth. I'ue-tlay. -. K-ip. who lalely ie-, oxille to Mai;li-illtown. .iiiollar inove and "one Drsliuictiri' l-'iff tl It'i'lts Jtirtr I.a-l Tue-dax alteiuoon a liie broke 011 iu liie lieiht tlepot, -itiuletl about half a inile below 'Vcli K'txer xillae. A di patehx. imiiiedialely vnt to thi plaei lor au enjriue. aud al-o lo l.y ndonxille for a.i extia train; xx'iieli tiain. enu-i-rui two iilaltoun aud one pa-.-eii'rer tar. naseil our -la.ion al 7.1." r. 31. "Delu No. -J. uuiler eliare ol I!. 1". Kollius, wa plaeet! 011 the train. an.i one hiiuihetl or inore of our eiiieu- juuipetl alioard, and ,1. .-tartetl loxxard the .-eene of llie liie. f tlie lati .'. K. Tiie liie eaiulit lroui the eiiiriue ot the leeeixed the -eeoiid ! pai-ener train whieh pa-.-ed that slatiou nile.i llie -ophoinore- ' about -II o'eloek in the .iflei noon. autl xva i eiainalioii- at Uait- tir! tli-eoveied by a uiau aeros-tlie rix-er. at about 5 o'eloek. Tlie Ireiht maler liad jjtine lo s'.pper at Ihe liiue. and be lore a--i-t.niee eoultl be obtained, tbe lire had pioirie-i-ed -o rapidly that it wa-j be- yotid eontiol. When Ihe train. with en 'ine eoinpany arrived.lhe depot buililin. 150 feet iu leUL'lh. tojrether witli eontenls eon-iitiuir ol ."Oj bariL-ls of Iluur, be- io Y-iiiklon Uakota lonine; to A. l . isaitnx in ; cj.uuu xxoriu Ii.- ba-lonnetl a pailner- f paper.-t -ek. property ol Durant & Atl I'. '. hile. K-tp. laleh ol ,aiu-: a eoiiiidei able ijiiautily of furnilure :.ud lo-ether they xvdl belon-iii to Caipenter & .(one-: fo'.ir liie Yanklonians umler . fieilit ear.-. owned by the railruad eoni- i-i: White. iany: iioal.- iieionui": io a iiiiuoer eolii)any. and eonideiablo- other piop eily xxeie entirely eoii-uined. About :iUi) eoids of loiir fnol wood xvhieh was piled up by Ihe tiaek, n nearly all eon-uineil. Souie little time elap-ed iieloie llie en- ine could be unloaded antl ot into lo- ilio:i. but lliis xvas linally aeeoinpli-heil. antl eoinineneetl plaxini; upou a jiile of .iiii.i.-.: May Ulli. un a pieee j liuiiilook barV. whieh was threalened xvilh i.-.and. and eo'iaideriiijr the J (lust ructiuti. Tlieie weie between Ihree . ..uixalion. xxe eouider it a ..... ,.,.. imdietl eord- in tlie pile. whieh ii... xalueol Ihi- laniou- po- iK,OI1L.j t privale indivitluaU, aud wa tilMi eil here for fhipliieiit. A line of lnen wa.-aUo fonued to the river and pail were xiorou-ly pa--ed with frood elleet. Alter the lire in Ihe bark pile xvas ex- tiuui-hetl, the unine eouiineneed throw in watei upon the blazmjr jiileof xxootl which xva- .-ilu.ited in biieh clo-e proxiinily to the traek a- lo heat aud xxarp the rail a that tiaiu- eould noi pass. aud at one time it xxas eou-itieietl doubttul about Ihe niirht expie beiii"; able to proeeed be- yond Ihi-' point. The enine hoxrever. did exeellent exeeution in eoolinthe buruii) niass. and in a short time a party ot xvork a tlinl I'olalors. - . - oi ..leilonl ha- -enl "iii xxell matuied. and lit oi n,-i.i....Mr. II. 1J. D.i !. Ilo-,- poialoe- inatiiie thi-x.i-:ue dax -. They are ; open ui boiliii";. aud Ihe ."l d.ii; xxeined uine oiinces. "ut I.ttjtll Dt rision. -iou ol Jutlue I'eek relative i j liie leuiporary injunetion -i -piiii lo ie-llaiii the loxxn 1 I'mxille lioiu i 1 1 1 1 1 lt theh i 'U Ijiiildin Ihe Montpelier ti "ix l;. I:. ha ju-t been len " x. leain llie ea-e ha- beeu ih- X"i- ol liie toxxu. The I'aets u 1 e.i-i are -o xxell kiioxx ii that I .iiii-uipi to repoit theni. The will unu.iubledly carry loit- Ihe liill beiich. I'iik-Iki iii. Ani'iii" llie ratluate- oi tlie .Mounl llolyoke reinale Seininary. xxere Mi Mina K. Meirill .uitl Mi I'rance- A .Sinilli. of reaehain. i;i:nnim;ti)N cdi-ntv. 1 .onnin" t iii pllpJ.- to haxe a hre- iiienV inu-Ier ou llie lCth ol' .Vtiut, tiie aiiiiiVei'Miry ol tnc lialtle ot l.eniiiniftoii. (IIIANC.K COfXl V. Mr. rxlieuael (Ji-illiu, of l!radfo!tl eut tliixnl xvilh :i raur, on tlie muruiiig ol S.itiutlay, tlie llth in-t. while laboriiig iuuler lemporar' in.-aui ly, eau-ed by 'l'yphoid Fnvr. hlie hn "ered aiuni! liiml bi-jnilax- iiiLltt. at ten o'eloek, xx he" he tlied. She xx:i jniaij; ,voniaii, ami lcaxe.- a kiuil hu-haiitl ami a beaiitilul boy, boiih; I'oiir xear.- ol ae. lo iiiouin her lo-. Kl'Ti.AM) tor.N'n . liii !;i in 1 Ileialil i- iul'.irmeil liy : ihxiciau iu llial t.ixxn ihat he li.t heei Ikd upon exery inglit lor xxeek- to :it lend patienl.- Mill'ering Iroin ehoter.i moi bu-. ln exeiy ea-e iinlulenee in ealinj antl ririiikiuu xva- llie c-:i'i e. XV AM I INC.I I IX O rXT V. Montpeli-r is givaily exeiletl in toii tnienee ot II. M. l'.lei'.- s-elliiie; o:it Iii iiiU'ret-t in the linu oi.l. Y. lillis Co. tlivo'jil- ineieliant.-, la-t I-'iiday, antl on Siiurdav tli-appea. in" leax intr uiuiaiii oliii .alkiib to tiie ainuunt ot SDOO. wixu-ui: coi'xrv. On oiienin u box car of a irain lor lJutlon, Vedne-)ilay uioiniiigut Wintl.-or il xvas i'ouiitl that of one huiiilretl and ixveiitv live iamb.- coiiliueil ihereiu, aud on llie xvay to lnarkel, only jmtr xveri ilixe. One hundied and txxenlx-one 1 1 i i ' t rowilL-d mto a Iight car, iu a h lav, lxeii eruelly tinolheied le.itii. Ve neillier kuow, nor e.ire kuoxv tlu oxviier's ii.iuie. The lofS tlie priipeny to p.utie.- cjiicoineil, .10U or uioie, l.- but a .-uiall p.irt ot tlie puu iiliinent the lniiuinauilv tle.-erver. A CARD. LMuur, .luly Jn, 1- lbe'hiuk.ol tbis 1 0l..p.l.i) are teudtled to l.ugil Co. No. of st. Jobu-ourx aud t j all eiliz. 114 oi XXel! Kiter, -ttid otli Ti bo ed ti.u. ly ad u.cvat tbe lire on Iu.- d neaiu. A. II. I'hUKV. sup ilOttrCjS. Be Wise to-day.--' fis madness to neg KLt a Cougb r c ld, boie,r B.iijlitt Loualuptl follow, aud thougb llr XX Utm'a Ualaam of XX il 1 1 beiry t.a- Ir.'iueu ly curtd uiucb Ure-ided diteaec, it lnost invaiuii Iv cured tne prioiary di&.ase of tbe tbroat, ung- and chert, ubir- r,iueJu lail. 'lricd, Tc-lcd, au.1 An-roei, for foity yeaie,- X Lgi.t .1 ic I'ulujjUary llal.jui lor L'ougb, CVlia aud l-ou.-ui.iptiou,aud -11 art.c ious of thc Lucg ibro. ind Cbeel. I'rice , rl a-d 0u ceu r. Cu ler II. ol a: Co., llitc Keid. tutk'ri; Cj. lloetoii, l'.opnetoitt. DR. R. W. WARNER, 3 u 1: u o n a sv Uh.xnsr, Luioo Ulock, - iliia Stxeet, - - et.Johi.8bur-, K. k. T. FA1R15ANKS & CO'S. . 1 itli wlncli 1-(i 01 -T -iip ri :iimoii.i r.-i.o., ( jH(llllillH.J. v-iiin..i..n " IbeUMl r.i.ltb. ..ran.l.-,! tLe pub'lc bte.I to l.uai. llowe, ,ir. 1. 11 -ravui 111 iier.e.i. A.-..t-o I-:t " i.iak.n TlTin Zli -'ire th? br bfre jmrchatit'j. J lnil a ".-.lli e.-or tlllli li-oke, ai.d protit. .! If u-reat.r" l.,d.e. or ntl. !.. inn-. ....... d. .;. aiol I-. O. I IIAI 1. . ,. , ... .. ... . iniui. ntoe tiiil. 11.. I,k un nwn., II. K. trl, St. .lohn'utirv. Vt, Jnly 15, lt. In lntnille, .luue -.o. 11 tbe r. ri I. uce of.l..i.n I ,! u ,i,.iti..K nt- iilltm.l laor.- 111...1. iu ihi l.-l., bj IVi. n. l-rltty. Mr. t barl r XV. llinbe.'tk cf tb 111 ;m iIiiijk Tu" It i- i-oiu. tlmiK iiu'u , " Iu 1 llai.iui. k, . luly 17. by I:. v. Ii. l.eni. Xr. .I0T1U j i.'.v'rl '1 "vsrk Koii'. i'or!.' " ' '"' ' "' X- XV.ll. Kiv.i, iu.-; li iu'-, Mr. M.11V S. IV.dnin. S3 jtbi ''-I'-1 ' -1 vll-xx : I Kl. 1 1 .. 21 A. 1. i:.ld .1. 1.1. :i.ear Abo. tb. iS&Ib ''. ; ' !'' f"r 1 . i,... M r li tl.r, iu i:.t .li,.(..ter .f A. 1. aud - ' " ""' " - v,,,rw- i PElMMAN'S ASSISTANT. Xl.iy lt.1ll.1u. a,id 1'i.lj.w. I I M.l-XMi l-obli.b,-r. N. X.rk w (l ., , ,. . a. ,e ,ud lentiLe et ti.nple. Mr-. 11 M.t.uait 1 111.. I exenili arv ihn'-nn. all.i- ' ;i- - - t. ,.t,-i. ' Vef v ,.l,bm - tbe , 1' ' o..t,on ... -.d ind ,.ei, at.n.e and .aeeo,,,- l.- . f .o l . r ... r d., pl . felt iu tbe ruufly. tbe I'- ' ' ' ' ) '' " "f' ' J ' '' "ccoui- 1 In l-i-t M. .lobu urv,.lul. I.-., of I.itljuirai 1 n ot . N. X' , u !... b.i-.p-ut -e.i.t. .u . ,r-in p. rt.-ctiufc' it, ;py A -T.-gr ; .be on.l-. rliarl - l. ltupkin, r. u ol K n , T r- I! V C ,ud in tbe ii.i-aut.uie ba titt .1 over lift.iu tl ruMU.1 , ,:l,.I,epU,.,a;:....1!..,lt.M.,u,b,au..lTd,. P A 1 & 1 1 D . j V- . ?.JVn'. I llie r.n. .lb .iea li ot II ..k!n-p..ui-t.. Jl- lloo'.-K. . p. r. tl.i-. c. ountin-, Yoiiui ai.d Mi.dlel or.l 11 ll.tiiii; . p,Kirtuu.t t. r 1 'r.i f r eor.l of l.l- M-. 1- I Inen'. r bo i-1. to ik. o it I.. tten l'at.nt ire t ,j X n. j. .1 Xon..n .-tud.un I'upik) an.l bo 1 1. l.r of ibal lt- . r an.I 1 1- yoiitbtul II. 1- a :.i-l to.o'li- I n .t 1 XII ,V t 11. 1 t-r. .1 tbe , .w . ,,,, ,.., , c. rnet iwti-il . I" tle ba.,d. I m itnre 11.U i.Imi'H' iri bul r. : rin. iul 11.1 ! - 1 -, j , tif. xun n.i.i. 11 b bo.- )ir..-.-iit. d clllni- ta- 1 n. ui:.T, i,., (.. n ai.d ea.tual. o.rn-ct tl.e lu-t ' oeii-tr tiv ui.l.e.n I. - babit tlnt it i..iuir.d lati- f., t! :-n. ,- ...n. f..r m.r te.t ;--. 1 li- Lard ai.d il.. jlbl. i.rriui:, ind nnkerapil. I ci ii ; mi.. 1.11a fu 1 o :i.... an.I ij.p .eut, b n. . . t. . iei:i .n . I I'at i.t . ur i- t! e tilo-t rf , i, .,,,1 ,,vjiit ,r-. ui I.outtbe iidot p.obr-iouHl ... 1 ..i.ih, lie .- niniti.d 1 t'ir r fp' fofallubo t-auie J 1. ien , m tb. w-.l-l. I hri- t. - thun nx ot'.er r. - 1 ,M.niI,a;i. fbt u' d 11-. it. i'r-f. i.itmii.V tipv Il..ok? ; luro'ut-it tli biui. Xt b 'i..e bi i i- 0.111 le -.11. lubi a..u.. X 1. 1111, li. t . o 1 i.niuc liill iuftntctloa ...J Iviif. tl.a: 1 tb .Xf-i-tiu'. iiax'e t. ,r ..U- i.nt. bou tfi.t .it.:it . i . . n il J. .1 h. 1( ful t.) .11. 1 to i:.v 1--. :it a ti. 1 . vil.i.l J- ill ij.u.t bo b neriut! 1 e-v ' 11. 011.11.011 .1. g.- . . Al..- i.lbe i-. ... r. . 1 111 bi-Ii , m: XX 4: f.... I'ark Koa. N. n York. n,-bo eniuiii.j tb A-n-ttitit t ndums it atonre e -. 10 .-. 111 ell teut. ol.-.r:iut. Ira ,...eil.. 411 t. - . . - I j i,t toe tbiiif tb e b 1. Ik . u .1. ioan.le,i lor lilt. eu mil-I I. ,-. mu-Ii u ..' ot Ii r joirbtiil lit. . , lli.ii- t 111 n au.l u. 111.11 au l t,n tu.lliou-ot pupil-I.o ltut tbe M len ui. Il b- ol ti. t llte u. re '.liululu. I l I ' ,i-e tl... n. It. 10. 1.1N- lucre ir. ,1 int. r, -r. b. iiuM lubt .1' 1 1 br.ti.n b.p lie m.n....l. , 1 l..tmi; to euei . .'ali.-.-u.- .111 ! mdii'rv, iuAiu urit- I tb ic at ... d b -i pbt mi .bibtti ot ll.-niju' 1 1.- TCFAV'SP A PER 'r, tb iu h t .ik C. XV. .X1I1.I.- U- gnin s 1 r..grepf, wnaii wiu 1 .1 ww un t'.e w le ai ll lcr -bi part 01 tbe .-tate, andxtlll In- rlai . II. p .KI11..I be ',k an.I r.a.l -itb iLtrrol 11- ' tiwlaic tbea,M,tnul a fa t i-poible r"'iJxr .uiL'ei;;;;, .!: $?BZ ' ADVERTISING. x. :i.o :,.ouu: of ... i,c . ,u ,ny omce .i.d d. m l..p-.l Lm f.ri"U nli 1MU1.I purpo-e-. uii .1 1 uill I e rlwed nntil fu.tber mtic . 1.. tb.-111 utb 01 x ,rc . Ii-t, ai . r .1 i.rtu..prawr 1I..-1 ' a Iwok f I cl. r. h , -..1.1 ruw. Imlx t-raM., .lulx- -. l-Tn. lStt l.i.,ub.ub b d r tl. d l. bif ouu 1.- 1 ta 1.. .1 ,.,,. j u ,, .,. ., I1,.r, o Ad. rtl-i ..- ' I . 0,0 iu t!i. par.lomu. n.i.ey 0! tb .- vi. r. !"r iu ,.. nii.i tb.- nan.. e ieul .tionr. 11..I ml' pirtiru- II. .0 ouu rd. Iil' 1...1 ..11 inuol oi.h ottiliL- ll.nt. 1 r 1 tb.- 1. diu I'io 1 .IXX, klv -..itinl . . r nwn.le I. Ib.-.u.r. . o r ptur. r, 1 11 b Mo.ple u.l F mu.Iv fiir r. 1.. . thi .tb .ill tTe.-. Iihvuik 1 ..1 t ,a .y f. riu of 1-.ri wj- .l.e eu- iLV, ,ir. " t 01 r. pu' Ii-h. .1 1.. tb-iulewt of la licloli. ie.- fb - iuc.r.t. He u n ui ti! u 11. hif ..coti..u., i..t.rature, ..e . .r. I.x.ry .11 ,.noi.,a d.itt u iie lm-a..ic 111 tbe ol ! ,j ,v,r. ,,,. Mb. c. i.iii.le. lc.uiin- mi. b. THE I. .lontl..- r- .1 b.llii, and 111 nll tl.e praxe. i..i.tnw. 1 i . ui ,bj. 1, , ... pr, it .ilue. X'.a I.-.I fre. to m T11P uit . ir.-. U tl.e int . t.t 1 ,1 ..le . x.imi. uut I I jd r. ,- .are ti.t ol tift. .11 eiru tiKi. 1'. !: iV l.l.l. THE tb 1 1 ueiko: ho Ii:. . XXb.-utbi itil U.oi,e, .v 1 . . lnl.!.,! rr. 4'lark i:... . u York. u. . I111.1 t.. ..o it- ..urk uo.k (a it p oie.l, 11 l.uud 1 l.e Ia fl.ur . 1.1 .111 11- i-iioof.X!u I Hb 1.111111. 1: r i.l lie r .1 t.e .1.. . ui..eiuel.t .1 1 . , b ti ni . f 1. I' Itowell i ... ul.i.b 1.. .11.1... aib nL. e. .1 uitbout aljnu Annio H1..1 -aiu ,i.-t.... ....1 . .1 . .1 1. u ..t :l... I .....t dl.ll. .l.iljre that bi.. IU- lll.l.-u.." 1 ii .011- .! I, ,t A.u , itijiui; Air nei iu tbe I tilted M t. r aud ni t uhii dltea-e wa piintul, I ut 1,-u( ut llir. n-li ine ,,.,-, ch.-,nuby r ,-oiutm'u.I it to the atteniion of -toi.i.1 .Mtb.ut 1 liiunniir to bee d. I'. .ulito liim ( t, , di-me o jmrl- th ii l.u-ime nriitara! I...1 no -iii-an.I 1.0 liit.ry I l.ll p .1 1 ,t j. ,,.,.-,i(r 111 t .eh a u,n - t .it ie. m) towvure ana iroin our eartluj M.-bt a uus 1 ! pr .luiriui, ,. i.irt uiiuut of pul licri for the I.a-t .xjHndl. u;,k ... i-1... ..r.. . ... . f .be m. t. ... a.-1.; r. .v ; Sniffer Sewiug Macnme ! I ia tl..- I..: Xllla,-. , u bo. ue iru-t li 1eu.l1. .1 lu I O D o : htv.; 1 . Sewiug Machine ! J CALF FOR SALE. rulf tbne un k- old I iilbt uir. tboiollj . XI. -1, Xlderne (i:st.ui,iii i:i is:tt).) WELCH & GRIPFITHS, saws : axes : saws : Singer Singer Sinser Sewiug Machine! SewiDg Machine ! Sewiug Machine ! Xl.lrked doun tbis d. y mr wholo ntoen of TII1N r-t x.xtr.i; in:i:-s tiiinl).-. ii cr-trto cloe:h m otl u e fb ill offer tuiny 01 half tLe foiui.r rrii-e, I t,f ntius a rare oyMtunity to tlio- xvi-Ui.g to pur- rnr.Nt'ii oKti.xMiii:-. V.l jt.INS, fXMHUIt s, l.XXVXS AI ri:t!LAI.I At Loxv Prices '. ECONOMY AND EXCELLEKCE GOMBINEO 1 nn: NATIONAL COlEE-POT. Suvt's iiic-ii:ii(fi- oftlic t'ot'lc-t'. Can be kept liol Un xvitliout iu jury a- tiie utoina tlox'.- nut ereape, thereliv iirediiein; a iniieli inure ilelie- lou-oexera";e ti an uv tlie old -ixle biiiliiij;. For Mile bv E. & T. FAIRBANKS & CO. "3- HIGGINS. THE JJ1ST GOODS To be fotiud Iu tlii:. count. .d is f.lliut; tlieui r-ou . th.- List ofLctters . .lobu-biiry, .luly 'J irtpinir, .1 1 .XI r- .xl i: l tbe port olbce 1011.1, II I . S A tl.-, Ibja I I. Kui .Xl'Kav. A .xrij.i.l, XI ir Xl.uloiiieM No. I, .lolni" , Mi. Xlll.l. Tl t.M-lll. i.l 1.1 tli. or u itb l-. ,-,.. f.. all l.i :-pi:h-i. ui.i'i ' ..1 tor I'ne I.i-t . XX I I.t II ri'.-.': .1 1 iicnlar.. ; . 1.1:11 1 IUI-. . or H.troit. Xlirh. O li 1? A I K vi:t;i:r.xi:i.i: xiu xiillf Mil.l. feit lin. .-afe. -.tlieient. It U f ir tbe Nt fitli x.t diov.ri.l .ind it once re iei n iind uuip.rjt. e'al'l tl.e itil funeiion. uitbout rimini: In ilin-to uivoftb.lii. Tlie new eomplete riuww b:b. lo. u atte'i.I. .1 it iii-e 111 111 iny 1- Ife-i.l to tlie eene i.l pill.Ii. r fail t It prodin e- little or britation. ttl u.-i 1 1 -v tem ln -.11 .li-. nplirll nll tblt Ibe itictiou llut Hiuie.1 f. r it. :a. 1 Ili.l.- LAM0ILLE VALLEY RAILR0AD. 1NOTICE! Ibe -lo.kbold.rof thc Valley Kailioi i-beriby i.otined thtt tbe auiiiul meetiii oiupnn uillletul.l .xiiieneiu llon-. . I'ark, Vt.. 01. llt-l.AT, At.i. '.'. A. IL. 1-T". ai .11. tbe i!tern.o!i, I... tne purtio e o: t l.elniK a iloat.l ot lli..-. t..r- ,.f tn .1 to piny, an.I to tra .f.icr anv otber il bu 111. tb .t may eoiu.- betoie r il.l ine.tin. U- 01J0IH of llirector., .1. 11 (...tlK'.U t-l.rk. :.l t llir.lniek, t.. .luly 11, lc:. -'u-.'-' PiANOS AND 0RGAN5 TUNED. I rit" r ill ult M. .lobnfl.iirviHlont tbe.firri . . .- . I'ereoiij iiii.iin- Pianos or Organs Tuned and Repaired 1 have them th. roii;h.y doue l.y Ie iviujf th. ir ord r : tbii otiice or n.tb Mr. llmford Will. y A'eo alw.iit to.purcha e InptrtinieiLt any kin.l, ill tind it to tlielr advintine to aiai llitni dv.vof the eubi.ciilH'ri 1 .teii?ie cxperi. nce ii il . tinjr nin.i. al inFtrunieutH. '1 bi reby -ecuring 1 fu quiv 1. nt f..r thtlr iuv eetuicnt. -"-2S A. 1.1.I.I& I.iwience, Mi,i. GRAND EXCURSIONS TJNTIL ATJG-TJST 1st. To Visntrcal and Rctum, - - - $10. 0U To Quebec and Return, - - - 10.00 To Quebeo & Montreal & Return, 12.50 31 A. II. I'EIIKV, Supt. er ofth- rkill, 1 lood, if, of u. ai.d in u ei.en, it l.rintr i'r -iupt t I..t pllrl.l1 v all di-ilei- in .lru aud mi .1 'in:x!-.i: co., i'iopri.-oi l;t Iteiiiont MMt, Ilo. THE BEST IN THE WORLD ! THE BEST IN THE WORLD! THE BEST IN THE WORLD I CARPETS ! CARPETS ! -!(!. iM-iutiful j..itteruH of In- KOlt roi: 5A1.E nv ali: KV foi: sali: BV craiu ulid l'biie-1'ljr eu E. & T. FAIRBANKS k CO. MAY 26, 1870. rtOOJxl PAPEK?, .More Nexv Cill. -!ore Xexv Hnrile At l'AIKIC .K.' H. Cr. CO H . O . O O M. G. CO B. A. FAHNESTOCK'S YEEMIFTJGE! CAl'TIOX. rihonld o ni-pt--k'H V tbe initiil-1 n to purrhl-e 11. A. Kab irnlarh tu! to nv th-tt f tbo article tlul n Favorably Known Since 1829, i IminKit iftl.eydo not MEDICAL MADNESS. iu c u( -i.l ini uutt'r.ny .t 'irtu li, li.flull J .., Njturt- I. t ti.t AH.i H0USE FOR SALE ! yy?M 'Jbe aubcciiWr tGcn hie pljc for eal, H'UuaUd bttnttn l'addcck vnljge j.iui hl . cuil ilscc tou iiniDy tlinre atre. of goo i laiiu Lich io u wi-ll-i uilt bouv , barn aid ouibuildiu a gocd rep iir. Alro fivetoua of ha)- nnd twihf le of wood. uut i.u;i,am!. ti.i.t 1 niiiitUii.iiK.T mutliico- t ..i- dur tnl..ltk-.l-r'1ui i ru.recliitin ai d ici)t-iwu.- linu rv.rjw SALESMEN PR0MPT. H0N0RABLE. RELUBLE. .gcnte wauttd iu tvt'ry utv. town jnd villa; i iiv-st m.d HiU riiLcnftlul IoLIit lluLsl- 11. : tountrj OM, i nuornd by tbc kadiut lK.ra and lxprc Cy.'d cf tlie Stiitf. Uur uds Ke un.itieui taiefctiou, MERCHANT TA1L0R, MERCHANT TAILOR, MERCHANT TAILOR, Main Street, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Main Strect, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Main Strcet, St. Johnsbury, Vt. up to oVn'y 1, I?7n No. I Machines, 325,648 Family Machines, 434,961 Manufacturing Machines, 173,469 Total, 934,078 Almort Ottf M'llnni Marlu and tbi ia about thrte t.ium a uiau a. hws eei beeu .old by any otbcr C0111 p 'ny. AU of tbid hae Ia-n done jU!t uiwn the ineritii of tb. tnaehmifi, tbv uever are on ezhilitionat fiir .. ".iny euch pl icee. Ui. y-ire unner-ally acknowledged byalloth.r uianufaeitireii to bc thi tvt! nniuj Mi- .-iiiiei in i.e, uh thtlr rales conclu-lveiy enow. THE FAMILY MACHINE, with attacbmeiit fornll kinda of woik, Ii the favori c iu ti.e lIcurtKld. os'thown by tlie ealc of taet car. auiuuntiug to eij:bt-ix reen hundrtd :iud c.giitj-oue iiij.ciiiDta, wliicb uc ixceed tbwc ot uuy C'ontaiitIy on Iiaml and fur aK' in :i qnantily by E. & T. FAIRBANKS & .CO. April 1-7H. ; -3 1000 ALREADY S0LD ! Porcelam rcLnt- tl.iiug .Uo i.ouee Uoxi uujitd Cb.oao our la,ll.tie ite rio..aieut aud our bUEinee ,Acetibi iu auiouut ali utoer cooctrc m hm .riue ioiubiu,d. Z end lor Ctrculard and r ree club to c. iHOJli'sU.N 4; C0., iJO Fideral gtrett, lIo, or 1SS btate fc-treet, Chicagu- IFmn the .XVur lori r,i6uw. l.i. t-nd tncatlylmproied Family .Xlncliine whicb tu ..ico aiier loore tnun iho yeura ot uii uieur, 1. the latest Dovelty oflmd' bv thu lou.o. Ihi, luachine ufe. a lioer neealo th.iu any otbei, and ""."i.uii, it.uo0', lutniui:, ..ii iu, cordiuB, traidiuf, cte., a.,u u tapanleo.Uie U.d rai.,-o ol oork. lt . aUo Miup.e, xiitu lew part. e.. adjua id, coiupait, Doemve ud quiet in ct ou, w. aa ev,n tenf 100, aua i a pieMjnt object to look upon the hou. auu can be h..t.lo a-a r.H rL.i mendtd to all who nmu u tupply theau:lTe with thi. L I Jl MISSISQUOi Worcester Hunt's Ebtatc. TIIKilbcrlberr baMni: I p.oii.le.l by tbeholl- orable l'robate. ouri lortbe .1-t.iit ol c'a'.edotila com niiIi..lier. t- re.eHe. exauitlie an.I a.Jut all claluil an.I .iellian.l- ol all ;.er., i... .ualn-t tbe e-late of XVori-ter lluiit late oi lianwt ln vild dl-trlct. repre-ent.-.l In-.U.-in. an.I tbe lerm ot U 1 Jii... . l-7o. IwU.j alloued ot -.AM .leceas..!. to - 1 1.. XKIl.d.falls. -.-..t.-inb r an.I Iletem Itet uooli oii each ot sald Susannah T. Hatch's Estate. he s.uh;..riber bavliu been l-y the bonora- l.robatec.urt lor tbe -ll-lr.ct ..I t'aledoiila.Coinnila inerj toreielvi. e.xaiui-an 1 a.ljj-t all lalm an.l otell p r.i. .uaiii-t tbe et.ale ol u-alit.ali T. lUh.late ol llal liel.ui -ai-I -U.ti Itt.tletea-. .1 repre-ent- lu-e.lleut m.l lb-ttnu ..1 -i luonlb lr-.ui ibe 30th ot June. l-7obeiiu-.ill...-. l.i -aldcurt to the credl- thelr r, oljjl.l de.el-e,lt.,ebll.ll -. l.ll III- K-lore u, ; I.IM- n. Ibe dulle- ol our apl.ll.luiel l.eo C'o le. Ill .Xlillaloo. Tal lli la ol IleveiuKTliext, al . i tbat ue utll attend I tb.- C.unlln llou-e II -al.l Ill-Iilctoll tbe oV..l. lu ihe alter- I1AUKV jIOUKK, Jl-"1"1'- Reuben Moulton's Estate. M TF. Of VkliMilXf, lln probate court bel.l at the l..olilldli.t:kt.. Jprobate otllic tl. St. Jobt) -, inthln an 1 lor raid .l.striu. ou tbe -.'.I day of AN lntruu.Ci.t. i.ttriNjttii t-tatuetit ot Keubfn .Xloull.. .U-trkt. .1 tej, l. belu .i J. bu 1' tiuiluby. tbe eae. 'I to I.e llie last will and late ot L udoti, lu r-ald enled to the court by r Ibereiti nauie.1, lor lderc.1 by -al.l all ; ..tllle.l to lt l of al.l v-.i rt t. be bo.ileu at tbe prolkile ouuelii st. JobUabury, , li tbe M .lai oi July, A. 1) ::7o. an.I tbeu cau-e. II any uia nae. j;au.-i ptoi.ale .. a.l will ; lor i-h I iupo-e It lui tber or.lere.1 tnal a copy ol tbe .r.l ot tbi- or.ler be pllb.l-beil ti.ree uetk rUCCt's h lu tb.-C.i.i.loi.ian.l.rliite.l ai M. J jhusburj.prc- ll -.b- 11' il ..urt Atle-t. Ab.X I. I I .X.-A l.. KI( l-.M i. Ju.Ue ol l'robate. ,..l l -Atle-t. tv.N'c'i;. Judeol l'robate: Guardian Noiice. I'Ali: ni' Vl.UXIoNI.I ln IT. late lourt. btldat I x Hi-tiirt t: i the I'.objte oiSco. Iu lifildhill, i -uid d:-tr tt, on th.- ."'tb .luy cf June. !., I-.". XX m. li. -ilv. r. iiinidianot llzra A. Martln f I"ooru- 1 1. in .tid d'-Ui-1, p i--ut- hi- l ip accouLt XV i eount lie r.-l r- bl Hoiib.. ii -id - in rii.l .! 1'. !'T" l"l fa v ii il de. li.rther.rd-r d hit al. im r-. b. reof bx pillie ti II of uotu n. tbat aij ac- rwio . th .t-t. to be held lt tbe ti ict iu hien iid tl.iarJini re I. u tl. tb d . .1 .uu-t, A. ieiou o'i : and, it ie iu. int r ti-d be notllitd of tbis app lcat.on and . ree u. K- lu.e. fi: iv iu tu 1 aledo-.--..I a p. ar at p .i.l time .oi.l place. and, ., ol.jnt thetitj t Atteet, l:N. Jud -e ol I'lohil.. , II Mark II. Uruce's Estate. r.xrKtlf EIIjI.i.n r. I lu pr. Ut c.urt. ueld t tb.- roljie l.ttUe. lu St. on tbe IJtll uay ol July s Un.,e, i n ia..i. pr .!lutiiii-tratrix..t Ibe la5l will an.I u.e.lal. ..t M J. htisl.ury, lu cald . ui- aaiuiiu.traiiou accoUHt l.oaiiie. an.I niU-.iMtcatioti -iributlou aud partitt. -.I l.y ..I -al.l applu.itlo .II lo le iie..iat tbe . . tbe dav ! Julv li-l . ..un, lliatsald ac lerreil to a elot. ot . ito..lI, e ln st Johln A l lt7o eartlii;al.d .i "u'bv" -a'. -b vv ,au . . itany the tuay u -i :.ot i e alloued. and l.r. t '.i. Ju-lno'.-l l-'.obate. I - Xtt, -l. :K.-vc II. Jude ol l'robate. NEW CLOTHING SHOP -Al- f. JOH1VSBITRY :obt d Al'l:u. lit. l-T. rieJlll. HktIi eret .l ta ju t -tnrued fi. t.d. i the Allei; Itloct i utth a titif Cloths,Cas3imeres,Coatings,and Furnish ing Goods, eoluj rfln the .V xx t'tStjlt iiiiiI It.-t .llnki'. ihepiil!I. areiiivi:.,I to .all and ciatnine, and tt 1-l.are ci tbeir pjtr. n .-j.- I sob'cited. I to keep a odmIw Mnrcliant Tailor's Shop. 2. N thinjr t ut tiui -w 2?" i loibuiir und t- or.l ort uctict., riMMiTn for :tt- trrrt- j L'dmm j;ood u thc bt-ft CCl LU F.O.PRATT I .it. Jolmsbury lilass CoTcrs as loiv as thi: vi:ky i.mvM: P IX! Lower. than it is sellinglat the Auction Rooms. Several NEW STYLES from Bos ton and New York. Call and see them early.! WILLOUGHBY LAKE H0USE. lll .1 si'ilMhti KKnuUT. n ntfit'td and relitninibed. lii.'n Jtin. -.'i. tixuiilelri.tti Xi: Hurkc sLit.ou u raenumptic.K. H. tJHM A. I1KMIS k eOX, I'roprieton. A. t. JENNUd, Matuger. 7') nr.hKll. ii i:. i;mi:kvooi. THE BURDETT CELESTE G 0 fvl B I f i A T S 0 N ORGANS .1.1' ; m.i. I'r.iri.rri'.i..--: tb. nu.l ,n- ot tbe pi And other Xlu,ie I .'1 th-it iniiiical eir il t.o f lroui the Il e diep ivellius I'lllllil-i'lll ll-. l-lt i'llltltl-rnrlr-, i-. ry lovr pri. es tor c-ih. iei . inpt No o.. t ourt Mnrt, lloiton, .Xlao;. ;5flii.e l.i-t md firiit ar- nntoa ai.plieation, tfeb-1171 R E M 0 V A L ! Tlie rnhtcriln r ha- rcinox-el L1-. DRUG AND MEDICINE BUSINESS in: icK it LUtic, Jffettlj rjqHmt. tl,.. si. M.iuhurj ItMu, XVlure, xiitli iiureae.l ficilitl. e for .loiiis bioiinCM he ooa oir.ra 3 Iiue u-.r.iiieni ol Pure Drugs, Medicines &. Chemicals, f.t.Hte.1 uitl. r.leuui. to . ui jmi.Iu for l'hyjiciam 1 XI o, ciiiyoa. ii.-iii n-, 1. a tie an.I llurd ..a-r an.I ....t..lli. r i..r, Suie. lule and, Ui a i i iiiup- -u I l. -i .-- I m.ab, Kubbi'r Ii.Iki l.i le 111111 'uit H.U l.i -v. l.bhia, lled I'aii-. I.t.ib n jl.1 i.i.e. .iiiv, i ri l , .?opiKitei and sbollla 1 I'.I--ea Jll . mhl. lubc. 1'AiNuY GOODS! A Hit'.u nuv lli.rlliurbi-. I .ih. Nail, Iufanta.llair. v-oio, ! lo..iie, aito, XXiteand . JoU lor tJiaii'UlVIJrJltY I IVl.n.Kf, llairtji! , lije. aud l.x lac llolidi vvai... liu.. Illi ud U-k .e l.vo . LAOIIiN 1 .X!r. Ioy'ffUiitMipivrUlsl J. c. bt. Johutbury, Juuo U', IS7H. I. ?l i l'f . 5x2