Newspaper Page Text
, , .-nMWT IV ' f 1 i K CALKI )0 I A I - Aurieultuval Jleminifcenr,. i. t . i-ti .i:i rs-oi0 of l1-1 . ..:..: ' i- A r or two aji vo, while lravcnis"' carcoring ncro?s lllinon, J siw a - ,,(,,. i a lilty acre vlieaMiciu, ,n!,11:fiI.CI,t rerper, "l.u.iel.t ' to tr.y.-eif it I abliit way of puiauiiig 1 he .,..rirultura! rallmg tliat oould well l.e T,:.Si:ied. lt was taking tlie cdg..-olF tl.e irinienl cutsc :ir.d niaking a plca ttre ot to'il. , Jn my rliildliood, wa- mosiy -tiMt a l'arni. in il Siate of New Yovk, tlicr-wtro no friicli lanoi sauu and alloviator. Tiicn work was work .i. .1,1 i.imrli. ncadeaiic articlo. thc idi-a ol ndmij a wm.m bavc o-t.-roui and wiM ! r'l. l. I r. imiiib. r to liave !i:d v.lii'ii ,,,;,l..t. a tii'at ol tlx klinl oc- rasionally in bciug alLnvcd by ai. indul-..,-nt eldirbrotber'to lido on i"l.e rrou pkt-o of Hic plou-, and cvcnfor a few niinut-- at a timo U l.old tlie rc.ns. No C'vi.lbiaii iii:izon i" ber gariHfliwl war c'liari.t oould liuvc becu taoie tn mnpliaiit 1 was at mu-1i tituw iliongli il.e was a litlle lmrd and ..r. f.rriui-.i. (Jutv 1 renicinbi'r, I w:i allowrd to rido tlie boi'SJ u-cd in jilow- du-e cconoiiii-ls wcru di-purcd lo tlunU in Utween tlie lows-iu tlie cli.licld ; 1 tlicrc iniglit bc soiiK in tbe discov t'. ft a cry agrccabli: .-'iisc ol imporlanco, t.r .'oaie Ufoie un-u-i e-'Ii-d iju ility of but tlio way 1 tn.vdVd o.i wa- rougli nutiilion in b-;an tiraw. ai.d l.ionoto.ioi:;. '1 lu: wtatborj ''be larnier went forlli lroni i tl..- ball was l.ot, ev-en tlie islk ot tlie o!I farui Swollin' witli ini.ortanw foeling him liorso was, hanl, parlioiilarly ai I iodi- se!f an agricultiual bei:ofactcr in a suiall witbout a saddle : i.nd io balf a day of way. My uncle and s;cral otlicr un-m-ileaurt' and indu-try coinl.intd rnlliped , 1K. 0f tbe So( ict rodc will. bini a lnile for nie. I wi-!l m.i mber tbe f-rm iin- , ,,r two, llitir way ii;adii-g bis fann, plfiiu-n! ot' day ( lun.- , pondur- and alnio-t to bit g ile ; he enati:itcJ on ous alla:, mado to la-t a bte-liinc, aml tbe vL'Oiiomieal ad antagcs invulvcd in Ihi rlrin"ili '' a lK-ii.111.-. no i tlie u-e ol oean .-:iaw. . ir-liui-.- j.Tnl ral.i-' wi re tbr tlu' g-ird- j icriiag w itli my irnde be ?a:d, 'Dootor, tiiailc - ladio and ."daud Mull.-i"- tl tbo.-e I'liiu Tlie pitrb-toil, :t w.i'ins to ini', liniPS wi-rc c--iccia!!v ruuc ai.d peleiUiuu-, .ind d. nuiniae "snggostiuti- for youll.ful niiiid-. liul tlie ugl'iL-t, nut liiilitful i iokin" tlie faimjaid was tlie liarrow. lor tl.iytby lung a ta'eol' uiflaiifliolv and tiiigic"inioil. My joiingi-.-t biotbcr, tbe dailing of tbe lainiiy, oiuo l..'c.mK- tlie proud own-ltbi.t ir of a i -'lt. 1 "Hi n hi- I'oiirib l.ii tb-d.iy. The lillle l'ellow iuii.-viitlv a-ki 'l il l.e and thc eolt wue not twin-'. TliN pret- ty bnlliday ire-nt thro-.e liiuly, and at two Noars old conridend a v ry jiiomi.-ing tiioi:gh a !ail.ii- idd hnking , inil.ial. He was a .-oii. i, w i. i wiiiil . lle was a .-oinl, williuinlu: Wct a white lar on lus lorchcaii, a ,.ri.;i i.i,,i -ind a moit vo'iiininous m1 very tail. Ile wa.- nii'.d tempeivd, play- j extract : lul and iiiUlligeul. a grtat ptt v.iihallj Thiilk of the liouis given to .-tudies the hoiiMhold. My biotln r'- luart wa? ; aud raees whicli only makc a Mipcflicial lioutnl up in this cqiiinP friend. To hiin ', aud nipeout the lijnc-ty of girl the animal was inore tlian lUack l!es , booJ ; tlie jt'unulus of tehool pries, was to Dick Turiiu. Ile u ed to say tliat Miine day he was gomg to rnle lorth j heart, aud cdneate not a bit ; ol piuehed into the woild on that lung-taile ! .'orrt'I i waiits and toitured feet and sltid'n.d pos to i-i-ek his loitnne and tliat hc shuuld ture, and loijk and toae .-et to tlie prc conie !alluiiug home iu about !en yi ar-' -cribed moJe. Kun oer tlie whole de with :rcoiip!e of bags of dollars hanging basing catalogue of cruelties which we to the Mid.Ile and a pivtty little wii'e . niauage to adoin with the nanie of i d.; lid'mg on anolhtT lung-laile.l sonel at ea'.ion, v.liieh ve jield to as , hi.- Mtlc. . with which weuupplant tl.e graie of Ka- No cidt wa- boin on my luekle.-s birth-1 day, but a lertain li l ai.d white calt wa for a time consMcred lny peeuliar pioptrty, I haiiig begged her oU'froiiij thc butchcr by ll'dging myself to care lor and fetd litr ngul'iily. This call waslodged at nig'.it ui the currtage-huuc, a goodizi'd building ia whicli were -to'rid niany of the faitn iinplemenls : hoes and lakt.s depi nil 'd froiu tic walls: the laftrrs wtrc fi-touiKil with ropcs and iarne.-.-.s : tl.e i.iji wa-l.0I0de with 5ad llc : tlie one-hor.-e i.imily w;1g on and the d.jelm'r Miiky occiipied thc ci'tilral i:irl. wliile in one coriicr Ftood the i'Ioii"h, and m ar.ottier, Ieanin 'aiii-t the wall with h'n uglv dragon , tci-lh ail di.-plajed was the lr.irrow. Ono aiitiunn ninht we had sjme "ui-ts from a dislance l arriage ri'ople aml had j also takcn in that now altno-t extinct allatr?, wtth their expon.-cs, wtth their aniinal, a pdler. Thi- was a very re- dres-s, with their h'ju-ckceping, their eom spcctable nian, wlio tlrove a double tcjun, i"g out and going in. with tlicir rUing and altirward bccanif a .vcallliy New and their rot, the colors ol their carpcts Vork merclmnt. W'iih all the Hrange uud the stylc of thtir crockery, and thc horsesour .-table was to full that the poition ot their gucrts, and the tnanagc Mirrel cidt had to l.e takrn from his t-tall "ient of their ehildren ; but thc cruelty ar.d put, for-ale-keeping, in the carriagc- that exeic'.tcs itr-elf upon a little child, house. There the l.ired inr.n tictl , the cruelty that docs not know it-clf to him lo thc hanow '. .My readcr, 1 doubt i be cruel, that plants a p.iin fur life, we not, partly antic'.patts tia Iragic lcsult. ought to have no patience with, show no In the night, while tning lo lie dowuj auartcr for. AVc ought to cty out and probably, pour Stil!;in"pulled that fiight- iiisist that this o tender ar.d ituportani I'ul thing ovor upon him, and fell tttider l 'itne s-hould be excmpt from tyrannies it, its cruel Uvlh piircid his bivast, one i.l llicin .cnilrating to iJic lungs, itillict- ing, of eour-e a latal woitnd ; yct that was ni.t all, in f.illing he tlitiuv down his little coinpanioii. the ealf, and unable by tl.e tuost trantie ellort to ixtricatu him-clf fi om the heavy weight aud tim ber, he soon eruslRd the life out of the poor youiig creatttre beneatli hiin. Thc colt wa- I'liund alivc in the nioru ing, and wln'ii rvlieul ol its cruel burden aml I.c!pcd to ht- fiot, was ttble to stand, thoiigh bl.e.ling profu-ely aud wtih great dillieully. Ile louked aroitnd on tis all with a pilroti, wisiful cxpres--ton in his datk eycs, while hi? alinost l.uinan nioans pierced our hearls. -My lather tloenled at ouce that our pet and play-fillnw conld not live, that lus sulU'ritigs tau-t be niPteifully short-' Aml there 13 a ueal of cruelty in our encd. He was to be Miot, and tlie care- jdomcsticintcrcourse in that intercourse Iess hired man was to be l.i cxecutioner. ! even which ought to ba rid of cverysus So we ehiklren all him good-bye, I piciou of it. Think of ihe cruelty that with embraccs and teari, and letired to thcre is in a sharp look, in au iucoiitid the hay-loft lill all wai- oer. Wc heard ' crate word, a hasty itijtteliiv. the cruelty the thot, thoiigh we hatl re-ohitely stop- , of little itingi and llings, the cruelty that ped our ears, and our jnii l buit forth pbint- its tborn, and leaves it to worry afti-h. ! shall hae to go traniping and lctter. 1 will not help jou, but just ulVa-luut to .-cck my foitune t:ow,"tob- run over the cruelties you notice iu daily bcd ont the li.retncd littb masler of the lii'e, the strangc cruelties in the mot in-lotig-taiktl -orrel. We afterwatd hcaid titnate aud dehcatc relalioiH nay, dou't that the l.luiiderer put fitch a heavy I luo altermote.- in olhers : lii.d iin'd brand charge into tlu; old mu-ket that i! kickeil your oin beam by tlie confessings of and knockcd him ovcr : that was somc jyour own cxpcriencc, see how much cru- eomlortto u-. Tlii is uhy I hae a uunur 01 mc narrow. lt -etras to 1110 a very engine of dcaih, ;i c0tt of rural juggfinaut. 1 do not remcmbir ccr to have heatd in my cluldheod of agiieultural ncw- papcrs or fait ; there were a h-.v ati- cultural soeietics, Ibelicc ratherslow, irieiiicient ali.m small annunl or semi antiual, of gcnllemen fat tiierr-, met to driuk cidcr, talk politics, smoke, jokc and coinpaic cioj.s aud hor.-cs. but with whom discovcries in tcience or ncw-fun-gled ideas in farming had a s-lim chance of advocacy or adoption. A iiialernal uncle of otirs, a 111:111 of intinite huintjr, uk-iI to titnu.'e the fatnily circlc by his rcniiniscences of a very old -ociety of the sort that oxijtcd in "Wind ham County, Cu1.11. and of which he, for a time, was a iiictuber. One of his atories now occurs to mc. At a mceting hcld latc in the fall or "111 carly winter, a certain l.oncst farnier well to do, but renowncd for hi parsi- inony, ro,c to claim tlio Bttcnlion of tho -nrts. lt pnrt ol tlicit ;nie irnim ng, ",,0.1. . a very l.nporlnnt ono of our,. Tho les- i.n. tiama.. .f ii... ff.-;f.,.itiir!il Snclp-'son in rciticncc alone is wortli moic umn m ( n rf wlmt rcallv seems to mc an lmportant :.. .1.., f,1.1.. r.,r f..ll.-a ui:cuei, . " r nre lunster lianus lor iiiiKeu ucuu-, anu r.,uM eotisideiable cron of ,,., hi..!,. nuitlc.iien arc about , ,hc lillincst d'.sl. a l.ody can cct ! n'iii thc grain ; noiv, itbappens tliat l ve old niare tliat aint of tnucli account, and tbiri fall I mude up my mind to Iry '"in a rigbt way, aml train tlie heart to feed'tii lier oii b.-an slraw. Hlie turned lloving, t'liougbiful cuns-iderAtion of oilier.a up her no.-o and ;iiillcd at it at lirst, but is cotr.e lo it artcr a ppeii aiiu, iu n:u tlut air crelur on ncan g;rav, wiiu novv and tlicn a wi.-p of hay for a reli-Ii, ,or nirw , .. . w.ll, coa.iderii. sho was oM and fcuble lo bepin wiili. So 1 Iay if.y di-covcry bilore tKe Societv, and cvcry iiicniber can try tbe experimcnt for hitn-'elf, and I bope jou will ali give it a tuirtnai: Kor 1 d'u boVu've tliat iu our i-oui.ty and Siaic.wlicre a pot of baksJ beaiis is a K-gular S.ibbatli di.-ii llure liaa l.L'ix-tc-foieWcn an awfiil wai!c iu bean Mraw." After i'.iis f-peecli tlicie wa ctn-ideia-blo d'lM'u-siiiii of tlie quo--tjuii, mot were ino'.incd to Itii'h ut it, but oin' or two .ont lorct to try tliat air lr.iw loddcr, it - !. an ainazin avm. ,ut tiit'ii :i Aviiiir-I.cauni uv. f.uue 1 wildly running ftoin tlie ild brown ' bout?, lioutiiy, "F.i'ber ! f.itlifi-I ihc old niaiu- diad."' I eiituii' to lveoninieml tbi? I farmi'i's discouiy to my ili.-iiiiguislicd fricnd, llorace Criflcy, only Mij;gerting l.c try tlu- e.xpetinieiit ou au animal in it-i piiiue, !or it i- e:i.-y Io bc fii ' lf ilie mure !n.l U-.n .tron;-'r. 1 n.rli.v ,.cUu he lt. lonKcr. crtteify to Man iimt Ucus. j Kiom rcr:it cliuracteiijlieand prac- .i,.,,......,,..,.. . .... ;,v. ,. I. W. V.'aro on tho above Mibjo. t we lake tl.e f.illowim whicli worry the brain and eorrode the ture by the carieatuio ol art ; then add the nietnory ol how childteii are chiddei nnd Iwitted and sneered at, and chccked and rcduced and kept uniUr ; how tiie liievitalile exuoeiar.eo ot is n.ailc into toktn of 5in ; how in tcn tlimi-and ways they aie irriiaitd, lliwartcd, eoaxed here, punished thciv, the Milijects ol the tuost ticklc, lrritablc, unrea-onable ruie ; and I tliink you will have a nia.-s of eru cltics tullicient to .-etjou tiiinking, and imporiant enoiuh in tlicinselve.s aud in their cjnscipienees to give heart an J hand long and serious einploymcnt. cruelties are ciucl uuough ; tbc whole bunsry iiack o( tliincrs with which incn hunt down the L-haracters ar.d happine.-s uf othcrs, loud-inouthed, inaiiy-tougued, husy, infanious, and faUe the cruelty that nicddlcs with other peoplo'.s piivatc ' tliat Uetract not only trom wiiat t.o.l or- dains for its iiesent, but wlmt we ought to sccurc lor tts luture. Ile were worse than a brute wlio should chain a little child in sotue narrow and dark and i'etid ccll, and leac it to grow thcre iu toli tude, ignor.ince, and want. And what is he who biuds the frcc sp'trit of a child to thc whiuis of his own world-worn heart, s-upplants ity freedom by the de niaiids ol society, and ties it down to con veiitionalitie?, toid makc it into a starv ed aud artilieial man .' Thcre are worse things than pri.-on-,:u.d btake.-.and knots, and HKmisitions. aM'.er that they have torn or killed tl.e body they have no inore that they can do. Tliat is the deepest i wrong, tlie lowct -toop ol cruelty, which ' touclit the heart and iniperils the soul. elty mars even the dearcrt intercourre of man, anU leel how tnucli necd each one of u.- bas of refonn. I -b, Ti:ai;h the Little Gii:i.s Teaching ehildren to do work is about the hardest kind of work. Mut mothers are ur.wil. 1111 to take the time and trouble neee.s- avy to teach tlicir little daushtcrs thc little womanly art of scwing, knitting, crOfhetiti!:. antl tho simi.W t-imh broidcry. It i, k-ft for souic onc clse to take the trouble, it' they are so fortunatc as to .-ecure a teaeher. Often thc little onc look 011 with longing cyes to the nimble lingcrs of a young companion, who can f'ashion such beauliful tliinrrj with a crotchct needle and ball of bri-ht wcol. The common ta-ks of pickiugup chips, wiping dihe- antl du-ting rooms, secm such meie drudgcry in comparison. Somc little variatioii of this sort would greatly brighton thc dull das. It is worth takiug a great deal of time to tcach our danghtcrs theso little uscful Jma wj j Thcy are l,:,rpier lor itteir fiunny, unu : practico, aud lcani to turn theif knowl edge to account. I know fi little girl of fivc wlio takcd thc jiicatest dcliglit in nia- kirm little book marks on pcrforaled pa pcr, to gii e to friend,. lt wns a ta jxcrs, but it bas bsen a "reat blcfsing t thc cliild, siniplc a thc lesfon wa?. lintever belps to educate tlie muscles worth morc tlian golil to our unuurcii. jounity utuuauun. TRADE NOTICE! o a: Xi : o x Xj : Coi Stniul:u-1 Ivoiosone jm, SAMUEL DOWNER, I''iiinToi:. C. H. Murdock, James Lewis, Itila oil Mi. Sniuocl Uonu- ro! l!o tou wrlt' m "is tdc Iiom lh - Mgtmt ttandard tl.i v iuoic h(. auJ ilh all tli- iufurmation I caa bixloir." lf oii war-t a I'cnVct arli..le frora s-aiuue IJownti' li.t cxptricnre anJ w 1U eii cu Unn you c:ni Lny i th,i;lare or tlscalnro. Al-w I.Ol uin'SIlUSrnKlIM.DutliHpricci a oj -ir-ticlc. 1'Ic.n (all or i-cud ;.ur rd. r. t. JEWETT & BRIGHAIiI'S, K..ilruid tt.. Sl. .klihd'iry, VI. -RUTLAND, VERMONT VALLEY Munlrcal d- J'lattshurgh Whitehall & Plattsburgh Railroads. )n i.I r.llcr Dcrrni.! .-. twin- I1I mi fullorw: XnMMl 'ii I". I.i:im. 1'iotlne.- IJi.c,..S.i'i l.iai c Moorc'K .liiiic, . ..V l''.t Arrivejt l'littsl.ursli,..ll H-l' l.cve llilt-lnre!. Ar. lt Au-u!.l- KixT,.. MOVlNli NOIiTU. An? ll'.i.r... Arrircat l't ittfluir-Ii, . I.,iv.. IM.t-lurh ...1.. Ar. l Moorc .Iimc , -K J.l" MOVIM1 SOlTil AN1) l-.ASr. 11 I-- Arric llo! l" i U'.MS lMl.m. l-.ili-.. .-.-' Ainrcat Ilrattl iK.r..,. .3.1:. Airiit-at llu.ia'j Cor.,.1.--" movim: Nl.Kllt ANI WFr. i.r n'.i'i c'"' t'il i lAa.IUlloraIl.', t Arrivc at Kntl in.!, S.10 ?..21 1.: Traius Connert a- I'oliow- i!...r....t . v.ith I:..ataon IjiVo t.impl Vermont C. n r .1 a-.d V nnoiit f mada Kilro uK ti.r Monipditr. M. Alban-, l:..u-.s 1 lut, Montreal, ugJ n -luipli and tlu' Wia". At l:.ltl.i:..luitl. train- for Ht-ni.iiut n. Mjncli -I.r, Trov, A bmy and New Vork, ejritc,A s-prmst, M'ln ncoMdVHndtVWot UK,.lltauJ nSLi, ..-v.n. w;;i. "'';" roul fcr Wind-or. Whiti- Kmr .lni.uo.i. V ill' ; . .lolin-tiutr, Nrnimt, l.itlUton and lln- ni.ll' MAnniiin. nnl nith tlio Vinu.wt Valloy lUilioid al IMlTO! FnlU aml at ltraitl-l I. N.r.hirn Kailroad Williaiiunli.-, Norwich. or iriib Conni- tirut Kivir II. r.!. Nv- ll.v.n mi.l N l'j.inncr3 for tlie Wi' li'nai-anta d KJpcdifou. roi AUGU3T II, 1870 I i ro ltli tr.ini3 ii .m'h for An.lii-M, rrimr, Ixn.loiun.l Nn- Ytrk . , - C.Ilrcaa f r tprin;r-. l.!. .v orL - , t '.VA tini" tld ' c!lla j .to I.r tick.u Ji.d At at tho c fii.OJ o:i th.- linc. : . . FHUIT AND VEGETALEsiy 'orrunlly i htt.d AI'IM.1'.S, TOMATuL, swr.irr i'otatoi:?. oniox?; I'F.ACillo v,-ati:i:-mi:i.ons. i-e., ic.ic, .fti A. M. COOK i' CO.'S NEW FALt. AND WINTER :GOODS E. UNDERWOOD'S UL0T1ILXG STDllE! ALLEN'S BLOCK. J from : UcoJi for 1 1:11 Loi, a li i(.Il !V:iJ Ihi .toi-:iiK-iit t-f rU aiid Wicifi ucir, con;.iir.ins :i tmv Ict of OVEliCOATINGf to the ery fiuett makea cf lt.'. ii or. and i tlier i.iakc. fl.inchilla', C AUo. I h ivi UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS! fUurnl Iljnu.I riltirt?, l'ino Uwn arliirtF, l'pt r and I.Intii roT.-iie and Cuffi, II.mdkercLlt !, WHICH WILL BE SOLD CHEAP ! S V Clolhing made to oidcriuthe lu:.-t etl,- and in thc bcst maunir. St. Johnebury, Scpt. 1-', W'i. YOUR TINCE TH BUY YOUR HARNESSES. A ijobd assortiiicnt of all kiiuh of Ilarncfscx CllKAP. underecld. .1. r. i.ADl ctn:, AkI-. Avcnue Honae. lt'ilload trcet. St. .lohn-buiy. Vt.. Mey, J, 1-70. ll'tf OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE At thc CAIXHO.NIAN OFFICn, liy thc hundrod. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! HIGGINS jons SS OV- O O 2Z !3 nr i:vki:y dk;Ci:hth.n SELLING CHEAP FOR CASH I THC NF.XT DAYJ ! Z3f The old ttock to bc cloeed out to nuke roon. for new. NOW IS TIIE IIMC TO IlfY. NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS ! AT PASSUMPSIC 1 Tlu- tulvcrilxrs luTCjatt cponed a well Eflccted accV uf onv coons, U'KST INDIA COODy, TEAS AKD COFFEKS, (n-airaiitcd gooJ.; GIIOCEKIF.S, &c. Which will l.e told atiu HEASONADI.i: nATUS -1 cny phce in Uiia cocntj-. Among wbich arc Alpacas, 25 cts. and upwards, Tycoon Reps, 28 ccnts, Uest Slieeting, 15 cts. Aud itlii-r g.wda in riroportion. k. t. & ii. k. jim:. raiJUL.pck-, VI., Oct. --'n, i- WOOD ! WOOD I I i..c. woonat'r.Yuiii iciiw-rih-icciisi-tn woon i'i tlio ;il.gc at i I tfrcrrd. HeTilljilo do j&tLiuc kiudi. G REAT YARIETY OF T O 33 h. O O O Aml I'aniiot Ie:it in (!iili(y ninl I'rici-. l'ctaco i'!iimri .tLd TcLaico Muwkiiti call jnd loU '.r eHf.. A. M. COOK Ar t O. THE CLAREMONT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, rt.Ai:ir.ioi. - - m:w ii.mi-iiii:i. Manu'attJM'r. ol' PAPER &. BOOKS, STEREOTYPERS, .iuii ltooit niMiKiis axii i'i:isir.i:s. UiiiV u:i.l i llir ilo. li-a.'t j-.i.l clT i r.t.s ron ou .'.i'..- i:ms. THE GREAT PRESERVER OF HEALTH. h'J lAPeribrated Buckskin sninrs DKAAV KHS. J. A. MOORE'S, MAIN STREET. THE W E E D S E W I N G M A C H ! N E . . 1 V J & IA- ' --t-.-A V7HY IT IS THE BEST ONE TO EUY It tnaUK Ihe I.l il K sTnrli.ha.a triiLlit ncc.lle. and i imde with tlie ll.n ta-l Ilnjt f...', liaa le ' i-.v. willdo thukir and work than anv otl..rv.itli.ut ain d.ange in iv .irt. and f !..- I'.iM to tct cl:t ct old r. it ui Ns tha.n any dtiii'u and ii fo timple in its n.chan".im Ihat a'chii.l nia tise it. IT WIM. I.A.-T I.UM.r.l: THAN ANY illlt:l-, i:i rarti Uirg t. w, ind niade cf har.lcne.l ii.l. ir ii Tiir. i i::-i rr.izr. ai Ihe rari l'xrritUli. acd lu rwclvn! niore iiitt prizci for the pa-t jcar than any othtr cwing Macl.iue iu the I'nitid &tu:c. irwn.i. STlTi.ii, HF.ji, n:t.L, i.ATitr.i:, 1 111:11. liraid. hind i r do auyither woik deiri.d of a Sewinjr I-ichlne, and we w.t'mnt thiin all aa tipnicntid, t:.d to do all we claim. We lurnirh with each a liite stitl Hiiiinir will lurn any viidt!. of licui. and a liraidtr, Quilter. and all ihe iuicmjry tooli, furJCO. We aTeo luie, In conntction with the abcie, the bet .'voitiuu.t of !u:y (a.nns, ni:ocr.i:ii:s, ri.orit, f ItOUXEUY, HAiaiwAiir, IIATS S. 1A1V, noors t .-nor.s, I.OTHIN'li, . il-. cori,:i A- JIAV, nuf wi:sr foNCoiii), vt. EVEUYTHING- ale flll-M at l. 31. COOK BOOTS ! BOOTS I BOOTS I bi.I.I.INi: Vi'.KY CHEAP! CHEAP ! CHEAP ! If j f.iwlou't bcl eve it caM ind s STIJKKTKK, 1. II. STl.KIiT. Novcmber I, 1870. Crockery and Glass Ware ! SELLING OFF ;T A SMALL PROFIT ! Jiut rcc iveJ a nuwstotk und will DEFY COMPETITION IN PRICES I I)o nol fail to CALIj and scc tlie III'.ST I.A3IP iu nsc. (.T.C.-.11. dnrable, and pvca the UEST I.IG1I r of . Lan.p l.nown, and cery family i-hould hjTe ene. A. 31. COOK At CO. NOTICE. Notice ia licrcby given tliat I haie thia day civeu mv Hm, Ueo. W. Hudon. hia time during tho rcmaindcr of hi minority ind thall claim none of hia earnings nor pjy.any dcbu of hia contracting afler thia datc ALIiEItT W. Itll)SO.V. W'ltnOB. I. C. HrnEox. Kait Haven, Jan. IT, 1STI. J.G-ls l CHANGE OF FIRM I GOSS, HOUGHTON & CO. tatc i;fi ii AllCD, at tlie old stind, Am-uuc IlouscBlock Koilroud etrcet, will kccp cocEtautly on liand a I-irgc find ciioice iot of gorda conei;tinr of W. I. Goods and Groceiies, Provisions of ail kinds, Extra Brands of Flour, Pork, Lard, &c, &c. AT ltU 1IHT C.INSOT TA1I. TO GIVE ! VT.SrACTIOX. ZV OooJe or csf'i Riv. n in CTtlnngc for I'rcducc. Z t? Ali" Jgcuts fur KniOcu Mouiog Mjcbiscs taA Luc.j llorso llikcB. St. Johntliury, Vt., M irch 1, t-Tn. AN 0RIG1NAL O U JS' U JN I j I i U aM : (j iv i 1 ) A Z A A H . ie a lU'in'- iiujginitiou in Ui.- loug r AKSWEE. V, h. u lie iuiaginw !i dn git ai much alue for 1.1- uioacy, a;tcr r-li iuj: i nuiulr of incfi . ai hc uu ly Lu in g tiircc; from tbc n.juufactory. FOR INSTANCE. an ik.ll .1 lul of ntc llAvua Fillcd C-ir-, c.l-d "HASTINGS' BEST" AVENUE HOUSE' t !.".. Or. ifv lauj Killol Cigar, i ni:cd 1 THE G Eil 1 i t;tci lor tlio pri.-r, ouly (il iK-r box. II a poo-l .incLc. ncilldbcplu 1 like a liightiavondCii-ir, uith cne cf thcse i lear lia- "TIIE PEARL' AnJ yct lor tlie t it III ot .lind liicni :c, rT.J'ii pk-r bor. talli.l 'nAlll.Y'S BEST ' "SNOW FLA.KE," So r. 1 lio.i to the trUlcr tf the Eaiue nanic. but u. ti.i 1. it i u " ri d h t " oue. mi.l thc price Is OLly ;!.IH p. r lo. A'.o, luv.- air.- - II ivanl and Se d Mi (JifcAr, I call the " KAITj ROATJ" llran.l tliat will snnA Mti-:jct on.ou.I r.i trl t to o.. .' i.-t 1 ut no Ic tt, ceun t n.v i n-c.i ... 1 bru .1, 1 :.:ll 'I'HE DIAMOIIJ),'' itir ind are dat il.eap It itn d 1 1 i. a-on. that w..i:.. with o-ily o PHOPIT hm 'o I u l g.rr that SIUAIiL l.e r. jr.ufact.'ri w Vork, v IU ,1 1K.1.11.-.1 ut l v auctl. z t p.-.!.ll IIAIiF TIIE MONEY h ive a 1 t c ! iTkt ue nd ir.rrji.tid Ihavei uu.ufictiriiJ, Ini: it licti riL-irs f..r fal lr.i 1,.- r 111 miu.l th at I u au 1 (i-o ho i?ar ck ot l H'JC, Ulokin hupstoik atall. I'a .i.d .aud fic th. I.11 I l.cwiiik-T..i.e., M Alple Wrod. ipcr -tvl.a ..f 1 irihinj; ia the To pari f tbe rountry. il iler kecp" tli. m m bao lii.e. to 1. 1. und A k f..i tuc l isa.'. i.e.rlv i..."ty. CII Kl.i:.S S. UASTINO, NEW ARRIVAL '. TIIF. Largest and Best Assortment LAMPS, CHIMNEYS &l GLASS WARE To be Iu th. rifll KE. I le:l3. rn.l will be foM at a 1.1. W nd l xk the u V, .M. COOK A. .M. COOK CO Noveraber I, 1870. FLOUR & FEED STORE ! BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR b ha.l :a t'lii county. AI'C. Corn, Corn Meal, Crackcd Corn, Siiorts, Buck Wheat, Sclf-Raising Flour, Grsham Flour, Rye Mcal, Northcrn Corn Meal, at d c ii-Mi.ine. to b. foi.a.l ia ou. liue of trjde. Haiiup; ha.l a I. ng i e in Ihe trade ilh s' .etinticn to cur bi luca... we-liall itideavor at all tilnci to tuect the watttio. the publie. Uodi de. Ihcrcd at ilicrt notice to all paiti cf the iilts . Wc mcan Busincss. Give us a call. C.KO. Al.DRlCII & CO. Novembcr I, 1870. Downer's Kerosene Oil FOR SALE : USE NO OTHER OIL! IT IS SAFE, i "in i-5 rarouluit. tcfneier lira thjn IT IS CHEMICALLY PURE, 1'mna wtti tnoro biillianry oftljnie, coiiGumlng LESS e-il f.-r trivcn auiount of llyh. IT .G1VES LESS TROUBLE, th lntnp rcrrairc I.-m frcrtmnt tiilint'. and the wick ct frcqnent tritnmin. DOWNER'S OIL quotcdaiidknon a!lvcr lh worl 1 a Ihe higlnt ttandard brand. IT IS SAFE FROM EXPLOSION ! IT IS SAFE Inthc lmndsof your ehildren. Sci enlific mcn thioiujuout tl.e connlry claim it ia the only puro 011 i". :fCall andscefor yoursclves. iold by A. 31. COOK Ai CO. HO ! FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! wmkto e&fZPifo LYNDONVILLE, C. APPLEBEE'S VffTWni vkiimont. And acc thc bcft ditplay of HOLIDAY GOODS Ia Noitlimt Vcrciriit. GOLD, SILVER & HAIR JEWELRY Made to order. Snperior f icilitlv for ni lirinp; Watih- a, Jeticlry, &c. Lyndonville, Vt., Utc. li. 17". gutrtion ntttt gvivntt iilcs. BUS1NESS CHANCE! The tubicrilr oflen for rale ihe itore litljncins thc estate of Hen. Ocorpc Conle , dcci:i"cd, a:.d ili cjrefully scltctcd ttcct of Dry Qoods, Grcceries, &c. Said a'orc i Iatkp, ccnvcnlcnt aca .cll l( snd . f jiaviDK pniiuuic , '.. pcrtunity for any one cii.hinfr to " trjuc. i or panicumT cui ndlri IIF.NltV W. fOWI.K. llclndocf Fj 1', FOR sale: ThOFubcrilcr will tcll h! larje acd comniodi..ii' rcsidcncc. fornicrly occuiiird 11. Pullard, lccatcd in thc i!lege of bt. nnlhp rornir of ( Itntr il aud Snnnc itrccf, and wilhin a ruinute'J wallc of the po-t otl'uc, achoola and churchca. Ihchouaew double aud convtniictly arranged for threc taruiiie. flood mnninj; wiiUr FU plies each tcncmciit aud birn. iho LuiloiuB Jro all iu pood rcpair. Connectcln ilh tht above iu eufu. ient 1 ind for a trood pardcn andouccrt.o httiee lo'p. 'Icnui very riaatnjble. J. II. rtXK. M. D. St. .lohnsbury, Cc i", lTo. 'F A R M A " S T K' The .iih eiibirihVra Iiia f.irm for eil.-. co..tifti;is cf about 201 acnacf csccllcnt land. vrith 1 1-iniiUa of thc vilhse of n. Jo!.n burv, olo cf thc p'casanlcet sit uationj ou the l'a.'.utup ic Vallcy. Any oue dc-irins a Boodfarra, we I locatid, will lo nll to ciJiuino it. il... m nii I Ujm. 1 voUc of thrcc-y.-:ir-old, fn'l- l.lood, Ball', hindy. 1 yisrlniii lliifcr, (I Al,l..rnoi-A n Aldcrncv Ileifir Calvcii. it--blood,J t coo mon falvc, 1 Ayr.iliire lliifor fair, I-i l.loo I.) 1 Al derncy llnll Clf, (full Mood,) poo l ciar-c-ivil Kwc " i.rv.d llorflca. '1 two-vc-tr-old Coltis 1 Colt, u Iot of II ty, and othir pemoa il prot itv. JONVIIII.N r.os St. Jolin.'bury, N'ov. ' t, 1870. FARM FOR SALE ! Situlted fiv.- inilei I'adt Hjrdwick. !?o thc llige i f NoVHVi.le, on stage roil. 7."i icrca ct Kd nd. nuillinga gocd wiih a little rfpalr.r.g. About Iu rodi lrom a gooJ uctv aclicol hoarc. 1-lei.ty cf tmi- Near ttie K. K. eurv v. lor pirtlculir-. adctivzs the Bulcrib -r 1 . W. ClllXVEl:, I'. M. W.ildea, Vt. -UI HOUSE FOR SALE! 5?r?! Thcrubfciiberrfiirs l.iplicfor tcle, HCSSl iitusti.d bt tw oeu 1' village au.l 1.1 - villc. Slld j lace con'aining tt.rcc ai rci of (roo i lanJ. on which Ia a wrll-I.ullt houee, hirn at.d oatbtu!din.r.. a!l ia good lepiir. AIB0 Cve toni tf hay -iau tv..Ie, 3 O! HOt-d. tf .lullN W. I'lllX.orr. FOR SALE! unt ot cpr.tiuucd ali l Ilh.HUl .1 111 bot v f cntre. and i s U.-cre. iflanl hi"h etatc ot cultiva lon. lioaictwo-ttcr c. with I i aud phcda all ia go.i.1 npiir, iincr-I.i.'.in'j v. it t at lioui and larn. A llhcral cr di" ailt b-g.en 1." lart of the punha-e iuone . Alao. a g?od laniily hor-e jl I h- r ma. a I tu". wig on, a tinle alcigh, iieiil new. r.ud i pid nne-!ioii FOR SALE ! i.ud'.n, ccn-iEt. Id ii.a : 1 tu two of co. d lan.l, 1 1 1-1 cf it the nU a iKd .tate of tu!tl ition. in-i.i.-.i iu .uu.p c .iie. an.l on the cthi r l.y 1'iuv tukin b t 11 rod-o:fi:.r t.i l. uce inilcof I'l'-unip-ir K. lt. hi Jn.l I .tnd l.yn .on Mi'l- i id Schiol. Al-o 11- 1fl." ot nic- ll!::di I'.urk. . l.a attuar o chatd of :j-i tr, -ide h- Vi ' W t'hill i t hi Id. i iii.l yaar, a- , ithin lll bcf Id a: a 1 er W. Fpiti!dinP- it lc I.vndor. i le. A. He . A. IH.NI-n L f llirt. n l.viliry.No. li. 1- RESIDENCE FOR SALE! i i:e-..l.,e ,.ow ...... IMIIM.XS . I 1 iFA .d ..i.i.:. .11.-. ltail cat'triit. -, ic. rpi ly t ihi DAVID POWERS iontmU' i to t Good Boots aucl SlionSj T tl'fT :i-"A gool -i:,i'l.. ui .r.ile bj ! hand. Alrf. I nlonM II. u' St.;.:. SELLING AT CQST ! Wi. 1ms to ihi-e ct.; cur s:. ck of i ::H Kr.::Y m. :i...-. wai:i- :n..iiti. -1".... t t t. ii.h.-j: l liH.e -totk cn al. 1 laju-,' t i: theU ttt icdcti.. .f I liiea can of.. r t-i.od tri.Vi t-i th. e nLi w"..-h t I.ret.i tablt wilh ti V. u,. I 1. a . cII ai.. :ll t our 1 Jki t eatlt A. 31. C UUIt cV CO. A L 5 0 , Salt Pork, Sugar Curcd Hami, Dried Ccef, Tripe, Pieklcs tor-alechia;ifor( .11. A. 31. TOOlv .V CO. CHEESE, BIJTTER, AND EGGS. CODFISH, MACKERE1., FLOUR, OAT MEAL, E L I A S II 0 W E :. o. pa.TT. AhCI:;. Was tl.e Oriimutl Iiuvittiv of the He Ing Mjchine. and JudC prtenc tf M t.-pachuEtttf, aftcr a lvtt; triai, dc cid. d that "I'here ia no !n tlila o st thatlcitts a ahadow of doubt tliat, for a'.i the LcuiSt ccufencd uii on the public by the in.roductioll of a teiiin- M the pttblic are indebtcd to Klias Howe. ,Ir.- ZVllc tlrc tJl arc ttf (vn' U:fir itirchtx-. I O. i'IIAT r. 1'.. K. Mreit, bt. .lobntbury, Vt., .lalt 15. 1;7 '. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS. it. ii. j:ddv, SOIjIC TOU () L- 7;ir. n?i.ic, TraJ, .Viiii- v cet, cpiiorite Kilby tcc! No. To State lirattlce of npttaril of thlrty e uateutK ln Ihe 1 t alao utireatltrltaln. Krai.ce aud other forclan coun. trles. Cavcata, hpeclllcatluna, bouila, alguiaelit. aml all paperaordrattlinisrorpatetitfr, execuled on Ubtral lenus. ai.l ttltu de'palch. KeMcarchcs inade Into Americanor torelcn deteiralue the validltt or ullllty ot pateutaor tntenlloni. and lepal or other adtlce rendered ln all luatteratoucblnstheMinie, Ceitet ol the claltuaot any patcnt by remittliu; $1. AsslRnuieiitBrecurdedul WasbttiKloii. "I rejar.l Jlr. Kddy aaone ot the' mott uc Iu. andcapable tiractltlouernttuh whciu t batchad olll.t. allutetcourbe. UUAS. MASO.N. Comuili.Alonerol Pattnta. "Ihavcnohealtallonlnas&urlnftluventora that cantiot cnit.loy a iieraon more couipetent and truat. worthy.and luorecapablcol putting their applicatleua lnatorm to becure lor theui an carl ai.d tatoralle conslderatlon atthe patcnlomce., KllMU.SU 1IUKK U l.ate ComuiUMor.erol Fati nts. Mr. lt. 11. Kddy l.aa tnade for nie 13 applicatlous on allbutoneot patcuts hate been cranled.'and that Is now pendliiK. such ui.nilstakcable proof ofsreat talcntandabllltyonhia part leada tne lo rccuinmeii.1 aillnvcntoriitoapply to him to procure their patenta as theymay'j.isureofliavlnstheinoat taithful alten tlonbeatowtdon their cac&, and at tery reasouable ccarscs.' J011X TAUUAlir. Baftiui.Jan. 1. 1371 Ir. Jobbing. Jobbing. Our tecm alwaya at the door to cany"ae to freiu Deiiot. Ordem eol.citcd and promptlv doue. I.iht Joba couimitted to clir circ will bc doue f.iithfully. A. 31. COOK & CO. byDr. C. U.l. l.i we.l tini,hd""'iltli nn.T fail .,,,. ;, Ll ihin nn.l raii: wil Bei ptjnl. Job Randall's Estate. STATE OF VEHMO.VT.l In probatc court hcld at . Oale;oDHOl3trict,f. tha Protatc OBKi'. In ,M. John..bury, iu dlslrict, on thc -I di5 A. 01371. ... ... ,,r I WllllamChaseaiid WiKlam nandal . ndniln .Ira lor, cum teMamcnto anncio. mwn the cM.te of Job Kan cUH. late of LMindon. In Ald dl.tllct. dcccas.-d. pre- 1 t-ent thelr adnitnl.tratlon accoUHi jor c53ioiiiaii.i. o . t l.7i Tstate ol sabl tifceai-e.1. I Whercup-m. 11 ! onlircd by slld court, ituuaaiu ji count and rsjni apptlcatlon re tmnw i km i itald court to be heldat the t.roujieoince ui -wu..a bury. on lhe:utdayolJaii.. A I). lii l. for 'iiarliiRan.i otlhesame three uct ks succes.Hcly In the .Caleuouljn tuner nubll-heil al si. jonnsourj, ic.wu aldtinieappulntedtorhearln?. that they uijy apiear it talu llnie aml place. and iow catue, ll au ui such dctric A trm ASA l.. KKKNCII. Judcof Probale. Jonathan G. Willard's Estate. 1 he rul !.ci lbr, ha Ii.r 1 1 eli appolliti il by the hounr abte prtbate court lnr the d.trlit ol i;a! cta ruislonirit.rceIv. exauilue and adjustalltlailu- aui demalidiofall iers.t.s. a.ilit the e..t ite ol Joiiatlmli ti Wlllard. late olM. J. hi.sbtiry. Iu al.l dlstrlct. dcceas ed.repie&eiited n.ol ilu leiinolrLx nicnllia irou theal d.iy ot Ih-c . 1-70. Iliu; al.i-l liyraldOiOl t.kll)ecTHntorlfulddl.'l.laelt. t. txhtbit and itjm tbelr ie-IecllvocIaliii-llore iw. (iie ii.ithe. tliat the ilutl ui polniloil. dwelliu? hi.twe ot wlib.w l.i Johusbilry. Iu al.1 illsltlct. llr: .Mo retnur atul June l o ih. l each ol i Id ujIs. HAKIIOX JICUI.TOX. II. UOV.NTON. 13 47 Orange S. Clark's Estale. OF VHltlOM, Ilu i'robate Lmirt. liuM-. I . ,. I1..I-. I. ..r ol tl.e nll , Iu al-l .ll-trle ixd. illll-s Uppl atloll -i-il the al reM.'lltu.a that i-Mtd f.ile I c.l the d. bt Mrjllou. l berellti "''rut'iM..' plliat'.on c. A . . . 1 at th1 ,.1. .' I .ullie -.1. I..MI1..1 l.i cil... . ilu. i f hcirln;, llut lliey yji.peni at cjust.. lj cl. llicrcl Uj ihe Ci.urt ASA 1.. I IIKM'II. Jco- oi iTo'.- Harris Brockway's Estate !ubMilbe. l.aMn U en - obatecoutt lor ti.e d.sltlcl i t l'.l r lorecetvt. exatliil e uli-l ailjusl ndaolellper& ailiBl ll.eeti.ti .j thc b. Ilanl- mccS- aj i lltnt. a Un .1-70 1 u.ddei j.l :be teri.l i;tli day .d b lami. uri to th. i-ed to e.tubtt and ntoie th! e u., ; l,u that j ll otirai.i'..l:i!!iii-t.Ial Ihe Countit-: In .t. Jotiiuiur l ci.lre. Iu ii. i ..t Ja'iaar.. and Kth day ut Jui.. stHClHeilaiuis lei I'.-l'j Mary A. Davis' Esiatc. Tli:: hjli-trn.eialiaiiii laiu J lululel by thc l.-t.-oralle i.rob.te n.urt I.r ihe il.-trUl of fc-sis. i m. nils.l.inera toreteive, t?.atn:ne an.l aitju-t a Iculi.ia:,.t .lemau.l. of all t,er.-iui jall.-l tl.e e.tale ol Mar A. liail". Ute ol lll.iomCelJ. in fal l dlMrict, ib cea.ed. lel.reel.:td ll.M.lleul. al.l tlie ttrui o! !i nnlith. trom the day i t Feb , 1-71. b. lus aa.n.e.1 by wH ll...'t Ihat w e llielrre lli Jl'i-i. eclHe clann.btl to lh- dut.e, . c ol llel.r t, on tl.e 7lh 'U, K1 '.V .ii.. r api.o! V.bahiljtlj ll.TOX 1 ni.Miv 1 1 M.i.K. j:: . S Mary B. Hadlock's Estate TA .1". t r.ll.iiii.. K--.-X Hlstrlct. -. il'iol. '.att C'.url r.eb! i!..:ha.l. tJ.i-1. A.!l.. 1 fbjtl. nn nt 1 lllct, on he l i.l it-'a-.a .-.1 i l. Iu iln-.1- raib.ii accoui.t lor .. : ai-i'.cati. n l.r u i.l .l.e cil.ite ol i . .rt a'.-I ac-,.n..j-,-..,.,;...l u!.l e i t:lce ,n ull.lha.l. alltb w l.t ald a.., laat iber ir. t. l.e I. the -?lh da .ou at tlu ol Jai.-J.A A-i.l it 1- IU that noiue t.led, bt t.llbliLaltoIl ! I .1. theL'ale.lihian. i hi t'uijy apoi-ar at i a. e, the I2 i 1 tf mvtlt ol the three weei-.-cce rtn.l.l.-l.elat.ll. J a Ituieiii. ute.l 1 ull i E. T. STILVELL, y. luur'r.i l.u t r an.l di ali r in Ladlf'.i.i .I Jtd L.M.t FASH10NASLE BOOTS AND SH.OES, au.l d. a'. - u Knbbors ol' i 11 J-Cind.-i. ;:;n:liii' :.! n .-,-.-torc. Main Strcet, - - St. Jo.insbury, Vt. :3"IS. Iiir n -f al. k'uds y. i mitly atn-ui ed ic. E L G I N Vf ATCHES CC-- 3 C:tsli. tKhrr.: .ZZ S1TOP Morr. Itariincut ic oai. .1 tdjcrrtuih tf ihe .". .li.l.n.lf Houie. .Main ftrctt, wtcr. v. u wiHl'i.l.-e i.e-iv v.n i-h vcn wi h all kinda et liaitu- Wirk fr.ii roninwei 1 1 u i H-.rnena to the ll: -r It t . n .t Illittkrelr.' te lt! r cf 1 1. k -n.l lit hrl: ik. it e.ill lecliralui to ta-ikeour oik . criii lie t sii.l ln cwl fttle. ,,. .f ut , ttn n aunf. ill l e warrante.l tn j.ive nve.l fat rf.ii Al- l.-.ul ila't.i Hi ki-F. llt-i.l Nif. Staf. Ico- tlil. H-kf t l-oll a i'i.r.M)iii ti i.ic or wnir.-. i.biercfall kiml? p:i tt:i Iv ttinl. .1 tc. t.ili: ie;n:r. Ihu.kins t! e ui.lx for I'li,- yr r ?e. ki'Lih by th te at tn:i u to tir l'l-.L. EU'ING MACHINES FROM S25 to $250. wn.i-ox & c.ii:r..s wr.: n. hi.mi. rin-m.i-.. Anv Sewiu-j Marl.ine detin J preenr.l it nnr.u'cc urcrVpricet .1 !.. I-I.i: K1N Aaet t. OCTOCER 20, 1370. STOVES AND HOLLOW WARE, SIMKS AND PUMPS, ti;i.i:thi.i: ivnu a iinnii a T1N AND JAl'AN WAi:" l .l.-:.l AT illf. ul.H TTN SH- f. AT SuNAl-.l.r. I'CIl'i s. tl tl A .-olM il.N r or . iN IIANI) au: anii i:,:a HNI. M l ;i ro K.i- am PCNDEI: Ai.m i. I'atticu: .r alU-.itlcu ol iil.:i.tre iicalii ookini: tiovm "Mirri.u.ic,' -C thi.K'-,' Imrr,Atd Ati.tritau." a'.I fitu.I np far t.c Al. the "Mslit llcu a iloal le lnttili baae baiulu etal ttote fur ritliiie; rocia? o: lieater," :li.- i attnal n Ii n fernare , ilup Jnd U- n..ide, call aud fce ontinctd that it I. th .'ii ,m: innvoucl alle-.Iioii to il.'lNi: Jl. t( DKKY, R E A D T H I G I to li.- lattd, t..:u't lic .td.' llt BURDETT CELESTE ORGANS, IIow are yeu to knoi; the utnittt of tlu Hou hLii out tlicir i.i'j.r1. htra i Wliy go and ci. iniiue thei.i r.t 1 lo t ftreit. 11 in, ttli'ic they are ncitine; the lii-lit-t er.eoin.iiii.a om all w ho hear tlicm, aa tujn rior aud p.tltialle tu r7-'ianof, and all Undi Miui.-al .'I.rthi Lwti,: iincej'. joii.n c. :iaym:s Ar o No 3 ourt Stnct, Ro-lcn , Ma t. :Zf-'iiee I.i.ts and firtular- tcnton applicatlcn. tfeb.u7I g.niflty & (Co's (Column. D O D D ' S N E R V I N E iia- ia.t.!i:vt:u ruoi"SAMJ3 or Cc-.lqh, Col I. Fevtr, Afnte, Itea.lache, Neliralgia, Il-pt-piia w;itll Iom of appo ile ll.anhcei, Canetij.utiou, fcleei Ice.ries-'f all Ntrv irTcction", li nule Wcakncas e?, ic. l'riie tf-l. sjtc recj.i.rai ndatmna viih eacli Lvitlr. i:i"ti '.liat ono Iruggit ;aya: ' V.'o havc told lil'I"s Ninvisr. fir the Iu- fll vciirp and ctn tiuthfnlK" iy lt haa i;ici n eiitiieBaf,a(ftc- . "O 1 I know. Du ing tl.e 1 1 t i c-ir tKs, antf cou-i i s tclial il: ale ItrMjrg.-ti. h. en II t'tf th; lt lio: Ealc a puliii.ient pri.of of f. OUODWIN t CO.. Wholc ." r old Ii all drugitt-. t?l't IlOUh A;i:.NTS WANTEI). Tiir. i.axi) ol- sac i:i:d mv.stf.hv, 01: the nnu.r. in ihi: l.ionr of irs own aCEM;i:Y, Itev. W. 1. Gaso'a new lck, ii now nidy. I'rmtel on tii.t .1 paper i.eucd in Le tJU, cout iinp Itai Mitierb l.r.iriainji.f atia u uiti.t ..Iu.ible llib. cil hoofci cv.r of tho In cvtry thcro uie f.innly tf the ItiLI.- i. lo ii-fojnd. of th ork bo nld. Asenta int acutj al".i for ruo: .riiwi.'s Mj.r.iin:i'i:i.iis.i FAJHLY IHItLU, bck e cr i- ux.l. Uin hiacrowning life work in ucunccd Iv ctit e- t!.cfice-t Jnd inojt coui- ii!ttt- l::t lo eitint, now lnvinsalarcr ulc than any tl.irthr.e 1:11.1 i biuid. .t.lcudidly .llu'ir.tcj ii v ot thc, with '.'i u tngra ic'h li-.k. i lc. .-ind euabli a Hnr nau- er n foini h i own comuie .tnrj o.i the hcrilituica sa lie tudul. th l.i Anv ae..t ir lH.r6on wl onada this. und wl.o .1 -in-a the uio'st i.roliMLl. and honorable butiiiiHf, pend for et culirt i.i l. !nll iulonii .tlon. WUKlHlSU KJ.V, IU Ml.N & .il.. Hartford, foiin. a-10 tiiea-nectar: A PURE CHINESE BLACK TEA I WITH CltSBX TKA FI.AVOK ! .'.ri.iutul lo a'.I ttib?. l'or eaio cery Ai .1 lir bjIc Wholt .I.' oaly by the whc Great Atlantic and Paoifio Tca Co., 1'. O. Hos, :' - l hurth et., N. 7atlol ll.ii-Nccir l lrcut.i.'. ii" 1 AGENTS WANTED.-(S225 a Month. tvthe ;.ti!.i:ll N KMi-TINT, MACHIM: C .. I WANTED--AGENTS, ii re- da; i to 11 tl.e ctb bratid .! SltuMr .-tu Marlf Hi-th l M.m-rrl n. inikia th.-' l.h k r. ii- t .Ii: i f. 1 o:h fidis.) h filllv l.cen cd. Tl.e rr.iltli"K t fan.ilv SiwiiipM.ichinc iu thi u.a.L AJdrc .I01INMIN, CIlIKi: i- lo., IiOftKI. 1-ilt tnri.1. l'J., L'liitsso. II1.. lrt. Lcnif, Mo. SALES.MEN V.'ANTED. Ita-:n h. noi r le. No coi.iji-1 ticn,librjl pjv W. IU NM.HY. 4th St . l'hil.l. ' AGENTS. j ;.!;,u-.N i.-.tlon f.. I Vmiiiy. r-" Wit inm : tO$ 20 r- r !.! a.d li to in-r .duce cur f.i Iau .,ii Addr. Hud-on .o. lil Ilc irtori. 4w ; ,t t.i.i u i th Si! t. t il . ISSL'ED JAN. IST, 1871. !' ' rlinKF. sr.i.IJ-lHiN-a NO. ?." olitjinin,- thele.-tnw tt.ii s IT Ile.l m.atlon, lt.. lUtion fic ll.iliia'it tnit.rv. Tlirilline; . ntini nt. t p.l klin. Humcr. l.i ly.-i.I-JIir C" reit ,cl th .. cent.. toi.r l-.k- t lor .t. cr ti: d frii.' to f. "fliii.i. Fa. ,t A- l AGENTS WANTED 1 ..r tlu- Hi--.or i f riolD'S C'TIURCII tioodiny. tend f. i .-prinrfi.M. Va -. 4-.- : vct i iti'Y REDUCTION OF PRICES To cci.Srr.1 tl ItKDl'C'I lO OT BIT1KS. GREAT SAVINGTO CONSDMERS i.r :i:tti.i; vi' d t-r ctlr New llice I.i-t and I'li b fono p l.t i-. conta.n tO l"U' .Ul 1 p fu'.l diriction! irnkiu to cli I- ! G reat Am erican i ea Co., 1 i J mj strtet. Nevr ork. I 1'. O. I10X .-l.a. 4w I TRY WELLS' ! O.MUiOLlC TAULETS. Aa t.f i. r u. dt for a'.I Ilronchial Hiffcu'.tle!, Co.nh--, i .1.!-. II .trMlMn. Aitl.mi. Hip hetij. IHynfBJ r.l th.- icr . . - Win ! l-:p - in t jll I'Jt irrh ll disiaai!. . Ihe- rd r'uln.d m d.noti t it l .ub.lic Acid. ia de-tiLe.l t . .. ei.e if the ina'ti.- tbhsiinee to n-iu-kin.l iu .1 ; fl cit on t di-t i-tf and it I tea- nr.i't i.:i l.t.e. .u 3i'..ctions cf the ( hew t... I.: I Dr. YTells' Carbolic Tablets, ' I.--: i th. rn it tciuediil ..cent 1'irliolu- Acid. c-.i-t jithtr in-ri.lUnt linitirrallv le ' ninit nded. wl.i. ch. nn -ailt c ia. . i r. .liu in a Tablet raore l..jl I nieilic.r.i.l'-in.l U tnr oilipt. d for dirr-ivt ot thc tl rcat than int ptcpi: itica iver b.toie itl.rid tthepul.u CAUTION. n.-iitr. tou pit ivcl-naiwc 1.1 I'-e: doat l.t ctUr p. d be palmcd oC on v uiuthtu-illac- FOR COUGHS AND COLDS i V..1N- failiolie a:.i: a t r.r. i t i:i:. .'.Li.'M.G.M plat r . . ii.ii nv niu i TKY TlillM. r.N.Y. mii.f. -. ii.ISTS. ll -U NOWISTHE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Thclargcst, Cltcapcst and Best Family Ncwspapersin New England. Bcecher's Scrmons. Beeclier's Sermons, Eeechcr's Scrmcns, M cV r.T Tl l K NEWS. MAKKK.r AND MIHTIM. lHruUl. I'HOICl. 1M 1.1 t:Y, l.u.'H l nl:ll , AMi A KINF. VAlUF.lY Ur nI.ll.INAl. ANU ?ItFfIH) 1:1 AIUNli I'AKr Fl I.I.Y FIH.I'AI:! I. AMI I.M'ULslA Aii.vrirn rui: f ii ti: i:r.Ain.iL. -ti i. '"" AMERICAN TRAVELLER, fwi:r.KL) BOSTON TRAVELLER, .VF.MI.Wf.UKLY.) W.ik.y. t '.' p r tnr; Muii-W.tkl. .-1.! :?- lv-.lll v.osnni mi ).. t. nt fr.e. cro.v, ri,AMii:is a- I'nttl.-i il.:ilili:igr. lljalcn. 11CME0PATH1C MEDICINES. Thc en'.i cr.l I. c 1 1..1 e, u li.ll ai ha r, rcd frcm the i.l Urci.t lleni, l". rtui. nt tl MEDICINE3 AND BOOKS, Fcr I'lit.ii unf aud rauuly nje. 1 he uttueit pi -1 ' btca und to F.cure tiie n.Oft reliabl. niuht. Thesc Mcdicincs are Guarantecd forGcn uincness and Purity, ind the u tiio-t p-.iu. n ill alw.n t.e taken ,i Ji.d .ii f uifius lh. m. I "hey w i.l be told i Tincturcs, Dilutions, and Tritnratiocs. 1 y the i-inle tial, or in coniplctc nti .;. 'Ci.. i.IWnw vith ur tnthoiit ; .'. ' - , '.-. u.m a l lt,nili .l.ii.-fie Ch, -l'.ire Jl .tl'cr Tinctr.rc, Tritnration. and Dili.ti. u-. bugarof Milk, lilolul. a, Alcohol, ito.. foi Mit-. u-e. t ith Fniil- l,tc, ttc. UMltT:! . I n : C, Al:NiC 1-l.AslF.l:, AilNlCA .AI. I'., t . rtuud.tii for ltmuii, calds, ltiui-t. pra.LP, ttc. tlrdcr bv iu i.l will lucit ttith prolnpt Jtttlitu.: jr.-cdi' thii.pi d lo ant pjr; t f tl.e Mate. bMnjle i lioni 1 ht'titian. loliciti .1. Any lloiutop-itlue Iu: , lULtd ti!ccnr.d cn shtr. uoti.e. o . C . I o vt . t. .lohnrUir... H.I. iv.;i. GEORGE P. ROWELL & COMPAJS'Y. dv rtinM.irnt ftrv:irJeJ to fll NYvpipnF o.-.Jv :iici'tharf;i J cn rMi-hri' pnct. Il x -NcnFp ipcni kti: on li.t. Iufomi i iti , a- t.i ( o-t t.f AJverti-injr furn' AU oiiUri' r ii'ive c.inful attcntion. Innuhits , miil'rcl promptly. (oiiipltti-1 riutt'J li-tt? of Ncwfpiter- lor ia. Spni:il lista prrpHrtd ( irntomcrF. Alerti"i im-nti wrnti-n ud nvtlci n cur il t 'iiler- from Lurim ee nu'u cepiciattvcolicitt ii 40 PARK ROW. NEW'yORK. look here: PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY rou salk : Orrinp to incrc.ieini? ill Inalth I ui 1 Ffllmy I'li1 CUAIl ;Al.Li:KV,afi m' u.f the bttn ' is -i cliiinco iu n Iiou-niitl for any orowlii) wi'li'- L IVr.'ciK winliinf; to .ivull thtin-lTt' cf in 1f " pcri.r:. in nuikins I-trpe picturtf elioi.IJ atti nd t' 1 ono. I fliH eIl out aud It-avc tlu btt'inca i porfililf. T. II. M. JoLucl'Ury, t Dcc. 23, 170. 4.f PARABOLA SPECTACLES, i tiot le hninbusgcd Ly patins more ttr an in'e' ts. Try them and you will mc no otbcr. tir-ron sali: only dyij IIOWAKD At ROWELL.