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T 1 i E CALEDONIA!. Eltc .t:avm and (Onnlcn. Jtutlcr Makiny. HY T. H. hol', '!' WIIH'IN Abslract of a napcr rcnd before tlic Vf. Dnirvmcii's af.-ociation, at l'.uilin"- ton, Jan. 1S-J 1'hc ncccsshy ofralional propra nowlierc niore aptiarent tlian that mof-t importaut of Vermont inlcic-l., tlie Dairy. We cannot compule witli tlic west on cattlo ; 111 s-lieun, otlicr Hock mastcrs liavii advanta"cs wliich we e.m- not overcome. Tlic iiru-iicrily ol" llie ftato 13 but Ihc coiubincil profpcrily of liuhviilual; ; aml associatcil nnti pcr.-e-verin" cffort can btot fcctiie iinliviilu:il sueccss. Ik'iiccllic v.ilue of a.-.-ociations likc tliis. l)o thc pccutiiary icturns to Vcnmml buttcr-inakers indicate any jjeiicral spint of rational progrcs-s ? i not tlie con.luioii ofVunnont duiricsjifet nbout wlial il was lilly ycars ago .' Aud .-Iiould wc re.-t contciiteil with ihi---' The r:i;cmfes wliich tlic inarKct .-liows lo obtiin tlie best butter U a cK-ar iiroof of the ncec sity of itniirovcnietit m our t-yrtPtn. I have Kuii in Iui.-ton mnrkct butter made in Ik-cc-iubcr, lnr wliich tlie tleah-r paid $1.00 pcr pour.d, whih- tlic ma-.- ol Vermont butter broujlit but onu-tliird of tliat f-um. Tlic loss of tlic s-tatc in want of f upcrior oxcelloncc, and of unifiraiity of charactcr of its butter produi t, U to bc reckoneil in tens of tliuusnnds; for thcrc is no iwod rca-on wliv our butter sliould not bo cqual that of Orange county. Thcrc U chanee for impsow mcnt in evcry detail ol thc produution of butter in Vermont. IIuw many d.iiry mcn know or pay Millicirnt atleutiuu to thc dillerencc in brectls I'jr biiller jmrpo SC3? K one lia-i cen t'.iuiiiieiitel tborouglily in lliis tiirectiuu, orecn in regard to indiwiliial merits in any c-ne What daiiynian lias cver cxper imcnted in regard to food li.r I.i- cows, e'ecially in timc ol i-umiiicr tlruu'iht-. '. or trk'd to iui-c cloer to h-ul ntit and corn wheii thc jrai'S is gonc and yet by propcr k-cd n iniich and a linc butter canbc madc in July a.s in Scptnnbtr. Ihc carc ol tlic cows ought to reeenv much morc attenlion and thouyht ihau it docs. 'i'hc untvtiv-al prac'irc U to elurely conlinc thc cows in eold wcatlu-r ; but this doc.-i not cunfurm to thc lo-l traeh ings of phy.-ioI.j:y and hygiene iu icaid to e.NCiciM-, liglit, air, c-1i'.-iii1!iii--, drinl; and libeity of niovenicnt. Therc is little wonder that thc .-on? of our dairy men f-iek other i':illing, uhile liie prtM-nt syslem v.-ith it liltli snnl u-ile.-3 txpendi turc of labor coiitinues. f ihc wort objections to tii y.-tcm aiv obi aled, in individual ea-es ; but thc aver- ugc practicc doc. not thanpc. Tlie lir.-t thinp is to liud :i better plan, and my own expeiienee indicati-- thc foiluwiii"": A cow will tluivc boltir iu a r7c;v oum fclieil tlian in a ttabic, lor t-Uo cloci not nced morc tlian proteclion fioui thc weather shed faeing tlic foulh, on t;round abovo thc rc.-t of thc yaid, lapc, tiyht-built, with feed-rack Ibr rools aii(l grain to usc in stonns ; hay hhould al ways bc jjivcn outidc, exeept during stornis, and in jiroper raiks. Thc labor offecding is rcduccd onc lialf, comfort to cattlc and mastcr mueh cnbanccd, and tlic milk impruvcd in iptuHty. Iy own oxpcrience is eorroboiatcd by that of otbcrs. Tlic most fruiiful suiiri'c of abuse amonj; thc cattlc is thc lack of knoln on thcir liorn?. l!y ndoption of tbi? pro caution, unruliiiess in n herd, and thc tyranny of thc Mrunjr-n- ovcr thc weak may bc prcvcntcd. Another indi.-jien.-abic cunditiun fur butter-nmkiii is eveniie.-s of tumper.i turc ; ar.d s-prings and ruuning s-treams, or at lcart ice, can bc brougbl to every dairy-room, so that a.- niueli and as "ooil butter can bc madc iu .luly and Augu.-t as at any other timc. J hu usc ol com nion pans to j;ct tlic milk rcnder.- een tcmperaturc almot iinpoi'-ible ; largc pails shotild bc ux'J, leipnring Ic.-s rooni, lesa cott, and ks labor, be.-iile.- greatly iniproving tlic produet. As to churning thc milk, hinv fevv un dersland tlic cleinent of tlic bc.-t ?ucce.-s ; or usc thermoincter, icc, carc to s-ceure cvcn tcaipeiatuic and agitation .' Mo.-t of tlic putcnt churns aic huinbugs. llnilunnity in s-altinj; i- i'-rntial, wliich can not bc had without weighing and attention but liow many daiiymen nsceither Fcalcs or carc' Markctini; of thc butter mkht bo b.t- ter numaged, m that gouil and pt.or f-hould not go to uiaiket togethcr and nt thc f-amc priec. Thc btst lulicy, whcn practicable aiul for thc mau uho niakc tlio bcst articlc is aluiys ea-y is for thc produccr lo s-cll direetly to thc consunicr. Thcrc is another important ipiestion of wliich timc will not allow diseus.-ion. If wc would imjirovc vc miirt undir-tand that improvemcnt is ncces.-ary. l'astitrca. uinl Ifoir to Jmjnorc Tlivm. .. r.. .iami:m), or ii:a-1!i i:c. ltcad beforc thc Vt. Dairymen'.s asso ciation at l.iirlington, .laii. IS, 1S71 : IIr. Janrcson tir.-t fpoKo inbrief of thc ncccssity of coiimiciieinj: a pas-turo prop crly, not by burning olf thc woo.l ; theii tpoko ol thc advantagc of drain'm- iu many placcs. of terracing on hill-sUU.s. and of inanuiing: de.-eiihed thc propcr method of reclaiming a bnshy parlnic. A wecdy paslurc thould be plo-.vid,wed to rye and then plantcd again lo grass, if shcep lic on a inos.-y pnstuie, thcrafs will gradually "ct thc inc.-s out. Thi.,- ucs s-noul.t be inowcd in Au'iiit. Stoncs in a pasture are ks objectionable tlian wceds, but they ought to bc removed. if many. l.ogs, espccially of thc indc structiblc kiuds, Miould bc removed Thc kinds of gniss uw are fllnolv red top, orehard grass and .Iunc "r:i" but there are many k'md.-.of u;id rsi.-' white dover ia very valuable :Cpro,nl gates itself better tlian limolbv : orehard grass starts carly, and if clo.'ely grascl grow.s till ipiitc latc. Sow plenly of seed if uscd. that tlic Iml . i . mieaven. Ked top f-hould bc r.lwajs one euu-cn ior a pasiurc. .lur.c gra-s feenc to be natural in many Vermont pastures I find in New IIamtw!ih. f-n-,. ...lT. valuc rvc-erass or iiiiMfL...i-,i ,.:i.i ing a hay epeeially valuable for work- uM1i ; oui u I3 IC0 jiard.. ; onimon. In howing seed, no rulc can bc givcn . ir ti V- "ot COIUC 111 itst-lf; iflackmg fow thc ncd, and roll itifneccswry. Wherc plougbi,,., ., visable it is not always advi.-able to ,..r0I, thc land. In nortlicrn Vermont, p,,!-, tocs are raised, payin-a gcod protit grain uext year with i-omc gra.--, wheat bcst, rye, oals or buckwheat, and nct I vcar grnf s "alonc. Somo plougb up tlic riclicst places to reducc its fcrtility, a bad practicc. Thc cspecial dcsign should bc to "ct a "ood turf. Mr. Jameson then fpokc of thc ad vantagc? of mixinganiniaU in a pasiure, or puttin"! dillcrcnt kmds on iu tum Sliccp arc thebaU to pa?turc with, from tbeir habit of ling on thc lnghcst parts bitc thc rat-s ecn and -cpjare, dropping sinall and t-cattered. IJjtf cattlc arc th nc.xt bts!. Mileh cows cinue ahvays to onc placc at night, ar.d thcir droiiling accumulatc, wliich llOuld bc fpicad ovcr other parts, and thc cov-ard occa sionally chaugid, anil thc placc plantcd toenni f.,r fuilimr. I Iorses do not c;i- rich a pasture; they arc not fond of bu-hci or wcctls, niic i io.-i, .um si.mi. Watcr U necc-ary, a brook is be&i, ar.d a fpring .-lu'iild bc .'ouglit fur if likcly to be tbund, or a wcll-holc Funk. Therc are fcw placci wherc watcr cannot lo had with pain, andn water-trough largc cnoii' h Mtould be alwavs built. Thc barn-roofs will catcli iain-watcr enough ; at any ratc, cijterns will hold it and pump3 will i:u.-e i:. Oood sheltcr idiotild bc provuicd fur evcry p:iturc, in thc mo;t bancn part, wherc all thc .-loek woul.l karn to romc for shclti r, shadc and salt. 'J'lic advan tago., wotiltl morc than pay for it ; but to liavo a pcaccablc bcid, bac two apartmeuts. l'ciicct rlioub! be Mjliiuh'nt, inall ca-es. Stone wall is eotly, but durable ; but poor, givis no sati.-laction. lialf wall and lialf feneo i- good ; Miikc-iails of or duiablc wood is good, but not in all rcspe.eK 11 pro-perily i.- dcsired, havc good fencs Oii'i o.her practicc of iniproving pas- tures is much uscd in ICnglaiid, aud by somc fevv hero : plough a piccc aud t-ow tiirnip-, ryc, luceinc, or other ipnck rowtli, aud (cecl il to -hcep piccc by piccc by a uiovablc fencv. A tbck, largcr and iu bettir conditioa, bc ru kcpt than m any other way. Tlicre arc many kinds of movablc fcnecs. Cows, if ltsid in.-tcad of 1ig p, rhotild liiivc thc feed cut iur thcin. Tlic I'ool aml Moitth JHsvust: Thc .Iiir-acliUMiit I'loughnian rcc oiiimends thc trcatmcat for thc prcvention as wc'l as cnrc of thi dis- ea-c, whic'i i. fa.-t .-prcading lo all our towns : nen u i.- cxpccicil lo lin aU out in a hcrd, rcnioic Ihc animal at c.ncc nuuy I'roui tlie re-t and i-piiuklc .-laked liuie frccly on Ihc slall lluors. If it hu- goi.c loo lar and all are likcly to conic down with thc di-ca-c, give "i-ound hemlock baik, two or tlnvc ouucvs at a timc for threc or four das iu tucce-ion in a little mtal or s-hor!- If au animal i- acluaily .-uH'ciing IVoni il with a ,-otc niuutli. tal.e a iouml ol aluiu in two .illnns of watcr aud u-c it as a "arglcoacc or tw ice l'our it into thc nioiith aud (hroat fivm a In rn ir bo'tlc. If tl.c foct hcgiu to bo .-ore uso thc uliliaic of copper, or bluc vitriol, two omicc- to a allon of watcr, or it may bc stroii"cr,at thc r.itc of au ouui! to a tpiart to balhc thc fect, wiping and rubbiti" wcll in bc- twccu thc claws. Altcrnalc cverv dav u-ith c.ubolic acid, that i u-c thc bluc vitiiol one day and thc caibolic acid thc next. Kcdacu tho caibolic acii! with fif ty parts of w atcr or a little morc. l'rof. iw s-ays reducc it tbrcc tiines a- much, or with one bundicd and lifty parts wa tcr, wlneli we tlnnk wonld makc it loo weak. Svvab il well iu around thc iiarls alleclcd. Tlic animal will havc an ap- petitc, but thc inouth will bc so sorc that it cannot cat. lakc, therefoiv, a thin grucl of oatineal, ar.d a little In liau meal mixed in if tlu animal doesnut appearto bc feveikh, and pour it down from a bot- tle. It will reie tokcctiun thc itrenirtb ind carry thc bea.-t well throu'-h. II' Iherc is mueh, as therc will lo likcly to bc at une Magcs of tlic dis- ease, give a piartcr lo half a pjimd of cp.-jni salt? oncc a day, pourcd from ;i bottlc. Thc above trcatment is mild and simpleand will c.irry tno.-t paticuts well tlirougli thc troublc. JSttt il you are .-till trcc ironi the disease, kccp pcrfectly iso- laicu. j tie selectnien havc puwcr to coa- tiol thc c.itllc alleclcd, and thouhl order ill o.en in alteeted herds from ifoin" up- on thc public highways. In about threc wceUs tlic woist ol thc dilhculty in ani mal.-. that havc it will pas. IIow toon it will bo sal'e or prudcnt to usc thc milk ol cows after thcir apparent recoveiy we camiot fay,but onc thing should be bmnc m liiind, that no eound cattlc s-hould bc Iu ought into thc b irn for.-onic timc. Thc bani and Mnble thould bc thoroiighly fumigated with siilphur. No hay or ni:i- Uiire shoulil be sold to go to any barn or farm wherc ihc di.-ca-e bas not bcen known. l'robably ihc barns wherc it bas cxistcd will relain thc infection for sonie timc, and groat carc will h ive to bc cxerciscd. II.vv. Ouc of thc ohl.-st ;.. hay in Jio-ton, rccently remarkcl, that fiom an oxpcricncc ol over twcnly year.s in thc iiufiness, he had ahvays njticed that when the civ '-boii i-inn" wn cd taily in thc s,a-on, thc iicc had al- iuo.-i invariauiy rulcd low at thc clo.-c. It se.-ms iirobablc that thi.s will 1... ll.r. case thi.-, scason. Tlu drought and s-hort crop of hay iu many pirls of New Kng land Ia.-t sunimer has brought the arliclc to tl:c scaboard from sections of thecoun trv that havc ncvci- li.ifiiri. son i.i maiket, and moic hay pres-cs havc bcen .-om u;u insi ycar tiian ior tlic past livc year?. As much of the hay is not well a.-sorted and is of infciijr cpia'ity, it is -um ai a pncc that will oniy pay thc larnicr a small pruiit. Thc supply imw here is abund.intly largc enough to niect all iire.-ent reouiicinnni-- .-iiiil" il. for comniun gradcs is nut much, if any, highcr, than that asked by f ;rmers livc hundrcd niilc- from markct. 'I l.i. l.,n.- now arc morc anxious, geuerally, to scll uian incy wcrc twoor threc monlhs ago, is inc iow price ot corn nii'l oats ha in i measurc iiiminislicd the con.-umption and the shimnents soulb havc b.-i-i'i 1..' during thc vcar tlian for any year i-u hu; war. (Jool. Cmn...r 'I'..l- ,,.! 1 . r pcat inud a l,.lrvel of W1J0(! ,, barre of the llouron.0,,,. Tip thc bonc .lust down ,hu basiu prepared for thc c-ompost an, on that tip ,11C. :l,Ilcs j n body, f-preailmg ,licln ovcr 1(. hmw lake then a bi.M.el of fccuknt matler Honi thc iirivv and nut wnini- n., t. . il, Hirring it up at thc samc timc, to wct i.ii. uone uui anu a? t:cs pretty thoroughly. M'i"J 'oe seuii-iKiuiii lo thc top of thc ;i5hes as thev lic on ll.n t,,.. ,.r i ilust aml then rovrr tl... u-i,,j .. :.t. rcm.iinder of the inuck. The pilc will heat aficr twcnty-four hoiirs, and ( ot listtirbcd will kccp bot fur a long timc, but 111 'tcc or fourjwecks it will bc fit lo usc, and thc bonc morc in a condition to bc availablc lo plants, than if applicd without sucb trcatniDnt. This will makc a compost well adaptcd lo apply to giapc vincs and olher fruits. It can bc pre parcd under thc barn and in bad or win tcr wcalbcr, eo as to bc ready for usc in carly s-pring. TRADE 'NOTICE ! o i Tj. i o i ii : Cory Staiidartl Koroscnc Oil, SAMUEL DOWNER, l'nofitinroi:. C. H. Murdock, Jamcs Lewis, 'll.ii Oil Mr. Samucl Doniur of I!o.-ton nrili-n ui "it ni.ile trom tho liihtt EUndjrd tliey kuovv liow anj with nll tlie itifi.rmatiou 1 cun latow.' If you .nit a pcrfict :irtiilc in.nlc from Sfcmp IhunV lt csi rit nii- anj rklll, we I1I wll you 1 m liitn you c.iu lny i.i thnlarc or clpcwlicre. Al.-o i.ori:ii:-H!:sri:i:rixni)atUi'i'imcci .1 boo,i ir- titU-. I'lc.wr call cr n-iid your cnlir-- lo JEWETT & BRIGHAai'S, 7 Kailrui.l SU M. .lolintlmry, Vt. RUTLAND, VERMONT VAILEY Montnal it VlnUhunjh Whitehall & Plaltsburgh Railroads. On -iii.l aftcr Dli mnr.i: 12ili, trjin- will ruu i.t fullou?: lIOVIX(i SOITII. v. M. A. M. I-. w. I.iaio l'.oinc- I.ino,...r.IHI I.C-H1- Moori V .Iunc., . .Wis I '.IH ArricJt l'littilurKli,.'.lS 11." Ix-iv.- Ilitt-lmrl -I-"' Ar. it All-abK- l:lir,.. MOVINM NORTH. lsnv Au:lU.- Kivir... " Arriioat I l.tM.un;li,. ,-,.:!" -.itL-ltiri:l ." t.I"' Ar. at Moor.-' .Iiiiic ,. .:l Ar. at rioiiIo,. 1 movinc! somi axi) i:ast. ; ltnrliiiitm,. i u :iu Arriieitn. llon-i-fi'l ,'-'.n S.S. I. iiM-lkll..-' l'.ill--.. .-.Vi l 3 30 -.IU Airm-at Itrattl . Iir.-,. .:!.U r. m. l.Jn 9.i I..1H- llnt I !, Airoi atC.out'j for.,.l.-;il 2i M5 1."' MOVINC. NilKflt AXI) WKST. 1ah rtiioutVlor., '.'.H 11.40 c."-1 Ilriltl4l.oro. 10.l i !.!" J I.i .- ltrittl.-1-mo, ll.i'O !'.r- 1-3' Ar. r.ol!ovs fill lS.ti M H'.i:- 1.. :i IVllouerall', l.'.i' 1 '.S 0--r' ArriM-at KlCl m.l, 3.10 K 13 KM l.iivoi:ml!inl.... 3.20 I'.-.-i 1.IH Ai. it llurl n-lo!i, li.r- 4.M -1 l'l :-.i" Tiain- t.'oiiucrt u- I'nllnw-: At Ilu-.linzt nuith It.-at'on Ijil..- Cliaii.l'l in ai.l Vi-rinont IMi'nl aml VniuoutHiid 1'ii'sd.l l:mlmul,for Momixlur. M. Allan', U.U-.S lViut,Montri-il,l'i;den -Iii-kIi iid lli-W.f. At KutU-id uilh tr:iin fur lVnt i it n, Vanclii rr, Irov, luny ml nv ViTk, Mr.l.pi si'iiu Sln-mc-' and th- Wo t. At I'.illj with triin- on Cl-Orliirp lUilroid f. r l ilrlil.U L-li, WoroiHir I.uill. Wi'h Snllivin ltiil roid tir Wir.d f.r. Wliito l:ii. r .lunctio.i. Will' Kiir. . .Inlin liirv,, l.itlliton and W'hif Mount iin' ; nitli tho V. rinmit Vall.- lliilioi.l at IVIIoh? l iilK at UraltMiorn ltli trainil Nf ' l.nn lou Ni r.liirn tor AmlnM, l' i un-r, W illi.iiuantic, Ni.mii h, .on- l.ii.lon ind N. u Vlk. or wl-li Conn.- ti.ut Biut IMlrruu f r riu.t'uM., Ni-n IIji.ii ind :tf I'.i'' tortho W.-t i 1 Ki-o tlil- i ili.ap. 1.1, iMint iu. d i:ia-.lit!oiM roul.-. l..r u.d Jil lircc intonu-.tion iu.m'.ro r.t tho nfii ou tho iilir. Or.O. A. MI'.KIIII.I.. Ccn. Suiit. AUGUST II, 1370. FRUIT AND VEGET5 BLES NEW FALI. AND WINTERS.G00DS K. UNDERVVOOD'S CLOTILlNd STOUK! ALLEN'S BLOCK. Tho rulpr.ib.rliu.jut rcoiii.d rioin lnuiUt, .1 tim i.i.limnt .1 I i.ll W iutir Cco.1, r..r ii.m uud 1h.j ucir, tout.1i1.11u .1 finc loti.f OVK I J COAT I iSrO 1'iGiii iiudiiun to tlu- Miy linivt inik.F of ll.iv. r-. Cl.iu. Iii.l 1-, c r.', ju.l r uuLo'. .l-o. l UrfTO : llt . f UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS! l'i.ur.d l ljim. 1 Shiif, l ino .-hirls l'.i. r and I.incn i-.,i;imatideuir.!, l:.iiv, No.-l.foi-, ll:indl.rrrhicr, Ar., kr., A.-. WIIICH WILL BE SOLD CIIEAP ! Cl.vhii. tuid - lo ordor Iu th.- la'o.l p 1, r. and in tho lKft m um. r. fct. .lolui'l.ury, Sipt. 1.', l'7il. YOUR TIVE BUY YOUR HARNESSES. A nooil assnrlmcnl of all kinds of JInrnr.11 CIIEAP. nd all nther s-v-d' in tl.o Ilarnow. lino. Call ai.d n, u:d lniy chiap. .My luotto it, lmt lo Im underFcld. .1. r. i..i)rci:u, Ant.. Av.niio II011FO, K11I101.I ttot. tt. .Tohn-bury, Vt., My, ::, 1-70. lutr GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! H I G (j I N S rr?.sss g-oods or i:vi:i:y i)i--iiiition SELLING CHEAP FOR CASH ! tiii: m:xt jo dyh i : Tho old f tock toln-loi...I out tonnko 100m for noir. NllW IS TIIK Tl.Mi: TO IU V. Ii. tho aiKl.tcd timc. Ycn can Rct l.ijicb' Cloth aud I-ldico1 and llontv OionliM-i at rrtlt' ptic. niort tiuio. si ki:i:ti:i: 1 s I'-juii.l to tcll Ihtm to m iko room r..r N'cu i;.U aro rr 1-1 Vntt tlicmark.t aflir.l(. s,,, r,.i , l.y (3llin at STl:i:irri".l;'s, iu T 1 M liZ M-i-l.r.s. J sw.xr r..TAT.,rs, j fj ic, Ar. , .v ( -llIJjv At A. M. COOK & CO.' NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! AT PASSUMPSIC ! Tho Euli.-cril.ors L.ivejuet cpcncd a ivcll eclccUd awk or IlltV coous, WKST INI1IA COODS, TEAS ANII COrFEKS, (irarrantcd good.) f:i:oci:i!ii:s, WhkiiwiiiioEoi.iataannvsoNAiii.i: i:ati:s aaat any 1 1 ict- in thii! county. Amun whioh aro Alpacas, 25 c's. and upwjrds, Tycoon Reps, 28 ccnts, Bcst Shecting, 15 cts. And other goods in prop.irtion. IC. T. & II. K. IDK. ra-tun.ivic, Vt., Oct. -0, 1-70. WOOD ! WOOD I ! I.. WOOIIIirilVuilldoliv. rlMnchSI.AIt WOOII in tho tilligclt il pirccrd. Ile u ill al.o do jol.l.ius Ofnlt kiu.lj. CHHAT VARIKTY OF Antl Cannot Ik- llvnt in (Jualily niul Jrifo. rolaoco chcui r.- ar.d T..harco .-niol ors call md l.n.k ..ry.ur.ho-. A. .11. COOIi A- ). THE CLAREMONT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, - - xr.w ii.mi'.siiii:i:. Mamitactiiu-n of PAPER & BOOKS, STEREOTYPERS, ,i..i5 r.uoK anp i-i:ini i:i:s, S,,'iiitv ll.- cl.l.ri lor iny thin.; uud. t t)u-.i!ov.' h .1 Jii.l oil r 'i 101; 01.11 .-.i.-.s- I'.xrni:. THE GRFAT ! PRESERVtR OF HEALTH ' i-.i i r iwtuiuiwi j.iiiin.oiviii TJ O 1 1 1 I V Al DUA W KliS. ii,,' a r J. A. MOORE'S, MAIN STREET. THE WEED SEWING MACHINK. a;, 7 i m WHY IT IS THE BEST ONE TO BUY It nuki f tho I.uCK kTITIII.Iiw i ttnicht nio.llo. aml U iiiado uith tlio II...I.1 .( Ii .t l.-f innl.i...iy, Vill do tliirk. r aud tl r .rl. nu otl r uith.ut at.v rhauo iu iti- pirtF, -iu.1 1 f.K l.aUi. to nt cut ir oid.'r. ir KiNs i:a.-ii:i: than any otiii.k and i- rn riin.o iu it ii-.irhauirin that a 1 uuy u,o it. ir wn.i. i..t i.onci:i: TIIAN ANY ilTIH'.l:, i-f i-urti U-ii.B 1. 11, ind niado cfl1.-1rd.111M P1..I. ir ni.orivi li -1 1111 riusr ruizi: tlio I uitid .- ir wn.i. sint 11, 111.M, 1 1:1.1., iivnir.i:, m:i, t.i.Ioall lioiluiiu. W.-lunwh uith 1...I1 a liiro M..1 th. 11 ill liirn any uidth ot h. 111. .ind .1 Unii.l. r, t;uill. r. in.l 111 1110 !i.ofr..r t..ow, t..r56lJ. Wo am havo, i.i rouutrtioti nith tlu- .ilirir, tho U-t .H-Ottlll. ut of ih:y cdohs, : i: ; 1:1:1 i :h. ri.ori:, i:oci;i:i:v, II MIIlWAUr, MATS Sit Al-S, isnors k si.ons, 1 l.'ll UIM,-, A.-, A.-. :or i.: a- juay, ."nr w I'.sr concoi:i), vt. EVKUYTHING for.aloCllI-.Arat A. .11. fOOK A- CO'S, BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS I ru:i.MNi: vi:i:y CHEAP! CIIEAP! CHEAP! ir jr.u don'tlKlu vo it t iU indico. NTKKKTKW, i. ll. STKKKT. Novembcr I, IS70. Crockery aii'l Glass Waro ! SELLING OFF flj A SMAIL PROFIT I Jiint roc ivcd a m w- it,.k -ind w ill DEFY COMPETITION IN PRICES I l)o not (uil lo CAIiI. niul svr ihc HiZST I.A.MT in u-r. tn.o.ip,, tnl ciica Ihc linST I.ICIlfof Jny I.ainp known, and cvoiy fmiily il.tnld h ivc ono. A. JW. COOK A- CO. NOTICE. Xotico ia honhy Kiv.-n I Imc Ihij diy ulvcn my n. IJ.-.I. W. llii.I.n 1,1. n i... ...f!.i.. payjiuy dol.te ot contractiui; aficr thia .latc. ' .,. .11.1.1. i;i w. iu nso.N. Witno.i, D. v:. Hri.i.iN. Eatt llmcn, .lau. 17, 1571. iCl,' T O 33 -flt. C3 O O .1 CHANGE OF FIRM ! GOSS, HOUGHTON & CO. latc Co k Ailcn, at thc old rtand, Ai cnnc llousc Hlock Kailro-id rtrc-.t. will kcp concUutly on I.aud a largo and cl oiro lot of pooda touFictiug or W. I. Goods and Gro:crics, Prcvisions of all kinds, Exfra Brands of Flour, Pork, Lard, 4c, 4c t ruicns TiiiT c'.N..r rwt. to :ii i: ! ;oo.'i. or t jfi rIv. u iu I'lthai-- for Producc. :ir-AI..ia;:inU. f..r .'Ciurf.-l. Moi-.iu.; Mlchiuca and l.uc.-'d Ilon-c ilakoi. St. .lohnpliury, Vt., .M irch 1, 1-70. A'J ORIGINAL O C iS1 U iN! I.) i: U M SMJK.KI;S i A'A A ll. WTicn 1 a luan. imagiuitiou iu tho hi.ui i ANSWHR, Whi u ho ini.iKiuiv hc can (,-it aa inuili laluc for I.i. inoiioy, a.t.T piilu a liu-iilK'r ot l.roti 8, a- ho . all ,y l.uyiu dirt-cl froui tho iuaiiufuctory. FOR INSTAKCE. I . an eoll a Iaix of nlej llavna rill.-d Cigir-, callod " UASTINGS' BEST" I. r", nhich aro "l.iniup" and no lnirt.iko. Or if you liko a luildoi Cii;ir, try u Uix ol tlio "AVENTJE HOUSE" i-'orjlil. Or, if j-ou likoa flnill (i-rar, I havc n Ha viiua l illod finir, r )i.-ciilly f.u miall inouthod nuok'od ' THE GEM" W hich ii. :i irnu for tho ltriri-. o.ilv 3.nO mr liox. If j.ui . iijov u Kiki MiM.icf. :in i inoa ihkii tlavor. iltJUMr, vanny.'cilhil " "' ' - ,tc lJr s- "THE PEAItli" An.l you will i.ot.fiu.l tl.o a lv irl of irroat prlco. for tlio M70, J7..M p. r Uir. I ul-o liaio a liro l lliTjtm, talk-.l " IIAnHY'S BEST " W'l.loh I-. a '-ftunnor,'- Ii th ia rfialltv, mzo and pricn. 1 al.o iiunu'jclurc u Ur;;c nu llax'u.a ilKJ tilc. ollidthc "SNOW PIiAKE," No r. I ti.) i to tho lrottor . f tl-.- raiu' iiainc. l ut n. vor-tluln.-. it i-. a "r.d lo t-cno an.I tlu prioo It il " RAIL KOAD" Itran.l that uill irrmd rati-!'ict.on,an 1 think th.y oucl.t t.i. . f.tvf. an.I I nt l.ut uor Ir .ft, c m t niv iuo.t uii bi hrni .1, I . all "TnE DIAMOND,' lh. v nio :i In -n.I i-liin fi"ir inl aro diit cl 0111 at z .iH.pirlKX. Nuw dot.'t iti-tindto i.iLKiii. that you .-,ii (..-tjci.! luoa. -t . ..Mi, u.ll. oi lyo.o SHAIih PKOPIT oiu-ot fi. iu ll .- iuani:fjrt..rv,-liin to 1 m f.k-r.r. that in Noiv Yt.rk, M L-i-i. I.u-o n o. I onn. cti. ut. toM to ou.- .in lu .1 )...!. ll.-l cutl, luwiiK or ni Jir..tit, o.;-r.--t !i ,r;-. f, i;out. or k.-.I.11. tt 1IALP THE MONEY You ci i I no l 1- t or w.rti:i. ut -l .1 hiiorv.rvCi.-a-n .rrn.t.-.I I .h. iiirriirirn ( r 1 .th.r niiriiiri.t- ti.-f, l-u- id.-i-f lun.iu.l that I u.-c no rh.:...:o.k i.t ill. f-ill iu anl f.o Iio Ciart nro iu id -, and i.. tlu- I irm-rt ' of l:ar-. Sn.okm :iu.l l l.ouiiii l..!. rp, Mrtr.rl.aani, Hri ir. Aj plo Wood, an.l.h.-ii.r .til,-..f ri-, iid .i.rithinu-in thoTo l.i.t.i lino. to Ii i. uud ii il..- pir't ..f tl.o rouutrv A-k inv Ci ii-, i cirlv . v.n ,1 ilor ko. p' th. lu iu thi- ii. iu.ti. II AKI.i:s s. IIASTIMJS, ::tf I n.l. r Ai. lin.- Iloiw, 11. 11. Strott. NEW ARRIVAL ! T 1 1 II Larffest and Best Assortment nr LAMPS, CHIMNEYS & GLASS WARE T.. Iu- found in th.- C.iiaty an.I will l- Foid at i l.nW fli;l Ki:. I-I.w t-.U ind l.k th.ui ov.r. A. M. COOK CO. Novembcr I, 1870. FLOUR & FEED STORE ! Iliimc iir.ii i-cl th.-.tKk ..nd tra.lo of Ai i.ui. n A' II iv. . k, 111 I'.i-I.rn .ii. im.-, ur rhilloiitiiiu.- !.. L. p on hind a lui;o an.I ooni. t.-.t.Nk of tho BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR t . 1. Ii iu t'.i- r..tility. AW..1, Corn, Corn Mcal, Crackcd Corn, Sliorls, Buck Whcat, Self-Raising Flour, Graham Flour, Ryc Mcal, Northcrn Corn Mcal, :l:..l cioij!'. in to I.. foiin.l in oui lli.oof trado. iiiR ha l rt.lilicn ..riil tho tr.i.1.-an.I i. c! in.U-ltor tiiiii,. to iiuit tlu- iimtiulthc Co.1. .rolut lu.r: nolic- lo all ui(4 of tho lillig-. We mcan Busincss. Give us a call. ci:o. Ai.nmcn x co. Novembcr I, 1870. Dovner's Kerosene Oil KOIl .SALli! USE NO OTHER OIL! 'J lio rcaon- why ycu elmiM uo noo'hcr : IT IS SAFE. Imlns .ifiretirtcfnpfr locMhjn i'.irenTit it. IT IS CHEMICALLY PURE, iu. iu, ore hiilllinry ofllamo. i onjuiiiini- I FQQ oil f.r . Kinnanioiint oriiKh-. ITtGlVES LESS TROUBLE, iora,o tho lamp rcqnlm. I.-M frciui nt lillinK, and tho iii.kl.ti. frrquont triiumini;. DOWNER'S OIL I' iuotcdn.dknoi,n nll ovcr tl.o wurl 1 a- tl.o highot rtundard l.raiid. IT IS SAFE FROM EXPLOSION ! IT IS SAFE initic handJof your rhildrcn. Sci onlilic nion thioiif,-iioitt tho counlry rlaini it is tlio only purc oil 'old. J'Call andsccfor yourselvcs. Sol.l liy A. .11. COOK A- CO. HO ! FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! C01"' LYNDONVILLE, C. APFLEBEE'S Smyfffilhii Vi:i:moxt. And (co thc lft dii-j.lay cf TT OLIDAY G O O T) S In Xoithcrn Virni.nt. GOLD, SILVER & HAIR JEWELRY Madc to ordcr. FiqKilar riclKlio rorr.-nliinB Wahli i a, Jciulry, Arc. I.viidoniillo, Vt., I)cc 1?, 167.1. BUSINESS CHANCE ! Thc eubacril cr cffcr for ?ale the itorc Ixlocclnc lo tlio cctiite of Ilcn. Gcorpc Coule dccta.acd, aud aleo a carcftillv MKctcd ttock of Dry Goada, Groceries, &c. SuM e'orc ia Iatkc, convenlent, and well located and uow havins picfitaMe ruu of cufltomiinaVinB m rarc op portuuity for any one wieliinp to enaBO in tliu n-tail inide. Kor iiarticularH call mi or adilm-a. IIENUV W. fOWI.KS. 41tf Mclndoca F.i'N, VL A FOR SALE1 Tbc f ui) cril or will k11 liifl Urgc oui byDr. C. ll!nullar.!" loSldTn b" WUrtgc of&U Jolm-burj, on the corner of Ccntral and Spnnff etrcctf, aod wiihin a minuU-'a walk of thc pot otticc, ecboola aud c burchcs. Tbc boiiMe is doublo and convtnleutly anangod for threc ttmiilic. (iood ruuning wattT eup plics cich tincmeiit and btrn. Tho buildiua arc all iu pood rcpatr. Councctisl uith tbc abore ie tuflictcut I ind for a Kcod pardcn and ono rto boudo 1of. Tcnin wry reaaonable. J. II. ri;CK. M. I. t. Jobni-biiry, Vee. C, 17i- FARM AND STOCK, FOll SALK1 Tbopiib-crib(rfffcr8 bls fann for b.1c, coneirtln of .ibout 'iimacniiof crccllcnt Und, with 1 1-'-' inilcs of tbc illnc of tt. .lolai-lmrv, ono cf tbc p caantwt eit tiationn ou thc P.irvimip-ic Vallcy. Any ouc do-irin a ooil fann, el locatcd, do utll'to cijihIdc it. Tt riiict of p.iynu-nt niade vit-y, Alo, 10pK)d Oouitl )ok of, fn!I .l.Md, Alderncy Kull, bindy, 1 ycvrliiiK lUlfcr, Aldemcv,) 5 Ablcrnoy Ilcifcr Cah4f. (l-?Uood,)4 cbin tuon ljIvfM. 1 Avrjsblrc llcifcr Calf, (!-' bloo.1.) 1 Al- dcrucy Hull Cilf, (futl t.lood,) -5 jrool rKrre-wol Hu e. Kwiv, 2 pofid IIonrfH, - two-year-old Clftj, 1 euckiiij; Lolt, u lot of iny. nnd ctncrperhonji prop iiy. JONA111AN HOrfS. Ft. .Tobni-burj-. Nov. 1(, 1S70. Sl'tf FARM FOR SALE ! Situttcd fire niilcx fiom Kit Hardu-ick, (ho froiu thc illiKc 'f Nojnviilc, on tge ro.tri. 75 ncrrs of Kfx-d land. IttiiMitiB Kd wiib a little rt-pairiiu;. About 10 roda ironi a pi-od ner Btbool botieo. Henty of ttiu b.r. Nvar tliu l:. U. etirv r. Tor pirticulir ftdditfx tbc fiil.rtnUr. F. W. ClIKKVlUi. 1. M. WjI.Icii, Vt. tf HOUSE FOR SALE! illc. Siid plarc (outainin tbrcc atroi of pool Iani, on wnicn in a tttin um uoiue, uiru aud outimildiuR-i, VI in irood rrptir. Aleo litetoua of Iur aud twthc. cord- of Huod. tf joiin v. ritrcorr. g A SALE! bjffinTi'iS ,n 1cr, i't of coi.tinotd eii kneH?, IoflVr ny CeiitrcHnd ciita'nin- 1 ; rn-n cflnnd under a bili puto ut cultir l'iou. Houfetvvo-etorVs. nltb barn- and fbcda hII iu koo1 rcptir, with iitMT-Iailin wUr t houa and bani. A hlrcral crcdit uill b- giwn f-r 1 art of tbc pun ba-' moncy. Abo, a Kod f.tmlly bor-c ai.d b ir i rn a buy wjg oi a tinglc fkib, iitirty tavv, aud i rx-d onc-boipe Iid. JUHN MOUSK FOR SALE ! lliviiicinovtd to Oibana cmuty I of fcr Ior pal my plari- .it Lyndon, cou-ist-iiyofiim'wnct o; bmld.n0 ; hou' tuo ot.ruf MxUI ith Mi'xio. tiru 2x. a'l ucll tint-btd uith a ucvr fjiliuK wtll tf uattr pump into ki'ibt u aml runiiiu wttirui I arn, with Jil iicnf of pd lintl, 1 1 l-lt)fit tlie niccst ot iiHidou-iu a tfjod htatc cf cuUH.ttlou. lcn:ided ou cue Mdc bv I'j rutnp'c ilvci and on tbc otbcr by IWuitipic I'.ailroad, tuktiv bi.t 11 rod ot f iic to ft-nre It. Witbin ouc mile of rjc-unip-'ic K. K. ihrH" and Itiptiet iVmlinry, nut n:.. lulf im cfroni l. n lon Mill-.ti.d Ia udou CraJ- id rhoI. Al-o. lU.icrc of nicc timlKi liud In tbcctut ptit l.urk . lia.4 a mur o.cbard of tr.c-t u ttti buckct-, b Ucr-an-1 pan-t and onc uulhidcd b:ft:ocd npir b- um liinj: within o: c tnilc of mh iu'll llc aboi u ill Wft.ld n . bari; tin. IVr iclrtmo mpiirc of r. V. Muubiinir it lyndon t-crmr, or A. b I A. IrMiN. .Nov. 11. 1 RESIDENCE FOR SALE! Kc-i.Iorc now ,ui-.d and rirupuil ! il'IlINhXri A. Al.ltl'.N.on llaiboa.t trwt. I'ertl t.J ht.ttt. IVr 'c:iu, Ac. apply to tlic CAVID POWERS Good Boots aud Shofiss at rrs, vi:i:itNr. 2 r"A pKd nj ply t n band. Alw, fomr tf Uu u-wt furibby ihi:i.ks l'ou tu.-. .n. cunJ butic iwith vt l nioiii btl II. ui- Miniuur Mrc t, M. JblniIur SELLING AT GOSTI Wt.-luii: totlo-cout ourM.-ck of l:il-Ki:n and CI.ASS IVAUi; uill -.11 tho ui.iv at ll. 1 llaliliK a 1 iiro tok on hind an.I Iui-l.t u tl.ola-itt ridurti. u of 1 1 i. .-- can .lT. r i-id lndo to thoro lio uoli to ullli lioiv V.iro. I'l.a-o call .lud till l.jk.I.-onlt. Salt Pork, Sugar Curcd Hams, Driod Bcef, Tripc, Pickles loi h.ilo rhoi for ( AS1I. A. M. COOK A CO. CHECSE, BUTTER, CODriSH, MACKEIiri , SAI.MON. FLOUR, OAT MCAL, A. M. CtlOK ,t (M.-S. ELIAS HOWE VVHG MA(!iA F. O. FHATT. ' I'ounty AK-ont. 33XjIV.S HOW33 ,JJCl. Va3thcO,:;,.i,il i-,,.rof tho sJe .lng Marlilnc. r.hd Iu.IKo r.'.m.n. . f M i fichllf. tf, altcr a Unf; Irial rid.d that l lioro t no ciid. i.ccln Ihie c ye thatlo a ihad.iw ol doul.t th it, for all tho beiu-St louforrod un- on thc I'ul.lic l.y tho iutrodurtion or a Scuins .Macl. thc imhlic iro inJcl.t. d to i:il o Hcrrc, Jr.' Zeflie ur,- ttnt the b.'' Wfor Hirvhaiuij. N f. o. riiA'ri It. Ii. ytrrit, yt. .lolimhury. Vt., .luly ln, l'7-l. AMERICA.N AND FOREIGN PATENTS i(. ii. i;oi)Y. SOMOI TO It O T 1 A T liXTs tur lnmiliMU, Tradf M.trit. or Vwyiw, No. "0 statc Strcct, opiKnito Kilhy ftrcct, I!o-ton, Mjiu. ycara rontlnupa t.i.ecure patcuta lu the UultrdSUtea all iapcraordraulii!i.iriia'tiiit, eiecutcd on il'bJSu icru.9. au.i iiu llopalch. llcsearchen mado Into Auit-rlcaiior dctcimluc ihe vaiiditv or uuui oi pait'umorluvcntlona an.I lecal or other adi iro reudrred 111 allmattcrslouchliiBthChinie. Coi lct oltheclaiiuaotany atcnt lurniahed bv roii,ini., ii Asl;iiniciiti.rccordcdat Washlnston. "I rccard Mr. Kddv ,.. Couiuilshlonerol Pateuta. cannot cmplo.v a pcraoli more couipetent and trui.t. worthj.aliiliuorecapablcoliiuttliig thelr appllcatloui luafonn to eecure lor theui au carly aud lavo-ni ! til.crai:on at the patelit olllce." ,JiJ)1,,V'i1" "UKKt: LateUouiiultMoncroll'atfiita. ?i'.l,,,'iiv."i"LTrl,':ch tIcenTan"t'cd':f;d Ulont and allllty n"ha part lcads mi tl'rZ,l" i o.?.!v;"V,1.y V. M? P"re thcir pat.-nla M?.nbcatS!oi r ii .Y fuavl"t:l'uut tallhlul altcti. care!t. - ,.,,.0, rcaonaLle i.Jan.l.lB71 ly. Jobbing. Jobbing. fr ii . 7 ii i . i a "ciiny iiifrKe to an.I johs couimittrd to our carc uill be douc filthfuflv 'iVim nt Ili-not on rtivil rtftnt... J' B A M- COOK & CO. Ilec. 9, 1CC. A. .11. OOK V CO A L S 0 , Orannn S. Clark's Estate. STATE OP VERMONT, lln Probate Court. holden at C'aledonu uistnct, s. tue tr rooaio umce, m ot,. Johnsbury. oii theythdayol Jan., A. D..IS71. Wllll.m V (lnrtr D,lmlt.l.(lnr nf th e-statC of Oranco S. Clark, late of Grotcn. in sald dlstrict, tlc ceaaed, inakes appllcatlon to Fald court for Ilccnse to seil the whole of ibe real e&tateot sald deccased, rep resentltiR that sald wle U necesary for the pamcnt of the debU ol sald Ueceased and tbc (.hargcs of admlu istratlon. wbereupon it isoruered hy sald court that sal.i ap pllcatlon coine nuder cotikideration aud be bcard ou the I'sthUayol Jan., A. V.. 1p71, at the probate oilice ln bU Joluiatury ; and, It U furtber ordercil, that all pcrsoua iuicie&ieu ie nouneu ncreoi, uy puoucaiion m uomeoi thU appllcatlon and ordcr thcreon, thrce wetkssuccea Ively ln tbe Caiedunlan,prlnted at iSt. Johubury, bc fore bald tlmecthearliiK, tbat tbcy mayapicaf at sald t liiio and plaie, and, If they kc cJtiac,otJcct, thcretu. By thc Court. Attet, iO ASA I.. FUKNCM, Jude ol Prolwtc. Harris Brockway's Estate. Ibe bub&crlbera ha lns Leen appolnted by tbe bonora blc probate court for thedi&trlct of C'aledoiila.comujl slouera to recelvc, exauilnc und adjust all clalms and denjauddotellpcrBonaaiialiiattheetituteol HnrrUHrocL way.late oiSt. Johiidbury. Iu aald dfstrlct,deccaed..rcp re&euted lusolveut. aud ibe term of btx njoutba fr-nu tbe 17th day orlJec .ls7u,beiu; allow t-dby t-ald court to ihe credltura of tald decoaccd lu eahlblt and prove thetr rcspcctlve ctulni bclore ua ; GUe notlce tbatue v.111 attcnd to the dutles of our appolntuieut at the Countlus Koom ot Bacont Ide, ln Ut. JohunLiury Ceutru, ln sald DUtrlctou the llih day ulJanuarj aud loth day ot June uext, at tcu o'tluvk ru thc foretioai. on rach or&ald dajs. 45-13 UUjVBAU 11UVT, um rk Mary A. Davis' Estate. TIIK t-ubacrlbert ha Ing beeu appolnted by tbe hon orablc prob&te court for tbe disirlit of Esmx. com lulaaloueri) to reielve, cxaiutne aml adju-t a liUtiuai.d deinauds of all ver.soiis aalut tbc ctale of Mary A. DavU, Utc or Blooiuilebl, lu iald dl-lrlct, dcceaed, repretiitfd lnxjh'ent. aud tbc term of slx uioiilhs troin the 7th day ot Feb , 1371, bt Iur allowcil hy satj court to the cit-dltors ot uld dicL-acd, to exhiMt and prove theirrepectlvecIalniHbt'forc u-: (IHc notlte that will atteuti to the Uutlcn ot our upiKlntnitiit at tbedwclllns housc t Ilenry Kullt-r. Jr . in Bloom field. tUhald dUtrkt, uu the 7th day or tb. and 7th dayof AiuiiAt. tiext. at Iu o'lIocL, luthe torcnooii on cjcu oi Miid uaj. 1G Mary B. Hadlock's Estate. ln sjld dutrtci on thelUh day ot Jun . A. !.. I-7I CbarU K. Bvutoii, extcutor of tbe lat.u ill at.d tita mcntof Mary B. liadlock, Ute oltiulldhall, ln balddi trlct, dcceasfd. prc&ents lita admlnlstrattou aicoui.t tur cxamtiation and allouaiice, and maLes applltatlou tur adeiree or dlstiibutlou and partltiuii ot ibe estate ot taid deceascd Wbereupon, Itlsordered by sald court that tald ac cnunt and bald appllcatlon be relcrred to a xck&lou ot a&M court to be hcM ut the proh-to otUte lu tiuUdhall. on theslhday ot Jan'y.A. 1). 1S71, tor bcarluRand dc cUtou tbereoii. And it U turtbcr ordcred, that notlce hercof be glven to all pcrwjus tntetcated, by publlcation tlme anuotnted rorbcarluj. that thfyiuiy unt'Lear batd tiuie aud placc, aud bhow cau-e, tt any tlicy uiay bae, Hhy tald account ehould not be ulfoucd, aud eucti dicrce :ade. B tbc Cturt. AtU-st, It i-i H'M. II. HAUrUOit.V Ju-i.-o ot "robato. Betsey Meader's Estate. 31ATK OF VKllMOXT,! Iu probatecourt beld at tbe probate olllce lu t. Johusr hury, withlu and lor wiid duirkt, ou tbc lsth day of January, l7I. AS Intruuicnt. purportlns to be tbe at hIII and tcsitament ot Belbt v Mcadt-r. latc ot Ittc-tratc. ln ald dUtrlct, deieaed, bcing precnlc-d to tbc couit lor probate: It it ordcred by haM court, ibat all pcrNi)j couccrn ed imtlhVd to appfjr at a iilou ol :ald cuurt to be boldcn at tbe probatuothit'tu St Juhnbury, btitbe7th da ol Keb , A. 0.1f71, and tli.wcaue, 11 any they may hae. azalust lliv piobatc oi tild w 111 ; for uUich purpot-e It liiurtlicr ordrred thata topj ot the rccord ot thli order be pubilnd thrt-c uei-ks j-Uict&-nt lyl:i the Calcdoulau.prtiitcd ai M. J .l.iiaburj , pre- loUi to rabl ttme upjMitnted lor bt artiit;. By thc Court Atte-t, ASA K. FllKN'UI Jndcol Probutc. Atrue iopv of record Attcst. 47 AbA 1.. FUKXCIi, JmUcot Probate: Tryphena Miles's Estate. STATK OF VKItitO.S'T. 1 111 jrubatc court, In l t at Ok-ionli ltlstrkt.t-d Ui- rrubute OHUc, Iu M, Jijlin.-t.iiry, m (.ald dlrtrtit. on thc lslh Ja ot Juu. a. i) i;i. l.uclus S. Frccmau, adiuiti!strator t.f tbe c-state ot Topbena Mllcs latc ol U'aterlord. lu sald OMl kt, dc coatrd, proeiii' bls admlulatratloii uctount tor exaul liatloii aiul jll'rvmin.e, and iu.kt uiphcuttuii fur a dc crcc of distrlbutiMit und parntlou ot ii.e uiu ol uid dl't tJfCd. U hircuion, tt 1- ordtre-I by sttldcuurt. tliat .ild .10 coiti.tandilduppltcattuu !h rtturifd to a ms -...'! ol a1d(oiirttu lit-Mat tlte prubjtf -.ilice ln M. Juhn bur. on tbc illt day olFib.A 1 1:71. Ior bt-artni-atid dict&lon tticrfm: Aud It ! tui lh;r ordt-it.l. that Uutke bircot bo KUt-ni" ah prrn- lntt n ate.l, b publKatl.u cl tn tbe (.Jk papt r publiahed at M J-diiisbury, prel limc Kppulntrd lor bearit.k-, ihdt lUvy uity apj 1 . ll any tln 11. j id jvtoiilit uld t.ut le alltiut-d, ut.d lade. B the Curt, Alli st. ASA I.. Flth.NCIl. Judc ot Fiubate. ol rtiord.-AtU-st, ASAI.- FBK-N01I, Ju.Iic of Probate. E. T. STILWELL, Mjnuf-tt tui ir ai.d di-ult r in I..idK-t ,' nU and l.ilditu'f FASHIONABLE BOOTS AND SHOES, Rubbei".-: of :ill lintlr. -.'.nilnii.V llld HruStotc. Main Slreet, - - St. Johnsbury, Vt. :iyKiliairiUK&f all Viud pioiu tl attcudcd to. SEWING MACHINES FROM S25 to $250. wii.cnx .v cntns, wr.rn. iihmi: mii rri.i:. Anv S-ii int Marhinc dciro.l procur.i.1 -it iiianufac-iin-r'ririi.. .1. I.. I'I:UK1N, ACm,I. OCTOBER 2G, 1870. STOVES AND HOLLOW WARE, SINKS AND PUMPS, 'iociniii.i: wmi Aiio.m Arsii:T.n:M- oi I1N AM JAI-AN WAKi: CONSIAMI.Y ON 1IANI at thc oi.D tin snor, at ani i:;:a. sona1!li: ri.ici:s, M t-n as n.i ni.i.ii io .nTOI- AM PCNDER Ali.UT. raitUulir attention ot uriliajn. icalhd to tlu- 'ookliiK Stom -Morriinac," "C ibinot." Tatrol," and lnipr.iM.1 Anuric.ln," all fitti.i up for ivood or coal. AIihi, thoI.ij;ht llou-.." a douMo bottrui .liiiutiu. baao buiuint; cal rtuio for rittin roonip or parloi. AIjo, thc-Mctir. yvt 11 ator," thc m ry h. H funiac. in l ic, call ui.d -f ouv iu nctuil tw ut mi !! p ai d 1.. ...miurid that it J thc o.- X. I!. y.'iv .; prrnal att. i.tion to InilMi .lol Wi.ik. U. OU niCKY, R E A D THIS! bc T.U, il llil-dH t BURDETT CELESTE ORGANS. lloir aro ou to Inon thc inaittc( tliro. or;;an? IIoh l.cj.iil.i liud outtluir Hjvnori7 aboie all .:lu w T Why iro and ci iinino thcm at il 1-ourt tr... I. 11. ton, u li. ic lu.-y arcrocciiin tho hichc-t ironi all n ho li.-ir tlu ni, ut rupi rior and l ufoiul.- to exrrUuoa, audall kinilaof Miuical"!. rcli indiec at iiivcri imci-rt. JOHiN V. IIAYNKS i CO. No. 33 Court Stnct, Itonon, Mk. tiT-l'iirc I.It-t. and Ciriulara tt-uton appllcatlon. . tfob.nTI HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES. Thc-guh-crilHTlia'luocurc.1 rrom tho nut H.uu-opath:c l-harinacy. an.I lari;eet litnnan Imiioiting MEDICINES AND BOOKS, l'or I'h)lcun and ramily utc. The ulmo.t nalnalut K-cii uud to a. curc thc inoi.t nliablo .lualiliw. These Medicines aro Guaranteed for Gen uineness and Purity, an.I thc tttmo.t paina uill aliv.iya 1 tak. n in ohtaiuini; and di..pcti(lni; thcm. '1 hcy will bc eold iu Tinctures, Dilutioiis, and Triturations. l.y tho fInKlc l ial, or ln roniplcte tcta. lWltl CarofSlediriM. ttilh or vnlknut of.ili l'll!)ietaiuatid y.ihulii MfMne Ckeij. I'nro M.thcr Tlnctiim, Trituration- aud riilution-, n itli uso, uith l'hiiK Coi kt'itc. otc' IINt-lll-l- Tif'v? CA, AKNIUA l', AK.MCA SAI.VR, tl.c btrt .Liiituice ior iiuinp, r-cMu.", iuui-ce, r.prainr, ctc. Ordera by mai! will niect uith prompt attuition, and Boods thipp. d to auy jur: of tlic Matc. riaini.lo ordeni lioni l-iyMClantolicltrd. Any Hotn.-op-ithic llookpub. o . t: . i) o iv , St., Oct. 20, LOOK HERE! PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY KOIi sai.i-: ! n i e a 1 1 1 1 a i .1 .k 1 1 y . aiui . , ; ; ,.r,"2L "'V. . i chancj- in a t hou.,aiid tor any onc who wlt hra'a goo cll c.liUl.hid bualncra. iutniKivc oi uiy iouk ii- poiicncc in niakinB larce iiktun a rhoolj att. nd to it at onc.-, aa I ahall rcll out aud Iraro th. hnlnti aa foou .pow.iblc. lt. iAOi:. M.jIoliiishurj-, Vt , Ucc. 23, 1ST0. lf OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE AttbcCAIXUOSlA.V OFrirn, by thc huudred. g;tuclty & (Co'si (Column. 8 O'OLOOK. D O D D ' S NERVINE HAS ItKI.IUVKl) TIKirANI3 OK Coith, CoM, I'ecr, Ariic, Hcadacho, N'curalj;ia, I))r popdia u ith lot of appctitc Conetipution, blccplcuucfr, all Xcrvoua :fTi-ction, IVuialo Wciknnv or, ic. lriro .1. S.-o rcconnnonilationa uith cucli bottlc. l:ca.l uliat onc lruggit uaya: 'Wo havo Ml.I D.n.n's Nievine for the Uil tix yca and can truthfully say it ha fc'ivcn cntirc satiaiac tion Ia rvr.Er inhtamie. ko firaa ive ltnoiv. IIiiiIdk the lat ycar ive havo m.1.1 mvr nlnrtrrn ll.inmwl lwt tlcs, andcoufilvritiininicni.oEalo a rufticicnt proof or i'a rclial.itity. (li:o. C. (iOODWlN i: CO., Wholo Balo lnifrsii.u. itoiton." SoU hy all .lruiriit". 4C-4't IJOOK ACENTS WANTED. tiik I.AM) ir sAcnr.n mvsti:i:y. or tiik miii.i: i:i:ai in -ihk l.iiiiir ut- us own SCKMiUV, Itcv. W. I.. Uafo'a nw looV, ia noiv nady. 1-riutcd ou tlutid paH-r. ii-ruod ln N-autlful rtyle, coutaius 00 Supcrh linavinr, aud is ouv of thc uiont valiuhle Itihliail Irfwlcn ov.r iMiitd. In ov.iy family u hi rc tho UiUei to bc found, and thcro aio uiilliona of thnu, thc-ic ciu thi uork bc w.1.1. Aftcntn 11 ill apiTcciato Ihifl. Wo ivant ajtouts nL-o for I'KOr. sroWE'S MXl -IMKUl-nKTI.M: 1-A.MII.V lllltl.i:, the Kraiido.t Iwok .-cr ij.uid, Uins hia cruuuin Ut. uork r. nouucod ty critioi. tl.oliueet and nior-t coin-pkt.- Ilil le cxuiit, uoiv liivlu a laror lalc than any utlur thr.r I'.ihl. a comhluid. r-pIoudi.Hy illuilrtcj loutjinia di.-tionarv of tho llihlc, uith i0 nimv-lug-, a hi-tory of t.u-Ii lKwk, i tc, aud ciinhh s any n ad ir to foiui h.a ouu couiiucutary ii tiio ciptun-a aa ho fctudi. i. th. ln. Auy axciit or im ivou 11l.or.ad4 tliifl, and uho de.-iica thc moi't profitable and houoruble butIii(tirt, rcud fur riiculiin. uilh full infoniiition. WUU'l HIMi TON, HL'SIIS 4: ;)., Hartford, Coiiii. 4IS-1'J THEA-NECTAR! A PURE CHINESE BLACK TEA ! WITH CJKKK.V TIU FI.AVOIt! tr5?"Wurranttd to jult ail tiftcn. l'or bhIc cver) iTliirc. Aud for ilc Whoitwolo only by thc Grcat Atlantic and Pacifio Tea Co., 1'. O. Hox, r.50. s. Church ot., N. Y. Ci7"Sind for Thca-Ncctar C'lrcular. IT-r.l c:i:o. r. uuiVDiii, .v co'.s 1 c w &vcvti$cvet$. H H H i H n H H H TO TIII1 WnliKlNG CLASS Wearc nowpiepar cd to furnifb all cljeaee witli con-tnt tinp'ojmcut at bomc, tbc a l.o!c of tbe tlme or for th i-pjrc momt nti. Ilu-imfr.ncw.lif.'htaiid profitable. Ftrsonii of Otbtr fcx (iii'ily eirn inm to $." p r cvmi.Iu, aud i jro poitional mm by detoliu tbcir wholc tim lo the busi ut'Ni. Itoy- and prle ru uc.nly .n much uicn. That all who wc thU iiotico may fcnJ tbcir jddrct't, and tt-ct the bu-inc, uc iimIec tbc unparal'cUd otfcr: To mh iv arc not well r-atiptied, nc uill mnd i-l b ny for ibe trvuble of writinp. Tull particular a valua blc Minplc ubkb will do to coiiiincncc norlt ou, and j iopy ct lbe I'vupluV I.ittrry C'omptnion- one of tbe larii-t and bc-t family n Mrcp iiH.-ra cver pubtifln'd -:dt pintftce by mai1. K adcrt it .u want itrnmnnt, prufit.M.' oiL, nddicw K. C AU.r.N i CO.t Aut,n-ti, Mc. i;.mvi:ksai.ism ; what is it i rVu.l ror the iT.W. IN TIII: WKST. riiiciuuatl A lare h piu-o mckly: ls-. It moe'a all thc want. cr the rin.ilv ; i-'.M pcr jcur. ifl.i!. tlx montha. Tivit. !-iH'Ciiiii-H tr-. AddrcM W1I.1.1AM SON .it CAN I Wl.l.l., liucluniti, Ohio. CIIKISTIAN STAMIAIlll Opp..-. t'cttJ nud adiocatoi. rrinii ivo Chlitimity. Uo-t ind c oaiKft ruuily Wotkly: s piKi-a : 4-. col iluii.'. I ditcd by 1.U-ra Um. I.r.niTT ULd .1. . l.iuin. V- a iar. Spociniciu rrcc- It. W. t'AKUllI.l. li'tl) , l'l.l! , t iliCiuuatl, Ohio. . r. rf..iu to .nccc.fful!y for Tr. liiiunm itc otfor, ai.d r.-cii.-a Walthani Watrh "tl lori.uw.lf. Addr.- li'.vtl;-, CJK.M'I.M: KOItHAY OATS, and.I.IKi: CLOVKI:. S intplc parkaff. i font frco to all fann rj al.o, n copy if tho AMI.IUCAN S'KiC'K J(llUNAIn by indoeini; rtainp to . I. UnlEE & Ci.., rarkc-Luri-'h, r Co.. I'a JlaT WHAT YOU M:i:l)I Nliv ANTUFS1 AM Ql ARTlTb rir. CB. Mib CHOIRS! idrr.e. tcnd 5 c.-nu r.r J. a. iu rri.Ki'iKi.n, i:r. w. iiad.-ou New Yorl. Snlety Sionm I'owei Co. -,-l-tColtld!.dtt. N. Y. B. A. FAHNESTOCK'S V E R M I F U C i K . Miculd orrariou rrinirc vou to rurcha o 11. A. I'ah n. VimiifuKc, be pirtii ularir lul lo thc initial.' ai ;. .1. 1 hir ii th.-artiilc that lioj 1 . . n Favorably Known Since 1829, And rnrchajcrj mnt iiifi-t ou haiiui-it Ifthcydo nrt M to haio uu liuitation ft.rcid uikiii th.til. V I C K ' Ihc 1 ir,t r..l.ti..n of im.-llun.'.ro.i and Pifiy 'Ihoti- Mll.l ,-....e ..r..K-- IIII.ICIM. I'tTtUHllE.II- mii.n a n i I i.ikm. titn.r- it pulli lud and r.-ady to f. lul our p,ir, md uu . aijr-liinj: or nlnict Clerv d.-.iralilc I l.,ii. r ai.d Vwal le. It i- el.-K-inlli ptiut c.1 ..ii tin.- ti-.-.-d aii.-r illu tnt. .1 mtii 'Ihnc linu.'r .1 lino Wm.l I'.uiaiiiiK-. i.t 1110 Uau if..l COI.OKKI) 1'I. VI i:s. Tho 1.10-t U-mtiltil at.d llu- 111.1..1 iiiftnn tiw rioial liuidi- pul Aliim.ln l...i io.i h. .1 iu all 0 li.rn-k;st .iniil.r to .1,.- I.nj.1,.1, Mntt..-. t. illuu c..rt.i...r. .,: l'M, tuph.U aa ims.ll.h-, nitl.oi.t appli. utio... Stnt lo all otlur lllm torT.n. 111 ,. nhich i- 1.. t lialf th.- c-t Addr.te, JA.MI VICK, l!ti...itcr, N. Y. BACIiACHE. ai.i. nisKAsr.s or t:h: ri:iN.itY oiu:.s. Ilillaniuiati. f ihe K.dneji., luHa.niiiiCoii cf th.- lllad- dcr, oraui atTiitioix that intcif.-r.-nilh thc lunoiuim ol alaj cau.-Kna- piiu and u.akii. -i. iu tlu- rn.all ol thc luck and loi. a To 11 1I111. a diun-tic iii.-.licin.- UMucci-rrury. DR. SARGENT'S B .CKACHE PILLS liHi.-Ktn thorougldy tc.t.d r. r thc put tuir.j-tiKht car-.. and pion.uiuc.d th. 111 i-t i fflci. nt diur.Uc n. r .li coi ercd. I arc pur. Ii i. Kit il lo an.I ront uu 110 incrcury. M l.v tlrui;ut. o..t l.v lntil 011 ne. iit orprhc, r.u ita. pir b x. I. t'Olil.K A. KKI.l.Y. U hol.talo llmui.t, W...d St , l'itUl.uli, I'a. UPHAM'S DEPILATORY POWDER. Jury ti the fkiu. tcut l.y 111 .il l..r $l.'i'.. uriiA.ii's cinti: Itiliticj imt iolcut pirosy.nw iu liie lni..ut." and rlft,ita a epccd.- cuic. I'riie ii by luail. TIIK JAI'A.MISi: IIA1U STA1N Uolon tur lihii-kcn. aud l.a!r 1 lai.t fnl or liunuN. It couu. e or ulv onc prcpai.ition. ;cut l.y AdJrifsti. C. I I-I1AM, No 7JI .lai 1 o Mtwt. I'hiiidellihia, l-a. c r. ula h ut sld l.v ill drui.-Bit. 1Q0C TIIK "VKOKTUtl.r. 107fl lOtO PULMONARY BALSAM."l0lU Th.-old ttaudiid Kiu.dv f..r cu.;h', c.l.lf, con-.unip tlon. "Nothiui; b.-tiir." 1 11 Ln lim.a. .V C.i ,lloi.-tn .- TO t!0 lKK DAY. Men. Wolm-ll. l; HllN who -n.- Iti our 11. 11 butiucra iiiiko t.oni to iln ln;r dai lu thiir 01111 lo callll.a. i'ullpart.tuluaaii.l inwtru.t'oua .cnt fne h) inall. 'lliotH. iu ne.d of iHniiineil, protitlhte 1101k. rhouldaddr.a- at ou.c. l. l.oi:C5K &1 1.NSON .t l 1 ' , l'ortluud, Me. ACJK.NTS! ltKAO T1IIS! Wc 11 ill pay ag. nte .1 ealary of r?-0 lv: 11 ivk aud cx- poniK-K, cr alioiv a!lic;u coUlnll.Ion, to rcll our uoiv and uonderful Inroiitioi.r. AdJro.a M. U'AliNlil: A CO., Mirthall, Mich. GEORQE P. ROWELL & COMPANY. Advcrtii'Cturnt forwMrdrd ti all NrHpijHre. Noadvancecbartd on I'nbli-bcnt prict-tf, All U'nding NcHtp-HH'r kcpt ou filr. Inforuiatij.i ai to ( o-t of AdvertHin; furu!Jbi-d All ordcn r.-civ c.nrful attrntion. IiHptirbw by niiil atwwt'rrd proinptly. CompUtL' pilutvd liete of Ncnfpipt-r- for fab' ttial Utta prcpirt d f-,r (.'iittiiiu-ri. Adcrtidi lut ntit Hritten nud Uotirw rccnri'd. urdt-if from bu.-Imtit men eepcciuUypolioihd.- if l 40 PARK ROW. NEW YORK. PARABOLA SPECTACLES. llo not l huiubllfEcd b) piyinK tuorc lor au inf.- Claef. Try thrni and you will 11-e 110 olher. CR'-KOU SA1.K ONLY DYJ UOU'AUO & ItOWEI.I..