Newspaper Page Text
riLK CALHDOXIAX. I.OCAL AND STATE ITEMS. r. .niiiNiu i:v, vr., ritii.v, fmi. m, i f Kneiuls ln tlus section oi the Stato will .nl.l m.itorially to tho inturtuit ol Ihe Cal.o lv teudins us lui-al i.oms iiroiniitly :ir.. i n a l.r.ff. ltjgiblo lorin. t Ollic Tii! Tultlr. l.c isi:. Suuthcni nuJ Wivt.rn, c:.: .' uii.1 igc nulN ,:So r. m". l:l:lVi:. Xorthmi 9: 1-. a. u. South. : :1 1 i M. M i-c iiuila !:!." a. a IWiil.l l.EAVK forthcllis ! 1:11 r. m. tialn, it-turi.ini: to co.i tt-uiti ai'it moruini;. llli.'e h.mie froin 7 a. m. Iu i. i- Italln""! Sntlll. :l- A. Tii KIISC liillMi NOl; :-l'Ai;r.:? fur K:t jiiJ Wti-t on arrivnl of ':1I tuin, ulurniuir tu vouuvct vvi.b I:!' Irtin lict lt.liion, .11. . liii;.-.. M ( in iicil Miitins" In Uill of Cilid..; UIoclw tltcv. V. 1.. Noviis I'-n-tcrA S.ibb:lth ln:: 1:15 i.l (': 5 ill- I.Alli .- t 12:', fl:n. J. W. WulLir, l-.iftor.i Milhith pininf ut IHMll a. u.. 1:15 nnd 0:211 v. vi. ith Mho.,1 st KMi u. in Com.'i. Ou l'.i ll, (KiA. Cliaa. M. Solillitr, Piflorj Sil.bith icnim nt lu: C: r. vj. SaM uib S.hool :it 1:15 ll I'iim.'i. I'ni r.i ll. fllcv. 1 ). llntton, littur.) r'.ilhith Miim it l":3n a. m. and fl:Jii r. m. 12:inix. IT.ijir Mitliiipi at mch I'lnmh "c.luci"l.iy cwiiiiiri at T:3. si, Mk.n's ( Mti-iiAN As.-."'ixi., lTattr Mctt Inpi. it th. ir Uooin-, I nion lllock, 1'riJ.iy ivcu iHK at -:'l o'clock. HrU't Lortlls. An iucli ortwo ot'iiiv.v snmv :l tiilil, niaUi; iinsinblc sleijjhiu;? lo-iluy. Kxlrii-ivc iii-i.irnliuns are mukiii lnr llii' KuMiikkI Kall at llie Aveniie Ilon-oto- IIHIlMIW. llilll. Tiie fltoiitioii ol' im.'iiil)i'i' it the Colin. Vailcy liiu-iiriil Mieirty N ciillcil to a inrel in;r at tlii plnre .Satunlay. 'I'lic Soulli oliuicli liavo loMimctl tlieir - iik 1 M'l'iiKiu (in tlif tialibatli. IiiiL liaM il iu lln-ovuniii iniloatl ol' llie alti'tiiouii. a fm inci lv. naiuiiiatioii in llii- liili SflKnil cIiki'S 1 1 - ii r vv iiiinii. cxoioi-o will c-iiiiniii'iico at 2 (iVlocli. p. iii. The fnllow irj siiliji-i'l will ho (liscuM'iI : Shall 1 lic :i schulur or a ihiiic-eV Thi' cvt'iiiiijr uilli r..mi:ilii'i' a cn jnj cil by Ihc larf.l :niiliciiL-L-tii Ihu s-ca-oii. The tow ii hall was pai-ki'.l lnll. 1 1 1 liiinnn' ua- icrk-clly irieililii( aiui miiiic ol hi- ainru-nre woio aioiniil Ihc (icct tlu i:nl tlay, (lniibk-il iii like :i jucL-knili'. st lamc wcre lliey froiil llllli;li!i!.ir- "(iraec CJiL'ciiwom!.' wlni a m iiIciI by sicktic-. 1'ioin lllHiiln.Ti'na'jc iin nl uilli Ihc lei'liiU'Ciiiiiiiiillce. i.slnivc ihc iiinlh lccluic, ncxl wtii'k Thiuilay. I'. li. II!. (niil Tncsdav ). Ilcr Mibjccl ' l.ilc in V:i-hiiiloli. will br a mnl (inc in wliiuh I" ll.-c lnT ilccriilivc niwcl, iiul wc aiilicipalc imu "I Ihc j;""l lhii! I Ihc cniir-c iii hcr lci lurc. -t'lil. Kiaiiklin I'aiiliunks Mipcfiiilcii.l . nt. 1i:i i:iii-m1 l. t.- jint into Ibc N'nith Iiiik Ii. a ciy alii.iblu libiary lin" the uc i.l' lcai-bci -i in Ihc Siinila Schncl. The libiary incliulcs coniinciilaiic n Ihc olil ainl iiuw lc-lainciiN. wiuki ini .-.lamlanl tliciil"'y.t''iii: li j;iivci iiinciit aml wurhip. li-ftilNi-i oii thc I'.ihlc, clc. in all ! Ihc niiiiiWi' "I" ncai l inic IiiiiiiIiviI aml lillv Mllllllc. Atimtsl a Htli'n. Diirin:; thc alc .Satniday cvcnin. thc (.lc:i-in lnuisc in I'aililcick villa'c. o ncil by l.ukc l! cauhl liicw hcica .-loc pipc kcc' 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 a paililinn inlo a rhiui my. aml Ihc hon,c woiilil ilmibllcss havc hkcii ililmyiMl bul lor Ihc liinely ili--in- r . Mocis. V. II. Ilorton liiovcd inlo tiie -oiilb i miiiii in WardS liloek. Tneday. Ilcbas .i tinc stou', Iiartlctl. Lewis & "o. bavc H'lite.l tbe looiiii in .lolin.)ii"s block for inci ly oeenpied by Mr. Norton. V. A. Miau bas niovcd into a nioni in Ward'j tilock, over Ilorlo.i-, tin:. This is .-nii- I d lo bc a "braiirh" ol Uco. Shaw 's iii-iirance otlicc. '' Institulc. It i dc-iirable that Ihe pcoplc enteil.iin thc nicnilicis ol" thc Institnte. Thiis I'ar the pro-pet lookn ili'Coiuauinir lo Ihc coinniitlcc. It i nol askcd Ihat Ihc pco plc inake Ihcin-clvcs cxlni work,aml "pnt ilicin-elvcs ont." bnl siniply ive Micb a on jiive yoiu.-elvcs. II any will taVc mi inbeis lor a eoniieiialioii, please send b miiiic ot thc pnpils lo C. I,. Clay. at Ihc lli-h Sehool. ;. sinrc oiir la-t paper wa printcd, wc h.ivc had thc inu.-t smlilen chancs and the wcalhcr for ina.iv eur-. Aller an iin'h or Iwo ol siiow Tlnir.-day evcniii.lhi h'iihI whip)!ed abont. uivin ns squall.lbcn jnlc. then liceze. The inercnry lia-s bcen l""cr niany I'nne.-. btit probably la-l Sat- was Ihe worsl day to be tor in.iiu jcar-. I'riday and Simday wcrc iml iiiiii h lictlcr. The lack of snow has prccnlci wood-ilcalcn Iroin biiiiinj; in Ibc u-iial upply ol Incl. and had i:ot a larjsc niiiniicr r cilizcns cliaii":cd lioni wood tociial.lbcrc wonld lic a Incl laniine iii our vilhic. A-, il is now, ncar'v all thc laijeConsiinicr- use coal. and if thcy h.icnot bceli ahle to kccp warni Ibioiib Ibc Arclic wcather ol thc pa-l wcck. thcy li:nc ii'it I'roen np ent'iely. One reult "t'a winicr uilhoiit snow w ill tlotiKllc bc '-lill inorc will put in coal -.oe-, oihcr car. -I llanf Ciisi: A -tnry coiiics Iroin a ncihholiii: town ol a cac ol ni.unal iill'clin. iinliircrriii' aml cxpo-iiic. . .miiiii woinan was tal cn ill np on Ihc niomit.iin. ln Ihccvciilv nl la-l l'iid.i .ihc lathci-in-l iw ilioveiiiiic inilc- lor inc lainny pliv Mcian. who iclns- c lo icS)oilil to Ihe call bccan na I in a inusical concnlioii. Ilc Hicn !n.c m-vcii inilcs fiiithcr lo micIIici iuw u vUn n be a-ccrlaincil Ihat Iwo or ilnce o Hi.-pbj icians bc lirnl callcd upon wcn "ii ot tow :i, aml onc or niore of thc ic n.tiii'li-t- icfii'cil lo "ii. The inc.-ccimci -tin-.l nnlil hclwccn nii.c an! tcn o'elocl, in ibc ceiiin. Inr Ihc ahiont doctoi-: lo i. Iiiiii, 1icii hcslaitcd on his iclnrn boinc ahinc. I.'idin scvcn llliles in Ihc I'ace ot Ibc wiu.l ol thal ilrcadlnl niht. lo amitbcr ""'i- bc miiciI a iloclor. aml loclhcr tbc ic'c-hcd ihc hoi n Ihc inonntaiii at 'clofk Salnrday iiiiii niic.'. in .linic i.. Ihc -Mi onc ilic, Iml OII ;,(! (,, ,e I any -crvicc Thc winnlcr is i,al iu Ihat "idc i.l Vixleeii niilf ocr Ibc inoniilaiiK lioni ninc o'dock I'rid.iy nii;lit nuiil Ihrec atnida niiirniiijf Ihe falhcr diil ik.I per. Mi al-o. It secms impusililc that any maii coulil livc tlirntixli ncb a riilc. For Ihc sake ol ihc nicdical profe ion which wc jreatly c-tccin. ue hopc t!iu abovc ac- coutit may bercally cxaKt'iatul. ltinrii: Thc Mn-ieal C'Snvciiliim hcld iii I lil tow i! la-t wcck, uiuler the tliicc;ion ot Mr I!. F. I'ix, cloOil ilh two foiicjrts, the liil ol'whicli was "iven Thiiisday cve., I-'cb. 2d, aml tbe .-ccoinl Fiiday eve. Tlu lii.-t fonecrt wa.- ;ivcii piineipally by tbe cbildicn, aml was ilecideilly a j;ood lliin l'be aihilt concort was irivcn tnu snececd- in evcuinjf. .Soveral cxcellent vincrs wcie prc.-ent all lioine talent aml the various miis aml oboiuses were wcll le- eeived. Ainonir otber irood thins. wcie two .-ons in (baracter. ono of wliich was ciitilled "DaiPi a MilHonaire," the other. "We iievef will nioilae tbe I'arni." This coiiVL'iilioii closed a seiiei ol' feinin -chool-i. hclievcd to be tbe be-t cver held in (ou n. I.a.-t week Saluuiay a cold a day a had beeu cxpciienced in town tor lnany i't,ai'. The tberinoinelcr was abont -U belovv zvm, and tbe wind bloHiii Iroin Ihe noMhucst at a rale per bour wbicb wonld compare favorably w'.tb Mount Va-5'.iiii,i;ton liure. 'I'hc Ihree lollowin itoiiii we cliji Irom thc Xnr.h Sttir: I.a-t wcck Wcdncsday eenin, tbe Irieud-: and paiKliioiieis ol liev. C W. TIkiiu)oii. of Danville, inade liiii) a vi-it, Irarin over 100. I,a-t Momlay, Mr. J. V. Tayloi- was oit his waytoSt. Johnbury wilb a two burse leain. lo.uled wilh boards, and whcnoiii doii 'and hill'' soiiib pait o( Ihe har neis hrokc. and liireed Ihe load on lo onc ot'tbe borcs, so :is to break its Ic. and the animal had lo be killcd. l.-d-L week Tnc-d-iy iiihl, -Mr. John C'olhy. botel kceppr at IS.iitou l.andiii"?, snddcnly droppcd dcail. 'I'hcie was an oy.-ter np per at his hoiise that, aml we are inloinii-d that be wa crin;rhi- nets at the tiiue. Mr. C'ulby was a ualhe ol J)an illc. and livcd bere till bc was almut 21 old. 11c was a brolhci ol" Mr. Naai N". Colby ol Danville. I.iiitlaii. At a teinperaiice iiu-oliiiLr hcld at Ihc IS:iptN chiirrh. a' Ihc Cenlrc. on Ibi- cc uin ol' Ihe 2Glh nlt., inca-nres wcrc l.ikcn lo I'orin a Tcmpcrancc Sociely. l'hc ice prc-idcnt of Ihc coiinty .sociely wa- ebiisen as Pre-idcnl. I. V. Sanhot'i. S.-cictaiy. aml ati txccnlive cominiltcc appoinle.l. wbo wcrc iciiie-lcil lo liicnl'ilc thc plcde aml tbeu call amitbcr ineeliiijr. All who si'n tbe plcdc lo bc nicinhcrs ol" tbe sociely. Koi lv iianics avcic Mncd lo a pelilion lo do-e Ibc billianl and bou linj :iloon- in town. At Ibc -ni lioii of a incinlicr. Ihis is to be pie-cnlcd lo Ibc kccpcr-: aml mil lotln- m-Iim tiiicn. al piccnt. Ur.l lUn ntl. ":iiikfi -:m-!i ha for I wo or tbrcc i prcailiim- bcic cck-.- II a-inncs a niild i'i v l.uiiilv h i-. bccn vN- l pc, Iml ucarl c ilc 1 wilh it. ib-v. .lolm I'.olc had hi -'iiiiiual doiiaiiiiii i-il Ilic l'.llh ult. (Ivrr 1SI) wcrc b li b Ihc inaiiv Ii icinN ralhcrcii on lln- iM'ca-ioii. Aiiioh Ibc tnan.v n-cfnl auiclc- pic-cnicil. Ibeic wa. .nc wbicb h c! a i il inlcicl allacbi'd to il. II u.i :i :iliiallc qiiill niadcaml prcciiicil liy Mi--. Cnick. a lady !HI ycar ol a.i;c. Thc ladii- oflhi n.L'lc- .ilion Mr.'-. H.ilca v :i I u:i pn-cnt alo, .1. I'. Milh i aclina- pnkc-in in. lo w hicb Mr. Uolc fccliul) icplicil. Aoiin inan fioin a nciuhbiniii' town. wb. to ;cllicr wilh bi laih . ciij'ijcd cn nnich Ibc lclivilics ol'lbc occaioii. iml ci-cpl- a royal -nppci. donalcil ;.'' trnts. Cul llicn, Ihev .iv Ihcrc is :ilw.i. onc lack -hccp. I.iiui'iiliin w:i vi-itcd wilb a sccic ialc in Ilic cvcnini; ot l'eb. 2nd. w hich bas iiot bccii cqiiallcd for .-cvcral ycai. ll sceiiicd -I r iic.-l at or ncar thc ill:i'c. I'he air was so fnll ot -uow it wa inipo-- -iblc lo di-liiini-b olijecl- :i lcw yard li- anl. Mcn in Ihe s!iccl wcrc cairicd ilonjr in .-pitc of Ihcir clVort-. and s.niic weic iilow n ont ol inc niaii aanw inc feiice-. The .me to Ihc aiioimnncter bc lonili lo 11. A. f'nllinir. wbicli i'ccokN the ilireclion of thc wind. wa brokcn olV iml let arcrnlly down v.itbmit injury, IIion.!;h il was pnl np on a -tecl rod wliii-b ha .-lood the rali' ol veai-.ainl is S iiicli in dianiclcr. I.iinbs weic tni-lcd lioni ticciiaieol foli:l"c.and lon-c boaid iml sbinlcs aic not to bc loiiml. In prtice woods theroiind is lhickl-sliow u wilb :hc cnd- of biaiiclii's, aml in mhiic plaecs niany lice are lnoken down. Thc wind coiitiimed quite stron Ihionb Ibc nihl, am! the ncxf day the (iiciiiioincter fcll to 2& below cro lnakin thc ioii?;h- t day lo bc ont ol doois on leconl. l!e Ibie Ihe fjale the baroincter fcll incli m Iwo honrs, standiii; below 2rf incbe-'.wbicb Ihe lowc-t point bcre f ir cvcial icai- 'e bave now plenlv of -now diilts wilb ood .-lcibinir. as Ihc abont hall tbe wav barc. I'l'dvlKiin. An adjourncd nieelin";o:'lbeTownTcni- pcraticc Acocialion wa liclil licre on MonJav evciiin, l'eb. 0. Spiiilcd ad- ibc--cs wcrc lnailc by Kcv. M. S. Dmllcy, l!cv. Mr. MeAnn. I)r. l'aikcraml olbcrs Tlie nlcdire wa-ciienla:cd ai.d an activc intcicst nianifcjtcil in Ihecanse ol'lcnipi r- :iiicc. Kcsolvcs wcrc mailelo intcrc-t llii yonn, lo nsc botb moral and le;;al siia- sion in ca-c- ol 'iceestily, aml to Kecp np a lire inlcrc.-t in Ibc c:iiim', in-lcad ol inccl- in om c a ycar. Thc nicctinjr wa- ad joiiiiicil lo Momlay cvcnin. 1'cli 2K. lliti-ifirir.: Frank I'.nllai.l canic ncar lo-iii"; hi-lifi' la-l wck. Ilc wa- dr.iwin niill lo'-. whcnoncof hi-horc- bcconiiii rcfrai tory, bc rciiicd tbem into hi- dnor-aiil; and tiie ciirve Iicin -barp. aml Ihe jxiound iinevcn. tbe load waslhrown lall- inmiilcr. The re-ull u.ii Ihc ncck ol his shoulder blade was lnoken. wilb um II bc cver ha- thc natural n-c ol his ann and .-honldcr, be in-iy l on-iilcr hiinself vciy luitunaii'. Fiiday and Salurday t.TiriiL -Ihcic wa- a violent alcol w iml :r,d -now .which ciiiiiiniicil lill Sabbath atlcinooii. wilh Ihe iiicicury fioin 12 lo 2'l below zcio. The KiaiN wcrc lcntly diillcil, aml inaiiy pcn plc tnn-t havc -iillcrcd leiiibly. Tbcic w.isa iiiu.-ical conventiiiii here wbicb was a ik-c'nlcd success. Over onc liuudrcd finncrs, -oinc of ihcm the best iu ihe coiinty. uniled ihcir wiR-i and ic us an entcilaiiiinent Ihat alliuilcd :ilnn.l nniversal -ali-laclion. Theohl folk.s'con cert was a lairimitation ol the-iii";in hall a ceiitiny ago, i iin.l ihc cb.-in cxcrci-c-wcrca bit;b. arli-tie and iu-lrm-tive pi-i-foiiuaiice. " West Jliirhe. The Fiiat Universalist nieetiii"; bonse at West llnrke will be completed in abont tcn day. They are to try a 700 1b. stcel bell. Tbe pulpit is elegantly fittcd np; tbe lioiHe carpcted and feats ctisbioncil in Kood -hape. The vcslry is very coniino- ilions lor any ;;atherif,r, witb a perma- licnt slae, and antc-roonis cacb sidc. The pews will be sold Satunlay, Feb lStli. and 10 a. m. Tbere will bo an cx- bibilion j;ivcn in Ihe vcstry, Momlay. l'eb 20th, at 0 i". .M.. for wliiob yod prepara- lion - hinx inade; the pioeeeds to ;o towauls Imyin an or";an (or tbe cburcb Tbe clnirch will be dediealed on YVcdnes day, Feb. 22d. at 10 A. M., and tbe nicet iiitf will coiilimie Thursday. it is expeoled Souie ot tbe best talent fioiu abroad is expceted lo be ptvscnt. lSretliieti wisliing lo atlcnil will be lordially wcleoiued and eared for by tbe soeiety. .Many are ex pceted aml looktd lor. Xo. lamilics in WH liinke, C5 Xo. chiidren under20, 81 Xo. ' " 5. U2 In niakiii"; ont a Ul of persoti-s in caeh diliiel under tuenly. Ihe Iaw reads, jjive the nanies aml acs. Souic claim itis not incant to v;ive Ihe a;e ot each person oj liosite Ihcir naincs, only like the abstract es betwccn 23 and 5 and under 5. Was it not Ihe intcntion of Ihe lramer ot that law to bave a correcl listol each scbolar's iianic witli ae, to bave on record, that no deeeit w ould be piacticed iu iiKikiiiir scbol- ars of loo old or too youn in Ihe f'lturc for Ihe puipose of drawinur publie uioii- e -.' 1 . I'ltANKI.IN fOUNTV. Si. Albaiis' iinc Iiotcl, Ibo Welilcn boiite, bas "broke" anotlicr landIoril,Mr. Sulilett, aml tbe proprietor.s Iiave cnj;ag C'd iu bis place iIr. Tliomas ltvcmler, wbo has bcen for two or tbree ycars one of tiie maiiagers ol tbe Mount Mansfield holcl at Stowe. Since Noveinbor, bow- ever, be bas Iwcn railroadinir at tbe West. oi:i.i:axs ool'xtv. Thc lmiiiiiig of Ilaywards cliair facto- ry at l'.arlon, 1 i-t week, ineution ol which we niado at tl,c tiine, throws 10 band- ont of euiploy and is a blow at l.artons pro-iierity. It is not kuown bow tbe lire caugbt, lint as it was the resnrt ol" boy and nien eveiiiniis, aml a scvcral wcrc in thc engiiu; rooni late thc eveiiinj; liLfore it liurned, it is nol har.l Uiics bow it caiijjht lire. Kl'Tl.AXII ( 111 NTV. Ira i tbe mont pcculiar sliatied town, not only iu Vcrniout, but in tbe I'nilc.l Slatc-', il'uot in the woild. nii'iiin froui i point to abont two inilcs. widc, and i.- about fourtccu milc- in lonlli. Kutlaml is makinj; a slron; cllnrt lo m' a Mib-i'i ipiron to Ihe slock of the llol.-e Stuck C'o. wbicb shall sccuie tbe oealion of tbeslock faiiu iu Rutland. W A.-lllMiTllN OirXTV. (iliaile Aruiiiilini of Duxbury lo-l lis w il'c and cldc.-t ilaiighlcr, la-t S-p- k'liibrr, ly lpb(iid 1'cver ; llicn bis Iwo rcniaiii'iiic; cbildi'cu Mckcucl wilh tlu: aliie di-ia-e. I luviiir no, thcy wcie kiinll v ailiuittcil i ilo the laiuilv ol K W. r.oiilcn, I'oiiiai i-iuir Iiini-cll', wife ind tlnvc chiidren. '1'bcy icc.ncrc l, bul .Mr-. r.idcu and hcr llinv childicu c:iii"hl tbe nialadv in -iu ic-.-'nni, and ihc la-t wa.- iiiiiie 1 Iml a -h.ul liinc a'ro. WINIlllAM l lll N l . Nabiiui Iliibbard of Mailboro, wa" mi 1 1 t.-i 1 1 iiiiuroil a lcw dav-incc,liv lall- iiiiin a li il'.-c l liili' i hoppiii. Ili l.iiibtcr. wbo wa-1 ihc only pcr-on iu ihc Mciiuty, ilnigcd Iiiiii aliuo-l liouic, but bc dicd liLlure lcacb'mi! the hoii-e. Masonic Hall Union Block. a s s tT Ml'SII' I- o Jl (i K Nll. 27. K i. A M. .-: .1. .1 iu.. iu... . M .i.l. . 1-11. 1.. 11. lll'M.H. S..- l ALtr.Tli'K CUMJIANUKHY, NO. f. M..I..1 ( i.mliw N..V. -, l-.ii. .1. I.. IT.1:KIS.c.i,.i,mi..!.i. A C0UGH, COLD OR S0RE THR0AT : i.tliia ri ililtii. diatc iltt' lll : nuiiw vs r.iaiM iiiM. ir.ociu:s ;ivc iu-l ll .lif. I'nrllroiul.itiA M.l Thrial lliwjHii, Cttirtli, uii-uiniitii.' a roctl.iii- i ir.ct. aml I'.iMi. ip ik.T- ll.. I. il.- -ll.. i tl.t lo tlir i:oo.l ni'Ut itioa ainl .omI irity 'ITi-iU , ininy MOrtlikys aml rli.M imilHtiotid -1. T. .I. Ii ar.' ';.ki.I notliiii". Ilc mr.- i llie tri.c li'aiwx'.- i:imm;hiai. ti:oi wvs. Cambridge Cattlc Markct Fcb. 7. M .rk t !!. t i:xt, S11 l.J 1M Kirft.ilHlily I'Htll. -W..rk i V I'i Milrh our aml calc- 1, T." l.S s:, V.-iilinB -1 ii'.'. Tnujieir ul.l-, .r.-.. 1.TO ol.l M at Vilit- of sli.ip iml Uilnli'lu lol' .:,.-i, il iii t-adi. i:xira, i i sprins laiiilc, j.i.' H M ii im. Ml t'jlv.e jiil..' "!. Hi.lM, 7,';c. 1...II..W, .-. i. ivit-. ri ( ti:i i iir ,-kiii. ii; i; ic v ii'. l,rir.iofl,..nlir i:iri lil.V li'.'.i-; e lii'i.- ijooJ 'ti't (i 151!. Bosion Prices Currcnt. l:i Tlia:. l iioi.-e llairy, y Ib li.tirit-, -.1 .in.ility. v r. ciii:i:si:, Fuiory, I irm lnir)., K.inii lHiry, c.niiumi. l'l.lll K. st lx.ul-, aii.l Illic llhio aml MicliiK.i", liil. C.iumoii i:tn, I.AWI,' l"nv, lilli", KCiliS I'll IIKANS, Mjinor, 1 r IV i, Mc.liiiin. IIIUI'.Il AIT1.I'. Maim-di..: Mainc-.iml X. II.. (oininoi M iin.-. iiuirt. i.vl, fli..ic.-, l-ol I. l K. Tlllk.w, ("liii ki ii', frvrli. 11 11. l.'.'vW n: to 1 1.. 1 -'.1 fi Trc-li 1I..K', 1 1 ntc, iluokctt, si Mii:ir.s. i-n. V It. -.1 iia, y toii. $l;u'ri;.iKS. ry, .Im. -i'f by llcv. Iu M. .1.. I,i,J,i Mr. llmry I'.rucc of lllnrillc, au.l Jliw Miucrv hi ml ill ol l'.it.iimp.Tr. lu II- Idni.k, 1. Ii. 7,at W. Aik. n, thc bridtl fath. r, by I l:;cb Kcnt t.f I'nlilt, au.l Miu Int urc of tbulloii. II. v. ll. 1j..i!, .Mr. I. K. Aikcn of Ilard- ik. Iu l-trtst. .UhuA In WiMt n, 1M. I, Mr- ..1 Ai. 1 It nMt.-jii. vnr' nife of Uf-iibca Laiuwn, Htq. ln titlon, J.-iu. $t of cuiiE.initunt Trank A. Alhnl. rril 1 jc.iim MiJ 0 nioiillii. ln 1jui1K IMi. la. Mr-. M try Morrill, nW of tlio I C ipt. .ToBtj'h Minill, acfJ kl. In lUiduIcfc, .lan. 2, Kdvrird fiaidntr, agtd 40 lu C'aict, Jau. 1.r, Wetlcy Mcrlon, nly fon of liuliie 11. and Jfnole M. I-ir. -tIm i. Adcertiners xcill vblige by handintj in tltcir facorg as carly as Wednc&lay morn imj (not Thursday). and earlier if posslhle A FACT ! THAT WAltniU.h'S COI.ll WATKIl SKIJ-' ll'.l. -'.'; SOAl: U1 .nh clolb. witli no loilinv, no rul liin, no liot n atcr, no h j-U li r if, uo Lluctnc, 1.0 injury to k inncnte. i:ny bar ivirranted af i!iu. C. C. HlXfillAM, Apcnt for St. Joliui'Lury, Vt. LAMOILLE VALLEY RAILROAD CO. sixiii ami s::vhxin assi:ssmkxt. '1 ho l'reiijctit ind of tho 1-iiiioillc Valti-y Kjilroi.l it -i m. oMiiK liilJ at llj.l.- l'ark, on the 3lt divofllK. S;i, totod ud liid au awcwmcnt c.f t.n d.ilar h T rhar ot thc (jJital Stk of aaM ouilany, pmable to tiie Triiu.llcr ou or iH-lirc the iint diy .f Kibruary 1-Tt. AIn an n-n-ntu ut of tcn dollin lr nliare of ilic I'aiiital stock of i-aid Comiuny , pjyaM t.i Hi.- Trcuuir.r ou or licfoie Ilic fiut diy of Jl.irch 1571. M-.'.J 1). I). Vi:.D, Tiia imr. i. iiovi:i,i, & co's rtv t v t i s c c n t $ . 3i c iv $. TO $10 I'EIt DAV. Mcn, Woincii, Hojb an.l Cirl. ulto rnipc Iu onrnen ;pinc-!i nkc lroiu r lo il'i lvr djy iu th.irouti lo- rallticB. Knll tui-ticullre an.l itutruitioiifl irnt fr. c liy 11. TIio.m in ucl of pcnniiicnl. t.rotitililo oik, iliouldaddr.i- at oncc. l.KOlalK sllXSDX .t CO., l'ortlaud, -Mc. MAPLEWOOD 1NSTITUTE Yoiiuk Uidit. rit'Hi.lJ. lxing auduidily kuown fur tuiK.rior fjciliticd and rero bcauty of locjtiou. Iloaidaud l.ngltfli tuitioii, tl.r0 fr Iiilt yiar, com tacncin I'cl.. .:i. r'n.-cijl Uniie to ckricil pnlron-. aud tcjclicrs. Kt. f. V. BlT.All, l' VERMONT METHODIST SEMINARY AXI) TKMAI.r. COI.LEOi:, -1IONT I'Ell Elt, v i:it .HON r. A riiftHrlJ- kuooI for ki.licrt And (U-utlciiuu. prin 'I'crm lnglue IVli. ii, 1-71. A.Mrcn Uev. C W WII.llUl:, A.M., 1'iiuripal. TIIK MHV YOItli I).VY-H()OK. Tiir. uiiAMi'iDN iif wnrrr. sii'kkmacy At'.AlNM' TIIE Wol:I.l).-. FlUSr-fl.Ar-S KICHT I'Alii: IIKMOCl: vnr VKI:KI.Y, ctal.ll.h, d iu 1S.MI. $i jtcr vt ar . $1 for fix tuonttir. Piil.-crili.-f.irir. l'or aiaciin.'u ci.iic, jd.lrin ' llAY-ltlloK, New York Lity." Ir. S. S. Fitcli'-rninily I'lu -iciiui ; pa".f; tcnt liy lilail Ircc. TcmcIic Iioic t curu rt IX di.-itM f thc p, nnii ; fkin, lnir, cti p, c. uii.lcxtt.n Wrilc to 711 Ilr..a.lav, Nm oik. UNCLE JOSH'S A i'orlf. Iu of lirt cla.8 Witan.l llitinor, con'aliiiti Ilic Kiclicft t oinicil stonctf, I'rucl scll., Mdc-.-iilittini; Jnkd., lliiinoriu. I'.ttry, Qiuiut 'rtir?, Ilurltiuiuc loiiis Xcu (. .numlruiui and .Mtnii-lTovnkitif; rlin uiir, .1. lntcr-iicrm'.l wilh Curiou. Cuil. i.. Anui-iiiu ( ir.l 1 rlrkn, I vitf t I'.irlor Mikic, -md n.iil Jihi 1 iinny I nra ini;i.. lllu-tratt-d l'..T. 'ricc T. rt.. Scnt liy iiijiI, ic paid, tn anv i rt . f l.c I uil.d tat., on nciipt ot ricv. IUCK & 111. ;i:i:.l.H. l-ulilwliciv, l- Anu -trcct. New York. riTKlTs "1 -H .N I T.V"f' I '711 fKS-!- i i.ow i -ic si:i:i i:ic. i:. si.wm i: . ll -ci.l ll.iift, llr.v.klyn, lu 1 l.iu ci au.l .-.-:il.l.-r, .1.. i-.i.i1..i.-ii.9 li.-llc I'.ull. II. Km c. l'o 1-71. r.Ricos i:i;ds lllustratcil and Descriptive Catalogue (Ir I IMW 1 i: AMI l.l.l.l Ar.l.l. S1.I.1I-, AND SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS. ill Ic r. foi iinilini, hy ll.c i tuiit.-t.iihli.i urcit l.v ..: t Ac, l.i frc, ulncli li.c.f ilic l:.-. Ii. vl. i li.-iiKH- a- au, .i.iul.r. 1-70. II Killb.- l .i ii. t. .t .1. Ii I riicinu omrlc, c.tb ot m.t lcilil u i- i r. aml 1 1 ln ilh i Fic llinidrcil Oiiinal I 1 1 I. I l .1 I'll Oui ('oinicil ('liriiiuo loi Is"! W ill ! rc u.llnr.r ular I nkc it l!i .'I i:..!,.-., : v nt- , m.l ollrrit .it.l.uur bi n nu: ..- .V. l:i:nir.K. K.kIic t. r, V . BACKiiCIIE. AI.I. 1HS1.ASI.S tiii: i i:inai: m:i. s-. nciH, Inlt.iihiiiitioiioftlic I' it iuti n'. ri u illi tlu tiitiil..ii- ii tlic -m ill ol tlic l.u-k i llilirctlC lll.tll, iu- .f m ct-ra: DR. SARGENT'S B '.CKACHE PILLS l,i. .- 1-. ii tliumiiKliU I. -1..I f -r thc pM th.r.-.lul.: cir-. iml .1 ib in M . 111. i. nt duir.tic .l .liio.n.l. Il..v . ;:. I il lc aud c.i.Hiu n. in.rciiiv. .-old by ilniuBi-tA mi.i i.)i.iuUii i..-.i.i of.ii..',:i.t. rlM. iii.ui.i;i: a. ki:i.i.y. U Hriirfui-I, .j- w.Ki.i si . rittfi.iiii., c.i w Aitrn:i.i)s i m.t) ati:u miai'. o-t d. l.c-ilc ubri. , iii.l i.o . tlu r S.. : skill. TKY II'-WII.l. Mlf. B. A. TAHiNESTOCK'S v k u Ai. i u c; h: .-ii.'ni.i nct. rkv V. tlic iuiti iii. -i Hir.Iii c 1!. A. lali- rlv cirt lul t. icc I .ntulc liait I :. .1. lli!. itli Favorably Knov;n Sincc 1829, Al.d pil lrh tn UPHAM'S DEPILATORY POWDER. KfUtnti c ma'lllu .11 liair in prr 1V., witliollt jury t) Ibc ikiu. Scnt b) 111 iii for -Sl.'i".. iji'uam's astiijha ci:ki: llclic-v f lmt i..I.'iit iiirolyHH" iii livc't a virrrt' il Mi dy riiic. I'rit c i! by lnail. Tlli: JAI'A.NKSi: IIAIK STAI.V Mv: i tlic tl.i-l,i ' :ind lnir l lu-.tiit.rul H of tilllv onc .rt-.lnltion. . C. I I'llAM, No. 7.M.I.H It i-dv f'.r cviikIi. -..I.lf. -. !t C b ttt 1 -1 1 'i 1 -i 'i 1' 1 1 1 1 m iiir. vi;Kisr. I.ASS. Wc iic uo iu rr iM to lnruifli .tll litn uiilt n.n-ttnt h., tiie ulV ff tlic linie or f..r iIk liililoiiiriit Ituinr-t" nrw, lilit m d profi:iM lrNi nf titlitr i :iily i'ii ii lnmi :e. to f.niiic, and i n- iH.UioiiTif Fiiin l. .IiM.tin- lln-ir - ti.:i. to tlic luiei-i-p. I!oy -ni'l tzirU urn iniily w ninoii o.- nirn. Ihat allwhoFie thit notirt' tniv kikI tltcir aJdntn, md 1rtt tlu" Iii-iiH, v iiithi.' tho tit.pjr.ilti-Ud Ptfer: lo fiu h a-1 -ire not uell p.iriclitd, we will m nd g.1 V pay at rntinir. 1 uii particni irx, a ulu-i hlc?; uldili uill dot conini. iirr uorkou.and ; tonv of llif I'oidUV l.itr:.ry for.iii.i.ion-onp ot tlu ljrFt and 1 1 t l.-timir li 'Meiuiis '. r i.itl-liflied -:.ll Fditttte jy luaii. j;uacr( n oii mji ji jiroCtilil oik, id.lir" AISEXTS ! ki:ad tiiis! uill piy iitr-. r nll.nv uiiiLTe corumissioii, to fUI our md nnndirfnl Inwi.tnm. .d.lrc- M. WACM'.li i C'O., Xlirhall, MMi, THE BEST FERTILIZER And thc t.iinur who tiirn. d-ttl. vnts tl.t- oi ii he sh ou 1.1 pU'it ' is uo lui.rt- iinpru id-nt than tlic inan . tlciip In to lo hu.-iiiit?, uho niJttt to iotr th' ?. rd- of iufonuition nnoti thc ivoplc, and tbiifl pro idn -i II m est f (istomfi:3. '1 hi" can he done 11101 nVctii-ill hy Aitc?rt,ttvj tn the VaUdnmn Vermont State Board of Education. Tiie Anntial fioe ion of tho Tfflclnr- Inctituto for i alt'djnii County. will e hcld ln ST. JOHNSllL'KY commtncinp; cn M()NIAY, ntruiry 13, Wlt and cloeinc on the I'riiliv followinc Isex Coiinty will hehcll in thc VILLAtJi; UP GL'IMUIAl.U coiuimnc iu on MOXhAY, IT.1EKI AKY -!it171 and clot!nff on thc I'riJjy fi.IIinr. In-tnictorp Comluctor: r-Hnw A. Aii.f., A. M., of MirvhticM, IVmi.; A-feUdiit : Mi.a hnz M. i.iuk, Into l"rc-ccptri'H--in thc Hurr aud Iturtuu Stuiiniry Jt Mnu-ch-atcr. 'Ihc dy a- s. ioiH uill hcdootcd tothc di-cniuii nnd priTcntation if uicthod- of oriiiizin, (hu if iiK t?o-i-rnin, and tcKhiucominoti echot.le. A l.cturo in iy l t-xpirU'd each oeninp. An cx-tiniu.itloii of cuudiddte. for i- V rtiti.atcs uill U lnld, cn Thurfdny and Fridiy. .IOIIN II. rilKNt'H, S.cri'(jrv. tk-critJryV Oilic .I.m. 1-71. 'Ihe nttci.tion ot Town Supcrlnti-udfnts 'IV-ichcri-, .md I'nid -i.ttal idcilltd t.tIicfoll.ingci tr.ictn fioni thc chool i : Thc timct not to exrecd fivc d.ijv, HCtunIly f cnt hy uiy tiarhtr of :i cuiutnou nthool iu attt-udiuie upon the Tt'Hchi-re' IiiHitiitc. hcld pursuant toluv. Ourinir the timu for uhich t?ucli tinehcr U .nij;d to ti-ach pueh fchool, frhall he contidiTtd aa tiute liufully ciiend'd tiy pucii U'AchiT in tne iht ich ol iiie UHtrict iy uincn lic in tini loyt'il. -iu'1 lu tbe lcKHiiiute i rtwnii incc hid eoutrai t aa Um hcr. Apprmed, Nov. 13, 1SW. Tlu t-cn Ur' of thc Ito.ii 4 of l.dticatioti ghill hoM Iuntitutc Kx.uiiiuiitriB for thc 'xinilu.itim ot cand daB tor State t trtitic it. p, reetricTiii tmli exaiiiiiiu tionB t ier"onB who hrinj pjtifactory e KU iice of gx)d torai tiiaracter, anu ut liatin Uunt a couinion iidI for t Uu--t wctkrf uith:n the four e-r- List prtcidiiiK rucli t-xjminatiou, and of thcir purce-ut iu i;oitnins and ti.ichtiiR; aud all i rtitocatcii Kr.inttd a1 uch ex.iiuiiiatioiit! rhall he zool tor he ea. Apprut-d .Nov. 11t 1sm. 40 SI CONNECTICUT VALLEY MUSICAL AS- SOCIATION. Thcro will bc u niccting of llio mciubcie of Ibc jliovt Anioc-iatiou, and all oihcr lovcra of iuii"ict nt llio r, Iciinsiiikv 1I..I i-E, ou SATL'llllAY AlTKIiNIION t J oMt tk, to coucidcr thc dceiriblcnc-a ot holding 3 iuus'cjI st it. Johufbury. Lit th. n bc s good afcndancc. l'l u OilliFU. PEACHAM ACACDEMY! IbcSirini;T. rm of thij In-tit.i:io i will c ii Tl 111AY. Ki:il, L'l, 71. und coi.Unii ici.k undvr the iu.triictiou of v. a. ih'nki:i:, JviM.-1ur. Kiiclleli llran.lii", - - - .S3.l Hinhir i:uKli-h lji:iii-iu.l i.'rck, - - 40 iicit-, l)r.iwn, Paintlni;, ttc , - I'.xlr. Notuiiion rcctivt.l f. r Urr than hnlfa t.ini. Ko irli. ul.irn or catalogue d.lrc.i tlu t'rincipal rtarhuin, Vt., K.b. 7, 1-71. ai 5i LOOK AT THIS! SlKiAR MAKKJtS! I bic f.rrilctl.c 1-.H..I SAP I'ANS, sa1" hkatki.'s, and tix i;i;cici:ts, lo U- f.tun.l iii Ibc ruuut), a...l .11 I KICl S Mil Ti 11K IIKAT 1IY AY (MMI'171 1 lllK. ii. ou t)i:itv. . .l.bli-biilv, I'.b. 1-71. COllSKR TAILOR, KEMOVKD To Olil St.ind, ;.., .Mim st., St. Johmbnry, Vprmont. REMOVAL! CIGAR MANUFACTORY SMOKERS BAZAAR, i:i:movi:ii to Corncr R. R. St. and Easlcrn Avenue L'Niu:i: Avrvi-i: noi'jii MOllK UOOM ! NEAV OOODS! t-sTSrATTliKI TJR3PrL': : iu au.l - CIIVICl.i:s S. IIASTINCS, l'Kiii'r. REAI. ESTATE IN ST. JOHNSBURY ron HA I.V.! ib - iniL'si:ani i.and tlmt I i.ow ccciiny on Miin strc t, rcrntt IIIIHiif Miiu .md 1'iow.t Mnitn. .1 doubl. 'c i ntirc, au.l ivroi.ld liidkc n irood iiir,liii- Ik.ii.c. Thc iir..p rly nill bc rol 1 it a lurgalu. I'Jit of lli iiurih .i-c m..ncy c in lc- l oriu'o ii.uiii (i.fiulic . f tl.c -ubicriUrir of Ma uiwninn. u. ciuiiv. St. Johii-I ury, Nov.'JO, l-7. W;f OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE At thc CALnDoMAN (iKFII i:, by tl.c bundr.d. rrTTi7 n a t xrnnT a at j OPFIOE, Cak'ilonlaii llliicl., Muniiinciit Siiiare ST. JOHNSBURY, VT. llavinsuovvlocalid in our new offirc, iulLclIii.k IllcKk, north Bidc thc tioLl.iEia,' MnNt'iiKT, .ind I1.1v- iug 1 irgi Iy inc rcacd our Dciliticd fur doing GOOD PRINTING, hy iddmg to our formtr niacldorry onc of POTTER'S First-Class Presses ! A mjchinc, we Klu vc, tmeuillfd tor NewprPr, 1'imphU-t and l'ovtr p.tutiug; and hivin, al-o, iu DEGENER "Liberty" Press, Wc jrl. ttc r llii irciarcil lo do nll kllldPof r liii.-, i-ti.t OSTJJHS, JIAXD-IULLS, J'j:o;hams. U ()!)(! ei: .V. CIUCL'I.AHS. CllECKS. HECKIPTS, uyn'EU-unADS, iull-iieads, VAJll'llI.ETS, onnDEi: or exeiicises, 1X1 lU.AXKS OF AU. KIXDS. Gordon Press wc ciu jiriut cxKditiourly aud wcll, Mihl:l SS CAKIIS, III .-IMS CAIIIIS, li ai.i. r.i:iy, i: v. c i: I i- Ts, o ti:s, iikoks-. I.lll'.l.S. ncKi:rs k.ic, r.ic, ( JATjOlil c: K N Ci INK. ,bi. ll llibh H ll' t.i turu olT noik M It tl Iii iid.liliou t rn.u and iini.r.i.i.l i.. l.ini r. v iv c j.i-t a.ldc.l uIkviii riltv f.nil-of NEW AND BEAUTIFUL TYPE, ..f l.Uc ttjl,?, tot;. tb.r Hith i lb.ui.n--., I'.micmbiii-, Ilu.. Wilh s.i7fi irnrkinrn. aud n -. - teuti'Di I ' Imn'iii sn. irc lnlirre iw "( ';' llir tniuln f nll ci'i if.-iVc rt,rk iu fttrliin -3"v.;.i.n7: i;ive us a tuim.. LEGAL BLANKS. Wc hiw'-iiin r.'-iuiif.l thc llu.-lii.-, and tcnd to niiut .ind kccp ou hin.l I'cal m.l ollur III.ANKM f ail ll.fid.- Hccd", Wriln, Ibc iHilll fon.H if 1:1111k- ii'c.1 l.y Nvrjcu. u. iirint ml Ii iv .. f.r - il. lolin:itrrs lt('fciit'., Tonn rollc'ftor Itrcrliils, Tcnrlirrs' I.icriiM', Idc, i:tc fCSH'iifiitbcr the jihicr. CALEDONIA 0FF1CE, loiiiiiiu'iit Stjuare, ST. JOHNSBURY, SMALL FARM FOR SALE ! l'or Bjlc, Ibc 'Mocl lI1Ptincy, j.licc bctonRiuR to Ilic l nion scliool lii.tiicT. st. .ioni.ei.ury. an.l iiuicu onc milc froni thc dcpnt, coutaiunu; abuut forty tii c.f Ibc iK-.t liud iu t.inii. A. .1. V1I.!.A1:U st. .l.,hii.bury..l in. 1-. 1-71. -17tf GODDARD SEMINARY ! Green Mountain Ccnlral Institule. Itoiir.lin Srhoid for b'.lh Sl.rii.j; t. rul c ri.iuti .i:v , 1-71. I.l l-bil.K, 1 1.1 Ikurd, in.lii.lIiiK l.cJt, lih'ht vi k. l"..r cjtaloi:uca ud liew UVb.'i V. I.. lll'KKlNliTDN, INrrc. Vt. ST. JOHNSBURY ACADEMY! 'I hc Sprin tcrni will roumicncc on Tl llAY, 1IIK U'h FKUIEI'AUY, MIM', uiiiUr clitrge of MR. H. T. FUIiLER. Whc ill I c rcrollci fornicily riiuclp.I. IV Tc ichtri r. qalnltc for thc I intcrcF'i of the l.-ol urc ii..vldcl. CP" l'criioui diBM-ed to fiirnleb board, or rooms .If-bvurd.n, areraiiur-tcd to notify, loon nt cm nicnt, WM. W. TlIAYEl; ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Tlic ruh-criUr liavint; liccn.e froin tbe llon. I'rclutc (,'ourt. witbin au.l for ibcdlFtiict of Cnledonij, t.i rcll thc rcal cstato of thc lato Oraiio S t'Mrk of Ilroto-i, will w 11 tbe fliuc at Jiublic luctit.u ou Tl i:SHA , Ibc 7th 1IAY OI' MAKC11 A. I)., 1-71, nt IU oVluck a. m , at thc tre of Jt tl. W. IIucl. Jii-n. in Groton, tbo follovvin? n ai c.tatc, bcin pjtt tif thc fiin now ..rcu- .!.,!.: lll,I,ri .Wn.llf llnitoll tllllCF. c.ntaiiiinij 12 acnr, o'nc-lmlf wcll HnilwrcJ itnd the rc- niJiinlcr in pTitFS, iicirtlie ncvr ct.iiiiui'ii.". .-...u.u. Toinn inade ki on at llmc of alc. UKi WM. V. C1.AKKK, AdniicWntcr. fl-T --A i;(ntl.injiiFri:COI.I.Al: Ijtalut two (k-j ro. Ihe Cndir will bc rcwarJic: by icavlng thc Faiiic at this otlicc, orwltli tLc bnliii bcr. K. ). F1NKL. St. Ji.huibiiiy, F, b. -', 1'7I. Ittf JANUARY 18, 1871. CT.KARIXC OUT SA1.K WINTER CLOTHING !- Ar T. Pnirlinuki Co.'s CLOTHING ROOM OVERCOATS, SKATING JACKETS, ijoweh. pnicES : Thjnrrccvir off. red befcre, with 4 gtneral txk of MEN AND BOY'S CLOTHING nt Ibc loHCft prices. PLEASK CAI.Ti AND KXAMINH JANUARY 18, 1871. W'fchini: lo rcducc our ttotk ol Dress Goods, "i'Ulloir. rllicin jt EXTREMELY LOW PRICES M vV: T. KAIIv'P.ANKSvtCO. WOMEN ANO CHILDREN'S Shopworn Boots and Shoes, Will U off,itd at I', Ihat rlould till 11., l i T. l AIItllVNKS t CO. .Ijnuiry lc, 1-71. NICE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS put np iii 1'anci II.e-cuiMble for prcwnlj, At rAii;nA.Ks n.c. i:s l-T.i. OECEMBER Ist, 1870. riti:sn AiutiVAi. r MEN and BOYS CLOTHING E. .Sr T. lairbaiiks fc Co's of iup4iioirttIo jind qiu.ity, pnrchni'cd nefntly Jt inuch hi-thiu StptcinUr itiiccT, anion-t which nc 100 OVERCOATS ill .it pricc tlut cannot fnl to plctc. EHODSE-KEEPING GOODS. 1" 4 Hirrtiiiir, .Nice Miii.. !!. Quill.-, l.incu Otniapk?, J Hoyli. In c,rcat virittyit LOW I'llIt'KS. At FAlKHANKs'. (lct..hir 7, 1S7H. OCTOBER 12, 1370. Boots, Shoes and Slippers, AT - K. vt T. KAlKr.ANKS & CO, A pod -uaottiiiciit iu fccrpi'iiuJ Icather Ki-od nuni- factnrtd cxprB-ly fur iiB hy ioui' cfthcbct iuinufic- turtrein Ntn KnKlind Work irarrautcd. Irfictory. D1SS0LUTI0N OF PARTNERSHIP. Tlicirtntrthiihcrctiforc ciUtinc: utidrtli nm of lMMcv IUrti.itt Si, 1k, U thif diy dhBolit-d hy uiuiuil ronnut. Iunmdntc ettth inf nt of all ftcrouut Ip d.vind. A. M. DAN1IX3. j. iiAUTirrr. KU1N W. LKWH. WM. DAMKI-. 'Ihc iiudtniiKu'd will contlnue iu the groccr d iu nt hUr-iiicBi j t tho old pUnd, under thc nmc of I kt i.lit, I.KWirt & JAKVI5 IlAKN'ri. JOHN W. I.KWI3. W H Y 7 Will iK-ojilcconliiiue to jny "x nundri uvnara ior huildint; lots when thcy cau bo fcot ior u.r. PUi:i AM) niTV. Inqntrcor N. V. ltOWMAN. Ijn.mry t3, KI. 451 Guardian Notice. STATH oK VKKMONT, Iu Prohate Uourt, held al CalcdonU DMrlct. thc Probate Offlcc, ln St. jolinsbury, on inc iinuay 01 teoruaryA. u. ihu jAiiien U. ltell. KuardUu of C'arrle J. Walker. aud Kli J. Walker, mlnoraod helra tultecitate ot Bratci--ni K Walker. late of Hardwick, ln ald UMrlct. dc- ceacil.uiakes appllcallon louM Cuurt tor lirense to cll the unoicoiiiic reai siaie oi hu vaM wardi1. repre-ft-nttnx that thc nale thcreof. for th pnrpoe of uttlnic the proteedi ol buch sale at lutereittor lnvchtln the Miae ln stocln or other real cMalc, wonld U beuetktal Whertupon It Is ordcred hy Kuld court Ihat p ullcatliiti bcrflerrcd tu a hcxbIoii thertot. to tc heM at tl.e Probalc oillce ln at Johnshury. on thc 25th day of Kehruary, A. u. i?7(,ior neariDg anaacciHion inercon. Atid il Itiuithcrcrdcrcd, that all pcr& noiitied hereof, ty puhtlcatlou ot notice of sald appli ration and order ihereuu, three wccks succciwUcly lu the Caledonlan, prlnled at St. JuhU!bury, tciore id time o! hrarlnz. that thcy may appcar at &a.J tline and t.Utc, aud 11 ihey see cause, oLJett thereto. By theurt.Atlcit. 5j-i2 ASA L. KKKNCU, JnJife of Probale. Stove Emporium SPAULDIM & FLETCHER, Fletclier't Block, Eaifern Avenuo. "C V.1". m.M,'X l.AUCF. nJ cltoruire additloM m i our .ni.vll .totk oi Kood. which we Ule pleaaure ln JurlnE Jll tl.1t t-ood In our l,uc can Ue bought I.OWEU than atl'AIIlanl l:EASONAIU.r. I'UIUF.S. and jt .noNtbit uill aaM all to STOl', I'ONDER ANU .1'UKCHASK. We hivo on band The Pecrless, Improvcd American, Im proved Stewart, Homo Friend, New Empire, Woman's Rights, Model Cook, Young Empire, Glad Tid Ings, Imperial, Prlnce, Match less, May Flower, Kor i hcai. f tovc, we call your atlcnlion to tbo 5" 3 bi OIIIENTAI., KADIATOIC, SJJl'ERH, SIIIKM), STEW'AUT'S, I.HillT IIOILSE, c)tta;e ikmik, for Siltin Ilooma aud Tarlorrf. Wc fumiali STEWART'S CELEBRATED ROUND COAL STOVE for churchc, hnllfl.ihotcld, aud ofHcoe. Wc Iiavc a liige aM)rtmcnt of PRENCH TIN W ARE, -iml vtjic cf our oun lnanufactnrc, Brass, Copper and Tin Boilers, IIIIASS KKTTLES, all aiiw. ONE, TWO AND THREE LIGHTED CHANDELIERS, Hall l-'iiiips, lJratkut Ivinip?, Hnrjis, Kounls, liuiiieis, CJlobos, Cliininoys, aml Larai Tbe rcat uuaation of tbe seavn, "THE GERMAN STUDENT LAMP," Nl'AUI.niNC Ac FI.ETriIER'.S. HIP AND HAT BATHS, BATH TUBS, rlop Jaiti and ViU 100 BIRD CAGES, Wirc llanpiog Ili.WU, Flow cr .Standi, Cantorf, Frul jnd Calic RaakcU W-i.h Tubii, Clotbca WriDgen, I'aili, llcp SUika, Sealcd Me-turea, l.lp Hoardi, lfoll llDa, Kuito Traa, Mortari, llat and Vlouivt Trapa, forn I'oppcn, Bed t'ord, Sbclf llncketa, Ooor nella,KlouT Scitci, Witli lloardi, ic., for aalo cheap at 81'AL'I.DING t FI.KTCIIEK'S. CLOTUES aml LUXC1T BASKETS. A fcw of thoaii DKCOHATED CIIAMnEU SETS. MjiI.Ic llautlo wilb Giatc, llatble SLalvai, at SPAULDING & FLETCHER'S. Load Pipo and Pumps, conitauUy od hand. Ilome and Slable Jlrooins. Snotv Sliovvh, at SI'ALXDISC li Fl.KTCUCIsy. ttbo Amei'ican Bi-oilers kfl, ttiv U.tin thc marktt 2000 I.IIS. STOVE C1PE, At si'ai i.uino ti Fi.vrrciiEuy. 100 COAL HODS, t SI-Afl.IUNC L FI.E-rCHEK'S. WEBSTER'S HOT AIR FURNACES IIiiyulon'H Kiiliiiiiiiiidrr rorlnblc Fur niicc. The 3Ie:rrssor Healcr, Ai: SPAULDING & FLETCHER'S. ALIi KIND3 OP JOB WORK doce it siioux notice. SPAULDING & FLETCHER, Fletcher's Block, Eastern Avenue.