Newspaper Page Text
riiE OALEDOXIAX. i.OCAL AND STATE ITEMS. i:v, vr., ri:li).Y, apkii. i-.i ..-? Fi lewis 111 tlu.- so. tion ol tl.r Stato v;i!l U1 matHri.illy to tlu: inti-r.. ,t ot tlu- C.i!.-iti. in iv si'iidii: ns !oal i'.tiiiK promptly m-.. . . or..-!. 1 ftibl..' lorni. .1 Olli. Xin r.iiii. i I . -1 r.i :l!ll Wi-till r m. Southern wsy s;3i .ii-.-iiiail. i:3il r. m. ':l.l I'. .Ni,itlirrii!:lH-. t. ti. 11:K. a, m. :iii.l.'.:11 r. m. m. Mige unilg s:t;, a. -1 i.i:.vk for tlic r.i-i i !-:11 r. ai. tiain, rcturiiiir: traiu nert uirrning. i .1'h.-.- from ; t. m. lo s 1' South, m in.l Wcs Soutlitrn wiy 5:11 HlllllOlKl .lll.Mi SOI I II.":' Trnlll-. l.'lli MiKIII. lt:1. A. ItYlltrJolis .1 ' trnsT Clll, Meetiiig" liluck (IU-v. V. .. : In 1U11 of Calrd.-, i.ilB, I'.u-tcr.) Sil.bath :ir. -in.l fcsn r. m. Sili- l.ath Sihool iit 12:'hi m. riMsT Oiira il. (Kek. .1. W. Walfcrr, I'.-stor.) iV.LInth nicw at 10:..ii a. it , 1:4.' and r. M. S-tlbith Stho.1 :lt 12:1.0 M. :i C'iim.'i. lll II' ll, (Kcv. Chi.s., l'u'or; ,S.l.tutli porviic? nt 1":'. "..::i i v. Sahbaih s-tl.ool a! 1:151 11 Cim.'i. -;i'.cv. I.. I). ltr.uton-, lVtor.) Mllrtlh (orkic.-s at ln:3 Scl.o.1 at 12:00 m. l'njtr Mci ting" nt . ach t'hur. h Wednos.l ly cvenings nt 7:3o. ... Mo't 111:1 .iin itn., I-r:i)cr Mnl lnc nt thi-ir Kooiii', Inion lllocfc, I'rUuy cktn i-jgs at -:'i0 o'elock. llriol' Iiocals. l)on"t forirrl llie time l'nr (xnniliKitiou : -. Iionl ic.icliLTs ucxt S:itni(i;iy. Tlie fim rn-e lliis morniiijr nt ."i oYloek .1 .1 ilovs not et mitil 5 ininnk-s lirfore i -aml it N Aiiril yet. C;.-i. Ilonjrlilon tt Co. .-elliti; : '.. ir at oost. lo cltcc out. Imin; '1,lt bu-iness iu iiiw. Wc iini!crl:inil n Ii biui'I is liuin; ic-iTaniztMl iu lliis ilari. iiiul tliat Jlr ll..ti':li of I.clianoii i- 1 uivc lliciii iiisliuc- Alhcit Vorec?tor,lonui.'ily of tlic f.l 111 "I Ilarvoy & Woid'-lur. ol lliis libeo, lia 'iiaod nitli Mr. Fi-ink neuiin.v ol' WclN Kivcr, aml will siion ii'inovo thriu. (.'. jlallioUB lias H'(iri..( Ironi tlic lirm of Uliss A Mallicn's, Mr. pur- liaiu llic'Koods aml Mr. Matlicws' Imy niX Jlr. HLHv lioii-c 011 J'oi'llaml U'c .i(.'ak clsi'whoru ol' tlu- r.iilinail .n.;iect. aml wonld liere jnst rie to ro t.i 11! lioin .".0 lo 100 CiriaUiaiis c.mie ii utj lliis inorniii'd tiaiii lo woik for 1. ruiler C'o. 011 llio uradill'j. - I iie Avuiiiiu Moiiio i'au":,t lire Mon l.n. troni tlic buniiu out ol a cliimncy, iv! tlic lirc liad niailo soine progies in a 1 ,'iition befero it was Oiseovered amlput Ou tlte wlioU-, April lias boon a colil 1 iith. yct rass i; ttarlinj? well.mid soine 1 i'mis liave takfii Ibuir lat slu'ariiig thu ,. . tjut weck. Wbi'ii tlie Wfntbi'r coiul'S i.ll' waruier, it uill t(! tiino (o hej;in :r- 'liill'T. Tiio fsauiinatloii at tlu cloo of tlic -iiiii!T lorin ol' St. Jolinbury Aradeiiiy, will be bi'ld 'riiursday altornooii aml Fri il.iy linviiomi of tlie preciit woek. TIk I. u-r.'iy .N.'ri-Nvs uill l:iki ilaci' Fiida I I . t't ii. .011 aml t' t 1 1 i 1 1 tr . - -C J11 two i-urio-Sive Satba'.h evciiin;;-'. I.'. . ('. M.Soiillinii'Ottln Xoitli Cliiin-li. 1 .1- '..ii.i nin -ry inlcieli!i and in 'Mi.iivc talk-i 01. llio bixik ol lValms. wsl Saliballi il exii.-rh'd Mr. Snulli- l'allirr uill mii1v lii puliit. inan w boba iiiii-i-il n-al cvlah' Irom l. n ciiy to Ma.acbu-i'tt bn-. say. .... lliousand dollais will lniy a bclter I. .ii-i' anyuln'rc witliin llio-o limit- II1111 .-aine aiiioant of moiivy will iu St. .' Iiii-liurj. 'l'lie-etliiii oulit nnt o i 1., jiijtol ball was lired or tliro.Mi '.nili llic otlli't wiudow ol" A. J. Wil I. INij., 011 Momhiy- evt'iiinijr. wliili mv il i?r-iuw ivti in tliL nlli.-c. A iiici'c carL'les-iiL'-s or uia!ii:ioiw ini-i-1. ilc.-ii'i iinr tb sevetp-il coir.Iemna- In reanl to Citi.eiiV' oominuuiea '! .11 i;i Tti.'dayV Tim'n. Capt, Harrinjrton .iyfc tbat be bas not uually been very i.eavily lieiblcd uiib runi; at leat. not nllielenlly to requiro an exlia teaiu; aml iat wben be di.-eovereil lliat bo bad more ''i:uia ipiait 011 boaril, !ie iinniedhlcly ..ik. 1 up tb; deinijobn iu Guildball jail. Tbe woik ol" buiyiii'r bodie in tbe t mbatlbeSl. .lobiHbury eeuielery. will ' menced nextTuesday if tbe weatb- . . i-l.iir. and if not, tbe llrst sneceedin-j; . r day, aud be continued 1 111 all are - ri.-tl. All peisonsintereitedare inviled be pre?ent aml givc sucb dbectiou- as 1 v desire. Tbe Uaplift Sabbatb Sebool iu tbN I 1 .( iuade tbeir .-upoiinte'idont, Mr. J. I!. P.atebelder. a ptesent ol'an ele,i,'ant pie '' .:, faniily bible, lat Sabbalb. Tbii is tli. Mroiid ;ifl Mr. Jt. bas received frotn '. ; . bool uitliiu a year. Tbis sebool ppiifd in Nov. "l!y wilb2:i scbolars; it .w 100. wilb au aver.i-.;e allendanee i 70. Tbe publie. a well as tbe poliee, are itinp; Eoineubat exaiperated ovcr tbe i.iudyism Ibat bou.s it-elf ouUide ol Ibe i .wii ball every eveninr llnt tbere is a .1 '-u-l or otbcr performauee in-ide. "ineboily will jet in j.iil soon. It is lime .- uu-penple weie taup;bt Ibat tbey bave II ttmie ribt lo pry up tbe windows ol a imlilie ball tbau of a piivale dwoliinvr- Oc-o. S. sbaw, tbe falber ol tiio insur--.iiit e lniMiieis iu Ibis part of Ibe stale, bas lil out bi- iHY-ine to ( ol. X. I. How man and Waller A. Sbaw. Col. llouiii.m ull now c'oc up bi auction rooui and -uu b!a altention to tire and acoident iiwir- u.-e. It is ruinored tbat Geo. .S. Miaw i ' travel for seeral lare eoinpaniei. :w !'ui-ter ol dainases. I!ev. llpnty E. Jewett. youn.tcn son ' ' ibe late Epbraiui Jcwelt of lliis plaee. 1- inslalled pator over tbe Conrc-ra- . 1 obureli at I'eduood, Calilornia M"'l U. Seiiiion by Ifev. I. E. Dwinell 1 -i-rainenlo,(lonnerly of Salem. Ma.cs.;) ' i-tallin' prayer bv l!ev. A. L. Stone of rraueieo. (tonnerlv of I'aik slicet luircb, llo.trtu.) Wc nolice tbat our i unpeopleMr. an.l Mrs.T. M. Iloward. "r.- pieM-ut at tbe-e sciric-cs. ehool IMootiiip Xo. 1. Aitiiclast f-obool nieetin: in lliis l- "'t Tuc-day eveniiHr. a llc fnr tlic Fair- banks villasc sebool lioiue was eeltled upon, aml it was vcteil to liavt tbe old boiiJe inoved upon ii, and anollicr storv ailded. A cr.nuniltee ecii'itin of T. J. Roekwooil. S. T. I'.roo-.. and Alex. S!ew - ari, a appoiiileu 10 earry 0111 iue of llie diilrii t. TIil -il lorllie new Iionsc N atiout (! ol wlie.-e llio bouso fni ni!r!y -tooil, aiel is coiiiidered tii lict of all tlie lliio.'eupieil ile in llie eentral tni t oftbo dMiiW. AiInts. J11I111 r.ard, of ilm plaee, at worl: 011 tbe l. & O. Ii. 1.., was sliuck by a --loiic 011 Saturday. pioduoinif eoiioiK'ion of llie brain, and other i:ijnrie, x uill lay biiu np somu lime. IIo !ia a wil'c and live or j-inall ebildicii on Mnplo slrpcl llenry Iiinlii-.m tiirneil lii-: liore too rapidly iiuo Cbiireb treet, 'l'ueday, over-niiiiin- a top bii'y aml t'.irouin down llie bor.-e. Altliouli .-luuiieil aml sonic ubal injnred, llei.iy cluu to tbe liuos aml savi-d tlie borse fiom ninnin.;r. Tbe enr riae was soniewbat bioken. Wheeler Tbonias, at work iu tbe SL-ale sbops, ba.l one baii.l iaiutul!v jammc-d 011 Momlay. bnt 110 bones uere brokon or peiinaiient iujury snlaiued. Tlu; i;aiiii(f Town, .Mi:. C. M. Stoni:. Vcue Sir: .Sonie wieks f-inee. I saw in yonrpapera reipiest tbat fiieiuN wotild seml you f-latislies of niaple ffii-ar iuade iu tbe ilill'erent louns. uid in eonipliance u itb your request, I uill jiveyou llic lbllouinjrlaels in reaid to siifjar niade in Sutton : tbototal aniount ofsuirar niade is 0110 Imndred and sixly-! two tbousaud. seven lmudred pouuiK or more 1 11:111 ei''bIy-one lons. Wu elaim if llie banner town ol" tbe slatc and of Xew Knlaml. Sebool dWtrict Xo. 'J, bai- niade 27.-J.")0 Ibs., and di-liiet Xo. (!. 31. :i00 Ibs. in Xo. (1, ten nieii liave niade 17.200 lb. Tbe suar plaeos belon-;in; lo tbee teu nieii all join, aud are one uu urouen oooy 01 mapies. l-oilv men iu lou n liave nnde tort'j-Jhc tous ot suar l'our bave mado luo I011.S or uioie. Mllvillk. Tbe Sutton Dramatic C'lub will Ivc an otlier ot tbeir pleaiii!; euteitaiuincMts at tbe town ball 011 Wednesday eve. Jlay 3. Ibe plays of "llie Idiot Witiie." l!eau- ly and tbe I'.e-iM,-' aml otber-i, uill be en aeted. 'I'lu Teiimeranr.' t'aiisc. At a reular int-etin. ol Kalo Teniple No. I. ol llonor an.l Tompeianee beld at Ibeir ball Airil 21tb; aUo at a rei;ular ineeliuxof Ilarmouy I.ode ol Uiwd '1'eni- plar--. bcbl at Ibeir ball April 3tb, tbe I'ol louini; preauible and le-olutious weie iiiianiiuotisly adopted: H'ltrrcas. C'erlain pcron per-i.-t iu selliiiir uiloxieaiiiiLT (iruik-: to men aml boy-. of onr villaire. tbeieby tli-turbiii'r tbe penee aud quiet ol coiiiniuuiiy. and iolatin tiio lau of onr tate. llesolvetl, Tbat we. a I'einiilnr-: ol Hon- or an.l Teuipeiaiicc, pledire our bouor a men. tbat we will Mistaiu aml -uppoit our poiico aiiil any cilien-s 111 all lawlul eilnrt nppu!- tbe alo and iise ol all mloxi- ealinir diuik. J.'esolcal, Tbat wearetrulv "reallul tbat tbe liine ba arrived wben we ean lind encrelio aud failliful men mo- 1011, wbo will work fnr Ibe c uie ol Cod and bumaniiy by belpiiir lo pul dnw n llie ifrcalost'i of our beloed oounlry. I. G. L. Cl-sihso J. A. IlAPLr.V, J t'elll. ol T. .1 II. r. r.. gack. I I. I)I.TOV l'l)IH. ol (l. T. I'astoral KesiH'iiiit ion. foune I wa- eallei at N'ev. poit Tues- lay, to aet uion llie rivhji.ation of I.'ev. G. II. Ilaib-y a pa-tor of (be Convrieira- lioual eiiuieb. Tbi tei ol Mr. I5ailev" by tbe l'ailuro ot bi- boallb. e ean only expiv-, tbe bcartlt-ll bope Ibal ivl an.l elmore ol o enpalion aad liin-ile tniiy p-edily re-t'.re .Mr. Itailey lo beallb aud to Ibe niiiii-li . Wi Ibal be eecl lo reiiiovi: al 0:11 aie lobl lo Tob 1 rompa- lo. Obiii. o eiiler iuio I 1 1 1 1 1 - ; ny wilb lii- biolbe. Al a .-peeial liieelinvr ol" tlu Conrea- li.iual eiiuieb iu ll.iiton. 011 Tue.lav ol ueek. I!ev. U'm. A. I.'oliinon teiuler- d bii ieMi.'nali(iu ol Ibe palorale ol" llie buieb. aml aked tbe ebuieb lo iiiiile uilb biui iu ralliuir a eo.iueil lnr bis ili-- ii-ion. Tbe eouueil wa. lo b:ie niet o?leida. U i-umlei tbal Mr. Kob- '.1.-011 ieeeied a uuaniuiiui-. i-all lrom tbe on;;iep:alioii:tl ebiireb of Iloiuer. X. Y.. wilb tbe oller ol a --alarv of ylfOO.and tbat be b i dueiilul lo aeeept lliis invila tion if Ibe eouueil approe. I'be StnntlitfJ. iu ubicb we liml ibe above new-, spcak- iu tbe bibu-t prai-e ol bolb Ibe-e nieii, of uboin Uilean-' C'ouu-t3-. and Ibe .-lale. is likely n be deprived. Tbe Sabbatb -.ervieo ol llie l.";li. eloed Ibe pa-toral labor.-. ol I!v. L). Lewis, wbo b:is so t'aitbrully aud ellieiently iniiihlered to tbe MetboilNt ! 1 . u ! 1 iu llarduirk. 101 tbe pa-l tbree year-. Mr. Lewis ba" re--ideil there i.early four yeai. . Ui-iniu-i-lration.- bave beeu einiueully sueeescful. New Clniivli at I.yiiloii ille. We learn tbal tbe First Conrealional Mieie'y 01 Lyndonville liave iinaiiiuiou-ly aeeejiled tbe sile olljred tbeni for tbeir elinreb, and bave also accepte.l plans, by Silloua" ol I!o-ton, a Ibe ijuural plan ol slructure, aiipoinled tbeir buildiii'i coin- inillee. aud are procoedin lo lai-e tbe neeesary fiinds. Tbeieis a jood pros- peet tbat a buiblinjr will be uuder waj" be- lore tbe sunimer U tner. Tbe Ptruelure will be a plain Gotbic, 10xG7 feet, wilb pno 2 leet lnli and jou mKiujjs. llie ve-try will be an cll on llie framo lloor level. aml by ilidins; doors Ibe wbole eau be tbrown almost into one. Tbo lot will be on Ibe eoiner ot tlie new trcct to be opened by tbe railioad eoinpany. will be eential and eonvenient witb an Eavm liont, and llio only ojeetion lo it i tbal it i ralber near tbo raiiroad. Yet so is every vacant lot 011 wbieb il would be piaotieahle lo eiect a ebureb. Tbeeotof (be .'tiueturo wben conipleleil ii estinialed at 870C0, or tbereabout. Tbe sub-cri-tion will be by in'-tallmeuts, extendiny; ovcr a period ot tuo jeais piobably. Cabot. Tbe qiiestion as to tbe re.-inalion ol I'ev. S. T. Dtew, a- pa-lor of Ibe C'onrc ialional eburcb ol' tbis lowu. wbieb bas beeu pendiiifr for scveial weeks bas at la.-t been sellloil .1? follow llie iropo--i-lion eoininp; from Jlr. Diew and beinp; adopted by tbe rburrb and j-ociely. Ile i- lo leave bi pastoratc wilbout beinpfilis mised.for tiie lerni ofoneyear. It in Ibat lime Ibe eburcb and sociely lind any one tbey wisb to -t.Ue as (lc,;r j,;,jlor 1C.V aic at liberly lo do .0, and tbe satue eouu eil called to settle a uew pn'lor is to di. miss Mr. Dicw; and, if, wilbin tbe year be linds any plaee wbere be wiabes to sel tle be bas a ri;;bt lo do 0, aud il. at Ibe cxpiration of tbeyear, be bas not loeated aml tbe ebuieb and sociely wisb biiu lo rctuin. and be tbinks it bet, be is lo re- J snnic liis pastoralc tlic s.inie a tliougli lie j liad not left. Tlie above was adopted bi- tlie niajoiity, and really seeni-5 to be a new and novel j way of proeedure. Mr. Drew j,'oe lo tlie . emiren ui aoaiii l.oyallon ('oiiuiird Patnl Accident. Alberto II., a bribt and active little bry of tbree years and cifjlit inontlis, only rbild of Cba. II . and Lizzie A. Woodbury, wa inMaiiMy killed. 011 Tneday of tliH ueek. by Ibo l.illiiiK ol a eart body upon biui. lle was at pbiyuilb anotlier little boy, ubo barely eseajied llie samo f.ile, bein caubt umler tbe cait by one I'oot. It liad been lell. lipped sliuhtly a.iinst tbe baru. only a lew iiioincuts irevioiisly. .Sucb aeciileiit are of frefpinit occiirence, aml sbould leail peojilo lo bo exliemely careful about leavin sueb tliins wbeie Ibore can even be a nn;ibililv ol Ibeir fallin.'. I'cacliam. Tbe sprins term of I'cacliam aoademy uill close Kriday eve, Maj- Blli, wilb an exliibition. Tbe prorainino uill bevaried. eousi-liii!,' of luo plays, viz: 'I)ead Sbot," aml "Idiot Witnes," be.ides iiiimerou paiiLoiuiuic, inuieaiix, oratiotH aml e?- sayB. The iiieuibers of Peacb.iin eornct band uill dNooursc iiiusic belween soenc. Onr Advtii'tisers, Our tradmeu are enerally eltinj; in tbeir s-prinj; ttoek ol "oods. G. YT. Seuter opcti biispiin aml iun S milliiiery to-tlay and to-inorrow. I'-O. Tratt j;ives soine astonibin low prk'Oi on erockery. S. Hi!.'iiis is "liowin.n;tbeIadies binew dress f;oods, wilb all tbe noveltie.s for wbieb store is famoiis. Milo D. Galbrailli of Barnet ollers ftoek and tools at auction, May 9. Cba. E. Cbanne!l of Dcrbj- oll'ers a pedler's wau;on for sale. S. C. Weeks and A. M. Cook & Co. eall atlentioii to tbeir blood renovator. C. C. Binbatn advcrlises an arlieletbat aluays 'draus.'' J0111. Koss, clcrk of ibe raiiroad com panies. ealls meclinyrs of tbe .Mockbolder at tbis plaee May 1st. rilAXKI.lX COfXTV. Inttbcn Cuiran of Fall Kever, IMass , wbo met witb tbe seiious aecident near tbe freij;lit depot at Sl. Albans 011 ur.lay wbile atteinptin to et 011 : cat tlo tr.iin in motion, dietl Tuesday. I.AMOII.I.K COUNTV. Tlie NewMlealer says : We bave cliccring ncws tbis wcck for tlie friend.s oftlie reail. A Directora' meeting was beld liere ye.slerday, at whie.Ii tbe fact eaine out tbat llie iron for tbe Lamoille Valley raiiroad liad been purcbafed, tbe delivery lo commcnee 3I:iy Ist, al.-o tbat soine rolling -.toek was being negotiatcd for. It wa.- deeided to baie tlie car.s unning into Lamoille Vallev as soon as pos-ible, and bofore miow llie.-. Tbe woik is incrcascd ami tbo piospeets all nlto"etber ebeerini:. Itiuuor eonnects Ibe burning ol tbe wooltu faeloiy iu .lulinjon, l.i-t week, wilb an allei;ed ulteuipt to rob tbe Wa terbury Mn'ie ju-t uutMiK Ibe viUajrea -boit lime before tbe lire broke out. Tbe hivtr bad i-l."i,00O for banl.s in llo-ton, and was proeeeding up tl.e "Oulf," abtuit ball an bour bel'ore tbe lire, wben two men ruslied out of the biiibes ul lb. road-ide and tuld biiu to top In-lead of beetling Ibeir iuvitalion, be pive tlic borses tbe aml soon widened tbedis- lanec between liim aml llie suppod robbers. Tbe AViciitiitV relaU-s a singular tnei lent. .Mr. licubeii Miin-on, of Morri-- ville, in lii.-- OOtb ear, aml .Mar Mun son, bis wile, in ber S llli year, dieil very denly at about S o'cloek, p. 111., 011 tbe llli iiir-t, aii'l uitliiu ten miniile- of eaeb otber. A Iailv of Ibe Iiuiim in wbieb tbey lived wiut into tbe room wbere tbey were aud fouml Mrs. Mum-on on tbe bed, and 011 bein-i a.-ked il it was not "about bed time," replied in tlie itlirnuitive, und notbinir umi-ual wa- nj- tireil. Sbe bad oeeasion to returu to tbe 100111 i-biirtly aml fouml ber dead. .Mr. Miiumui wa- Mltiiig iu n ebair and eon-ver.-e.l, but liefore tbe fiiemls eoiild be Mininionei!, be tlieil iu bis ebair, wilb out knuwiiig ibal bis wile bad pa ul away. boy wore (oriner re.-tdents of Duxbury, aud bad bveil togetlur f'l year.s. WA.-IIINC IOX COfXTV. A .laeks-jn Vail, :i lawyer of great iirotnise, wbo bbglile.l bis bopcs and b:itleivil bis mind by -.trong diiiik, died, x few days sinec, 111 llic insaue ar-ylum it liratlleboro. Ile mailj M'veral at- tempt.- at reformalion, uml 110 laler tluiu la.-t sumuicr bis friend.s boped ibat be wa.-. reclainieil, but tbe j-xouml tbuseain- e.l was . -0011 lo.-l, and lo-t forever. Ile was a n.ttive of Montpelier. Masonic Hall Union Block. PASSUJtPSIC LODGE XO. 27, P. t A. M. 7K Stit.-.l iiiectinjr, May 1, 1571. I.. H. IU:ALI, Si c'y. PAI.ESTINE COMMANDERY, NO. 5. St.itt-tl .oncIc Xov. s, 1 '70- .1. L. IT.IIKIXS. Corui.i r. P. B. L A I R 0 , Manufictunr of thc Cclebrated Bluc Mountain Granitc Monumcnts, I ll l. t-J, Mt fctonr?, nord.-rsforfirjv I.ot?,ic. ZTT CAKVINIl AXI l.l.r TniUXf: t ni ll m U done Iu Hfuloii. St. .M.ttibury, IV. A C0UGH, C0LD OR S0RE THROAT -'luiit-fl immtdiatc uttention. . ncg'ect oflm le.-.iilti' Iu iu incumU. I lll MriUlilS 1.1111- I)i iiiiowx's nr.oxcniAi. Tr.ocnr.s rfillnioi.t iuv-iiriahly givc iiitaut relicf. l'or Hroiubitip, Attlimi, Citarrh, Connnuptiti- and Throat, they a poctliin? elTtct. sinrri. and publie tpnkcr? ubc thcm to clcar and rtrcuthen thc voit-e. On ing to thc good rcputation and popularity of tho Trochc", many vorthleet, and cheap imitatioua are of- ft rc.l, n hlch are good for nothing. nc nirc to obtain thc true HWJWS'S III'.ONCIIIAI. THOflU'j!. -OLI r.VrRYWHEEE. IJ7rp For Moth Patches, Freckles and Tan, I'.r l'l!!tR-8 MOTH AS1 r HECKLE 1.UIION. 11 ii throidv rtliihlc and harmlaJ llcmcdy ltiio-.vii for removirH- lirowu diteolontion. Sold ly dru.-i erytrhcte. Iltpot, i itonu bi., 1. Pimples on the Face. r,,r CinidoDti.. ltliek-ttorm. cr Cnil t. lln.ply Ki- uptionp, autl BIotchc.1 diefitrurttioDa on the upe 1-r.Rnv s LullDHE ai 1-isirr.E i.Eunii. It ii inraltiatlo to thc utnicted. l'repared ouly ly I)K. It. V. 1T.KKV, Demiotologift, 19 ISood ft, X. Y. told l.y Dropsli'.a eytryivhtrc. MuljTl ftA'.'rS Croquet and Ring-Toss, Base Balls and nts rmcyGooda nmi N'oiion.", Fircwoik', at wholc silc. fultf r, Ily.l.' & Co., !tl Chaoncy Strec, tloston. ttljul71 Over-Exertion, eithcr of body or mind, producoi d.l.ility sn.l diecae. Thc rctncdy ia to UXo wme etimulant, thc cffect of wlilch U the famc 38 glving 11 tircd borec tlie irhip fuelcad of oata. Tlic true way In to forcify the pyEtcm wHhapcnu.tnent tonic HVe the rtruviaa Syrup (a protoiide of iron J irhich Riva ptrcnRtli and viiror to the hole pypt.'iii. Watcrtown Union Livc Stock Markct. Tor thr ucik cndinR Tucsdiy, Aprll 2b, 171. M-irli-l Ili-ff i:tr.i, -fll.Kl (Hl 11 Mi ririt quality ilu.'Si tl'iT.'i. Mroud, isM (.e 11.51. Tl.ird, -t.7.11 f.ii S.lnl. W.-fttm l'at rtn in.-, Iii- 7 1 1 (w 7 3-li ; lrt-.Ftd 0 1-2 Q 10c 1!. liice- of ?lnp iml I.amlu. In lot-. i,;., SO.IHI ic.2.';, (H w.vii-iicii. i:tM, i0 7: p i.;5. rprnifr lainlH. -jii.ihi f.. M.liti. V.-al Cjlv.Bitn-f'.i.nci, 7ic 'Inll.nv, r. U IV I'lllf, i I 7.'. M -tSM 1 jir.-1.i11. i-c 11 ii,. l'rict- ori'.mltry i:lrt lil'j U 1-c; prin.f 14 lC'rJr good 10', 1 1C. Boston Prices Currcnt. lU TI'i:i:, Choice Dairy, Ilairit'p, .1 iii.ility, IS V- (rt 1.1 t) ii. u: t.i ni.'i I'u i: (5) 1 1 M 1 n ii 0 10 v Fann lll l'l.OI I-, M Jrfini-, an.t Hlinoi., Oliio iind .Miihitr.l, nhite lu-. Ct.iniiioii IXtn, Ul.'lflllf. I.AKP, Tiici't, Tllbf, i:c:.s, pfr doz l!KA.s, .MjtroH, p,-r I ii'l Mt-.litlin. I)l:li:i) Al'fl.l. Maln.-i-lioloc, Mitiuc and N. II.. rotntuoii, Maiiif, .iirt. i.'U, ttjoic, rofl.TKY, Turlrrr, thicl.eii, frt-th, 7 Mi (n s yi (. M (i, C 6 7." ( c : It. r.l-L is; r.''i-2 w; 17 J i! lll (51 - ! 1: w 7 u S t) ! VII lo VI VII to S4 1C to IS KoK I'OIIK, Clcar, r.x., Jl.w, Vte'h IIok-, llim-', i-iiiuke.1. 12 t V 1'! I. -1 t" to to V 1'. ton. lo & 1-2 II to t5l"Mll:li:s. ITtw.1 Ilav. 22 (l to v!t IKI Ilopc, 1,1-tf-J) Oatp, h.. y m iu io 12 t tt 9 h m tt w 12 lll 1-2 IS 11 1-2 : l.u-h., 5 15 5 W ci.ovi:i: i:i:n lltrdi cu, At Chirag.., Apiil SM, .y Kcv. Wm. 1!. llond, Hr. Thomu S. Hond, f.irnurly of tlila tonn, and Mira I.ottio A. MilK In i:nli. Id, X. II., Airil l.y I. r., Mr. Kbcn CIoukIi of Wt llurkc, and .Mrv. H.llly f. Ixiwe of Kn- fifld. gcatlts. In lljinillo, April !', Ilmry ratt-11, only nm of W111. II. .in.l Jennie ri. Harri?, agcd S inontLs and 23 day. In (irauby, Vnu., April 15, Uziic, agcd :! yclm, iff of Lh.lrlo. 1- l.ic, fonjcrly of ?t. John-hnry. In .sn'toii, Apiil 21, Mr. rSlra 1-1 Sml h. a. d IC y. arp. In Kiihy, April s, ot ro:.niiir.ptlou, SiKin I'., ulfe of a Xovcs, J,;td 1 5 ca:s and 22 d-ijn. In lljrdivitk, Apiil 1, Adi, jgtd 30 jcar', wifcof L. W. War.n-r, and dmthtfrof tlic IiIj Iltv. X.Ulian Dcn-it-on. At Mcludoc?, April lf, (1 orpii:ia,yun;;ti!t danirL- tcr of 1 drrard .md Luccttn Iidd, as. d i:i yciri and (Ii Iu I.uipj.tor, X. II., Ap il 15, of lunB ft-i.r, Alirc Amand 1 nin, nif. ot Or.iJn Kny, lVj , iirtd :IT jt-aip. In Milo, Mich f-jn, .Mtrch 1 1. -Mr". Almir.i, agtd PJ wr. t if.- cf cl.arl ip ttil.litfr, and form, r w ifc ot SilnUillcy, rud diiiphtcrof thctitc I.ilic lt-ni'on. In Monroc, X. II., April II, M.licd.1, wifc of Mr. Jjiiit! Cr.., K.dOI yt-118. I11 Wheilotk, April 26, l'aiiny il.l:.m.J .II. Williim Chio, ig.-d 5- yt-ir?. ifo of TEACHERS' LICENSES. fcnn Jj:t rrii.ti-d , ac,i f Jr f0 at t aixdonian oiTK.-t- Tl it 111 ly cerify lii it I liave 11111" d ly ciri'ii mv pon, Al.Nt W.iitii. tiistitn.. tli. rt-nuindrof M. minotlty and fli lll .laini nou.'of Uis t-jminira nor ply any del'ttf r 1I1H dit. U(il.XI)i:iC SMITIl. .tir c.ix:f t thia 2Iet of Apiil, l-TI. llavt FOR SALE KSrh? A frpt-rl i n IT.DIM.KK'S WAtitiX, 'NSSJBiJjtSl "i ido at ucord. l o cet one ina ie Iike lt Vtotlld cot oer . uc thnu.-uid doll.lrr. Will l.e tol.l iy clieap 1 1 or f11rll1.rp2rt1.ul1r npply to 0l- :i IIAS. i;. CIIA.SNt.l-U Dorliy l.luc, Vt. L33ECECES: 11. -Ii inirfil.-.l al.. ii. 0:1 Luidat BINGHAMS DRUG STORE, : 11ANK III.OCK. MONTPELIER &. ST. JOHNSBURY R.R.Co si'i:cni. si.k .Mr.irriMi. Tli lrkl.M r In thc Muiit-llrr .t .St. Juhnpl.iiry Kiilr. a.l 1 ompiii) nolilitd to 111.. t at thclr nlKreiiiSt .lolinrl.iiry, 011 II... 1.1 .1 ly 0fM.1v, li. lt, t tt-ii o'tlotk, i.i tht- l..r. iio..n, to att "lioil the mir if tli. I oiiipiuy will itith. rir.- tir .-.! . a luunciia- t f r. i.l aa . rl, for tli pur.-.-ot rouiplt t.iij- mdi.iuipp. of tli.- 1 1. .1 l..r the - 2.1. lo d.tti lmn.1. T .1 th. ai i.- pui,.. in. tiivon tlic kiti.l .untof Ikiii.I- tlie t j.,7n la a nior! tir. t irti.'i.. iu tli , ilh tl.e V-iil.-v U.iilru-td 1 y t.r.1. r of t . .lohu-l.u ESSEX COUNTY RAILROAD COMP'Y. SfU'IAI. J-IOt KII'll.HKKs' tIi:i:i'INi. I he ptoekli..I.lcr iu th. lFex Coiiuty Kaihoa.l t'oiu pmy aro hcrtby uotifi-d timiet at thclr ollitc In M. .Ii. lm-l. ury, on the lin.t day t.f .May, ni-it, it 1 1 o lotk, iu th foreiio. n, to a. t the toilowinjr bueiu. m: Ut. 'lo . 1ki-. a lloird of I lire. ton". '.M, 'lo f.v it tbe Coiup-iny tt ill uuilioii7.c th. I-.ue of boudit fnH-ured l.y a lnort-'-ip. of Ihcir rorid aud prop trty, for the iuirio e of rompletln and cquipplni; the aine, the liilmceof thc p'ock puhiH-rtptiou. to be i-liud t-d for tlie p.imc purtk.. 3.1. To det. riuiue nivou the kind of mortgige and lond, an.l the aniount nl tlu-y ttlll iue undtr arllcle i'.l iu thiit nolice, and alj tt h.-iher thcy tvlll joia in a iiioitKige and bondi uitb the Montpelier and at. John-bury uul I-imoitle Vall.-y Comp-iniee. Iiy order f Ihe Iirct..rp, .loXA. ItllS.s, l'l, ik. St. ,lob i-b.ny, Vt., Apiil 2, 1-7I. It WEEKS' MAGIC RENOVATOR! THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIERl Every Ono Should Try It g . w. maix srnr.r.T, - S E N T E R , - sr. Joiixsnniv, vr. OPENING SPRING AND SUIYIMER MILLINERY TllfllSlKl YJb FII1DA V. .rilll. 17 . JL- th. C. W. Si:XTr.r:lne Ju treturned froiu Xcw Yoik aud Iloeton tt ithu pplcndid ttock of Spring and Siini; mcr Millinery, tiio largett and bcsthc haa cvcr kcpt, AUe, a tho:ce lot of I.ADIE3' FL'KXISIIINO OOODS AND TANCV XLCK TI1M. The tidiea of St. Johnhury nnd riciuity are rcf pecl fully Int Ited to call and cxau.iu? ihegooddand prlcci hcfore pnrchaing clsctvhcre. U. W. SKNTia:, Maiil fctrett, cppoelic St. John hmy Ilouae. List ofLetters 1 thc ptM otlice rft. Joliurbury, April 2C Ilraulie, I, llrighaui, M11 1-inri Ilruttn.Ju Ii Lliambeilin, Mri 11 Clarlc, 1; 1 Curlf, J Hublard, T Ijimoutjuc, J Laudrv, (i Ucleie, U 1S71. McUan, Mn A -Mc-hcny, r Xoyef, Mra Hninia 1'crcival, M llcrc.-, Mrs Ettlluc Ko-.itier, llobcit-.W 1 Sinilmou, A W Wa iag, W 1' Wil.on, .M II Zifl'.iTUv cjIIiii for the above li-lter.. vtill l.lciri t-ive thclJte oftht-li-t. II. W. KU:i:i'W'OOl, r. M. W K E K S M AGICJ 1 ; I?: NOVATOli ! t or s.le ijv A. M. COOK & C0. BELAIR INSTITUTE, FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. At a i.lergyman Ileeldence, Belair, AV. fiatiTLr lioco, T. Addrcna M-Cl MISS AXXIE L. GI'.OLT. frlnclpil, lU-itig unatle to rIvi per-onil nttfntlon to all thc wortc comiiiR to my on.c: rii.t?enipnbi by which I cj CHEAP 2, L navo tlu Iy m ui in tuj.ply thedcraind for TEETH ! Thla work Tvillbe uudcr the ciclu-ive controlrf IU!. TIIOMAS VlIllTl,Hfcf I' cxprrii-nctd uenllpt. Ile will apply all niodem Improvmiciitfl lii-. n urk, ind .-utiuiiie tho entiro repp-ni"iljility for tli Teeth Extracted Without Paiu SV X lleducihn in l',nxt fvr wy ivrn J. I.. I'KKKINS. St. J.JiiiBljury, Vt., April IS, f-71. Gtf TAX SALE. stati: or vi:t:Mivr,i Kfttr. CorNTv, b-. j llic non-re?idcnt proprittora of tlie tonnrhipi cf ittt-riu, .onoii, i.uwif, l.Tuiiuiiti. Urlirtn l.ore and w .irnei tt Orant in t-aid County of hwt are hcreliy 1 tilitd tlnt tlic SLltc tax of 1-.7U, nftK-i-ped upon t.i toiriihhljif, pore and prant rcnulu t ither ln wliole or part nniaid on tiio follonin dc.crilt'd iu paid toivnhlilp, gorc and grant, to-It: ToWX-iMIl OF AVI'.IIII.I.. tKU.lNAI.lUOir.lLTOr. C .- o . Ilicliant AIH-011, Jabcz Ilarloir, do Xutlianit-1 Hai iJtr, do do Xatlinnirl Ilirllitf, .l.i do -?tplirn Itnrr, do .!. Hoztkitli Ilurr, 1 alnc :i Aikeu, 1 '.Ml do iiiiditidt.l 4.' tlo I '-'7111- ...! I., - II 2.-.I do 11 11.I it d 1.' do I -uc fi -jinmtl Averill, - c; 2-.-.I .! im.litidt.lli l l.n.z.r llir.l, 1 17 ii,- r..i .s.f.hJiiitl llionn. - J"i do iiii1M.I1 l -lo 1 -Ji-tv .'..1 Hin nim.f, i'u '-.'u 'lhoii.u-Uimef, undMdtd 12 do l II nc WillHm niniec.Jr, ! '-'7 '-.l do llndilid.d ll do I -. h tv 11 Sainii.l lleicli, 1 C do lln.lM.l, d 43 do 1 ir.n r.l jth nrt-nn.r. C- 2-jii do im.litid..l IJ do 1 - Mi J.Ml.hJllin.lard. 1:1 '--.'.l do d ! tlo 1 llnt .Ml S.I.11W11 11.11, J 'o --.'i !o tl I.' tlo 1 S.'ne MI Saii.uil 1 00k, 11 ;.ii do 4 J '," I I l-.iv b'l X ttli miil t'.upuinu un"likid..ri' IUkid Cook, 1 '-'7 - tv fi.i 1I0 S -; do lll diki.l.d 4 1 Xjthiu t;h 111 111, 1 11 .- 11 d" 17 tl d.. im.likid.d li .Mi-onCotnkt-ll, 1 --'r-lv r,.l do 'Jj ' Anuiile 11. t:utlrr. un.likiJtdii J. 1 .'lllie Ul lki.U'ul.-er, - -3 C-J.I do nnd.t i Jed i: d 1 15 uc Al V.rjil llirklnntii '1 :i 'liii.elhy Fulltr, tuidiki.lid do 1 Ltinr 5.1 do -' CI -j-ji Jotl l ro.t, iin.likM.d 1.' do 1 -'llli.- 5.1 Sjiuu.1 l'ltt-t, !-. ..-1 do ui-.dMJod I-' do l 5.1 nnijm.l.i l'eiri., 1- .1.. lii.divid.d J .1) 1 llnt' M ..lulon lV.ris. 11 o.j ,. Iinditldrd I.' do 1 r. ii.- 5.1 Si irr.kt,.lr, i W do undivided I-' .lo-.-rli lU.l.lingi., 1 2w :l .lo do iin.liki.l.d l .ei.i-Co-.'iich, 1 .: r-i .10 i.; '-'.'.l lh..iu-. lliingtlfortl, 12 do I Ji.ii :,( Joi-'i'ih lluiigirfor.l, z r.i 22,1 ,1.. mi.Iiki'fl 12 do 1 1-11 e Wt Jotiithit lltiui:.lford, 12 JJ.I do iin.lM.1,,1 12 .lo 1 1 11 e M IMil-n lluilLu.t, 2 '-".I S.ii do 42 lh..i.ik-. Ilamll.u. 1 .: tv M do L' .. '22.I do undlti.l..l 12 1.11-1. k 11.11. 1 I n f do l'l '2-11 do undikMeJ 12 Sunilt I llolt, 1 '-Meit M do I- 'J.'" .1, .!.-.!. ,.h II11I.I.11.I, liliditid.d 12 do 1 111 nv m do : Il i.11 liiki.i iiuag, uii.liki.lrd 4-2 do 1 iu s it 511 do 2 5- --'11 HatiJ lloat'.Jr.. 1111.IM.lel 12 do 1 '-'il 11 !l .lo I '--ii ljI.m.l..l.n-.ii 12 A(,i-r .ludi.ii, 1 1 a n Ml do ! 07 '22ll do 12 .l.uutv K i'.oii, 1 1. e it- MI .lo 2 15 '.'2il do iin.livided 12 Will1.11.. Ktuiiedv, I -".Iue 5il .1.. IKI -211 Williani UevtU, iiiuliiided 42 do I :i.luc MI do ol 22U Nih.ii.ijli IaivoII, tiudikidid 12 .lo I 21s tv MI do i 21 22ii curzer .M irt in, tm.likided 12 do 1 11 ne MI do 2 22 2'-il Dani.l Meiri I, d 12 do 1 1.1 1 tv MI do 2 X 22U I.lnlllnii Muth, undivi.lcd 12 do I MI do 115 2.0 John M mh. litidikt.led 12 do 1 11 u e Ml do 2 I'J 220 ABaUl XnUo, uudikidcd 12 do 1 li; n e Ml do 2 30 220 I.racl Xol.l, uudikidcd 1'2 do l 12 B w Ml Morgan Xohle, 51 220 do un.lMdcd 12 Steph.n Nol le, 1 :i u c Ml do 2 13 220 do Williflin tlrveii. I h. 11. .11. Williim llittl.-y. I.vl.ut II. ill, ,lr.. il II11II, do d.t StthSHniutl.siuith, do do Jupcpll Saufoid, do do Jamc-t S.infor.l, do d.; Btei.heu Sanf.ird, .10 .1.. Ixlnutl Satifoid, do do lachard S.piirc, do do .I.veph Sanford, Jr., do do X saufoiri, d) do Olivcr Sautotd, do do John, do llnucl Sanford, Jr., do do I'z'klel tf tnfold, do do HezckUli S infoi.l. uudivi.lcd 42 hlKnczcr Willi.uns, 1 lt do 2 C do ,n.d Ht-ntilng Wcnltvorth, t.onier, TOWXSII1I- OF xoirrox. Tiniothy Audretvn, 13 ao A iron Aiwlln, 1.2 do 11 Rcorgc A. Ilriitol, C7 do im Sinuon Brirtol, '-.; do M7 Eliphalct Iluckli v, 14 do ' Aft-i Bngj, 27 do U Cdivatd OarrliiRton, 15 do C3 ItichardCut.-r, 'tl do 51 IiiacIUkls, 1- do tr. rt-tirllcttilt, 73 do 37 llenry Uaggelt, Jr., '.U do lf5 Stcrhtn Day, 1C 00 -5 Denjimla Dayh?, do Aarcn Llliott, do nicize r Goodrich, do Uriah Ili.lme'. do Obediah Ilttchkis!., do Knot Muneon, Jr., Jthn MBnpficld, do dith Xoiton, Ackmli X. Jededi.ih do Jr, iai7tletli Xoiton, do Jauicit rrenll-f, Jr.. do John lrtntii-, do .lcbn Ku-rll, .lo ll.zikilh Stbiu, Jr., do I)-id, do Jouath iii Tiittl., do I'riih '1'iacy, do licrgel:. Thrm.p, do .lafob '1 hoinp ii, do S. th Tiirner, do Ackrah TilJin, do r.lizil.etli Til.l.-n, do -iarab Til.l. 11. do II iriiet Thonip'Ou, tln I'olly lh01.1p-.011, tlo (Ito. C I'.. Tliomiitin, do Willlaiu 'I h(.mp-on, lo l-'jril-. ThoiulMt.n, lo l.ydi 1 Thomieon, do I-.1I1I1 '11101111011, do .w rp.on, do Itilth fiwon, d.i Aiistin I'imou, J.ibu Wileox, 'Jd, do Kunice Wilder, do tfi-th Wilcoi, do Daihili Wilccx, do John Wiltox, ?J, do Al rjhain Wright, uo i l Wllgbt, do Jtdediah X. Wrigl.t, do ri iinu. 1 Wright, do lMly Wright, do Williim Wright, do Sally Wrii bt. ice W II.ox. M, do IVtcr Woodttard, do iowxsiiii or ri.iiiu.NAxii. iin.likided 32 5'' !'l tm.llvided :2 1-2 ! 17 Jf iindMdtdil' 10 -.11 ili.dM.1 d 32 70 J1 undikidcJ 3. 31 91 1C !'l .1 32 21 VI ui.dikided 32 i.liii.Itd 32 ! Ul divide.l 32 l.n.lik idid 32 3i VI nn.livideJ .12 CO Pi iin.likided 32 17 91 11 lll U!.dMdtd32 1- !if il; "ii- uu.likiJ.,132 10 M undivid.-.l 32 idivi.1,.1 32 ii'.liv 32 idikidf.132 15 !! i.livMe l 32 unJlkidcd 32 unditidcd 32 15 ;ii undlt ided 32 24 51 unditidcd 32 1 tl 20 O undivid. .1 32 Jo-ph Xcwniarcli, do do Aiel md. rtftcwart,V.t, undivldel 32 i.litidi.132 I'ottou Matlur Smith, do do S iluutl S. Stiulre, do tieorge SIIII111111. tlo Xjtliiui.l M.phenpnii, do do Abrjham Thoina't, undivided 32 1 lll ui.dikl!.d:r2 I'J '.11 nndlki.l.d 32 32 1:1 0 51 i.likl.led:t2 Klcbar.l Wil.lid, unditid.d32 Inthat pirt of FERDINAND fomnrly Wenlotk. Xatbanlcl Ediv.irds, 1 c 15S do 2 S .Ki Tlmolhy Cole, 1 n 155 do 2 13 3o Aaajudd, 1 47 llfi do 2 tS 3d Dentatnlu Slilivcll, 1 22 15S do -i iu ST, Jamra SmlUi, Jr., 1 31 15 do 2 .2 3.1 Stcphcn Matlhcrra, 1 5 155 do 2 "- 3A Timothy Upson, 1 21 l.vs do 2 II 30 Timothy Cairinttin, t 37 15 do - 30 Jamca Hrownicn, 23 5 do 2 11 2 Woodbury Langdon, 1 jt 5 Jocph I.amh, 1 mi 15 do 2 12 3 J.inioi.iullirie, 1 ci t& do 2 7 a, Williani HuUmrd, 2 fa; ii. Ja-iah Coggstv. II, 13 15 Fphr.iim vt arncr, 1 3.1 15 Alejah Warner, 1 40 15 Williim Adanis, 1 lt; 15 Jcnathin Italdtvin, 1 23 5 Moecsl'ropt, 1 41 15 S.imu.lFenn, 1 l'J 15 John JudJ, Jr., 1 51 1!. John Tarkir, 1 W 1:. Joi.eph l'ritchcll, 1 15 1 r. Woolrey, 1 2 15 Hiram & Thoe. Dnnk, 1 IS 15 'I homap Mjttheiv.', 1 31 1.1 Ullleb Mcrrill, 1 21 15 Sttphcn rpson, Jr., 1 32 15 .toi-cph Heach, 1 9 15 WilliJuiMonison, 1 5 15 Xathan Ijjtvii., 1 10 13 Amoa Andrciv?, 1 IS Jf. r.benezer Scott, 1 59 15 Jnfllh WooJrutr, 1 ."W 15 Samutl Andrcws, t 3S 15 locl llitclieoek. 1 II 15 Samucl Averill, 1 33 i5 John Ilow,,!,,,. 1 5 m Mark II. Wt-ni.onh, 1 25 15 IIcury-ktHon, 1 4 5. John lEofttvick. j 7 1 Williani UoKtew. 11, 1 ofl ,'v Mos.a Averill, 1 5j jc r-tcpbin Koot, 1 73 i... Ilan Weltou, 2 r,"i Aflron T. nill, 2 a) i,, 2 53 ":!. Hinnitig Vk'ci.ltvorth, orOot. Comer, G Th it prt of riMIIHXAXn fornicrly ltrlghton. Williim Tlnyrr, 3 32 10 do 2 SS 71 t.'li irlcfl Lce, 2 31 7. Marv Jeukius, Jr., : 10 lll ' di 2 51 7. Xi.hol.l- liicrrrr, 3 51 10 do C2 7. ollttr.ltnks. 3 53 10 do 11 7i MiryJcnUn, 3 5i lu dol 33 7i Seth Jeiikiu, :t Gtl 10: do 2 f.l 7. Jercniiah Jenki1, 2 C'S 7t Mitry ltioitn. ' 311 7i John Uottlaud, 3 t5 101 do J ;:l 71 .Toseph Xigblingile, :; 31 lu Kb ntrcr Flotd, 3 34 ln hlieha llrotvn, 3 35 101 Kphrulm.ltrotvn, Jr , 3 37 llij Jalx z Itotvcn, 3 3 101 t.hrWnphir shddoii, 3 lil 101 nartieit, -j 41 10 William Morris, 3 12 llil Williani I'orliv, 3 41 101 Williani llu.-k.L-ll, 3 47 lu Kobtrt Ncivtll, 3 60 lu ll.l.kins, 3 53 lul John I. Ci irke, :t Ml 101 Jo.i'1 U Kodircr, 3 57 101 Matthetv llodger, :t r.i tni Joliuthw, 3 vt 101 JohiK.ibl., 3 CI 101 kk Uliaui 11 tl ton, 3 C7 101 Johu Mutntord, Jr., 3 CS 101 Oeorjre Olney, 3 f! ml nnoaa urotru, a 70 nil Williani lllodgttt, 2 511 70 I nonia. JeukiU)., 2 37 7ij l livtr Ilotven, 2 30 70 J..phui Ilaeker, 2 30 70 Williani Iljlrujd, 2 32 70 Mjtthciv Il.inuid. 2 10 70 Joseph Angell, 2 C4 70 TOWXSIIII' OF IXW13. li:ae li of the nanice reprtrfcnts n trliolc r gl t of 33l"f acr.s: Ort'ziuitil Vi'in'..Vrs .Yanie. Averill. lljtl.l Johnon, Moi-es Knapp, hleazcr Ku.htIof. riteotlore AtkliLion, lttii-hncll H imctf, 'Ihom-ui Kimbt.rly, fhoini? Ilull. -lacob Mick. Iavid llowliiii, Williani IJowIind, Mjithnv Mitclicll, .loiithanMitrlicII, S-tinuiI Moultou, Sjimit 1 Moody, JtliUI IT.ftoa, i.iocoi'h IVrrv, jl'lilntas l'ortir, '.lo'tph ricrcf, .lolm l'icice, .Itir?tus l'it-rcc, Daid ricrc.', I'itrcr, Jo-rph lltchirJp, JlUuK'n quin Jo-. t;anf.rd, tlkv, llcnj.inlu fctitoN N thrtuicl Tuttl., Mtr-b. tt Toirarr, Ilitlm-ait TuttU', 'John Twcdv, Kichird Vibrt, nUJi.vli, W.ilkcr. lon-ithati Wjrncr, iWilhim Young, Accr ( urti, cn- i iui!, I ( iirti", Stih fiirtl. Ai'drcw Co. f.-Wl)OWIlJ, Ihoin m ir.tkiiy, Jolin Powiiin-r,' Amlrcw (irahitn. leaztr Iliniii-iu. Johu lltiiurm. Ahijili llimn lliuun 1 llini nllliiiuiin, iu Uiunua, IHM IHntunn. Ilijili llirmmii. 01I1 Ilimmu, Kdnmitd Hinmin, 1 iriu llinm-iu. lih Ilind. ittu llicock. ltcnniag Weutrrortli orGovcrnor! Corncr C'il n Ihc wholc of Wjhh rM fimnt iHlntr a k'ora lyiuiivnt of and -idjoiuiu .W'arreii ;ore ori, Jrjnrol t t!i V.inicr, coutaiuii.u i!'0t twTc. waukun :ui:i:. Selli Aus Iu. 15 7 71 d." , 33 1. lljvij Ai.dieivf, j 1 3 71 do ., -,i Js Oakid Admi-, 1 7 71 .i'!" 1. . 2 15 1 Jonath-iu ll.ure. j o 1 -j d, 2 " 51 11 llraiu-ud, j o -j do ., 12 15 olivcr. ltrackflt, 5 - do o 13 jj Iludl.'y Ilaldivin, 1 1 15 71 "do o 13 s Abrahatn Italditiu, j 1 4 71 do . 1,1 ig Jliles lleich, j 2 1 71 do .j " is Timothy ChilJ, 1 - 1 1 ;i ll.omis ll.a-ul etliii. ' .. J' Jj d 2 13 1 lVniJ!i l hllJ, J o s 71 do .j or; 1 Ot-orge Iiuncir, 1 1 2 71 do .. ot n-rtholon.etv Iluikec, 1 1 ;i 71 di u ji llltid Fulltr, 1 5 r, 71 d-i 2 57 Is .liktr, 1 1 15 71 do .. lo IS Jotiu F.ik, 1 1 5 71 do' . f.l i r. .t X. I'rhl ee. 1 2 71 do ... -.0 1- 111 llallup, 1 l 1 71 do 11 I-, I' l.ucdil.h, 1 3 7 71 d 13 1- X iltnn 11 al.-. 1 5 t. 71 do M3 ls Mlnu.l'lloi.kiiii. ,tl 1 3 5 71 olik.-r W..l.t,lt, Jr.. t 1- lu lljlev, 1 n 71 do ' ... 22 is Xoah llat.h, 1 2 3 71 do v U IS Jchn Jjt'tib-', 1 1 W 71 do -.. .'.9 is r-tt-t.l.t 11 .t.11,.1, 1 3 12 71 do '2 50 IS iin. un JacU, 1 3 2 71 do 12 37 1. I'anu. Ii:i J.ietilw, 1 3 1 71 do C-2 13 Th i.lJt-UH l.eakitt. 1 3 K 71 do 2 C5 1. Ihnldtiw h'ing, 1 1 1 71 do . :!5 IS l".li.-h k Kent, 1 5 71 do 2 53 IS lluggl.s Kent, 1 5 1 71 d 2 fS Is litiijiiiiiu K.11I. 1 1 2 71 di -2 I IS Joseph Kind.all, 1 f 11 71 do 2 32 IS Willtan I.jou, 1 3 10 71 do 1 4,1 15 Jdin Marccy. Jr., 1 4 10 71 do ' -i 1,7 ls Josei h Marcy, 1 2 lu 71 tlo 3 lt c tephc 1 Marry, 1 3 3 71 do 2 39 IS Sainu.l Mairy, 1 s 71 do 2 10 ls Willijni.Mo.tly, 1 3 II 71 do 2 17 IS CirshniiOldJ, 1 3 10 71 do 2 CS IS Jotintbau l'icrce, 1 2 5 71 do 2 3S 1? Williani liipley, 1 2 13 71 do 2 C 11 William llobeit-, 1 5 !l 71 do 2 12 IS Jotl I'obcrta, 1 3 li 71 do 2 30 IS, 1 4 5 71 do 2 11 IS J. dedi ih Mrong, 1 :i 15 71 do; 2 u 16 Williim r-tronj', 1 2 7 71 do 2 17 OeergeStvan, l 1 0 71 do 2 1 li Mnsei Scvnioi.r andt; 1 1 B 71 It. i.ltlng, ) 2 l 1 Asah. I Smith, 1 5 11 71 do 2 7o ls I h uinrey Siuilh, 1 5 2 71 do 2 2J IS llrzcklali Snerr, 1 1 II 71 do 2 27 16 Jolin 'llir. l., 1 I 11 71 do 21 IS rhoinas T..1IUII1, 1 5 l' ! do 2 40 IJ .I,n,ce(iM,..,p,. I ,;a Jj JolinTiiunl.iill, ' 1 l 11 do - ,!i ls Lriah Traey, 4 Chjpuuu Wl.ilon.l.. 1 3 13 71 Aaa Wbitiomb, 1 2 0 71 do 2 2 15 Anthony Wlii'coml.. 1 1 12 71 do 2 55 IS John Whilcoti.h 1 4 3 71 !o 2 60 IS llavld Wilcor, 1 I 1 Tl do 3 23 IS And so inmli of said liad trill ho ra'd at rnhllc llji. at the (ouit lloui, In Uuildball, In sai.l , county of , ou iue nr-i aay 01 iuae, noxr, at.i.i o-tiocn, 10 fyr.-no. u, at sli-ill bi rwiuisite to dischargo sald s, tvith c.t", nnlcra prevloufly j a!d. U. II. IIKATT1K. t'ollertor of Tiifi for the unorganizedtotvn9 and porca in Kntcx County. iiatcl at Maidstone, tbti 12th day orAptil, A.l'., i'i. Ouc thlrd paid. Spring Style ! Spring Style ! SILK, FELT dTcLOTH HATS, -Iut irccived Iiy I. IJ. CUKI1.V.1I. J"Silk ml all ctltrbrim Hai' tlnp;d to Ihclnid o 1 1 ea-ilv, fiee of charge. jnorro: r o 1: v, a s 11 1 New Styles ! Now Goods ! PTiM ot"'"'"'"'' f'"!n""I,1'I'SlorCkTllhtlie l.Tl ()0TS AND SHOKS, For I.idie? and Ccntlenic tveir. They are ol tl,e 1111.T manufjctiire aud are WAKIIANTl I) ', 1, yourtiiac! ' LADIES' BUTTON C0OTS FOR S2.25I !). STKIJI3TKH, "W'AKD'S Itl.Kli," Ilnilroad Ptrcct, St. Johnsl.ury, vt. FL0UR, GRAIN AND FEED! Wl.lleWii.t.rVhratn..ur l:edWii.t.rWhrHtnlir Spilng Whe.t Honr. Cnh-iiii. Ctrn Mel. lrickt-,1 tvith the Moal Hftcd crt l grcat lmpr..vtnuut.) ' bholt. 1'ino Fte.l. Hrn Ferd. Kye Meil. oat Meal. Ilutk Wheat nour. l'rovi-ndtr. Slfted Norlhrm (r jc, Coni, &e., 4.C., i.c. r..r Sale, Wholci-ale nnd Itcttil, at our Xcir store lu Ward's Block, Eastern Avcnue, St. Johnsl.ury, Vt. k. t. j ir k. mr. NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE! IN ST. JOIINSHUIIY. Th SiihTil er? havo t.pencd 1 storc In UAKU'S Itl.OCIf, Xeit to li-miil- i Sylvcstcr's Meat Market, nh. ic tlisy inttud to ktt-p a stotk of F.r.our?, AND FEED! of all gra.les an.l kinds f.,r nle. r.t the u.ktrai iihno ri:.. r-. We l uy onr Oraiu at tho West, as u.a'r tirst 1. inds r.s i- po-siblr, get Js lotv ratfs of fulKbt ls any o.ic, doour ..ivii niilling. and r-ell ournttu l-.h1s, .ilhi P ren S'triny irom Onc to Fuur l'mjils Hy mMl men. Wc rlull kwp a Team and Delivcr Goods Freo of Expcnsc to Purch.lscii". llinghim Drug Ston-. e prompt attention. ii. k. 1 1 1 : . ;.!-tf ciiKsci; .i)i7s:.s- coxsrMrriVKs l.lj TO n.OIUH.l l. H7. 77.72. IlJkiiis f..r the lut tbirty-fivc yc.irs dcvotrd my hole time -ind altention to the p udy of lting dist-a-.- id con-uiiiptl.ii, I f.el tbat I imderptind"fiilly the tu-.e oui.'ht to le ti:irsu..l lo nxinn. 1.1.. bad m of diK-u-t-.l limg- to he ilthv soiin.lnt-s. Tl.e r"t an.l most important sti p i, for tho ratient to av.uil t.iking cnl.i ; in.l tbe Ust of all i.Ijcis ..u rn.,i.. nnt l..rtbi.pi!iKi e. In i Horl 1 1. tt ill dottii 11 ihe ttite, ttbeie the t.tnirature Ii ncular, indiut .ubiert to rutll kari-.lions a. 11. mtr n,rti.. ... 1 I'.lttku is .1 itoint I ean recorumrii.!. A r,l'l.n.. 1 ktpt there l.y I'eteiman. iMt tviatcr I saw tek.-ri.l pdson-t there vthose laugs l.a.l been b-idly dlscn.-td, but nbo.undrr tho htaiing inlliieiiec of thc cliuiale aud luy uiedi. ine-, tverc gtttiug tt.ll. Ono bundred inilt- f.uthtr dotvn the river is a polnt tvhieh I tvc.ul.1 prcfer to P.iljtka. as the temneraliir.. .1 eeviu, aud the alr dry and braclng. Milluuvill. Iut. mrise are loeatt.l ihrA. r t1ni1t - cidedpreltrtut. to Mcllonville, Itis tivo milcs from rivcrtrlake.und it peeme almwt impofrihle to t.ike col J there. 1 he tabl, e In Florida mlL-ht lic bettUT. i.n.t patieuts eoini.laiu nt tinies ; but tbat is a gnod tlgn as it Ind catts 11 returu of apnctitc . and wneu H.i. l. 11.,. ca-c, they gcnerally iLCrtaac In flch, and thta thc lungs mu-theal. Jackfonkille, Illhtrnii, Green I'ovc, aud many olh.r places in rarioue sirt" cf FlorlJj, can be tnfely recom uiendedto consuuiptives ia wint.r. My r.ksons lor saying co are, that patients aro 1cm li iblc to tike eold tliere than tvbcrc tlnre Is a l.e even tempcrature- and it is not nccc-sary to say, that, kvhcre a coneuiupllke pcrson epore hlm-elf to Ircijucnt colds, hc is ri-rtalii to die thortly; therefore roy udviec is, Ko wt-il don into Ihe btite. out of Ihe reach of picvJiliug u,t ttinds and fogs. Jacksonville, cr almost any other of Ihe lo calities I batc uanied, ttill beuefit ihosc ttho are troubled ttith a torj.Id liver, a du-ordercd Homach, de rauged loivihi, sorc throat, or cough ; but for thos. vthf.rc luugi are diseadd, a uiirc southtru polut Ia enrn cstly rccommcnd. d. I or liftetn ye.irs prior to l-'-5, I vas prof.-si(.iallv in Xciv iork, llostou, llaltimore, -ind l'hiladclphia tt.ry ivctk, kthere 1 mv and cxamlncd on an avcrago hv.. huudrcd paticnu! n eik. A pi-tctice so cxtensike tm UracingtTcrypmille phirc of luug discase, Ins' cn nblediuetouudirstand the discasu fully; and hcnce mycautijniiir.gsrd to taklng cold. A irton mav lake vastquantiti.s cf "Scberck'w Fulnmnic Syrui. Seatt tt .1 Tonic, aud Mandrakc 1111s," aud y. t die it I .-' does n .t avoid taklng cold. v!r'.lrii'.3,', ""ir"1', "f.OlwJy l nain.. SchenckV M lndrikc I'llls ; for the rli..t.. i. ni,,i...- duce ollious hil.its th 111 11,010 noitlieni latllndes. it i, a kvell-crtal lifhcd fact, thit natitcs of Florida ranlv 1.10 t f roiHumption, especlHlly tbose of the southerii part. Oii the other haud.m Xen- CnBliiid, ouc-thir.t ? ."K ?f .'!' ITuIatitn dio ..f this tt-Wiblc il,c"' In the Middlestatc-, it does not rrtv.iil so l.rL-. lv ttillthtre are many!s ofcJe. tber.1 Vh It'.- vsstperr.nti?eot lif. ttoul.l Ivsavcd if consuini.tivcs were as t-neily alirmed iu r. gnrd to Uking frob colds as they are about sc itlet fik.r.small.nor t- 11 nre not; they take li it they tcnn a little cold, wbiti. tbey arccrtdulom cnough to btlietc kvill v.tarolTln h feivdays Ihey pav 110 atieiitl.ui to it, und briic- it lavs the foundatiou for ancih.r and another rtill, unlll the lnngs aie dl-easej bt ond !1 Iioih: of curo Mya.lvl.e to rvrni. tth. lnnra Tr.. rr... shgl.lly. I- to Iiy init stri-k ol Schtnck's I'nlrnonle ;"n'-wl'vi.cL SchcDck .M.u drike I ills, and go to l lorida. I recouimend tiienc I'n.L.v.i.., .,.,it.u.s, ..-tjiise 1 ain tnorcuehlT' e .luaintedvtitlilbclraction. ;knotv, that, irlicroli.y lr.S."',td.," ecordance ttitli my directiotm, tbT tt ill do Ihe tt ork th-it i- reriuir. d. Thls aecompbrliecl uature ikllldother.i-t. 'I he phyiiclan itlio pnrlt-; forrohl,coui:b,.,rniKlit siieals.and thnndvlies the paticuttoivalkorlider.ut ckry diy, tvlll ho sure to h.kk o a coip-o 011 hi hands ln-fore loug. My plan Is, to gikc my threc uu ditiues iu aieordauco tt llli tl.e pnnted dirt-ctif.n-., cjri pt in soino ca.e tv liere a fner nse of ihe Jlai diake l'ill is uctcsf.ry. My ob-J.-ct is, to pivc tone lo the sMlnach, to gtt up a good aipttit.. Itlialnajs.igoodsiKnkkhina patient U--glns to row hungryj I h-lvc ho(H. of sucb. Wilb a relu-h l..r f.wd, ind the gratiheatlon of that rilUh CJ.111H good llu.,1, and tviitiit more, wtilcJi is' cloiayf.llovtcdl.ya b.aiiug of thc lungs, then tho eough lo.ein aud alatcs, tho creepiug thills .nj .l.inniy iiightsttt-jtsno tong.r prwtrate and anuoy, jud the patiei.t gtts 1.1II, piotidtd hc avoids taklnt; col.l Xovr, there nr. inany rou-unipllves trho havo not tbo ineaus to go to 1'lorid 1. 'ihe qntstion niay bo asked Is thtrc no hope for t-uch t Ctrtainly there Is. iiy ad klce toruch is. and ctt-r bas l-etn,tostay iu a vr&rm rooindiiringtlictkiiittr, ttilli a ti mpcrature of styciily d.-giccs, ttbich sbould bc kcpt r.-gulaily at that lnt l.y me.ui-..f 1theru.0111.ter. Lettucb t mttm lake bis excrtisc ltithln the limils of thu room by walk ing np und dotru us mucli ns I1I1 Nlrcngth uiu, pemdt in ordtrtokicpup a hcaltliy ciiculatlou of the blood. I have eurtd thousands by tliiisystcm, and can do so Jgaiu. Cousuuipllou U aa tueily cured as any other diseas?, Ifit lu takta In lime, and thc proper kind ol lrcatm.-nt ls purfucd. The fact standa nudisputed ou record, that Schenck's 1-ulmonic Sjrup, Mtuidralo 1111;, an.l Seauccd Tonic have curcdktryiuany of ht sec mcd to be hepi-hi-a c.ises of consumption. Uo 11 h. re you will, you kt ill bealm.irt cerUln to find somc oor consuiiipuickvliohasbccurcscued from the kiry jattn of dc-ith by thtlr 1110 So far m thc Mandrakc l'ills arc conctrnt-i,cveryuody should kcep a sttpply of thtm ou haiid. Thcy act 011 ihe liver beitcr than calom.I. au.l lcuio nono of Ita hurtful taects. btbiud. tn Isct, thty aro cxccllent hi all c-lfes ttbtrc a purgttivc lutdltlnc is roquired. If ou hatc inrtakl-u too fnel of fiult, aud dijrrb.i-t on sues,adose of the .Mandnikes tkill ctirc you. If you ire sul.j.-et to rick hcad iclie, take 11 dose of tbe Man-dr-ike-, an.l they uill rtlicke you in tttohours. Ifyou tvoiildobtiitthetfTcctot a cbange cf tvater, or tl.o too fuv imlulgture In f.uit, tike onc of tho Mnidrskta cv. iy nlght, an.l ou may then driuk wattr, and i-at ivat. r-ini-l , l'irs, apples, 4auis pcathts, or eoru tritbwt the rl-k f Kiug mjde sick by theiu. Tbey will protert th'j.e tvho likciatHmp siluallons agaiust .hill.and fckcrs. Try Ibem. 'I hcy are pcifectly hunn less. 1 bey c 111 do you .ocd ouly. I bave nlundontd my proftssional Tlstia to IVrfon an.t XetT York, but coutii.uc to auj patlci.t at my oltice, No 15 Xortl. Sixth strti-t, 1'hHa.lcil.hi.a, ctery -atuTday. iron. 'J a. ki. to 3 !. M. 'Ihosc who tkisl. tliorough ex iiniuatiun ttith tUu Ikspiromtttr uill hc charnd titt. dollars. Thc lltcpi'om. trr decUret thc t-xict txuidit.011 of tlie lungs ; and lutienta can readily lc-ini ttl.oih.i Uiey are curaklc or not. Ilut 1 deeire it distinctly 1111 dcrztood, th-tt Ihc v.ilue of my mediclnes tn tircly u(xjn thclr hiiiig takeu striclly according lo dl rections. In concluslon, I will .ay, thlt tthcn persooa take my in(dicine. and thclr syit. m-are brouirht lot. a fccalthlf conditlou thertby, thty arc not soliableto taki cU; Ct noonc witli distascdliiiigsribeatuddTBcbaKfTo. of ntmospb.-i e nithout the Thibility of grcaK-r or Ium irritation of the brcnchhl luUa. Full dircctioss iu i.ll l.inguagt .Keotntskny my Med icln f, pocxplicit yud iltai th-it uiyeaecau aelricm wilhotit ciusulting iue, and eau 1k. bongbt fvoni auv dniigist J- IL SUHIXCK, SL I), tXov.l'J,'711 Xo. 1.'. North Siith 6tnt.t, I'bllrdJphU. GEO. C. GOODVVIN &. CO Boston, Agt's EVEUYTH1NG fo? Palc CHEAP at A. 31. COOK 4f CO'S,