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THIS CALEDONIA!'. li o)iH(l) .s J:i;ifit- JIis. Yictoriu Woo.ilmll, ilecinhi;: licr--elt fullidcntlv vilifiVit hy tl.o "scll'-cl.'ct-..1 ortliodoxy" of tlic New Vork nros in iniiiicctioii with hcr m-ent cxpcrirnrf 1:1 :i com t of jiitu-o, lia- .leicrminul to "jio for" thc inctrtoli(nn eilitors as a inatter riioniiclcn !uty, aml slie iloos so, in a l,.jjrr lo tlic New Vork 'J'imcs. Slie .-a -: Onoof tlic clinrge.- mmlo ngainst 111c is tliat I l'vcil in thesame liou-2 with my fornuT Iiuskinil, Dr. Woolhull, aml my lircMMit hu.-bantl, Col. I'.looil. 'ihe fact i. -. a l'act. Dr. Wooilluill lxing s-icfc. ail U aud inciiliable of ?clf-!-uiiort, I lelt it iny iluly to iny.-tlf aii'l to buiiian na tuu' tliat lie i-liouU Iv ratvil for, althoujji bis ini'aiiarity in 110 wi-e attii'nila liletoiue. .My jiu-rnl Iiu-liatnl, Col. ISltMnl, not only :iiro- I tliH charily lmt co-i,(iatis in it. I --: '' it om-oi tlio 1110-t i1T11011- inl- ot' my lif''. Il.'i.l slie tt.t;a-l iu'l. it w "M I.. .1: wi-1! rinii!h ; 1 ul '' - u' litn' lii'r jMc-ilioii llin- I IKi! in i.i.i- !."HM' uiti. "i"' wlm w:i. iuy Iiii-IkiimI; 1 livi- a- !lio nifo v-illiom' vhn i- my i-'i I.aii.1. 1 li.'!ir-.o in spiiit- ii. il -111 ; I :.i!vnrati' hvi' loc in tlu: lii-:ii-. I. .iiiTt 'i'n-1 , :iJ ti.r only I'lirr lur t ii: innii'.ialily, tli.i ili'.'ji ilninn iti-m ly vvliiili incii nnniil nnt! clirliiiro (;'.-mu-t linly iiir-tltnli -'ii ol'.-i-.uial i'laliiius. .Iy .jinles tireaelt aainst "fne loo" "l"'"'y, iiraetier it, si'civtely. Tln.ii' ut vtunl M'Cniinjx i"- fair ; iimanlly lliey aro l.ill nf '-ili'ad iiipn'- lit-in'S uii'l all man iut of utuaVaulin. 1."' I'o. i .uiiiii' I Ivimw (.1 iiiiu 111:111, a itit)lic ti'iclior uf I'liiimnn' wlm liw- ia witb tlu' wil'e ol'aii otlai' t'ttlilic U'.irlit'r ol nl-mu-t nnal uiainciic'i' A'l llu 1 roiieur in ilcnnunciii'' (Jli'iirts- ::;;:ii n.-t lanrality. "I Iyiccri-y l!u' lribiiti: jiaiil liy vii e to viilili'." .S 1 In1 it. IJilt I cjoi'iinc to -taml iiji a "tlu-iiilitltil r.sainjili'." I -liall maki' it my bn-iiic"-." to analyzc iimc ol tlu'-fi livi-.-, ninl will taki- my i liancr.i in tlu: niattor ol hlicl suit-. ri.Kfti'U.'.vitoN. TI10 atiiount ol liii ni'l tnalti.'r wliich paM.s tlirouh thc iniciosconiciil tulios of Iho skiti in twi-nly-I'uiir liour.s in an ailult iersuii of sound liuallb, i about i-ixteon ouncc-, or ona iiiut. Onc oiinco of thc sixtccit is Foliil matli r, mailo w.t of oranii' and i.naan ic siib-tauccs wbicb, il allowed to io 111:1111 in tlif yytti'ia for a bricf spai'C of tiini', woulil caiirc (k-ath. IIil' lvt 1.-v.ati-r. IJl'MiIi'S tlie watcrand.-.did iuat tir, a largu amount of carlunii: ai-id, :i ;a-cotis Imdy, jia-.-t'j- tlirougli tlie tulii--; k wi- cannot fail to undcTstainl tliat they arc activc workct'.-J, and al-o wc cannot fail to s-cc thc iinporlancu of kfop- ing Ihciii in iKi luct workniLr onbr. moviiif: ob-tniction.s by frcinient aiijilica- tmn ot watcr, or by f-jmc othcr inran;-. .Siinpo?c wc obtriift tlie fiirutions of thc f-Uiu H'rloctly by varni-hinjz a poon I'umplctely with a roi!iiounl mii.'rvioi to lnoi.-ture. IIow lon will hc livc Not over i-ix hour?. Thc c.ieiimi'nt was onco tricd 011 u cbild at l''inrcnco. I'djic Leo thc '1'cnlh, on thc occaiun of his arcc.--ion to thc papal cliair, wihed to Iiavu a Iiing ligurc to lciirc-cnt thc olilcn Agc. aml .'o hc gildcd a jioor i hild all ocr uith varnili and gold-lcif. Thc cl.ild dicil in a fow homs. If thc fnr of a ralihit or thc kin of a i bc covuriil with a s-ulutiun of india-rnbhor 111 naphtha, thc animal uMfe.- to brcathc 111 two honrs. Jomml of Cliunhlry. llcrc i a novclty ol architccturc. U'ho manaj;ciy of the Wiit Lanrcl Ilill CVai ctcry, I'hiladcliihia, havc lniilt a niova blc chapcl to protcct tho-c attcnding fn ncrals Ironi thc rain dming thc i-oi vicca at thc giiivc. 1 1 will acconimodatc fcv-cnty-fic inotirmiv : and i takcn Ifoin plarc to placc, wc s nppo'c, npon whccl?. It will al.-o bi! a protcction ag.iiiibt cx ci ivc hcat. Jf thc idca i an 01W, it Irikcs ii2 as dccidcdly a cn-iible onc. Thcrc i? 110 tcapon wbv, bccau-c onc pcion ha dicd of a bad cold, liall adcz- cn pci'fons .hould take cold m inoiirninj: for him : ai:d bcrcavcnicut .ho'.il-l bc niadc as comfoitablo u po.-.-iblc. Tlic latc-t ciism.iIiicv dovclopcd aiini rsi'w 1 ork hackniLii 111 thcir ti'aiisaction? with patrons- I'rom thc country i-i to i'i diico theni (o nay s; or i.- I lo Lc carr'n.d to thcir K'ljitircil do.'-tinatiiai, and thcn aftcr yjinj; a fcw block:-, tl iim thal thcy aie ncit allowed lo y ont ol that ili-lrict or that thcir convcyaaco ha- brokcn diiwn, bnt ollcrint; to pav for thc liil a hors-ocar. So tlicy biaidlo thi'iii in at tcn ccnl.s a hcad and trot bick for laoic ictini''. Sfllih: A little iif.ii-m.r i'HllrlK-,1 l.yllit A nj'n 111 a Vc?lcrn city loaili 'l!oot hlacucd inidc. ' Mu-t pcr.-on prcfcr thc old way of bl ickinj; thcm on thcout- A l onncclicnt M-liooliioy ba wiiltcn a coinpoition 011 horfc, in which hc :iy it i.s an animal bavini.' lonr "onc at cach c.onicr." At thc Salt Lake Thcalci- a ininipkin pays thc adinir.-ion of two pcr.-oiH and Hny yt two carrols 111 chaac. j ncro niM-ic.1 Uiat I11-: laic w.i mcnliiinul in thc Jiiblc. I Ic s.:id hc had licard thc picaoher rcad aVmt how 'Aigor Dciini w:intcd to bc born aain." A new boy 111 onc ot thc Ilidgeli.ld, t 01111., .Sumlay .-chou'.-, who wa.- a-kcd who inadc thc bcaulifnl bill-, abjnt him, rcpbed that no (hd nut know, bis 11:1 rents only inovcil into town tho l'Ynl ry in'lore. A yottng latly cntcicda libiary rccont ly and cnquitcd of thc librai'ian if hc had " llopcs." "o, ma'ain, but I havc n bhistcd hoad.ichc," was th I 'linlcoiH tvply. A ti'.ichcr catechiiing hi- scholai.-. ptit thc iiiia-fnm : "What'was togivc Ii'jht to thc worl.l ?" -.Matchcs I" crit'd 1.11c ol tlic yountcrs aftui a s-hcrt patisc u gcnin.'iiain auurci-siiig a paionate lovc ictar toa imly 111 tim simc town. amletl tlns ctirious potfcript : "l'lca-c to send a .pccily answcr. I havc some bi.dy cNc in my cyc." 'Oh, j:ranilina .'" cricd a nii-ohicvosi? lilllo urehin, ''I chcatcd thc hcns i-o nicc ly jn-t now. I thruw tlicm jusr U-aiN, and thcy thonght thcy wcro cjrn aml alc thtni up as fast as thcy could' ''My ilcai," said a hu.-band nilc, "I'ni ;join to ?:ait a coH'cc plan tation. "llow'llvou ct thc land? "Oh, llicu-'s 110 troublc about that ; J alwayn hac plcnty ol collcc noiiuds in my cnj 'W'onld yon bclicMj it, Samly," ?:i i ibvinc. "thal I newr ihonlit of thc scrmon bcforc I wcnt to thc pnlpit ?" (), that is cxactly what iIr. lMackin- tosh and I havc bccn sayinjr white you wcrc preachinj;." Train up a child. 'Mamnia, don't you think l'ug ouiit tobc vaccinatcd ?" V hr.t non.-ciibC, ilcar: I hcy only vac- cinatc human beini;'?" "Wliy, Latly Fakcway's had all hcr servant? vaccina tcd, marjma!" Puncb. Thc tjucnion, Docs gcttiag ihtink cv cr advancc ouc's happine.5.!? wonld .'-ccin lobc pat to liy thc Iri.-diman who wcnt ronrting whea dinnk, aml wasask cd what p!ea-urc hc found in w!likcy ; 'Oh, T.iddy, it-a traic inlircly, to scc two ofyom pnrty I'accs in.-.tcad ofonc!" .Said a pomj.oti-! hu.-hand, whosc wifc liad .-tolen np l.chind him and given liim a I.i---. 'O'lad.une, 1 cun ider siieh an acl imlccoion-!" 'Kcir-. 111c," said his c. il'.'. ''I didn't kntnv it waj yoa." .Ii -!i liiliin- dcliacs '-a thiincr-bn d b;;:tiicj man, as wmi that knows cntll: aiiotil r-lci'litr S'i lliprt; kant ciiayi. dy 1 fiMin hiai. :ind cmiii aboat l.iw -o tliat hp tii-t d l.i- -liclin' hally." A cli ryiiian was latt ly ilcpiciin;.' bc I.C.' a .h-cjiK-iiiliic-ti'il amli.-ii.'c thc a'a.'ini. ;j in.-rca-i: !' iut''mpci'a:icc. v.hca hc :t-!im..-hcd hia h -.tii rs by c ;!:iiming : "A yonn; pi iii in my i.cijihb.iiho d dicd .ciy -11 Idi-nly l.i.-t Smid ly wiiilc I was piiMcIiii'L' thc U"-p'd io a. b '.islly sialc 'if iiilnii'.itijii." A Vanixc .-pccnlator - jntc yc.ii - sincc wl.ilc buyin5 calllc in Catiadi c.illi d on a KtLnchin.'tu to purchasc a cow, inttii:--cd if ihc na'.iic vra a f.irrnw cr a ncv lililcb cow. I'svnchy, nol knnwing whii'h hc ivi-hcil, ivpli"d : "l!y .1 n .-p'.sc boac farro'.v. ti'iir icw mi 11c. "Jt.ib lirown, tlid o'i say tlrit my falhcr had uot a m'jch scn.-c a- llilly Smith'.- litl!" y-Ilow d..;j ."' No ; I j ncvcr s isd anv snch thin ' I r.ovcr said ! that yuiir fathcr had ini a- m'ic'i scn.-c as IJilly Sniith'.- little jcllow dog. All I s-id wa, that P.illy's little yclto'w diw had morc .-cn.;e thtin your fathcr : thal's all I over s-anl." '' dl, lt's woll you di ln't ay thc oilc r, I tiil you " .Mark Twai:: thn- prcscribe lof an a.-pirant for litoiary famc : llYc., Apas--!: do s ivcj!iitiu":d autho to cat li-Ii. liccaii-c thc pho?phoiu- in it inakc- hrain-. .S'.i far yon are corroet. l!ut I cinii jt liclp you to a dcci-iun abjitt tiic amount you nced lo cat at !oa-t, not with ccrt.iiuty. if the sjiciiaea 1011 scnd i- about your fair u-ua! avcrapc, i MiotiM iu.luc ni' a coi'i'lc of whales i all that you v. ouid want for thc pre.-eut ; not thc larje.-t hind, but snnp ly guod midilling wliah-s." A .Si'it v l-.i'i.-.inr. At aivcciit incct- iiiii of a prcsbvlcry in thc wc-tcrn p:rt of New Vork, thc order ol" bu-iuc-; bc- in thc pr.'rcntatioa and readitijr of slat- l-tical rcpuils from thc chtirches, a rubn t ldor ol a conjuvu.ilion not f.iniou- for Iiboral th'aliny with thsir pastor iu th nialli-r of f-alaiT. con-. iou-i of i th.aiclvcs. i!i-po.-cd to cko out liis st:p- port in thc way ol prescnt-', was lvaibng thcir rcport v. hc eame to fninistcr'r ilarv nnd donatinus, SI!Oi)."' "What - that .'" iiiterruplcd onc of tlic hadinj: doctois of thc body : "' is your pas- tor's salarv ."' "Salat'y and donations. $l(!t)0," was i!ic icply. "1 am not iu- pnring aluiit donatioa.s but about thc alary." -A thou-and dollaiv." l titit tovt'n sj, then." 'JJut what .-liall hc tonc with thc donalion.- how .-hall thcv rcportcd V wa- :;kcd by tlic chler. Vurlou- rcplicn ivcrc :iivcii hy ilitlLrcnt mcinbtrs of thc body. O.ic sugc.-tcd ur.der thc head of lui-ucllaucous ; anoth- lnini.-tcrial rJi-.'i. The suirgc-lioii that clicitcd the 111 jt apprccialivc ro- poiuc from thc prccbylcry irenerally was niadc by a ruling e'dcr. who gravc ly, but with a mcrry twinklo of his cyc. propo-cd "cntcr it in thc column, s-up- port ol thc cburch pjjr. ' hcMnjdisl. A Coi.tiuui Hi i.iiiii'. lCvcn thc llos- ton gcntlcmcn of color participatc with thc white s ';''.!i-- of thc llub in thcir lof- ty di;daiu of thc talcut of New Voik. A fiicnd, haiipcnin' to be caught ia that city over Sunday, thouht bc would takc a glimiisc at kimo ol thc cnurchc.-'. Stcppin in-iilo thc porch of an A 1 tn.'eting-liotisc, tlic scxtoii, oolorcil, ap- proachcd rcspoctfully. and said : ill you havc a S'jat, S.ih ! llappy to show you to onc, hih. 1 lcnly Mjalr- tlu nioriiin;.', Sah."' 'No, thank you ; ean't slay bnt a nio uiciit ; just sloiiped to "lanec at thc church. Vhal is the name of thc cler yman " Ihat, Sah, h thc Kuv. Dr. ." 'Kinc preachcr, i-n't hc '." 'W'cll, Sah, liconlc Ii,-, dill'civnl 110- tions "buut prcachcrs." "l.ut Itc sccms ipulu anunatcil : "Vcs, Sah ; con.-id'blc aniinatctl." "And appoars to havc talcut?" "Wcll, Sah, a- I said afo licoiiles has siU'li diilorciit notions 'bout prcacliciv Dar s some dat tinks hca initthtv -'ood 011 de word-. J link inyretf ht:"s a fair 111:111, S.ih a j'tiir man, bnt not of de imnid jUck class. lle's jotnl man, Sah, a wc'.l-incamu man, but not a talcntcd man. llc's a New 01k man, Sah jlilio's iJiiin-ii; in Iliirj.a's MayizhiC lor Jiiuc. T iic xx an il (Oavilcn. l'.inny, Stock r 'i cr. .iu.1 lIortIcuHt:rbtc ir. i vutriltuU' t tlii-1 ilfiaitiutnt pnch iuitt':t j hiti tlifir own i xjn ri. avv iml o!'-fn'tioa.J Tfic iViin ouc iMi'tiv l''iru! inJIaii' ttyctl. At Ihc Aicrican In-litutu Karmor.V Club, a coimnittec w:is apjiointcd to vi-it "llcacon I'arni, Northiort, Long Is land. Thc conimittee liiadc thc follmv iu;.: rcport : Iti I80S liicic wcrc 011 thc nlatc f-ix or cight cows, a pair of inutes, a horsc or two, aml over tlucc humlrcd hcad id Mcrino shccp. Tlicy madc about 7." lo.tds ol inanure. Tlic (iDO ncrcs of ara hlc land was ctit into twenty or morc s.Miall licld-, dividcd lroin cach 01 hcr by old hcdgc rows, full ol liri:ir- and .-mall ccdars. Sjvcral hundrcd actvs wcrc in an old common. that iv.ldcil scant pas turc for two or three inontl.s in summcr. iSIuch of this conunon was over jrrown, with oak hu.-hcs, little ccdars, and hick ory s-lunK Now wuliml thc farm stock cd wilb S2 hjincd c:!ttlc, of supcrior tliorough-brcd stock, ."2 hoisc.-, 57 thccji, 7(i hos oi'rt) hciiJ, aml o" ducks, and hc buys 110 h;ty 110 corn ur oats, no rools. Ua has lilty aerc- in onc dover liehl. Thc -dIc uutlay for c.ittle luod, is about .-()( lor whcat ..hoiis. lntcad of 7." loads of manurc, wc c-tiinatc hi- com-po-t pilcs for u-e this spi iug and sutmncr, to contain i,OUlt loads. Hlanurc makinii U this v'morous farmcr is not a thcorv an clKirt aml j wHi meroly as it is wilh thousaiids. IIc iiiakcs it. Thcrc arc thc imraensc banks of it stamling a fathom dccp in the main stock yard, aml Iooming above thc furrows or all thc plowcd fields. His compost pilc is not wintcr's accuinnla tions thrown into thc yard from stablc door? aml wimlows to lif haulcd in thc ficld in April aml Jfay. Mannre mak- 'mz composting gocs on the ycar roiintl ; no tlav iu wintcr so frozcn but itscosad- lilions to thc pilc? of fcrtihzers ; 110 sum- mer mor.ung .viinout 11s rouml ol cuores that fwcII thc hoap. "Kverything," hc ays, "must havc n mothcr and manurc is tlic mothcr of all thiniis." IIc kccps 111 ox tcain, and bas thciu tlriven -tcadi- ly at work the ycar rouml, hauling ab- Eorbants and composting Mull". His task is, livc Ioads bcfoic iluincr aml livc nltcr Itnncr of leaves from the woodland-, muek, v.rcds an.l salt niud. IIh c:tleu lation i-Ihat thc folid dioppinss of a cow or ok amount to f.oincthiiig Iikc tcn loads iu a yc;r, and Ihat tcn loads of niuch :.nd havcs -liouhl be cniapislcd wiih i'.. h'.ir inauur.! m.ikinir is" iy f..ur Uw p iiprtl a cow. i':i-!iiiv 1 iml h' docs nut lieh v.' iu Voiu.g .'iiiinia!- and niil.'li cov sliculd i;ac :i .-ni'ill langc, aml ruu 111 11 an hour "r two f'li-cxcri i-c It'it a tmailcr f a miic a day i- all thc walk a niilch .iw 11e.1l-. Thi loiciiiga t-ow torangc ovr a wide reich of bill audswampauil 111 ior and ood for the malcrial lo inakc milk of i-, be insislS thc cryinjr sin Americaa dairymcn. He U a tliorough bcliever in cooking for all farm auituah in wintcr, aud cullin giccn food all sum nicr. li'gimiing, lor in-tancc, witli Iay, hc gocs ihrough Ihc ycar as ful-!ow- : -May, old liav, thc Iw-t of .tal!: iml rools, aud ryo, June, dover, aud oats. Seplciub.',r, sowcd corn, ofl hcads of cab- ba";i: O.'lobcr and Aovcinber, lurnip t.ip-, c.irn, I.cet loii-and rools. Novcni licr lo lo ?Iay 1.) boilcd I nul, rorn slalk-, li'iy and roo:-, lcaincd togethcr and sprinkhd willi liiorl and bhoi t, thc ratc bcing tibout fo'.ir tons roots to one of f talk.- aml hay. I le u-ed I'l indle's boilor larc f-ize, and 11 doublc stiain box. l'he slalk and roots arc all eut I'mc, .-hovplcd iuto a box, aml thc stc.tiu Ict In about six hours it is so soft Ihat a stiel; can bc lai-hcd tlirougli it. It is illowcd l-i cool to thc tcmpcraturo ol thc bl iod bcforc it is mvcu to tlic animal.-. His root-, S.vnlc. niano'ds and carrols arc grown iu thc lullowing munner : Draw fiirrovip say two fcct apart, and lill thcai wi'.h mamirc . tiiea covcr with a doublo tu;row an.l jo!1, aml opcii 'liotiih to !''"ccie thesc. il, culiiv.ttc v.iih hcr-e-hoc. t )a lan.l not rcmaik'ibiy ii 1 tilo hc got- thirty-live tcns t- the acre : illowing thirty buhc!.- lo thc ton tliat rop is l,000'bti-hck Hc harveslr. by liloiighing thent out, lir.-t clipping tho tops wiule in thc grouml with a hc : thcu he harrov.-s ovei thc liold, iifiing Ihc tccth as thc 100I.- become cr.langlcd, ti.iii bunp-cait- go on, and gathcr aiM Ihrow thcin iuto lunn jnlcs by thcroad. Tlie-c pilc are covcretl vii'.h tc.p-. -Iraw and carlh. and loads are takcn daily as thcy to the barn W tlh O.IUID h ads ol manure he has cnouh to hv-.- thirty acrcs hcavily, and all hi.- !c- wcic largc, as al-o his carroN many of thciu, lakcn from any pait of tiie pile, meafiir- throe niche' across tlie crown. IIc eut si.xty ton- of hay, and we siw at Iea-t twenty yet in thc bam, (inidd.'e of .ilareh) for his Iepondeni.c is upou rools. He had tliirty-two acics iu roots in 1S70, uid c.-tiniatos bis cropat ;ii(,llilO bu-hcls. lijMilc- thc.-c crops hc has madc extcn iveauil permauent amclioralion3. lull ? havc bccn grubbcd up, fcm cs rcbuilt : all of thc pluc the old pa-turc tburougbly plowxd. thc fure.-ts tritnmcd iml rakcu, young grovc? ol locusts nu- cd, gatcs htuig, bigh fci.cea built, and roads graded. Hc has thc bcrt nulk hou.-c wc havc evcr seen. not excepiing thc famous dairics of Ddaware counlv, we-t ol I'hilailelphia. Ilis hog iuii are comti'.ciu.'cd 011 an cxcclicnt moilcl, but to le-cribe all thcsc and his syitcm in con uection with theni, would be to write a treatUe 011 battcr and pork inal.iii'j. W' stibmit this ns a rcport ol progrc-s, and havc "lven the clnel leatures ol his latth as an agricultural thinker, aud his irae tice as a EucceB.-ful farnier. Nor hae we said thcse eniphatic thir.jrs from a wi?h to praise Mr. Crozier, but -imply to Ict larmcr.-i know how tiikui ' thc rcal .-ucccss ol thcir profcB-ion aic. TOMATO, CABBAGE AND CAULI- rl.OWER PLANTS! EARLY ROSE POTATOES ! Alri :i .1 iniii.liir ..t tf.ct.i, r.A, t routl.y WIXDOW PLANTS, i liiiKi.f 1 1-ti..Ir. j.r r rale l.y rii.iuuip, 1'iicliii, A.C , r. II. I'KINUI.I', 1'. O. WrlMUAtl.' R E M O V A L GOOK'S IIA11NESS SIIOP liall A- ricteiici'- Stnu Uirinunt II 011 M.ii liiniili ith .ill kiiul of llarnifi. Work from i llirmi-s to tlio llnr lliili.v .u C.iri lll!M . I rill" 110111! Lllt tllC ItCTCr OlllCHUd llllll I.k rti-tk, it uill l.e nur nini to luikcoiirunikilttriM.' Iii' it ilii.l In ('"O l itli'. Woik of our own iu:iiiiif.ic tur.' uill te inrrjutid to givc i;oo.l t.itifjction. -!-.i, ooii't.uitly on halid, llultir', t.'urry Coinlw Cint-, I'.tni'liw, lipj.ini; Iu-lrl' and t'oml., Suiniii. i Miukiti., llcut .Vt.-. Ncat'i foot Oil, ll'ikn t Uoll ir- a srixxiuu stock or whii'h. .1i.1ih of -ill iironii.tly 'ittcml. d lo. Otlinf; inii upain.. iiiiiikini; lnc puijliclor tlun roniL'o, up loi. hy cloc ntti iilkn to our l.i rrn in tiic fr.uhim 1111 o wf tho f.wuc. I t ;r.o. W. GENTLEMEN ! THE TlrVIE HAS C0ME WlllllV. 1WE O : niiirt Invc comc It w ni-irly tlirw iiiontlo i l'uc wc ho!i! out our .1. .lil Inn-;. r tlun th it wo hM pnlf ou c r !it Pt'll tlnrc nrc ln-iny mmll iintmt duc u- uli wc want. It ooptn n cr.'.it i!rnl In tlic anrcntt' wli'.c tlirc orf jur Mtcin to oirh of th-c wlio .uc n v.r no m iioiw t!i-.e UDdir wlio-o c? thi- nmy C0.1UP, an.l ho owc will roiucii.HT th-it wc Itee l. .ur; not l.y iro n ly Kfttinf; lfc wc im'.il t n our Korn uor ny iiK.naui lurt ol tlnt in con- o know Ihit ull our oM cu-tumcri- KlicM' in littlii!; ouipr-livc whilii tlioy IivethC!iiH-lvo, md hcijtc v.iin. I'. l'K-i.c cr thst c .till "livc. mo hivc a licin.1" undor t!u. 010... M 1 .. ...... .!.-. 1. 1. Ion(.-c.l tt iih lor ncailyfortv ycar- Tlll'; CI.AItnMOX 1' .MA.NLl.M lllllMl COMI'AXY and thst p ftill pernnu n.K, an.l do J0I1 l'rintins rd piy Hamblctonian Staliion gi:..i;iiai. (iitAsr, ju.v. This hcr-c a tircd hy thc d Iinrpc Ccn Orant. Hc ii C yc.irs old, lrcisha 1 lo 1 ll... 15 l.'hauil liiKh, 0 of .1 d lrk l l.c-tmit color, good tiL :mJ a j;ocd Hippcr: intiicaiin.; prcat ppeiu. IIc uill makc tlic cojvin a IoIIoivh : Moiidat v r.t tlu .st. ,Iohiil.ury Iloii"p 8tiMe; HittirJjyd at 'l.nd.ui v. nir; oiiktuij? ittlicpnuicol llic iiiiHrriiicr. lirnu., ii. ,. J; (.. W. SIII.KS, '"''-,''- Waterford, Vc.iii- ltoinp: mull:' to Riv.'! nt'rntion to all tlic vork comlus to mv cll'.c-, I liavc tliiJ diy nuJc ar uiroracntJ liy nlicli 1 CJil tuji'ly II"! dcnuail for CHEAP TEETH ! Tho nork will i.c ninlcr ihr- contrclrf lK'. TIIO.MAS Wllirnaof 1'Lil.uli'lilii.l, ju ciri'iionn.l .lcntiet. II.' will -in'lv nll nio.lirn iiiiprovrmentJ t lil-. wcr!;, ui.l :iuuie ti.o cutirc r.,r tlu Tccth Extractcd Without Pain. :w-.v .'.( I..H ;n ..v -,-... i '-ni ir ..;,': J. 1,. I'lMMiS. St. .1. lir.E!mry. t..Aliril2S, f'"lf TlTTALEDONTAN ( alcibiiilan IMticlf, Mdiiiiinciil Niiii.iit ST. JOHNSflURY, VT. I'.l...k, n-.ltli.'i.lpllip ' .M..M mi st, ir '-'I". iluri-ap.l nur HciiitN -i f.-r I..iiiir (1 001) PRINT1N (5 . :co,:o"X'7irr-s First-Ciass Presscs ! . 1..U..1,-:. .ni 1. . 1 !:( ; wit if? Liberty" Press tluiu a prt'ttiiftl lo all kiff .k in VOSTEUS. JIAXIJ-IULr.S. I'JlOliVAM.K ciii:cks, i:r: i:rnr.. u:tti:i:-iu:M)s, iull- iir.Ans, I'AMi'ni.nrs, .i:i:ii:i: ti' i?.vi:i;i-i l.J HLAXKS or ALI. 7.7A7.V Gf 0 r d 0 11 P r e s s, c i:iis, m .-1M.S.S 1 Ai:is, tt a 1.1. c a i:i.- 1: V.r 1: 1 I'T.S, o t r. s . illlUIK.s, I.M1I.1.S, TKK1.1S, r.t. I to OAliOKICJ KNfi IN'K. uliioliin.l.l.ii.lii tiiru oir w.-ik ultli ii.-illu'. -in .l.-I.i'ili. Iu a.l.liti.iu toour m u 111.I Itn.rn-nl inn l.iiu i -.. w l.n.-jn t.i.l.l. .1 .il.out lift r.iut'i.r NEW AND BEAUTIFLIL TYPE, Of ltl-rt)Kv, tOgltllcr Kltll c 1 c,,, l.'..:..i:ri. Is'.s, l!i:..i Xii'i 1'hin 1.11 t;..i. ira 11 I'aii r.-, Ckiim "1.. 1:1 Wilh xlillel irnrl.hifn.uwl 11 riinjul ul tCHlinn lo ice lnlu-cr vc cuk .11;.; .' ( ii-((. f nll Wi-i Jniff fnr. in mtr linr. ,1'j:asi: aivi: rs a twai.. LECAL BLANKS. V.V l.'ic iK.iin r.-unip.i tho lll.luk llu-luo f, a::,l ti'inl to piii.t an.l koop 011 loin.l I.oKl an.l ..:l 1U.ANKS ol ull kinil. 1!. i-i.lo- ll. cd-, WiiV, n: Ihc 1iri1.1I foniM of I'.liuk' hv Nu jp.ii, v.oprl .iu.l l.irrilo t'o-liiia-tcr'. Itcci'iiil'., Tinvii tailleclor-' Iteei i.t, 'reaciierv' I.ii i iiM-, i:ic, I.ic. jAlonmni'iit S(iuu'c, ST. JOHNSBURY TEACHERS" LICEN5ES. A new f. nn jn t jri-.t. .1, .iliI f..r nr n 'AI.r.KoXlAN ol rit;;:. NEW ST0RE! NEW GOODS ! WAl:ii IU.I.CK, i:.Mi.;:uAii sTin.i.r. Wc havi j tt nti rnidfroni Jl uKrt, uit'i a I.AiiOi: ASdi'KTJlKXr cf MILLINfiRY GOODS Wl.khui will 11 for fASH at .1 SMA1.1. I'lairiT. Weilnll hc ll-acd tmhow ourCood. to M hilijvin,: tlnt wc c.lti -i'it In l.tli fet)lc .md Qnalily of Cook. T. H'AKI) V ;(. !-t. .lohu, luiry, Aprll 1! Ih, lTl. Uutf rroeh iuiM?rti-d :i.i.3j on h md ,i BINGHAM'S DRUG STORE, UANK III.OC 100 SEWING MACHINES! 100. BST KINDS, AND WARRANTCD. t r. I! M J. : TEN DOLLAKS Wl.-n tlu' .Mh l.iii" i- tiki n, iin.l ONE DOLLAK I'.Kh wik ti!l .ill i- I ii.l. r. o. i'ii.vit, i:. t:. sTiua.T. i. .uiiissr.i uv, vt. G R AND O i' '. N l TJ C! K (iOODS SPHINK AND SHMMER rRAD!:". oja-n. .1 om r;i-w STui-Kij :.n.l i-c tlu .-fl-TI W..liivo-i ?(( aml .!..; Slul. , u l. U .re h ill pff.-1.' VKK'V V I'lMCKS. hsticcially AUraclivt: AssorlriioiU I'lll-.M'II t'AMitl.'K' i'!.wcai.s a i'i'Ut:s. ' I I . --l.lii.-...ll .-t,l iia 1.1. a- I'f.n K'ii r.i: Aflll .'I'th 1 .1. cii.iii: t miii: ai.i. : 0111: ;:;:i.v : COME WITH ALL YOUR FIIIKNDS ! ( .in.- uilh ..111 1-. -I. l.ill f inrni- 1 1 ll.o or ( rM Kri:v .w t ir ai F. 0. l'RATT'S CUOCKEItV STORE I.'. It. sTltr.I.T, f. nlllN.-l'.l Ii V. VT Tei I'latii-, p. r . Itiikiiu- l'liti", C..i.r-.1 Uutton., RART1.ETT, LEWIS & CO'S IMIOVISION STOIMC - - n - MKAT iMAUKKT! Wohiveju-t iuovi.l inti ,ur 110 -. in ,liill- SON'S I'.I.OI K, lit ly oioii.i. .1 l.v W. II. IIo.t, n Sou, -m.l h .11. at ill liiui--, I.. , p -. t.- .,w I. of FL0UR, SUGAR, TEA, T0BACC0, rcos, i..i:n, ur.AX.s, iii:ii.d Airi.r, I'.IIATOI'S, AI'I'I.i:s, I'.IT- ti:k, A,-. inoir TVE -K T 2VE A. .X. .12 1' vra fh il! Fi.are 1:0 pjin. to fcrrp tl.o 1 t ct KKKsii iii:i:i 3ii;iToN, vijal, I'OUK. I1AMS, l.lai l' ANi; SAI.T I'.KI.r Togitii ruith .llkindiol FISK, ' olli mlt ai:.l fih. C Thoy u ill rn.i s M1IAT CAKT d lily. We, n!.., koi p a tc-im ct our dcoi ii d dila.r f.Todi t ilh::o cu-tor.itrrf uluu diind. :7'Ihni! th- i-lilicri! ntroM4,,p in t it--- p-i t. ux- --olicit .1 lontiu.ii-ucci.fthiir tir-'. Johnson's Block, R. II. Slrcct, .1. r. .1. w. li:wis. wm. i)..Mi:i.a 3 HORSE-SHOEIN'G. Thc nitcrilr li-if roturril a fi1Pt-cn iicr-c-inoer; an.l ev lnli.-vct hy ieiToiial ;it. fhoul.l he. 1'articulir atteution rivcnto 1. horp.villn-.o.l fnt i-h ill J. l-opto"' ,r'" ' Zf - At thc chlit.nd. I'-ldJock lilU'o. fU'J "a. I' IIAI I Tlv.) Now HXOI.i: WACONS. I no 1.1-MKKK W.UlllS. IVr tf-ito Chi-ii. y. r. 1 nr.n. i.'tt FOR SALE! )uo h c.nd-hniid IIoKSi: ltmTB, aud f.onty toct of ..uc and oiu-lull SIIAriTXfl. Applv to t-t. .1 jl.nrhiuy, Vt., 11 irch 2S, liji. FOR SALE ! -.:.,iHiB,,HLroct.ttf..u.- iuch si'i:r:r. .-inxcix : I.m,Nl(irhliinin. h CKilAK SlllNlil.r.; al, i Iiijjp i-tfik- 01 iu.v tioops, (.i.(n insi:, i l.ol i:, am (!i:oci:i;ii:s, cnocKiaiv, iiAi:l)WAi:i:,andevcry- Ihin : Lio.!od Ii) thc 1 cpU' of tiii- ionitj, whiih I u ill ii II it prico. Ili it c int.ot ! t f-r ca-li or lu.'.dy piv. fill in-1 p.p 11 i' i- notm. :.rc nwiu oir, Hmk-. vt. HOYT'S BLOCK. GREA1 CilANGE FOR BUSINESS ! Th.' -11!. rr.U rhiv.n-' ..ll. ru 1. 1. 1 I.- I. -ii K. I.'. dii!.d int.illiro .r tn.iolho. - .iiel lo. t. 1 . j II,.- I.-,iii. 11 i Mtp ri. U..11I.I0 in l.-.liii:: ll.o .t . iro tu'.i :i( iilio.'li .ii -1 tr..l. rr. A.Ivto ..M.l fr.mi St. .I..hii-liurv, 1 f..rial..,Fii.I l.l.vk N ir.c r'onv u ith 1 a-. nioiit, one l.t . I'. r l.n-iniTi pmpii-. 1 . in ll,o HIikp: 110 r ti H..-11 h; -ii.I ili. ii Ii I.I-.- l. i itlu r l-lliiili ' i.t A. .1. UII.I.MUI. BUSINESS CHANCE! fl.i -f.r :il.- Ihc rt..-r I. 1 .11 Iho .-I .to of llen i:...l;-p 1'uaI , ,h-e-:l-.l. -iror.illv nliclid l.ool Diy Gcods, Groccries, &c. .Sai.l rtr.n' 1- I ir -o t..nv. i.i. nt ...... h.:v:il f I 1 . litil.l 11 l'lll l- rlnn.l) fi.r -n.y 01 p uchiii-r lo 1 iiipj m ih- ri Li ir.i.l.-. I'... parlii iil.i. oall ni or n.l !r. ?. Ill Mfx W. Ilif r.i'I , t. ,F A R M AND S T O C K, run sm.i: Tlio.uh o il..r..!r. r- I : f..nn f-.r nl , roi. I..11I io.-.-r.- f I' . .ol. 11! Iin.l.uitli I 1-!..- villio. f -1. .lohu I un. 010 cf th.- p'oi. ..,1 Ijn.i, ui-a I..1.1I1.I, uitl -I- II ol . Al-o. Mc...l l'.,u-, I -l-.. ... lliri-' 1.1. fn'l- I !!, AI.liiiov l.-ill , 1 ii.rl.M ll.if.r. AI.I. rn.-,) :. Al.!. rn.-i Ili if. r .ili. . d -!.1..-1,,) I -.-,i 111..11I' 1-.-. I Air.'-hin- ll-ifer ('iir. (I-.l,Io..l,) I AI I.iin llull 1 ilf,(l'nll 1 1-1.1,) -.-.It ir.-.i.-.IUu.-. Iim .it'unll I.. (!--' Il-ad) - full-llo d ,'..! r.old I u. . -' i-d ll-i -' 1.111-). irol ! (;..!!-, 1 i-.i.!.i.. r..l',.ll ! II .1, md rp n-i.l pr.-p- ilv. .1.-:. l II N KIHS. :-i. 1 1 ic-.. .v : 1, ; .- if .a;-i. A HOUSC FOR SALi:! (Jtimn? ..iS I l-p ".I' 01II . r . ir.-p. l.i- plic for t il 8T'.rTB.i,,iitnt In Iv.i. -1 I'ald rl. ill liie .111.1 iIto. Sii.l iIwimii i.nin- ti.n-p .11 ro--il fo. I lanl, ..11 uliioli i- -1 u. Il-' iiilt 1..HM-, l.iin .1-.! otilhuil.lin-. til iiuowl r. piir Al-o lnrl-o- r-th.iv md ti.-I ior.l-.ot ....d. 1'.l JolIN W. l'l:l--l HIT SMALL PAIiM FOR SALE ! lo, th- -.1... I I! !-l A ! Ot;f 'is. 1.11 -olm..l I f, :-f ! rtn th.- d.-p .t. '.i-ty, J111. 1-, 1 ;i. CSTA "i iT IN S JOHNSGUttY '"f SviH t tli ou- -coop-. 011 11 tin Mn- t, i'.",ni. r j:;jiV;.t m . md I'wi.ct Mr-.t.t d..iibi I. u a i'i t.ttlo i.i.i.lii-e 1j.n1) cn r. - 1.. p.'. i.i.i.r f-. .I.-lr, ln-i. N WOOD ! WOOD 1 ! I . .Ui-iIUU UVuiII.UIii.rli-in.tiSI.M! Wnuli C . v II . -. it - I 1 1 i.rd. II.- uill ,l- do -oM in- LOOK heke: PIIO'i'OGRArn GALLERY i'oi; sAi.t: : I l.ialtlil ni iF.llmv I'lIuTO- l.UAII 1. Xl.l.l I.V. 11 i' -I ili.llir.- in , il 011 1 1 .11 e : d-li I1.1l l.n-in. ..-ii. n.-.- iu nukiiT. I.r 1110 -. :i- I -1 .11 .-.Ii out i'l h-r n.y ." ou h - u'i-he-a j i-l th -i- 1 I ot.i I .- 1 1 ,.t i.d I. io- th '.ii 111. I . I! o 1-7.1. l.pv..!,:.-. CAtil.. t. .IpIhi I-, , Vt , ii E L (II K W . T G H P, S n-t.: , . ' : I t'rtSll. N l-:W SIMMiNC (!()()DSi f . h n n 1: 15 WOOIJ'S ' 1 .( 'v 1 1 1 nt ( ; 7- 1 1 ( 1 . The tiost Assortmont in Town. I Ihe I'ul l.c iro liulto-I to pm:iiu1i.i' piir l 1 in;-iIil,oro. it ill wtJy ( I'i ai 1 1':: . HtCrfarlir . zk- iii:mi:?iiui: tiik pi.m r.i.itz !n tlin Allon r.l.i k, foittli tf Ihc Avouuc, l:ail Itrt.l .-trei t. M. .lolin-l urv. ii y-.iiH-.mai.ico c-i.vr, i'M.s -r vr&r ni.i. iii;.-iit.-iii.iie, m..i r.iri: t'lr, '; ..-.-i ...,., 7, .... I.Iun.i PARABOLA SPHGTACLES.' -idli; pij.n - 111 ,10 l,u niinf,.ior IU.- . Tr Ih. 1.1 ai.d you uill o o 11.. : i'ni: sai.i: u'.i.v i:v. ; iiou :ti) a- tttnv t:i.i.. The Cclchratcd Haiahlcionian Qlll Staliion JI-AL m-T-iTST-'-r G-riA.KfT. ll.i't'ihl.r-.-.te! Ilui.hlotoiiiaii Ft.lli.m licn'I (irint, lomiorlv owtlid hy t. 51. Iliukin-- of To; ih 1111, Vt., uillmuk-tl.ei.-i 011 ol 1'7I nt thc rtaUc of the tulo fcribcr 011 Ual.ri .1.1 i-trci t, St. .lolim-liury, t., the u holc tituc crc-pt Saliii!--. w!.-;i liottill lo at I.vndon Otikt, Vt. Vv"o tiii ito tho alt, nti--n of al- lover3 of f-chl Iioitcf to ev .ii.liio tiii. h-r - .m.l l i- itick a-piily h po-iH.' I.. W. CULI'.Y, I'ropriitir. J!-".7.i IIlt. lltx-nv, Ajtcut. CI-C7 CHANGE OF FIRM ! GOSR, UOVJGnTON & CO. ato ' :o" ..- Ailen, nt thc ol 1 Htand, Aicnnc Ho-c I!hk Uailr.. ,1 t.c t, willknp conrtaotly on a It;o aud cl.oieo lct of sooJa 1 oici -tiii- of W. i. Goods and Groceiies, Provisions of all kinds, Exlra Hrands of Flour, Porl:, Lard, &c., &c. T Ita.TK OIM i:n-., II rAILTOIllvn:.Tll.PlCTIlX. Uo-Klr or c-li xiv. 11 in csiliinye ln- I'r. i!nee. 7" Ali atnts foi tiiiTci-'i-Mo..iai; Mk liii,,- an.l iiciV Ilorrp -t lohn ri. t. Viroli I. 1-711 Napoleon B. Flint's Estate. STATK OP VKKMONT, Hn prohatp conrt hol.l atlhc Caledonia .lltrlct.M. Jl.roliale ollicc ln St. Johlis l.ury, ulthliiand for said dlstrlct, on tlic 131I1 day of JIAN n'lMniincnt. pnrnortins to hc tlio Ijet u ill an.l tcstanient ot N.1110I0..11 II. Kllnt. lato of ht. JuluuLury. Iu hji.l dlstrlct. ilcccase.l, belins .re.-cntc.l lo court l.y Slaa lundjll, the c.secutor thcn In inmcd, lor pro bate: lt Hordcrcdhy ssM court, that all pcrsom conccrn cd thcrcin.hc niitlBod to at 11 cssli.u or said c.urt t.i ho al thc proliateolllceln bt. Johu-l.ur), on Ihc ith day of Junc, A. I). ls7l,aniUllowc.UM?.lfany they lnay hao, aahi-ltho probalo ol fcal.l ulll; l'r wliich ).nrp.ivc Uli.lurlhProrikrc.1 tliat h copy of the rccor.l ot tliU order l4i pu0ll-lie.l ll.ree uciks MKiCa Mvtrly In theC'aUHloi.lau.iirinte.1 at .Si, Johiishury, prc- iutu 1.1 hal.l tlino aiipointed tor hearlrt;. I!y tlio C.iurt Allpft. A3A I.. FttKXtli. Jl.Uc i 1 l'rol alc. Airuo copy 01 reoor.i Attit, I.I (if. ASA I.. KIIKM'K. Judo of l'r.,tllc: Jamcs Follansby's Estaic. 1IIK l.v thc l.on- .1I..0 court for tlic iii.-tn. 1 or K' inliic and a 1JU-.1 aiKl.ituiH.ii..l -niaii.l.-. o! all 1- r.11, a-anit thc e.latc ol J li.-l.oier In rcieitp. l.n.-l.v. lato of tiull.lhall, In ili-trlit, iIih -iiiltnee.iJic 1 1, In di-trl n.l ll.o li rin ol Ihc Mlli .1.1 t .M.iy. 1-71, hrln; all. ,jurt to tho 01 , to - (Jlvc n itlie an.l pr..o lliolrre-i-c. tie tlalmsbii.ii tliet.iuulv OKiks oin-o. in ouil.Uiall. 111 -.11.1 ui-i- Gco. D. Warren's Estate. SI ATi: III' VKltSIOXT, 1 111 I'robate i:..urt.h 1.1 il Iho .......,... IH. 1,1.1 . f l-r.,l..ito (Ull. o. iu M. J..I1I1S- l.un. ullhln an.l l..r said -li-lrut. 1 11 tlie l.".lh .a ol, A. I- , ls71. AN li.-tiuiiiont,pur...rlli.-,l.-!.o tho l.i-t Will T ,iuiii-i.l..i Ooiri.-i. 11. U'.nriii. lalc.l M J..!iu-l.t.r jl.l li.lrlil, .I.-I.-J-I.I. lioin- jtvtPd t" tho C.urt l.v A. u ,i!. r. ll.o ixk I-n-l. I 1.. II ot i.i.i-..ui l lo lM.l-l. Ih.- l'iol..ite Olli. Iu M. Ji.tiu-I.iir . an.l -h.-u- rau-. -li Ih- ::d -lav i.f Jiiiip. A II . i) ll.o llllst the l'r.,!i.iU-..I rl-l W III loruhlth piirNi It l.lurtli r.l-l 1 1I 10. ki -.1 l'r-1-iic ASt I.. KltK.NX'll. Jn.!e..l i' Joscph Brucc's Estate til'ATK Ol' VKIt.MOXT, 1 III l'rol. UpC.inrl. hol.l 11 ll.o Caledonia !l-tii-l.-i. J l'rnl-.ili. Ollnp.iii M Mai A Ii. 1:1. .r of thela-t u ill 1 1 1 IV... ham. 11 . l.x a.l, I tc-1 -.1. rro- ni .11..I all. 01 .IMrll.i Ili.l ..lltltl..ll -.1 Ol- ot . 11 1 ilo--.o.l. U lion ii.n. il I- n.l l.y -al.! 1..11H. th.n -i..init ji .i Ml.l.ii-i-li.-.ii.-.n l.ortfi'rro.1 1.. 1-. --'-.ii i-.urt I.-bo l.ol.lattli-1-r..l..u- olliu' Iu M J-hi 011 ih- . o: June A. I. 1-71. lor Iu arui : iIm.iii th-ro..n : An.l 11 1- lurllior..i.l. ro.l. thal 11. (.Ufii t.. all .!T-oii- iul.r I. I. piu.Hi. lila .i't 0 at i 11. - a p .11.1'hi' -al'l j i.l U-all..uo,l .111 t - A.s I.. KIII.NCII. Jn. ..I I'i lohn Galbraith's Estate. STAl'KOl' ViaiJIO.'. r, 1 l.i probate i..urt. I- l-l at tiile-'oi.l l, . Jlhe l'rul.alc Olli, p, ln !;t. J.ilili-I.nrv. 11: alJ i!!(tru.t, 011 the lth day ot .May, A. 11-1-71. .Mili li. liall.rjllh. a.!niini-trat..r -,f th- i-latc ot 1; cbraitli. late ol l. ln -ald dkttkl, de-u-jm.1, i-rirt-nt-lii- aeo.. ui-t lor i-jtral-natloti au.l allouaiiie. anJ 1UJM-- tr .1 -1- tr-e ol -l-.-tributi-ri an.l p.irtili-11 ot tho ctatc ot il.l Vlun 1- or.l. rd Ly -al I e.uirt, -al.l ac . .,11111. m.l -a:. ' Le relem-.l M a M-t.m -.1 -al.I court ti. I- the probate. .BIic ln M. Johi. t.ury.-.n the luth -Ia 0IJ1111-. A. jrliuraud .lo. Idon tlu re..u : And It I- lurlher orilcre.1. that tiotko h-reot bo euonto.ill per-011- il.toro-le.!. l.y publUat!..:i ..lll.oai.i- tl.reeunk -ai.I -1:110 apiolnte.l f-r Iu-1111:1:. that lho at halu sh'.u tau.e, it a:i thi- ln lioo, uhy -n.l a.i.-ui.l hou'-l 11..1 le aH..i..-.l. a -iu h .liir.oiaa.Io. l'.y l!it:-urt.Att-t. AS I.. i'll'.M'll. J . Ijeol I'nblte A Ii'., Alt. a 1. t-'aiocii. Jii.ij- ..I i'r l-ite. MILLEIi WAGONS ! Miller Wagons have stood the icst of thirty years ! to tlic r"blic that I coir I'crrile, con i tin rf ofi.N vni toi ui (:i.n:s, suiri i.Nt: t: ur;f;n:, I'li.t iii'd.N'i. nv.t i.i -Vi'.. A.'!'., A.M-. v. iu- 11 1 i-l ri'i: i ili IlVUl.MN.- Th. oeirri.i-ip iu liUdf 01 the I ot tna 1- ri kc.h! uorki.ien, nnd an- n-.irr.inti .1 1 il. hj Mtt-i ic- tiou i.l t viry e e. CS" ll.lius cil.Ie the Jlill.l Waaon- fai the Iit tliirty yi'jr-, :m.l ii-t-il.ljpl.p.1 tluirr.'piititioti iu hiii.i::--- at Lyn.I -n, 1 would t-iniply r.y t!i it tlic tcn- 1-incMill.r W-ion-'iri Tiia.le only rt M. ,lolu.r- Imrv, VI., iiu.h-r m jvr-cn il i'ul-. r i ion. -IGHN D. MILLER, Afjcnt. Mi-,. . nr.-t.- 1'1-m n,n H. p t, .-t. .!o!.a-I,ury. 1.1 -.1 HEW MEAT MA.RKET, P HOVISION STOUK! danii:is &; Will -j.ii n JIhi Matk.t .iu! 1'r.nir.n s,. , War.1V Itlni-I.-, - - Itailroatl Nts -!. 'Jntli, wl ort- cau K- f.iim.l sr rrs. 3 r:i 313: ?jve -v. i ss Ot all ltnl of tlu-lv t ipnlllv. AI-, Fifjh, Fi-fsh antl R.-ilt ! ln thc pioiriou linenny Fiirh arlM iv I.AUH, I'll Kl.iy, Ilill I.l AI'l'IX, l lll'.iai; CAN SKI l'Kl 11V, Ae., c. lhoy uill ni'l a l.ic .t i irt ! iil, tl'i-1 nll .-r.c.l-uillheih lii.rod ii dciin-.l. C-.-Thenifatd.piltiiioiit uill Ik-i-.ii.1-t the cluro -f A. M. DAS'Iia.s, l, li,-carri.d ou tliemoit 1 li-i-iii-r.-i for tl.o p s' 1?. je-.T-, im.l uill rpiro nopiln- t ir.iit th. ir r-u t.-tnrm. old fri. n.l-aro inviti.l l.i ...ntinuc thiirpitrnn.'i-onnd irn-wn- try m. All our i;o, -I-uill h-i-l.l rr. !; . V J OIt TASM ! a. m. iiami;ia c. a. nvi,t-.stt:i:. Sf. .lohii,l-urr, VI , IIhkIi 11. 17I. v i: i: a s ' M A ! K ; UKNOVATOK ror sai.i: iiv A. M. COOK & CO. Novcmber I, IS70. FLOUR & FEED STORE ! llavin.- p'inh tho it.i k nnd trnde ct At lirt. u J: I! N--.-:t. ou l.ifti m aviiiu.-, wo fliallronti.iue to l..vp i n hm.l i l.nt:c nn.l compl-to rtixk of tlio BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR to hchl.l in tl.If crBBti. Al-o, Carn, Corn Mcal, Crackcd Corn, Eliorls, Buck Whcat, Self-Raising Flour, Graham Flour, Ryo Meal, Northcrn Corn Mcal, cnd cvcijtliing tohc found in cur line of tradc. Ilaving hal a Icng cipcrlcncc In thc tradc and with strlctnltoiition toour hii-inca.', wctlull indcavor at nll tiino- to mcct the wanti ol thc puhlic. Oooda de livi rcd at ihort nolicc to sll psrU of thc lilligo. Wc mcan Business. Givc us a call. C.KO. AI.DIUCII & CO. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS. it. 11. i:i)i)v. SOhlCITOit OT J'ATK.NTs .. I,irri,t,;., Tnvle M.lrLs. ... ; , No. 70 Statc Stroct, oppofitc Kill.y Strcct, Ito-ton, M 1 pxtcnslve prattlcc of npuaril-i of 11, w 111014 t-itsocuro iiatoiitH In tho I'tuU-.l S1..1. alao ndreatllrltaln, l-'rancc and othir loreisn i-.- 1 trles. Caveat... iiocl!lratlou-i. lMinii, H-Iuineut-. all p..perordraulii-,, cxccuK-d on hi. . . ler.n, and uilh doi..aUli. Koroarclies tna.lo 1 Amcrloanor lorolsti il-l-iinliic tho .n, r iiiiuiy oi paicutsor luvenllon- an.l l-sal or -n Iticc ren.lore.I In iilltn ittor-t.iicnhii;llio i-aoio. c. . , ol thc clainiaol any patotiL turnUheil by reiuiititu ;i 'I rctard ilr. K.idy a?'ol the" iuoi.1 i.u. ilrapablcl.ractllloncriiwlth ulioui 1 liaol.a.l ..u. allllUrcoJre. OllA-i. JIASO.N. Oolnlal-bloliorol l'aloi.l IliaeiiohCBluIi.inluab.-urii.5imeulor-, th.i not ciapl.-j a i.or..n morc conii-etont .m.l t . -rthv.ali.l l.iorotapablocl putlin thpir ... Iu.1t.1rm to Boctir-.' tor llicui an rarly ai.-l lav.. 1 nt thP palenionue i-siiim-i ..I I1 i.le f .r tno 1.1 .11 i.lo, alll.' p.uenin liave 00111 r.11 I.-IIHK. t.iu h uni.ii-lakoal.lo pt-.. lt v 011 1.H lurt loads 1110 t.. ri- i- n. ,w i lalolit an.l .il -.-i-l.iy t l-n.i t pt ! Il tlti-4lh-llllt lalt llllll .r ia ,,"j('(,,.,pArii . " Buy Mo, antl I'll Do You Good." DK. lAfiGlEY'S nOOT ftHD HERB BITTERS. Thi-- l.ii.lioino K uilhout 1 ym, il.ilitj ol 1 l.,ul I, tl.. lerv 10.. kl'-.un for ll l-ll-mm. .....1 ,11 ko dr.-J rli-o H ": llu!i-- tion, tiv 11m , l.n-r .11. i.lnint, I il.v, lii l.i iiho. l'.'--Vii 1,. mr. sir..:uli, i-'ili l.h. no-, I.111. il. r. l.izh o - l. I . tv .1 iiiiulio.-. 1 i I -ni .-to,., uli, Ao. ' 11 tho lii-n Iv 11-. of tlu. 111- .ioino thi- IAh.1 1 od. Th ii.p-ot- if l.v ol.d. 'Ih. n t. I.. u-nti.i- 1. -lli.l. 'Ih. Imr i-i,.M".' .rit. d 'I ho l.n 1I1I1 . 11. .1. Thec. inpl.-M li .i.tif.. ,1. ud tl ho.ltlii- ia Slnlll IL Thi- N-t l:..L-, II. r' 11,. (Miri.tioil of th:i III 1111 'v. in-i a- u I! -1-. 111 iml .il'n ' mr. III.ll. . (iilllllW l .'. ' all dr. .1 -. I- i:avid povers 1 fiKmn 1 t- ln mn'ic;iir Good Bools ancl Slions. at srrroN, vi:i:mont. :7.-A T i'K- 0.1 li Mi.l. Al-o, ponv ol hl- 1 ..r p ih- hy 11 0.1 1 - l'.-x 1 1. , "-coii.l l.i ii" 11. rtli niou s. '.. 1 1 1-.. . Si.mui. - tr. . t, M. .1. l.n l.i riCdl C'OlliSKlt TAILOR, 5 L HEHOVED To Oid Stand,: mm St. Johnsbury,'' Vermont. ' W -j KOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES. Tiie caUcrilrr Jii- rirciiT.I trrm thr nn .1 1M1 II' i.nrpritlpc l'liin:ia;.. :m I I irt -t i -nt i Iii-i-i Itcu f, j full iud c- tf a - rtiu nt f MEDICINES AND BOOKS, l. .- l lii-:cinw nnl raiuil. i:-o. II. i.'it.. -t i 1,1 1 , 1.1 tl-.d to-.c irc t i. 11.0-t iu hl. Thesc Mcdicincs are Giiarantccd for Gcn uincness antl Purity, inlth. u'l.m 1 11 liii" uill Uu.H-bo t il;, : tl.i i'i b. Tincturcf, Dilutions, aml Trituiu. l- the -ii ,:le .ni, oi in ni .l. t. - t , rr. i M Puio 1 itl . r 'I inrtnrf, Trit.iratiou-1 ar.d !il.'t" Suiarif Milk, ul,-, Aieoli-I, it.-. 101 I-i!-o. i.ith I'hiil'. t-ik-, itc.ite. TIM 11 1.1 , AllMl'l I'I..1 I.l:, ai:mi .!.l.l r. ni. -li. - f .r lliirin-, Sc-ild., I'.riii-.-.. Sprai- Ordonliy m -il uill l-.not i. it'i p -inipt itt. nt. jr.icda i-hipp. d to tio:n l-hv ioi in. h hed pi'ixu.- tl- , np , r. nnd JI.i". Manulaotur, I . !. IT-t;::;, Vt u.lM,Idb Imi-clit (.' trally. Gco. C. Goodwii L Ce. and Henry : Co., Gcn1! Ascnts. HO ! TOR THE HOLIDAYS ! An-l tlio W.t dL.Ia I IKUilDAY d OO )-' GOLI). CILVEIl a HAIR JEWKLlh Ma.le lo ord.r. Srp-iii.r f.oilit:. f. i pnr. -M 11-, Jov.tlry, !.f. I.yii.lonvillo, t.,I!.c. I.', 1-7". HRAGS IWSTRUMENIS or nir most Ai'i'i:oi:i ham:',,, Iill.lV.s. Tho n.vt, Ironi 2.ilil t., i.'.n I'I,! IT..-'. il eveiy variilv. makitnv ta:i.;-.r.i:.Ti:i ni'irAi:::. I'l.l TINAS, ACOilail'.oNS, IT.AIIIM.I -. I , i:ol.i:TS, VIV.. an.l all oth-r Mu.-it -1 ln-ir ., srillMIS for ull Miiner-l I..irtriiuiont-,. l'HNOS AM Mri.oDKllN.s f ,r lo iu,l t , I t Mu i, fi.r l'. ud, Mn ic IJiol-, aod -ill km ' V cil Mtril.aiu'i.e. .I..UN C. IIWM . - t'.Iir.-l,7'i :ao,,rt .--ti. - . r- j. r. i.unvn:. a t Avcnuc II..1L--C Ktilio' 1 v ., M y,.t, 1-711. ' rorX'L'VIil".-: A a.v-irtaeut nf ,7 ' ' VIIEAP. n,l all othcr p-v.I. n uill k-p' in -) - U -ill ai.d i-eo, i d l.ny chtnp. My iiutt. '- 11 ' PlCTUllE STOUK. main sTnr.irr, - - - st jonxsrii v r j'KTi iJi:s am) rujir-- In larp varicty cc-tan'.ly cn Lanl. fT?-l'ittiirc.-i fnra-d Jt a fcu-ruiauto- ti' ronjLIc n!rt. AIcC, for Pil,- a Kood fcupply of pirtu.o and "r Un. Wonnv.-Ata-'s ttore, Dauville C.rcc.i. Vt. t )i'ii:imon1; Voiir IIoiik- '.1 l.f.7 ifUu:i!i in f- .IXMI S III I I .1 iiiu-ry S3, 1-71