Newspaper Page Text
j$f. 3fohnrbnri) Qlatcdonian. j M. .lolinsbiiry, VI., rritlny. Oct. 18X.1. Wcalller Uectirtl. At llinghaiii's drug store. for the week cinliii tr Octobor 17, 18S:i. Iiighcst. Lowost. G'i ii ISJ 14 l',3 i:i 71 11 23 II . 17 ir. II Thursday, Friilay, Saturilay, Sunday, Mouda , . Tuesday, YVodlieSllaA , ot;il JJctvs. - Tho foiiimisni ifC. 1. Onrpentor :im postuiastcr expiros Jan. Ui, 13rl. Tlie coriceli'd railioatl time tables appcar ou the outside of this wook's paper. The historv oF the class if '31 f the Aeadcnn is in pics al thc Caledo iiiiiii olliee. Kev. I). II. Adnins exehangod pul pits with lti'V. K. Owen of Lyndon tVntie ni .Snnilay. Tho Kt-i iiioii in tho lirst page of this ucok's issno is printcil at thc le ipiest of sovoral who licaid it. Tho lailics of tho North ohiiieh aie cnutcmplutiiig the puhlicntinii of a cuok-hnoU for I'ln ixtmsiM sale. Thc new stnndanl of tiuio is just liflein uiiiiiitcs aml foi ty-fur sceoinls slouer tlian thc picsonl stnmluiil. The weathor lccoid, at the head of this columii, indioatos piit! a con trast between .Sunday and Monilay. Thf Cooil Tt'inplais holil I'oi tuight ly lilorary incctiiigs. Xot Mnnda ovening a mook t-oiitt will lto the atti.iotivo foatuio. Kov. aml Mrs. Kdwartl T. Fair banks gao a icccption at their resi donoo to thi' parishoiiers of tlii' South chiiich oii Tuosilay ovening. St. .lohnshurx visitms to tho llos ton fair lcpoit that Mis Annie Coihniii has a Ii iisplay ol paintings oii e- hilntioii in tho lailics' dcpai tmciit. t thc aimiial uiccliug of thc Aiiii'ricaii KanUeis' assooiation al l.niusv illi', K.. .ludge L. I'. l'olaml was elcetcd ioo piosidcul for Vcr iiiont. I'lof. ('. K. Putney supplicd thf pnlpit. of thc ('ongiegntiniial I'hiiH'h at St .lohiishui Kast nii Sinnlav, in the ab-eiioc of Kov. Mr. Walkei at Mont pflifr Thf Sl. .lohnsbiiry Coriift lianil' uill gnc a pionif nailf oonee 1 1 at Ihe I'owii li.ill lliis (Thiii -ilay) evciiiiig, foi tho hc uclit of Ciom'oiiI cainp of Oilil l-Yllow-. Tlie fainp-liif uliirh ('haiiilicilin post, (i. . 1! , piopox- holilin uill takf plai'f in Mnsir liall on Tmcm1;i cvi' tiinn. 'I'hi' " ar -ons u ill inxiiif it siifffsi. Thf inilitary coiiipaiiy liavf lfascil thr Town liall fora rolh'rUatiii; l ink. Thf.v pioposf to iipcii aml riin it in fooil Hhapt- jiiht as soon as a mtvv Iiatil wooil lloor fan lf hiiil. Ki'i. K. T. Sainlfonl pifafhcil at Kast 1 Isu lvit-k, on Sunilay, whcio a Ni-lifS of incetm;;- haf lifi'ii lifhl ilur in thi" wffh. Kcv. N. V. AIkt sup plifil thf Kaptist. pnlpit. Work has hffii Mispr nilol on tlif new M. C. A. hiiihlin! nntil licxt sprinj; Tho cellar has hffii Miriountl c (1 hy a fc iiff, a iifftlfil piotfction for tho safftx of pcilcstrian-;. Ki' I!. I. TillotMiu picafhfil thc .fi iiioii on thf ocfasion of thf lf-ilfil- ication of thf I'nivc rsalist fhnn:h at Noithlifhl on Wfdnoilay of this wi-fk. Tln chiireh has hffii inailf nvcr as ooil as iif v. Mrs. Ilfiirv Fifiich was painfiilh lnmit on thf facf ly thf npcttin-: of a ilish of hot applf saiiff whirli hail ju-t hffii iiisfi-nifh plai-fd on a p:mti jhflf. Most foitiiiiatoly thf injiuy is not. p-1 maiif nt. At thf aiinnal nicfliiii; of thf olli vcrs of thf honif for ilftituto fliihl- rt'ii at liiiilinton, Mrs. K. A. Walkfi if this phiff was appointt-il nianaf lor l .ilfilonia eoiints , in placu of Mi M. Stoiif, ifsi-;iifil. '.. A. Kifhaiilson lias inii'hasi'il thf lioii-c in uhic-Ii hf ifsih on Suin iner ifft of Petcr l!i ii-n. l'riff .JI,- INN). Mr. Kichanlson is makin rc pair aml altfiations to thf anioiint of sovi-r al hnmlifil ilollars upon thf picmiMts, V 1 1 1 1 1 1 r Wilili r has pnicha-fil thi -old I'fim plai'f on Maiu stri'ft. aml wi'l at oncf coinnif nt'f to ti-ar ilown tho pi'fsciit liiiiUliiii; aml fif-tait-si lfin-f. 1 hf fhanf will ! a jrifat improvf nii'iit to tho appi'ai-iiiff of thi t-trvv t. Thf ont-idt: work on thf M. K fhnrrli is ucll ahin; toward coinplf Iiiiii. Thf towfi5 aif hfin-; slatcil, i anf has 1 u i' n plai'f d on thf tallfr oiif "othif windows havti lifi-ii put in, aml thf ni'iifral appfarani'f is a vast iin JllOVf lllfllt. Vt thf sfs-ion of thf national I'oiinril of t'onifationalists at Cou riuil. N. II-, rriday, Kv. Ilfiiry Fair lialiks wa.s choM'ii onit of thi roinmit tif on thf iflation of thf Amciii-an hoanl to thf fhurchfs aml of thf pio visional I'oininittff. A two-las' woiuan siitlnif vcntion will ! hfld in this plarn in thf i arl part of Novfinhf r. Hmiiif nt npi-akfrs will ln; pn-si'iit, ainon whoin will hf .lulia W'ard !lov.-f, Mr. aml ,lrs. Itlai'kwt-ll, aml othfis. In point of talfiit,it will I) a notahlf ioiiM'Ii iioii. I'alincr raiiif. this inaii who was o hailU hiiiiifil at tlm nhops sf Vf nil f'k ao, t still Hiilltirinfj. tcrrihly Jiml will piohahly lluid np forfifVfi-il jnonthyft. On .Satin.Iay (iVfiiin his nelghhors aml fii.nds M.Mt to hilii inaiii toktns of rwptft !t,l kindly legard. Edwanl Spahling was run ngainst Satnrdav evi niii" hy a maii who was ilriving rocklessly on Kailroad .tteet lloth .Mr. Siahling aiid his wife wcro thtown vinloiitly out of thf carriagf aml Mrs. Spalding was fiit aml binisrd l'ci-sons who aw the dri' ing ircdictt'd an acciilcnt. T!ie dclegatfs from the Yoitng Mfii's Christian assooiation to thc state fonvfiition at Rutland, Oct. 1D-2I, aro C. II. Horton, C. J. Poterson, It. N. Fairbanks, A. K. Willard aml C. H. Sagf. Kev. Ilfiiry Fairhanks of the stati; fxfcntivf connnittfu aml 1'. D. Hlodgftt also fspuct to attund. Thf Iailius of thf South chnrch will givi- a coll'of party in thf baseincnt rooins of thc church, m Friday evun ing, Oct. iy, to wliioh all aro invitcd. Thf adniissioii lVc of twenty-fiyc ccnts will cntitlf all who attrml, not only to a citp of cotl'fi! or toa, hilt also thf cup aml saiicfi' in which it is sfrvcd. Thf statfiiifiit of thc Burlington Fiff I'rcss, that "giound has lfi:n stakcil out at Maipiani for thc cri'ctiou of tho shops of thc .St. .lohnsbiiry aml Lake Champlain railroad,"' has for its foiiudation only tho fact that siilc ttacksaro hcing coiistructod at Matpiaui for thf incicasing Imsiiifs of thc road. A Icttfr was mailfd at this iost ollicf on Wciliicsday which I'ostuiastfl Cnrpfiilcr hail ifason to suspfct was a ('iiMli-clcialc stanip. It hail a heail of .lackson, thf lfttfis "C. S.' instcad of "l. .S.,"aml thf stamp was iinpf rlVctly ilfsigiifd aml printcd ou ioor papcr. Thf stamp was df tai'licd aml forwanlfd to thf ilfpaitnifiit. Thf iifw hlock in iiocfss of ori'f tion liy I'. A. Koach is assumiiig jno poitious which imlicato a hamlsonif stiuctiiif. Thf front is yfiiffifd with staiiifd hrifk, aml hcais thf tigurcs "l3S:f aml "Koacli's Klock." His stou will hf au attraclivf oiif, with largf show windows, aml Mr. Koach fxpccts to occiipy it ahoiit Dt'c. 1. At thi: aiiuual railway tinif-tahlf couyfutioii at ('hicago last wock, it was agiff il to adopt tho mnv stamlard Novi'iiihfi' 13, at. which tinif Haryaid olf rvatory aml thf railroad aml puli lif tiinc of Kotou will lic sft to cor iosioiid. lloward Kowfll statc that llicv will ailopt thf new systfin at that tiiuo, aml it is piohahlf that. thf iif sstfiu will lio gfiifrally adoptfil hcif at that lifiif. -Iiiformatiou has liffii rocoivoil fioni V. F. .Shci-wiii to thf fllii t that hf fan conif hoio at tho tiino dosiri'd, aml it has liffii dfciilcd to holil tho uiusical coiivi'iitioii comnif uc itig ou Tiic.-ilay, Nov. 2(1, aml olosing ou Fii day, thf 2-td. Thf arrangf mc nts foi thf soloists aif not coiuph'tfil, 1ml Mis. Shfphunl will hf thf piauist. Kmnih is known to assiiif thf puhlic that thf convfiitiou will lo au intfri'st- ing oiic. -lifwaif of National hauk hills aml F. S. h-gal tomlor nolos from wliicl poi tion has licf u ciit auil tiif vciiiaiii- ing paits pastfd so as to appoar wholf. Iiul in rfality just so inuch smallor. I'his is now thi- swimllfr's popular lodgf. appaiontly, as inany such hills uu in ciiciilation. Tho alisonco ot ouc-tufiitif th or nioif sulijects thc hohlcr to a pioportiouato loss on oach hill, aml thcy arc rfdofiiiod in that prnportinn. Mrs. W. I!. Amlorson has a cagc ol thirl v-two canarios, tho niost of thciu iingiiig froui si wvoks to ouo yi'ar old. I'hfif arc two in sfparatf cagfs, aml thiff havi" hffii sohl, which woiihl iuakf thf total uuuihcr thirty-sf vcn. I'hf oldfst is sf Vf n Vfars old. .Mrs. A. ays shf hail ouo oncc that livcil to lio liltooii voars old, which was an oxcop- tional ago, as thoy rarcly livc to hf ovf r a do.f ii vi-ars old. Somo of thciu havf vciy hamlsonif pluuiagf, and, al thor, thov constitiitc a vorv happj faiuilv. -In Ilarpor's Maga.ino for Novciu- bor, Hfibfit Tuttlo has a papcr on "A Vacation in Vorinont," with vicws ot Mount Maustifhl douc by Vamlcrhoof. I'hf writi-r notfs tho rfseniblanco of tho prolilo of tho iiiouutain to a iiiau's facf, aml ri'gaids that fact as fxplan- itory of thf toiui "Manstif bl," aml pcaks of "tho falso thfory that its nauif ako was a fauioiis Kuglish jildgf .'' It is, IiowfVfr, ri'ardod as a historic triith that tho iiioiintaiu was liauifd ifli-r Chiff .Iiisticf Maustifhl hfoaiisc of tho fancifd rfsfinblauco of tho out- lino to thf inajfstic foaturos of'tliat gn-at jurist. -Tho woiiioii of Vorinont havo as- siinifd thf suppoit of a teachfr aniong thf fiofduifii of tho south, aml tho Ainoricaii Missionary assooiation has ilcsignatfil Mis Kli.aboth I'liuiptoii of Walpole, Mass., who will go to Mclnto.sli, Ga., whoro thcro is a churi'h of thiof hiimlii'd uifiiibfrs, a school hou-f aml a "Tfafhcr's Honio,' aml whfio shf and hor assistants will kei-p hoiisf aml do uiissionary woik ainong thf pi'oplo as woll as toach tho chil difii. A coiiimitti'f , coiisintiug of Mrs. A. W. Wihl i.r C'harlottf, Mrs. F. W. Itowinan of Nf w port, aml Mrs. Hfiiry Faiibauks of St. .lohnsbiiry, issiif an addifss iu which thoy appoal to tho wonifii of tho state to Mistuiu the iuove nifiit in which thoy havo eugagf d. Thf aiictiou salf of tickots for tho h'ctiiic couiso, at Music hail ou Tucs- day ovoiimg, rcsiiltfd iu a vory grati fying iiianno r for tlm uianagors aml all intoiostfd in thf liiiancial as woll as litorary siiccfss of thf courso. Iist yoar tlm iiuuibfr of st-ats sold at the aiictiou was ,ux aml tlif proniiiiuis aiiioiiutod to I2.'. This soason, al thoiigh tho pricf of tickcts was highcr thau last yoar, tho uuuihor sohl wa.s :tl:!, aml tho pii'Uiiuins ainoiintoil to 1."S.c3, which, with tho uionoy ie cfivi'd for tickots, makes the total iocciits to Wi'diifsilay iiioiuing J, ll(i.:3. The couiso will opon ou Friday oveniiig, OcU 2fi, with IJIais doll's orchestra of twclve jiifcos, axMbtod by a sopnuio whosc naiiic is jiot auiiouuccd, The ciimittfo expect to be able to givo the datea ucxt wcek for the entire coursp. Bingham has alrcady solil 121 tickcts. j T. C. Sponcer's storc was burgla- riously uutcred Thursday night, aml irticlos to tho valuo of about 100 werc takeu. Ainong the missing arti clcs were five or six: dozeu silver thiinhlcs, which were niarkcd with .Mr. Spenccr's namo, aml various articlcs to be repaired iu a glass case on his work bench. The nionor-drawers, in which were sinall sunis. woro not taniperod with, aml by the sidc of the thimblos weif gold pons aml bracelots aml solid silver ware and jewolry that woro un- touchod. KntniiK'f was iiiadc in thc roar of tho storo by cutting out a pane of glass in tho outor door aml a panel in thc iiinor door, hy incans of which tho doors wore unfastonoil aml on trance oll'fctfd. Thc inost reasonablc iuforenco is that tho thiff was fright- f noil away hf fore coinpletiug his work. The choice of thf thiiuhlfR, howovfr, wa.s a poor onc. Mr. Spf ncor is fortu- natc to have lost so little. I'orsoual. T. W. Groonslitt, for tho past yoar ind iiioii' tho working oditor of tho Caledonia)!, Icavcs next wook to tjiko a position on tho oditorial statl' of tho Daily Horahl, a new uioruing papor to bo startfd at Hartford, Conii., Nov. I. .Mr. Groonslitt has had oonsiilorahh; nowspapor oxponoiico, aml our roailors know that hc has douo good woik ou thc Caledonian. Tho opportunity for advancoiiiont is bcttfr on a daily pa pcr, thf work niorc fxacting aml the pay largor. Novoi thclfss, thoro aro a grcat inany iooplo in towu aud aniong the nowspapor nion of the state who will regrt't that Mr. Groonslitt is to loavo, ovfii for so hfautifiil aml dfsira blf a placf of losidonce as Hartford. YVc have rccoivfd froui Coiliss I. Stouo tho daily papors of Sfattlf, Washington tfiritory, giving a full ac coiint of thf Cflfbratiou thfif of thf couiilotioii of tho Northfru I'acitic railroad. Mr. Stoiif is a piomiiifiit busiiifss inaii of that town, now tho virtual ttTiuiniis of this gifat. railroad on 1'ugft souuil. Hf will bo rcnicm bfifd by sonif rfsidfiits of this plai'f as iu tradi- with Henry Fosti-r iu thf K. F. ISroun stoif, souif twonty-livc yoars ago. Hf murrifd Aliuira t'ross nian, also of this towu, and thoir hoiuo has beoii in this far-away north wostorn cit v for souic vcars. .Miss IIolon llovoy, for tho past fcw wi'oks inusic toavhor at tho storo of A. I. liailcy, lcl'l town ou Saturilay iiiorn ing. Sho will accouipaiiy hor paronts to .Miniicapoli.-', Minn., whfio hor fa llii'r will I'oniiiiouco a pastorato Nov. I. Hor siiccosMir is not yot aunouiici'il. Mrs. Hflfii M. t'hailwiok roturned honio Satuiday night aftor an absenoe of many nionths, niost. of which tinio ho spont with hfr childrcn at Ouiaha, thoiigh shf ui-nt wi-st as far as tilora do. G. D. StfVfiis of Crftf, Nfb., who has bft-ii spomling a couplo of nionths iu town liir tho hciiflit. of his hfalth, startfd ou his iftiirn on Woduosdav. Mrs. S. I'. and Miss I,. Jo nnio Colby will spond tho wintor at No w Havf ii, Conii., and will loavc town about Nov. 1. Or. Milo G. Houghton of lioston has lioo n visiting lolativi.'saml othor friomls in this town aml Lyndon. Or. G. 15. Hiillard starts next wock for a tiip of two or three weeks in tho west. A Kliml Hlan's liivolitntary Kiili:. A frightful runaway with a fortuiiate rosiilt occurrod ui Fairhanks' villago Friday. A hoiso drawing a load of fiiruituio canif tfaring down ClilV stioet, aml tiirniug towards tho I'laiu, threw tho drivor out upon thc groiind ncar tho otlico of tho scale coinpany, and ko pt on his way up the hill dodg ing sevfial teatns in tho way, aml was stoppi'd by souio iiioii near Sir Thail doiis Fairbauk.s'. Tho intcrest in this asf wa.s gri-atly oiihaucod to the spoc tators by the fact that thcro was a maii in thc wagon all through this racc who is stouo blinil. Ho cliing to a tablo with both hamls aml rodo. in safcty to tho eiul, although the load swaycd to aml fio violfiitlv, to thf iiiiiiiinc nt risk ofdfath or gifiit porsonal injiiry. j I'lci' Kvt'iiin lnsli'iiolioii. Fioo ovouing olassos in poiimauship, irithuiotic and book-keeping havo boon 'stablishcd at tho Y. M. C. A. rooms. The rlass in iifiiuianship opfiis this (Thuisilay) ovouing with olovon pupils. I'his class will nioot on Tiifsday aud Thursday i-vonings, from sovon to ight. oYloek. Tho cost for tuitiou, bnoks, c, will ho liut two nty cf nts for twenty wooks. Any voung uian can ntcr this class by hamliug his namo to tho sccrotary at tho rooms. The in aiithnietio aud book-koopiug will bfgin soon. Thc only cost w ill bo for books a small auiount. Any 3'oung 111:111 uiay join theso classes. Thc class iu arithinctic, of scvou pu pils, will nicot on Tuosilay evenings froui eight to nino o'elock, and the class in book-kfopiug, of ton pupils, on Thursday evenings from eight to nino o'elock. Ilai'vost Scrvioo. A harvost sorvice was holil at thc South church on Sunilay. Tho pnlpit fiont was covoifd with tho product.s of tho harvests a shock of whoat, rje, oats, punipkins, sqiiashes, corn, ap plfs, etc, iiiakiug a vory tino ilisplay, Kcv. E. T. FairhaukH spokc froui I'.salms 1J7 : 14 and drew inany proflt- able Iossons from this ilisplay, and re fened to the early days of the Church in this coiintry, when thc uiiiiisters woro paid for thoir services in whoat, which was then, aud is now, the staple articlo. The useful aud iujiirious tiirius iu v 1 1 1 c 1 1 wueat is useil woro spokcii of to onforce the lessou of tho occasiou. In the evening a teinperance S1111-day-school coucert was hclil. Ifev. Henry Fairbaijks gave a very etl'ectivo illustratiou of thu iibu of liijuor, which spoke uioro oloijueutly thau words could have doue. Scricken With Paralysis in tlie j Pnlpit. j Local intcrest attaclies lo tlie sudden . doath of Ilf v. Ferdinand C. Ewer, S. T. 1)., rector of St. Iguatius parish, New York, at Jlontreal, on Sunday the 7th inst., froui the fact that the last nerinon ho delivf ifd wasin St. Andrew's church iu this place on the proviuus Sunilay. Ile was 011 his way to Montreal, and stoppoii in this place over Sunday. Kev. F. S. Fisher, seeing Mr. Ewer's naine registorod at the St. Johusbitry house, called ou hini aml iuvitod him to olliciate at St. Andrew's. Ho con sented, preaching a very able and touching serinon from the words, "Sonie onc me." He was delivering a seriuou in tho Church of the Evange list when hc sustained the stroke of paralysis. The church was crowded aml he took for his text tho words, "For our conversation is in heavon," aml was speaking of citizon.ship in heavon, when he was observed to hesi tatc and gr.isp the sido of thc pnlpit. "Y'ou will excnse nie, dear brethron," he said ; "I cainc hore, although vory sick, to speak to you ." I5ut he could iroceed 110 further, and sank down in tho pnlpit. Hc was removed to the vostry, whoro he soon appcared to ifcovor. The rocovery, howevor, was only an apparent ouc, and he gradually sank. ICniiawny IIorsi-. Somo IVar I'otr Is;:iios. On Saturilay aftornoon J. V. .Mc Corinick and sonie workinen woro at work in iiiakiug ropairs 011 tho North Danville road. Sir Thaddoiis Fair hanks had ilrivon to whoro thoy were at work, and had stoppoii at a sharp bond in tho road to talk with Mr. Mc Cormick. Thoinas Cablc had boon sont up tho road with a pair of horsos aml a diinip-cart aftor a load of gravol. When tho cart was partly full, tho horsos hfcuuic frightcncd and startfd 011 tho run down tho road. Thoinas cauglit tho roius and ondoavorfd to stop thf 111, but he was thrown and one of the whools passod over ouo of his logs, hriiisiiig itso badly that he could not got on his feot without. as.sistance. Mr. McCorinick sa.v tho horsos coiiiing, and know that uiilcss thoy wore eheck fil or tiiriifd in thoir course, Mr. Fair hanks was iu iiniuiiifnt danger. Ile hasteiifd forward a short distanco, soizod tho roius aud, at the grcat risk of lifc and linib, succeoded in swerving thcni from thoir course so that tho car riagf in tho road aml its occiipunt os- caicd injiiry. Tho horsos tore away fr.un Mr. McCorinick, and thoir chang- fd courso brought tho duiup-cart in collisioii with his carnago wliicli was staiidiiir 011 tho "loenswanl atonc sido of tho road. Tho conciissiou forccd thf thills up 011 thf horso's back, and tho hook wliicli holds thf tail-bnard of tho cart in placo in passing oaught iu tho breast-platf , ilragging liiin aud tho carriago aftor theni in thoir hoad long carcor. Thoy passed four work inen farthor down tho road, one of whoin, John Lihcrfy, porforiuod thi dilliciilt foat of iumiiiug into thecait as it passod, climbod out on thc polc aml sociirod the reins, and with iiineli ilillicnlty suci'oedoil in stopping thc runaways. Thoy stoppcd so siuldf nly that tho horso was foiiml with his fore foet in the cart. Tho horso was badly hruiscil and lainod, aud the axle- trees of the carriage wcro sprung aml it sustainoil sonie othor dainages, Asidc from tho narrow escapes 111011 tionod, thcro wcro quitc a iiumber re tiirning from this villago, and as then aro somo plaees iu tho road wherc two carriagos cauuiit pass, the consoipif nce of nif f tiug tho rmiaway horsos at such a point woiihl havo boon vory sorious As it was, tho rcsults aro slight when coinparcd with what inight havo boon thc case. Tln: Xv I:pol. Tho apiioaraucc of thiugs about the lailroad stution arc chaiiging vory fast. Tho old depot, which had been umlei'iiiineil and strongtheuod with new sills, has boon movcd up the track, b nifans of a looomotivo and rollors, to its ilfstination at tho upper oml of II. E. Fletchf r & C'o.'s llour and grain stoic, whoro tho lirststory will ho usod for a storo house and tho uppor story for toiifinfiit purposes. The track abovo tho depot has lieen relaid noarer thc station, and it is coiiteuiplated to set the froight depot back aml straight en tho track to the south. Tho new huilding is Ililxl l(i feot iu sizo. In tho contro ot tho first lloor is a waiting-rooin for both lailics and gi'utloinon, :5ix4!i. In the contro, 011 thc east sido, is tho tickot and tolc-gi-.iph otlico, ocL'iipying a spaco 7x1(1 aml a bay window proiocting a few ffft 011 tho platform. Ou the north sido of tho waitiug-rooni is a ilining rooni, 17x24, coiinoctod by an archway, which will bo suppliod with tablos. Connoctfd with this, at thc northwost corner, is the ladios' toilet-room, 12x22, coiiiiniiiiicating with the waitiiig-rooiu. On tho southeast corner is the baggage rooui, 15x13, and a correspomling room above will hc occiipiod by tho oxpress coinpany for small parcels. At the southwest corner, ou thc first lloor, will bo thc goutlemen's toilet-rooni aml a siiiokiiig-room adjoiniiig. In the maiu part of the hiiihling, on the see- ond tloor, aie linished ofl' three rooms for otlicos overlooking thc track, one of which will be usod hy the Ruperin tomleiit of the oxpress coinpany. The othf rs arc as yet unprovided for. On the west sidc is a large liall, which cau he coiiverted into otlices whenever it may he desirable. Tho north wing, secoml and thiril lloors, is coiiverted into a to neiuont, which is iiitemled for tho usc of tho keeperof thc rostaunint. Tho south wing is designeil as a tene- inent for Station-Agent Homlorsou. Koth aro pleasaut teiieiiicuts, and evory foot of room is utilizod. Ahove tho third lloor, in tho maiu part of tho buildiiig, is a largo room, which will not he linished ofl", which coinmuiiicatos hy a few steps with the teiieiiiout 011 either eml. As a prccautiou against lire originating in this room aud com iimnicatiug to tlje teuements, the doors opcuing into this room arc covcred with iron. llrick walls sciiaratc thc depot cellar, iu which is thc hcating apparatns, and the cellars bolonging to the tenenients, and the doors coniinu nicating are also covered with iron. On the west sidc of tho depot is a cov ered platform, to which carriages may drivo up and loavo or take passeugcrs. On tho east sidc will be a covered plat form 20x50. Tho architect aud builder has been K. E. Glancey of Waltham, Mass., who has dono good work. Tho hcating ap paratus has been put iu hy Kayniond & Dow of lioston, and a line job of pliinibing has been doue by L. X. Ilatch of Xcwton, Mass. The work is being rapidly pnslicil forward, aml noportion of the buildiiig is yet ready for occupancy. Tho ticket unl tclcgrapli oflice is toinporarily located iu the dining-room. Kast KiirUe. Mrs. I'arinelia Ilarvey is visiting rel- atives in this placo and Lyndon. Sho has been iu California the past two yoars with her son Charlcs. Mrs. I. I). Bemis is sick again with pleurisy. I)r. Hulbort's son preaclied in the Coiigifgational church and Kev. II. I'. Ciishing in the M. E. church Sahbath iiiorning. Kev. Mi. Kollogg )ieachfd in the Baptist church in tho aftornoon. Frank Holinos and faniily loft. hore Monilay nioiniug for thoir honio iu Watertown, Jlass. No traco of tho theivos at the ilrug storo yot. ftoi-tli nanvillo. Sovoral changos havo bcon niado hore of lato. Mr. l'earco has bought tho Ilartshorn houso at thc uppor oml f tho villago and takon possession. Tho house vacatfd hv Mr. I'. is soon to be occiipiod by a faniily from tho uiouiitaiii, "so says ruinor." Our villago now has two hlacksmiths, a now one naving rocontiy roiuovoii hero from St. .lohnsbiiry. His faniily iicciipy tho up-stairs tcnoineiit, iu Mrs. Jocl Sanborn's house. Mrs. Chaiios Stovons gocs to Boston this weok in coinpany with hor sistor (from that placo), who has bcon spcnd- ing tho suiunu'i' in this vicinity. Bortio Wells, who has boon sick for tho past two wooks, is now convalos cont. Mrs. Jacob Stanton and hor daiigh ter, Mrs. Henry Koberts, arc visiting friomls at Newport and Barton. S. W. Sprngiie and wife starteil for Boston 011 Saturilay to visit. thoir daughter, Mrs. Lymlou Arnolil, aml othor iflatives. Miss Hattio E. Tracy lotiiriicd to Lyuu, Mass., 011 Saturilay. .lloluiloo's Falls. I'orry has a new oleik in his storo. Mrs. C. F. Morse aml ilaughtcr aif visiting friomls in Massafhusetts, and thoy will hc away about two wooks. Last Satuiday tho Melmloo's niui irainod a socoiid victory over tho Bar net nino. Kcv. Mr. Iloaly exchaugfd last Sab bath with Kev. Mr. Langford of Little ton, N. II. ! Htlon. Ephniiin Kusrglcs was cauglit by a clav bank caving 011 Momlav whilo at work upon tho highway and narrowly oscaiicil sorious iiiiiirv. ile wa.s con- sidorably liurt. Chaiios Hubbard has left thc ston and post-ollicc aml rctiirncil to his honio in Woathersliohl. Cliiitou Shufclt is honio for a fcw days. Divine sorvice at Ked village school- house next Sunday aftornoon, at three o'elock. The latost victims at the hox shop aie a young inan iiained Cross, n tliuinb and lingcr sawod ; Etldie (Jaudotte, lingerbotwoon tho rollors of a niatcher; Thoinas Shailaml, three lingors cut by a saw, and Francis Boulkcr, hanil eaui'ht in a liullcv all iu the last wook. Gcorge I'ottote, tho horso trauior, had a severo stroko of paralysis last Thursday. I)r. Carter, for sovoral yoars located at Sheffield, has bought Xoah Dean'i house at the Centre aml lomovos thorc this wook. The Gooil lciuiilars loilgc is niore thau usually prosperons this ipiartor Tho nieetings aro woll attemlod sev enty uieinhfis were present 011 Tues. dav ovening aml now nieinliers are added at oach nieetiug. Seven weii: rocoived this weok. J. 1). Ilarvey, who went to Kansas City, Mo., a few weeks ago, iloes not likc there aud will retiiru to Vermont soon. S. S. Thompsoii has completed brick sidowalk about his preinisos both 011 Maiu and I'ark stroets. Joseph Hogg aml John Lainoro, Jr. woro ariesteil last Saturdav for furnish- inir liipior to otlier lartios. Each plcaded guilty to one ofl'enco aud was fincd, tho line aml costs aiiioiintin $1!1.C1 oach. I:issuiiisi'. Mr. Edilor: Tho Caledonia)! of last wook, in the articlo on the (ire at I'as- sunipsic, said that niorc could havi been saved from Sniith & Galbraith's shop had not Mr. Galbraith locked the door. On his way down, Mr. Oalbraith saw that tho lire was sorious aml that tho only way to save the shop and grint-mill was to stay it at tho saw uiill, at onco tohl thc iiien theio to tear tho mill iluwn, then went directly aml opcncd tho doors at both cmls of tho shop, took ouc of the laddors which u c had and put it upon tho saw-mill, then with help got the otler two and put theni ou the shiip, leaviii" the doors opon from the first gniiifr-in, aml w have no fault to fiud at all. .Smith & O.M.IlltAITII. Peaciiaiu. The Marshfield hand j;avo a piomeu ade concert at the Town hail ou Thurs daj- ovening. Miss Laura Yaruiun, who for tho past yoar has heon in ilill'erent partn o tho west, arrivod hoine last week. Miss Mary Gates, a former resident was iu towu last week. About 1,500 bushels of onions wotoj raiscd in town this year. licv. S. S. Martiu oxchanged ptilpits with Kev. Jrr. Kaml of Barnet 011 Sun day. St. Joliiislini')- Coiitrc. Elbert W. Miles has added a carriage shed to his huihlings. Amos Sanborn has coininenced ex teiisivo ropairs 011 the old hotcl. II. I. and Goorgo L. Kelley eSchang ed placeslastTuesilay. George Kelley intends to makc somo repairs 011 his barn. Henry Brook has bought the K. Bickford place aml will oceupy it soon. E. II. Stone aml faniily aud S. K. Huso talk of going to Florida about thc midillc of Noveinber. Mr. Stone has hoen ofl'ered his irico for his hoiuo place, and is now hesitating about ac cepting. C. A. Milcs is slowly recovering. T. E. Harriman aml wife and John F. Moore and wife took a trip to Bos ton last week. Joliiisliiiry East. Tho Lailics' Aitl societv will hold sociahle at tho Congrogational church next Tuesday ovening, the proccods to he devoteil to carpeting tho church. In July a lady rosidiug horo lost a pair of gold-bowed spoctaclos hetwoon this place and tho Contro. Thc loss was ailvortised iu the Caledonia!!, aml 011 Woilncsday the missing spoctaclos put in an appoaraiico. Thoy woro fouml hy a geiitloinuu from Albany, this state, who was visiting in this sec tion,nud,iucutiouit)g the fact, the adver tise nifiit was recallf d, which lo d to thoir prompt rostoration to thoir owner, to whoiu thoy wore probably enileareil far more thau thoir actual valuo hy long yoars of sorvice, which fiirnishes uiothor illustratiou of inhcroiit honesty ind of tho eHioaev of advertising. AValili-ii. School coinincncoil in District Xo. 1 (his wook .Momlav. Another small tlurry of suow Monilay HHIl'llltlf,'. .Mrs. Charlcs Cox of Xoyosvillo is vory sick, aml thcro are sonie doiibts of hor rocovorv. Tho tlin inoiiieler stood at 20 above zero Tiifsilav liiorniii''. Miss Mabol Taylor toachos the school in the Ethlv district the comiii" winter. Tho "star-Kazors" hail a tino time for ibsorvin tho oclipso Tuosday moruiii";. Only about (1.2(1 of the uioon's suifaco was otiscurcd. Kobert Moador of Danville, who wa.s sent to the stato prisou a voar aj;o last Iiine for three voars, has been par- doiifd out. I, -: I iViilicis, Milliiifrv opfniii"; at 0. II . Halc's, I!) aml Kridav aml Satuidav, (Jctober 2(1. All iuvitod. Xo cards. Mrs. Kico and I'owers of Suiniiifr- villf havo Just rotiirned I'roin maikot with full line of fall and wintor iiiilliu- frv. will no pleascil to liave lailios call and soo "ikkIs aml jjot priccs. UuxioNS. -Dr. L. Sinionson, chirop idist, from Xow York, has hoen stop- pmr neai l v a wook at tlio bt. Joiinsiuirv iiouso, room Xo. 7, aml troatod sevoi-al pooplf hore for for coras, liunious, aml in-rrowiii" too nails. All opcrations ire lieiiiiaiieiil aml witnoiit pain or blood. I ho ilootor has Iottfis to sonie ot our niost piouiiiifiit meii. Lailics imt ge ntlf nif ii wantuifi his soi'Vices -liould scf liiin at onco. The doctor vill roiuaiii onlv a fow days longor hore. Look at his letters in the hotol ollico. A Oard. Wp, the underfliKiied, deaire to expresa our sin- ct'rn thauka to thoae neihhors and friends, who li r inanv tokcns of rftmmhrauce ahowcd their siupalhy for ua in our rrcent alllictioii. -MK. i itKS. A'M. EMEKV. ,pcci;il 3otire.';. llood'a Sar.aparilla harpeui the appctitc. Tkutii Ckushed to Kakth iH bouml to rond ilown and suiotlier tho truth as you may conrerninj: Thouiaa Klectric Oii yet tlio facta will riae up that it u oneof tlie hext remedies for achea, Mpniin, and paiuB that hna over yet hecn InveutiHl. EVKKY l'EROI TO IIK A KEAI. SUCCES8 in this lite nniHt liave a ipecialty ; that ia( mtiHt con trate tlie aliiutiee of body and niinu ou souic ouo pursuit. llurdock HIimmI llitters have Jheir spec- alty as a completo and radical cnre of dyspepnia, and livcr and kiilney atlections. 11-13 ScitOFULA. A niedicine that deslroys tho penn of Scrofnla and hai tho ihiwit to root il out is Teciated by the atllicted. Tho retnarkablo enrei f inen, women and children as ilescrilM-d by tenli. noiiiala provo Ilood'x Sarsaparilla a ri-liabto medi iuo conl linins reiiiedi.ll agenla which eradicate Scmfill.1 from the blood. 1U0 doses il.Oll. Sold by alldealers. C. I. Itood & Co., Lowell, .Mass. tt cew !?.?. At Danville, Oct. 10, a daughter to Mr. aml Mrs. .Mattliew Wehb. At West Concord, Oct. 8, a daugliter to ilr. aul Mrs. O. I!. Ciittinjr. At Sprinliebl, Maas., Oct. 11, a dau-lit.-r to Frank E. and 1'lora (llow) llenchley. At Veacham, Oct. 2, a daughter to llr. aud Mrs. William Weeks. At l'eicham, Oct. 8, a son to Mr. aud .Mrs. W'il liam Kinuerson. pj. n, Oct. 11, .Mrs. Ilanuah Ash, nKrd 88 At I'eacl At Kirby, Oct. Amos -MctialTey, aeil 73 years. At Rutland, Oct. 10, at the residence of her son, U G. Stiles. Mrs. Arvilla M.Stilea. relict of the late E. J. Stitos of St. .lohnsbiiry, ased 72. Her rein.iina were brought lo Stuitli Kirby and bnrics iu tho faiuily hurying ;round. At Wakefield, Mass., Oct. 11, Abby C, wiilnw of the Itev. Alfred Ilarvey, and mother ol A. C. Ilarvey, formerly ofSt. Jolinsbury, agtsl 73 yeaia and 1 month. Jlew Jttlvcrdscinciil.';. WANTED. A second-hand soapslnne stove. 311, St Johnsbury. FOR SALE. An Iqt Fortntain forau old stjlftfJordoo preHM inoiMi rcpair. i'rvc t-i. Appiy ai ui umce, WOOD FOR SALE. Slxteen.incli. hanl, itry wi Iillj'2';. OOtf L. I'EN.VIMAN'. FOR SALE. A tle.s)ralile buildins lot ofleml for sale on I'earl tleet, iu St .lohnsbiiry. For particalara emiulre r 2tr nusski.i, iiallett. WOOD. A Xo. 1, Dry Hard AVtssl, for slovea or furnace. CHAS. S. IIASTINCS, tf St. J. Sc I. C It. Ii. OHIce, or 46 Spring St. FOR SALE. One side saMIrt. altnont new, and one lare two Iioixa wat;n with four iw-at. nuiLible fur Mtage work or fanjiiDg. Enqulre at lr. NettJeton'oHice For Sale. The houe owned liy 11. I). Crocker, on Maple slreet- Price riajonable ltent.i well. Six lene menU. Knquir of lf W. II. PltESTOX. Ready-Made Clothing. I liave )nst recelTiil a new anil tinp ntock of ltcadv-Maile Clolbinc, wLich will lw nuld C11KA1' for C'ASII. W F. KJJLLEV. St. JolmibnrT Centre, Oct 3, 1S33. lotf AGENTS WANTED rSX? '1 LaJIes or Gentlemen to elt I).iris I'atent Thi eatl Cutter, Deedt-4l by every lady who nsen neottleand thread. Somethinp new. A cimkI cbauco to maVo money. For tenrs. etc, ntltiry II. It. DAVIS. St. Ji.hnbary, Vt. 9tf Wood and Timber Land For Sale. Thirtfen acrrs ot wmI and ttmler laud. alwi a pasture tt 112 acres. willi hemlock, apruce and celar for fencinsor other puriMJ1. To lx mild at a bibarpain. JAMES K. STEVKXS. Administrator. St. Jobnabury Cfutre. Mar. I, 1833. 73-tf FOR SALE. Six gfHMl borca, two cmh1 drivinK barneiwt', minitf lmllalo nlH"4, onc hIpiIi, ono larpi' uvvr rw fripra(r. The alve will b wld cheap fir ca-h aa I hav moio of that kind of property than I want. I take theni in tradu and have t" ki-ep nell ins to niake room for more. Cltf W. J. IIKAY. JOHN GILMAN, MASON. All kiniU of niAHnn worlc )iomptly atteuiltil lo. Furn.ici's aml bolton act in tlio latest improvtil M-ltinj:. All kimN of niati'rial for aalo, ancli ax plastcrins, niorlar. tirick, lime. ci'ment, ctc. School St., Ialilork VllhiBe, Vt. St. Jolinsbiiry, July lt. issi. 99-12 L. F & C. A. Caskell, SILVER PLATERS. We lia o opennl a allrrr platinc aliop on l'ort. laml Strrvt, aml aro pirpareil to do platiuj; of all le.scriiitions at reivmalito prici-a. Talito waro nvplatnt iu tlio liost maiiner. (5ive u a trial. St. JoiiiKbury, Oct. 0. IM3. lltf WEDDING STATIOMERY. V'e have added omo choice Weildio;; PapcrH Envi lopi-s aud Cards to our xtock, and ltli new and licaiitifiil script type, cau flt out wedding par ticnataliort uotire. Also nice callini; cards, gilt-edcPd. put up in li'atlicietlehonH CALKDONIAX OFFICE. Miss Ciara E. Moulton Would ri'poclfull announco to the laidica of St. JohnBliurv. that nhe is pn-pari'd todo Dresainaklii" ot eery desrription Includinc cutti ir and flttiiiL- r at their honies or at Iilt own riMiiin. llnvlmr had a lon uxpericnce ho cau cuarantee aatiafac tion nnd tirst cla!H work. Tenus ri'asonable. l:i'fcr.'nci'8 given. (M.AIiA K. JIOIJI.TOy. riii-r .Mt. rii-.isanl aud riifrsin. l'...i,.ti: addri'ss, 51U. 13.11 Complete Heating Apparatus for $75. A laresize Ilovnt.,ii Fu witli duplicale grale, foi 75, aud tifty irlli ol pijie aud leister uace is ne.irly uewaud via wteaiu healer. MUSIC. lllss AXXIB1!. DAXIKLS CTailuatein music of StanstiMd I'ollee, deires to iillorm the )itside of St. lohnsbiiry she is prepdnsl to "io iustruc- tious on the piano or organ. eilher at her rooms or at Ihe lesideuto ofber pupils. Ccrtiticate ot urad- uatiou ma be sis-n at C C. llinuham's ilru slore. Applirations maile bv letter addn'sed ltox 4TU, at her mount Mr. 'J. L. A1IAMS' Mount I' strert. Tenus uioilerate. ll li:i IHt. O. K. M TTI.KTDN, has oiKileil Dental snis in Walker' I'.lock. Main slnst. aud is nr... pareu iti uoau worK ol ineproleslon in a tlioroucli aud sahstactory mauner and at reasonable rales Ollico liouis 1 9 a. m tosp. m ootf Administrator's Salo. Will be.sold at piibticauctionat tli the late Saiunel I'routv at t!ast I d.iv.Xov. 3. 83 al 1 o'clot k, fi ilenco . Satnr- rlv vi7. Tho bomn rnn.1,11..., ..I 1 pip liarii aml outliuildins and aUmt 18 acies of lami Iheiewith. ali 411 arres uood and mowiiiL' l.iml about one halfuiitotip the dish mill hrook witha aiu.ill sujar place aml snsar house tl suartils. Ats.une time aml place the farmiiii iimiis, coiisisiiui; oi a oiie-liorse luiuoer wamui, tiav erse sbsl. plouh, harrow, harness; and hav. corn poiaioes ami sonie liouseliold lumiture. Alsti, one cow aml a lew sheep. 1113 C.T. A HUMI'HKEY, Administrator. NOTICE I ht'lcby give notice that I will aell at I'lllilic Auctiou ihe ileeii aml pri-nuses 1 hobl in trust u lohii S. l'arnhain. situated ou tlie Ilazeti road. t called, and beiiigall tlio laml in Iiardwicknf which Aaron i-aniii.ini. lato ileceasi'd, died seizisl aml I ovtner Ihi reiM'. on Ihe norlh siile of tlie lliizcu n leadiiiK Ironi the old Warner maml to llreensb line. being saine eonvevel lo lue by 11. N. Havi trust to hobl for said i'aniliaiu's support. Tlm avails of said land to bo applicd for his support since I tisik said ileed. Said anction to be lield on said iiremiscH on tho 21th day of October, 161, at Hardwick, Oct. 8. 1883. AUCTION. Concord nf I(H acn n, mi acreH winmI, with 150.00(1 heavy sprucu Iitniher. G(m1 bnildin. mniiine waitr innoum- anti harn. Appie amlimirnr oichard for fauiily usc. Cnod Imp raisinR farin. Kinlit h. .ur Efxni wnrk IiorHen, welh irjoo, l two.hre IiuiiIfi l expresi wami, I two. horse traversi slenl, idoiicliM. harrnwH. etc n hnrsH travfrsa sled, ir tns h.iv, tmn atraw lEtlliiiilirli oat iMtshi-U iMtatN4, 75 biiHlielH corn. hiMiHflmlil furniti W(mhI, 40crds stovo win ld dinlH dry fonr-foot Torins inado known at tiinc of salfl .lOIIX S. TAYI.OK. AUCTION. The subscrilHTs will sell at puhlic anction Sat urilay. Octolier 91, at 10 o'elock, a. m. tho farin .1 two miles east of St. .lohtisliury Centre aud kuoMii as the Chailes Eiost tjriu, and latuly owinsl aml orcupied hv Iivell C. Sllles, Said farm coutaius 170 acfes, has a mnsl suar nrehaiil on it and wood aud timber sutlicient to pay for the farni ; it is well divided and umler a KcksI stale of cullivation and fairlv fencetl, near i iiinii ano iu a ismi neilihorlMKMl. u ell watered Alsoat the samfl lime aud nlace the followinir sls:k aud iktsi.ii.-i1 piopertv: 7 cows, 1 call, a shoats, 1 barrow. 1 plnw, I two-horse IiiuiIht wac 1 Iiiiky. I slt ih. 1 two IwrMi b.ZKlnj; 'etl, 1 Iwo lmnte iravt rse aleit, t jiair leam hamesses, sinle harness, horse rake, inowiuc; machine, bur lalo nibt s, sft iif wab-s, rake aml pilchrorks, au tons liay, 5 tons straw, and lot of corn fislder. llousehold luriiituro -ind nll dnirv tools. Kinri,r orchard of I.IKK1 trei's, ANI s.ip bnckets, hol.lers, haulin: tub. ootl suar house, well equipisjtl. 1'arl ol purcliase money can remain on murtsaise. C. S. & H. 15. SIIAW. St. Jolinsbiiry. Oct. 2, 1883. 11-12 A CARD. Wetakolhis methsl of returning thanka to our fiiends in l'assiimpsic and lclully fur tho eflorln mailo to save our mill and contents durius the tlis astnms fuo of the 7th inst. We also f.sil very rateful for the many eipressiuns of syinpalhy we have receivetl. Inthis conneclioii we will sUte iu answer to niauy imiuiries tliat for the present ueahat! keep for sale in onr warehouse noar tlie II. It. St alion a tull stoek or llour, ineal, Krain aml fsl ofall vthich we shall sell at as low prices as cau lot fouuil elsewhere. Jlr. II. A. liecrworth, tho station aseut, has kiudly couseiitisl to act as our agrnt for the time beiuc- The telephone has beeu placetl in the oQice at tlie statiou so that any oue can coiu. uiuuicale with us ilirectly at aur time iluriii'r busi- iho K. T. & il. K. IIIK. Sl. Johiisliury, Vt.. Oct. e, lfe3. THE BOSTQN VARIETY STORE Ih htulquartfrs for GLO VES. Laryest Hbwk of gloves in bivvn Jd the lonest prices. Oii Tau lov 75 ceiita. (hickoil tan l.lltle- lon cioves, (1. well woith tl.M-, lsi -Vlcents Kojrnkm, liueil or titliiit liniiiir orfurtins. vorv uice j.nid., rrgiiUr iince 1.M, wo will sell theni lorci-isi a pair iieiiia Kid and Driving Clovos. A full liuoof Plyinoutli Iluck (lovesiD allgrade and thicknesses Irom II.oil up to tM. a fln buck Klove lor il M. We lune Fverjthing iu tlie line of xlote and luillrus froiu M cenls up. I)o not buya pair of gloves or any kind or price untll jou call iu the Vaiiety slore and aml see tho bi ,MSIM Ki'ttes aui uiuiens. Wo also have an Immcnso Stock of Lamps In all stvles and prices from 23 cents to 17 00. tine large lamp all cnmptote, with7-inch illuuiiuator and shaile for fl.OU, re'nlar nnce ll.M. 1 parlor lamps for tt.So. fi uu. a bissI lamp for M ceoui. lare. lcelil;stuilentlalitp. Tlieune.l slj Ie. of lihrary lamps in town. I)o not invest oue ceul in lamps until od call at ihe Variety Stir aml bsk tuis lare assortuicnt over. You can nate money on a lamp every time at the Yarlcty SUire. IditMt aul Genta' TWDEB FLANNELS At price that can't be lat- AIs.. a full st-s-V ol W atches, Chalns, Charins, Clocka. Jewelry. Ilir.1 Cae.. Valises. lis and Faucy gwsls at little les. tlntu btitttm price., lltf GEO. K. (5K0W & Jt Fairbanks & (Jo. lleg leavo to anuoiinco to their put- rons that thoy have opon an iinmeuso stock of New Fall and Winter Goods. DRESS COODS DEPARTMENT. Hlack aud Colorod Dross Goods. Wo otlor a lino of tho coU'brate.l Guinet Hlack Silks, that for richness of color, linoiifss of toxfuro, durability nid valuo aro iinoipiallrd hy any othor manufactiirer in the world and we aro sclling thoiu at the vory lowost city prices. Kleganf lllack Otloiuan aud Itrocudo Silks iu uow aml haiiilsoinc patteius. BLACK and COLORED DRESS COODS, Coniprising all the novoltios of tho season. it Ii sm-li an almost inlinito varioty of soft woolou matorial, the winter dross promiscs to he hamlsouie ind comfortahlc without being vory expeiisive. In addition to our largo line of stamlard goods, such as Cash- nieres, Caniel's Ilair, Flaunol Suitings, etc, which coine in all the new shados, we may moution Tricoti5 Cloths, Har ritz, Yool Ottomau, Epsom and Ascot Suitings, Jacipiard's, Crepo Ariniires, etc, with Yelvets, l'luslios, Soutacho liraids, Colorod Velvct Kthbous, etc, to match, tho whole formiug an exhi bition of dress goods uueipialled in this vicinity. FALL AND WINTER CARMENTS. Special atteution is called to this do pai tiiient. as wo bclievo. all provious olfortH havo been entiioly oclipsod hy the ilisplay of ologant Fur, I'lush aml Astrachan trimnied Garuients, in l'lain and Hrocade Silk, Ottoiuau, Arniure, I'aletois, C'oviliuot, I'lush, Xew Markot, Havelock, and Diagonal Worsted Dol iiians, Sacks, Cloaks aml Jackots, for Lailics, Missos aml Childien, receivod diiect from the leadiug Xow York uiaiiiifactiirersandatlnwor prices than last season. Dou't miss the opportu nity of seeing thoso goods bofoio pur chasing. Hosiery and Underwear. Our stock was never uiore completo with desirable stylos in Lmlies', Oonts' and Chililren's, and we havo sociirod our usual assoi tinent of the celehrateil Bennington Undorwoar, In white aml scarlct, tho bare au iiiiii iKt'iiK'ii t of wliicli fact is all thu rocoiuiiiomlatiou ncciloil. BLANKETS. Special hargaius may bo soen iu fino moiliuiu aml low pricod 10-1, 11-4 aml 12-1 white bhuihets. The inagnif icont white all wool Whitney blankot, with the popular scailct. California, togother with colorod Uoil Itlankets aud Horso Blaukcts ofall doscriiitious, coiiipriso a niost dosirablu stock to select from. Clothing Department. Our ilisplay in this line is made up of about all thoro is ilesiralile in the way of Men's Vouths' ami Iloys' Businoss Suits & Overcoats in tho latost stylos. Our trado this season has deinamlod a hottor gnule of goods, aud in icspouse to thii ileinaiid wo have added inany new liues of liue clothing Keleeted with grcat care aml with ilue logaid to the wants of eciin omy. A careful iiisjiectiiiu in respect fully Kolicited. .SaniplcH of dry gootls Bent hy maii when reipiosted. E. &T. FAIRBANKS & CO.