DrCuttinfl 15m-37
St. Johnsbary.Vt., Thursday, Nov. 29, 1888
C. M. STONE & CO.,
Opposite the Athenaeum, St. Johnsbury, Vt.
EnUrrd at the Potl-off.ce at St. Johnstmry, Vt., at
Rccond-cUu Matter.
Oue year in Caledonia and Essex Counties.. 81.50
II not paid in advance 2.00
Six months Ui local subscribers, in advance,-. .75
One year oat of Caledonia and Essex Counties, 2.00
One year in single wrapper 2.00
(In advance. Postage paid by Publishers.)
Clergymen in service, per year l.OO
Kacli Subscriber will find on his paper in con
nection with bis name, the date to which he has
paid. No other receipt ia necessary.
Weather Kecord.
At Bingham's drug store, lor the week ending
Nov. SH, 1888.
Highest. Lowest.
29 5
2n i
29 11
24 8
36 25
43 35
A dash indicates below zero.
Harvey Sc. Brown Furs and Dress Goods.
Harper Bros Harper's Bazar.
Smith 6c Walker Sachet Powder.
J. II. ('lament's Est Commissioner's Notice.
Scribuer's Sons Scrihner's Magazine.
Mrs. Heleu F. Carpenter Bargains in Handk'fs
Lyman P. Wood Horse and sleigh (or sale.
Dr. K. W. Royce Keturn to St. Johnsbury.
82 Main street Kooui to Kent.
Lyndon Institute Winter Term.
Lucy W. Taft's Est Probate of Will.
Alliro F. Nichols Guardian Notice.
The subject at church of Messiah
next Sunday evening will be : Matthew
xxiii : 24.
There will be preaching at the
Presbyterian church next Sunday and
the Sunday following.
The St. JohuBbury orchestra give
a promenade and dance party at Wells
River Thanksgiving evening.
The annual meeting and election
of oflicers of Chamberlin post, G. A.
K.f conies Saturday evening.
The annual election of officers of
the Womana Iielief Corps takes place
Thursday' evening, Dec. G, at G. A. K.
The next meeting of the St. Johns
bury District Preachers' meeting comes
Jan. 20-30, and will be held at East
The post office will be opened
Thanksgiving day from 8 to 9.30 a. m.
and from G to 7 p. m., the evening mail
closing at 7.
The next entertainment in the lec
ture course comes Friday evening,
December 7, aud will be given by the
Jules Levy concert company.
The two or three correspondents
who kindly responded to our request
for news items one day earlier than
usual this week, have our cordial
The South church congregation is
in hopes to worship in the audience
room of their church next Sunday,
though it is hardly counted on' as a
sure thing yet.
Thomas Ward is engaged in the
shoe making department in the Wind
sor state prison "bottoming" shoes.
He is as reticent as ever ami
igu of his feelings.
gives ii o
C. C. Bingham is using a long-dis
tance transmitter in the central tele
phone office that brings Montpelier and
other distant points right to his elbow,
aud is proving a great advantage.
Prof. Chapman's reading at the
Free Baptist church last evening was
very slimly attended, but the enter
tainment was an excellent one, the se
lections varied in character and were
admirably rendered.
Greensboro doesn't connect with
Caledonia county this time. A third
reading of the bill proposing annexa
tion was refused in the house Saturday
137 to ai. The bill to repair the
Caledouia county court house has pass
ed. Twenty of the friends of Mrs.
Lainphere, a worthy widow of Fair
banks village, called on her last Thurs
day and left a very substantial remind
er of their friendship in the shape of a
goodly donation of groceries and a
purse of $12.
The assignment of judges to the
supreme and county courts in this
county are as follows: Supreme court,
May 14, 1A39, Judges Royce, Ross,
Veazey and Taft. County court, June
4, 1889, Judge Royce; Dec. 4, 1889,
Judge Tyler.
Frank Perrigo gives up the man
agement of the Fairbanks boarding
hotirte at Fairbanks village Dec. 15.
His place will be taken by a Mr. Simp
son of Sheffield. Mr. Perrigo remains
in town this winter, but after that his
plans are uncertain.
A regular circus was stirred up on
Railroad street yesterday by a jocose
remark made by Postmaster Bowman
concerning some repairs he was mak
ing, that he was packing up preparatory
to moving the office. His orders to
move havu't arrived yet.
Quite a snow storm that was much
more severe in the southern part of
the state and in New York than here,
prevailed Sunday afternoon and night.
The first sleigh of the season appeared
Monday morning, but the tracks were
too heavy for it.
Miss Townsley was obliged to close
her labors with the Baptist church
here Sunday evening ou account of
sickness. The meetings were very
well attended during the week, and
were continued Monday and Tuesday
evenings of this week under the direc
tion of local pastors.
The scale works shut down Wed
nesday night for the rest of the week.
The necessary connections and changes
in order to nso petroleum in place of
coal as a fuel will be made while the
shops are closed. The first trial of the
new fuel was made Monday with great
The December term of the county
court coniences here next Tuesday be
fore Judge Tyler. The more promi
nent of the cases to be tried are those
of John O. Hale vs the Grand Trunk
Railroad company and Harvey Foster
vs Thonias Ward, the latter for dama
ges for the barn burning affair.
In the matter of the fatal accident
to Daniel E. Durkee on the St. Johns
bury & Lake Champlain railroad, at
Hyde Park, on Aug. 11, the railroad
commissioners find that Durkee, in at
tempting to couple cars got caught be
tween the tender and the car injuring
him so that he died the next day.
One of those careless utterances
that are being made every day by
everybody and have no special signifi
cance only as they become prophecies
in the light of following events, was
made by John Belknap on the even
ing before he was drowned. He was
buying a shirt in one of the local dry
goods stores when he remarked in his
jocular way, after making his selec
tion, "Well, I guess that will be good
enough to be drowned in." Poor fel
low, such proved to be the case.
Gymnastic Kxhlbltion.
The annual exhibition by the gym
nastic class of the Y. M. C. A. under
the direction of Mr. Fitzgerald will be
held next Tuesday evening at Music
hall. Music will be furnished by the
St. Johusbury Orchestra. The exer
cises will consist of dumbell drills, ex
ercises ou the parallel and horizontal
bars, high kicking and jumping, club
swinging, vaulting, tumbling, etc.
Those who have attended these exhi
bitions in the past know how interest
ing they are and an unusually large at
tendance is expected. Receipts go to
procure new apparatus for the gymna
sium. A Local Occurrence.
Some of the good people of St. Johus
bury felt greatly shocked at the way in
which Sam Small denounced the liquor
traffic last week. To such is com
mended this instance that occurred in
this town one night last week : One of
the employes at the scale works com
ing from below the village to his work
found a man lying within a few feet of
the Passumpsic railroad track just
above the first covered railroad bridge
south of here, benumbed with rum and
cold. The grass was beateu down to
within a very short distance of the
track showing that the man had rolled
back aud forth all night long, and that
it was little short of miraculous that
he was not killed by the passing
trains. In one of his pockets was a
bottle partially rilled with liquor. The
man was roused sufficiently to show
that he was a citizen "of St. Johnsbury,
a husbaml and father, who plead with
the man who found him not to divulge
his name. All this in St. Johusbury,
and yet some of our sensitive people
would have us deal tenderly with the
rumseller and be very choice in the
selection of words to characterize his
A Reminiscence of Col. Merrill.
In an obituary notice of Col. George
A. Merrill iu this issue, reference is
made to his correspondence in the
Caledonian over the siguature "Hal."
Au extract from one of these letters,
giving au account of a religious ser
vice which he attended in Montpelier,
furnishes an insight to the character
and tastes of the man, that will be
read with interest by some of our old
er subscribers, ine Mr. rauuocK re
ferred to is John II. Paddock of this
place, who at that time was organist
in the Montpelier church. Here is the
extract :
I must not omit to tell you (and it is
refreshing to get away from political
chicanery, in the recollection) that a
large number or the members, in com
mon with the congregation, listened to
a sermon last Sabbath morning from
the Rev. Mr. Lord, founded on the text
"In simplicity aud Godly sincerity."
I can give you no idea, in tho short
space 1 must occupy, of its terseness,
and the directness with which he ap
pealed to all to make leligion a reality,
and not a supplement to our lives.
The choir at this church is effective,
and the selections characterized by
that exquisite taste for which Mr. Pad
dock is always distinct from most or
ganists. 1 own to a spell in the chast
ened refrain that marks his playing.
There is a holy grandeur in the organ,
now pealing fully, roundly forth : theu
falling into a flexible aud uudulating
pathos that thrills along the purest
memories, and stirs the fountain of
tears. It brings back the remembrance
of a now sainted boy, who with
good-night-kiss, prayed that no more
songs might be sung, when he had
gone to his little bed, for the sound
made his heart ache. Beautiful boy
He did not know that it was the voice
of unembodied beauty the whisper o
an angel his angel, who now whisp
"The Lord is Thy Shepherd, thou shalt not want.
Reader, let the melody of the shep
herd's reed fall gently upon your ear
and your heart be cheered by the sigh
of those glorious mansions, looming
through the mists of the dark valley
until you are folded safely within the
longed-for gate.
Horatio N. Roberts of this town has
been granted a pension.
Mrs. L. P. Wood, after brief visits in
Newbury and Northampton goes to
New York for the winter.
II. C. Boud has resigned his position
as assistant train dispatcher on the
Lake road and has accepted a position
as book keeper in the office at the Fair
banks' store.
George Frost, who has been employ
ed on the books in the office of the
Fairbanks store, has returned to the
main office where he was employed be
fore going into the store.
George W. Cree, postal route agent
between Swanton and Portland, takes
the place in the Lake road office made
vacant by the resignation of II. C.
Bond as assistant train dispatcher.
E. E. Turner son of Robert Turner
of Paris, France, has been here the
past week visiting his relatives. He
has left Boston aud will go to Detroit
to engage in the boot and shoe busi
The many friends of Rev. II. W.
Jones and Rev. Henry E. Jewett of
Vacaville, Cal., will regret to learn
that a very disastrous fire visited that
town the night after election burning
two business squares and involving a
loss to property holders of $200,000.
Herbert W. Allen was elected cash
ier of the Merchants National bank, at
the regular meeting of the directors
Monday, to take the place of W. S.
Streeter, resigned. Mr. Allen has been
employed in this bank for six years or
more, the la9t year or two as assistant
cashier. His advancement is a well
deserved recognition of his faithfulness
aud integrity and his many friends in
this community join iu hearty congrat
ulations. Mr. Allen assumes the du
ties of his new position next Monday.
The Barton Monitor says that James
Works of Waterford, who passed his
100th birthday last December, and who
died recently of apoplexy, was in early
times a resident of Barton. Iu 1810 he
kept a store in that villago; he was
then 22 years of age and saw the wa
ters of runaway pond as they passed
down the valley of Barton. There is
now but one man known to be living
who saw the sight. Daniel Owen of
Barton remembers distinctly of staini
ng on the hill above the chair factory
and seeing the torrent pass down the
channel of Barton river.
A Relic of "Bristol Bill."
County Clerk Nichols, while clear-
ug up the vault in his office the other
ay, came upon a relic of the days of
'Bristol Bill," the noted burglar aud
counterfeiter, in the shape of an affair
that looked very like a pair of old
fashioned strap hinges. The contri
vance was thus labeled : "A die for
making counterfeit half dollars found
n H. Evans' garret during the trial of
Low (Bristol Bill) and others, in
1850, and deposited in the county
clerks' office for safe keeping." This
die was for making half dollars of the
date of 1823 and bears every evidence
of having seen a good deal of service
The engraving was undoubtedly done
bv Christian Meadows, whose skill
was misapplied in behalf of tho coun
terfeiters, who was afterwards pardon
ed out and was employed by the gov
ernment iu the engraving department
Progress of the Electric Light.
The necessary leases, etc. between
the village trustees and the Thomson
Houston electric company have been
signed and there seems no chance for
any further interruption in the intro
duction of the light in St. Johnsbury
at a veiy early day. The location of
the various lamps were announced last
week. It is expected that the poles
will be in position this week. A con
8iderable force was at work on the
dam below the village all day Sunday
and it is now ready for business. A
number of business men and organi
zations have already signified their in
tention of putting in the new light
fhe Masons will light their hall by
electricity and there is some talk of its
being introduced into the South
School Exhibition.
Unique and exceedingly interesting
was the exhibition of drawings aud
manufactured articles at the Union
school buildings Saturday afternoon
For some years Miss Mattie Ross has
been giving lessons iu the schools in
drawing, and attention has frequently-
been called to results achieved iu this
branch of study. At the beginuiug of
the fall term Miss Ross began giving
iistruction iu the art of plan-drawing
and construction and in needle work
The exhibition Saturday consisted
largely of results in this new line
There were hen-coops, step ladders
aud a grindstone ; derricks, tip carts
and even a well equipped steam en
gine ; toboggans, travers sleds aud a
model house; cannon, guns and
clothes reel, with fancy boxeB and -brie
a brae iu great variety. Each article
was accompanied with a working plan
quite a number giving evidence of
more than ordinary architectural skill
and knowledge of drawing. In the
needle-work department were variou
specimens, many of them from origina
designs by the pupils and all of them
giving evidence of wise instruction and
apt students. On the blackboard
about the room were some fine speci
mens of drawing by Helen Patterson
Mabel Soule, Ida Hall, Harry Waite
Edith Ranney, Grace Hibbard and
others. Miss Ross is to be congratu
lated on the success of this new de
parture. Many parents and friends of
1 the pupils were present.
John Belknap Carried Over the New
Dam and Drowned.
This community was terribly shock
ed last evening to learn of the death
by drowning of John Belknap, a na
tive of St. Johnsbury and well known
as one of the most skillful engineers
and machinists in this section. He
was carried over the new dam across
the Passumpsic river below this vil-
ago a few minutes before 5 o'clock.
fhe dam was only just completed, the
gate having been shut for about an
lour, while the water was going over
the dam for the first time. The men
were trying to save a large stick of
timber about 25 feet long that was in
the river just above tho dam, but were
hindered by ice that was attached to it.
Mr. Belknap pushed out iu a boat
between the stick and the edge of the
dam to assist iu the work, when the
current caught the timber, swung it
round acainst the boat and in less
time than it takes to tell it the boat
and Mr. Belknap went over the dam
u to the rocks 12 feet below, quickly
followed by the timber. He was car-
ied a number of rods by the current,
which, always stroug at this point was
unusually so at this time because of
the swollen river, when ho rose to the
urface ami shouted for a rope, but
was hardly seen before he disappeared
Lin. Every effort was made to reach
him but without avail. The accideut
occurred and he disappeared for the
ast time before any one hardly real-
zed its horrible significance. A. L.
iragg, the contractor on the dam, says
e saw him rise ami that he shot out of
stick of timber and disappeared again
nstantly. Mr. Belknap had on a pair
f heavy hip rubber boots and heavy
clothing. The water at the point
where he rose was quite deep and he
was so encumbered that he could do
ittle toward saving himself even if he
was not injured in going over the dam.
At the point where he was last seen
the river turns sharply to the south
ana lorms an euuy. is is uiougni mac
t f IT T? at. - 4.1
the body was either pushed aside into
this eddv, or remained in the curient
and was carried down stream.
After tho accideut the men who
were there, reinforced by others from
the village organized searching par
ties aud began the sad work of
seeking for the body. The night was
ntensely dark, and the rain that pre
vailed and the uncertainty as to the
whereal outs of the body made success
argeiya matter ot chance, lliougn
the search was faithfully continued it
wa8 without success and this morning
it 0.30 the body had not been found.
Some of the circumstances conuected
with the drowning of Mr. Belknap
were peculiarly sad. The hour of the
accident marked the successful com
pletion of an enterprise that had been
pet scheme of his for many years.
Living near the river and having a
keen eye for such things he recognized
years ago that a valuable water power
was not utilized at that point. Early
u the present year he bought the wa
ter privilege, aud later, in company
wim a unmoor oi omers, organizeu ine
J.I. - .. l T iV ; lit I
Water Power company and began the
woik oi carrying out ins long cnerisn-
t . 4.1" 1 T "1. I
eu plans, ine building or tne (lain
nail been greatly ninuerou by constant
rains, and alter many vexatious delays
me wore, in wuicn ue nau given ins
personal and daily attention, was
brought to a successful finish, the pow-
er nau oeen prontabiy leaseu anu tne
ttf Villi 1 -Bill
satisfaction of it all had been his only
for an hour when he was called hence.
John Belknap was born in St. Johns
bury in 1840, being 48 years old at his
death. Though never identified with
the public life of the place he had
marked characteristics that gave him a
certain prominence. As a skilled me-
chauic it is doubtful if his superior was
to be found in the state. He could
construct almost anything from a pen
knife to an engine, from a bicycle to a
rifle, and had in course of construc
tion at the time of his death a steam
boat, every part of which, from the
hull to the engine, was to have been of
his own construction. Perhaps the
best water motor now in use was Lis
invention; the first one that he ever
constructed was made for the Caledo
nian office. Since then he has made
large numbers of them which are iu
use in various parts of the country.
Industrious and of correct habits he
had accumulated a competence. As a
citizen aud in business affairs he was
upright, straightforward and honest in
all his dealings. Though somewhat
brusque in manner he was kind-heart
ed. In all matters concerning religion
he was a confirmed skeptic of the
Robert Ingeisoll type. His wife and
one son. Harrv. aged about 17, survive
him. The son was assisting his father
at the the time of the accident and was
overwhelmed by it. Mr. Belknap also
has two brothers and a sister living,
Amos of this place and Frank aud Mrs.
Henry Shumake of Sherbrooke.
LTKu.At M. l.nnr nf frnino- to
- o I
press neither Mr. Belknap's body nor
his boat have been found. The talk
that he could not swim can hardly be
true as he was an extort canoeist and
has been for years a member of the
American Canoe association. A large
party is engaged in searching for the
body aud a diver has been secured to
Thankssivins Services.
Thanksgiving services are held here
this year at the Methodist church
Thursday morning at 10.30. Sermon
by Rev. T. P. Frost. Everybody cor-
dially invited.
Some Suggestions Worthy of Consider
ation. When the craze for the electric light
has passed by, the sober, sensible citi
zen will discover that he is paying ex
tremely dear for his whistle. In fact
a good many realize this already, and
are not backward in declaring it an ex
pensive and needless luxury. If the
expense was limited to the $1300 voted
by the village, few would complain j
although that is about double the pres
ent cost of lighting the streets. But
the trustees are credited with making
a three years' contract, the electric
company giving 33 lights the first year
for tho $1300, but after the first year
only 20 lights. If the village want
more than the 20 lights it must pay $70
a light. Here is where the shrewdness
of tho electric company appears. They
are weir enough acquainted with hu
man nature to understand that after 15
or 20 extra lights have been scattered
about the village suburbs for a year,
there will be a remonstrance if they
are removed. The result will doubt
less be that instead of lighting the
villago as now for $700, or even as
contemplated by the village when it
voted $1300, it will cost the tax-payers
$3000 yearly. Now we Bubmit that
this is extravagant for a village of this
size. The electric light may be desir
able, but it is not in any sense a ne
cessity, and in a place of this size it is
a very expensive luxury. Some of the
best electricians say decidedly that no
town can afford electricity for illumiu-
atin purposes until some cheaper
e ana,.ntinn. if .i;oMv.r.l
ill Vtiivu vra vuviiiviuj a v t ikjw w
St. Johnsbury has many advantages,
8ome that other towna of itf size niaj
not boast of P ti U3eful an(1
vaiuabie eVerv citizen should be thank-
f , lmfc it 8ilouid not be fonrotten that
the great majoritv Gf the people of this
place have small incomes and earn
their bread by the sweat of their faces.
Mauy of them own homes, and they do
not care to see so large a part of their
income go for taxes, especially for
taxe8 which neither does them or the
publlc g00(l The taxes of our towu
are two or three times as high as some
of the towns about us. It may be ans
wered that we have more things to pay
taxes for. Very good ; but taxes here
are $3.G0 on a thousand higher than
they are in the city of Boston, the rate
there being only $13.40 ; ami yet Boston
is much exercised over tho expense of
its electric light and there is likely to
be a reVolution in regard to it.
Citizenship immoves as a rule iu the
Lame ratio as the citizen owns real es-
tate. It would be better for our town
did every man own the house he lives
iu. But what inducement is held out
for the man of moderate means to own
real estate in a town where the peo
ple's money is used as it is here? It
will be a sad day for the prosperity of
this place when the man of moderate
income finds that taxes aud insurance
eat up his home.
Reference has not boon made in this
article to the questionable method by
which the trustees intend to saddle
this extra tax upon the village. Look
at tbe facfc8. Twt of the trU8tees are
owner8 ia tho water power company
When they coutract for the electric
,igIlt fr this village they are simply
tradinff with themselves. That is, if
the tnistce8 wilI contract the lighting
of the village streets to this electric
,: , t comDauv. 8..; ,i comnanv will take
j of tor or own0(1 by in
dividliaia on the board of trustees for a
to of t enormous urofit
Otherwise said water power may be
If any one thinks that tho trustees
are running this village as a charitable
institution they will wake up some day
to their mistake. Our people can
scarcely have forgotten the regime
which ontaiied a water debt upon the
village of about $80,000, of which there
is yet a $60,000 balance unpaid, al
though the village is taxed yearly a
sum varying from $2500 to $4500 to
liquidate this debt alone. And even at
this high rate of taxation it will take
nearly 20 years longer to wipe it out.
This is a long-suffering people, aud
the manner in which they endorse
"jobs" which enrich the bosses at the
expense of the tax-payer is past ex
plauation. But it's a long road that
has no turn.
Catholic Notes
A supper will be served in the new
Catholic church Thanksgiving evening
from G o'clock through the evening.
The church will be illuminated and
everybody is invited
The frescoing of the church ceiling
is completed and it is expected that
the walls will be done by Monday and
the staging removed. The frescoing
een done by Mr. lleney of lioston
It is now expected that the interior
wil1 be completed in readiness for mid
niht m on Christmas
Father Boissonnault has completed a
census ol his parish and finds that
there are 318 Catholic families in this
community, numbering aoout iyw per
sons, averaging between five and six
individuals to each family
Thanksgiving morning Father Bois
sonnault, assisted by other priests
will dedicate a new bell in the Lyn
douvillu Catholic church.
On Monday and Tuesday morning
there were four marriage ceremonies
at the Catholic church performed by
the pastor : William Welch and Mary
Coleman; Thomas Picard aud Lena
Ignault; D. Juneau and Victoria
Jacques; Joseph Doucet and Adele
Paradis; all of St. Johnsbury.
A Masterpiece of Eloquence and Pathos.
The fourth entertainment in the Y.
M. C. A. course last Friday evening
was a lecture by Rev. Sam W. Small of
Atlanta, Ga., entitled, "From Bar
Room to Pulpit." The address was
an autobiography of thrilling interest
closing with the story of the conver
sion of Mr. Small, a conversion almost
as remarkable as that of St. Paul's.
Rev. T. P. Frost, in his happy way,
introduced the speaker by announcing
'that the display of Frost on this plat
form would be Small."
The address opened with a beautiful
story, most beautifully told, of a
stranger who purchased all the singing
birds in a market place and one by one
iberated them from their prisons and
gladly saw them homeward fly. Mr.
Small said he came here as one freed
rom the worst slavery ever instituted
to tell them how he purchased his
freedom. Then followed a running
sketch of his early years of dissipation.
The boy who left his home followed by
his mother's prayers and tears, who
went through college graduating with
high honors, found himself in a large
Southern city where public sentiment
countenanced the social glass. The
blessings of a happy home, a lucrative
position in the courts of justice, and
the entreaties of his wife did not stop
his downward cai-eer. A journey
abroad and the attendance of the most
skilled physician in Paris could not
check his appetite. As a last resort
lis wife had a notice served on every
bar-keeper in Atlanta forbidding them,
in accordance with the public statutes,
to sell any liquor to Sam Small. These
notices, wet with the hot tears of his
wife, were the laughing stock of every
toper in Atlanta.
This flagrant violation of the law
uruished a golden opportunity, which
was quickly grasped, for a plea for the
better enforcement of the temperance
aw-8 aud for a sharp rebuke to all who
are content with the present condition
of things. In the scathing criticism
and ridicule which followed like hot
shot neither saint nor sinner was spar
ed nor the minister who straddled the
luestion lest by its introduction ho
should divide his church. Some of the
audience squirmed under his probing,
others wished he had not called a
spade a spade, but the majority prais
ed him for his fearlessness and courage.
"Why didn't they obey my wife's le
gal notices V he asked. "Tell me why
they doii't obey the law in your state
aud I will toll you why they didn't in
Georgia. They didn't do it there be
cause they didn't dare do it. If your
officers wou't enforce it here they are
either cowards or in league with the
saloons. What is a license! It is
blood-money laid on dead consciences
to beautify the corpses. I have paid
17 of the best years of my life and
$20,000 for a license to preach against
the saloon. We have enough public
sentiment ou this questiou to run seveu
worlds. What we want is orgauized
action. Call me a crank 7 When I was
the drunkest fool iu Atlanta aud a ter
ror to my wife and children nobody
called mo a crank. Everyoue said I
was a 'hale fellow, well met.' Since I
have become converted and begun to
preach temperance I am called a crank
When I get to Heaven I am going to
say to my Saviour, 'Here, Lord, is your
crunk. Ho has done what he could.'
The story of Sam Small's conversion
brought tears to mauy an eye and
thrilled all his hearers as only true elo
quence and pathos can. The vivid
word-pictures introducing scenes in
his home life will never bo forgotten
bv those who heard the story. He
took his children to hear Sam Jones to
enjoy the Sabbath iu a kind of a picnic
style. He was convicted of sin aud
hastened to drown his conviction in
liquor remaining intoxicated for two
days. The crisis came on Tuesday
aud the picture was theu presented to
the audieuce of a man drunk iu the
morninir. contemnlatin" suicide at
noon, converted in the afternoon and
preaching salvation and temperance in
a crowded public square in the even
ing, with his little children as his only
backers on the temporary platform.
The graphic details of that story can
never be told on paper ; to be impres
sive and convicting they need the pres
ence, the charm and the magnetism of
the hero. Those who heard it will al
ways remember ic. The lecture closei
with one of those flowery perorations
for which Southern orators are so fa
mous where a beautiful allegory formed
the basal figure of speech.
Academy Notes.
Mauy oi the students have gone
home to spend the Thanksgiving vaca
tion. The senior exhibition will be
given on Tuesday evening Dec. 11.
Frank P. Davison '87, who is teaching
school iu Hartford, was in town this
week, his school having closed for a
short vacation. The Adelphian so
ciety have elected the following offic
cers for the next term : President C
R. Hodgdon, vice president F. K
Batch, secretary Quiucy Blakely, treas
urer S. R. Parker, 2d director James
Puffer, 3d director Walter Hastings.
C. E. Hayward is now at Gilsuui, N
II., working iu a general store.
L. K. Quimby and family have gone
away to spend the winter; they started
for Boston ou Monday.
Mrs. Hidden and daughter Beatrice
are visiting friends iu Montreal.
Principal Sampson is spending va
cation at his home in Massachusetts
Merrill. A dispatch was received
at Rutland Saturday bringing the sad
news of the death of Col. George A.
Merrill at St. Paul, Minn., which oc
curred in the morning. The Rutland
Herald makes the following statements
concerning the particulars of his death,
aud also some facts concerning his life
to which we add others. Mr. Merrill,
who removed to St. Paul last January,
ad not improved any in health, and
ad several severe attacks of asthma,
with which he had been affiicted for
several years. The immediate cause
of his death is not known, but it is be-
ieved that while in an attack of asth
ma the heart failed to beat.
Col. George A. Merrill was born in
Plymouth, N- II., in November, 1820,
received a good education aud iu 1851
ocated in St. Johusbury, where he
lived 13 years. Iu 1857 and again iu
1858 he represented St. Johnsbury in
the legislature. Many of the older
readers of the Caledonian will recall
the delightful letters he wrote to this
paper during both sessions of the leg-
slature over the pseudonyme "Hal."
During Col. Merrill's residence in this
town he built and occupied the brick
touse on Eastern avenue, tho present
esideuce of Dr. G. B. Bullard. While
lere he was on the etatl' of Gov. Eras-
tus Fairbanks and was secretary of
civil and military affairs from I8(0 to
8ll. For a time he was postmaster,
and later was collector of internal rev
enue. Afterward he was superinien-
eut of the Passumpsic railroad. At
this time he was a close and intimate
friend, socially as well as politically,
of the Fairbanks family aud Judge
.oland, a friendship which lasted un
til tho latter's death. He was ulti
mately associated with the following
St. Johnsbury men whom ho so soon
follows to the other land: Ex-Gov.
Fairbanks, Judge Poland, E. C. Red-
ington, Chas. S. Daua aud Calviu Mor-
ill. The deceased served ou a com
mittee with Hon. George F. Edmunds
to adjust certain government claims,
He went to Rutland iu 1864, and was
appointed superintendent of the Rut
and & Burlington railroad, which po-
sitiou he held until 1871, when the
Central Vermont railroad took posses
sion of the road. Although not giving
up his residence in Rutland, he went
to New London, Conn., after leaving
the Rutland road, aud Or two years
was superintendent of the New London
Northern railroad. Soon after his
eturn to Rutland he went to Lyndou
ville, to take the superinteudeucy of
the Passumpsic railroad ; but ho held
that position only a short time and re
turned to Rutland. Col. Merrill was
elected president of the Howe Scale
Co., in 187(J and held the position for
five years alter tho removal of the
works to Rutland ; and since resigning
that position he had not been engaged
iu active business.
The deceased left a widow, Caro
line Deau Merrill, daughter of Dr.
Edward Deau of Bath, N. II., and six
children as follows : Catherine R., wife
of Hon. Lyman W. Redington ; Ed
ward D., John F., aud Samuel W. of
St. Paul; George Arthur, who resides
in California, and James A. of Rutland
Col. Merrill possessed all those qual
ities which make a noble aud Christian
man. He was simple and very domes
tic in his habits, but had a host of
friends. He was a member of the
Congregatioual church and took great
uterest in its welfare, Mrs. Merril
being also especially active in church
The remains left St. Paul Sunday
night, accompanied by John F. Mer
rill, and will bo brought to St. Johns
bury for burial. Mrs. Merrill, who is
in feeble health, will not come East
The funeral will be held here on
Russell. The death of Mrs. Eunice
Russell was briefly noticed in last
week's oaner. But so long and useful
a life deserves a more extended notice
When a child her father, Rev. Luther
Wood, removed from southern N. II. to
this town, near East St. Johnsbury
Here she shared with the rest of the
family in the hard work and privations
so common in the early part of the
present century. On reaching woman
hood she married John Russell. He
kooii after bought a tract of land in the
'dgo of Kii by, cleared away the trees
and built a log house. This place re
niained her home lor tho greater par
of her life. In course of time a sub
tstantial frame house took the place o
the log one. Here for many years
hospitality was freely- dispensed. In
tho "free and easy" style of visiting so
common iu the farming districts in the
past, her home was always a favorite
resort, and the large circle of relatives
and friends were always sure of a
hearty welcome from both Mr. aud
Mrs. Russell. On tho death of her
husband, 20 years ago, she remained
ou the home farm in the family of her
son, M. J. Russell, until his removal to
this place G or 7 years ago, since whicl
time her home has been here. She re
tained her powers of mind and body to
a remarkable d-egree until a year or
two before her death, when a cancer
came upon her face. Her sufferings
from this caused her to fail rapidly.
Efforts were made to remove it, but
her "strength was not sufficient. Dur
iug the intervals of rest from treat
ment, necessary to reci uither strength,
the cancer gained rapidly. Her suffer
ings, sometimes very great, were borne
with patience and fortitude. During
the last few weeks her mind became
clouded. She pasocd quietly away
Nov. 19, aged 84 years. Thus closes a
ife full of usefulness and kind deeds.
Only three of her seven child ion sur
vive her, L. W. Russell of West Con
cord, Mrs. C. II. Locke or East St.
Johnsbury and M. J. Russell of this
place. Of her brothers and sisters ou-
y two remain, Mrs. Glines of Lunen
burg, and Roger Wood of Kirby, the
former haviug attained her 89th year.
She early united with the Congrega
tional church at North Kirby and
afterwards removed her membership
to tho church at East St. Johnshury
where it remained till her death.
A Curd.
We wish to express our thanks to triemls and
neighbors, for their kind assistance during tbe
sickness and at tho tnneral of our mother.
A Card.
"We - desire o publicly express our thanks,"
through th columns of this paper, to the people of
St. Johnsbury, who manifested so much kindness
and sympathy in the sickness and burial of our
dear son and brother. Also fur tho boautitul floral
offerings for which words fail to express our grati
tude. May eur Heavenly father reward you.
trial riJofirts.
Kuckleu's Arnica Salve.
The Itest Salvo in the world tor Cuts. Kruises.
Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rlieimi, Fever Sores. Tetter
Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
i-.rupt ions, and positively cures t iles, or no pay
required. it is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction, or money rel'uudcd. Price --!" cents per
box. For sale by Fliut JSrws. t ian "Jl r-"U
A Woman's Discovery.
"Another wonderful discovery has Ihm-ii made
and that too by a lady in this county. li.sease
fastened its clutches uixm her and for seven years
she withstood its severest tests, but her vital
organs were undermined and death seemed immi
nent. Jr or three months she coughed incess.-inil v
and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of
Dr. King s Aew Discovery tor Consumption and
was so nuicti relieved on taking tirst dose that
she slept all uight aud with one bottle has been
miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. I.utber
Lutz." Thus write W. C Hamiick & Co.. ol
Shelby, N. C Get a tree trial bottle at Flint 15ros.
cn e w t dec in, Sa
The Verdict ITiiiinimous.
V. D. Suit, Druggist, Rippiis. Ind testifies: "I
can recommend Electric Hitters as the very best
remedy. livery bottle sold has giveu relief in ev
ery case. One man took six bottles, aud was cur
ed oi Rheumatism of 10 years' standing. " Abra
ham Hare, druggist, Uellvillo, Ohio, attirms : "The
best selling medicine I have ever handled iu my -20
years experience, is Electric Hitters. thousands
of others have added their testimony, so that the
verdict is unanimous that Electric Hitters d.i cure
all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or lilood. Only
a halt dollar a bottle at Fliut Hros., drug store.
ch e w t dec. lb
Advice to Mothers.
Are you disturbed at night and broken of your
rest by a sick child an tiering and crying with pail-
of cutting teeth If so, send at once jnd get a lion
tie ot Mrs. Wmslow a hootlnng Syrup tor children
teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve
the poor little sutlereriminediately. Depeud upon
it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures
dysentery aud diarrhoea, regulates the stomach
and bowels, cures wind colic, sol'teus the gums,
reduces intlumuiation, and gives tone and energy
tot lie whole system. Airs. inslow s Soothing
Syrup for children teothiug is pleasant to the taste
and is the prescription of one of tlieoldest anil best
temale nurses and physicians in the turned Slates,
and is sold by all druggists throughout the world.
Price s cents a bottle. mock
ravtltrs' (gnidt.
Itoston & Maine Ii. It. PitHsiimpsic Div.
Oct. 29. 1888.
Mail N YHKsSIiil Mnl:N MlJJKi
a. in. a. in. I p. in J p. in. p. in. I p. in u. in
Newport... 7 IS 1 US 6 -III In ftn I US
W. Hurke. S 'Jl t 30 l-i III
Lyndon v'll H i 2 IS 5 : 9 uti;pj 30; 1 It)
Lyudon... 8 4fi . 3: 9 05 ... j
St. J. Cent. 8 56 5 5o 9 "JO ...
St.Joh'sb'y 9 01 2 3(1 6 10i 9 3.r. 1" 5.V 1 35
Passillil'sic 9 14 6 35 1 9 41 I 03
E. Haruet. 9 24 fi 43 UMKt ...
Harnet 9 31 7 Oil III 13 1 at!
Mciudoes. 9 3rt 7 15 10 23 1 3.V
Wells R 10 03 3 07 8 00 II INI I 53 1 2 15
W.R.Juuc II 45 jlll 40 1 45 3 I.V
Boston I
p.m. p. m. p. in. p. m. a. in. a. in la. iu.
a. m. j). m. a. m. i p.m. p. m.,p. m"
Boston 8 30 9 00j
p. in. p.m. p. in. p. in. a. in. a. in. a. in.
W.R.Juuc 1 5." 5 t5 7 30 12 40
Wells R 3 45 2 38; 7 55 10 III tl 251 1 211
Mciudoes. 4 05 2 53 8 25 Ifi 40 S 45
Harnet 4 11 j 8 35 10 50 2 51
E. Harnet. 4 17 8 45 11 no j 1 40
Passum'sic 4 27 1 9 02 1 1 17 3 m
St-Joh'sb y 4 38 3 19 9 30 II 3n 3 15 2 04
St. J. Cent. 4 45 9 40 U 3M 1
Lyndon... 4 59 9 55 1 1 50 I
Lyndon v'll 5 06 3 30 10 00 1-2 :i 3 3H -i ill
W. Hurke. 5 23 ! --- 12 55 3 58
Newport.- 7 55 4 43; J 50 Ii OK 3 30
jp. m. p. in. p. m. I p.m. a. in. hi. m.
St. Johnsbury & Lake t'liamptaiii Railroad.
Oct. 8, 1888.
Read down. Read up.
Frt Mxd Mail Iai) Mid Frt
a. iu. p. m. a. in. Ip.m. a. in. p.m-
3 20 10 00 Swantou I 7 50 1 1 35
6 24 II 27 Cambridge Jc. ''6 25 10 10
5 44 7 4 12 4'J Hard wick ! 57 9 01 8 10
6 03 7 55 12 59 E. Hard wick I 4 48 8 M 7 35
6 40 8 04 1 09 Greensbora j 4 39 8 43 7 35
7 20 8 24 1 29 Walden 4 21 8 ii 6 45
8 14 8 45 1 50 Danville 4 Ot) 7 45 6 07
9 00 9 15 2 20,. - , i C 3 3D 7 (Ml 4 5
10 15 3 25 it.Johnshnry-J a8S,, a 45
10 35 3 35 E. Sl Jolinsbi.ry 2 45 2 25
10 50 3 4 4 W.Concord... . 2 3fi 2 10
11 20 3 53 X. Concord 2 27 1 50
11 35 4 02 Miles Pond 2 I I 15
II 46 4 08 E. Concord 2 12 12 5
la 05 4 19 Lunenburg 2 01 12 30
p.m. p.m. p.m. in. a.m. p m
At Peacham, Nov. 22, a daughter to Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Douse.
At St. Johnsbury, Nov. 24. by Elder Johu Ward,
John H. Robhins of Danville," Canada, aud Lucy
U. Cable of Summerville.
At St. Johnsbnry, Nov. 27, by drowning, John
Belknap, af ed 48.
At St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 24. Col. George A.
Merrill, aged 68, formerly of St. Jolumbury.
At Lyndonville, Nov. 26, Joseph Morrill, aged
1,11 NE WATCHES REPAIRED aud rated at
For Sale.
One second hand Sleigh, one flue ISuff.ilo Kobe
new. C. C. HING1I A M.
To Item.
An unfurnished front room on first floor.
quire at &2 Main Street.
For Sale.
Cheap for cash and at once, one large-sid kiUh
i range in good working order.
tf Apply to Rv. G. II. HA1LEY, 2 Railroad at.
Horse for Sali Cheap
If taken soon. Enquire of W. H. PRESTON.
78 80
Clean 2'eviaper
For sale at F. O. Clark's. Every family need
them. Only 25 cents -r 100.
Five, 10 and 25 cent packages of KufeMUMMt Pict
ures and Cards for Scrap Books. V. O. CLA HK.
Banjo and Ciuilar.
MlRK. E. Tbompsom, Instructor on the KDjo,
Guitar and Mandolin. Also dealer in above naued
Instruments. No, IS Railroad St., St. Johnsbury.
For Kale.
Horse and sleigh for sale.
Mare 11 years old, good reader, in foal by Gold
Sleigh, Portland style, almost new.
tf LYMAN P. WOOD, Lock Box 876.